#just wanted to dash in real quick to pick up some holds and they just had to have this on display
charlyritter · 11 months
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I hate my library
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artzychic27 · 10 months
Headcanon’s about DC Kids AU: Aurore’s hero name would be Whirlpool. Cosette’s would be Buzz Kill. Zoe’s realtionship with her blood siblings in a nutshell: “If I have a Penny for each half sibling that is only a few months older than me and is a jerk, I would have 2 Pennies. It’s not much, but weird that happened twice”. Mireille screamed at Volpina during a battle to make her illusions disappear.
Okay, let's do this!
Zoé: 'Sup, dick?
Dick: I can hear you using lowercase 'D,' you basic-ass blonde.
Zoé: Jealous I got a hot girlfriend and Starfire met someone else? Yeah, fuck you, dick.
Jean: Okay, okay! If you guys had to choose your superhero names... What would they be?!
Simon: Kid Quick.
Denise: Really?
Simon: Kid Flash is taken.
Ismael: Krypto-Kid.
Aurore: Okay, not bad. Simon, take notes. I'd go by Whirlpool.
Cosette: Can't decide between AC/DC, Buzz Kill, or Voltage. There's just too many electricity puns!
Zoé: I am the night. I am the vengeance. I am... Still thinking of something other than Robin.
Mireille: Hey, Volpina!
Volpina Illusions: What?!
Mireille: *Screams, causing the illusions to disappear when they're hit by the strong soundwaves, revealing the real Volpina who's going to have tinnitus for real*
*Still coming up with names*
Simon: Uh... Lightning Run?
Cosette: The electricity-based stuff is mine.
Simon: Ugh! This is hard! Marc, you go!
Marc: Would my Tamaranean-translated name suffice?
Aurore: Depends. What is it?
Marc: Myzan'r.
Jean: I like it!
Simon: Aw, come on!
Simon: Anyone want Japanese food for lunch?
Ismael: Sure.
Denise: I could eat.
Mireille: Pick me up some onigiri.
Simon: Be right back. *Dashes off, then returns seconds later with five bags in his hands* Guess who had time to grab mochi!
Kiran: Marc! Do the thing! Do the thing!
Marc: Okay, come here!
Nathaniel: What thing?
Marc: *Holding Kiran* Ready... Set... *Throws Kiran high into the air*
Nathaniel: ...
Marc: ... *Catches Kiran back in his arms* Nathaniel, would you like to try?
Nathaniel: *Backs away* No.
Ismael, Denise, and Marc can deadlift the Eiffel Tower like it's nothing
While on the phone, Aurore walked into the pool without a second thought and resumed her conversation for about ten minutes. It baffled Kim and Ondine for weeks
Lacey LOVES getting head pats. It's even better when she turns into a cat
Sometimes Jean talks in reverse without even thinking, and inadvertently casts a few spells
Whenever sunspots occur, Cosette's powers go haywire and create an electrical aura around her. It's best to keep your distance for a few hours... Or days
Denise doesn't even need the Lasso of Truth. Just one glare from them can have any pour soul spilling their guts
So she’s not blowing everyone’s eardrums out by stress-screaming, Mireille took up boxing to get her anger out
Tamaranean puberty can start at any age. For Marc, it started when he was fifteen, and he spent the week covering his face with his hood
Aurore: Marc, I'm sure it's not that bad.
Marc: *Crying* Yes, it is! I look like a raw glorkaroach!
Denise: Hon, you're probably blowing this all out of proportion. Now, let's see that darling face, and- *Marc pulls down his hood* Oh! Oh, Athena! That is not right!... *Pulls Marc's hood back up and pats his head* Yeah, just... Keep that on.
Marc: *Cries again*
Their outfits have some elements of their hero parents
Aurore’s skirts and tops have gold fish scales, and she has trident earrings
Mireille manages to make leather and sweaters work with each other. She also has a lot of fishnets
It’s not rare to see stars embroidered on Denise’s skirts
Marc often wears purple and jewelry made from metals found on Tamaran
Simon wears more warm colors and a few of his shirts have The Flash’s logo embroidered on it
Cosette’s color schemes usually consist of blue, yellow, white, and black
Zoé’s got a lot of black with some hints of yellow. There’s no way in hell she’s going out in Robin colors again
Ismael’s cardigan is a brighter shade of blue with red cuffs
A lot of Reshma’s clothes have vine patterns on the sleeves and hems
Lacey wears Beast Boy’s signature shade of purple with some hints of black
Jean dresses all fancy with bow ties, crop jackets, and tiny top hats on a headband
Now as for Jean and Austin’s relationship- Jean often makes Austin’s favorite flowers appear in his locker
Oh, and Austin knows that he and his friends are related to DC heroes. His dad actually came across Zoé’s dad a few times in Gotham before he was put away
They don’t care much for the Marvel heroes
Simon: Darkseid. The most dangerous villain in the universe. Powerful enough to defeat any hero he faces.
Ismael: Even Superman?
Simon: Yes.
Zoé: Batman?
Simon: Yes.
Reshma: Spider-Man?
Simon: Well, Spider-Man wouldn't fight Darkseid.
Marc: Is it because he is too lazy?
Ismael: What a bum!
Lacey: You know, this really lowers my opinion of Spider-Man.
Whenever they go into battle, there’s always this weird sequence with a 40s-era sounding announcer
Assembled in the tenth grade class of Francoise DuPont in Paris are the world's greatest young heroes. Simon! The fastest demiboy on Earth, but needs to improve his endurance. Zoé! He REALLY hates his brothers! Denise! They’ve got bracelets, and a rope! Cosette! A human taser with outdated slang! Lacey! The animal shapeshifter who sometimes eats meat! Jean! A spectacular magician who can talk in reverse and confuse people! Ismael! He successfully managed Superman’s signature curl! Marc! This alien prince is already spoken for, boys! Mireille! She can and will destroy your eardrums! And Aurore! She hates dolphins and finds them to be jerks! Evil-doers beware! These kids are doing things! Everywhere! With their underwear on the outside!
*The DC Kids look around for the source of the voice*
Aurore: Where is that coming from?!
Simon: *Searching through his bag* I-is there like a tape recorder somewhere?
Marc: *Blasts a hole through the wall* Still can’t find it!
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fervency-if · 1 year
What inspired you to create major characters? Do their first drafts differ in any way from what they turned out to be? (Feel free to talk about any characters who have interesting behind the scenes stories.)
That's a really fun question! My reply is quite long, because I always end up going on tangents, so I'll put it under a cut.
The story itself (or rather, Part I,) is actually based on a short story I wrote a long time ago for fun (it was just a quick writing prompt, "write a story about vampires," about 1200 words I wrote in some hour,) so there wasn't really any planning to talk about there, and when it comes to the first part of the game itself I never intended it to grow any larger than perhaps 5000 - 10 000 words or so (since it was just supposed to be an entry for the Halloween Jam 2022 for fun, my plan was just "alright, let's adapt the short story to a short game since the themes align") - it's very improvised, I wrote 65 000 words in perhaps two and a half week, so there were never any early drafts or even things I had written down beforehand.
When I wrote the short story, I think I just thought that I wanted to write something about a plague doctor, because I've always been interested in them (and found their design cool.) I just made her up on the go, and then took the small amount of characterisation she had in the short story and fleshed her out - she's pretty much the same, but a bit more morally ambiguous in the game. I do believe she might have been a tad more callous (in her motives, not demeanor) in the short story, but not to a great extent.
I'm not as sure about Aubrey, even though I did create his character specifically for the game (he was just some young man who started the pandemonium when the main character was busy having fun and a good meal in the cloakroom in the short story, the narrator never even interacted with him.) I think I just wanted a crazy, unhinged, and morbid little guy, because I find such characters fun and fascinating overall, and he grew from there. His name actually comes from when I was picking out names for the player to choose for their main characters if they didn't type it in themselves. I thought of a couple of nice, androgynous names, "Aubrey" came up in my head, and then I thought "no, wait, that name is perfect for the Mayor's son, I'll give that to him."
Bess and Francesco were inspired by the entire "old-timey lesbian/gay salon patron"-idea. Those were characters I could see sitting there looking dapper with a glass of liquor in their hands, charming women and men respectively with their dashing smiles.
Vesa's looks are inspired by the flapper aestethics, as well as the silent movie era. (She's definitely the character who looks most "modern" by real-life standards.)
I created Narciso partly because of my interest in opera, and also because the city of Pearlmoor holds art in high regard - I wanted to show the love of the arts in a more sinister manner by having a castrato being their current superstar, with people ignoring the suffering he's gone through for the sake of their beloved music.
Bryars changed his colours. At first, he was just some nameless young man in a pretty gown that you could eat or bloodlet, so I just gave him a random appearance - blond hair and light skin; one couldn't even interact with him aside from eating or healing (I didn't write the mingle scenes or the scenes at the square in the prologue until I started to flesh the story out) so it didn't matter, I cared more about describing his costume. When he became an actual character and I decided that he will be a RO in a certain route, I changed his hair colour to black and his skin tone to olive since there's already a young, pale, blond, male RO as it is.
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
Evans is in my little pony socks, and I’m imagining bibi shopping with Andy at the mall and picking them out for him. And big scary Attorney Andy goes to court with pink my little pony socks because his baby girl wanted him to🥺
It was 5:35am.
You putter around, trying to help Andy get ready for the morning. It’s not that he necessarily needed your help, you just liked to do it. You viewed it as some extra couple time for you and your husband.
“Baby, before you ask, your briefcase is in your study.” You tell him as you hand him some starch for his shirt. He’d already had one ironed previously, but it had fallen off the hanger last night and into a wrinkly mess.
“Thanks, baby.” He pulls you in for a quick kiss. “And I don’t need lunch because -“
“We’ll that’s good. Because all I had to offer you was a pizza lunchable, with 30% more real cheese.” You beam up at him.
He slaps your pale pink nightgown covered ass. “See what happens when you send me grocery shopping. I do things right.” You roll your eyes.
And then your little Bianca and Katrina walk in the room holding hands, wearing their fairy princess pajamas.
Andy immediately sets down the iron as you go to kneel in front of them. “Babies, it’s so early. What’s wrong?”
“Nuffin’. Gift for Daddy. We know big test today for Daddy and he study hard. So when we when out wif’ Gammy, got him present.”
A sleepy KitCat hands over the bag to their surprised father. He reaches in and pulls out a bag with a pair of “My Little Pony” socks.
“Dey cost $2.50 Daddy, and me an’ Sissy buy ‘em cuz’ you dah best.”
“Uh huh.” Katrina rubs at her eyes. “Her name Rainbow Dash.”
“Yep.” Bianca pushes at her pink bonnet. “And she a pegs-a-pegs…a Pegasus!”
“And she dah fastest der is, Dada.” His younger daughter tells him. “Dey all get mad cuz she good and Dey like woah!”
“So you wear today to be dah fastest and bestest cuz you study so hard Daddy.”
You feel the tears form in your throat. And one glance over at Andy lets you know that he’s no better.
“You girls broke into your piggy banks for me? For this super special gift?” He somehow manages to hold back the sniffle.
“Yep. Wuv you Mama. We have socks for you too. But for burfday. Bye bye.” Your two wander off back to bed.
“You know you gotta wear those socks.”
“Already on it. I smell a win today!”
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c7thetumbler · 5 months
Quick Game reviews: January 2024
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... Huh that banner looks pretty empty without a years worth of games on a lot of different platforms on it. I'll have to think of a better way to fill space
Anyway, let's be a bit better about being on top of this. Also, instead of just scrubbing google without mentioning where I got the screenshots from, I'm going to start putting link where I got the screenshots from underneath. If I didn't put it, it's art from that game's store page.
Most of these games were ones I picked up in bulk during the Steam winter sale, so there's a few weird ones.
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Slay the Spire (Steam)
Opening up with a strong one. I'm very late to Slay the Spire; so late that I had believed that it was much older than it was because just everyone had referenced it so many times and I still hadn't touched it I didn't realize it's only like 5 years old.
