#kalika songs
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pettybourgeoiz · 2 years
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pslvtv · 1 year
Sri Durga Kavacham in Telugu | శ్రీ దుర్గా దేవి కవచం | PSLV TV
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h0bg0blin-meat · 15 days
Hey Meat! Currently combing through Matt Clayton’s Hindu Mythology: A Captivating Guide to Hindu Myths, Hindu Gods, and Hindu Goddesses and I was wondering if you could give like a little introduction to the main concepts/gods/goddesses? I’m seeing many terms like “the Veedas” and “the Shastras” as I go through it and I’m picking up context clues and I could probably google them but I’d like to hear from actual people and especially those who know and care deeply about these Myths (like you <3). So… can you help me? /gen
Heyyy Neptune! First of all I apologize it took me so long to answer you dfnsfjfdjg forgive meeee
I love how ardently you're researching Hinduism. I haven't really read his book, but I'll help you with giving you an overview of it, so to speak.
Firstly lemme tell you about the Vedic knowledge system, which consists of:
Vedas: These are the oldest known scriptures of Hinduism. The religion has four Vedas, namely the:
Rig Veda (RV): book of hymns to the deities.
Yajur Veda (YV): book of mantras and worship rituals
Sama Veda (SV): book of chanting songs
Atharva Veda (AV): book of procedures of everyday life
Each of them have four subdivisions:
Samhitas (mantras, hymns, prayers and benedictions)
Brahmanas (explanations and instructions on performing Vedic rituals)
Aranyakas (texts on the meaning and symbolisms of rituals and ceremonies basically). They were mainly composed by sages who meditated in the wilderness, hence the name of the texts (aranya means forest in Sanskrit).
Upanishads (texts on meditation, philosophy and spiritual knowledge)
Upasanas (additional). These are texts on worship.
Vedangas: These are the six auxiliary disciplines of Hinduism, and are heavily linked to the Vedas. They are:
Shiksha: Study of phonetics
Vyakarana: Study of grammar
Chhandas: Study of poetic metres and rhythm
Niruktas: Study of etymology
Jyotishya: Study of astrology and astronomy
Kalpa: Study of rituals and guide to ritual instructions
Upavedas: These are texts regarding certain fields of work like:
Ayur Veda: Study of medicine and life sciences
Gandharva Veda: Study of music, art and dance
Dhanur Veda: Study of archery and warfare
Arthashastra: Study of business and administration
Speaking of Shastras, they are kinda similar to Upavedas, and deal with certain fields of knowledge, like we saw in the case of Arthashastra. There are many shastras:
Bhautikashastra - Study of physics
Rasashastra - Study of chemistry
Jivashastra - Study of biology
Vastushastra - Study of architectural science
Shilpashastra - Study of mechanical arts and sculpture
Nitishastra - Corpus on ethics and policies
Alamkarashastra - Study of rhetorics
Kavyashastra - Study of poetics
Sangitashastra - Study of music
Natyashastra - Study of theatre and dance
Yogashastra - contains instructions and teachings on yoga
Mokshashastra - contains instructions and teachings on moksha
Nyayashastra - contains instructions and teachings on justice, laws and judgement
Dharmashastra - contains instructions and teachings on dharma
Kamashastra - contains instructions and teachings on love, desire and pleasure.
And so on.
Then we have the Puranas, which are texts on various topics, usually legends and lores. A few examples are:
Brahma Purana
Vishnu Purana
Matsya Purana
Kalika Purana
Vamana Purana
Shiva Purana
Agni Purana
Bhagavata Purana
And so on. The latest Purana ever written was the Kalki Purana, which was around 400-600 years ago. It is believed that Ved Vyasa (the author* of the epic Mahabharata) composed all these Puranas as well. But many disagree.
*some believe Ved Vyas got Ganesh (the God of wisdom, success and remover of obstacles, and the son of Shiva) to write the Mahabharata for him. While some believe Ved Vyas wrote it himself.
Then we have the Sutras which are aphoristic (concise expression of a general truth/principle) texts. Some examples are:
Brahma Sutras
Yoga Sutras
Nyaya Sutras
Kama Sutra
and so on.
Then comes Itihasa (historical texts), which include the two major epics of Hinduism, namely:
Ramayana (composed by Valmiki)
Mahabharata (composed my Vyasa/Ganesh)
Read the epics I'll not spoil it for ya heehee
Now, for the Gods. Oh man there are so many, but not 33 crore (1 crore = 10 million), contrary to popular belief, but rather 33 types.
In the very beginning of the pantheon, the main Gods were:
Indra (god of thunder and rain and the King of Gods)
Agni (god of fire)
Mitra (god of friendship, sun, daylight)
Varuna (god of waters, oceans, night time)
Vayu (wind god)
Soma (wind god, also sometimes called the moon god)
Ushas (goddess of dawn)
Ashwins (twin solar gods of medicine and sons of Surya)
Surya (Sun god)
Rudra (another wind/storm god who later became another form of Shiva)
Vishnu (bro doesn't have any specific assigned field tbh)
And a few others like Brihaspati (Jupiter god), Pushan (solar god of meetings, marriages, roads and cattle), Savitr (god of speed and cosmos) and many others.
