#just nonsense word vomit
123ohwell · 20 days
Watching the Mile High Job for my grift tracking excel and Hardison is about to kill me.
I have a separate category (actually its like 3 seperate divisions) for everytime a team member just blurts something to distract/throw someone off that doesn't go with the current role they're playing.
Haridson is not doubling down on his office job grift, he keeps swerving.
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thelesbianluthor · 3 months
I am a few years late on the discussion but I don't care I have to ramble about the kate-anthony-edwina situation it's a very layered and interesting dynamic.
I am gonna preface it by saying that I actually understand all the characters motivations and they are all guilty of something.
Kate's mistake was not telling Edwina that she did have feelings for Anthony the moment she realized but with how used she was to seeing herself as undesirable and how focused she has been on her sister I understand why she would find it easier to simply (try to) ignore it all.
Since the first moment Kate had said to Edwina that she wanted her to choose someone whom she could love and Anthony WAS NOT the person for that.
Anthony was stubbornly focused on his duty and ignoring the idea of love bc of his trauma and his role as head of the family.
Both Kate and Anthony were pushing down their own feelings (unsuccessfully clearly) bc they were so used to ignoring their needs in favor of their family.
Edwina was infatuated with Anthony and what he could give, I don't think she is to blame at all for wanting to be courted by him when he had expressed his interest.
And of course Edwina was rightfully mad at Kate for not telling her the truth about her feelings.
The thing is that Kate had been trying her best to not let Anthony court her. She spent half of the season trying to stop it from happening but both Anthony and Edwina insisted on it. She only changed her mind the moment Edwina said she loved Anthony (which was obviously not true and just an infatuation) because at that point she thought her sister's feelings were more important than her own.
All three of them are guilty of messing up in the situation. Honestly I feel like stubbornness was the main point that fucked everyone up.
I will put more blame on Anthony bc being the rich man who had actually more power over the courting situation and deciding to actually propose to Edwina was the dumbest thing he could have done.
I do feel a lot for Kate especially because she had to bear the brunt of Edwina's anger and she was dismissed by Mary. Being called half sister and having your adoptive mother say go anywhere else but here was painful. Especially when you see her with Mary later and hear her express her feeling of inadequacy and how she felt she owed Mary for considering her a daughter and how sorry Mary was for putting all the weight of the family on Kate after her father's death.
The actress for Edwina talked about Edwina's anger against Kate being bigger bc she loves her, unlike Anthony who at that point was and would always be no one to her. And that's why even though it hurt to see that scene and see Kate hurt like that, I get it. When you are mad at someone you love you have the power to hurt them more than anyone else bc you KNOW them and they KNOW you.
I think s2, even with its imperfections, was a beautiful complicated story of yearning, repressed feelings and stubbornness. I loved the dynamics of the characters. I loved Edwina's innocence and gentleness and how she took a stand for herself and matured after she realized the truth. She was angry but she loved deeply and honestly still.
I loved how similar Anthony and Kate were, how they mirrored each other and managed to always be on equal footing even when they "hated" each other. The intensity of their interactions and the chemistry of the actors was incredible.
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dykebraad · 1 year
riptide is about a lot of things. it's about freedom. it's about corruption. it's about selfishness. it's about selflessness. it's about destiny. but above everything, riptide is about family.
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acourtofquestions · 2 months
Anyone else always picture Arobynn with a man bun or is it just be realizing my mind spells it like Arobun?
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hashiraa · 22 days
was rewatching the mount natagumo arc and I totally forgot about how it seemed like giyuu and shinobu were about to fight to the death or something and then when we cut back to them he’d just. put her in a headlock.
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 5 months
Tbh I’m at the point where I’m not gonna confront a student when I think they’re using AI I’m just gonna grade it like normal and they can resize how absolutely dogshit what they turned in was and if they had written it themselves they would have gotten a better grade
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idatenjumpfanatic · 8 months
I Got Your Back (Begrudgingly)
Loosely inspired by this thread here
Specifically about the Samejima siblings. We all have our own chance to make up backstories for the side characters of the show, but I wanna flesh out what yall already wrote about Gabu, plus some thoughts of mine with those headcanons on the end of this oneshot.
No word count bc I just wrote everything here. Not proofread, so this is basically word vomited before I lose the idea (and motivation)
Notes are that this happened far before the show. Anyways enjoy!
