#köln icons
linzillaa · 3 months
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Guts World Tour - Cologne, 12.06.2024 📸💜
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trytoshotmedown · 1 year
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andycgngay · 1 year
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„Das kann ich nicht. Was soll ich denn sagen?“
„Das wird nicht gut ausgehen.“
„Ich kann doch jetzt nicht einfach abhauen.“
„Wo soll ich denn in Köln pennen?“
„Wenn ich jetzt nach Köln fahre, denkt Colin, dass ich nur seinetwegen dort bin.“
„Vielleicht hat er gar keinen Bock da drauf. Ich sollte ihn fragen, ob er überhaupt Zeit hat.“
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und Schuld ist dieses iconic Duo:
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dashalbrundezimmer · 10 months
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weiße stadt & blauer hof // köln buchforst
architects: wilhelm riphahn & caspar maria grod
weiße stadt and blauer hof were both planned by the renowned architects riphahn and grod, whereby the blauer hof (1926-1927) is the older of the two estates, the white city was then built from 1929-1932. both estates are clearly committed to the style of the new objectivity, whereby the weiße stadt takes minimalism to the extreme in its design. In recent years, both estates have been renovated and modernised and the façades have been restored to their original design as far as possible. in the centre of the weiße stadt is the church of sankt petrus canisius, which was also designed by grod and riphahn and is one of the few churches in the bauhaus style in cologne. after being destroyed in the war, it was rebuilt by dominikus and gottfried böhm. the interior was redesigned for the last time in 1992 by maria schwarz. several of cologne's icons of modernism were involved in this church.
die weiße stadt und der blaue hof wurden beiden von den namhaften architekten riphahn und grod geplant und errichtet, wobei der blaue hof (1926-1927) die ältere der beiden siedlungen ist, die weiße stadt wurde dann von 1929-1932 erbaut. beide siedlungen sind deutlich dem stil der neuen sachlichkeit verpflichtet wobei die weiße stadt den minimalismus in der gestaltung auf die spitze treibt. in den letzten Jahren wurden beide siedlungen renoviert und modernisiert und die fassaden soweit wie möglich wieder an die orginale gestaltung angepasst. im zentrum der weißen stadt liegt die kirche sankt petrus canisius, welche ebenso von grod und riphahn gestaltet wurde und zu einer der wenigen kirchen des bauhausstiles in köln gehört. nach kriegszerstörung wurde sie von dominikus und gottfried böhm wiederaufgebaut. eine letzte umgestaltung des innenraumes erfolgte 1992 durch maria schwarz. somit beteiligten sich mehrere der kölner ikonen der moderne an dieser was sie schon zu etwas besonderem macht.
die siedlungen lassen sich gut mit den öffentlichen verkehrsmitteln aus dem kölner zentrum erreichen oder dem rad. das auto sollte man stehen lassen da vor ort parkplätze rar sind.
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Schloss Einstein Staffel 4 Pt.4
Annas Mutter so "Mir egal, dass meine 14-jährige Tochter mit nem 18-jährigen zusammen ist. ABER SIE HÄTTE NICHT MIT IHM IM AUTO FAHREN SOLLEN!"
Josh im Rock! Gender Non-Conforming Icon!
Anna liest auch Hamlet
"Ey Josh. Du siehst unheimlich stark aus auf dem Bild." "Wundert dich das?"
Ich will die Eisdiele zurück. Der Falafel-Stand hat 1. nicht denselben Vibe und 2. keinen Giovanni.
"Ein weiterer Schritt zum Untergang des Abendlandes."
"Wir gründen einfach ne Firma. Schloss Einstein Wildkräuter und Co." Klingt nach einer Idee für Joel
Alexandra darf endlich auch mal wieder vorkommen
Der Vater von Paul und Paula war bei der Namenswahl aber auch maximal unkreativ
"Wow ein externes Modem!"
Eine 80 GB Festplatte und 256 MB RAM!
