#just this tiny girl with this huge af dude going door to door
sorcerorkller · 11 months
Back here again. And on this specific month, as well. A young girl catches his attention, prompting the older man to comment.
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"Oh, I guess Halloween is a thing here too, eh?" Just then, Toji is reminded of something. Now why did he have such a vivid impression of Halloween? How odd. Pushing that thought to the side for now, he brought his attention back to the girl.
"What? You want candy? Sorry, don't got any on me right now."
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acountrygirlsfun · 6 years
@ladiekatie @redneckyacht @exhuastedpigeon @ereborne
Okay so my day was slightly ridiculous and i’m tired so instead of sending you all the same message and typing it 4 times i’m putting it here :D 
If y’all want to hear about my moving adventures they’re under the cut
This morning went fine, yada yada got my kitchen packed super last minute, my dad showed up with the trailer, the only thing that was dented/scuffed was my bed frame slightly because i was impatient and in no time at all we were on the road and actually on time
which is a stinkin miracle when you consider the people involved.
so i’m flying down the interstate pushing the Jeep a little hard at times considering the wind because i’m anxious about being late for my check-in/walkthrough thing
which of course means that i’m early 
so i’m there at 3:05 for a 3:30 appointment to get my keys and do the walk through
no one answers in the office
no one answers in any of the offices
and i have no other numbers
so i’m standing in the little entry way outside the security door and no one answers in the office
it’s 3:33. 
Okay, it’s fine i’m fine but if no one shows up i am going to be both stuck with my stuff in a rental trailer and pissed af
i picked a ~fancy~ place for it’s location, safety and amenities. So far, management has been lackluster.
so i’m just hanging out and i see these two cars go past, both with South Dakota plates
and then there’s a mom, dad, and girl in scrubs that’s about my age that come into the entry way and try calling the office
of course, there’s no answer. 
so we start chit-chatting 
and mind you. i am a hot mess. dirty, messy hair. loose sweats with tennis shoes, a t-shirt and zip up hoodie. like i am as not suitable for public as i ever get. so i’m not usually up for any kind of interaction with people when i look this messy 
but we’re talking and i say i’m moving back to Fargo from Bismarck at one point. and the mom goes “oh so you don’t know the Fargo area quite yet” for some reason but i was like “no, no i’m from here and i went to school here too. I just lived in Bismarck for a year and a half and want to move home. i’m a farm girl and i wanted to be closer to the farm.” 
and like
the dad gets this little smile and the girl is like wtf and the mom is laughing. 
and i’m like “Lemme guess. You too?” 
So yeah, this girl also went to NDSU is a farm girl from SD and her parents had driven up to Fargo to look at and approve of her new apartment. sound effing familiar at all? 
We’re still waiting. It’s probably 3:40 at this point. and someone delivering food comes to the door and goes in. we grab the door when the delivery guy comes back and go up to the office and knock on the door. while we wait the girl and i start to visit and talk about the apartments etc. 
Eventually the guy comes back to the building with my keys and we’re going to do a walk through. It was 4:00 now. 
also keep in mind. my sister and 5yo nephew are waiting with their car full of my stuff to get it unpacked into my new place and my dad who i know is thinking about the cows he has to feed tonight is waiting and oh yeah my other sister that’s in town at a conference that left the conference to come help and my dad’s hired man our cousin are all waiting for me to get my keys and do the walkthrough check in thing. 
Instead though, i find myself going up with this new family i’ve met to look at the available apartment upstairs. and it’s tiny and the version of a 1 bedroom that i told the managers i didn’t want because it’s just too small right? 
well then, i know of a 1 bedroom that’s the full size version the building has that’s currently empty...
so that’s how i end up with a mom, a dad, and the girl in my new apartment helping me with my walkthrough and pointing out any issues with the apartment 
which, to be quite honest, was very helpful! Because for this company and what i was expecting it to look like, i was pissed. they have had 3 1/2 weeks since the previous occupant left to be cleaning and making sure the apartment is pristine and it wasn’t. 
Scuff marks on every wall, huge gouge in the flooring in the living room, awful dents and scrapes on the corners of walls and it was obviously never cleaned
but at this point i’ve gotten the girl’s number because we really weren’t done talking or at least i wasn’t lol and they’ve seen enough of the apartment to have a good idea of the differences. and the mom is like, “this is way better you picked the right one it’s very nice” which really helped! because my mom wasn’t here today because she’s in florida for an anniversary party for her sister. 
ANYWAY the strangers have left and i’m left with the guy from the management company and he’s writing down everything and he was just as irritated as i was that it looked the way it did. i said “what are you going to do about this to make it right?” (essentially) because i won’t be actually living there this next week i’ll be back in Bismarck for my last week there. and i told him i wouldn’t even unpack anything i’d literally stack everything in the middle of the rooms to allow them to paint. 
he assured me he’d be talking to his boss and that they’d have some kind of resolution by next week. and honestly if they don’t? I’m probably going to live at the farm with my stuff stacked up in the apartment until they put up a fresh coat of paint and clean the place. because for what i’m paying in rent and for a deposit i better damn well have nicer looking walls that what they look like right now. 
here’s hoping i wasn’t misreading his sincerity and genuine irritation at the quality of the apartment. 
and that’s my story 
also at some point while we were all walking to let the strangers look at one of the apartments the dude goes “you are a very kind and patient person, caitlin” and like. Yes. I try to be. Thank you for voicing that. 
and now i am home at the farm, have finally eaten something and all thats left to do is watch this hockey game and take a shower before bed. 
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bxcketbarnes · 7 years
Dance With Me
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Author: @ninja-stiles
Words: 3631
Request:  Hello! Idk if u do requests based on songs but 'It won't Kill ya' by the chainsmokers is amazing and I just pictured this scene like it's that Party at Derek's house with the neon lights, and all that y/n can think about is dancing with Stiles but cant bc they're best friends and that'd weird, she has a huge crush on him, kinda angsty in the middle but fluff af in the end bc obvsly Stiles likes her back?? It's ok if u dont do it tho, ily anyways ♡♡ keep doing awesome writing by anonomoose!
