#this was so fun thank you bestie!!!
thosewildcharms · 1 year
i was tagged by @theyarebothgunshot to talk about 8 shows to get to know me. thank you for tagging me! putting this under the cut because i ramble.
In no particular order:
1: the oc/gossip girl: yeah okay i’m cheating right off the bat by conflating these two but i don’t care it makes sense! besides being from the same creator/production team, i think in many ways they are natural inverses of each other (west coast/east coast, new money/old money, evolving beyond what people expect of you vs buying into your own propaganda etc). listen i am a sucker for teen dramas, always have been and always will be, and i think these two changed the game in a BIG way. neither are thee mothership of the genre (i think that goes to beverly hills 90210???) but they are both so compelling in different ways and i very often find myself thinking about them (also in very different ways) years after watching them, and subconsciously compare characters on other shows to the main cast of each and they always fall short (you will never be blair waldorf you will never be seth cohen etc). plus the soundtracks! incredible. i can talk about the oc in particular for days and how it has what every other teen show secretly needs (sandy cohen) but this is already too long and i need to shut up.
2. miranda (bbc): listen. LISTEN. i re-watch this show every year without fail. it is the ultimate cozy feel good show that also somehow punches me in the face with how much of an Experience it is. i can’t describe to you what it was like watching this silly little comedy for the first time, getting sucker punched so thoroughly (in the best way) over and over and then to finally have the most satisfying conclusion i could have imagined. references from this show take up a not-insignificant amount of my vocabulary and i quote it daily. it’s so good. i love it so much.
3. friday night lights: anyone who has watched this show knows why. it’s so hard to explain, it’s just good. as someone who has never given even the slightest shit about any sports game of any kind, i think the highest compliment i could give this show is that it made me cry about football more than once. the only people i know who don’t love this show simply have not seen it (actually, people don’t talk about this show enough anymore?? that’s so sad). when i think of my favorite shows, i always have to include fnl because it’s just so sincerely excellent. i own two fnl t-shirts and i will gush about it unprompted if you give me even the tiniest window to do so. texas forever, clear eyes full hearts etc. micheal b jordan you will always be vince howard to ME.
4. gilmore girls: this one actually surprises even me because i never talk about it on tumblr dot com lol but i literally have it on as background noise as i type and it’s almost always my default when i just want to put something on that’s comforting. it’s weird because i can’t really say i LIKE the show as a whole but it’s so cozy (at least the first five seasons) and i do have a LOT of opinions about it, but in a kind of low-stakes way where it’s fun to think about instead rage-inducing. it’s strangely enough, something i can talk about for hours (and often do) without even realizing it.
5. smallville: oh my god the way i was obsessed with this show in middle school lmaoo the way it’s not technically GOOD but also it kind of is? full disclosure i’ve only seen the last few seasons like, once but i used to have the first five or six seasons practically MEMORIZED. it’s a good time, and while i don’t know much about the superman comics (or any comics) it’s my....favorite? iteration of superman that i’ve seen? idk, i thought tom welling and kristin kreuk were the two most beautiful people i’ve ever seen in my life and i loved watching them make out. also michael rosembaum was an incredible lex luthor and i stand by that. i also find myself talking about this show a lot in real life.
6. lost: one thing about me is that i WILL go off about how the lost finale was good actually and NO they were not dead the entire time you idiot -  at any given opportunity. it IS one of the five petty, inconsequential hills i will die on. it’s a good show with a good and fitting ending FIGHT ME ABOUT IT. also sawyer/juliet supremacy their reunion scene in the finale is the scene i compare all other romantic scenes to. nothing compares. scene of all time.
7. hey arnold: i know it’s a cartoon shut up! but consider this: it’s beautiful and good. i legitimately watch it all the time because it’s so funny and melancholy and sad and smart and the soundtrack slaps. also finally getting the jungle movie (which was a conclusion to a HUGE cliffhanger from my childhood) was proof that sometimes you can get closure, actually! this happened before reboots became unnecessary and exhausting leave me alone
8. supernatural: i watched this show after thee november fifth and it accidentally became my whole personality. i don’t even know.
honorable mentions: selfie abc (if you haven’t heard me whine about how it’s the one show in the world i actually want a reboot for you simply haven’t known me long enough); my mad fat diary (i will be thinking about finn writing ‘i love you’ on rae’s back for the rest of my life), ugly betty (i just love it a lot)
tagging: @bisansastarks @buttobstacle @mmaddens @richonnies @dwcas, @coachlasso @wordybee @ilarual @hauntedpearl @burgundyshoes @someoldlady @that-gender-bender @bananaleaves @korralone and anyone else who sees this and would like to do it!
