#just watched the dream house tour from architectural digest
ohmyoverland · 1 year
Moby Barbie…
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chris-evans-imagine · 4 years
Series: You’re my home. | “Part I: A new beginning”
A/n: so this worked in my mind with so many different versions, but lately I’ve been obsessed with design shows. At the beginning I was going to write only the part of the adoption and fluff and all that but I thought it was worth to build it to that moment. This will be like a short series. I hope you like it, feedback is very welcome. And please, stay home, stay safe. All the love, Liz.
Warnings: none, well… single mom?
“No, that beam has to go, we’re looking for an open space” you looked at the construction plans right before being interrupted by Louis, the man that had hired you. He wasn’t alone. Louis was nice, bald, perfeccionist and a lover of punctuality, those last things were actually the things that gave you that job.
You, a woman in that industry, had built your reputation of well-done, perfectionist and professional. People respected you.
“Miss, always a pleasure” he amicably waved your hand, the person behind him wandered. “I hope it’s not a problem we’re here. Mister Evans wanted to see the progress now that he has finished his project, after all, this will be his house” the tall man, walked towards you, the natural light flattered every single angle. It wasn’t Hollywood’s magic after all.
“Chris Evans, nice to meet you. I think this is my home” he smiled, reached out his hand.
“I’m y/n, your contractor. Would you like a tour?” both men nodded, they followed you. The tour ended up with a few modifications and suggestions from Louis and the approval from Chris.
“I like what you’ve done, nice work”
Two weeks later you, Chris and the designers were on a meeting. Now, you reported everything to Chris, he was pretty involved in the project, he crashed in the half built house, he followed your orders and helped the workers. He enjoyed talking with them, and obviously they were happy to have him there.
He was really nice and down to earth. And handsome. And charismatic. And your boss.
You were discussing on the palette of colors that would match with some of the furniture Chris wanted.
“No, I’d rather no rugs, I want that people’s able to watch at the beautiful wood floor, what do you think, y/n?” Chris asked.
“Well, the thing it’s that you can use a simple and elegant rug to compliment the floor, it won’t be like you’re hiding it, there will be plenty of wood to watch. Also, the contrast will be great” you added while you pointed at the rug you liked. Your phone rang and you took a step back to pick up the call.
“Sorry” your call was over 10 minutes long, you waved the designers goodbye. When you finished you turned around to face Chris.
“God, you scared me”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to. I was wondering if you’d like to go for lunch.”
“Oh…” wait, what? You didn’t see that coming. “I’m sorry, I can’t”
“I see, you have someone? Like a boyfriend? Of course you do” he didn’t even give you the time to replay.
“No, I don’t have a boyfriend” you laughed “I just have plans for lunch, another time?” he smiled looking at the concrete, where the wood would be soon. The echo of steps came closer to you, which shook the silence between you two.
“Mommy!!” the little creature threw herself to your legs. You knelt to kiss her forehead.
“How are you, sweetie?” you smiled looking at her gorgeous eyes. You stood up and grabbed her hand.
“Who is him, mommy?” she asked while Chris seemed to digest the scene.
“He’s mommy’s friend, say hi”
“Hello, my name is Princess Lily” you rolled your eyes, you thought that phase was over.
“Hi, Princess Lily. Nice to meet you” he bowed and kissed her hand. You smiled and thanked him.
 Chris didn’t come back until next week. There were only a few details left, like the garden and the porch. It was almost 7, the sun was hiding on the mountains afar. The sky had a beautiful rosy tone. You were measuring on the porch when he got on the driveway.
“Hey” you looked up as he walked closer.
“Hey, Chris, what’s up?”
“I brought something” he rose the six pack of beer he had on his left hand.
“That’s my favorite beer, you know? But I shouldn’t drink at work or in front of my guys”
“Oh, they told me this is your favorite beer, and I brought some for them too. They’re already gone” you smiled. You sat on the porch’s stairs. The wet wind waved your messy strands. “Besides, it’s Friday night. Come on, one” you nodded and he handed you one. He sat next to you and sipped at his beer.
“Ask” you spoke without looking at him.
“What? No.” he started to play with the label and then he looked at you. “Although, if you want to tell me…” you smiled again.
“What do you think that happened?”
“I’m really bad at guessing”
After a few second you sipped and started.
“He was my college boyfriend, I got pregnant, we moved in together at the beginning. After that, my dad got really sick, I came back home six months pregnant and, I guess that was when he took his way and so did we. Dad was the original contractor, I was studying architecture, and this was our dream. And when he got sick, doctors told him to slow down, he did it.  After that, I took over, I made the calls with the fabrics and all that. Lily was born and we stayed home. I took over the business, it wasn’t anything new for me. I had the contacts and the knowledge. And my dad had helped whenever I need him around. And about Lily, we try to give her the most normal childhood we can… she’s an awesome little girl, she thinks mommy builds castles. She’ll be four in a couple of months.”
“It’s wonderful, everything you do”
“I’m just doing my job. Well, jobs” you both took a long sip. There was a moment where the only thing you could hear were the crickets.