Now there was this supreme vague deity in the Vedas. It's not Brahman yet. They (for the lack of a better set of pronouns) appear later. But it is some kind of supernatural force that let to the creation of this universe, and was initially mostly referred to as Prajapati (sometimes it wasn't one being though, rather a group), from what I can infer. Some may even called em Purusha. In the link you'll also get the First Creation Myth of Hinduism.
There is also an agnostic section in the Rig Veda, known as the Nasadiya Sukta. In this specific section we know there's some form of a supreme deity, but it's very vague as to what it is.
Moving on, in around mid-Vedic period, Vishnu became heavily popular, and two new deities came into being, namely Brahma (who soon got the title of Prajapati) and Shiva (from Rudra because previously Rudra had an alternative name called Siva. So Ig that's where 'Shiva' stemmed from. But again not sure).
Vishnu and Shiva became extremely popular, to the point that they got an entire sect of people dedicated to each of em, hence Vaishnavism and Shaivism (respectively) were born. Vaishnavs heralded Vishnu to be the Supreme God, while Shaivites heralded Shiva to be the Supreme God. (Soon Harihar or Vishnu-Shiva sect also emerged where both the Gods were considered the same, and hence both were the Supreme Gods, or Supreme God, if we consider them one entity) But in the future we can see Vaishnavism took over the spotlight, and finally during the age of the epics, Sanatan Dharma was born, which eventually became synonymous with Hinduism, and now almost everyone considers Vishnu is the Supreme Lord (while many others consider it to be the Brahman, who Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma are a part of).
Vishnu actually gained the most popularity from the two epics that I've mentioned, and the first one is almost entirely surrounded around his avatar, Ram (yes he has avatars now). His most popular avatars include Ram and Krishna, and the latter has an entire organization dedicated to him (ISKON or International Society for Krishna Consciousness), and this org considers THIS avatar as the Supreme Lord, and actually considers Vishnu as his avatar, not the other way around. Krishna also appears in the famous Bhagavad Gita, which is the prime philosophy book of guidelines for the Hindus today.
Buckle up, it's about to get more confusing cuz now Vishnu is our main character for a while (bro has HEAVILY influenced this religion atp there's no turning back for him now). His evolution is so interesting cuz who'd have thought in the Rig Vedic times that he'd grow up to be THIS popular TOT. Not Indra for sure xD.
Anyhoo so about Vishnu's avatars. He has ten main avatars that appear through the cycle of Hindu Yugas (eras):
Matsya: Big fishiee. Some paintings portray him as a merman tho.
Kurma: Giant tortoise go brrr.
Varaha: A boar-man :D. Pumba's gunna vibe with him fs.
Narasimha: Very angy lion-man. Will be besties with Sekhmet in a heartbeat i just know it.
Vamana: Cute "lil" dwarf (covered the universe in three steps)
Parshurama: Appears in the Mahabharata
Rama: Main character of Ramayana (hence the name), and is the younger brother of Balarama.
Krishna: One of the main characters of the Mahabharata
Balarama/Buddha (sources vary)
Kalki (future avatar)
Now Mohini is the female form of Vishnu. Whether or not she counts as an avatar is debated. She's the goddess of beauty and a seductress that lures bad guys (mostly Asuras) and then kills them, or atleast teaches them a lesson (but she also attracts the devas sometimes. Shiva for example). So yeah.
His wife is Lakshmi, who's the goddess of wealth, fortune, power, beauty, fertility and prosperity. She also has avatars btw.
Now the Second Creation Myth is pretty messy. Different sects have different takes on it. Usually it is considered that:
Brahma created the universe (or universes in case of the multiverse version).
Vishnu preserves the universe
Shiva destroys the universe
This process is considered cyclic and after the destruction Brahma creates a new universe, and it keeps repeating.
The origin of these three gods are also debated. Some say Brahma created Vishnu and Shiva, some say Vishnu created Brahma and Shiva, some say Lakshmi created Brahma, some say Shiva created Brahma and Vishnu. Some say Vishnu and Shiva are two of the Adityas (comprising of Indra, Agni, Mitra, Varuna, Surya etc.), and hence the children of Kashyap and Aditi.
Quick desc of Shiva is that he's the god of destruction, rebirth, time, benevolence etc. He also has avatars, plus a female form, called Shivani. His wife is Parvati, who ALSO has avatars, primarily Kali, Durya, Gauri etc. Sometimes Parvati and Lakshmi's avatars overlap. Sometimes, Vishnu and Parvati's avatars overlap (like Krishna-Kali).
He and his wife have two sons- Ganesha (god of wisdom, beginnings, remover of obstacles etc.), and Kartikeya/Murugun/Skanda (god of war). Who's the elder one is debated but usually Kartikeya is considered older.
