#just to quickly show y'all what they look like properly! ok back to the story~
errantce · 6 months
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adanna, kendric & paula
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Memories of 2020 - A first look into all the content (OT7 as well as vmin and namjin)
As promised here’s my second post in which I just want us to have a look at some of the amazing content Memories of 2020 has in store for us. If you don’t want spoilers while you wait for your DVD (though I don’t know how anyone can hide from all the pictures and videos being posted everywhere) this post isn’t for you. If you want to have a look, than it’s very much for you. Truly there is so, so much here and everything I mention just scratches at the surface of it all. There’s more than eleven hours to go through after all!
From anon: Good luck for all the incoming questions regarding j*k*ok and their moment in memories - I think you know which one! I for one am enjoying all of the content and the love that each member has for the other, including vmin ofc. My favorite moment so far is definitely vmin kissing namjoon though - excited to hear about y'all's favorite moments :)
As I mentioned in my previous post, no worries anon, we barely got any and I already gave my opinion. As for our favorite moments, some of them are listed here along with other fun things, though I’ll admit, that forehead kiss was just so, so adorable. I mean, what other way is there to celebrate Namjoon’s birthday if not by kissing his forehead and squishing his cheeks?
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One of the first things for the year were their practices for ON and Black Swan with the LAB dancers. We got a wider shot of Jimin helping Tae stretch, which we also previously got in their IG story last year, as well as Tae cutely asking Jimin to teach him how to do the cartwheel.
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Furthermore we also saw Jimin practice his Black Swan solo dance which, what a surprise (not really), Tae was present for and (by the look of it) was filming him to show him later how it looks. I wonder if this was around the time when Tae wrote on weverse that Black Swan=Jimin. 
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Then when filming the ON MV we got to see vmin dancing, the full version of what we originally saw in the teaser and contrary to what anons tried to suggest, as in that Tae wanted to remove Jimin’s hand, it was actually him moving Jimin’s hand so he could twirl him around and continue the dance further. Afterward Tae also repeats the dance with the little girl that starred in the MV alongside him so I wonder if this is when Tae introduced Jimin to her.
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A lot more below the cut:
Then we saw some more of vmin being adorable at that one MOTS7 interview in NYC whereafter Jimin led Tae down the stairs while JK was behind them asking Tae if he was crying. The context here being that Tae was “sulking” because he didn’t get a chance to say the answers he’d prepared in English so, once downstairs, Jimin along with JK and Hobi (who was filming him much the way he did at the Grammys when a similar situation happened) encouraged him to at least show them his answers while Tae pretend cried and sulked some more.
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Speaking of MOTS7, we also got some more behind the scenes of the jacket photoshoots which included vmin as dark angels and Jimin charming Tae while he was speaking, namjin making jokes about darks/ducks, and Tae and Seokjin looking stunning but we have an entire Bangtan Episode for that so I’ll save including a visual for this so I can include more pictures of other things instead. I hope you don’t mind.
We also had Jimin visiting Hobi and Yoongi on the sets of Interlude: Shadow and Outro: Ego which, judging by Jimin’s outfit, might’ve been filmed at the same time? Which, to be honest, makes a lot of sense. But the reactions were so different, as in Hobi was so happy and bubbly when Jimin came while Jimin “complained” that Yoongi barely even paid attention to the fact that he came. Their different dynamics are just so cute and interesting.
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We also got so, so much content from the Daechwita MV filming, including a video of JK petting a chicken to the point that the chicken fell asleep. JK and animals, a very precious concept. Honestly I love this MV (the visuals are unreal) and the song so I’m glad we got to see more of the behind the scenes.
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We also got plenty of Dynamite dance practice shenanigans like this:
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Since we’re on the topic of dance practice, one thing that truly impressed me was Jimin’s core strength which we got a presentation of via him doing a headstand, as well as some gymnastics type looking something with JKs help. The control and strength he needed in order to lift himself up like that? Insane. Especially since he also lowered himself back down again in a controlled manner as well which makes it even more impressive. These men are so athletic, wow.
