#kansas craft brewery
krisict · 8 months
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I highly recommend turning stickers into magnets. Some of these stickers I’ve had for over five years waiting for the right place. Apparently my kitchen cabinets are the place.
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nomadicscratches · 11 months
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A select delicacy
served chilled over
long, hard days.
Substance to respect,
a nectar held in
high regard,
of how high it gets you.  
But this is divine,
this is sweet beyond 
This flavor is uncanny.  
Profile too smooth to be robust
yet too charming to be 
anything less than
Sticky, yes,
cinnamon swelling 
under a bun drenched in
dreamlike ale,
full-bodied cuteness,
desert for breakfast
in the precious can 
Your heart could desire.  
DLMC 10/22/2023
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Jensen Solo Main Panel Vancon 2022
Quick disclaimer: this post only covers the first half of the panel. Halfway through he got joined by MC (ofc he fucking did 🙄), and then at the last like 20mins it turned into a group panel because he was also joined by Mark Sheppard, Jake Abel, and Ruth Connell. I'm only covering Jensen's solo portion but if you wanna see the full thing there is as always a link to the full panel at the end.
Getting into the panel, Rob Benedict asked him when was he last in Van and Jensen replies that he was there recently back in August for a couple days, doing some scenes for a movie. I guess he still doesn't have clearance to say it was the Buddy Games sequel.
He also again mentions the previous night's unofficial wrap party and that it was fantastic to be able to see everyone and give out those hugs that they couldn't back when they officially wrapped due to the pandemic but that he is heartbroken Jared's not there, and he knows Jared's really bummed out, so they'll have to do it again when they come back to Van. And then when he goes to sit he turns his chair around IN HONOR OF HIS BOY HE LITERALLY SAYS "IN HONOR OF MY BOY" 😭 Then he says he has a better idea, and grabs the other chair on stage and pulls it next to his and turns it around 😭❤️
Question time! What advice would he give to newcomers on a set whether cast or crew members? To have fun. He was asked recently by one of the producers on Big Sky how he managed to go 15yrs on one show, and he replied that a lot of ingredients went into that but the one he remembers the most is the amount of laughter they had on that set. That he doesn't remember laughing harder during those 15yrs than he did when he was at work and that says a lot about the environment. That there were hard days and days when he didn't wanna get out of bed but no matter what he doesn't think that a day went by where they didn't chuckle or laugh on that set.
That's what he would say, and continues to say to people, he's even said it to those working on The Winchesters. Something he's made sure to very heavily impress upon John F. Showalter, who is currently supervising the show, is to make sure the set is having a good time and the egos are checked, to save the drama for when the cameras are rolling that there's no room for that when they're not.
If that's something he can bring to work, or encourage people to do that when they go to work then he thinks everyone will have a better time. x
How would he have wanted spn to end? He talks about what was originally planned which is that the original script before covid was everything the same up to the point when Sam arrives in Heaven but what was different is that instead of him arriving at the bridge he would arrive in a dusty parking lot in front of a roadhouse, see the Impala and walk up and Dean would come out to greet him and they would have that moment from the bridge then Dean would tell him to come inside where they would have everyone they could get from the cast and crew inside and the house band would be Kansas. And Kansas was actually on their way to set already when they got the call that they couldn't because of covid shutdowns.
That it was unfortunate they couldn't do that, they had to pivot and there was still the heartfelt moment but it would have been nice to have gotten to do it. Jensen, my love, I know you love Kansas and wanted them on the show but sometimes change is for the best. x
How did the idea for the brewery and making it a family-friendly place come to be? It was all a natural progression. It started back around '07 or '08 when craft beer was taking off, he and his brother-in-law, Gino, started making beer in the backyard and they got the itch to open a little nano brewery. In all the research that they did the thing they kept being told is to have room for growth so they got this big property and built for growth but then they thought they should have a place for kids to play because Jensen has kids and that led to them deciding that they wanted to make it a family-friendly place where people could go and have fun with the whole family. The whole time they kept calling it the Family Business because Jensen thought it was kind of tongue in cheek due to its relation to the show but also because it was just Gino and him then when they looked online they saw the name was available (meaning it hadn't been copyrighted) so they decided to make the name official. There was no grand design for it, it just happened naturally. x
Have he and Jared ever gone driving Baby around Austin because they miss playing Sam and Dean? Yes, not because they miss playing Sam and Dean but because they’re children and wanted to go fast in a car that they spend so much time in and they thought it would be great to do that; he says both the Impalas were picture cars, they're not high functioning automobiles, so now that he and Jared own them they're getting fixed up in the same shop, getting them done to where they could put them in a car show but leaving the paint job, and the squeak on the door.