Gabu never did house chores. He was never really fond of them. It was boring, tedious, and above all, not worth his time at all. There were better things to invest his time on, and it was definitely not on those. And besides, Taiga's there to do them instead of him.
However today Taiga was sick.
The older sibling was terribly bedridden, unable to leave his room levels of bad. He said just yesterday that he wasn't feeling well, and then it just got worse now. Gabu would've first thought he was faking it, both have done it before in the past (and neither snitched each time), but the vomiting sounds he heard earlier that morning behind the bathroom door was plenty enough to convince him otherwise.
"Mom, Tai's sick."
"Well, we're still busy at work. Just let him rest, okay?"
"Are you serious?!"
Gabu would've started an argument with his parents about this given the chance, but said parents were too quick end the telephone call before he got another word in. He growled, crossing his arms.
He didn't want to deal with sick brother quite frankly. It's just another chore before school.
Or, I could skip school using Taiga as an excuse.
That thought made Gabu grin. He'd say his poor older brother was down with sickness and he took the liberty to take care of him today, as his parents were really of no use in that aspect, but really he'd just go MTB riding at the trails. Yeah, that'll do it.
Though he needed to wait for a few more minutes to make sure his parents wouldn't catch him.
While he did though, he could hear coughing from the second floor.
Gabu frowned, listening as Taiga's coughing continued for a good few seconds before it stopped. He stayed where he stood even after the house fell into silence. Without even realizing, he was squeezing his own arms as he found himself double guessing.
He stared at the door for a long while, subconsciously humming quietly as he did so. His humming then turned into a grumble, and once he finally made his mind up, he threw his hands and groaned before walking away from the door.
Meanwhile Taiga, he wasn't in the best shape clearly. Every limb felt like lead, and his head was throbbing. It would've been a lot worse if not for the menthol ointment he kept in his bedside drawer, but even then it wasn't enough to alleviate everything else. It didn't help too that every time he wanted or needed to get up he felt like throwing his insides out.
Whatever he got, it was bad.
But still, he knew it was best to just power through it as much as he could. He didn't need to worry about convincing his parents; lately neither would notice if he or Gabu missed school, or if they were even home at all, because neither would be at home either. Sometimes it was for the better, oftentimes it was just depressing to think about, and right now it was the latter.
Gabu at least was told that he was sick, but Taiga knew his brother wouldn't be be able to take care of him. He loves him, but he's also well aware how incompetent Gabu was when it came to basic things. He once set something on fire in the kitchen when the Four Kings were trying to teach him, and whether that incident was in purpose or by accident the fact still stood that Gabu was no longer allowed to try to cook anything.
Which meant Taiga was left by himself.
Taiga heaved a sigh at the thought, but already accepted it ever since he felt the first signs of sickness. He just wasn't expecting that it'd get this bad. Whatever scolding he'd get for not cleaning around the house, despite his condition, he'd take, but for now he would rather try to get a shut eye and think about the aftermath later on. Food and water he'd figure out on getting later on once his body would cooperate.
He turned to the side where his unclogged nostril was up, pulling the blanket some more over himself as he tried to go back to sleep. That part, at least, wasn't that hard. He didn't even realize that he did fall asleep until he woke up in a coughing fit.
Slowly sitting up, Taiga rubbed his throat once the coughs finally died out. He grumbled to himself, disliking the idea of needing to get up for some water, but alas he couldn't blame anyone but his past self for not preparing sooner.
He was already willing himself to get off the bed, but once he was one foot down he spotted an unopened bottle of water just sitting on his nightstand. He stared at it for a long while, wondering if he actually left it there before. Though, his own body didn't let him think about it for any longer as he felt another round of coughs crawling its way up his already parched throat.
Downstairs, Gabu was still staring intensely at the pot of water that sat on the stove. Through rummaging the pantry, he found the easiest thing to cook: packets of chicken broth soup that was just needed to be put in boiling water. He read through the steps earlier, but he was now met with the roadblock of not knowing how to operate the stove.
During this he heard Taiga coughing again, which signaled that he was awake once again. It only meant less time for Gabu, unless his brother went back to sleep right after. His staredown with the inanimate kitchen equipment continued.
