#kanata x kakeru
curefouette · 1 year
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Okay now they're holding hands
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Heard you're taking short fic requests so here's mine! Please write a Kanata x Kakeru fic if you can't do romance I'm totally fine with platonic just pls I need more of my sillies they need more love I'm desperate
OUGH THEYRE SO SQUISHY!! I actually wrote a fic near the end offff 2022 that i am still really proud of. Here is the link to it.
@steamoctowrites also has an au/story called Inori Kanata Survives that has some somewhat Kakenata here and there, as well!
Anyways here is your kakenata :3
Kanata groaned in slight frustration. She was so, so tired. But Kakeru was taking up almost the entire bed and he was sound asleep. And she didn't want to wake him! It was the first time in months that he had slept peacefully.
She squirmed off of the bed slowly, trying not to move too much so he didnt wake up. He groaned in return to her disappearance and turned on his side. He looked so sad now that she wasnt at his side...
She forced back a sigh and csrefully got back on the bed. "Fine..." she murmured as she struggled not to slip off the bed.
In the morning, they were both cramped, Kanata especially. She kept rubbing her shoulder and huffing in frustration when it wouldnt soothe permanantely.
Kakeru was more embarrassed than in pain, despite the cramps in his neck. "I should've slept on the couch. Please forgive me, inori..!" He even teared up at seeing her pout playfully.
"Kakeruuu," she huffed, "its fineee... you got a good nights sleep for once. I'm not mad."
She paused and rubbed her shoulder again. "Although a slightly bigger bed might be more comfortable."
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pizzacatdelight · 8 months
So, this is my first fanfic that I have written (and completed) and it's based on my favorite shipping from Danganronpa Another.
It's mainly AU where's the Tragedy didn't happen or there's no killing games.
Warning: Despite this being a fluff, there's a medical scene. So, take care before reading.
Kakeru had a stressful day at work. The trial wasn’t going as planned. The witness on the stand won’t cooperate with him and his defense team. And the prosecutors added evidence that he and his team weren’t aware that even exist! At least on the plus side, the judge agreed on some of the statement that Kakeru made. Despite that, the judge thinks there not enough evidence to convict the defendant. So, the judge decides to end the trail for the day so both the defense and the prosecutors can investigate for the case.
By the time Kakeru left the law office for the day, it was close to 6pm. The sun was starting to set and the temperature was cool, but not cold enough to not have to wear a winter coat. Kakeru took a scroll down the city as he see people walking home from work, from running errands and saw students who were just got out of any after school extracurricular clubs that they were in.
 He walked by a floristry and saw some of the fresh flowers that were on displayed. One of the flowers that caught Kakeru’s eyes was some Pink Gerberas. He knows that it’s his wife, Kanata’s favorite flowers as he recalled the time she explained him the meaning of the flower and why she likes them.
That Pink Gerberas represent grace and gratitude. To remind that there is still beauty and kindness in the world and to show the person their appreciation just by being there for them. She likes them because not only from their meaning, which she likes, but it’s also pink, her favorite color.
This made him smile a bit as looking at them made him appreciate his job even though it can be tough and the law system in Japan are against him and the defense team unless they can find the defendant not guilty.
So, Kakeru went in the store and buy a bouquet of Pink Gerberas. His face turns red when the florists thanked him for his purchase before leaving. Even if he’s one of the best lawyers in Japan, he still gets nervous around people from time to time!
 Kakeru then headed to his house that he and Kanata live. He went inside, took off his shoes in the genkan before seeing a smaller pair of shoes that was next to his tennis shoes. This means that she’s here. Knowing this, he announces that he’s home from work and have something for her.
There’s nothing but silence in the house. He calls her name again and gets nothing from her.
He went to the living room and see that it’s nearly dark as the sun disappeared for the day and is replaced with the night sky. She’s not there either. He checked the kitchen, laundry room and the backyard to see that she isn’t there either. He gets annoyed and wondered where his wife could be!
Then he remembers that she had to work a 12 hour shift at the hospital today. This caused him to conclude that she must be in their bedroom, asleep from standing, moving around and operating on patients.
Kakeru went upstairs and opened the bedroom door open to see Kanata, sleeping in their large bed. Well, it’s large for her, but its bit small for him due to the fact he’s over 180cm tall and she’s 135cm tall. Then it doesn’t help that she looks young for her age and the two sometimes gets weird looks from strangers whenever they walk around, holding hands. Seeing her asleep makes him feel at ease…well before his stomach starts to growl. He thinks he should cook dinner as he had only an apple for lunch and guess that Kanata had a small meal at work too.
So, Kakeru slowly closes the door and heads downstairs to the kitchen to get a cup from a cabinet, fills it with water and puts the flowers in the cup. He then opens the refrigerator, grab some food and put them on the counter. He also grabs a cutting board, knife, a frying pan, spoon, some spices and oil, so he can start cooking dinner.
