#justin bieber gif hunt
aurora-starwars · 6 months
Oh my gosh your requests are open! I’m so hyped. Can I maybe request like a Dad! Jake Sully x Daughter! Reader where reader is just so much like Tsu’tey, stubborn and always spites him but they still get along? I can picture Jake missing his na’vi brother and his daughter is just him all over again. I mostly think of Ghost by Justin Bieber to be Jake trying to relive the short time that him and Tsu’tey get along.
Grief Is The Price We Pay For Love
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Pairing: Dad!Jake Sully x Daughter!reader (platonic)
Summary: Jake can’t stop seeing Tsu’tey in his oldest daughter
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: mentioned violence, like one or two curse words
Word Bank: Kuru - Neural Queue; Olo'eyktan - Leader of the clan; Ikran - banshee, large flying animal; Iknimaya - rite of passage for the Omatikaya; Omatikaya - na’vi clan on Pandora; Pa’li - direhorse, horse like animal; skxawng - moron, idiot;
A/n: It has been a while, and for that I am truely sorry, life just kept sweeping me away. But I enjoyed writing this! Thank you for requesting! Please enjoy!!!!!!! <333333333333
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As soon as she was born, her yellow eyes seemed to pierce Jake Sully’s just as Tsu’tey’s used to.
 Born alongside Neteyam, [Name] bore the distinct features of the Na’vi. Kuru starting at the top of her head, prominent lack of eyebrow, three fingers. All features he should associate with his mate, Neytiri, the mother of the twins. But as Jake watches her grow, he can’t help but see his fallen Na’vi brother.
Jake thought it would fade away, that it was something from his past haunting him and his daughter didn’t actually look like the reincarnate of Tsu’tey at all. Besides, if he were to see Tsu’tey in anyone, surely it would be his remarkably Na’vi son, who bore many of the same traits of his sister. But as they grew, Jake and Neytiri both could see just how similar [Name] and Tsu’tey actually were.
It started early, when they were teaching Neteyam, Kiri, and [Name] to walk, a fairly simple and necessary step for any child. This didn’t stop little [Name], who was a little less than a year old, from being stubborn. Neytiri and Jake started by holding their arms, lifting them up onto their feet so that they could stand. When they could stand, they would let go, moving away slightly in hopes they would follow. The ‘they’ was just Kiri and Neteyam. When they tried to help [Name], she only swatted her hand away and pouted, giving the most hateful glare one could receive.
Regretfully, Jake laughed at this, earning a smack to the shoulder from Neytiri. How could he not have though? [Name] looked just like Tsu’tey like that, acted like him too. Jake smiled fondly at his oldest daughter, who soon after tried to stand on her own, feeling left out from her siblings.
Another time Jake saw Tsu’tey in [Name] was when he was teaching [Name] and Neteyam how to hunt. They weren’t very old, five or six max, and they still had a lot of learning to do. This, however, did not stop [Name] from trying to teach Neteyam how to use a bow, despite hardly knowing how to use one herself. It was day three of teaching the kids and [Name] was on Neteyam’s back about his posture. She kept hitting his belly, telling him that he had to tighten his muscles, hitting his arm, telling him to raise his elbow. While she was right, Jake couldn’t help but chuckle to himself, how many times did Tsu’tey mock and criticize his form? Too many to count.
By the time Jake came to the present, Neteyam had half-heartedly thrown his bow down, huffing in frustration before running up to Jake and hugging his leg.
“[Name] is making fun of me!” Neteyam’s weak voice whined.
“It’s not my fault you suck!” [Name] laughed, her small hands on her hips.
Ever since then, [Name] seemed to beat out Neteyam in every subject. In skill, she beat all of the young warriors her age. She was quickly becoming one of the best warriors of her age, of the clan! Jake was more than proud. Proud of not only his daughter’s success, but just how Na’vi she has become. Na’vi, just like the most Na’vi person he knew.
No matter where she went, [Name] would always remind Jake of Tsu’tey. Remind him of when they got along. And when they didn’t.