Author’s Note: I thought this was cute. I hope you think so as well! Thanks to my amazing friend @mf-despair-queen for proofreading this for me!!
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Word going around is that Danny’s throwing a party over at Derek’s loft, which I’m assuming he doesn’t know about, and I really want to go, especially with Stiles. Unfortunately, Stiles is having a bit of a rough patch right now, along with Scott and Allison. The three of them were kind of like surrogate sacrifices to find out where their parents had be taken to, and since then, they all have been having nightmares, sleep paralysis, and hallucinations. I’ve been debating with myself all day long to see if I should ask Stiles to come to this party, maybe it’ll help him relax a little bit. I saw Lydia at her locker, checking her makeup in the little mirror that’s on the back of the locker door. Stiles didn’t notice that I had stopped walking, so I walked over to Lydia, feeling a little nervous about asking for her opinion.
 “Hi, Lydia,” I smiled and she looked at me through the tiny mirror, giving me a small smile. She finished applying her lipstick, closing her locker softly before turning around to face me.
 “Hey, Y/N. Whatcha need?” She questioned and my eyes widened, surprised that she knew I wanted something. Lydia chuckled, closing my mouth that I didn’t realize had opened. “Yes, I knew you wanted to ask me something.”
 “U-Um, I wanted your opinion on something,” I started, looking behind me, seeing Stiles talking to Scott, his eyes glancing towards me for a split second before looking away. “You heard about Danny’s party, right?” I asked and she nodded her head, twirling a piece of her hair. “Well, I wanted to ask Stiles if he wanted to go, to get him to relax a bit, but I don’t know if it’s a good idea or not,” I muttered, blushing a bit as she smirked, laying a hand on my shoulder.
 “Aw sweetie, you have a crush on him,” Lydia squealed and my cheeks darkened, looking to the floor as I nodded. “I think you should totally ask him, it’ll be a nice way to get close to each other, just don’t drink too much, because you’ll probably end up doing something you’ll regret,” She smiled and I nodded my head, a smile on my lips.
 “O-Okay, I’m gonna do it. Right now,” I boldly stated, pushing some of my hair out of my face, turning around, facing them. I bit my lip, looking back at Lydia. “How does my makeup look?” I questioned and she gave me a thumbs up, pushing me in their direction. I let out a breath, shaking off the nerves as I sauntered towards them, feeling my heartbeat faster. I glanced at Scott, seeing the same smirk on his face as he told Stiles he was heading to lunch, leaving him alone and I became a little more nervous.
 “H-Hey, Y/N,” Stiles stuttered, giving me a small wave before pulling me into a hug. “Why didn’t you tell me you were going to talk to Lydia? I would’ve went with you,” I bit my lip, shrugging as I played with the tips of my fingers, not actually speaking a word yet. “You okay?” He asked, laying a hand on my arm.
 “Y-Yeah, sorry. I was lost in my thoughts. Um, I wanted to ask you something though,” I paused as he nodded his head for me to continue, a grin on his beautiful lips. “I-I was wondering if maybe, you wanted to go to Danny’s party? A-As friends, of course,” I muttered, mentally facepalming, taking my lip between my teeth. Stupid. Stupid. His cheeks turned pink as he scratched the back of his neck and I begin to frown, thinking he’s gonna say no.
 “I-I mean, I usually don’t go to parties, because I’m never invited, but yeah. I definitely want to go,” He smiled down at me and my frown turned into a smile, wrapping my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. Stiles chuckled, wrapping his arms around my waist, resting his large hands on my lower back.
 “T-This is great, oh my god. I can’t believe you said yes. Now, I have to go to the mall and find a cute outfit because I don’t have any cute party outfits and I need to do something with my hair an-,” I get cut off by Stiles placing his hand over my mouth, my eyes widened as I realized I was rambling. “Sohhfrryf,” I apologized against his hand as it muffled, not sounding like a word at all.
 “It’s okay. God, I forget how much we’re alike in some ways,” He chuckles as we walked towards the cafeteria. I giggled, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, biting my lip again. I’m in too deep.
 I had texted Lydia and Allison, asking them if they would want to come with me to help find an outfit. I also wanted their fashion opinion, since I’m not exactly a fashion guru. The both agreed and Lydia offered to drive us, so here I am, sitting on my front step waiting for her and Allison to pull into my driveway. My phone begin to ring, snapping me from my thoughts and I dig through my purse, seeing Stiles calling me. I slide to the answer the call, pressing the phone to my ear. “Stiles? Hey, what’s up?”
 “H-Hey, Y/N! Um, this is a bit hard to explain, but I-I can’t go to the party,” I frowned, my heart dropping into my stomach. I clear my throat, my vision becoming blurry as the tears pooled.
 “O-Oh, okay. Um, okay,” I noticed Lydia’s car pulling into the driveway, wiping the tears from my cheeks. I noticed the frowns on their faces as they get out of the car. “I-It’s fine, Stiles. U-Um, I have to go though,” I whispered, my voice cracking a bit.
 “A-Are you okay?” Stiles asked and I covered my mouth with my hand, trying not to let out a sob. So much for working up the courage to ask him… “Y/N?” He questioned, worry laced in his voice.
 “I have to go, Stiles,” I muttered, hanging up the phone before he can say anything else. I put my phone back in my purse, running a hand through my hair as I let out a shaky breath. Why go to this party now? The girls sat down next to me, Allison rubbing my back as a few sobs escaped from my throat. “I feel so pathetic,” I whispered glancing at the two of them.
