#tagging percy jackson just in case....
dean-winchesters-clit · 9 months
Gods, can I gush about the CGI in the Percy Jackson show for just a minute??
All of it is so fucking good!
The work was gone by ILM or Industrial Light and Magic, who are an incredible effects house and also one of the oldest effects houses there is. ILM was founded in the 1970s by George fucking Lucas to make the effects for the original Star Wars trilogy. They are the reason the original Jurassic Park had CGI in the first place! They worked with Jim Henson on The Dark Crystal and Tobe Hooper on Poltergeist, which has sone crazy awesome effects if you've never seen it. A part of ILM broke off in the 1990s and became fucking PIXAR!!
And Percy Jackson has had just the best looking effects I've seen in a long time. The creature work alone is worth so many awards. The minotaur was amazing.
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And the illusion of Chiron is never broken, it's just seamless and perfect.
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And don't get me started on Medusa's snakes. They're PERFECT. THEY ACT LIKE REAL SNAKES!!!
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And the chimera was beautiful. I loved the decision to give it a cobra's frill.
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Also, water is a notoriously difficult effect to do and all the water looks amazing in this show. I bet they pulled some people from the Avatar sequel to help with it.
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And Grover's legs never look bad. They're always perfect. I love the decision to keep them exposed the whole time, it adds to the magical feeling of the world while also showcasing how powerful the Mist really is.
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And one of my favorite effects HAS to be the way Mrs. Dodds' coat turned into her wings. I saw that and had an out of body experience.
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But this most recent episode just blew me away. Specifically with this (these next gifs are by @stevenrogered) :
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So, if you didn't know, tracking an effect onto someone's body is incredibly difficult. It's so difficult that CGI artists will often replace someone's body with a 3D model in order to make it easier. That could be what happens here in part, but they can't fake Walker's face.
Props to Walker for sitting as still as humanly possible during this incredibly emotional scene. Him sitting still helps make the tracking of the effect easier since the artists don't have to adjust the effect every frame to account for the slightest movements. Which brings me to the face.
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It is so hard to animate human faces and not fall into the uncanny valley, and yes this effect applies to that. Look at the way the gold conforms to the shape of his mouth as he speaks. Look at how it follows the movement of his chin, his cheeks. It's PERFECT. This is an incredibly impressive effect and I wanna just worship whichever overworked and underpaid VFX artist spent hours of their life working on it.
Okay, that's all, rants over, everyone go home!
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tending-the-hearth · 10 months
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idk about anyone else but I'M thinking about how selena, annabeth, and chris were each manipulated by luke because they were close to him and trusted him, and how beckendorf, percy, and clarisse each wanted nothing but the best for the person they loved, and tried their best to protect them through their trauma and pain, how even in the face of death, they only wanted each other, and only thought of each other.
so yeah, so happy beckengard never died and selena and beckendorf and clarisse and chris and percy and annabeth get to go on silly little triple dates and everyone gets to laugh at clarisse and percy daring each other to balance a spoon on their nose for two minutes
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ventismfsblog · 5 months
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ampresandian · 7 months
I firmly believe they have two choices for the end of season 2 when Poseidon sends Percy his letter.
Option 1: they stay true to the book.
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Option 2: they call back to season 1
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I think both choices are powerful in different ways and I'm very excited to see what they choose.
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mischievousmary · 6 months
Percy: Want to meet us at Chili's for half price appetizers and violence? Since it's Wednesday
Nico: What do you mean and violence
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pursuingjackson · 9 months
I'm processing properly for the first time that twelve year old Percy Jackson genuinely thought he was going to die and how absolutely terrifying that must be for him - from the moment he started to fall to the moment he thought he was going to drown from being stuck underwater
The level of traumatic that must be...
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melonnade · 8 months
the new pjo tv series has got me thinking about pjo again,,,, augh I want to make another OC now
imagine a child of tyche whose whole thing is just video gaming. like, they’re just unnaturally lucky. the rare 0.01% drops that people spend hours grinding to get? they find them first try. playing genshin and trying to wish on a particular banner? yep, first try. they’re doing a minecraft speedrun and dig down and immediately find a stronghold.
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agentof-chaos · 10 months
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Percy @ the snakes:
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cherry-angel-high · 8 months
i doubt anyone will see this but i’m kinda confused i read pjo and hoo and a lot of the accompanying books like demigod files and the gree gods or whatever but not trials of apollo (so this might be a really dumb question) but i remember percy mentioning in greek gods or greek heroes (i forgot which) that they had monthly argo 2 reunion parties or smth? so wouldn’t that mean that by the time leo gets back from ogygia and to camp he should’ve gone to those so he would’ve seen jason grace??? but everyone always talks about how it’s so sad that they missed each other by days so im just confused and i would appreciate if anyone could clarify this for me so i don’t have to read the worst book ever (burning maze 💀)
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Someone send help because this cursed interaction popped into my brain just now XD
Random Nyx kid, holding a Cocoa Puff: Nico, I think you misplaced one of your demon children
Nico: Cacodemon, technically, also, thanks, I was wondering where it ran off to
Nyx Kid: Where did you even get those things?