Like the day after her Iknimaya.
Jake knew he shouldn’t be worried, she wouldn’t be alone, and yet he did not want her to go out riding ikran with her friends. Her friends where nice kids, all warriors like her, that he has taught, but she just bonded with her ikran, the bond was new, and he did not trust [Name]’s ikran just yet. He remembers Bob, it took a few days, at least a week for them to completely trust each other. He did not want [Name]’s ikran to get spooked by something and leave her for dead.
[Name] did not take this news very well.
She was just leaving their family home, a wide smile on her face, when Jake stopped her. He knew she was so excited to attempt her Iknimaya and was even more proud to have successfully bonded with her own ikran. That is why he was not surprised to see her smile fall, her ears pin back, and shoulders slump.
“What? Why?” she wasn’t unreasonable, if her father had a good reason, she would respect his commands.
“Baby girl, I have said you cannot go, do not argue with me,” unfortunately Jake was not great at communicating.
[Name] gave him a piercing glare, shooting daggers that seemed to wound Jake immediately. But he could not show it, would not show it. He is the Olo'eyktan, he must act like it.
But does not stop the pained look that washes over his face once she had walked away.
Later that night, Neytiri scolded him lightly for preventing [Name] from enjoying time kids her age for once, instead of taking care of her siblings or training. While Jake was still apprehensive about the situation, feeling as if his fears were justified, he felt his rules might have been too strict this time.
It was good timing for this resolution because not even an hour later, [Name] arrived back to the family hut, having been gone all night riding her ikran with her friends.
Jake stood up immediately, making his way to the entrance of their home, waiting for [Name]’s eyes to meet his. When they did, [Name] seemed to have more composure than him, he almost felt threatened by her eyes. As if he was the one to do something wrong, not her.
“Where have you been? I thought you were with your siblings?” Jake was more than confused, was she not just sleeping in her room with her siblings?
“Dad, we both knew where I was, no need to do this,” she did not seem angry, but she did stand her ground like the grown warrior she was becoming.
“Do not worry, Father. I have been watching the others,” Neteyam remarks, walking out of the Sully kid’s shared room.
He lays a hand on his father’s shoulder, “If anyone can go out alone on ikran and be fine, it is my sister. If anything, she was protecting the others, and you know they fight well.”
Jake smiles at his son, patting the hand on his shoulder. Jake nods, looking down as if thinking before looking back up at his daughter. He smiles at her, extending a hand, an invitation.
Her piercing gaze drops, her smile reaching her face again as she breaks out into a warm laugh, taking her father’s hand. Jake pulls his daughter and son closer, bringing them into his chest, where they rest their heads.
Later that night, all Jake can think about is how [Name] seemed just like Tsu’tey in that moment.
Tsu’tey patted Jake on the back, a harsh sort of pat, one you would give if you secretly wanted to do harm to the other.
“Jakesully, you do not understand our ways, you will never be one of us,” as much as his words sounded serious, with the smile on his face and the light tone in his voice told Jake that this was more affectionate than hostile.
Jake aimed his bow again, taking in a deep breath, eyes locking onto the makeshift target. He sucked in his stomach, raised his elbow and let go.
“Ah, pretty good,” Tsu’tey nodded, looking at the bulleye. “For a dreamwalker,” he teased, playfully smacking Jake’s shoulder.
Jake noted Tsu’tey’s smile was light, out of character for the Na’vi who usually wore a piercing glare around him. The smile was unusual but welcomed and only helped Jake prove to himself that he was, in face, becoming one of the people.
But what really sealed the deal for Jake, was when he assigned Lo’ak, Neteyam, and [Name] as look out for Lo’ak’s first mission.
He only let Lo’ak join because he had become awfully annoying with his pestering. Always on about how if [Name] and Neteyam could go, why couldn’t he? Jake figured that Lo’ak would lose interest or get too scared to do anymore if he let him join. How wrong he was.
