#just to be clear i'm talking about the show
hoshifighting · 24 hours
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Producer!Woozi x Celebrity!Reader
Synopsis: You and Woozi have admired each other's work for a long time. Now, he has the opportunity to produce an album with you. Working on an album for a worldwide artist like you brings him immense joy... and turn-ons.
WC: 4.8k
Warnings: Smut, studio sex (Universe Factory), oral (f.receiving), penetrative sex, unprotected sex, fingering, clit stimulation, g'spot stimulation, aftercare, reader fangirling over Woozi shirtless in Ruby's M/V mentioned.
Your name is splashed across big screens from Times Square to the Grammy Awards. Music didn't just enter your life; it crashed in, loud and powerful, sweeping you off your feet. It became your everything. 
You went from singing in front of millions of people to strumming your guitar alone in a poorly illuminated room, lost in your own world. Music was your passion, your escape, and your purpose all rolled into one.
With that passion came endless opportunities. You were constantly on the move, traveling from one country to another, meeting people you once only dreamed of being in the same room with. You found yourself breathing the same air as your idols, sharing stages with legends. 
Friendships blossomed, some fast and fleeting, others deep and lasting. The world knew your name. Your songs played in every state, on every continent, bridging gaps between different cultures and bringing people together.
Those cultures left a mark on you too. 
You soaked in the richness of each place, each new experience shaping your music and your perspective. You remembered your early days, the hunger for inspiration, the late-night searches for new artists. 
One night, you stumbled upon a webcam live stream with a bunch of boys in a neon green melona room. You laughed and loved watching them, their energy infectious even through a screen. You became a fan, following their journey as you built your own.
But here's the thing about being a superstar: time is never on your side. Your schedule was always packed, and despite being in contact with some of the Seventeen members through DMs and mentioning your admiration for them in interviews, meeting them in person was a challenge. You were in Seoul for a tour once, and they appeared on your show, but there was never enough time to truly connect.
Now, after years of hectic schedules and fleeting encounters, you finally had a moment to breathe. You were working on a new album, and for the first time in a long time, you had the opportunity to switch things up. Your usual producers were fantastic, but this time, something different was calling you. An opportunity was waiting in South Korea, and it had your heart racing with excitement.
You, your manager, and the company representing the group had been in talks for months, working out the details. The goal was clear: to collaborate with Woozi, the musical genius from Seventeen, on your new album. 
When your team informed Woozi that you had just arrived at HYBE, his palms began to sweat. He never imagined he’d get to work with someone of your caliber. The fact that you specifically wanted to work with him made it all the more surreal.
As you walked through the HYBE building, your assistant and one of the staff members gave you a tour. You were almost giddy with excitement. The walls were lined with photos and awards, the air buzzing with creativity. When you finally approached the recreation area and spotted Woozi, his cheeks turned a shade of red. He was nervous, but seeing you smile so brightly at the sight of him sent a sense of relief through his system. 
You were genuinely happy to see him.
As you step into the recreation area and see Woozi standing there, your cheeks flush a deep red. You can’t contain your excitement. "Woozi, I'm so happy to see you," you say, extending a hand, unsure if a hug would be appropriate.
He senses your shyness, and, in a moment of genuine openness, he breaks through his own reserve and gives you an awkward hug. It's brief and a bit clumsy, but it’s sincere. As you pull away, you swear this is the happiest moment of your life.
"I’ve admired your work for so long," you say, your eyes sparkling with genuine admiration. "Your music is incredible."
Woozi shakes his hands in front of him, a shy smile spreading across his face. His long hair swings slightly as he responds, "Oh, no, really, it’s nothing compared to what you’ve done. I'm honestly just honored to be here with you."
You laugh softly, feeling a bit more at ease. "Are you kidding? I still remember hearing your solo for the first time and just being blown away."
Woozi's cheeks tint pink as he looks down, scratching the back of his head. "Thank you, that means a lot coming from you. I remember when we all watched your first big performance. We were in our green room, and we were all just in awe."
You grin, recalling that exact moment you first saw them. "I remember that! I was so inspired by you guys. It’s amazing how things come full circle, isn’t it?"
He nods, his eyes meeting yours with shyness "It really is. I never thought I’d get the chance to work with someone I looked up to so much." Woozi chuckles softly, breaking the silence. "By the way, I saw your post on Twitter about wanting to visit the Universe Factory—my studio."
Your eyes widen in surprise, and you cover your face with your hands. "Oh my God, you guys see my tweets? Oh nooo!"
He laughs, a sound that's both comforting and infectious. "Yeah, they're hard to miss," he admits. "And I may have received a few screenshots of your reaction from 'Ruby'." 
You gasp, mortified as memories of your tweets flood back. You remember typing frantically about needing a defibrillator when Woozi appeared shirtless in the music video. "Oh no, those tweets. I can't believe you saw those."
He’s grinning. "It's okay, really. It was kind of sweet to be honest. We all had a good laugh about it."
Peeking through your fingers, you sigh. "Well, now that my embarrassment is out in the open, I guess it’s only up from here, right?"
Woozi grins, a twinkle in his eye. "Absolutely. Besides, it’s nice to know we have mutual fans of each other’s work. It makes this collaboration even more special."
You nod, recalling how your fanbase and Seventeen’s had always gotten along so well. “Our fans really hit it off, didn’t they? It’s like they’ve been rooting for this collaboration all along.”
Woozi smiles and gestures for you to follow him. “Come on, let me show you the Universe Factory.”
Walking into his studio, you’re immediately struck by how incredible it looks. Purple lights cast a calming glow over the space, and the view from the windows is breathtaking. Everything, from the colors to the high-tech equipment, is perfectly arranged. You can tell he put a lot of effort into making this place special.
“Wow, Woozi, this is amazing,” you say, your eyes wide with admiration. “I always saw photos of your studio, but in person, it’s even better.”
“Thanks, but it’s just a studio.” Woozi’s shy smile returns, but there’s a sparkle in his eyes. “I wanted it to be just right for when you got here. I spent the whole week cleaning and moving things around. Even used some scented sprays.”
You laugh, feeling a snugness in your chest. “You didn’t have to go through all that trouble for me, but I appreciate it.”
He shrugs, his smile widening. “I wanted everything to be perfect.”
Woozi shows you some of the instrumentals he’s been working on, and they’re incredible. The beats blend seamlessly with the lyrics you sent him, and you can already hear the potential for something amazing. He’s practically buzzing with enthusiasm to hear how your voice will mesh with his music.
“Let’s get you in the recording room,” Woozi says, leading you to the booth.
You put on the headphones and glance through the glass at Woozi in the control room. As you start warming up your voice, he watches with a small smile. You can see him scoffing lightly, clearly amused by your funny warm-up techniques.
He presses the intercom button. “I’m definitely going to use that later.”
You sulk playfully, giving him a pout. “Come on, don’t make fun of me.”
He laughs, the sound filling the control room. “Sorry, sorry. It’s just cute the way you warm up.”
Rolling your eyes but smiling, you turn your focus to the paper in front of you. Woozi cues up the beat, and you start with a rough draft, feeling your way through the melody. Even in this initial take, Woozi can’t help but feel impressed. Your voice is powerful, yet it fits perfectly with the track.
You glance up occasionally, catching Woozi’s eyes. He gives you a thumbs-up, his appreciation evident even through the glass. As you continue, you find yourself getting lost in the music, and Woozi’s focus never wavers. When you finish, you look up to see him grinning widely.
“That was just the warm-up?” he says, pressing the button again. “I’m really excited to hear the final version.”
You laugh, feeling a rush of confidence. “Yeah, just the warm-up. Wait till you hear the real thing.”
Woozi nods, eyes gleaming with joy. “I can’t wait. Let’s do this.”
You start to sing for real now, fully immersed in the music. The lyrics flow smoothly, and your voice dances effortlessly over the instrumentals. When it comes to a tricky melisma, you frown slightly, pausing to ask Woozi through the intercom;
"Which tone should I use for this part?"
Woozi, equally focused, listens intently as you demonstrate two different versions. Both sound amazing to him, and he takes a moment to think. He taps his chin thoughtfully before pressing the button. "Try the second one, but start a half-step higher and then slide down smoothly."
You nod, absorbing his suggestion. You take a deep breath and try it his way. The moment you hit that melisma, sliding down effortlessly, the note hangs in the air. Woozi’s eyes light up, and he gives you an enthusiastic thumbs-up from the control room.
As you're in the middle of recording, Soonyoung suddenly appears in the studio, his presence bringing an unexpected burst of energy. You catch sight of him through the glass and wave enthusiastically, a big smile spreading across your face. Soonyoung returns the gesture, his excitement palpable even from a distance. He settles on the couch behind Woozi, watching the two of you work with keen interest.
Woozi presses the intercom button and gives you a nod. "Try going a bit higher for the adlibs."
You nod and sing the section, hitting the high notes while looking at Woozi for confirmation. He listens intently, his gaze dark in focus. “You did so good. That was perfect.”
You can hear Soonyoung’s voice from the back. “He never praises us like that.”
Woozi turns in his chair, giving Soonyoung a deadly glare. 
Soonyoung, unphased, grins and stretches as he stands up. “Alright, alright. I know when I’m not wanted,” he says dramatically, walking toward the door. Just as he’s about to leave, he pauses and turns back. “But after you’re done recording, we’re taking you to dinner Y/N. No excuses.”
You give him thumbs up. Feeling the warmth of their camaraderie. Woozi shakes his head but smiles, turning back to you. 
“Ignore him. Let’s finish this up. You’re doing great.”
After skipping through some tracks, you find yourself sitting in Woozi's incredibly comfortable chair, fiddling with his equipment. The buttons, dials, and sliders are all so intriguing, and you can’t help but feel like a kid in a candy store, discovering new settings and features.
Woozi watches you from a few feet away, arms crossed, a smile playing on his lipsㄧHe knows you’re no stranger to studios and equalizers, but he loves seeing the joy in your eyes as you explore his setup like it’s the coolest thing in the worldㄧHe wonders if your producers ever let you have this much hands-on control.
“Hey, Woozi, how do you tweak the master mix settings here?” you ask, looking up from the console.
He steps forward, moving behind you. His arms come to rest on either side of the chair, effectively caging you in as he leans over to type on the keyboard. 
“You just need to go into this menu,” he says, his voice low and calm. He types swiftly, his fingers dancing over the keys. “Then, adjust the settings here. See?”
You nod, trying to focus on his explanation, but the closeness is overwhelming. You can feel the warmth of his body, his head so close to yours. 
It’s hard to concentrate when you’re not even breathing.
His voice is soft and steady, his breath warm on your skin. You watch his hands move expertly, typing commands and making adjustments with practiced ease. Your heart is pounding so loudly, you’re sure he can hear it.
“And here, you can add some reverb” he continues, “See how that changes the sound?”
No, not when he’s this near.
You nod, feeling a bit dazed. He tells you to try it yourself, and you reach for the adjustment, your hand hovering uncertainly over the controls. Woozi lets go of the mouse and places his hand over yours, guiding it to lower and raise the equalizer. His skin is soft and warm against yours, and the contact almost makes you melt on his chair.
“Like this,” he murmurs, gently moving your hand with his. “Just a little adjustment here and there.”
You can hardly concentrate on the settings, your mind fixated on the sensation of his hand over yours. 
You turn your face slightly toward his, and he looks at you, the proximity between you almost intolerable.
Your eyes lock, and for a moment, the world outside the studio fades away. His gaze is intense, filled with something that makes your breath catch in your throat. Woozi’s hand squeezes yours lightly.
You can feel your pulse quicken. His eyes flicker to your lips for a brief second before meeting your gaze again. The moment stretches, neither of you moves, both caught in the electric current that seems to have taken over the room.
Finally, Woozi clears his throat, breaking the spell but not the connection. "There," he says softly, his voice barely more than a whisper. "You’ve got it."
As you try to focus on adjusting the settings, Woozi leaves your hand on the side of yours, allowing you to make the changes yourself. You manage to make the adjustments, and as the sound fills the room, Woozi's voice breaks through the silence. "That's it. You're doing great." he praises.
You swear if he praises you again like that, you’re going to fucking wet his chair. You don’t even notice that you’re biting your bottom lip, too lost in the horniness.
Woozi’s words echo in your mind as you try to focus on the task at hand, but it's hard to concentrate with the way his body looks in the black shirt he's wearing. The fabric clings to him in all the right places, emphasizing his toned physique.
Every movement he makes with his hands, seems deliberate and calculated, and you can’t tear your eyes away.
You force yourself to push the distracting thoughts aside, but it's a losing battle.
Your gaze remains fixated on his hands as he places them on the border of the desk, supporting his body. His shoulders brush against the back of your head, and you can feel his presence looming over you. It’s as if he knows exactly what’s passing through your mind.
He brushes a hand over your shoulder, the sensation lingering even after he presses it between his hands in a gentle massage. You feel his lips tentatively brush against the corner of yours.
Caught off guard, you melt into his touch, your fingers intertwining with his as you lean into the kiss. His lips are soft against yours, a perfect match to the warmth of his touch. But when he catches you melting against his hand, he doesn't pull away. Instead, he turns the chair to face him, his hand sliding behind your neck to pull you closer.
His kiss deepens, and you respond eagerly, your hands sliding to each side of his face before tangling in his hair at the back of his neck. The kiss is desperate, as if you’ve both been holding back.
But when you finally break apart, gasping for breath, you realize that you can’t resist any longer. You get up from the chair, his hands desperately grab your waist, pulling your bodies together 
The way he holds your waist makes your tank top bunch up between his fingers, his palms feeling your belly's bare skin. You whimper against his lips, "Hmm, Woozi..."
He pulls back slightly, "Jihoon," he corrects gently, "Call me Jihoon."