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One of the moments I loved the most because it’s so meaningful and genuine is this one where they were filming their AMA performance and it was also the day of Tae’s grandma’s 70th birthday so, like the good boy he is, he decided to call/FaceTime her and Jimin joined him. From what I’ve seen Jimin used language showing that he’s familiar with her and it’s cute how natural this moment looks, like of course Jimin is there with Tae wishing his grandma a happy birthday. To be fair Seokjin also comes by and calls out a happy birthday but walks away just as quickly leaving just the two of them behind. Adorable.
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Some more fun, random and cute stuff includes, but very much isn’t limited to, all of this:
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Side note - Hobi singing You are my soulmate while vmin were practicing their Chingu performance? It really is his favorite song.
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Honestly all the Seokjin and JK, as well as Hobi and JK content is so adorable and fun and there is so, so, so much more of it to be found and enjoyed than what I managed to include here. I’m glad we got to see so much more of their interactions across Memories of 2020 especially since they are the kinds of bonds that don’t get nearly enough attention most of the time which is a shame.
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There were quite a few things included from their Esquire photoshoots but this moment with Namjoon, Tae and Hobi is just...wow. Love it. It’s one of my favorite moments and now also one of my favorite pictures of those three together. The fact that Tae was wearing a crop top for his solo pictures yet we didn’t get to see it (properly)? Wow.
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From anon: Why is there so little Namjin in the memories of 2020 😞 I’ve seen so much from all the other pairings. It’s made me sad.
I don’t know who lied to you, dear anon, or who hid all the good stuff from you but rest assured we got plenty of wonderful namjin content, and this likely isn’t even all of it. 
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Does Seokjin’s sweater say RM in hangul? Yes, it very much does. And is that Namjoon trying to stop Seokjin from walking away? Yes indeed. Much to think about.
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And that’s about all I’m able to include without tumblr telling me I’m just doing too much. Like I said this is just basically a glimpse at all the content so everyone who ordered the Memories of 2020 DVD, there is plenty more for you to look forward to. Once I’ll be able to watch the full thing, I’m sure I’ll make more posts and if there’s something you’d like me to talk about or a moment you particularly enjoyed, let me know.
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shdwwlkrsblog · 3 years
Why did you do that?
Modern au tobirama
Warning : depression , self harm , sad, angsty , blood , attempted Suizide
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And there you are , sitting at the only place that keeps your problems away , that makes u feel better . The old bridge . How often you thought about jumping off , never having any problems again . To never feel that pain again , to never cry again . But your normal human sense didn't let you do that . The cold wind brushed over your body , to prevent catching a cold your crossed your arms . But you quickly took your arms back . The textile of your jacket pressed against the fresh wounds , sending a wave of immense pain through your body . You pulled on of your sleeves up revealing a few older wounds . All of them near the pulse vein , still aching because of the infection . You didn't clean the last wounds properly too , why? Because you stopped carring . A bit pain more or less who cared? Yeah who cared... Who cared about you? This question hurted you everytime but you couldn't stop thinking about it . Who cared about you? You parents ? No did they even love you ? You didn't think so they never loved you, love isn't abusing someone , love isn't calling someone a whore , love isn't something you ever had experienced . But who needs it anyways? Love always ends , may it be cheating on your partner or because you or your partner dies . It always comes to an end , so why are humans fighting for something that's gonna end anyways ? From where do they get that much hope? That were questions you couldn't answer , you looked into the sky again . Watching the sunset , and the night arriving . The sunset gave the lake a beautiful golden look , it looked inviting , free . You slowly stood up mind cloudy , and walked to the edge . It really looked like the answer to all of your problems , you wanted to take another step and fall into the lake but a string in your heart stopped you , and a picture of tobirama popped into your mind . Whats up with that boy ? Why does it keep you from jumping? Did you? No that was bullshit you can't love someone because he was a little nice to you . And he didn't care about you anyways . You shook your head again eyes focused on the edge of the bridge again . You took your last breathe before you took the last step .now or never you thought and closed your eyes . " Y/n no!" Someone screamed but it was to late you hit the water hard enough to make you black out . Were you finally free?