Lo’ak was a pain in the ass as always, and Neteyam and [Name] were doing their best to keep him inline. The whole way to the checkpoint was full of non-stop chatter and jokes about how he was going to destroy the RDA, how he was going to beat them all up all on his own. [Name] though her eyes might get stuck with the amount her eyes would roll.
“Lo’ak, shut your damn mouth or I will tell mum what you keep in that basket in our room,” [Name] practically barks.
Lo’ak goes quiet, and [Name] can see the purple of his cheeks, even from where she is on her ikran. Neteyam smiles at her, and she takes that as a thanks.
The problem came when they arrived at the checkpoint, bombs went off, the train went off track, and Lo’ak decided he wanted a piece of the action, diving his ikran in the direction of the pa’li riders.
[Name] just held her hand up at Neteyam, telling him to keep on look out, and she dove to join her youngest brother.
When she landed, she found Lo’ak holding a gun, letting out a battle cry.
“Lo’ak!” [Name] came running, eyes dark and her ears pinned, straight for Lo’ak.
“Put that thing down,” she ordered, shoving the gun into someone else’s arms. “Today is not the day to be a skxawng, let’s go,” [Name] grabbed him by the ear and dragged him back to his ikran.
Jake watched this from where he was stationed, feeling a glimmer of pride for his daughter in his chest and a sparkle of deep annoyance for his son. But he was left little time to think before Neteyam warned him of an incoming RDA aircraft.
When they made it back to base, the three young warriors lined up, all three practically unscathed but their sisters still came and checked on them.
Jake looked into his eldest daughter’s eyes, he saw a warrior, a warrior that cared for her loved ones, one that did not take BS. He saw Tsu’tey. His na’vi brother. He looked into her eyes, yellow eyes filled with focus and determination, and he brought his hand from his forehead downwards in a smooth motion.
“I see you, daughter.”
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A/n: Thank you so much for reading! My requests are open so please feel free to request! <3333333
@nyotamalfoy @adrunkskeletonsduck @luvlykrispy @tainted-artist4161 @gamorxa @valentineheartzz @nighttimemoonlover
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lovesharder · 3 years
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♡   !!   if   you   click   the   heart   or   the   source   link   it   will   take   you   to   51   70x70   gif   icons   of   justin   bieber   .   the   psd   is   not   mine   but   the   gifs   were   made   by   scratch   so   all   i   ask   is   that   you   please   do   not   claim   or   distribute   as   your   own   ,   nor   use   them   in   inappropriate   settings  (   smut   rps   ,   canon   celeb   rps   ,   high   schools  rps   ,   incest   ,   rape   ,   etc   )    but   other   then   that   please   have   fun   with   them   !!!!
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lewisossokoh · 4 years
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Water on Music Videos Pt.1
Janet Jackson - Everytime
Mariah Carey - Honey (Bad Boy Remix) (Feat. Mase &  The Lox)
Aaliyah - Rock The Boat
Lana Del Rey - Music To Watch Boys To
Iamamiwhoami - Hunting For Pearls
Jorja Smith -  Be Honest
Gwen Stefani - What You Waiting For ?
Justin Bieber - Company
Ibeyi - River
Sade - Ordinary Love
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iwannagifyou · 3 years
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quirrrky · 4 years
Here’s another round of your yandere selection. Selected pillars are up next! Reminder: This is just for fun!
Rating: T+ Warning: Mild psychological triggers (I guess I didn’t put any here tho) Selected characters only ~(⊕⌢⊕)~
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This guy’s very harmless and gentle
He knows what you feel everytime
He’s always there whenever you need and he doesn’t want to see you sad
Whatever makes you happy makes him happy
Tanjirou will protect you but will never bring himself to hurt anyone unless it’s a totally bad situation
You won’t even think he’s yandere
Though he shows some hints, like how he found out that you changed your laundry detergent O_o
He’ll use the same brand of soap, shampoo, laundry detergent and fabric conditioner you’re using
Being able to smell you always makes him feel like you’re with him
There are times that you’ve noticed your other clothes missing
It’s with him. He always has one in his pocket so he can have your scent wherever he is
Danger level: 5% Yandere song: Baby I’m yours by Arctic Monkeys
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Harmless to you but a possible danger to others
Got nothing on his brain but you. He’s a total trash for you.