Your stomach flutters at the intimacy of calling him by his real name. "Jihoon," you repeat softly, savoring the sound.
He smiles, a soft, almost shy smile that makes your heart skip a beat. Then he leans in again, kissing your cheek, your jaw, and your neck. Each touch of his lips sends you on cloud nine, making you arch against his chest, your hands gripping his bicep for support.
"Jihoon," you murmur again, the name feeling more natural on your lips each time.
His hands move up your sides, sliding under your tank top, his fingers warm against your skin. He pulls the fabric up, and you lift your arms, allowing him to remove it completely. The cool air of the studio contrasts with the heat of his touch, making your nipples harden.
He takes a moment to admire you, his eyes roaming over your body "You're beautiful," he whispers.
You blush, feeling a little shy under his gaze. "You too," you reply, reaching up to touch his face, your fingers tracing the lines of his jaw.
He smiles and pulls you closer, his lips finding yours once more. This kiss is deeper, more urgent, as if he's trying to pour all his feelings into it. You respond with equal fervor, your hands exploring the planes of his chest, and the muscles of his back.
Jihoon’s hands move to your waist again, his fingers brushing the waistband of your jeans. He pauses, looking at you for permission. You nod, your breath hitching in the process.
He unbuttons your jeans, sliding them down your hips and letting them pool at your feet. You step out of them, standing before him in just your underwear. He takes a moment to admire you again, his eyes dark with desire, a little hidden under his long bangs.
You reach for the hem of his shirt, lifting it up and over his head. He helps you, tossing it aside. Your hands explore his bare chest, feeling the warmth of his milky skin, the steady beat of his heart.
This time, his hands roam more freely, exploring every inch of your body. His touch is gentle, yet possessive, as if he's trying to memorize every curve, every contour. After all, he doesn't know when he'll be able to touch you like that again. That is, if there is a next time.
You respond in kind, your hands moving over his body, savoring the feel of his muscles flexing under your fingertips.
He guides you toward the couch, his lips never leaving yours. You lie down, pulling him with you, your bodies molding together perfectly. He kisses his way down your neck, your chest, his lips leaving a trail of saliva in their wake.
"Jihoon," you moan, your hands tangling in his hair as he takes one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking gently. The sensation numbs your mind, making you arch against him.
Jihoon makes you relax on his couch, but you suddenly become very aware when his fingers slide your panties to the side, moistening his fingers with your lubrication. He opens his eyes to watch you squirm as your pussy sucks his finger inside without effort. His cold finger fits perfectly inside you, and you can feel him teasing to put another one. You clap a hand over your mouth to stifle your moans.
He laughs softly, taking your hand off your mouth. "The studio is soundproof. You can moan as loud as you want."
You mentally thank him because with his fingers now perfectly entering and leaving you, a loud moan escapes your mouth, and the sound of your wet pussy isn't discreet. You're loving the intense gaze he has on you, like you're about to be devoured. He tries to kiss you, but you can only moan as he fingers you.
Jihoon curls his fingers on your g'spot, repeating the motion again and again. You let out a strangled moan, squirming under his touch. "Don't do that, or I'll mess up your sofa," you warn, your voice shaky with pleasure.
He looks at you from under his bangs, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I don't care about the sofa," he murmurs, pressing a hand on your lower belly to intensify the curl of his fingers.
The added pressure makes you scream, "Please, please!"
Jihoon smirks, his fingers moving faster inside you. "Please what? Tell me what you need," he demands, his voice commanding.
"Please, Jihoon, I need more," you gasp, your body arching against his hand.
He leans in closer, his breath hot against your ear. "More of what? My fingers? My mouth?" he asks, his tone teasing.
"Both," you whimper, feeling desperate for more of his touch.
Jihoon chuckles, his lips brushing against your ear. "Greedy, aren't you? But I'll give you what you want," he promises, his fingers curling and pressing against your g'spot with relentless precision.
You cry out, your body trembling. "Jihoon, I'm going to—"
"Do it," he whispers, his calm raspy voice making you bite your bottom lip. "Come for me."
Your hands clutch at the couch as Jihoon's head moves from above you to between your legs. The moment his tongue touches your clit, you can't hold back, and you come almost immediately. 
He stops for a moment, just to admire the sight of you arching your back on his couch, his fingers deep inside you, all wet as you roll your hips on them, moaning in his studio, naked. He never thought it would happen, but he isn't complaining.
You discover he's stronger than you thought when he holds your hips down to keep you in place before he devours your pussy. You roll your eyes at the sensitivity and the sight of his fangs tickling your skin, making you giggle between moans. 
The scene is completely sinful. You prop yourself up on one elbow and hold his hair up to see his face, flushed but with closed eyes, all concentrated on giving you pleasure. You find it incredibly cute, and you can't help but praise him.
"Jihoon, you're doing so good," you murmur, your voice trembling. "You're so focused, it's amazing."
In response, he sucks your clit inside his mouth, making you pull his hair a little. He hisses softly, and you quickly apologize. "Sorry, I didn't mean to—"
He looks up at you, a playful glint in his eyes. "It's okay," he says, his voice slightly rough. "I like it."
You can't help but moan louder as he resumes his attention to your clit. His fingers continue their relentless rhythm inside you, and you feel the pressure building again.
"Jihoon, please," you gasp, your hips bucking against his hold.
You gasp, and Jihoon stops, making your head fall back as you whine, your orgasm interrupted. He kneels on the couch, lowering his sweatpants and underwear to his thighs. You shake your head, saying, "I want you to take it all off."
He smiles, obliged, then comes completely naked over you. You spread your legs for him, wide, and he slides his cock between your folds, eliciting a whine from you. Still supporting yourself on your elbow, you grab his hair, pulling it slightly, earning a moan from him.
As your tongues wrap around each other, his cock slides inside you, and you open your mouth in a silent moan, your back plopping on the couch. He moans at the sensation of your gummy walls wrapping his cock, sucking him in welcomely. He also smiles, finding your reaction endearing.
Jihoon rolls his hips slowly, letting you adjust to the fullness of his cock. The slow stimulation draws moans from your lips, and you gasp, "Not only do you make amazing music, but you fuck so damn good too."
Jihoon lets out a genuine laugh, his breath warm against your skin. He hides his face in the crook of your neck, so shy, and you pull him back, wanting to see his eyes. He glances at you, amusement shining in his gaze.
"You really know how to flatter a guy," he chuckles, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
You laugh with him, the sound mingling with the intimate atmosphere around you. "It's true," you say, your voice lighter. 
Jihoon shakes his head, still smiling, but the moment of levity shifts as he feels your walls tighten around him. His smile fades into a look of intense pleasure, his face contorts, and he starts to moan, the sound vibrating through you.
"Oh, God," he groans, his hips picking up a rhythm that makes your breath hitch. "You feel so good."
The sounds of skin slapping, your moans, and the low hum from the computer rendering the music become the backdrop to your intense session with Jihoon. Your breasts bounce with every thrust, and your hair spreads wildly across the couch. He can feel your wetness around his cock, spreading to his thighs and the couch. You brace yourself with one hand on the couch's arm, your lips plump and sensitive from the kisses and bites.
Jihoon closes his eyes, focusing solely on the sensation of your pussy. If he keeps looking at how much pleasure you're experiencing, he might come too soon. But you can already sense his cock throbbing inside you.
"Open your eyes," you urge him, catching on.
He opens them, sulking a bit, and you give him a devilish smile. You lick your fingers, sliding them down your body to circle your clit, doubling your pleasure and his. His mouth falls open at the sight.
"Fuck, nooo..." he mumbles, watching your every move.
You revel in the sight of his abs flexing, showing that his orgasm is near. Sensing his impending climax, Jihoon pulls out, giving himself a moment to regain control. When he's ready, he slides back in, making you arch your back and curl your toes, triggering your orgasm instead.
You smile at his audacity, and he grins, seeing that his tactic worked. "F-fuck you… I'm cumming, Jihoon," you warn, closing your eyes as the pleasure builds.
He speeds up his hips, making you stop breathing for a second before a deep moan escapes from your chest. You feel yourself clenching and unclenching around him, your body shuddering as you reach your peak. Panting hard, Jihoon pulls out just in time, spilling his cum on your belly as he strokes his cock. His body trembles, and his eyes lock with yours, his bangs falling over his forehead.
Jihoon takes a long look at your spent body, a satisfied smile spreading across his face. "How about a nap before dinner?" he suggests softly.
You close your eyes and nod, feeling the exhaustion settling in. "Right..." he murmurs, getting up from the couch.
You miss the warmth of his body immediately and let out a small whine. He chuckles, "I'm coming back," he assures you as he grabs a box of Kleenex and brings some tissues to clean you up. Gently, he wipes your belly and between your legs, his touch tender.
"I'm glad we finished some songs," he teases, his eyes twinkling. "You don't look like you could continue... at least not today."
You scoff, too tired to come up with a witty response. Jihoon starts dressing you, carefully slipping your top back on, your panties, and leaving your jeans off so you can nap comfortably. Once you're settled, he dresses himself quickly.
From the corner of the studio, he fetches a thin blanket draped over a poltrone. He covers you with it and then lays down beside you, pulling you close.
"You really wore me out," you murmur, a hint of amusement in your voice.
He grins, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "Likewise," he says. "But it was worth it."
You let out a contented sigh, feeling more relaxed than you had in a long time. "I can't wait to hear how the songs turn out," you confessed, your voice growing dreamier with each passing moment.
Jihoon hummed in agreement, his fingers resuming their soothing motions on your back. "Me too," he murmured. "But for now, let's just enjoy this."
And so you did. Wrapped in each other's arms, you drifted off into a peaceful sleep, you snuggle into him, the steady rhythm of his breathing lulling you towards sleep. 
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Maybe opinions have shifted in the fandom but i do think its very interesting that a lot of fanfic ive read assumes that Louis and Armand are living off of Armand's money. Assuming the apartment is in Armand's name, etc, when Armand actually seems to be perpetually broke. He has zero employable skills. When Lestat meets him he's living in squalor and hes only living a reasonably comfortable life when Louis meets him because Lestat has been his (and the covens) absentee sugar daddy for a hundred years. Now its possible that theyre living off of Lestat's fortune after his death but I can't imagine Lestat would have left Louis as inheritor of his estate after returning to Paris. I actually think the show is pretty clear that its LOUIS's money they're living off of. In 2x4 he talks about it: he became an art dealer. He has the eye. As a vampire with infinite patience he can sit on art until it becomes incredibly valuable. And we see them do it in the show! They sell the Francis Bacon paintings! The show really lavishes a LOT of attention on the sale of the paintings, and it makes sense if that's one of Louis and Armand's main occupations. Its Louis' keen business sense that has brought them into wealth (although im not sure why Louis was living in that shitty apartment in 1976). Anyways. I don't know where I'm going with this i just think it's interesting that people assume that Armand's power extends into the financial when he is like. The brokest man alive. Lmao.
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mariasont · 1 day
Training Day - A.H
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a/n: you all wanted more bimbo!assistant!reader and i'm a woman of the people so here we are
on a real note i love her and she is my queen
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pairings: aaron hotchner x bimbo!assistant!reader
summary: you don't understand why hotch is giving you training lessons, but apparently he thinks you need it
warnings: talking about men following her in public YUCK, hotch trying to train reader, reader not knowing what's going on, cuties being cute
wc: 0.8k
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"I still don't really know why we're doing this."
You were grumbling more than was characteristic for you, with every part of your body, your arms, your legs, and even your ass, suffering from a dull ache--sadly, not the result of any enjoyable pastime. After being knocked over more times than you cared to count, Hotch extended his hand toward you. You gladly took it, letting him pull you to your feet.
Your fingers deftly pulled at your pink tracksuit top over the sliver of abdomen that that had been revealed in your less-than-graceful take down. Hotch had pointed out the impracticality of your outfit when you showed up, but you stood firm on the principle that if early training sessions were expected of you, then your attire would be non-negotiable.
"Because I want to be confident in your abilities to defend yourself." His arms folded over his chest as his gaze bore into you, challenging you to contradict him.
"I'm just here to look pretty and answer your phones, crime-fighting isn't in my job description. That's your thing, Mr."
You shuffled back to your original position anyway, hands coming up to shield your face as you mentally sorted through the steps, or at least tried to, struggling to recall the correct foot placement.
"Shoulder width apart."
It's like he could read your mind. You were not entirely convinced that he couldn't.
"Crime-fighting doesn't have to be your thing," Hotch stated, narrowing the gap between you, his hands firmly correcting your stance. You sometimes found an excuse to stand just so, hoping he would step in to manhandle you into place. "But being part of the BAU, even peripherally, means you're not immune to risks. I need to know you can handle yourself... for my piece of mind."
"Sir, is this like, your super-secret way of showing you care?"
Your lips twisted into a half-smile as his hands clasped your waist a little tighter than necessary: a warning that said you were playing with fire. His fingers then moved to direct yours, positioning them closer to your face, his knuckles lightly grazing across your cheek in the process.
"Eyes on me, stay focused."
"My eyes are always on you, sir," you say, your head canting to one side. 
He released a controlled breath, giving you a level look that signaling you were pushing it. Nevertheless, you flashed him a beaming smile and initiated the move he had been drilling into you. The tip of your elbow made contact with the soft of his stomach.
He issued a muted groan as he intercepted your arm, preventing it from digging further, and in a fluid motion he spun you around, pinning your backside to his front.
"That was perfect, right?" you squealed, your fist shooting up in victory.
The sudden jump caused his hands to shift from your arm, finding a new perch on your hips to steady your... enthusiastic bounce.
You whirled in his grasp, the proximity sending a faint hum through his chest. Clearing his throat, he managed. "Yes, uh, that was it."
Clutching his shirt, the fabric crumpled beneath your purple-tipped fingers, you giggled. "Just imagine someone trying to follow me to my car now. They wouldn't know what hit 'em!"
