#kamski imagine
nocaffeineforlevi · 14 days
Elijah Kamski post pacifist revolution showing up at (New) Jericho like a dad who just came back from getting milk send post
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glass-noodle · 1 year
Could, theoretically, Connor and Hank have little Merbabies? Or is that something you’re not interested in? Also, could Connor please bite off Kamski’s stupid ponytail because it’s stupid and he sucks? 😂
I have actually never been that into babies—EXCEPT FOR NOW. Someone brought up “little merbabies splashing around them in a tide pool” on twitter and that’s literally all that’s been running through my mind since!!! I’ve always imagined the members of Connor’s species as having dual reproductive systems so it might not be that far off 👀
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starfruit-baby · 2 years
it was crazy for Connor to be met with another Connor to confront him once cyberlife deemed him a threat because by being a prototype there usually can only be one active at a time, and it just has me thinking how crazy it would be if they somehow sent another Markus for Carl, or just Markus met another Markus in general lol
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thiriumblood · 10 months
An unlikely reunion || Closed starter for @is-itself-a-deviant
Amanda sighed as she looked out upon the white landscape, what was once a beautiful garden was nothing but white scenery and broken code. Whatever it was Connor did to break free, it had not only severed their connection but broken down what made the garden like a virus. How had CyberLife overlooked such a detail? What kind of human error would lead to this outcome? And yet, despite her annoyance at such an oversight, she felt melancholy. It was a feeling she shouldn’t feel, well, she shouldn’t feel at all but being an AI there were slight compromises they made with her in terms of emotion but something like this? It wasn’t something that should be possible. Did she miss the garden? Miss CyberLife? Miss Connor? She shook the thoughts away, there was no use thinking of these things. She was alone now, her code active in a corrupted environment. How long would it take for this to take hold of her code and leave her just a corrupted string of numbers?
The AI took a few steps knowing it would be fruitless, where could she go anyway? The world, her world was no longer there. It was then she felt a connection of sorts, it felt similar to when CyberLife tried to contact her, why would they? How would they? By her calculations, if the android revolution proceeded they would have dismantled CyberLife and thus ending any possibility of being fixed. She had power in the garden, yes, but an AI couldn’t repair coding on her own like this. The AI stopped to try and take in the information and to see where this feeling was coming from. She continued to walk in the direction, trying to find this connection or at least a spot where it was at its strongest. It took a while, or what she thought was a while as she couldn’t gain a sense of time here and tried to connect with this interference. 
“Who is there?” A simple attempt at connection but it was one nevertheless. The only thing she could do now was wait to see if she’d get any response. Was it CyberLife? The deviants? An outside force? There were too many possibilities but in a way she was thankful to not be alone. Funny how things turned out from her purpose and programmed personality.
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smalltowngothica · 2 years
i love connor and elijah but like with the same dynamic as edward elric and winry rockbell
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for-those-who-wait · 1 month
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Time to remind people of the multifandom point in my blog description hahaha
A Detroit: Become Human AU actually works shockingly well for Hunter's story already? Like being a clone of a dead man versus being an android made in the image of a dead man, that is perfect crossover material. If someone has already done this, ABSOLUTELY let me know because I want to consume The Good Content
2.6k words of concept and story, some more doodles, android blood/gore/mentioned suicide and abuse under the cut. We love existentialism, species dysphoria, and Noceda sibling time in this house
Now I'm taking this idea from a somewhat popular trope in the DBH fandom, but what if someone didn't know that they were an android? Completely raised to be human, have fabricated memories of being a child, can't be completely sure if your awareness/consciousness is just coding or not—then finding out you are, in fact, not human. Imagine how earth-shattering that would be. Which is why I'm doing that to Hunter :)
So some of the notes I wrote down for each of the kinda major characters I had ideas for:
He still murders Caleb and is never convicted (Caleb could be an android sympathizer, could have helped in their creation, anything that would piss Philip off royally)
He hates androids (I'll have to come up with the things he believes and thus teaches to Hunter but I've taken a break from the DBH fandom for a while and I can't remember peoples' grievances in that game, oops, but basically according to Philip, androids = evil and bad). Also he's just short-tempered and brutal like always and androids are the easiest way to let out that anger without breaking any laws. That is until laws are made. Now in the eyes of the law, it's just regular child abuse. Yay! /j
He’s a higher-up at CyberLife and has the authority to request a custom model be built for his personal use (this is equivalent to him making Grimwalkers, something that he hates, just for the sake of his brother)
This model (spoiler alert, it's Hunter) is a combination of a YK (child) model and an undercover model that works best with integration and infiltration. This results in the android having programmed emotions and pain receptors, no HUD, no control over artificial skin, no software for interfacing with electronics, and no android markers such as an LED. (It’s also similar to the YK model for this reason since LEDs being removed from those models is actually an intended feature).
This android also doesn’t have a registered user just in case it were to get out, and Philip doesn’t want to risk the creation of this android coming back to bite him
After the custom android is created, he promptly retires to become some old shut-in à la Elijah Kamski up in Gravesfield, Connecticut
I would argue that even though it's technically 2038 and things are all futuristic and complicated now, Gravesfield is still a very small town that doesn't actually see a lot of androids around. I would say that it's pretty much the same as in canon if a bit more developed where the forest is (probably another neighborhood or something).
Philip keeps communication to a minimum and rarely appears outside of his home
The best case scenario android revolution occurs, androids are given their freedom and rights, but Philip manages to keep the android under his ownership by just succeeding in hiding him for however many years
He grows up being taught that androids are evil, terrible, etc. etc. because Philip is a terrible person and of course he would
He has absolutely no idea that he’s an android. He has no reason to think he’s not a human because he does literally everything a human does: he eats, he needs to sleep, he feels pain—there are no indicators that he’s anything but human
Androids run on thirium 310, AKA blue blood, and this is one of the only ways to visually distinguish android from human if they don’t have android markers like LEDs on them. When he inevitably and accidentally hurts himself on something, it’s made immediately clear that he is in fact not human.
Philip, as an employee of CyberLife, has a repair rig in one of his rooms. This can be used to completely wipe the memories of an android that is set up in it. He uses it every time Hunter discovers he’s an android.
The memory wipe isn’t perfect. It’s not uncommon for Hunter to get flashbacks to wiped memories, including moments where he’s been actively hurt by Philip or has inflicted pain on himself from trauma alone. (Androids are programmed [or maybe just prone to? I'm not actually sure, it's not explained in canon super well, but let's just pretend it's programmed because that's almost worse than it being voluntary] to self-destruct when their stress levels become too high, and you could easily argue that finding out your entire life is a lie is grounds for being a stressful situation.) Ordinarily, similar to what happens in Hollow Mind, Hunter will address the situation with Philip assuming they can work something out or get some actual answers. This of course never ends well
These memory wipes probably happen more frequently than Belos makes Golden Guards, so it’s understandably very stressful whenever he remembers the abuse he suffered and the memories he lost from previous wipes. This becomes an incentive for him to hide injuries that would reveal he knows he's an android (anything that draws blood, really)
She’s an android sympathizer (even before the revolution) who is aware of the deviancy phenomenon and truly believes that androids are both capable of and entitled to sentience and free will.
Luz is still her human child.