Will do everything for you. Will give his money to you.
Everything he does and say is all about you
Zenitsu just wants you to marry him.
And he’s always following you around, bothering about it
He’s annoying, clingy and cries all the time
Kinda’ delusional and thinks that you like him back no matter how many times you rejected him
Even if you hurt him (if ever) and reject him multiple times, he still worships you
Floods flowers on your doorstep
However, eliminates anything or anyone that goes in between the both of you
Extremely jealous
Violent to others when asleep, especially if someone tries to harm you or keep you apart from him
Danger level: 40% Yandere song: Love me by Justin Bieber
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This guy’s very dominant and he’s above all (or so he thought)
You’re a servant to him and he owns you
Inosuke loves it more when you resist him
Loves playing rough games with you whether it hurts you or not
Fond of leaving his marks on you whether those are bite marks or whatever
He thinks he’s the predator and you’re the prey
Will have fun trying to catch you like he’s hunting you (whether you’re actually running for your life doesn’t matter)
Can be sweet to you if you serviced him good
Will give you extra servings of food if he thinks you deserve it
When someone tries to take you away from him, Inosuke’s one slice ’n’ dice away
What’s his is his.
Danger level: 65% Yandere song: Animals by Maroon 5
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indicresources · 4 years
+20 gif icons added to my gif hunt for justin bieber bringing the total to 50! the source link will bring you to the original post <3
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WRAP UP - Week 12
Well guys...we just completed week 12...that means only 2 more weeks and then we are in the playoffs - which means 1/2 of the league will be done with their season. We are past the encouragement and joking around - from now on the wrap ups are gonna focus on who is in and who is out. Who locked their spot and who is still fighting to be in it. Whatever happens...I can honestly say that when the season ends I will miss you guys. Cherish these final weeks. There's nothing like NFL season!
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While I was trying to secure a playoff bid - Scotty K (aka Tree Huggers) and Cliffy Y (aka Lanakila) were obviously planning some sort of trade deal or split the money scam over champaign and who the hell knows what else they were drinking or smoking. This was a brutal week for me...without Mahomes I picked up Cam Newton who was benched before half time. Fortunately I was playing a 2-9 team and could manage a win with only 81 points. Well, that is if Russell Wilson doesn't throw up 38.78 points tonight. I'm claiming victory and if my calculations are correct...and if I can manage 1 more win over the last two games I should be able to secure 1st or 2nd place and be in the playoffs...but next week I face the #1 guy in my division...Cliff Young - so winning next week is a must.
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Speaking of Lanakila...who will remain in first place in the Even Division after Funk Guy couldn't shut him down...Cliff moves to 9-3...and Dana to 5-6. So Cliff is 1 win away from clinching 1st place and a bye in the playoffs. Dana on the other hand - has only 1 way into the playoffs and that is through the wildcard slot (whoever has the most points between those not in first and second). In order for Funk Guy to do that he has a lot of work to do in the next two weeks. Cliff...I look forward to our battle next week. I hope to even up our records going into week 14 by grabbing another win. Dana...not sure what to say here. I have to be honest and say it's not looking good but never say never as Justin Bieber says.
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Yes, it's true - Kyle pretty much ran over Stu...and yes, I think I have used this GIF before but it's so good and so perfect. Poor Stu. Ever since the loss of King Henry, Stu just keeps losing. He has worked his way down to 5-7 and that means even if he wins the next two weeks he can not get 1st or 2nd...so he is officially in the wild card hunt and with over 1300 points he has a good shot...he just needs to not quit. Kyle on the other hand is trying to grab 2nd place...and with 2 more wins by Kyle and 2 more losses by me...he can do just that. Anything can happen with both of these guys so it should be fun to watch.