"Is that a common occurrence?" The lines of his face gathered into that customary look of concern, that characteristic frown of his making an appearance.
He gently disentangled your hands from his shirt, not letting go, but rather laying his atop of yours.
"Well, sometimes, but I usually just call Morgan, put him on speaker, and he starts talking about the FBI stuff," you explained, giving a light shrug that nudged the zipper of your jacket down just a smidge. "They take off after that."
He clenched his eyes shut, pausing momentarily before reopening it. One hand let go of yours to adjust the zipper back to its proper position.
"That makes my stomach hurt." And it did. "Don't hesitate to call me when that happens. I'll come get you."
Your smile stretched ear to ear, potent enough to make him feel lightheaded. "You know, with all these trainings, who needs to call for help?"
"How about we compromise, and you still call me, regardless?"
You pout your lips, shiny with clear gloss rather than your usual pink. "That sounds less like a compromise and more like a you thing, ya know?"
Hotch's laughter rumbled from his chest, a warm, breathy sound, as he let go of your hands, which he realized he had been holding far longer than appropriate, and guided you to the door.
"You don't appreciate the added precautions I'm willing to take for your safety?"
Dragging your sneaker on the floor, you plucked your bag from the wall as Hotch closed the door behind you. "Gee, when you say it like that..."
When you walked down the hall you seemed to be perfectly in step.
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open-sketchbook · 2 days
i'm super high so forgive the rambling but
as somebody who grew up catholic and read the bible a bunch because it was words in a book and that's what i did in school, a thing thats fucking insane about christianity is how, like, the foundational text of christianity and christanity-the-institution are basically completely the opposite of one another
original observation i know but this isn't me like, doing a new thing, its reeling over an old well-worn thing because its just so insane
like fundamentally the pitch of christianity, as presented in stories about jesus, is "god made himself into a guy, but not just a guy, a poor working man in roman-occupied judea. this guy went around telling everyone how god is on the side of the poor, the oppressed, and the downtrodden, and against the rich, the occupier, and the authority. to be kind to each other, help each other, even the ones you're supposed to hate, and take solace in the face the day is coming when those in power get what's coming to them."
but then the romans decided christianity was theirs now, and i dont think we like... understand how fucking weird that is. its like if the president of the united states one day got up and declared that actually, its Soviet America now. nothing is changing materially, capital still rules america, but the flags are all red and there's hammers and sickles on everything and people call each other comrade
because that's exactly what it is, right? none of the stuff in the jesus parts of the bible are really, like, conducive to the state religion of a giant conquering slave empire, especially not the part where the romans killed the dude. so like, basically every single thing about christainity is this bizarre smoke and mirrors game with theological wordplay to get around that. the institutions of the church exist to undermine the core stuff that's written in their foundational document through a game of theological telephone.
and again like, i keep coming back to the soviet america example idea thing. because that's exactly what it is, right? imagine its like, a thousand years from now, and in some liberal government culturally descendent from the united states you got an election and the two candidates get up and cite the parts of Capital where Karl Marx is like "alright i'll hand it to the capitalists they sure built a lot of machine tools" to show their devotion to communism, which of course teaches that capitalists should own the means of production
its exactly that! they literally took a religion built around a dude who really fucking hated the roman occupation and talked endlessly about giving to others and sharing with others and helping those unlike yourself and made it into the religion of rome, of taking and keeping and hurting those unlike yourself.
its so fucking wild man (again; i am so goddamn high. to be clear, this isn't a defense of christianity or of issues with jesus as portrayed, like im not saying that actually we should be Original Jesusers, i fully agree that christanity has antisemetism at its core, its more just musing on how wild it is this happened)
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shockercoco · 3 days
What Were You Thinking
Austin Butler x reader
Warnings - none, fluff
Word count - 2849
a/n - I watched The Bikeriders, so now i'm ready for the benny imagines. Also, I gotta step up my writing game. I hope you enjoy :)
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Of course you’re not ignoring him. You haven’t talked to him and you haven’t answered any of his messages or calls, but that doesn’t mean you’re ignoring him, right? Well, maybe.
A couple of nights ago, you and Austin shared a moment after dinner with some crew members and, ever since then you’ve been casually avoiding him. He had been on his way out of the hotel to take a late night stroll to clear his head and asked you if you would like to join him. Thinking nothing of it and needing a release as well, you accepted his offer.
The two of you ended up on the roof of the hotel since no one would be able to find you two there, and after talking for a bit about whatever came to mind, you both just stood in silence as you looked out at the city.
You don’t remember exactly how it happened, but one moment Austin had begun to confess his growing feelings towards you, and then the next the two of you were kissing. It wasn’t a complete surprise because the two of you have grown closer and closer throughout the duration of filming, and you felt some tension between you guys, but you thought you were just being delusional.
Now, it’s not like you didn’t feel the same way towards him because you did – he had you hooked from the moment you first met him – you supposed you just didn’t expect this moment to ever happen. And it’s not like the kiss wasn’t great, Austin was gentle and you felt so safe in his arms – not like you had a list of experiences to compare it to.
When the two of you parted ways for the night, you were on good terms, but when you woke up the next morning everything hit you. Your mind started to race as you began to wonder if Austin had regretted the kiss, or if he had had too much to drink last night which resulted in his confession, or maybe you were just getting pranked.
Then you remembered that Austin isn’t one to drink until getting drunk, and he isn’t a huge fan of pranks, meaning that everything that had happened the night before was real. This didn’t make you feel better at all, though. 
You didn’t have to see him that day because you had a flight to catch your next destination of the press tour, and Austin had some talk show to attend meaning he would be on a later flight. That didn’t stop him from reaching out to you, though, and in the beginning you were texting him back, but then you panicked and stopped.
You had told your assistant everything that had happened since you felt so confused, but she didn’t really say anything except how she knew it all along and how you shouldn’t be worried because Austin was the one to confess his feelings first. 
This didn’t make you feel better either.
You can’t stay away from him forever though because now you’re about to attend your movie premiere in Sydney, which means you have to see him during pictures and the interviews.
Your assistant walks in on you pacing around your hotel room and asks, “Do you need a paper bag to breathe into?”
You stop your pacing to glare at her and say, “You’re not funny.” You decide to look out of the window to distract yourself, only to notice the drops of rain beginning to fall from the sky. 
“I don’t understand what you’re so worried about, it’s just Austin,” your assistant tells you.
“You mean the guy I made out with and then completely avoided him after? What the hell am I supposed to say to him?” you ask, about to run a hand over your face until you remember the full face of makeup you have on.
“How about a ‘hi’. You’re making this way harder than it has to be, y’know. It’s not like he’s going to be mad at you, I don’t even think he has an angry bone in his body,” your assistant laughs. “Now, can you please finish sulking? The car is waiting downstairs.”
You roll your eyes as you step away from the window and give yourself one last final look in the mirror. You can’t deny the fact that your dress is gorgeous, along with your hair and makeup, making you feel confident and prepared for the dozens of pictures you're about to take.
Your assistant comes up to stand behind you as well, giving you a once-over with a smile. “You look amazing, and I know Austin will feel the same.”
When you arrive at the theatre, there are dozens of fans standing along the barricade waiting for cast members to come over and say hello to them and sign autographs. As you step out of the vehicle, with the help of your driver offering his hand, you notice Austin immediately as he moves down the long line of fans to sign whatever they hand him.
His assistant and publicist are behind him trying to keep an umbrella over his head, but Austin being Austin doesn’t care about the rain messing up his styled hair or his fancy suit and continues to hold conversations as best as he can. That doesn’t stop his team from surrounding him and trying to keep him looking nice for everyone.
You, on the other hand, would like to stay as dry as possible.
The volume of the crowd suddenly rises as everyone notices your arrival, making Austin turn around. His eyes meet yours and for a second you freeze and don’t know what to do. The weather has made him look even better, if that’s even possible, and the wet hair definitely does something to you.
After taking a moment, you finally snap out of it and give him a small smile, which he returns before continuing your walk.
Austin watches from his spot as you walk away, your back towards him. He can’t help but admire and appreciate your appearance, and he can’t wait to tell you how beautiful you are. 
That is, if you actually come near him. He’s not completely offended that you’ve gone distant from him over the last couple of days, but he is confused. He knows his feelings for you are reciprocated, so he’s just guessing and hoping that you freaked out over everything.
Austin gets lost in thought for a second before he hears the girl next to him giggle to her friend because they obviously witnessed the whole thing. He clears his throat before smiling at her and signing the action figure of one of his past characters that she hands him. A laugh leaves his lips at the fact that the thing even exists.
Once you meet some fans yourself, it’s time for the interview and photographs part of the premiere, which you’re not completely looking forward to. Austin comes up beside you as you pose in front of the backdrop for the paparazzi and places a hand on your waist.
Under any other circumstances, his touch wouldn’t be bothering you since this isn’t anything new, but now you’re just finding it distracting. His cologne and natural scent fills your nostrils, and you could definitely pass out. You feel yourself start to sweat and your heartbeat begins to beat faster as you try and focus on smiling for the pictures.
All the while, you can see your assistant standing off to the side and smirking at the two of you.
The thought of firing her crosses your mind.
Then, Austin leans down to whisper in your ear, “You look beautiful tonight.” He pulls away as he smiles down at you, and your fake grin for the cameras automatically turns into a genuine one.
You look up at him and muster up ‘thank you’ before quickly looking away. Austin’s gaze lingers on you for a couple seconds more, before looking away as well. 
How are you supposed to survive the rest of the night, if you can’t even handle something as small as this? 
It eventually comes time for the interviews, and throughout each one all you can think about is body heat radiating off of him onto you as he stands close to you. You feel your face get warm, but that doesn’t mean it’s because of him. It could be from the questions you’re being asked, which you feel are beginning to get repetitive.
Every once in a while, you swear he feels closer than normal, which could easily be written off as Austin just listening to the answers you give.
After everything moves inside, you immediately leave the group to make a beeline for the bathroom – to relieve yourself of course, but to also give yourself a chance to breathe. There’s plenty of time before you have to go on stage along with the rest of the cast – and Austin – so might as well relax, right?
When you finally decide you’ve spent enough time in the bathroom, you leave, only to run into Austin himself, catching you completely off guard. You feel your heart drop. 
He’s leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets as he watches you step out. His eyebrows raise at you in curiosity, silently wanting to address the elephant in the room.
“It’s kind of weird for a man to linger outside of the ladies restroom,” you joke, not knowing what else to say.
Austin smirks, “I know, I usually don’t do it, but you gave me no choice – since you’ve been avoiding and all.”
Also, your assistant told him where to find you, but he wasn’t going to tell you that.
You swallow. “I haven’t.”
“Oh really? Then what do you call what you’ve been doing for the past couple of days?” Austin tilts his head.
“How do you know I didn’t get sick or something? Or maybe I lost my phone, that happens y’know,” you tell him as you fold your arms over your chest.
A few people come walking down the hallway, and Austin waits for them to pass before answering, “Because you always make sure that you have your phone, and you’ve still been posting on social media.”
“I thought you didn’t really go on social media,” you point out, your eyebrows furrowing.
“That’s not the point,” he playfully rolls his eyes. He’s about to say something when another group of people walk past, some of them entering the bathroom that you two are still in front of for some reason.
Then Austin motions with his head for you to follow him, which you do. He opens a couple of doors and closes them back before finally finding an empty room for the two of you to talk. He lets you walk in first, his hand on the small of your back, before following and closing the door behind you two.
The space was small and had theatre equipment scattered around. You put some distance in between you and Austin as he turns to face you. If this was any other circumstance, being locked in a room with Austin Butler wouldn’t seem so bad.
Austin runs a hand through his damp hair before stuffing his hands back into his pockets. “So?” he speaks up, wanting you to address the situation. 
“So…what?” you ask as you casually look around the room, trying to look at anything but him. You can’t handle his blue eyes burning into your soul at the moment, but then again you never could because it’s Austin.
“You can’t just avoid me forever. What happened to you?” he asks you softly, and you honestly don’t know what to say.
“Hey, I basically shut down after we kissed and now I can’t look you in the eye because I don’t know if what happened that night is actually real. What’s been going on with you?”
Yeah, no.
You feel your ears begin to grow hot and a weird sensation in your stomach as Austin stares you down. He takes a few steps closer to you and moves his head, trying to get you to look at him.
“Yeah, yeah I know,” you mumble. Not knowing what to do with your arms, you fold them across your chest once again. 
“Talk to me.” He takes another step closer, his expression gentle. “Did I cross a line by kissing you? Did you have a change of heart? What is it?”
“I just–I don’t know, okay?” you say, dramatically throwing your hands in the air.
Then Austin’s eyes squint and he smirks. “You freaked out didn’t you?”
A scoff leaves your mouth because how dare he accuse you of something so true?
You shoot him a glare before saying, “Something like that.”
“I knew it. I know you too well.”
Austin comes closer until he’s standing right in front of you, then takes your hands into his.
“Why didn’t you just come talk to me? We could’ve worked it out.”
“Because I don’t know what I’m doing, Austin. Your career is taking off and you're this big celebrity, and I’m just someone at the beginning of their career – a nobody,” you tell him, looking up at him.
Austin’s eyes furrow and the feeling of hurt flashes across his face. “You’re not a nobody, don’t say that. Look where we are right now, at a premiere for a movie that you're the lead in. And who cares about my career, that doesn’t matter. I’m a human just like you. I like you for you.”
“Come on, Austin,” you sigh as you go to back up, but his grip on your hands tighten.
When he’s sure you’re not going to move again, he places his hands on both sides of your face, forcing you to look at him. Forcing you to see him.