But you weren't dead.... A always repeating peep was heard to your left side , and someone screaming "Will she/he be ok?!" . Where were you? Heaven? No . You opened your eyes but they closed again because of the lack of power you had to keep them open . "She's awake !" A female voice said "how are you feeling L/n ?" She asked and with the little bit of power you had left , you managed to whisper good . Loud enough for her to hear . "Can I speak to her alone doctor?" A Male deep voice asked , your eyes now felt lighter and you were able to keep them open but soon shock hit you . The male voice was tobirama ? Why was he here? Too many question were in your head making you feel nauseous . "Y/n?" You snapped out of you thoughts answering a tired "hm?" Tobirama sat down beside you and took you arm in his hand and looked at the wounds . Why did you do that? He looked sad for a minute but then changed to his normal cold facade again " why couldn't I see it ... I could have saved you " His voice changed to a sad and broken tone . Did he really care about you? There were better people than you he could care about . Why you ? When you saw tobiramas expression you were about to facepalm yourself , you said it all out loud " Because I was silently in love with you , but I couldn't tell you I don't know why . Please forgive me , forgive me for not seeing how hurt you were " tears threatened to drop out of his eyes " you are perfect , kind , you don't deserve that pain , you deserve much better . But please if you don't love me it's okay but could you do one thing for me then ? Please stop hurting yourself ." The tears rolled down his face , his voice showing fear and sadness . He really cared about you "i love you too " it just dropped out of your mouth but you didn't regret it , you tried hiding those feelings for a long time . But now something grew in you , something that you haven't felt since a long time
Hope ... Welp hope y'all enjoyed It , it would be pretty nice if you tell me how you liked the story and what you disliked because I plan on taking this writing style for the next story's bla bla bla
Anyways guys and girls remember somewhere outside in this world is someone who cares about you and who loves you , don't do self harm love yourself , don't bully other people it makes them sad , don't hate other people for liking something you disliked just ignore that fact and most important be yourself and live free
And if someone of you needs someone to talk feel free to text me I'll try to do my best
Have nice day/night
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gildedp0ppy · 5 years
if ur ok with it, how about headcanons for the main 6 + a suddenly affectionate and clingy mc?? like they’re working on something and totally focused on it and suddenly boom!! mc in their lap, arms wrapped tight around them.
well, looks like we're starting over!
-He LOVES it!!
-Super affectionate himself, so he would be overjoyed.
-Would be most likely to just drop whatever he's doing to return the affection.
-What can I say?? Very happy n cuddly boye
-Shocked initially. Even if you announce your antics, he'll still be shocked.
-After his initial response, he'll return your affections.
-It'll most likely be brief though if he's working on something.
-Really loves it when you do it when he isn't working, that way he can properly show you his love.
-This bitch is almost always busy
-So if she doesn't return your jestures, please don't take it personally.
-Most of the time she will, though! But only briefly.
-Especially loves if it's an off day, so she can just spend the whole day loving you and holding you in her arms.
-Moral of the story: it really depends when you do it.
-This is gonna... take a while.
-He's new to this whole "affection" thing.
-Probably grunts or somethin, if he's in a good mood, he'll quickly return it.
-Once you really get him to open up, he'll be more willing to show his love.
-Displays of love get longer the more he gets used to it.
-Oh she also loves it!!
-Little lady fucking loves affection man
-If she's working, though, she might return it for a lil while before going back to work.
-But when y'all are alone at her cottage?? Oh, she's so fucking overjoyed!!!
-Ofc she'll return it, lots of hugs n snuggles n kisses from this lil lady!
-Probably gets confused at first. "MC? What are you doing?"
-Also would probably drop everything to return your affectionate actions.
-He really has nothing to do these days
-He loves it, though it might take a while for him to admit it
this was super rushed, m sorry!! i hoped you liked it!! thank you smmm for sending in a HC!!
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cucci · 5 years
Pairing: Therapist!Bucky x Reader (though he’ll mostly be referred to as James/ Dr. Barnes in this AU)
Summary: Reader just wants a good therapist who’ll help her get her shit together. Instead she finds her sanctuary~
Disclaimer: I am NOT promoting romantic therapist/client relationships by any means. This story is fiction and is only for fun. Therapist/client relationships involve huge power imbalances and should be kept strictly professional.
Warning: Insecurity, a lot of it and feelings of anxiety~
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Chapter 3: Try Out Feeling Good
“I’m back, guys!”
Wanda’s (loud) voice rings through open space of your living room, snatching you out of dreamland.
“Shit, Wanda,” Nat groans. “Maybe lower your voice when people are sleeping?”
