#just realized this is technically two ocs lol
krystaldeath · 2 months
Cotl Follower Oc:
I still haven’t played the game (likely won’t for a WHILE) but Uhh. Thank Sarah and the Safe Word’s song “Ruby Off The Rails” for inspiring this
* Black or red (still figuring out) Eagle??? Looked it up and it appears crows/ravens are not a possible follower form so. That or an Owl lol (know that if they WERE an option she’d be a corvid. Like the single album cover version for the song)
* Named Ruby, ofc
* She’s a teacher
* At once point Lamb offers a golden skull necklace to her and she accepts but asks them to wait cause she’s almost an elder and she wants to be as young as possible before she’s set to be immortal. They wait and she’s sacrificed when she’s older than almost immediately revived, now young (like. Early to mid 30’s). Now she takes the necklace
* Has established herself as an asset to the cult and trustworthy so the Lamb doesn’t feel the need to read her thoughts (big mistake)
* She’s secretly a dissenter but she’s smart and crafty with it. She’s been trying to revive an elder god of death (A Snakey Snake) whom she ACTUALLY worships instead of The Lamb
* If you listen to the song you’ll get the general gist of what she’s about
* Spoilers I guess for what happens: She does revive the elder god but they’re like “Actually I like this sheep I’m gonna be a regular old follower!”
* So then Ruby is allowed to stay but is obviously no longer trusted. Her sentence is she has to stick with the ex-god who she revived and learn to appreciate the cult and The Lamb. They’re semi-toxic yuri 💛
* Forgot to say Ruby goes by She/Her and the Snake Ex-God of Death (needs a name…) goes by They/She
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girlboyburger · 8 months
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today i realized i could draw anything i want, so.
i drew myself a girlfriend
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splitster · 5 months
answering asks
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you'll have to befriend her first sorry
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chocolate was the first sweet that Pom had so it's her favorite!! she won't go nuts or anything but she is very easily manipulated if you promise her a bar of chocolate
↓ more asks under the cut!! ↓
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wraithification ideally does preserve peoples memories! part of the process is forming the core that holds said memories, so as long as the process goes somewhat smoothly then the person should wake up very disorientated but with their memories and personality in tact.
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naw she's thankfully immune to most elemental hazards. one of the perks of being a wraith!
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YEAHH i've been trying to keep up with the comics! this comic is a bit old at this point but i'm so glad bald dingo is canon 💖
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i think it'd be funny so yeah sure
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there is always an inherent risk to the process. i'd say the absolute ideal circumstances you could have would be if a wraith like pom and a doctor like yonny were working together to increase the likelihood of survival. the process hasn't been studied at all, given the rarity of wraiths as an organism and the added rarity of a wraith becoming so attached to a creature that it wants to convert it.
there is a metaphysical aspect to wraiths as a species that defies understanding, so the person being wraithified or the wraith themselves having a strong will for survival would definitely contribute to the success of it. thankfully, unless there's a VERY specific set of circumstances (that are relevant only with someone like yonny wraith who has two cores), the subject would fall unconscious and not form memories of the wraithification itself (which is fortunate, because that would be kinda horrifying).
if she's saving dingo and this is a last ditch effort, pom absolutely puts her whole being into it. it's very, very hard on her and she has every last bit of energy sapped from her. depending on her reserves, she could end up hurting herself with the amount of energy it requires. but wounds are temporary and death is forever, so pom would persevere through and give it her all to save him
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yeah! pom's skin might technically be fake because it's made from goo, but she still feels sensations through her goo. she probably doesn't get itchy that easily. she's probably a little ticklish? but i'm not sure if you want to try that on a wraith that could easily stab you in a heartbeat...
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wow when i was looking back for this pic i realized i first posted about the pom wraith au on september 1st, so the au is like 4 months old... time flies
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WAHHH THANK YOU....🥺💖 asks like this are never a bother!! my favorite part about posting my content online is the engagement like this, i'm very happy to make stuff that you and your bro can bond over
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procreate on an ipad! i use an empty cheezits box and three splatoon manga books to prop up my ipad to draw on, and i've been told its one of the worst drawing arrangements ever documented, so no matter how you draw it's probably gonna be better than my set up
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of course! i didn't like... invent wraiths or anything. i just expanded on the little tidbits of what we know about wraiths in the pikmin universe. anyone is free to make their own wraith ocs or their own headcanons on what wraiths are
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whuh... have i? i post pretty frequently. i used to post a bunch for a week or two and then disappear for 6+ months repeatedly so this is very good compared to my historical track record lol
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AHH thank you!! i'm glad that i can inspire!
thank yall for all the asks, i'll continue getting through them... slowly
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feralkat · 9 months
The first build-a-birth prompt that came in and oh my God was it fun to write holy shit lol.
It got so long that I decided to split it into two parts, though 😅 so here's part one lmao. Also there will be twins - Atlas just doesn't know they've got twins in there so part two is gonna be pretty wild for them lol.
Word Count: 2.8k
Characters Used: Atlas (nonbinary afab OC) & Fen (cis-male OC)
WARNINGS: nonbinary character giving birth, birth denial, clothing birth, public birth, orgasm during labor. Also - I do use AFAB terms to describe the characters' genitalia so please be aware of that.
If it weren't already obvious, this is a birth/labor fetish fic so if you are a minor or not into that then DO NOT INTERACT. You have been warned.
Everyone had joked about how Atlas would end up going into labor during their baby-moon despite being only 36 weeks along. By the end of it they were beginning their 37th week, but even so their due date wasn't for three more weeks so it was easy to laugh those concerns off.
Except Atlas had been feeling increasingly more intense contractions since they left their hotel that morning that they were trying to brush off as Braxton hicks contractions.
At least until a small gush of fluid left a size-able damp spot on Atlas' leggings and made them realize they couldn't stay in denial for much longer about what was happening.
They were in labor.
Though, technically, labor didn't start during the baby-moon itself.
No, it started as they were leaving.
Now they were several hours away from the next stop and even further away from home where Atlas had everything set up to have a nice, relaxing, empowering birth with just themselves and their husband.
"Shit," Atlas grumbled, shifting uncomfortably in the seat and pressing his forehead against the cool glass of the window as he felt a contraction start.
"Babe? You alright?"
Atlas glanced over at their husband, hazel eyes peaking out from behind blue and green dyed bangs. "My water broke," they mumbled in an exhale, taking in another deep breath and squeezing their eyes shut as they felt the pressure deep inside their pelvis drop even lower.
"Oh... Oh!" Fen exclaimed, having taken a moment to fully comprehend what Atlas said. "Guess those weren't just Braxton hicks contractions, huh?" Fen chuckled nervously, reaching over to take Atlas' hand.
"Yeah, guess not," Atlas sighed as the contraction passed.
"Do you think we'll make it home?" Fen asked, "If not I can look at hotels around the next stop. It won't be home but at least it won't be on a bus."
"Um," Atlas paused, thinking back to when the contractions first started around 10AM. It was nearly 6PM now, but for the majority of the time the contractions weren't too bad. The last half hour or so, Atlas had noticed growing pressure against his hips and lower back but assumed it was from the not-very-comfy bus seats. But then their water broke and that pressure had gotten worse without the cushion. "I don't know," they answered after a few seconds.
"Okay, how about... I'll book us a hotel near the next stop just in case and we'll reassess once we get there," Fen offered.
Atlas nodded their approval of the plan, grateful for Fen's ability to think logically even in panic-inducing moments.
Over the next two hours, Fen gently coached Atlas through contraction after contraction. The deep rumble of his voice, strong hand holding Atlas', and his general presence helped immensely to keep Atlas calm and focused despite everything else.
At some point Fen pushed the armrest between them out of the way so Atlas could lean on him, making for a much comfier position than sitting upright like they had been.
"There's... a lot of pressure," Atlas said between softly panted breaths. "I don't think it'll be much longer," they added.
"Okay, we should be at the stop soon," Fen reassured, draping an arm over Atlas' shoulders to gently rub circles against Atlas' swollen stomach. "Then we can go straight to the hotel and have this baby like we planned," Fen said, voice dipping into a low purr against Atlas' ear.
It made a shiver go down Atlas' spine, clit throbbing and making them aware of exactly how aroused they already were just from Fen talking to them and giving them instructions - even if those instructions were mainly how and when to breathe.
God, Atlas wished they were home.
A contraction brought Atlas out of their thoughts, making them tense until Fen reminded them to relax and breathe through it.
That was getting really hard, but Atlas made an effort. They took in a deep breath, trying to relax their body as much as they could as they let that breath out slowly.
"Again, babe, do it again," Fen urged, reaching down to massage the outside of Atlas' thigh where the muscles were still all tense.
"Ngh," Atlas grunted as they sucked in another breath, screwing their eyes shut as the contraction peaked and the pressure between their hips increased tenfold. Hardly even realizing it, they found themselves bearing down against it for the remainder of the contraction.
Once it was done, Atlas shifted to reposition so they were leaning back against Fen, one foot up on the seat and the other on the floor. The position let them spread their thighs a bit more and they moaned softly when they felt that pressure drop deep into their pelvis. "H-Hey, Fen," they mumbled, unable to help but rock their hips a little, "I think I have to push."
Fen didn't reply right away, lifting his head to glance around the bus first. There weren't many people, thankfully, and it seemed like they'd be getting to the bus stop soon but neither of them were sure if it'd be soon enough. "Okay. We're almost to the stop and the hotel is just around the corner from there. Try to breathe through it until we get there," Fen instructed, calm aside from a slight tremble to his otherwise even voice.
"I'll try, but..." Atlas trailed off, feeling their midsection tighten in another strong contraction.
"You got this, love. I know it's hard, I know you want to push but let's breathe through it," Fen cooed, his voice low and lips brushing against Atlas' ear as he spoke. "Feel the pressure, notice it and accept it as you breathe," he instructed, taking slow even breaths for Atlas to follow.
"Yeah, 'm feeling th-the pressure," Atlas groaned in one quick exhale, screwing their eyes shut and trying their best to match Fen's breathing. What really got them through the intense heavy pressure urging them to push, though, was focusing on Fen's fingers rubbing their thigh.
"You're doing so good sweet-tart," Fen rumbled, "Focus on my voice and we'll get through this."
Atlas nodded, unable to answer as they tried not to make a lot of noise. They could feel that heaviness shift and move down, knowing the baby's head was fully engaged and working its way through their cervix by now.
"You've got this, babe, doing so good for me," Fen purred as the contraction peaked.
There was only so much Atlas could do, though, when the contractions were doing enough to work the baby down through their cervix even without them pushing.
Just as the contraction was ending, there was a loud 'boom' and the bus jolted, tires screeching as it came to a very sudden stop.
Within half a second of the sound, Fen had both arms wrapped tight around Atlas and didn't loosen his grip until the bus was completely stopped.
"Fuck, Atlas are you okay?" Fen asked, calm facade breaking for a moment as panic crept into his voice.
"Yeah, I think so," Atlas answered, taking a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm their racing heart. "Are you?"
"Yeah," Fen nodded, pressing a kiss against the top of Atlas' head.
"Sorry, folks!" the bus driver exclaimed, "Sounds like a tire gave up on us. The station has already been notified, though and someone should be here within the hour to fix us up."
Fen and Atlas sat in silence for a few seconds as that information sunk in. There was no way Atlas was going to make it through an extra hour - they were cutting it extremely close anyway.
"Fen," Atlas mumbled, tilting their head to look at their husband, "I don't know if... if we'll make it."
A small frown tugged at Fen's lips before he slowly answered, "Should we call an ambulance?"
"No," Atlas snapped, panic rising at just the mention of going to a hospital - especially one that was away from their home town that Atlas had never been to.
They've had enough medical trauma and shitty doctors to give them a lifetime of distrust for hospitals.
"Okay - That's okay," Fen reassured, finding one of Atlas' hands to hold. "Let's still try to breathe through it and we'll see how far we get."
"'Kay," Atlas grunted, hand tightening around Fen's as pain and pressure overwhelmed them.
The next couple of contractions went similarly, Atlas following Fen's instructions while trying to keep themselves quiet even as the pressure kept moving lower. It was getting difficult, though, especially when the intensity of the pressure didn't lessen at all after the most recent contraction ended.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck. Nghhh," Atlas whined, squirming against Fen as they tried to find some sort of position that wouldn't be as terrible. "So much pressure," they complained, arching their back a little before collapsing against Fen with a defeated whine.
"I could give you a distraction, if you want," Fen offered, one of his hands trailing down over Atlas' swollen stomach to rub against the inside of their thigh before gently trailing over the seam of their leggings.
"Ah!" Atlas gasped at the unexpected sensation, their clit already swollen and sensitive from how Fen had been talking before. "Please," they said in a rush of air, thighs twitching open more.
Taking a glance around, Fen slipped his hand into Atlas' leggings once he was sure no one would see. "There you go, sweets, just focus on my hand and my voice," Fen encouraged, quickly finding Atlas' swollen clit and slowly rubbing circles over it.
Dropping his head back against Fen's shoulder, Atlas bit back a moan. It did help, though, able to focus on a different sensation rather than pain and pressure. "Sh-shit," Atlas groaned as another contraction hit and Fen sped up his fingers as it peaked. The pleasure took the edge off of the pain but stood no chance against easing the pressure and urges to push that Atlas felt. "Ngh! Ah, f-fuck," Atlas grunted as the contraction peaked.
Fen was telling them to pant through it, suck in air and then blow it out, do whatever they could just so they weren't holding their breath. That was hard, though, and Atlas found themselves giving little pushes with every forced exhale.
They didn't have a choice in the matter and fuck did it feel good to give in a little bit.
It was only after the contraction ended that Atlas realized on top of the pressure there was a new sensation just below their cervix - like they were being stretched and filled to their breaking point.