Kanata wakes up from sleeping as she too, had a hard day at work. She was in a 5 hour operation, performing surgery on a woman who had stab wounds from getting attacked by her ex-boyfriend. It didn’t help that the woman kept losing blood and her heartrate kept going down. At least the woman is expected to be okay and her ex-boyfriend was caught and charged with assault.
Later on, one of the patients woke up in the middle of an operation and they were forced to stop and tried to put them back to sleep so they can continue. Thankfully, the operation was a success and the patient stayed asleep for the rest of the operation.
Being a surgeon is hard work, but can be rewarding whenever lives can be saved and that the patients can get to go home after recovering from surgery. After all, it’s one of the reasons why she became one thanks to her adopted father saving her life when she got into a car crash when she was younger and nearly died from it.
Then she smells food. She smells the spices, the pork and the noodles that are being cooked on the stove in the kitchen.
“Kakeru must be cooking yakisoba for dinner”, Kanata thought to herself.
She then yawns and stretches before getting up and putting on her favorite green slippers. She leaves the bedroom, walks downstairs to the kitchen and sees that Kakeru is indeed, cooking yakisoba.
Then she notices a bouquet of Pink Gerberas on the dining table, which it wasn’t there this morning.
“Are those flowers supposed to be for me?” she asked breaking the silence in the kitchen, which startled Kakeru and nearly caused him to drop the spatula that he used to cook the vegetables.
He nervously turned around and said yes before turning back towards to stove.
Kanata walked to the dining table and looked at the flowers, seeing that they’re fresh as it was just recently been picked from a field.
“They looked very nice”
“Th-thanks”, said Kakeru who was trying to keep his posture and try not to drop the spatula.
Kanata looked at him and sees him shaking as he’s cooking.
“What’s wrong?” She asked him.
Kakeru’s shoulders dropped and sighed before telling her the truth.
“I had a stressful day at work”
“Well, I have a stressful day at work too”, said Kanata.
“At least you didn’t have the prosecutors’ present evidence that you weren’t aware that existed. Like, it nearly threw my case out of the window!”
Kakeru complain about the trial as he continued to cook. Kanata decided to help out by setting the table, pouring a pitcher of water from the sink to the table and cleaning up the counter as they talked about their day.
The two then sat down to eat dinner. Kanata normally doesn’t like unhealthy food, like yakisoba, as it’s fried and it’s too greasy. The one that Kakeru cooked however uses rice noodles and vegetarian oyster sauce, which makes this healthy.
“Why did you buy the flowers?” Kanata asked as she took a sip of water.
“I was walking home from work and walked by floristry, where I-I saw these flowers. And I re-remembered that you like this type of flowers. So I b-b-bought them for you!
“What, you don’t like them!?” Kakeru nervously told her, worried that she might not like them.
“No, no Kakeru, I do! It just, it’s not too common for you to get flowers. That’s all” Kanata calmly reassuring him that he didn’t upset her.
“I think they look nice anyways.”
Kakeru smiled that he did his job of making his wife happy, “I’m glad you liked them.”
“So, I’m off this Saturday…” Kanata said in changing the topic.        
“…and I’m planning to go to a museum, where there’s an exhibit on your favorite author. And I think you might like that.”
Kakeru smiled once more on what he heard and said that he would love doing that.
The two continued to talk as they ate their dinner and when they weren’t eating, Kanata looks at the Pink Gerberas that is in the center of the table and smiled on how appreciate her husband is to her and the jobs that they have.
Their jobs maybe stressful, but at least they have each other to relay on at the end of the day.
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re1k0l4d3b1l3 · 1 month
my second fav ot3
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etherealabyss11037 · 6 months
DRA Character Sexuality Headcanons
I’ll just be making a brief list of what sexual orientation I believe each character from the first Danganronpa Another game has. Remember, I’m not condemning anyone who disagrees with my interpretation or has a different headcanon of a character. I believe everyone is entitled to their own headcanon, even if it blatantly contradicts canon, and you don’t attack others who don’t share the same headcanon as you.
Kiyoka Maki: heterosexual.
Kiyoka spends her last FTE worrying about who’ll be a suitable boyfriend if they don’t escape, so that’s basically my justification for this interpretation.
Mitsuhiro Higa: heterosexual.
Yeah, I don’t think much explanation is needed: he sexually harasses Akane in chapter 1 and brags about how many girls he gets in his FTEs. I understand why some may interpret him as an in-denial homosexual, if only to take the piss out of him, but I don’t see it that way. Mitch is a pretty transparent character, so I doubt something as deep as that is applicable to him.
Kizuna Tomori: heterosexual.
Some see her as a repressed lesbian, which I understand why, but I see her as more of a “straight girl with severe issues in her relationship to men”. Plus, I take into account the FTEs, so Kizuna’s implied attraction to Yuki by her last FTE is indicative of her sexuality to me.
Ayame Hatano: Bisexual.
I forever headcanon Ayame is in love with Akane, but her last FTE has her blushing at Yuki, so I interpret her as a girl-leaning Bisexual.
