#just so people know I was sceptic about the whole mr mime thing and didn't like the idea in discord discussions and all
smilingperformer · 5 years
Man. That was a GOOD episode!
I remained silent about Barrierd on here because I didn’t want it to affect my overall impression on the episode, and considering how I felt about Kapu-Kokeko being Kukui’s last Pokémon, I decided to go with an open mind. I REALLY hope Satoshi explained why he took Barrierd as his second ‘mon, but either way, he ended up being lots of fun, and the moment he was up against a dark-type he wimped out LOL. I... I think I like our Barri-chan now. And he now has an official ball, is it Hanako’s or did Satoshi freaking steal his mom’s ‘mon wtf am I supposed to think of this implication????
Anywho... the supposed jerk of the ep wasn’t a jerk but actually a nice guy with a jerky look, who somehow ticked Gou by calling him cute. He’s definitely a boy, not a girl in disguise like some weird theory’s been going around LOL. And Satoshi remains undefeated. And Electroweb remains the best Pikachu move ever I SWEAR! But it remained mainly Gou focus, Satoshi’s part of the ep was to show how amazing Barri-chan is and how he is still a champ. Thou not mentioned as one, I need a mention pleaaaaaase D: Also, really annoyed by the Tournament being called Battle Frontier when it indeed had nothing to do with it. Even the prize was just.... stuff. Nothing of interest. A shame.
This was a good ep overall, still annoyed by Gou catching Pokémon left and right without battling or actually being shown to catch them, but I guess he really is a GO player type. Gotta try to adjust to that idea and just accept it.
But in two weeks. In TWO WEEKS. Rocket Gang is FINALLY back and they have their usual fish Pokémon ship. How did they end up in Sinnoh thou, that’s another question lol. Gou seems to catch a random Mantyke next week and the Gureggru and Pochama belong to a COTD girl. And there’s a race. Seems like a filler but we’ll see. I’ll watch it for Rocket Gang!
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