#kapital radio
boosqoowoo · 1 year
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The second studio album by rapper Beenzino and his comeback after 6 years, NOWITZKI is named after the legendary German NBA player, Dirk Nowitzki. The album’s cover art, however, features Beenzino’s German-origin wife and muse, Stefanie Michova, who he got married to in August 2022. Beenzino mentioned that the album was originally meant to be named 'Stefanie' after his muse, but was afraid that if people didn't like the album, they would say "Ah, Stefanie wasn't that good (of an album)' so he decided to put the burden on Nowitzki instead (LOL). But, to him, the album is titled Stefanie, since she "took up so much of my headspace".
Beenzino mentioned that his album is like a journal of the past 6 years, with each entry being a journal entry of different times in his life. For example, Track 12 Camp is an entry about his life in the military, and Track 11 Crime about meeting his wife for the first time.
Stinky Kiss (intro)
In Bed/Makgulli
Travel Again (ft. Cautious Clay)
Dope As (Interlude)
Coca Cola Red (ft. oygli)
990 (ft. Kim Ximye)
Like a Fool (ft. Y2K92)
Trippy (ft. Lance Skiiwalker)
Crime (ft. Bek Hyunjin, 250)
Sanso (Interlude)
Just One Day
Hidden Tracks (only available on physical CDs... and youtube)
19. Morning Page 20. Train (ft. CJamm)
Common themes in the album
1. Menu
- In Bed/Makgulli
comparing myself to the person on the menu
people’s gazes are on my menu
my menu physical complex is hot
- Travel Again
there’s no lies on my menu
2. Food Brands
- Travel Again
while they sell Pizza Etang here
- Camp
for me, Krispy Kreme donut
for me, McDonald cheeseburger
- Gym
Shin and Jin and Ansungtangmyun that’s my top 3
- Morning Page
honestly, i would have been satisfied with just licking Yoplait
- Monet
suffocating in WOORAHMAN
3. Stefanie Michova (too many to name, but the specifics are)
- In Bed/Makgulli
there’s a mark from your belly button piercing on your waist, just like a memory foam
- Coca-cola Red
Stefanie asks 'what you filming for?' (filming for)
- Trippy
mom's spaghetti, Steffi's kimchi stew
- Morning Page
i have 100 friends, but even Steffi is less jealous than you
4. God
- Sandman
God gave me another chance
- 990
that’s your God, I’m Namu Amitabha
- Lemon
i'm a lemon in God's hands
- Camp
God who is turning on the fader
5. Fashion/clothes
- Stinky Kiss
kick push, pull the white Stussy shirt up
- Travel Again
stretch out your legs in your Kapital pants
- Trippy
it's always there like Samsadoo in that convenience store refrigerator
- Radio
lean on your babe's vintage Levi's
- Morning page
sometimes i search for my gore-tex
homies, rip your first Amiri fit
6. Cars
- Morning page
roll down the windows of the BMW i4 G
- Change
it's definitely Santamo, that's my Mom's car for sure
- Like a fool
it turned out to be a figure, my R8
i am a BMW ambassador, whoa
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oakfern · 1 year
the hypercommercialization of the barbie movie makes me want to scream. i know we live in a capitalist hellscape but like. every fucking store i walk into has a barbie collab. every fucking song on the radio is from the barbie soundtrack. every fucking news source has an op-ed debating if barbie is "feminist", and half the reviews i've seen call it "subversive". who fucking cares? the movie could've been two hours of margot robbie reading das kapital and it still would be nothing more than a fucking ad
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grustafus · 26 days