Kakeru Yamaguchi: Bisexual.
I wholeheartedly ship Kakeru x Kanata (Kakenata? Kanakeru? Yamanori?), so that’s part of it, but Kakeru also gives major guy-liker vibes, so there you go. I also semi-ship Kakeru and Kinji, so that’s further fuel to the fire.
Kanata Inori: heterosexual.
As I just said, Kakeru x Kanata is OTP for me, and that’s all the justification I need.
Kinji Uehara: Pansexual.
This might sound unexpected, but I see Kinji as such an open-minded and big-hearted person that he wouldn’t consider the gender of his partner, even if his religion prevents him from entering any romantic relationships.
Haruhiko Kobashikawa: heterosexual.
Similar story with Mitch, except Haru isn’t nowhere near as creepy. Sure, some think he’s got some homoeroticism with Yuki in his FTEs, but his obsession with the female gender leaves me skeptical of that.
Satsuki Iranami: Pansexual.
Similar to Kinji, I believe Satsuki’s such a pure-hearted person that she wouldn’t even think about her partner’s gender. Still, Satsuhiko for the win!
Yamato Kisaragi: Pansexual.
Literally the exact same explanation with Kinji and Satsuki, only I think he’s got a preference for men.
Mikako Kurokawa: Biromantic Demisexual.
Being the mysterious and quiet girl she is in-game, I doubt Mikako would consider dating someone unless she’s built a secure, trusting relationship with them. However, I’m unsure whether this would apply to pre-game Mikako.
Teruya Otori: homoflexible.
Now, I just can’t unsee Teruya liking other guys, but I also headcanon that Teruya developed feelings for Rei between the time they escaped and pre-SDRA2, so I compensated roughly down the middle.
Akane Taira: Heteroflexible.
I view Akane as predominantly being attracted to men, but may make some exceptions for a girl or two (perhaps Ayame would fit the bill 👀)
Yuki Maeda: Heteroflexible.
Similar to Akane, he seems to be a woman-liker, but I’ve no problem with the idea of him getting together with the right man (*cough*KINJO*cough*). In regards to Utsuro, I think he’s either AroAce or Demisexual.
Rei Mekaru: Panromantic Demisexual.
See, I believe Rei would have an extremely difficult time with getting vulnerable enough with someone to consider dating them, but once a trusting relationship is established, I don’t think she’d care about her partner’s gender.
Tsurugi Kinjo: Biromantic Demisexual.
Similar to Rei, except Tsurugi may have a preference for men, given that he spent much of his backstory and post-SDRA2 presence being defined by his relationships to other men.
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webraciszekbastion · 1 year
Requests Opens !
One Shot - Cup of Tea 🍵
Headcanons - Cup of Coffee ☕
My thoughts on games or characters - Bubble Tea 🧋(NO request)
Fluff - Chocolate Cookie 🍪| Hurt/Comfort - Dark Chocolate 🍫| Angst - Sour Lemon Cupcake 🧁| Suggestive - Angel Food Cake 🍰| Platonic - Piece of Pie 🥧
Master Detective Archives: Rain Code
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Yuma Kokohead:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Kurumi Wendy:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Yakou Furio:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
👻 Yakou Furio x Reader who is a Horror Fanatic 💀☕🍪
Vivia Twilight:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
📖 Vivia Twilght x Baker!Reader 🥐☕🍪
📖 Vivia Twilight x Artist!Male!Reader 🎨☕🍪
Halara Nightmare:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Fubuki Clockford:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Desuhiko Thunderbolt:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Zilch Alexander:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Pucci Lavmin:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Aphex Logan:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Melamie Goldmine:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Zange Eraser:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Yomie Hellsmile:
Martina Electro:
Seth Burroughs:
Guillaume Hall:
Makoto Kagutsuchi:
All Master Detectives:
All Peacekeepers:
All Characters:
Project Eden's Garden
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Damon Maitsu:
📖 Fem s/o Ultimate Novelist who works non-stop, without taking breaks. 📖 ☕🍪
Cassidy Amber:
Desmond Hall:
Diana Venicia:
Eloise Taulner:
Eva Tsunaka:
Grace Madison:
Ingrid Grimwall:
Jean DeLamer:
Jett Dawson:
Kai Monteago:
Mark "Mayhem" Berskii:
Toshiko Kayura(Only Platonic):
Ulysses Wilhelm:
Wolfgang Akire:
All Characters:
Danganronpa Despair Time
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Teruko Tawaki:
Xander Matthews:
Charles Cuevas:
Ace Markey:
Arei Nageishi:
Rose Lacroix:
Hu Jing:
Eden Tobisa:
Levi Fontana:
📖 Fem s/o Ultimate Novelist who works non-stop, without taking breaks. 📖 ☕🍪
Arturo Giles:
Min Jeung:
Veronika Grebenshchikova:
J Rosales:
Whit Young:
