#just not as many as Tristan
stairset · 2 years
The thing about Starset's My Demons is it's not my personal favorite song of theirs but it IS objectively their best song. Like you can call it overrated or write it off as just edgy AMV music all you want but it won’t change the fact that the first five seconds alone are one of Thee most hype things in all of music.
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It's okay Tristan she only exists in your fever dreams. If it's not obvious Thea is a Melli/Ingo fankid
This was meant for april fools but the real fool was me who thought i could finish this on time
Janus (and his new fit) belong to @pokemon-legends-and-legacies
Norri belongs to @pkmnomegaverse
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kcciny · 3 years
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Feral Fairy
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Better options for a new struggle for Tristan to overcome.
Now that he’s graduated and is working on his own list of cases without having Siegfried or James hovering he’s finding it harder than expected but doesn’t want to ask for help and look like he can’t do it.
Even though he really has graduated this time, people are finding it hard to trust him after being led to believe that he had graduated once before. This causes a new rift between him and Siegfried.
Now that he’s not burying himself in partying and drinking anymore, all of the trauma that he’s been trying to ignore comes back in a rush and he has to finally face how he feels about having lost his parents and the sister-in-law who helped raise him.
The threat of a return to war leads to a need to deal with his long-buried feelings about the last war and his fear of losing Siegfried like he’s lost everyone else.
He’s bi, pan, or some other sort of queer and his latest crush is on James. This brings up feelings about his sexuality and has an effect on his friendships with James and Helen because he feels weird about having a crush on his best friend who’s engaged to his other best friend.
As his relationship with Maggie becomes more serious, Tristan is forced to confront the fact that what he’s most afraid of isn’t commitment, it’s loss.
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capillaryspice · 3 years
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Been a while since I posted any art, but here's Tristan. He grew his hair out a bit, and I also wanted to play around with the design of the Upgrade(TM) he's gonna be getting at 14th level here soon
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2headed-disaster · 3 years
I’ve been seeing a lot of stuff (mostly on Twitter) and I have a hot take guys… I don’t think we need a new goalie.
I understand why everyone got frustrated with Jarry in the playoffs, but in any other circumstance we would’ve put in a backup so he could’ve got his head back on straight. It just so happens our backup was injured (what can you do?).
Tristan was good, you guys, through the majority of the season (yes there were mistakes but every goalie makes mistakes they are humans lol). To run him out now after a bad performance in one playoff series seems a bit dramatic, no? Especially since it was his first year as goalie #1?
Idk maybe I’m too soft when it comes to goalies, but I think having a season as the starter under his belt and also having the summer to work on his mistakes (and his glove side lol) will do him good.
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brother-emperors · 3 years
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you keep making that sound and it’s not musical, or a question for gaius cassius longinus part II: what kind of story do you think you're in? the shakespeare’s JC+greek tragedy/cassius reprising his role as an oracle edition
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- michael kinnucan, the gods show up
cassius as a 'great observer,' john w. velz / the cassandra scene in aeschylus' / agamemnon, seth l. schein / greek tragedy and society: a structuralist perspective, charles segal / rsc’s 2017 JC production / hbo rome
bonus round: writing biography in greece and rome: narrative technique and ficitonalization, edited by koen de temmerman and kristoffel demoen / pouring the wrong wax in the literary mold: plutarch's marius and homer's odyssey, michael nerdahl / plutarch's late republican lives: between the lines tw hillard /  the origins of roman drama and greek tragedy, o. szemerényi / fate and freedom in greek tragedy, walter r. agard
an even more niche bonus round:
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-hippocratic medicine and greek tragedy (greek medicine from hippocrates to galen)
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shepherdnerd · 3 years
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What a view!
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millenniumdueled · 2 years
any kind of cat or dog you'd like to have? O::
oh!! uh!! to be honest, i never really learned the types of cats, heh.... i don't think i'd be too picky, i'd rather just!! try to find an animal at a shelter that's personality really clicked with me if that makes sense...?