It holds up very well! A Rogue-like card game the plays a lot like Dominion but vs enemies instead of other players, with RPG elements to top it off. Despite having "beaten" it, I keep going back to it and I'm having a great time. It helps having played dominion before, as you have moments playing this kind of game where you realize core aspects of it. For example, taking all of the best cards every time you can isn't a great idea, as the more cards you have the less chance you have at drawing any one of them. It's better to have cards that combo well together, or with relics you've acquired, than to have a bunch of good cards that don't. It's best to stick to a particular aspect of your character, like focusing on whether you want to play The Silent as a machine gun that can rapid fire shiv the enemy dozens of time in a turn, or a tanky poisoner who can last for a long time to build up poison stack. It's much more beneficial to pick one while you're gathering your materials, than it is to say "Well attacking a lot is a nice and passive poison is also nice" and doing neither well.
It was also interesting having gone back and played this after having played so many lazy game projects or cash grab games that just did this exact style of gameplay and didn't make it interesting. I had no idea I was literally just playing Slay the Spire, but not as good.
Highly recommend it! It's a very fun game, and a good time to just play a round or two while you're watching a video.
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Mail Mole + 'Xpress Deliveries (Steam)
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This is a game I 100%'d!
Mail Mole is a linear 3D platformer akin to Super Mario 3D world, but you play as mole who digs underground and can combo dashing with jumping and good timing you can really blast through levels. You collect carrots instead of coins, turnips instead of green stars or giant coins, and each level has it's own time goals for bronze, silver and gold medals.
It's pretty fun! The jumping takes a bit to get used to as your jump happens when you release the button instead when you press, and your momentum from your dash carries over but only for a set amount of time after a landing dash. Overall the controls are easy to understand. With some practice and an understanding of how comboing jumps and dashes works, the game can feel pretty satisfying, if a little bit floaty, as you fly from platform to platform attempting to not fling yourself off the ledge long enough to make it to the end and get the gold medal.
As far as content goes, there's 8 "worlds" each with 4 levels. Additionally each world has a vs bot mode where you race 3 npc bots to the end of a level for an additional power cell, the game's main progression collectible. There's a significant amount there, and with the extra 'Xpress Deliveries levels it's worth its weight. I ended up with 7 hours on the game, which for an indie platformer is pretty good.
That being said, the game isn't necessarily very challenging. Jumps are pretty straightforward, with some rare exceptions, and if you just want to "beat" the game you can do so without breaking much of a sweat. The real meat of it is trying to get everything and do well in the levels to get those medals, which also isn't an extreme task. 100%'ing it took 6.7 hours, and I was never really stuck on a single level more than 2-3 replays after the intial run through the level
Overall, I'd recommend it to fans of laid back 3D platformers; if you've play 3D land, suzy cube, or other cartoony 3D indie platformers, you'll be right at home here
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screenshot from The Cutting Room Floor
Mario Party 3 (N64, Switch Online)
This was one of things that I, as a child, had decided I would do someday, and then each time I played it over the years I kept thinking, "Oh I never did Get S Rank Miracle star in the story mode on Hard Mode to see if you get anything" and then proceeded to not do play it. I finally changed that!
.... It wasn't worth it. While at the time Mario Party 3 had a lot of uniqueness and charm, nowadays it's simply just been outdone, and the sheer amount of minigames in modern Mario Parties just outclasses it. Additionally, getting those scores is hard as balls, getting all the minigames requires a substantial amount of luck, and in true Mario Party fashion you can just lose everything very suddenly and that's just on you.
Nostalgia carries the N64 Mario parties pretty hard, and in a world where Mario Party Superstars and Super Mario Party exists it just doesn't hold up. Also Mario Party 2 is better.
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The Citadel
What a title I have a cursed history with. anyway.
I did end up playing this for not very long. I have a long history with Doom and similar fast paced mindless shooters (Boomer shooters? is that what the kids are calling it?), so when I saw this game on the store a few years ago I shoved it on my wishlist. I finally picked it up, and it's pretty tough from what I've played. But I just quickly lost interest; didn't feel as satisfying or punchy as Doom does and I had other games to play. I haven't played this enough for a great recommending opinion, but my first impression is that it's just fine.
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Screenshot from promotional screenshots on the game's Steam page
Pseudoregalia (Steam)
Props to my boy Keewy for streaming this and making me think "Huh I could try that".
This game's incredibly good. But obviously not everyone's cup of tea. You play as a tall rabbit goat woman who fights with a big cross baton and platforms using a variety of skills you pick up along the way. It's very much focused solely on the skilled platforming aspect within rooms. Like if Celeste was a bit slower paced, 3D, and had progressive upgrades in an open environment. I guess that's probably not a sensible comparison; It's more like if Metroid Prime was solely melee, 3rd person, and focused on platforming. It's hard to describe in text, but a quick look at some gameplay and you'll get it.
A key aspect of this is it doesn't take any time to explain to you what's going on, how to play, or even where you're at. You start out basically only able to jump, and through some well paced rooms slowly get the idea of how to attack, and a couple of hallways later your path branches out to a number of different ways where you can go and explore. There is no map, so you'll have to make note of areas you've not been able to fully explore before moving onto another area and trying your hand at that. The major upgrades all tend to be very well done, often giving you non-standard movement options that give you different ways of approaching jump situations that don't necessarily have just the one solution.
Most of the game consists of hallways and big rooms with an N64/ PSX aesthetic, with blocky geometry but gothic-reminiscent architecture and texture. The music does a good job of complimenting these areas, making the time you spend attempting to chain wall kicks and dashing slides to get to the next platform feel like you're wandering surreal, oppressive hallways but with a sense of curiosity and freedom given by the game's abilities.
I'm not sure if that made a whole lot of sense. But I collected everything because it was just really fun! Take a look at a gameplay video, and if you like the look of the gameplay the game delivers very well on the whole experience
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Screenshot from promotional screenshots on the game's Steam page
Lil Gator Game (Steam)
I 100%'d this one as well:
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Another 3D platfomer, but this time a very open world setting. Basically a very small version of Breath of the Wild where your main actions are to attack, jump, float, and climb. You play as a little gator, whose acting a out a legend of zelda style adventure with cardboard monsters and animal friends as NPCS with quest givers in order to inspire your Sister, who used to play these games with you, to join in on the fun instead of focusing on her college work.
It's a very simple game; you're never really going to have moments where you don't know what to do or feel stuck, and you can't even take damage because "kids can't die in video games." Instead, it's solely about roaming around, finding all your friends and doing their quests (solving their problems) so they will go back to the main hub area and build up the adventure town for your game.
It's a very chill romp, and I'd recommend it to anyone who just wants to turn their brain off and jump around with a cute little game with an adorable story and aesthetic.
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Screenshot is a screengrab from a frame of the trailer on the game's Steam page
Another 100 % (though it only took 45 minutes)
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I'm not sure how this one ended up on my wishlist; I probably saw it during one of the steam sales that encourages you to go through your discovery queues and thought "sure why not."
This was interesting because it took a run or two to realize what the game actually wanted. It's not a doom style game where you try and shoot monsters and progress through the level; it's a fast-paced runner game where you MUST kill enemies and run to the level in time before your health meter runs out. This meter is of c0ourse only filled more when you shoot enemies, so it's a lot of balancing between making sure you kill what you need vs moving past it to actually finish the level.
Additionally at the end of each level you get a choice of 3 cards, which can give you different weapons and upgrades to help you go through future levels easier. These cards can be quite vague however, as the game was clearly originally made in Japanese and contains a number of references to streamers and culture that I didn't understand. Alternative weapons are half "this gun is more powerful probably" and half "what even is this thing", and the while the games aesthetic has some charm in clearly being a small passion project only one or two people worked on for fun, it doesn't really carry it very far and things are more weird than interesting. Like if I did get it it wouldn't add that much to the experience.
Overall, it's a fun, very short and fast-paced game. At $5 it's definitely not worth it, but I'd give it a try if it ever goes on sale for like a buck or lower.
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Screenshot from promotional screenshots on the game's Steam page
Spidersaurs (Steam)
I didn't want to touch this game after I beat it lol.
The purely fictitious group of people, fans of mine, will know that me and Wayforward go back. Even before Shantae I was playing Mighty Flip Champs, and am generally a huge fan of their offerings outside of Shantae like the remake of Ducktales, Mighty Switch Force, and...
*squints at their catalogue*
Oh I guess I do mostly just like them for Shantae.
Anyway, on paper this game looks fun. I was never a huge fan of Contra because I get mad very easily, but this looked very campy and like it had enough unique charm to look past that. In reality, unfortunately, it plays like Contra with some hand drawn cartoony aesthetics that WayForward is known for, and doesn't really have tight enough level design or gameplay to make me want to go back anytime soon.
There's a number of levels, bosses, and even just enemies that just don't feel right; nothing's particularly satisfying to accomplish and it's very easy to get frustrated when you accidentally scroll the screen too far and now you can't go back or die off the bottom. Enemy placement can be infuriating, and in an effort to keep you moving there's an enemy that comes out of nowhere and attacks you if you sit still for too long. That got me more times than it should've while I was waiting for a weapon I didn't want to despawn, or waiting for an enemy to come out of its hole so I can shoot it.
The art's good. I'll give it that. WayForward continued its trend of quality visuals and the character design it's known for, but that can't carry a game. I'd give this one a pass.
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Screenshot from promotional screenshots on the game's Steam page
Monster Girl Manager (Steam)
So I don't think I've played Darkest Dungeon, but I feel like it plays similar to this but without a few mechanics around bonding with your monster girls and swapping positions. THe general crux of it is that you summon randomly generated monster girls with their skills and abilities based off of the kind of creature they are and their personality (all defined in typical anime tropes, ie tsundere, yandere, etc) and try and build up their stats so you can progress through a 10 level section of the dungeon.
The dungeons themselves aren't too complex. Traversing the map takes energy and you run into events that can either help or harm you depending on your squad and enemies with aa variety of different attributes. Like Slay the Spire, you can run into a number of relics that improve your abilities and can try and get them to compliment your girls' playstyle to progress further. On paper, it's a pretty solid loop and I did find myself enjoying some of the dungeoneering and crazy combos.
In practice however, it's a lot of grinding. Whenever you start a 10 level section you begin with no relics, so you have to re-find stuff and build up again. This runs into trouble when you beat a boss easily, but then the next block is too hard for your girls' current stat, so you have to pass time improving them by managin their motivation and telling them to work jobs throughout the week that will lower their eneergy and motivation, but improve a specific stat, again dependent on the girl's type and personality.
Again, that doesn't sound too bad, however there are many limitations that just make this frustrating. Specifically, your girls only exist for a number of weeks (I think like 10 or something) before they fade away. New girls you summon are back at level one, so now you have to use your winnings from previous squad arrangements to upgrade your facilities and gear to help them level up *slightly* faster so you can get further with them. This puts an unnecessary amount of stress and grind time on top of an otherwise decent gameloop, and after my first squad got Ship of Theseus'd I was over it.
I would avoid this one; it's pretty grindy and not all that interesting past the initial premise, though it could be someone's cup of tea.
Also, to be clear, it's not lewd. Just very anime trope-y
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Screenshot from promotional screenshots on the game's Steam page
Quake II (Steam)
Finishing up the list is the remasted version of Quake II that unexpectedly released halfway through last year. Quake II wasn't one that I played when I was a small'un, mostly limited to Doom, Doom II, and Chex Quest, but I did play the original Quake as well and saw my dad playing this in those years so I decided to give it a try.
The updated graphics and controls are refreshing; a lot of the time when revisiting this error you have to argue with the game to get it to play in a way that works for modern sensibilities, but this redo holds up very well. Something I didn't realize is this melds more with Half-life style gameplay than it does with the single-level action that Doom and Quake were known for. While the game is still broken into levels, each level has a number of interconnected sub areas that each have their own oibjectives, enemies, and secrets to find before you can finish and move onto the next, and they can get surprisingly long.
This is a classic and now can hold up to the test of time with this release; I very much recommend it!
So how do I end shorter ones like this? DO I say my favorite game I played during this period?
I guess it would have to go to Pseudoregalia. While I thoroughly enjoyed and continue to play Slay the Spire, Pseudoregalia's satisfying gameplay, intriguing world, and well done level design stuck with me a lot harder than another well-done rogue-like did.