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theoldkyokodied · 8 months
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Really quick doodles of a few scenes from the stream yesterday. Including combat flirting taunting, gale’s magnificently distracting shoes and.. whatever you wanna call gale agreeing to give 15 gold to astarion ����😑😐😑😐 (that’s me blinking)
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lotus-pear · 3 months
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narsh-poptarts · 7 months
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rivals to enemies to friends speedrun 100% NMG
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daipeanutsaiban · 9 months
we love more homumiko or just holmes in general! im curious to see more of those two. also i love your klimt and lady b art. SO much. im very normal about that group as well
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thank you for the sweet message!! 🥹💖 these were my first attempt at homumiko/mikohomu (and the first time seriously attempting to draw yujin, which is a travesty because i adore his character) after seeing ur ask. unfortunately i lost motivation towards the end on the 2nd pic but if it's alright i'll post it anyway (maybe i'll finish it at a later date.. no promises there though haha🤞)
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medicalunprofessional · 4 months
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juggalo nemesis (…evil augustus) and horror punk butcher. Very important i think
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leonsliga · 4 months
I love that manu went running to sven because he knows he will collect a card lol but then thomas ran to save manu because DON'T TOUCH HIM
Everything about that sequence is pure, concentrated comedy gold from start to finish 😂 so let’s do a play-by-play, shall we?
Now if you’ll direct your attention to the bottom right of the gif below, you’ll see a wild Sven Ulreich absolutely BOOKING IT from the stands, ready to go on a warpath. The Ulle cometh, so to speak.
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And naturally, he wastes ZERO time, nudging his way right into the thick of it.
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Strong words are exchanged, and by exchanged I mean it’s pretty much just Ulle cursing out anyone on the Union Berlin coaching staff within shouting distance.
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Sensing the escalating conflict in a way only a mama bear can, Manu swoops in to save the day (or to save Ulle from cutting a bitch—you decide).
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In the midst of his efforts to pry a positively irate Ulle out of the fray though, Manu sustains a few gentle shoves himself. This of course angers beloved twink warrior Thomas Müller, who rushes in to assist his decade partner in his Sven Ulreich rescue mission.
Now this may seem, to the untrained eye at least, like standard operating procedure for a hardened Bayern diplomat. In actuality though, it’s a desperate, last-ditch effort to get his bf tf outta there (mostly unscathed). And let’s face it: the only way to do that is to remove our notorious (affectionate) pot-stirring goalkeeping deputy from the scene so Manu doesn’t have to mediate for anyone anymore.
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Once the dust settles, only a visibly furious Thomas remains, who, naturally, has to be escorted away, because HOW DARE THEY touch his bf and brother-in-arms and think they’ll get off without a scratch?
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In all seriousness though, I love that even though Ulle is pretty much benched whenever Manu is fit, he’s still just as invested in the match and willing to do battle for any of his teammates whenever they’re slighted in any way. That’s why he’s our beloved little card collector—our favorite justice warrior 🥰
And we all know that when someone even thinks about harming his dearest Manu, Thomas’s protective instincts go into overdrive and he can’t help but give them hell for it. All the better that we got angry Ulle content out of the deal—a two-for-one special folks! It’s impossible not to love the complete circus that is our Bayern squad, I swear 😂 even when they’re not playing at their best, you can’t say they’re not entertaining!
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pixelatedraindrops · 2 days
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Yuma Month: Day 31: Post Game
…for the sake of the world’s happiness.
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simplydnp · 1 month
sometimes i think about the fact that i talk a lot on this blog. i give long-winded responses with arguably too much context and background. i leave long tags that go off on rambling tangents. and then i remember that that's what you're here for and you like to hear me talk about things--particularly dnp--in this way. so. thank you for that.
