#kageyama blurb
missmeinyourbones · 1 year
hi leah! maybe tobio enemies to lovers where reader thinks they're enemies but tobio is clueless 😭😭
send in a character + trope for a blurb
kageyama is an enigma, to say the very least.
because while he seems to be everywhere at once, you barely know anything about him. 
he’s quiet in general, or maybe just focused, but all of that seems to be amplified when you're around. in conversations between mutual friends, he shuts down the moment you're involved. he stares at you in public, but never says anything even remotely friendly to you. he’s off, but it just so seems that he’s only off when it comes to you. 
so with the evidence at hand, you've concluded that he just doesn't like you. 
there is little you do know about him, you know his friends, the majority of them being on the campus volleyball team. you know his major since he’s in three of your classes and somehow always snags a seat directly across from you. you know his schedule, as he arrives early at the library on mondays so he’s on time for your class on the building’s ground floor. 
so when you're also waiting in the library finishing a last-minute assignment for your shared course that begins in twenty minutes, it’s clear that you are on two different pages.
he sits diagonally from you at the table for four. acknowledging your presence with a mere nod, he distracts himself with his phone while you frantically throw yourself into your work. 
but something just isn’t clicking today. you’ve reread the same sentence about six times now, and you still have no idea what the prompt is asking you. with a huff that can’t quite be stifled, you rub your eyes in frustration. 
you’re hungry, in desperate need of a coffee, barely slept last night, and this assignment makes so little sense that you’re debating on taking the zero in order to spare your sanity. 
and on top of it all, kageyama tobio sits diagonally from you at the ceramic table, silently watching your mini meltdown. there’s no amusement or blatant disgust in his look, but still, he idly watches your clear frustration. 
and then he’s handing you a worksheet. 
too checked out to care, you say nothing and look at the paper before you. it's his assignment, the same one you’re working on right now. and at first, you think he’s mocking you—showing off his completed work sure to get a top grade, while you’ve barely started and are on the verge of tears. you think it's an intimidation tactic until he clears his throat.
“uh, you can use that,” he breathes, “to help you outline yours.”
in complete shock, but too desperate to argue, you nod your head. “thanks.” 
he nods back, and the only sounds in the library are the shuffling of students on their way to their next class and your pencil furiously scribbling down kageyama’s chicken scratch notes. 
and just when you think that’s the weirdest part, he speaks up again. 
“i’m gonna grab a coffee, if you want one.” 
though your pencil halts its writing, your eyes don't leave your paper when you suspiciously shy from him. 
he frowns, "stop what?"
"being nice to me," you say as if it's the most obvious observation to make. 
kageyama is at a complete loss for words as the accusation seems to come from left field. here he is, offering his pretty classmate his homework and a free coffee, and he’s being scolded? maybe he hit his head in practice this morning.  
he sits on the comment for a minute before carefully treading, "am i not usually nice to you?" 
your eyes meet his for the first time since the conversation took the turn. and while you look weary, you look a bit guilty too, like you weren't expecting a genuine reaction from him. 
"i mean," your shoulders shrug out of pure awkward tension, “you're not not nice, but you're not nice either.” 
"well i didn’t think not being nice meant being mean," he confuses himself with the double negative, "if that makes any sense at all."
your eyes fall back to your paper, "i guess so."
kageyama thinks he should leave, but then he remembers you still have his homework. so he checks the time on his phone and panics when he sees that there’s still ten minutes until class starts. 
just when he’s about to speak up and make matters worse, you interrupt him. 
"sorry, i just—" he watches you readjust in your seat, nervously shifting your weight against the wood and fiddling with your fingernails, "i thought you were supposed to hate me, or something."
oh, he definitely hit his head in practice this morning, maybe even twice. 
"hate you?” his voice raises a bit too loud before he remembers that he’s in a library. he ignores the few judgemental glares being thrown his way when he brings his voice back to a normal, but still urgent, level.
“what the hell made you think that?"
you smile in the slightest, and kageyama doesn’t know if it's out of actual amusement or mockery, but either way it makes his stomach flutter with pride. he made you smile, by being an idiot maybe, but you smiled nonetheless. a win is a win in his book. 
"i don't know. you're... quiet, and you have a staring problem."
he flushes at the last part, not knowing you’ve noticed his admiring from afar.
"and who said those were signs of hating someone?"
"well, they're definitely not signs of liking someone."
but you’re wrong. 
because tobio’s extra quiet around you because he’s nervous. because he doesn't want to fuck up and say the wrong thing that ruins any chance he has with you. and he stares at you because he thinks you're so ridiculously pretty. because he would count your individual eyelashes and beauty marks if you’d let him. 
he never thought his actions (or lack thereof) would be taken as negative things when in reality, they're anything but. so with a dumb look on his face, one of sudden realization and embarrassment, he smiles. 
"says who?”
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adoringhaikyuu · 2 years
kageyama x gn!reader
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thinking about how kageyama would go out of his way to make things special for your birthday. he's not used to caring so deeply for another person, but when you made your way into his life, he knew immediately that he wanted to cherish you for as long as you'd let him.
he's not a very soft person, usually, but he is observant. he remembers your favorite cake and ice cream flavors and makes sure to get them for your special day––yes, several. he remembers your favorite flowers, and if you don't have any then he uses your favorite color to pick out the best bouquet.
he takes notice of the things you look at or keep in your cart or favorites for months and if you haven't gotten them for yourself, he gets them for you. he also gets things he thinks you would like, because he knows you, yes, but he also calculates and tries to find similar items to the ones you like, the ones you use.
he's so observant, because it's in his nature, but also because he cares about you so much and he doesn't want to miss a thing.
he watches you carefully as you open your presents and see all the things he's done for you, nervously playing with fingers as he gives you a shy smile and tells you that he hopes you like them.
he wants to show you how much he loves and appreciates you because you do the same for him. so if it means trying a little harder than he's used to, he doesn't mind one bit, and he'll do it in a heartbeat.