I also wanted to pick up Palworld, but have held off and will continue doing so for a bit while the dust settles and it continues to get updates, so that's why it's not on here.
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Of Irland, Chapter 6
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Chapter 1 \\ Chapter 5 \\ Series Masterlist
Instead of being taken captive in Winchester, Stiorra leaves for Irland with a friend of her father’s. There she meets Sigtryggr, a Dane, the grandson of Ivar the Boneless.
Chapter 6: You're No Warrior
Chapter warnings: Language Words: 1276 AO3
Stiorra was shaken roughly awake. She shot up, her hand creeping towards the dagger she kept on her bedside table. Then a soft bundle hit her in the face.
“Get up and put those on,” said a voice. Drifa. “Meet me in the square.” Then Stiorra heard the sound of the door shut.
The square? That was the training ground for the warriors of Dyflin. Why would Drifa want her there?
Stiorra got up and opened the windows.
She recalled what she’d said to Sihtric. “I want to stay,” she’d told him. 
He’d tried to protest, of course. He had no wish to return to Uhtred without her. But the next morning, he had left. The last she saw him; he was no more than a speck on the horizon. 
She’d cried horribly that day. Drifa had done her best to comfort her, but still the tears had flowed. It had been days before she left the hall. A few more still before she smiled and laughed.
And now Drifa was back to her normal, annoying arseling ways. Stiorra looked at the clothes she’d been given. There was a loose shirt and some trousers. Was Drifa intending to train her? She recalled her saying something about that. Stiorra put the clothes on and raced downstairs. She snagged a piece of bread from the table and dashed through the streets to the square.
There were only a few people out there at this time. The sun had only just risen. 
Drifa stood in one corner holding two wooden practice swords. She threw one to Stiorra who scrambled to catch it; she ended up picking it off the ground.
Then the little human attacked.
She was quick. Like an elf, darting in and out. 
Stiorra barely had enough time to block her but got hit more than once. 
Drifa was not holding back her blows.
When Stiorra complained, Drifa shrugged and said, “A real enemy would not soften his blows, and neither will I.”
Stiorra grumbled and kept going.
Until Drifa swept her stick around her ankles, tripping her up and then sticking it to the ground beside her head. She helped Stiorra to her feet saying, “That was good for a first try,” and went on to show Stiorra some basic defensive and offensive moves.
After two hours of this, the sun climbing higher in the sky, she stopped. “Jomar! Arlo!” she called to her men. The two she called came forwards. “Fight her. One at a time.”
Stiorra was confused. “What? Why?”
“Because I am short. You are probably always going to be fighting men who are taller and stronger than you. Best you train with them.”
She signalled her men to fight. 
Jomar attacked first, aiming a hit at her ribs, but changing at the last second to hit her head. 
She blocked him. 
He thrust at her stomach, but she dodged and knocked his stick aside. 
Then Arlo came forwards. 
He struck at her legs in the same way Drifa had, but Stiorra jumped over his stick and tried to thwack him on the head. 
Jomar blocked her strike and Arlo twisted out.
They fought for what felt like hours, the sun beating down. Stiorra was sweating in places she didn’t know she could sweat. 
Jomar and Arlo tested her in every way possible. 
She ducked and dodged and occasionally blocked. Sometimes she was able to aim a strike back.
Eventually, Drifa called a halt to the sparring. “Perhaps you have one more fight in you.”
She glanced around for volunteers. 
All Stiorra wanted to do was crawl back into bed. She was hot and sticky, and her bones ached. Her limbs hurt from the beatings. She could swear she’d have bruises tomorrow.
“I’ll fight her,” said a voice. 
Stiorra whirled around. 
Her eyes were glued to him, closely watching his every move. She watched as he strode over to the practice swords. 
He picked one up and tested its weight. Judging that it was good enough, he came back over.
His arms were bare. Up close she could see the muscles flexing. It was enough to turn her into a puddle.
Then he lifted the stick.
FUCK! was the only thought that went through Stiorra’s head in that instant. Then she blocked.
He struck again. 
She dodged it. And on and on, round and round they went.
He was good. She could not deny it. There was something mesmerising about watching his face contort with focus, the muscles in his arms bulging with every move…
No. He was not going to distract her now.
He was winning. 
So, she fought back.
But she still lost.
She aimed a slash at his head, hoping to knock him down. Her stick never made contact. 
He ducked under, and dove forwards, knocking her to the ground. Then he took his seax from his belt and held it to her neck, his thighs straddling hers.
“You wouldn’t,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. She could feel the cold bite of his knife in her neck.
But there was something else. Down below. Something hard was poking into her…
Oh. That’s what it was.
Stiorra decided to wriggle her hips. 
Perhaps he was unaware of the small (or, not-so-small from what she could feel) problem that occurred between his legs. He grunted slightly when she moved.
Ah, so he was aware.
Then he pulled the knife away and stood up. He did it so suddenly it left her breathless. He sheathed his seax and held out his hand to her.
She took it.
It was warm and rough. His grip on her was strong as he pulled her upright.
She simply gazed at him as he returned their wooden swords to the stand.
Someone dragged her by the wrist to the table. Cool water was poured for her, and she guzzled it down. Sigtryggr sat beside her, pouring his own cup.
“ You’re no warrior ,” he told her, “but you have the heart of a great shield-maiden.”
Stiorra blushed. High praise from a man who had her on the ground beneath him moments ago. That and the hard stick that had pocked at her thighs. She looked down at her drink, quite embarrassed to have felt that.
Did that mean that he felt something for her?
No. She was just being ridiculous. There were many women here. Women who were higher born than Stiorra. 
Surely, he had already married one of them. Perhaps he’d even had children already.
Stiorra had never seen him with a woman. But perhaps he kept her well-hidden from his brothers. 
Drifa had never mentioned him having a wife. But perhaps she didn’t know.
Stiorra did not really know what to think of her predicament. 
Sigtryggr was several years older than her. 
Most women her age had long since been married and had children.
But then, what happened in the square. She felt him , hard and right up against her. 
He practically rubbed it in her face, like he wanted her to feel his arousal. But why?
Perhaps she should have gone with Sihtric. At least that way, she wouldn’t be left with so many unanswered questions. But if she had left, there would have been more. It was so difficult to determine what would have happened if things had been different.
Stiorra shook her head to clear all these thoughts from her mind. Now was not a time to be dwelling on such dark matters. She would make sense of all this when her mind was less clouded by the heat.
But still the question remained, did he feel something too?
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jase-is-ace · 1 year
Back into the Pit
Chapter 31: An Unpleasing Reflection
Audrey worked hard every night, coming up with a way to help Twist transform without any problems. She used some of the same methods that helped Bendy, adjusted a little here and there.
The last thing Audrey wanted was to trap Twists demon form away forever, she would be forever salty if that was the case.
Twisty was reluctant to take part in the “experiments” but was encouraged by Bendy who silently cheered her on all the way. Audrey would use the Illusion book to recite a little spell let’s call it to help the transformation start.
Most of the work relied on Twist’s own abilities and concentration. The demoness had no problem breaking free from her toon form, getting back into it was the issue.
Bendy would hold his beloved train and watch with bated breath to see the experiments happen.
Weeks had passed but Twist still couldn’t get a grip with her toon form.
Audrey sighed after another failed episode, rubbing the bridge of her nose with her fingers. Twist collapsed, letting out a long-drawn-out groan. Bendy, still positive, and full of energy, proceeded to plop down on the demoness chest, giggling silently.
The demoness just sighed and let the little demon poke her face and razer sharp teeth.
“Okay, another fail. But it’ll be fine. I’ll just try something else.” The animator tried to reassure herself and her fellow toons.
Twist held up a thumbs down and blew a raspberry.
“Oh, come on, you did so much better today! You even managed to form your toon-ish gloves!” Audrey praised, gesturing to the big gloves that now covered the demoness’ fingertips.
Twist looked up from her spot on the ground, passed Bendy and shot Audrey a displeased look.
“How about we just call it a night, ‘kay?” she said as she strolled towards the kitchen.
Twist stayed on the floor, forcing Audrey to step over her to reach the other room. Bendy rolled his toy train along Twist’s forehead, the little wheels collecting excess ink as he did.
“I’ll make dinner tonight. How does chicken and waffles sound?” Audrey turned back to see their reactions.
Bendy raised his hands in the air, the train wheels covered in ink splattered on the already stained carpet.
At this point, the whole carpet was black. Audrey had grown tired of trying to wash out the stains and decided to just let it sit.
Not like anyone really came to her little home anyways.
Dinner finished much sooner than the animator expected. She set a plate full of food on the table and called her roommates over to eat. The small toon dashed to his usual spot at the table and clapped his hands. Signing a quick thank you to Audrey before scarfing down the waffles.
Audrey strode to the fridge, pulling out a packet of raw chicken and tossed it towards the bigger demon.
Twist caught it and tore the wrapping away, shoving a leg in her mouth and crunching on the raw bone.
Audrey had found the sight disturbing the first time but had grown immune to the demoness’ antics and unsightly actions. Raw food seemed to keep her cravings at bay. Most of the time.
The animator took her share of the meal and sat next to Bendy, who was still munching on his fried chicken leg.
Twist picked up her little companion once he was done washing his dish and hands, carrying him to his room for bed.
Audrey cleaned up the rest of the leftovers.
Who would’ve thought she would be living a domestic life with real cartoons. Cartoons that her father had a hand in making.
It felt so surreal even now.
Twist had begun to help undress the little toon so he could put on his jammies. Bendy had successfully put on his pj pants when Twist felt it.
The pit of her stomach sank deeper.
Twist turned slowly towards the dresser; a mirror sat humbly atop. There he was.
The Ink Demon was staring her down distantly.
The toon seemed to see it too but paid no mind to his demonic counterpart. Focusing his attention on buttoning up his top. Twist stormed towards the dresser. Digging her claws into the edge of it.
What. Are. You. Doing here?
“You truthfully believed I was gone? That was your first mistake. He cannot exist without me.” The Ink Demon spat bitterly. His voice ruptured in her head, teasing her ears.
Leave me alone. Leave us alone, you ruined everything.
Bendy suddenly turned his attention to Twist. His brows furrowed, confusedly.
“I was the one who enabled Audrey to fix the cycle, Logan. And if you blame me for what happened, you would be blaming the vessel as well.” He said matter of factly.
Leave Bendy out of this. He is nothing like you.
“You cannot love one side of a coin but despise the other. At the end of the day, we are still the same amount.”
Twist growled; teeth bared. She had dreams that he was in. He tried to communicate with her, but she ignored him. They were just dreams, after all, right?
Cut the bullshit. What do you want from me, Inky?
The demon sneered at the nickname; he’d be rolling his eyes if she could see them. Twist had missed how Bendy placed his hands on his hips, wearing a deep frown at her bad language.
“You will not address me in such a familiar way. It matters not that we have history, you have been a thorn in my side ever since you reemerged from the puddles.” The demonic presence berated the demoness.
Bendy tugged at Twist’s tail, trying to gain her full attention. Twist flicked her tail out of reach and growled at the little toon.
All bark and no bite.
He knew that.
“I am sorry for hurting you, for not being able to help you in the studio.” The toon signed.
What? Never mind that. How long has he been here?
The demoness pointed towards the menacing reflection. Bendy signed; The whole time.
Twist didn’t like that answer.
So why now? Why show yourself now? Does Audrey know about you?
“I’ve been trying to reach you the whole time, you were too stubborn to listen. That is not my fault. As for Audrey, I haven’t been able to reconnect with her like before, she is just as resistant as you.” He explained, twitching ever so slightly.
Just piss off, will ya?
Bendy hit her thigh, wagging his finger.
Twist picked up the toon by his horns before flinging him back onto his bed. The demon whistled angrily, flailing his arms animatedly.
“I will do no such thing. Now that I have your mind again, I will stay beside you until I break free.”
Good luck with that, Ink boy.
Twist turned on her heel and walked out of the room, but not before sending the Ink Demon a very colorful hand gesture.
Bendy whistled disapprovingly and the Ink Demon snarled at the crude sign.