“What do I need to do to show you I’m telling the truth?” he asks, his thumb gently caressing your cheek. His voice is low now as his eyes flicker between yours. His feelings about you are genuine and he needs you to notice that.
You get that same feeling in your chest that you felt that night on the hotel rooftop. When the air was silent, and the two of you were put in your own bubble. You remember the way his hands felt on your body as he held you close, so tenderly.
“It’s not you, it’s me,” you admitted, though it was obvious.
“Then get out of your head. Do you really think I would be holding you in this extremely dusty room if I didn’t care for you. You do realize how close we are, right?” he tries to assure you.
How could you not? You could feel his breath on your face everytime he talked. His scent overruled the smell of the tiny room, making it that much easier to focus on him.
“Yeah,” you answer. Your voice is low now too, matching his. 
After a beat of silence, Austin says, “Would you run away again, if I kissed you right now?”
You shake your head ‘no’ because there’s no way you can trust your voice right now. Austin waits another moment to see if you would back away, but when you don’t, he leans in to connect your lips with his.
His lips are just like you remembered it, soft and plump, as he moves in sync with you. Your hands move to rest on his chest before slowly moving up to wrap around his neck. You feel Austin smile into the kiss, and you can’t help but do the same. Austin’s hands leave your face before landing on your waist, pulling you even move into him, making sure you were the only air he was breathing.
When the two of you finally have to pull away for some much needed air, your faces still stay close enough for your noses to barely touch.
You feel like you could just stay here and forget the movie premiere, but the idea immediately gets tossed out the window when Austin’s phone buzzes in his pocket. He keeps one hand on your waist as he goes to dig it out, only to reveal text messages from his publicist wondering where the two of you were.
Right as Austin’s thumb moves to text her back, another two pop up.
“Well she’s definitely not happy,” Austin laughs.
“We should get back before she kills you,” you say as you watch the messages roll in.
“Yeah, I guess,” he agrees as he answers his publicist before re-pocketing his phone, a hint of disappointment in his tone.
As he walks you to the door and opens it, you stop to say, “Just for the record, I didn’t run. I would call it more like slowly taking a couple steps back.”
“Whatever you say, just don’t do it again because I will have to chase after you,” he cheeses down at you.
That honestly doesn’t sound too bad.
What were you thinking to avoid this man?
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5 + 1 : Fluster
Summary: 5 times you (unconsciously) fluster Azul and the one time he (intentionally) flusters you back.
Notes: Suggestive themes. Established relationship. Azul calls you sweetheart. Reader is implied to be smaller than Azul (just for that one part about clothes).
A/N: I remember I was thinking about my persona and Azul's dynamic when I made this >/////<
A repost from my old blog @escha-evenstar. Edited.
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Fives Times You (Unconsciously) Fluster Azul
Complimenting him sincerely
"Wow! I know you're a farsighted thinker but I'm still impressed you thought that far ahead. You're really amazing, Azul!" You said gleefully as you complimented your boyfriend.
He cleared his throat as he adjusted the glasses perched on his nose. It was but a failed attempt to hide the pink blush creeping up on his cheeks. "Well, it is to be expected, sweetheart. After all, preparation is the key to ensure success. And I won't tolerate any sort of failure, not as long as I am here."
You giggled at him. "Hehe~ I really admire that about you. I'm so lucky to have met you, Azul. You're just so clever and hardworking! Not to mention you look very attractive, both in human form and merform if I might add. Also..."
Somehow, you ended up saying a lot of things about him as you continued to sing genuine praises, unaware that Azul's face was turning a deeper shade of crimson for each compliment that come out of your mouth.
"Ah! Your face is red! Are you okay?"
No, I am not.
Not after you said all those things about him. He was a blushing mess.
Saying "I love you" unexpectedly
Azul was having a pleasant conversation with you as you strolled around town on your date. You soon found a bench that was shaded under a tree and decided to take a rest from walking. He was in the middle of talking about something when you suddenly interrupted.
"Zul, can I just.. say something?"
"Of course. Do you also have comments about the food? I personally think-"
"I love you," you said with complete love and adoration in your eyes.
Azul blinked at you. A second passed before his face blushed a bright crimson hue.
"I—" He moved his hand to cover part of his flushed face.
He cleared his throat before responding to you shyly. "I love you too, sweetheart."
How could you say that out of nowhere? And with such an expression too?
Azul felt his heart might just burst out of his chest.
Sending him a picture with him on your mind
Azul was sorting through some papers and shipments at the Mostro Lounge when he heard his phone buzz repeatedly with a customized ringtone, indicating it was you. He immediately stopped working to check his phone.
3 Notifications?
He opened his messenger app, seeing you at the top with your nickname "Sweetheart" beside your profile picture, and began reading through your messages.
Sweetheart: Zuuuuul~ 🥰
Sweetheart: Hi hi! Hope you're doing okay there. Remember not to overwork yourself.
Sweetheart: We're strolling by the beach right now. It's such a beautiful day for a walk!
You were currently hanging out with your friends. Azul would have loved to join you but needed to finish some work first. He saw three dots on the speech bubble, meaning you were typing another message.
Sweetheart: Look!
Sweetheart has sent an attachment.
Upon clicking on the file, Azul felt his heart beat faster and his face flushing slightly. It was a selfie of you showing the beach as your background. Your hair flowed gently with the breeze. Your skin glowing with the sun cascading over it. Your eyes shining bright like gemstones. And your smile as lovely as ever.
Absolutely breathtaking.
Sweetheart: Wish you were here with me. I miss youuuu~ 🩷🩷🩷
He instantly saved the photo of you, storing it inside a private album on his phone filled with dozens of pictures of you, before typing a reply.
Looking at the album, Azul felt himself blush some more from how you always think about him wherever you were.
How lucky he was to have that privilege.
Giving him a surprise kiss
"Here's your tea! Time for a break, Azul," you said as you poured him a cup and set down the fancy saucer with matching teacup on his desk.
Azul, however, was still scribbling on the contract laid in front of him. "Thank you, sweetheart. Let me just finish this last one."
You were pouring another cup of tea for yourself when you remembered something.
"Ah! I was supposed to bring in some biscuits too. Let me just get them." You were on your way to the door when Azul asked you to pass him a file, saying he just needed to check something. You grabbed the folder and gave it to him.
"Here you go! When I get back, I hope to see you're finished with that and taking your break," you pouted.
Azul chuckled at your cute face. "But of course, sweetheart. Anything for you," he said, which made you smile.
"Hehe~ Yey! I'll go get the biscuits now."
Azul thought you would leave after that, but he noticed how you inched even closer to him, and suddenly your lips were on his face, right on top of his beauty mark.
A pinkish hue dusted his cheeks and the tips of his ear.
It felt like an eternity before you pulled back and walked out of the room, saying, "I'll be back!"
He heard the door close, and his hand suddenly lost its grip on the fishbone pen he was using.
He might just take his break right now.
Wearing his clothes
After a busy day at the lounge, Azul was glad to finish early and finally retire to his quarters for the night. He turned the handle on the door open as he called out to you. "Sweetheart?"
He was expecting you to be there, sitting on his bed, patiently waiting for him as usual, before eagerly getting off the bed and rushing to greet him with a kiss and a hug.
But you weren't.
There was no hug. No kisses. No you.
His eyes searched around the room before settling to the bathroom. Azul heard the door click as it slowly opened.
"Sweetheart! There you-”" His sentence was cut off as his eyes widened upon seeing your form.
There you were, wearing his white dress shirt. His piece of clothing looked like a short dress on your body. A few buttons on top were undone, exposing some skin.
Azul doesn't normally curse, but—
He feels the heat rise on his cheeks rapidly as he gazed at you. Stunned.
"Oh! Azul! I.. wasn't expecting you back yet." Your face show you were startled at seeing him.
At closer inspection, Azul noticed you were wearing purple eyeliner like he was. He couldn't help but continue to stare in astonishment.
"Uhm.. surprise?" You let out a soft chuckle as you brushed your hair behind your ear. "I wanted to dress up like you and wear your clothes as a surprise, but it seems I wasn't able to finish."
Azul was as still as a statue that sank to the bottom of the sea. His blue eyes never leaving your form and his face blushing an even brighter red the longer he stared.
"Zul?" You asked softly upon not hearing a response, head tilting to the side.
His mind was blank except for a single thought.
How are you so cute and sexy at the same time?
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...and the One Time He (Intentionally) Flusters You Back
You and Azul were lying down on the bed, each doing your own thing. Although no words were said, you were basked in comfortable silence. However, you were completely unaware of the scheming thoughts of your lover.
While lying on your side and playing games with your phone, you suddenly felt arms wrap around you from behind.
You instantly shut your phone's screen off, placed it to the side, before turning around to face him. "Finished with work for today?"
"Mhm. I just.. have something in mind. Do you remember when I said that what's mine is yours?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"And you know Ashengrotto is my surname, right?" He asked, to which you nodded with a hum.
"Then that means my surname is yours too, isn't it? Y/N Ashengrotto does have a nice ring to it," he said with a teasing grin.
You felt your face heat up as you blushed.
"W-well.. uhm.. that does sound nice.. but, we're not.. married yet," you said nervously as you felt flustered from his words.
"Yet. Yet is the keyword, sweetheart," he said while tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. "Maybe not now, but we're bound to marry eventually. Maybe I should talk to someone and have your name changed so you could start getting used to it. Hm?" He was looking more smug by the second. Deviously but attractively smug.
"Azul! You're teasing me again." You covered your face with both hands feeling embarrassed.
I must look completely red by now.
"Aw. Don't hide your beautiful face from me, sweetheart," he said as he grabbed both of your wrists with a single hand, exposing your flushed face. "Besides, you know I'm only speaking the truth." He moved your hand closer to his lips and gave the ring on your ring finger a kiss while looking directly into your eyes.
Could I possibly be any redder than now?
You immediately turned your body to face the other way.
"It's bedtime now! You should sleep! I love you! Night night!" You said your words so quickly that Azul almost didn't pick it up. You only heard him chuckle behind you, but he didn't seem to have any plans of teasing you further.
Or, so you thought.
He wrapped an arm around your waist before muttering close to your ear. "It's too early for bedtime, sweetheart." He gave the sensitive skin behind your ear a gentle kiss and slowly trailed his soft lips down to your neck, before giving it a rough bite and sucking hard on your skin.
A soft moan escaped your lips as he marked you with a love bite.
"Did that feel good, sweetheart?" Azul asked huskily.
You only nodded in response with your face flushed pink. Azul saw this and let out a low chuckle.
"You look so cute like that. Let's see if I can make you blush some more, hm?" He teased as he continued kissing and nipping around your neck. "And don't forget to make those sweet noises for me too."
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I do think they kind of shot themselves in the foot when it comes to the events of Sonic Forces, not because they were bad ideas or even because they were poorly-executed, but because of how it necessitates a change in character dynamics that Sega isn't willing to let happen.
Sonic canon is now existing in a time where Eggman's succeeded in taking over most of the world before, along with imprisoning Sonic for, and I need to emphasize this every time I mention it, six months straight. If Sonic's going to be jokey and casual with Eggman after that, then we need to be able to tell that it's something of a front that he's putting up, or else the character continuity makes no sense.
Recall how, in Adventure 2, Sonic would mock Eggman a bit when he thought he had the upper hand with the fake Chaos Emerald, but not because he wasn't taking him seriously as a villain. He knew that the situation was tense, he was talking big just because that's his personality.
Also recall how he completely dropped the humor whenever things got really bad. Well, he's seen things get pretty much as bad as possible in Forces, all because of Eggman, and I just can't buy the casual nature of their interactions in Frontiers because of it. No matter how casually Sonic acts around him, it's gotta be clear that he doesn't feel comfortable with him. And as entertaining as their dialogue in Frontiers is due to that vibe, it's out of character at this point in the timeline.
Yes, Sonic was the same way with him during Forces. But Frontiers was fully willing to let Tails have more serious, grounded feelings about what happened in Forces, so why not Sonic?
And seriously, what's with this trend of letting literally everyone but Sonic experience residual effects of Forces? Tails shows lasting guilt/anxiety regarding Infinite's first attack in both the games and the comics. And in those comics, the Restoration is all about rebuilding the world after the war, pretty clearly being shaped by their experiences. Meanwhile, Sonic mentions his imprisonment exactly once, and it gets brushed aside immediately.
I understand that Sonic wouldn't want to talk about it, but at a certain point, he doesn't really need to. A shift in how seriously he takes Eggman as a threat, showing his distrust whenever possible, would easily be enough to get the point across. Maybe make a point about him being a little antsy in tight spaces or something (which is the same way Forces communicated the effects being captured had on him, by the way).
And honestly, Eggman should feel a little different, too. He's now someone who's come so close to complete world domination and still lost, I feel like we should be seeing... I dunno, something. A different edge to his hatred for Sonic after such a monumental failure, maybe. Anything to show that Forces mattered at all to the major players involved.
Like, I don't think I'm asking for much here. If we can shake up the status quo of the series by allowing Eggman to be an Actual Dad with a Child, we can allow Sonic and friends to treat him as a legitimate threat who can't be trusted. But nooo, Eggman has to be silly enough to continue the Brand Image, which means that Sonic doesn't even get to have retroactive character development like Tails did
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happypotato48 · 1 day
Wandeee Goodday EP 8 Unhinged Tangant Thoughts
After a not so great ep we're now back again with the moronsexuals doctor and boxer. will they finally use their mouths to do the talking or will they keep using it for sexy funtimes? who know, but either way i'm down.
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Good, now aplogize more there are like shit load of stuff that you need to make more clear.
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Daddy issue in my bl, how original. hehe for real tho this is actually pretty interesting and i hope it will pay off soon.
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I was literally eating Somtam when i was watching this scene. what a coinkydink.