 “You’re not pathetic, sweetie. You’re hurt because you like him, probably even love him,” Lydia mentioned, pushing the hair out of my face. “I’m going to assume he said he couldn’t go to the party?” She asked and I nodded my head.
 “I thought, I really thought that he’d be excited to go, but I guess I misread everything. I know that he’s dealing with a lot of shit. I just wanted him to relax a bit,” I whispered, sniffling a bit.
 “C’mon, maybe shopping can distract you for a bit,” Allison murmured, pulling me off the step, heading towards the car.
 Stiles looked down at his phone, frowning as Scott walked into his room. He didn’t notice him walk in as he continued to be in thought, wondering why I had been so upset about him not going to this party.
 “Dude? You okay?” Scott asked, Stiles’ head shooting up, looking at him. Stiles nodded his head, placing the phone on his bed as he rubbed his eyes, feeling tired. He hadn’t been getting much sleep lately since he can never figure out when he actually wakes up or is still dreaming, more like a nightmare though.
 “Y-Yeah, I just got off the phone with Y/N and I think I made her upset,” He muttered, looking to the ground. Scott sat on the chair by Stiles’ desk, furrowing his eyebrows.
 “Why do you think that?” Scott asked and Stiles looked up at him, tugging on his bottom lip with his teeth, letting out a sigh.
 “Danny’s party is tomorrow night and I told you I’d help you guys with getting Kira’s phone, so I called her and told her that I couldn’t make it to the party,” Stiles looked back to the floor, tapping his foot as Scott got up, patting him on the back lightly.
 “Kira and I could possibly do this without you, if you want to go with her,” Scott mentioned and Stiles shook his head before letting out a groan, rubbing his face with his massive hands.
 “I have no idea what to do,” He sighed, looking down at his phone, seeing a picture of the two of us. Allison saw us outside where we go sometimes for lunch, by ourselves and Stiles had placed me on his lap, his arms wrapped around my waist as we were laughing about something. She sent me the photo to me that night and I awed at it, immediately sending it to Stiles.
 “Just follow your heart, man,” Scott smiled.
 Allison, Lydia, and I have been strolling through the mall going from store to store, trying to find something that I would like. My thoughts were still on Stiles, though. Did he not want to go with me anymore? Is he going with someone else? I let out a sigh, getting the girls’ attention as they turned around, giving me a look. I mutter an apology, walking in between them as we walked into Forever 21.
 “I’m sorry guys. I promise, no more Stiles,” I smiled, linking my arms with the both of them as we made our way to the clothes racks. I took my bottom lip between my teeth, sifting through some of the clothes on the rack, no really liking any of them. I heard from someone at school saying that there’s going to be body painting, so I want something that’ll show a bit of skin. Lydia came up to me, holding a white lace bralette crop top and a pair of short shorts that are ripped under the pockets, handing them to me.
 “This, this is gonna be perfect on you,” She beamed, leading me towards the dressing room, looking at the clothes in my hand. I walked into one of the dressing rooms, closing the door behind me, locking it. I undress, looking at myself in the mirror for a hot minute before putting on the shorts and top. Wow, I actually look good. I smiled at myself, looking at my ass in the shorts, approving. I heard Allison walk into the dressing room area, telling Lydia’s there’s a minor problem.
 “What is it?” Lydia asked as I pressed my ear against the door, listening closely.
 “Scott and Stiles are here,” Allison whispered and my eyes widened, opening the door, facing the two girls.
 “They’re here? Right now?” I asked and Allison nodded her head as Lydia squealed, admiring the outfit I have on.
 “Babe, you look so good!” Lydia mentioned, bringing me into a hug as Scott and Stiles showed up just outside the archway of the dressing room and Scott cleared his throat, the three of us glancing towards them. My breath hitched in my throat, seeing what Stiles was wearing, plaid shirt with a white undershirt and denim jeans, and he looks so, so good. I looked to the ground, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, feeling his eyes on me.
 “I-I’m gonna go change,” I whispered, walking back into the dressing room, hearing small talk from my friends on the other side of the door, before hearing nothing. They must’ve went back out. I took off the crop top, just as the door opened, Stiles walking in and closing the door behind him. I turned around, letting out a small gasp, covering chest with the top. “S-Stiles!”
 “O-Oh god, I’m so sorry. I thought you would’ve been dressed by now,” He stuttered, closing his eyes, letting out a sigh. “Um, I wanted to apologize,” Stiles muttered as I slipped on my t-shirt, looking at him like he’s crazy.
 “And you couldn’t wait until I was done getting dressed?” I questioned, narrowing my eyes at him as he peeked, seeing I was dressed, my arms crossed over my chest.
 “I-I was being spontaneous?” He sounded unsure, blushing a bit, rubbing the back of his neck. “Like I said, I wanted to apologize for canceling on you,” He sat on the small bench as I sat down next to him, our legs touching slightly.
 “I-It’s fine, Stiles. I told you it was fine,” I whispered, looking up at him and he glanced at me, frowning.
 “It’s not though. I’m pretty sure I made you cry and I didn’t want that to happen. I hate when you cry and for me to be the person who did it, made me feel even worse.” He looked to the ground and I frowned, taking one of his hands in mine, playing with the tips of his fingers.
 “I just wanted you to relax, Stiles. You’ve been under a lot of stress lately and I just wanted to help.” I smiled at him, leaning my head against his shoulder.
 “That’s why, after I help Scott and Kira, I’m going straight to that party. Okay?” Stiles asked and I looked up at him, grinning. I nodded my head, leaning up, pressing my lips to his cheek before leaving the dressing room, looking back at him before leaving.
 “I’ll see you there.” I bit my lip, walking out of the dressing room, a smile on my lips. I walked towards Lydia. “I’m gonna go buy these,” I mentioned, smiling as she nodded her head, a grin on her lips.
 I had called Lydia in dire need of help with my hair. I had no idea what to do with it as I paced my bedroom, all dressed up in my outfit, makeup applied and everything.