They're just getting the underneath fixed, and putting things in like air conditioning and a sound system because the cars had been stripped of those things as well as anything else the boys could use to annoy the crew. I s2g he sounds like such a husband when talking about he and Jared getting their Impalas fixed together 🥰
He's excited to get their cars back so he and Jared can race them down south congress avenue...and get arrested 😂
In 15.18 if the empty hadn’t come so quickly for C, what would have been Dean’s response? Jensen stops and thinks for a minute, and says he has an answer for that and that he had an answer for that in the next camera setup after C was taken and Dean's on the floor with his head in his hands, and he did that because he lost C but he also didn't say anything. He didn't get him anything.
And what he had in his head was that he should have said I love you too and hugged him, and he knows some people might try to sexualize that in a way but it doesn't have to be that; that it was essentially two sentient beings, that who was in front of him was a family member and someone who was a brother in arms who he truly loved like a brother so Dean lost his brother in that moment and that's how he played it from Dean's perspective. They continue to fish and he continues to not fall for the bait 😈
What is his favorite story to tell his kids? At night, he makes up stories until his kids tell him he needs to leave. It's generally filled with a lot of voices so what he'll do is stand at the door and ask if there's anybody else they would like to say goodnight to and they'll come up with some name and he'll walk away and create a character from that and then go back in and play that character and tell them stories and tell them jokes. So there's not necessarily a book that he reads he just puts on a performance for them every night until they get tired of him. That's adorable x
And that's the end of the panel for me! But if you wanna see the full thing you can do so through the link below.
Jensen Main Panel Vancon
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barleybus41 · 2 months
Brewery Tours: Taste Craft Beers and Explore Local Brews
Brewery tours are a fantastic way to delve into the world of craft beers, offering an immersive experience that combines the art of brewing with the enjoyment of tasting unique brews. Whether you're a seasoned beer enthusiast or just curious about the craft beer scene, brewery tours provide an opportunity to explore the rich diversity of flavors and styles that local breweries have to offer.
The Appeal of Brewery Tours
Brewery tours are more than just a chance to sample different beers. They provide an insider’s view of the brewing process, from the selection of ingredients to the intricate methods used to create distinctive flavors. Visitors can witness firsthand how hops, malt, yeast, and water are transformed into delicious beers. Many tours also include a behind-the-scenes look at brewing equipment and facilities, offering a deeper understanding of the craftsmanship involved.
What to Expect on a Brewery Tour
Guided Tours:
Most brewery tours are led by knowledgeable guides who are passionate about beer. They explain the brewing process, share interesting anecdotes about the brewery's history, and answer any questions you might have.
Tasting Sessions:
A highlight of any brewery tour is the tasting session. You'll get to sample a variety of beers, often including seasonal and limited-edition brews. This is a great opportunity to discover new favorites and learn about different beer styles.
ᅠSome tours offer food pairings with the beers, such as cheese, charcuterie, or even full meals. These pairings enhance the tasting experience by complementing the flavors of the beers.
Interactive Experiences:
ᅠMany breweries offer interactive experiences like brewing workshops, where you can try your hand at brewing or blending your own beer under the guidance of a professional.
 Don’t forget to check out the brewery’s merchandise shop. Many breweries offer branded glassware, t-shirts, and even bottles or cans of their exclusive brews that you can take home.
Why Choose Craft Beer?
Craft beers are known for their unique flavors, high-quality ingredients, and innovative brewing techniques. Unlike mass-produced beers, craft beers are often made by small, independent breweries that focus on creating distinctive, high-quality products. By taking a brewery tour, you support local businesses and gain an appreciation for the creativity and dedication that goes into each brew.
Planning Your Brewery Tour
Research Local Breweries:
Start by researching breweries in your area or in the region you plan to visit. Look for those with good reviews and a variety of beers.
Book in Advance:
Many popular breweries require reservations for tours, especially on weekends or during peak seasons. Booking in advance ensures you secure a spot.
