#kagaya x amane
echantedtoon · 2 months
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Kinda like my last post but more poly. Auish so barely anything's cannon. Kimetsu Gauken based. Artwork not mine both found on Pinterest. Will probably contain some headcannons from my Kagamane x Reader headcannons post too.
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-How did you catch the attention of these two couples? You literally had no idea.
-You only knew that you were Muzan's secretary before he hired Kokushibo to take over your job as he was 'better suited.' But unbeknownst to you, that was a way to just get closer to you by Muzan and his wife.
-You've been working for the couple for over two years having been hired by Two to help the both of them manage their companies. Muzan wasn't happy about his wife hiring someone without his say so but relented the because his wife was happy with you.
-You did a very good job honestly. Papers were always perfectly filed, and you were very organized and clean. You kept up with his own and Rei's Business deals separated unless needed to be combined. He couldn't remember how many times the last secretary mixed up their appointments and costed them time and money. You were also on time all the time everyday and had materials at the ready for whatever he needed.
-Rei was quite satisfied with your performance as well and he liked knowing his wife was happy so he didn't care about her inviting you to have small lunch breaks with her and their daughter.
-Their daughter was quite taken by you as well. Smiling and talking about how nice you were and how you had help her learn how to spell a big learn that won her spelling bee at school.
-Rei quite agreed you were quite a charming lady and she wouldn't mind having you around more often. He agrees.
-While you're professional and perficiant in what you do and your bubbly kind and positive personality added a bit of fresh air into the office and at the same time you weren't overly positive for him to find you annoying. If fact he quite looked forward to the way you treated him every morning with your bright smile and a cup of his favorite coffee. How you and Rei smile like old friends and get along so well. How his daughter is always excitedly bouncing around and showing off what cool new facts she learnt 'from the nice office lady'!
-Its inevitable they would find someone as cute as you unable to resist for long. It's not surprisingly Rei that brings up the subject first while at breakfast and he's reading a newspaper. "Dear, Y/n was so kind to teach our little darling how to easily spell arithmetic the other day." "Mmhm. Very nice." "You know I don't think we're really giving her a position she deserves. You've always said that I could use a personal assistant for my work." "Darling, you just read my mind."
-You are shocked when the happy couple announced that you were fired from your secretary job but they were moving you to be Rei's personal assistant. You gingerly try to reject the offer but they insist having already replaced you with Kokushibo who turns out if far more efficient.
-So begins your very awkward new job as Rei's personal assistant. Some of it isn't too different from your old job minus following her around during the day. You still file paperwork for her and handle calls if she's busy, but now you also did things for her such as getting her awkwardly massive food orders-
"I have your double shrimp salad bowls."
"Oh thank you. But I must've gotten too much. You eat the other one you've been working so hard and deserve some food."
And going shopping with her as she gifts you extra items she ..accidentally buys an item she didn't want.
"I have all your bags, Ma'am."
"Thank you. But it seems I accidentally bought the purple heels instead of black."
"Shall I call the store and request a refund for the shoes?"
"No need. You can keep them. They're your size anyways."
-You also start to help out Rei's husband by rearranging furniture in his office as he works and gauges your help in certain things.
"I want you to take this."
".... It's an address and..IS THIS THREE THOUSED DOLLARS?!"
"Yes. I'm thinking about buying a share at this new retreat but unfortunately I'm far too busy to go myself. Go check yourself in for a week and report back to me anything wrong with the place."
Even when you go, granted having a good time, and comeback with your positive feedback you don't see any shares listed for the retreat in the financial database. But he does use your help in other situations too-
"Is this a dinner reservation?"
"Yes. I'm interested in hosting a business dinner together with some investors next week. Go to the reservation and see if their food is up to my standards."
You are concerned when he sees no investors the next week.
-You start to get very awkward when Rei requests you start doing more personal things. Like tutoring their daughter and picking her up from school and playing with her when they're busy. And staying to have dinner with them multiple times a week even if you decline.
-You unexpectedly get a raise despite doing less work than your last position.
-You get invited on outings together to help watch their daughter but for some reason there's always a place set aside for you or the reservations always included a fourth person.
-You get random gifts with excuses-
"My daughter thinks it's your birthday and she'll be upset if I didn't at least gift you some flowers."
"Here. I never used this dress anyways and they got my size wrong."
"My wife misplaced her necklace so I ordered a new one for her. She just found the old one today so you may keep the extra."
-One day you pick up their daughter from elementary school and she's just happily chatting away in the back seat.
"I can't wait for Mother's Day. I'm gonna make you and Mommy the best cards ever!"
"Aw. You don't have to do that. I'm not even your mom."
"Not yet! You have to marry them first and I'm gonna be the flower girl!!"
"Haha! I'm not marrying your mommy and daddy."
"Huh? You're not?"
"Of course not. What made you think that?"
"Because Daddy says I can be the flower girl! Mommy even picked out matching dresses for all three of us in that fancy magazine!"
-Both are a mixed reaction when they receive your professional company email that very night explaining that the hours were starting to get bad for you so you were putting in your two weeks and using all your company vacation days for that entire week so they didn't have to trouble you for a final paycheck.
-Rei is absolutely shocked and very, very confused. Why did you suddenly quit? If the hours were getting to bad then they'd be happy to talk with you about it and rearrange things.
Muzan is pissed. How dare you just quit on such short notice?! After everything they did?! You didn't even have mind to tell them in person!
Both try calling you but get nothing but voicemail, their emails go unanswered as well. Their daughter is very upset. Why did you leave? Weren't you going to marry them?
-Unbeknownst to the couple you use the extra money from your sudden raise to move away to a new residence. Blocking both on your old email and phone before completely getting a brand new email address and number and being sure to block them again on those too before gathering up all the unwanted gifts up to mail them back being sure to include no return address.
-After laying low for about a month you decide to go back out to job hunt. Eventually finding a secretary position open at a local school after the old secretary retired! Perfect! You end up calling the number listed for the principal and she's nice enough to arrange an interview for you with her husband, the Chairman of Kimetsu Academy.
-The interview actually goes very well! Mr. Kagaya Ubuyashiki is a very kind man and his wife is also very kind and both of them were impressed with your resume. You got the job the day!
