#just more wips! hehe
coincasual · 11 months
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lots of coloring today 💖✨😌
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araneapeixes · 5 months
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Yoo im really liking how the colors are coming out in this style actually<33
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arinmoss · 7 months
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He's mostly done, i'll probably add more to this piece next week :3
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wiseatom · 1 year
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while everyone else was having conversations about the moral dilemma of mike cheating on el with will, i was writing it 😗
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defiledtomb · 1 year
Ouroboros: The first year in development (+small update!)
On this day, a year from now, I sat in the stark light from my monitors, eyes bloodshot and hands trembling; and I clicked the post button. I then choked my pc to death and ran away screaming, scrambling into the corner of the couch on all fours, hissing at every shadow (only one of those statements is a lie).
It was 4 am and I had been scrambling to get the last details of the demo correct, mumbling to myself and reasoning with my dog. I was so happy to be writing again, after years of piddling around with lackluster projects. I never thought Ouro would be welcomed as it was, and to be honest, the fact that it was scared the living shit out of me. After the hype settled, and I sat watching the continuous stream of support that poured my way, I kind of crumbled. There was a long and dirty road of clawing myself out of self-doubt, impostor syndrome and perfectionism. Some part of me knew it was coming, since its very on par with how I am shaped as a person (sopping wet pathetic meow meow), but after climbing many hills on my ongoing healing journey, I felt like I was prepared for it.
Writing Ouroboros went from fun little sidequest to get my mind off becoming a sturdy part of society again (exhausting), to another workload, to form of therapy, then torture and back again. My writing journal is amusing to scroll through:
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Things went from bad to...
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until the storm finally weakened. Every entry in my journal from this point gets progressively more hopeful, more resilient against the bad days.
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:> This was around the point where I decided I wouldn't give up, come hell or high water. The progress was slow, like bleeding stone and pulling teeth, but it was moving. By the turn of the new year I was battered and bruised, but still hopeful. And I know that this, these emotions that I went through, were way out of proportion for a hobby writing project, but with every ask that came through telling me about your MC's budding journey in Ouro, every gushing emotion you've shared with me, every gleaming piece of art, every kind word; every correcting one, too, this grew to something really precious to me. I wouldn't give it up for anything, even if it feels like I'm barely keeping my head above surface in this terrifying, stormy sea of a life.
I can't wait to see what comes next, even if the road is bumpy. All I know is that I will keep chipping away at this story with everything I got. And all I can say is that I'm so grateful for your continued support and patience, I barely have words for it. You are incredible. Thank you.
Now, enough of my bleeding heart. Get over here! I have some treats to share.
Mainly, it is the little update to the demo that I'd like to share; Idren/Ida's 101. I did my best to finish it today, but I only had an hour or two of effective worktime (excuse: I was outside for most of the day in bloody blizzard and it knocked me on my ass more than I'd like to admit). It is cut off at the different scene transitions, which I will add after I have some time to work on them this saturday. Id's 101 was the most complex out of all of them, so there is still plenty to explore and different outcomes to see. I hope you have fun!
To see it, go through Lena's scene and don't scream -> accept alliance -> visit archives. That will take you to the new content. CW for very emotionally charged arguments and... almost dying.
Play it here. Save often. (or wait until next week as I sadly couldn't finish everything on time for the anniversary) (I have done bare minimum playtesting, but I will fix any gamebreaking errors if there are any, immediately. There shouldn't be any, but you never know.)
A sneakpeek of the short I also will be working on on saturday:
It is sunny on the day of $!{leith}'s funeral. It is not supposed to be sunny. It is supposed to rain on bad days, and the wind is supposed to whip dry leaves into dancing columns. Thunder is supposed to rumble in the distance, and then right near so that the even the windows rattle with trepidation. But it doesn't. The sun lounges calmly on the perfectly still water of Riven's lake, glittering with winking light as the serene waves lick the edge of the populated harbor. There is chatter, too, not the moaning whispers of grieving people. Not a sob to be heard, but the flutter of a laugh and a joyous embrace of lovers right in front of you. 
"People have forgotten, the sacrifice we made." Lyselin stands in full knight-hunter armor beside you, the silver gleaming in the stark light.
And some art of F!Leith that I have started:
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♥ That's it. Know that I'm working as hard as I can (both on Ouro, and learning how to balance work around it, lmao.), even if I fall short sometimes, there ain't no quitting. See you soon!
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soupy-cosmos · 11 months
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[ID: A digital drawing of Louie and Boyd from DuckTales 2017. Boyd is running, pulling Louie by the hand and smiling back at him. Louie is looking down at their hands with wide eyes and blushing. Boyd is wearing a large yellow tropical shirt with teal pineapple print over a black shirt and orange shorts. Louie is wearing a light green tank top with a graphic of the hosts of Ottoman Empire printed on the front. They are on a beach under a pink sunset with orange clouds. Water is visible at the bottom of the drawing. End ID.]
Duckverse June week five prompt: Beach Day!