Nico: Oh, I got them from your mom
Nyx kid: What?
Will, containing his laughter:
Nico: What?
Nyx Kid: Nothing, I just didn't take you as the type to make a "your mom" joke
Nico: What are you talking about? Nyx literally created them, isn't it like a known thing that she makes Cacodemons?
Nyx kid: Oh, well I feel silly
Nico: Wait, what's a "your mom" joke?
Will: I wouldn't worry about it, Neeks
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punkeropercyjackson · 8 months
Not posting it unless i get asked to but i'm never gonna forget the time i saw a tweet of a skimpy ass mermaid/sea themed corset and the quote retweet was 'Percy in this'.That shit haunts me and i mean /neg,i'm the biggest book!Percy fucker ever but you could not catch him undead in something like that nor would he want anyone else to wear it,who the fuck wears something horny because it has to do with your or your s/o's nonhuman dad's powers😭💀
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loki-wants-an-army · 6 months
spn and pjo might actually work as a crossover- a brief essay
Percy Jackson and Supernatural would actually make a decent crossover- both having that early 2000s, road trip Americana vibe mixed with myths and monsters of the week. Dean and Sam would freak the hell out. Percy and Annabeth would be sassy and suspicious as shit.
Annabeth wouldn't know about them, having spent most of her life on the run and then sequestered at camp, but it's entirely possible Percy or maybe even Grover might've seen Dean and Sam's mugshots somewhere or something. Percy can't be too quick to judge based on that alone considering his own dodgy record, but still it does warrant concern.
Imagine- from the Winchesters' end it sounds like there's weirdly consistent descriptions tied to rumors of kids disappearing or involved in almost inexplicable altercations. From the kids' perspective it's running into weird guys who seem to be a little too aware of the things most people ignore with the mist, while they're on an important quest away from camp.
They could bump into each other a few different times on the road before either one group finally decides to confront the other, or they end up in the same battle. Maybe the brothers save them in a fight, maybe it's the other way around and the kids (especially Annabeth) end up doing the rescuing instead. I don't know, it could be interesting and funny both ways. Let's just say they take turns.
Or alternatively, maybe the halfbloods just happen to pull up to some random town diner or motel, near flat broke and at least a little bloody, running from a monster the Winchesters also happen to be tracking, or vice-versa you could have the brothers arrive somewhere chasing a monster the kids happen to already be running from, and the conversation starts from there, with Sam leading with a few careful questions.
Naturally, when he realizes they're the direct target of the attacks and that it'll probably continue that way if not get worse, Dean frets over them even more, because he's a good guy like that, and then he accidentally ends up semi-adopting the gang, or at the very least reluctantly cross-country taxi driving this group of insanely powerful but scary young demigods (and a satyr)- who apparently have superpowers and their own magic weapons made of a special monster-killing celestial bronze- he should see about adding that to the arsenal- while Sam asks all kinds of questions about Greek monsters and the gods, updating and expanding on his notes, initial enthusiasm quickly tempered by increasing alarm.
They can also bond by angsting over shitty parents, hell knows Dean would immediately cave and take them all under his wing for that alone.
I think it could be an interesting parallel between the hunters and the hunted. Both tormented by monsters and unable/unwilling to give up the fight, and in Sam's case he could also relate to the whole "being haunted by visions" thing. I also imagine Percy and Annabeth's flaws of unwavering loyalty and pride respectively might make an interesting match with the themes of Supernatural. Plus I'm a sucker for found family tropes that follow their own unique dynamics and don't try to just mirror a weird, idealized, suburban nuclear family unit.
edit: Oh! Also Dean hates airplanes and Percy can't do flying because of the whole Zeus wanting to kill him thing
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jeonstellate · 9 months
the show already started demonstrating percy’s strained relationship with his father. i don’t know how far they’ll build it but, for my mental health, i’m hoping they don’t include these moments:
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calling a literal 12-year-old a mistake right in front of his face && apologizing for his birth is just evil, regardless of his intentions.
i don’t think i’ll be able to handle it if i see these scenes acted out. i think i’ll throw hands. or sob uncontrollably. or both.
