#kaizsche's wips
kaizsche · 9 months
kolena college roommate fic
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In an AU where TVD S4 never happened because Kol moved out of Mystic Falls as soon as 3x14 ended and never looked back again, started a new life posing as an undergraduate with an alarming interest in occult studies and was buggered about the dorm's co-ed system—thinking about sharing close quarters with a human, and a female at that!—but he wasn't going to let a puny mortal ruin all of his fun so he shelved that thought away for later until said roommate entered his life who happened to… just… be… the—
"Doppelganger." He narrowed his eyes at her suspiciously.
"Mikaelson," It spoke back, equally confused.
(all that editing made me want to post a snippet of this baby-which is actually inspired by a spuffy fic-so here we are! this is currently a work in progress, so what you might see here isn't the final product.)
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sunless-garden · 11 months
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
@internerdionality tagged me, and this seems like a fun exercise to remind myself of what I need to work on.
Star Trek (K/S):
Spock Prime Angst - Into Darkness
SNW Tarsus Fic
Vibrations - Chapter 2
TVD (Klaulena):
Beneath The Pine - Chapter 15
I'm tagging @1lostone, @qvnthesia, @frownyalfred, and @kaizsche
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qvnthesia · 2 years
hey, hey, hey! hope you're doing good <33 may i present to you, qvnthesia's ao3 wrapped (def better than spotify wrapped!)
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How many words have you written this year? — 100,000+ (i thought i wrote less with the writer slump T~T)
How many works have you published this year? — 4; I'm more for a long-fic person lmao
What work are you most proud of? — See You In My Nightmares! *excited*
What work of yours has the most hits? — Definitely See You In My Nightmares (the amount of people that have subscribed to the fic more than YMH is mind-blowing 😂)
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected? — It'd have to be Gently Into the Cold, Dark Earth. It was just supposed to be a one-shot, I didn't expect my inbox to blow up + See You In My Nightmares again 😂
Favorite title you used? — bespangled prairies (for my sw fic!)
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? — Mostly Taylor Swift
Pairing you wrote the most for this year? — Klaulena and Elejah are tied 😂
Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? — Klaulena (they do things to me, okay? 😭)
What work was the quickest to write? — Time After Time (elejah oneshot that just burst out of me from nowhere)
What work took you the longest to write? — Well, considering I'm writing them right now, See You In My Nightmares and Yours, My Heart collectively take the prize. But, personally speaking, I think Yours, My Heart takes longer because there's a lot of mystery I've got to keep up with and crosscheck with my notes.
How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year? — 36 ahahahaha *dies*
What’s your longest work of the year? — See You In My Nightmares (one of the chapters is 21K+ words 😂)
What’s your shortest work of the year? — Time After Time
What WIP are you taking into next year with you? — My two on-going long-fics! + my sw short-fic
What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag? — Canon Divergence (I've said it before and I will say it again—I recognize that canon has made a decision, but given that it's a STUPID-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it)
Your favorite character to write this year? — Elena! 😭💖+ Anakin (he's a man tugging my own heart)
The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year? — Klaus, that man is both hot and insane.
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? — Dunno, probably Finnlena, since I have planned a series of one-shots surrounding the Mikaelsons and Elena.
Which work of yours have you reread the most? — See You In My Nightmares (to understand why people like it so much + a reminder that i need to update but i never do)
How many kudos in total did you get this year? — 991 kudos!
Which work has the most comments? — With a comment thread count of 122, See You In My Nightmares 😂
Did you do any collaborative works this year? — Unfortunately, no :(((
Did you write any gifts this year? — I'm actually writing one for @kaizsche!! a bit nervous but excited too!!
Did you receive any gifts this year? — @kaizsche and I are exchanging fics and I'm pretty excited! (nervous but excited, gahh, gotta write good)
What’s your most common category? — f/m
What do you listen to while writing? — First it was indie, then some dark moody songs but now it's a mix of the second one and instrumentals + slowed and reverb songs.