Everything was so intense, though, Atlas couldn't even say anything about it. They were reduced to a squirming, whimpering mess as the pleasure warred with the discomfort and that urge to push completely overtook them when their abdomen tightened again.
And Atlas was right - it felt so good to finally do what their body wanted them to.
Between that and Fen's fingers moving expertly over their clit, Atlas found themselves on the verge of an orgasm as they gasped in a breath and pushed.
That's what did it, Atlas unable to help but cry out and buck their hips as the orgasm washed over them even as their body kept bearing down.
By the time Atlas was coming down from that absolutely incredible orgasm, they could feel that that heaviness had completely filled their cunt and they were sure if they pushed just a little more that their lips would start to bulge and part.
"Oh my God, are you having a baby?!"
The shrill voice of a concerned stranger made Atlas' face go bright red, realizing she probably had heard them cumming just now.
Fen didn't remove his hands from Atlas' leggings which made Atlas' face burn even brighter as Fen tried to reassure the worried passenger.
Atlas was past the point of being able to speak coherently, though, especially as another contraction started not even seconds later.
"Oh - Ah - Nghh - No," Atlas whined as quietly as they could, their body now pushing without their consent. "Oh God, oh God. Fen!" Atlas gasped, feeling their hole start to stretch as the baby's head started to inch out.
But Fen was still trying to convince the lady - and now several other worried passengers - not to call 911 because they had it handled and that Atlas didn't want to go to the hospital.
Groaning through gritted teeth, Atlas felt the baby's head slide back in as the contraction ended. But they didn't get that relief for long, their contractions almost on top of each other by now.
Atlas hardly even noticed the small crowd that had gathered around their seat, all of their focus on trying (and partially failing) not to push again.
It didn't make much of a difference, though.
The baby's head was slowly making its way through. Every contraction brought it out further and further even though it always slipped back in as soon as the contractions were over.
At least until it didn't.
Unable to speak, Atlas grabbed Fen's wrist and moved his hand down just enough that he'd be able to feel the way Atlas' lips were bulging and the baby's head peaking out through them.
Atlas felt Fen's whole body tense for a moment, words faltering as he tried to soothe everyone who was trying to call an ambulance.
Then, he regained composure and with two fingers spread Atlas' lips just a little further so he could press his hand against the baby's head. With that position, Fen incidentally had the ball of his hand pressed firmly against Atlas' sensitive clit which sent entirely conflicting sensations through their body again.
As the next contraction came, Atlas found themselves unintentionally grinding against Fen's hand as they moved their hips in little circles like they had been this whole time.
And it felt so fucking good but also way too intense at the same time and Atlas couldn't hold back their moans, grunts, and whines anymore.
When that contraction peaked, Atlas gave a series of little pushes each accompanied with a small grunt.
It wasn't doing anything, though, and Atlas soon realized that Fen was keeping the baby from progressing more with firm but gentle pressure against its head.
"Hey, they're transferring us to a different bus, sweet-tart, it just got here," Fen's voice right in Atlas' ear was the only thing Atlas could hear outside of their own harsh breathing and pounding heartbeat. "The aisle is too narrow for me to pick you up but as soon as we're off the bus I'll be able to carry you, okay?"
There wasn't any other choice, though, so after Fen removed his hand from Atlas' leggings, Atlas slowly adjusted so they could stand.
Fen supported them the whole time but with every step Atlas could feel their labia bulging and spreading more and more. Not to mention the way their hole was starting to burn with the stretch as the baby began to crown.
The step down from the bus was the worst and the baby was nearly at a full crown by the time Fen was picking them up to carry them over to the other bus.
Thank fuck the other bus was a little bigger so Atlas didn't have to walk to a seat. Especially since a contraction started just as Fen was stepping up into the bus.
All Atlas could do was bury their face against Fen's shoulders and sob as that burning sensation just continued to get worse, their body pushing even though they were actively trying not to.
"Fen!" Atlas squealed as the rest of the baby's head popped out all at once, making their leggings bulge obscenely. "I-It's - Oh God - th-the head is - it's out," they stammered, clinging to Fen even as their husband gently laid them on the row of seats in the back of the bus.
"Okay, okay - Babe, just, I need you to let go of me so I can - uh - look and help," Fen said in a mumbled rush, standing once Atlas let go before kneeling between Atlas' feet. "We need to get these pants off, okay?" he asked, already reaching for the waistband of the leggings.
"Wait - waitwaitwait," Atlas gasped, keening as their abdomen cramped and tightened again. They could feel the baby turning and a shoulder trying to come out but their leggings didn't let that happen.
At least until Fen managed to pull the legging down - ignoring Atlas' pleas because they needed to come off - and several things happened all at once.
The first shoulder slid out, closely followed by the second one and, before Fen even had Atlas' leggings to their knees, the baby was born with a large gush of fluid.
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jerrsterrr · 8 months
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hey guyssshahgahgahaaaaaaahhaaaa
obligatory silly posting about my ocs/sonas!!!!!!! and. me
and the amongus crewmates because i made a joke on insta that my followers were little guys and it was a silly "where do u wanna be on the drawing" w my mutuals over there :3
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those characters are like my sort of sonas in my little oc world, the mind, body and heart!! i have this lil goober with headphones to more accurately represent me ^___^
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Theres like a big biiiigg storyline as these three being main characters thats going on here with several different characters that i wish to update more accurately on my Toyhouse and i have several posts on my instagram but i decided to use tumblr as to rant and ykno fanboy about my own ocs aswell!!!!!!!!! lol
okay long infodump that probably makes little sense my bad
The way it goes is themed after infinite realities, death,, living and basically heaven? Which i came up with after having like several years of haunting dreams LOL
For the longest time since i was little ive had dreams of being in some sort of messed up apocalypse so thats what the mind is from!! His name is Xiety and he looks like me when i had those dreams, or like some fucked up bird thing heheh
After all that though i started having dreams where i was,, different people sort of?? Dreams with different povs or dreams where i lived entire different lives. Thats Jerri! the body.
The last little guy is called matthew and isnt based off any dreams but more based off the feeling i get when i realize im dreaming. Ive never lucid dreamed but ive always had like a moment to realize "this isnt my life" and im just like viewing whats happeining o_0
All together i made a story for when they get sort of seperated, Xiety, the mind is seperated from the two in a apocalyptic world they have control over and hides the heart (matthew). The body being basically a carbon copy of itself just wanders around this world. Jerri cant remember how they got there or where they are from, but they die, over and over and over. Until eventually, they find the heart, in some rubble, and they sort of gain concious enough to realize "um im stuck in infinite zombie reality hell and this is NOT my reality" they take the plush and try to survive, but xiety kinda catches on and feels betrayed by this. He cant comprehend why on earth the body would want to live knowing what he knows (news flash only the mind knows what he knows of their og reality) HENCE the breaking out and being stuck in a infinite inbetween of constant realities woooo. Jerri and Matthew try to find to find the og reality, going through different bodies, meeting different minds and dying in ALOT of them. It becomes kinda clear that in most realities NONE of them do they live or are happy LMAO
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that was like a shitty simplification BUT BESIDES ALLAT they litterally stumble into heaven and meet gods and Reapers and souls BUT they cant stay which SUCKS cuz imagine losing it it and one day people see you for yourself and you cant STAY cuz ur technically not dead just abstracted into peices and yaddah yaddah more ocs hehehe
anyways heres a silly video i made with all of em:
ALSO ALSO OBLIGATORY TAG @moenmomentsthemoe-en
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btsgotjams27 · 1 year
this is us ~ jjk | 11
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you receive an unexpected call.
✨ title: this is us | (sequel to all grown up) ✨ pairing: jungkook x f!reader | ✨ rating: m/18+ | minors dni ✨ genre/au: drama, romance, angst, fluff, smut | est!relationship, age gap, bff's younger brother ✨ playlist ✨ a/n: if you haven’t read the prequel to this, please do so here! :) you can read them here on AO3 & Wattpad
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[ SERIES MASTERLIST ] | next ✨ 12 ~ i do
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chapter eleven ~ the call | wc: 7.8k warnings: yuna smacks jungkook upside the head, jungkook hates himself, yuna has an accident, hospitals, oc has a heart-wrenching convo with her mom, oc briefly talks to jungkook's mom (who's the complete opposite of her mom), angst and more tears
One week. One week without Jungkook by your side. It felt weird. Like a massive part of your life had disappeared.
No tattooed arm draped over you. No warm body to snuggle you from behind. No 'I-need-you-at-3-am-sex'. No coffee or breakfast ready to go once you woke up. No late-night ramen talks. You were met with nothing but silence. It's like your world suddenly stopped. The routine you came to know and love, the physical presence of Jungkook--gone.
The week had passed by much slower than anticipated because you didn't know what to do with yourself. Hyunie had gone MIA. Yuna was pregnant and tired all the time. And then you realized that pretty much concluded your circle of friends. Once you passed the age of thirty, honestly, out of college, it was so much harder to make friends. Everyone was always busy doing their own thing, and you didn't care about befriending hundreds of people. You preferred having a few close friends that knew you well and that you could confide in. But once Jungkook was out of the picture (for now), you realized how lonely you were.
Saturdays were laundry days and as you stuffed your clothes in the washer, sitting at the bottom was Jungkook's hoodie. You stared at it, debating if you should wash it because it wouldn't smell like him anymore if you did. So, you opted to leave it alone, and you'd figure out what to do with it later.
While waiting for the laundry, you sat on the couch looking around, seeing traces of you and Jungkook throughout your place. You wondered if it was too early to start taking pictures down. The two of you technically weren't broken up, just on a break - figuring out the next steps. But you couldn't lie, it was hard to see his face scattered through your apartment. You weren't sure what you wanted; all you knew was that you wanted Jungkook, but how could you be with someone who kissed and touched someone that wasn't you?
Your phone buzzed on the coffee table, and a notification appeared. A small part of you wanted it to be Jungkook checking up on you because you hadn't heard from him since he left, but you also knew that he was getting ready to go on a trip with Namjoon and Jin, so he probably wouldn't have time.
You picked up your phone and saw it was Yuna, asking how you were doing and if you needed anything. Funny because you should be asking her since she was pregnant, which warranted more concern than a broken heart. This past week, more than usual, she sent you an obscene amount of TikTok videos of silly and funny things, which did help you get your mind off Jungkook for a little bit. You were just happy to laugh again.
You 11:27 AM I'm doing fine. Thanks for checking up on me. I don't need anything, but I know the boys are going on their trip today, so text me if you need ice cream or something lol.
Yuna 11:30 AM We could eat ice cream together if you want. I'll text you whenever they leave so you don't have to see...you know...
You 11:32 AM Thanks for the offer but I might just stay home if that's okay. But please text me if you need anything, 'kay? Love you.
As you set your phone down, another buzz came in. You thought it was Yuna again trying to convince you to hang out, but to your surprise, it was none other than Kenji.
Kenji 11:34 AM Just checking in to see if you've made a decision yet. The clock is ticking. ⌛⌛
Honestly, your show was the last thing on your mind, but you tossed the idea back and forth about working with Kenji. You wondered if you agreed to it if Jungkook would think you were only saying yes to spite him. But in reality, that was hardly the case. Considering what your story was about and Kenji's type of director, he would be the perfect man for the job. He'd be able to push you and the story into something extraordinary. It would be worth it to work with him despite what Jungkook thought.
You 11:40 AM You gonna be on your best behavior if I say yes to you?
Kenji 11:45 AM 😁😁😁 Let's get to work baby!
You 11:47 AM 😑😑😑
Kenji 11:48 AM I promise I'll be good. Don't want your boyfriend to come beat me up.
And there you go again, your eyes beginning to well up at the mention of Jungkook. It didn't take a lot to get you crying these days.
An hour later, the washer began singing its melodious song, letting you know that your laundry finished. You began to unload your clothes, hanging them over the drying rack. You looked at the bottom of the basket once more, picking up the hoodie at the bottom. You held it tight, bringing it to your nose before taking a small sniff. If someone were you catch you right now, they'd probably think you were weird. But the faintest smell of Jungkook still lingered on it. He always preferred softer scents which you grew to love too.
You found yourself practically hugging the black piece of clothing, then undoubtedly, you slipped it on over your head, cozying into the soft cotton. It felt like a warm hug from him. You wonder if he missed you as much as you missed him, and then the thought of Jungkook overwhelms you again.
The rest of the day dragged on as you mindlessly cleaned your apartment, even though it was already spotless. You didn't want to go out because it reminded you that you had no one to go out with.
You crawled into bed at the night's end with Jungkook's hoodie still on. Pathetic, you know, but you couldn't help it. Laying in bed, you scrolled through your phone, looking at his old text messages and pictures. It became a nightly routine once Jungkook left.
You clicked off your screen, groaning at the fact that you were torturing yourself by scrolling through photos. You pressed the side button to check the time, and your lock screen illuminated a picture of you and Jungkook at Yuna's wedding, dancing and smiling like nothing was wrong with the world. This moment captured in time what seemed felt like a lifetime ago. It was as if you were staring at two completely different people. Those two dancing away were happy, maybe even naïve, full of hope and love. The screen darkened, and now it was only a reflection of you, teary-eyed again like you had been all week. You wiped away the tear pooling in the corner of your eyes.
Setting your phone on the table, you turned away, laying on your side, hugging a pillow. Not a minute later, your phone began to ring. Picking up, you didn't recognize the number but figured you should answer anyway in case it was an necessary.
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Namjoon, Jin, and Jungkook planned a guy's weekend trip to Namjoon's parents' cabin. The same place you and Jungkook went with Hyunie, Jimin, and Taehyung.
The dread on Jungkook's face was apparent when he walked through the threshold to his sister's place. He knew she'd beat him if she could. He was packed and ready to go, just stopping to pick up Namjoon and Jin.