-You're a little out of your territory being in a a school setting but slowly things start turning. You start to really enjoy your job at the Academy. You've already made friends with a few teachers like Kyojuro and Gyomei.
-Students start to like coming to the office more because of how bubbly and friendly the new secretary is. The teachers start to talk to you more often and invite you to staff parties and outside work events. Events that you were free to DECLINE and no one was giving you an uncomfortable feeling.
-Was working your old job really that stressful? You couldn't remember the last time you actually felt appreciated or just had someone treat you normally.
-Kagaya thinks it's amusing watching you shyly peek into the doorway to his office with papers clutched into your hands and bashfully asking if you could come in. The way you so innocently look unsure of something or squeak out a question. It's adorable seeing your attempts.
Amane finds your sweet and bubbly personality is perfect for the job! Especially when she sees how much you love interacting with the students and always friendly towards her own children. When you shyly ask her for help with scheduling or ask where a certain file is, always puts a smile on her face.
-Speaking of the Ubuyashiki children, you adore the quintuplets! And don't mind watching them in the office for a little bit if Kagaya or Amane was running a little late or had to do last minute work. Because they always asked you if you'd be alright with it first and didn't expect you to do anything outside your job.
-Somewhere along the way they ask you politely if you'd like to have dinner with them without any expectations for you saying yes and you agree wholeheartedly. Making it a weekly thing where you all would all have dinner together Sunday night.
-Muzan and Rei really don't know where you went for the longest time until he just happens to mention you in front of Nakime who recognizes you instantly and reveals it to him.
-Muzan is absolutely RAGED to find out not only are you working for his cousin but seemed to be dating his cousin and his wife!! Rei has to hold him back and tell him to not do anything dumb before he goes to do anything actually dumb like storm into the academy and yell at everyone.
-Instead he furiously calls his cousin and DEMANDS to know what the hell he thought he was doing!! And DEMANDS to let him talk to you THAT INSTANT!!
"Oh yes. You're the really weird bosses she was talking about. How's your dating life going?"
"How do you both manage to get married but still pull no bitches combined?"
Rei later scolds him for cussing in front of their daughter at her cousins and for chucking his phone off their second story balcony.
-She tries to later apologize for his tantrums via calling Amane who firmly states that they were not to go near you but much more politely.
-Your're later very surprised to discover that Muzan and Kagaya are actually cousins but it doesn't change your opinion on the Ubuyashikis because of how well they have been treating you.
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therantfairysblog · 11 days
The beauty of love in Demon Slayer.
Tragedy, vows, loyalties, sacrifice.
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jinmelon · 2 months
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KYAAAAA these are so interesting to readddd
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faintrustle · 3 months
"He always offered exactly the words people needed to hear in that moment."
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mommageto · 29 days
Domestic Hashira: Part 2 (Himejima x Reader)
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Title: Domestic Hashira: Part 2 (Himejima x Reader)
Word Count:  1817  words
Description: (Y/n) and Gyomei navigating the unfamiliar territory of an arranged marriage. 
Warning/s: This fan fiction may contain disturbing or implied sexual content that may not be suitable or sensitive for readers. Read at your own risk. 
Part 1
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.
The sun is veiled by haze, and the sound of bushes dancing as the freezing breeze passes by. You were sitting on a rock beside a river that flows from the feeble waterfalls. It was one of those walks you enjoy taking with Himejima when neither of you was occupied with any activity on that day. The walk you always have with him to enjoy the nature surrounding you always ends up with interesting conversations to get to know each other better. 
As newlyweds, it seemed too far to build a relationship with a man you barely knew in the beginning. Nevertheless, you both had a mutual apprehension about starting over. Throughout the days, you and Himejima opened up to one another, starting with both your pasts, where you found comfort in each other. 
“I couldn’t accept all of the things that happened that day. My parents were everything to me. It was difficult to lose both of them. I miss them so much,” you said to Himejima while looking down on the stream of water passing through your feet. With your words, Gyomei turned to you and gently placed his large hands on your head. He rubbed your head tenderly. “(Y/n), your parents loved you deeply. They may not be here, but their memory lives on in you,” he replied.
Himejima’s words of affirmation have always filled your recent days with delight and a sense of security. There is something about his use of words that tells you it is exactly what you need to hear. That healed a part of you and allowed you to look forward to your future with clarity. Gyomei’s line of work may be risky, but you have faith in him. 
Gyomei informed you that he will be away for a week for a mission on a farther land south, where there were incidents of demons attacking a huge village. This is the part of your relationship that you dislike the least. It is not because of how he is constantly putting his life on hold, but because of the loneliness that comes with his absence that you have to endure.
To doubt his skills is merely an act of foolery. Himejima always trained with relentless determination. He is committed to every single thing he does, from his training to his relationship with you. Himejima ensures that he is trying his best, if not becoming better. This is a part of him that makes you admire him even more. 
As you’ve accomplished your social duties as a wife, you went straight home. This was the day Himejima ought to arrive. Nothing but the pure longing to reach out and be in your husband's arms is what you desire. With such haste, you went to the training area by your house. Himejima frequently goes to the training area. This is how he usually finds consolation to meditate after a long mission. There he was standing on his feet, and you approached the giant man from behind. 
Gyomei, a subtle shift in his massive form, tells you he knows you're there around the place. Even before you and Himejima became closer, he never failed to sense whenever you were around. He surely did possess quality senses, and they were useful in his relationship with you. The stone hashira has put his boulder to a halt and turned to greet you. 
With you closer to him, he pulled you in for a warm and delicate embrace. You can feel the tears in his eyes falling down. “I’ve missed you so much,” you whisper in his ear. His arms tightened around you, offering a comforting warmth against the chill of the evening. For a moment, there were only the two of you in an intimate embrace, leaving only the soft rhythm of your heartbeats echoing in the quiet space between you.
 As you slowly move away from Gyomei’s grasp, you look up to him and see a delicate smile painted on his face. This offers you a bundle of joy. His hand cups your face to feel your being. “I’m so glad to be back home with you,” he says. You leaned on his hand and rubbed it. You never fail to appreciate the physical love you share with Gyomei.
“I apologize for having kept you waiting.”
“No, you don’t have to. I’m just happy you’re here with me now.”
