#justice for pierce ares and hephaestus
nepthys-merenset · 11 months
it makes me soooo mad that these three are not LIs:
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and that these three are:
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i mean, what the fuck?? why are the side characters so devastatingly handsome and powerful and the main LIs so...blah?
sure, we can have a fling with pierce and hephaestus and kiss "ares" (as eris, but looking like ares...and only if we fuck up one of our choices), but damn it, i want full routes and endings with characters who are actually cool and interesting! seriously, was ANYONE actually romancing jason or theo??
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wcrfcres · 5 months
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ALARIC of  HOUSE MORMONT,  LORD OF BEAR ISLAND.  whispers  among  the  court  name  them  to  be  both  HONORABLE  and  STUBBORN  in  disposition,  and  those  closest  to  them  speak  to  their  interests  in  archery and weaponsmithing .  if  we  bards  could  compose  a  song  for  them,  it  might  tell  stories  of  ❝ roaring, adamant cubs pushing past merciless white snowstorms, paws deep in velvet snow, fangs sinking harshly into rigid, shivering flesh, crystals of frost and blood dangling like rubies on fur tips and beards. a cub, nevertheless, a predator, aching to stretch out its limbs, shed its prey-like youth, and become full-pledged predator ; sharp, polished arrows, piercing aged walls of wars and victories, released from resolute bows, neglecting its frailty and anciency upon the imposition of buoyant boys ; a troublesome childhood, scraped knees, raised hands, and pale mothers, to perturbed young men on wild horses, falling fast into hollows, clawing to escape, only to fall helplessly and hopelessly into familiar despair, tears emptied into tattered, ripped hems and uncanny shoulders . ❞  the  seven  whisper  to  their  most  devout  queen  as  she  sleeps,  making  her  question  where  their  loyalties  truly  lie.  are  they  right  to  whisper?  for  their  loyalties  truly  lie  with  HOUSE MORMONT and THE NORTH.
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official name : alaric mormont . noble title : lord of bear island . date of birth : tenth day of the fifth turn . age : nine and twenty years . gender : cis man . pronouns : he / him . orientation : demiromantic bisexual . spoken language : common tongue , old tongue . accent : frosted
face claim : henry zaga . ethnicity : first men . hair : black (scruffy, bedhead) . eyes : dark brown . height : 6"ft / 1.83m . build : fairly-muscular after the attack on the capital , appears imposing and taller than he is because of his now heavy and muscular build , long & lean- limbed . scent : predominantly musky , vanilla . dominant hand : right . scars : multiple healed burn scars on his hands and wrist . clothing style : sturdy cotton and wools , leather armors and cuffs
positive traits : honorable, just, well-intentioned, compassionate . negative traits: stubborn, blunt, arrogant, filial . mbti : istj . enneagram : 1 ( the idealist) . element : fire . star sign : taurus . temperament : choleric . moral alignment : lawful good . character inspiration : robb stark (asoiaf), jean kirstein (aot), boromir (lotr), leto atreides i (dune), lyanna mormont (asoiaf) . deadly sins : pride & greed . heavenly virtues : justice & courage . godly parents : hephaestus & ares
hobbies : archery , weaponsmithing . religion : old gods . alliance : house mormont , the north . personal goals : vie for an independent north . would they choose family or power ? family
father : lord jeor mormont (71) . mother : lady alysanne mormont nee glover (deceased 29 years ago) . siblings : lord/lady/liege utp mormont (40+) , lord antony arryn nee mormont (37) , lord/lady/liege utp mormont (25-28) , lord/lady/liege utp mormont (21-24) . extended family : ruling lady adrienne arryn (37)
( trigger warning: death in childbirth )
his is a sin no one spoke of , yet it hangs in the air ... dry , rekindled in whispers , behind closed doors and in the dead of night . his is a sin that's unforgivable , taking a life of its own in the confides of his quarters , that of his older siblings , and that of his father who can only offer him a smile on good days . his is a sin that took a life of its own , a stain on his existence seeking the price ... the lady that brought warmth to the icy halls of house mormont . his is a sin that took a life of its own , claiming him hostage , smothered with guilt despite the reassuring words made by his kin . his is a sin that took a life . he hears it in his sleep , at the dining halls , during hunts in the forest . screeching , moaning , and begging to be taken out , to soak him with scarlet despair .