Gabu thought about calling one of the Four Kings, if one of them weren't at school, for assistance, but the thought of asking for help for such a menial task only made his cheeks flush with embarrassment. The Four Kings were by no means judgmental towards him, but the issue lied with him and not them.
Damn him for his issue of either serving his ego or knowledge.
"Okay, think about it this way," he began telling himself, "it'd suck if I have to say I still don't know after all this. And if I figure it out myself, I get to stick it in Tai's face."
Yeah, seemed doable. He grabbed one of the stove's knobs and started experimenting.
Taiga laid still, blankly staring at the ceiling. The water helped for sure, but now his stomach was rumbling. He couldn't tell if it was hunger or wanting to vomit, but either way he needed to resolve it with food first. If he were hungry that was it, and if he needed to vomit it meant he needed medicine, and he couldn't take that on an empty stomach.
The stillness was really him psyching himself to get up despite aching all over. He took a few deep breaths (while hovering his ointment over his mouth and nose), before wrapping the blanket around himself as his slowly got up. Sitting up he could already taste the bile coming up his throat, but he pressed his lips shut as he swallowed it down.
Finally he was standing, despite all odds. He fought his urge to hurry as he took little steps, keeping his eyes down on the floor to avoid worsening his migraine. Though, in the few steps he'd taken he heard his bedroom door creak open.
"Ugh, why are you up?"
Taiga tilted his head up and saw Gabu standing in the hallway holding a tray that seemed larger in his tiny hands, and a mask over his nose and mouth.
"Go back to bed," he demanded.
Taiga stood and stared, blinking in shock while Gabu made his way into the room. Gabu was fast to notice his brother not responding, his scowl behind the mask deepening.
"Hey, are you deaf? Go back to bed!"
He didn't wait this time. Gabu quickly set down the tray on the table before he marched forward and practically shoved Taiga back to the bed, and yet despite his sudden actions he still did them with carefulness.
Taiga didn't give him much hassle though and shuffled back. He didn't have the energy to argue or fight back either, so he sat back on his bed and let his sibling do whatever he was planning to do.
"I called mom in her office today telling you were sick, but she didn't care. 'Too busy with work' as always," Gabu scoffed while retrieving the tray.
"And dad?"
Gabu gave him a half-lidded stare. "If mom's busy then he is too, duh," he replied sourly. He set the tray on the nightstand, adjusting it so that it wouldn't tip over since the table was smaller. From there Taiga could see what his brother brought.
A small thermos, a large bowl of soup with a spoon, packs of saltine crackers, a new bottle of water, and multiple sleeves of medicine tablets.
"I heated too much water so I made tea too, but yeah there's more soup downstairs, just let me know."
"You... made this for me?"
"Yeah, don't overthink it."
Normally making a bowl of soup wasn't much of a feat, but for Gabu it was an accomplishment, and Taiga knew that. He was impressed, actually, that Gabu was able to not only gather all of these, but to make some food unsupervised without burning anything down (at least, he hoped. His nose was a little stuffy at the moment to smell anything burning) as well.
Taiga smiled, picking up the bowl as he muttered Gabu a thanks. The warmth of the broth was welcoming to his hands, he'd been getting the chills so the hot food was such a relief. Before he took a scoop though he realized something.
"Aren't you supposed to be in school right now?"
"And so?" Gabu shot back with a shrug.
Taiga looked at him for a little while before he gave a defeated sigh. No way he'd be able to convince Gabu to try and catch up with school for the day. He went back to the soup, and while he started eating he could hear Gabu rummage through the tablets.
"You're welcome, by the way. Don't say I never do anything for you."
Taiga couldn't help but grin again. "Of course, I appreciate it," he said with full sincerity. Gabu glanced at him but then quickly looked away.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm calling the others though after their class to look after you this time. At least they're more reliable."
The last part fell into a mumble, but Taiga still heard it. He wasn't sure who Gabu was referring to, but he was hoping it wasn't a self-inflicted insult. A bit of a reach of course, but it was still a valid concern for him. He didn't know how to comfort him either, as words often didn't translate to what he wanted to convey; a problem for the both of them, in all honesty.
He genuinely wanted to thank Gabu again, since his sudden decision to stay actually solved so much of his concerns, but he also knew his brother was terrible with handling compliments. So instead, he reached out and ruffled Gabu's hair.