“That reminds me,” he says. With a small pause, he pulled out a rectangle-shaped box from his pocket and gave it to you. “I got you something while I was away,” he continued. You opened the gift to see a sakura kanzashi. Your eyes lit up at how mesmerizing it was.
The smile on your face has doubled from what it was a while ago. You simply cannot help but be flattered by his gift. “I thought you were just the strongest and biggest Hashira there is,” you teased him. “You never told me that you’re also the sweetest Hashira.” 
A gentle chuckle escaped his lips. “I may be a hashira, but I am your husband too.”
You loved every moment you shared with Gyomei. It didn’t take long for your relationship with Himejima to flourish. Both of you were well respected by everyone in the Demon Slayer Corps. With your lineage as a relative of Kagaya Ubuyashiki and Gyomei’s position as the leader of the hashira, people tend to be attentive whenever you and your husband are both around. The other people thought you were a beloved couple. 
After you had dinner with Himejima, he held your hand on the way to your shared bedroom. The night was still young, and both of you decided to cozy up before sleeping together. This is something you enjoy with Gyomei during the night. He's lying at your back, and you're in his arms, watching the moon’s watchful gaze from your window. The size difference between both of you has made you feel like a stuffed toy for him. Himejima does not like to admit it, but he loves your size. He perceives you as a fragile being for him to forever protect and hold. 
“Are you comfortable enough, (y/n)? ”He asks you. You turned your head at him and nodded in response, only for him to plant a kiss on your forehead afterwards. The way his lips filled your forehead made you feel the love of Gyomei’s physical affection. 
It didn’t take long for you to face him and start kissing his cheeks one by one after another. Himejima could feel your kisses all over his face. Until you reached his lips, this caused him to be surprised and stare at you for a while. The eye contact you both had was full of tension until you both gave in to the pleasure of kissing each other on the lips. 
Your body was leaning at Himejima’s huge form with arms wrapped around his being, and you could feel the heat of his body pressing into you. His arms moved down from your hair, slowly reaching to your waist, feeling the moment he shared with you. It didn’t take long for your hands to feel his hard and muscular form, moving your hands from his shoulder to his biceps. You can feel Gyomei’s hands tighten his grip while holding your waist. This encouraged you to explore more of his built form with your hands while not holding back from the intimate union of both of your lips. 
Every part of him is bulky and strong; you can appreciate Himejima’s athletic physique as you continue caressing his body. Despite his large, hard chest, you felt the fast beat of his heart’s palpitation. As you were in the moment, you felt greedy for Himejima. You wanted more of him, and you needed more of Gyomei. Your left hand was supposed to feel his abdomen, but it dropped between his legs, where you felt the heat of his hot and large manhood. 
Himejima pushed you away. It took a moment for you to catch your breath. The tension, the heat, and the feeling were there, but Gyomei stopped them. For a while, you felt the feeling of embarrassment creep up from your head to your toe. ‘Was I pushing myself onto him? ’ you thought to yourself. 
This made you feel uneasy. For a woman, it is unlikely for this to happen or for you to feel this way. Numerous thoughts filled your head, and you questioned why Himejima stopped. He is your husband, and you have undergone the sacred act of marriage; you didn’t understand how it felt wrong. Not only that, it seems to you that Gyomei doesn’t feel as ‘attracted’ to you as you thought.
“(Y/n)—“ he uttered, but the embarrassment you felt made you not want to face your husband. 
The night felt like your first day; it was silent, and not much conversation was involved, which was different from how you fixed it to be. It also felt like a long night, as you could not put yourself to sleep. However, it felt like the stone hashira did not get to rest peacefully either. As you’ve noticed, Gyomei does not sleep silently. He has a deep, rumbling snore, and that is something you have observed after several nights of sleeping beside him.
The next morning, you can hear the morning chirps of the birds, and the sun rays hit a part of your room. Your eyes slowly opened to wake you up. Your hand reached out to your side to find the familiar being you sleep with. Himejima’s presence beside you was nowhere to be seen as you opened both your eyes. You sat down to collect yourself and saw his bed area fixed already. Thus, your brain recollects the memory of last night. You were hoping for that night to be just a nightmare. 
It was still too early in the morning. The thought of where your husband is is bothering you. ‘Did he leave for a mission?’ you pondered. You walked around your house to search for him. You peeked at the training area by your house, where Himejima usually does his morning meditation and training. There was no sign of him there. 
“My lady, are you looking for Himejima-sama?”You were startled by the voice of your older servant, Yoko. “Himejima-sama woke up early to train near the waterfall.”
It didn’t take long for you to go there and watch your husband do intense training. You can only watch from afar, as you do not want to talk to Himejima for now. The view of the stone hashira withstanding the pressure from the waterfall. With the time you spent knowing your husband, he only does intense training when he’s stressed after a battle where he could’ve saved many lives. However, to your knowledge, something like that did not happen previously.
This story has a Part 3.
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Would it be okay to see a Poly!Kagaya and Amane x reader? The reader in this could be one of Kagaya’s retainers when they were younger before they left, only to return as a traveler and find themselves stuck in headquarters by the overprotective couple.
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Yandere Kagaya & Amane Ubayashiki
Naturally, neither of them is particularly strong 
So they couldn’t stop you as they made that transition
Amane preparing to become his wife and full-time caretaker
Shadowing his friend and retainer who’d been doing this for years
“What will you do, after this?”
“Ah I’m going to er…ah–”
“(Y/n) are you trying not to offend me by mincing your words?”
“Go ahead, I don’t mind!”
He does but not for the reasons you worry about
“...I’m going to travel! Become a merchant! Or a wanderer but I’m leaving!”
“Wow those are…some big dreams…”
“Don’t forget us okay (Y/n)?”
“Yeah, sure.”
Back then all that measures is that it hurts when you leave
It hurts when you detail your adventures in your letters
And both of them find themselves jealous of the world around you
That gets to see your smiling face and hear your harmonious voice
It's a pain that both Amane and Kagaya share
Bonded by that misery remembering you and regaling stories to their babies about you is their favorite activity
But as their prayers would have it, you would return
“Ah, it's just a visit! I plan to stow away on a ship to the new world! But until then I’d love to be with you guys.”