“And what’s your story?” you asked him.
“Well, I needed to breathe. I needed something new, something mine. I needed to stay away from the spotlight, I needed a home, and I think I picked a nice place, huh?”
“It’s a nice place” you answered looking around the neighborhood. He smiled to himself.
“It’s home” he added when he looked at you.
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Eye of the Storm, Ch 5
So, Maggie and Robert have made it home! There are lots of tender moments and a little smut. The full smut experience will come in another chapter or two.
Catch up on the story here. This is probably also a good time to reiterate that this is an AU story - - Robert is single, but I'm trying to hold on to as much of the rest of the LZ story that I can.
Thanks to @firethatgrewsolow for doing her excellent beta thing! ❤️❤️❤️
“This really is paradise...” Maggie exited the car and marveled at the vividly colored flora before her and the rhythmic crash of the ocean that could be heard from behind the house.
She admired the sprawling, modern ranch with white walls and ceiling-to-floor windows that Robert had been calling home for quite some time. She decided she could get used to the stark, sunny house that sat in the middle of so much natural beauty.
Robert grabbed Maggie's bags. “Indeed. Coming here was the best possible decision we could've made for our tax exile hideaway. Abundant sun, the ceaseless roar of the ocean, and a short drive away from my favorite American playground… Paradise, that.”
They walked to the door. “Hold a tick, would you, love?” Robert walked the bags into the house.
“Thank you for agreeing to live with me for a fortnight… Or longer?" He asked when he returned, his voice full of hope. "I want to do this properly.” Before Maggie could ask him to explain what he wanted to do, or his mischievous grin, he lifted her into his arms and carried her over the threshold. He kicked the door shut behind them.
Maggie was all smiles and feeling like a queen. She settled on that description, quickly dispatching all of the bride and groom thoughts that tried to form in her head. Robert had yet to marry, and she expected that he wasn't the marrying kind. She didn't exactly mind, though, because she questioned whether it was the path for her. She wondered if living with Robert would change her mind, or if he would set her against marriage forever.
He lowered her to standing. With her back to the door, he caged her in his arms. Then he littered her with kisses, both delicate and rough.
She wound her hands into his hair and was thankful for the feel of his fluffy curls to ground her in reality, despite how hard Robert was trying to make her spin away into romantic dreams.
He caressed her face and backed up a few steps. “Welcome to my humble abode.”
“I must say, I do like the door to door service. Is that the custom here?” She was still too intoxicated from Robert's kisses to focus on the surroundings. A private chance to take a good, close look at him after so many months apart kept her mind occupied, and she didn't mind one bit.
“What's in it for me?” Robert stepped toward her again. He placed his hands on her shoulders and then let his fingers trail slowly down her arms.
“I think you remember, don't you?” She gazed into his heavy-lidded eyes and willed him to kiss her again.
This time their lips connected in a slow, rambling dance that made Maggie tingle from head to toe and purr contentedly. It wasn't the excited reunion kiss at the park, or even one of the lazy, familiar kisses they shared in the car. This intimate exchange was filled with warmth and romantic serenity and seemed capable of going on forever.
It was, however, over far too soon, when the phone on the coffee table started ringing. Robert sighed at the breaking of their spell. He ultimately chose to ignore the interruption in favor of Maggie, but in the jarring cacophony that separated them, she turned her attention toward the living room while the phone continued to ring.
She brushed her lips against Robert's one more time and walked out of the foyer. "So, what do we have here?" As much as she enjoyed his embrace, a chance to take stock of his current domestic habits was too good to pass up.
She expected there to be disorder that would reflect Robert's vagabond approach to life and the jumble of diverse thoughts that he always seemed to bandy about in his mind, but there was order and simplicity. She admired a glass coffee table and end tables, a navy set of sofas and love seats, and a wood-panel, floor-model television with a stereo perched on top. Albums making up a respectable record collection rested against the wall. A bookcase to one side of the room contained books on everything from early blues artists to Welsh mythology and a Fodor's guide to Morocco. A Persian area rug brought a little exoticism to an otherwise visually nondescript room.
“I see the look on your face, Mags." He closed the space between them and caressed her shoulders while lightly kissing her on the neck. "There's a housekeeper who comes by once a week. You have her to thank for the orderly Architectural Digest vibes that you see before you.”
“It looks fantastic.” She walked past the dining room, which had the same color scheme and was just as neat, save the bottles of a few different kinds of spirits at varying levels of use that greeted her on the table.
“How about meals?” She opened the refrigerator. “Have you gotten beyond boiling water?” She noticed takeout and some Tupperware containers that were half full.
“I have the best help that money can buy for that, too,” he responded, sitting on the couch and groaning as he extended his legs for a much needed stretch. “There's a lovely cook who comes by twice a week, bless her. She reminds me of my mum, which means no mayhem until she leaves.”
“The high priest of debauchery has adopted some decorum?” Maggie asked, returning to the living room and flopping down next to Robert.
“It appears that I've slowed down a bit. Blame the morphine for that…” He chuckled. “No, a little time away from the scene has given me much-needed perspective on life… Oh, speaking of Miss Betsy, the cook, I should mention that she and Miss Ellen, the housekeeper, have their own keys to get in. Cole and Benji, too.”