Favorite work you wrote this year? — Time After Time
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? — This one is from Chapter 12 of SYIMN. “My brother and I, we didn’t hate her for turning into a vampire, we despised her because we thought she was kind. We thought she might be like Tatia, we didn’t expect her to turn out so… different. Yes, even though I was going to sacrifice her, Elijah had a backup plan to bring her back to life. I wasn’t supportive of his plan, but my brother wears his heart on his sleeve for the women from your bloodline, no matter how many tailored suits he wears to shroud his true nature from the world. For Tatia, I did the same. For Katherine, I didn’t. At first, yes, even I considered a future with her, but—” he clicks his tongue. “—that strange emotion in her eyes made me reconsider. And after what she did, I was right. I didn’t see it coming, though. I didn’t see how desperate she was to trick us and somehow live. That betrayal stung deeper than my mother’s role in Tatia’s death. Ever since then, we realized it was a mistake to ever come to love a Petrova.”
Biggest surprise while writing this year? — Around the end of February, I got invited to join a server where a bunch of writers that I'd followed on Tumblr and AO3 were there and I was so excited and happy to actually get a chance to interact with them because the way we've interacted, the ideas we've exchanged and all the times we've listened and helped each other, it's happened to me for the first time 😂 + I've never actually improved so much in writing until I started writing on AO3 and this year just took it to new heights. My worldbuilding rates, writing rates, everything's just gone up in a good way and I'm really content with myself about that, and... yeah! 😂
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And that's all from me! It's New Year's Eve and I'd like to thank all the characters I've got a chance to meet (except Susdious and the Salvatores), thank you for making me a better writer! And a very huuuge and special thanks to @kaizsche @sevensistersofsussex @katherineholmes @feralcherry @jennifersminds @elena-mikaelson @amandamonroe and @wazman, y'all are godsend <33
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katherineholmes · 2 years
WIP List Game
You know the drill: create a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP file folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
Thank you so much for the tag @mrstabbymcwolfy
Ooh, so not sure if anyone is interested, but I’m going to try doing this regardless. Ask away about whichever title intrigues you!
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Make It Holy
The Monsters In Her Heart
Baby It’s Cold Outside
I See You (From The Shadows)
The House of The Dragons:
Fireplace Ashes
Young And Beautiful
Tagging : @kaizsche @qvnthesia @amandamonroe @finnismyoriginalsin @sevensistersofsussex
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kaizsche · 6 months
tonight i can write (preview)
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note: so... another WIP gets added to the list days after i posted a snippet of mystified ch2... thing was... i was supposed to write that fic but my american lit professor sent a neruda poem we can work on for finals and i just snapped and re-read it again like 4 hours ago and here is the product of my neruda obsession (i'm blaming spike and spuffy authors for this)
inspired by pablo neruda's tonight i can write
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He lifted her closer in his embrace and whispered lines of poetry in her ear. The words depicted her fortitude and compassion. His prose sang praises of her victories, big and small.
She loved me, sometimes I loved her too. How could one not have loved her great still eyes.
Until he had gone out of words. Until he felt the last embers of her warmth seep away. Elijah could no longer find the words. He simply held her and instead hummed a lost song to occupy the silence. It was an ancient song to lull the children into sleep. Henrik had requested it of him the night before he was found dead, torn up by wolves. Elijah barely remembered the words now, having not spoken the ancient language in many years. He hoped Henrik would find it in himself to sing it to her.
Tonight I can write the saddest lines. To think that I do not have her. To feel that I have lost her. To hear the immense night, still more immense without her. And the verse falls to the soul like dew to the pasture.
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kaizsche · 1 year
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popping up to post a new klena wip. dunno if its ever gonna see the light of day though...
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kaizsche · 6 months
Anakin and Elena is a really awesome pairing! Have you considered other Star Wars and The Vampire Diaries characters together? I think Elijah and Padme’ would make a lot of sense!
before anything else, anon you are fucking brilliant.
honestly, i haven't considered pairing off other characters because @qvnthesia and i were mostly focused on anakin and elena's possibility as a couple. we're both sw & tvd fans and we couldn't resist the temptation of pairing these two off.
the moment your ask notified me i literally screamed on discord with @qvnthesia about it LMAO q's hands were shaking so hard she couldn't type properly at the prospect of elijah/padme bc thinking about them now is just. ugh. perfection. like AHIDUHAWIDUAIDGAIGDIUAGDIA
okay, now for the ask... for some reason i feel like... obi-wan/bonnie. obi could assume the mentor role with bonnie, especially with magic. he could help her control it, caution her against dark spells. teach her that just because she's a bennett that she can abuse the magic given to her. idk. if i had the time to write it i could incorporate jedi powers as magic as well. maybe. idk. he could protect her too.