“Of course, we’re always happy to have you forever!”
Naturally, they will not be letting you run away
At least not now
While having the toddler quintuplets keep you busy distracted
In the meantime, Kagaya and Amane set the precedent
“My children, I wish to call upon you to protect someone dear to us. (Y/n) is someone of a wanderer for their safety we’d like to quell that.”
The Hashiras need nothing more as they are eager to welcome you into the family
Casually showing their immense strength 
When they hold your feet off the ground
Speeding up to you from across the compound
Becoming physical walls when you try to leave
Well since your horse seems to have died of some mysterious disease a sword slice
Why not stay and help Amane 
Surely you haven’t forgotten your old duties as his caretaker
And you three just happen to fall back into that closeness you all had when you were younger
So entrapped in this new family it's up to you whether you’ll learn the full extent of their love obsession with you
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callmerhynner · 1 year
We’re family, we grieve together. ||
synopsis: After the head of the mansion engages his final plan during his battle of wits with Muzan Kibutsuji, you are left with the traumatized children and depressing memories that the passed family left behind.
tags: gn!reader, angst, a bit of fluff(?), sad vibes, spoiler warning!!, giving the underrated family of ds some love w/ sadness, sad children, trauma
pairing/s: Ubuyashiki Kagaya & Bestfriend!Reader, Ubuyashiki children & godparent!Reader, Amane & family friend!Reader
Author’s note; Art by me :DD, practicing a new art style and thought i might as well try writing angst for the first time. Hope you enjoy!!
⇱ ♥︎ ⇲
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"Life's already been hard, being sickly was making it even harder, and the world being infested with human flesh-eating demons gave everyone more reason to fear the moon. The sun was everyone's savior, each demon slayer thanking every deity that no demon came into their homes and killed them in their sleep. And, to everyone's unfortunate truth, if the lowest ranks were fearing for their life, their master had to mourn their death alongside the people they'd left behind.
Their master, the leader of the undiscovered by the government demon slayers, Ubuyashiki Kagaya.
The man that had an army ready to charge to their own undoing if he so requests of them to. The same man that was as sickly as an overworked farmer with tubberculosis, as weak as a toothpick, had the power to control the most determined and powerful men and women in the country. Out of all the country's population, the master with swordsmen that's been trained to face death and survive, was the weakest of all.
Strength, you should remember, isn't always physical. Sometimes, it's their mentality that earns control and respect. Kagaya Ubuyashiki reflected the day's calm view with his moral ideas, only gaining more respect when he has the kindest voice, and the kindest eyes a human can possess. A man of true ethereality.
The master of the mansion, unfortunate enough to be given such a heavy title at a young age, was a man everyone could love and respect. That could make the coldest person feel warmth. Give the hardest stone a soft spot. A man of true charm."
Without you noticing, tears roll down your face, eyes never leaving the last remnant you had of your best friend, an ashy-edged portrait. You had your hands gripping at the canvas' sides, hugging it to your chest as you grieved in front of the destroyed mansion, never daring to move your legs, in fear that if you touched another flick of grass, you'd lose the memories you had with the now passed family. From the father, who you loved like a brother--to his children, that would tire themselves out at the end of the days when you would visit the mansion. His wife, who would treat you as if you have always been family, and the home of which they all felt safest who would welcome you with a flowery breeze.
All of which, gone, only the black ashes that it left behind.
You sat still, the portrait with smudges of black on it's bottom still in your grips, as your salty tears kept decorating your skin. You look to the space in the sky, where one would've seen the master's mansion, before turning your head to spare a sad glance to the young, terrifed children survivors you had managed to save from the explosion. The white of your eyes were visibly red, water never stopping the dripping it slid on your cheeks. You finally gain the strength to ease the children, watching their tears pour out broke your heart like seeing an abandoned puppy, you let go of the portrait and extending your arms to their direction.
"We are family...we grieve together.."
In an instant, the three Ubuyashiki children run to your embrace, letting out their voices and wailing into your clothes. The girls wrapped their arms at your waist as they screamed their grievances out to you, you pat their white hairs as Kiriya couldn't hold his loud sobs into your chest. You sat them all down, their faces still wetting your clothes with their emotions (you were no different), as you wrapped your arms around them in a protective bear hug. They'd lost their father, you lost a best friend, and every demon slayer had just lost their master.
You all sat there, all of your letting your sadness out amongst each other, only calming down when the crying had ceased everyone's energy. The kakushi and hashira had arrived, you knew they have probably been there the moment they heard the traumatic booming, but they unanimously agreed to let all of you pass out from exhaustion to not trigger any more intense emotions. It was a depressing sight to see, and hear, three children screaming their hearts out to the only person left that they considered family (that weren't the slayers); All the while, the person they sought for comfort, felt as much grief as they all did combined.
"Your father was a good man, Kiriya. He deserves to be honored, and i know you can do that for him." you whisper to the little boy as you gently pat his sisters' hair, voice a bit scratchy from holding in the scream you were desprate to let out. "I know we all can do it for him." you continue, a single tear rolling down your cheek as you tried to give him a hopeful smile.
"You won't have to face it alone." you finish, kissing the top of his head as the young boy let out a yawn, curling into your lap. Kuina rested her head just next to him, with Kanata laying down on the ground, using some of your yukata's cloth to protect her eyes from the dirt. "Master," you add, barely a whisper, eyes lingering back to the portrait as the hurt of your heart continues to spread across your chest, finally closing your eyes to rest alongside them when you knew they were all asleep.
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askevilpoliticalmuzan · 7 months
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Fucking unstable whores and their kinda chill but mentally unstable partners
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megan-is-mia · 1 year
kagaya and amane x reader porn link
me and @curlyhairednerd wrote a three-way smut about the kagaya and amane on ao3. maybe come and read it!
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theshinazugawaslut · 4 months
the thing with the KnY canon ships is that we dont see them develop so we dont know if they fit or not
That's my point, too!
Or they're just shoved into the reader's face!
I think people forget that romantic relationships, good ones, need layers of depth! Like, friendship, trust, respect, understanding, ect.
Also, each character needs to be built on INDIVIDUALLY and PROPERLY! Which is why Obanai x Mitsuri are such a good ship! We understand Obanai and Mitsuri's individual fears, weaknesses, perceptions, insecurities, backstories, emotions, and thoughts, and then we see how that PAIRS THEM TOGETHER!