I didn’t have any fun new ideas for this one,, so I decided to draw something for an old WIP Louyd fic! Consider this a teaser for next month ;)
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hollypies · 4 months
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What if I posted some ugly ass comic wips. What then
(No dialog yet I just havnt added it. I do have dialog tho)
Anyway please be real nicies I've only ever drawn a comic ONCE
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gayleafpool · 8 months
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frecklystars · 6 months
im making something silly and i would like everyone to see this bby Luke Glanton which is going to be part of a much bigger drawing. he's very small <3
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hannie-dul-set · 23 days
quick little update on the word counts of my major wips atm!!
karma: 6k shoot your shot: 1k the breakup soup: 9k peach tree act two: 30k star studded baggage ch.3: 4k do you want me (dead)?: 2k three's a crowd: 9k sunwater: 15k
outlined/outlining: home for the bitchless ch.9 ceo park
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quillscales · 8 months
Shuichi was unceremoniously shoved onto a bar stool, its faux leather surface slightly peeling. His eyes widened as Shigaraki slammed a battered, metallic first-aid kit onto the bar with a heavy thud. The contents rattled inside, and the kit skidded a few inches before stopping.
"Tomura," Kurogiri began cautiously. He paused his meticulous act of wiping down a glass, setting it down gently onto a shelf filled with dusty liquor bottles.
Shigaraki cut him off, his lips pulling back in a snarl. "I can do it!" He snapped, yanking open the kit so forcefully that a roll of bandages tumbled out and unspooled across the dark, mahogany bar counter.
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arinmoss · 5 months
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im sick in da brain
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bethesdas · 2 months
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tagged by @hawke to do this oc meme ^_^
sowwy im super super late to this, i'm very forgetful :&lt;
ty for tagging me though hehe <;3
this is basically my first time talking about an oc here so [sweats nervously] ignore the diff face lifts my girl has gone through, im still playing around with some concepts so nothing is set in stone......
name: lírica bloodsong!
nickname: none :( would u like to give her some?
gender: a menace...
star sign: ??? havent thought about this yet <3
height: 5'8 ish :)
orientation: bi/pan
race: asmodeous tiefling / bhaalspawn :3
romancing: 'tarion
fave fruit: berries or anything that'll have her looking like this 👇
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fave season: spring
fave flower: hmm... those oleanders in act 2... always picking them up and wandering into the shadows for them, getting herself into precarious situations lmao.
fave scent: the smell of chocolate. the smell of blood and the smell of astarion, bonus points if its combined. :p
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: hot chocolate
average sleep hours: like 3. she doesn't sleep much.
dogs or cats: cats, but don't let scratch hear that.
dream trip: i don't have anything specific in mind for her yet, but she loves adventures so literally anything will have her over the moons<3
amount of blankets: 1 at most, preferably none.
random fact(s):
my little gorlfailure bard who accidentally killed an entire audience with one of her surges when she attempted using blood magic to enchant her music during one of her performances, hence bloodsong hehe <3 now she embraces her blood songs for papa bhaal... before the amnesia of course!
wherever her blood falls, lullaby-like flowers bloom. think of nirnroot because i love being cheesy like that💗 ^_^
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salamispots · 2 years
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holy trinity of giant squids 
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wttcsms · 9 months
i love enemies to lovers but we’re unlocking a new dynamic that is enemies AND lovers
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neverevan · 7 months
Fuck It Friday ☔️
I was tagged by the lovely @daffi-990 thank you✨
Okay, so I hit a little bit a of a snag with the mudslide fic because I keep adding stuff to the second half of the story, but I haven't actually outlined them yet, so my notes are a bit of a mess right now. However I finally finished the most difficult part of the whole fic and also passed 31k, so I thought I give you some more of Eddie's POV, now with a side of Bosko hehe
This bit is not actually, but chronologically comes after this snippet
(Also did I accidentally make faith the main motif of this fic? Who's to say... but yes, I absolutely did.)
“So you're really not gonna tell me what's going on with you and Buckley?” Bosko sidled up to him, pulling an exasperated grunt out of Eddie. “There's nothing going on.” He hissed as quietly as he could while still staying menacing enough to get her to drop it. It didn't work. “Sure,” Bosko snorted, “that's why you were all huddling and cuddling before coming to the tent.” “It's not– It's not like that.” Eddie closed his eyes briefly. He couldn't believe he was having this conversation, let alone having it with Lena Bosko of all people. “Buck is just… I don't know, he says he's got a bad feeling.” “Hah, ‘cause that's new.” “That's what I told him!” Eddie spread his arms before sagging his shoulders again. “But I don't think it was working. I've got no idea what's gotten into him…” “Who knows, he seemed pretty spooked. Maybe he just wanted you to comfort him.” She shrugged as they reached the truck assigned to their team. “Buckley looks like the typa’ guy who’d be into the whole passionate hugging before heading off to battle and shit.” “Funny.” Eddie levelled her with a dry look as he climbed into the rig. “And this is not a battle.” “No? ‘Cause it kinda looks like we have a hell of a fight ahead of us.” Bosko’s voice was serious now as her eyes scouted over the section of the road where they were headed. “Yeah.” Eddie sighed in agreement as he followed her gaze. He hated to admit it, but Buck’s sense of doom might've been contagious.
💛 some no pressure tags: @forthewolves @eddiediaztho @jesuisici33 @callaplums @ladydorian05 @disasterbuckdiaz
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