Also Brahma's wife is Saraswati (goddess of wisdom, knowledge, music, flowing water, abundance etc.), who was born from him. Bro has faced some issues with falling for ppl (women) he has created actually lol, which is why he was cursed by Shiva and even lost one of his heads, hence ending up with four heads, when he initially had five. Check this site out as to why he was cancelled by Mahadev (another name of Shiva).
Now we have two Holy Trinities:
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva (However, Vishnu and Shiva are way closer to Indra, while Brahma's kinda like the dad of the group, yk)
Saraswati, Lakshmi, Parvati
Then we have the Devas and the Asuras, who can be compared to the Aesir and Vanir, in a way. The Devas are usually the benevolent one, who attained the amrit (elixir), while the Asuras are usually the antagonists. But tbh, in my opinion, both of these groups are morally grey as fock.
Parents of Devas (Rishi/sage Kashyapa and Aditi)
Parents of Asuras (Rishi/sage Kashyapa and Diti)
Diti and Aditi and daughters of king Daksha (one of the Prajapatis). The reason the Asuras turned out the way they did was cuz Diti approached Kashyap at an unholy hour, to put it shortly. Sources say she was also jealous of how Aditi's kids turned out, which might be another factor to how her kids turned out in turn (lot of 'turn's we're getting ahah)
They are described well in the Samudra Manthan, from the Vishnu Purana. Have a look.
Now see, this stark contrast between the Devas and the Asuras didn't quite exist back in the earliest Rig-Vedic period. In fact, some of the most prominent Devas were referred to as Asuras in the Rig Veda, most famously Varuna, who was actually referred to as the leader of the Asuras/Asuryas. Other Devas who got referred to as Asuras include Indra, Agni, Mitra, and a few others. So I have a feeling the concept of the modern-day Asuras didn't quite exist back then.
Now for the concepts of Hinduism, like Moksha, Dharma etc., I think I'll refer to actual practising Hindus to explain it to you, since they'd be able to explain them in a much better way. They can also add to my explanations of things, or correct me if I explained anything wrong. So I'mma tag em.
@kaal-naagin @zeherili-ankhein @inc0rrectmyths @randomx123 @ssj2hindudude @blue-lotus333 (idk if you're a Hindu but you still know a lot so) and anyone else who wanna join.
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spoiledleaff · 5 days
No no you cannot just post that 'silly little hc'??? And not expect me to ask you about it??? I need the rest of your lecture notes ASAP lol
✿ — yesss! haha! i was really, really hoping that someone might be intrigued enough to maybe ask me about this further; it's honestly so near and dear to my heart, especially since diving deep into storytelling and character development is a massive passion of mine! :)) for a little bit of context, this ask is in reference to >>this<< post i made briefly going over my whole hc for the two ep! :D
anyways!! this post is gonna be a massive theory/headcannon post that will be focusing on the sleep token ep, two, and the first song, calcutta, as well as my hc that these songs are quite literally the basis for ii's backstory! :D considering that nazareth and jericho are two of my favorite songs in all of sleep token's discography, i'll most likely address those two songs in a separate post! :) for now, i just wanna throw these thoughts out there, haha!
✿ — TWO.
well, first of all, where does this hc originate from? i'm so glad you asked! :D this hc stems from the fact that every song from this ep are the only songs on spotify to list a 'vessel ii' as a composer alongside 'vessel'. to my knowledge! calcutta, nazareth, and jericho are the only songs in the entire sleep token discography that lists a 'vessel ii' as a composer alongside 'vessel' or 'vessel 1'. naturally, we can assume that this is our one and only ii! :)
and, of course, the ep is named 'two'! :) yes, of course, this ep is the band's second compilation of music, so the name is a little bit on the nose, haha! but i also like to think — in the same vein that this ep is ii's backstory — the ep one is vessel's backstory :) which, who knows, haha! maybe i'll do my own narrative analysis of the one ep after this >:Dc
↳ tw + cw : discussions of death, jealousy + possessive thoughts.
✿ — first up on the ep is calcutta! :D gosh, i do so love this song, haha! but, first of all, what does calcutta mean?
✧ — as a general idea, calcutta is actually the largest city and the capital in west bengal of india! it's a bit of a melting pot of sorts, especially for practicing different religions such as hinduism, muslims, and, of course, christianity. though, since 2001, the city has officially changed its name to 'kolkata'.
↳ another interesting thing that i discovered while doing some extra research for this post is in regards to the etymology behind the name 'kolkata'! :D the word is initially taken from the name 'kôlikata' which was the name of one of three villages in the area that merged together to form the city of kolkata. in regards to the etymology of the name, 'kolikata' is thought to have been a variation of the bengali word 'kalikkhetrô' which translates to 'field of kali'.
