#just tagging whatever fandoms I specifically mentioned in the post I was alluding to / referring to others too
karouvas · 2 years
top 5 characters with your zodiac sign (stolen from you), top 5 wlw pjo/hoo ships, top 5 tropes that you love and top 5 that you hate
top 5 characters with your zodiac sign (stolen from you), top 5 wlw pjo/hoo ships, top 5 tropes that you love and top 5 that you hate
5 characters with my zodiac sign I could only think of three canon Taurus chars I love so the last two I counted headcanons for, and neither of those characters has a canon birth date
canon taureans
•Hope Mikaelson (TVDu) ((I do see the arguments Ares sun fits her better but I think Taurus sun with other fire placements also fits her quite nicely and again I don’t have a lot of favorite characters with my sign let me have this lol)•Dan Wilds (Aftg) and we share a birthday!
•Emily Fields (technically in the Pll books she’s a Taurus and going off her show bday she’s a Scorpio but I do think that Taurus sun fits show Emily better overall too and Ik when we discussed this you agreed with me :))
And then two characters I’ve always seen as Taurus are Blue Sargent (Trc) and Marina Andrieski (The Magicians)
Top 5 wlw pjo/hoo ships
this could be one of a couple ships depending on my mood but I’m going with Thalia x Zoe rn because it’s very underrated imo
Top 5 tropes I love (didn’t want to agonize over ranking these so bullet points again) •enemies to friends to lovers or any iteration on these things (lovers to enemies, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, reluctant allies to friends to lovers etc.) •doppelgängers, shadow selves and dynamics between a hero and their shadow selves can be a romance can be enemies etc. •anything to do with parallel worlds •the overachiever girl from a seemingly perfect (and this mean different things) background who struggles to fulfill familial expectations, is actually very unhinged at times and has some sort of spiral where she ends up off her original path at least for a while, and part of the subtext is usually about her repressed sapphic ness a la Spencer Hastings / Annie Edison / Julia Wicker
•the mean girl character who is originally set against the protagonist but as the story progresses she’s shown to be sympathetic and layered in her own right, and her relationship with the protagonist is allowed to develop into at least respect maybe friendship that’s usually pretty homoerotic. honorable mention to this specific flavor of opposites attract dynamics that’s like ‘on the surface we could not be more different but we can relate/connect/are actually more similar than anyone else when it comes to very specific things that aren’t obvious. And not really a trope which is why I didn’t include them but I love fantasy stories about witches and/or vampires. Also I can’t lie I do love a magical school setting. Codependent relationships in general. Sister stories!!! LOVE those. Bottle episodes and bottle episode adjacent episodes my beloved!! I have a lot of favorite tropes actually Top 5 tropes I hate
insta love I have exceptions and these exceptions are like, reincarnation stories such as dosab where there’s a reason for it and Rue x Jules because they simply had the range/chemistry. But usually I hate it. Also combining this with any fated/pre-destined/other forces or people are always telling the audience this pairing is meant to be without doing the work of showing/developing the relationship to be appealing/seem to work well together
mystical pregnancy, most pregnancy and baby story arcs in general
media concerned with parental/familial issues where all the mothers are demonized while the fathers get to be complicated parents like tm tended to do. Something I found refreshing about watching pll was that it was a total reverse of this with all the fathers being irredeemable monsters and the mothers being more complex 
I ranted about this recently re: the va show but I really dislike when a fantasy work has this aspect of metaphorical bigotry as a theme and the characters who voice said bigotry are usually poc
Ik this is solely a fic thing but fucking hate abo lol
Thank you! (Ask me too 5 of anything)
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lunanami · 1 year
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· this blog contains both sfw and [n]sfw content. while i am aware that anybody can read my content, i strongly urge that only those who are 16+ interact with my sfw posts and only those who are 18+ interact with my nsfw posts. do NOT follow my blog if you are under the age of eighteen. ageless blogs and minors that interact with my explicit posts will be blocked.
sidenote: "18+" is not an age. if i need to do math to work out your age, i will just block you.
· furthermore, this blog is dark content friendly. if this makes you uncomfortable please either hard block me or use tumblr's content filtering system to your desire. all of my posts containing dark content will either be tagged as "cw [trigger]" or it will be mentioned above the readmore break.
· hate and bigotry will not be entertained here. you will be blocked immediately and that will be it. this includes but is not limited to: bullying, use of slurs, bringing up drama or discourse, rude comments about how i type or the content that i post.
· additionally, please do not interact if you are an ed / pro-ana / self-harm blogs (or any with extreme, untagged triggering content: e.g. heavy gore.).
· i am a multifandom blog, and will write sfw & [n]sfw content for: blue lock, attack on titan, jujutsu kaisen, my hero academia, and genshin impact. this can fluctuate though as i tend to just write about whatever i'm fixated on, so feel free to send in thirsts for any other fandoms that i ramble about.
· all characters are aged 18+. this includes self-ship posts and writings. discourse regarding aged up characters will not be entertained.
· list of nsfw content i will not write:
bloodplay, woundfucking, yandere themes (i.e. obsession), scat, feet, dom reader, virgin!chara, pool/bath sex, ddlg, cnc, dubcon, cheating.
· list of sfw content i will not write:
self harm, depictions of references to suicide, extremely heavy focus on any specific mental illness (i will usually just allude to them or incorporated traits. these will always be based off of my own experiences), cheating, abuse.
