#just wanted to say this
just wanted to say
Trans kids deserve the world. I love you trans kids!
Throw a middle finger at the haters and keep trying, I believe in you and your future <3
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whumpshaped · 8 months
in light of the auditory processing issues prompt gaining a bit of traction, i just wanna say.. if you spent your life thinking you had smth wrong with your hearing, thinking you were going deaf, thinking you were hard of hearing, but no doctor ever found anything- this might be worth looking into. if you spent your life struggling with eye contact because you have to lip read while ppl are talking to you, this might be worth looking into. if you struggle particularly hard with phone calls and never seem to remember what the other person said once you hang up, this might be worth looking into.
especially if youre neurodivergent (or suspect you might be). its a common neurogivergency thing from what i understand (but dont quote me on this)
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morgan-fairchild · 1 year
Jem and Tessa would take Kit to pride btw
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dynamiteghost · 1 year
i love you rtumblr
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ekothefirst · 11 months
Starfox? DEAD. Eclipse fed? DEAD. Duality duo? DEAD. Havoc duo? DEAD
Clownzy? Surprisingly not dead :D Purple duo? Also not dead. Huh.
:D /lh
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This blog won't make fun of or dismiss your headcanons, even if I do not agree. Comics are a chaotic medium with multiple writers, artists and editors. I am not here to critique your idea, I am here to listen and enjoy your though process.
It's okay to send your headcanon to me, even if you think them silly or stupid, because more likely than not, they're probably more creative than what comics are doing anyway.
This blog is a safe space for ideas, all ideas.
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velbsy · 5 days
Feeling kinda burnt out as of late fellas 😔 sorry for seldom posting. Will say tho, congrats to team Past winning the Grand Festival! My Team ate absolute SHIT LOL
Good game to everyone ^^
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dimdiamond · 1 month
You know I totally understand the "not proship or antiship but a secret third thing an adult who doesn't care about online discourses" because I do! I am an adult with a job and obligations and tiredness and worries about the future and all kinds of problems! And I can't afford the little energy I have to be wasted on meaningless discourses online! But at some point you have to get a good look at the general state of things online and I am sure you'll see how worrying this situation becomes. People (re)invent new things to feel guilty about and "witchhunt" has become "hunt the creep and absolutely irl abuser/pedophile/etc". There are the normals and there are the freaks. Yes, you have to choose a side. Even if you don't, we'll make the decision for you depending on what you post. None of these ring a bell to you? Isn't censorship a legitimate problem that will affect our lives offline too? I mean yes in the microscope it seems like a trivial matter for fans of a media that will be forgotten until the next new shiny thing. Outside of the microscope, though, you'll see it's a way of thought and attitude that affects almost all online spaces and if this return to puritanism isn't concerning then I guess I do spent too much time online and should go touch some grass. Maybe I will and it will help me push back my concerns for a bit.
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caroldantops · 2 years
taylor swift is right, i AM the problem
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basilthymee · 2 years
hi guys! bit of a more serious post (kind of) but i just really wanted to say how happy and grateful and surprised i am that 2FI is getting so much attention like, really, thank y'all it really really makes me happy knowing so many ppl enjoy my silly little ocs
i love yall
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swallowtailcherry · 11 months
Just a random list of my favourite goddesses/gods from Greek and Norse mythology
Greek Gods
Thanatos (yes I like Thanatos shut-)
Typhon (Shocking, isn't it?)
Greek goddesses
Norse Goddesses
Sigyn (her relationship with Loki is just 🥰)
Norse Gods
Loki (I just find him the most interesting in Norse mythology)
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natalia-lafourcade · 4 months
Happy pride to lesbian shawols and wayzennies
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absentia-if · 1 year
I’ve gotten a few asks in regard to scenario asks and I thought I’d just answer it in an overall post. As I know some people are new to this blog and may not know. 
Do I answer scenario asks? Absolutely! It may take me a bit to do so, but I will absolutely answer scenario asks if someone sends it in. 
Can we send them in whenever we’d like? Or is there a specific day? Whenever! You can send some in right now, and I’ll do my best to answer them as quickly as possible. Don’t hesitate in doing so, I absolutely love interacting with you all!
Do you answer NSFW asks? I do, within reason, and if I don’t feel comfortable answering something I’ll either not answer it or I will simply post it to say that I’m not comfortable answering those types of questions. 
All in all, you’re all more than welcome to send me anything, within reason, because there’s no harm in simply asking me a question. Plus, you’ll never know unless you try! I’m always happy to answer scenario asks, and everything they entail, because it helps me get into the mindset of my characters. 
Thank you all for being here! I truly appreciate it. 
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schnitzelsemmerl · 4 months
the holy trinity of how to "cure" bug bites over here where i live:
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skasirius · 2 years
📢 i just started Red Dead 2 and Just a warning:
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wanderingskychild · 1 year
Prophecy guide is SO TALL!!! Like besides the elders of course, this Anubis-masked spirit has to be the tallest spirit in all of Sky! How in the world you gain such height?! Teach me your ways oh spirit of the cave!
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Please give me your mask & drum! Pretty Pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaassssssssssee? 🥺
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