aecho-rambles · 2 years
This here is a collection of drawings of my other main characters from the first story arc and the friends of Expugnatrix.
The first one is Estian, her trusted best friend and sunshine of the group. He loves baking and makes the best cupcakes. (2020)
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I remember drawing him more than just twice, but I can't find the other images. (WIP from 2021)
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Then there was Om, the Chosen One who joins the heroes halfway through the story. They are my absolute favorite character and my precious child. They are shy because their parents did not want them to waste time on socializing so they had to spend all their spare time training to become the perfect warrior that should one day save the planet from prophesied demise.
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They and Rhiza, the fourth member to join the team have a little rivalry going on, but they become best friends. I'm not sure what that pose is, but I love the colors of her armor.
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Last but not least is Polarfront, their professor/mentor figure who tags along just to make sure his students don't cause any trouble which never works.
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And a collage with the heroes.
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penguinpyro · 11 months
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Inktober, Day 1: Primal
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ser-corviknight · 1 month
forest — for the single-word drive!
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Sometimes a nap in the woods on a drizzly day can be quite relaxing for a gal. Peaceful, and quiet....
Not so much for her brother who got caught in in a downpour on the way home from a day of work.
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aecholapis · 11 months
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Cringetober Day 19: Dolls/Puppets/etc.
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finalfartasy · 2 years
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Gravey fankid 😤 I could not help myself. His name is Rhiza Fogg.
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ciochinaflorin · 2 years
313. RESENTIMENTELE 2. RĂDĂCINA DE AMĂRĂCIUNE [Evrei 12.15 I Proverbe 17.25 I Efeseni 4.29–32]
313. RESENTIMENTELE 2. RĂDĂCINA DE AMĂRĂCIUNE [Evrei 12.15 I Proverbe 17.25 I Efeseni 4.29–32]
313. RESENTIMENTELE 2. RĂDĂCINA DE AMĂRĂCIUNE I Podcast I Pasaje Biblice : Evrei 12 : 15 I Proverbe 17 : 25 I Efeseni 4 : 29 – 32 I Meditaţii din Cuvânt I Cezareea I Reşiţa I 09 Noiembrie 2022 I Sinonimul amărăciunii este resentimentul care este un : „Sentiment ostil față de cineva, provocat de o nemulțumire mai veche ; dușmănie, ură, pică, antipatie …”. (DEX, 2009) (more…)
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bug-gender-art · 5 months
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silly end scene from a non-canon side story with my ocs dahlia (left, she/her) and rhiza (right, they/them)
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hldailyupdate · 2 years
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Harry signed this poster for Rhiza Pascua, the Managing Director of Live Nation Philippines. (16 March 2023)
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pluralsword · 1 year
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We think these two would make a very good team and get a long well.
Despite that we wrote a fic where they butt heads and fight each other because of opposed outlooks due to differing access to information- but c'mon it's Samus and Arcee they'll figure it out. Do you like the Metroid universe? Do you like trans takes on transformers worldbuilding? What about combining the two as if they were seamless parts of each other, and reading these two badasses square off until they come to terms (do you think them fighting would be hot)? Well, then we have the Samus vs. Arcee fic for you, three chapters of it so far, as part of our Duel of Journeys series of crossover vs. that handles things differently than Death Battles and similar things do, in the following respects:
-presenting an ostensible reason for the two sides to be fighting, because outside of sparring, motivation helps drive and define combat
-in situations where the power levels are skewed (e.g. Arcee is a fantastic fighter and certainly a more experienced commander than Samus but barring her time-traveling Alternity iteration Arcee does not have the armor / defenses to survive Super Bombs, Super/Ice Missiles, Hyper Beams, the Metroid Suit, etc etc. Her swords with her reflexes are missile defense systems but um well blast radius is still a thing so there's a big difference between Samus's missiles and Bombshell's) show what other advantages both can bring to the table, not fighting in a vacuum/void from the rest of the world
-as such, it is not necessarily a battle to the death. It is about victory by defeating or persuading, and ones allies and loved ones can get involved. (to make a non Star Wars example, if you threw Admiral Susan Ivanova of Babylon 5 and Grand Admiral Thrawn of Star Wars against each other while yes their close quarters fight would be interesting we think their abilities as space naval commanders would be much more interesting to see against each other)
-with that in mind, finishing whatever plot comes after if possible
It's really more of a character analysis / comparison thing. So there you have it, good hunting! If people want to suggest matchups please do so in asks or comments or reblogs of this post, bear in mind that we will want at least one character involved from any of the following (yes we will favor robots), and may not write what we are unfamiliar/uncomfortable with, and we will also consider team-up fics instead of vs.:
-Transformers (e.g. Chromia), GI JOE (e.g. Scarlett), Steamworlds (e.g. Piper Faraday), Battletech (e.g. Kamea Arano), Sunless Skies (e.g. Reckless Driver), Babylon 5 (e.g. Delenn), Supreme Commander (e.g. Rhiza). We will add to this list when we have time. <3
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There’s been an addition to Perhi’s family in my FC’s rp in FF14
Perhi’s firstborn (with M’zhet Tia), M’ahtzi, meets her little sister, G’rhizabelha, aka Rhiza (fathered by G’raha Tia)
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pipiru · 2 years
Monotropa Uniflora aka the “Ghost Plant”
Cool plant facts:
The plant has been used as herbal medicine for anxiety.