Namjoon immediately greeted Jungkook when he came in, telling him he was almost ready. Yuna was on the couch, watching TV, glaring while he sat beside her.
"Jungkookie, can you get the remote for me? I can't reach it." Yuna reached her hand out, but the protruding belly was in her way.
He reached for the remote, handing it to her. But Yuna gestured for him to come to her.
"There's something in your hair," Yuna squinted, tilting her head. She continued to glare at her brother.
His hands reached up, touching his dark locks. "Where?"
"Nope, still there. Come here. I'll help."
Instead of helping, she lightly smacked him upside of his head, earning an 'ow' from him.
"What the hell, Noona?"
"That's for cheating on my best friend," she scowled, crossing her arms. If only she could say what was on her mind, this was mild compared to the things running through it. She had a lot more up her sleeve, but considering you were both hurting, she'd keep some things to herself. If only Jungkook saw the aftermath of when you told her and then when she blew up after telling Namjoon what happened. She clenched her jaw and curled her fist, and with every fiber of her being, trying not to become violent.
He massaged the spot she hit and didn't bother to argue because he knew he needed a good scolding from his big sister.
Yuna's voice became shaky. "How could you do this to her? To your relationship? You guys were doing well, and I thought you were getting ready to propose. What happened?"
She didn't understand what had gone wrong. She thought he was completely head over heels in love with you. But all it took was one person to come back and ruin everything.
After he had spoken to Namjoon and Jin at the housewarming party, he may or may not have started to shop around, looking for rings. He even secretly measured your finger while you were sleeping, trying to get your ring size. Lucky for him, Jungkook got Yuna's opinion on a few different options he had picked out.
Jungkook sat slumped over on the floor next to Yuna, burying his head in the crook of his arm. Yuna felt guilty for hitting her baby brother, but he deserved it. She softly placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Jungkook-ah..." Yuna mumbled. He hummed back, not turning to her. "Please fight for her. I can't lose her," she said with a shaky voice.
As much as Yuna disliked your and Jungkook's relationship in the beginning because she didn't want to see her brother get hurt. She overlooked the fact that Jungkook could hurt you too. Her brother would always be around, he's family--so she could never get rid of him, but you...you could easily drift away because it would hurt too much to be around Jungkook. And she wouldn't blame you if you never wanted anything to do with their family again. But the thought of losing you and not going through big life events together pained Yuna. The two of you have been through thick and thin, but she wasn't sure if your friendship could survive this one.
Jungkook finally gazed at his big sister, eyes teary, nostrils flaring rapidly, ready to burst into tears. He'd been crying every day since he left your place. "Noona...I don't--I don't know how to fix this."
The pad of Yuna's thumb wiped away a tear from Jungkook's eyes. "It's going to take time. Give her time."
Time. It was the one thing that Jungkook feared. Time apart could either make the heart grow fonder or make you drift from him. It could make you realize that what you wanted was not him but something better, someone better. He had thrown everything out the window, and for what? A moment of weakness struck him at the worst time. It was one thing he'd never forgive himself for.
"You ready?" Namjoon asked, not realizing the serious moment his wife and brother-in-law were having.
Jungkook quickly wiped away his tears, pretending he was okay with a smile. He stood, ready to head out.
"Jungkookie," Yuna called out, and he turned to her, "Everything's going to be okay."
He was thankful that his sister was hopeful but considering all the shit you've been through with previous boyfriends. He could see why you compared him to them, and he wasn't any better as much as he tried to justify it.
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The boys' weekend trip would be better if it weren't for this dark, looming cloud over Jungkook. He didn't know how to fill this gaping hole within himself. He was a mess, unsure of what to do with himself or who he was without you by his side. To distract himself, he worked tirelessly on the project he was in charge of at work, and he played games until he was exhausted and ultimately passed out. It helped somewhat to keep his mind off you, but every night he'd wake up in a cold sweat, wondering where you were, and then the cycle of trying to keep you off his mind repeated.
The cabin was exactly like Jungkook remembered, but spring had sprung instead of light snow piles on trees and the patio. Life was evident here and there throughout the fields the cabin was facing - flowers blooming, birds chirping like nothing was wrong with the world. But not in Jungkook's world - his had turned upside down.
Jin immediately claimed the loft bedroom, which Jungkook didn't mind. There were too many memories of you and him - kissing, touching, fucking, and it was too much for him. Barely there for thirty minutes, and the only thing that consumed his mind was you. Honestly, you were the only thing taking up space in every corner of his mind, body, and soul.
Jungkook walked out to the patio, nursing his beer, watching the sunset color the sky, a beautiful palette of apricot and lilac and marshmallow clouds soft enough to sleep on. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before letting out a shaky one. His heart was burdensome as to what the next steps with you were. He didn't know if there would be any future with you - he sure as hell wouldn't want anything to do with himself after his actions. He broke your trust, lost your respect, and he lost his integrity and sense of dignity. Even he wasn't sure how he would redeem himself.
"Jungkook-ah--" Namjoon broke him out of his thoughts, "Dinner's ready."
The three ate silently, and all sensed the elephant in the room.
Jungkook was tired of the lack of words and patronizing stares, so he set down his chopsticks and glared at the two men at the table. "Spit out whatever you want to say," he huffed, not that he was eager to hear them scold him.
They looked at him, going about eating their food, both unwilling to speak what's on their mind.
"Come on, yell at me. Hit me. Please tell me how stupid I am. Tell me how much I fucked this up," Jungkook declared, nervously tapping the table. He deserved it. He deserved being told he's an asshole. He deserved being told that he wasn't worthy of you.
"You're being a bit dramatic, Jungkook-ah," Jin argued. Although he may have disagreed with how his friend handled things, it didn't warrant a punch to the face, even if he wanted to.
"What about you, huh?" Jungkook directed it to Namjoon. "I'm sure Yuna told you everything."
He sighed, setting his chopsticks aside. "Will us telling you off make you feel better about yourself?" he inquired. Namjoon shook his head, returning to pick up his chopsticks to finish his dinner. He understood that Jungkook was in a tough spot, but Namjoon thought the young man was too hard on himself. Namjoon certainly wasn't excusing his actions but thought Jungkook should be gentle with himself too.
Jungkook shrugged. "Maybe." As if Jungkook wasn't already wallowing in self-pity and deprecation since Alex showed up - he needed more, others telling him how worthless he was.
"Have you thought about why you did what you did? Are there underlying feelings for Alex? Is there something you're not happy with in your relationship with Y/n? Something you want but she can't give you, and maybe that's why you did what you did with Alex?" Namjoon asked, wanting the young man to think about his motives.
"No--I don't even like Alex. She's the worst person I've ever come to know.
"O-kay...then why did you kiss her? Touch her?" Jin asked, confused by the contradiction of his words versus actions.
Jungkook rubbed his face and groaned in frustration. "I DON'T KNOW!" The young man cried out, then apologized for getting upset. "I'm not mad at your questions. I'm mad at myself. I fucking hate myself."
A beat passed before he continued.
"Maybe...maybe it's because I don't have all of Y/n. It's like I do, and I don't at the same time. You know? I feel like I give her all of me, but there are still some parts of her that she's hiding, afraid to share with me. I've been patient in letting her tell me things when she's ready, but sometimes I don't understand why she doesn't trust me with whatever it may be. Am I too young or immature? I've tried to show her that I'm good enough, but...I don't know. Maybe that's why I kissed Alex. Maybe that's why I gave in."
Jin and Namjoon quickly glanced at each other. The two of them discussed this privately in the presence of Yuna after everything went down. They had suspected this was the case. Namjoon knew about your miscarriage and reproductive issues, but he promised his wife he wouldn't tell a soul what he knew.
Jungkook stared at his two friends, probably dismissing him in their heads. "You guys think I'm the scum of the earth, huh?" The younger man implored.
"We didn't say anything," Namjoon said, looking away from Jungkook and at his plate of food.
"You don't have to. Your silence is deafening," Jungkook stated, scooting his chair back, causing a screech against the wooden floors. He stood, walked, and placed his plate in the sink, turning on the water to begin washing his dishes. For some strange reason, Jungkook always found solace in washing dishes. He could mindlessly clean while warm water ran and soapy bubbles on his skin.
Jin and Namjoon cleared their plates and brought them to Jungkook. Jin leaned against the counter, watching the young man beat himself again.
"Hyung, what am I gonna do?" Jungkook asked, hands under the running water, scrubbing away the dirty dishes.
Jin crossed his arms. "Well, what exactly did she say?"
"She said she wanted to take a break. I have no idea what that means or what it entails. Like, can I still call her? See her? Kiss her?"
He shook his head. "You probably shouldn't kiss her no matter how much you want to. You need to give her space to figure things out. She's hurt by the one person she loves, and it will take time to trust you again."
"What if I lose her in the process? What if she never trusts me again?" Jungkook paused, scrubbing the plate to gaze up at Jin. His mind already went to the worst possible scenarios, replaying over and over again this past week - you breaking it off and leaving him, maybe never wanting to speak or see him again. You'd always been a part of his life in some way or another, and a world where the two of you wouldn't collide, made him sick to his stomach.
Jin stood beside his friend, rubbing his shoulders. "Only time will tell."
Again, with 'time.' Jungkook was starting to hate the four-letter word. T-I-M-E. He wishes he could fast forward to when he could be with you again. But he'd wait a lifetime if he had to.
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The night had gone by quickly. Jungkook didn't want to spoil the rest of their weekend there, so he figured he should stop pouting and talking about you every chance he got. He was sure everyone was tired of him pouring out his broken heart.
The three of them were heading to bed when Namjoon's phone began buzzing in the pocket of his sweats. He reached in, pulling it out, frowning at the screen. He never answered what looked like spam but picked up anyway.
"Hello?" Namjoon answered. "Yes, this is he." Namjoon's eyes quickly darted to Jin and Jungkook, then to the ground.
The voice on the other line was muffled, and Jin and Jungkook couldn't hear anything.
Namjoon's eyes widened. "What?!" his voice grew louder, "Yes, I'm a few hours away, but I'll have someone come down right now. I'll be there as soon as I can. Thank you."
Jin and Jungkook looked at him with worried eyes. Namjoon hung up and immediately brushed past the two toward the bedroom.
"Hyung, what's going on?" Jungkook asked, chasing after him, and Jin followed closely behind.
"It's Yuna. She fell, and she's going to the hospital. I'm sorry, guys. We gotta go back," Namjoon said, grabbing his bag and franticly searching the room for anything he needed to take.
Jungkook could see Namjoon's hands shaking while holding his duffel bag. "Hyung--Noona's gonna be okay. I promise."
Namjoon nodded at the young man's sentiment. 
"I'll get the car," Jin said before taking off.
"Call Y/n. She can get there the fastest," Jungkook stated.
Namjoon agreed, grabbing his phone to call you.
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Walking into the dim, cold hallway, you weren't sure what to expect once you passed through the double doors. The low hum of beeps echoed when you walked the hallway, the heel of your boots softly clicking with every step. You stopped to take a deep breath before walking through the threshold. The first bed in the room was empty, and a divider covered the second. You sat on the chair in front of the bed, staring at the one person who despised you but had to call family.
Hello, is this the daughter of _____ ______?
"Yes, this is she."
This was a call you were not expecting when you picked up.
Your mother has been in an accident, and you were listed as the next of kin. If you could please come to the hospital, we need to sort out some paperwork for her.
"Okay, yes, I'll be there."
You never liked hospitals - they always brought bad memories. The first time was your father's sudden heart attack, which led to his death, then all the personal shit you had to deal with.
You hadn't spoken to her in months. The last conversation took a turn for the worst, and she revealed secrets she'd been keeping for all of your life - a conversation you've been keeping to yourself because you didn't have the heart to tell Yuna or Jungkook. You weren't sure what to do with this secret, so it had become a secret you had buried.
This was the only time you ever saw your mother peaceful when she was sleeping. You watched her, trying to shift into a comfortable position, but her arm sling didn't allow her. She tossed and turned from side to side, finally peering her eyes open to see you sitting in front of her. She didn't say anything but groaned at your presence.
"It's nice to see you too, mother," you said sarcastically.
She tried her best to turn away from you, but the pillow behind her was obstructing her arm, so she could not move it back. You knew she wouldn't ask for help, and she was always stubborn and had to do everything herself. But she needed assistance, so out of the goodness of your heart, you stood by her bedside, removing the second pillow and placing it under her arm to keep it elevated.
"What are you doing here?" your mother asked with malice, turning away from you to peer outside the darkened window.
"The hospital called asking me to come down," you replied. This was the last place you'd expect to see your mother, but given that she was your only "family," you figured you should at least check to see if she was alright, it was the least you could do.
"Well, I'm fine, so you can go. I don't need you."
"Suit yourself. Good luck getting home," you huffed at her comment and shook your head, letting go of the railing on the bed. You spun around, ready to leave her to her demise. If she was going to be a heinous bitch, when you were the product of something you had no control over, then you wanted no part of her life. You'd been fine figuring out everything on your own, so you didn't need her.
You had no problem walking away. She didn't deserve your kindness or sympathy. If she wanted to blame you for everything that happened between her and your father, that was on her, not you. You had no control over the actions of your father or what kind of relationship they had. So you didn't need to put up with any more of her bullshit.
You entered the hallway, ready to never see your mother again, but you stopped in your tracks, fists, and jaws clenched, retracing your steps back towards her room. Your phone buzzed in your bag, breaking you out of your moment of anger. You knitted your brows when you looked at Namjoon's name lighting up on your phone screen. "Namjoon?"
"Hey, Y/n, not sure if you got my texts, but I decided to call you too. Are you at the hospital?"
"I'm here. Why?" You were confused. You didn't tell anyone you were there. Not even Yuna knew.
"Oh, you are! Good. How's Yuna doing?" Namjoon asked with relief in his voice.
Your eyes suddenly widened. "Yuna? What do you mean? Is she okay?"