 “Alright, in the chair!” Lydia told me as she barged into the room and I scurried to the chair in front of my vanity. She stood behind me, brushing my hair as she thought what she could do to it and she ended up french braiding my hair into two tails. “There!” She grinned and I stood up, standing in front of her.
 “How do I look?” I asked, twirling around while biting my lip. “D-Do you think Stiles will like it?” She smiled, nodding her head.
“He’ll love it. I promise you,” She said, linking my arm with hers as we head towards her car, driving to Danny’s party. I became more nervous the closer we got towards the loft, since I’ve never actually been to a party before. We pulled up to Derek’s building, getting out of the car as I look up, seeing all the lights going off in his loft, my heartbeat speeding up. “C’mon, you got this.”
 We walked into the loft, seeing the mass of people dancing to pop music, most of them grinding on each other and I was about to walk out when Lydia stopped me. She gave me a look and I sighed, turning around, walking into the loft as she brings me towards the body painting area. The girl running it smiled at me, which I returned and asked me what I had wanted. “Uh, surprise me,” I chuckled and she nodded her head as she began to paint lines on my body, noticing how nervous I am.
 “How come you’re nervous? Meeting a guy here?” She asked and I glanced at her, swallowing visibly as I nodded my head.
 “Y-Yeah. My best friend, who I have an unhealthy crush on,” I muttered, looking down at the glowing paint. She grinned as I blushed, thankful that it was dark in here, continuing her painting.
 “That’s adorable. Are you going to tell him tonight?” She looked up at me as she finished the paint job on my body. “Do you want lipstick?” She questioned and I nodded my head, pointing at the orange one. She picked it up, placing the color on my lips. I rubbed my lips together and she gave me a thumbs up, telling me it was perfect.
 “To answer your question, I might. I’m not actually sure yet. I need to muster up the courage first,” I chuckled, giving her a tip. She takes the five dollar bill, smiling at me as she patted my back.
 “You got this!” She grinned, pushing me towards the crowd. I bumped into a few people, muttering apologies as I try to find Lydia. I heard the loft’s door slide open, glancing over to it as I see Stiles, Scott and Kira walk into the place. I made my way over to them, smiling when Stiles noticed me, his eyes widening a bit.
 “Stiles!” I yelled, bringing him into a hug, feeling his arms wrap around my waist. I pulled away from him, waving at Scott and Kira. “How does my body paint look?” I questioned and Stiles’ eyes raked over my body, licking his lips a bit, nodding his head.
 “I-It… You looks great,” He breathed out and the song changed, the familiar beat of my favorite song came on: It Won’t Kill Ya by The Chainsmokers. I really wanted to ask him to dance, but chickened out. His hand wrapped around my wrist, leading me towards the spiral staircase as we sat down on the steps.
 Oh, dance with me, it won't kill ya
And one for the road
 I tapped my foot to the beat, watching people dance, seeing Allison and Isaac dance together, along with Kira and Scott. I let out a sigh, glancing to my left, looking at Stiles, his eyes on the dance floor.
 Dance with me, it won't kill ya
And one before you go
 “Um, Stiles?” I asked and he glanced down at me, letting out a hm. I can feel my heart pounding against my chest. “D-Do you wanna dance?” I looked towards the dance floor then back at him as his lips parted, doing the same.
 Dance with me, it won't kill ya
And one for the road
So why won't you stay a little longer?
 “O-Oh, I don’t know,” He started and I bit the inside of my cheek, nodding my head. “I’m not a great dancer,” Stiles muttered, his eyes still on me as I looked away from him. He’s killing my confidence here.
 “E-Excuse me,” I whispered, standing up about to walk away when his fingers gripped onto mine, making me turn around. He stood up, intertwining our fingers, leading me towards the dancing people. I bit my lip, looking at the back of his head and he stopped in the middle of everyone, facing me a small smile on his lips.
 “Even though I’m not a great dancer, I’ll gladly dance with you. Especially to your favorite song.” He took a few steps back and I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering what he’s going to do. He began doing the sprinkler in a weird, hyper way and I busted out laughing, covering my mouth with my hand as I joined him, dancing like fools together.
 You're putting your jacket on
Oh no, is the moment gone?
Don't wanna regret this one
Ooh, I wanna know ya
 He pulled me closer to him, grinning as he finally looked relax. I laid my hands on his biceps, smiling up at him as our foreheads touched, my cheeks heating up, not realizing how close we were. Both of us moved to the beat, his hands on my hips as I shake them side to side. We continued to dance for about a half an hour, my feet ending up getting tired as I took his hand in mine, pulling him back towards the spiral staircase. Stiles sat behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist as I laid against his chest.
 “I’m really glad you invited me, Y/N,” He whispered into my ear, feeling his lips on the side of it. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath as my heart skipped a beat.
 “I’m glad I did too,” I muttered, looking back at him. His eyes connected with mine and started to lean in, our noses brushing together as my eyes fluttered shut, waiting for his lips to connect with mine. Our friends watched from a distance as Stiles closed the gap between us, moving our lips against each others. I rested a hand on his cheek as his hands grip my waist, pulling me closer to him, sitting on one of his legs. He pulled away, his lips parted as I opened my eyes, smiling down at him, running my fingers through his hair. Some of my orange paint was on his lips and I giggled, rubbing my thumb along his bottom lip as his tongue came out, licking his lips a few times.
 “Wanna get out of here?” He asked and I nodded my head, getting off of his lap. Stiles intertwined our fingers as he lead me out of the loft. “If you didn’t get the hint from that kiss, um, I really really like you, Y/N,” Stiles muttered, looking down at me as he leaned onto the back of the jeep. I stood in between his legs, taking both his hands in mine as I smiled.