↳ okay, so!! interestingly enough, kali — also known as kalika — is a prominent figure in hindu mythology and religion! kali is oftentimes worshipped as a divine protector and as one who bestows liberation; she is associated with aspects of mortal life such as time, change, creation, power, and!! the most fascinating bit!! she is also associated with destruction and death. this little tidbit of information becomes even more interesting when considering the next song featured in this ep, nazareth. but!! back to calcutta! :)
✧ — additionally, there was also a dungeon stationed in fort william, calcutta in the 1700's that held british prisoners of war after the fort was overtaken in a seige. the dungeon was known as the 'black hole of calcutta', and a written account from one of the soldiers that was imprisoned there detailed brutal conditions that were so inhuman and cramped that they had its prisoners dying from suffocation and heat exhaustion. to support this reference, in the opening shots for the calcutta music video, vessel is shown literally crawling out of an unknown crevice, presumably a hole. haha! i don't know why i worded that so weirdly, but you get the point! :)
✿ — these possible little sneak-peeks of the possible history behind the name of this song are so fascinating to me, haha! but, what about the actual song?
✧ — of course, this is all up my personal feelings and interpretations about this song, but i like to think that calcutta is a song about hopelessness and about experiencing a growing sense of despair that can only come from loving another person that you cannot obtain. as much as i would love to break this song down lyric by lyric and piece by juicy little piece, i think i'm going to focus on specific lyrics and sections that really resonate with me! :D ...which is apparently almost the entirety of the song, haha!
' i am caught, tangled in // wrapped and quartered '
↳ when i first heard this lyric, i was immediately reminded of the black hole of calcutta. to be caught, to be tangled in, only to be executed in a brutal manner that was typically reserved only for individuals who had committed high treason against the kingdom of england. when dissecting it, it's an absolutely morbid and grim line that opens this entire ep!
' and i ache for your eyes and the way you breathe // and i wake, say your name // and i wake, say your name '
↳ personally, these lines scream!! unyielding yearning + unrequited love. especially considering that this line follows after vessel singing about how 'for just a moment // missing pieces find me'?? it feels like every slightly good emotion or feeling that's described in this song is almost immediately crushed by a haunting reminder of how temporary that sensation is.
' you are more than warm belief // melting skywards '
↳ something that i find to be one of the more interesting little references in this ep is that two of the three songs hold roots in christianity + and even calcutta holds a lot of religious symbolism and ties to hinduism. this line feels like religious symbolism being directed to a mortal body—one i can only assume might be vessel. this happens a lot throughout the course of this ep, where there are multiple lyrics that hold heavy references to religious symbolism and/or religious imagery. but there's something so distinctly mortal about how these lyrics are executed, that associating these lyrics with sleep just feels completely incorrect. at least to me!! a gentle reminder that this is all my own person headcannon :)
↳ i'd like to specifically bring your attention towards the terminology that's used in these lyrics! i believe that ii saying that vessel is 'more than warm belief' is ii saying that vessel is more than what sleep is trying to make of him; he is his own person, his own identity that is more than just his devotion to sleep. now, my favorite part is this next bit! 'melting skywards'. sleep token is known for their constant references to water as a form of symbolism, and i think that it's no different here! this might be a bit of an extra long stretch, but i think that ii is worried that vessel's 'warm belief' towards sleep will melt him—ii is worried that vessel's devotion might quite literally be the death of him, or at least the death of his identity, instead choosing to leave ii behind and become completely enveloped in sleep's identity.
' more than silence broken // i'm whole again // for just a moment // 'till the morning comes '
↳ this line feels like a small snippet into vessel's and ii's relationship together, specifically their bonding through music as their time together is 'more than silence broken'. it's through these moments in time where ii feels whole again with vessel and the music that they've made by his side.
↳ i think the most interesting part of this line is the lyric ''till the morning comes'. my favorite thought behind sleep's and vessel's relationship is that sleep is the dominant force during the night, whereas vessel is the dominant side during the day. however, considering that sleep — especially during this era of sleep token's music — is considered a widely negative and toxic personality in their relationship with vessel, wouldn't ii look forward to the daytime?? a time of the week where sleep isn't such a domineering presence in both his and vessel's life?? well! i like to think that this song takes place early in vessel's borderline infatuation with sleep, so even the hours of daylight would be spent with vessel obsessing over sleep and possibly ignoring his relationship with ii in favor of his relationships with sleep and his own personal lover—more on this young lady next!! >:Dc
' oh, she said you'd better believe it // i said you don't know // oh, you said you'd better be there // i said you don't even know '
↳ now, we've finally come to a relatively popular theory in terms of vessel's life before sleep's influence—the possibility of his partner! :) now i will say that i do agree with the theory that vessel did have a longterm partner before sleep and the other vessels hehehe--! especially when considering the music videos for jaws, the way that you were, and possibly even the love that you want and the couple of feminine actors that make an impactful and/or reoccurring appearance in sleep token's music videos!
↳ okay! time to break this puppy down >:)c there are three separate sets of pronouns here — 'she', 'you', and 'i' — so let's identify who might be talking! i believe that 'she' is referring to vessel's partner, 'you' is in reference to vessel, and 'i' is ii. i believe that this verse establishes ii's jealousy towards vessel's partner — something that sleep will weaponize against them both in nazareth.