Twist made her way back downstairs and approached Audrey.
No point in hiding this, Audrey will fix it.
The animator had just finished setting all the dirty dishes away,” Oh hello Twisty. Need anything?” she asked warmly.
“The Ink Demon is back, and he is tormenting me.” She signed bluntly.
Audrey nearly choked on her own spit, doing a double take towards the staircase.
“Can you tell him to shut his trap. Bendy needs to go to sleep.” Twist signed nonchalantly.
She knew the Ink Demon posed no real threat as long as Bendy was in control. Audrey on the other hand, looked very panicked and on edge. She pushed passed Twist and bolted up the stairs, grabbing a kitchen knife.
Twist clicked her tongue.
Audrey burst into Bendy’s room, much to the toons surprise. He looked at the knife she wielded and then went back up to her. The toon swallowed a lump in his nonexistent throat.
“Bendy! I thought…Twisty told me…” Audrey gasped. Twist walked in shortly after, hands behind her back.
“Twisty, I thought you said the Ink Demon was back! You scared the living daylights outta me!” she half yelled.
“He is.” She signed before pointing at the mirror. The animator gazed at the mirror, squinting before giving Twist an unreadable expression.
“What are you talking about? I don’t see anything.”
Twist looked at the reflection of the Ink Demon, who was, in fact, standing right there. He let out a gargled chortle.
“You imbecilic toon! I already told you I haven’t rekindled my connection to Audrey. She can’t see me…yet.” He twitched as he spoke.
Bendy slapped his hand to his forehead. The toon signed to Audrey, explaining the situation. The artist looked surprised by the news but no longer panicked.
“Oh, I suppose that makes sense. You two are still one being, technically.” Audrey said placing a hand on her hip as she connected the dots in her mind. Twist crossed her arms over her chest, giving the Ink Demon the stink eye.
The Ink Demon snarled, displaying his ink-stained teeth.
The same teeth that tore into her. On more than one occasion, might she add.
Go to hell, denture face.
“I just got out. No.” he said angrily before fading from the mirror, being replaced by her own reflection.
Twist’s expression soured.
Chapter 30 / Chapter 32
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jarperart · 1 year
SOOO...Let's Make a raid Boss
Hey, jarper here. I'm back
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So, I was bored and wanted to work on a new OC, and this might be a fun post to explain how I work on some oc. The process is pretty straightforward and more on trying to get things like coloring right and making sure the themes are a good idea with the oc. Plus, the biggest part is if they fit into the role I gave them.
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OK, so who is this guy? Quick summary, Nilox is a powerful High Priest among hellhounds, with exceptional skills in demonic magic and weaponry. He is a giant-maned dire kitsune with 12 tails and antlers and can bend reality within 10 meters. He enjoys learning about people. Hes fun at parties. 
But let's get to the first part, when designing some of my ocs, I like to draw a headshot. Manly to make sure of the colors and themes. Also, due to some things like commissions and ArtFight, the most important part. 
So, this is where I get ideas some art, Pinterest, google, and my favorite and the most Coolors. Coolors it is really handy for the starting color pallet. 
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So, the idea Is a hell present, I took some ideas from my other hellhounds. also Mixed some satanic and catholic elements into the design. For example, the collars are inspired by catholic priests. and the color pallet was a mix between priest clothes and silver foxes.
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With some work, the headshot is done, but it's just the beginning, next I normally do the first fullbody, this is where I basically dubbel down on the themes and color palette as well as the bread or spices. Sometimes, I just dash the old idea if it doesn't work with the headshot or color themes.
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 Also, I work on the anthro, version as well. 
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Ok, the fun begins
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Let me answer a question: Why is he so big? One answer 
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But for real, Big oc are fun to draw, and The idea was:
A. to fit his role with the House of Judgment 
B. What if hes a raid boss idea.
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So... what next, namely with the description. This took me a few days, mainly brainstorming and getting ideas. Gramerly is a big help with this. 
Here's what I got 
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Among the esteemed cohort of hellhounds, Nilox, the High Priest, is held in high regard and occupies a high-ranking role as a leader within the House of Judgment. He's excellent with demonic spells and knows and forged a small arsenal of weapons, making him a powerhouse among his peers. He carries his book that has the essence of souls that he uses to amplify his power if needed. Besides hes role, he sometimes works with The War Cult and House of Witches when needed.
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His power to some is horrifying, with the ability to mind control and possessed even some titans and celestials whit psionic attacks. As well as reading the sins of a mortal and forcing them to remember them all at once.
also, his fire magic ( not as good as Jack The Demon King or Kalama: the fire bearer) is much more powerful than most celestials. He can burn the souls of mortals that he deems deserving. If that doesn't work, he uses his weapons or forged artifacts.
 He's more curious about some things that he doesn't know about. He enjoys learning about people and what makes them tick. Some people (if they are not lucky) might be somewhat tortured if he feels like it.
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Besides that, he enjoys leasing to stories that people have.
 Nilox is a giant maned dire kitsune, his fur has diffident shades of gray and white. he also has a set of antlers. around 98 feet tall. Bing a kitsune, he has 12 tails. He will grab and pick up people with them. Even though he can crash people with them, he prefers not to. also, he can set things on fire that his tails are holding or warped around. Also, his psionic abilities can be stronger than those that his tails make contact with. 
Also, in a 10-meter radius, he can bend reality, but not as intense as gods like Asher, Toria, or Megara. But, it's more apparent if the person has a sin that he knows about. 
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After that, I send this to a few friends to get their idea and put it in his toyhouse. 
That's about it. keep in mind I'm looking to see some feedback so I keep it in mind for the next oc I work on. 
From me to you,
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skulfsvyrn · 10 months
I just had never number one wildest fuckig dream I think I've ever had and might ever have. It was so crazy but like somehow still real. Old house my family used to live in, my dad and I are surveying our decent sized yard to check out all our plants that had bloomed but how they are also preparing for winter or something. Around the edge of the yard. When we're done at the bottom of our hill we walk up to under our porch where the last several are growing. We see a shitton of weeds so before heading inside through our basement door right there my dad decides to pick a few. There's one that happens to be really close to the house. And you know how those roots do be deep. He pulls it, but a lot of soil around it shifts, and suddenly dirt and fill and rocks from under the house come with it because of how close it is. He's successful, but at what cost. So much came with the tiny weed that our house started to shift. This idea definitely stems from how old that place is, how rainstorm after rainstorm cuase so much runoff over time that that side of the house had genuinely shifted down the hill causing our house to sink and become uneven.
Anyways, root is pulled, and house starts to slide slowly. There is a significant yet short steep part not too far from the house so as we back away to steer clear, it picks up momentum as more loose soil fails to support the house. It picks up speed after going down the deep part, my dad and I run to the bottom of the yard to escape its tumbling. We're stuck by a fence (not there in reality, and all of the stuff my dad built there before we moved irl doesn't exist here). Despite the houses pretty erratic tumbling, it thankfully stops before it hits us. Conveniently stayed intact despite having rotated and bounced so much. Conveniently landed right side up. And the rest of our family was still in side, thrown around but thankfully not hurt by loose furniture that was also definitely thrown around (tha KS brain for not making it more tragic than it already was). So there our house was, landed at the bottom of the hill, now existing near the top of the hill with the roof clean off after that because dream logic. We go inside, the house still unstable. It could be tipped and might start rolling again if off balance too much. I want to check on my younger sister so I ask my parents to sit on our couch to keep the house from tilting and going 360. My sister is ok, but trying to use the toilet? Door is closed it's fine. Somehow the house manages to turn 360 and I dream think to myself 'why is she trying this the water in the bowl would just spill out'. Uh at some point my brother shows up too, and the houses location also gets dream moved again even further up and into half a lane of traffic onto the relatively busy street (speed limit 25 but everyone going 35 kind of place). Random people are on our front porch which is also somehow attached as we watch traffic. My aunt is there and random strangers offering like water n stuff very nice. Our little black cat is scaredy and nervous at times, which might be why my dream decided to try and have her dash from the porch across the street to the sidewalk for some unknown reason. My sister stops her, holding her back successfully despite the kitty struggling. Then my brother and I attempt to cross the street too (forget why. We're nearing the end here). We look out past the walls my dream put up around our porch, traffic whizzing fast for there being a house in one of the lanes. Impressed they went so quick while still abiding waiting for opposing traffic to wait first.
Uh that's all I really remember. Weirdest thing, kinda stressful if you could imagine. Guess this would be considered a nightmare with how horrible something like this would be irl, regardless of how ridiculous this all would be
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invisibleraven · 2 years
Taking a work break to request some prompts lol. 91, peterpatterlina?
Reggie hummed as he fixed his hair, shooting his reflection a wink and some finger guns before leaving the bathroom. "I'm heading out!" he called to his roommates.
"Where you going Reg?" Luke asked, barely glancing up from where he was scrawling out lyrics in his notebook, the words slightly jumbled from the guitar pick he had held between his teeth. His girlfriend Julie draped herself over his shoulders, gently easing the pick out and kissed his forehead, Luke sending her a besotted look.
Reggie tried to keep his face neutral, despite his aching heart at seeing them together. They were so perfect together, and he had to valiantly ignore the way his lonely desperate heart longed to be theirs as well. "I-I'm going speed dating!" he finally stuttered out.
"Speed dating?" Julie asked, straightening up.
Reggie nodded, plastering a false smile on his face. "Yeah, my therapist wants me to try putting myself out there after... well after everything. So I thought this would be a quick and efficient way to meet a bunch of people, maybe get a few numbers, and if not, at least I got myself out of my comfort zone for an evening. Don't wait up!"
Julie and Luke waved at him but both their faces fell as soon as the door closed behind him. "He's going on dates Jules. Dates!"
"He is allowed mi vida, he's been single for awhile," Julie commented, sitting on his lap and ruffling his hair. "You know how hard that last relationship hurt him, and if Dr. Butler thinks this will help..."
"But he should be with us," Luke whined.
"We've talked about this hun," Julie said, her voice soft and soothing. "He has to be ready to be in a relationship. Speed dating might just be the first step down a long road. We can wait for him to come to us, because if we come on too strong..."
"We might lose him for good," Luke finished. "I know, it's just... Julie I love Reggie so much! And you!"
"I know Luke, I love the both of you just as madly. But we don't even know how he feels, so we have to be patient." Julie turned his face to hers, pressing a kiss to his lips. "Trust me."
Only Reggie didn't return until late, heading straight for bed once he got in, and would only shrug about how the speed dating went when asked. So Luke and Julie figured it had only gone okay, and Luke suggested maybe hinting to Reggie that they were an option. Julie was a bit more hesitant, but she caught sight of Luke's pleading eyes, and then of Reggie sitting at the table, looking at them and quickly looking away, so she agreed.
Luke serenaded him with a song, getting in close to ask him his opinion on the romantic ballad. Close enough that Luke could feel the burn of his blush and had to hold himself back from seeing how it would feel against his own skin. "I-it's real nice Luke, I'm sure Julie will love it!" Reggie had stammered, and quickly made up an excuse to dash off once more.
Julie even tried making him his favourite Star Wars shaped waffles as a bribe to get more out of him, but he just gave her a small smile, and all she could do was wipe the syrup away from the corner of his mouth. Reggie's eyes widened at the touch of her finer, and swallowed heavily. "T-thanks for breakfast Julie, I've gotta...go." With that, he scurried away from the table, leaving Julie confused.
It was well established in the band that if anyone had a date, not to schedule it for gig nights, which is why Luke was confused when he saw Reggie getting ready to go out when they had a show in less than an hour. "Reg, where are you going?"
"Oh, I'm going to go pick up my date! This girl I met at speed dating wanted to come see our show, and hang out after, so I'm going to go get her, and I'll be at the venue in plenty of time."
"B-but..." Luke trailed off as Reggie waved and booted it out the door. "JULIE!"
The woman in question ran out of their room, eyes wide with panic. "What? What is it? Is there a mouse? Because you know I don't do mice."
"No! It's Reggie! He's going on a date! Like a real life date!"
Julie tilted her head to the side, a little confused. "But it's gig night."
