#will never understand these decisions
nepthys-merenset · 11 months
it makes me soooo mad that these three are not LIs:
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and that these three are:
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i mean, what the fuck?? why are the side characters so devastatingly handsome and powerful and the main LIs so...blah?
sure, we can have a fling with pierce and hephaestus and kiss "ares" (as eris, but looking like ares...and only if we fuck up one of our choices), but damn it, i want full routes and endings with characters who are actually cool and interesting! seriously, was ANYONE actually romancing jason or theo??
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sweet-allien · 20 days
My love for Logan aside, you have to give him credit for the fact that he ALWAYS kept his cool. Literally when they announced another driver for 2025 he uploaded photos of his vacation without mentioning that they literally replaced him with another rookie and yet he remained calm and incredibly respectful and even now he still doesn't say anything about everything that happened at Williams.
And in my opinion he handles more questions from journalists much better (You probably know who I'm referring to with that line)
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vexahlla · 3 months
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yet another cartoonishly evil thing i can explain I CAN SHUT UP!!!
first of all, this show is an exaggeration of itself at this point. we should just acknowledge that before anything else. but i do have actual things to say about this lol
let's be clear here, this is an absolute batshit decision from the writers. the song is pure camp. but the rest of it has some actual grounding.
penguin wants power, respect, and adoration. all things lacking from all the times he's been underestimated. he saw an opportunity to take gotham (fortune favors the bold!) and he took it. he grabbed power. he can force respect. he can be the sole provider of ammunition in his now ruined city.
now adoration on the other hand... he cannot grab or force that.
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he's not talking about love here. he's talking about adoration. he may NEED love, but he's acting on his WANT.
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ed's right here (i mean he shouldn't have said it about HIMSELF on the penguin-suffers-but-ultimately-gets-whatever-he-wants show) and it's a DIRECT result of his mother spoiling him.
oswald craves love but doesn't know how to give it. this was at the core of his and edward's initial conflict, this is something ed saw in him. he puts himself first. he grew last season in terms of martin, in terms of edward, but they are the exceptions to the rule. he valued his own revenge over his friendship with butch.
and so he starts season 5 with no friends, by his own hands. and it's different from all the way back in season one. he only had himself before. now he has less than nothing. he only wanted power then. now it's all he has. and it's corrupting. "i was not a good friend, to you or to anyone, it's why i'm alone." he's spiraling and everyone in gotham is collateral.
...speaking of adoration, let's talk about ed.
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the reason oswald "fell for" ed was because he saw someone who would give himself entirely to him. ed is always desperate for the approval of authority figures. it's why he prioritizes finding "an enemy or a teacher" when he's trying to claim his identity. it's why he attaches himself to both oswald and lee.
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if ed hadn't caught onto the cruelty and betrayal of trust with isabella, penguin would've used him the same way.
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ed craves love but doesn't know how to recieve it. this was also present in their initial conflict. the reason ed shot os is because he couldn't face the truth of being in love with him. of being just like the man who took his girlfriend's life (how many partner's love interests has he himself tried to kill again?) the most repressed man in gotham city 💚
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azureinkwell · 5 months
Hello! ( ̄ω ̄)/ Do you play lots of Choice of Games IFs? Do you find yourself constantly frustrated with their lack of save system? Well allow me to give you a [Hopefully simple though probably redundant] guide on how to save your games! For the record there are other ways I just don’t know/use them this way works for me.
So I made a post of this before kinda, it was as a response to an ask for @barbwritesstuff [Fantastic creator btw I highly recommend giving them a follow.] BUT I didn’t like how messy it was since I tried to do it quickly, there was also a typo & honestly, it bugged me to no end. (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
Now that that’s taken care of onward! For this guide I’m going to use @barbwritesstuff game Blood Moon again because well I’m already set up for that. Before we begin, we need two things the program and our games “Code” [Technically it’s called Game ID but Code is quicker].
I use a program called CoGSaver which can be found with a fairly easy guide on its use here. [Hence the redundant part but hey always nice to have multiple guides and I included pics (・ω<)☆]
[I find this program to be safe but please always use caution when downloading things from the internet.]