 “I really like you too, Stiles.” I bit my lip before leaning up, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips as he had the biggest grin on his lips. He leaned down again, meshing our lips together in a sloppy kiss before we got into the jeep, driving to his house.
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andryushas · 7 years
Great Comet Things
I got to see Great Comet on Sunday and it was absolutely amazing. The whole cast was amazing and the show is so artistic and surreal. Below is a bunch of things I noticed that were either very cool, unexpected or both. Warning, it’s very very long:
The show doesn't actually start with Pierre singing. He comes out with his accordion then you hear Natasha yelp a really sad "No!" then run on stage with Andrei at her heals. They have a moment, and she looks really sad and he looks Very in Love and takes a necklace off his neck and puts it on her. She grasps at it and he runs out the door behind Pierre, representing the war
Prologue is actually really funny. Like it's sort of funny on the recording but the way people move and act w their faces makes it very comic. 
Marya is a little terrifying. She plays "strict yet Kind" out to the audience like, "yes, I'm KiNd!!! Believe me, That's an order!!"
Anatole is actually really funny. I had totally been imagining him as this impossibly smooth figure and He Isn't. Like yes, he's very smooth at times but he is also totally used for comedy sometimes and is severely melodramatic. 
Oak's Pierre is really dimensional. He's very subdued and gentle but there's also a roughness to his voice when he gets really disgusted in himself or in the world and he moves really smoothly and naturally between Pierre's gruffer, darker side, and the cute awkward warmness which he also does wonderfully.
Denée's Natasha reads really well as this young girl who has always been loved and appreciated and is now really struggling for the first time with her happiness and she's really bold and a little self absorbed and this really brings out the changes which I will get back to later
Courtney Bassett was wonderful as Mary!! She's plays her really sweet and shy but also clashes really well w Natasha. 
Private and Intimate is really intense but can also get very funny. Nicholas Belton is hilarious but his Bolkonsky has a lot to him I guess? He moves really slowly and he does the fragile thing really well for a dude who is like Bolting down the aisles as Andrei. I'm very scared of old prince Bolkonsky. 
The Lighting in No One Else  oh my go d. The song is so beautiful but the visuals. The falling snow. It's heartrending. Ahhhh.
Marya Dmitrievna is the best ever. I love her. 
The Opera is Funky as hell. Paul Pinto is a firecracker. What a cool dude.
I didn't expect Anatole to actually get that excited about Natasha. I sort of read it as pure manipulation (it's still manipulative don't get me wrong) but he really does adore her. He really cares about whether or not she likes him and he fawns over her.
The Duel is intense as fuck. Amber Gray walked passed me at some point (i can't remember if it was during the duel or not but) she is a goddess, damn it. I love her.
Nick Choksi plays the sociopathic Dolokhov you get in the book better in person than I would've guessed 
Pierre does this thing when he gets shot where he ducks and stays ducking for a long time bc he thinks he's a dead man and there's a long silence.  And then he looks up like “oh!” and Oak made the cutest face ever when he realized he won the duel.
Ok I didn't like dust and ashes when I heard it on the soundtrack and saw it at the Tony's but the way Oak does it is an absolute show stopper. It blew me away. I love it. It's now one of my favorite songs in the show. Pierre is sitting in his Hole or whatever. The sad hole. And he just. Opens himself up and it's great. There was at least a full minute of applause for him. 
I love sunday morning but i do miss Sonya’s part from the off broadway soundtrack
When Helene comes in during Charming, Natasha is dressed in nothing but her corset  and a tiny little underskirt and it makes her so vulnerable and frightened its an interesting dynamic. Amber Gray is a powerhouse of an actress and a singer and I love her. She has the coolest cloak too.
There’s this thing in Charming where Helene rips Natasha’s necklace from Andrei off and Natasha looks so guilty and upset about it. It really breaks the excitement from the yay, dresses part. She tosses it into Pierre’s depression hole and it landed in his book. Pierre picked it up and looked hilariously confused.
The ball is at least 80% same sex couples which was pretty cool. The ending is beautiful but it gets really chilling as the act draws to a close.
Letters was bomb af. I’m gonna note again that I love Okieriete Onaodowan. After saying that he wrote the letter, Dolokhov crouches really malevolently watching what he orchestrated unfolds.
When they pass the love letter to Natasha, the audience has to pass it across the aisle but the girl didn’t know what to do when it got to the end, so Denee leaned really desperately with her arm reached out waving sweetly and asking for the letter until she got it
Preparations is a bop. Nick Choksi is a gift.
There’s a bit at the beginning where Anatole is carrying a big ol bag and he looks like he plans to walk up the stairs with it but then WHOOPS ANDREI IS SITTING ON SAID STAIRS. Anatole does absolutely nothing in acknowledging this- he simply sees he’ll need to take the other stairs and walk away.
There’s that one post about struggling to keep your sleeves rolled being gay culture and...Lucas Steele took a really long time to get his sleeves rolled up. I snorted.
I have very few words to describe the next few songs so i’ll sorta skip forward a little and just...trust me when I say they’re amazing
Seeing Pierre kick Anatole’s bitch ass is a ton of fun but its much less fun the way its staged because thats when natasha poisons herself and its painful
Natasha Very Ill was so tense and painful
One of the nice things Natasha sings about Andrei in act one becomes a letter to him which we see him open and read. He looks kind of lovestruck and then scared and he tucks the letter away, running off with the ribbon still in his hand. He comes on with this ribbon in his hand a bunch of times, and once, when he looks really beat up and scared, he has the ribbon tied around his gun. The last time he brings this ribbon on stage is in Pierre and Andrey, where its been returned around the parcel of Natasha’s letters.