✧ — ' she said you'd better believe it // i said you don't know ' : to me this feels like vessel's partner is trying to address ii's jealousy, affirming that they are here to stay in vessel's life whether ii likes it or not + ii dismissing them, 'you don't know'.
✧ — ' you said you'd better be there // i said you don't even know ' : this feels like borderline damage control to me, which would make sense if we consider this first half to be from vessel's pov. vessel can see the animosity between ii and his partner. when vessel says, 'you'd better be there', i think he's referring to ii's presence in his life. you'd better be here, you'd better stay with me, etc. etc. and when ii replies, 'you don't even know', i think this is said with the opposite intentions of when ii was dismissing vessel's partner. here, i think ii is almost comforting vessel; his intentions are more genuine when he's addressing vessel, while remaining more hurtful when regarding vessel's partner. i think that this is where sleep finds ii.
✿ — to put it all together, i think that ii cherishes his time spent with vessel during the night, because it's just them! no partner and, at this time, sleep's influence is still small in vessel's life. it's just them. but his attentions are split up — it's being wrapped and quartered — between being with vessel, tolerating his partner, and beginning to catch the eye of sleep themselves. but, in these moments, when it's just ii and vessel together in the dead night, ii feels whole. during the day, vessel seeks out his partner, but in the night, vessel seeks out ii—his missing pieces find him, even for just a moment. however, even in the morning, when vessel moves on, ii is still waking up saying vessel's name. in conclusion, while sleep and their influences might be vessel's—vessel is ii's calcutta; he is ii's prison that ii willingly crawls back into every night, just to have a moment where it is just the two of them. and i think that it is in this moment in time where sleep extends their influence to ii, intending to weaponize ii's jealousy and possessive thoughts to bring vessel closer to sleep.
✿ — and that's it! :D that's my analysis of calcutta from the ep, two! :)) as a friendly reminder, this is just my own interpretation of the lyrics through a strictly narrative lense :) i don't think this could be actual sleep token canon, haha! i just think that this would make a very fun and interesting story for my own selfish reasons, haha! i'll still probably make another post for nazareth and jericho, but please feel free to let me know what you think of this silly little analysis in the mean time! :D i always love hearing other people's opinions and thoughts on these sorts of topics, haha!
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dailydemonspotlight · 2 months
Day 1 - Shiva
Race: Fury
Alignment: Light-Chaos
March 20th, 2024
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Today’s Demon Spotlight is Shiva from Hinduism, the destroyer who breaks for more to create. One of the primary deities in Hindu Mythology alongside Vishnu and Brahma, Shiva serves a very unique purpose- he’s worshiped as someone who participates in a cycle of life and rebirth, the god who destroys so more can be created by Brahma. As such, he’s far from inherently evil, and is actually one of the most worshiped in the Trimurti. There is a lot to Hinduism, and admittedly I’m not very knowledgeable about it, but Shiva’s role in it has always caught my interest, and has actually inspired quite a bit of my own work- he’s actually the chief inspiration for Nil!
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In the Megami Tensei games, Shiva serves as a very powerful demon in almost all of them, appearing at very high levels and even serving as a superboss in V. Design wise, there isn’t much to say- he’s rather accurate in all incarnations, what with his blue skin, four arms, and dancer-like attire. His theme song in V, the trippy, almost acid-like song Battle -Destruction- has a rambling, choppy beat fronted by spacey sounding instruments and percussion that gives way to a surreal and oppressive atmosphere, one incredibly fitting for his boss fight in V given his deific role. The bizarre time signature and vocals make it feel like a waltz, which is incredibly fitting given how Tandava is literally just him busting a move. Speaking of which…
His signature skill, ‘Tandava,’ actually originates as a divine dance performed by him in the mythology, likely being what inspired quite a lot of depictions of him as a belly dancer. The Tandava is the method by which Shiva carries out his destruction to reshape the world, a dance so filled with fervor that it represents the eternal cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction. There are several types of this dance, those being “Ananda Tandava, Tripura Tandava, Sandhya Tandava, Samhara Tandava, Kali (Kalika) Tandava, Uma Tandava, Shiva Tandava, Krishna Tandava, and Gauri Tandava.” Each of them represent both different gods and different parts of the cycles in Hinduism, and the one that Shiva himself performs most often (and thusly is named after him) is described as being the originator of the cycle in the first place. In the Megami Tensei games, the Tandava dance depicted appears to be either Rudra Tandava or Shiva Tandava, both of which representing his destruction, though I personally lean more towards it being Rudra Tandava, as the move is a severe almighty attack that destroys all foes on screen.
Overall, Shiva is one of my favorite demons in the series on account of his design, gameplay, and lore. He’s one of the most interesting mythological figures in history in my opinion, and SMT does him justice.