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Fuck me that looks so good. my Somtam was a leftover from this early morning so it was kinda meh. and those nam sausage looks nice ahhhhhh now i'm hungry again.
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God these gym bros are so gays no wonder Yak and Dee's relationship has not leaks to the public yet (or it just an oversight in the writing.)
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Branded trouple trio when gmmtv? WHEN!! cause if you going to keep doing this bullshit at least give us some polys.
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I saw that hand slided Cher i saw it!! good job!
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Oh hi papa Phadetseuk, i shall nickname you dad vader!
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i'm with eyebrows a fancy ball, i'd nope out too.
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Give this ace king a prince god damn it show! it what we want/need. i'm willing to sell my never going to exist first born for a chance to see this man be happy with a boyfriend who understand him.
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the audacity and nerve of this man. god i wish he could come and ruin my life.
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Ok nvm i stopped feeling sorry for her. she and dr. no is yes deserve each other.
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"we have every species in fairy tale" is what they said in thai. so fursuits?? what ya'll are thinking it too.
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these outfits made me want to waer modern traditional thai men wears cuase like some of them slap so hard. like this one:
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So radiants. god i hate pretty people 😫why are they has to be so pretty!!
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Ok so my delulu fanwank explanation for why Dee was so indecisive last ep is that he was too afraid to let the clock start with Yak cause with his trauma of losing both his parents he fear that if he let a new clock start by commiting to Yak someday that clock will ran out and stopped like his parents. anyways time and love and whatnot.
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I can't explain the emotions i felt with Yei proposing with an invisible ring. it felt so right, cause yes marriage equality bill is passed but it also technically not a tangible thing that i can do until what october, november. so having an ring that does not exist yet but will soon be. feels perfect for what we queer thais are at right now.
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this scene meant the world to me and from the bottom of my heart thank you, thank you to everyone that fighted for this. thank you for fighting for my future. someday i hope i could experience this too.
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Anyway where am i? oh right being unhinged. ew gross lactasoy i hated you since i was a tiny baby. your black sesame flavored one is alright though.
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god damn it, it's always the nice guy.
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Oh you prince not so charming you sucked so hard. i love you.
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Yes queen destroy that little bitch!
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Meh, i can work with this ต้มจืด i just need some white pepper and fish sauce.
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look i'm happy for him that he no longer care what other people thinks, but dude this move is 8 years too dang late.
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Time and Love.
this ep felt like a fairy tale and although i still have some gripe about how everything from last ep was resolved too easily. and Yak and Dee dynamics still not 100% perfect for me. i can't say that this ep didn't made me swooned. and THAT PROPOSAL SCENEl! oh my god, i'm burting with joy and hope, what a perfect timing of a scene.
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some form of smut to do with slash and his fucking GIANT thighs and femreaders obssession with said thighs 🎀
A/n: I definitely did not take this seriously but I do agree that his thighs are gorgeous, all of him is perfect
Warnings: smut, use of toys, overstimulation, if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy!
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Slash was on the couch watching TV. Kind of, he wasn't really paying attention and just kind of staring at the screen, his mind wandering off somewhere else.
You tried to get his attention but he didn't hear you. It wasn't that important so you came over and laid across the couch, resting your head in his lap. Finally he noticed you.
He looked down at you, a small smirk pulling at his lips. "Comfortable?" You nodded and nuzzled into him. He let out a heavy breath and started playing with your hair as he stared at the TV, occasionally scratching your scalp.
You quickly drifted off and it became something of a routine, if Slash was sitting somewhere you'd come over and rest your head in his lap.
It became much more frequent and he didn't seem to notice anything, you didn't either until your found yourself looking for reasons to do it, and eventually you stopped even trying to justify it.
When you'd go shopping you'd look for pants that would hug his thighs and present them to him exactly like that. "But they'd look so good on you!" You'd whine, holding them up to him.
He'd just laugh and wave you off. "I'm not showing off my ass on stage."
"Who said anything about a stage?" He turned to you with a raised brow.
That night when you crawled into bed you could feel his eyes staring daggers into you.
"Sweetheart," he finally said, "I think we need to talk about something." Your brows furrowed as you tried to think of what it could be. "Be honest with me, do you have some kind of thigh kink or something?"
The question definitely caught you off guard, although it probably shouldn't have, you'd been pretty obvious about. "It's not a kink, per se..." You mumbled. "Just a, um... a fascination." You looked to him with your lips pressed tightly together in a line.
Slash stared back at you. "Sweetheart," he started, "you could've just said something."
"I thought I was pretty clear with what I wanted." He chewed his cheek.
"Well, I'm not stopping you." You looked up at him, he wasn't looking at you, already pulling out his phone.
You bit your lip, you couldn't really play out this fantasy, could you? Although, he was letting you... Fuck it, you needed this so bad.
You moved down the bed, tugging at his jeans. Once they were off you started kissing him, his stomach and lower abdomen before giving in and kissing his thighs. They were big, muscular and so plush, you couldn't help but nip at them, the sensitive skin of his inner thighs, his breath hitched every time you did.
His hand went to your head, mindlessly playing with your hair as he normally would. You whined softly but couldn't bother right now, not when you finally had what you'd wanted.
You stroked his cock a few times before taking him in your mouth, letting him hit the back of your throat. You loved the weight of him on your tongue, prominent veins pulsing against your strong muscle.
You began bobbing your head on his length, hands still worshipping his thighs, lightly grazing his inner thighs just to hear a moan leave him, even if it was soft and airy.
His hand stayed in your hair, tugging on it, twirling it. Still he didn't look at you, and you were starting to get annoyed by it. You had to do something to get him to look at you, you just weren't sure what.
You pulled off of him with a pop and went back to kissing his thighs while you jerked him off. You whined softly, resting you cheek on his thigh. "What are you looking at?"
He turned his phone to you. "Instagram."
You chewed your cheek. "Why aren't you looking at me?"
"Why would I look at you?" He asked with a curious look. "This is your thing, I didn't ask you to do this, if you want to do this fine I'll let you do it but I'm on my phone."
You huffed and grudgingly went back to kissing his thighs. "I wanted your thighs around my head." You muttered, he laughed.
"You're not getting that." Your eyes darted to him.
"Why not?" He didn't give you an answer and kept scrolling on his phone. You chewed your cheek, you knew you'd get what you wanted.
You got off the bed and Slash watched as you went to the dresser. "What are you doing."
"Look at your phone." You grumbled as you dug through a drawer, pulling out a small box.
"Hey, that's only for when I'm on tour."
"HeY, tHaT's OnLy FoR wHeN i'M oN tOuR." You mocked and flipped him off. You pulled out a massage wand and came back to slash, setting yourself up between his legs once more. "Go on, stare at your phone." You waved a hand in his face. He let out a heavy sigh and went back to his phone. You smiled to yourself. "Obedient, aren't you?" He dropped his phone and stared down at you, his lips in a flat line.
You ignored his look of disappointment and continued kissing him, paying special attention to the more sensitive areas. You set the wand to a low setting and moved it up his length, immediately drawing moans from him.
"Alright, alright, I'm sorry." He mumbled. You looked up at him from your place between his legs, still kissing his plump thighs. You turned the toy up a setting, now at a two, the highest being 5. He moaned louder as you held it at his tip. "Stop-stop it." He grunted.
"If you wanted to stop you'd say the word." You remarked, watching with great amusement as pre dripped from his slit. "But you won't, will you?" You asked, looking up at him.
He bit his lip and let his head fall back. "Fuck." He sighed. You smiled and turned the wand up to a five without a warning. Slash jumped and tried to push it away. "You can't do that!" He protested.
You swatted his hand away. "Don't make me get the cuffs!" You retorted, aiming the still vibrating toy at him.
He huffed, hands clenching and unclenching as you returned the wand to his leaky dick. You never stopped licking, kissing and nipping at his thighs but you did watch as he came undone just from the toy, the sounds he made as he came onto his stomach and chest. You didn't pull it away.
"Stop-stop it, please." He mustered, now getting overstimulated from the vibrator. “Turn it down, please, turn it down.” He whined, gripping the sheets tightly in his hands, his heels digging into the mattress. “Fuck, I can’t.” He grunted.
“Yes you can.” You mused. “You know what I want, I’m just helping you give it to me.” You kept the toy pressed to him, trailing it up and down him until you saw him pulsing again, strings of cum spurting from him again and hitting his chest. Still you didn’t stop.
He covered his face with his arms, whining as you kept the toy on him. His cum was spilling out of him, dripping down his length and pooling on the sheets below. You couldn’t stop smiling. “Mommy, please…” he whined.
“One more time~” You said with a smile. You moved the wand to his thigh and he jumped at the feeling. His thighs were just as sensitive as the rest of him, twitching as he came for the nth time.
You lapped at the cum dripping down him and he whined louder. “Fuck, m’sorry.” He whined. “M’sorry, m’so sorry.” He grunted. His legs twitched and soon clamped around your head as he came again.
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You touched on this in your last ask about how Mizuki's first events were too detailed with their secret. I always thought that too but now I'm wondering why. Since the writers sped through the set up part then spent the last year trying to delay the payoff. I'm guessing it was either to see how people would respond or they were unsure how well the game would do (imo latter is unlikely since anything that has Miku is basically a license to print money)
Kinda makes you wonder what would have happened if most people ended up hating Mizuki.
I think in part it may have been the latter, the stories are written pretty far in advance (Haruka Ryo spent almost a year on Kashika iirc, and fawo would’ve started writing around the time they commissioned him), so at the time footprints was being written, and definitely at the time secret distance and exciting picnic were being written, the devs may have still been uncertain at how many years the game would stay popular. This is something they’ve even brought up in more recent interviews in regards to the end of the current stories and continuing them onwards. So in that regard, quickly introducing Mizuki’s arc and making it very clear what their secret is makes sense, even if she never states it outright, because the player knows by this point anyway. Like if you dragged it out for years and the game had started to lose popularity then the story isn’t going to reach people.
But also it makes sense narratively. You don’t want Mizuki being trans to be a big twist or reveal for the players, partially because it could cause uproar with unsupportive fans but also because it’s kind of important information that shouldn’t really be withheld from the reader, hence the ? in Mizuki’s official bio and the main story immediately implying that there’s something gender related going on. Also the writers always talk about how they want people to relate and connect with the stories, and you’re not gonna reach that audience if you don’t make it clear from the start.
Quickly introducing the player to Mizuki’s secret and their feelings and setting up Ena as a support makes a lot of sense. However like I said in the last post you don’t wanna speed through the other characters knowing as well, because then Mizuki’s development would go stale. Also having Ena wait contributes to her relationship with Mizuki developing too, showing how Mizuki can trust her and is willing to be patient to make her more comfortable, so again it would just stale their relationship development too if she found out in footprints. The player knowing what Mizuki’s secret is also makes their interactions with Mafuyu make a lot more sense. Mizuki is able to help Mafuyu because they’re both hiding a part of themselves. If we didn’t know about Mizuki being trans then those interactions wouldn’t work the same way.
I mean this hasn’t entirely worked there’s still a fair chunk of fans primarily on JP side who believe Mizuki is a crossdressing boy still but that’s on them for having bad media literacy.
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iliketangerines · 20 hours
I know you're probably busy and mainly write smut, but if it's not too much to ask could I request some fluff between Reptile/Syzoth x gn!reader just being a little silly? Like they have very different love languages (reptile being a love biter and reader being a rock giver like penguins) and both are so confused about it (they aren't in a relationship yet and just show each other affection awkwardly). So Syzoth will randomly wake up to rocks at his door and reader will randomly be greeted with either their hand or arm getting bitten (lightly) until they finally explain what they're doing to each other.
I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense, and no pressure to do it, I just thought it'd be a cute idea.