GOD I love Nicholas Belton’ Andrei. There’s so much pain he’s trying to hide and it’s just being pressed down and hardening into rage. He’s really rough and a bit frightening but its so clearly from a place of sadness. His “No, I am well,” is almost pitifully unconvincing. The scene is so heavy. I could go on about this song forever. He does something on “never speak of that again” where he lashes out and sort of throws his hand out at Pierre’s chest and Pierre looks genuinely frightened by him. He’s really sympathetic even though he’s so cold. In three minutes he captures SO much of Andrei Bolkonsky
In Pierre and Natasha, Denee is completely transformed. She holds the railing and sways likes hse’s falling and walks like each step is over broken glass. Seeing her liveliness shatter is so utterly tragic. She’s brilliant.
Oak’s Pierre is so kind and good hearted. He was really crying during Pierre and Natasha, and it was so full of love. When he did the confession, he worked up so much courage to say it, and he was still sniffling from crying and there was such love in his voice that it richened and softened beautifully. It was so tender and beautiful.
THE ENSEMBLE SINGING IN THE FINALE. Their voices weave a whole sky of stars. Pierre coming to an understanding is illuminated by their soft moonlit voices. The whole moment is as clear as crystal and it is a perfectly executed awakening. It felt deeper and realer than I’d ever imagined.
I was crying a lot
Bonus: Stagedoor
Josh Canfield and Nicholas Belton came out first. I was very awkward but they were both Darlings. Josh photobombed my picture with nicholas belton and nicholas belton was like “oh looks like you’ve got a photobomber” and somehow I didn’t notice until like an hour later
A bunch of really cool ensemble members came out
Nick Choksi came over and he was still wearing his very heavy eyeliner. Someone said “you’re rocking the guyliner” and he looked quite pleased. I told him preparations is like the best song and he was like “hell yeah”
My friend (@levizoe​) told Paul Pinto that his performance was really moving. He thought this was a reference to the show as a whole but I knew. I knew this was about him, Balaga, specifically
Everyone lost it when Oak came out. He had a Harry Potter t-shirt on and was carrying a skateboard. What a cool dude. He’s huge but not as tall as I anticipated. so many muscles. I gave him some are and he was like “Oh this is pretty cool.” then he looked at it and called it kind of amazing and I died. Then he went inside to put it away and all the people who he didn’t get to yet were giving me some serious side eye i felt bad (he came back tho ofc)
Ingrid Michaelson has very pretty eyes and is very nice. She looked so tired tho i felt bad.
IN CONCLUSION I AM DEAD. Sorry for the length of this post. Its such an amazing show. I love them all so much.
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givevhugs · 7 years
Ahhh I wanted to ask so many for the Crayola thing but how about night owl and freckle
Night owl: describe a very interesting dream that you had.
Okay my dreams are wild and I have lots. So ima share the wildest. So in my dream it starts out where I’m getting on a boat because in the dream the freaking ocean (it probably was a huge ass River most likely but idk) was right by my school and I think we were on a field trip or something and had to go back to school or something. So like we had to take a boat back. The thing was it was cold and looked like it was getting stormy and there was no part of the boat where u could just be like inside a room so we out on this boat and it’s cold. I get cold easily and it was freezing so I was desperate. And for some reason I was the only girl on the boat there was like 20 other guys. So me being desperate for warmth suggested a cuddle party? And for a moment the guys were all like yes!! Warmth!! And then they came to the realization that there was no way they could all cuddle me at the same time so some would end up cuddling each other and they were like “wait no that’s gay if not everyone can cuddle her then no one is allowed to cuddle bc everyone needs equal warmth” and I was just like “I hate this school.” Anyway so a while of suffering in the cold later, this guy says “I got pizza in my dorm!” And just jumps into the water and starts swimming away. And all the guys are like okay cool and just jump in too??? And it’s kinda raining now too so the cold is worse. And guys guess what I do? I jump in too. So we swim for a long time until we make it to the school. (Apparently we were faster than the boat bc that’s where it was heading, the dorms are next door to the school in the dream) so like we get out of the water and we’re standing right in front of the dorms. And this kid’s dorm is on the second floor and for some reason the school is to freaking cheap for us to have stairs to get to the next floors on the dorms so we have to climb a pole that leads to this roof top that’s right next to the dorm building and the roof is conveniently at the same level as the second floor so we climb in through the window because there ain’t a door either. So now everyone is in his dorm and well it turns out the dorms are small as heck. It could only fit a refrigerator, a tiny bed and a chair it was really tiny so me and these twenty dudes are all squished together. And then the guy pulls a tiny frozen pizza form the freezer it was so small but somehow everyone got a big piece lmao. After a while I felt like it was too crowed so I left the dorm. Plus school was going to start soon. So I went in the school building which in the dream was bigger and redder lmao. And i got in through walking down that roof and crawling into another window bc I was too lazy to get down. While walking down the halls I run into this girl with pink hair and for some reason she hates me so yeah. And so both of us were going downstairs and most students didn’t feel like going down the stairs so we had these ropes we could use to swing down from. There’s 2 ropes and so her and i both get on one and swing back and forth and started having a heated conversation as we were swinging back and forth. I don’t remember what she said but it was ROOD. Then she tried to shove herself towards me to knock me off my rope but I landed before she could shove me so she ended up falling and slamming into the door bc it was right there lol. So I went to the dock where people were arriving for school or just appreciating the fog aesthetic and I saw one of my friends and I was like “yo this guy said that he had pizza and everyone jumped out the boat just for pizza and none of us got hypothermia.” And she was like “yeah lmao I know it’s on tumblr” and I was like holy shit and scrolled through Tumblr for a moment and she went on mom friend mode before the bell rang for school and everyone had to go to class but me. And then I saw my fourth grade math teacher and she told me there was a better way to get to the second floor of the dorms without climbing that pole onto the roof thing. So she ends up showing me the process and first we walk through random doorways