on his ninth or tenth name day , somber as the ones before , his wet nurse , not as youthful as she once was yet as motherly as can be , assured him that he should not deprive himself of merriment . that a smile , a laugh , does not bring insult to the grave of the lady glover that birthed him and his brothers . that he is free from fault , free from accountability , from incapacitating guilt . truths hard to hold in the tender hands of a young boy , who had slipped his grief , resentment , and doubts in his pockets like they were trinkets to be carried to his own deathbed . he is held in an embraced , tears streaming down the cub's reddened cheeks . he convinces himself with the old woman's words , that his birth is a right bestowed by the old gods , a blessing that his late mother had prayed for night and day . it is said that lady glover , with delight and utter excitement strokes her swollen belly ; often speaks of her relief , that carrying the third babe was the easiest of her pregnancies . she will often whisper that the first child belonged her lord husband and bear island , the second is a debt to her hometown and the old gods , and the third , the babe she carried willfully despite her age , is all hers .
alaric mormont , the last child of lady glover with the ruling lord of bear island , was raised not by the woman who desperately prayed for his birth , not the woman who yearned for his arrival , not the woman who bled to death in the birthing bed , but by his father's second wife . a living , breathing reminder that old god's , too , bestow fateless intentions . kinslayer , a name branded on his back when the ale takes hold of men , a joke looming in gatherings , the bustling halls , and the hunt's bonfire . a word never meant to hurt him or insult the memory of the late lady , but a swipe at the unseen when events go awry . the youngest of lady glover learned to make himself small , to tiptoe , to appear only when absolutely necessary . he made a home in the shadows , nestled himself behind towering lumber , the skillful hands behind mighty weapons . he sang lullabies to dreams of journeying past the cold fortresses , engaged in small talk with sons and daughters of his father's choosing , and kissed lips only behind closed doors . freed himself from being the object of everyone's drunken amusement , and became an indispensable force who can craft , mold , and b e n d steel , wood , and any & all earth - birthed substances to his hand's and fire's desire .
a door was always left open for the young cub , to take shelter , to seat with the family during meals , but he remained elusive , kept to himself , and made his blood run cold and harsh as the weather that imprisons their beloved bear island . lord mormont himself reaches out , holds out his hand , and pats the young man's back as often as he is able ; tells him he holds no fault , that he is every bit a son to him as his other siblings ... that he must forgive himself for a fate beyond his doing . the love and concern is felt , yet it does not wash or burn away the guilt that eats at his heart , does not paint colors on the dull and gray that is the absence of his mother , who wished nothing more but to meet him . it does not help that she lives on in his features , in the way he smiles , the way he talks , and the way he exudes the same warmth and kindness ( and stubbornness , oh how proud she must be ! ) the lady glover brought with her when she arrived from deepwood motte . her blood , soul , and heart runs deep in her youngest , the babe she had prayed for .
perhaps it is in this likeness to his mother that he finds it difficult to find comfort and rest at home , in their political stance , in their strict adherence to tradition . alaric understands , truly he does , and he takes pride in the blood that runs through his veins — every last drop of the first men's . feels every bit frustrated with the surrender of the north's freedom to conquerors . but this inherited doubt he nursed and carried , makes him wonder about the bigger picture , the compromise that could be made , and still preserve the might and strength house mormont .