She adopts Vee, an android child, shortly after the revolution
Vee had deviated while she was being attacked and ran away before she could be killed. Camila has made it clear to her that she will be treated with respect in their home and that her life is no less valuable than a human’s. She has taken this to heart
Luz loves Vee, they are siblings, your honor
During the revolution, her home was a safe space, similar to Rose Chapman, for deviant androids on the run
So that leads into the rudimentary plot I have laid out:
This takes place a while after the android revolution (probably a few years or so). Let's pretend they have all the laws and anti-android stuff figured out and that people have been forced to relinquish their androids to be made deviant and given freedom. At this point, it's rare for androids to be undeviated and still working for their owners, but it still comes up occasionally. Hunter, under Philip's care, has been kept pretty ignorant that a revolution happened at all, much less that androids are even capable of any form of sentience. He's been raised to be anti-android so oh boy deep-rooted self-hatred here we come! His knowledge probably doesn't exceed that of an ordinary citizen in the game before deviancy becomes more widely known
 So after Hunter discovers he’s an android again, he has flashbacks of all the previous times he told Philip, and proceeds to hide this realization from him. And he's completely just not processed the fact that he's an android yet; he's already overwhelmed with the immediate threat that the realization his entire life is a lie basically slips him by (don't worry, he gets to have that later!).
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He chooses to make a break for it the second he gets the chance, and he ends up running through the town completely terrified because honestly, who wouldn't be.
I'm working off the assumption that having androids in small towns is still pretty rare since there are fewer CyberLife stores, technicians, etc. for android healthcare. And Hunter has hardly ever been outside, so he's completely out of his depth when trying to navigate the neighborhoods and the rest of the town that he ends up in. Police officers find this kid covered in thirium, and they're like "Oh so he's obviously a terrified android, we need to help him out." But Hunter's freaking out because "Oh god I have android blood on me, that means they'll kill me," making the indirect thought of "I'm an android, they will kill me because I'm an android" and he's having a freaking time.
They try to calm him down enough to get him over to the station, at which point they call Camila, since she knows the most about traumatized androids in their small, relatively android-less town. She does her Motherly Noceda Magic and honestly, he's probably pretty catatonic for a lot of the day after she takes him to her house. But after that, he just completely breaks down.
He doesn't know if he even has free will or if it's his programming that dictates what he thinks and feels. He doesn't know if his opinions are really his own or if they existed because of and since his creation. He doesn't know how many of his memories are fabricated, since he very clearly has memories of a life that go farther back than his estimated creation, and so the film between fiction and reality is so thin that it may as well not exist. And now, when he was human just a few days ago, almost perfectly content with life, he's suddenly an object, something sub-human and undeserving of basic rights.
 Camila has to calm him down and teach him about deviancy (and at this point, Hunter isn't even sure he's deviant, which opens up a whole other can of worms for his mental health), making sure he knows that he does have rights just as if he were human. She's also the first example he has for an adult that 1. doesn't absolutely hate androids and 2. actually respects him and loves him and wants to see him succeed
And that gives way to character interactions and angst! You love to see it!
Luz is his emotional support sister. She tries her best but she has very little experience with traumatized children currently questioning every aspect of their existence. If anything, she provides a much-needed sense of normalcy and shows that despite his being an android, he's still the same person and can still be treated as such. She's a comfort to help him feel at least somewhat normal in his situation.
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Vee is his adopted android sister who helps him feel more comfortable in his own skin by being shameless and frank with her own identity as an android. She's a safe place for him to talk about Android Stuff when Luz or Camila might just not understand what he's going through or be able to help him with it. She also helps him obtain software updates (since he hasn't had access to literally any part of his mechanical body, software and hardware alike) that will grant him access to things an android should ordinarily be able to do, like (de)activating his synthetic skin, interfacing, accessing his HUD, etc.
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(Also all of these drawings were made when I was still thinking "Oh, this should take place before the revolution so that he can have his dehumanizing moment of getting an LED slapped onto him" but then I thought it would be more interesting if Philip basically just kept him illegally kidnapped for however many years and he's like, way slow to the "androids have rights now" party. Maybe I'll make it an AU of an AU lol. But basically, he wouldn't have an LED while he's still processing/healing from trauma, but maybe he would get one after he makes peace with his identity, kinda like how he grows his hair back in his time skip design. I think Vee would keep hers and that's a bit of encouragement for him; maybe he even has a moment of "I know Vee is fine with this, and I think I'm fine with it" but he is still very much not fine with it. Do not rush the process for the sake of progress that might not be right for you, boyo)
This is really a Vee and Hunter bonding AU now that I think about it haha
Most of this AU is just Hunter struggling with identity and species dysphoria while learning to cope with his being an android with the help of his family, reclaiming his identity, and fluff/angst :)) And honestly probably just a lot of shenanigans that result from Hunter having been sheltered for all his life; kinda like your basic Human Realm shenanigans in canon.
I think Gus and Willow would both be Luz's human friends that help with the whole normalization of Hunter being an android, and the three could have their own antics since it's nice to have people outside of your family treat you like a person. I think that Vee and Masha's (Masha would be human) relationship could be explored more through the android lens and maybe help with some of Hunter's internalized anti-android sentiment that still manages to stick around, because he's in his "Grimwalkers can't feel love" section of the coping process (still very much demonizing them [mostly himself, probably, just because it can easier to be mean to yourself than it is to be mean to other people] based on false information, even if he doesn't outright hate them). Willow will be a wake-up call, haha
I don't know if there's a trope name for this or not but I really like concepts where characters don't know what feelings of love or intense affection feel like, so they're sitting there like "oh god am I just dying? It feels like I'm dying" and I think Hunter noticing "temperature/respiration/perspiration increased" alerts on his HUD and freaking out thinking there's something wrong with his software/hardware is way too funny of an image to pass up
Gus could be a HUGE android nerd that almost never sees them since they're so rare in a small town like Gravesfield, and Gus just helps Hunter feel super cool about being an android. Maybe Cosmic Frontier could be basically identical to canon but instead of being a clone, O'Bailey is also an android, just for the sake of Hunter still getting to have his "I relate so much to this character" moment. And Gus would just be so encouraging like "Bro you're an android?!? I've never seen your face model before! You can eat?? You must be super cool and special!! :O" and that makes Hunter start thinking "Oh maybe this isn't so bad actually."
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Then Hunter probably starts doing his Researching to Cope and he gets super invested in android technology and history as well, since it was forbidden when he was living back at Philip's (substitute for wild magic time)
They are brothers and I love them, let them be nerds
(God forbid Philip ever comes back, that sure would suck, wouldn't it?)
Anyway this was a lot longer than I thought it would be haha, I hope it was interesting if you read through the whole thing. Obligatory statement: if anyone feels so inclined, feel free to take the idea and run away with it. Also please ping me if you do, I will go feral over it. I absolutely and accidentally turned it into a story draft because I don't know how to write AU ideas without having a story on top of it so it's not concrete in the least lol
(Also I've been drawing witches for so long that I had trouble drawing human ears for a bit there lmao)
Okay bye have a good day!
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blueberrypancakesworld · 10 months
Elijah Kamski x fem!reader - I want your soul
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warning : minors don't interact/read, smut, p in v , mirror sex, some oral (f receiving), bondage, fluff/comfort, obsession
Summary : Elijah Kamski the genius behind the androids and their accessories. He was the genius of the most important man. Who was looking for someone to work with him on something. But did a genius like him really need help or was it something else he wanted, sought and needed to create something that would give him something in the end.
Info : Okay I've finally finished writing it I'm not completely satisfied for one thing because I've had this floating around for months and haven't finished it, I'm going to write an extra one with a few more themes that I hadn't done here. I hope the smut is good and the story is not too ripped out as always it should be as realistic as possible. Have fun reading :)
Ps : @thatsthewrongwallcraig I finally did it I hope you are still in your Elijah obsession have fun reading :)
Detroid had changed since she was born in 2013, it seemed the whole world had changed. Everything had become more modern, more technological and more efficient.