Instantly a complaint. "Ew! Get your sick hands off me, I don't wanna catch whatever you have."
Taiga laughed, though it quickly cut into coughing. While his little brother reached for a bottle, the same thought ran in his mind:
Yeah, it may be hard that mom or dad weren't there when he needed them, but Gabu always was, no matter how much he says he doesn't care. And of course, he'll always be there for Gabu just the same.
After writing that last paragraph I realized that the headcanon of Taiga and Gabu having such a tight-knit relationship prior to everything is so much more devastating considering the events of the show.
I like to believe that the brothers are genuinely close, in tandem with the headcanon that their parents are neglectful to an extent, so blood-wise they don't have much besides each other. Also, I like to think that their parents are rich or at least holds a high status, since Gabu does a lot of stuff he gets away with (particularly with the stealing school equipment incident), but because they work first before their own kids, they've become blissfully unaware of what their children are up to. Which is tragic.
One last thing, I initially titled this one-shot as "Love Language" because I headcanon that both the brothers' love language is act of service (mostly through bossing other people). Seeing how Gabu is so bad at handling verbal compliments, I take it he's more of a "show, not tell" kind of person, and on top of neglectful parents it's more likely for him to pick that up from Taiga.
Also as siblings, especially in an Asian household, verbal show of genuine affection, gratitude, or sorry is difficult to do so at times. Often it's expressed through other means, like food or asking the other if they wanna hang out outside after a fight. Those kinda stuff
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cappucosmico · 3 months
also i'm planning on making a discord server to just unceremoniously dump all my willing friends into so that you can all sniff eachother through the door. i was gonna do that months ago but i got Erm. Distracted. looks over atthe 2 months of 6 cat householdery scared
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cherrirui-official · 10 months
Still not over the fact that they added Adventurer Cookie in the Golden Cheese update, infantilized him, used him for shipping fanservice and then killed him
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andie-cake · 11 months
2, 6, and 8 for Nicolas!
2. Any interesting scars?
i like to imagine repeated summonings of the lords in black leaves invisible marks on the summoner. nicolas has a few marks on him from his starry children days that can kinda be considered scars, but they only show themselves if he's interacting with the black and white somehow. not sure what they look like when they are visible tho.
6. Whats their greatest fear?
i think, despite everything, he's still most afraid of the hatchetmen. nicolas knows what the church is like, and he's privy to the lords in black's tricks. now that he's fully distanced himself from his family, he doesn't fear the starry children like he once did, and he's clever enough to know not to give into the lords in black's temptations (unless, y'know. things turned dire and he's left with no choice). the hatchetmen however, are more directly violent. he's more scared of what they could do to jimmy than himself tho, since jimmy's the one who turned his back on them. the church will manipulate to avoid getting their hands dirty, and nicolas knows how to outwit them. but the hatchetmen are just. violent and unreasonable. if they decide they wanna hurt nicolas and jimmy, they damn well can.
8. Are they trusting or do they refuse to trust?
ehhhh, kinda hard to say. i think he was probably way less trusting back when he first renounced the church, but working as a bartender has improved his people skills enough for him to get a better read on folks just by talking to them. he's still kinda wary of strangers tho, and it's not always unfounded.
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mythcaels-a · 11 months
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’ 𝙵𝙸𝚅𝙴 𝚃𝙸𝙼𝙴𝚂 ’ 𝙳𝚁𝙰𝙱𝙱𝙻𝙴 𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙿𝚃𝚂. | @celesticlnstcrs asked: five times kissed: kyung and theo <3
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01. His best friends brother is so attractive, he's been so aware of it since he first met him a little while ago now. There's just something about the Christmas lights all around the area that makes him more attractive in Theo's mind and he can't shake the fact that he's crushing on the guy.
They'd somehow gotten separated from Isao while walking through this little holiday lights festival of sorts. One minute Isao was there, the next he was gone and that just left Theo and Kyung to navigate around and try and find him.
The other male seems to stop and look up suddenly as they exit a light tunnel which makes Theo stop beside him and look up as well and oh. Mistletoe. Cheeks take on a rosy hue but if anyone asked well, he'd blame it on the cold.