Clickity rackety tic toc o’clock fire in the hole at the top of the doc It goes prorector rejunktory noxtrum de frax that you can't say in the crowded lecture hall either and neither Balak’o’brama’s changers nor all the Grim Trumpeter’s chargers could put psychodelphia central track two 2002 to brumlefruck Kalimazoo back together again for the likes of them as all this wall already were a ruin when lady liberty called lady death to ask her to credit her some little debt as delinquent as the guilded bolt and chain of the law in the legend of the swirling strata map of time where the whir of the locom-modive trembles the abstract structures of mind. Does anyone know what I'm driving at? I did not understand the half of that. Does anyone have the numbers for that? I don't think we need any more of that I think there’s an app for that does anyone know where that is at? Does anyone have a translation for that? Can you tell me why it rhymes like that? I have just the thing for that. Throw three brim stones in a hat? I don’t know a cat like that. not unless that cat was flat. I don’t think an aristocrat would need to eat his hat. I don’t think they fix that at the laundromat Who exactly do I see about that? That bat could retract like a diplomat trading tit for tat at the commissariat. you’d have to hang a doctorat in every frat to get that bat to reformat. My name is become called death I play the radio in a one man traveling band by the screwing of my thumb you thread a needle through your eye mark it poison if it rhymes and dig a hole in the fourth wall of the Holy Roman land corporation Kapital to see the deepest ring of mongeloid tutonic proto-Indo-Caucasian pandemonium with the magic eye from modern times. Welcome to Castle Frankenstock Kong fu concession cone with emojigram characteristics did I get you’r disorder already? Would you be... var das compt shript nicht ist ihr bekomen ze frunzt gelictor or der hotel hamberger shtikler svelter c’est le specialite’ au dela’ haut now with pure madness served from concentrat. A pound of flesh. It were I who poisoned the twer(x) well; and put the curse on all your capitals and I give you the antidote. TWO THOUSAND YEARS ARCHIVAL RECORDS! I’m an animated coyote’ morphoneme rendered as a frog emojigram that ate a butterfly that metamorphosed from a worm that ate a chinese emperor who dreamed he was the goat king of Babylon who’s brother in law left his treasures to a jackal who caused a divine wind when he howled at the eternal city on the road to Damascus from Valencia that there upon recognized transmutated unto a toad becoming invested arch-bishop of Antioch. WHEREFOR would a wood chuck chuck much worm wood at you when he withered what he wished a wood chuck could wither when he came out of his burrow every winter wood with which were writ 30 More Years of War!!! 100 Years War And Seven Years More!!! Then 30 years a dozen times. For 300 years of civil war or four score years and seven years war seven times more!!!
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barbarabickford891 · 2 months
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Als Bitcoin Method Trading Ihr Interesse geweckt hat, haben Sie sich wahrscheinlich eine Zukunft vorgestellt, in der Ihr Portfolio heller leuchtet als ein Diamant im Hintern einer Ziege. Aber seien wir ehrlich: Beständige Gewinne zu erzielen, kann sich anfühlen wie die Suche nach einer Nadel im Heuhaufen. Wie können Sie sich also für die Finanzwelt ins Zeug legen? Hier sind ein paar goldene Nuggets für Sie.
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Der Handel kann eine echte Achterbahnfahrt sein, mit aufregenden Hochs und schmerzhaften Tiefs. Wenn Sie sich bei Ihren Entscheidungen von Emotionen leiten lassen, ist das so, als würden Sie ein Schiff in einem Sturm ohne Kompass steuern. Üben Sie sich in Zurückhaltung und erinnern Sie sich daran, dass Höhen und Tiefen ein fester Bestandteil der Handelsreise sind. Wenn Sie sich einmal überfordert fühlen, machen Sie eine Pause. Mentale Klarheit führt oft zu finanzieller Klarheit.
Setzen Sie sich realistische Ziele
Der Traum, eine kleine Investition in einen großen Zahltag zu verwandeln, ist verlockend, aber jagen Sie keinen Regenbögen hinterher. Setzen Sie sich erreichbare Ziele und verfolgen Sie Ihre Fortschritte. Machen Sie sich klar, dass konservative Gewinne immer noch Gewinne sind. Ihr Portfolio muss nicht wie der Mount Everest aussehen, um als erfolgreich zu gelten.