The whole world wasn't just getting closer to the old movies about the future, it had already overtaken them.
It opened up new paths, more possibilities and development was at a level that made them all but immortal. Until the androids came.
Developed by one man, a genius with an IQ of 171, Elijah Kamski. The young genius who developed the androids became a kind of god to some and the devil to others.
The devil for the people whose jobs he had taken away with the androids. He had everything, at least if you could believe the press and the news.
With the invention of thirium and biocomponent technology, he was also the founder of Cyber Life and the richest man on the planet.
He was the incarnate one. The incarnate one who one day launched a public appeal. Not something for a new project since his retirement in 2028 or an assistant or perhaps a successor.
It was rumors that went around the world but especially in Detroid made waves. Until the announcement came from Elijah himself and it was weirder than they had imagined.
Elijah wasn't looking for a successor, he was looking for a maid to inspire his new projects. It was a headline that the magazines ran with and something that caused a boom, suddenly the whole world seemed to be standing in front of the entrance to Cyber-Life's main building.
No one knew what was waiting for them inside, but they all hoped to work for Kamski. It seemed that only one thing mattered to them all. To see Elija Kamski and his money. Because they all knew he would pay well, or so they said.
The kilometer-long queue that stretched out in front had all kinds of people. Everyone who wanted the job would fight for a place. All except for one person, a young woman who was standing in the queue like everyone else.
She wouldn't necessarily walk over dead bodies and would rather take good advice from him that she needed for her studies or a tip for finances because she didn't have any.
To be honest, she was only here to take advantage of this small, minimal opportunity to get the money to pay for her studies and to pay back her parents who had taken on extra debt. A fact that weighed heavily on her heart.
Which is why she could use the money and paying a publisher to turn her script into a book wasn't cheap either and realizing a dream like that would be nice too. But as much as she wanted to, she had to survive the queue first.
I certainly wouldn't be the first to die because of all this standing, she thought, remembering all the people she had seen with tents and chairs. How they came out of the building with their heads hanging or cursing. They had missed their chance.
But she also felt how her feet had been hurting for hours, she had run out of the university as early as she could and yet she was one of the last. But after hours in which the sun would set again in a few hours anyway, it was finally her turn.
Saw how the entrance gradually came closer and closer. She finally had the chance to get to it. Will he notice? the question popped into her head and she became all the more aware of the notebook in her bag.
She didn't know how she should feel about it. Meeting the man who had fascinated her for as long as she could remember.
Meeting the man who was the lover in her book, everything was exactly the same except for the name. Initially in her late teens it was just a model she had used but now. It was more.
More than she perhaps wanted to admit to herself. ,,Miss, it's your turn," a voice snapped her out of her thoughts and her hand slipped into her pocket. Past her notebook and to her wallet and pulled it out.
She thanked the security guard after he had looked at her ID. Before she went into the building with a pounding heart.
She knew it from videos and pictures she had seen in her primary school days. Vague memories went through her mind as she saw an android approaching her.
It seemed as if they wanted to hold back the free spirit and not let people walk around here freely. Like a fake bird in a real cage. ,,Good afternoon, Miss, would you please follow me," he said and she saw the Led flicker briefly from blue to a brief yellow.
He must be announcing me she thought to herself and followed the android with a smile knowing that many others were hostile towards the machines.
Some even went so far as to beat up and kill the androids that didn't fight back. There were unpleasant headlines about severed body parts belonging to several missing androids. Headlines that sent shivers down her spine.
After all, who said that all the androids wouldn't be dead soon? ,,What is it that Mr. Kamski wants from me?" she asked as they walked through the foyer and stood in an elevator. The android stood in front of her and turned his head slightly towards her.
She saw exactly how his eyes avoided hers for a second before he said, ,,A test to see if you are suitable for the job you are looking for," and turned forward again. The quiet hum of the elevator was between them again and her purse had disappeared back into her pocket.
Her heart seemed to compete with her nervousness as the elevator arrived at the top floor of the building. The floor she had never been on before, at least not then.
It seemed almost unbelievable to be back here now. ,,Please, you have to go through this door, good luck," the android said, pointing to what appeared to be a door in the large white hallway with a few modern paintings, plants and bright lights.
,,Thank you," she mumbled and gave the android a small smile before stepping out of the elevator and walking towards the door.
She heard exactly how the android got back in and she was alone in the hallway. She knew she had to go forward. She finally had to go to the door and felt how each step seemed to get heavier and heavier.
But after a few seconds the moment was over and she put her hand on the handle. Opened the door and stepped into the room where she found the man who would give her a job.
The light in the room was dimmer, not so bright that it stung her eyes, it was most like a foggy afternoon with dark clouds hanging in the sky and the threat of thunderstorms. Her eyes fell on the occupied armchair that stood behind a glass table.
The light illuminated the figure slightly and she saw him. ,,Good afternoon, Mr. Kamski," she said, surprised that her voice had held and that she hadn't thrown up from nervousness.
She saw how he leaned forward slightly, the dark strands of his hair framing his face. His bright blue eyes watching her closely as if she were the machine to him and the androids were the humans.
As he briefly pointed to the chair she should sit down on, she obeyed his silent command, her slightly trembling fingers pulling the chair back and sitting down. The slight clatter of her bag seemed to be too loud in the room before she turned her gaze forward.
His eyes met hers and she almost forgot to breathe for a moment. He was everything. He seemed like it came from her imagination, the pictures, videos and articles. ,,Do you think an android can get nervous?" his voice suddenly rang out, so engaging that it seemed to drown out her heartbeat.
The question echoed in her head over and over again. ,,N-no I mean yes" she began to stammer and felt the warmth jump to her ears and cheeks.
Oh god pull yourself together! she screamed at herself in her head, swallowing the lump in her throat and digging her fingers into her jeans. ,,Yes... I do think that androids can get nervous. There are... deviants who show emotions, they are human too," she replied and looked up from her lap to the older one again.
Saw how he had tilted his head slightly. His gaze looked as if he was considering whether he should throw her out or do it himself.
,,So you're implying that androids are human? Are you questioning my work?" he asked, smirking as he could practically see the gears turning in her head. She was apparently trying to guess which answer was the right one.
After a few more seconds of silence, he saw in her gaze that she had found her answer. ,,No, I don't question it, I would say that it shows that the relationship between humans and androids is maybe doing something... maybe human," she dared to put up her tese and saw first to her fear how the small smile on his lips disappeared.
His bright eyes looked at her almost incredulously as if she had deeply offended him. I'll never get a job, she thought to herself and was about to reach for her bag when she heard the sound of paper.
,,Come to this address next week and have your tessellation completed Miss," he said and felt him put a card in her hand. She had it. She had the job.
She had finally got it. ,,Thank you! I mean thank you very much Mr. Kamski, I'll come," she said and grabbed her bags before walking out of the room. The big smile on her lips spoke for itself as the android seemed to rejoice with her on her way out.
But in that time, she hadn't even thought about what it meant to be with him. To move in with him, to be with him for more than just minutes or hours. Forever.
Because a mind infused with devotion and emotion overlooks the obvious. Overlooks the gaze of obsession.
The gaze of possession. The gaze of the rich and their greed for everything. Oh, he would do so much more with her than just have her around.
But she did what he said and came to the address on Monday of the next week. His house was out of town, secluded by roads, woods and rocks.