courting rituals
a/n: i love syzoth and he needs to be more lizard like
pairing: syzoth x gn!reader
warnings: none :)
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you rock back and forth on your heels, staring at the rock in your hands and admiring how it shimmers in the sunlight of the White Lotus
there’s a whoosh of air behind you, and you turn around to face the swirling fire and light coming behind you and find Syzoth and Kitana with Lord Liu Kang walking out of the portal
you bow to them respectfully, and Lord Liu Kang greets you as well
tucking the rock into your pocket, you welcome them to the White Lotus and start their tour, apologizing that Kung Lao and Raiden wouldn’t be here for their tour because the two of them were busy training the new initiates
you lead the three of them through the grounds and eventually you do reach Kung Lao and Raiden in the training grounds putting the initiates through some tough sets
Syzoth walks by you the entire time, head nodding excitedly with every fact you tell him, and your heart beats in your chest and your face warms as he talks to you
the tour ends a bit early, and you let them scatter about the White Lotus to explore on their own
Syzoth stays with you, deciding to keep walking with you, and you laugh nervously, digging the rock out of your pocket and handing it to him as a gift
he blinks at the rock, bowing his head and thanking you for such a pretty gift, and your face warms at the compliment as you wave him off and say that it wasn’t any problem
a few of the initiates walk by, complaining loudly about the sets that Raiden was taking them through, and you cringe as they start to curse loudly
you give Syzoth a sheepish smile and ask if he wants to go somewhere quiet, and he nods, saying he’ll go anywhere you take him
it makes you clam up and simply hum and nod at his compliment, trying not to stutter and fumble over your words like an idiot
walking through the compounds, you lead him to the gardens once more and take a path that leads to the small pond that exists within the small area
Syzoth sighs and lays down on the grass, stretching his body out onto the grass, and you avert your gaze to not stare at how his arms flex and stretch underneath the sun
he looks back at you, wriggling about to get a bit more comfortable, and he pats the grass next to him, telling you to lay down next to him
you clear your throat and walk up next to him, sitting down and laying next to him, and you fold your hands neatly onto your stomach as you stare up at the cloud formations in the sky
Syzoth sighs, soaking in the sun, and he says that he’s never really had the luxury to ever be able to do this a lot
you turn your head to look at him, and nearly squeak when your eyes meet his
he says that it just isn’t common in Zaterran culture to sunbathe unless there is someone else around to also share in the experience
it’s a very intimate process of sharing body heat, usually between close friends, and Shang Tsung wasn’t exactly the kind of guy he wanted to sunbathe with
you nod, trying to wrap your mind around the information, and you press your lips together, the word friend echoing in your head
your fingers fiddle with each other as he talks more about the sunbathing process and then about Zaterran culture in general, and you listen attentively to his words, absorbing the information and learning everything you possibly could
the sun passes above overhead, and soon the sky turns orange and yellow as the moon starts to make its appearance above
Syzoth stands up, shaking himself similarly to how a dog would shake off water, and he holds his hand up to yours, asking when he’d be able to see you again
you take his hand and pull yourself up, not quite sure of when he and Lord Liu Kang would meet once again, and you say as much
he lets out a small oh, looking slightly downcast before fixing a quick smile on his face
holding out his arm, he asks to escort you back to the portal, and you nod and take his arm, the both of you walking together
once you both reach the portal, he lets go of your arm and walks next to Kitana and Lord Liu Kang, waving goodbye to you as you do the same
a few weeks later, you jump up and down on the tips of your toes as you wait for Kung Lao to arrive to the portal
Lord Liu Kang stands by the portal platform, and Raiden makes small talk with him
you have another rock in your pocket, one much prettier than the one you gave him last time, and you really really hope he likes it
Kung Lao finally arrives, out of breath, and Lord Liu Kang shakes his head, but the small smile on his face betrays how he really feels
opening the portal, all four of you walk through, and you find Syzoth waiting there at the base, waving up at you happily
you keep your composure, resisting the urge to just bound over there and greet him, and you walk with Lord Liu Kang and the others down the steps
first, you bow to him, and he bows back to you
when the both of you stand back up, you dig your hand into your pocket and hand him the new rock, and he smiles and thank you for the rock, admiring it in the sun before pocketing it
once again, he holds his arm out, and you take it as he takes you on the tour of Sun Do and then leads Lord Liu Kang to the meeting room with Empress Mileena
Kung Lao and Raiden leave to explore the town together, but you decide to stay with Syzoth
he beams at you and leads you to the palace’s gardens, more beautiful and majestic than you would’ve ever thought, and he leads you over to a small meadow
settling down onto the grass, stretching out his stomach and his arms, he lays sprawled on the soft grass and beckons you to lay with him
you do so, and the two of you just make small talk about everything and nothing
it’s casual and nonchalant, but you find yourself scooting closer and closer to him until you’re pressed against him completely
you’re on your side, and he’s on his, the both of you staring into one another’s eyes
you wish you could lean in and kiss him, but his eyes glance above your head and he shoots up out of the grass, saying that you’ll be late to arriving home with the others
pouting at him, you get up and hook your arm into his, and he leads you back hurriedly to the portal to find the other three waiting for you
he waves to you, and you wave back to him
over the next few months, the two of your visit each other whenever you can, and you give him a pretty rock you’ve found while on missions and he takes you sunbathing in all different types of beautiful and calming environments
it’s a strange ritual, but you didn’t mind, you loved it in fact
you just wish it would lead to something more, always always you get close to each other, so close that you could kiss but nothing ever comes out of it
you’re visiting Outworld again, and instead of leading you anywhere, Syzoth leads you deeper and deeper into the palace until he finds a pair of grandiose doors and pushes them open
inside, you can see that it’s Syzoth’s room, decorated to hell and back with all kinds of plants and greenery
he flops onto his bed, where the sun beams directly onto it, and he calls you over to sunbathe with him again
walking over, you gasp as you find every rock you’ve given him lined up perfectly on the windowsill, catching the light and shining down on Syzoth
your voice is almost a whisper as you ask that he’s kept every single one, and he says that he has, of course he would, he doesn’t understand why you give him rocks but he loves them all
you look down at him, stretched out on the bed and absorbing the sun, and you say that he doesn’t know why you give him rocks
Syzoth shakes his head, and you laugh and pinch your nose, saying that you’ve been giving him rocks because you liked him
you thought he didn’t like you back, so you’ve just been respecting his boundaries
Syzoth sits up on the bed, mouth agape as he tells you what you think the sunbathing has been before
you point at him and say that it was for close friends, and he says that it was for close friends but also lovers, as a bonding experience
you put your head in your hands and start to laugh, realizing how much of an idiot the two of you have been, and he laughs as well
it’s just the sound of both yours and Syzoth’s laughs and giggles in the air until Syzoth finally stops, letting out a wheeze and then clearing his throat
he holds his hand out to you, asking you again to sunbathe with him, and you smile at him and take it
he draws you into his arms, your face only a breath from his, and he asks if he can kiss you
you breathe out that he can, and he leans his head forward, lips melding to yours
the rest of the day is spent sunbathing
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ericshoney · 2 days
Wisdom teeth ~ Brothers!Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: It's your turn to get your wisdom teeth removed, but luckily you have your brothers by your side.
Warnings: usual swearing and platonic pet names, blood, needles, crying
Today was the day. The day you finally get your wisdom teeth removed. You were very nervous about it and your brothers could tell. Nick, Matt and Chris were taking you to the dentist today and wanted to be supportive for you.
"It's gonna be alright, kid." Chris said, rubbing your shoulders as you were about to leave.
"I'm just scared. What if they cut my gum too much? Or take out the wrong teeth? Or it falls down my throat!" You rambled, the panic clear on your face.
"Hey, hey, none of that is going to happen, okay?" Matt reassured you, helping you calm down.
"Yeah, we've had our teeth out and now it's your turn." Nick said.
You nodded and soon it was time to go. You got in the back of the car alongside Nick, who held your hand gently. The guys made the agreement of not recording your wisdom teeth removal as you were already nervous enough.
Chris put on some of your favourite songs as you drove to the dentist, hoping it would ease you a bit. It did and you even laughed and joked with the trio, until Matt parked the car.
"Um, maybe we could just go home now." You said.
"Nope we're here, kid, time to go in." Nick replied.
You sighed and walked inside. You don't fully understand why your so scared, you've been to the dentist plenty of times in your sixteen years of life, but this felt worse, probably as you were going to be put to sleep.
Nick got you signed in as you sat. Your leg was bouncing slightly, Matt gently placed his hand on your knee to help you relax, whilst Chris showed you some funny TikTok's.
"Y/n Sturniolo." The nurse called.
"Come on kiddo, your up." Matt said, holding your hand.
You slowly walked behind Matt, his hand tightly holding yours for support, as Nick and Chris followed behind you both. You walked into the room and laid on the bed.
The guys spoke to the dentist as you watched the needle get put in your arm by the nurse, the small scratch making you frown.
"Can I keep them?" You suddenly asked.
"Your teeth?" Nick asked, making you nod.
"Probably not, kid." Chris answered.
"Aww." You said sadly.
After a bit, you started to feel sleepy, trying to keep your eyes open and listen to your brothers talk, but eventually you dozed off.
When you woke up, you were four teeth short, and your mouth felt numb. You looked around and saw three identical people.
"Woah." You called.
"Hey sweetheart, how you feeling?" Matt called gently, rubbing your shoulder.
"Three." You muttered.
"Three?" He repeated, as you pointed to him, Nick and Chris.
"Yes kid, there's three of us." Chris said with a laugh.
"Nick, Matt and Chris." You then said, pointing to each of them.
"Good job, bub." Nick praised.
You giggled and looked around the room, but your mouth felt funny. You gently touched your lip and then your tongue.
"They stole my tongue!" You exclaimed as you couldn't feel it due to the numbness.
"No kid, it's there, your touching it!" Nick responded in a fit of giggles.
"Ooh." You replied.
You went silent for a bit, just looking around, before giggling loudly again and looking at your brothers.
"I just loveeeeeee you guys sooooo much!" You cheered.
"We love you too, sweetheart." Matt replied.
"My teeth!" You then shouted.
"Fuck you scared me." Chris replied, as you made him jump.
"Can I keep them?" You asked.
"No bub, they had to break them to get all the tooth out." Nick lied. Reality was you got to keep all four of your wisdom teeth and they were going to surprise you like they had done with Nick.
"Noooooo!" You cried, making them giggle.
After an hour you were finally allowed to go home. You were wheeled out in a chair and taken to the car, where Nick got in the back with you. Chris put on your music choice again as Matt drove home, the car fairly quiet for once as you fell in and out of sleep.
When you got home, you crashed on the sofa instantly and curled up. You had some pain killers before a nap and once you woke up, the guys decided to surprise you with your teeth.
"So kid, you know how we said you couldn't keep your teeth?" Chris said, making you nod.
"We lied." Nick said.
Matt then passed you the little container with your four wisdom teeth in. You smiled wide seeing them.
"Yay, thank you." You said.
"It's cool." Chris replied.
"You want some ice cream?" Matt asked.
"Yeah!" You cheered.
As nervous as you were to begin with, your now very happy to have your wisdom teeth removed.
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Cherry, Cherry 🍒 Chapter 2 ��� "Coffee & Garth Brooks"
pre-outbreak! AU!Joel Miller x f!Reader
It's the summer before college and you're sure you have you life figured out.. then you meet your new neighbor, single (hunky) dad Joel Miller...
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Word count: 1,247
Summary: Joel visits you at work and during some innocent flirting, you reveal something that you probably should have just kept quiet about.
WARNINGS: 18+ Only! Mature and Explicit, however this chapter is pretty tame, age gap (reader is 18, Joel is 35), reader is tomboyish but otherwise no race or body type mentioned and will not be throughout the series, until specified this story takes place in the summer of 2003 and is AU with no outbreak, flirting, reader has mild fantasies about Joel, no use of y/n
Chapter 1: Austin
🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒
Mondays at the cafe are hectic. So as eager as you are to see if Joel will show up, you're also swamped with orders. It's not until the crowd begins to clear that you see him. He's smiling at you and you can't ignore the way your heart does a little backflip.
"Hey!" You greet him with a smile.
He approaches the counter. Today he's wearing a heather-gray t shirt and jeans. His hair is tousled, beard neatly trimmed, and you catch a whiff of clean-scented shower gel coming off him. "I remember you," he says, a playful glint in his dark eyes.
"I remember you too. . and I remember I owe you a coffee for helping me yesterday."
"Hang on there. Where's that ring I labored so arduously to free from your kitchen drain?"
You smile at his wordiness. "Why, it's right here." You extend your left hand to show off the ring, a lot cleaner and shinier than the last time he saw it.
He surprises you by taking your hand with a delicate touch. "It would've been a shame to lose somethin' so pretty." His eyes move up to yours, as if to gauge your reaction. "That offer still on the table?"
This small yet meaningful gesture mesmerizes you. "The… offer?" you mumble. "Oh! The coffee." Crimson, you fix his coffee, giving him a bigger size than you're supposed to. "Are you on your way to a site?" You ask as you hand him his drink.
"Thank you. Yeah, I've gotta check in on a site before noon." He sips his coffee, leaning against the counter. You try not to stare but you give a quick glance - his body, even when at rest, seems powerful.
"What's it like, being a contractor? Do you like it?" Before the words come out of your mouth you realize how immature you sound. Of course he likes it. He wouldn't be in that business if he didn't.
You feel a little relief when he smiles. "It depends on the day. You get plenty of sun, and you have to deal with a lot of bullshit, deadlines.. but it pays. So I don't mind it all that much. What about you? You enjoy bein' a barista?" Joel smirks and you wonder if he's enjoying your exchange as much as you are.
"It's thrilling," you say in a deadpan voice. "Wanna trade places for a day?"
"I'll pass," he laughs. "Sounds like you're tryin' to get out of work right now," he teases you, leaning over the counter. He places his elbows down and rests his chin on his clasped palms.
"Can you blame me? At least you get your choice of music in your truck, not whatever this is," you roll your eyes at the indie jazz playing over the speakers.
"I'm in charge of the radio in my truck. Just the way I like it."
"What do you listen to?" You also lean against the counter, subconsciously angling yourself towards him. You're only vaguely aware of the cafe, of your surroundings. As you talk with him it just feels good.
"I'll listen to almost anything: rock, oldies, anything really. I guess I don't like anything too artsy and pretentious-soundin'," he answers.
"You strike me as a country music lover," you give him a little bit of teasing.
He tilts his head to the side. "You got a read on me already, huh? Well I won't lie, I listen to some country, but only the old stuff. Not this new, pop-py, overproduced stuff."
"Do you like Garth Brooks? George Strait? They're the greats. You have to like them."
"Girl, you're too young to tell me who the greats are," he grins. "George is the king of country music. Garth's a given. He's kinda cheesy sometimes, but his songwriting is great, no denyin' that."
"When I was a kid I used to go around singing his songs to anyone who would listen. I would put on a show, sing at the top of my lungs.. I was a pretty rambunctious kid," you laugh at the memory.
"Bet you're just as rambunctious as an adult too," he says playfully.
You smirk. Joel's flirting with you, there's nothing more obvious. "I'm a college girl. I'm supposed to be rambunctious."
He gives a low chuckle and an intrusive thought slides into your brain: you want to know what that low rumble in his chest sounds like, with your ear pressed against him… When you come back to your senses you catch his eyes scanning your face. "Fair enough. I'm sure you've got all the boys chasin' ya, huh?"
There it is: the question you thought was only ever asked in books, in movies, and Joel is the one to ask it about you. "Oh.. not really.."
"I find that hard to believe."
You look away a moment, wiping an invisible spot on the counter with a cloth. "Truth is, I kind of have someone.. back home in Houston." You dare a peek at him only to see something like relief cross his face.
"That's great," he says, maintaining a smile.