that are completely unrelated but she claims these random doorways are important. And then we walk back into the school building go upstairs and we approach this thing that looks like some kind of arcade game where u win the tickets if u press the button at the right time u win tickets but of course that’s not what this was. She tells me to push the button and suddenly I get asked questions that I don’t remember now and then next thing I know I’m on the roof automatically but it has more like a hallway feeling but still outside. I get a notification that I can only stay for 18 minutes or else consequences. So I decide to go to pizza guy’s dorm. And when I get there, it has a door ?? And I open the door and his dorm is BIG His dorm isn’t even his dorm ??? It looks exactly like the school cafeteria but the school cafeteria is a whole separate building from the dorm building so. It’s weird af. I notice that everywhere there’s chocolate stuff and other delicious treats everywhere. And then suddenly a bunch of kindergarteners run out the cafeteria and I’m like wtf this is a high school. Then I walk walk and start taking all the chocolate stuff and no one seems to care or notice lmao. And then suddenly I see my grandma saying “smh kids these days” and I’m like yo wtf and hide under the table. I’m eating my chocolate stuff while listening to my grandma talk to another teacher. AND SHE STARTS TALKING ABOUT HOW ITS 2007 AND IM LIKE FUCK I TIME TRAVELLED. and she then says some weird crap and says “i went see a pride parade to see what the gays are like and I never really had much of a conversation with any so I don’t like gays” and I’m just listening and I’m like bitch tf??? and then she shows this table cloth to the lady she’s talking to. She lays it over a red table cloth and this table cloth is also red with white fuzz on the end like a santa clause hat I guess. And so then she just says the weirdest thing. She says the table clothe represents her dead ___. I’m not gonna specify bc it doesn’t feel right doing so and I don’t really understand it myself because that wasn’t possible I had never heard such a thing bc I knew my mother would of told me bc she probably would of knew and idk but what she was talking about made me cry into my cupcake a lil bit. And then I checked my watch and realized I had been in 2007 for a little bit over 18 minutes. But it was okay to go a little over just not too over but now I had to hurry. so I casually come out from under the table my grandma doesn’t seem to notice me and I just say “gotta blast” I grab another cupcake and all the children come back in before I leave. So I walk out and I’m walking fast on that roof thing until I feel a force slowing me down. For a moment I freak out bc I need to get back and it’ll be bad if I don’t make it back soon enough since I’m already passed 18 minutes. And then I close my eyes for a second before my mind goes “pink bitch”. But it was her doing it was her mom who has green hair and for some reason I knew she had something to do with this bc I knew for some reason she had relations to medusa. And I was like “um rude” and then I was able to break free of whatever the hell she was doing and get back to the building press the button and be back in 2017. I then walked back to the ropes met up with pink bitch again at the ropes. And then she asked me to go to the mall with her. So tho we go to the mall and go in JCPenny but it looks like Dillard’s for some reason. And she doesn’t wanna be seen with me bc she r00d so she forces me to hide behind the tall card board cut out of a man. Anyway tho I turn around and next to me also behind the cut out is a dog !! And I was like yay good dog but he just didn’t respond and stared into my soul like he just didn’t move lmao. And then she came back and started complaining about me for no reason and I was like R O O D. so then I flip her off, the dog flips her off and then my crazy religion teacher appears and flips her off. And hen I woke up
Freckle: do you have any marks on your skin? How do you feel about them?
Yeah I have a few here and there but I don’t rlly notice them that much
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wearethejerkoffs · 7 years
1-100 ;;;-)
1. How long have you had a Tumblr?2011 i think? 2. Describe your first kiss, who was it with, what was it like, where was it etc?his name is justin. he had a gf at the time and kissed me (shitty af) in a library. it was nothing special. i really liked him though. 3. What’s your biggest regret? I know we all say we don’t regret things but obviously it’s how we learn, from our mistakes. So what’s something from your past you wished you could have changed?dating emilio for as long as i did. 4 Favorite Songs at the moment?i cant pick its too hard 5. What is the craziest thing that you have ever done?i am not wild6. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?i erase this shit from my mind7. Do you have any scars and if so, how did you get them?they come from myself hahahh 8. Where would you like to be in 10 years?just successful and happy. 9. What are your views on drugs and alcohol?theyre fine just dont make them your top priority 10. What are your views on religion?believe what you want. dont bash me for not believing in anything though. 11. Have you ever thought about ending your own life? If so, why?of course. i get sad, hoe. 12. Write 5 facts people might not know about you.i am very open. there is very little people dont know about me. 13. last really important text you got?ky cam saying shes down to shop w me and maddie :)14. Can you let go?not easily 15. Discuss your first love.have i even had one?16. Put your ipod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up. Explain why each song is on there.i dont have an ipod but fuck i wish i DID17. Name somewhere you’d like to move or visit.visit? probably canada. id move there too. or wisconsin. 19. What are your views on mainstream music?no beef, i dont often find stuff i vibe with on the radio but i have18. Are you currently missing someone?more than anything 19. At what age do you think people should have sex?prolly high school, but really whenever you are comfortable. 20. What are your highs and lows of this past year?highs: leaving my abuser! getting a job i love! leaving people who are shitty and toxic! meeting rachel! meeting jessie! seeing amity!lows: spending the first half with my abuser! self harming again! crashed my car! 21. What are your strongest beliefs?i believe in aliens and ghosts (who doesn't?) i believe in an after life. 22. Who are you closest to in your family?my brother hes my best friend damn near 23. How important do you think education is?pretty important. i dont think college is necessary. 24. What’s one of your favorite shows?how i met your mother25. How have you changed in the past 2 years?i am stronger and happier. i have better friends and just a happier life. 26. Name 5 people who are famous who you find attractive.ryan ross, detective nick amaro, the rock, young matthew lillard, and ellen page27. Name your favorite movie and what it’s about.nick and norahs infinite playlist. its about a girl falling for a dude thru the mix cds he made his ex (her friend) and meets him at the club and soends the whole night with him looking for her drunk friend and a secret show. 28. Who is someone who fascinates you and why?aalyssa. shes so interesting to me and i could listen to her talk for hours. 