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mymegumi · 6 months
⠀ note: don’t look at me idk
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kageyama’s really trying not to flinch—he is.
it’s just that his hands are extremely sensitive and you’re handling them so gently that it’s a bit like sensory overload for him—the feeling of your skin on his, the way you’re carefully holding his fingers as if they’re delicate, and the intensity of your gaze on your task. it’s both physically too much for him, and emotionally it’s a lot to handle as well.
his hands are his pride and joy, they’re what help him further his volleyball career and he’s always taken really good care of them. some might even say he’s focused too much on taking care of his hands, but he’s never even regarded opinions he deems unworthy to have any sort of weight to his life.
when you asked if you could paint his fingernails, he adamantly refused. he had volleyball to worry about, and while the polish wasn’t directly on his fingers, he was worried they might upset his carefully measured equilibrium. you’d been a bit downtrodden, but you’d understood and he’d loved you all the more for it. so, when it was summer vacation and he was technically in off-season and the matches were fewer and far between, when you asked him again, he’d agreed.
which is how he finds himself with you sitting across from him, holding up two small bottles of nail polish in one hand—one black and one white—with your other hand carefully inspecting his hands.
“which color?” you ask, shaking both of the bottles in front of his face. he’d already done his normal routine to file them down and trim the excess nail length, but you’d been happy to sit behind him and rest your chin on his shoulder to watch.
he shrugs. “i don’t care.”
“okay, well you have to pick one.” you combat, holding the bottles closer to his face and making him lean back slightly with a very slight smile. if you were anyone else, he’d have already changed his mind on this.
“i don’t really care. pick what you want.” he insists, hand resting on top of the both of yours to lower them out of his field of view. he hated when you blocked him from looking at you, even unintentionally.
you huff, leaning back away from him but back in again, as if you couldn’t stand to be even a foot apart from him. “but what if you hate the color i pick?”
“you picked it, so i couldn’t hate it.” he says, and he means every word of it. just the sight of it would remind him of you, so it’s not as if it’d be a bad choice all together.
“sweet talker.”
he furrows his brows together. “no, i’m being honest.” he’s been working hard on his honesty and candidacy on the court, so it’s been reflecting back a bit in his personal life as well.
“i know you are.” you smile, uncapping the black nail polish and holding his thumb steady in your hand. “makes you even sweeter.”
then, you stop talking for a bit, focused on making sure none of the nail polish ends up on his cuticles, and if it does, scraping it away with your own nail. you’re slow, steady, and methodical with your movements and kageyama is, for all intents and purposes, mesmerized by you.
there’s a sort of gracefulness to what you’re doing that he’s never really considered before—the movements to know how to manipulate the paint and then also how to make it lay flat.
he likes watching you concentrate because you’re sticking your tongue out and he thinks it’s adorable that you do that. it might be unconscious, just like when you open your mouth into a cute little ‘o’ shape when you put on your makeup, but he kinda wants to let you do his nails more if he can see it again. he likes watching you, because he finds that he’s always discovering something new about you. something that makes him fall harder and harder every time.
it takes time, doing his nails, and when he thought you were done, nails completely saturated in black paint and a look of accomplishment on your face, he’d wanted to move to hug you.
“hey!” you cry, hands reaching out to grab his wrists suddenly. “you have to let it dry, tobio.”
“how long will that take?” it’s been twenty minutes since he got to hold you and he’d getting antsy.
you think for a second. “probably five minutes, to make sure the coat is dry, but then i have to add the second coat, and then the top layer.”
he furrows his brow. maybe he hadn’t thought this plan through at all.
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raisunomii · 15 days
University AU setter squad (also known as gc: japans finest) who get into way, way more trouble than they can afford. It always ends with Iwaizumi, Daichi, and Kuroo (who are the designated setter rescuers) on the way to the local station at 3am. They've driven there like 90 times for reasons no one wants to repeat.
Kuroo and Bokuto don't understand how their boyfriends, of all people, keep getting into this. Kuroo sure as hell doesn't understand how Kenma ended up with a scar running from his ankle to knee, and Kenma's explanation of "river" doesn't do much for him either. Akaashi should know better than to get into bar fights. Bokuto finds that Akaashi does not, in fact, know better when Akaashi comes home with a busted lip. It's okay. The other guy looked worse.
When Oikawa calls Iwaizumi at 5am because "oh my god iwa they're going to make us do crack" he damn near has a heart attack. Iwa's out of bed in, like, a minute, and he finds Oikawa and Kageyama at a fucking bath house in Tokyo, of all places! And they're trashed! Kageyama's never been as scared for his life as he was on the drive back to iwaoi's apartment.
Sakusa expects it. Sakusa's pretty well aware that his boyfriend's awful and gets into weird shit. He draws the line at waking up with Osamu Miya in his bed. Or, at least, he thinks it's Osamu, because Atsumu dyed his hair fucking BLACK last night and didn't tell him! Atsumu's banished to the couch for two nights. Daichi prefers not to remember what Suga gets up to. But Suga makes it really, really hard when he comes home with a tramp stamp. Daichi yells "You're gonna be a teacher, Koushi!" when he sees it, then settles for shaking Suga by the shoulders as he just cackles.
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kissochako · 1 year
summary: headcannons of kage and tsuki developing a crush on u! Except they’re princes may be a part 2 later LOL I spent too much time on writing their character instead of the actual crush
tags: gender neutral reader, royalty!au, she falls first and he falls even harder trope & enemies to lovers trope
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Tsukishima is a prince who likes to show off and one-up everyone, whether it’s materialistic possessions, his acclaimed achievements or his line of available suitors. For his habit of showing off, most other princes of other kingdoms are not very fond of him, so most of the time, he’s left to his own thoughts. Though, despite all this, all he really wants is for his people to truly see him for who he is, not what he can do, or what he is.