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❛ Well would you look at that. Mistletoe. Wow they really went full holiday cliche by putting this up too, huh ? But y'know they say that it's bad luck if you don't kiss the person you're under mistletoe wi - . . . ❜  He wasn't expecting to actually get a kiss with Kyung under mistletoe despite them both being under it, if anything he had thought the other would disregard it and continue onward like nothing happened and that's why Theo had began rambling about the mistletoe but Kyung had cut him off with his lips ( probably to just shut up him but that was fine ).
The kiss ends too quickly but it was everything Theo had thought it would be like to kiss the other ( yet it leaves him wanting to kiss him again ). They don't end up kissing again because they hear Isao's voice and both kind of almost jump away from one another, Theo's out of embarrassment and he wonders if it was the same for Kyung.
They don't talk about the kiss that night. They don't bring it back up the next day. It just doesn't come back up . . .
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02. . . . Until New Years. The kiss is brought back up at New Years. The topic of bringing in the New Year with a kiss had come up and it made Theo think back to his and Kyung's kiss around Christmas. It wasn't like it was that long ago, it was still pretty fresh in his mind and he swears his lips still remember the feeling of the others on them ( of course he'd love a refresher just to keep the memory alive ).
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He gently elbows Kyung and grins, flirty nature coming out in full force as he opens his mouth to let words spill from him. ❛ Hey hey, we could share a kiss to bring in the New Year like we shared that one near Christmas, yeah ? ❜ It's quiet so that only Kyung hears, teasing and just thrown out to see how the other reacted to the mention of the other kiss from before but also just him being his playful self and seemingly never taking anything too seriously. There's a look from the other that Theo can't quite make sense of but somehow it makes his cheeks redden, or maybe that's just because he's realizing what the hell he just said to the other. Amethyst hues search Kyung's gaze for a moment before he finds himself on his feet and off to the kitchen to get some water.
He'd miss the countdown on the tv from in here since he'd gone and decided that he was gonna hide out in the kitchen with his cup of water that he hasn't actually touched after fixing it. He hears footsteps coming to the kitchen which makes him react and actually take sips from his cup of water. The person that walks in is Kyung which is a bit surprising because he thought Kyung would just hang out in there and watch the New Years countdown and just ignore everything that Theo had brought up beforehand.
Instantly Theo is murmuring some sort of apology about his words from before and he's met with a smile which, makes him feel better at least. Good, things were good and oh the countdown had started, he could hear the tv from here and oh, Kyung was a lot closer than he had been a moment before and his glass of water was forgotten on the counter and there's cheers from the tv in the living room as their lips connect.
He swears he feels hand tucking pieces of hair behind his ear as his eyes flutter open once they both pull back from one another. He's sure his face is as red as the stripes on his sweater that he'd worn over here, which makes him lean forward and hide his face against the others own shirt and he hears a chuckle and a happy new year, to which he weakly murmurs the same thing right back.
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03. Sometime after their kiss at New Years, they'd decided that they were both open to dating one another, it came after Theo had absolutely blurted that he liked Kyung. They'd talked, they'd both admitted that they'd like to test the waters of dating one another and they were off as boyfriends.
Already together for a month by the time Valentine's day rolls around and Theo knew already that he loved Kyung which many would say it was still too early for him to know that but hell he'd been crushing on Kyung for a bit before they even shared their first kiss, before they'd started dating after their second kiss so yeah he knew he could love the guy.
He wanted Valentine's day to be perfect and he'd told Kyung that he'd make him a home cooked meal. Fun fact about that, Theo is skilled when it comes to art, when it comes to tattooing but Theo can't cook for shit. He nearly burns his place down by the time Kyung arrives and they're ordering takeout instead while they try and clean the mess Theo had made.
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Theo is apologizing constantly and talking about how he just wanted to make Valentine's day so romantic but Kyung is understanding about it and tells Theo that he didn't have to try so hard which there's just something in the moment and the way they're sitting beside each other on Theo's couch, resting after cleaning the kitchen up and what's left of their takeout sitting on the coffee table in front of the couch. The moment doesn't give off a single romantic vibe but to Theo it does as he closes the distance and kisses Kyung and then utters that he loves him against his lips.
It was almost a disaster but it turned out perfect in the end.
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04. And then a while later they break up. It's mutual enough at least but that doesn't make it any less heartbreaking because a love so strong had come and gone. They talk about it, talk through it they break up. Theo is the happy go lucky type, it's easy to push a reassuring smile onto his face but his heart feels a bit broken.