Another problem in KNY writing is that the author moulds too many things into tropes and THEN realises that they have potential! Much like the many ships in the story and also in the characters (especially in the case of Sanemi who's writing starts to lose sense the minute you think more about him!)
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peanutpinet · 2 months
Unexpected - Tomioka Giyuu x Fem Ubuyashiki Reader
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A/N: in which you are the eldest daughter of Kagaya and Amane Ubuyashiki but unfortunately, you were weaker than your siblings and your parents thought it would be best if you were to be with someone they know will protect and care for you and who else than one of their most trusted hashira.
Warnings: soft Giyuu, fluff
“Giyuu…how have you been?” Oyakata-sama asked the young new water hashira
“I’ve been well, Oyakata-sama. I hope that you’ve been taking care of your health as well” Giyu replied, making the Ubuyashiki leader smile
“Thank you, Giyuu. I have a special mission for you if you don’t mind” Oyakata-sama requested and despite his flat expression, Giyuu was rather taken aback that the Ubuyashiki leader had a specific request for him as he was a new hashira
Suddenly, Giyuu heard soft footsteps coming from behind Oyakata-sama and out came a young girl who looked to be in her teens, her hair was black faded into white like a mixture of Oyakata-sama and Amane whereas her eyes were a deep violet colour.
“Giyuu, this is (y/n), mine and Amane’s eldest daughter” Oyakata-sama mentioned while Giyuu was mesmerized by Oyakata-sama’s eldest daughter who sat next to him
“I would like for you to take (y/n) out to town if that’s alright” Oyakata-sama smiled. “She rarely goes out as she sadly inherited my weak body”
“Of course, Oyakata-sama. It would be my honour” Giyuu mentioned, bowing at Oyakata-sama
After the meeting, Giyuu then waited for the young Ubuyashiki outside of the Ubuyashiki household when (y/n) called out to him. “Giyuu-san”
Turning around, Giyuu was met with soft dark violet eyes. Giyuu then unintentionally eyed the young Ubuyashiki who wore a soft purple kimono with wisteria flowers on it. Giyuu then shook his head and extended his hand out for the young Ubuyashiki who placed her soft hands against his rougher ones.
Giyuu then easily lifted the young Ubuyashiki off from the patio whilst still interlacing his fingers with hers before bowing to Amane Ubuyashiki. “We’ll be going now Amane-san. I promise to bring her back before the sun sets”
“Thank you Giyuu. And please, there’s no rush. Kagaya and I trust that you will take care and protect (y/n) while the two of you are out” Amane thanked Giyuu as she slightly bowed her head, waiting for the two to be out of sight before going back to update Kagaya
(In Town)
Both (y/n) and Giyuu went around in town with (y/n) mainly being curious with everything in town. From the street food to even the souvenirs they were selling. Being the curious and innocent girl she is, (y/n) caught the attention of several vendors who were shoving many things at her all at once.
Despite his stoic and expressionless face, Giyuu watched (y/n)’s curious self and couldn’t help but smile a bit seeing her innocent self; making him want to protect her even more. So when several vendors were all up her face, Giyuu didn’t hesitate to step in and saved her from all those people.
“T-thank you, Tomioka-san. I, I’m sorry for troubling you” (y/n) managed to voice out and slightly bowed her head which took Giyuu aback
Giyuu had never heard the young Ubuyashiki speak before but the moment she did, Giyuu was captivated. Just like his master, Oyakata-sama, (y/n) had a soft tone to her voice that calms him but loud enough for him to hear.
It was only when he heard (y/n) spoke for the first time did Giyuu actually taken a good look at the young Ubuyashiki heir. How unlike her siblings and parents, (y/n) actually have long hair that perfectly framed her face. How her face seemed more pale but still filled with so much life. Giyuu was too lost admiring the young Ubuyashiki heir that he almost didn’t hear her calling out to him.
“Tomioka-san? A-are you alright?” (y/n) asked, standing in front of Giyuu, her soft hands brushing his bangs and touching his forehead, wondering if the water hashira had a fever as he seemed a bit red. “Hmm, you’re a bit hot, are you under the weather, Tomioka-san?”
Giyuu couldn’t help but get even redder when the young Ubuyashiki’s hand touched his face but he still tried his best to maintain a neutral expression whilst holding (y/n)’s hand, lowering it from his head. “I’m alright (y/n)-sama. The weather is just a bit warmer than usual despite it being the fall season right now”
“Is that so? Shall we get something to cool down then?” (y/n) asked and before Giyuu could answer, (y/n) was already grabbing Giyuu’s hand and dragged the water hashira with her. “Come, I saw a shop that was selling cold drinks”
Unknowingly to (y/n), Giyuu was actually flustered when he was being dragged by (y/n) but in the end, Giyuu decided to interlace their fingers so it would be easier to walk alongside one another rather than being dragged.
The two then went into the shop and had some cold refreshments which Giyuu paid for. Right before sundown, Giyuu suggested that they started to go back to Demon Slayer Corps HQ. Giyuu then extended his hand which (y/n) took since she was now very much comfortable around the water hashira.
The two then started to walked out of town but right before they left, (y/n) dragged Giyuu one more time to a merchant who was selling several accessories which she decided to buy several items and even bought something for Giyuu.
It was a bracelet with similar colour spectrum to the water hashira’s mismatched haori with a small charm of water to represent him as the water hashira. Shocked at the sudden gift, Giyuu was at loss for words. “(y/n)-sama…, you, you didn’t have to”
“You like it? I saw it before we went to have a drink and figured that it fits you perfectly” (y/n) shyly mentioned and for the first time in a long time, Giyuu actually smiled which made the young Ubuyashiki heir blushing
“T-thank you, (y/n)-sama. I’ll treasure it forever. Shall we head back now?” Giyuu asked, extending his hand and this time (y/n) excitedly interlaced hers with him and nodded. “Hmm!! Let’s do this again sometime, Tomioka-san!”