During a stroll through the market, Kei’s ears perked of the vibrations of such an enchanting voice, reading out children’s fables and stories to the passerbys. Kei usually reprimanded the local poets and storytellers for causing a blockage in the market’s path, but this time, he sat on an empty wooden log and listened. His mind followed with the words and his head swayed to the rhymes and rhythm. Before he knew it, the moon had replaced the sun, the market shop keepers had packed up and gone home and the children went to go have supper.
“Excuse me, my prince, but I’m very much so gracious of you using your time to hear my craft!” With a grin occupying your face, you bowed before hurriedly leaving. Kei was left dumbfounded. He couldn’t believe that such talent belonged to a person as divine as you. He wanted you to be by his side, and read him poems just for him. With a pleased mind, he made plans tonight to host a function at his palace and invite every poet or storyteller, just to see you again.
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Kageyama is a cold-hearted prince, who values power and wealth over the health and prosperity of his people. He has no regard for anyone’s feelings except his own and is willing to sacrifice anyone and anything in order to get what he wants. Some say it was because of the absence of his parents, or that no other kingdom was willing to make alliances with him. Even so, Tobio dismissed all of those rumours and continued his duties as prince.
You were just a measly maid at the palace, someone beneath him. He ordered you around to do mundane tasks or incredibly difficult tasks just to satisfy his ego. However, despite all this, you defended him against your gossiping co-workers.. Tobio can’t say for sure this made him fall in love with you, but it definitely did earn you some respect.
Although, what did make him fall head over heels for you, was when he was assigned you a task to mop and polish the ballroom floors by yourself. He was expecting an obedient nod and for you to hurry along, but you did the exact opposite. You screamed at him, something along the lines of it being unfair, being overworked and not ethnically correct. He didn’t listen to your words because he was so distracted that someone had even yelled at him. He just had to admit, your bravery made him feel weak at the knees. However, he isn’t the one to submit.
💕please reblog! 💕
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pandorem · 11 months
Of course, the amount of people who seemingly get through the whole series of mob psycho and still think that Ritsu’s season one motivations were merely jealousy and entitlement and not the lingering effects of trauma, the same explosive consequences of pushing down all of his trauma and negative emotions that mob has just taken in a different direction, the feeling that he had no way to defend himself if mob lost control again, and the results of a complicated mix of the feeling that he constantly needed to manage his brother’s emotional state for him so he wouldn’t explode and the genuine desire to reconnect with him and once again have a good relationship with him after the incident that scarred BOTH of their childhoods, not just mobs, is… a lot less funny.
Especially since so much of this you can glean from season one and there are clues to this before the Big Cleanup Arc even gets started, meaning that you can put together a lot of this right away. There’s a lot more to the complex trauma and motivation of Ritsu but I don’t want this to be a long post but yeah… “jealousy and entitlement” are the least important of Ritsu’s actual motivations of all and yet they are the ones I keep seeing brought up when people (outside of fanfic writers and my own Tumblr dash) talk about him :(
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angelatsumu · 2 years
'til death do we part <3 [hq]
in which haikyu men say their vows (atsumu, tobio, keiji)
warnings: slight religious themes (atsumu), slight ooc tobio, author is projecting her own vows this is for the lovely @milkywayseastar-lord for making this simpy little writer feel heard <33 i hope this doesn't disappoint <33
“y/n. You are the the freshly lit candle after a long day of errands. You are the breath of fresh air in the peak of spring. you are the spring in my step, and you are my favorite song on repeat for the rest of my days. You are the perfect serve. You are the hard-fought win after a long tournament. You are like a constant fire, burning in my chest. You’re the winds that guide sails and the trails that lead travelers back home. Your love is like the warmth of a thousand suns. You are the angel who’s come down to spare me of my suffering, to relieve me of that overwhelming nothingness there was before. You are proof that God adores me, and you are the envy of all of Hades’s might. You’re the light of my life, and without you there is no life. Giving you my last name is the comfort that you and I are together even when miles apart. Neither land nor sea can separate this name from you, nor your heart from mine. Damnation and divinity are nothing now that I’ve seen your light. I love you, Miya y/n. You are proof that God is the way, the truth, and the light.”
k. tobio
"there are many things i have not been so sure of in life. i've never been sure of where life would take me or how well i would do with volleyball. i've never been sure of my social skills or my place in the lives of others. i've neverbeen sure of what i'd eat for breakfast the next morning. i'm not even sure these words will be enough to say what i'm feeling. the only thing i've ever been truly certain of was my love for you, y/n. of all the variables in the world, our love was never an uncertainty. my love for you is as immutable as the sun rising every morning and setting every night. the change of the tides could never deter me from falling for the light in your eyes. there's nothing as world-shattering and breathtaking than the love you give. your love redeems, heals, and saves. today i vow to never abandon my post as your devotee. today, i am certain you were made for loving me."
a. keiji
"to be loved is to be truly known, and i can gladly say i am loved by you. there is nothing more addicting than basking in your love, than being seen for who i am as my truest self. your love cuts through the hard defenses of stoicism, and it shows me i am yours. i believe my task in life is to love you, and my heart has found a home in your arms. when i look at you, i am in the throws of love once more, and my mortal form aches when it is away from you. your love is like recognizing myself once again, and knowing that there is no piece of me that isn't a part of you. thank you for knowing me, and i vow to know you until my heart lays itself to rest."
these are truly awful but i am full of emotion, and i think we as a community deserve more lovestruck hq men at the altar.
i hope you all have enjoyed this sweet (and slightly unrealistic) little blurb <33
rb's are appreciated <33
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priniya · 6 months
requests guidelines ⭐️
hello everyone! after a year (and a half?) i’ve finally got to myself to show all the things i could write for. it’s gonna be updated regularly as soon as i obsess over something new.
so . . .
i’m not sure if i’m a good person to write smut so… request if u want, but might take a long time before i post it! (i haven’t really written anything smut related so that might be bad)
please, if you request something, write a small blurb of what you’ll like to read!
i mainly write for a female reader with she/her pronouns and all that, but i’m up for gender neutral as well if you feel like it :)
i might add sth here if i think of it, but the most important part is who do i write for. bold stands for my favs, italics is like… second fav, i guess!