Check for Special Events:
 Some breweries host special events, such as beer festivals or seasonal releases. These events can add an extra layer of excitement to your tour experience.
Plan Your Transportation:
 If you’re planning to sample a lot of beers, arrange for safe transportation. Many breweries are located in areas with limited public transport, so consider arranging a designated driver or using ride-sharing services.
Brewery tours offer a delightful combination of education and entertainment, allowing you to savor a variety of craft beers while gaining insights into the brewing process. Whether you're exploring local breweries or discovering new favorites while traveling, a brewery tour is a memorable experience that celebrates the art and science of beer-making. So gather your friends, plan your tour, and prepare for a journey through the world of craft beer. Cheers!
For more info :-
Book your party event today!
Kansas City Wine Tours
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checkcharm · 2 months
The Best Craft Beer Breweries in Kansas City
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church-capital · 6 months
Guerilla Marketing Agencies in Kansas
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Igniting Creativity: Exploring Guerilla Marketing Agencies in Kansas
In the heart of the Great Plains, where amber waves of grain stretch as far as the eye can see, a new wave of marketing innovation is taking root. Guerilla marketing, with its bold and unconventional tactics, is gaining momentum in the Sunflower State as businesses seek creative ways to connect with consumers. In this article, we'll delve into the world of guerilla marketing agencies in Kansas, uncovering their unique approaches, impactful campaigns, and the role they play in shaping the marketing landscape of the state.
Understanding Guerilla Marketing
Guerilla marketing is a marketing strategy that aims to create unconventional, attention-grabbing experiences to promote a brand or product. It often involves unexpected encounters, interactive installations, and viral stunts that capture the imagination of consumers and leave a lasting impression. Unlike traditional marketing methods, guerilla marketing relies on creativity, innovation, and spontaneity to engage audiences in memorable ways.
The Rise of Guerilla Marketing in Kansas
Kansas's diverse communities, vibrant urban centers, and thriving business environment provide fertile ground for guerilla marketing initiatives. As businesses look for ways to cut through the clutter and connect with consumers on a deeper level, guerilla marketing has emerged as a powerful tool to create buzz and generate excitement. From small startups to established brands, companies across Kansas are turning to guerilla marketing agencies to help them stand out in a competitive marketplace.
The Pioneers: Guerilla Marketing Agencies Leading the Way
Several guerilla marketing agencies have established themselves as leaders in Kansas, spearheading innovative campaigns that captivate audiences and drive results. These agencies specialize in creating immersive experiences, leveraging digital technology, and harnessing the power of social media to amplify their clients' messages. From guerrilla stunts and pop-up events to interactive installations and viral campaigns, these agencies are redefining the boundaries of marketing creativity in Kansas.
Case Studies: Creative Campaigns That Made an Impact
Let's take a closer look at some standout guerilla marketing campaigns executed by agencies in Kansas:
Street Art Spectacle: A local brewery partnered with a guerilla marketing agency to commission a series of vibrant murals in downtown Kansas City. The colorful artworks depicted scenes of local culture and history, attracting attention from passersby and generating buzz for the brewery's craft beers.
Flash Mob Surprise: A clothing retailer organized a flash mob in a busy shopping district, featuring dancers wearing the latest fashion trends. The spontaneous performance drew crowds and captured the attention of shoppers, driving foot traffic to the retailer's nearby store.
Digital Treasure Hunt: A tech startup launched a digital scavenger hunt using augmented reality (AR) technology. Participants used their smartphones to uncover hidden clues and prizes scattered throughout the city, creating excitement and engagement while showcasing the company's innovative products.
Navigating Challenges and Maximizing Impact
While guerilla marketing can be highly effective, it also presents unique challenges, particularly in terms of logistics, legality, and public perception. Guerilla marketing agencies in Kansas must navigate these challenges carefully to ensure their campaigns are successful and well-received. By obtaining necessary permits, prioritizing safety measures, and respecting local regulations, these agencies can maximize the impact of their campaigns while minimizing potential risks.
The Future of Guerilla Marketing in Kansas
Looking ahead, the future of guerilla marketing in Kansas looks promising. As technology continues to evolve and consumer behaviors shift, guerilla marketing agencies will need to adapt and innovate to stay ahead of the curve. By embracing emerging trends, leveraging new technologies, and staying true to their creative roots, these agencies will continue to shape the marketing landscape in Kansas and beyond.