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Nope. How is this possible? How is Brett suddenly 7-5 and grabbing high point wins ($20). Seems like most of the year I have been watching this guy lose (feels that way anyway) and now he's in the hunt and taking down the Moose? In fact the Moose is now 5-7...WOW. From Champion to Chump just like that! So what does all of this mean in the Odd Division? Well, suddenly Brett is tied with Gully for 2nd place (record wise) but Gully has a good lead with points...so for Brett he needs to keep winning and Gully needs to lose in order for Brett to move into that 2nd place playoff spot. Now is not the time to lose Brett...keep going and what a crazy coincidence that you play Gully in week 13! Will be fun to watch! Moose...pray Brett loses and you keep scoring points...Wild Card is your path.
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And...down goes Gully. Bebo is on FIRE! 6 wins in a row. He has taken the top spot in the Odd Division with a record of 9-3 which means Gully has to win the next 2 and Bebo has to lose the next 2 otherwise Bebo is guaranteed to grab first place and the Bye week in week 1 of the playoffs. Nice job Bebo - Congrats. Gully is still in good shape. He has the most points in the division so he is probably going to grab a playoff spot based on points for sure but I can assume that everyone but Brett in the Odd Division will want Gully to grab second place so all the rest can battle it out for the Wild Card. It's getting good!
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This is what I call the battle of the losers. Both of these guys were sitting at 4-7 going into the week. Which means the outcome of tonights game really doesn't matter. They are both in the situation I described above...hoping Gully grabs 2nd place so they can be in the wild card hunt...they both are about the same points wise so any little bit helps. At the time I wrote this Howard was up 89.60 to 85.90 but Gabe already had over 15 points from McKissic and Metcalf had a goose egg for Howard. Usually I would come back and write what happens but it really doesn't matter...it's all about points. Congrats to whoever won!
That's it guys...good luck in week 13.
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coach-a-k · 6 years
Why...I train to be an amateur MMA fighter...in 4 or 5 Paragraphs ( new to this with a language barrier !)
Alright. To set things straight from the start...I could take down a grown man in 30 seconds with a combo of my mad krav maga skills, my potty mouth, and a killer smile, but in no way I can say I’m a good mma fighter, not yet at least. But, I am a fighter! In this blog, I will share my thoughts on training mma as a determined female in a male dominated environment ( please look forward to my thoughts on ranger panties...uhmm) and give you ladies and gentlemen some advice on how to handle yourself in close combat situations with various range of opponents...tall, short, overly sweaty, big boned, long limbed (ugh), Justin Bieber 2007 hair, high school cool kids, hot guys, guys who like you, guys you like, girls you like and girls who like guys and that’s why they are in this gym to begin with...yey, it will be so much fun for me to share!
Let’s start! So, in February 2017 I randomly decided that I wanted to fight in a cage. Well, perhaps me saying that it happened “randomly” is not all together accurate as for about a month prior I considered training MMA to be my new hobby...alongside joining roller skating derby team or hunting . But on February 6th, MMA won! And why not the other two? Well, I am not into team sports and don’t think I would fit in well with the derby girls...or spandex.
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As far as hunting...it was on the table until I found out that one cannot just leave a dead deer in the woods. I thought for a sec about strapping a deer carcass to the hood of my Honda Fit...and that was it...a big NO.
But I think it did land on MMA because, sadly, I wanted to impress all the dudes I work with...or at least make them think...wtf is wrong with her...utterly confuse people about who I am, because I am confusing and unpredictable. And lastly, the deal was sealed over some T&Ts with a friend who just soooo amazingly marveled at the idea of me learning martial arts that right there at that momemnt I decided that I would not stop until I was being stitched up after a cage fight.
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And then...there is that last thing...that I really do not know why...why I always run hundred miles an hour and fill my days with pursuit of crazy goals. I am just not sure yet...