“Last but not least,” he said, “remind me and I'll give you a key of your own. I have a duplicate or two in the bedroom. It was easier to give people keys when I was resigned to wheelchair transport, you know? And I'll also get you the spare key for the Rover.”
“Thanks, Robert.” She was still having trouble believing that she would be living with Robert, but she had to admit that it was beginning to feel like home.
“Right. Let me put your jacket away, and then we'll get on with things, yeah?" He helped her shrug out of her coat and hung their outerwear in a foyer closet.
"Next on the grand tour are the beds and baths. We'll walk by Benji's bedroom, too. He doesn't live here, strictly speaking, but he's been around enough over the past several months that it made sense to give him an official place to crash.”
They kept walking. “Then there are a few other empty bedrooms for guests, and bathrooms for them to share.”
He paused at one room. “And this,” he said, opening the door, “is where the magic happens. Most of the time, you understand. For songwriting, uh, and more…”
Maggie entered the room and walked around while Robert opened the windows.
Much to her surprise, there were no piles of clothes or shoes on the floor. An ironing board rested against the wall next to the closet. He had more respect for the sanctity of his own bedroom than he did for the rooms he slept in on the road. She'd always guessed that there were two sides to Robert's life, and the peaceful, orderly nest that he'd shared with her was the clearest indication yet. She wondered what other surprises she'd encounter as she got to witness his life off of the road.
Though the room was tidy on the whole, she smiled as she began to recognize telltale signs of Robert's presence. There was the unmade bed, with his latest song notebook and a pen still in place from morning writing. A teacup sat on the nightstand. Just outside, on the patio, an overflowing ashtray sat on a small wrought-iron table. A  cluster of earrings, necklaces, and rings sat on the dresser, along with a feather roach clip. She'd seen him wear one in his hair before; she didn't know if the clip was for function or fashion, but either way, she knew his prized bundle of Acapulco Gold and its necessary accouterments would not be too far out of reach.
Also on the dresser were a wooden brush and a few different bottles of cologne. She imagined Robert standing at the dresser looking in the large mirror and toying with his locks. She had helped him with the task many times when his hair was too tangled, and she wondered who had done that for him most recently.
She noticed that the mirror faced the bed and was thankful for a reason to stop the line of thinking about his most recent conquests. She chuckled, knowing the mirror placement wasn't coincidence.
"What's so funny?" She turned around and saw Robert staring intently at her while he sprawled across the bed, on his side.
"I'm laughing at how you arranged things so that you can watch yourself in the mirror when you--"
"--Now, now, Maggie, I remember that you enjoyed it once or twice yourself, at some of America's finest lodging establishments. I'll be expecting a rousing 'you're welcome' from you, for said mirror placement, before we leave for the tours."
Her laughter turned to silence and blushing. "You're right," she admitted, approaching the bed. "It is hard to keep my eyes off of you."
"I feel the same about you, darlin'..." He stared up at her, beaming an affectionate smile. He crooked his finger and wiggled it at her. "I'm feeling a little lonely over here on this bed. Come join me, will you?"
Maggie climbed on and lay down, facing him.
"Ah, that's much better… A view that is only in competition with the splendor of the beach. But you get my vote for my favorite wild, beautiful territory to explore…" he murmured as he tenderly brushed a lock of her hair out of her face.
"It's a place I know well and love… Every mountainous curve, every flat plain, and especially that hot spring in the center of your world…" He trailed a couple of his elegant fingers down her neck, before letting his hand alight on her hip. "God, I've missed you, Maggie." He sighed as he leaned in closer. "I was a bloody fool to have kept myself away from you."
He nestled his other hand in her hair and drank in her essence by melding his lips to hers and letting his tongue  meander in her mouth. She gracefully yielded to his familiar, easygoing passion.
They both purred as the kiss continued. Maggie's fingers traipsed gently in Robert's hair, and one of his hands crept under her shirt and made its way north, traveling the distance with a slow, feather-light touch.
Maggie's breathing hitched and she shuddered as a tidal wave of carnal memories were triggered by Robert's kisses and caresses. Each private second of their time together, on and off over the past four years, came to life in her mind and her body once more. Without a visit from his irrepressible manhood she was still lost in the wake of the euphoric feelings that he stoked in her body with ease.
Her back arched as Robert made it to a nipple and brushed and tugged at it until it sprang to life. She moaned as heat and wetness began to pool inside of her.
"My sweet, sweet Maggie…" He rasped his proclamation and searched her eyes, still toying with her nipple, still not in a rush to do more.
"I've missed you so much," she sighed as her hand trailed down his back.
"I can't wait to be yours, Robert..." Her voice trailed off as he started to work on the button on her jeans.
"You already are. Mine. Only our tours will separate us now, darlin'. You have my word." He rose above her on all fours, kissing her and sending her zipper down its track.
She lifted her hips and he peeled the denim off her shapely brown legs. He palmed her between her legs and growled softly when he realized she was soaked through her panties. She felt his manhood begin to stir, even behind the sturdy fabric of his Landlubbers.