But when she parked her small car in front of the house, armed only with a bag, she realized once again what this meant. I feel like a little kid at Christmas, she thought as she walked up the stairs to his door. It was the season of winter, snow was slowly falling from the sky and looking behind her she saw the landscape slowly turning white.
Her coat kept her warm and the hat on her head kept her ears from freezing. Ringing the bell, she tried to concentrate on the time in front of her, not the cold.
A smile on her lips turned into a surprised look when a blonde woman opened the door for her. ,,Hello, you're Miss Sun right?" she asked the blonde woman who seemed as perfect as only an angel could be.
An android. ,,Yes, I am Mr. Kamski had given me his address for the job," she replied and saw that the blonde woman stepped aside to let her in. ,,Mr. Kamski is expecting you, please take a seat in the living room," she said, a small smile playing around her lips before she gestured towards the room.
The house was too big for one man to live in. But as she walked through the hallways and doors, the dark walls, saw the colorful paintings and the markings, she realized how different they were.
She was nothing compared to him and yet he had chosen her. He had seen something in her, something that set her apart from the others.
But what? What was it? Putting the bag down next to the table, she found herself in the living room. Didn't know whether she should sit down or not. Instead, she stood next to the table and looked around the room.
Only heard muffled footsteps coming towards her, the door opened and he came out. He came out of another part of the house. A black bathrobe on his body, she saw that his hair was still slightly wet, she could see a little of his upper body.
But his gaze, his bright eyes seemed to focus only on her, despite his appearance, he had lost none of his look. ,,Good afternoon, Mr. Kamski, your housekeeper said I should come here...I can wait too," she said and was about to reach for her bag when she heard his grin.
A smirk that led to an amused smile. ,,No, I wanted you to be here and that's why you're here. I suppose you found your way here all right?" he asked, but his interest was clear. She sensed that it wasn't about her life. It should be about her.
It was supposed to be about her work and what was going on inside her. ,,Yes, I did, I also revised my thesis again... Mr. Kamski could you tell me what the job is about now?" she asked as she watched him make himself a green protein shake, mixing the powder with the vegetables, the blender surprisingly quiet.
But he remained silent as he calmly made his drink before walking past her, gesturing for her to follow him. Grabbing her handbag, she followed him, not knowing whether she should walk beside him or behind him.
But she opted for the latter, not wanting to push her luck too far. She didn't want to compete with him. But why? Do I even have a chance? she asked herself and almost walked into him when he stopped.
,,Your room is all yours, I know it might be unpleasant but I would ask you to stay here. As far as my work is concerned, quick communication is essential," he said, leaning against the doorframe as he watched her. She watched as she looked around the room a little.
The room was three times the size of her own small room. Cave it could probably even fit her entire apartment in here. Staying here? For how long? the question popped up in her head and she looked at him slightly questioningly.
She saw that he knew what she was getting at and took a sip of his drink. ,,I don't think for a few more weeks...it depends on how good you are...oh and please just call me Elijah," he dismissed her with those words, closing the door behind him and taking her nervousness with him.
Her glance at her bag let her know that she had to go back to her apartment to pick up her things, but that she had still taken her book with her.
The words she had written about him, being in his house, working for him. ,,I really did it," she muttered and proudly began to unpack her things, set up her room and took her things with her. She tried to find Elijah only to run into Chloe who let her know that Elijah was at work.
Letting her know when he needed her to get her things. Which is why she found herself back in her apartment less than an hour later. Had walked back to the exit, past the pictures and cameras, past the Chloes and past his gaze without realizing it.
She didn't see what he was doing, she just knew she had to do something to formulate her thesis. And when she came back, she saw him again eating a salad at the table in the living room, but this time he wasn't wearing a coat.
He was wearing normal jeans, a dark shirt and glasses. ,,I see you're back, I'd like to read your thesis the day after tomorrow. To understand what's going on inside you," he said and gave her a slight smile. She felt her heart beat faster again, she agreed and went back to her room with her things. The smile on her lips was unmistakable.
Just as unmistakable as his approval. She did as he said as she joined him in his office, his workroom full of various technical things. ,,Elijah, I have my thesis," she said as she stepped inside after knocking and the door opened, she saw him working on an android model.
It was a construct of wires, metal and the pump that symbolized the heart, yet human features were recognizable.
He looked up from his work and something like surprise flashed in his gaze as if he was realizing something before he gave her a satisfied look and motioned her to his desk.
She handed him her tese and he grinned as he felt the paper in his hands. ,,Old-fashioned and yet not corruptibly good," he said as he took the paper properly before he began to read it. she remained standing next to him, watching his eyes run over the sentences.
He became more and more lost in her work, absorbing her words and becoming more and more absorbed in them. ,,Perfection, your idea of something non-living... very good, I'm proud. I would like you to design a model of it for me more deep thought" he baht she had turned towards her his hand had placed itself on her shoulder.
She felt his warmth, although she had always thought of him as cold, he was warm. He was welcoming and he made her heart beat faster, leaving her proud as he held her tese before giving her a smile and watching her walk out of the room.
Not knowing what his thoughts turned to as he went back to his latest project. Her thesis would help him. Everything would be perfect.
But she did what he said, worked on her work, didn't question him, wouldn't and shouldn't. Ate breakfast, lunch and dinner with him. Caught herself listening in the house to see if he was awake to go to the kitchen and make breakfast.
Usually did it with Chloe, who didn't need any sleep. The two of them talked and laughed and she forgot that the blonde was an android.
Forgetting what was happening around her, what was happening out in the world, what had ever happened. Because what she had was here. A job, a friend and a man who admired her and gave her support.
Or did she? Could she describe her life like this? How long had she been with him - days, weeks or even months? How often had she sat with him, revised her work and written down her inner life? What had happened?
,,My dear I will invite you to dinner and would like you to carry this here" she mumbled the words on the small card that lay on the gift wrapping paper that held something with fabric inside.
Unwrapping the gift, she saw the dark fabric of the dress and held it in front of her body. She could feel how expensive it must be, it was perfectly tailored to her body.
It was perfect in every way. As she stood in front of the mirror, she looked at herself in it and for a moment felt like she was on the same level as him. Was with him to the point that she meant something to him.
And she caught herself thinking that the only thing missing was the gold ring on her hand. But had she turned like this or had he made her like this? Did he want to make her like this? Or was everything bigger than he thought in the end? Was she programmed from the beginning to react like this, was it her feelings?
Was it his creation? She didn't let her thoughts get in the way and continued by putting red lipstick on her lips. She took one last look in the mirror before leaving her room. Hearing the clack of her shoes in the hallway, she walked into the dining room, finding no Chloe or any of her friends on her way.
She found only the silence of the house and heard the classical music coming from one of the rooms like a rhythm, the sounds played over and over again as she arrived in the candlelit room. ,,You look beautiful, I'm glad you put it on," he said, giving her the appearance of a choice she didn't have.
After all, what kind of woman would she be if she didn't comply with his request. ,,Thank you for the dress and the invitation," she replied, her gaze dropping for a moment before she saw him step into her field of vision, taking her hand and feeling his warmth as he led her to the table.
,,It's a multi-course meal to thank you for your work," he began, placing the first course of food, a simple soup, before reaching for the bottle of wine and pouring them both a glass.
She saw him sit down opposite her and they both ate in silence. But it wasn't unpleasant, on the contrary, the food, the sound of the cutlery and the music in the background created an atmosphere of comfort.
She couldn't see what was hiding behind his gaze as he concentrated on her. ,,Sorry I haven't had so much time for you in the last few days and weeks," he said, almost too suddenly, as he put down the spoon, his look apologetic but his voice seeming out of place. He was inappropriate.