In conclusion, guerilla marketing agencies in Kansas are at the forefront of marketing innovation, pushing the boundaries of creativity and engagement to help businesses stand out in a competitive marketplace. With their unique blend of creativity, strategic thinking, and local expertise, these agencies are driving meaningful connections, sparking conversations, and leaving a lasting impression on Kansas's marketing landscape. As businesses continue to seek out new and innovative ways to connect with consumers, guerilla marketing agencies will play a vital role in helping them achieve their goals.
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Pizza Boy wants his pizza right now shirt
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Entertainment: Dickson street is great, lots of Pizza Boy wants his pizza right now shirt and good food. There is the Walton Arts Center which has top notch broadway events (musicals, plays, etc). TheatreSquared is also excellent for watching plays. The AMP (Arkansas Music Pavilion) has well known bands/artists every year. There is a Botanical Gardens. Believe it or not, we still have a drive-in theatre which plays current movies and is lots of fun. There is also a retro-arcade, bowling, skating rink, Locomotion (go karts, arcade, mini-golf), Gater Golf (mini-golf), several area Golf courses that are very nice, museums, and lots more. Outdoors: We are right next to the Ozark National Forrest, Beaver Lake, the Buffalo River, White River, Mulberry River, Devil’s Den state park, the Ozark Highlands Trail (218 miles through seven counties), caving, rock climbing, hand gliding, scuba diving in Beaver lake, and countless more to do. There is an excellent paved trail system that stretches from south of Fayetteville to the Missouri border with lots of parks and side trails along the way. Everywhere you turn there is hiking, biking, canoeing, geocaching, etc. Enough to never be bored. Community: Excellent Farmer’s Market, lots of community outreach programs, excellent public schools and some great private ones also (or so I’ve heard) Events: We also have lots of events in our area: Bikes Blues & BBQ, Joe Martin Stage Race, First Thursday (every first Thursday downtown), Fayetteville Foam Fest (Local Breweries, Food Trucks, Lots of Beer), War Eagle Crafts Fair, Block Street Block Party, NWA Naturals baseball games, Tri Sport Kid’s Triathlon, Fayetteville Roots Festival, Lights of the Ozarks, Ozark Valley Triathlon, Halloween Monster Dash, Color Vibe 5K Run, Primal Challenge.
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kevinhenehan27 · 2 years
D. G. Yuengling & Son has been making recent noise in the beer industry with the expansion of their markets and the release of a new light beer. Yuengling has been a popular lager craft beer in the Northeast section of the country for many years, but they have recently expanded to Texas as well as Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma in 2023. With the craft market constantly growing, Americas Oldest Brewery took the journey to expand while also introducing their new light beer Yuengling Flight to their current markets. Yuengling calls it the “Next Generation of Light Beer” as it looks to take aim at the next generation of drinkers.
The craft brewery industry as a whole has been on a steady increase, selling more barrels by the millions while taping into about 13.2% of the beer market share (Statista).
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At the top of the craft beer industry is no other than D. G. Yuengling & Son. They take first place as other powerhouse companies like Boston Beer and Sierra Nevada fall in behind the local Pennsylvania Brewery. Yuengling has held this rank for many years and when considering their market expansion to the Midwest, they will continue to grow. I think it's impressive that they’ve been at the top of the craft brew industry when they just recently sprouted out of the Northeast, now selling in about 25 different states. The difference between Yuengling and Sam Adams (Boston Beer) is that Sam Adams is available nationwide and it still falls below Yuengling in the craft brew market. I believe this family owned and operated brewery will continue to increase sales and volume within the expansion states and see even more states in the future.
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Not only is Yuengling expanding to new markets, but they’ve developed products in introducing Yuengling Flight in 2020. Coming out of the pandemic Flight continued to grow as Yuengling ramped up its marketing, advertisements, and promotions for the beer. Flight is only 95 calories with 2.6 carbs (Yuengling, 2021). When comparing it to Bud light, it is 15 calories less. When comparing it to a growing seltzer drink like White Claw, it is one calorie less. Flight also draws attention as beer consumer profiles are changing due to lifestyles and millennial trends (MensJournal, 2021). Consumers are looking for drinks that are less carbs and calories as Flight offers a refreshing beer that contains these characteristics. Some are even comparing it to Michelob Ultra but with more taste. It also appeals to adventurous drinkers as Yuengling, America's oldest brewery, offers a brand-new light beer, something that drifts away from the traditional lager.