Robert rose to his knees and was about to take his pants down when a cacophony of animal noises started on the beach.
"Dammit, Strider," he muttered, instantly knowing what had happened as the chorus of excited dog barks and seagull cries continued.
Maggie shared Robert's love of animals, but in that moment, the chaos on the beach hit her like the cruelty of an alarm jolting someone out of a beautiful, lucid dream. She gazed in Robert's eyes, trying to make sense of what was going on. "Is everything OK?"
Robert sighed and then laughed. "Mags, I hate to interrupt, but I must subdue my precious canine, who enjoys the company of seagulls a little too much."
He stood, located her pants, and handed them to her. "Makes me wonder if this is his payback for no introduction between you two yet…"
"Sounds like he's used to special treatment, after you went and wrote a song about him," she said as she got dressed again. "That means his behavior is all your fault," she teased.
Robert grabbed Maggie for another deep kiss. "You'll soon find my blue-eyed boy has a mind of his own… But I never hold that against anyone who truly cares for me." He winked at Maggie, explaining how he felt about Strider and her in one simple quip. It made Maggie wonder if any of his songs were about her, or if any might be in the future.
"OK, ready to meet the furriest member of our family?" He linked his arm with hers as they headed for the sand.
The rest of my stories are here, or search for the hashtag #brownskinsugarplumlibrary
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savetopnow · 6 years
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postolo · 6 years
8 Warm Weather Locations for Your First Vacation as a Smaller Family
With the holidays behind us and winter in full swing, now might be just the time to plan a vacation — yes, even if you’re newly divorced.
Adapting to a New Normal
When you and your children are in the process of healing from a divorce, there are many transitions you’ll face as you adjust to this new normal. But in the midst of these changes, it’s important to keep the emphasis on moving forward as a family, and one way to reinforce that is taking a vacation — just you and the kids.
This time to unplug from distractions, routines, and stress of the divorce can help all of you remain connected, united, and focused on one other. So if you’re looking for some warm destinations that appeal to both children and adults, consider one of these hotspots for a relaxing escape with the people you love most.
Rose Hall Estate Montego Bay, Jamaica
This eighteenth-century marvel of colonial architecture is built on a lush mountainside jutting over the turquoise Caribbean Sea. The restored plantation house will capture your kids’ imaginations, while you take in views that help you forget all the troubles back home.
If you love golf, take advantage of their two on-site championship courses. Meanwhile, the daily Rose Hall Great House Haunted Night Tour will keep your kids on their toes and entertained between snorkeling and sand castles. (Note: the haunted house is not recommended for children younger than ten years old.)
This storied Jamaican landmark will enchant you and your kiddos, making it just the slice of paradise you need to breathe deeper, smile easier, and feel renewed.
Disney’s Aulani O’ahu, Hawaii
If your kids are obsessed with Disney and you want a reason to get to Hawaii, this is the perfect spot for your first vacation as a new family. With pools, waterslides, and miles of beaches, everyone will be having the time of their life. Plus, you can avoid the lines at Disney World and still meet some of your kids’ favorite Hawaiian Disney characters. Don’t forget to book your spot at a luau to truly take in the culture of the island while keeping your kids immersed and entertained.
Palm Canyon Resort Palm Springs, California
In the heart of Southern California is this trendy desert enclave, which also happens to be the perfect fusion of child-approved thrills and parent-endorsed amenities. Palm Springs is known for its rugged scenery and distinctive wellness culture, making Palm Canyon Resort an ideal backdrop for pampering while your kids conquer waterslides and stay cool in the heat.
Don’t forget to venture out of the resort to explore the desert terrain. Take the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway to see this unique world from above or check it out first-hand by hiking around in Joshua Tree National Park.
Oasis Tulum Lite Riviera Maya, Mexico
This all-inclusive compound on the shores of the Yucatan Peninsula is shockingly affordable and has all you could ever dream of on one deluxe property. Oasis Tulum Lite features both Mexican and globally inspired restaurants, live entertainment for kids and adults, tennis courts and bike rentals, group fitness classes, four unique pools and even a Kids Club with supervised, curated activities. If an oceanside getaway on the Mexican Riviera sounds like your ideal change of pace, this Mayan treasure will not disappoint.
Las Verandas Roatan, Honduras
Off the northern coast of Honduras lies the exotic island of Roatan, and nestled within its sandy beaches and fertile mangroves is Las Verandas. This postcard-worthy complex of bungalow villas surrounded by exquisite Caribbean vistas is the ultimate escape for both outdoor adventure and relaxation.
From massage and facial treatments to the island’s only golf course and watersports like snorkeling, fishing, and scuba diving, Las Verandas will ensure that each of you feels restored, uplifted and invigorated.
Hotel Renew Waikiki, Hawaii
If you want to experience Hawaii without the Disney infusion, lift your spirit at Hotel Renew. This sleek and ultra modern destination has a Polynesian vibe, and the hotel is situated mere footsteps from Waikiki Beach where the Pacific swells are a surfer’s dream. You’ll look out over miles of sand and take in the ambiance of distant Hawaiian volcanoes.