You sit up on your side of the couch, stretching here and there and rubbing the blur of sleep away. Surprisingly, the sun is already high in the sky when usually you’re up a little before daybreak. ‘How long did we sleep?’
“Yeah, I can see that. The both of you should’ve been up by now. It’s 1 o’clock.”
You raise your eyebrows in surprise, you never sleep that late.
After you and Nat had eaten dinner (“dinner” being greasy pizza and soda) around 8 o’clock you’d washed the few dirty dishes and tidied up other areas of the apartment (you actually felt satisfied actually completing the task)then the two of you went back to watching shitty TV shows.
“And besides,” Wanda continues, “I’ve got news.”
“You sure do.” Natasha gives a scrutinizing but playful look. “Where were you all night, huh?”
“Yeah,” you join, poking fun at the brunette. “We were waiting on you to join our TV and pizza night.”
Wanda’s cheeks go pink and the flush spreads to her neck, “I was out.” She tries to shake off her bashfulness and continues. “We got invited out tonight. Well, I did but the invite has been extended to you two. How could I go out with my best friends?”
“You definitely did last night. Anyways, I gotta shower,” Natasha says. She get up off of the couch and makes her way to the bathroom to get ready for the day you assume.
“How nice of you to stay and get the details, Nat,” Wanda says.
“Shower first, details later,” she replies as she goes into the bathroom.
Wanda turns her eyes to you expectantly. You chuckle, knowing she wants you to ask first. “Where’d we get invited to?”
“Somewhere fun,” she says in typical Wanda fashion to your dismay. ‘Fun’ usually involves a party or something similar in your experience. “Come on, I’m helping you choose something to wear.”
‘Fun’ (unsurprisingly) turned out to be a party, some event at a club that Wanda’s mystery guy wanted her to come to. The three of you shuffle into the club quickly, wary of others pushing in behind you.
“I’m gonna go find him,” Wanda says. She speaks so fast you barely understand what she says before she’s tip toeing off to find her guy, whoever he is.
The place is terribly crowded, people dancing and grinding around the place, the smell of alcohol and sweat and perfume cloud your senses and add to your building anxiety.
The skimpy dress and heels Wanda dressed you in aren’t helping either. The outfit is gorgeous and you actually felt nice, pretty even until you stepped out of your home, immediately afraid of how other will perceive you. And the fact that you feel ten times more vulnerable in the outfit isn’t much of a bonus.
‘I look ridiculous with this makeup,’ you think. 'Why’d I even agree to come here?’
Nat’s slender arm loops around your own, anchoring you in way and calming you down, you’re thankful for it.
“Want a drink first?” She practically shouts the question to be audibles over the pounding music. Your ears ring a little. “You seem a little tense.”
“Ye-yeah,” your response is clumsy, you’re really not sure what you want to do but Natasha’s suggestion seems like the best option.
Natasha leads as the two of you push and shove to get through the horde of dancing people and club goers until you’re finally at the bar. You pull out a stool and settle in at the counter, resting your elbows on the cool glass. You try and take some deep breathes, hoping to gain control of your nerves.
Natasha sits down too, then waves a slim hand to get the bartender’s attention. You don’t hear clearly what she orders but you’re to overwhelmed to ask and minutes later, she’s sliding you some bright colored, decorated drink. You eye the beverage until you finally take a sip. The fruity taste is sweet but you can definitely feel the warmth for alcohol as it slides down your throat.
‘Good, now maybe I’ll calm down a little.’
You’re not sure how much time passes as you slowly consume the drink but you can feel it in your system. Your low alcohol tolerance is definitely apparent right now.
“Natasha, Y/N,” you barely catch Wanda’s voice as she yells over the music. Turning around, you see her approaching you and Nat with a man with her. He’s tall, very tall actually with shaggy blonde hair that barely meets the top of his forehead. He smiles down at her fondly while she continues to wave you guys down.
“You guys,” she says, now standing confidently in front of the both of you. “This is Victor, he’s the one who invited us tonight. Victor, these are my best friends, Natasha and Y/N.”
“Hi,” you say politely offering out a hand to shake. Nat does the same and he obliged both of you.
“Well, ladies I hope you don’t mind me taking her away again tonight, we’ve got some things to do,” Victor says, giving Wanda a knowing look. She grins up at him playfully.