"Das kannst du doch nicht machen. Weniger Kräuter für mehr Geld." "Warum denn nicht? Wir haben doch freie Marktwirtschaft."
Die Kräutergarten-Gang betrügt die Kunden und haut dann ab
Währenddessen betreiben die Dorfkids unlauteren Wettbewerb und klauen Kräuter aus dem Schulgarten
Jetzt klauen die Dorfkids nen Kürbis aus dem Schulgarten
"Was er sich im Übrigen sparen könnte, wenn seine Tochter ihren weiblichen Pflichten nachkommen würde" Frau Schmalfuß direkt unsympathisch
Max und Hendrik sind gecancelt wegen toxic masculinity
Johannes fängt ne Schlägerei mit seinem Bruder an weil er nen Kürbis geklaut hat
Der Kürbis-Projekttag ist ein Fiebertraum
"Was können wir dagegen tun dass Paul von Max und Hendrik gemobbt wird weil er tanzt?" - "Wir zünden die Lagerhalle an und dann muss er Kim dramatisch daraus retten!"
Elisabeth is back!
Paul hat einen Nervenzusammenbruch und schlägt die Spiegel im Bad kaputt
Max und Paul verabreden sich zu einer Schlägerei und schlagen dabei Paula k.o.
"Halt doch endlich die Fresse du Gartenzwerg" Leo Hölzer bist du's?
Max hat jetzt aufgehört Paul zu mobben weil Paul ihm in die Fresse geschlagen hat
Ne 2,5 Zimmer Wohnung für 350€ warm
Wolfert ist mit den Namen der Teletubbies überfordert
"Wenn noch einmal jemand das Wort Gefühle benutzt dem werd ich EIGENHÄNDIG DIESES TELEFONKABEL UM DEN HALS WICKELN!"
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fashionbooksmilano · 7 months
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Il Gentleman
Il manuale dell'eleganza maschile
Bernhard Roetzel
Art Director Peter Feierabend, Foto Günter Beer
Könemann, Köln 1999, 360 pagine, 22x26cm, ISBN 3-8290-3562-4
euro 32,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
La barba, i capelli, la biancheria intima, la camicia, la cravatta, l'abito, giacche classiche e sportive, la scarpa, cappotti e giacconi, il cappello, gli accessori, la maglieria, per lo sport, abbigliamento da cerimonia, abbigliamento da casa, la cura del guardaroba.
Il libro rivela i segreti delle icone dello stile maschile, dell'arte di abbinare motivi e materiali classici, tessuti e colori, ed è ricco di suggerimenti, curiosità, aneddoti e indirizzi utili. Dalla cravatta alle scarpe, dai boxer allo smoking: tutto ciò di cui l'uomo necessita per la cura e l'eleganza personale viene qui raccolto e spiegato in maniera esaustiva, con l'ausilio di un ricco apparato di immagini.
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adidasshorts67 · 9 months
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FC Köln icon: Pierre Littbarski.
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footballandfiasco · 6 months
(Düsseldorf Fan here) wtf is happening with dfb pokal???? Personally I am happy that we technically were better in pokal than both Gladbach and Köln. But also wtf is going on???
Btw once again love your content very much 💕💕
i am LIVING for the chaos! only one bundesliga club in the top 4? how iconic!
saarbrücken did an absolute masterclass there & i really hope they can reach the finals! also rooting for düsseldorf against leverkusen! i think leverkusen will inevitably lose a game - so why not in the pokal game? fingers crossed!
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cantcatchmeee · 2 years
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The iconic design piece by Thilo Oerke was designed for Rosita Tonmöbel and is reminiscent of the space movies of the late 60s and the simultaneously strong belief in progress of that time.