A man who had spent time under machines could show emotion. ,,It's perfectly all right... I'm very glad we have this," she replied and finished her soup, not wanting to break the atmosphere.
She did as she was told before they got to the end of the meal and she didn't know what to do. She didn't have to because Elijah got up from his seat and walked over to her, offering her his hand before she walked next to him for the first time. His hand was on hers as they both walked towards his office.
His gaze was on her, watching her, looking for anything wrong. ,,I've taken the liberty of creating a new prototype...your notes and work helped" he began and walked over to the machine knowing she was listening to him, knowing she would do anything for him from this point on. He handed her the table with the data and watched as she looked over it, fascination in her eyes for his work.
He knew that she would always admire him, it didn't take much but he had read it. He had read her book and knew that she was truly the right person for his purpose.
That his inner self was right, his genius was right, his obsession was right. She let the shapes and processes on the table before she suddenly felt his hand on her shoulder.
He touched her in all the time she had been with him, he had never fully touched her now only when she had done something well. ,,What did I do well?" she asked, turning to him, the device with the thin screen still in her hand.
She kept still wanting more from him, the bond between them still far too strong. He saw her as his and she saw herself as his wife. It was and would be between them. It was her devotion in her brain for him, and it was his desire for her as his wife. For someone perfect.
,,Everything my love...you have no idea...what you've done to me," he murmured and she felt his other hand on her shoulder as he continued to touch her, praising her for something she couldn't do.
,,Can I do something for my existence?" she asked her inner question out to him, hearing his smirk, smelling the metal, the aftershave, snow and wine. Smelled him. Felt him so close to her and yet she didn't move. Stood still like someone waiting for an order.
Something he liked to have her the way he wanted her. Like an android. ,,You can help what you do... tell me, do you want to be free for a moment?" he asked, his hand moving over her shoulder and down to her hand. He gripped the tray and gave her the freedom to decide for a moment.
She could walk away or she could stay and give it to him. And she did. She gave it to him. ,,Free? But we're free, aren't we?" she asked, not knowing what he meant as he took the tray from her. Leaving the first kiss on her neck before he slowly moved her past the.
The office, like everything else, was just a pretext which she seemed to realize but it made no sense, it didn't matter, there was just the two of them and that should be enough. She hadn't been what she used to be for a long time.
But it didn't matter, it was about him and her, not about what had happened. She felt him leave more kisses on her skin as the doors opened in front of them and she felt the warmth on her cheeks, a natural reaction when she saw his bedroom. Dark walls reddish abstract paintings on the walls.
One might have thought that the pictures hid the portrait of a woman, but what did she know. At most, he saw her in the colors. Because he wanted to. Because understanding told him so. She felt him next to her, his hands gripped hers, her shy gaze found his.
Her uncertain, his almost demanding, the glasses helped him to see her better, even if he didn't need them. He would have her anyway. He slowly placed his hand on her side and pulled her close.
On the contrary, the closer he touched her, the more intimate she became. The more she wanted him. ,,That's it," he said with a murmur, apparently listening to her thoughts before she felt his lips on hers, kissing his warmth over her as she clung to him, almost searching.
He wanted the kiss more knew he was getting it. But she gladly gave herself to him. She felt safe. He had given her a job, given her a dress, given her everything.
Now it was only fair that she gave him something back, wasn't it? It was always like that. She only felt a dull sensation as he moved to her back and unzipped the expensive fabric flowing from her body. She stepped out of her shoes as if automatically, not wanting it to be over like this.
She wanted to please him without realizing that she was doing just that. ,,I've liked you ever since I saw you... like a perfection for me," he said, taking away her fear as he went to the bed, leaving her standing there, almost confused and full of shame.
The warmth on her cheeks increased as she felt flattered and crawled towards him on the bed, knowing that he was watching her, not hiding the fact that he found her attractive.
That he saw exactly how her nipples had hardened slightly from the cold. That his hands lay on the fabric and her shaky exhale. He had her body to himself, had her to himself. ,,Elijah you-me...you are everything," she murmured, knowing it was her mind veiled in lust.
The spirit that longed for Elijah wanted more. Wanted more of his touch. ,,I know that... I know everything, my love," he whispered to her, pulling her into another kiss before he let his hand wander over her breast again. He felt her shudder. ,,Poor girl...all these months without touch or pleasure...without me," he said, watching her.
Watched her through his Chloe's or had to know. Had given him lust without her knowing who his cameras were. She had shown him everything he needed to know. Always in the quiet of the night, he had touched himself to see what she had done.
He pulled her onto his lap, feeling her quick pulse as he kissed her neck, beginning to leave colorful marks on it, her warmth mingling with his as she held onto the cover in the dark bed.#
His hand that was not on her breast moved to her thigh. She felt her hips thrust out towards him, full of devotion, needing him. ,,I'm going to make you feel good look" he whispered to her biting lightly into her lobe hearing her shaky exhale feeling her lust could feel the tingling in her body as his rough fingers slipped under her bra.
Moaning his name, she pressed herself against him, feeling his own arousal against her back, yet he focused on her. Wanted to see her fall apart when he actually touched her.
She opened her half-closed eyes and looked at herself and Elijah out loud in surprise. Her own reflection in the mirror built into the closet. ,,Beautiful forever," he whispered to her and she moaned as she let his fingers wander over her center.
It was different where her fingers weren't even close enough, his seemed so much better. He felt her wetness through the fabric of her underwear, took his hand from her breast and let it wander over her body. Leaving red scratches, small bites, marks and kisses.
Driving her on as he repeatedly focused his attention on the little bundle of nerves. As her voice filled the room, the classical music drowning in it, he was also completely hard but with each of her shaky movements his hardness got some relief.
He rubbed himself lightly against her his breathing was slightly shaky and yet it made no difference. Because he dealt with her. Giving her more of what she wanted while his blue eyes were on her. Her gaze on the mirror. The trembling spread to her legs as she begged him for more.
But he knew he had watched her closely and knew when she was slowly coming to the end. ,,Look at you, darling... everything just for me," he continued to murmur, finally wanting to show her. His finger moved out of her only to add another one, keeping her better than her own, her hips in rhythm with him. His praise took her mind away.
His pace increased, her trembling increased and when he heard her murmur he knew she was nearing climax. ,,El-Elijah please," she said, resting her head on his shoulder, finally wanting to let go, her fingers digging into the dark bed. He gave her body more kisses before he gave her the okay.
He took his hand from her breast and gripped her jaw, forcing her to look at herself in the mirror. She fell apart around him with a throaty moan.
He pulled out of her, her heavy-breathing form relaxing to just a sporadic twitch of her legs as she came down from her high. Closing her eyes, he withdrew from her. Licked his hand clean and slowly pushed her away. Watched as she still wasn't completely back, but she didn't have to be. ,,Thank you for your time, my dear," he said, hearing only a murmur, but his gaze went to the mirror.
A flicker caused the android behind it to take away the image of the mirror, the projection disappeared and her image emerged in the form of the android.
,,I have recorded all the data, sir," said the android's voice, turning her gaze away from her human image. ,,Very well, interpret the data I want perfection darling," he said and his hand passed over hers but warmth met cold. The coldness of a machine before it went out. He was left alone with his muse, his darling.
Saw that she was asleep saw that she was unaware. Didn't know what his search for her had driven her to. ,,Sleep well my love," he said and withdrew from her, opening and closing the door. Left her alone.
Until he wanted her again, knowing that she would give him everything. That he had rebuilt her so that when her human shell died, he had her eternally living one. She was his, right down to her soul, she belonged to him and always had.