He leans up and presses a soft kiss to the others cheek, one last kiss but not even on the lips and that's fine, saying goodbye to a relationship that had been so strong and wonderful in the time they had been together.
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❛ See ya around, Kyung. Try not to miss me too much. ❜ There's a flurry of laughter, it seems so warm and he seems in such good spirits at least and he does seem to make Kyung laugh one last time before they part ways with one another.
And if he does shed a tear or two later well that's normal, it's normal to cry over a breakup, it's normal to feel heartbroken but it was probably for the best at least, maybe. Besides, they could be friends or something seeing as Theo would still be around from time to time since he and Isao were best friends.
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05. He doesn't actually see Kyung around for a good amount of time after their breakup. It's like the world was having them avoid one another, it wasn't on purpose on either of their sides but fate decided to have other plans for them and have them run into each other again and catch back up.
They cross paths at Isao's painting expedition, then cross paths again at a bar of all places only days later and it's like something is pulling them back into each others orbit to have them start to cross paths like this again after the time they'd been apart and hadn't seen one another.
The bar is loud, he's several drinks in and he knows Kyung has been drinking a bit too. Kyung seems to be trying to avoid someone that seems very persistent in flirting with him. It's not that it bothers Theo or anything but it seems that Kyung is annoyed by it so Theo with his absolute flirty nature and lack of brain to mouth filter has an idea that he throws at Kyung.
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❛ You could kiss me. ❜ That sure does get the others head to snap in his direction and there's a laugh and a slap to the others arm. ❛ Gosh, your face right now. But I mean, you can kiss me to make them think you're taken and see if maybe that gets them to take the hint that you're not interested in them. I don't mind. ❜ It'd almost be like a kiss for old times sake even, though it really wasn't. He watches as Kyung seems to think on it and that's further than he thought it'd get really. He sees the person approaching over Kyung's shoulder and warns him and that seems to make Kyung make his decision.
So they kiss, not as a couple and after plenty of time has passed since their last kiss. It works, the other that was coming to try and get Kyung's attention takes the hint and backs off. It also works to unlock some sort of fluttery feeling in Theo's heart, a feeling he hadn't felt since he was so madly in love with the other when they'd dated. It's the drinks, that's what it is.
He looks over Kyung's shoulder when they part from their kiss and chuckles and tells him the coast is clear. ❛ You're still a really good kisser, Kyung. ❜ He winks.
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gamingdotcom · 11 months
yknow, as ive gotten older, ive really grown to resent being labeled as high-functioning. because all that really means is that i successfully hide enough of my symptoms in enough social situations and meet performance markers. it felt like that phrase was often used with an accompanying level of confusion. "you're able to do all of these things, so why are you telling me you feel like garbage?" well. maybe it's because im good at playing the game. but have you ever considered what i am sacrificing to play it? that maybe i dont like the game? that perhaps it is my illnesses that have led me to prioritize the game above all else?
just. from my perspective. it feels like the label isnt doing anything. it felt like it was used to treat my problems as less dire and in need of immediate attention. and so the problems festered! they got worse! and eventually, it got so bad i stopped being good at the game. so. where are we now? how did that label help me, exactly?
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missallanea-a · 11 months
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While it's no secret that Ashiok has spent much of their time in Theros, they remain a Planeswalker and as such have explored the far reaches of the multiverse. Here's a quick run-down of their thoughts on the Planes they've visited :
ALARA : was unfortunately not able to visit this Plane prior to the Sundering. Delights in Grixis but has otherwise spent little time here.
AMONKHET : visited some time before the War of the Spark. Was intrigued by the potential of the Trials, but this turned out to just be another colosseum of men killing men. No inspiration to be found.
ARCAVIOS : attempted to reach Strixhaven, but found that it was not quite so easy to breech. Children are full of potential in so many ways, but it seemed Vess was not so foolish as to let the school exist without her personal breed of protection. Disappointing.
CAPENNA : oh, Capenna. Homeplane of their dearest Elspeth, but beyond such a promising ingenue, has little to offer them. The invasion of the Phyrexians is distant memory ( prior, of course, to the Invasion of the Multiverse ) and many citizens are too busy chasing Halo to really have much to play with. Still, they find themself here now and again.