· requests are open ! however, remember that i reserve the right not to write your submission. i'm very lenient on what i'm willing to write, granted that it doesn't contradict any prior rules ! just please remember to add any necessary trigger warnings at the beginning of your thirst / request .
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ouijaban · 4 years
Hey everyone!
So I really have been trying to avoid saying anything about this situation publicly but honestly with what Al (@alfonsobeilschmidt) has just done I feel as if I’m obligated to. I have no way of contacting him privately—believe me, I tried—so I’m just going to have to do it this way.
For whatever reason, Al seems to be convinced that this v*re-centric account belongs to me. I have no idea why he thinks that, but it definitely doesn’t. In fact v*re and c*nnibalism are huge squicks for me.
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In addition, the pronouns and age of the person who runs that account are also different from mine, which is perhaps why Al misgendered him. At any rate, this person is completely unrelated to the situation Al is discussing, so I have no idea why he implied that he was bullying him when after I reached out to this person they confirmed that they did not know my friends and had never interacted with Al. Exposing his page in an attempt to “gotcha” me and my friends is not only unfair to us, but also to him—this person has never interacted with Al and is being accused of harassment and bullying?
That leads me to my next point: harassment. So taking the unrelated person’s account out of it, let me recap what actually has taken place between Al, some of my friends, and myself. Al asked to join a tendershipping server we are in on July 21st. This is a space we have curated for ourselves, and people are asked two questions at the beginning to make sure they vibe and will enjoy hanging out with us as this is a strictly top Bakura server, which is mentioned in the rules and also is literally the name of the server.
Al was asked one of the questions and said he preferred a different dynamic in a way that made some people in the server uncomfortable, and also that suggested he wouldn’t enjoy being in the server to begin with. As a result he was politely asked to leave.
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This is not harassment or bullying by any stretch of the imagination. He has said that mpreg, which was what the meme was about, was a trigger for him, and that’s why he made those jokes. That is completely understandable! The reason that image (which is extremely vague and has only text) is included is because we talk about it all the time, and if it is a trigger then someone who reacts poorly to it wouldn’t want to be there anyway and would be upset by that.
I also literally was not present for this conversation, and have never spoken to Al directly. I only saw screenshots of it after he had already left. Point being, even if this was harassment, the implication that I was somehow the ringleader here is so off base it’s laughable.
On the day of, because Al was talking about the situation on Twitter, someone else in the server made a very general post stating ‘it’s ok to have preferences.’ This is the only occasion that I can see in which anyone in the server has ever even alluded to what occurred publicly.
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Since that point Al has continuously vagued us and me specifically on Twitter. I don’t have all of the screenshots because we have each other blocked and I don’t in fact check his account very regularly, but here are a few where he’s obviously sniping at our group—as well as misgendering the people he interacted with, 3/4 of whom use he/him pronouns and are neither women nor woman-aligned.
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None of us have interacted with him since the day he left. He also sent one of his friends (@snowflakeryo) who again, none of us have ever interacted with, to harass us further.
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In addition, in July I was running a tendershipping-themed week. When I saw this pop up in the tendershipping tag, which I check regularly, I tried to ignore it, but I cannot deny that it made me super uncomfortable. Doing an event that is clearly supposed to parody mine in order to upset me is harassment, and I want to again clarify that I have never spoken to Al in my life.
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The above screenshots are his event in comparison to mine. After this happened I was very unnerved and I will readily admit that I occasionally checked his account as a result of that. But I never said anything publicly about it or incited others to talk to him about it, and no one else did either.
That’s how I ended up seeing the below screenshot where he readily admits to doing the event out of spite, which I was already acutely aware of.
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I found it particularly ironic that, when no one acknowledged this post or reacted badly to it because we have no reason to, Al decided that he did want to tag the ship and “cause discourse” so he reposted again under the tag, which I saw through just normally browsing the ship tag as I often do because I love the ship.
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Around this time I made a vaguely salty post on Tumblr about characterization and how different people write tendershipping. This actually was about someone else; I’ve never read Al’s writing and wouldn’t have known he was even a writer were it not for his mock-event so I would not know what it sounds like. I shouldn’t have said it regardless of who it’s about—for that I apologize. I really do not use Tumblr that often, and it was an extremely general post that I thought literally 0 people would see. I didn’t tag any ships or people, and virtually no one did end up seeing it except apparently Al, because—though I didn’t at the time know it—he must have been checking on my account on a regular basis. While I had a reason to do so (e.g. my paranoia about his spiteful events, literally sending people to apply to the server just to make fun of us), he does not, as I have never spoken to him in my life before this point.
(The post I’m referring to is the one with the cowboy emojis.)
I don’t know what he’s been telling his friends, but one of the responses to his “exposé” of me being a v*re account and a harasser, neither of which are true, was this, from a friend of his. This, ironically, is the same friend who sent the mocking server application.
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No one is bullying anyone about a ship preference or stalking anyone else except you. Please leave me and my friends alone, and don’t talk about us anymore. I didn’t want to make this post or say anything about this publicly because I have no interest in being involved in drama or even being a figure in fandom at all, but harassment, bullying, and stalking are all very serious allegations, and they are in this case 100% false. 
For anyone other than Al and his friends reading this, I’m terribly sorry about all this, and I really hope I’ll never have to talk about this again. 
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