"You're...not with her?"
You cleared your throat, hesitant to say why you were at the hospital. You paused briefly before answering, "I'm with my mom..."
"Oh, um, Yuna fell, and we're trying to get back to the city, but we can't because some big tree fell, and they're trying to clear it, but I don't know when they'll be done. When you have a chance, can you check up on her?"
"Yes! Of course, I'll finish up with my mom and find out where Yuna is."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're such a lifesaver. I don't know what I'd do without you. I'll call you later to give you our ETA."
There was a weird twinge in your heart when Namjoon said that - don't know what I'd do without you. With everything going on with Jungkook, you realize that if you slowly drift apart from Yuna, you could also lose your friendship with Namjoon and maybe even Jin. You could potentially lose Jungkook, but you could also lose your friends.
"Bye, Joon," you said before ending the call.
You peered at your phone and then at your mother's room. You didn't want to deal with her and would do it later.
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"Yuna--babe!" you cried out, rushing to her side, your eyes raking over her, seeing her ankle bandaged up. "What happened?"
"I was clumsy because, hello," she pointed to her belly, "pregnancy has somehow turned me into my clumsy husband. I rolled on my ankle and fell, but I'm fine. Baby's fine too."
You leaned over, pulling her close against your chest. "Geez, you scared me. Us," you emphasized the last part because you were sure Namjoon was losing his mind not being here, which reminded you to call him back before he went ballistic.
"I'm fine," Yuna said, shifting to her previous position. She caressed her baby bump, then tilted her head at you. "How did you get here so fast?"
You flashed her a thin smile, then drew in the chair behind you. "I, uh, my mom is here. She also had an accident."
"Oh my gosh. Is your mom okay?"
"Yeah, she's fine."
"You should go be with her. You must be so worried."
Was this the right time to tell Yuna everything your mom had spilled to you a few months ago? About who your 'real' mother was? Now was as good a time as any. You're not sure why you'd need to keep this from your best friend.
"I have something I need to tell you," you looked up at Yuna, and she had nothing but concern in her eyes, waiting for you to continue. "So, you know how my mom has never shown me any kind of love throughout my life?" Yuna nodded and hummed. "Well, it turns out I'm actually not her daughter, and that's why she hates me so much."
Yuna gasped and covered her mouth. "What? What do you mean?"
"It turns out my dad had an affair with someone early on in their marriage, and it resulted in me," you sighed, "Long story short, my birth mom died, and my dad and mom were stuck with me." You looked at Yuna and could already see the pity in her eyes, which was probably one reason you avoided telling her. Your life was a shit show, so growing up, you preferred being at Yuna and Jungkook's. It was a nice escape from your crappy life.
"Good god--" Yuna huffed. She clenched her jaw, her heart racing. "That doesn't give her the right to treat you like she has. I'm sorry, but she's a despicable human being."
You agreed. Your mother was something alright...she wasn't the best, but what you hated most about yourself because you always tried to put yourself in the other person's shoes - to see their viewpoint. Though you weren't trying to excuse your mother for how she's treated you, you understood to an extent what she must have felt while raising you - having to see the result of her husband's infidelity every single day of her life.
"Don't you dare try to excuse her shitty job as a mom," Yuna cried out. She definitely knew you too well.
"I'm not."
"...how long have you known?"
"For a while now," you said, nervously biting your lip.
"Does Jungkook know?" Yuna probably shouldn't have brought up her baby brother, but she couldn't fathom you bearing this secret all on your own.
You shook your head. There were still plenty of things you needed to tell Jungkook but wondered if there was any need to now.
"Thank you for telling me. I'm sorry you had to go through this by yourself."
"It's fine," you said, feeling bad about how this somehow turned into a show about you when it was Yuna in the hospital.
"No, it's not," Yuna asserted. "I love you, Y/n. You're like a sister to me, and you're family. You've been with me through thick and thin, and I will not forget that. But I need you to promise me something," she said, waiting for you to acknowledge her, which you hummed in response. "I need you to stop holding things back from me, no matter how hard it is. I know you don't like sharing your burdens, but I'll always bear them with you. You never have to walk through it alone."
Your chest began to swell at your best friend's words. You've never wanted to dump your problems on someone else for fear of them being annoyed with you whining and pouting. Maybe it was the lack of parents that made you feel unsafe enough to share yourself with others - fully share yourself.
You could feel your eyes glistening once more. You couldn't help but be such an emotional wreck. As much as you hated crying, you always felt better after doing it.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. After Jungkook and I started seeing each other, maybe even before then, like during your wedding planning, I felt I had lost your trust because I wasn't upfront about liking Jungkook. You probably noticed me not coming to you as much when I had something on my mind. I didn't feel right because I knew I hurt you and didn't know if we could go back to the way things were."
Your sudden confession felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders, and as you got older, you understood that not all friendships would look like they used to. Did you miss the times you had with Yuna before Jungkook? Yes, but you had good moments with her after Jungkook too.
"I don't want to go back to the way things were," Yuna stated, holding out her hand for yours, "I know I don't say this as much as I should, but Y/n...you don't realize how strong you are. I've never known anyone like you through all the years I've known you. You've been dealt a shitty hand in life, but you always overcome them. You're level-headed, think about your choices very carefully, and are slow to anger, and I know you always have that little voice in your head making you second-guess yourself. Know that your choice will always be the right one for you."
"Are you trying to make me cry right now?" you chuckled, patting the tears running down your cheeks. "Thanks, I needed to hear that."
Yuna laughed. "I love you," she said, squeezing your hand.
You stood beside her bed, leaning over to hug her. "Love you too friend."
The two of you talked for a while longer before Yuna fell asleep. You told her you'd stay until Namjoon came so that he could switch places with you. The TV quietly played in the background, and you mindlessly watched whatever was on - an old episode of a variety show. You softly chuckled at the game they were playing.
"Hi, sweetheart," said a voice from behind.
You looked up to see Yuna and Jungkook's mom. It's been a while since you last saw her, but you always loved their mother, and she felt more like a mother to you than your own. You stood up to bow, but she pulled you in for a hug.
"It's so good to see you, honey," she said before pulling away, getting a good look at you. She cupped your cheeks, and her hands were a bit icy from the cold night. "You get more beautiful every time I see you," she said with a big smile, gently patting your cheek. You mumbled, thanks flashing a thin smile. "How's my baby girl and grandchild?"
"They're both doing good. Just a few bumps, but the doctor said it was nothing to worry about. They'll keep her here for observation for precaution."
"Ah, that's good to hear," she said as she sat in the empty chair next to Yuna's bed. She took Yuna's hand in hers before flicking her eyes to yours. "How are you and Jungkookie?"
Jungkook's mom never opposed your relationship. It was quite the opposite which was a surprise. She supported the two of you one hundred percent. She even told you she would tease Jungkook about his crush on you when he was younger, asking him when he would finally confess his feelings for you. But of course, she wouldn't know about the current state of your relationship because who would've told her? Certainly not Jungkook himself.
You cleared your throat, debating whether to lie or tell her the truth. "We're um...taking a small break from each other right now," you explained, shuffling over to the other side of Yuna's beside.
"Oh, sweetheart," she looked at you with sorrowful eyes. "Do you need me to beat him for you?" she teased with a light chuckle, making you snort.
"I think Yuna already did," you said, staring at your best friend, sleeping peacefully.
"Ah, good, I'm glad someone did it."
"I'll leave you here with her. I have to go see someone."
"Your mother?"
Your eyes perked up, and you nodded. "How did you know?"
"I heard her yelling at a nurse while coming up to see Yuna, and I stopped to see the commotion."
Oh god. Not Jungkook's mother talking to your mother. "I'm sorry if she said anything to you about Jungkook and me."
She shook her head. "You have nothing to worry about, sweetheart."
Your lips thinned, wondering what they could have talked about. Was your mother completely vile like she usually was? You hoped it wasn't the case and your mother would have some respect for Jungkook's mother. They were, in fact, friends once before.
"I'll be back," you smiled at her. You were thankful that you had someone like her who loved you even though you weren't hers.
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You took time walking to your mother's room, thinking about what you wanted to say. Honestly, you had a lot you wanted to say, but if she were determined not to be a part of your life, you wouldn't stop her.
You could hear the light chatter and laughter from the TV show resounding as you approached the room. Your mother was watching one of her favorite variety shows. When you were younger, you'd often find yourself sitting next to her, laughing along - it was the only time she'd bear your presence. You walked in, and your mother was sitting, smiling, laughing away at the show until she saw you standing. She acknowledged your presence for a moment before returning to her show.
You took it upon yourself to sit in the chair beside her bed. Nervously, you licked your lips and shuffled in your seat until you found a comfortable position. Your mother stared at you, wondering why you were there.
"I would like it if you took a moment to listen to what I have to say, and then you'll never have to hear from me again, okay?"
She didn't respond, but her eyes returned to the screen in front of her. You sighed, annoyed at her lack of response.
"My whole life, all I ever wanted to do was make you proud," you chuckled, realizing how silly it sounded because it was an impossible feat, "I'm sorry I wasn't the daughter you wanted but the one you were stuck with. If I could go back and change things, I would." She glanced at you briefly. "I'm sorry that you weren't happy in your marriage, and what dad did to you was unfair. If there's one thing I learned from you, it's that you're strong, and I'd like to think that I got that from you," your voice started to become shaky. "I don't know what your life was like before, dad, and I don't know what your life will look like now, but I do hope that you find happiness because you deserve it. You were robbed of a beautiful marriage. You were robbed of having your own child."
A flood of tears began to flush down your cheeks, your hands patting and wiping away at the streams coming down, sniffles growing louder as you continued, "You were robbed of so many things, mother...so, now I understand why it was so hard for you to love me or even like me - it was because I wasn't yours."
You stopped to take a deep breath. Your thoughts overwhelm you and your mother. You could see that she was, in fact, human because of the tears she began wiping away. You'd always known she had a heart. She just built her walls so high and so thick that no one was able to penetrate them.
"Even though you never saw me as yours, you'll always be my mom. You're the only one I've ever known," you cleared your throat and continued through your shaky voice, "I hope life treats you well and that somehow you'll find happiness."
The twinge in your heart grew ten times more prominent by the end of your monologue. You hoped you were able to get everything off your chest. It's certainly been a long time coming. You've spent countless nights reflecting on your life and your mother's and concluded that you had lived your life long enough without her, so her not being involved in it wouldn't make a difference either way. She chose a path of destruction and displeasure, and you sure weren't going to go down the same direction. You wanted a life filled with love, joy, and hope - everything she wasn't.
You rose from your seat, gazing at her once more before heading out the door. You stopped to look back again; she had already turned away from you. You held onto the door entrance, lightly tapping, debating if you should say goodbye, but opted out. You didn't have anything else to say to her. You had made your peace.
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You sat in the hospital lobby, thinking about how much you disliked them. They were so dull and sad, and the contrast of hospitals made your stomach twist- filled with sad and happy life events. Someone could give life to a brand new baby on one floor, and then on another floor, someone could be saying goodbye to a loved one.
Peering up from the ground to the commotion echoing before you, you saw Jungkook, Jin, and Namjoon rushing through the sliding double doors. Namjoon hurried in your direction, asking what room Yuna was in. As you told him, he and Jin went together, leaving you and Jungkook alone.
"Hey...." Jungkook softly called to you, making you gaze up at him, "Are you okay?" He searched your face for an answer. He could tell you had been crying, your eyes were puffy, and the tip of your nose was ruby red.
You swiped your finger underneath your runny rose, looking away from Jungkook. "Yeah...'m fine." You were always bad at lying, and Jungkook could always tell.
He sat next to you, his familial warmth filling up the space, and it was a warmth you had missed so much this past week.
"It's good to see you. It just sucks it's under these circumstances," Jungkook said as his hand struggled to see if he should hold yours. He shifted his hand a few times before settling it on his thigh. He wasn't sure if you'd be comfortable with him touching you.
But you helped him, placing your hand on top of his, curling your fingers between his. You could've easily not held his hand, but you were tired of going against the current. Right now, you need to be in the comfort of Jungkook's presence, and you'd sort out your feelings later.
He was taken aback by your gesture, but he didn't resist it. He had missed you so much this week. Jungkook wanted to keep this moment frozen as long as he could.
You glanced at him; your heart was racing a million miles a minute. "Can you do something for me?" He looked back at you, agreeing to your ask. "Can you stand up?"
He was confused by your request but wouldn't refuse you. He stood to his feet, as did you. Jungkook towered over you, which you loved so much. You always felt safe in his arms. The pair of you faced each other, his hand still entangled with yours.
"Can you...hold me?"
Your little chat with your mother shook you to the core. Sitting in the lobby, you realized that you were now truly alone.
Your father - gone.
Your birth mother - gone.
Your 'mother' - practically non-existent.
Jungkook scanned your face again, trying to figure out if this was a test. You looked up, eyes starting to pool with tears.
"Just for a little bit..." you expressed with such sadness.
In all the years that Jungkook has known you, he'd never seen you look so heartbroken - not even when he told you about Alex. This was different, and whatever was going on was more painful than he could ever imagine, something he could probably never fix.
He brought his other hand to cup your cheek, the pad of his thumb gently caressing your cheek. You closed your eyes and leaned in without hesitation, a tear streaming down your face. And then, he finally embraced you, holding you as tight as he could - a part of him never wanting to let go because he didn't want to lose you. He wanted to be your person. He wanted to be your everything, be there for you through the good and the bad, and champion and support you for the rest of his life. That's what he wanted. So, he was scared to let go because he didn't know if he'd get to become that for you. He knew whatever the reason for you giving in to him right now, the feeling would eventually pass, and you'd come back to your senses, remembering that the two of you were on a break.