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cad-iksodas-tsenre · 4 months
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MIchael-Kirche Nischel-Kirche
MIchael-Kirche Nischel-Kirche:!! Ich bin gezwungen das noch zu schreiben: Michaelis gehört zum Niclas-Etablissement in Chemnitz: Michael Kirche Kassberg und Michaelis Kirche Annaberger Str. Polnisch Russische M - N Namenswandlung: Niclas Nicolaus usw. heißt Michael Maikl Michaelis usw.. Michael Michaelis Michel Mischel Nischel (tatsächlich der Karl-Marx-Kopf als MIchael-Kirche Nischel-Kirche) benannt. hießen auch, im 18.Jahrhundert tausende Vornamen von der Bevölkerung., Auch mein Urgroßvater mütterlicherseits hieß Michael Sadowski, geboren den Henoch Sadowski, beerdigt auf dem Michaelis Friedhof, Annaberger Str, (11 Geschwister damals war das normal) in Ciosny bei Lodz, deutsche Aussiedler und polnische Herkunft. Der Henoch Sadowski und Ehefrau Olga Wildemann geheiratete Sadowski und meinem Vater und Mutter, Anno 1959, aus VR Polen nach Karl-Marx-Stadt Chemnitz gesiedelt. Und mein Urgroßvater väterlicherseits, Michael Kühn, gestorben in Luzk heutige Ukraine, deutscher Aussiedler über Gombin Gonkin Gabin bei Warschau, da stand das höchste Bauwerk der Welt bis Anno 1991, der Funk-Sendeturm Radio Warschau mit 646.38 Metern, Lambda halbe. Die Langwelle hat eine Länge von 1292,76 Radio Warschau. der bei Bauarbeuthen von der BRD sabotiert und eingestürzt wurde, angeblich ausversehen!!! dann nach Luzk deutsch Kutschkarowka gesiedelt, Heute ist das höchste Bauwerk, 929 Meter in Dubai HOG. Das Cafe-Michaelis ist Namensträger meiner Vorfahren und deswegen in meinem Stammbaum und meinem Ahnendenken und meinen Lebensweisen deswegen stark integriert. Ich soll mit diesen Namensvergebungen und der Bündelung der Namen in der weltweiten Sprache Bild und Ton geleitet und gelenkt werden, von außen von mir fremden Einrichtungen und fremden Menschen. Das ist eine Herrscher Struktur die Bevölkerung in verschiedene Lebenslagen zu zwingen. Durch Bündelung in Gruppen und Millionen Menschen sogar die in gleiche Denkweisen und damit Handelsweisen gelangen durch aufrufen dieser Namen und Klubs und Einrichtungen.. Energetisch werden das Denken und Bewegen der Menschen instantan, über hunderte Kilometer, von der einen Erdseite zur anderen Erdseite. Das ist das Kapital womit die Konzerne Staat'schef's Kirchen die Bevölkerung nieder machen.! Ergänzend: Die Niclas Kirche Vorstadt Chemnitz war eine Slawen-Blockade-Anlage , um die Slawen aus der Stadt Chemnitz zu verbieten. Mit dem Verbot der slaw. Sprache in Chemnitz 14.Jhd.. Die slawische Sprache lebt im USA-US-amerikanische Englisch weiter. Viele Auswanderer aus dem Böhmische erzgebirge haben in den USA die Sprache ausgelebt und eingebaut in die Umgangssprache dort. Für all das und viel mehr noch steht das Cafe-Michaelis, heute noch mehr als zu DDR Karl-Marx-Stadt Zeiten, in der alten Herrscherstruktur der BRD, diese wiederaufleben zu lassen. Zu meinem Nachteil jedenfalls. finden Sie doch heraus , ob Sie Lebensvorteile haben, oder mehr Krankheiten als Gewinne verbuchen. Die BRD ist ein Negativ-Wirkungsgrad-Land. tsenrE caD ztaD iksodaS tsenrE .ddsse
(tatsächlich der Karl-Marx-Kopf als MIchael-Kirche Nischel-Kirche) benannt.