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Sometimes it's completely waxy white -blackens with age- but often has black flecks or pale pink coloration. Rare variants may have a deep red color.
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When the plant gets brown colored it does it to look dry and avoid being eaten.
The fruit, an oval capsule-like thingy, enlarges and becomes upright when the seeds mature, at this point stem and capsule looking desiccated and dark brown or black.
Native to Asia, North America and northern South America.
Monotropa uniflora is the most common species in Wisconsin and the rest of North America. It is also known from Japan. There are relatives of this plant that occur throughout the world.
Unlike most plants, it is white because it does not contain chlorophyll.
Instead of generating energy from sunlight, it is parasitic.
Its hosts are certain fungi that are mycorrhizal - A mycorrhiza (from Greek μύκης mýkēs, “fungus”, and ῥίζα rhiza, “root” is a symbiotic association between a fungus and a plant- with trees, meaning it ultimately gets its energy from photosynthetic trees.
It’s not dependent on sunlight to grow, it can grow in very dark environments as in the understory of dense forest.
The stems bear a single flower.
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sessilywatt · 1 year
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2023 Week 23: The Mississippi River from under the Lake Street/Marshall Bridge, last Sunday morning.
Currently reading Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake. From the Introduction: “Plants only made it out of the water around five hundred million years ago because of their collaboration with fungi, which served as their root systems for tens of million years until plants could evolve their own. Today, more than ninety percent of plants depend on mycorrhizal fungi—from the Greek word for fungus (mykes) and root (rhiza)—which can link trees in shared networks sometimes referred to as the ‘wood wide web.’ This ancient association gave rise to all recognizable life on land, the future of which depends on the continued ability of plants and fungi to form healthy relationships.”
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aecholapis · 4 months
Hi, hello, hi :D For the asks, 2 for the HeliWingJet polycule (because I'm predictable) and 14!
Hi! For the boys, alright! :D
2. What's your oc's orientation? (Romantic/sexual/platonic alterous ect) Do they have opinions about it?
Helios - polyamorous demiromantic (romantic attraction based on pre-established trust)
Ironwing - ambiamorous homoromantic (romantic attraction towards the same gender, or in his case this means individuals with the same identity)
Nightjet - polyamorous omniromantic (attraction to all, no preference)
They're all ace. Every single one of my TF OCs is asexual actually, now that I think about it. Hm.
As for their opinions, I think Helios would just love everyone who treats him fair and understands him, and doesn't mind him being himself around them. He puts up a front most of the time in the presence of too many strangers so it's nice to drop the friendly neighbor act when someone has seen through it. Acceptance is his biggest green flag.
Ironwing has had four boyfriends in his lifetime (three of which are dead, btw, why am I doing this to him) - I guess he likes them? I don't know, lmao.
Nightjet is a sappy romantic and he was just waiting for someone to be romantic with. He's not picky, though that's not always a good thing. It worked for him.
14. Do you have ocs on the aro or ace spectrum?
My TF and Brave OCs are asexual, some are also aromantic and some are aplatonic and some are both. (Do I have to list them? There are. Many)
Light of Aether OCs:
Ace: Amber Varnice, Cryo Volta, the Sorceress
Aro: Avalanche, Flamaclam, Icador, Rhiza
Aroace: Malfunction/Vindictus, Lucerna, Nameless
Apl: Scyre, Tinnitus, Etra
For the rest, I didn't think about it before or it's not relevant to the story.
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rh35211 · 2 years
Nickel | Encyclopedia.com
Nickel is the only element named after the devil. The name comes from the German word Kupfernickel, meaning "Old Nick's copper," a term used by German miners. They tried to remove copper from an ore that looked like copper ore, but they were unsuccessful.