“Giyuu, just call me Giyuu, (y/n)-sama” Giyuu smiled as he took the young Ubuyashiki back to the headquarters
A/N: hellow everyone who has been liking my Muichiro fanfic, it means a lot to me as I'm new to the demon slayer fanfic world. Here's a lil fluff of our fav water hashira, Giyuu 🥰 I loved this man since I watched demon slayer back in 2020 and who would've thought that I was only fall deeper ever since. I hope that this fic brings a smile to your face and brightens up your day!! Take care everyone xoxo vinet
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echantedtoon · 2 months
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It's not the best Ik, but I wanted to try to draw more so I made some content myself! I made two versions of it too. Kagaya x Y/n stand alone and Kagamane x Y/n. There wasn't any x Reader art of them anyway so I made it myself.
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fatkish · 1 month
Hi there, hope you're well! I always love your hybrid stuff, so I wanted to request (BullHybrid!Tengen + CowHybrid!Wives) x CowHybrid!Reader please! HCs for the bunch of them being a proper little herd.
Tengen + Wives x Reader: Hybrid AU
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Life had always been good on the Ubuyashiki Farms. Kagaya Ubuyashiki and his wife Amane were the owners of Ubuyashiki Farms, a hybrid farm
Ubuyashiki farms were mostly well known for their wine, jams, dairy and apple products
Many different hybrids lived here and helped the family out by providing them with things like wool, milk, eggs, etc
Many of the male hybrids helped out in the fields, planting and helping care for the grapes, and various berry plants, while the females helped in the apple orchards
Among the hybrids was the Uzui herd. This herd consisted of Tengen Uzui, the stud bull, and his three female cows, Suma, Makio and Hinatsuru
His wives spent a lot of time helping out in the orchards and helping with the production of wine and jams whilst he spent his time helping with the more heavy duty stuff like manual labor
The hybrids are treated well and highly respect the Ubuyashiki family, since they respect them and treat them so well
Tengen and his girls or wives as he call them, have their own little barn that they sleep in, as do all the hybrids
One day, Kagaya called Tengen over and told him that a new hybrid would be arriving at the farm and that he wanted Tengen to help them get settled in
Tengen agreed to help the newcomer get settled, but he was surprised to hear that the new arrival was a hybrid hybrid
To be specific, they were the offspring of a cow and sheep hybrid, meaning they’d produce wool and milk
Such hybrids were rare and Uzui was excited to see one, and he wasn’t disappointed
You arrived on the farm around midday and you were very skittish, and easily spooked
When Tengen went to greet you, you yelped and tried to hide behind the truck that brought you there
You peeked out at him and were extremely nervous but Kagaya came to the rescue
Kagaya introduced himself as well as his wife and welcomed you to the farm
You sheepishly accepted his welcome and you followed Tengen as he showed you around the farm
The previous farm you came from wasn’t able to properly provide care for you since it wasn’t a hybrid based farm
Your wool is of high quality and you spend a lot of time caring for it and grooming it. You also have horns that you have to maintain and shape with special tools that way they don’t grow too long
Eventually you met Tengen’s wives who thought you were just the cutest with your soft fluffy wool
You’ve since become a part of the Uzui herd
Suma loves snuggling with you and cuddling into your wool
Hinatsuru helps you with grooming the wool you can’t reach and helps you care for it
Makio helps you before and after you get sheared, since you get hot and cold easily. And she helps you sand down your horns
Tengen is the one who shears you, he trims up places like between your legs and trims the fur on your ears before shearing your wool off in one big fleece
You’ve come to trust Tengen and since he’s so much larger than you, it’s easier for him to shear you
After you’ve been sheared, Tengen and his wives will cuddle with you at night to help keep you warm with the absence of your wool
Tengen will wrap you in a blanket if you need it and he’ll snuggle you
You’ve taken to working in the winery and you help make jams. You tend to do more indoor work due to your difficulty with handling temperatures
Tengen is also the one who milks all four of you, he does it by hand since the machines scare both you and Suma
When it comes time to breed you, Tengen makes sure to be through with each of his wives and you
Sadly due to the fact that your a mixed hybrid, you’re infertile, but Tengen still breeds with you since it helps with your milk production due to the stimulation and hormones from breeding
Tengen makes sure to look after the four of you and makes sure that each of you are eating and are healthy
When it comes to nighttime, he makes sure that the barn is secure before he returns to the cuddle puddle, as you and Suma call your guys’s bed
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vrystalius · 20 days
Hello beautiful! Before anything you are amazing and your writing skills are 👌🏻ma'am, anyhow, could i please request anything kagaya ubuyashiki x reader pwease🥺👉🏻👈🏻 (it's okay if you don't want to of course)! And remember to stay healthy and drink a lot of water❤️❤️❤️
Healing touch
You are the personal doctor of the head of the Ubuyashiki clan.
Pairing: Kagaya x doctor!fem!reader
Here’s pt.2 <3
(In this AU, Amane never got married to Kagaya)
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You have been Kagaya’s personal doctor for a while now, taking care of that frail and sick young man ever since your father retired, who was his healer before you. You do daily vital checkups and check the progression of his mysterious sickness. You care for Kagaya greatly, but not only because he is the most important person in the corps, but because you somehow felt drawn im by him.
“How are you feeling today, Ubuyashiki-sama?” You opened your medical journal and turned the pages, making sure to write down his notes on his condition and the progress of the sickness. Kagaya turned his head slowly to look at you. His mysterious affiliation progressed as far as to blind him in one eye, but the other one seemed healthy so far. He smiled calmly at you.
“I feel more pain in my blind eye. Breathing has become more painful as well, wich caused me to loose more sleep. I am tired, but fine.” Kagaya sat upright on his futon, wanting to talk to you face to face.
You frowned at the sight of him trying to sit properly. “Ubuyashiki-sama, I have told you before that you do not need to sit upright for me.” Yet, you did not push him back down. Instead, you carefully grabbed his chin and turned his face slightly to make him face you more. You leaned in slightly, your warm breath caressing his face. Kagaya’s eyes widened very so lightly. His calm face faltered for just a moment, a slight taint on his cheeks, before composing himself again. You used your small flashlight to inspect Kagaya’s blind eye, shining directly at it. He didn’t flinch, having his usual calm smile on his face.