Next the Code, to find it we’ll need to go Right click our games desktop icon and select “Properties”. You should see it immediately.
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Now once you’re playing your game and come to a point you want to save open CoGsaver and click “Select Game”
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Next we’re going to navigate to our game data, remember that Code? Each steam game has one and they will be listed as their Codes so that’s how we’ll find it.
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Now just select the “storePS<gamename In this case Blood Moon>PSstate”
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Congratulations! ♪♪♪ ヽ(ˇ∀ˇ )ゞ You have now made your game accessible to be saved! From here just Click “Create Save” to save and “Load Game” to load simple right? Well just forewarning when you want to load your game, you’ll need to close out your game and reopen it to load up your save point. Is it a bit tedious? Yes, but there you go now you can save your game, Happy playing!
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the-labyrinth-of-me · 2 months
Wait did both Alice and Zane record Alan when he was at his lowest point? Didn't Alice make her exhibition to show the world what she sees? To show Alan the truth about himself? That it never was Scratch visiting and terrorizing her, but Alan himself? Did she depict his "self" and Zane depicted his "persona"? The two sides of him that he wishes he can eliminate bc they brought him into trouble (Scratch representing anger and the fallouts with paparazzi and stuff, Zane representing his self-destructive behavior with alcohol and drugs and the party nights)? The both sides that caused his marriage to start falling apart? Was that the reason Zane made that video of Alan when they were on that booze and drug-fueled bender while working on the Return manuscript? Is this party video the companion piece?? Alan's downward spiral, same as Alice's photos? Do they fucking work together aasdffjfjfkfk
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nelkcats · 1 year
Selfish Desires
Danny was tired. Tired of fighting, tired of running and tired of repeating the same routine day after day. Even Desiree could tell that the halfa didn't take her as seriously as he should, but she didn't complain. The boy had a rough couple of days.
That's why the ghost sighed and called for two chairs instead of continuing fighting. Danny didn't know what made him do what he did, but he told Desiree what was bothering him.
"They still don't understand," Danny murmured, his voice cracking, "I thought they needed time, I gave them time, but I don't think it helped."
"That's probably because you're the only halfa in existence, and they are humans" Desiree shrugged, "you know, neither Plasmius nor your clone are the same as you, that makes it a bit hard for them to understand you"
Danny was frustrated, frustrated because he knew the ghost was right, he was the only one who didn't fit in with anyone, so he made a rash decision. He ignored his own rule and wished.
"I wish there was someone who would understand," Danny said, allowing himself to be selfish, "or someone who could come to understand, someone like me."
Desiree looked at him curiously but shrugged before snapping her fingers. Her power was growing because of the wish, but she didn't really care. Maybe she'd go back to the Realms for a few days, Danny was annoying, but even stupid kids with hero complexes deserved a break.
A few metres away, a boy with a red helmet on his head appeared. Jason had just lost contact with his family and his satellite equipment wasn't working. He frowned and examined the partially destroyed city around him, where had he fallen?
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abirddogmoment · 3 months
today's hot take for dog people: management is not the same thing as training.
#dogblr#unpopular opinion: a lot of the current flavour of dog 'training' is actually just management#does your dog know how to make a good decision? does your dog know what a good decision even is?#or is your dog under such heavy management that they never ever have to make a decision on their own?#YES set your dog and yourself up for success!!!! absolutely!!!!#but (unpopular take) errorless learning is detrimental to overall wellbeing#stress is a part of life and of your dog crumples when they experience A Stress then you have a serious problem#teach resilience as a skill#dont misunderstand this on purpose#im not saying let your dog run wild unruly unmanaged#im saying train your skills and then trust your training#when it is safe to do so let your dog make a decision#(this is not in response to anyone on here#i am casual irl acquaintances with a service dog handler and i do not respect her handling/training/management#i am very frustrated with the lack of nuance between training vs management#and the beautiful space where they overlap#people who are here from Not The Dog World#management is setting up your environment so your dog makes the decision you want#eg using a long line so your dog has no choice but to come when called#training is teaching your dog to make the decision you want them to make#ideally you would use both (management while training) but the current flavour of dog training#tends to put all responsibility on you as the person#to manage your environment so the dog never has the opportunity to make a mistake#instead of training your dog so they understand what the 'right' choice is and WANT to choose that most of the time#i am braced for the deliberate misunderstandings that are likely to come out of this post#THERE IS NUANCE PEOPLE
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grumpysunfish · 5 months
Can we like. Stop projecting modern day western class discussions into mdzs. Or better yet stop talking about class altogether since so many of you are clearly ill prepared for it.