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t4yce · 2 years
tagged by @glittertrail to spell my name with song titles, thank u 😘😘
s - stuck by the aces
o - olala by kalika
p - pretty psycho by purple kiss h - heart to break by kim petras
i -  it’s gonna be okay by muna 
e - elle est taureau by louisadonna and i’m tagging @negativenancy @makotoscoffee & @roxy206 if you wanna do it ^^
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rishifolk · 8 days
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Kori Mana Kam Charena Baul Song | Rishi Chakraborty Song | New Official Music Video 2024 | Folk Song Full Song Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxJhQW1LeRA
Credits: Song - Kori Mana Kam Charena (করিমনা কাম ছাড়েনা) Singer & Video Direction - Rishi Chakraborty Lyrics & Composition - Lalon Fokir Music Arrangement & Strokes - Amit Sur Flute - Soumyajyoti Ghosh Rhythm - Mrigonabhi Chattopadhyay & Sudipto Chakraborty Percussion & Others - Somnath Roy Keyboard - Udayan Chakraborty Chorus - Adriz, Sagar, Amit & Rishi Language - Bengali Category - Folk Song - Boul Gaan Recorded, Mixed & Mastered - Tarun Das @Studio Violina Videography & Edit - Sangeet Roy Thumbnail - Gopal Kirtania Special Thanks To - Purobi Bhattacharjee, Kalika Prasad Bhattacharjee, Kalyan Saha, Rajib Devnath & Bishnu Mete Digital Advisor - Sanjay Sen @Studio Violina Label - Rishi Folk
️⃣ Hash Tag:
rishifolk #baulgaan #folksong #banglagaan #bengalifolksong #newfolksong2024 #rishichakrabotysong #bengalisong #korimanakamcharenabaulsong #lalongeeti #newbengalisong #lalonsangeet
Thanks For Watching 🙏🏻
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ramadas1231 · 9 months
#GouriElo#Raktabeej#Pujo2023Raktabeej is a taut Bengali thriller revolving around a sudden blast in a firecracker unit ahead of Durga Puja. Is there more than what meets the eye? ‘Raktabeej’ is all set to hit the big screens on 19th of October 2023.
Shiver sone Kartik Ganesh Lokhhi Saraswati..
Ashwin mase baper bari asen bhagabati...
#gourielodekhegelo #raktabeejmovie
Song Credits: Song: Gouri Elo Lyrics & Composition: Traditional Collection Source: Shyamapada Bhattacharjee & Kalikaprasad Bhattacharjee Singer: Dohar and Tirtha Bhattacharjee Child Artist: Rohan Das Music Direction: Dohar Dhak and Clarinet: Gopal Das Dotara: Amit Harmonium: Rajib Bangla Dhol and Percussions: Sudipto Violin & Music Production: Souptik Mazumder Instrument Dubbing: Goutam Basu (Studio Vibrations) and Sudipto (Studio Prasad Kahe) Voice Dubbing, Mixing and Mastering: Tarun Das (Studio Violina) #GouriElo #Raktabeej #Pujo2023 #Raktabeejbengalimovie #Windows To connect with us: Follow us on Instagram - https://instagram.com/windowsproducti... Follow us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/windowsprodu... Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/WindowsNs?t=pw0F2...
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Wishing you all Very Happy Deepavali ..
Song :- Swagatalakshmi Dasgupta
#kalipuja2021 #kalimaa #kalika #deepavali2021 #deepavali #diwalivibes #diwalicelebration #diwali #Diwali2021 #bharatanatyamdancer #bharatnatyam #bharatnatyamdance #bharatnatyamdancers #art #artists #kalipujo #kali #dakhinakali #dakshineswarkalitemple #kalighat
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pontsalin · 3 years
the songs in the 'dsmp as french songs' r so good!! :0 the only french artists i knew r stromae and indila rip do u have any other french artists/song recs?
Oh boy don't go around saying Stromae is french, the belgians will kick your ass!
Alright so appart from everyone that were in those vids (that I heavily suggest you listen to their other stuff because they are really good) I I also suggest
Videoclub (you may have heard one of their songs on tiktok), really 80s vibes but super chill (my fav is "Polaroid")
Maxenss also has chill songs in his EP @ ("Comment dormir avec tes voix dans ma tête" is HHH GOOD)
KALIKA is rather new but she's hella cool already
Yelle is a classic, more energetic, lots of her songs are about sex
Mrs Yéyé does rock and has a few nice songs like" Ton heure viendra" or" inadapté"
I also like a few rappers like Casseurs Flowters (composed of Orelsan and Gringe, both should be checked out), Eddy de Pretto (especially "Grave"), Lomepal ("70 is!! So good), Spider Zed ("content" my beloved) Nekfeu, KIKESA, 2TH, Columbine, Hugo TSR, Bekar (especially the song "Soleil s'allume"), 47ter, Big flo et Oli, Lorenzo and Vald
I can also suggest a few french classics that will probably be in a party with alcohol
"Partenaire Particulier" from Partenaire Particulier
"Les démons de minuits" from Images
"Le Lac de Connemara" from Michel Sardou (which objectively speaking isn't good but it's funny to sing along when it picks up)
Also special mention to "Ulysse" from Ridan, "moi c'est" from Camélia Jordana and "Je veux sortir avec un rappeur" from Alice et moi
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olierehman · 3 years
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Folk singer and researcher/song archivist Kalika Prasad Bhattacharya (11 September 1970-7 March 2017) was super versatile. Born and raised in Silchar, Assam, music, rhythm and tune were an intrinsic part of his growing years, his musical inspiration being his uncle Ananta Bhattacharya.He took to the tabla as naturally as he learned to walk, and was gradually propelled towards various ethnic percussion, and also trained in vocal music. With a comparative literature degree from Jadavpur University in 1995, he got in 1998 a research grant from India Foundation for the Arts for ‘Industrialization and Folk music’, and went to Bangalore.