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glitchy-anime-fan · 1 year
Potential Chalice of the Gods spoilers
I just bought Chalice of the gods and immediately read the included letters of recommendation at the back of the book and they are so funny!
Apollos “such as being born of Poseiden’s loins” comment was so funny. Not to mention Apollo getting distracted half way through and going on about his handsome he is. Oh! And him signing off with “Toodles! My magnificence, Apollo” is so on brand 🤧
Delphin’s whole letter just being him not wanting to get in trouble with Poseidon makes me chuckle. Idk why, the way he wrote the letter just makes me chuckle.
And I love how Aristaeus pulled a Mr D and called Percy “Perry Jason” throughout the whole letter 🤧 The letter starting out well up until he mentions that Percy was asking all the gods, then he’s like “no don’t let him in!” Followed by him ending the letter with a little self promo for himself. Honestly, valid Aristaeus. Oh, and I’m always down for cheese puns!
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ao3screenshotss · 7 months
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I finished reading The other wind (the 6th and last book of the Earthsea cycle) just yesterday and I'm still trying to collect my thoughts on it. It's just genuinely life-changing. It's so incredibly human, no other piece of art before had made me feel so at peace with myself before. From the first to the last book Earthsea is just an oath to life and death, to selfhood.
"I think," Tehanu said in her soft, strange voice, "that when I die, I can breathe back the breath that made me live. I can give back to the world all that I didn't do. All that I might have been and couldn't be. All the choices I didn't make. All the things I lost and spent and wasted. I can give them back to the world. To the lives that haven't been lived yet. That will be my gift back to the world that gave me the life I did live, the love I loved, the breath I breathed."
This quote towards the end of the novel just made me bawl my eyes out but in the best of ways, not of sadness, and I couldn't stop crying for the rest of the book, and for the next hour after I finished it.
And the end, oh my god, the end. I won't spoil it but without Le Guin even knowing it every important moment of all the previous books just leads to it, Ged's shadow, Tenar's name, Arren's acceptance of the possibility of death and Ged's glass of water spent on the dry land, Tenar's love for a burned child and Tehanu's link to Kalessin. It is so fitting and Le Guin treats its themes with such dignity and respect. This series has done what no other thing could before, it has made me respect death but not with fear. Maybe I should learn more about taoism, maybe it was just how UKLG wrote it exactly the way I needed to read it, but that idea of balance and returning to the earth after we die has changed something in me.
And on a bit of a different topic (although really it is just the same thing) it has also changed my view on fantasy as a whole, which is surprising as someone who's been reading fantasy since I was 10. Although I feel like the seeds of change where there beforehand and these books watered them and made them turn into plants. I've always found something unsettling in the use of violence and war and the concepts of good and evil in most fantasy stories, I've always hated fantasy games whose sole purpose was mindlessly killing enemies, I've always had trouble believing the end of Harry Potter, where all evil is finished when the evil person (who was evil from birth because of magic) was killed. UKLG has shown me the alternative to all these stories. Evil in Earthsea is internal, not an external being that personalizes it, and it is a possibility in all humans. Ged and Cob could have both been evil, but Ged isn't because he has chosen not to. Ged does wrong, and he fixes it not by wining a violent battle against evil but by choosing to accept his own shadow and his own eventual death. Tenar chooses to be Tenar and not Arha. The dragons of Earthsea have no ability to choose good or evil, and that is what makes them free, and what makes them animals, but humans do have choice. They must find themselves and make peace with their life and with their death. The main characters are constantly re-considering their own selves and choosing themselves along with the change that is happening in their world, and the end to it all is not a return to the status quo but an undoing of what has been made wrong, an end to immortality, a reconciliation with the human fact that we have no choice over death. No win of a battle can restore the balance, no evil is inherent and no killing can stop evil.
Percy Jackson has been my favorite series for a long time now. It is not perfect in the slightest and a big part of my liking for it is the nostalgia that I have for having read them when I was 12 years old. But there has always been something in it that I have admired over many other books. The gods do wrong that they fail to acknowledge, and that is their downfall. Luke is a complex villain, and like Tenar he is under control of a greater evil, not fully to blame but also being under the consequences of his own choices to remain there. And when Percy saves the day he doesn't question the reign of the gods the way I would have liked it, but he rejects immortality and godhood, because he knows himself beyond the power of the gods and chooses to live, and instead he forces them to accept to fix what they have done wrong. Even with its faults and holes that meant something to me as a kid, and it has stayed my favorite since then because of it, but it didn't fully fill the longing in me for a story that would really tell what I wanted to be told. I think Earthsea, written way before I was even born, is that story for me, I think UKLG knew what I needed to know long before I did.
I guess this is my way of saying that Earthsea is my favorite now, and I think it will be for a long time.
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