✩ harry potter — slytherin boys (theodore nott, mattheo riddle, lorenzo berkshire, draco malfoy + pansy parkinson and daphne greengrass), marauders (james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, regulus black, evan rosier, barty crouch jr.), golden era (harry potter, ron weasley, cedric diggory, weasley twins, ginny weasley).
✩ percy jackson — greek demigods (percy jackson, leo valdez, annabeth chase, luke castellan, grover underwood, hood brothers, clarisse la rue, piper mclean), roman demigods (frank zhang, jason grace, hazel lavasque).
✩ books — the inheritance games (jameson hawthorne, grayson hawthorne, xander hawthorne, avery kylie grambs, thea laughlin), a good girl’s guide to murder (pippa fitz-amobi, ravi singh), hockey boyfriends (nate hawkins, garret graham, john logan, dean di laurenti, john tucker, hunter davenport, henry turner, russ callaghan)
✩ miscellaneous series — jenny han universes (conrad fisher, peter kavinsky, kitty song covey, cam cameron, steven conklin, minho), criminal minds (spencer reid, aaron hotchner, jennifer jareau, derek morgan), outer banks (jj maybank, pope heyward, rafe cameron), my life with the walter boys (alex walter, cole walter, isaac garcia, kailey)
✩ anime — haikyuu (kageyama, tsukishima, osamu, atsumu, suna, oikawa, bokuto, akaashi, kuroo, kenma, semi + the rest😭).
✩ people i don’t know how to classify — zuko + sokka, steve harrington, matthew gray gubler, drew starkey, louis partridge, timothee chalamet, peter parker, nct members.
if you don’t see someone, just ask! there’s a high chance i just forgot about them xx
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tsukiasaurus · 1 year
haikyuu boys with a chubby!s/o
includes: tsukishima, bokuto, osamu (ft a sprinkle of atsumu) ushijima (tendo makes an appearance)
lots of fluff!! some angst in tsukki’s, but that cant really be helped mans a jerk sometimes. TW FOR NEGATIVE BODY IMAGE. this WILL have mentions of a bad relationship with food, so PLEASE read with caution if that effects you.
reader is gn, but is called gorgeous
kind of a self indulgent blurb tbh
seeing you insecure is one of his least favorite things. seeing you cry is the worst. putting them together? oh boy, he’s ready to fight
tsukishima spots you eating with hinata and kageyama, stuffing a meat bun into your mouth with a smile. the boys had brought home another nationals win, and you were all having a get together at daichi’s place. tsukishima sits down across from you, smirking.
“god, y/n, you’re such a fatass.”
the words leave his lips easily, and you want to spit out your food. you notice everyone’s eyes on you, and you try and get the meat bun down as fast as you can. you know tsukishima can be a jerk with his little comments, but there was no remorse after this. even after being together, his comments would still sting, even though he didnt mean for them to. but what did change was his apology afterwards if he noticed that he hurt you.
you dont speak for the remainder of the party. you just sit on the couch, scrolling through your phone. you were waiting for tsukishima’s apology, but it never came. surely he had seen your reaction.
“y/n, you ready to go?” tsukishima’s voice cuts through your thoughts. you nod silently, walking home with him.
it doesnt hit him until you’re in bed before him, facing the wall in one of your pajama shirts. not his. usually when the two of you come home from parties, you spend some time together. getting into bed, tsukishima moves to pull you close, hands on your tummy where they usually rest. you tense.
“hey, what gives?” tsukishima asks, propping himself up on his elbow. “you dont wanna cuddle?”
you shake your head, blinking back tears. tsukishima is about to flop back down when he hears a sniffle.
“y/n?” he asks, voice softer. “are you okay?”
your voice sounds so broken, making tsukishima sigh softly. he gently wraps his arms around you.
“i’m sorry for what i said.” he says gently. “i didnt mean to hurt you. i was going to apologize sooner but dumb and dumber pulled me away.”
you sniffle again, wiping your eyes. “it’s fine.” you mumble.
“love, its not fine.” tsukishima sighs. “you know i love you more than anything in this world. i never mean to hurt you with my comments. i know your weight is a sensitive subject for you, and i’m sorry. if you want, i can sleep on the couch tonight.”
when you don’t respond, tsukishima goes to grab the spare blanket and pillow for when he makes a particularly snide comment and you dont want to speak to him. you sit up, looking at him. your cheeks are streaked with tears and your nose is slightly red.
“don’t go.” you say softly. “i love you.”
tsukishima gets into bed, pulling you close. he places a gentle kiss on your forehead, closing his eyes.