considered one of the best weaponsmiths in the north , took particular interest in the craft at a young age after hearing his maternal grandfather was a skilled weaponsmith himself
weapons of choice are axes and bows & arrows
reads history books during his free time, sincere there are not many libraries or available reading materials in bear island, he makes deals with those who travel out for books on various subjects in exchange for a weapon of their choosing
kissed someone for the very first time when he was eighteen, a young lord from the south possible connection
relationships are almost always physical in nature , only out of curiosity, he doesn't get attached ppl thinks he's an asshole for it but tbh he just doesn't know how love and relationship goes so he says yes to what feels good and is totally fine when it ends
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In celebration of me breaking out of horny jail (🥳) I’d like to hear your thoughts about the following:
- Sam as a milf (monster i’d like to fuck)
- Bucky, Steve & Sam as Greek deities? Bonus Natasha & Sharon & Zemo.
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AQUAAAAAAAAAAA i snorted at milf oh my god lololol
Okay, here we go casting the chaotic trio as greek gods with bonus appearances.
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Steve - Zeus or Ares
a bit obvious, but I think it fits him. the lord of justice is so a Steve title and it would be his justice. he is a golden god. as for the Ares bit, it just also sorta fits because he wants to save people give them the courage to fight, wants to go to war to serve his country. he also clearly has a lot of righteous anger.
Bucky - Aphrodite
it's true, in all forms he inspires love in men and women. he can be vengeful with that love, but also a soft boiiii. also considered a warrior god/dess by some which fits the unwilling soldier vibes with Bucko. (if we are being particular about this, Alexander Pierce would be Hephaestus, someone Bucky would be chained to unwillingly.)
Sam - Apollo
the god of light, healing, music, brings the sun across the skies, totally a great guy. bring about the oracles of delphi, clearly drinks his respect women juice. (i am ignoring daphne here). I feel like this is just really obvious. also one of his sacred animals is hawks, which is close enough to falcons for me.
Natasha - Athena
do I even need to explain this one?
Sharon - Demeter
extremely important but regularly a background character in the pantheon. also considered the goddess of sacred law and poppies (some of her cults were really into opium lol) which I think fits the two sides of Sharon we've been presented with.
Zemo - Dionysus
but in the myth that he was once Zagreus, son of Hades and Persephone, so an underworld god who was torn apart during the titans. So he's got a lot of trauma and was torn away from his family. He is resurrected as Dionysus, called the god of wine in the sense that the very important beverage to ancient greeks brought Freedom. while often depicted as a good times god, he is also kinda a hero (in one story he saved Hera from Hephaestus by getting him shit-faced and that just feels like a TFATWS!Zemo move to me)
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delicatelyherdreams · 5 years
Pragma(tic) Cast List
Pragma(tic) Masterlist
In no particular order:
(y/n) Aidoneus as Hades; the unseen one, eldest daughter of the titans Kronos and Rhea, goddess of the dead and wealth, and Queen of the Underworld
James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes as Persephone, god of spring and life 
Alexander Pierce as Thanatos, the god of death
Brock Rumlow as Minthe, the naiad of the Cocytus and the lover of Hades
Carol Danvers as Zeus; youngest daughter of the titans Kronus and Rhea, goddess of the sky, and Queen of the Gods
Natasha Romanoff as Poseidon, middle daughter of the titans Kronus and Rhea, goddess of the sea, and Queen of the Ocean
Peggy Carter as Hecate; goddess of magic, crossroads, moon, ghosts, witchcraft and necromancy
Winnifred Barnes as Demeter; goddess of the harvest and mother of Persephone
Steve Rogers as a naiad; a water spirit and companion of Bucky
Sam Wilson as a dryad; a tree spirit and companion of Bucky
Tony Stark as Hephesteus; god of fire, metalworking, stone masonry, forges and the art of sculpture, husband to Aphrodite
Pepper Potts as Aphrodite; goddess of love, beauty and fertility, wife to Hephaestus
Clint Barton as Hermes; the messenger and god of trade, wealth, luck, fertility, animal husbandry, sleep, language, thieves, and travel
Phil Coulson as Charon; ferryman of the Underworld
Maria Rambeau as Hera; goddess of marriage and wife to Zeus
Wanda Maximoff as Artemis; goddess of the hunt, forests and hills, the moon, and archery
Pietro Maximoff as Apollo; god of archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, the Sun and light, and poetry
Thor Odinson as Ares; god of war
Loki Laufeyson as Dionysus;  god of wine, winemaking, grape cultivation, fertility, ritual madness, theater, and religious ecstasy
Valkyrie as Athena; goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill
Bruce Banner as Amphitrite; Nereid spouse of Poseidon 
Peter Parker as a dryad
Hope Van Dyne as Nike; the goddess of victory
Scott Lang as Hestia; the god of the hearth
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 years
Do you think you could do a Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus/Demigod AU? I'd be interested to hear your take on which Greek Godly parents and powers/weapons the K characters would have.