Nico Hakobyan:
All Characters:
Danganronpa F: Shattered Hope
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📖 Fem s/o Ultimate Novelist who works non-stop, without taking breaks. 📖 ☕🍪
All Characters:
My suggestions for the real names of the characters 🧋
Super Danganronpa Another
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Yuki Maeda/Utsuro:
Akane Taira:
Ayame Hatano:
Haruhiko Kobashikawa
Kakeru Yamaguchi:
Kanata Inori:
Kinji Uehara:
Kiyoka Maki:
Kizuna Tomori:
Mikako Kurokawa:
Mitsuhiro Higa:
Rei Mekaru:
Satsuki Iranami:
Teruya Otori:
Tsurugi Kinjo:
Yamato Kisaragi:
All Characters:
Super Danganronpa Another 2
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Emma Magorobi:
Hajime Makunouchi:
Hibiki Otonokoji:
Iroha Nijiue:
Kanade Otonokoji:
Kokoro Mitsube:
Mikado Sannoji:
Nikei Yomiuri:
Setsuka Chiebukuro:
Shinji Kasai:
Shobai Hashimoto:
Teruya Otori V2:
Yoruko Kabuya:
Yuki Maeda:
Yuri Kagarin:
All Characters:
Danganronpa (He)Artless Deceit
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Akira Hayasaka:
Chiemi Hattori:
Chou Yoshida:
Hideyoshi Kurosawa:
Itsumi "Bani" Yoko:
Izanami Hoshimiya:
Katsuhiko Minamoto:
Kiyoshi Fujioka:
Kyouran Murashita:
Otome Hanayama:
Rei Fukuno:
Satoru Tachibana:
Shion Morita:
Takeshi Yamamoto:
Tomoya Morita:
Yumeo Arakawa:
Denshi Shigenobu:
All Characters:
Your Turn to Die
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Sara Chidouin:
Joe Tazuna:
Keiji Shinogi:
Kanna Kizuchi(Only Platonic):
Q-taro Burgerberg:
Sou Hiyori:
Reko Yabusame:
Nao Egokoro:
Kai Satou:
Gin Ibushi(Only Platonic):
Kazumi Mishima:
Alice Yabusame:
Ranmaru Kageyama:
Hinako Mishuku(Only Platonic):
Naomichi Kurumada:
Mai Tsurugi:
Anzu Kinashi:
Shunsuke Hayasaka:
Sue Miley:
Tia Safalin:
Rio Ranger:
All Characters:
All Floor Masters:
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leviadraws · 3 months
hey loz! i was bouncing au ideas around in my head and got a little too invested, so now i'm here to askwhat do you think would have to change in order for there to be a viable roleswap between dra yuki and utsuro?like, with yuki as the mastermind and utsuro as the one around for the killing game. what do you think that universe would be like?
anyway hope you're having a great day LOL
Oh my this is such a cool idea! I'd love to hear more about it /gen
Under cut, since I waffled a load /lh
I will preface that I struggle to characterise Utsuro a fair bit compared to Yuki, just because we see so little of him, I took so long to answer this just because I had to go watch chapters 0, 6, and IF just for the refresher.
For the sake of argument, in this role swap Utsuro isn't aware of his own luck, like how Yuki isn't.
Which meant watching the footage didn't actually help all that much, since a lot of his apathy and confidence (arrongance? on how things will pan out) stem from his talent and the results of his talent.
I think, who he does and doesn't get on with changes a lot. I don't think his kinda pessimistic realism would allow him to get on much with the more optimistic cast members (like the sunshine quartet, Akane, Kanata, Kakeru, Ayame, etc). I could see Akane trying to reach out in some subconscious way (something in the back of my head tells me I know this person kinda way) but I think the way he deflects and doesn't share the same "we got this! You just gotta not lose hope" would push her away.
I also think he'd have a lot of up and downs with Tsurugi and Rei. They'd probably get on with some things, like the idea that people often don't have good intentions and all and don't trust and all. But, I can't see Utsuro joining the large group in chapter 2 and chooses to go his own way like how Kizuna, Rei and Kinji did.
I think he gets along with Kinji the most, Kinji isn't loud and talks when it's needed, he isn't argumentative in the same way Rei is either. I think Utsuro would annoy early game Rei a lot, since he wouldn't rise to her quite outlandish points of view and just ignore her a lot.
I think there's a possibility that he'd get on with Mikako, kinda in the same way as the main game. But with the swap they kinda have different views on hope and getting everyone out so I'm not entirely sure how that'd pan out.
He takes a bit of a back seat in trials, he's cynical and so calls people out on very obvious lies and cover ups, but since he doesn't stick with the group all that much he often doesn't have an alibi outside of luck coming into play, so he ends up getting the blame pinned on him a lot. He doesn't really feel "Oh X could never do that", so he's ready to press threads regardless of the person on the other end.
I don't think the early deaths actually change all that much, in canon Yuki isn't actually all that involved in the cases all the way up to like, case 5? And even then he's not involved, more like well, blamed in a last ditch effort.
