#kanan jarrua
nicki0kaye · 2 years
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I didn’t have to render Hera lovingly for a meme, but I’m not taking it back and you can’t make me
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dashdraws · 5 years
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When I hit 31 and finish my list, I am going to have to really knuckle down and spend some time learning how to draw clothing...
Day 10 - Kanan Jarrus. Star Wars Rebels.
Made in Procreate.
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wingletblackbird · 6 years
Kanan's Power
(Submitted by @darthlordrevoldemort)
Ok, here’s some theories about Kanan Jarrus’s power and skill. First, here are some base notes on Kanan. 
1. Kanan’s Jedi training was cut short when he was 13, only a few months after he was taken as a Padawan. 
2. He had not used his Jedi training for years until he met Hera Syndulla, so he was out of practice at that point. 
Now, there are 3 categories in which Kanan’s abilities fall under. There’s his Force powers, his lightsaber skills, and his other abilities. 
1. The Force 
Kanan has displayed multiple common and uncommon Force abilities. He used the Force to augment his jump height and landings. He used the Force to control animal minds and communicate with animals. Kanan also used the Force for telekinesis, calling things to him, pushing them away, and stopping moving objects. 
After he was blinded, Kanan learned to use Force sight, a technique that allowed him to fully perceive the world through the Force. This drastically improved his sensory abilities, and allowed him advantages in low-sight environments. In his dying moments, Kanan demonstrated an impressive mastery of Force barriers, holding off a fuel explosion for several minutes, allowing his comrades to escape before letting the explosion consume him. As he died, Kanan used a brand new Force ability, restoring his sight in his last moments. It is unknown if this last ability is something Kanan consciously used, or if the Force flowed through him. 
2. Lightsaber combat 
Kanan’s official lightsaber training ended when he was 13, leaving him with only Form 1, Shii-Cho, and Form 3, Soresu. For years after that, he hid his lightsaber, and his abilities with it. But he demonstrated sufficient skill with Soresu to easily deflect blaster bolts specifically targeting him, and was proficient enough for his style to be recognized by the Grand Inquisitor in their first meeting. Incidentally, he lost against the Grand Inquisitor in multiple situations, often barely surviving due to his student Ezra’s interference, or his own unorthodox methods. 
In their final confrontation, however, after being tortured, Kanan was able to hold his own against the Inquisitor, and after Ezra was stunned, demonstrated ability in Jar Khai, a dual wielding form, which led to him successfully pushing the Grand Inquisitor back, and ultimately defeating him. 
When he encountered the other Inquisitors, Kanan was overwhelmed by fighting two at once, but was able to survive long enough to get help. When he fought Darth Vader, Kanan again was outmatched, but was able to escape. Finally, after just being blinded by Darth Maul, Kanan was able to use his hearing to predict where Maul was moving, and defeat him in that way. 
When training Sabine Wren to use the Darksaber, Kanan was able to successfully teach her the basics of lightsaber combat, despite her having no Force abilities. In addition, he successfully trained Ezra Bridger in lightsaber combat. 
3. Other Skills 
In addition to his Jedi training, Kanan had a multitude of other skills. He was a skilled shot, skilled pilot, and skilled in unarmed combat. In fact, Kanan was good enough in unarmed combat he was able to effortlessly defeat 2 Stormtroopers at once. He was also a capable con man and spy who was good at espionage, and was so skilled at hiding his identity and very existence that Kanan was unsought by the Empire for almost 15 years, due to them believing that he was dead. 
4. Conclusion 
Much of Kanan’s skill and ability came primarily in his versatility, having a wealth of knowledge outside of his Jedi abilities. This allowed him to maintain a charade of not being a Jedi for over a decade, relying primarily on his wits. As a Jedi, Kanan was only partially trained, but his potential is an interesting topic. 
Had Kanan been fully trained in the Jedi Arts, it is highly probable that he would have been even more dangerous. As it is, Kanan was capable of a great deal, despite his limited training. The most important fact is that he was only trained until the age of 13. Despite such limited training, he was capable of skill on the level of a Jedi Knight, and was able to train a Padawan to a high level of skill. So, while not the most powerful of Jedi, Kanan definitely should be noted for his abilities in surviving bad situations, and succeeding despite them. 
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star-wars-forever · 6 years
Random speculation
I bet we get to see a young Caleb Dume in The Clone Wars, assuming they take it through Order 66 (which seems very likely). What do you think?
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