I'm not actually very familiar with Percy Jackson but I can still do the general Greek demigod AU thing (who needs Percy Jackson, I have extensive knowledge of Hercules the Legendary Journeys and Xena Warrior Princess thank you very much :P). Fushimi I feel like would totally end up being the son of Hades so that he could have a complex about it, like even though Hades isn't actually an evil god at all simply being the son of the lord of the underworld is enough to make Fushimi feel like there's something sinister or wrong with him (….unless in this AU Niki is Hades which would be scary because then he couldn't die). Imagine he has some powers related to death, like he can steal the breath of living things if he tries hard enough. Also I know it's more associated with the image of death than Hades specifically but I just really like the idea of Fushimi being able to summon a scythe to fight, not a shiny one like Sukuna's but like a cold black iron one that flashes blue when he swings it. For the rest of Scepter 4, I kinda like the idea of Awashima being the daughter of Artemis and maybe using a bow, like she uses blue power to create the string and the arrows. Munakata I think would work perfectly as the child of Athena, since she's the goddess of both wisdom and justice which fits perfectly with Munakata. He could still use his usual sword as well though maybe he's also able to summon like some kind of divine armor when he fights that can only be pierced by weapons of the gods.
On the Homra side, my immediate thought was Mikoto as the son of Hephaestus but thinking about it I like the idea of him being the son of Ares better, like when people find out they assume he must be violent due to being the son of the god of war and that's why he has all this power simmering under his skin that he's afraid to let loose. He can still summon red power into his hands but it's like the force of all the violence of war and it grows stronger the more excited he gets in a battle, like if Mikoto's not careful he could lose himself to the power of war and just start destroying things indiscriminately. Kusanagi definitely has to be the child of Dionysus because bartender, like imagine he has the ability to make the most fantastic wine and whenever anyone who doesn't know his secret asks about it he just smiles as says it must be skill. I could also see him working as the son of Apollo, having various skills and also making him a good match with Awashima being the daughter of Artemis. Totsuka's a little harder since he doesn't have much power, maybe he'd be a normal human? Oh, or maybe he's like the son of Demeter and all his powers are in growing things and nature, he can summon butterflies and birdies like a Disney princess but he's useless in a fight. For Yata I actually really like the idea of him being the son of Hermes, like he fights normally using his bat or the metal pole like in the series proper but imagine he can grow wings on his shoes or even on his skateboard and it gives him super fast mobility and matches perfectly with his quick reflexes and everything.