Case 3 would change a tad, since if Utsuro isn't all that close with the main group he'd probably not be around for Akane's episode and therefore not have an alibi. Kinji probably tries to subdue him like how he does Rei and Tsurugi but divine luck kinda intervenes in some really silly way and so instead Kinji tries to pin the blame on him as the only one not "attacked".
That makes the trial hard, he's been betrayed again, they weren't quite friends but to have one of the people that didn't berate him completely turn on him hurts.
I, also think eventually they soften up to him sometime after chapter 3. After being blamed and scapegoated so much in trials, the others start to see that maybe they were mean in their initial impressions. I'm unsure how much he'd soften up? Perhaps he becomes more patient in time, but getting the blame pinned on him and having the others admonish his more pessimistic nature when they're getting no where searching the facility gets on his nerves.
You know that bit where he slips talking to Mikako? (can't remember if it's chapter 3/4/5), it's a little more creepy. A smile comes through and a manic look that really spooks her.
In chapter 4 he's forced to dance with whoever you'd like haha
I can't see him spending all his energy looking for a way out of the ballroom, I think he takes a look around and then retires to his room to save his energy. Akane notices and brings meals to his room.
When the hunger starts to kick in he seems to slip a little more often, people catch him just smiling to himself and it catches them off guard, but then they look back again and it's gone so they think their minds are just playing tricks from the hunger.
I've been trying to think if he'd be there for Tsurugi's freakout. I think luck would probably mean he ends up in the right place at the right time to intervene.
Chapter 5 is weird, would Tsurugi die if they were never close? Would he still subconsciously save him with luck? I honestly don't know. I'm gonna go with the latter for simplicity but I think the former is an interesting path to go down.
So chapter 6, and if he found Akane occasionally annoying before she's unbearable right now. Seeing her gives him a migraine that he can't shake and he makes him harsh, curt and a little rude. Tsurugi approaches about how different he remembers Utsuro, how they used to be really good friends, and how he was well liked by pretty much the whole class. It puzzles him, they're really acquaintances at best and he really can't see him being the life of the party in class.
When Tsurugi won't drop it he just nods and assumes it must be his injury affecting his memory.
The final trial comes up, and the headaches are getting worse and worse. It goes black for a moment and he sees someone who looks just like him, just a little more neatly kept, eyes brighter than his, and a soft smile on his face. But there's something a little off putting about it all as he points to the red door infront.
He opens his eyes, smiles a little too wide, and laughs.
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googledetective · 11 months
I shared the drdt characters with dra/sdra2 talents yesterday, but now imma do the reverse bc uhhh I feel like it? 😍
Yuki Maeda - Ultimate Horror Fanatic
Akane Taira - Ultimate Harp Player (ik she’s not Chinese so I didn’t give her Zither. I’m American so I’m like stupid but I had never even heard of a zither until I watched drdt so idk if people in Japan would know it so I felt wrong even like giving a character the talent without being Chinese. The Zither kind of reminds me of a Harp so uhhh… 👍)
Teruya Otori - Ultimate Bowler
Rei Mekaru - Ultimate Student
Tsurugi Kinjo - Ultimate Motivational Speaker
Kiyoka Maki - Ultimate Rebel
Mitsuhiro Higa - Ultimate Plastic Surgeon
Kizuna Tomori - Ultimate Matchmaker
Ayame Hatano - Ultimate Chemist
Kanata Inori - Ultimate Jockey
Kakeru Yamaguchi - Ultimate Clockmaker
Kinji Uehara - Ultimate Art Forger
Haruhiko Kobashikawa - Ultimate SFX Artist
Satsuki Iranami - Ultimate Pet Therapist
Yamato Kisaragi - Ultimate Unlucky Student
Mikako Kurokawa - Ultimate Personal Stylist
*Teruya don’t count for this so Teruko’s talent won’t be used
Sora - Ultimate Rebel
Yuki Maeda - Ultimate Student
Yoruko Kabuya - Ultimate Matchmaker
Syobai Hashimoto - Ultimate Art Forger
Iroha Nijiue - Ultimate Jockey
Yuri Kagarin - Ultimate Plastic Surgeon
Hajime Makunouchi - Ultimate Pet Therapist
Kokoro Mitsume - Ultimate Chemist
Emma Magorobi - Ultimate Harp Player (okay yeah so again she’s not Chinese so I replaced it, same reason as Akane.)
Setsuka Chiebukuro - Ultimate Bowler
Hibiki Otonokoji - Ultimate Personal Stylist
Kanade Otonokoji - Ultimate SFX Artist
Shinji Kasai - Ultimate Clockmaker
Nikei Yomiuri - Ultimate Motivational Speaker
Mikado Sannoji - Ultimate Horror Fanatic
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rkmatsu · 1 year
DRA fancasting
I was heavily inspired by @creepercraftguy's headcanons on voices for the Danganronpa Another cast so I caved and did my own as well. I have decided to use VAs that weren't in any of the official Danganronpa games and anime while also considering the other roles the voice actors are known for as well as their overall energy.
