#jyin noonbreaker
penguinpyro · 7 months
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She likes the bang bang
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penguinpyro · 4 years
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Based on prompts from www.deviantart.com/iduna-haya/… by Iduna-Haya My characters used: Day 13- The Best Friends: Elle Hendricks (below) and Rue Wesson (above). She's not actually that strong, it's just the Power of Friendship (tm). Day 14- The Gun Lover: Jyin Noonbreaker. I have several characters that are into guns, but only one of them wears bullets and carries a squad automatic weapon like it's a purse. Day 15- The Cutie Pie: CORALINE. She's pretty much pop idoldom incarnate. Day 16- Someone else's OC: Undead hunter by Pachumaster Day 17- The Helper: Reapurr the Nekomancer, the ever-handy medical examiner/nekomancer. Day 18- The Nature Lover: Rhiza the Woodling. Crazed ecoterrorist. Nuff said.
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penguinpyro · 4 years
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2020 OC-tober Days 7 to 12 Based on prompts from www.deviantart.com/iduna-haya/… by Iduna-Haya My characters used: Day 7- The pet owner- Jyin Noonbreaker and her "dog" Day 8- The mechanic- Mark Cizin Day 9- The grandfather- Lewis Fose Day 10- The quiet one- Life Blossom Day 11- The handsome one- Bianco Achromis Day 12- The thief- Lanette Wesson Critique welcome!
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penguinpyro · 4 years
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"Yep, best soldiers. Best fighters, soldiers, scrappers, cutthroats and pirates in the known world. Even the humans say we’re real warlike, even compared to them. You know, in old times, way back before human and Esarph contact, we were all soldiers? All the ancient deilikki did stuff like farming and crafts on a rotating basis, so everyone got a chance to fight at some point. Of course, with the introduction of modern technology and division of labor and all that noise, all of us get to be soldiers full-time. It’s great! Before the Reckoning, people actually fought wars over the right to recruit us into their armies. Very flattering. Humans are great. They’ll start wars and battles over anything and we get to take center stage as ‘shock troops’ or ‘special forces’, or whatever neat words they have for asskickers. Doesn’t matter to me though, long as I get a reason to break skulls."
-Jyin Noonbreaker, deilikki pirate ---- Another concept art for my writing project.
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penguinpyro · 4 years
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A bunch of character concepts for a writing project called Redemption Ain't Free, details of which will be released later. A bunch of important characters' appearances. I'm a very visual kind of writer, so I think this helps me better describe them in prose. Also, this was a surprisingly good place to depict a few hairstyles I haven't drawn before. Top Row left to right: Stella "Raspberry" Barr: 'Fraidy Shady Piratey Lady. Astra Barr: Apocalyptically dangerous gun wizard. Phoebe "Oni" Aki: Deadly serious and seriously deadly. Jill Amity-Kane: The Law, now in pink! "Isra": She's not called the Boogeywoman because she dances... Ieun Denborne: That one guy who just can't shut up even when killing people. Bottom Row, left to right: Gerald Jager: Six-shooter, a grudge and incredible mutton chops. Dinchunginerigung the Duor: Moleman engineer who will cut your hands off for calling him a moleman. Wendy Astraea: Makes up for lack of depth perception with more dakka. Regsur Obolkin: Best boy lizardman pastor! Jyin Noonbreaker: When you absolutely, positively have to kill every last motherfucker in the room. Druk Varounis: Blind without his sunglasses. Even indoors.
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penguinpyro · 4 years
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"Barr? The law woman who turned pirate? They say a lot of shit about her. Say she killed her sister during the Warning Shot. Signed up to SLEDGE afterwards, enforced the law, real hard-ass about it. They say she finally snapped and went pirate during the Reckoning, now she steals from everyone- League, Order, independent merchants, other pirates, even underfolk. What would I know what she's thinkin', though? Ain't no one worked with her, at least not that they'll admit, with a list a' enemies that long. Just be careful if you're chasin' her. They call Barr 'Raspberry' 'cause she likes purple, but also 'cause she's got hidden weapons from head to toe. The Stellar Armament she carries is just the start of it. Wouldn't cross her any time soon."
-Jyin Noonbreaker, deilikki pirate
Another picture of Stella Barr, main character from my writing project
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