Luke ran his fingers through his hair in a frantic motion. "Exactly! He's bringing her to the show! This is serious Jules! What if she's like the one or something?"
Julie brought Luke into an embrace, her touch instantly soothing him. "We knew this could happen mi vida, we just have to accept that the time isn't right."
Luke shook his head. "No, fuck that, I'm going after him. I'm going to tell him how we feel, and then we can give up." With that he shoved his shoes on and held his hand out for Julie. "Well, are you coming?"
Julie nodded, sliding on her own shoes, the two of them taking off running. They were panting as they made it to the parking garage, but Reggie's trusty ride was still there, with no sight of the bassist. Only to catch sight of him sitting on the beach across from their building, his favourite place to go.
"Reg!" Luke called, rushing over to him.
Reggie turned, surprised to see them. "Luke? Julie? What are you guys doing here?"
“Don’t go on that date.” Luke panted out, grabbing Reggie's hand.
“What? Why?” Reggie asked, letting Luke's fingers intertwine with his own.
“You know why corazon,” Julie whispered, taking his other hand in hers.
“Say it. I need you to say it, otherwise I'll assume I'm dreaming this," Reggie said, stepping closer to them. "I've had this dream before you see. But I always wake up at this part. So say it, and I'll know it's real."
Luke and Julie stepped in closer, so close that their racing hearts could be felt by Reggie, his own pounding in sync. "We don't want you to go on that date Reggie, because you should be going on a date with us. You should be with us," Luke said.
"We love you Reggie," Julie added. "We're in love with you, and we want you to be with us, if you feel the same way."
Reggie was quiet for a long, aching moment, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. His eyes were misty, but when he finally looked at them, they were radiant, his smile breaking forth and making his whole face light up. "I-i love you too. Both of you. Honestly I only went on that stupid speed dating thing to try and get over you. But it didn't work."
"And your date tonight?" Julie asked.
Reggie's eyes widened in panic. "Oh shoot! Gimme a second, I gotta go take care of that." He pulled out his phone, frantically texting, and once he received a reply, slipped the phone back into his pocket. "Okay, that's done. Now I'm all yours."
Luke grinned, "I like the sound of that." He pulled Reggie into a deep kiss, almost dipping him backwards in his passion. Reggie meeped into it, but gave back as good as he got, if the dazed look on Luke's face was any indication when they pulled apart. Julie then pulled Reggie to her by his necklace, and found out for herself as Reggie's kiss took her apart; a lush, swoon worthy kiss that made her lips tingle and her foot pop.
Reggie was grinning as he pulled away from Julie, looking well kissed and smug, but he figured he was allowed. He had just landed his dream people, and kissed them enough that they still looked shell shocked. "Come on, we have a gig to play, and then tomorrow, you two are taking me out on a date."
Julie grinned, taking his arm in hers, Luke on Reggie's other side, the three of them walking off towards their home, finally together, just like they were supposed to be.
And if Reggie's 'date' for the evening turned out to be his visiting MeeMaw, who absolutely adored Luke and Julie, well, they figured they could forgive him for bending the truth, just a little. It all ended up like it was supposed to after all.
Now all they had to do was find a date to knock Reggie's socks off. But given the way all three of them were starring adorably at one another during every moment they could during the show, none of them had any worries about their date being anything less than a foregone success.
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uptoolateart · 1 year
If I Let Myself Love You - Ch 5
My fic for @mlbigbang 2022!
PREVIEW from Chapter 5:
Safely ensconced in her bedroom once more, she dropped into her desk chair, ready to resume her homework for the evening. She put in her earbuds and picked up her phone, to turn the music back on – and saw there was a message.
Adrien: You mean like this?
Below was a photo – a selfie she suspected he’d taken just for her. His head was at a funny angle, so she had to turn the phone diagonally to make him upright. One eyebrow arched so high that it was in danger of coming off his face. His mouth was crooked at a ridiculous angle to his eyes, like he was doing some kind of strange 1960s British spy impression, and his hair had fallen in front of his face, a messy tangle of golden curls.
Marinette laughed out loud, surprising herself at the sound and clamping her hand over her mouth. What if I disturbed my mother?
She shook silently with the laughter she was trying to hold in, and texted him back.
Marinette: I guess that’ll have to do. It’s better than all the modelling photos online, anyway.
Adrien: You don’t think I look dashing in those?
Marinette: Oh, you do – TOO dashing. It’s not real.
She hoped he wouldn’t take that the wrong way and imagine she meant he was ugly. Adrien was…anything but ugly. He was more beautiful in real life than any of those ad campaigns conveyed.
A new message came through.
Adrien: It’s a relief to hear you say that. I hate those photos. I actually hate modelling.
Marinette’s eyes widened, and she texted back.
Marinette: Then why do you do it?
Adren: My father won’t let me quit. It’s kind of a family legacy thing.
Marinette: He DOES realise it’s not the nineteenth century anymore, right? We don’t do family legacy things anymore.
Adrien: I don’t think he got that message. Anyway, what are you up to?
Marinette: I WAS doing history homework, but you interrupted me.
Adrien: I would never. You’re keeping ME from MY homework.
Marinette: I’ll stop texting, then.
Adrien: Please don’t.
She stared down at those two words, the shapes of the letters burning into her retinas. It was so easy to inject feelings and intentions into text that weren’t really there – to project imagined ideas. But not with Adrien. In only a day, she already understood that he meant every word he said.
Maybe he sensed his own intensity, because he sent another message in quick succession, changing the subject.
Adrien: I wrote a song. Wanna hear?
Marinette read the message twice, processing it before she replied.
Marinette: You write songs?? Sure! Share away!
She waited, and waited, her eyes straying to her abandoned homework. She really needed to get back to it – but a file came across, and another message.
Adrien: I didn’t play it very well. I was a little rushed when I recorded it. Just wanted to get something down before I forgot it. Please don’t judge!!
Marinette: Never. I can’t sing a note in tune to save my life. I’m already in awe of you just for recording something.
Adrien: You haven’t heard it yet….
Keeping Reading at Ao3
It’s hard to be a normal girl with a normal life when your mother has terminal cancer. And when fashion model Adrien Agreste moves back to Paris and wants to be Marinette’s friend – or maybe even more – her life is turned upside down again. How can she risk opening her heart to love when her whole world is falling apart? Especially when Adrien is hiding a dark secret of his own….
*** No kwamis AU - 100% Adrinette. Half funny / fluffy and half heavy but with a happy ending. Please read tags. *** Rating: Teen and up
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The Bribe (Uneditted and not Beta'd)
(A/N we die like every other math rock band)
Indie artists needed!!
Opener for a show!
Sign up now! (Details below)
— ----
Once he has finished reviewing the audio, he turns to the scheduler. "Dash! I've already sent you the details, can you please slot them in second?"
"Dash? Is it my Japanese or your aids…"
The owner taps her on the shoulder.
"Yes?" Dash looks up all confused. 
"Details on phone. Slot them in second."
— —
It has been a busy day today, but not for Dash however. Scheduling is quite quick and easy lately, since all the bands that do play seem to just pick the schedule themselves. That means, no need to do much work. Dash has mostly been cleaning.
The real work is reviewing who's actually worth letting on the stage. 
Now that's busy work. 
The owner doesn't really have a standard, so almost anyone gets a chance, but sometimes there are bands who really can't even play and just wanted the money.
Anyway, it has been a few grueling hours. For the owner at least. Not that Dash could hear him mumbling and groaning disappointingly.
Ravio said that he thought it had been very interesting.
"Uncle, there's still 30 minutes left empty in the Saturday schedule."
Legend's uncle takes a quick glance then does a little squint at him. "And?"
"...come on, do I have to spill it out…"
"If you want to play, the answer is no. Tell Dash to push everything down half an hour."
Despite all attempts to convince his uncle, Legend's band still hasn't got the chance to actually play in front of the crowd. 'You guys need a little more practice- and.. something else..' His uncle said, but... Legend promised Wind that they will play as soon as possible. 
It's a Badge of Maturity, after all.
Twilight thinks they're not "mature" enough for playing yet, but Legend will also prove him wrong. Well. Not right now. Right now he has to text their Japanese scheduler.
"Can you move everyone on Saturday down half an hour? To fill in the vacant gap."
 " ハ____ハ    。゚゚・。・゚゚。"
꒰   ⬩ ω ⬩  ꒱  ˚。          。˚
  |   つ ~ okay ゚ ・。・゚
"Actually, can I ask you something?"
"(。·  v  ·。) ?"
Legend pauses for a bit. An idea. He takes a deep breath. 
"Can you put us in for the spare slot?"
"Didn't you signed up for an opener at Apple's?" Hyrule asks, and he sits in one of the weirdest positions on the couch. His eyes are fixed on his laptop, which is also in the strangest position, with his bootlegged music program still open, along with 300 tabs. 
"Didn't get picked." Wild shrugged, sitting equally as weird and pedals on his belly. He never says this, but he is quite happy that they didn't get picked. He feels as if he hasn't practiced enough yet, and he still forgets the songs from time to time. Besides, they have played at Apple's before. Odd hour on a less crowded day, but it went well, so they will probably get slotted next time.
"This close Rulie. This close." Warriors slaps on his own instrument to emphasize his words. Wild thinks Warriors is quite sad after failing to get the deal, but is holding himself together really well. He ego took quite a toll, after all, and Wild hopes that Warriors would let this slide quickly. He is making everyone practice twice as hard and Wild needs his breaks. If this continues, he guesses he'll pass out. Maybe then Warriors will have some mercy.
Hyrule continues to type something, eyes still haven't left his screen. "One of my friends says that he asked the scheduler directly for a slot," he says.
Wild quickly adjusts himself as he turns to Warriors. Please
"Can you tell him to help another friend out?" Warriors says jokingly. "You know, give us their number or contact?"
"You can find her at Apple's front door." Hyrule says. "But I doubt it's that easy. My friend knows the owner. You don't."
"Sounds like nepotism-" Wild mumbles.
"I've never failed at convincing people." Warriors says. "What's her name?"
— — —
"Dash says no." Ravio translates. 
"Someone.. um.. is in vacant slot." Dash says. "legAsea. Schedule this month is full."
Warriors punches his fist to the counter, but not hard enough to startle anyone. "This. Close!" They were this close.
"Question: Wouldn't you lose your job if your boss realizes what happened?" Four asks.
"The guy in legAsea will keep us safe." Ravio shrugs. "We don't lose much."
"Dash also says she can keep it a secret until it's too late to back out. And they will also pay us back."
Warriors sighs. If it comes to that, then two can play that game. "Dash, what if we bribe you?" Warriors says. 
"What's the point of paying her if we're trying to get gigs for money?" Four snorts.
"No." Dash says. "Unless…"
"Yes?" Warriors leans in. "Unless?"
"Can you guys play better?" 
"We played here once!" Warriors says. "We introduced ourselves! Remember us, the Timeline Breakers?"
"I… can't translate that." Ravio cuts in. "Would you transliterate it or just use the same word?"
Dash shakes her head either way. "Show me," she says, smirking and staring at Warriors dead in the eye. "Play right now."
Ravio quickly tries to stop whatever is going on. "Wait Dash no-"
"Oh, would you like an impromptu jam session?" Warriors smiles. He clearly can't say no to that! He looks over to Four, who just sorta shrugs.
"Dash says yes but I'm saying no. Don't we need permission?"
Warriors and Dash both ignored Ravio. "Four, call Wild." Warrior says. "We have an emergency." 
"What the Hylia are they doing?" Legend asks once he enters the livehouse. 
"You're saying like it's not normal." Time says as he tries to step over some wires. "It's a place for music afterall." Although, he would admit that there are more wires than he'd usually like.
"Yes, but not at 4pm on a Wednesday! Does uncle know? Ravio!" Legend says as he leans inside the drinks bar. "I left for one hour."
"And they asked for 20 minutes." Ravio says as he scrambles to find the words from inside the trashcan he's hiding. "Ask Dash! I did try to stop them because I can't tell whether or not we need a permit for this!"
"I don't think you do, this place is pretty soundproof. And you guys don't open until an hour so they have plenty of time. Unless they are asking for money - Can you explain what is happening?" Time says, as he pulls Ravio out. The guy is covered fully in trash.