“again, i’m sorry for hurting you, y/n.” he says softly. “you’re absolutely amazing and perfect, and i cant believe that you’d love a jerk like me. i’m so thankful to have you in my life.”
you thank the alcohol for letting tsukishima be slightly more open with his emotions. he never spoke like that unless he was drunk, but he showed his love for you in different ways, like sharing his strawberry shortcake with you.
there are two constants in tsukishima’s life: his love for strawberry shortcake, and his love for you.
bokuto is a people person, through and through. he loves the attention, and he cant get enough of the fans swooning over him. until you came along, he was nearly overwhelmed by all the attention.
with you in his life now, he wasnt sure how he survived before. having someone in his life that was a constant, seeing him at his lowest points and helping lift him up, was honestly so crazy to him. he loves you more than he loves volleyball, and thats the love of his life.
after a particularly good game against shiratorizawa, bokuto is flocked by attractive looking fans. before he can even get to you to receive his post game you-did-amazing-kiss, he was pulled in several different directions for questions. you didnt really mind it if you were honest. dating bokuto came with him talking to fans before going to kiss you after a game, and you were fine with that.
a few attractive girls walked up to bokuto, giggling at him, asking for pictures, the usual.
“oh bo, are you single? i would love to date you!” one of the girls said, swooning in front of bokuto.
“i’m sorry ladies, but i’m taken! i’m dating y/n and i love them!” bokuto was proud. he was so proud that he can call you his.
“y/n??” another girl cackled. “but bo, you’re so strong and muscular and attractive! how can you be dating someone thats so fat??”
fat. the word echoed in your ears as the girls all turned and giggled at you. you were a bit chubby, sure, but it only bothered you sometimes. like now, when you looked at all of the thinner girls and figured that bokuto would be happier with them.
“i’ll see you at home kou!” you call, giving bokuto your best fake smile. “i’m gonna make us some dinner!”
bokuto knew that something was wrong, that he needed to stop you, but he got pulled back to do an interview.
when he finally gets home, he finds you looking in the mirror, tears streaming down your face as you look at yourself. to you, you look hideous. a chubby stomach, too thick thighs. you hate it.
bokuto walks up behind you and hugs you tightly. it takes him a moment to realize that you’re crying, so he rests his chin on your shoulder.
“whats the matter bub?” he asks sweetly.
“i’m too fat.” you whimper. “there’s so many other people that are more attractive than me. you can do so much better.”
bokuto is shocked. you’d never brought this up before. what happened that made you feel so negatively about yourself? you’re wonderful!
he finds himself laughing in spite of himself. him? find someone better than YOU? no chance.
“little owl, you’re one of the most gorgeous human beings i have ever met. loving you has been such a privilege and i’m honored to be your boyfriend.” he says, wrapping his arms around you. “you are the light in my life on dark days. you make me smile like nobody else can. your brain being mean is not a reflection of that. you have some chub, so what? you’re so beautiful and wonderful and i cannot believe you’re mine.”
by the time bokuto is done, you’re crying even more. he takes this as a sign to take it up a notch. he knows that you might not be crying from sadness anymore, but you aren’t smiling just yet.
“are you insecure about this?” bokuto asks, gently holding your tummy. “this adorable thing? what about this?”
he goes around, gripping your thighs, your arms, and even your butt. by the time he’s done, you’re laughing. you turn around and hug bokuto, who you have just realized has not taken a shower yet, and smile.
“thank you kou.” you say, softly kissing his cheek. “i love you so much.”
bokuto smiles, returning your kiss. he’s happy that you’re smiling again, and makes sure that you know that he’s not above making an ass of himself just to see you smile.
osamu’s love language is service and gifts. he loves making you food, letting you try new menu items before he puts them out, and is generally just a big foodie (duh). it’s natural that he’d have a slightly bigger partner because of his time working at onigiri miya. he’s gotta have someone comfortable with eating some of the concoctions that he makes.
you sit on the kitchen counter, swinging your legs happily as you watch osamu cook. he’s in his element, humming along to the soft music that he has playing. he’s making you a new dish to try, slightly nervous because he’s the most excited about it.
“okay love,” he says, placing a plate next to you. “go ahead.”
you pick up the rice ball, which is shaped like an actual ball and covered in a sweet dark sauce, and lift it to your lips. you sigh, content with how absolutely delicious it is.
“baby this is amazing!” you say, noticing osamu’s nervous expression.
osamu sighs with a smile, kissing your temple. “can i take a picture for the onigiri miya instagram page?” he asks against your skin.
you pose, smiling sweetly as you hold up the newest menu item. osamu snaps the picture, uploading it with a smile.
“you’re so adorable.” he says, hugging you. “still cant believe you’re mine.”
you smile, pecking his cheek. it’s weird, being doted on like this. you know that he and atsumu have been super competitive all their lives, and you knew that osamu almost never got the girls. it was always atsumu. you never knew why; he was such a sweetheart. he always took care of you, made sure that you never went hungry, gave you kisses and snuggles, and give you pleasure that you didnt even know you could experience.
osamu’s phone buzzed on the counter, dozens of notifications coming from people commenting and liking the post. you glance over, reading the first comment you see:
osamufan81615: wow, i cant believe how big y/n’s gotten! lay off the food my dude XD
you freeze, opening your phone to look at the comments. you notice that a few of the comments are harsher than usual, and all of the mean comments are directed towards you. more specifically, your weight. you find yourself getting lost in the comments, nearly getting physically sick at how rude some people could be.
osamu was observant. he watched your entire aura change as you scrolled on your phone. he took it out of your hands, wrapping his arms around you. he scooped you up from the counter, walking with your legs wrapped around his waist until he sat on the couch.
you cant help but sniffle, rereading some of the comments in your mind. you go to move off of osamu’s lap, but he holds you tighter.
“don’t listen to ‘em.” he says softly. “you are so amazing and so much more than whatever weight you are. you’re mine, and that’s all i could ever want. i love you as you are, and dont let some idiots get ya down.”
he strokes your hair, trailing his hand down your back just how you like. the two of you sit silently for a bit, your head on osamu’s shoulder.