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the love of money is the root of all evil
Die Liebe zum Geld ist die Wurzel allen Übels
radix omnium malorum est cupiditas
Source text. The original Koine Greek reads, ῥίζα γὰρ πάντων τῶν κακῶν ἐστιν ἡ φιλαργυρία (Rhiza gar pantōn tōn kakōn estin hē philargyria) — "for the root of all evils is the love of money." The Greek word αργυρία(argyria) may, like its cognates in many European languages, be translated as silver or money.
1 Timothy 6:10
King James Version
10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
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aecho-rambles · 2 years
OC Master List
Transformers & Brave/Yuusha:
All characters have been adapted into both franchises, but their personalities, designations and designs can vary to some extent. Their Cybertronian designation is stated first, the Brave equivalent second (only if it differs), and all aliases (as well as their combiner names) will be mentioned in brackets. If any of the names sound hilarious (cringeworthy) or you recognize a reference, chances are high they were named like this on purpose.
Helios (Helix, Heliayre)
Nightjet || Night Jet (Super Jetter, Helix, Heliayre)
Railjet || Rail Jet (Jetter, Super Jetter)
Acidsplicer || Arrow Jet (Jetter, Super Jetter)
Snowblast || Snow Jet (Jetter, Super Jetter)
Viridian || Viridian Glaze
Azurian || Azure Glaze
Ironwing || Iron Wing (Heliayre)
Firecry || Copper Fire (Bronze Lord)
Anvil || Copper Drill (Bronze Lord)
Dataduct (Artecust) || Copper Turbo (Bronze Lord)
Cryoslope || Copper Diver (Bronze Lord)
Altitude (Berserker)
Swan Song
Triator (Tertius Incubus)
Sonar (Fidelitas, Secundus Incubus)
Torqueris (Acceleris)
Nightshift (Acceleris)
Scintilla (Acceleris)
Cinderclaw (Acceleris)
Sunburst (Acceleris)
Pariah Carry
Missile Tow
Petri High
Brave Police J Decker:
These two are illegally constructed mechs made from Deckerd's stolen blueprints in a daughter-company that was founded by Victim O'Rand. After his second death, the company dissolves and most of its employees go to work for another underground organization that has accumulated all the data they need to make more robots with Super A.I. The two mechs are left behind, but the Scotland Yard Braves find them and they band together.
Point Rue
Sir Lockhart
Super Giant Robot Brothers:
Pointy is one of the failed G.R.I.T.S. contestants. An alien from the empire finds his discarded frame on the scrap yard and steals it to gather more information about the EDF. The empire starts building their own robots and deploys them during their battles against the Resistance in outer space, but they are too ineffective and faulty to last long. After the Overlord Master is defeated and the hand spaceship docks, a surge goes through the entire ship, which activates the brothers Pointy, Crusader and Splendor and grants them sentience. They flee and join the Resistance, searching for the imperial mother ship's location and fighting their other imperial siblings who could not escape the Overlord Master's influence.
Wave Breaker
E.M.P. Error
Iron Leaguer:
A bunch of Leaguers who take part in winter sports (skiing, snowboarding, biathlon, etc.)
Glacier Jet
Frost Burn (Frost Brothers, part of the Dark Knights)
Frost Gale (Frost Brothers, part of the Dark Knights)
Frost Core (Frost Brothers, part of the Dark Knights)
Echo Location
Snow Drift
Light of Aether - Original Story:
This story does not exist yet. Not outside of a large document, that is. It is about the life and struggle of a society of alien cyborgs, inspired by five different franchises (Metroid, Transformers, Astral Chain, Tron, Warrior Cats). The original idea was actually a Transformers x Sailor Moon crossover my cousin and I came up with, and then we just took the parts we contributed to it and made it our own thing. She created a magical girl story, I wrote about cyborgs and space and war.
In the end, I might never publish anything about it, but my OCs still exist and bits of them they carry over to all the other franchises as well, such as their names, their personality, their concept and more. And I intended for the main character to have an over-the-top name, because I found it funny and I really don't want to change it. It is ridiculous, but I love it.
A. Vion
Echo Volta
Bravo Volta
Cryo Volta
Amber Varnice
Malfunction (Vindictus, is actually a robot, not a cyborg)
Flamaclam (Firecry)
Nameless (Light of Aether - personification)
Alien OCs that are part of the Space Pirates.
V. Rita Jocea
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tobacconist · 2 years
isn't liquorice an artificial sweetener
no? its a root (glyco-rhiza = sweet root)
it has an intense sweet flavour but does not taste at all like liquorice candy (which tastes of aniseed)
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