📷 - Joachim Clüsserrath, Köln
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thommi-tomate · 11 months
What is your top 10 most memorable Bayern’s matches? (by that I mean matches that immediately comes to your mind to you when you think about Bayern, matches of which you know the score and the story by heart because they marked you) And then tag ten other Bayern's fans : )
Thanks for tagging me Lise dear @acrazybayernfan 🫶🏽
Several I didn't see at the time but in repeats but even as repeats they made me feel a lot.
They don't go in a specific order but I put them from most recent to oldest
1. Bayern vs Köln 27/5/2023: it is very recent but I think it is really a moment that will live forever in the collective consciousness, most if not all of us really thought that the league was lost, after 10 years and seeing that goal of Bambi, waiting for the result in Dortmund, the explosion of happiness of everyone, I really cried a lot, I did not believe it, I really think it was one of the most magical matches of the club.
2. Bayern vs PSG 7/4/2021: the end of the Flick era, one of the most beautiful ones but that the fall was a resounding one for many different factors, a game that could have been more and the result was frustrating especially for losing against a team like that and against someone as annoying as N*ymar, I also think it was a turning point for the club.
3. Bayern vs Barcelona 14/8/2020 : it's a bit funny how often that match is remembered more than the final itself, but it is an iconic result, not only for the club but for the history of football in general, the goals kept coming and one could only wonder is that they are going to end? A match that made us puff out our chests with pride showing the overwhelming power of the team, simply incredible.
4. Bayern vs Hoffenheim 29/2/2020 : a match that despite winning 6-0 I think what was really memorable was the performance of the players, coach and management asking for respect to the fans and the solidarity protest with the Hoffenheim players in the last 15 minutes, the fact that the whole team scolds the fans is not something that happens often and is really something that surprises.
5. Bayern vs Wolfsburg 22/9/15: of this one is simply iconic and historical those 5 goals in 9 minutes by Lewy, there is nothing more to say a football milestone
6. Bayern vs Dortmund 25/5/2013 : the most incredible, spectacular and iconic champions final of the last 10 years and I don't care if someone says it's not, because they lie, after the animic blow that 2012 was for the team that final will always be the holy grail, I love the 2019/20 season but is that 2012/13 is something different, that match, even from the previous show was something spectacular, exalting all the senses, simply a marvel.
7. Bayern vs Chelsea 19/5/2012 : the game that was the breaking point of the team, with nothing in their hands, reaching that final at home and losing it in an incredible way despite that incredible goal by Thomas, but despite being very painful it was an important point for the club and what it is now, that generation was golden and turned the pain into energy to create a revolution of the club, create a fearsome and overwhelming giant. Whenever I think about that before being what the club is now some tears come to my eyes from seeing what a team was creating little by little , stone by stone.
8. Bayern vs Inter Milan 5/22/2010: the final of the UCL, despite being completely defeated, I think it was an incredible game more than anything else for what it represented, the team came with the illusion of winning a treble, and although they did not win the Champions League I think from that game you could see the foundations of what would become the era of modern Bayern.
9. Bayern vs Lyon 27/4/2010 : UCL semifinal , Ivica makes a hattrick, is a match that I would pay to have seen it live, it was a magical match, that hattrick of Ivica was vibrant, I was very excited and that was a replay, Ivica I think he is not remembered as much as other players but personally I love watching replays of his games, he was an incredible striker.
10. Bayern vs Dortmund 12/9/2009 : this one has more of an emotional value from Thommi because it was his first Klassiker where he scored his first goal in Bundesliga and also his first brace and at the home of the bees, I am very excited to see that game no matter how many times I watch it because I always find it amazing how talented Thomas has always been.