You softly sobbed into his hoodie, letting everything you were holding in go. These past few weeks had been such a rollercoaster of emotions; honestly, you were just so tired of life continuing to shit on you. You weren't sure how much more you could take.
Jungkook quietly shushed you, telling you it'd be okay. "I'll always be here if you need anything, okay?"
His remark made you sob even more, chest heaving, short breaths leaving your mouth, continual snot running from your nose, slowly dripping down to the top of your lip. You turned your head, pressing it against his chest, hearing his heart thump rapidly, and your hands gripped tightly onto the back of his hoodie.
The two of you stood like this in the lobby for a while until you finally settled. Jungkook didn't say anything and didn't ask what was on your mind even though he desperately wanted to. You breathed a big sigh, slightly pulling away, taking his scent along with you.
You nibbled your bottom lip, quickly exploring Jungkook's eyes before landing on his lips. It would be a complete lie to say you weren't tempted to reach up and kiss them. You admit you almost gave into a moment of weakness, but it was time to return to reality and remember that you initiated a break from him.
"I'm--gonna head home."
"I can take you home," Jungkook immediately responded. He was hoping you'd accept his offer but was leaving room in his heart if you denied it.
"I'll just grab a taxi," you flashed a thin smile, "Thanks, Kook," you said, reaching up to kiss his cheek. You quickly pulled away in case you decided to give in and kiss him.
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You walked out of the hospital and into the cab, wondering what your future would look like without your mother, you and Jungkook on the rocks, your best friend about to be a mom, and Hyunie nowhere to be found. You felt as though you were aimlessly wandering through life - just surviving, not living. Life around you moves a million miles a minute, but you are frozen in time, watching life pass you. You wondered when it would be your time to shine.
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✨ next ~ i do
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cinnamon-st1ckz · 21 days
So tell me about your OC who's dating Grounder and Gene. (If it's in your archive sorry... I went there and instantly wanted to reblog a bunch of stuff so gave up on looking real quick lol. I figured asking would be faster, before I forgot. Sorry for flooding you.)
Oh man, where do I start? Well first of all, I should start off by saying you should probably read this (It’s a bit old,,, and his design is kinda outdated)
Basically explains how Zack and Grounder first met each other before they started dating.
And yes! Zack isn’t even from Mobius! Straight up flew to another planet, so that technically makes him an alien.. (Even though he’s fully human) The Mars equivalent to Mobius
Zack has a fascination for technology, and robots, also he doesn’t like seeing things get hurt. (Well, that is until the badniks later corrupt him, I’m getting ahead of myself)
After this comic, he and Grounder meet again and that’s when they start becoming friends. Grounder tells him about his own life, and working for Robotnik. Zack is concerned, and asks if he could help…
Also I’m thinking that when he meets Scratch, he doesn’t like Zack at first. Another person to compete with for “Robotnik’s love” (Zack does not like Robotnik at ALL, especially seeing him abuse the badniks, he has to kinda repress his thoughts, cause he fears what’ll happen if he blows up in Robotnik’s face.)
Maybe Coconuts has the same issue as Scratch does with him too but I’m not sure.
When Robotnik meets Zack for the first time, he pretends to be nice, to manipulate him, and use him for nefarious deeds.
Instead of trying to catch Sonic, he’s going out to befriend Sonic and Tails to garner their trust.. Right when they don’t see it coming, he gives them a big betrayal, exposing himself as a worker for Robotnik. He brings the two back to Robotnik’s lair, and he gets promoted, but he insists he doesn’t really need it.
After Sonic has officially been defeated, Robotnik thinks he no longer needs the s6 anymore, but realizes he shouldn’t scrap them. I mean, he’s kept them around for this long, always threatening to scrap, yet never goes through with it.
Life after for the badniks is a lot better knowing they’re no longer under pressure to stop Sonic, Zack and Grounder eventually become a couple, then get married together, living life blissfully for decades.
As for Gene. During the episode where Grounder becomes a genius, Zack is surprised, and a bit intimidated by his presence. Perhaps Gene puts him to work..
Since Zack is the only character who ever treats Grounder kindly, and in the episode Gene remembers things that happened when he was Grounder, he’ll appreciate Zack for treating him well when he wasn’t as bright.
Perhaps when Grounder and Gene get cloned, Grounder and Zack are already together, and Gene still thinking he doesn’t need love, tries to hold back his feelings, and jealousy of Grounder. This is until he breaks, realizing he wants to be loved. They get in a polyamorous relationship, and Zack is now married to both Gene and Grounder.
I think I’ll stop for now, I just woke up and I’m proud of myself for writing this much down lol
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rainwingmarvel7 · 3 months
Okay, because we are both using Holiday Grainger as an FC for something, & both sharing the name "Rhaella" for an OC I MUST know about your girl. Please info dump about Rhaella Targaryen to me
Oh my god, absolutely!!! You shall have ALL the lore about my lovely, somewhat deranged Targaryen girl! (Also I gotta say I love your Rhaella and your Holliday Grainger OC so much)
Technically, I have two versions of her, so I’ll share about both lol
Rhaella in the ATRF continuity:
Rhaella is the daughter of Alistair Dormaire and Daenerys Targaryen and the older twin of Alysanne Targaryen. She is named after Daenerys’ late mother (this is true in both continuities).
As the eldest child of Daenerys, Rhaella is heir to the throne of Meereen and is sent away from Westeros shortly after the death of her mother to learn how to rule. For a while, Daario acts as her regent. Grey Worm is also loyal to her and acts as the head of her guard, and both men teach her how to fight.
She becomes Queen of Meereen as soon as she comes of age, and she’s pretty damn good at it.
She’s very willful and headstrong and will do what she believes is right, no matter what other people tell her. She’s a lot like her mother in that regard.
She marries Garlan Hightower, her sworn protector, and they have two children together, Viserys and Rhaenys.
Still figuring things out for her in this version of her story, but she’s definitely more tame in this one.
Rhaella in The War of Two Queens (collab) AU continuity:
In this version, Rhaella is the daughter of Daario and Daenerys, who is now known as the Veiled Queen (she was revived by that one Red Priestess in Meereen but no one except for Daario knows about it). She is their only child and the heir to the throne of Meereen.
Her father also trained her to fight, and her weapons of choice are two Dothraki arakh. She is lethal in battle, but one would never know it just by looking at her. To most, she’s just a pretty face, but she hides much underneath.
Although known for her beauty and grace, Rhaella has quite the rebellious streak, much to the pride of her father and chagrin of her mother. It is not uncommon for her to sneak out of the palace to explore or vanish from diplomatic meetings she finds particularly boring.
She first comes into the story when one of Nadya and Jon’s sons, Theon, flees to Meereen from King’s Landing, seeking aid from Daario and the rumored Veiled Queen. He’s almost instantly smitten with Rhaella, by both her beauty and her rebellious nature, and she quickly falls for him too.
It is Rhaella who brings Theon to Drogon in order to tame him, as was the boy’s mission. She had already managed to hatch a dragon of her own, a wiry red she-dragon named Skydancer, after having failed to tame Drogon herself in her youth.
Not long after that, Rhaella and Theon are married (talk about a whirlwind romance), and after some time together (they also have two kids with the same names as her other version) and a lot of convincing, Rhaella pledges Meereen’s support of his mother’s claim to the throne of Westeros.
However, this is when the cracks in Rhaella begin to show. She is just like her mother. She’s got that Targaryen madness in her.
When she gets to King’s Landing and sees the Red Keep for the first time during the Second Battle of King’s Landing, something in her switches. This was meant to be her mother’s kingdom. It was stolen from her. It was stolen from her family. And she intends to avenge what was lost.
Riding on Skydancer, she starts to burn the Red Keep and parts of the city, with the intent of killing every single member of the side of the royal family who stands against her (which would be Nahia Dayne’s family for the most part) and razing the city. Realizing her sudden change, Theon and his twin sister Margaery, who had also acquired a dragon named Eddarion (long story), are forced to confront her.
Theon tries to get her to see reason, but it does not work. Rhaella refuses to be stopped. A dragon fight ensues, and Skydancer ended up being killed by Eddarion. Rhaella is able to jump free of her dying dragon onto the Red Keep and manages to get inside.
Although she fights against several members of the royal family in the Red Keep, her final confrontation is against Genna Westerling, Theon’s betrothed before he had fled and now a trained member of the Faceless Men. After a fierce battle, Genna puts a sword through Rhaella, killing her and ending her very brief reign of terror.
Basically, she seems sweet and good-natured until she’s really not lol.
Ok damn that was a lot more lore than I thought I had lol. Rhaella’s kind of crazy (most of the time), and I love her for it. Thanks for asking! I love any excuse to talk about OCs!
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lordkingsmith · 29 days
Aurico of Aquitar. Did you know in the forever red story, when it was planned to be a movie, Aurico was going to be one of two reds that died? I’m glad he didn’t. Feel kinda bad for this team. They get next to no attention. So, I’ll give him some attention lol. As usual if I come up with more kids/you suggest more I’ll add them :)
Canon children:
None that we know of
Alternate Reality OC Children of Aurico:
Tommy Oliver;
They reconnected in Forever Red, and bonded. Aurico left Aquitar to be with Tommy, and they live in a harbor and beach town for Aurico. They’ve befriended the supernatural sea life over the years. They have a twelve year old adoptive amphibious humanoid son Wave. Aurico was trying to save a met family, and he could only save the small child. Tommy struggles a little with the needs of his partner and kid, but he’s doing his best and he loves them.
Wave’s been to Aquitar a few times, and thrives with his parents both in the sea town on earth and on Aquitar. Music enthusiast, his favorite singers are whales. He’s closer to Aurico than he is Tommy, but it’s fine. Tommy gets it. He can’t share some of Wave’s life, Aurico can. He can just be there on the pier at the end of the day to welcome them home. Wave is not associated with a color but if he were it would be black.
Billy Cranston;
Aurico was always impressed with Billy's ability and skill. He called Billy one of the universe's greatest minds and he meant it. He didn't consider Billy a viable romance option until Billy almost died. When he fell for Cestria, Aurico decided to keep his newly realized feelings to himself. However, when Billy went to live on Aquitar, he and Cestria quickly fell apart. Billy didn't want to go back to Earth given he was valuable as an asset and help for the Aquitar rangers, and he and Cestria, now friends, had somewhat become the Aquitar's comedy duo. Aurico took his time, but he and Billy did get close and he accidentally did admit to having feelings for the human. Billy was highly okay with this, and they've been together since. They have two children, Boreala and Carlen. Borea is 21, Carlen is 19.
Borea and Carlen are both power rangers, Borea is blue and Carlen red. Borea’s a bit bitter that she’s got to listen to her little brother on the battlefield, and the two are often at odds. It’s been a difficult time at family dinners, lately. Pointed arguments and comments hurled at each other while their parents try to defuse the situation. Borea is extremely tactical minded, though she's lacking in the social aspect, and can be very shy when she actually has to lead. She's only bossy when she's trying to get one over on Carlen. She's gotten closer to Billy, but it's still difficult. She wishes she was the red, however deep down she knows Carlen's better suited as the leader. Borea can get tunnel vision on her goals, Carlen's far more adaptable.
Carlen is outgoing, creative, and smart. He's technically minded like Billy, but tactical related things? he's so very lost. He can easily make friends, it's harder to keep them. Sometimes is jealous of his sister, and this situation has pushed him to get closer to Aurico. Hilariously when they were kids, Carlen was closer to Billy and Borea closer to Aurico. Far more positive than his sister, he's confident they'll get through this. they can't really afford to not get along.
Jason Lee Scott;
While getting Trey of Triforia to earth, Aurico ran into Jason on earth. Aurico was swimming with his team in the bay, and Jason was going on a scuba expedition. Jason's equipment was faulty, leading to a close brush with death. Aurico saved his life and they began getting closer, with Aurico choosing to stay on earth given there was a current lull of conflict in Aquitar. Jason's parents had both died by this point, and instead of Billy nearly dying due to rapid aging it was Jason. Aurico took him to Aquitar, and Jason only came back to earth a few times. They adopted one daughter, Ripla, currently aged 17.
Ripla has met a few 'aunts' and 'uncles' from Earth, and likes Tommy and Kat's son JJ. She's majorly crushing on Trini's daughter however, but doesn't know her well enough to be able to tell her. They've been long distance friends for years, but Ripla has reservations about a long distance relationship. However, she'd never ask Minh to move to Aquitar. They're not that close. A lot like Jason, she tends to swallow a lot of frustration and annoyances down before it bursts out in weird ways. Has won strength contests and is in a rivalry with another Aquitan, they're at a dead tie in every show of strength in their age group. Aurico and Jason have an ongoing bet about who's going to ask out who first between the two. Jason's reminded of his relationship to Bulk with Ripla and her rival. Not associated with a color but if she was, it'd be red.
Princess/Queen Marina;
Love at first sight when he went to the reality of Lightspeed Rescue to see if he could get anything to help the team. Marina had been recently crowned queen and was highly interested in the concept of water aliens. Aurico offered to help her create a deep sea ranger team, and Marina saw an opportunity to make a good connection to another planet, asked Aurico if he could be her prince-consort. Aurico had been half in love and deeply admirable of the queen from the moment he met her, and agreed. Marina came to love him over time. They have one daughter. The crown princess Oceana, aged 22.
Oceana is a vermillion ranger, taking color traits from both her parents in equal measure. Clever, watchful, but she's hot headed and while she can watch and wait, thinking before speaking is still something she's struggling with. She also can't handle stress super well, though she's better than she was. She tends to freeze up, unless doing ranger stuff. However, being the princess and the symbol of an alliance, she's often used as a backup ranger. She doesn't mind, though it's hard not being frustrated. While her parents believe in her capabilities, it's hard to believe that sometimes when she knows she could be better faster if she could be more than a back up member of her mother's ranger team. She's getting to be the perfect future queen, though self doubt is a constant companion. Marina sees a lot of her younger self in her daughter. Oceana's been told over and over she can marry whoever she'd please, and her parents will back her future queendom. It's just hard for her to believe she-or they-believe in her, sometimes.