@qvnthesia i need your help with this one - what other characters do you consider shipped together?
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kaizsche · 2 years
today is snippet fic friday!!!! here's a kolena wip, (which is almost 3k words in! i swear out of all my wips, this one occupies most of my time—and i'm planning to maybe have it around 6k-10k words... to make up for me posting short ass fics 🤣🤣) it's a soulmate au!
Kol awakens. His clothes are dusty and wrinkled. It would appear that Niklaus took no liberty in his younger sibling’s hygiene—that much he could at least do for imprisoning them for such a long time. Though something tells him that Niklaus probably kept Rebekah pristinely clean. After all, she is the favored sibling of his bastard brother.
“I am Kassandra Jane, granddaughter of May Jane.”
Ah. The little protégé. He beckons her closer with a flick of his wrist. “Stay still, darling. Wouldn’t want you in too much pain now.” She winces at the piercing pain of his fangs tearing through her flesh. Kol doesn’t take too much of her blood. It’s not everyday a loyal witch comes to save you from imprisonment.
“Thank you darling,” He grins, jumping down the coffin with a bounce in his step. “So tell me, what year is it?”
“It’s 2009.”
Kol frowns, “Come again?”
“It’s November 9, 2009. 6:09 PM.”
2009. Bloody hell. Niklaus kept him neutralized for a century? Shit. Fuck. He’s been gone for that long?
“Thank you for freeing me, darling.” He looks around, taking note of three other coffins besides him. Should be Rebekah, Finn and Elijah. Kol shrugs off his vest, accepting the garment tucked in Kassandra’s arms. It fit him, surprisingly. Although knowing May’s obsession toward him, it was of no shock at all.
“Shall we go now? Before Niklaus daggers me again. Bah, that brute.”
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kaizsche · 2 years
untitled kolena fic ??? one shot ???
i've been writing for kolena lately and im just... still havent finished some of my wips for them (i sure hope i don't take too long for it to be finished lmao or else ill die) anyways here's a snippet bc ive been so inactive lately with my procrastinating, lack of inspiration/motivation to write and also bc classes are starting (i'm a sophomore now so, yay! p.s. i can feel the burning stare of my readings thru the back of my head as im writing this so) so sorry for disappearing...
hmu at discord if u want to know more, or if you want to have a chat!
Elena has only ever heard of negativity surrounding her alleged spouse. How he’s not of noble birth and that her grandmother, Tatia Petrova scammed the entire family for arranging such a marriage partner unbefitting of their royal status as Monarchs of the United States of America. 
She slips on her robe, shuffling to the bathroom to wash her face.
“Marriage.” Rebekah’s voice starts out strained, as if she could not fully grasp her thoughts. “So who is the lucky guy then?”
Elena throws a towel over her shoulder, smearing a generous amount of mint toothpaste on the cheap hotel toothbrush and shrugs, “I don’t know who he is.” She watches the rumpled sheets pool at Rebekah’s waist, revealing a set of swollen, perky nipples. She fights the temptation to return back to bed and bury her mouth in the other woman’s breasts. 
“This is it then.” Rebekah turns her polished nails in a circular motion, face set in a ridiculous frown. 
For us. Elena catches the implication without a need to spell it out loud. She turns back to the sink, spitting the bubbly substance down the drain and wiping the remains with a towel. There is a knock at the door, three sharp rasps indicating her parcel of clothes would be behind the door. 
The tension is high in the air as she opens the door to scoop the paperbag in her arm, proceeding to change into the nondescript clothing. Rebekah’s offended scoff rings through the empty room. 
“You are cruel.”
Elena zips the hoodie close, eyes trailed on her partner’s fury. “I am the nation’s Crown Princess.” Is what she says in response, crackling in the air. She wears her mask perfectly, just as expected of the next heir to the throne. 