I love mdzs for how complicated and different it is from what I'm used to and seeing all of that get whittled down into the same old tired money/power = bad when it is so much more than that. It's a completely different system and culture. Western capitalist critiques isn't going to cut it people.
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extravagav · 5 months
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#THIS IS LITERALLY LITERAAALLLYYY THE BIGGEST FORM OF CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT SUGISHITA COULD HAVE#NOT ONLY IS HE DOING WHATS BEST FOR UMEMIYA BUT HES PUTTING HIS TRUST IN SAKURA TO HELP HIM#AND OH IM SO UNWELL#HIS BODY IS PHYSICALLY REACTING TO HIM MAKING THIS DECISION IM JUST#IM SO PROUD#and then sakura acknowledging all of this too i just love them sm#they really have one of the best dynamics 😭😭😭#wind breaker#kyotaro sugishita#sakura haruka#wind breaker spoilers#wind breaker manga spoilers#ok nvm im still talking bc the second image literally gets me everytime i look at it#first off the way they drew sakura in that scene in the first place is just so beautiful thats the only word i can think for it rn 😭😭😭😭#second seeing this scene from sugishitas perspective and then learning later that the reason he has this reaction was because he thought-#-sakura looked cool and hes never thought that about anyone before just really gives us so much more for their relationship#specially how sugishita acts towards him 😭😭#add that onto what umemiya says to him (which i couldnt include in this post </3) about how hes never really shown emotion to anyone-#-till sakura showed up then it gives us an even BETTER understanding of why sugishita acts the way he does around sakura#my brain is so frazzled by the sun today and words are not coming to me easily so apologies if none of this makes any sense 😭😭😭#ill revisit it another time anyway#also the way they describe all of this really makes it sound like he has a lil crush and its so sweet 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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vio1315 · 2 years
I feel the need to remind people,
There is nobody Jesus is unable to save
I feel it comes up far too often that I am researching a mental illness or behavior or types of people that people will comment how such people will never be saved, never come to Christ
And I honestly think this is an evil thing to say, let alone publicly, let alone where a record of it is kept for all to see for however long the website is running
Do you have any idea where people who are struggling with all manner of things and looking for help are going to end up? On those exact pages. Do you know where they might look for more information when the article/video/etc waxes on about how rare it is for these people to change or find help? Right in the comments.
How dare the people who post this stuff. To take away the only real hope for the lost. To say ‘this is where everyone can find peace for their soul except for you.’ ‘only those good enough can be Saved’
I have seen people mention being in absolute despair because there’s no help for them even though they want to change. There’s no need to make this even harder. 
No sin, no mental illness, no habit, no personality type, no mistake, no past is going to prevent people who put their faith in Jesus’s death and resurrection from being Saved, so stop trying to turn them away and discourage them.
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thehecklingmouse · 5 months
Listen guys I get that the new watcher news sucks and is awful, I hate it too, but I think some people are overreacting, just a little bit. The pivot to streaming is absolute bullshit and, objectively, a bad move but you don't need to scorn everything they've ever made just because they made a stupid decision. Ryan, Shane, and Steven are human beings trying to grow their company and they've made a bad bussiness desicion. They are not devils and everything they've ever made is not suddenly bad, they're just idiots, and sometimes, it's okay to just be an idiot.