Your chest tightens, the all too familiar green monster rising in you again. You feel happy for your friend but you can’t help but want that too, somebody to look at you like you’re all seven wonders of the world and more.
‘But Wanda’s actually beautiful though and charming and funny and-‘
“Yeah, no problem,” Nat says. “Wanda, behave.” She sends Wanda a teasing look, Wanda waves her off and smiles at you then the happy couple is winding back through the crowd.
“Y/N,” Natasha says to get your attention. “I’m gonna go dance. You wanna come or...”
You shake your head at her, “No, you go ahead. I’m gonna hang out here.” And like Wanda and Victor, she’s gone to have fun and party carelessly like you wish you could.
Of course in typical Natasha style, she finds someone to someone to dance with in minute as you watch. The man is just as beautiful as Nat is, tall and handsome with broad shoulders and shaggy blond hair. Lucky, Natasha.
You look around the rest of the club, feeling even more dejected than before as you watch people laugh and dance and spill their cups like they’re having the time of their lives.
‘Wanda’s in love and Natasha’s met some hot guy then there’s me,’ Your regular deprecating thoughts are amplified and only add to your feelings of inadequacy. The alcohol in your system makes your head. You feel sick.
“I gotta get outta here,” you mumble to no one. Your anxiety overloads your brain making your breathing shallow and your muscles clench, unclench and clench over and over again.
You’re slightly relieved when you make it out of the crowed venue even though the world tilts in front of you for a moment.
You want to turn back and get Natasha first but that thought is thrown out of the window immediately, there’s no way in hell you’ll go back in there. Rather than going back in that hell hole, you reach into your small clutch for your cell phone and shoot a quick message to Nat and Wanda: I’m going home, not feeling well but I’ll be ok :)
That was lie but you didn’t want them to worry. A few minutes tick past and they both respond.
Nat replies first, ‘I’ll check on you when I get home, babe <3’
The Wanda’s reply follows, ‘awww, hope ya feel better.’
You weakly smile at their responses then another wave of dizziness passes over you so quickly, you phone a cab, hoping they’ll arrive before you lose your ability to stand properly.
The ride home is slow- too slow for you when all you want is a warm shower and the comfort of your bed. And when you finally come to a stop in front of your apartment building, you stumble out of the cab (not before blundering to get to get cash out of your clutch) and make your way up to you home.
You get the spare key Wanda had hidden in one of the fake little plants nearby and get into the apartment. Gracelessly, you make your to the bathroom and shuck off the clinging dress and heels.
You step in and turn on the warm spray of water and sit down in the tub, tucking your knees close to your chest and letting your head rest on them.
The makeup on your face yields to the warm water sending streams of mascara and foundation down your cheeks into the drain. The alcohol, your own anxiety and intrusive thoughts make an ugly mix inside of you. And without the comfort of Wanda or Natasha, you feel alone, completely and utterly alone.
Tears soon join the the downpour on your face.
Tag List: @marvelsangels @technicallykawaiisoul @yallgotkik
A/N:I had to use one of Visions’ aliases to fit into the more “realistically” but hope y'all enjoy this and as always leave feedback :)
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spotlightsaga · 8 years
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Kevin Cage of @spotlightsaga reviews... Legion (S01E03) Chapter 3 Airdate: February 22, 2017 @fxnetworks Ratings: 1.043 Million :: 0.49 18-49 Demo Share Score: 8.75/10 **********SPOILERS BELOW********** 'Legion' requires a certain state of mind to take in what the show is putting out... 'Chapter 3' in particular is just pure chaos, but in this case, contained chaos, for the most part anyways. I've watched the episode twice now because I feel to properly review, I must also breakdown and deconstruct the story piece by piece to truly understand just what the hell is happening. Melanie gets advice and listens to old proverbs from a cappuccino machine that her husbands voice is inhabiting... It sounds as if he's trying to warn her that everything is not what it seems or what you need it to be. Whatever they mean she just enjoys his company, which is shown through her pouring out the cup of coffee she had barely sipped from and asking for another cup... This is what I took from it anyway. I had to watch several of the scenes repeatedly to get a good grasp of what was really happening. In and out of the dream work, this world is bizarre and abstract, which can make watching 'Legion' both an absolute blast, as well as incredibly frustrating. If 'Legion' itself was a polygraph the needle would break from scribbling from one end to the other with such ferocity. I imagine that's exactly what it's like for David to just exist, awake or asleep, just one piece of a