#justice for o’shae sibley
wereoz · 1 year
i already knew about o’shae sibley’s murder, but saw a tiktok about o’shae saying that we shouldn’t just know about him, we should mourn him. and for me, mourning is remembering all the good things about them, how happy they make people, what they bring to the world. essentially, honour their memory. so i went to see what his friends and family said about him, and it was heartbreaking. they loved him so much, the cruelty of all this is just so overwhelming. justice for o’shae sibley
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trascapades · 1 year
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"Nobody's free until everybody's free." - Fannie Lou Hamer
#OshaeSibley's murder is senseless, heartbreaking and terrifying.
Image reposted from @gala_la
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Reposted from @nativesonnow Our Lives Matter.
Rest In Power O’Shae Sibley!!!
@nytimes Reported:
“O’Shae Sibley was at a Brooklyn gas station with friends late Saturday night, filling up a car and blasting music by Beyoncé when a group of men approached and told them to stop dancing, according to friends.
The men began using slurs and Mr. Sibley, 28, a gay man who was a professional dancer and choreographer, confronted them, according to his friends and a video of the altercation. The argument escalated and one man stabbed Mr. Sibley, according to the police. Otis Pena, one of Mr. Sibley’s best friends, pressed on his wound to stop the bleeding before he was taken to Maimonides Medical Center where he was pronounced dead.”
A hate crimes task force is investigating.
Justice for O’Shae Sibley!!! ✊🏾
Prayers up for O’Shae’s family and friends. 🙏🏾🤎🕊️
#JusticeForOShae #OShaeSibley #Queer #Justice #Community #HateCrime #LGBTQ #OurVoice #OurStory #OurPower #NativeSon
Thoughts penned by writer/theologian @candicebenbow
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"Debate your deacon and talk about it with your trustee because I don’t want to hear it.
O’Shae, may the fiercest and flyest of the angels carry you to your rest. And may your memory be a blessing to all who knew and loved you."
#Homophobia #Transphobia
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I wanted to share an update with you all.
The man who brutally stabbed and killed O’Shea has been charged with murder as a hate crime and criminal possession of a weapon.
O’Shae Sibley deserves to be here. Voguing shouldn’t be a death sentence. Being gay shouldn’t be a death sentence. Being Black shouldn’t be a death sentence.
We must continue to push for Justice for O’Shae. These charges alone aren’t enough. Keep sharing his story. Keep speaking up. Keep educating. Keep fighting for change!
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queeryouthassemble · 1 year
"Big thanks to Vienna, August, Bryce, Jesse, Nathaniel, and so many of our other Racial Justice & Advertising Department contributors for helping us with this statement. We apologize to the QYA community for not taking action on O'Shae's murder previously, but these folks have and continue to work with us to make sure we are kept accountable, informed, and involved."
- Lee, Head of Racial Justice
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[ID: A square post with a red box covering the upper third of the square. All-caps white and black text reads "O'Shea Sibley & Why Black Queer Lives Matter." Below the text is an image of Sibley, a Black queer man, who has dark facial hair and earrings. Behind his head are flowers. The photo is edited to appear folded and vintage. Overlaying the photo is white all-caps text with a black highlight effect, which reads "Trigger warning: the following content discusses topics surrounding racist, Islamophobic, and homophobic violence. Please read at your own discretion." End ID.]
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[ID: A square post with a red box covering the upper two-thirds of the page. An all-caps black heading reads "lets talk about it..." Below that, smaller white text reads "On July 29, 2023 O'Shae Sibley was with a group of friends at a gas station filling up his car and joyfully voguing to a Beyoncé song when a group of teenage boys verbally attacked him with homophobic and anti-Black slurs. O’Shae was then brutally assaulted and repeatedly stabbed by one of the boys. He was pronounced dead upon arrival at the Maimonides Medical Center. O'Shae Sibley was a 28-year-old Brooklyn resident, known for his presence in the New York City vogue and ballroom scenes. He regularly performed in the "vogue femme" category and was a beloved and active member of his communities. Shortly after O'Shae's death, crowds joined together for a heartfelt memorial at Pier 46, to commemorate his memory and love of dance. "Just a ball of light. Just like he was. I want him to be remembered just the way he was." * A line of the text towards the bottom, indicated by an asterisk, reads "A statement from Jake Kelly, O'Shae's father." At the bottom of the page, covering the lower third, is an image of flowers and a sign from a memorial for Sibley. The sign has a sketch of him, and text reads "I'm too classy for this world — forever I'm that girl." End ID.]