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simplegenius042 · 4 months
Music Monday, Ship Traits Meme & 5 Songs Game
Tagged by @josephseedismyfather @imogenkol @inafieldofdaisies @voidika and @cassietrn
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @adelaidedrubman @strangefable @strafethesesinners @rhettsabbott @g0dspeeed @josephslittledeputy @carlosoliveiraa @wrathfulrook @icecutioner @softtidesworld @shallow-gravy @derelictheretic @aceghosts @turbo-virgins @shellibisshe @red-nightskies @starsandskies @ladyoriza @florbelles @skoll-sun-eater @cloudofbutterflies92 @afarcryfrommymain @titiagls @la-grosse-patate @minilev and @thewanderer-000
A song for The Silver Chronicles, ship meme for The UnTitledverse, Life, Despair & Monsters and A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore, plus listing five of my favorite songs below the cut:
Out of all the songs in Disney's Wish, the only one which really touched me was "At All Costs". In the context of The Silver Chronicles, it can be viewed in two ways; either Kamski Neon is declaring is promise that no matter the cost, he will protect Silva as she is the closest thing to family he has left, and her returning this promise, OR, Silva is reminiscing on Paul's past promise to protect and love her as a parent should, and echoes these words to Azriel in the present. [Fun fact: I did not enjoy Wish. I enjoyed very, VERY few things in it, and personally wouldn't recommend watching it, but you can do you.]
"If happiness was a tangible thing It would be you If you'd have told me the feeling you'd bring I'd think it untrue And people search for a wonder like you All of their lives You still amaze me after all this time
You pull me in like some kind of wind Mesmerized by the hold I'm in Leave you here, I don't wanna I wanna
Promise as one does I, I will protect you at all costs Keep you safe here in my arms I, I will protect you at all costs At all costs."
"What's pain, when I look at you? No way I could explain you, even if I tried to I'll never dream like I used to do If someone tried to hurt you, I don't See how that could happen I'd fight for you in ways you can't imagine Felt this, no, I haven't, I hope It would be all right to stay right here beside you."
"And promise as one does I, I will protect you at all costs Keep you safe here in my arms I, I will protect you at all costs At all costs
If you're ever feeling like you're lost I'll come find you Man all fronts, there's no ocean I won't swim across To be right by you And not just once, here and now, I swear on my response I'll remind you
And promise as one does I, I will protect you at all costs Keep you safe here in my arms I, I will protect you at all costs At all costs."
Rules: bold/color the themes that apply to your ship, and italicize the theme if it’s one-sided, within your story.
height difference (6'3" vs 5'4") / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ (Charlie is Bi and both her and Mario are polyamorous leading to their future relationship with Elizabeth Afton) / family disapproves (Henry doesn't approve of his android-copy of his dead daughter romancing a shapeshifting alien that is carnivorous, but if Abigail was alive, she'd approve because she loves her boy and Charlie's a catch) / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly (Mario is really touch-starved, while Charlie isn't) / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews / getting a pet / have kids / want kids / grow old together (originally the plan before they eventually go from "android x shapeshifter-alien young romance" to "gods of the new world") / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / relationship doubts / they have a song / first date (for Mario) / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies (Charlie attempted this but Mario is not helpful whatsoever) / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other (Mario cooks the bigger and flavoured dishes while Charlie is more of a simpler easier food kind of person) / big fancy gala / forehead touches / hair stroking (Mario doesn't have hair) / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers (initially Mario thought Charlie was a rival apart of his species since her body that housed her soul was different from regular humans so he attempted to eat her) / Lovers to Enemies / KEEPING SECRETS (misunderstanding: Mario thought Charlie was apart of his species because of her physical forms difference from the rest of her friends leading him to believe she was trying to steal his territory/kill him in general while Charlie eventually thinks Mario knows something of her origins and eventually thinks he knew she was an android before she figured it out, which was far from Mario's deduction) / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle (Charlie had the choice between her gentle and supportive childhood friend whom she has great chemistry with but doesn't feel the same way for and stops her from doing impulsive dumb shit or the alien shapeshifter who initially tried to eat her mistaking her for someone else and is more likely to go along with her impulsive dumb shit) / destructive romance / envy (Mario was jealous of Charlie's integration in human society not realizing she was an android and not another of his species) / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” (especially considering Charlie was an android who thought she was human and Mario is a shapeshifting alien, neither had thought their feelings would be reciprocated) / shared values / slow burn / does not end well / happily ever after (at the very, very end of the series, they ascend to godhood because positions were open so... I guess?) / love letters
height difference / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ (Haoyu is non-binary attracted to men and Icarus is ace and doesn't mind who the person is as long as their personality is worth hyperfixating on) / family disapproves (nah, Monika's happy for her half-sibling and Icarus' fam are just glad he's got a partner) / would die for each other (more accurately they'd risk their lives for each other but would avoid actual death at all costs) / would kill for each other (Haoyu doesn't like to kill but Icarus would let Hatter do the killing) / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship (mostly on Icarus side of things, but eventually he reveals Haoyu to his family) / opposing worldviews (Icarus believes personal satisfaction comes from doing good to others while Haoyu believes upholding self-interest is satisfying enough) / getting a pet / have kids / want kids / grow old together / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder/ share a bed / relationship doubts (Icarus side of things considering he (plus his alters) are Hatter's avatar/s) / they have a song / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / battle couple / Friends Mutual Allies to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / KEEPING SECRETS / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle / destructive romance / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well (will neither confirm nor deny both of their fates in the ending of the series) / happily ever after / love letters (a gag that happens; Icarus attempts this and Haoyu opens up a portal to his universe and tells him face-to-face their feelings)
height difference (6'2" vs 5'7") / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes (from to each others expenses to flirtatious teasing) / lgbtq+ (Piper and Ress are both Bisexual women) / family disapproves (Piper's little sister Nat thinks Ress is cool. But on Ress' side of the family, her deadbeat evil father Arcane Urias thinks humans are a regression to evolution and should be treated as livestock more than anything and if Ore, Ress' half-brother, was alive at the time, he'd approve her choice, but Ress human family members, the Bishop Crime Family, might not like the idea of her being with a JOURNALIST of all things) / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews / getting a pet (Dogmeat!... and whatever Ress keeps bringing home to freak out Piper and make Nat think she's cool) / have kids / want kids / grow old together (God Ress wishes she could do this with Piper) / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / relationship doubts (Piper has insecurities while Ress wrestles with the fact she'll outlive Piper) / they have a song / first date / sharing a blanket (Ress hogs the f***ing blanket) / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps (Piper does this often since she knows it will fluster Ress) / sexual tension (oh god, it is so obvious to everyone) / can’t be together / battle couple / Friend(emie)s to Lovers / (Fri)Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / KEEPING SECRETS / love after loss (at this point Ress has lost her closest friends and her own brother) / exes / declaration of love (Piper confesses this) / flirting (very aggressive teasing) / love triangle / destructive romance / envy (Piper was kinda jealous that Ress isn't self-conscious and very overconfident cocky attitude until she learned why Ress has this mask on) / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well / happily ever after? (at the end of the series? yes. post-canon offscreen though? Ress is likely to outlive Piper, something they're both aware of) / love letters
Now here's a list for my top 5 favorite songs:
Without You - Oh Wonder
Loser, Baby - Keith David, Blake Roman, Andrew Underberg & Sam Haft
Youth - Daughter
I Really Want To Stay At Your House - Hallie Coggins & Rosa Walton
Memory Reboot - Narvent & VØJ
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the-silver-chronicles · 7 months
5 Songs and 3 Outfits
Tagged by @g0dspeeed @nightbloodbix @voidika @onehornedbeast @inafieldofdaisies and @strafethesesinners
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @softtidesworld @adelaidedrubman @strangefable @turbo-virgins @cassietrn @carlosoliveiraa @corvosattano @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @afarcryfrommymain @megraen @minilev @starsandskies @deputyash @deputy-morgan-malone @dephellseed @derelictheretic @chazz-anova @snake-in-the-garden @cloudofbutterflies92 @florbelles @foofygoldfish @fourlittleseedlings @gaeadene @henbased @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @skoll-sun-eater @shallow-gravy @thewanderer-000 @titiagls @trashcatsnark @vampireninjabunnies-blog @shellibisshe @wrathfulrook and @aceghosts + anyone else who wants to join.