puzzle after another, some of the pieces belonging to separate puzzles, but all the of the puzzles form a picture that he can't make out... But promise a bigger picture. Yeah, even explaining it is strange... But to interpret something so far out of the box, you have to think out of the box. I like that 'Legion' challenges my mind, I just have to put of my seatbelt and helmet before I press play. In 'Chapter 3' Melanie and Ptonomy continue their 'Dream Work' with David. They attempt to go slow, and immediately discover that David's powers reach beyond what they had originally thought when they see him in a pure state of emotional distress bursting the entire contents of a kitchen wide open through kinetic energy after a fight with Philly when she discovers both him & Lenny out of their heads from the 'blue dragon/mist'. There's a bit of a disturbance, evil laughter, and the evil face that many speculate is Mojo and David is spooked (and apparently only he can see and hear this), they decide to go back and start over but Ptonomy is stuck... He can't bring them back. Suddenly they are transported out of the memory cube, through several thick walls, 600 yards away, which freaks out Ptonomy. He asks David, "What are you?" Little does he know, David isn't the issue. Its almost comforting that the show goes from a frazzled state to a calm, serene scene that David shares with Syd. We as audience members need a bit of time to decompress, the show can get so intense so quickly that we need proper time to process it. Here we have David talking about how ever since Syd inhabited his body and switched with him, he still feels as if he has long hair and goes to brush it away, his balance is effected, and even admits to touching himself while he was her. It all sounds creepy, but she listens the mood with a joke that she jerked off... Then admits she's just joking. She clearly has no hang ups about the body switching and even admits to switching bodies with others; A Chinese man, a 300-lb woman, a 5-year old girl... "But wherever I go, I'm me." She delivers the line with such a calm assurance. She's at peace with her powers, it's advantages and disadvantages, and somehow that makes the scene even more calming, surreal, almost dreamlike. The tests continue with Loudermilk... This time monitoring his brain waves and hormone levels. Telling David to think about the most stressful moment in his life is probably not the best direction to give the man. We're transported to Halloween, when David was a young boy, which turns into a narration of the faceless man telling him the terrifying bedtime story. Can I pls get a hit that 'Blue Dragon' stuff? I need it just rehashing this insanity. The voice gets deeper and more menacing and Young David stumbles onto a graffitied being on a wall that looks like an angry version of Moral Orel. What in the fuck? David snaps back into reality as Angry Moral Orel makes a b-line towards him. Loudermilk asks if everything is ok, Lenny appears on a rolling chair. Clearly things are NOT ok as Lenny taunts David and turns into his sister insinuating that they could be raping her. Syd runs in and they literally just kind of disappear into nothingness. Go ahead and take another dose now, under the tongue guys, it's always better to keep it under there as long as possible and breathe through your nose. Syd & David are vaguely transported to where his sister is being held and grilled by Brubaker... The Eye senses their presence but they are like particles and atoms that are loosely put together, making them appear like faint mirages. As The Eye reaches for them they transport back into a pond by the compound where they reassemble through brightly colored matter in water. Fuck it, go ahead and dose again, it's not gonna hurt at this point. Melanie gives us a little backstory on The Eye, who was a recruit brought in by her husband who she explains now transfers consciousness through the electronics in the buildings from the elevator to the coffee maker. Yeah. David could give two shits who he is (or her electronic hopping husband), he just wants his sister. Chill David, sometimes in order to beat your opponent, you must know your opponent. Melanie believes that David's brain is defending itself, hence the trouble with the memory work... But she's wrong, she's dead wrong... As she's not aware of the Yellow-Eyed Devil, that may or may not be Mojo. She's frustrated, even considering the notion that she may be making things worse. Now David is worried that she's giving up, but she can't, he's literally the most powerful mutant alive. Melanie has one last idea.... They'll sedate David to gain unfiltered access to his mind. Syd demands to be there. This is about to get crazy... Full access to David's mind is the stuff nightmares are made of, literally. A quick moment between David and Syd the night before the next intense, full access session of dream work with Ptonomy to further establish trust between the two... And you can go ahead and dose yet again, at this point it's required. We start with how David ended up at Clockworks... Lenny and David are high as a kite and Lenny