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milsopo · 2 years
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Warsaw Preview is an open-air festival that takes place in various outdoor urban spaces. In a picnic-like atmosphere artists from various fields present their works accompanied by live music.
Warsaw Preview creates an open space for artists to present their works outdoors, using the topography of a natural setting placed in urban areas. They can take part in a open call or just join spontaneously the day of the event.
Main organizer: Heart of Man Gallery | Serce Exhib. 
Team: Eryka Głos, Kamil Trzeci, Michalina Sablik and Milena Soporowska.
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First edition took place in 2019 in the Sculpture Park in the neighbourhood of Królikarnia - Xawery Dunikowski Museum of Sculpture, part of The National Museum in Warsaw.
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By locating our events in open spaces, art could be experienced spontaneously by passersby. It created an opportunity for a nonconventional, natural conversations outside of a traditional snobbish white-cube space. 
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You can read interview about the first edition of Warsaw Preview in Going.MORE lifestyle online magazine HERE.
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Check out interview in Radio Kapitał, where we discuss the main premise of Warsaw Preview. You can listen to it HERE.
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The second edition took place during the pandemic in 2020 in the park of Open Jazdów area in Warsaw - community of the Warsaw settlement of wooden Finnish houses, offering a social, cultural and ecological public program.
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In 2020 Warsaw Preview was featured in BLOK MAGAZINE,  an online, English-language contemporary art journal that focuses on the region that is known as Central and Eastern Europe, as part of Polish Highlights of 2020.
You can read the whole article HERE.
❝Warsaw Preview, an open-air festival that took place during the first weekend in September, featured 30+ artists and DJ’s (in collaboration with Radio Kapital). In the midst of a pandemic and political upheaval, the atmosphere was vibrant and connective, with artists showing and sometimes selling works, re-introducing a very open, non-pretentious, human-centered approach to contemporary practices.❞
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Our second event was focused on small sculpture forms. Art presentation was accompanied by music played by DJs and artists associated with Radio Kapitał - first community radio in Poland.
You can listen to some of their works HERE.
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You can listen to the artists describing their sculptures with words and music in a synethesis radio interviews conducted by Milena Soporowska in Radio Kapitał HERE.
Artists taking part in radio show: Øleg and Kaśka, Paulina Jołda, Jan Możdżyński i Kuba Mozolewski.
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Media coverage of second edition of Warsaw Preview in Open Jazdów included two articles in Going.MORE online magazine.
🍀Interview with co-ordinators
🍀Interviews with artists taking part and photo coverage of their works
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Documentation: Milena Soporowska
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bushrodmusic · 1 year
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On- air Artist interview programming weekdays. 8a. CST is @kapital111 Kapital A; and @jenniebellstar Jennie Bellestar Mathias at 10p. CST
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djappmuzik · 2 years
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reportwire · 2 years
Christian member of Parliament blasts 'tolerant liberals' for hypocrisy against Christians: 'That's rubbish'
During an interview with Times Radio in the U.K., Christian member of Parliament Tim Farron asked why it was fair that a “Marxist” can allow “Das Kapital” to affect his political worldview, but that Christians should have to live by a different standard.  “Of course people of faith allow their faith to affect their politics, and so they should. Every single human being has a worldview. Every one…
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View On WordPress
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ha-boi-productions · 2 years
8 Feb 2023 
Piano Kapital Show with DJ Mojelo
The Piano Kapital - #PromotingAmapianoMusic
Bringing you the best of Amapiano  Music & Culture from South Africa.
Featuring De Limelight Exclusive interviews, Latest News, DJ Guest Hot Mixes, Song Debut, Amapiano Top 10 Charts,  DJ Greets, Shout Outs, Comments and Birthday Wishes.