“love you ‘samu.” you mumble quietly against his neck.
osamu’s phone buzzed with a text, undoubtedly from atsumu. osamu pushed his phone away until atsumu called him, making osamu groan. you giggled.
“what do ya want, ya pest?” osamu groaned.
“do ya see how they’re treating y/n in the comments on your most recent post??” atsumu all but yells. “i’ve been replying to comments for the past 15 minutes telling ‘em to lay off.”
“i have. i’m letting them get their 15 minutes of fame.” osamu replied. “i’m comforting y/n right now because the comments are getting to them.”
“i told one of them that they look like their family tree is a circle.” atsumu said, a smile clear in his voice. you couldnt help but laugh.
“thanks bro.” osamu said, a smile on his face as well. “i’ll let you keep harassing em, i got more important matters to attend to.”
hanging up the phone, osamu leans over and kisses you. he peppers kisses on your neck, leaving goosebumps in their wake. you shiver, gasping when he sucks on your neck.
“how about we go upstairs and i help you forget about all those idiots and show you how much you mean to me, hm?”
you cant help but nod. the new menu item is put up the following week, and osamu really drives home the fact that you are perfect just the way you are by letting you ride him for hours the night of the menu’s new debut.
ushijima wakatoshi. a strong, stoic man who barely speaks two words on the court unless he’s really riled up. dating the top ace in the country comes with long nights where he stays out after winning a big game, being stopped on the street, and countless interviews. it also came with him worshiping the ground you walked on.
“toshi, what do you think of this one?” you ask, opening the dressing room door.
your figure is hugged by a sparkly red outfit, accentuating your curves perfectly. ushijima sits up straight, eyes nearly bulging out of his face.
“thats the one.” he says.
you cant help but giggle. you were invited to attend a banquet dinner, black tie only, with the team. you had no outfits that were fancy enough for the occasion, so ushijima insisted he buy something for you.
walking to the register, you hold ushijima’s hand with a smile. the cashier made some small talk while she scanned and bagged the items of your outfit.
“i do have to say, im a very big fan of yours wakatoshi.” she said, giving a sweet smile to your boyfriend. “congratulations on your big win.”
usually, whenever you two went to the store together, the cashier would make a big deal out of talking to ushijima. this lady was a very pleasant change.
“thank you, miss.” ushijima replied with a smile.
later that night, you walked into the banquet, holding ushijima’s hand with a smile. there were photographers everywhere, and you were almost blinded by the flashes of all the cameras.
sitting down at a table with tendo and goshiki, you give them both a smile.
“hey boys.” you greet.
“hi y/n!” goshiki says, sitting up straight. “you look wonderful tonight!”
you smile. “thank you tsu.”
goshiki has had a thing for you for so long, that you’re sure if you werent dating anyone, he’d be trying to get with you. ushijima places a hand on your thigh, rubbing it with his thumb gently.
as the evening progressed, there were more and more interviews being done. ushijima was being interviewed by a taller, attractive woman, who was clearly flirting with him.
“so, wakatoshi, whats your workout routine look like?” she asks, smiling as she pushes some hair behind her ear. “i know a hunk such as yourself has to have a staple in his routine.”
“i enjoy running.” ushijima starts. “i also tend to focus on weight lifting when i dont do cardio.”
“do you have a workout partner?”
ushijima nods. “yes, my partner y/n.” he says, a smile growing on his lips.
“y/n?” the interviewer asks, a hint of disgust in her voice. “are they the chubby one following you around tonight? they don’t seem to be that good of a workout partner to me.”
tendo’s ear twitched while talking to you, his attention quickly turning to ushijima and the pest speaking with him.
“they are very encouraging.” ushijima continues. “i enjoy their company while lifting weights.”
“well, maybe you need someone,” the lady clears her throat. “…thinner to help you. y/n is practically spilling out of that outfit they’re in.”
“thats it.” tendo says, getting up.
you heard the entire thing. the woman was set on tearing you down, but ushijima was, as usual, telling her how amazing you were. you were slightly tearing up at the final comment.
tendo grabs your wrist gently, pulling you to ushijima. he knew that ushijima wasnt one for confrontation, but tendo was more than happy to go off on someone in his place. you wipe your misty eyes as you follow.
“actually,” tendo squints, looking at the name sticker on the lady’s jacket. “aiko, is it? i know my buddy toshi here wont say it, but i will. putting someone down because you wish you were in their place is very ugly. ushijima is with y/n because he loves them. all there is to it.”
“this interview is over.” ushijima says, turning to you. “i’m sorry babe, lets go get something to drink.”
you glance over at the lady, giving her a nice smile before you walk away.
“lets go get trashed!!!” tendo yells, allowing a chorus of cheers from the other teammates to fill the banquet hall.
as you can tell, this was a LONG one. lowercase is intended, and this was done while sitting at work, so i hope you enjoy.