is pushing David in a shopping cart... You know, normal blue mist activities. Melanie explains that David is with them but he's in child form, because that's the only part of him that's awake and that Syd can touch him because her powers don't work in this realm, not without her physical body. Oh yeah, shit is about to slam you right in the feels. Two people who can never touch, and most likely have never really been touched (for separate reasons) are about to touch for the first time. The hug of the century, y'all. It's serious. Ptonomy wants to 'move this along', but I'd prefer the hug to last forever. Potato, PoTATo. They follow the David they've come to explore... He's experiencing a strange phenomenon; memories within memories... Inception, if you will. At this point, you've dosed too much, but it's too late now... I should've never encouraged all of that excessive hallucinogen use, but it's too late... The rabbit hole is wide open. David is rummaging through tapes... He appears in a flash, cramming the film from the video tapes into his mouth and the walls start to rumble. Young David takes off... Syd is rightfully worried why Melanie & Ptonomy aren't reacting. Don't they hear that? Don't they see that? Told you that you shouldn't have taken that last dose! Or did I? The walls are literally being ripped apart and there are definitely hands pulling them apart from the other side... And Melanie & Ptonomy are oblivious. Holy FUCK, someone listen to Syd and get the hell out of there! Ptonomy attempts to transport them out, but his powers fail. Unfiltered access, this is what they wanted!!! The tension is building like a brick mason working in fast forward, brick by brick... Little David dashes out of the room and hops over the older version of himself and Lenny who are high on the Blue Mist on the ground... What an image! What did we take again?! 5-MeO-DMT?! Syd walks into the kitchen where David is fighting with Philly. The intensity continues to build as Little David enters a bedroom and hides behind a bed where David appears to be fucking someone... I can't tell if it's Philly, Im not sure it matters... It's the energy that counts. Syd has to coax him out of the room where they then attempt to hide. Little David grabs a screwdriver and pops open an air duct that looks like the size of an old laundry shoot. Moral Orel from earlier in the episode is spotted, staring into the corner of a hallway. Yup, time to get the fuck out. Little David Climbs in and Syd is hurried in afterwards after Moral Orel suddenly turns and heads her way. I'm pretty sure I've had this exact same nightmare before. Luckily Moral Orel has. Big old head and most likely wouldn't be able to fit in that vent... But 'The Devil with The Yellow Eyes' makes a surprise pop-out when Sue looks back... Gotta admit, not what I was expected, may have peed myself just a smidge. Syd pleads David to wake up and the shots are cutting back to the room where the dream work takes place, with a fish eye lens (just in case things weren't already weird enough). Suddenly Syd comes to, gasping for air like she's popping her head out of a very deep dive into a pool. She literally beats Ptonomy with a pillow and wakes him up... Unfortunately Melanie and David are still under. OMFG, I literally can't take it. This has turned into a straight up horror show. Cut back to Melanie who's making her way through the corridors of David's memories. She finds his old room and the book the man without a face has been reading to David in past Memory Work sessions... One the cover... Is Moral Orel!!!! Ok it's not really Adult Swim's Moral Orel, the book is actually titled 'The Angriest Boy In The World'. She begins to read the book... It's violent and doleful and straight up terrifying. Not the type of book you read your little boy to put him to bed, know what I mean? The book slams down on her hand hard and basically eats it, she pulls away and looks down at her hand and it's bloated and disfigured, behind her is that obese 'Devil with The Yellow Eyes', that looks an awful lot like Mojo. She immediately snaps out of the trance and wakes up grabbing her hand as you would if you had just experienced a nightmare where you lose a limb and you're certain it's happened in real life. It's official, Melanie is now unsure if those memories they are exploring even belong to David at all. The episode fades out as they attempt to wake up David who is now stuck in the other realm, and it is the opposite of peaceful and serene... As the camera pans backwards holing David into a small space where he's surrounded by multiple people with aggressive energy. What a fn' episode, huh? At least now Melanie has a better understanding of what their working with... And isn't blaming David from holding back memories and advancement in treatment. The whole thing just makes me shiver a bit. Until next time, guys... I'm trying to make this a weekly thing... And I'm really enjoying Legion, but it is not an easy watch... It's like a 1000 ego deaths and being trapped inside a bad trip on a seriously heavy tryptamine.
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