That being said, this was made in all good fun if it and its' sequel (which I'll post tomorrow hopefully) were official games. I hope you enjoy the picks as I did.
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Yuki Maeda - Zach Aguilar Notable Roles: - Tanjiro Kamado (Kimetsu no Yaiba) - Koichi Hirose (JJBA: Diamond is Unbreakable) - Genos (One-Punch Man) *Also for a note, Utsuro himself will share the same VA as Yuki, though the voice would have some distinction.
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Akane Taira - Lisa Reimold Notable Roles: - Ui Tamaki (Madoka Magica: Magia Record) - Emma Verde (Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club) - Kurumi (Lycoris Recoil)
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Kiyoka Maki - Amber Lee Connors Notable Roles: - Shouko Komi (Komi-san) - Pieck Finger (Attack on Titan) - Furina/Focalors (Genshin Impact)
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Mitsuhiro “Mitch” Higa -Jonah Scott Notable Roles: - Kojiro Nanjo (SK8 the Infinity) - Legoshi (Beastars) - Tatsu (Way of the House Husband)
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Kizuna Tomori - Sarah Anne Williams Notable Roles: - Sayaka Miki (Madoka Magica) - Nonon Jakuzure (Kill la Kill) - Peacock (Skullgirls)
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Ayame Hatano - Ryan Bartley Notable Roles: - Komugi (Hunter x Hunter) - Shoko Ieiri (Jujutsu Kaisen) - Ram (Re:ZERO)
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Kakeru Yamaguchi - Alejandro Saab (CyYu) Notable Roles: - Gabimaru the Hollow (Hell's Paradise) - Tatsuya Shiba (The Honor at Magic High School) - Izumi Miyamura (Horimiya)
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Kanata Inori - Brianna Knickerbocker Notable Roles: - Hu Tao (Genshin Impact) - Kanao Tsuyuri (Kimetsu no Yaiba) - Filo (Rise of Shield Hero)
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Kinji Uehara - Daman Mills Notable Roles: - Lyney (Genshin Impact) - Blade (Honkai Star Rail) - Legato Bluesummers (Trigun Stampede)
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Haruhiko "Haru" Kobayashikawa - Aleks Le Notable Roles: - Sonon Kusakabe (Final Fantasy 7 Remake) - Luke (Street Fighter 6) - Caiman (Dohedoro)
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Satsuki Iranami - Jenny Yokobori Notable Roles: - Yoimiya (Genshin Impact) - Xiaomei (EDENS ZERO) - Martina Electro (Rain Code)
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Yamato Kisaragi - Landon McDonald Notable Roles: - Kazuki Kurusu (Buddy Daddies) - Ranpo Edogawa (Bungou Stray Dogs; S3 - Onwards) - Noritoshi Kamo (Jujutsu Kaisen)
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Mikako Kurokawa - Anne Yatco Notable Roles: - Nobara Kugisaki (Jujutsu Kaisen) - Raiden Shogun / Raiden Ei (Genshin Impact) - Lola Metrose (The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter)
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Tsurugi Kinjo - Howard Wang Notable Roles: - Narciso Anasui (JJBA: Stone Ocean) - Hikari Ku (Octopath Traveler II) - Langa Hasegawa (SK8 the Infinity)
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Rei Mekaru - Lizzie Freeman Notable Roles: - Yanfei (Genshin Impact) - Trish Una (JJBA: Golden Wind) - Hinata Tachibana (Tokyo Revengers)
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Teruya Otori - Nazeeh Tarsha Notable Roles: - Alhaitham (Genshin Impact) - Chobei Aza (Hell's Paradise) - Jude (The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent)
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Drip, drop... Drip, drop...
Rain fell outside of Hope's Peak, and splashed on the ground and windows. The soft pitter-patter of each hit soothed Kakeru's mind as intrusive thoughts tried to reach him. However, he had agreed to make dinner for everyone, whereas Akane was ill and being cared for by Ayame, so he stood up and left.
Kanata had wanted to be of help to Akane, but she insisted that the surgeon didn't fuss over such a small thing, and that Ayame could handle it. So Kanata was assigned to help Kakeru.
He had expected to find her waiting outside his room, but she wasn't there. With a soft shrug of his shoulders, Kakeru walked down to the kitchen- Where Kanata sat near the counter with her face buried in her arms. She hadn't seemed to hear him approaching.
"Inori?...What's wrong?" he whispered, getting on his knees and tilting his head.
Soft and bleary cerulean blue eyes met his, puffy and flooded with tears. Kanata then buried her face back into her arms for a second, and soon after stood up and wiped her eyes with her hands before washing her tear-covered hands in the sink. "I was... simply reminiscing on past memories. And then realized I was alone. Thank you for your concern, Mister Yamaguchi." Kakeru watched with concern as she dried off her palms and fingers before grabbing a large mixing bowl, alongside flour, baking powder, white sugar, salt, butter, and milk. "Come on, Mister Yamaguchi, lets make some dumplings, spring rolls, egg drop soup, and some stir fry." 