"Dash challenged them to impress her and since they can't play on Saturday also they're borrowing the amplifiers and"
"Alright, who are they?" Legend cuts Ravio off.
"The idiot band?"
"Now, Legend, I wouldn't call them idiot." Time chuckles.
The room echoes with the speakers screeching and everyone covering their ears. 
"Hey, get off the stage!" Legend heckles. But Dash promptly places a finger on his mouth, whispering, "shush".
Legend mumbles something in Japanese with a murderous tone, but Dash just replies with a smile.
Legend just rolls his eyes. "We'll see."
Time taps on Dash's shoulder to get her attention. "I'm excited. I like these fellas."
"No you don't." Legend mumbles.
They played a song that Dash hasn't seen anyone play since 2003.
An obscured song that almost got lost through time. It still exists in Dash's playlist, but other than that, barely anyone knows this track.
Dash starts humming loudly (but badly, because this is very difficult to hum) to the music, and Warrior's face seems to light up for a second once he notices what she is doing. 
They both nod at each other, happy at their new found kinship.
What a shame, when her tinnitus starts to flare up right that moment. 
No, no Dash, you started this, you can't just end it now.
Besides! This is a once in a life time occurrence! How often would anyone know this, let alone play this? She can ignore it for a second. 
Dash starts rubbing her ear as the ringing slowly gets louder. Time taps on her shoulder, points at her and gives her thumbs up, while mouthing, "Are you okay?"
Dash gives a thumbs up back. A lie. She is not okay, but she doubts it will get worse.
It got worse.
Time looks over at her, very concerned. He runs off and brings Legend with him. Dash starts plugging her ears. The distorted guitar does not help right now.
Dash resorts to text as she sits quietly. 
"Alright, party's over." Legend says once everyone finishes putting away their instruments. "But she did say your music is awesome," he translates.
"Wait, really??" Champion's eyes practically light up. "Like, really really?" Almost as if he thought he was lying.
"I know she did!" Warriors smugly says, tugging Wild in from the shoulder. "We did well!"
Dash texts (and signs) something again, and Legend was about to reply, "Yea, I will tell them that," but he just thought of something devious. They don't need to know what she says, do they?
"What did she say?" Champion asks.
"She says she was lying, and that your music sucks." Legend says without blinking an eye.
"Oh," Champion says. Captain just mumbles, "There we go", while Smith just rolls his eyes.
Dash, clearly confused at the reaction, asks, "Why does he look so confused?"
"No, really, your music sucks and honestly she was thinking of not slotting you guys in for the schedule." Legend says with the most devious smile. 
"Alright, I think we can end it here, or else someone will have a headache." Time gestures over to the scheduler. "Anyone who doesn't need to be here, see you."
"Oh, but before you leave, take this." Time hands them a letter. Looks like some sort of invitation?
"What's this Old Man?" Legend asks. He has two extras.
"That? Unless you open them, it's a secret to everybody."
Shoutout to @toomanyhobbiesandthisisoneofthem and this instagram user: https://www.instagram.com/goddess_hylia2023 for helping me write a HoH character and @crystal-dragon-of-dreams for the HoH Dash idea!!!!
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agustdwrites · 1 year
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When Yoongi woke up the following morning, he couldn’t help but smile as your frame lay next to him. You were curled up, breaths slow and steady as you slept. You looked so small and innocent, you didn’t fit in to a world like this.
He sighed as he pushed some hair out of your face, frowning when he saw a scar in the side of your face that he hadn’t noticed before. He jumped when he heard Jin clear his throat, bringing him out of his thoughts. Yoongi rolled over and sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. “What?” He asked quietly. Jin had a smirk on his face as he glanced at you, making Yoongi roll his eyes. “It’s time to head out. We still have a lot to do before winter hits.” Yoongi nodded, watching as Jin walked away.
He didn’t want to leave but he knew he had to. There really was a lot to do before winter hit and the sooner it was done, the better. He got up quietly, making sure he didn’t wake you as he left the room.
On the walk back to the base everyone was chatting about what they had to do, except for Yoongi who dragged behind the group. Jin looked back and slowed down, deciding to walk with Yoongi. He had a big smile on his face which made Yoongi roll his eyes again. Jin nudged Yoongi with his elbow, “So what was that this morning?” Yoongi glanced at him, a blush growing on his face. “What was what?” Jin shrugged, “You slept in the same bed as her.. I think that’s something worth mentioning.” Yoongi sighed, “She was upset last night because she misses her brother, I stayed with her so she wouldn’t be alone.”
A smirk grew on Jin’s face. “You like her.” Yoongi glared at him,, “I do not!” Jin chuckled as Yoongi continued to blush, “You do, but don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. I’m pretty sure she likes you too.” He leaned into Jin, pushing him aside. “Shut up, we’re just friends.”
Jin continued to tease Yoongi for the rest of the walk. I don’t like her, do I? I mean, she’s beautiful and such a badass.. she’s funny too, and so real. Does she like me? I doubt it, why would she? But then again.. she finally told me her name. Y/n. It suits her.. He was once again pulled out of his thoughts when Jin nudged him, “Earth to Yoongi?” Yoongi looked over at him, “What?” Jin chuckled, “I said, do you think you can fix Taehyung’s gun? It jammed.” Yoongi nodded, “Yeah, that’s an easy fix, no problem.”
When you woke up that morning, you were sad to see that Yoongi was gone. You knew he was going to leave when he woke up, but you’d hoped maybe you’d wake up first so you could say goodbye. You shrugged it off as you got out of bed to get ready for your day. You knew of an area that often attracted the infected, so today you planned to kill any that were there.
When you arrived at the spot, you climbed up a building within a fair distance. You laid down on the roof, settling up your sniper rifle as you saw a good crowd stalking around. One down. Two down. Three down. You took them down quick and easy, none of them ever spotting you from your hiding place. You smiled in satisfaction once the last one fell. Maybe I could bring Yoongi here one day and show him how to use a bow. As you sat up and packed away your rifle, you felt a raindrop roll down your cheek.
You looked up at the sky, pulling up your hood as the clouds rolled in quickly. You climbed down the building, holding your bow in hand as you walked through the street to head home. Suddenly, much to your dismay, the rain came down quick and hard. Within seconds you were drenched. You picked up your speed, dashing through the rain so you could get home before the storm got worse.
The clouds grew dark, much darker than usual, wet snow starting to fall with the rain making the impact much heavier. As you turned the corner to you street, you gasped as you saw a Nightcrawler up ahead. You covered your mouth and backed against the wall around the corner. You gripped your bow, ready to fire when you saw another approaching the other end of the street.
Your eyes widened, you were terrified and alone. You didn’t know what to do as you stood against the wall, hoping to god the wouldn’t see you. You were trapped and there was no way you were getting back to the warehouse. When you saw the closest Nightcrawler round a corner, out of view, you started running. You ran as fast as you could, your hood blowing off of your head. There was only one place you could go. Keep running. You can make it to the base, just keep pushing. You were soaking wet and freezing, your clothes getting heavier as they got more and more drenched.
As you rounded a corner, you came face to face with a Nightcrawler. You shot it quickly with an arrow, fortunately hitting its head. It wouldn’t kill it, but it would slow it down. You ran past it, the base just up ahead. Your eyes widened as you heard the Nightcrawler get up from the ground, and another running across the rooftops above you.
When you made it to the base you started banging on the gate. “YOONGI!” You screamed as one of the creatures jumped at you, shooting it with an arrow. “YOONGI PLEASE! OPEN THE GATE!” You backed up against the gate as the other Nightcrawler approached you slowly. You banged again, suddenly feeling the gate start to open. You turned and moved under it, almost making it in when the creature grabbed your leg. You screamed again, kicking it in the face to shove it off as it gripped tight and tried to bite you. You heard a loud bang next to your head, quickly replaced by ringing as the creature tumbled backwards.
You were dragged into the base, watching with wide eyes as the gate slammed shut. The boys surrounded you, Yoongi holding you against him since he had dragged you in. You couldn’t hear them past the ringing in your ears, your eyes glued on the gate as you sat in shock. “Y/n? “Y/n!”
You were breathing heavily, in a pure panic, with tears streaming down your face. You hadn’t even realized you’d been crying. Yoongi moved around you, frowning as you stared straight through him.“Y/n!” He tapped your cheek lightly, trying to pull you out of your trance. You shook your head and blinked as the ringing settled and you came to.
The second you saw Yoongi, you threw your arms around him, sobbing into his neck. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you tightly as he stroked your hair. He looked up at the others who stared at you, unsure of what just happened. They backed away and left the room to give you some space as Yoongi continued to hold you.
“It’s okay, you’re safe.. You’re safe, Y/n, I’m right here.” He continued to try and soothe you for the next few minutes, as you poured out your fear. He’d never seen you like this before and it worried him a great deal. He’d obviously seen what you had been running from, but he didn’t know how bad it really was. It was so much worse than what they had seen.
When your sobs began to settle he pulled away from you and took your face in his hands. “I’m right here. You’re safe, I promise.” He wiped under your eyes as you tried to steady your breathing. He frowned when he realized how much you were shivering. “You’re freezing. Come with me.” He helped you up and lead you to his and Jin’s shared room, not letting go of your hand so you knew he was right there. He rummaged through his clothing and pulled out a hoodie and some pyjama bottoms. “Put these on, you need to warm up or you’ll get sick.”
You sniffled as he walked to the door. “I’ll be right outside the door, don’t worry.” Once he was gone, you changed into the clothes he had given you, laying yours out to dry. You wiped under your eyes once more before opening the door. He smiled softly, “That’s better.” Your eyes were blood shot and you were still shivering quite violently.
You groaned as you stepped forward, suddenly feeling pain in your leg as your body warmed up and regained feeling. He quickly noticed you were bleeding and helped you sit down in the main room. You hadn’t realized you’d been bleeding or wounded because the cold and rain had numbed you and washed away the blood. “Let me look.” You nodded as he rolled up your pant leg. “Shit.. HOBI!” The other guys walked in, Jungkook placing a blanket around your shoulders as they all noticed your leg.
Hobi grabbed the medical supplies and got to work. You had bruising wrapped all the way around your calf, as well as puncture holes and scratches. Luckily for you they had all the supplies needed to take care of such wounds, but the risk of infection would be high. “This is going to hurt, I’m really sorry..” Hoseok said as he pulled out some alcohol. You grabbed Yoongi’s hand tightly, screaming as the alcohol was poured on your wound. Tears ran down your cheeks once again as you buried your face in Yoongi’s chest, groaning and choking back another scream as Hoseok cleaned the underside of your leg.
Your breathing was heavy from the pain, your body exhausted and still freezing. Yoongi held you tight against his chest as Hoseok stitched up the worst of the scratches. You almost passed out when the wound was cleaned once again to lessen the likelihood of infection. When your leg was finally bandaged you leaned against Yoongi looking over at Hoseok as he gave you a weak smile, “I’m sorry it was so painful, I wish we had anesthetic.” You shook your head, offering him a small smile as you wiped under your eyes.
As the boys sat around you, they waited until you’d calmed down and warmed up enough to feel more relaxed. “We need to know what happened. I thought those things only came out at night..” Namjoon said. You looked up at him, “They do, or they’re suppose to. I’ve never seen them during the day before, even in a storm like this, the smallest amount of daylight burns them.” They stayed quiet for a moment, soaking in the information. “How did this happen?”
You sighed as you looked down. “I was hunting. Everything was going as well as usual and when it started to rain I headed home. When I got to my street, I saw one by the warehouse and another on the other end of the street. I ran but when I turned a corner, I ran into another one and there was a fourth on the roof above me. They were coming out of nowhere and I didn’t know what to do so I came here and I..” You trailed off as you met out another sob, so shaken up by everything that happened.
Yoongi pulled you into his chest again, comforting you as you tried to get through another panic attack. The boys exchanged glances, all feeling horrible that you had been alone and that they didn’t get to the gate sooner. Jin watched as you curled into Yoongi, smiling a little to himself as he saw Yoongi holding on to you the way that he was. He nudged Namjoon and nodded towards another room. The others stood up to give you space again, apologizing to you for what had happened as they left the room.