DIRADEN : a plane of eternal twilight, ruins, rot, and fog. If Ashiok didn't know better, they might have believed this to be their homeland. Far less intruiging now that the dark shroud has been destroyed by Chandra Nalaar. Tsk, tsk. Pesky firebug.
DOMINARIA : come now: every Planeswalker worth their spark has made their way to Dominaria at some point. They only wish they could have seen it before the Mending era.
ELDRAINE : a more recent delight of theirs, Ashiok was pulled to this realm by the whispers of the Wicked Slumber. Such noble intentions... such foolish aspirations. Of course, with the spell lifted, they've since withdrawn from Eldraine... but that isn't to say they will never return.
GARGANTIKAR : what can really be said about it? Everything is large. Purely a scientific visit with nothing to be gained.
INNISTRAD : one would think that a nightmare would find more delight in a plane that seems solely inhabitited by werewolves, vampires, and other horrors. But what things do the dead really fear? Of course, they would still love the chance to... pick Sorin Markov's mind.
KALDHEIM : really just a brief blip on their radar. It's much the same to Theros, in that there's something purely human about their warriors. They could certainly play around here for some time, but nothing has intruiged them enough to keep them here.
KAMIGAWA : ever since Kamigawa entered the Neon Dynasty, Ashiok has had little interest in visiting. Perhaps androids do dream of robot sheep, but what fun is there to be made with bits and bytes? Of course, Tamiyo would certainly have made an interesting plaything... shame.
MEDITATION PLANE : also known as Bolas' Meditation Realm and the Prison Realm. Ashiok has been here. When, why, and for what remains a mystery... but given who is housed in this eternal prison, we can assume it wasn't anything good.
NEW PHYREXIA : previously known as both Argentum and Mirrodin. What fun they had here, twisting the nightmares of the Grand Praetor herself. And they didn't even know if Phyrexians were capable of nightmares. Of course, this nightmare may have given Elesh Norn a particular hatred of Elspeth Tirel... but that need for vengeance? What a human desire for a Phyrexian to have.
RAVNICA : Ashiok was, in fact, present in Ravnica during the War of the Spark... although what role they ultimately played, they've thus far shown no interest in revealing. Not their favorite plane to visit, due to the density of the population.
ZENDIKAR : much like Dominaria, this is considered something of a mecca for Planeswalkers. A plane that is home to large sources of mana, now healing from the devistation left in the wake of the Eldrazi titans. Rarely visited these days, in hopes of avoiding running into any of the Gatewatch.
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mythesque · 7 months
alhaitham and dehya are FRIENDS they are friends THEY ARE FRIENDS they are besties they are F R I E N D S this Is the hill i Will die on
#none of u guys understand them like i do (lamenting)#desert gang you will always be fucking famous to meeeee#emotionally i am perpetually living in the sumeru archon quest#i have Lots Of Fucking Thoughts about it and them#anyway these are the hills i will die on: 1. alhaitham and dehya are best* fucking friends (*best here w an asterisk bc dehya has many#friends bc she is a very charming and likeable woman w myriad good qualities and alhaitham is not those things (i hate him) (affectionate)#so obviously dehya doesnt need some weirdo scholar to be her best friend but they are still very special friends bc they are v special to ME#(slight tangent but god i just have so much fucking brainrot abt the sumeru charas i have So Many Thoughts please you dont understand im dyi#dying#dont even get me started on nilou nilou is fucking wonderful and amazing and perfect this is another hill i will die on i am a#nilou defender forever and ever#aNYWAY im getting fucking sidetracked but im rambing word vomit nonsense in the tags of my tumblr dot com bc its the wee hours of morning an#and i have a problem and that problem is called i am very not normal about these stupid fucking characters and ANYWAY to finally continue my#list from like ten tags ago#the other hill i will die on is 2. signora deserved better LMAOOO#my other ~~problem~~ superpower is i can make anything abt the fatui harbingers /incurs smirks#alright ill stop my yapping lololol just throwing my thoughts out into the void like woe brainrot be upon ye#.txt
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padfootastic · 2 years
hmmmmm i’ve seemed to have hit another ~follower milestone~ and i just—
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danzainosolitude · 1 year
I cannot express how much the mha fandom has ruined my life
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