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*Phil Klay, “Redeployment “
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hoanq2802 · 3 years
Bí danh các sao sử dụng khi check-in hotel
New Post has been published on https://khachsanthanhdong.com/bi-danh-cac-sao-su-dung-khi-check-in-hotel.html
Bí danh các sao sử dụng khi check-in hotel
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Nếu nhìn thấy những cái tên như Bryce Pilaf hay Miss Lollipop trong danh sách check-in hotel, rất có thể khách du lịch đang ở cùng những ngôi sao nổi tiếng.
Nhiều người nổi tiếng tự nghĩ cho mình những cái tên thay thế để cho phép họ qua đêm tại các hotel nhưng mà không lọt vào tầm ngắm của giới paparazzi.
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Giới paparazzi luôn là nguồn cơn gây quấy quả số một của các sao khi họ đi tới bất kỳ đâu. Ảnh: Blingringxx.
khách du lịch đã bao giờ nghe thấy những cái tên như Bryce và Jasmin Pilaf ? Bryce là một diễn viên chính từng nhận nhiều đề cử Oscar, góp mặt trong những bộ phim đình đám như Ocean’s Eleven (11 tên cướp thế kỷ), Fight Club (Sàn Đấu tử sinh) và Moneyball. Jassmine cùng sánh vai với Bryce trong những bom tấn như Mr & Mrs. Smith, Maleficent hay Changeling. Và đây chính là bí danh của Brad Pitt và Angelina Jolie.
Justin Bieber thích cái tên Chandler Bing – nhân vật do Matthew Perry thủ vai trong series Friends (Những người khách du lịch), Kim Kardashian có tên giả là Princess Jasmine (công chúa Jasmine trong phim hoạt hình Disney, Aladdin và Cây đèn thần).
Beyonce tự gọi mình là Ingrid Jackson còn chồng cô, Jay-Z, lấy bí danh theo tên cố ca sĩ – diễn viên Frank Sinatra, để mọi người nghĩ anh chỉ là một người đàn ông chung. Cái tên này còn xuất hiện trong ca khúc đình đám Empire State of Mind.
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Bí danh các sao sử dụng khi check-in hotel
Jay Z song ca cùng Alicia Keys trong Empire State of Mind.
Theo US Magazine, chuyện những ngôi sao hạng A sử dụng tên thay thế để check-in hotel hay đặt bàn ăn tối không phải hiếm trong giới showbiz.
Justin Timberlake và vợ Jessica Biel thích cái tên Mr. và Mrs. Woodpond. Kristen Stewart thích mạo danh là quý cô Chuck Steak (Bò Bít Tết) hay tài tử Johnny Depp thường đăng ký với tên giả Mr. Drip Noodle (Quý ông Mì Nhỏ Nước). Ca sĩ Fergie của The Black Eyed Peas chọn cho mình cái tên trùng với con phố Penny Lane nổi tiếng từ ca khúc cùng tên của The Beatles.
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 Penny Lane – The Beatles.
Những bí danh vui nhộn khác phải kể tới Tom Cruise với Cage Hunt (Săn Lồng), Usher với Mr. Dinero (Ngài Tiền), nữ diễn viên Mila Kunis của Black Swan là Señor Pants (Ngài Quần Dài)…
Bí danh được nhiều người tiến công giá là thông minh nhất thuộc về tài tử Geogre Clooney khi anh check-in với cái tên Arnold Schwarzenegger, tên thật của cựu thống đốc bang California. Schwarzenegger song song là khách du lịch diễn của Clooney trong phim Batman and Robin.
ntttArnold Schwarzenegger trong vai ngu01b0u1eddi bu0103ng Mr, Freeze cu00f2n Clooney thu1ee7 vai Batman. u1ea2nh: Pinterest.”https://vnexpress.net/”>
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Phạm Huyền
Theo: https://khachsanthanhdong.com/
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frailbaby · 6 years
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Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin Look at Home Where Demi Lovato Overdosed as They House Hunt
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dizzedcom · 6 years
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Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin Smile and Wave as They Leave Church Together: Pic The couple spent the day house hunting together in Los Angeles. [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
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