and no matter what your weight, you are beautiful and deserve love ❤️
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literalite · 7 months
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character/story influences tag
rules: write up a blurb or make a visual collage of the people or characters (from books, TV shows, movies, etc.) that inspired your story and/or OC, either visually, personality wise, or just a general vibe
thanks for the tag @tricoufamily :DD i am tagging @gunthermunch @lucidicer @itsmariejanel @orphyd @goldenwaves this is FUN u should do it. thank u
medias/characters meet me in the woods: man in the dark (paul auster), orlando (virginia woolf), lord huron's entire discography, specifically meet me in the woods and the ghost on the shore, the godfather 1972 (barely), age of adaline 2015, the old guard 2020, this specific cc cross, and reading homer's the iliad in my final year of high school. somehow don't go where i can't follow: the raven cycle (maggie stiefvater), his dark materials (philip pullman), adventure time 2010-2018, mitski’s bury me at makeout creek album, next of kin by alvvays, bite the hand by boygenius, matilda (roald dahl) (jokingly), horrible no good homoerotic teenage friendships, the chosen one trope, and this post by tumblr user @/louisegluckpdf. also my life which explains why the aesthetic is completely disjointed RIP violent affairs (with @lucidicer): nbc hannibal, bones and all 2022, arachnids, ethel cain’s preacher's daughter, sir chloe’s i am the dog album, mine and olli's deranged combined mental energies mutually focusing on t4t cannibalism  vinny reign: matt murdock (netflix daredevil), joel miller (tlou), the fallen angel painting by alexandre cabanel, caravaggio paintings, catholic guilt, arsonist’s lullabye by hozier caleb vatore: those italian twinks that renaissance artists kept referencing to paint religious figures, dorian gray, orlando, timothee chalamet (LMAO), the reveal that the noo don’t kill yourself you’re so sexy guy is a twink [redacted] morrow: gojo satoru, howl pendragon (studio ghibli), jay gatsby, kageyama shigeo and also a bit of reigen arataka (mp100), ronan lynch and gansey (the raven cycle), eden's entire discography, birdcage by novo amor, mercy by sir chloe, myself ophelia griffin: ophelia painting by john everett millais, blue sargent (the raven cycle), clairo, phoebe bridger's discography, strawberry blonde and your best american girl by mitski, clairo’s immunity album, the first crush i ever had manny pluto: yotasuke takahashi (blue period), tbh a lot of blue period in general, alhaitham (genshin impact), adam parrish (the raven cycle), a hint of geto suguru, working for the knife by mitski nayef al karim: spiders, abel AND cain, julian slowik (the menu 2022), hannibal lecter (yes obvious i know but moreso the focus on fine dining as opposed to the psychology), stewy hosseini (succession), inbred by ethel cain
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clarrissanewt · 2 years
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It’s sinister how bakugou keeps encapsulating you in every point of his life. 
He’s enamoured by the way you slur a ‘good morning’ from beside him, the magic sunlight does to your skin, the big grin you give him when taking his photo while he is cooking. 
His fingers lousily move through the strap of the camera as you groan at him. He always does it. He loves to have every moment spent with you to be with him. It’s a routine to see your pictures he has clicked whenever he can. He’d do it while sitting in his office or when you are asleep by his side.
It is unsaid between you two but every moment with you makes him fall more in love. He scrolls through the pictures, each one reminding him why he fell in love with you. 
Each minute he spends with you makes him more content with life. He loves Sundays where both of you are lazy, acting like teenagers, and finding excuses to stay in with each other more. You’d always admit to be smitten by the ruby red of his eyes, telling him how photos don’t do them justice.
The camera is always bakugou and so you are least bothered. The click sounds like an unsung commitment of love; the grin bakugou gives you makes you smile. 
Bakugou scrolls through the pictures again and the smile that’s etched out on his face is angelic. He’d not try to show you, but it’s been years and you still looked the same when you’d sleep with your face nuzzled into the pillow.
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taglist- @buzzyboi79 @keyz-writes @1-800-mocha @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @simpforerenn
have a blurb request? send in some!
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cptnleviackerman · 6 months
NOW PLAYING: End Game [Feat. Ed Sheeran & Future]
Ooh, you and me, we got big reputations
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thank you all so much for helping me hit this amazing milestone!!! ッ to celebrate I will be writing 15 blurbs/drabbles inspired by lyrics from the album reputation by taylor swift!!!
below are the prompts that I've chosen, once they are completed they will all be linked here
since this is my first event type thing I will not be taking requests for characters! I will be writing for some of these characters only but please do vote in my polls to decide which character I write for each prompt! ♡ polls will be starting on 26.12.23, tagged on my account under sage.event
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Some, some boys are tryin' too hard / He don't try at all, though + satoru gojo
I don't wanna touch you (I don't wanna be) / Just another ex-love (you don't wanna see) / I don't wanna miss you (I don't wanna miss you) / Like the other girls do + eren jaeger
This is how the world works / You gotta leave before you get left + reiner braun
My name is whatever you decide / And I'm just gonna call you mine + jean kirstein
Dark jeans and your Nikes, look at you / Oh, damn, never seen that color blue + satoru gojo
And then the world moves on, but one thing's for sure / Maybe I got mine, but you'll all get yours + eren jaeger
I'm so chill, but you make me jealous + levi ackerman
You should take it as a compliment / That I'm talking to everyone here but you (but you, but you) + levi ackerman
In shades of gray in candlelight / I wanted to leave him, I needed a reason + spencer reid
Your love is a secret I'm hoping, dreaming, dying to keep + jean kirstein
I'm a mess, but I'm the mess that you wanted + tobio kageyama
I'm spilling wine in the bathtub / You kiss my face and we're both drunk + yelena
It was so nice throwing big parties / Jump into the pool from the balcony / Everyone swimming in a champagne sea + eren jaeger
Holdin' my breath, slowly I said / "You don't need to save me / But would you run away with me?" + din djarin
I'll be there if you're the toast of the town, babe / Or if you strike out and you're crawling home + levi ackerman
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tagging some mutuals: @cowgirlikets @jeanboyjean @tetzoro @tetsunormous @thephantomtheory @leviismybby @kiyoors (lmk if u want me to untag you!)
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satoujo · 9 months
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!disclaimer none of the works featured on this blog belong to me. all reachable creators were asked for permission to have their work linked on here
main directory
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➵ series: story consisted of multiple chapters
➵ one-shot: a single piece of standalone work; can be any length, such as from 1k to 80k words
➵ drabbles: short piece of writing; typically under 1k words and usually around 100 words
➵ blurbs & others: small short description, headcanons, etc.