His keen interest in music eventually led him towards the folk music of Bengal and Bangladesh, Barak Valley in Assam and northeastern India, and the search for traditional vibrant, melodious folk songs. In 1999, he co-founded the band Dohar, a group of folk musicians with the intent to revive the folk music tradition of northern and eastern Bengal, and got unnoticed folk songs flowing from time immemorial, reach innumerable people through the nine albums produced by his band. Dohar amazingly merged the urban feelings with their commitment to the roots, research and entertainment, being inseparably entwined.
He can also be attributed as a Tagorian scholar. ‘Bangla’, a collection of Rabindra Sangeet and folk songs in the form of a dialogue between the genres was based on its thematic reading. His Ajab Kudrati proves his unique innovativeness and dramatic craftsmanship. Dohar incidentally was also empaneled by Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR).He also contributed music to a number of movies, like Bhuban Majhi, Selfie, Bhuban Majhi, Bishorjan, Rosogolla and Sitara. He also sang a few playback songs in Hindi and Bengali movies. The Hindi films include Gumshuda. The Bengali films Chaturanga, Moner, Manush, Jaatishwar and Bhuban Majhi.
He also steered many television music-reality shows. He promoted Bengali folk music in the popular Zee Bangla programme ‘Sa Re Ga Ma Pa’, and got worldwide acclamation. His last concert was at the Baguihati Krishi Mela.
In 2012, Bhattacharya wrote various research oriented articles for national and international journals and newspapers. He also gave music for eminent theatre groups like ‘Nandikar’, ‘Kalyani Natya Charcha’ and ‘Tritiyo Sutro’.
He was also one of the founder-organisers of ‘Sahaj Parav’- an annual root music festival, striving to celebrate the diversity and variety of folk forms of arts and crafts in greater south Asia, with a deliberate focus on Bengal. Through this, Kalika’s commitment to the proliferation of the traditional arts is explicit, and once again confirms his pledge for the development and rediscovery of the lost tunes of the soil.
The Bangladesh government organised a memorable programme as a token of tribute to the maestro Bhupen Hazarika where Bhattacharya led Dohar dished out unforgettable numbers of the former. Besides, he was the pivotal personality at a seminar on Dr. Hazarika at a Dhaka programme.Bhattacharya received the ‘Sangeet Samman’ award from the government of West Bengal for his unique creation and musical excellence in 2013, and the ‘Cultural Ambassador of North East’ award from Bytikram Group, Guwahati, in 2013.
Bhattacharya died in a terrible road accident near Gurap village in Hooghly district of West Bengal on 7 March 2017, aged just 47.On his way with four other members of his band, Dohar, to perform at a Birbhum school, their SUV was hit from behind by a truck,and fell into a nearby water body.He was declared brought dead to the hospital. Condolences poured in. He was creative thinking personified. His passing is a big loss to Bengali music. He leaves behind his wife and daughter.
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deerth · 3 years
times when men loved someone very much (in song lyrics)
Dissection - Maha Kali
Maha Kali, dark mother, dance for me!
Let the purity of your nakedness awaken me!
Yours are the fires of deliverance which shall bring me bliss,
Yours is the cruel sword which shall set my spirit free!
Devourer of life and death who rule beyond time,
In thy name I shall fulfill my destiny divine!
Maha Kali, formless one, destroyer of illusion,
Your songs forever sung, the tunes of dissolution!
Kalika, black tongue of fire, embrace me!
Make me one with your power for all eternity!
Awaken within me the reflection of your flame,
Kiss me with your bloody lips and drive me insane!
Type O Negative - Love You to Death
In her place one hundred candles burning
As salty sweat drips from her breast
Her hips move and I can feel what they're saying, swaying
They say the beast inside of me's gonna get ya, get ya, yea...
Black lipstick stains her glass of red wine
I am your servant, may I light your cigarette?
Those lips smooth, yeah I can feel what you're saying, praying
They say the beast inside of me's gonna get ya, get ya, yea...
I beg to serve, your wish is my law
Now close those eyes and let me love you to death
Shall I prove I mean what I'm saying, begging
I say the beast inside me's gonna get ya, get ya, yea...
Hammerfall - Always Will Be
Our sun is set, our day is done
I'm left here wondering
Is this the end? My final words to you
Day turned to night
Now you're gone, I'm left here pondering
Can this be true? Are we really through?