You regret saying something like that. Trevor isn't someone worth bringing up to Joel, yet you have used him almost as a shield, and you don't know why. "It's, uh.. kind of uh.. ambiguous," you add. "He's going to university there. I guess we're still figuring things out."
Joel nodded slowly. "So.. it's complicated, is what you're sayin'?"
"A little.. I don't really, you know, want to talk about it." You smile and shrug as if it's a minor thing.
"Of course." He puts his hands up, then he looks like he wants to say something but he stays quiet. Looking at his watch he says, "I gotta get to the site."
"Yeah.. I should also get back to work." You turn your back for a moment then turn again to say something else to him but he's already outside going to his truck.
The rest of your shift goes by smoothly and you pocket your tips and start home. Once you're comfortable in the house you allow yourself to think about your interaction with Joel. Of course the first friend you make in Austin would be the ruggedly handsome, middle-aged man next door. A man with a daughter only a few years younger than yourself.
You've never really been in this position before. You don't really recognize your own feelings. You've had crushes on older guys before: teachers, coaches.. so why is this time different? And why are you struggling with it?
Joel, meanwhile, feels himself in almost the same predicament. He doesn't want to admit it to himself but he really likes you. The age difference is too much for him to even consider, but your presence.. it's getting to him. He likes talking to you, wants to be close to you.. but he can't. He doesn't want to mess up his life, and it will only cause problems if he doesn't keep his distance. He worries he won't be able to fully shake you off his mind.
A few days later he spots a paper on his truck windshield. It's a handwritten note from you:
pool party at our place this Saturday @ 2 pm
and your name signed underneath. Joel smiles and gets a pen from inside his truck to write a reply.
We'll be there, he writes beneath your message and he leaves the paper on your car windshield.
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thebiggerbear · 2 days
i won't let you go
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Summary: When Jen breaks CJ's heart, though you hadn't planned on it, her loss quickly becomes your gain and so much more.
Pairing: CJ Braxton x Female!Reader
A/N: Did a free writing session recently and this happened. Not sure why but anytime I get to spend with this cute boy, I'm taking it. The Lovelines episode always bothered me. I completely understood why Jen did what she did but that whole episode was just brutal and then her apology/explanation in the end was very Jen, yes, but also kind of dismissive imho on just how heartbreaking it was and how horrifically she had treated him in that auditorium to try to avoid having to explain. I get it, CJ wasn't a main character, Jen was, but damn. So I guess this is kind of my response to that.
All unbeta'd.
Songs listened to while writing: More Than Words - Extreme; Style - Taylor Swift
Warnings: angst; implied sex; smut-lite; a smidgen of fluff
Word Count: 4300
dividers by @firefly-graphics
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187; @rieleatiel
CJ Braxton Taglist: @deans-spinster-witch; @birdiellie; @heartlessdelusions; @illicithallways; @nancymcl; @muhahaha303; @solacedthistest; @deansimpala; @foxyjwls007; @onlyangel-444
Jensen Taglist: @samanddeaninatrenchcoat; @deansbbyx
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When Jen publicly rebuffed him again, CJ’s jaw dropped and his eyes caught yours. You didn’t know what to do, what to think. And you could see he was feeling the same along with some humiliation and hurt. He quickly glanced away and moved off to the side, waiting to bring the mic to someone who might interrupt whatever this circus was with a question. Your heart went out to him. 
Why was Jen doing this? First, she had dropped him unceremoniously earlier, without any semblance of a warning or even an explanation. Then he had tried to talk to her before the show and she had avoided him, still not giving any sort of reason for why she called things off so suddenly. This couldn’t possibly be stress alone from hosting this event. If that was the case, how would she handle finals this year? Or when she and CJ argued? Or any other stressful event that might occur in her life?
CJ was at a loss and now he had tried to publicly corner her (possibly not the best strategy to be fair but you knew he was desperate) and she had brutally shut him down. It was humiliating, tough to watch, and beyond dismissive. So yeah, your heart broke for him.
The truth was, you had feelings for your friend and had for some time now. But when the two of you met at one of the frat parties on campus in the beginning of the year, CJ made it very clear to you and anyone who would listen, that he was not dating nor was he interested in hooking up with anyone. That had disappointed you more than you would ever be willing to admit, but you respected the very personal decision, one he had made before he ever met you. 
Then Jen appeared out of nowhere and he still hadn’t been interested despite the obvious liking she had taken to him. You couldn’t blame her since you were stuck in your own unrequited crush. Then her friend, Audrey, had happened and suddenly, CJ was ready to date again. He liked the chaotic blonde and wanted to pursue things, only to find out she had a boyfriend she didn’t tell him about and oh, by the way, she wasn’t interested in knowing anything more about him than she already did. Humbled from the experience as well as the fight he got into with said boyfriend, CJ stayed to himself and kept his head down afterwards. Then he started training Jen at The Stand and before anyone knew it, they were a couple. Something you found out from him the day after he had kissed her. It was like a sucker punch to the gut. His night with Audrey and his feelings after it had hurt enough. Now he was dating Jen Lindley? The girl he had turned down the first time he tried to kiss her the same night he hooked up with Audrey? It broke your heart, but you put a smile on your face and told him how happy you were for him. You were a supportive friend, right? So you did what you had to do, noticing the happy grin on his face in response to your congratulations, right before you made your excuses and left. 
And now, here you were, watching as he got his heart broken by the very girl that had somehow gotten him to consider serious dating (and drinking though you didn’t think that was a great idea) again. No, she wasn’t just breaking it; she was full on stomping on it, ripping it into pieces, and setting fire to it — all in front of a voracious audience. You were pretty sure the Colosseum in Rome had stopped being used over a thousand years ago, but people were still the same animal. The devastation you could see playing out in CJ’s expression when he looked over at you more than confirmed just how torn up he was inside, how embarrassed and hurt he really was. 
You saw him watching the scene on stage with rapt attention but then you panicked when you noticed him suddenly lifting the mic and getting ready to speak again once he was able to get a word in edgewise. Your body reacted before your mind could even make the decision. You jumped to your feet, quickly excused your way out of the row you were in, and hurried over to him. You pushed his arm down before he could utter a single word. He turned wide eyes on you and you shook your head, taking the mic from him and shutting it off. Thankfully, the crowd and everyone on stage were more invested in Joey and Eddie’s unfolding drama. “CJ, please don’t,” you begged.
“She’s got to tell me why.”
“I know.” You laid a reassuring hand on his upper arm. “But not right now. Later, when you two can talk privately.”
“But she won’t talk to me.”
“She will,” you assured him, though you had no way of knowing if that was true. “Just give her some time. And preferably not have that conversation in front of half the school,” you attempted to joke to take the sting out of the situation and soften your advice.
CJ glanced around before his eyes came to a stop on the stage again and he noticed Jen wasn’t even looking in his direction. His face fell and you moved your hand to his, taking it.
“Let’s get out of here,” you impulsively suggested. Anything to get that look of pain off of his face.
“I can’t. I’m supposed to stay until it’s over.”
You scanned the vicinity and found a young girl, possibly a freshman, standing a few feet away, watching the drama with everyone else. You tightened your grip on CJ’s hand and marched over to her. “Hey, do you think you could take over?” You asked. “It’s real simple. Anyone raises their hand, you just bring over the mic so they can ask their question.” 
“Uh, s-sure.” She actually seemed unsure but you didn’t care; your priority was your friend. You turned the mic back on and handed it to her before turning and getting CJ out of there, making sure he didn’t look back. 
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You checked your reflection in the mirror one last time before giving yourself a nod of approval and exiting the bathroom. You found CJ still in bed, sitting up against the headboard and channel surfing. His eyes suddenly snapped to you and a slow smile spread across his face. He gave you an appreciative whistle which made you roll your eyes as you pulled back the covers and got into bed next to him. “Stop that,” you playfully chided.
He immediately turned the TV off and tossed the remote somewhere, making you laugh. He dug his teeth into his bottom lip as he lifted the blanket and sheets to move closer to you and his gaze roamed over the silk negligee you were wearing. “You didn’t have to get all dressed up for me but wow, you are beautiful.”
“Uh huh,” you teased. “I know you just want to take this off as soon as possible.”
“True,” he admitted, kissing your bare shoulder. “But I also want to take my time taking it off.” He then placed a kiss on your jawline. 
“Well, you’ve got all weekend. Though we should probably include sustenance and a shower or two in there somewhere.” He snickered as he kissed your cheek. You really did have all weekend. You had booked the room for the next two days, not having to check out until Monday morning when you would need to make the drive back up to Boston. 
After the whole Loveline fundraiser fiasco, you had taken CJ to get some much needed coffee and let him vent out his frustration and his hurt over the pain Jen was causing him. 
“It just doesn’t make any sense. We were fine up until today. I don’t get what I did wrong.”
You had covered his hand with yours and brushed your thumb over his skin in reassuring strokes. “I’m sure you didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I was completely up front with her. About everything.” He licked his lips, lost in thought, before shame washed over his expression. “Maybe she’s still mad about the Audrey thing. Though I feel like she would have said something by now if that were the case. She seemed like she got past it. Or maybe it’s my past that’s the problem. I did tell her I bought some champagne for later tonight. Maybe she heard that and thought she was better off...” He gave a half-hearted shrug and stared down into his coffee. “This is exactly why I don’t do the dating thing,” he mumbled, his expression now even more troubled as he tiredly rubbed at his forehead. You knew he must be thinking back to the catalyst of him making that choice alongside the decision to immediately quit drinking.
“I’m sure it has nothing to do with that or your past,” you murmured. “Like you said, she already knew about everything before you two started dating. I’m sure it’s not that.”
His eyes met yours then. “How do you know? You barely know her, Y/N. How would you know what she’s thinking? I don’t even know what she’s thinking and she’s my girlfriend. Or was until this afternoon, anyway.”
You winced and glanced away, choosing to focus on the group of friends laughing loudly in the corner of the coffee shop you were seated in. You slowly pulled your hand away, grateful and disappointed at the same time that he didn’t seem to really care or notice. You wanted to be a good friend to him, you really did, but that hurt a little. You knew he was hurting as well and he wasn’t really mad at you. But you needed a second to gain your bearings. It wasn’t easy hearing the guy you had feelings for pine over someone else, someone who seemed intent on tossing him to the side for some odd reason and pushing him away.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean that. I’m just…”
You turned to find him dropping his head into his arms on the table. He bumped his head against them a few times before sitting back up. “I just don’t understand why this happened. I thought what she and I had was good, solid. That we had gotten to a really good point. Guess I was wrong.”
You pressed your lips together, hating yourself for what you were about to do but knowing it was the right thing. “If this were me or someone calling into The Stand right now, what would you tell them?”
He glanced over at you, his brows furrowing as he thought it over. “To talk to them, find out what was really going on.” You gave him a look. “But I tried that. Twice.”
You tightened your grip on your coffee mug. “Once in a very public setting. Once before a big event that she was stressing about hosting. And didn’t you tell me that this is her first sort of real relationship in a long time or something like that?” You could see the realization dawning on his cute face while you worked to keep the sadness off of yours. “So maybe something happened, something that you have no idea about or something that doesn’t have anything to do with you. You said it yourself, you two were doing well, becoming solid. She wanted the same thing you wanted. Feelings don’t just change overnight.” You dropped your gaze to your coffee. “Trust me,” you finished quietly, hoping you managed to keep the bitterness from your tone. 
You looked up to find him watching you intently, concerned. Here he was, spiraling due to what happened to him and going through his own pain, but now he had immediately switched gears and was studying you with complete empathy for whatever you might be going through. It was just one of the many things you loved about him. Loved. That word had your eyes widening and you immediately straightened up and got to your feet. 
CJ’s brows furrowed, his concern increasing. “You okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, of course. I just remembered I have this thing I need to… Yeah.” You slipped your jacket on and didn’t meet his eyes. “Look, talk to Jen. Not tonight, though. Sleep on it and then try again tomorrow. She might be more receptive to talking then. Okay?” You slipped two buttons into their corresponding holes and left the rest, anxious to get out of there. “I’ll be back at my dorm later. Call if you need anything.”
“Y/N, hold up a second. I just want to make sure you’re—”
“Gotta run,” you cut him off, stopping to kiss the top of his head…something you had never done before and you weren’t even sure why you were doing it now. Oh God, you had to get out of there. “Um, bye,” you called and hurried out of the shop. 
You didn’t make it far though before you were whipped around, coming face to face with a very confused yet pensive looking CJ. His eyes roamed over your face and he seemed to be considering something. You were about to ask him what he needed when realization suddenly dawned on his features followed by something that appeared to be determination. He gently cupped your cheeks and leaned in, brushing his lips against yours. 
You felt the kiss everywhere, like a shock of electricity that traveled through your body to light up every single inch of you from the top of your head to your fingertips and then right down to your toes. You were surprised you hadn’t collapsed to the ground; your knees literally felt weak. The flip feeling in your stomach that you usually got when he was near, when he laid an arm across your shoulders when you two would talk and laugh over whatever horror movie he had you watching next, it was back in full force. Your heart skipped a beat and giddiness had your lips forming into the beginning of a smile against his. You never wanted this to end.
But it did. CJ broke away and pulled back, staring into your eyes.
“Whoa,” you breathed, not even really meaning to say anything. You weren’t even sure how you were forming words at this point. Because if you had been able to think right then, that certainly wouldn’t have been your first choice of things to say in reaction to what just happened.
“Yeah,” he whispered, sounding just as awestruck as you did.  
“What do we do?” Why was your brain not cooperating and stopping any words that wanted to tumble out?
He grasped your chin between his thumb and forefinger, his eyes flicking back and forth between your mouth and you, before he leaned in again.