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[ID: A square post, with a red box covering the upper half of the page. Small white text in the box reads "O'Shae's death has since sparked a strong and powerful response from members of the Black LGBTQ+ and ballroom communities. Protests across the nation have been organized to honor O'Shae's legacy by voguing at gas stations, vigils, and memorials. “I think it’s an opportunity for everyone to really come together in different spaces, in different states, in different areas because it could have happened to any one of us.” * Lines of text towards the bottom, indicated by an asterisk, reads "*A statement from Dashuan Wesley, Co-Organizer of an L.A. vigil for O'Shae & a leader in the L.A. ballroom community" In the lower half of the post is an image from a vigil for Sibley, with people clapping, dancing/voguing, and a person holding a sign that reads "Black Gay Lives Matter." End ID.]
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[ID: A square post with a red box covering slightly more than the upper half of the page. A black all-caps heading reads "let's be clear..." Below that, a slightly smaller, all-caps yellow heading reads "authentic expressions of our existences are not invitations to perpetuate violence." Underneath that, smaller white text reads "O'Shae's murder was neither an act of self-defense, invitation to incite anti-Islamic violence, nor an excuse to politicize Black queer deaths. O'Shae Sibley's death results from white, patriarchal, and heteronormative supremacy." At the bottom of the page is an image from Sibley's vigil, near the gas station, with a picture of his face being held by people dressed in white. End ID.]
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[ID: A red square post, with a black all-caps heading which reads "our lives should not be jeopardized by bigotry." Below that, smaller white text reads "Our culture fosters the dehumanization of Black men and Black LGBTQ+ lives. Without deliberate and sustaining efforts to combat anti-queerness and racism, we'll continue to lose our siblings to hate. The current societal and political climate have cultivated a dangerous environment, especially for queer & trans individuals, particularly those who are people of color. We refuse to accept this as the status quo." At the bottom of the page, centered, all-caps, yellow text reads "O'Shae Sibley's murder will not go in silence." End ID.]
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[ID: Red square post, with a black all-caps heading reading "silence kills. QYA is committed to fighting for BIPOC liberation." Below that, smaller white text reads "Queer Youth Assemble's previous silence on the murder of O’Shae Sibley reflects and reinforces the existing oppressive status quo against Black queer & trans folks, and other communities of color. Complacency will never secure racial justice." In the bottom right of the page, white and yellow underlined text reads "We will hold ourselves, the media, and our communities accountable. We need to do better in the fight for all LGBTQ+ lives. We stand with the Black, Muslim, and Ballroom communities as well as the friends & family of O'Shae Sibley." In the bottom left of the page is an illustrated graphic of a Black androgynous person with a solemn expression, holding a sign that reads "Black LGBTQ Lives Matter." They have a green collared shirt and pink triangle earrings. End ID.]
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[ID: Red square post with a black all-caps heading that reads "how can I help?" Below that are three numbered items, with the first line written in larger yellow text, and subsequent lines in smaller yellow text: "1. Contact Your Local Ballroom Houses Reach out to ballroom houses in and around your community to find ways to get involved and support them. 2. Stay Educated on Black Ballroom Culture Learn about the contributions of ballroom culture to the LGBTQ+ movement, and its connection to Black queer & trans existences in our expansive communities. 3. Support or Start a Local Protest The ballroom and LGBTQ+ community have come together nationwide, organizing various events to build resistance and honor O'Shae Sibley's memory. Be on the lookout for events near you, or reach out to QYA to start your own!" End ID.]