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uhohdad · 2 days
Screaming, crying throwing up after reading your Hunger Games AU. I'm so feral for Konig SKSKDJJSJS I can't wait to see how this ends!
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omfg ily the photo made me actually choke 😭💗💖💕💗😭
final chappy is being knotted up as we SPEAK if I don’t get it out tonight I vow to you to get it out by the end of the weekend i will pull all nighters if i have to
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aseuki · 5 months
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It's OC Ref time!
Phemus(she/her) is a psychopomp who wanders the fields of Hades and guides lost souls home! She doesn't talk much of her past, but she's cheery, chatty, capricious, ever the connoisseur of a good yarn, and especially prone to lending a sympathetic ear and bending the bureaucratic tape of the Underworld a bit more often than she probably should (it's for a good cause she swears)(it's Funny)
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marinaiguess · 1 year
kit and/or surge for the requests? :O
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mt07131 · 10 months
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The collaborations of the summer are here! Under the banner of Reject Saints, enjoy a new imagining on your rock favorites with Tell All Your Friends
Had the idea this morning, so imagine a cover album with all of your favorite @infamous-if MCs
Credits below the cut
Spotify template by @uservalerian
Remi belongs to @quinnorion
Hayden (Adonis) and Diandra belong to @djsxm
Noire (Syreni) and Zuri belong to @gldnhrtd
Arabella belongs to @mr-darcysgf
Zeynel belongs to @stubbornaries
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dont-offend-the-bees · 2 months
which horror protagonist trope are you? 🔪🩸
Take this uQuiz to find out which horror movie protagonist trope you are, and then use this Piccrew to create your protagonist!
Tagged by the person I'd most want to be trapped in a horror movie with @kieren-fucking-walker
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Personally I think this description is giving me WAY too much credit, but also I am a person who sleeps with a shiny rainbow knife under my bed in case of intruders/horrors (yes the knife you gave me Ande, thank you bestie, it's a great replacement for the cricket bat that I lost to woodworm 💛), so it's not a million miles off!
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Nervous chihuahua, ready(ish) to stand back to back with his sensible bestie and survive those horrors - real fag/dyke solidarity in action 💛
Also tagging anyoen who wants to do this bc it looks fun, and also tagging @theflirtmeister bc I think you'll dig this and will either join our horror survival team or be the monster we have to survive lmao
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ssreeder · 19 days
if you could have ANYYY scene from the liab series drawn what would it be?? you can do top 3/5 if you want…
also whats your favorite scene youve written?
ahhhh hi!! Sorry it’s taken me so long to answer!
I’m so sorry I get so weird when people ask me what scenes I want art for idk whyyyy! I know it’s silly because you’re offering but what I usually tell people is to pick their favorite scene and draw that? I like to see what you pick and idk it’s more fun that way!
Oh unmmm my favorite scene I’ve written? Huh…. Idk? (I know im so good at this ahhhh haha)
if I had to pick a scene I’d probably say I enjoy writing zukka together, like in liab it was the dishwashing scenes and the tree scene and in ria it was camping & cuddles idk they’re just so easy for me to write and I love how sokka is and how zuko responds so I enjoy them a lot.
I also enjoy writing scenes with Jet, he’s one of my favorite characters and he’s so smart and loyal and cool but hes also a toxic manipulator who kills people. hehehe, so when I get to write him talking to Katara or zuko and then that one sokka scene in the tent, it’s fun to show his characters different sides. Especially now that he is calming down and realizing he might want friends.
& I gotta add that I love writing is any scene from a Jee pov. I’ve made him stupidly complex for no reason and I’m excited for his story to unfold during ITF. Anytime I get to write him, like the dinner scene or watching iroh and How talk,,, ((and this upcoming market scene)) idk he’s just so fun. But in a I’m not fun I’m brooding for reasons and also pining and projecting and being all together just a fun character haha.
I’m sorry if this was random and not at all helpful but I ramble so sorry… hehe thanks for the ask anon if you do decide to art I will be thrilled whatever scene you pick!!
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midnightmasterpiece · 1 month
once my anti depressants kick in (could be like a month) (and hopefully this prescription works for me) my sapphic elucien f1 au is soooo gonna get written
I have so many ideas and there’s so much content leading up to this weekends grand prix in miami that I have so many ideas
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