You were the wind beneath my wings
Taught me how to fly
With you I lived among the kings
How could this ever die?
So I say farewell, I'm yours forever
And I always will be
We were one, we were all, we were the only
Future full of hope, nothing could stand in our way
But dreams can change, visions fall, I feel so lonely
I would walk through fire for just one more day
You were the angel of my life
Taught me to be free
Now, I'm a stranger in your eyes
Walls are closing in on me
So I say farewell, I'm yours forever
And I always will be
Missing you in my heart, you are the one
And you always will be
When I turn to the east, I see no dawn
But after darkness comes the light
When I turn to the west, the silent night hides all
Where is the light that shines so bright?
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zerogate · 5 years
Yahwism is an anti-Osirism, since the myth of Osiris and Isis magnifies the power of love over death. The Egyptian myth has parallels in countless myths and tales foreign to Judaism and Christianity, in which a lost soul, a victim of a bad death (Osiris) is saved in the afterlife by the sacrificial love of his soul mate (Isis). This type of mythical imagination is totally foreign to the Bible. No biblical narrative encourages Jews to conceive of sexuality as anything other than a natural function. The paucity of Jewish reflection on the supernatural power of human love can be contrasted with the rich traditions of India, where the erotic and the sacred go together. See for example how the Creator Brahma creates Dawn, radiant of youth and vitality, and himself succumbs to her charms, according to the Kalika Purana. One of the lessons of these myths of Hieros Gamos, according to Indologist Heinrich Zimmer, is that a man may find his own soul by adoring a woman, and vice versa. Yahwism, for its part, only values marriage from the perspective of creating lineages and communities. The only major exception is the Song of Songs—which only found a place in the Hebrew corpus in the first century CE due to an allegorical interpretation of Rabbi Akiva unrelated to its original inspiration. In reality, the Song of Songs is merely a poetic evocation of youthful love, probably of non-Jewish origin, whose carnal eroticism does not rise beyond comparison with drunkenness. The divine is never mentioned.
Laurent Guyénot, From Yahweh to Zion
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t4yce · 2 years
i was tagged by @glittertrail ty 💞😘
Last song: chaudasse by kalika
Last film: i haven’t watched any since easter lol so hop
Currently reading: on earth we’re briefly gorgeous by ocean vuong 
Currently watching: drag race france, all stars, love island
Current obsession: cinnamon swirls, cinnamon buns, cinnamon pastries.. and music! muna, conan gray & nayeon all releasing music around the same time i’m spoilt for choice
(no pressure) tags: @negativenancy @tumble4rpdr @purplejan and anyone who sees this and wants to do this bc i can never think of who to tag fghjk
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rishifolk · 1 year
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Amar Har Kala (আমার হাড় কালা) | Rishi Folk Song | Kalyan | Devoleena | New Bengali Song | Original Full Song Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlMAq0_dOjg
বিখ্যাত কাব্যগ্রন্থ "নকশী কাঁথার মাঠ" -এর স্রষ্টা পল্লীকবি জসিমউদ্দিনের অন্যতম উল্লেখযোগ্য একটি গান এটি। গানটি প্রথম রেকর্ড হয় কিংবদন্তি শিল্পী আব্বাস উদ্দীন আহমেদের সুললিত কণ্ঠে। ভাটিয়ালীর সুরে বিরহী
প্রাণের করুণ আর্তী ফুটে উঠেছে এই গানের ছত্রে ছত্রে। পরবর্তীতে আবদুল আলীমের মতো স্বনামধন্য কণ্ঠশিল্পীর কণ্ঠে এই গান শোনা যায়।
✨ Credits: Song Title: Amar Har Kala | আমার হাড় কালা, Singer: Rishi Chakraborty, Lyricist: Jasim Uddin, Music: Kalika Prasad Bhattacharya And Dohar, Mixed: Tarun Das @ Studio Violina, DOP: Arka Chakraborty @ SJP, Asst. Cinematographer: Sangeet Roy, Editing Desk: Third Eye Production Malda, Story & Direction: Rishi Chakraborty, Cast: Kalyan Saha, Devoleena Maittraa, Pijush Chakraborty, Tapati Chakraborty, Gargi Chakraborty etc. Digital Advisor: Sanjay Sen, Label: Rishi Folk
✨ Previous Released: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PdBJmsjiOw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMR6D7Y5YVs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3KU-kjfJZs
✨ My Social Media Handle & Digital Marketing Partner: Visit My Google Site: https://bit.ly/Rishi_Folk Follow me on YouTube: https://bit.ly/RishiFolk Follow me on Facebook: https://bit.ly/Rishifolk Follow me on Instagram: https://bit.ly/rishifolk Follow me on Twitter: https://bit.ly/Rishi-Folk Follow me on LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/rishiFolk Digital Marketing Partner: https://bit.ly/ViolinaWebservicesPvtLtd
✨ Contact me: Email: [email protected] Mobile +919836475115
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