Tagging: @ryumuller @thomas-mvller @probayern @gxtzeizm @liverpool-enjoyer @miasanmuller @miroslavcloset
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kidasmoon · 1 year
To say I'm not absolutely devastated would be a lie. I'm in tears. Last year I read over here a rumour that Jonas wouldn’t be much longer in FC Köln. I didn't think it twice, and inmediatly booked a flight to Europe (I'm from Mexico, btw). All my savings went to that trip. August came, and after many days of adventure through different cities, I finally arrived to Cologne. The match I attended was Köln vs Stuttgart. The final score was a tie but I didnt care, I saw MY team, and most importantly I saw JONAS HECTOR PLAY. I still can’t believe I did that. I saw him, I walked through the streets of Cologne, entered their iconic cathedral, eat and devour their delicious chocolates, but must of all, I can't believe I was at the same space and time as my beloved captain. I'm in tears, I can't stop crying. To many it may seem as something stupid to cry over the retirement of a football player. But for the people who know me, they are VERY aware of my LOVE for this man. Some people here in tumblr may feel the same as me. And if don't, just imagine your favorite football player o f1 driver the day they'll decide to stop. I'm devastated, but not as much as if I wouldn't have done that trip back in august 2022.  Farewell my Jonas Hector, I will always support you.
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architectuul · 1 year
Charlotte von Moos (ed.): Miami In The 1980s
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König, Köln, 2022
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First things first: that book is cool. The graphic design, in mint green and dusty pink is clearly an homage to its subject – the architecture from postmodern Miami. But not only it respects on glossy paper the colour code of an era and style, it’s full of new drawings (plans and façades) that allow us to understand buildings we knew as images in depth and to consider their architectural qualities. As it must be the book starts with screenshots from the main title of the TV-Series Miami Vice (1984-89) that reminds us that – for the first time in history – architecture had become a real protagonist in storytelling. Remember: two undercover cops dressed in Hugo Boss suits hang around Miami driving a white Ferrari Testarossa, they pretend to be drug dealers to catch the bad guys enjoying the sun of Florida. This criminal society meets and lives in houses that fit their lifestyle and the neo-modern villas from Arquitectonica are not only the decor of their life – they tell us about the taste, the habits and the dangers from those people. Michael Mann was the creator and executive producer from that series and if you’ve seen any other of his films you’ll know one thing: he loves the visual power of architecture and understands the role it can play in storytelling (so was Alfred Hitchcock ‘s review).
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Many of us know the images from Miami Vice and if, like me, you were born in the early 1970s and watched too much TV – you looked at them as an adolescent and became an architect because of them. I did. But the genius of the book is to reveal us the context, the ideas and concepts that were around at that time and who brought a generation of architects to the invention of a very unique and local style. For sure, as post-moderns, they wanted to play with history, to mix Adolf Loos or Le Corbusier with ornamented porticos à la Aldo Rossi (the buildings of Duany Plater-Zyberk are a perfect example from this approach). But one should not forget that the iconic Spear House (1976-78) was the child of a project developed by Laurinda Spear and Remment (not yet) Rem Koolhaas in 1974, at the peak of his obsessions with Surrealism, Constructivism and the Berlin Wall. Last but not least, they all understood the power of colour and refused the dogmatic boredom of white plaster. The essay from Charlotte von Moos unfolds all those references, brings unknown archives to life and fascinates with its enthusiasm. The whole book makes it clear: those buildings were not just a set for TV-series but true architecture with its successes and mistakes.
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The in-depth essay is followed by short introductions with archival or new photographs (and drawings) of 19 projects made my S.O.M, Philip Johnson & John Burgee, Mateu Architecture, Duany Plater-Zyberk, Isamu Noguchi and – of course – Arquitectonica. It’s like eating a pistachio, raspberry, mint and vanilla ice cream: you know you shouldn’t like it and that it’s gonna make you sick, but you cannot stop. Still, and that’s probably the goal of the book: many of those buildings are now in danger – the taste of the inhabitants has changed, downtown Miami craves for densification and the constructions are too young to become historical monuments (think about the IBA87 in Berlin). A whole visual chapter is allocated to the demolition of The Babylon (1981) by Arquitectonica, and alerts us that it might be our last chance to visit those buildings believing we are undercover cops driving a white Ferrari.