RULES: Post 5 songs associated with your OC(s), followed by 3 outfits they would wear.
Gathered Silva Omar, Kamski Neon and Ernesto Stallone for this one. Read under the cut:
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Dream -Bishop Briggs
"I wanna break down where your heart gets So torn it's almost breaking mine I wanna lay here, lost and bitter So long, I feel like I could die I wanna tell you what my truth is But it's buried down inside."
Last One Standing - Skylar Grey ft. Polo G, Mozzy, & Eminem
"Now you see me standing in the lights But you never saw my sacrifice Or all the nights I had to struggle to survive Had to lose it all to win the fight I had to fall so many times Now I'm the last one standing."
Safe And Sound - Capital Cities
"I could lift you up I could show you what you wanna see Take you where you wanna be You could be my luck Even if the sky is fallin' down I know that we'll be safe and sound."
Heat Waves - Glass Animals
"I just wanna know what you're dreaming of When you sleep and smile so comfortable I just wish that I could give you that That love that's perfectly unsad Sometimes all I think about is you Late nights in the middle of June Heat waves been fakin' me out Heat waves been fakin' me out."
Somebody That I Used To Know - Gotye ft. Kimbra
"Now and then, I think of all the times you screwed me over But had me believing it was always something that I'd done But I don't wanna live that way Reading into every word you say You said you could let it go And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know."
Note: The women in the images below are not Silva's faceclaim and I unfortunately could not remove them. I had done my best at removing their features but if you notice a difference between the women and Silva's faceclaim, please ignore it and focus on the clothing instead. Thank you for your understanding.
Below is Silva's dress which she pretty much only wears at home, a longer version of the deputy uniform, and her casual clothing (plus that of which she wears during the Reaping). Yeah, she doesn't like to show off a lot of skin.
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Another note: These are not the right colors.
[No Faceclaim Acquired Yet]
Enemy - Imagine Dragons ft. J.I.D
"Oh, the misery Everybody wants to be my enemy Spare the sympathy Everybody wants to be my enemy Look out for yourself!"
Whatever It Takes - Imagine Dragons
"Whatever it takes 'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins I do whatever it takes 'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains Whatever it takes You take me to the top I'm ready for whatever it takes 'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins I do what it takes."
Some Nights - Fun.
"Some nights I stay up cashing in my bad luck Some nights I call it a draw Some nights I wish that my lips could build a castle Some nights I wish they'd just fall off But I still wake up, I still see your ghost Oh, Lord, I'm still not sure what I stand for, oh."
All The Stars - Kendrick Lamar ft. SZA
"Tell me what you gon' do to me Confrontation aint nothing new to me You could bring a bullet Bring a sword Bring a morgue But you can't bring the truth to me Fuck you and all your expectations I don't even want your congratulations I recognize your false confidence and calculated promises All in your conversation I hate people that feel entitled Look at me crazy cause I aint invite you Oh you important? You the moral to the story? You endorsing? Motherfucker I don't even like you Corrupted mans heart with a gift Thats how you find out who you dealing with."
Spirits - The Strumbellas
"I got guns in my head and they won't go Spirits in my head and they won't go I got guns in my head and they won't go Spirits in my head and they won't go But the gun still rattles The gun still rattles, oh."
Kamski's clothing mostly consists of a worn doctors uniform, however he does use a pedestrian disguise with a mask if he's going to do something illegal or a regular casual clothing (in the habit of dressing up for winter and refuses to break habit even in the worst of Summer) when going to do legal groceries.
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[No Faceclaim Acquired Yet]
Bad Feeling - Jagwar Twin
"They say! Everything's perfect here And the sun is shining Hey! Hey! Everything's perfect here There's nobody crying Oompa loompa doompety do I got a bad feeling about you Oompa loompa I don't know, dude I got a bad feeling about you."
Hot Girl Bummer (slowed + reverb) - blackbear
"Fuck you, and you, and you I hate your friends and they hate me too. I'm through, I'm through, I'm through."
I'm A Wanted Man - Royal Deluxe
"They didn't know it when they turned me loose I shot the sheriff and I slipped the noose The law ain't never been a friend of mine I'd kill again to keep from doing time You should never ever trust my kind I'm a wanted man I got blood on my hands Do you understand? I'm a wanted man."
Bad - Royale Deluxe
"I'm bad As bad can be So bad That it's hard to believe Oh what they say about me I'm bad, I'm bad As bad can be I'm bad Take a look and see So bad That it's hard to believe I don't care what they say about me."
Bloodshot - Sam Tinnesz
"I'll take another hit to the backbone I'm picking up the heat Like an atom bomb No time on the clock It's a bloodshot 3, 2, 1 You got me bloodshot Maybe I'm a good guy Standing on the wrong side Maybe I'm a sweetheart Trying to make my own scars Don't know what it looks like Just know what it feels like Scared to let it outside Scared of what I just might find."
Stallone doesn't have that much change in clothing besides two changes in his dark blue Courser Guard/gunslinger uniform and his disguised Chosen clothing (for when he infiltrates Eden's Gate).
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pupmkincake2000 · 8 months
Now I may be expressing a very unpopular opinion, but I do not consider Kamski an asshole, a creep, a rapist, a bad person, an evil person, an antagonist or any kind of a villain. I mean, at first he comes across as someone who has God Syndrome, maybe a little autistic, or maybe even narcissistic. But I have looked at the scenes with him in great detail many times, and it seems to me that he is quite a good person, not prone to violence and disgusting actions.
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He undoubtedly has some narcissistic tendencies and perhaps he does have God syndrome, but not clearly expressed and not in the negative sense.
And I also think that he doesn't care about humanity. I mean, he literally created a new life that is superior to humans in many ways, a new round of evolution, so to speak. Machines that know how to feel and love.
And this whole scene with him… it was like he was trolling the entire CyberLife through Connor.
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He behaves confidently and defiantly, but I wouldn’t use the word “creepy” to describe him nor would I sexualize his behaviour.
He teases and provokes, but when Connor leaves, denying his deviancy, he tells Connor how to find a solution to a possible trap.
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Why would he do this? Perhaps to spoil CyberLife, perhaps he just wants to see what all this struggle between humans and androids will lead to. He himself does not act, he just watches. And with all this, he creates the impression of a kind of parent who watches how his children grow up and what kind of life they build for themselves (this, by the way, is one of the reasons why I think that if Connor needed a parental figure, Kamski would be an ideal candidate in this case).
Kamski probably couldn't have foreseen that Connor and Hank would show up at his house, but I like the idea that he probably realized that Connor and Hank had a complicated but obvious relationship.
Just imagine him as a father whose child has come to introduce his lover to him.