Wake up every morning to a continental breakfast before taking your complimentary beach gear to the water and spending every day coming back to life in the sunshine.
Macaw Lodge San Jose, Costa Rica
This rustic, sustainable eco-lodge in the depths of the Costa Rican rainforest is a haven for wildlife encounters, nature conservation, wellness immersions, and farm-to-table cuisine. The Macaw Lodge is constructed with local materials such as bamboo fiber, the electricity is powered with solar panels, and the food is chef-prepared.
In addition, you and the kids can spend your afternoons hiking to waterfalls, bird watching, practicing yoga, learning to make cocoa, touring the botanical gardens, or participating in off-the-grid excursions.
Sky Ranch Lodge Sedona, Arizona
Sedona is known for its iconic red rock buttes and mystic healing energies and Sky Ranch Lodge is an unrivaled setting to experience the electric landscape. Bask poolside in the famous Arizona sunshine, roam the bluffs and canyons on foot or mountain bike, or treat yourself to a deep-tissue massage. Get out and about with the resort’s free shuttle, which will take you to nearby Southwest-inspired eateries. Head back just in time to watch the sunset paint a watercolor light show as you all unwind in the hot tub together.
Your First Vacation as a Smaller Family
The post-divorce transition can be a difficult and painful season, but you can find meaningful opportunities to bond as a family despite the changes in your world. Show your child that there are still hundreds of reasons to smile and a new horizon is on the other side this challenging time. While a vacation won’t make everything perfect, it can be the perfect opportunity to take a deep breath and escape the stress of home.
About the Author: Jessica Thiefels has been writing for more than ten years and is currently a full-time writer and content marketing consultant. She’s written for Reader’s Digest, AARP, Lifehack and more. Follow her on Twitter @Jlsander07 for money-saving ideas, health tips and more.
The post 8 Warm Weather Locations for Your First Vacation as a Smaller Family appeared first on Wevorce.
8 Warm Weather Locations for Your First Vacation as a Smaller Family published first on https://sanantoniolegal.tumblr.com/
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legalseat · 6 years
8 Warm Weather Locations for Your First Vacation as a Smaller Family
With the holidays behind us and winter in full swing, now might be just the time to plan a vacation — yes, even if you’re newly divorced.
Adapting to a New Normal
When you and your children are in the process of healing from a divorce, there are many transitions you’ll face as you adjust to this new normal. But in the midst of these changes, it’s important to keep the emphasis on moving forward as a family, and one way to reinforce that is taking a vacation — just you and the kids.
This time to unplug from distractions, routines, and stress of the divorce can help all of you remain connected, united, and focused on one other. So if you’re looking for some warm destinations that appeal to both children and adults, consider one of these hotspots for a relaxing escape with the people you love most.
Rose Hall Estate Montego Bay, Jamaica
This eighteenth-century marvel of colonial architecture is built on a lush mountainside jutting over the turquoise Caribbean Sea. The restored plantation house will capture your kids’ imaginations, while you take in views that help you forget all the troubles back home.
If you love golf, take advantage of their two on-site championship courses. Meanwhile, the daily Rose Hall Great House Haunted Night Tour will keep your kids on their toes and entertained between snorkeling and sand castles. (Note: the haunted house is not recommended for children younger than ten years old.)
This storied Jamaican landmark will enchant you and your kiddos, making it just the slice of paradise you need to breathe deeper, smile easier, and feel renewed.
Disney’s Aulani O’ahu, Hawaii
If your kids are obsessed with Disney and you want a reason to get to Hawaii, this is the perfect spot for your first vacation as a new family. With pools, waterslides, and miles of beaches, everyone will be having the time of their life. Plus, you can avoid the lines at Disney World and still meet some of your kids’ favorite Hawaiian Disney characters. Don’t forget to book your spot at a luau to truly take in the culture of the island while keeping your kids immersed and entertained.
Palm Canyon Resort Palm Springs, California
In the heart of Southern California is this trendy desert enclave, which also happens to be the perfect fusion of child-approved thrills and parent-endorsed amenities. Palm Springs is known for its rugged scenery and distinctive wellness culture, making Palm Canyon Resort an ideal backdrop for pampering while your kids conquer waterslides and stay cool in the heat.
Don’t forget to venture out of the resort to explore the desert terrain. Take the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway to see this unique world from above or check it out first-hand by hiking around in Joshua Tree National Park.
Oasis Tulum Lite Riviera Maya, Mexico
This all-inclusive compound on the shores of the Yucatan Peninsula is shockingly affordable and has all you could ever dream of on one deluxe property. Oasis Tulum Lite features both Mexican and globally inspired restaurants, live entertainment for kids and adults, tennis courts and bike rentals, group fitness classes, four unique pools and even a Kids Club with supervised, curated activities. If an oceanside getaway on the Mexican Riviera sounds like your ideal change of pace, this Mayan treasure will not disappoint.