King Neptune, Roman god of the sea;
Aurico met Neptune and his family completely by accident. The Lightspeed Rescue rangers, during the time Marina fell in love with Chad, called on water based power rangers to help with the situation. Aurico got into a situationship with the god of the sea which lead to a magic hybrid baby. Once the situation was resolved, Neptune offered his deepest gratitude to Aurico and his team. In thanks, Aurico was given a baby as gift from Neptune to take back to Aquitar. However, whether or not this was to spread the belief of the god to another planet as well, Aurico isn't actually sure. The child is the current green ranger of Aquitar. Ardalion, aged 16.
Aurico brought the magic hybrid child back to Aquitar with him, finding the greek name Neptune gave him, Ardalion, similar to his, and the meaning, 'water pot' rather endearing. He's not entirely sure Ardalion isn't originally a water pot. Ardalion is much like the ocean and his other father. prone to wild rages and uncanny calms. He can be very warm or very cold with little warning. It fits the color he has well. He's aware of his older half sister, though has no interest in her throne or meeting her. He's got things to do on Aquitar. His team is used to his strange moods, and flow with him well. He's learning water based magic, he's curious about other water planets and water species, and this largely takes up his time. However, he does not forgive easily, and he has a grudge against Neptune for sending him off with Aurico without ever meeting him properly. Ardalion gets it; gods are just Like That. But it's still something he can never forgive Neptune for, and thus the demigod is perfectly happy never going back to earth in his life. Neptune doesn't seem interested in meeting him, and Aurico and his team was all the family Ardalion has ever needed, so it's fine.
Madison Rocca;
Madison and Aurico met each other during the battle for the grid. Neither of them were thinking clearly, both of them expected to die every single day. When they lost most of their teammates they got even more close, especially when they were both captured. Their baby was conceived and born on the Promethea. Adira Rocca, aged 19.
Adira Rocca is a child caught between realities and identities. Madison, the blue mermaid ranger of the mystic rangers and Aurico, the red ranger of the Aquitar rangers. She’s not certain where she belongs and in what reality. Aurico’s home and team would be able to take care of Adira’s unique needs of being a hybrid human-Aquitan. She needs more water than humans, but she doesn’t need it as much as an Aquitan. Nor does she need it to be as pure.
However, an unforeseen side effect of the circumstances of her birth is that she can ‘swim’ alternate realities. She can sense portals to other realities and slip through them without any issue. Generally she needs to literally swim her way through these. It’s been very helpful being able to visit both parents, but with it she’s not sure if she’ll ever be able to settle in one reality or another. The sense of exploration and curiosity is too high. Plus; she’s happy to help the rangers of whatever reality she’s in. She’s not a ranger but she’s happy to help them as a temporary mentor or ally before moving on.
Her parents worry but she’s happy and content. Lonely, but she’s not sure that’ll ever change. Not associated with a color. However, she’s run into another kid caught between realities, Eben, and thinks it might be nice to befriend him. Might be fun to stick around him for a bit.
Prince Trey of Triforia;
Trey crashlanded on Aquitar and almost died. His life was saved by Aurico, Corcus and Tideus. While Trey had to go to earth to meet the other Zeo rangers and get his injuries fixed in a place he could be fixed. They did continue talking even after, and Aurico and they used a mix of magic and science to have a child. Terhei, aged 16. Trey also had a child with another Triforian for the throne, as given Terhei’s unique parentage would find it difficult to live 24/7 on a mountainous desert planet as the ruler. So, Terhei has a half sister Trey and Aurico co-parent as well. Prince Trinith, aged 14.
Terhei is considered an anomaly of science, and tries to ignore everyone’s opinions of what he should or should not be or how he should or should not act. He can’t really be on Aquitar or Triforia for long periods of time so he’s been growing up on Earth and has been visiting parents on both planets and offering to babysit and care for his half brother if he wants to live on earth near the other zeo rangers, as Trinith is the gold ranger. Studious, calm, almost stern. Very professional and regal, it’s very difficult to ruffle Terhei. Not associated with a color but if he was it’d most likely be white or gold. Actually Saba has offered; Terhei doesn’t want a talking sword. He has reoccurring nightmares of accidentally drowning Saba because he won’t shut up. He’d rather just not have to deal with it all. He’s currently hoping to be a marine biologist.
Trinith is impetuous, imperious, fiery and regal. He’s young but the direct opposite of his older brother. Hilariously while Terhei is as quiet and calm as a desert, Trinith is the one who’s water like. Geyser ish with fiery outbursts and wet emotions. Is consistently falling into his id, ego, and superego. Terhei is very good at getting him back together and it’s not unheard of for Trinith to have to call him to be calmed down over the phone. Trinith is learning how to be a king, and it’s nice to do so on earth where it feels the stakes are lower. He’d love to be able to grow up on earth with his brother and his team. Trey’s taking some convincing. Aurico’s perfectly fine with the idea because rangers and their teams, but it’s taking Trey a little more convincing to let both his boys go. He doesn’t doubt Terhei can keep his brother in check; he just doesn’t want to have to give his fourteen year old up to his ranger duties just yet. It annoys Trinith however Terhei and Aurico tell him to be patient so he is.
Chad Lee;
Chad decided the only way to properly get over his ex was to get off the planet altogether. Unfortunately he crashed on Aquitar. A water planet. Fortunately he was nursed to health by a blue ranger from earth and five rather lovely aquatic aliens, not the least of which was their red, Aurico. Chad got along swimmingly with the group. But eventually had to go back to earth, though he’d moved on from Marina.
He and Aurico adopted a mystic girl together. Lynn aged 14. Lynn Lee is very beach bunny surfer girl. Within reason, though Marina seems to prefer looking after her ex’s daughter than harboring any ill will to Chad. She’s a far more merciful sea ruler than her father in that way.
Not associated with a color but the bouncy girl is friends with the rangers in her town. She’s unfortunately a consistent target of the villains but her friends always rescue her, and she’s always delighted when she can save them, too. She has an equal amount of friends on Aquitar as on earth, and has been quite happy living on both planets with her dads. Is not associated with a color. If she were it’d be blue.
Aurico’s Blue and the more level headed between the two, it was a surprise to none of their friends when they got together. Having had each other’s backs for so long and the foils and complements to each others strengths and weaknesses, it was only natural to become a couple officially. They have one son, Adair, aged 19. Adair is as technologically minded as Cestro and as ready for action as Aurico.
Adair is not on a team, rather he created his own separate team. Mostly to see if he could, but the second team has proven useful in the current settlement he lives in on the other side of Aquitar in a coral reef. Cestro is the team’s mentor while Adair is the team technician. Sometimes they team up with the partially retired older rangers and it does make Adair happy to see his other dad and aunts and uncles. Mostly curious about his own limits, Cestro and Aurico recognize the danger signs, though they are keeping their distance as this is Adair’s path. Not theirs. If he goes too far they’ll try to reel him back, but he has to make his own mistakes. So far he’s doing ok, but it’s only a matter of time before his curiosity about how far he can go gets the better of him.
White and red might always bump heads a bit, but Aurico and Delphine always managed to make up quickly. She was their true defacto leader and he trusted her and admired her. This turned to a mutual love neother tried very hard to deny, and they got together and had one daughter. They had their daughter before they ever met the earth teams and largely preferred keeping their private and professional lives separate. Billy was deeply surprised when he saw the toddler when he began living on Aquitar and babysat by their relatives while they were gone. Their daughter is named Nereida, currently aged 33.
Nereida owns a restaurant and game center in the Aquitar Ranger’s home underwater settlement. All sorts tend to come in, and she enjoys seeing them. Billy told her about a man named Ernie on earth and his place, which inspired her when she grew up to open something similar. It’s been a hit and there’s been more and more in different settlements. She can spot the current ranger team a mile away and while she doesn’t say anything, she makes sure they’ve got a safe place to crash. Not associated with a color.
Corcus was always the wallflower of the Aquitar rangers. Quiet and preferring to remain on the sidelines, though he had a lot to think about and was watchful of everything and everyone around him. Especially Aurico. Shy, it took a lot to get him to open up properly. Aurico was convinced Corcus hated him at first. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In-between helping the earth rangers they also continued protecting Aquitar, and during one mission Corcus pushed Aurico out of the way of an oncoming attack, becoming grievously injured in Aurico’s place. While Corcus survived it was a very close call and the situation deeply shook Aurico. He stayed by Corcus’ side as the other healed, consistently asking why he nearly died for him. At first Corcus deflected, until he realized Aurico wasn’t asking out of anger but concern. So he explained as best he could, and found to his surprise the feelings were requited, Aurico had just thought the silence meant Corcus didn’t like him and had been confused why someone he thought hated him saved his life.
Rivera was born from the resulting unshakable bond between the red and black rangers. He’s currently 22. Rivera has never been off of Aquitar but he is part of a resistance force that help the rangers. Strong willed, and allowing his actions to speak louder than words. Noble, trustworthy, he’s been described by Billy as an old fashioned human knight of legend. Chivalry is just part of his life. Popular with men and women, villains and fellow heroes, he’s just a good person who’s trying. Self sacrifice comes easily to him, he’s waiting on his knight. He’s everyone else’s and he saves everyone else it’s so easy for him. But he wants someone who makes him want to be selfish. Someone who wants to inspire him to take care of himself the way Corcus inspires Aurico. He wants someone to inspire him to want to live and live out of his comfort zone and enjoy every experience the way Aurico does for Corcus. He’s so very romantic, he just wants to have someone who can match his energy. So far, he’s come up short. Still, he carry’s on. He’s doing his best and he’s got faith he’s going to get what he’s looking for. He’s in a rivalry with the villainess Divatox’s son. Nobody has made Rivera quite as excited and annoyed and happy and angry and worried as this idiot. He just doesn’t know how to tell him so, or if the guy would even accept his enemy’s son’s honesty.
The concept of an extremely serious extremely strong comedian yellow ranger often threw people for a loop, it is an unusual combo, especially in male yellows. They don’t show up often and Tideus is proud he was one of the first recorded yellows, and the first in several hundred years. This is an honor and one he’s very proud of. He and Aurico often butted heads in private due to their personalities, but they eventually managed to get along. Due to some difficulties, they asked if a friend could help carry their children. Cestria agreed to help the two, and it produced Cordelia aged 22 and Amaya 19.
Cordelia and Amaya are two peas in a pod. Siblings who are each other’s best friend. They share pretty much everything. Clothes, food, secrets, adventures. The only thing they don’t share is partners; but they’re both into different types so it all works out.
Cordelia is a professional comedian. She’s funny and popular and loves her job. She’s got a girlfriend who loves her too and thinks she’s amazing. And Cordelia thinks her girlfriend is amazing. Neither of them are associated with a color.
Amaya is the red of her current team and has a scathing wit with her high fighting skill. She takes her role seriously but her one liners are devastating, accurate, and deadly. Her blue has joked she once killed someone with a devastating come back. She doesn’t know if it’s a good or bad thing people believe them. She like Tideus are rare genders in the colors they have and she takes pride in this as he did with his own achievement.
David Trueheart;
When Tommy found out he had a brother he couldn’t shut up about the guy to anyone who’d listen so after a while Aurico had to go meet the guy to see what the hype was about. It was over from then on he was in love, David was amazing. There was a long and rather soft romance between the two. David often sneaking off for dates with Aurico while Tommy was busy. When David got sick, Aurico brought him to Aquitar. They have a human child they adopted and helped with their illness. Ridley Trueheart, aged 12.
Ridley Trueheart is a curious kid, kind of an oddball. Adventurous but always getting into weird trouble. They know who they are and while they’re new to Aquitar and their dads they love these guys. Thinks they’re dorks and kind of weird but the two are already their dads and they will fight anyone who dare make fun of Aurico and David. Not a ranger but they will be a gold when they’re grown.
Eric Myers;
Eric and Aurico fought side by side with a dozen other red rangers. Eric saved Aurico’s life and Aurico saved Eric’s. The two falling for each other on the moon for each other’s similar but different personalities. The quantum ranger being consistently enchanted by the aquatic alien red ranger who came so close to dying, who didn’t let him die either. They have one hybrid son, Nero Myers, aged 18.
Nero is a lot like Eric. Utter hardass, it’s very difficult for him to soften around most people. He’s the current quantum ranger and he and Eric do butt heads a lot on the matter of how to be the quantum ranger, and are both very stubborn men. Aurico does what he can but it’s a house of red rangers. Nero’s head over heels for a pink ranger, however who it is is anyone’s guess. He knows and that’s all that matters. He’s struggling to get out from under the shadow of his dads, is doing his best. It’s not going well. Everyone compares him to Eric and he’s about to punch someone’s teeth out.
Divatox took the Aquitan rangers as prisoners of war. She appealed to Aurico’s dark side and he killed Delphine to be the proper leader. Divatox was impressed with the Aquitan’s darkness and they eventually became a nightmare of the multiverse together and with the Aquitan rangers too afraid to actually challenge Aurico or his new romantic and business partner. Together they have one son. Calder, aged 24.
Calder is a self important little brat who’s never been told no. The people who would have otherwise were too scared to actually try. The Aquitar rangers want to teach this kid many many lessons, but they know what happens if anyone tries. They’ve watched Calder’s other baby sitters get pushed out of airlocks. However, Tideus and Cestro have come up with a plan to force their wayward red’s son onto a path of self betterment. Maybe the little fool’s errand of a quest they set him on to earn Delphine’s white will drag his parents into redemption as well. It’s their best shot. As for Calder, he’s the type of person to live by ‘I’ll do it, bur I’m going to complain the entire time’. And he’s going to become a better person kicking and screaming the whole way.