This time, you placed a hand on his chest, effectively stopping his progress. “I’m not going to be a rebound or something to pass the time with. You’re not going to use me to make Jen jealous or to make yourself feel better until you get over her.” It was official; your brain and mouth were in cahoots to betray you and completely embarrass you while they were at it. He had only kissed you once for crying out loud.
CJ nodded, staring into your eyes and his lips ghosting over yours, still frozen in the place you had stopped him. “Got it,” he murmured.
Your brain switched off then and you threaded your fingers in his hair before you lifted up on your toes and bridged the gap, kissing him as deeply as you dared. His arms encircled your waist and pulled you closer against his body, causing you to let out a tiny squeak against his mouth. A chuckle rumbled in his chest before he slotted his lips against yours more insistently, one of his hands also sneaking up into your hair and coming to rest behind your neck as he gently pushed you to meet him more fervently. 
You? You had died and gone to heaven. CJ, your longtime crush, the friend you had feelings for, was kissing you and that was all you needed to know right then. Everything else fell away and ceased to matter in the face of that fact. 
You had stayed true to your word; you didn’t allow yourself to become a rebound despite what followed that night. CJ had eventually talked to Jen and found out why she had broken up with him in the manner she had. Her grandmother had cancer, something she had found out the previous night, and she had a “freakout”. That was what CJ had called it when he told you. Jen had felt overwhelmed and scared and unable to handle anything that wasn’t related to her Grams. So she’d purposely pushed CJ away, something she now deeply regretted and apologized for. He more than understood why she did what she did and truthfully, so did you. 
You had bitten your lip to keep the tears at bay that you could feel trying to form. While you felt compassion for Jen and her grandmother, not even being able to imagine what they must be going through, you could feel your heart breaking even further in your chest. That night had been rough for him but it turned out to be an absolute magical one for you in the end. You should have known it would be short-lived. You knew he still had feelings for Jen, cared about her, they had dated for months — that wasn’t something that just switched off because of whatever had popped up between the two of you in the last few days.
CJ had covered your hand with his and squeezed, urging you to meet his eyes. When you did, he reached over and tenderly placed a strand of wayward hair behind your ear, giving you some semblance of a reassuring smile. “I told her I’d be there for her, whatever she needed. As a friend.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion. “But I thought…”
“You thought wrong,” he teased in a murmur before kissing you.
CJ had taken what you’d said to him seriously and though you two didn’t seem able to keep your hands off of each other, he let some time pass before he officially asked you out on a date. 
“Aren’t we doing this a little backwards?” You’d laughed, gasping into his mouth as his hand on the small of your back pushed your hips to meet his more fully. You had met in between classes at his dorm and he’d managed to convince you to be a little late to your next one, though he was completely in favor of you skipping it altogether. 
“Not yet. That’s next,” he panted, giving you a suggestive smirk. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at his ridiculously bad (yet endearing) joke. He repeated the action from before and your teeth dug into your lip as your grip on his hair tightened. “I really want to do this right.”
“Mmm, you’re more than doing it right,” you moaned, closing your eyes and arching your neck when he pushed you down onto him a third time, making you feel everything.
“Look at me,” he urged you breathlessly. You forced your eyes open, immediately settling on his and seeing the earnestness there. “I want to make this official, if it’s also what you want.” You could see a little worry in his green gaze, a little wariness, as if he was waiting for you to drop the bomb that he wasn’t what you wanted after all. That now would be when you chose to turn and run in the other direction. Silly boy.
“After all of this time, these past few months of us sleeping together and spending time together, you still don’t know?”
You saw the worry grow and you felt him tensing underneath you, almost as if bracing for impact, literally. You silently resolved then that you would do everything you could to take away that whisper of fear and doubt of his own self-worth that you saw still existed, after Jen, after his past. You gave him a reassuring smile and placed your forehead onto his. “I love you, you silly boy,” you whispered.    
You watched as shock played out on his face before his eyes softened slightly and a hint of a shy smile formed on his lips. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you confirmed, tenderly kissing his nose. 
His smile grew. “What a strange coincidence because I was just thinking I kind of love you, too.”
You pulled back, arching a brow. “Kind of? Oh, I get it, it’s because we haven’t gotten to the backwards part yet, right? Should’ve known,” you teased. 
“Shut up,” he laughed, reaching up to frame your face with his hands and kissing you. “I do, okay? I love you, too.”
You beamed down at him. “Okay.”
He was the one arching a brow this time. “Okay?”
“Okay, I’ll go out on that date with you.”
“One I love you is all it took to get you to say yes?”
You shrugged. 
“Wow, we really are doing this backwards,” he chuckled. 
“Told you.” You shot him a cocky grin.
“And I believe I told you.” He mirrored your smirk and lifted you off of him, carefully tossing you back onto the bed. You broke into a fit of giggles as you bounced and he chuckled once more as his body covered yours, cutting off your laughter by kissing you deeply. It wasn’t too long after that that he kept his word, on both counts. 
Things were going well and you were both happy to have moved your friendship that had turned into something more into something great. CJ transferring to New York to continue his education had been difficult but it was a plan you had known about long before he ever kissed you that first time. 
While you would miss him and secretly worry that this might be the kiss of death in your relationship (everyone knew long distance relationships didn’t have the best track record), you were determined to support him and meet him halfway in this, sometimes literally. There had been a few romantic weekends spent in Connecticut and of course, he came to Boston to visit when he could and you traveled to Manhattan when you could. You made it work, as much as any couple was able to. It helped that you were on the same coast and within driving distance of each other.
So here you were, on one such visit to the boy you loved with all of your heart. You cupped his cheek and brought him in for a kiss. “Hi,” you whispered.
“Hi,” he murmured against your lips, a dopey smile settling onto his cute face. “I’ve missed you.” 
“Are you sure about that? You haven’t been seeing any girls from New York on the side, have you?” You couldn’t resist teasing him once more.
“No.” He pecked your lips. “They’ve got nothing on Boston girls.” 
“Damn straight,” you muttered as he kissed you again.
“Especially one girl from Boston in particular.”
“And who might that be?” You smiled when he placed a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“Just some girl.” He gently urged you down onto your back and hovered over you, grinning. “You probably don’t know her.” You playfully swatted at his bare chest and he snickered, lowering down to brush his lips against your jawline. “You’re not dating any guys from Boston, are you?”
You gave it right back to him. “Nope, just one. You probably don’t know him, though. He’s incredibly good looking, smart, funny, very caring and empathetic, a real firecracker in the sack, brave…oh, and did I mention he’s super good looking?” You gave him a half-hearted shrug. “Eh, you probably don’t know him.”
He glared down at you playfully as you laughed and he pulled you closer, yanking you roughly underneath him and eliciting a tiny squeal from you. He lowered himself down, resting on his arms to keep from crushing you with his weight, and your legs automatically parted for him, coming up to cradle his hips. “A real firecracker in the sack, huh?”
“Mmm.” You dug your teeth into your bottom lip, smiling as you looked up at him. “Yeah,” you whispered.
His grin softened slightly and his hands tenderly brushed your hair out of your eyes. “I really have missed you,” he murmured. You could see he had; it was all right there in his gaze, in his expression. This long distance thing wasn’t easy for either of you, by any means, but he was more than worth it. He always had been and you made sure to let him know that in every way possible.
You reached up and affectionately ran your fingers through his hair. “I really missed you, too.”
CJ’s smile overtook his face and he leaned down, pressing his lips to yours. You drank of him deeply as you both began to make up for lost time, this boy who held your heart in the palm of his hand and had it pretty much from the moment you met. The same boy whose own heart had been entrusted to you, warily being handed to you in its cracked and fragile state which you then held together with your fingers until those fractures healed as best they could. You loved him and he loved you; you couldn’t ask for anything more.
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colourme-feral · 2 days
Yes, the show is over, but here are the translation notes for 25 Ji, Akasaka De / At 25:00 in Akasaka ep 10 anyway!
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We don't need to do things like this any more.
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Don't go back (home).
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Note: Yuki isn't using a subject when he's talking here, so it could be about anything: Asami, sex, or even sitting in a pool with clothes on. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️🤷
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He listened to my very final wish (and went through with it).
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Are you ok? I'm not ok. Note: I think this is the first time that Asami is letting himself act spoiled (amaeru, which is the idea of depending on others and also allowing yourself to be spoiled by someone you love, in this case, Yuki).
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Note: Yuki actually goes from calling Asami, "Hayama san" to "Asami san" - from Asami's surname to his first name after they clear up their misunderstanding and realise that their feelings are reciprocated. When he's alone, he's already been referring to Asami as 'Asami san', but when speaking to Asami, he uses Hayama san. Asami has been using Shirasaki kun, which is Yuki's surname and chooses to continue calling him this way even after they get together. It's simply a preference for each of them.
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I like you.
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By the way, Hayama san, could you sleep with me?
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You should say 'you wanna have sex (with me) too'!
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Note: Also translated differently by Gaga in ep 9, otsukaresama desu is a little hard to translate, but I would probably translate it to "you've worked hard/good job". The term acknowledges the work that the other person/people you're speaking to have done. (more info)
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For the last time... I want you to kiss me just one more time. How silly of you.
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So you don't feel lonely, Asami san? Not really.
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You'll soon be acting as another person's lover again anyway.
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What do you wanna do? Wanna eat breakfast? Later is fine. Let's have it later, shall we.
25 Ji, Akasaka De / At 25:00 in Akasaka language notes・Other language notes
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rius-cave · 1 day
Most of the headcanons I've seen about Adamsapple in Eden were portraying them having a good relationship, like Lucifer being sweet and kind to Adam, overly interested in him, liking him etc. while Adam being way more innocent back then and of course very curious. While I like the idea of them being in love even back then and having this cute relationship between them, I also like to play with the thought that Lucifer didn't always like Adam (and vice versa). What I mean is, Lilith and Adam never really got along well, they had their constant conflicts and such, mainly rooting from their different personalities, as in I imagine Adam being this kinda obnoxious person who's full of himself, stubborn and doesn't like when things don't go as he wants (not exactly in a toxic way, like I don't think of him as an actual bad person, rather like a big child lol). While I see Lilith as a way more mature and collected person who's had enough of Adam's "childish bullshit". (I know it sounds kinda stereotypical but my goal isn't that lol I can just genuinely see it, also canon!Adam is a walking stereotype so it's hard to ignore it haha)
So, assuming that both of them were created at the same time, when Lucifer started visiting the garden he warmed up to Lilith first, they started spending time together. Lilith regularly complained about Adam, how he acted so childish/talked too much about insignificant things/followed her etc. (again, I don't think she was cruel, she was literally the first woman, had so much to learn and expressed how she couldn't get along with Adam). Lucifer listening to her all the time, and also being fond of her, involuntarily started to develop doubtful feelings about Adam. Of course Lucifer was sweet and kind, he didn't hate the man, but all of Lilith's talk had an effect on him, and Adam's behavior when they interacted just deepened it further (although Lucifer himself didn't exactly find him annoying, Lilith's talk just caused him to focus on Adam's "problematic" behavior more and he subconsciously confirmed Lilith's words).
Meanwhile Adam obviously noticed that Lucifer was spending way more time with Lilith and didn't seem to feel too pleasant about him, he was kinda offended about that and started to dislike Lucifer.
However, I can imagine them interacting at one point, cause like, Adam obviously felt bad about feeling excluded and that neither of them liked him, so once when it was just the two of them with Luci, he kinda snapped and confronted him about it. (I can't really imagine him as a person who keeps it in, I rather see it as he was offended which led to him becoming frustrated and telling it straight into Lucifer's face angrily.) So he told him that he doesn't understand why they both dislike him but it's not fair and he's so much better than them anyway yada yada but it was clear that he was upset and hurt. That would be the point when Lucifer realizes the situation and it would become a turning point in their relationship??
It got kinda long lol sorry
My dear friend, this? This is what I strive for.
I'll be the first person to admit that my characterization of their Eden personas is allllll over the fucking place. My apologies, I try to be better 😂 but I agree with you almost a 100%
I love depicting them as friends in Eden, but if I had to be realistic? In canon he probably didn't care much for him LOL or at least not as much as the fandom likes to believe. I also want to see more of this scenario with an adamsapple endgame, I'd like to do it myself, but to be truthful I wouldn't really be sure how to do it.
I like to think of Eden!Adam as, yes, more innocent, but he was still a bit of a shit, sarcastic and sassy (not an outright asshole, but his personality had a bit of a spice to it ya know?) I try to let this part of him show as much as I can in my newer depictions of Eden, but well I'm not sure if I've succeeded lol
I think that, if he's a brat now, he'd be even MORE SO in Eden. Basically, exactly what you said that he'd be obnoxious, full of himself and childish, just more out of a place of immaturity rather than malice.
I also really like this characterization of early Lilith. Yes, I absolutely see her as more mature and independent, more thoughtful and observant than Adam ever was, and of course those personalities clashed.
I absolutely love the idea of Lilith planting seeds of doubt in other people. In fact, that's a personal theory I have about the current Lilith and why Charlie's and Lucifer's relationship is so stranded. I think there must have been a lot of miscommunication and Lilith, whether on purpose or not, fed a lot of ideas about Lucifer to Charlie. She isolated her and fed her ideas about who her father was and what he thought of her, creating this wall between them that is now only starting to crumble down. So, the idea of her doing the same thing between Adam and Lucifer? Fuck yes. I want Lilith to be a manipulative bitch, whether she's doing that with malice or not LOL.
Adam immediately going head first into confrontation sounds very likely to me too! I'd absolutely agree, except I don't think this would make Lucifer actually realize the situation. Depending on how bad the argument was, I could see Lucifer thinking that oh Adam really is just that toxic or whatever other misunderstanding comes up. They're both idiots and unless Adam expresses his feelings with something other than anger, I think Lucifer would be more prone to bite back, or just simply not understand the deeper issues.
Overall I'm in LOVE with this description though!
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