Las Verandas Roatan, Honduras
Off the northern coast of Honduras lies the exotic island of Roatan, and nestled within its sandy beaches and fertile mangroves is Las Verandas. This postcard-worthy complex of bungalow villas surrounded by exquisite Caribbean vistas is the ultimate escape for both outdoor adventure and relaxation.
From massage and facial treatments to the island’s only golf course and watersports like snorkeling, fishing, and scuba diving, Las Verandas will ensure that each of you feels restored, uplifted and invigorated.
Hotel Renew Waikiki, Hawaii
If you want to experience Hawaii without the Disney infusion, lift your spirit at Hotel Renew. This sleek and ultra modern destination has a Polynesian vibe, and the hotel is situated mere footsteps from Waikiki Beach where the Pacific swells are a surfer’s dream. You’ll look out over miles of sand and take in the ambiance of distant Hawaiian volcanoes.
Wake up every morning to a continental breakfast before taking your complimentary beach gear to the water and spending every day coming back to life in the sunshine.
Macaw Lodge San Jose, Costa Rica
This rustic, sustainable eco-lodge in the depths of the Costa Rican rainforest is a haven for wildlife encounters, nature conservation, wellness immersions, and farm-to-table cuisine. The Macaw Lodge is constructed with local materials such as bamboo fiber, the electricity is powered with solar panels, and the food is chef-prepared.
In addition, you and the kids can spend your afternoons hiking to waterfalls, bird watching, practicing yoga, learning to make cocoa, touring the botanical gardens, or participating in off-the-grid excursions.
Sky Ranch Lodge Sedona, Arizona
Sedona is known for its iconic red rock buttes and mystic healing energies and Sky Ranch Lodge is an unrivaled setting to experience the electric landscape. Bask poolside in the famous Arizona sunshine, roam the bluffs and canyons on foot or mountain bike, or treat yourself to a deep-tissue massage. Get out and about with the resort’s free shuttle, which will take you to nearby Southwest-inspired eateries. Head back just in time to watch the sunset paint a watercolor light show as you all unwind in the hot tub together.
Your First Vacation as a Smaller Family
The post-divorce transition can be a difficult and painful season, but you can find meaningful opportunities to bond as a family despite the changes in your world. Show your child that there are still hundreds of reasons to smile and a new horizon is on the other side this challenging time. While a vacation won’t make everything perfect, it can be the perfect opportunity to take a deep breath and escape the stress of home.
About the Author: Jessica Thiefels has been writing for more than ten years and is currently a full-time writer and content marketing consultant. She’s written for Reader’s Digest, AARP, Lifehack and more. Follow her on Twitter @Jlsander07 for money-saving ideas, health tips and more.
The post 8 Warm Weather Locations for Your First Vacation as a Smaller Family appeared first on Wevorce.
8 Warm Weather Locations for Your First Vacation as a Smaller Family published first on https://divorcelawyermumbai.tumblr.com/
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-04-06 20 HOME now
Amber Interior Design
Just the AFTER // Client Black Houses are the Best Houses
SHOPPE 2.0 // Exterior Paint
It’s Me… on the Chris Loves Julia Podcast!!
Apt. 34
Announcing the One Room Challenge!
The April Edit
Crazy Sexy Cool Kitchen Design
Recipe: Healthy Mushroom Spinach Egg Skillet
A Dozen Easter Table Inspirations
Coco Kelly
Tools of the Trade :: Styling with Glass Beads
House Tour :: A Light & Airy Renovation in Amagansett
Meet the New Seattle Design Center!
Floral Tutorial :: How to Arrange Spring Florals Like a Dutch Painting
Easter Tabletop Inspiration :: Going Dutch
Coco Lapine Design
Home in tints of beige
Fresh home in green
Beige in our living room
Light flooded home in grey
Cozy home with a blue kitchen
Design Sponge
A Tiny Cabin in the Woods For Creative Homesteaders In Vermont
Life Lessons from Trading Spaces: The New Season Begins!
A Philadelphia Home that Boasts a Potpourri of Architectural Styles
Q&A: Interior Design in Iran — Peeking Behind Closed Curtains with Lena Späth
In North Carolina, a Family Sets the Stage for Memory-Making
Emily Henderson
Budget Room Design: Colorful & Modern Scandinavian Dining Room
Etsy Finds: Volume II
The Living Room Rules You Should Know
Power Couples: Sofas & Accent Chairs + a few rules
Who is the real client of the mountain house…
Dreaming of Provence with Le Creuset
The Forgotten Lamb Chops with Mint Salsa
Elle Magazine: September Issue
Vogue: Cook Beautiful Townhouse Dinner
Cherry Bombe: Issue Nº 10
Lark and Linen
Scenes from the Last Two Weeks
Grapefruit Smoothie Bowls
West Coast Style
A Little Help Getting Your Tech Ready For Spring
Strawberry Chamomile Crepe Cake
Miss Moss
Aiste Stancikaite
Goodies No. 31
Gala & Dalí
Hand Embroidered shirts by Kilometre Paris
Levi Mandel
My Domaine
Feature: See Inside the Polished Hamptons Home That Left Our Editors Speechless
Beyond Rosé—These Are the Wines We're Sipping This Spring
The 14 Best French Films to Watch When You'd Rather Be in France
Inside an Insanely Cool 1963 A-Frame in Big Bear, California
Yes, Affordable Vintage Rugs Exist (If You Know Where to Look)
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Những ý tưởng trang trí nội thất inox phòng khách độc đáo
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Getting to Know Fear
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Kit & Delight: Our Newest Pet Project Dedicated to a Life Well-Cuddled
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-04-06 17 HOME now
Amber Interior Design
Just the AFTER // Client Black Houses are the Best Houses
SHOPPE 2.0 // Exterior Paint
It’s Me… on the Chris Loves Julia Podcast!!