“Would it have been different if I was born a noble?” A beat passes. Elena holds the door open, observing the constellation of tears dotting Rebekah’s cheeks. Finn quietly procures the bag in her hand, standing upright next to the opened door, invisible to Rebekah’s eye. She catches his gaze, lowering her head in a frequent gesture.
‘Take care of this for me, yeah?’
Finn nods, stepping out in the light to take Elena’s place.
The door closes.
Elena climbs in the car, leaning her head against the window to wait for Finn to be done with his business. She plugs her phone back on, revealing a handful of calls from both her mother and father and scrolls down to the edge of her contact list, blocking Rebekah’s number and deleting their conversation.
Finn’s back for no more than 3 minutes later, still pristine looking. Not a single hair out of place and no scratches. She throws the first aid kick at the back as Finn climbs in the driver's seat.
“I take it went well?”
He rolled his eyes, starting the engine, “She had many demands, Your Highness.”
“Nothing that would damage the Royal Treasury?” 
Finn is silent as he drives away from the hotel. Elena snorts, propping her feet above the glove compartment.
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kaizsche · 5 months
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this has been in my drafts for so long it deserves to be freed from jail so here's a shitty unbeta'd snippet of an untitled elejah doctor au fic (inspired by @katherineholmes' tea)
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“You should go for it,” Elena heard the low rumble of a man’s chuckle in the earpiece accompanied by a very distracting synthetic music in the background.
“I shouldn’t.” She watched helplessly as the confident resident Hayley Marshall approached Elijah decked out in a form fitting white dress making goo-goo eyes at him.
Hayley always made a spectacle of her arrival, dressed like she was walking to the red carpet of a blockbuster film or as if the hospital were Milan’s current fashion week with her alternating from one brand to another.
Meanwhile… Elena looked down at her current look— courtesy of Jeremy knocking at her doorstep completely stoned out of his mind she had forgotten about her morning shift trying to set him to rights before he’d manage to do anything stupid—a bird’s nest piled on the top of her head, last night’s cable knit sweater with bits of her cute little brother’s vomit, ultra faded jeans she thrifted from a flea market and her sad converse.
She took baby steps, ended the call on a still rambling Caroline listing reasons as to why she needed to hypothetically jump Elijah and ride him at a gallop—car keys on one hand and a cup of hot cocoa to kickstart her day, she balanced them all in her left hand to pretend scrolling through her phone to spare herself the humiliation of having to face Elijah looking like she’d gone out in the wild to hunt for an endangered exotic bird.
But fate like the snivelling bitch it was, wanted her to suffer and die.
“Elena!” He greeted her with a wide smile.
Hayley, out of courtesy, received her arrival with an equally jovial smile but her eyes held a sharp glint of annoyance to it.
Then, Elijah stepped out of Hayley’s reach and into her own bubble to ask a concerned, “Are you okay?”
Still really in the outs, she barely registered the feeling of his fingers hovering over her cheek, her cold skin soaking up the trail of warmth he left behind when his thumb swept an arc across her cheekbones.
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kaizsche · 2 years
star-crossed lovers & soulmates + miracle baby elejah au
its THAT time of the week... my fic snippet week time baby!!!!! this fic was inspired by the many miracle baby fic elejah tropes... but with a touch of norse mythology (thor, loki, & sif cameos) this is set in TO, probably after hope is born but im still currently in s1 rn, and i want to savor watching each episode aodajda anyways,,,,
warning... this is still in development right now, so this particular scene may be changed in the future (but knowing my lazy ass, i probably wont) enjOYYYY!!
"look who i found loitering around rousseau's."
if klaus gave any indication, or semblance of recognition, he does not. instead, his eyes rounds comically amidst the dropping of his jaw. it's a look of total surprise. elena hopes she could capture the image for potential blackmail material.