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Joseph, just like Chika, had someone weak and helpless in his care. However, when the threat of death from starvation drove him into a corner, he refused to abandon the one he promised to protect. Unlike Chika
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haxxydraws · 1 year
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These are the updated / new refs I'd post to art fight... If the SITE was loading...
Anyways, have a new style of refsheet I'm playing around with right now. Some have new art, some have old art, some have new art that was rendered over old sketches-- I'm pretty excited about how they turned out! Hopefully I get a chance to upload them tomorrow between bouts of the site freaking out, but if not I'll try to update my stuff within the first week or so.
EDIT: Attack me at ~haxxy
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acediscowlng · 3 days
another funny kind of narrative dissonance with dead boy detectives is like. okay. so the boys are convinced that once a ghost's unfinished business is done, Death can find them immediately and take their souls. Which she does. When they're ready to go, she arrives and takes them where they need to go. But therefore this means that the boys immediately have to run away as soon as a case is finished or she'll take them too.
But there's also like. A whole community of ghosts. Just kind of hanging around. Everywhere. Like. In general. There are a lot of ghosts. They seem to be a whole entire community of ghosts. Emma hangs around in a graveyard, a place infamously not associated with death. Suicides apparently automatically get a special version of being a ghost where they are not in Hell but also not taken by Death to the afterlife. Like. Are all these ghosts also under the impression they're like. Pulling a fast one on Death? Do they all think that she can simultaneously turn up to where a ghost is within seconds but also somehow fails to notice a whole community of ghosts just kind of chilling in the same place for decades. Or is this like, a Charles and Edwin thing that no one has the heart to correct them on despite the fact that most ghosts are fully aware that Death simply does not give a fuck where they hang around.
#ara rambles#dead boy detectives#the existence of the lost and found department also kind of makes this more confusing#because like. what is their actual job???#because hell and Death are the ones actually taking the souls#and neither seem to need a guide on where they are???#they just turn up???#Death is death she just turns up she doesn't lose souls there is never any indication that she ever loses souls#so like. the lost and found department has an entire bureaucracy to.... keep track of young souls that aren't actually lost???#we see the devlin girls end up there for processing???so death must take them there but for what???#because the decision on hell/not hell is decided the moment they leave because either Death picks you up or Hell does#so if you're bound for Hell that's decided the moment you die#so what is the processing for??#and on that note. because again. it's not the lost and found department's job to pick up souls#that's either Death or Hell#so like. what was the Night Nurse's plan. why did she want to pick Edwin and Charles up???#That is literally not her job it has never been her job and it continues to not be her job#like the devlin girls are also lost child ghosts and it's not the night nurse who picks them up??? it's still death??#also they're a lost and found and like....#*other* people bring lost things to lost and founds#lost and founds do not actively go looking for things you lost that is not and has never been a thing#so genuinely have no idea what's going on there tbh#i have so many worldbuilding questions about this show you don't understand
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irafuwas · 10 months
i don't know why, but in the sparse five hours of sleep i got last night, my brain decided to plague me with dreams of lilia taking care of an elderly silver, up until the final moments of his life. i could hear silver's thoughts the whole time, and he was so absolutely inundated with shame and guilt it almost seemed like he was suffocating. he kept thinking over and over and over again that this all should've been the other way around. he should've been the one looking after his father in the twilight of his life. he should've been his aging father's rock, his safe place to land, his stalwart defender against a world so unbelievably cruel to its most vulnerable denizens. again and again his heart cried out in vain, it should've been the other way around.
as a child he had once wished - prayed, even, to the same force now threatening to reclaim his spirit back into its unconscious designs - for his father to live a long and prosperous life, and it was as though that very wish had backfired on him in a way he never could have possibly imagined
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skunkes · 2 months
1 week until surgery...my brain keeps trying to talk me out of it bc i dont Need it and im scared of medical environments and Pain but i have to remember this is one of the only things that has ever made me consider wanting a tattoo and also the only thing that's made me Excited For and Wanting visible scars...
And also I've been making "i want sterilization and testosterone" meltdown tweets every other week for many many years so we're scratching one off the list LOL
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