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tblsomedoodles · 11 months
psssst! i want to send one of my tmnt ocs to the TMNT oc competition for funzies but idk which. (I just realized i have more than one lol) so poll time i guess!
So it's either Morgan!
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The permanently exhausted hidden city Collage student who smuggles office supplies (and occasionally mutant turtles) out of their unpaid internship.
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My IRL turtle if he was mutated, and is now a damn good mechanic who is protective of anyone he sees as family.
I technically have more but these two would be funniest to throw into an interdimensional competition (bar sending the unnamed yokai villain duo who keeps getting beatup by leo across aus lol)
I might just end up sending both of them anyways, but i like doing polls and i want to see what you all think : )
(I also just realized that these two are about the same age, which threw me lol. Morgan's about 19-20 post invasion while George would be 21 post invasion. so do with that what you will.)
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idv-sunsxin3 · 5 months
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Horropedia x Philocalist (OC) // Stuck With You
Note// can be taken as a x reader because this is technically like a "we're best friends but you actually thought we're dating" kind of trope lol
Warning// Suggestive and mentions of death and horror speculations(?)
There is one day when Horropedia plans to invite his supposedly girlfriend to a ghost hunting date that is located at a haunted mansion... just the two of them.
Without knowing, Philocalist ended up suggesting if she can invite other people like Ms. Tooth Fairy, An An Lee, Blonney, and Jessica- Click happens to pop in too at the last minute because of An An Lee/ih
The brunette couldn't bring himself to say no to her... Yet at the same time,  he is mentally screaming by the failed attempt of making them spend time together alone as couple----
Meanwhile, it seems Philocalist thinks her crush is just treating her like a travel partner, rather than something more than that - yet she seems alright about that.
How bad will this exploration be?
Probably wrong, as always.
So far, everyone got separated into groups because of a creature that has been roaming around the mansion - they couldn't even detect signs of life in the first place! How did that thing get inside? It seems... it must be a ghost.
But even if so, that huge spirit managed to destroy a long dining table in half by holding a normal solid axe somehow
Philocalist finds herself getting chased through the halls at the moment. Before things went out of board, she noticed how Blonney and Jessica ran away together along with An An Lee, Click and Tooth Fairy---
Concluding that Horropedia ran away by himself, she is aware having him separated from the group would be dangerous and even for her right now- so she tries to follow where he was running off to.
Haunting growls can be heard from behind, cueing that the entity is getting closer- she cautiously looks around as she takes a sharp turn to a hallway full of doors--
Just as she is trying to quickly pass by the hall, one of the wooden doors open as a pair of hands reach and snatch her by the waist right into the room-
Philocalist whimpers by the sudden pull, trying to get out of the hold she can't even detect who from the shadows. The door then gets locked again in the process.
"Calm down, Philo..."
The familiar caramel voice can be heard whispering her ear as a gloved hand is covering her mouth securely to prevent her from being too loud,
"It's me, wi- Philocalist. It's Horropedia!"
After a few seconds, the ravenette slowly stopped struggling as she confirmed the same scent of wood on him. Even when she tries to reach out an occupied hand towards the figure behind her, she can feel the familiar texture of the limited edition glasses he crookely wears.
Horropedia manages to stop her hand with his other had gently as she can already imagine an amused grin, "Wow, be careful there...!"
".....Mm....." Philocalist quietly hums, not sure if she should take his hand off of her lips while being in an awkward position.
The horror fanatic finally realizes the situation before quickly letting her speak as she can now quietly gasp for some cool air to lower the pressure.
"Oops- my bad."
"I'm glad I get to find you- but what happened to you when we got separated...?" Philocalist quietly whispers before approaching the locked door to try and check for any footsteps that can be heard from the other side.
"Just got here too- and got some time to look around here before..." Horropedia walks away, cueing the puzzled Philocalist to follow along, "I found this."
He then uncovers a huge painting that was covering a tunnel path to a room.
"This..." The raventte starts, "I think this is intentionally made to hide..-"
"-Secrets." Horropedia finishes swiftly with his infamous, goofy grin.
Just that, he motions a dramatic gesture with his hands as if stating "ladies first" at Philo. Who places her hand on her chest dramatically as if "omg, you shouldn't have-" before crawling carefully-
They carefully try to enter the door at the end of the tunnel--
But the moment they went further- the door immediately locks itself by force even if Horropedia was holding on to it.
"Okay- that's a fascinating mechanism." The brunette mutters, unsurprised. Trying to study the door as Philocalist just got a bit jumpty after the sudden big noise.
"Yep- We're stuck." Horropedia confirms as he takes a closer look at the door, even failing to open it again or unlocking it, "Surprisingly, the door seems to have the gap covered from being exposed in order to prevent some card from swiping in-"
"Well, very clever...." She mutters softly before sighing. Knowing that's not good for the both of them.
"Don’t worry- got a backup plan." Horropedia suddenly says before taking out some kind of controller- then clicking it.
"Okay, SOS sent." Horropedia affirms before putting it back as Philocalist processes what just happened.
"Oh." That's the only she can spill about that, "Do you think they can find us...?"
"Please- if they can't, we might as well make a path besides a door and a window afterall!" Horropedia suggested as he looks around the room they are in, which seems like a bedroom.
"This place..." Philocalist whispers, "It has a king's bedroom-" She stops nefore her fingers softly bump into a picture frame from a cabinet.
She lots the picture frame a bit to see a photo of a pair who are notably weqring engsgement rings, "A married couple's bedroom..."
"Married couple- Norman and Eva?" Horropedia, "Gosh, this is it! It's in here!"
"Their will note?" Philocalist asks curiously.
"The same place where they mysteriously passed in their sleep- but also that." Horropedia acts as matter of factly before starting to work on his investigation, "You got your tools?"
"Yes." The ravenette nods before taking out an led light to scrutinize around the room as well.
"I wonder what would be the cause of their death- some kind of chemical on the bed?" He checks the bedsheets carefully with a flashlight, "Abnormal infestation going on?"  He checks cabinets, "Or have they recently touched something in the bathroom-" He then goes to the shared bathroom with 2 sinks, "Mmm- the cause of their death could be outside the bedroom- but then we already checked everywhere else- did we?"
"Their death couldn't just strangely happen, just after the moment they fell on the bed..." Philocalist ponders as she rubs her chin lightly in thought.
She tries to check the bed again with an LED light. Even the pillows.
"No blood stains...
A-Ah,,, "
Philocalist quickly backs away from the bed as she takes the LED light close to her. Having a disturbed look
"What is it? You found somethibg???" Horropedia's eyes can be seen Sparkling with determination.
"Eh... I don't think you don't wanna see this but-" Philocalist slowly hands the light to the taller one before quickly turning away to get busy with other kinds of furniture.
The man was confused at first before looking down at the bed sheet with the LED light now-
His eyes widens.
Stains... transparent stains that seem to be the surface layer besides dust.
"What the hell...?" Horropedia grimace before slowly looking toward Philo who is just as embarrassed and traumatized as he is. "They both kicked the bucket because-"
"Yes." That’s all Philocalist is going to say before silence invades the dim litted room.
"Now- this is far from what I expected," Horropedia admits before scratching his head a bit after taking off the plastic gloves. "I guess we now know how they died...-"
"Y-Yea..." Philocalist nervously laughs quietly, before moving further away from the bed.
"Alright- let's find the will contract." The brunette quickly changes the topic as he notices the tension becoming a bit suffocating. The other nods in agreement before kneeling down to search anything underneath the furniture. Horropedia had a lot of thoughts running in his head, but eventually stop looking around in deep detail when he finally has the courage to look back at his partner again. Noticing how far she seems from him as well.
"Are you alright, wife...?" Horropedia tries to light up the mood with his usual joke of a nickname for her. He mentally cringes at the fact that it actually turns out even worse if he calls her that at a dead couple's bedroom---
"Yes... I'm alright. I'm just surprised." Philocalist reassures quietly as she tries to tie her hair up so it doesn't make contact with the floor. Trying to ignore his eyes on her doing it.
"I just hope nothing haunted happens here- it would be very embarrassing for the ghosts...-"
Horropedia laughs by her comment. "T-True!"
"Ah,,, hey. Why are you far away now? Come here." Horropedia motions Philocalist with his arms, "We have to stick together, just in case."
"I-I think this distance is good enough..." Philocalist's lightly muffled voice seems more nervous than ever, "There’s no way someone can kidnap me from if I'm close to a bar--"
"...Philo- p-please trust me, I won't do anything weird!!" The nerd protests as he tries to explain, his now leather  gloved hands waving like crazy. "Don’t be scared of me, you know me too well!"
"I'm not scared of you," Philocalist responds a bit more calmly yet still m
looking at something, "I just don’t know how should I even act around you in these kinds of situations... I like you, after all."
"You like like me?"
"But, Philocalist- I thought we're already dating."
Silence conquers the room once again...
Both of their faces slowly start looking like tomatoes, either by realization or embarrassment.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know you thought of me that way--- you were very subtle;;-" The ravenette girl apologizes as she quickly stands up, startling Horropedia a bit.
"No no!!! Huh,,, It's my bad... I can't read the rooms right---" Horropedia rambles back as he scratches his cheek in conflict, "
He slowly tries to approach Philocalist, who seems to back away as an instinct. Horropedia doesn't seem to mind as he walks closer to her figure, trapping her against the wall as a glove hand is placed next to her head loosely with a calmer but serious expression.
Of course, he cautiously tries to eye both sides or at the locked door if there's ever anyone somehow who manages to break in.
"...Philocalist." The brunette with glasses starts solemnly, "I've always loved you, even right now."
"...H... Horropedia." Philocalist looks away a bit, but the other autist prevents her by holding on to her chin lovingly, making her look at him in the eyes.
"I'm serious," Horropediw says, "Who else would I treat the same as I treat you? Who is the first person I come into mind when inviting to come to a  haunted mansion with me?
Philocalist, you're one of my best friends who I can count on. But... you're a special kind of best friend- I, I want you to- no, I want to be your boyfriend."
Horropedia tries not to ramble, but it seems is failing.  Philocalist can't even help but get redder by the confession---- yet she gently leans in to nuzzle on his neck to try to calm her heartbeats--
"...I love you,,, and I want to be your girlfriend, too." She whispers, feeling a bit embarrassed yet voluntarily feels the need to express that. "Thank you,,, I'm sorry."
"It's okay," Horropedia assures as be now hugs her back, "We just have to hope the others are okay- we can still try and find an exit-"
"I-I know they're capable,,, but what I mean is, I wish I should've known sooner,,,"
"Is alright, boo... I can't even get mad at you at all for that-"
After he lovingly admits it to her, he gently boops their foreheads for a good moment...
Before suddenly, a beep can be heard as Horropedia lightly pulls away from the hug to respond to the mechanism that was on his pocket, which was a walkie-talkie.
"Ehhhh.. everything alright there???" Jessica asks who jusy happened to take the talkie from Blonney, "We detected your signal- we're coming to where you are."
"An An Lee managed to find the Merrian's will contract after noticing Click's latest photos." Blonney cam be heard from the background as the voice of the said ghost buster can also be heard vaguely as "Yeah no I can't believe it either-".
"Gosh,,, what a miracle. " Philocalist whispers.
"Horropedia and Philocalist here- copy that!"
Horropedia holds the button before releasing once stating it. He then quickly takes out his gun and aims at the door, still holding on Philocalist's waist.
"My gun is ready - I should have thought of this sonner!!!" He yells out in ecstasy as he shoots - Summoning the Twin Dolls. The cursed creatures quickly work on chopping on the old wood in different pieces and digging the hole wider. It then explodes into nothing but a bigger entrance tunnel
"Golly...-" That’s one word Philocalist let's out after seeing that. Once again.
"Journey on! We're just getting started!" He happily chirps before taking his now official girlfriend's hand in his before running towards the exit. Philocalist only giggles at his enthusiasm before following suit with a warm smile.
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tiredassmage · 1 month
more bg blorbo posting!
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longer time blog friends may recall something of rhyst as my jedi knight from swtor, but he also has an older sister, rhiannon! and true to form, trying to get their looks right in bg3 was a hell i spent like three hours slogging through for each of them because despite how long i've had them as ocs, they're probably one of the bigger mysteries to me as far as appearance. [which i think, case in point, rhyst has gone ginger since the last time i've posted about him. dyed ginger at least as far as swtor edition is concerned, but ginger nonetheless!]
i've been back and forth on the details of these siblings... pretty much since i decided that they were siblings. and rhyst always gives me interesting conundrums because he's technically cut out of the same cloth as tyr is and a lot of that, thematically, still likes to show up and leave me feeling like a wet dog in flooding road pothole during a storm. that also meant for a while that him and tyr shared some similarities in appearance, too, and while i've decided my brain might explode if i tried to address that in the galaxy far, far away, i thought i could have a bit more fun with complicating everything in their fantasy land adventures, lol!
so! rhyst i have made as an oath of ancients paladin, and in my heart a paladin of tyr [i'll address that in two seconds, i promise, lol]. i've been lazy on downloading the deities mod i'm pretty sure exists for paladins bc i'm not ready to get into his playthrough for real yet [or rather, the latest one. considering he has seen. a few attempts already in bg. i swear, this man and not knowing what he really looks like driving me absolutely batty], but i might yet. anyway, that's not particularly important. he's the younger of the siblings by a year or two and is generally like a really, really happy to see you labrador. rhyst is kind of a burning idealist and kind-hearted. he's ready to look for the best in just about anyone, or at least acknowledge that, if circumstances had been different, people he winds up crossing blades with may have seen differently. he's fond of stories of heroes and i'd say he's... the kind of still young enough where he hasn't had his ideals and drives of "why can't we all just get along" thoroughly tested yet; the world hasn't had a chance to jade him.
rhiannon is a light domain cleric of kelemvor and sometimes the one that's a little bit more ready to start swingin' of the siblings. [though if you put them both in the same room, they can mutually come to a conclusion that bashing things is the correct way to resolve a problem, and will do so with gusto.] while both of them can hold fairly rigid to their sense of right and wrong, i think rhiannon has had a teensy bit more practical world experience and was the bolder traveler of the two of them.
and with harper heritage, both of them firmly stand by doing what needs to be done.
both are born and raised in baldur's gate, primarily by their mother, a city druid. what they know of their father is mostly stories, but rhiannon might've met him once or twice.
so, the reason i mentioned tyr [the oc] in all of this, lol, is bc i keep making bg-edition of his family group bigger, lol.