The noirette sighed, grabbing some canola oil, nappa cabbage, garlic cloves, carrots, and bamboo shoots. As they worked in silence, he could hear Kanata sniffling and gasping. It was growing more concerning, honestly, as he had never really seen her cry.
"All right, Inori... What's wrong? You're clearly upset, and it's worrying me. Of course, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to! But if you need to just... not cook, I can do it by myself!" Kakeru carefully mixed his chosen ingredients into a nice filling before grabbing some spring roll wrappers from the cabinet and stuffing each one up with the filling ever so carefully. 
Kanata gripped her spatula harder, folding the dough neatly into itself before Kakeru took the bowl from her and began working on it faster. He had noticed her knuckles turning white, and the fact she was biting her lip in frustration at not being able to fold the dough faster. She silently took out a pot and began making a soup for the dough to simmer in once fully prepared, eyes dull.
"Inori, why don't you take a break?" Kakeru suggested softly, trying not to be offensive.
Kanata looked at him out of the corner of her eye and shook her head. "I suppose I should talk to someone about this... I was thinking about my birth parents. I don't think I've told any of you yet, but I'm adopted. My... Birth parents died in a car crash when I was... What, 5?" She drew in a shaky breath as she stirred the soup, eyes beginning to tear up once more.
Kakeru waited patiently for her to continue, putting the dough aside to work on preparing the stir fry.
 "I don't remember all the details, but... I know we were driving home from a vacation, and I think my parents were talking about how great it was. They must have been distracted, because they swerved and crashed. I... I remember the sirens, and their croaks of agony as they bled out... I remember feeling squished and dizzy... When I woke up the next day, I was in a white room, with an IV in my arm and a monitor beeping with my heartbeat. I asked about my parents, and the nurse had quite the hard time explaining to me that they wouldn't be able to come back, no matter how bad they wanted to. So the surgeon who worked on me was brought in. He explained what had happened, in a way I could understand. I... I felt alone. I panicked whenever the nurse left the room due to not wanting to be alone. I think that's when I developed my autophobia."
Her hands began to trembles as she put on some gloves and took the dough, rolling it into small balls and pinching the tops before setting them into the soup to soak. Her cerulean blue eyes felt like they were on fire, but she continued.
"I was terrified of going to an orphanage. However, a few days later, the surgeon- Hikaru Ando, his name was- came in. He asked me if it would be okay for him to adopt me. He explained that it'd mean I'd have a new family, and that I'd have a brother and sister unlike I did before. He was kind to me, and he explained the whole process. I agreed, with a bit of worry that it might be bad, but he understood. I was adopted into the family, and... well, the rest doesn't matter I suppose..."
Kanata sighed, watching the dumplings soak and harden with dull interest, scooping one out and putting it in a separate bowl numbly. "I found out recently that I wasn't expected to survive. My father worked his behind off to make sure I'd live. I also met with the fireman who saved me- his name's Kasai Shinji. But... I guess those two things had me thinking about it again."
Kakeru looked down at the now finished stir fry, biting his own tongue gently before speaking. "Ah... I'm sorry that all happened to you, Inori. I'm not sure of much else to say, but if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here- if you wish, that is."
The dirty blonde cracked a small smile, glancing up at him before she took a few more dumplings out and replaced them. "Thank you, Mister Yamaguchi. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here, too."
sources for recipes; dumplings; https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/6900/dumplings/ spring rolls; https://dinnerthendessert.com/spring-rolls/
Kanata having autophobia is simply a headcanon, do not treat it as canon at all.
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sdranothersmut · 21 days
I know you’re answering more to DRDT asks but can i ask your favorite DRA/SDRA2 ships?
Sure!! I won’t include my oc though cause that’s not fair.
For Dra
Yuki x Akane, Yuki x Kiyoka, Yuki x Akane x Ayame
Akane x Kiyoka, Akane x Ayame
Kakeru x Kanata
Haruhiko x Satsuki
Rei x Teruya
Mikako x Yuki, Mikako x Akane, Mikako x Rei
Sora x Yuki x Yoruko, Sora x Yoruko, Sora x Yuki.
Emma x Nikei, Emma x Setsuka
Nikei x Setsuka
That’s honestly it :( sorry
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More Danganronpa fankids, this time for the Makoto x Sayaka, Kakeru x Kanata and Mikado!Sora x Shobai ships.
Information under the cut:
Name: Akiko Naegi (苗木 明子). Age: 15. Parents: Makoto Naegi and Sayaka Maizono. Gender: Female. (Possible) Ultimate Title: Ultimate Vocalist. Birthdate: January 1 (Capricorn). Height: 162 cm. Weight: 52 kg. Chest Size: 87 cm. Blood Type: A. Likes: Manga, music, signing. Dislikes: Dried beans.