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A big difference between Yuengling and other big breweries is that Yuengling uses organic growth. Yuengling isn’t going out and acquiring other brands like how Boston Beer acquires Angry Orchard and Dogfish Head. For over 190 years Yuengling has stuck with what they know best and poured all their resources into perfecting their own products. They’ve invested in their current products and expanded down South and out to the Midwest, they’ve created Flight in order to provide the upcoming generation with a new light beer, and they’ve preformed phenomenally to be able to hold the top spot in the craft brewing industry. I think organic growth in general helps build the culture of your organization as you believe and allocate resources to grow your products, rather than acquiring another product that comes from a different organization with a different culture.
The biggest uncertainty for Yuengling is if the brand will perform as well in the Midwest as it does in the Northeast. In the Northeast it’s one of the most recognizable beers while it's starting from the ground up in the expansion states. But what’s next for Yuengling? I believe the brand will continue to promote and penetrate markets with Flight, but will Flight stand up there with their traditional lager and lager light? Some may be wondering if the brand will continue to make its way across the nation and eventually expand out West.    
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oldmtnbear · 5 years
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Trying out brews from Boulevard Brewing. Flora Obscura Dry-Hopped Porter and Space Camper Cosmic IPA. As usual they are quite well done. My wife thought the porter was the best of two and I have to admit the combination of roasted malt and flowery hops was pretty interesting. If you have a chance to try a solid Kansas City, Missouri brewery, take it.
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nwbeerguide · 3 years
Driving awareness through collaboration, Patagonia Provisions and Dogfish Head Craft Brewery announce the release of Kernza® Pils.
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image courtesy Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
Press Release
Sausalito, CA … In a continuing effort to scale regenerative farming practices, Patagonia Provisions and Dogfish Head Craft Brewery have partnered to launch Kernza® Pils, a distinctively crisp and refreshing German-style pilsner beer made with Kernza, a remarkable perennial grain that draws down carbon from the atmosphere and sequesters it in the ground. Hitting shelves and taps starting today in select markets coast to coast, Kernza Pils is one of the most widely distributed Kernza-based beers on the market and marks a significant shift towards a more climate-friendly brewing industry.  
In 2008, The Land Institute in Salina, Kansas, made a breakthrough in regenerative agriculture with the development of a perennial grain called Kernza. Whereas most grains are planted and harvested annually, Kernza stays in the ground year after year, developing roots up to 12 feet long. Perennial crops like Kernza are beneficial to the environment; they protect soil from erosion and improve soil structure. They increase ecosystem nutrient retention, carbon sequestration, and can contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation. And in the case of Kernza, they lend a uniquely nutty flavor that makes a delicious beer. The Patagonia Provisions and Dogfish Head collaborative launch of Kernza Pils marks an important milestone in scaling Kernza. 
Kernza Pils (5.0% ABV) is an earthy, aromatic and notably refreshing pilsner brewed with organic malted barley, organic Contessa hops (a newly organic certified hop variety), and of course, Kernza perennial grain. The melodic interplay of the Kernza and Contessa hops provide the beer with its distinct flavor profile; the Kernza adds a subtle, spicy warmth to the beer, while the organic Contessa hops, with notes of pear and green tea, give it a bright, floral character and uniquely crisp, clean drinkability.  
“We create each of our products with a solutions-based mindset, discovering and incorporating ingredients that help to solve the environmental crisis,” says Birgit Cameron, co-founder and head of Patagonia Provisions. “Together with Dogfish Head, we’re able to spotlight the important and pioneering work of The Land Institute. By creating market pull for a regenerative crop like Kernza perennial grain, we hope to incentivize farmers and brewers to shift in this direction and to further our commitment to being in business to save our home planet.” 
The launch of Kernza Pils represents the collective action of Patagonia Provisions and Dogfish Head taking steps towards scaling regenerative crops to inspire change in the brewing industry. Patagonia Provisions believes the future of farming, and our planet, lies in regenerative and organic agriculture – a practice that restores soil biodiversity, sequesters carbon and grows crops without chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Similarly, Dogfish Head is committed to continuing to amplify its use of regeneratively and organically-grown brewing ingredients.  