29. What kind of person attracts you?lanky emo boys. douchebags. pretty girls. 30. What’s a problem that you have recently had or are currently having?i want to find another job 31. Name something that you miss.dhanes laugh. 32. Share 5 goals you want completed in the next 30 days.get in the shape i want to. thats it. 33. What’s been the highlight of your month and the lowest point? anytime i see michael and rachel its a highlight. low point: my FUCKING CAR GETTING HIT. 34. What’s something that you’ve done in the past that you would never do again?molly damn near. 35. What is you’re biggest insecurity & why?tummy. its too big. 36. What were the last 3 songs you listened to and what did they mean to you?eeeek i cant remember.37. Do you have a toy that’s really special to you and if so what is it, how did you get it etc?no i dont but i wish i did. 38. Have you lost anyone close to you to death? yep. i love you dhane! i love you christian! 39. What is your purpose in life?do i really have one? 40. When was the last time you cried and what was it over?today at a sad facebook video 41. If you got to spend an entire day with your favourite celebrity what would you guys do? we would have sex i love you ryan ross 42. If you could only listen to one artist for the rest of your life, who would you choose and why?nevershoutnever. you fuckin know why. 43. What are 3 traits that you like about yourself and what are three that you dislike about yourself? Personality wise.goods: im very empathetic. i look out for people. im fucking funnybads: im too nice. i get angry very fast. im petty. 44. Can you cook? If so what are your favorite dishes to make? yes!! i love to just make pasta with chicken and homemade pizza. 45. What was the last decision you regretted making?probably fucking sy hahahaha 46. Do you believe in the saying “once a cheater, always a cheater”?nope47. Do you ever wish you were famous?not really 48. What’s the nastiest thing anyone has ever said to YOU? Or something that’s hurt you above anything else and why?emilio said some of the most disgusting shit to me for months. dude told me he was gonna kill me hella times and how i should just end my life already! fucks wrong with that dude? 50. What mark would you want to leave on this world after you are gone?just want people to remember the good about me and my laugh 51. Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?not really52. Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on?hell no whats the point 53. Have you ever slapped a boy in the face?yes54. What’s the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you?drive around with me and not make fun of me while i sob my eyes out. thanks becca! thanks jessie!55. What is one of your favorite memories?amity performing youngbloods. thanks for making me cry! 58. What’s the nicest present you’ve ever received?becca bought me an amity ticket, i love that bitch. emilio got me a stuffed animal that is sully so that was pretty nice of him to do (rare) my fav is when people give me flowers. 59. Have you ever had your heart broken?yeah im a sensitive bitch. not his fault tho!60. Have you ever wanted to change anything about your life? If so, what?yeah like mostly where i live. i would just like to leave here. 61. What is something you feel like you are really good at? problem solving62. What are your top 5 favourite all time songs by your favourite artist?open letter. deaths hand. i hate hartley. youngbloods. chasing ghosts. 65. What’s one thing someone has done for you that was really small but made a huge impact?becca had my back throughout my past relationship. she really did everything for me. s/o to her for being legit the best person i have ever met. 66. What do you do when you can’t sleep?watch more tv68. If you could change 3 things within your government, what would they be and why?get trump out of office. thats all i got. i dont know much about the government. 69. What’s your favourite holiday and why?id say halloween. i like the spooks. 70. What’s the kindest thing a stranger has ever done for you? Even if it’s TINY like holding a door open for you, something that you remember even though they were a complete stranger.the nice anons i get. thanks guys. 71. Who’s your favorite cartoon character?honestly? probably scooby. 72. What’s the first song that comes to your mind while reading this and why?scooby doo theme song. i love that shit. 74. What would you like to be the first dance song at your wedding?idk i never think about my wedding plans tbh. something alternative ideally. maybe something by flatsound or across the universe. 75. Have you ever been told you look like a famous person, if so, who?nope 76. What’s one thing you can not live without?becca! 77. What is the most selfless thing you have ever done for someone?idk i will really do anything for anyone. mostly just helping out with driving. 78. Are you a girly girl?i dont think so 79. What color is your bed?black80. Do you prefer light or dark haired guys?dark. ideally brunette. 81. Are you currently frustrated with a boy?hell yes but not his fault 82. Do you have a best friend?yes. s/o to becca. s/o to maddie. s/o to tony. 82. What song makes you cry the most?i cant even pick. probably something by flatsound 83. What’s the funniest film you’ve ever seen?eeeeeekkkk...... i have no idea...... honestly for some reason all that comes to mind is 21 jump street and thats weird 84. What’s something crazy that you’ve always wanted to do?im just tryna kiss a gurl85. Has anything ever happened to you that you just can’t forgive?yes for sure. i will never forgive my abusers. 86. Ever been really drunk?sadly87. Is there any type of rumor going around about you?not really. these people were saying i do bars and thats pretty fucked up considering ive never taken prescription pills for "fun"89. Have you ever felt ashamed about something? If so what was it & why? yeah i'm not gonna talk about it 90. Do you keep a journal? If so what mostly goes in it? Random thoughts, feelings, stories?i did, i should start again. 
91. Do you like somebody?yep :-)92. Craziest shit ever done?im not crazy 93. What’s the saddest story/one that’s touched you the most that you’ve ever heard on the news?the kid that hung himself because people spread rumors that his girlfriend killed herself. 94. If you were told you were going to have 3 daughters, what would you want to name them?i have no idea because im never having kids. 95. Do you have a middle name and if so, what is it?marie96. Are you in a relationship?no 97. Do you enjoy drama?not really98. Are you a virgin?nope99. Are you short or tall?short100. Do you have siblings? If so, what are their names and how old are they? amber is 31, erin is 29, and tony is 16
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