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the man, the myth, the legend, etc etc. tyr who i've realized i should probably start calling oliver in baldur's gate to steal a leaf out of one of his covers bc for all the 'finding new paths in life' after spending his first couple of decades working as an assassin, going by the name of the in-universe god of justice is maybe a bit more sacrilegious than i'd diagnose him with. not that the man is particularly faithful to authority and the divine, exactly, but he's also not looking to pick a fight with the god of justice. a few others, maybe more so, but that's getting ahead of ourselves.
so before oliver sort of settled down for good and moved out of the city, he did spend a little time with the harpers, and that kids, is how i met your mother. [badumtsh!] (whom i still have to name. rip)
it's a relatively short relationship i imagine, compared to the fact that oliver's now married with two other daughters (one biological and one adopted), but also pretty amicably ended. i think rhyst and rhiannon's mother wasn't quite interested in keeping up with the likes of the harpers anymore and was a bit more ready to settle in, where oliver still saw work to do [and involvements to atone for, which is perhaps deserving of a post of it's own because gods know him and alucren have. (gestures) Things going on between them].
so, ~unfortunately for dear mum, rhiannon and rhyst sort of inherited the harper's bug, and a nose that wouldn't leave a layman's "well enough" alone. rhiannon seeks to lay to rest the undead i think partly inspired by dear old dad's previous connections as an assassin, and rhyst pursued the path of a paladin inspired by heroic tales and talk of honor and following codes and oaths taken.
undecided just how involved in the plot i'll get them, but i do think it'd be a lil fun to at least have one version of events where there's a kinda silly family reunion to the tune the likes of "of course you'd be in the middle of all of this. how can we help?" [oliver and jaheira shaking hands and sighing over wrangling strong-willed kids]
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misc-obeyme · 24 days
Cc, In your professional opinion, should Ace/Azrial be kidnapped to the celestial realm or should they go willingly? By willingly I mean Ace made Michael promise to never attack devildom while he was there.
Btw, I posted lesson 16 of my OC insert series. It was my sixth post. I was gonna make it my sixteenth post but that would take some dragging out I was too lazy to do.
Azrial and Ace get their bodies separated so while Ace is falling in love Azrial was too but with another angel named Oliver. They are seen as twins because they technically are but if we go by the actual backstory of the two Ace is older by like 5-6 years. But Azrial did start out as an imaginary friend to cope so... Idk.
Anyways, drink water and eat food (I say as I have been skipping breakfast and lunch).
Bows for barb
My professional opinion?? I wouldn't say my opinion about anything is professional lol (not unless you ask me about something related to my day job).
But I kinda think it depends on the circumstances, right? For instance, you said Ace made Michael promise to never attack the Devildom while he was there. That's a pretty compelling reason to go willingly. If Ace is aware of this condition or somehow convinced that he can make Michael promise it to him, he might choose to go willingly.
However, you could also write it in a way where he's kidnapped, but the deal still happens. Like once he's there, he realizes this is his chance to prevent further conflict between the two realms and he convinces Michael to make that promise anyway.
The real question you have to ask yourself when making plot decisions like this is how does it change the story?
Plot-wise, it's fairly easy to make things happen. You have full control of the story, so what you say goes. What changes more significantly is character arcs and character relationships.
Being kidnapped is traumatic and if Michael was behind it, then Ace is not going to trust him fully, possibly ever.
Whereas if he was given the choice, he might still not trust Michael, but the chance of trust is there. The relationship is a little less fraught than it would be if Michael kidnapped him.
So you get to decide based on how you want their relationship to go. If you want Ace to distrust Michael from the start and for that to be a constant in their interactions, let him get kidnapped. If you want them to be friends and even if they start out with some distrust, they come to trust each other later, then probably better to go with no kidnapping.
This isn't to say that you can't write a story in which Ace still ends up trusting Michael after having been kidnapped. It's just going to take some additional stuff where Michael proves that he's trustworthy despite being a kidnapper.
And of course details like these can change drastically depending on the characters themselves. For instance, if Ace is naturally distrustful Michael might have to prove himself no matter which way he went.
But inevitably, there's going to be a tension between kidnapper and kidnapped that wouldn't be there if the choice was made more willingly.
Sometimes I decide stuff like this based on vibes alone lol. Because as you can see, you can make just about anything in a story happen. So if I've created a character and I'm trying to decide what I want them to do, I think about what that character is most likely to do. I let them react to each situation in my mind and choose the one that feels most interesting.
Hmm well despite not having a professional opinion, apparently I had a long one lol. But I could talk about story mechanics all day.
It's interesting that Ace and Azrial end up with their own separate bodies. I kinda think if Azrial is part of Ace, they would be the same age. But that's just the way I think about it! I like the idea of them being considered twins, too.
Also, no skipping meals! It's always better to eat a little bit if you can.
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ccasey0 · 1 month
Is it crazy that... I HAVE my dream job right now? Though, I guess I would have two so I'll give both:
One would be a author who gets to just... write/draw out their stories all day. I have so many ideas but I don't actually have many written down... all I do is doodle my OC's and imagine the stories in my head.
The second (and the one I have!) Is to be a elementary art school teacher! I love love love seeing new artists try new things, get excited about the things they can make, and improve. I am very very happy with my job right now! ‐ the only thing I'd really wanna change is.. I'm technically a long term sub, not an actual teacher sooo if they hire on an actual teacher my job is gone :(((
If you got a voucher for one free thing and it could be *anything*, for free. What would you get?
(PS I was not the anon asking about that friend of yours)
greetings J! yeah, i realized that it wasnt you soon after i answered the ask because it didnt have your signature "J" at the bottom lol
oooo i would also love to be an art teacher! also, i totally get the dream of being an artist who just gets to draw/write stories all day. Oh, what a wonderful thing it would be!
ooof, thats a hard one. i had to think about this for sooo long lol! i would probably get a super nice tablet set with a pen and a glove and everything that i could use like a sketchbook but just digital so i could finally(hopefully) get decent at digital art. honestly though, just an apple pen would be really nice :]
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thosewildcharms · 1 year
i was tagged by @theyarebothgunshot to talk about 8 shows to get to know me. thank you for tagging me! putting this under the cut because i ramble.
In no particular order:
1: the oc/gossip girl: yeah okay i’m cheating right off the bat by conflating these two but i don’t care it makes sense! besides being from the same creator/production team, i think in many ways they are natural inverses of each other (west coast/east coast, new money/old money, evolving beyond what people expect of you vs buying into your own propaganda etc). listen i am a sucker for teen dramas, always have been and always will be, and i think these two changed the game in a BIG way. neither are thee mothership of the genre (i think that goes to beverly hills 90210???) but they are both so compelling in different ways and i very often find myself thinking about them (also in very different ways) years after watching them, and subconsciously compare characters on other shows to the main cast of each and they always fall short (you will never be blair waldorf you will never be seth cohen etc). plus the soundtracks! incredible. i can talk about the oc in particular for days and how it has what every other teen show secretly needs (sandy cohen) but this is already too long and i need to shut up.
2. miranda (bbc): listen. LISTEN. i re-watch this show every year without fail. it is the ultimate cozy feel good show that also somehow punches me in the face with how much of an Experience it is. i can’t describe to you what it was like watching this silly little comedy for the first time, getting sucker punched so thoroughly (in the best way) over and over and then to finally have the most satisfying conclusion i could have imagined. references from this show take up a not-insignificant amount of my vocabulary and i quote it daily. it’s so good. i love it so much.
3. friday night lights: anyone who has watched this show knows why. it’s so hard to explain, it’s just good. as someone who has never given even the slightest shit about any sports game of any kind, i think the highest compliment i could give this show is that it made me cry about football more than once. the only people i know who don’t love this show simply have not seen it (actually, people don’t talk about this show enough anymore?? that’s so sad). when i think of my favorite shows, i always have to include fnl because it’s just so sincerely excellent. i own two fnl t-shirts and i will gush about it unprompted if you give me even the tiniest window to do so. texas forever, clear eyes full hearts etc. micheal b jordan you will always be vince howard to ME.
4. gilmore girls: this one actually surprises even me because i never talk about it on tumblr dot com lol but i literally have it on as background noise as i type and it’s almost always my default when i just want to put something on that’s comforting. it’s weird because i can’t really say i LIKE the show as a whole but it’s so cozy (at least the first five seasons) and i do have a LOT of opinions about it, but in a kind of low-stakes way where it’s fun to think about instead rage-inducing. it’s strangely enough, something i can talk about for hours (and often do) without even realizing it.
5. smallville: oh my god the way i was obsessed with this show in middle school lmaoo the way it’s not technically GOOD but also it kind of is? full disclosure i’ve only seen the last few seasons like, once but i used to have the first five or six seasons practically MEMORIZED. it’s a good time, and while i don’t know much about the superman comics (or any comics) it’s my....favorite? iteration of superman that i’ve seen? idk, i thought tom welling and kristin kreuk were the two most beautiful people i’ve ever seen in my life and i loved watching them make out. also michael rosembaum was an incredible lex luthor and i stand by that. i also find myself talking about this show a lot in real life.
6. lost: one thing about me is that i WILL go off about how the lost finale was good actually and NO they were not dead the entire time you idiot -  at any given opportunity. it IS one of the five petty, inconsequential hills i will die on. it’s a good show with a good and fitting ending FIGHT ME ABOUT IT. also sawyer/juliet supremacy their reunion scene in the finale is the scene i compare all other romantic scenes to. nothing compares. scene of all time.
7. hey arnold: i know it’s a cartoon shut up! but consider this: it’s beautiful and good. i legitimately watch it all the time because it’s so funny and melancholy and sad and smart and the soundtrack slaps. also finally getting the jungle movie (which was a conclusion to a HUGE cliffhanger from my childhood) was proof that sometimes you can get closure, actually! this happened before reboots became unnecessary and exhausting leave me alone
8. supernatural: i watched this show after thee november fifth and it accidentally became my whole personality. i don’t even know.
honorable mentions: selfie abc (if you haven’t heard me whine about how it’s the one show in the world i actually want a reboot for you simply haven’t known me long enough); my mad fat diary (i will be thinking about finn writing ‘i love you’ on rae’s back for the rest of my life), ugly betty (i just love it a lot)
tagging: @bisansastarks @buttobstacle @mmaddens @richonnies @dwcas, @coachlasso @wordybee @ilarual @hauntedpearl @burgundyshoes @someoldlady @that-gender-bender @bananaleaves @korralone and anyone else who sees this and would like to do it!
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chasecrucifix · 2 months
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My two OCs joining What if… Zombies?
Luke Rogers - Steve Rogers’ adopted son, Luke was on Wanda Maximoff’s horrible vision, being in the center of chaos and destruction but when Steve and Wanda went to deal with him, they come in and realize he was just a baby. Steve and his string moral compass couldnt do it, Wanda who only thought about her twins, not much older than Luke, couldnt either. But according to Wanda’s vision, if they dont kill the son of Hydra right then and there, they wouldnt have a chance to save millions of people from the despair he would bring.
“Know that he will grow from a boy to an Avenger, one fueled with rage as he’s consumed by age.”
Steve wasnt a present father, being an Avenger and having that awful thought of Luke fulfilling his faith despite him never telling Luke about his past. Luke’s found comfort with Bucky Barnes until Luke dies at 14, on a mission. Steve carries this guilt with him until ten years later, They hear about a street vigilante calling themself “The Winter Soldier”. Bucky has this wrenching gut feeling that it was Luke since they never found the body and when he saw the footage and pictures of this masked vigilante, he just felt it. Bucky goes out for a few nights, watching, looking. Until he caught up to Luke. He tries to convince Luke to come home, but he was too scared, too angry.
Until one day after months of sneaking in the compound to visit Bucky, ask for food. He gets caught. (Old art haha, not my best work)
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They pretty much forcibly take him back at this point after Tony and Steve have been arguing about what to do with the masked vigilante. Tony wants to capture him immediately, Steve did nit want to do that. It creates a divide in the Avengers for months cause the other half was worried of what he’ll do if he doesnt get dealt with, The other half worried that it will make situations worse if the LITERAL AVENGERS ambushed someone who wasnt *technically* doing anything wrong. (Other than the insanely brutal ways of killing street criminals)
At some point they do get him back, he fights alongside them for a while. Lol Luke and his parents.
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But he cant be just an Avenger forever, he meets Daydream, Omega level mutant with the powers to keep enemies trapped in a daze/dream like illusion for the rest of their lives if she wishes, incapacitating them forever and not allowing them to live real lives outside of the illusion she traps them in. She becomes really dangerous when her illusions turn from daydreams to nightmares. The individual targeted would now be “living” a tortured lifetime while their physical bodies are kept somewhere or killed. Daydream and Luke become a couple at some point. (Aka my gf in real life) and some friends! (My best friends’ ocs.)
Johnny, a failed super soldier experiment, ex cop captured by HYDRA, unable to have emotions now cause of the failed experiment. Despite the inability to show emotions, he is like a caring father to them.
Damian, a goth spiderman from a universe of literal bats and spiders, possessed by the venom. Luke’s bestfriend in the group.
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that’s it! Thanks for reading! Haha
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