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hoodedmenace · 6 years
olympian aesthetics
aphrodite .     laughter – loving ,   sweet smiles ,   dressed in silk and satin ,   flower in their hair ,   sees the world as a runway ,   unapologetically sexual ,   the sea washing their ankles ,   in love with love ,   stirrer of passion ,   cunning concealed by painted lips ,  secret daggers ,   doves ,   revolution in their kiss ,   delighting in the waves ,   flirtatious winks ,  strolling along the beach ,   staring wistfully from a balcony ,   this is how to be a heartbreaker ,   wants to be adored ,   gets turned on by danger .
apollo .     glitz and glamour ,   art galleries ,   turning the volume up ,   being made of gold ,   neatly – organized music sheets ,   notebooks filled with poetry , bathing in the sunlight ,  the powerful urge to create ,   collecting vinyl records ,   beautiful cover of wonderwall ,   playing multiple instruments ,   tasting like sunshine ,   healing touch ,   speaking in prophecies ,  smile mingled with wrath ,   shunning lies ,   sporting shades ,  hanging out at music festivals with their friends ,   sleeps naked ,   arrow to the heart ,  paint brushes ,  probably has a tinder account .
ares .     armed for battle ,   wants to raise a dog with their significant other ,   soft spot for children ,   gives piggyback rides ,   scarred body ,   blood on their hands and face, willing to fight the world for the ones they love ,   fights against in/justice ,  warm hugs,   well – worn combat boots ,   boxing gloves ,   bandages wrapped around bruised knuckles ,   fist raised in protest ,   ignites revolutions ,   fear is a prison ,  more sensitive than what their tough shell would have you think ,   exhausted ,  damaged goods ,   force to be reckoned with ,   red roses ,   curses under their breath.
artemis .     keen sense of a hunter ,   freckles like constellations on their skin ,  piercing eyes ,   disheveled braid ,   moonlight peeking through the shadows ,   the calm of the forest at night ,   lying on the grass and staring at the stars ,   mother doe and her fawn , protecting their kin ,   the moon shimmering on a still lake ,   quiver full of arrows resting against the bark of a tree ,   running with wolves ,   bonding while circled around a campfire ,   not being much of a people person ,   arrow hitting a target ,   popping egos ,  patience on 3% ,   touches heaven and returns howling .
athena .     discerning gaze ,   unreadable face ,   quiet museums ,   owl perched on their finger ,   armor that intimidates ,   eye for architecture ,   plays the sims for the sole purpose of building houses ,   studied the blade while everyone else was busy getting laid ,  big fan of logic ,   loves brain teasers ,   ancient buildings ,  sweaters in neutrals and cool colors , hair done up ,   can kill you with their brain ,   heads to the library often to research ,   sharpened pencils ,   abs that can cut steel ,   stoic statues ,   pottery classes .
demeter .     soil – covered hands ,   smile that can bloom flowers ,   skin loved by the sun ,   being the mom – friend ,   can lift you and your friends ,   flowers kept in the pockets of overalls ,   takes pride in their beautiful garden ,   speaks to their plants ,  leaves rustling in the wind ,   stalks of wheat ,   picking fruit ,   greenhouses ,   heart as strong as a mountain ,   values simplicity ,   daisies dotted across a collarbone ,   curls crowned with flowers ,  folded pile of sweaters in warm hues ,   pulling out fresh – baked bread out of the oven and the smell wafting through the air .
dionysus .     drunk shitposter ,   on their sixth glass of wine before you’ve even finished your second ,   seductive smirks ,   untamed curls ,   rich fabrics on dark skin ,   sleek – furred panthers ,   theater masks ,   stage productions ,   receiving a standing ovation ,   rose caught between their teeth ,   being the baby of the bunch ,   wild parties that last from sundown to sunup ,   creeping vines , inspiring loyalty ,   grand opera houses ,   masquerade balls ,   rolls of film ,   shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine – spilled floor ,   pouring champagne into flutes ,   lives for the applause .
hephaestus .     the calloused hands of someone who knows labor ,   sweaty brow ,  flame burning in their eyes ,   inventive mind ,   broad shoulders ,   goggles ,   nuts and bolts stored away in little boxes ,   ashes ,   striking a match ,   blueprints for future projects ,   fixing up a busted up car and giving it cool upgrades ,   wrestles with bitterness ,   work boots have seen better years ,   wrinkled plaid shirts ,   iron melted in blazing fire ,   huge jackets ,   crafting masterpieces ,   greased – stained overalls ,  fascination with robotics ,   pain is fuel ,   stack of weaponry ,   even their muscles have muscles .