Coming from a world where the Tragedy never happened, and their relationship was able to blossom, Akiko is Makoto Naegi and Sayaka Maizono's daughter, and she has had a good life with them. Having been accidentally conceived during the time her mother still worked on the idol industry, both the pregnancy and her existence had to be kept a secret until it was safe for the entire family to do it, causing her to not have a lot of friends during the first years of her life, the only people who ever saw being her family and her mom's bandmates.
Loving music and singing as much as her mom did, Akiko is a kind girl that is close to her parents, and wants to become an idol just like Sayaka, wanting to do it for the same reasons she did it so many years ago: To bring smiles to the world, no matter how brutal the idol industry could be to her, and how badly it could break her.
Name: Shuka Yamaguchi (山口 守花). Age: 12. Parents: Kakeru Yamaguchi and Kanata Inori. Gender: Female. (Possible) Ultimate Title: Ultimate Doctor. Birthdate: March 6 (Pisces). Height: 155 cm. Weight: 40 kg. Chest Size: 70 cm. Blood Type: A. Likes: Health, reading. Dislikes: People that doesn't take care of themselves.
In a world where the Tragedy never happened, and class 79 was able to live and thrive, Kakeru Yamaguchi and Kanata Inori ended up with a kid, no matter how unlikely it could be, bringing Shuka to the world. Thanks to the influence of her parents and her love of reading every book in their house, she wants more than anything but to become a doctor, and work alongside her mother in the same hospital, having started with always having a first aid kid on her person since elementary school, and eventually evolving to knowing some pretty complex operations by the present time.
Naturally nice but extremely determined to fulfill her dreams, she ironically has issues with making friends, thanks to having inherited her dad's scary expressions, making everyone scared of her, thinking that she's a bad person, and making it hard for her to show them her true self.
Name: Akui Sannoji (三王寺 悪意). Age: 17. Parents: AE Mikado Sannoji (In Akane Taira's body) and Shobai Hashimoto. Gender: Male. (Possible) Ultimate Title: Unknown. Birthdate: August 31 (Virgo). Height: 180 cm. Weight: 73 kg. Chest Size: 87 cm. Blood Type: B. Likes: Money, knives. Dislikes: His parents.
In an alternative world, where Mikado Sannoji's alter ego was able to bring his plans to revive the Divine Luck and escape the virtual world with it on Akane Taira's body to fruition, he tried to keep his last "tool", Shobai Hashimoto, under control via conceiving a kid with him, only to realize too late that the only thing tying him to him was the money he could keep getting through the Divine Luck, making him decided to abandon the kid he had with him, Akui, to an corrupt and abusive orphanage, hoping that the kid eventually died, only for the luck Akui inherited from him to protect him until he was able to escape.
Now searching for his fathers to exact revenge on them for abandoning him without a thought, Akui is a serious and violent young man, so single-minded in his anger that he's ready to kill anyone who put themselves in between him and his objective, no matter how many people he hurts in the process.
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archiebuns · 11 months
U!Yuki X Kinji
Kinji X Kanata x Kakeru
Akane x Satsuki
Satsuki x Haruhiko
Hajime X Mikado
Shinji X Nikei
Shinji X Syobai
Hajime X Yuki X Nikei
Setsuka X Yoruko
Yoruko X Sora
Kanade x Yuki
All for now, FOR NOW
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halfling-myth-lady · 2 years
So....I was watching shsl blaze’s vídeos on dr next generation,so I decided to make my own fan kids for a fangan:
(Protag)Kouhei Kisaragi(yamarugi):ultimate firearm inventor
(Support)Michi Maeda(Yuuki Maeda):ultimate lucky student
Chizu Mekaru(reikako):ultimate astrologist
Aimi kabuya(soruko):ultimate website programmer
Eiko Ōtori(otohiko(first sunshine trio)):ultimate car sales woman
Ena Iranami(satsuki x haruhiko(second sunshine trio kid)):ultimate basketball player
Kanna Maki(Kizuna x kiyoka):ultimate speedrunner
Emiko Uehara (kakeru x Kinji(first kakeru x Kinji x kanata kid)):ultimate paralegal
Jun Uehara (kanata x kakeru(second kakeru x Kinji x kanata kid)):ultimate defense attorney
Fujita Makunouchi(Shinji x hajime):ultimate skier
Keiji Yamaguchi(I think there’s a ship name for Ryutaro x Midori but I cannot remember and cannot be bothered to look it up):ultimate security guard
Naoko Magorobi (emma x Kokoro and same situation as the ship above):ultimate stage director
Hide yomiuri(I am desperate so I included a ship that I do not even ship in here so yeah,Nikei x mikado kid over here):ultimate kids book writer
Iku hatano(someone remind me of the ship name for Akane x Ayame please):ultimate sports aid
Makiko Otonokoji(Iroha x Hibiki):ultimate voice synthesizer producer
Masaki higa(meeby):ultimate football player
So,,,I think you can tell the moments that I ran out of ships,but frankly I do not care
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