Apt. 34
Announcing the One Room Challenge!
The April Edit
Crazy Sexy Cool Kitchen Design
Recipe: Healthy Mushroom Spinach Egg Skillet
A Dozen Easter Table Inspirations
Coco Kelly
Tools of the Trade :: Styling with Glass Beads
House Tour :: A Light & Airy Renovation in Amagansett
Meet the New Seattle Design Center!
Floral Tutorial :: How to Arrange Spring Florals Like a Dutch Painting
Easter Tabletop Inspiration :: Going Dutch
Coco Lapine Design
Home in tints of beige
Fresh home in green
Beige in our living room
Light flooded home in grey
Cozy home with a blue kitchen
Design Sponge
A Tiny Cabin in the Woods For Creative Homesteaders In Vermont
Life Lessons from Trading Spaces: The New Season Begins!
A Philadelphia Home that Boasts a Potpourri of Architectural Styles
Q&A: Interior Design in Iran — Peeking Behind Closed Curtains with Lena Späth
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Elle Magazine: September Issue
Vogue: Cook Beautiful Townhouse Dinner
Cherry Bombe: Issue Nº 10
Lark and Linen
Scenes from the Last Two Weeks
Grapefruit Smoothie Bowls
West Coast Style
A Little Help Getting Your Tech Ready For Spring
Strawberry Chamomile Crepe Cake
Miss Moss
Aiste Stancikaite
Goodies No. 31
Gala & Dalí
Hand Embroidered shirts by Kilometre Paris
Levi Mandel
My Domaine
Feature: See Inside the Polished Hamptons Home That Left Our Editors Speechless
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The 14 Best French Films to Watch When You'd Rather Be in France
Inside an Insanely Cool 1963 A-Frame in Big Bear, California
Yes, Affordable Vintage Rugs Exist (If You Know Where to Look)
Reddit Interior Design
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Will begin renovations soon. Entrance hallway is awkwardly long. How can I modify the layout or decorate the hallway?
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Savvy Home
This One Small Change Transformed my Morning Routine
Inside My First (280 Sq. Ft.) New York Apartment
Gab Loves: Black and White
The Weekender: Back at it Again
Gab Loves: Spring Greens
Wit + Delight
Getting to Know Fear
On Motherhood: Chasing Lightness, Preserving Sanity and Our Best Laid Plans
12 Chic Swimsuit Styles to Add to Your Summer Bucket List
Hello April! It’s Time for New Beginnings and Conquering our Fears
Kit & Delight: Our Newest Pet Project Dedicated to a Life Well-Cuddled
0 notes
savetopnow · 6 years
2018-04-06 14 HOME now
Amber Interior Design
Just the AFTER // Client Black Houses are the Best Houses
SHOPPE 2.0 // Exterior Paint
It’s Me… on the Chris Loves Julia Podcast!!
Apt. 34
Announcing the One Room Challenge!
The April Edit
Crazy Sexy Cool Kitchen Design
Recipe: Healthy Mushroom Spinach Egg Skillet
A Dozen Easter Table Inspirations
Coco Kelly
Tools of the Trade :: Styling with Glass Beads
House Tour :: A Light & Airy Renovation in Amagansett
Meet the New Seattle Design Center!
Floral Tutorial :: How to Arrange Spring Florals Like a Dutch Painting
Easter Tabletop Inspiration :: Going Dutch
Coco Lapine Design
Fresh home in green
Beige in our living room
Light flooded home in grey
Cozy home with a blue kitchen
Happy Easter !
Design Sponge
A Tiny Cabin in the Woods For Creative Homesteaders In Vermont
Life Lessons from Trading Spaces: The New Season Begins!
A Philadelphia Home that Boasts a Potpourri of Architectural Styles
Q&A: Interior Design in Iran — Peeking Behind Closed Curtains with Lena Späth
In North Carolina, a Family Sets the Stage for Memory-Making
Emily Henderson
Etsy Finds: Volume II
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Power Couples: Sofas & Accent Chairs + a few rules
Who is the real client of the mountain house…
A Traditional Eclectic Bedroom + Our Tips For Shopping eBay
Dreaming of Provence with Le Creuset
The Forgotten Lamb Chops with Mint Salsa
Elle Magazine: September Issue
Vogue: Cook Beautiful Townhouse Dinner
Cherry Bombe: Issue Nº 10
Lark and Linen
Grapefruit Smoothie Bowls
West Coast Style
A Little Help Getting Your Tech Ready For Spring
Strawberry Chamomile Crepe Cake
Things I’ve Bought and Loved Lately
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Aiste Stancikaite
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The 14 Best French Films to Watch When You'd Rather Be in France
Inside an Insanely Cool 1963 A-Frame in Big Bear, California
Yes, Affordable Vintage Rugs Exist (If You Know Where to Look)
Reddit Interior Design
Looking for some help choosing a color palette for my first home.