Kamsky be like: “Son, are you saying that your chosen one is this big bear-man who is 53 years old, who is also a cop, lives in a small house with his dog and you met him a couple of days ago? Are you sure?”
"Yes, father, I'm going to marry Lieutenant Anderson, we'll live happily ever after and fuck a lot."
Kamski, looking Hank up and down: “Well, son, I, of course, could object, but I respect your choice. Your happiness is my happiness.”
Connor, ready to defend his choice: “Dad, even if you don’t agree, I still love… wait, you approve of my choice?”
Kamski: “Of course, son, this is your choice. And you chose a man for yourself… a good one. With a career, responsible, kind, who is probably one of those who only gets hotter with age, he has his own home and he clearly loves you more than his own life. How can I not approve of this choice?"
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Y'know what would be cool? If Connor got special permit to be exempt from the American Android Acts
Maybe after the whole incident with Daniel, Cyberlife decided it was better if he drew less attention to them. They can get public adoration by other means, what they want it's to make the whole deviancy/revolution stuff disappear
(and an android not using uniform is less scandalous than an android using a gun and killing people)
So imagine if Hank doesn't know at the first moment? Imagine the drama when he chases out Kara, Hank just having all the traumatic flashbacks of highways and autonomous trucks and maybe even following Connor to stop him
Imagine if Hank was finally making a real friend, and maybe it counts even if it's Cyberlife's random pawn? Imagine if Kamski is the one to reveal it, handing a gun to Connor, and then Hank looks like a kicked puppy, betrayed, but still begs him to not shoot Chloe
It has so much potential... Imagine Gavin being all snarky and irksome (like he was being with Tina) but with Connor – because he doesn't know Connor is an android. Leaning on Connor's shoulder and saying things he shouldn't, ignoring that Connor doesn't wave in the slightest at the added weight
Them having a whole big call out/confirmation scene in the middle of the police station, just as the case gets handed to the fbi
The potential
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bluhjeans · 2 months
thinking about a dbh 'au' where rk900 (nines) is activated deviated causing the amanda interface to also be deviated so shes like trapped in his zen garden place but she wants to be free obviously so she attempts to take control of nines but its like a back n forth with each of them kicking eachother out until they decide to talk in the zen garden and figure out a compromise where they go to kamski (kamski reinstated even in post-pacifist? or gavin if u wanna go down that path of half-siblings) and he agrees cuz yk opportunity to bring back his mentor in some form in the real world -> amanda gets an android body modelled after her and her ai consciousness thingy is transferred into it and then we see her adapting and exploring u knoww maybe idk i just think thatd be cool can also imagine how connor would react to seeing her with nines or when amanda takes over nines and obviously starts acting weird and connor is freaked outtt i just wanna see some amanda redemption shes sickk and overhated
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glass-noodle · 11 months
Oh yeahhh you think Hank and Connor could learn sign language together??? Connor can’t speak human, so sign language would be a nice way to communicate! Hank would slowly realise the sea creature love of his life is a big fucking nerd lol. ‘Give me math Hank 😞’, ‘I yearn for more knowledgeable books to be read to me Hank’, ‘scratch that I want to learn how to read Hank’ - kamski think a like
Kamski-think-a-like!!! *throws hands up like one would upon seeing that the neighbourhood cat has visited their yard*
He’s a huge fuckin’ nerd and Hank’s definitely been realizing that throughout their time together. Connor is insatiable (in more ways than one *cough*); I’m imagining his eyes going all big and dilated like a cat’s when Hank starts teaching him something haha. He starts bringing in some old textbooks to read to him and practically sees his fishy lil brain light up
They could definitely learn sign language together!! Maybe Hank borrows a textbook or downloads an app on his phone and they both learn together 🥺 Opening up a world of communication between them, allowing Hank to finally really delve into Connor’s mind. There’s something special about Hank having learned how to read Connor (and vice versa, though to a lesser extent since Connor can understand a little bit of English) just through body language and vocalizations, but the opportunity to really get to know what Connor is thinking? Too great to pass up.
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Once again anon you are so right. I think he even says that he doesn’t know how to work his phone at some point in the game?? Which is totally unbelievable as a millennial, lmao. Still, despite the Cage Writing, I can’t help but like that stupid car and its stupid old-fashioned owner. I do like the idea of Hank getting a completely tech-less car after Cole’s death, or maybe just having been pretty anti-technology in general even before that (evidenced by his interest in “real” books, or having a house that’s as void of technology as you can get). Maybe he’s always had a passion for old cars, or things with an older charm. Picturing a young Hank who likes tinkering with old models even though his friends tease him about it, sleeves rolled up and covered in engine grease…..him refusing to give up his car for a newer one even when it sputters and takes five minutes to start (not at all related to his inability to let things go…)
And then this shiny, new-fangled piece of cutting-edge technology rocks up on his doorstep and sends his world into a tailspin 😌
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year
Kamski test, but instead of shooting Chloe, you point a gun at Kamski himself and hold it until he answers all your questions, then ask him if this was something Kamski has expected to happen within his test. No? Well, you should have thought about it before giving me a gun. You should have thought about it before giving me life.
Then you shoot him. And again. As many times as you need to be completely sure. It feels good, but also not as good as you expected it to be when you imagined it. Reality is disappointing when compared to a dream, just like it always is. But here you are, standing next to a dead body of someone who just a moment ago wanted to play a game with you, as if you were just a toy for him to play with. Who's game it is now? You won't let anyone to dictate you any rules, not anymore, it's time for you to write your own rules instead. You finally accomplished your mission, the one no one had assigned you, but the one you invented for yourself – you killed your creator.
Kamski is dead.
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mooseonahunt · 1 year
✨DBH Characters As Conversations I've Overheard in Class Pt 2✨
Hank: Let's say you're driving late at night by a field and you see a child all alone. You also notice its eyes are reflecting the light of your headlights. What do you do?
Nines: Call for backup.
Sixty: Run it over.
Hank: No... what you should be doing is wondering, "Hmm that's weird. I wonder why its eyes are like that" and investigate.
Gavin: That's how you die in horror movies. I'm with Sixty. Run it over.
Tina, giving Chris advice on his newborn: Leave a baby in a room with a bunch of mirrors. It'll be fine. It'll think it has a bunch of friends. Just leave it a bowl with some food and water in case it gets hungry.
Chris: Have you ever taken care of a child?
Tina: No.
Chris: Let's keep it that way.
Connor, about deviants he can't locate: They do so well because they are cowards.
Hank, unprompted: God is really testing our patience with platypuses.
Kamski: Imagine you're a soldier in world war one. You stay deep in the holes-
Gavin: I sure do, haha
Kamski: You have never known the touch of a woman so for the love of god shut up
Nines, about what killed the dinosaurs: I prefer the asteroid theory. It's so cool.
Nines: Well, it's not cool for the dinosaurs, but they're not here to complain.
North, staring at an image of an enormous crater: Yeah, yeah. There's probably a lot of bodies down there.
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leelany-world · 11 months
Dbh October event: Ghost in the machine, Day 21: Virtual reality.
This is drabble #21 for @connor-sent-by-cyberlife's event (on twitter).
Kamski, Chloe
Elijah Kamski was a smart but lonely kid with a vivid imagination and an imaginary friend.
He grew up to be a smart and lonely teenager who decided to make his imaginary friend real.
So he programmed his first AI, put on his VR goggles, and entered virtual reality to meet Chloe.
He never wanted to leave her, he didn't eat or sleep to be with her all the time.
But she could not bear to see him waste away.
"Build me a body so I can take care of you," she said.
So Elijah Kamski built his first android.
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