❀ = fluff ⋆˚ ✧ = angst ⋆˚ ♡ = smut ⋆˚ ✄ = crack
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domestic: anniversary dinner (❀) by @augustinewrites
warnings/notes: none
Demanding Attention  (❀✄) by @emmyrosee
warnings/notes: banter, ushijima makes an appearance or mention rather
updated: dec 25, 2023
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Haikyuu Masterlist
Created: 4/11/2022
Updated: 14/09/2023
It's my first attempt at a masterlist because the posts were getting rather numerous, please let me know if anything doesn't work like it should!
Hinata Shoyo
Soulmate AU
Money Talks
Challenge Accepted (MALE Reader)
Fluffy drabble
Smut, with Comedy as Aftercare
Kageyama Tobio
Soulmate AU
Prompt Request #9 (Platonic)
Prompt Request #6 (SPICY)
Sundays (MALE Reader)
The Goddess and Her Gladiator
Hopeless Navigator
Yamaguchi Tadashi
Prompt Request #10 (Fluff)
Tsukishima Kei
No one but me
Nishinoya Yuu
Affectionate Thief
Bokuto Koutaro
Sing me a Lullaby Pt.1
Sing me a Lullaby Pt.2
Comfort Blurb
You perfect, me yours
Being best friends with Kuroo and Bokuto
Iwaizumi Hajime
My Bombshell
Fluffy Drabble
Oikawa Tooru
Angst (TW Alcohol Abuse)
Fiercely Independent
Fuck You
Kyotani Kentaro
Intimidating Pt.1
Intimidating Pt.2 (Tattoo artist flavour).
Ushijima Wakatoshi
Self Request (Fluff)
Eita Semi
Wholesome new Relationship
Tendou Satori
Prompt #10 AO3 Request
Guessing Change
Miya Atsumu
Not the same
Relationship Goals
Bilingual Reader 1
Who Said it (M.Atsumu)
Miya Osamu
Christmas Miracle
Scary Who?
Looking at me
Suna Rintaro
Nap With Me
Kuroo Tetsurou
Party Animal
Be Kind to Yourself (Ask)
Being best friends with Kuroo and Bokuto
Karasuno VBC (Headcanons)
The things their partner knows about them that no one else ever will
Random Haikyuu Prompts that I need the motivation to write
Soft Haikyuu HCs
Weak Immune System: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4
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ya9amicide · 8 months
main masterlist
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Death Note
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♡ Light Yagami ♡
♡ Babymaker (1) ♡ Baby...Made (2) ♡
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Camera Roll AUs
♡ Being part of the Karasuno VBC ♡
♡ Dating Daichi Sawamura ♡
♡ Dating Koshi Sugawara ♡
♡ Dating Asahi Azumane ♡
♡ Dating Yu Nishinoya ♡
♡ Dating Ryunosuke Tanaka ♡
♡ Dating Tobio Kageyama ♡
♡ Dating Shoyo Hinata ♡
♡ Dating Kei Tsukishima ♡
♡ Dating Tadashi Yamaguchi ♡
♡ Being part of the Fukurodani VBC ♡
♡ Dating Kotaro Bokuto ♡
♡ Dating Keiji Akaashi ♡
♡ Being part of the Nekoma VBC ♡
♡ Dating Tetsuro Kuroo ♡
♡ Dating Kenma Kozume ♡
♡ Being part of the Aoba Johsai VBC ♡
♡ Dating Toru Oikawa ♡
♡ Dating Hajime Iwaizumi ♡
♡ Being part of the Shiratorizawa VBC ♡
♡ Dating Wakatoshi Ushijima ♡
♡ Dating Satori Tendo ♡
♡ Dating Atsumu Miya ♡
♡ Dating Osamu Miya ♡
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
Ok this is a part two of this fic/blurb/request thing they’re kinda shortish but hopefully they’re good!!😭😭
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Dad!Hinata and Dad!Kageyama
Requested by~ @leuyen2004
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Tw-cursing, uhmmm little crying, idk let me know if I missed something!
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He’d rented Ed your life fairly well, falling back into your old routine fairly well.
But it was odd, he wasn’t sure he really knew how to care for a toddler.
You were certain he’d do fine with it Aiko was always toddling after him when he’d leave the room and she’d pout if he shut her out of a room before banging on the door until he came out.
One of the days however solidified in his mind that everything was very much real, “dada!” Aiko had practically squealed, the two of you had been trying to teach her how to say it to avoid the confusion when she’d just shout mama when she wanted Shoyo’s attention.
Both your eyes widened, Hinata could practically feel the tears well in his eyes as he picked her up peppering kisses on her cheeks as she giggled.
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He woke up with a raging head ache, where the fuck was he? He looks around at the familiar walls of your apartment the one you’d shared with him at one time.
He tilts his head to the side not prepared to stand up yet to see a miniature version of himself with their hair pulled into pigtails a few traits of yours mixed into the small girl as she sits on the ground her arms crossed as she pouts.
“Habiki?” You shout from the kitchen and he can feel his head pulse.
She stands running off to meet you.
He cautiously makes his way into the kitchen smiling as he sees you settle the little girl into her highchair and he feels like he may still be in a dream.
“Tobio” you mutter handing him a plate, there isn’t any hostility in your voice but there isn’t any trace of the fondness it once held onto so dearly.
“Y/n” he whispers and you nod sitting down beside an empty chair.
The breakfast is normal, it isn’t until Habiki’s put down for her nap that you sit him down and explain everything.
He wanted to sob, he had a daughter, a sassy little girl who he’d missed almost two years of her growing up.
“Do I still have a chance?” You roll your eyes before noticing he’s serious.
You seem to think over it for a moment, “let’s see how this works out Tobio…I didn’t say no but let’s wait a bit”
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Let me know if you want more because I love writing requests so much!!
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