Feedback on a floorplan that works as a 'suite' in a ulti-generational home
Could I get some feedback on my floor plan? I’m in the process of building something like this.
Kitchen colour scheme help needed...
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Gab Loves: Spring Greens
Wit + Delight
Getting to Know Fear
On Motherhood: Chasing Lightness, Preserving Sanity and Our Best Laid Plans
12 Chic Swimsuit Styles to Add to Your Summer Bucket List
Hello April! It’s Time for New Beginnings and Conquering our Fears
Kit & Delight: Our Newest Pet Project Dedicated to a Life Well-Cuddled
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-03-29 11 HOME now
Amber Interior Design
Just the AFTER // Client Black Houses are the Best Houses
SHOPPE 2.0 // Exterior Paint
It’s Me… on the Chris Loves Julia Podcast!!
Apt. 34
Idea to Steal: Fuzzy Wuzzy Seats
I’ve Got A Crush
A Major Milestone & Other Friday Finds
Home Tour: Seriously Luxe Style in Sydney
The Perfect Spring Cocktail Recipe
Coco Kelly
Easter Tabletop Inspiration :: Going Dutch
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The Edit :: A Spring Refresh!
A Mini Office Design Tour & Our Future Studio Plans
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Easter at Artilleriet
Rustic minimalistic kitchen in dark oak
New print in the shop: La Feuille
Bright home with strong accents
Design Sponge
How To Stand Up For Inclusion In Design
Before & After: An 80s Kitchen Gets a Modern Scandinavian Facelift
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Reddit Interior Design
Working on overhauling my guest room. Any ideas for how I could rearrange the furniture?
This is a CG work I recently created. Hope you can give me some advice on this from a design perspective:)
Architecture And Interior Design
decorations for the new house
Is having a couch in front of the TV possible with this floorplan?
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0 notes
savetopnow · 6 years
2018-03-29 08 HOME now
Amber Interior Design
Just the AFTER // Client Black Houses are the Best Houses
SHOPPE 2.0 // Exterior Paint
It’s Me… on the Chris Loves Julia Podcast!!
Apt. 34
Idea to Steal: Fuzzy Wuzzy Seats
I’ve Got A Crush
A Major Milestone & Other Friday Finds
Home Tour: Seriously Luxe Style in Sydney
The Perfect Spring Cocktail Recipe
Coco Kelly
Easter Tabletop Inspiration :: Going Dutch
Weekend Getaway :: Our Favorite Spots on Orcas Island with HomeAway!
Now Trending :: Terracotta Tile Floors
The Edit :: A Spring Refresh!
A Mini Office Design Tour & Our Future Studio Plans
Coco Lapine Design
New print in the shop: Romanesco
Easter at Artilleriet
Rustic minimalistic kitchen in dark oak
New print in the shop: La Feuille
Bright home with strong accents
Design Sponge
How To Stand Up For Inclusion In Design
Before & After: An 80s Kitchen Gets a Modern Scandinavian Facelift
Fun and Fearless Personality in a Century-Old Jacksonville Home
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5 Easy Steps to Refresh Your Home For Spring
Scenes from my Week
Mini Egg Milkshakes
Miss Moss
Goodies No. 31
Gala & Dalí
Hand Embroidered shirts by Kilometre Paris
Levi Mandel
Dreamy Mountainscapes by Chih-Hung Kuo
My Domaine
Joanna Gaines Is Backing This "Timeless" Paint Color Trend (and So Are We)
Rooney Mara's $3.45 Million California Home Is a "Mid-Century Masterpiece"
PSA: You Can Get Paid to Watch Netflix Because Dreams Really Do Come True
Meghan Markle's Wedding Wine Is Pretty Unexpected (and Available in the U.S.)
Queer Eye's Jonathan Received the Most Iconic Birthday Quilt From His Mom
Reddit Interior Design
This is a CG work I recently created. Hope you can give me some advice on this from a design perspective:)
Architecture And Interior Design
decorations for the new house
Is having a couch in front of the TV possible with this floorplan?
cellular shades/blinds?
Savvy Home
This One Small Change Transformed my Morning Routine
Inside My First (280 Sq. Ft.) New York Apartment
Gab Loves: Black and White
The Weekender: Back at it Again
Gab Loves: Spring Greens
Wit + Delight
The Best Decor to Hang on Your Walls that Isn’t Photography
Embracing the Abstract: 5 Ways to Start Being Creative
7 Cinematic Styles that Take Us Back to Another Era
The Biggest Risk of All
On the Other Side of Boredom is Contemplation: How Quietness Can Help Center You
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