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[ID: A red square post with an all-caps heading that reads "where can I donate?" Below that are three numbered items, with the first line written in larger yellow text, and subsequent lines in smaller yellow text: 1. O'Shae Sibley's Official Family Fund Jake Kelly, O'Shae's father, started a GoFundMe to raise money to cover the costs of his services and support the family during this time. Check out the link in our bio. 2. Ballroom, We Care Inc. Ballroom, We Care Inc. is an NYC-based non-profit dedicated to providing mental health resources and other forms of support to the Ballroom community. 3. NYC Anti-Violence Project The Anti-Violence Project is an NYC-based organization empowering the LGBTQ+ and HIV-affected communities to abolish all forms of violence through comprehensive support systems." In the bottom right, partially off the page, is an illustrated Black person, drawn from the upper leg up, with a solemn expression. They have just-above shoulder length twists with gold charms, grey glasses, a blue collared shirt with pink flowers, over a white t-shirt, and light blue jeans. End ID.]
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[ID: A red square post with an all-caps black heading that reads "sources." Below that are two columns of sources, with the source name in yellow all-caps text, and the link in small white italic text. The first column reads, from top to bottom, "AMERICAN PROGRESS https://www.americanprogress.org/article/widespread-discrimination-continues-shape-lgbt-peoples-lives-subtle-significant-ways/ NEW YORK TIMES https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/31/nyregion/stabbing-gas-station-brooklyn.html GLAAD https://glaad.org/releases/glaad-statement-on-the-murder-of-oshae-sibley-and-rising-violence-against-lgbtq-people-across-the-us/ THEM. https://www.them.us/story/oshae-sibley-alleged-killer-not-muslim" The second column reads, also from top to bottom, "LOS ANGELES TIMES https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2023-08-05/oshae-sibley-death-la-protest-gas-station-vogue CBS NEW YORK https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/oshae-sibley-death-suspect-charged-murder-hate-crime/ AP NEWS https://apnews.com/article/dancer-stabbed-hate-crime-brooklyn-gas-station-70e34e697d44b22c647cb7139030adf5 https://apnews.com/article/oshae-sibley-funeral-philadelphia-dancer-stabbed-dadfe8a5835e37d94d87caede58d8a6e" End ID.]
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sethshead · 1 year
This is tragic. It also points to the challenges of intersectionality.
Summy Ullah is a representative neighborhood resident. It doesn’t matter what his beliefs are in his heart of hearts; he just doesn’t want to see violence and bloodshed. We can all sympathize with him.
But sadly, it’s the smoke shop kids who, by their dogmatic religiosity and aggression, can easily capture both a neighborhood and the discourse. They can, by being so visible, become a touchstone for both Islamophobic bigots and for misguided Islamism apologists. The way to defuse their power is not to deny that they were acting out of sincere religious belief or deeply held traditional convictions, but to point out that many, like Ullah, can be caring members of a pluralist and tolerant society without surrendering any of their values.
Meanwhile we mourn an artist so passionately devoted to his craft and to the virtues of kindness, compassion, acceptance, and justice.
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wereoz · 1 year
‘During the confrontation, one of the men stabbed Sibley, who was taken to the hospital and pronounced dead soon after. Pena, who tried to stop Sibley's bleeding after the stabbing, posted a video to Facebook following his friend's death: “They murdered him because he’s gay, because he stood up for his friends… His name was O’Shae and you all killed him. You all murdered him right in front of me.”’
o’shae sibley is a black, gay man who was recently killed in a hate crime, the murderer and his group of friends harassing o’shae and his group of friends, calling them gay slurs and being anti black towards him. he was only 28 years old.
he deserves justice
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Absolutely heartbreaking. O’Shae Sibley deserves to be here. What a shame we live in a world still filled with so much hate. Keep saying his name until he gets Justice!!!
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