"what's up with you and pregnant women anyways?" hayley ushers her to take a seat, being extra careful seeing how the human girl is at her third trimester.
klaus follows behind them, sincerely confused and marvels at the sight of the newest addition to the petrova bloodline. he clears his throat once elena is settled on the couch as hayley prepares tea for their guest. "my elena, what a lovely surprise! i see you've upheld the end of our bargain. though, i wasn't expecting you to be so enthusiastic about this," his gaze flounders towards the portruding belly. "tell me, how did the salvatore brothers react to this lovely news? congratulations, by the way."
elijah wakes from his slumber with haste, speeding into the compound where the loveliest flower he'd ever seen is standing— he's the sun that guides her to dance, to sing, and to enjoy all of splendor.
he takes in the sight of her— brows frowning when he realizes there was something different about her—
bile lurches, wiggles its way out of his throat, eyes zeroed on the hands that once betrayed him and tended to him in the duration of their companionship— her soft, deadly hands a shield of its own around the obvious round of her belly.
she may as well daggered him.
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kaizsche · 2 years
princess diaries au
i still have no idea what to do with this because kol insterted himself last minute.... now i'm debating on writing a prequel fic of kol and elena's friendship- an au of the first movie.... but who knows...
this might be the longest snippet i have ever posted in my life...
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"I can invite whoever I want right?" "Sure, dearest." Henry's glare says otherwise. Katerina huffs, "You are the Crown Princess, my darling girl. I am the Queen Regent; my position is higher than you, higher than any other leech in court. I'm sure you can compel your way through an invitation. No one will say anything." She whips out her phone and texts Kol the digital file of the invitation. — "You're a Mikaelson." "Yep." "You're Mikael's son." "Uh-huh." "You're the Prime Minister's son." "Yes, I am very well aware of the fact. Do you fancy Mimosa's, darling?" "Why didn't you tell me?" "It wasn't important." "Kol!"
— "Elijah. Elijah Mikaelson at your disposal, Your Highness." Then this must be the honorable Mikaelson her grandmother is fond of, despite her boundless abhorrence of the father. When Elijah attempts to follow through the customs of the royal family greeting, knee already bent at an unnatural angle, Elena pulls him up with his tie, causing his forehead to collide with hers. "Fuc—" Elena catches Henry's scathing look over Elijah's shoulder as if he'd hear her curse. Chewing on the inside of her cheek, she struggles to fix Elijah's rumpled state by leading their dance— ("Even men are supposed to lead their partners in a dance. Which is fucking stupid, by the way." Katerina mumbles the last bit, noticing Henry's heavy gaze on her. "Then why are you teaching me the male's part, Grandma?" Elena stifles a giggle when Katerina instructs her to literally sweep her off her feet. They both fell down, a heap of fabric on the marbled floor. Henry sprints to the two women with a fond smile on his lips as their laughter fills the room.) The aforementioned male is still in a daze. There's a stupid grin plastered on his face as he blindly follows her lead, occasionally stepping on her foot. Flustered, Elijah frets, "I'm sorry, Crown Princess— It's just that... I'm not used to following." "Well then, I bestow upon you the honor of being the Crown Princess' first follow— wait, Grandma was the first, but I'll make an exception." Elijah beams and a funny worm wiggles through her heart, "It seems that I am indebted to you now, Your Highness."
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kaizsche · 2 years
untitled elejah fic
as i did promise to post snippets of my wips, here is one sitting patiently in my notepad, and is inspired by ao3 fics, plastic crown and a fine line. this fic is still in the early stages of development, meaning the plot is not yet concrete and there may be changes in the future, like this snippet right here.
"lovely trousers you're wearing. care to share what brand it is?" elijah smirks wryly, pinching her thigh to rub the material of his suit pant against his thumb and forefinger. "you see, i am rather fond of kifton suits because of the rough material." 
elena gasps, horrified once her foggy brain clears up. 
"you— you're-" 
someone catches his attention, a platinum blonde woman beside an equally blonde confused man. "it pains me to say that it suits you quite well." he flat out checks her out, swiping his tongue across his bottom lip. "you look good in navy blue, miss gilbert." then he walks away. 
caroline and bonnie shrieks in her ear. elena looks like spicy spaghetti sauce (if that's ever a thing), all red and hot and bothered.
"wait, isn't that...?"
"that's elijah's, right?"
"that kifton hayley gave him on their anniversary? that custom-made tailored suit?"
or, where, wedding planner elena gilbert spent a night in elijah mikaelson’s bed the day before the start of the wedding preparation of their exes.
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