“Dogfish Head first brewed a beer with organic ingredients in 1995, when we used an organic Mexican coffee to create our Chicory Stout,” said Sam Calagione, Dogfish Head founder & brewer. “Since then, we have brewed countless beers with organic and regenerative ingredients, and have partnered with numerous organizations committed to addressing climate change and other environmental issues, like The Nature Conservancy, to whom we have donated more than $1M collectively since 2007. While Dogfish Head has always been focused on introducing high-quality culinary ingredients into the brewing process in creative ways, this partnership with Patagonia Provisions allows us to shine a spotlight on Kernza, a hardworking grain that not only TASTES good but DOES good.”  
“Diverse perennial grain agriculture holds great promise to reverse and regenerate the degradation of the soils, resources and species upon which human life depends,” said Rachel Stroer, president of The Land Institute. “But the true power of perennial grains will only be realized when grown on the landscape at scale. Partners like Patagonia Provisions and Dogfish Head are leading the movement to get perennial crops, like Kernza, on more acres across the country. When it comes to perennials, more is better.”  
Find Kernza Pils: Where Can I Buy Patagonia Provisions Beer? or Fish Finder 
For more information, please visit www.patagoniaprovisions.com and www.dogfishhead.com 
Founded by Yvon Chouinard and Birgit Cameron in 2012 and headquartered in Sausalito, CA, Patagonia Provisions offers responsibly-sourced food and beverage products. A certified B-Corporation, Patagonia Provisions’ mission is: We’re in business to save our home planet. Patagonia Provisions looks to reexamine best practices in food sourcing by working with like-minded advocates and producers to find solutions to the important environmental issues facing the food industry today. In late 2016, Patagonia Provisions released the first commercially available product made with Kernza®, a perennial grain developed by The Land Institute, with the release of Long Root Pale Ale. It was followed by the release of two additional beers, all with limited distribution on the West Coast. In early 2022, the company partnered with Dogfish Head Craft Brewery to scale Kernza on a national level with the release of Kernza® Pils. 
Dogfish Head has proudly focused on brewing beers with culinary ingredients outside the Reinheitsgebot since the day it opened as one of the smallest American craft breweries more than 26 years ago. Dogfish Head has grown into a top-20 craft brewery and won numerous awards throughout the years, including Wine Enthusiast’s 2015 Brewery of the Year and the James Beard Foundation Award for 2017 Outstanding Wine, Spirits, or Beer Professional. A Delaware-based brand with Dogfish Head Brewings & Eats, an off-centered brewpub and distillery, Chesapeake & Maine, Dogfish Head’s seafood and cocktail spot, Dogfish Inn, a beer-themed inn on the harbor, and Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, a production brewery and distillery featuring the Tasting Room & Kitchen and Dogfish Head Distilling Co. Dogfish Head is a supporter of the Independent Craft Brewing Seal, the definitive icon for American craft breweries to identify themselves to be independently-owned and carry the torch of transparency, brewing innovation and the freedom of choice originally forged by brewing community pioneers. Dogfish Head currently sells beer in all 50 states and Washington D.C. For more, visit www.dogfish.com, Facebook: @dogfishheadbeer, Twitter: @dogfishbeer, and Instagram: @dogfishhead.
The Land Institute co-leads the global movement for perennial, diverse, regenerative grain agriculture at a scale that matches the enormity of the intertwined climate, water, and food security crises. An independent 501c3 non-profit, the organization seeks to reconcile the human economy with nature's economy, starting with food. Its transdisciplinary team of scientists, together with global partners, are developing new perennial grain crops, like Kernza, and diverse cropping systems that function within nature's limits and researching the social transformation required for a just, perennial human future.
from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/3qfI1Zl
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everydaygothic · 5 years
kansas gothic
The street just off the interstate has a Subway, a McDonalds, a Pizza Hut, and a Dollar General. This street is a ruse. Go two streets over. You’ll find a craft brewery, a shopping mall, and two Michelin star restaurants.
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krisict · 8 months
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Helped my brewer buddy out at a beer fest over the weekend and had a blast!