hera .     resting bitch face ,   dressed to the nines ,   cows grazing on a pasture ,   cool rain,   loving and hating fiercely ,   hand clutching a string of pearls ,   large chandelier with glittering crystals ,   plays the sims for the sole purpose of killing off their sims ,   romance to realism ,   pictures of the sky while flying on a plane ,   files that under fuck it,   downs glasses of wine as they relax with a scented bubble bath and netflix ,   like their selfie or you’re grounded ,   knows 57 convenient ways to murder a man ,   dark eyes that penetrate your soul ,  marble and gold .
hermes .     devil – may – care smile ,   always up – to – date on the latest technology ,will steal your french fries ,   does it for the vine ,   shitposter ,   puts googly eyes on everything ,   meme hoarder ,   long drives on the highway ,   mom and pop diners ,  spontaneous road trips,   folded maps ,   fingers dancing across the keyboard of a laptop ,   shooting hoops on the basketball court ,   chatting up strangers as you all journey to your own destinations ,   goes jogging in the morning ,   mixes redbull with coffee ,   menace on april fool’s ,   hoodies and sneakers .
poseidon .     storm with skin ,   colorful coral reefs ,   waves crashing against the shore , stroking the soft fur of a cat ,   their heart pounding as their horse’s gentle trot speeds into a gallop ,   tousled locks ,   clothes smeared with paint ,   owns several sketchbooks yet always yearns to own more ,   leather jackets ,   fondness for diy projects ,   handwriting that flows across the page ,   nimble fingers playing the strings of a violin ,   velvety singing voice that haunts your dreams ,   mood as ever – changing as the sea ,  the roar of a motorcycle ,  compass with a spinning arrow .
zeus .     thunder in their heart ,   running on coffee ,   flash of lightning ,   natural charisma,   eloquence ,   badass in a nice suit ,   aficionado of history ,   force of nature,   lenny face ,   nightmare – filled nights ,   proud arm around their lover’s waist ,  high – rise buildings ,   planes soaring through a cloudless sky ,   technician on the piano ,   maintains order ,  strong handshake ,   juggling multiple events on their busy schedule with ease ,  expensive watch .
tagged by: @prcved tagging: anyone who wants to do this!
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Wonder Woman Costume Details: Golden Eagle Armor Explained
Since early promotion for Wonder Woman 1984, one look has captured everyone’s attention: Diana’s golden suit of armor, with its fantastical set of wings. The Gal Gadot incarnation of Wonder Woman has broken the grimdark doom-and-gloom black leather superhero look from her very first appearance in Batman v. Supermam: Dawn of Justice, and she’s only become more colorful and bright with each successive movie, including Wonder Woman 1984’s rainbow poster aesthetic that showed off the wing-less version of the armor.
Dubbed her Golden Eagle Armor, this look originated in the comics and it’s exciting to see it come to life on the big screen, especially the way Diana sheds the wings so fluidly. It’s the kind of move we often see depicted on the page but is hard to imagine translated to a grounded live-action depiction, but director Patty Jenkins and her team found a way that’s mysterious, magical, and a complete showstopper. And by looking to its comics origin and how it has been used to show Diana’s intentions, there might be some clues about what her golden eagle armor will mean for Wonder Woman 1984.
The golden eagle armor debuted in 1996’s Elsewords: Kingdom Come by Alex Ross and Mark Waid. In this story arc, Wonder Woman, Superman and other heroes take on a dystopian near future, leading Diana to bust out a brand-new suit, along with a shield and a sword so sharp it can pierce Superman’s skin, made by the god Hephaestus. If that hits a little too close to home, take comfort in the fact that live-action Diana’s maiden voyage in the suit is weirdly similar, so maybe Wonder Woman will be what turns this godforsaken year around.