When you’d calmed down once again, you pulled away from Yoongi. “Thank you.” You said as you sniffled. He smiled softly and used his sleeve to wipe your eyes. “Are you okay?” He asked. You nodded, “I’ll be okay, I’m just really shaken up.” He nodded as he pulled the blanket around you tighter. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that alone.” You smiled softly, “I’m just lucky you were here. I’d be dead if it wasn’t for you. You saved my life.”
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shotorozu · 3 years
encountering a ‘pick me’ girl
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character(s) : kirishima eijirou, todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki (bnha)
warning : PICK ME GIRL, misogyny (?) pick me girl makes an off handed comment about your body but it’s not detailed at all
legend : [Y/N = your name] afab! reader, but they/them pronouns used, quirk not mentioned
headcanon type : fluff, angst if you squint
note(s) : i made 2 versions of this post so,, if you’re reading this— then i probably decided that i liked this one more than the other one i made,, anyways, i used real life examples 💀
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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kirishima eijirou
i’d imagine that eijirou would have an idea of what a pick me girl is— i mean, there were probably 2 of those girls in middle school
but has he experienced it first hand? nahh.
though, eijirou didn’t think he’d encounter one when he was already in a healthy and committed relationship!
eijirou is practically friends with everyone— and yeah, even the most unexpected. so, he’s bound to accidentally befriend a pick me girl
him, being the nicest one out of all of the characters in this list, will still be nice to said pick me girl, despite wanting to snob them to the core
because really— you can’t really fight fire with fire in some cases
but, he can be everything but lenient when the pick me girl starts insulting you for doing certain things, and for absurd reasons too
like,, how you laugh, and how you take care of yourself (for example— if you wear makeup, or how you style your hair)
which is odd! everything about you is everything but the things the pick me girl has stated so.. he cannot stand by.
the girl giggles to herself after that snide comment leaves her lip gloss coated lips. eijirou shifts uncomfortably— honestly taken aback by the anything but subtle insult that was thrown at you
“like.. seriously! it’s honestly quite superficial if you look at it like that. who the hell would put that much effort infront of your boyfriend? i’d assume they’d see everything AND everything but.. i guess not.”
you blink. superficial? now that’s a new one. the girl infront of you has been babbling insults sugarcoated in boasts the entire time, and you’re just wondering if it’s about time you guys leave but—
“well that’s unfair,” your boyfriend laughs, “i put the same amount of effort as this cutie right here,” eijirou pokes at your cheek, earning a quick laugh from you— which he can only thank the heavens for that
“but that’s different. it actually looks put together when you’re doing it, eiji.” the certain glint in her smile makes you want to wipe it right off with a dirty mop, “it’s impossible to look put together with expensive clothes, but being built like a—”
the sound of the sliding of a chair is quicker than your actions, and it easily cuts her off.
“i’m sorry, but we gotta go, it’s totally not cool of you to say those things about Y/N!”
“what? but i mean.. it’s true, right? i’m looking out for them! they’re literally out here l—”
“bye!” eijirou waves her goodbye with your hand, dismissing the sour expression on her face— as he dashes off with you
you’d question how he’s just so nice to people like that, but when he turns around, you could see the distaste in his eyes
“so that’s what a pick me girl’s like,” shaking his head, his expression lights up with such a quick manner “i’ll never make friends that are like that again!”
safe to say, eijirou’s friend list has been a a person shorter ever since that incident
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bakugou katsuki
oh, so that girl’s bold bold.
if she thinks she could get away with being a not so subtle pick me girl infront of bakugou katsuki, then she couldn’t be more wrong.
it’s absolutely revolting— i mean, he hasn’t displayed any romantic feelings towards ANYONE that isn’t you.
also, they’re quite gutsy if you ask me. so congrats for having guts??
i don’t think he’d be friends with a pick me girl. he’s very selective of who he’s befriending, so it’s probably your friend that’s the pick me girl in this case
he wouldn’t know what a pick me girl would be, but he’d probably know the description of one.
over some time, he’d grow some resistance to insults directed at him, but when someone insults his s/o
oh boy. that’s not good. remember when i said that katsuki was almost like your scary and intimidating dog
this is what i mean
knows he can’t make a scene, so his first option is to be dismissive asf— but if said pick me girl literally can’t get it, he won’t be afraid of shoving some explosions into her face
because his hands are rated e for everyone
“so you wanna be picked or something, is that it?” he hates how you literally have the resistance of a rock— which is something he always liked, but in this case hated. if it weren’t for you— he would’ve blasted explosions into her sorry excuse of a face until it’s beyond recognition (that wouldn’t be hero like, is what you’ve said in the past, but he disagrees.)
but seriously? ugh. he just wants to leave this horrid place, and make some dinner with you in the comfort of his home. why are you even friends with her anyway? she’s not even trying to be slick at this point.
“p-picked? i’m not understanding, katsu.”
“it’s bakugou.”
“right,” her laughter is like nails on chalkboard, “i’m just watching out for Y/N, y’know? there’s no point in wearing all of that.. on their face.” and she’s obviously referring to your obviously very well done makeup
“it’ll make your skin terrible in the long run! and really— i couldn’t really understand on why someone would wear that much, when you could survive with i dunno.. lip gloss at most?”
you would’ve actually said something as a rebuttal, but your boyfriend is quicker, and a lot more direct than anyone else in the area.
“just say you can’t do makeup and fucking scram,” katsuki’s ice cold glare finally breaks out of the act he’s been trying to hold together for you
“their makeup is fucking bomb as hell, compared to your ridiculous spider lashes, lady. come back when you’ve watched james charles’ entire fucking channel.” he harshly states in similar bakugou fashion, despite the lack of screaming.
and if you squinted hard enough, you could see tears welling up in her eyes. but katsuki tugs your hand before anything else could be said
“let’s fucking go, you need better friends.”
he makes you cut ties with all of them, and he practically scolds your terrible choice of friends— but he goes quiet when you tell him that you’ve been friends with her since middle school
“good fucking riddance. next time, i’ll punch them as soon as they say something outta line, got that?” and next time (hopefully, there won’t be a next time) you’ll actually lash out— or maybe,, you’ll let him loose for once.
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todoroki shouto
now shouto might be,, socially unaware sometimes. but he can tell whenever someone’s trying to insult his s/o
like,, right away.
now— you both run into this person after a pleasant date, and she eagerly presented herself as your friend
so, her attitude catches him off guard because who’d have anything rude to say about you and towards shouto’s face? especially when it’s about something normal.
like,, wasn’t she your friend?? why is she even like this?
his hostility is very well known, so they should be scared.
he gets detached from the conversation, and he’ll immediately go cold— and shouto would probably go as far as walking away with your hand in his
doesn’t matter if he properly says goodbye or not— if a girl’s being rude to his s/o, they obviously don’t deserve his usually polite attitude. nope, that’s a luxury.
oh— and what more when they’re seeking for his validation. newsflash! said pick me girl won’t be get any from him.
shouto couldn’t stop the bitterness bleeding into his mouth, when the girl in front of him continued to babble and take up the valuable time he had left with his s/o
initially, she presented herself as your friend from middle school— but as of now? she seems to be more interested in him more than you, despite knowing you first.
she’d ask him a string of obvious questions with very obvious answers, like ‘is she treating you well?’ ‘is she acting correctly?’ and questions of the sort
“oh, sorry! i’d hate to cut this conversation short, but—” you finally decide that it was about time to leave, while shouto looks pretty,, deadpanned right now, you could tell that he was gradually starting to get irritated by your friend’s words.
“wait. thats.. kind of controlling, don’t you think? do you ever let shou make decisions?”
“uh.. controlling? since when??” you question at the accusation. this girl knows nothing about your relationship dynamic, and she’s already jumping the gun and making conclusions.
your gaze snaps back to shouto, who looks just as surprised as he could possibly be.
“yeah! it clearly looks like he still wants to talk” which is an obvious lie, shouto just wants it out of here “i wonder how you managed to snag such a guy like him,” she comments with a smile that looked anything above suspicion (yet, it makes your stomach churn)
you could see the way her hand gets gradually closer to him— and frankly, you’re not sure about what she was planning to do next, “you wouldn’t need to dress all expensive and fancy, if you’re with a girl with an already classy appear—”
“i think this conversation is over,” shouto grip is firm on the wrist that was attempting to grab his shoulder, shouto makes no attempt to even look at the girl infront of him “i don’t know what you’re trying to do, but it’s not humorous. at all.”
“what?” she stammers, drawing her hand back “i-it’s obvious they don’t know how to take a joke! this is why there are barely any good w—”
shouto’s next actions knocks her speechless, his hand rests at the small of your back, before gently guiding you forward— “love, what movie are we watching later?” he says, making an effort to press a quick, yet intense kiss on your lips
“oh,” you breathe out, surprised by this action. “don’t be so tense, love.” shouto comments on how tense your shoulders have looked, ever since she started running her mouth, “now.. what movie do you want to watch tonight? comedy? thriller?”
“you pick,” you laugh at the quick shift of topic. and when you look behind you, you could see shame and defeat welling up on her face. shouto finally feels like he could smile again, the bitterness dissipating from his mouth
after shouto questions you if that was what a pick me girl was, he makes sure that you guys won’t ever encounter such thing again
“you.. don’t have more friends like that, right? if you do— we could always do another friend list cleansing.” this statement makes you laugh but shouto is anything but joking
but being reminded of his reaction to that ‘pick me’ girl does puts a smile on your face.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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cerberuscaeli · 2 years
We're All Dead Inside || Part 2
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A zombie apocalypse, modern AU.
A Childe x Female!Reader x Kaeya story.
Summary: A virus, made by a simple science teacher turns out into the biggest disaster Teyvat ever experienced, a real happening zombie apocalypse and no one is safe, not even the people that managed to survive.
Y/N and a few other students that managed to get into the safety of a classroom are now tasked with the biggest threat of their lives, and all they can do is try to stay alive, survive and get to the roof of the school building. But all is easier said than done.
Characters: Kaeya, Childe, Noelle, Keqin, Xiao, Zhongli, Diluc.
Pairings: Possible Kaeya x reader or Childe x reader (Two endings)
Chapter warnings (Each chapter will have its own warnings stated.): Zombies, blood, gore, angst. -> Let me know if I missed something!
Words: 1,016
A/N: Here's the next chapter! For now, not a Kaeya part in here, but I will try to add some of them so you can see how Kaeya endures all of this! But for now, have fun reading! <3
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Chapter 1 - Chapter 3 (Coming soon)
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The three of you ran side by side, checking every classroom through the window in hopes to find an empty one where you could hide, but until now there seemed there was no empty classroom left. Most of them were filled with zombies, some rooms more than others but enough to know that the three of you wouldn't be able to take the time, or maybe you could?
"Next classroom with five or fewer zombies, go inside, I think I have a plan." You told the two boys. "Think I have a plan?" Xiao scolded. "He's right, with 'thinking we have a plan' isn't a good strategy in this whole situation." Childe retorted, eyes flashing to the classroom we passed by. "It's better than nothing, or do you want to keep running?" You scoffed, motioning to the three of you running through the hallway, zombies dashing after the three of you while trying to avoid one that would launch at you.
Child furrowed his brows as Xiao just gave you an annoyed glare, they both seemed not convinced of your idea. "Let's head down." Childe decided, nodding at the staircase that you were headed at. "We have to go up, not down." You fought back with your words. "We have no choice, okay? Now just shut up and let's find a way out!" Xiao hissed, silencing the both of you. The raven-haired boy was not in the mood to have you and Childe bicker about some stupid plans while literally running for life.
You stayed silent, deciding it would be no use to fight back against Xiao. Aside from the growling, snarling, and screeching from the zombies, no other sound could be heard. The tension was hard and could be easily cut with a knife. Frustration was slowly building, mainly because you all started to slowly grow tired from the constant running and were getting desperate to stop and get some air, but that was at this moment, not an option unless you got into an empty, safe classroom.
The three of you reached the staircase, Childe, and Xiao starting to go down first, taking a turn to the next stairs but stopping. "Shit, they're coming up." Childe cursed, turning around with Xiao following close.