Radio Presenter: Mojelo Mojelo Studio Producer: Jae_Haboi  Station Manager: DJ Mack One  Powered by: Ha Boi Productions Studio Numbers United Kingdom +44 77 59338483 South Africa +27 76 873 6334
Follow us on: https://pods.link/The_Piano_Kapital
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homoerotisch · 4 years
i was tagged by @sheherazade and @engulfes to post my reading list for 2021, thank you 💌
i’m tagging @zonnesproetje @mirsaidsultangaliev @bloomingtrans &ofc anyone who wants to do this !
my general goals for 2021 are to read more non-fiction + poetry and to be more conscious of what i’m reading instead of tearing through without thinking too much. i’m also planning to mostly work through the books i already own instead of buying new ones every time i enter a bookstore (this will probably fail. we’ll get there eventually)
1. borrowed time: an aids memoir - paul monette
2. night sky with exit wounds - ocean vuong
3. poems 1827-1849 - edgar allan poe
4. a little life - hanya yanagihara
5. lolita - vladimir nabokov
6. maurice - e. m. forster
7. into the wild - jon krakauer
8. das kapital vol. 1 - karl marx
9. this changes everything - naomi klein
10. troy - stephen fry
11. de kapellekensbaan - louis paul boon (flemish)
12. the illiad - homer (tr. imme dros, dutch)
13. the fires of heaven - robert jordan (the wheel of time #5)
14. the secret commonwealth - philip pullman (the book of dust #2)
15. a shakespeare play; currently thinking macbeth, the tempest, or as you like it
16. radio silence - alice oseman
17. if we were villains - m. l. rio
18. stone butch blues - leslie feinberg
19. if not, winter: fragments of sappho - sappho (tr. anne carson)
20. confessions of the fox - jordy rosenberg
21. mutual aid or the conquest of bread - pyotr kropotkin
22. wij slaven van suriname / we slaves of surinam - anton de kom
23. women, race & class - angela y. davis
24. on sundays she picked flowers - yah yah scholfield @fluoresensitive
25. little weirds - jenny slate
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xonethousandcriesx · 7 years
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am [9.juni] um [20°° uhr] im [reil78]
auch [live] im [radio] auf [radio corax | 95.9]
...mit Thomas Ebermann und Kristof Schreuf ein analytisch - satirischer Abend mit guter- und schlechter- Musik, zur Erforschung eines Phänomens, das Schlüsse auf die Verrücktheit des Ganzen erlaubt.
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communist-ojou-sama · 4 years
"Honkbal Ho
ofdeklasse on my radio tonight."
- Karl Marx, Das Kapital Volume 3
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bts0715 · 5 years
what are each of the members most favorite items to wear? Like stuff they tend to wear a lot from clothes to accessories?
I haven’t gotten this type of questions in a while so let’s update the list! :) Namjoon : Patek Philippe watch, he’s been using these pair of Fear Of God lounge shorts, as well as these shorts from the same brand, Visvim jeans, a lot of Nike shoes but this pair specially, Visvim cap, this Kapital denim set, this other Visvim cap.Jin: Givenchy sandals, Balenciaga cap, Thom Browne bag, Thom Browne backpack,  Puma pants,  Converse sneakers,  Alexander McQueen sneakers as well as that Puma coat in the same post, anything RJ related lol.
Yoongi: Balenciaga speed runners, Lewis Leathers jackets, Dior saddle bag, a variation of Fear Of God ‘FG’ tops like this one, Fear Of God sweatpants and Puma jacket, Acne Studios beanie, Balenciaga sneakers,  Radios bucket hat,  Another pair of Fear Of God sweatpants.
J-Hope: Louis Vuitton bag, Xvessel sneakers, Yeezy sandals, Readymade canvas bag,  Nike air jordan 1 sneakers,  Balenciaga sneakers (not as much anymore), Adidas x Yeezy sweatpants,  AP watch.