“Your sickness has progressed more slowly, but it did attack your eyeball. At first I’d hoped that you might keep your eyesight in that eye after recovery, but I am not ad optimistic anymore.” You sighed after speaking, letting go of his chin and turning your flashlight off. You picked up your pen and scribbled notes down. “I’ve expected as much. My father had a similar affliction.” You nodded at his comment. “Yes, so I’ve heard. Please lay down for me.” Kagaya felt your warm hand on his chest and back, slowly pushing him back down onto his futon. He is perfectly capable to lay back down on his own, but the feeling of your hands on his chest felt comforting to him, even while in pain. Kagaya sighed.
You got your stethoscope out and put the plugs into your ear. “You’ve been having chest pains while breathing, yes? Let me take a listen.” You gave him a soft smile and opened his yukata further, revealing his naked, pale chest. Kagaya watched how your eyes moved over his chest. He shivered slightly when he felt the cold metal of the resonator touch his skin.
“Breathe in for me.” You mumbled, concentrating on the sound of his lungs. Kagaya breathed in as deeply as he could, but broke out into a small coughing fit. “A-Apologies.” He cleared his throat, his eyebrows slightly scrunched together in pain, but relaxed right after feeling your warm hand on his chest. The resonator was placed over his lungs again as Kagaya breathed in deeply, and back out. You nodded, moving the resonator over the other half of the lung, your hand now resting on the other side of his chest. Kagaya stared at you quietly while you listened to his breathing. You looked so concentrated with your brows furrowed like that. Would it be selfish of him to ask you to say for a while? For you to caress his chest so gently, as you are doing right now, for just a little longer? Kagaya started to feel his exhaustion catching up from the night before. Your hand felt so comforting and warm, it made all his aches and pain fade away, even if just for e moment. His eyes were slowly closing as his breath got more shallow.
While listening to his lung’s functionality, you noticed how Kagaya’s heartbeat began to slow down slightly. You lifted your gaze and glanced at his face, slowly lifting the resonator off his chest while keeping your hand above his heart.
He fell asleep. You thought he was complaining about insomnia earlier… perhaps that exhaustion caught up to him, or is your presence just this calming to the young master?
A soft smile spread across your face. You decided to stay a little longer as to not wake him. Your hand slowly moved from his chest up to his hair, carefully brushing through his dark and silky strands. A soft sigh escaped from between his lips.
Yes, you’ll stay a while longer with him. Just until he wakes back up again.
I think I just made myself fall for Kagaya. I really hope I wrote him kind of accurately to his canon personality, but I’m not sure. I really hope you enjoyed it regardless! Thank you so much for requesting, this was super fun to write! <3 (and I am very honoured to be called ma’am) Anyways, my requests are open!
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!
Take care of yourselves!
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faintrustle · 3 months
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mommageto · 2 months
Domestic Hashira (Himejima Gyomei x Reader)
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Title: Domestic Hashira (Himejima Gyomei x Reader)
Word Count:  2120 words
Description: (Y/n) and Gyomei navigating the unfamiliar territory of an arranged marriage. 
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“He shall arrive shortly,” Amane mumbled as she sat beside you. You took a deep breath and assured yourself that you have prepared yourself for this day. Being a distant relative of Kagaya Ubuyashiki, you were destined to marry and expected to produce an heir. Thus, you knew this marriage was not from a love match, but rather an arranged marriage to ensure the heirs of your bloodline of any curses. Ever since you lost both of your parents at an early age, it did feel lonely only having distant relatives around you. A part of you was nervous about meeting the man you to spend your life with. You were embellished with a beautiful wedding garment and patiently waiting for the man you are bound to marry. There were little to no expectations for your husband to be, but rather a kind man at the very least. 
The door opened where Kagaya Ubuyashiki came in, followed by a huge man who towers at seven foot two, spiky dark hair, and covered with numerous crimson mala beads. A horizontal scar on his forehead and pale white eyes also has allowed you to be surprised at the appearance of the man. “Shall we start with the ceremony?” Ubuyashiki asked. Both of them made their way near you. Ubuyashiki found his way to sit at the opposite side of Amane as the stranger you ought to marry sat beside you. Though, you noticed his manners as he acknowledged your presence by bowing to you as he was sitting beside you.
The man is huge, very huge. This idea of him scared you a little, but you were not one to judge on a stranger you’re about to spend your life with. Though, he was attractive and unfamiliar. After the ceremony, both of you did exchange a word with each other. Although Amane has filled you in with everything you need to know about your husbands. Himejima Gyomei–that is his name–is the stone hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps. Though you are an Ubuyashiki, you were least involved with the Demon Slayer Corps as you were a distant relative and did other duties for the family. The information you got made you think that the man you married must be really strong as he is the strongest hashira. However, Amane never talked about how he is as a person, she focused on his qualifications which only enabled you to hope that he is indeed a kind man.
Both of you were brought to your household to start your family. As you arrived at your shared home, you found it a bit awkward considering he is a stranger. Nevertheless, you were taught to be a wife and ought to pursue a conversation with him to properly tend with your husband.  The silence after you both spoke at the same time stretched, punctuated only by the chirping of crickets outside. You stole a glance at Gyomei, his face unreadable beneath the stoic mask. Clearing your throat, you decided to take the plunge.
“I–” both of you uttered and cut off each other. “I apologize. I didn't mean to interrupt. Please, go ahead,” Himejima continues. A short silence occurred between the both of you. 
“Hiimejim–” he cuts you off before you can finish, “Gyomei. You can call me Gyomei.” A light flickered in your eyes as you stared at him with awe.
"Gyomei," you repeated, testing the name on your lips. He nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Shall we enter?” you ask him. He gave you a sly nod and led you to enter the house you shared with him first. As you entered, the servants greeted you both and toured you around your home. They also had prepared a separate bath for you and your husband before you met each other for dinner. 
In the bath, you pondered about the things you’ve observed to be quite beguiling about your husband. You admit to yourself that there is a feeling of attraction with Himejima. That man had intimidating features that portrayed a very masculine form of a man. Despite your first impression, you can tell that Himejima has a compassionate nature. He was kind and respectful to the servants who greeted you both earlier. There’s still more you want to know about him and getting to know him will surely scratch that itch. 