Now comes a spoiler, like in movies, but I’m gonna tell you how the book ends (so stop reading here if you don’t want to know)… The final spreads are dedicated to fashion shoots that were done in the Spear House for GQ or Vogue. The legs of a lady in a bikini enjoy the swimming pool, a young man in pyjama stares into our eyes, other people sunbath on the terrace or jump into the water. They pose with their perfectly clean clothes and rather impossible haircuts (too much hairspray involved, much too much – but that’s the 1980s). What becomes clear, looking at those images, is that architecture – here, is more than a decor. It’s a part of a lifestyle that includes nice cars, expensive watches and shiny garments, making the American dream a kitsch and unattainable Gesamtkunstwerk. A total work of art.
- Thibaut de Ruyter
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gokitetour · 3 months
The best cities you must visit in Germany
Experience the heart of Europe in vibrant Germany, where medieval castles stand tall against modern skyscrapers. From the historic streets of Berlin to the fairy-tale landscapes of Bavaria, Germany offers a tapestry of culture, art, and innovation. Indulge in world-renowned cuisine, sip on traditional beers, and explore picturesque villages nestled in lush green valleys. Whether you seek history, nature, or nightlife, Germany's blend of old-world charm and contemporary excitement awaits. Discover why Germany captivates travelers with its rich heritage and dynamic spirit.
Here are some of the best cities you must visit:
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The capital city is known for its vibrant arts scene, historic sites like the Berlin Wall and Brandenburg Gate, and eclectic neighborhoods such as Kreuzberg and Mitte.
Munich (München):
Famous for Oktoberfest, Munich also boasts stunning architecture like the Nymphenburg Palace, cultural institutions such as the Pinakothek art museums, and a lively atmosphere in Marienplatz.
Germany's second-largest city is a major port with a rich maritime history. Visit the historic Speicherstadt, enjoy the vibrant nightlife of the Reeperbahn, and take a stroll along the Elbe River.
Cologne (Köln):
Home to the iconic Cologne Cathedral (Kölner Dom), this city on the Rhine River offers a blend of Roman history, medieval architecture, and a buzzing contemporary arts scene.
A financial hub with a striking skyline, Frankfurt is also steeped in history. Explore the Römerberg square, visit the Goethe House, and take in the views from the Main Tower.
Known as the "Florence on the Elbe," Dresden is renowned for its Baroque architecture, including the Zwinger Palace and the Frauenkirche, which was painstakingly rebuilt after WWII.
Famous for its historic university and romantic setting on the Neckar River, Heidelberg boasts a stunning castle overlooking the old town, which inspired writers like Mark Twain.
Nuremberg (Nürnberg):
Rich in medieval history, Nuremberg offers the Imperial Castle, the historic old town (Altstadt), and significant sites related to WWII and the Nuremberg Trials.
A city of music and culture, Leipzig was home to Bach and Mendelssohn. Explore the St. Thomas Church, the historic marketplace, and the vibrant cultural scene.
Known for its automotive heritage (Mercedes-Benz and Porsche), Stuttgart also offers beautiful parks like the Schlossgarten, cultural venues such as the Staatsgalerie, and the Wilhelma Zoo.
When considering the best cities to visit in Germany, one cannot overlook the vibrant blend of culture, history, and modernity that each city offers. From the fairytale charm of Rothenburg ob der Tauber to the cosmopolitan allure of Berlin, Germany beckons travelers with its rich tapestry of experiences. Whether exploring medieval castles in Heidelberg or indulging in the arts scene of Munich, there's something to captivate every visitor. Planning ahead includes checking Germany visa requirements to ensure a seamless journey. Embrace the essence of Germany's cities and unlock a world of discovery and wonder.
Read More:
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whatsonmedia · 8 months
January Art Blast: 5 Must-See Exhibits to Spark Your Soul!