Jimin: Chanel necklaces, Frica earrings, Juun.J hoodie,  Gucci loafers,  Saint Laurent denim jacket, Vetements bomber jacket, unbranded cap,  Maison Margiela boots, Saint Laurent belts.
Taehyung: Moscot glasses, Burberry bag, another Burberry bag, Chanel shoulder bags in two different colors, MLB cap,  Louis Vuitton x Unicef bracelet, Jaeger-Lecoultre watch, Gucci leather slippers (not as much anymore), Gucci watch. 
Jungkook: Laul cargo pants in different colors, Carhartt backpack and Balenciaga sneakers, Carhartt long sleeve t-shirts in different colors, Canon bag, Fila sneakers, Chrome Hearts rings, Puma track pants.
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My dear Barangay 315
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by Alyana Gail M. Anyayahan C-PHA-10
Simula nang pumasok ako sa Unibersidad ng Santo Tomas bilang Senyor Hayskul, ito rin simula ang aking pagtira sa masayang Barangay 315 Zone 32, pinamumunuan ni Chairman Emiliano Jimenez. Ang nasasakupan  Ito ang barangay kung saan lumaki ang aking nanay. Sakatunayan, ang bahay natinitirahan ko ngayon ay katabi lamang ng kanilang kinalakihan bahay. Kaya ang madalas kong kapit-bahay ay aking din mga kapamilya. Ang aking ininterview ukol sa barangay ay ang aking tita na si Nellia Manalo na isang kagawad dito sa barangay.
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Habang nagaganap ang aming kwentuhan ukol sa mga pagtukoy ng mga bantang panganib ay tumambay muna kami sa barangay hall. Ang mga kalamidad na tumama na aming barangay ay bagyo, paminsang paglindol, baha at sunog. Aking halos tatlong taon paninirahan dito sa barangay ay nakita ko nga na mabilis bumaha rito sa amin. At sa bilis ng balita kapag nasa barangay ay naranasang ko ring magpanik dahil sa sigaw ng aming kapit bahat ng “sunog”. Base sa sinabi sakin ng aking titang tanod, napapaghandaan ng barangay ang mga paparating na bantang sakuna dahil sa news at radyo. Nararanasan naming ang mga ganitong banta, halos dalawa sa isang buwan, depende sa panahon.At dito kasi sa aming barangay ay hindi pantay o patas ang lupa. May mga lugar tulad ng mga bahay sa kanto ng Sulu at Mayhaligue, Kung saan kapag sobra kung magbaha kaya sobrang pinasala ang nararanasan ng mga nakatira dito.
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Tulad nga nung nakaraang pag-ulan dahil sa bagyong Tisoy ay bumaha na agad. Lahat naman daw ay maapektuhan pero yung mga taong may mabababang mga bahay ay pinaka naaapektuhan kapag ganoong sakuna. Ang kapit-bahay naming na sila kuya Busoy ay isa sa nahihirapan kapag malakas ang ulan at mabilis ang pagpasok ng tubig sa kanila. Pababa ang kanilang flooring. Hindi pa nila napapataasan ang kanilang lapag o flooring kahit paglabas nila sa kanilang bahay ay mataas na ang lupa. Katunayan maraming mga bahay na katulad nila Kuya Busoy na halos kalahati na ng bintana na lang ang nakikita sa labas. Kaya kapag papasok sila ng bahay ay tila parang pumasok sila sa basement ng kanilang bahay dahil sa sobrang baba na ng lapag.  
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Dahil bahain dito sa amin ay paminsan ay naapektuhan na ang mga taong nakatira dito na pagpasok sa trabaho dahil sa hirap sa paglusong sa baha. Isa kong nainterview ang newly graduate na nurse sa UST na si Adrielle Anyayahan. Naranasang niyang hinid nakapasok dahil sa sobrang pagbaha dito sa area namin at wala nang masakyang jeep. Sabi niya “paminsan mahirap pero walang magagawa since wala ngang sasakyan. Ayaw na lumusong sa bahay ng mga driyber ng jeep kasi sa sobrang taas ng baha.