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stairset · 2 years
Not to get involved in Mandalorian Discourse but I think one of these days someone’s gonna have to tell Legends Mando fans that this whole idea that Mandalore was The Single Most Diverse Culture In The Galaxy before Satine came along is like, an informed attribute at best and just straight up fanon at worst
#like i see way too many posts that are like#''satine and the new mandalorians are bad because they're mostly white''#''as opposed to jaster mereel and the true mandalorians who aside from jango are also mostly white''#like i support adding diversity so i'm not really a fan of mandalore being depicted as mostly white either way#but that's more of a character design problem#the simple fact is that pre-disney star wars was not super diverse and the mandalorians were no exception#rebels added more non-white mando warriors and tcw s7 added more non-white new mandalorians#and both of those were done as a direct result of criticisms regarding mandalore being super white#and this isn't exclusive to mandalore star wars as a whole didn't start adding more diversity until the disney era#like i said i support diversity in media so i don't think mandalore in tcw should've been so white#but this idea that mandalore was super diverse prior to tcw is just. not true. at all.#and yeah non-human mandos were a bit more common in legends but like. barely. like it was still 99% human#anyway with ALL that baggage out of the way i'm firmly 100% on team satine in tcw#cause frankly the idea that it's ''cultural genocide''#to ban guns and focus on rebuilding and moving on from your violent warmongering past that literally left you planet a scorched wasteland#is laughable to me#like as an american whose home state was part of the confederacy during the civil war#i've seen people make those kinds of arguments and they usually have confederate flag stickers on their trucks#so yeah#shut up tristan
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songofpurple-summer · 3 years
still not over the way degrassi looked at tristan and said if you’re not going to struggle with your sexuality we’re gonna give you every other trauma imaginable
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cursedxartist-moved · 3 years
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thinkin about scarlet meeting people who would enable her to be fucked up and fully indulge in every immoral thought she’s ever had
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emilyharmonia · 3 years
...it’s 23:30 and this dude in a golf cart just drove through our dead-quiet neighborhood screaming “WHITE POW E R! WHITE PO W E  R” at the top of his lungs
am I awake? am I having a stroke
how is this real lmao
#dude shuddup#u suck#I'm...kinda glad there are so many cameras and shit bc I might ask around and find out exactly who in this neighborhood I should avoid#right up there with Mr ZZ sticker red truck who yelled the f-slur at me and sped away#my back was to him and I was wearing a hoodie and shorts + I had a pixie cut by then so for all I know he really thought I was a boy???#makes it about a thousand times worse lmao#this place is a mess#it says something when one of the better encounters with a stranger in my neighborhood ended in me getting fcin groped lmao#and one of the worst was the neighborhood fb moderator fckign DOXXING ME in response to someone going ''I keep seeing this teenager with#blue hair and thigh highs does just walking around does anyone know if she has a home to go to?''#god some of my neighbors are dumpster fires#some are nice though! like Portugese Grandma whose name I don't know but she's always got a smile and a friendly wave and she loves walking#and Tristan and Natalie! on independence day I walked by their driveway and long story short Natalie and I watched anime#and drank hard seltzer and talked about potential group cosplays we could do#and Miss Sherry who I bonded w over feeding the ducks at the park bc she raised four and released them there and now feeds them daily banana#or the man on the bike who wanted to make sure I wasn't actually homeless and didn't need any resources (!!!)#and just all the friends I've made here!!! life changing stuff that I wouldn't trade for the world#I care about all of them ;A;#y'know what??? I'm ending this post on a positive note mAY THE UNIVERSE BLESS ALL OF MY FRIENDS!!! I SEND THEM MY LOVE#AAA#~#oh my god I wrote a tag novel I'm sorry I just needed to remember some nice stuff about this place I guess#universe pls bless my friends now
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fardf150 · 3 years
rewatching the 4kids ygo dub and im on the verge of tears
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teartra · 3 years
What is Rick Riordan presents?
Does Rick Riordan make another mythology series?
Honestly, it’s a very common question I’ve seen around. Short answer is no but long answer is...
No, Rick Riordan Presents is an imprint series within Disney Publishing Worldwide. The imprint features books that are connected to ancient myths in the modern day, much like Rick Riordan's books, with a few exceptions.
Almost all the series are criminally underrated and barely have more than 20 people in the fandom. Tiara is just being hyperbolic here... don’t mind her but honestly, if you like PJO/TKC or any Rick Riordan related mythology story
You should give them a try
All of the series have a very diverse cultures, mythologies, characters and interesting stories! YOU SHOULD PUT THEM ON YOUR 2021 READING LIST
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tillman · 3 years
actually hey that is so cute.... both isolde and lancelot have some sort of thing with them making/having flowercrowns huh....... <3 <3 BRO THEYRE FRIENDS 
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