In this story, which has many parallels to Marvel’s Civil War, a new generation of metahumans and superheroes has essentially taken over the planet, and while they’ve eliminated “villains” in the classic sense, their disregard for human civilians has made them a constant hazard, something they either don’t see or change. Superman and a number of other classic heroes retreated from the world after a low-level clash between two such powered people unnecessarily escalated to the point that all of Kansas was wiped off the map – and everyone in it.
Diana convinces Supes to stop farming shirtless in his overalls and get the world back on track, which means taking on the rogue metahumans. Some get in line, but others…That’s when she decided to make their own gulag (yes, they call it that) and puts on the armor, declaring war.
Kal repeatedly worries about her – the Amazons had banished her from Paradise island and stripped her of her heritage and royal title after the Kansas incident, saying she wasn’t making the World of Man a better place – and her new, more violent direction. Standing in sharp contrast to the complicated figure we saw in the first Wonder Woman movie, who battled but only as a way to end violence, this Wonder Woman put on her golden suit to be a soldier, to go to war not just to end war, but to end war by any means necessary. She eventually comes around to the Wonder Woman we know and love, but the symbolism of the armor in its first outing is notable.
It’s worth noting that as an Elseworlds story, Kingdom Come takes place outside normal DC continuity and thus isn’t considered canon. Still, it’s a worthwhile way to explore an aspect of her character that we don’t always see, a very human impulse toward compassion fatigue and become overwhelmed by all the fighting and to give in to the idea of escalating violence. Might the Diana of Wonder Woman 1984 be experiencing something similar when she dons her glimmering armor?
In 1999 the golden eagle armor came to Wonder Woman’s main continuity – albeit with a golden axe instead of the sword – in the four-book Devastation arc, where Diana faces a mysterious foe who has the dark version of her same powers. Created by Cronos, father of Zeus, Devastation manipulates mortals into violence, starting up a war between the states, the National Guard, and separatists/doomsday preppers. It is, once again, #tooreal, when a military commander complains of a president who “cannot control his personal urges” and escalates the country and the world to war.
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Unlike Kingdom Come, however, when Diana puts on her armor, it’s to stop the various warring groups from killing one another. In a sequence that feels very much in line with the Wonder Woman we’ve seen on the big screen, she argues with Devastation (who just wants everyone to destroy one another) that each human life is precious, saying that, “to lose on life is to lose the world.”
There’s another reason Diana wears her armor: she’s injured. It’s rare, but Wonder Woman can get hurt. Since Devastation is also the child of gods, she’s able to seriously harm her, repeatedly sending her to a Sphinx for medical treatment. She’s so injured that the sphinx tells her not to fight and gods wonder if they should intervene on her behalf, but Devastation taunts her about hiding behind the armor, and Diana sheds it, pieces falling in a sequence that might have inspired the supremely cool wings-falling look in the trailer for Wonder Woman 1984.
Since then, Diana has worn her golden eagle armor on a number of occasions, whenever she’s gearing up for the most serious of battles. In 2001’s Our Worlds at War, Diana busted out the armor to fight Imperiex, who was trying to decimate the universe – and her mother Hippolyta wore her own version as well. Two other Amazons wore silver and bronze versions of the eagle armor in Gail Simon’s 2009 story arc Rise of an Olympian, where they faced off against Genocide, an emissary of Ares.
While the armor has always symbolized battle, it has often meant more as a metaphor for the way Diana steels herself against a larger evil plaguing humanity. Looking ahead to the new film, Wonder Woman could be taking on any number of insidious human failings throughout the Cold War – suspicion of our own citizens in the form of the red menace, surveillance, the “greed is good” mentality, the rise of cocaine, even HIV.
Whatever the reason for Diana’s golden eagle armor in Wonder Woman 1984, surely it means she’s facing a mighty foe.
The post Wonder Woman Costume Details: Golden Eagle Armor Explained appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/32lDhV9
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