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Kung sa oras ng pag evacuate, sa assembly area ng Padre Gomez Elementary School ang pinakaligtas na lugar dahil yung school ground dito ay malaki. Sabi rin ni Tita Nel ay maganda na nag-iisa itong assembly area naming para sa mga pagkakataong nakakagulo, ang mga magkakapamilya ay inaasahang magkikita na lamang sa P.Gomez at hindi na maghahanapan pa sa buong barangay. Ngunit dito rin sa barangay ay may mga lugar rin kung saan delikado. Isang lugar ay ang paglalakad sa may Remigio sa kaliwang side ng P. Gomez, kapag kagabi kasi paminsan ay madilim at wala gaanong tao.
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Sa suliranin naman na kinahaharap ng barangay ay ang disipilina ng mga tao ukol sa basura. Marami pa ring pasaway ang hindi sumusnod sa pagtapon ng basura sa tapunan ng barangay ng mga basura. Ngunit nalagyan na rin ng mga basurang biodegradable sa mga gilid-gilid para makatulong sa paghihiwalay ng biodegradable sa nonbiodegradable na mga basura. Madalas rin ang pagtapon ng mga tao sa kung saan saan kaya ang paglinis ng mga canal ay napapadalas.Sa katunayan ngayon ay naglinis ang isang grupo sa NSTP UST ng mga kanal. Sa oras ng kalamidad ang Brgy chairman kasama ang mga kagawad ay namamahala sa mga evacuation, announcement at pagtulong. Nilalagyan ng screen ang bawat canal upang ang mga basurang nakakalat sa kalsada ay masala at hindi malaglag sa kanal. Dahil dito naiiwasan ang pagbara ng mga kanal at mababawasan ang mga chansa ng pagbaha ng mataas.
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Sa katunayan ay hindi sa akin napakita ang mga BDRRM plan kaya ay nagtanong na lamang ako sa kung anong merong nakahandang mga pangunahing lunas.Nakahanda ang mga first aid kit, fire extinguisher, flashlight, radio at iba pa sa barangay hall. Meron din daw ito sa mga bahay ng kagawad para sa oras na kailangan ng agarang pangangailangan, ay hindi na kailangan pumunta sa barangay hall. Ipinakita rin sa akin ang mga nakahandang fire extinguisher na nakasabit sa bawat poste ng aming barangay. Ang mga fire extinguisher na ito ay pinapalitan taon-taon. Tanong ko nga paano kung hindi nagamit ang fire extinguisher, ang sagot sa akin ay “magastos oo ngunit mas magandang gumastos ng malaki para sa kaligtasan ng bawat isa dito sa barangay.” Tunay nga na napahanga ako sa sagot ng aking tita kasi totoo. Hindi problema ang pera kung kaligtasan ang pinaguusapan. Sabi nga nila “Prevention is better than cure”.
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ememeeee · 5 years
I will play in Colabo Radio on 25.02 from 21h!!!
Colaboradio airs and streams every Tuesday 6am - 6am Wednesday as a part of the FRBB (Freie Radios Berlin Brandenburg) https://fr-bb.org/
On the 4th Tuesday of the month we make some live shows from DAS KAPiTAL, this time from 17h.
Come down to the bar to listen live, or tune in on 88.4fm in Berlin, 90.7fm in Potsdam, or stream online at http://fr-bb.org
17h JD Zazie - exploration in sound
18h Berliner Runde hosted by elle dit, Rosanna Lovell
19h elements with Kate Donovan
20h STORY for FOOD - the radio show
21h SuperSonic with special guests Samin Son (KR) and ememe (JP)
23h Loretta y LaBeouf - A tribute to Shirley and Spinoza
Full program 6am - 6am here
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