Dinner was served afterwards in your bath. You and your husband finished your meal with a small conversation about how your meal was delicious. Though, the night is still long–or feels like it. Both of you entered the chambers of your shared bedroom. It felt awkward being alone with Himejima. Although both of you are married, both of you are also still strangers who barely met each other just this morning. You saw the beddings in the room and it made you feel nervous about sleeping next to him which caused you to breathe heavily allowing the giant man to hear. “(Y/n), I could sleep in another room if it makes you feel better,” you hear Himejima speak.  
Himejima's offer hung in the air, heavy with unspoken words. In his face, you could see his genuine concern matched with the intimidating aura he always has with him. It was a gesture of respect, a recognition of your discomfort. “N-no…it’s fine. You don’t have to do that,” you assured him.
The two of you settled on sleeping in the same room. Thus, peacefully set up your sleeping area not far away from each other but also not near each other. It was difficult to be asleep at that hour as you were clouded with a number of emotions as you were new to this set up. The anxious feeling of sleeping with a man you just met today lingered in your thoughts. You didn’t know what to do at this point but to sleep as it was getting late anyway. “Good night (y/n).”
“Good night, Gyomei.” His words made you feel better as you still felt new to this situation. A simple good night makes you more comfortable with this arrangement.You got to sleep shortly after that. The dawn of time passed, you heard noises and slightly opened your eyes wherein you saw shadows. However, due to your thoughts depriving you of sleep the previous night, you gave in to yourself and slept through the dawn. 
As you rose from the bed, you noticed the room was unusually quiet. There was no sound of movement or the faintest whisper. You looked around your room and noticed that the bed beside you was nowhere to be seen. The absence of Himejima's towering figure was both comforting and unsettling. You went to the kitchen and were greeted by the servants who informed you that your husband was called on early for a mission. This made you feel disappointed because you wanted to get to know Himejima and spend time with him. 
The servants informed you that Himejima had to leave early for an urgent mission with a demon attack on a neighboring village. It’s been three days without the presence of your husband near you. This made you feel lonely despite having people around your home. Not a day goes by that you do not have the same routine. After eating your breakfast alone, you decided to pay Amane a visit to ease that lonely feeling.
“(Y/n), how was your first night with Himejima-san?” she asks as she sat down beside you. You took a pause and tried to hold back from being honest with yourself. “It was alright, I was able to sleep comfortably after yesterday.”
Amane was able to read the misery drawn in your face. She did not feel too good about this so she questions you more. “Are you sure it was alright? You seem to be tired and sorrowful.”
“Oh, no it’s really fine.” She wasn’t convinced with your answer. “I hope Himejima-san was gentle to say the least.”
This shattered a glass of idea, Amane was thinking of a different scenario of you spending your first night with Himejima. “What? No! It’s nothing like that. We didn’t do it.” You were defensive about it and you could feel your face heat up despite it being just the two of you in the room.
The response you gave Amane surprised her. The idea of a newly wed couple spending the first night with each other in a venereal manner was fairly common. Though you’ve never really thought about it as you and Himejima quickly dismissed that possibility rather quickly.
“(Y/n), have you and Himejima ever had an actual conversation about your marriage to say the least?” Amane questions you. Now that question has been raised, you never really have thought about it. “We barely said a word to each other and the other morning he left for an urgent mission.”
“Is that so? While I do not encourage you to force yourself with Himejima, I think it is best that you both have a conversation about your marriage with him. Since you’re gonna spend the rest of your life with him.”
Amane’s words struck in your head from the moment she mentioned it to you until your journey home. One of the servants, Chiaki, approached to welcome you home. “Welcome back, my lady,” she slightly bows, “Would you care to join Himejima-san for dinner?” 
Chiaki’s words caught your attention. As you walked inside your house, you felt a sudden pain in your stomach and had an urge to vomit. Your vision was less clear–it was shaky. Another body pain hit you, you felt the pain reach your temples and your calves. Though, you manage to reach the dining area.
The heavy wooden table creaked slightly under the weight of the untouched meal. You sat opposite of Himejima with your face pale and drawn. You covered your mouth with haste as you felt the urge to vomit again. Himejima, with his other perfect senses, noticed that you didn’t feel okay. 
“Is everything alright (y/n)?” he asks, trying to reach out to help you. Himejima could clearly tell that your body has collapsed on the ground. His powerful frame moved with surprising speed as he reached you, his large hands gently cradling your head. Concern etched itself onto his face as he assessed your condition.
A throbbing pain pulsed in your temples, and a wave of nausea washed over you. Your vision blurred as consciousness slowly returned. With effort, your eyes opened, the world coming into focus gradually. You were in your bed, the soft glow of lanterns casting dancing shadows on the walls. Himejima was seated beside you, his face etched with worry. 
“Gyomei,” you call out his name. “What happened?”
A relief from Himejima can be felt as he lifts his head with his softened face and relaxed face. "(Y/n), you're awake," he replied. "A demon followed you and attacked you secretly with its poison.” Your head throbbed with a dull ache as you tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness washed over you. You reached out a trembling hand to steady yourself on the bed.
"A demon?" you managed to croak out, your voice hoarse. 
“Yes, a demon. Thankfully I was able to take home an antidote for the demon’s poison.” You listened to Himejima’s words with an understanding even though there’s still a slight concern in his face. “I apologize that I got you into this trouble. Being married to me only caused you trouble.” A wave of empathy washed over you as you watched Himejima's tears fall. Gyomei is known to be the strongest hashira with his immense strength, but in this moment, vulnerability replaced his usual composure.
"Gyomei," you reached out, your hand finding his, offering comfort. "It wasn't your fault. These things happen." Your voice was gentle, filled with sincerity. 
"It was also my responsibility for not being here to protect you," he explained, his voice husky with emotion. His grip on your hand tightened, conveying a depth of remorse you hadn't expected. “Well, we’re here together now,” you say to him with a soft smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you try to lighten the mood.
"Let's start over, (y/n)," he reached out to you and kissed your forehead. A warmth spread through you as his lips touched your skin. It was a simple gesture, yet it held a profound weight. You returned his gaze, your heart pounding in your chest. It felt like an answered prayer from a yearning heart. That forehead kiss is a lingering faith of the couple for their relationship to bloom.
This story has a Part 2.
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