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djweiser · 8 years
New Beer Blog Free State Beer Oatmeal Stout
New Beer Blog Free State Beer Oatmeal Stout #craftbeer #oatmealstout #stout #craftstout
In this beer blog, we are going to get into a beer, which is Oatmeal Stout, from Free State Beer.  Free State Beer started in 1989.  This brewery was the first legal brewery in Kansas in over 100 years.  Let us get into this oatmeal stout.
It has pitch black color with an off white color constant head. The aroma has a chocolate to coffee notes. The taste has a chocolate to coffee notes with…
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jlopezmediakc · 8 years
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the Boulevard Brewery in Kansas City, MO. (JLopez Media)
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barleybus41 · 2 months
Join Barleybus.com for the Best Brewery Tour Ever!
Embark on a remarkable journey with Barleybus.com, where the world of craft beer comes alive. Our brewery tours offer an unparalleled experience, taking you through some of the finest breweries and introducing you to the best craft beers. Whether you're a beer enthusiast or a curious novice, our tours promise to be an unforgettable adventure.
A Taste of Excellence
Craft beer has taken the world by storm, and there's no better way to explore its rich and diverse flavors than by joining a brewery tour with Barleybus.com. Our tours are designed to provide an immersive experience, allowing you to taste a wide variety of beers, each with its unique character and story. From hoppy IPAs to smooth stouts, you'll get to sample the best brews that the industry has to offer.
Expert Guides
One of the highlights of our Kansas City Brewery Tours is the presence of expert guides who are passionate about craft beer. They will take you behind the scenes, explaining the brewing process and the art of beer making. Learn about the ingredients, the techniques, and the history behind each brew. Our guides are not only knowledgeable but also enthusiastic about sharing their love for beer, making your tour both educational and entertaining.
Visit Iconic Breweries
With Barleybus.com, you get the chance to visit some of the most iconic breweries in the region. Each stop on the tour has been carefully selected to ensure that you experience the best of what the craft beer world has to offer. Meet the brewers, see the brewing equipment in action, and discover what makes each brewery unique. These visits provide a deeper appreciation for the craftsmanship and dedication that goes into every pint.
Enjoy the Scenic Route
Our brewery tours are not just about the beer; they're also about the journey. As you travel from one brewery to the next, enjoy the scenic routes and picturesque landscapes. Whether you're touring the rolling hills of wine country or the bustling streets of the city, the journey itself is a part of the experience. Sit back, relax, and take in the sights as you make your way to each destination.
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Perfect for Any Occasion
A brewery tour with Barleybus.com is perfect for any occasion. Whether you're planning a fun outing with friends, a unique date, or a corporate event, our tours are designed to cater to all. We offer group packages and private tours, ensuring that your experience is tailored to your needs. Celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, or just enjoy a day out with great beer and good company.
Make New Friends
One of the joys of our brewery tours is the opportunity to meet like-minded beer lovers. Share your experiences, swap recommendations, and make new friends along the way. The communal aspect of our tours creates a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, making it easy to connect with others who share your passion for craft beer.
Safe and Convenient
At Barleybus.com, your safety and convenience are our top priorities. Our tours are well-organized, with transportation provided to and from each brewery. This means you can relax and enjoy the beer without worrying about driving. We also follow all health and safety guidelines, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all our guests.
Book Your Tour Today
Don't miss out on the best Brewery Tours in Kansas City ever! Visit Barleybus.com today to make your reservation and secure your spot on this incredible journey. Our tours fill up quickly, so be sure to book early to avoid disappointment. Experience the world of craft beer like never before with Barleybus.com – your ultimate guide to the best brews.
Join Barleybus.com for a brewery tour that promises to be an unforgettable adventure. Sample the finest craft beers, learn from expert guides, visit iconic breweries, and enjoy the scenic journey. Whether you're a seasoned beer aficionado or just starting to explore the world of craft beer, our tours offer something for everyone. Book your tour today and get ready for an experience you'll cherish forever.
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I initially played this years after SimCity 3000 as well as SimCity 4. While 15 hours might certainly not sound a lot, it is actually a quite simple activity. Guests could additionally take a look at sites, seasides and galleries Individuals that desire to head to a city location in Florida that isn't entirely tourist-oriented will definitely discover that Jacksonville is actually a good selection.
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