You glanced behind you and then back at the staircase, for now, there was no way up and you could only fight your way down, but that would be a huge task with no weapons. Your brain was turning, trying to come up with a quick plan, and that's when your eyes landed on a stick that lay on the windowsill at the window that looked out over the football field. Without further thinking, you dashed towards it and picked it up before running past the two boys and diving right into the fight.
You used the wooden stick to either stab them or to hold them horizontal to use it as a barricade and to push them back. If you could force them down enough, you would be able to let Xiao and Childe through with a decreasing chance to get eaten. But the boys seemed to think differently about it as Childe pushed himself beside you and started to kick zombies back, and managed to even throw one over the stairs, letting the zombie fall a few floors down onto the ground.
You're e/c scanned the place in front of you, five more steps down, get some space to turn around the corner, and be quick enough to fight off zombies that might come at you when entering that hallway You pulled your stick back for a moment, waiting for the zombie to lunge at you before you dived the stick in his body, having enough left to only feel it's stinking breath on your face You used all your strength to push him with your foot, kicking him backward and the three of you watched it tumble backward, hands flailing around as it crashed in other zombies, watching how they all started to tumble down from the stairs like domino blocks.
And now there was space enough to run around the corner, Childe went first, followed close by Xiao as you ran last, stopping now and then to fend off a zombie that was close to catching up. "Here!" Childe shouted, pointing at a classroom somewhere halfway as he started to pound on the door, yelling some orders as Xiao joined his side. Did more people survive?
But their knocking and yelling only caused attention from a group of zombies in the classroom next to the one they tried to get into, because whoever was in there certainly didn't seem to budge to open the door.
You almost reached Childe and Xiao, the classroom door finally swinging open to pull them inside, as at the same moment zombies started to seep out the classroom next to them, running at Childe and Xiao, one tried to grab Xiao but he got in on time, and you realized you wouldn't make it to that door, let alone get inside. And so you made a b-line for the classroom before the one the others had entered, facing four other zombies. You started to run towards the window, throwing chairs and desks towards the zombies, to build yourself a little bit more time, even when it was just some seconds, but even one extra second could do a lot.
You reached the window and threw it open, climbing on the windowsill before you turned your head at the zombies. "Hey, deadholes! Come and get me!" You yelled at them as they started to run your way. You watched them get closer and closer, their hands reaching for you as you silently counted, trying to calculate the right time, and the moment the first one leaned forwards to grab you, you pushed your feet off the windowsill and swung aside, holding for dear life the outdoor windowsill of the window above you from the next floor.
And all you could think about at that moment was holding on and not letting go.
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badboyjuyeon · 3 years
mind reader
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Pairing: Chanhee x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: “One day in class you decide to scream something in your head to catch mind readers. As you do you see your crush flinch.” 
prompt credits to writing.prompt.s
Eyes glued to the clock, you counted down the seconds before class would start. 
It’s not that you particularly enjoyed English or any of the books you were discussing. Your teacher constantly droned on and on and, with practice, you had finally mastered the art of tuning his voice out. 
So it wasn’t exactly the class that you looked forward to, but a special person within that class.
And that person was Choi Chanhee, who had just entered with his bag slung lazily across his shoulder. Though his hair was ruffled and he was sweaty from gym class, he still looked as radiant as ever. He flashed his signature smile, the one that melted your heart, and waved at Changmin who had saved a seat for him.
Pretty people “herd” together, so it’s not a surprise that he often hung out with Younghoon, Sunwoo, and Changmin, the other popular boys that stole the hearts of every person in the school, including yours. You accepted that this crush would not go far because of his popularity, and you were perfectly content with just enjoying his presence. 
Before seeing him fifth-period four days of the week, you had only ever seen him in the hallways. You never had any real reason to talk to him, and given the chance, you’re not sure you would even try to hold a conversation with him. You know you would just become a stuttering mess and embarrass yourself. So instead of making any real efforts to do something about your crush, you just made sure to come to class a few minutes early so you could secure the seat that gave you the best view of him. 
Your English class was currently doing student-led discussions and your teacher claimed arranging the seats in a circle would help the students interact more with each other. You hated student discussions but had no complaints sitting in a circle, as it allowed you the perfect excuse to steal glances at Chanhee from any angle. 
Currently seated within the circle that seemed more like an oval, all of the students tried their hardest not to unintentionally make eye contact with the person sitting across from them. Your teacher introduced the topic the class would be discussing and you doodled at the corner of your page, letting your hand move on its own accord. Your doodles often reflected whatever you were thinking of, so your page was filled with drawings of the pink-haired boy you were currently infatuated with. 
The person sitting next to you spoke up, reminding you that you were still in class and needed to contribute to the discussion. 
You spoke once to satisfy the participation requirements and tried to ignore the feeling of everyone’s eyes on you. That feeling was 10 times worse knowing that Chanhee was one of the people that was looking straight at you. You avoided looking in his direction, knowing that you would completely freeze up at the mere thought of him. His eyes were finally off of you when you finished speaking, but that didn’t stop your heart from racing. It would take another five minutes before your heart would return to its normal pace. 
Having participated, you were now free to be alone with your thoughts. 
Running out of creativity to doodle, you decided that you would play a game with yourself to pass the time. This game never failed to amuse you during all of the boring classes you’ve taken. You scanned the room to see what some of your peers were doing. Younghoon was currently speaking, Chanhee was dozing off into space, the girl from your biology class was very clearly trying to flirt with Sunwoo, who was ignoring her. 
You decided that Sunwoo would be the first person you tested. This game consisted of you trying to find out if anyone in the room could read your mind. 
Sunwoo if you can hear me, write down something in your notebook. 
You took notice of Sunwoo’s immediate actions, which would prove if he could listen to your thoughts. 
He picked up his pen. 
Your eyes widened as you waited to see what he would do next. 
He started fiddling with the pen mid-air, and it never ended up touching the paper. 
Sunwoo was not in fact a mind reader. You moved on to your next test subject. 
You shifted your undivided attention towards Younghoon, who had just finished speaking. He was staring at his notebook, the corner of the page curling underneath his fingers. 
If you can hear my thoughts, look at me within the next three seconds. 
You counted down and waited to see if he would prove himself to be a mind reader. Younghoon raised his head and his eyes scanned the circle. 
You sat up in your chair as you waited to see if he had heard you. 
Unfortunately, his eyes did not land on you as he chose to focus on the classmate that was currently speaking.
You slumped back down into your chair. This game was not as fun as it used to be. Either no one was a mind reader or they were too good at pretending not to hear you. 
You screamed in your thoughts, looking around to see if anyone noticed. 
Chanhee, who was still staring into space, suddenly flinched. 
What the f-
And then Chanhee’s eyes met yours. 
You immediately shifted your gaze to focus on the notebook on your lap. He never looked at you if you weren’t speaking, the timing was all too suspicious. You made sure not to look up from your notebook for the rest of class or think about him, just in case.  
After the teacher dismissed the class, you hurriedly packed up your belongings and rushed out of class. But your shoelaces did not cooperate, and you knelt down to tie them. You heard a soft voice call your name from behind you. A voice that you knew all too well. 
Why was Chanhee trying to talk to you, today of all days? 
There was only one answer. Chanhee was actually a mind reader and he knew about your crush. He was coming to confront you. You quickly shoved your shoelaces in your shoe and ran out the school building, not looking back. 
Chanhee watched as you dashed out the school doors, the notebook that had fallen out of your backpack in his hands. He was sure he called your name loud enough but he reasoned that you probably hadn’t heard him with how hectic the hallway was. He placed your notebook in his locker and reminded himself to give it to you before the next class. 
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You slammed your locker shut, startling the student next to you. You lost your notebook for English class that you’ve reused since freshman year. Sighing, you headed into English class with a substitute notebook and the motive to pay attention, since you didn’t have any of your notes. You searched for the one person that could instantly lift your spirits. 
“Chanhee?” Your teacher called out during attendance, waiting for his response. 
You quickly glanced around the room to see where Chanhee was seated, but to your dismay, he was nowhere to be found. 
On the bright side, you could think about Chanhee all you wanted without worrying about whether he could hear your thoughts. You breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back in your chair. 
Hearing the familiar voice, you looked up to see Chanhee standing in the doorway, out of breath, as he rushed towards his seat. You dared not to make eye contact with him again.
You wondered why he stopped to call your name after the last time you had class. There was a chance that he wasn’t actually calling your name and that you might have just imagined it. 
But you were quick to dismiss the theory that it was all in your imagination when Chanhee called out to you again after class. The hallway was rather empty and you couldn’t use the chaos as an excuse to avoid him. You nervously turned around to face him. This was technically the first time you spoke to him. 
“Hi, (y,n) right? Is this your notebook?” He held out a notebook that looked a little too similar to your missing English notebook. “I think you dropped it after class yesterday.” 
You took the notebook from him and sure enough, it was yours. Finding your lost notebook should have filled you with satisfaction, but that was the last thing you were feeling. The doodles of him scattered throughout the pages flashed in your mind. You immediately snapped the notebook shut. 
“Thank you so much.” You managed to say, hoping that he hadn’t flipped through the notebook. 
He gave you a small smile, unaware of your internal panic. “No problem.” 
Not knowing whether to continue the conversation or not, you also smiled, before turning to walk away. 
“Oh, and by the way, I know what you’re thinking...” 
What- there’s no way. How would he know what I was thinking? Oh my god. Is he an actual mind re-
You stopped in your tracks, grateful that you were turned around so he couldn’t see the sheer look of horror on your face. 
You faced him and prepared yourself for what he would say next. 
“...You’re probably wondering how I knew it was your notebook.” He looked down at your notebook, which you held protectively against your chest. 
Not expecting the words that came out of his mouth, you giggled. The question hadn’t actually crossed your mind, so it was good to know that he was NOT an actual mind reader. Your name was not on the cover, so it was a valid question to wonder. 
“I wasn’t wondering but, now that you mention it, how did you know?“
“I recognized your art style from the doodles on the cover. You’re really talented.” He continued to speak comfortably as if you had known each other for years. Your art teacher often hung up your drawings in the art classroom for everyone to see, but you were surprised that he had recognized your art style. 
“Thanks, that means a lot to me.” You finally found the courage to hold eye contact with him. You were confused as to why he kept continuing this conversation when it could have ended much earlier with little-to-no words involved. 
The corner of his lips lifted into a smirk and a mischievous spark glinted in his eyes. He cleared his throat, “I like my eggs scrambled in the morning...if you were still wondering.” 
Eggs scrambled in the morning?
Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion as you tried to remember why that expression sounded so familiar. Or why he claimed you would be wondering that. 
Chanhee bit back a smile, as he saw your expression change from confused to panicked in a matter of seconds. Your cheeks turned as pink as his hair. 
You were just joking when you claimed that Chanhee was a mind reader, but now you were starting to think that it wasn’t a joke anymore. How do you like your eggs in the morning? That sounds exactly like something you would think.
 “What...how did you...“ You struggled to form a coherent sentence. 
Instead of answering, he just shrugged and backed away, before heading to his next class. He left you standing in the middle of the hallway unsure of what to believe.  
Remembering the notebook that was still pressed against your chest, suddenly it clicked. He had seen the last page of your notebook. 
The last page was where you wrote absolute nonsense to relieve your boredom during class. You used to write notes back and forth with your best friend back in freshman year. She would talk about her crush on Changmin and you would talk about yours on Chanhee. 
That means he read all about your crush on him. Of all the ways you imagined him finding out, this was the last and most embarrassing way ever. There was no way to save yourself in this situation. 
chanhee is so gorgeous
changmin is SO FINE 
i wonder how chanhee likes his eggs in the morning 
i want changmin’s number so bad
You cursed your younger, boy-obsessed self for setting you up like this. You groaned, any chance you had with Chanhee was officially out the window. 
Rereading the page, you noticed that there was a new addition to your conversation with your friend. The unfamiliar handwriting did not match yours or your best friend’s, and the ink seemed to be fresh. 
idk about changmin’s but i can give you mine: XXX-XXX-XXXX
p.s. i want you to draw me like one of your french girls
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