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Ready for an art adventure? Explore 5 dazzling exhibitions this January - from Mexican star Abraham Angel's fiery canvases to Ainu art's hypnotic swirls. Join a visual revolution, get lost in polka-dot worlds, and ponder life's truths through simple gestures. Let your art-loving soul soar! Abraham Ángel: Between Wonder and Seduction When & Where: Through January 28, 2024, Dallas Museum of Art Witness the brief blaze of Abraham Ángel, a Mexican artistic star cut short but not forgotten. This historic exhibition, the first of his paintings in the US, gathers 20 captivating works at the Dallas Museum of Art. Across three vibrant years, Ángel's unique style blossomed amidst 1920s Mexico City. Immerse yourself in his mesmerizing canvases, from cityscapes pulsating with life to intimate portraits of a transforming nation. As Diego Rivera declared, "His painting was his life, and nothing in it was not beautiful." Don't miss this rare opportunity to meet a Mexican prodigy whose art burns bright even in darkness. For more > https://dma.org/art/exhibitions/abraham-angel-between-wonder-and-seduction Unwind the Spiral: Dive into Ainu Art's Beauty When & Where: January 13 - March 10, 2024, Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art, Sapporo Journey through the captivating world of Ainu art at the Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art in Sapporo! This special exhibition celebrates the unique design and "moreu" spiral that define Ainu aesthetics. Witness both modern masterpieces by Kaizawa Toru, Nishida Kayoko, and others, and discover the legacy of their ancestors through intricate woodblock prints and textiles. Immerse yourself in this vibrant tapestry of tradition and innovation. Don't miss this enriching cultural experience! For more> https://www.tokyoartbeat.com/en/venues/-/D93DE81F Zanele Muholi: Eye Me When & Where: January 18 – August 11, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Join the visual revolution of Zanele Muholi, a self-described visual activist. From capturing the resilience of the LGBTQ+ community in South Africa to the latest explorations in painting and sculpture, Muholi’s exhibition unfolds a dynamic narrative of identity, resilience, and activism. For more> https://www.sfmoma.org/exhibition/zanele-muholi-eye-me/ Weaving Light and Memory: Yayoi Kusama at Tate Modern When & Where: Until 27 February 2024 at Tate Modern, London Immerse yourself in the captivating infinity rooms and polka-dotted worlds of Yayoi Kusama, the Japanese artist who has redefined pop art. This expansive retrospective showcases her prolific career, tracing her artistic journey from early experiments with abstraction to her iconic mirrored installations. Tate Modern is a modern and contemporary art gallery located on the south bank of the River Thames in London, England. It is the UK’s national gallery of modern and contemporary art, and one of the most popular art galleries in the world. 2023 Wolfgang Hahn Prize: Francis Alÿs’ When & Where: Nov. 18, 2023—Apr. 7, 2024, Museum Ludwig, Heinrich-Böll-Platz, 50667 Köln, Germany Join us for the opening reception and award ceremony on Friday, Nov. 17, at 6:30 pm, as we honor the remarkable artist Francis Alÿs with the 2023 Wolfgang Hahn Prize. His diverse body of work, spanning painting, drawing, installations, video, photography, and performances, will be showcased in the exhibition curated by Yilmaz Dziewior. From Nov. 18, 2023, to Apr. 7, 2024, explore Alÿs’s artistry at Museum Ludwig in Cologne, Germany, as he examines complex social realities through simple artistic gestures, addressing issues like migration, demarcations, and the consequences of globalization. For mere> https://www.museum-ludwig.de Read the full article
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jazzdailyblog · 1 year
"The Köln Concert": Keith Jarrett's Iconic Solo Piano Masterpiece
Introduction: “The Köln Concert” is one of the most remarkable jazz albums of all time, featuring a solo performance by pianist Keith Jarrett that has become the stuff of legend. Recorded live in 1975 at the Opera House in Cologne, Germany, the album captures Jarrett’s improvisational brilliance and his ability to create an entire world of sound using just a piano. The album has become a…
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