#kaptain planet
“Oi! Are you dat Gillyman git? Iz got a message for ya, on behalf of da Kaptain!” Somehow, a large ork had snuck onto the planet, past the Ultramarines, and up to the Primarch himself. “Ya want it, or not?”
Taps his desk as his guards surround the ork. "What is your message?"
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GOG release: "Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World" (Remaster)
Cateia Games‘ classic point-and-clicker Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World from 2010 finally lands on the DRM-free planet of GOG in its 2023 remake. Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World has quite an interesting history with me, as I played the original way back during my time when I wrote for Adventure-Treff. I still hold the physical retail edition which was published by the now defunct German…
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gotakuofficial-blog · 6 years
Kyo - Impressionist Vignettes: OFFICIAL REVIEW
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Written by Kisai The Spooniest Bard
To begin, Mike Faris AKA Kyo (FKA Demon Eyes Kyo) is an artist I respect immensely. He is also a dear friend and someone I consider a kindred soul. I take every verse he writes, sings and/or raps as a chance to understand more of his worldview and thought process. That said, I'm extremely honoured (so much so I just spelled honored with a FARKING letter U) to have been chosen as one of the trusted to review this, his debut album. I am Darris Marcell Kisai Parker, and this is Impressionist Vignettes by Kyo.
[Track 1ne] - Yasiin (prod. by kaptain planet): So from the start we get a gritty, dark boom bap jawn produced by the impeccable kaptain planet. It's always lit when planet links up with Kyo because Kyo starts to slip into his particular brand of what he calls "sophisticated ignorance", a glorious combination of swagger, hyperbole, and good old-fashioned dark humor. In this instance, however, Kyo's lyrics are more sober, less grandiose. He chooses to lampshade how basic and one-note some artists tend to be in their portrayals. He even pays homage to one of his fellow CPC member's songs (Views by Savior Monroe). And most of all, Kyo just makes it plain how serious he is in this outing. This one is less about stellar bars and schemes and more about the human experience as interpreted by Mike Faris. I'm here for it. Quotable: "Ain't my fault if the truth hurtin' ya feelin's. You ain't puttin' work with writtens murkin' the rhythm. You just jerkin' the listeners like jamaican chicken."
[Track 2wo] - Highland (prod. by Lé Real): An autobiographical stroll over a jazzy lofi road paved by a Castle In The Sky faithful, the uber-talented Lé Real. Here, Kyo talks about his old stomping ground, a place in Michigan called Highland. He highlights the rough yet sensitive nature of the milieu, the roaming opinions of passive observers looking in from the outside, the desperate grab for tough guy points by those who probably can't get into the Salty Spittoon otherwise, the ones who live in nicer areas, who don't really HAVE TO be in such an area. Kyo warns these folks about greenness of grass, and tells them in no plain terms to get a life of their own. This is the stuff I was looking for. And he delivered. Quotable: "A double-wide was like a luxury home! Havin' both parents there the rarest of luxuries tho and I know; I'm one of the lucky ones when it comes to that, Most of my homies wasn't tho, that's just the facts..."
[Track 3hree] - Flowers From The Old Vic Stage (prod. by Medical Nindo, guitars by Kyo):  Kyo sings, by the way! I feel like typically when artists try to be multi-layered it's an attempt to appeal to a public all too swayed by gimmicky shallow bullshit. But in Kyo's case, he really carries all the musicianship and artistry necessary to sustain the various mantles he's borne over the years. That said, on the singer/songwriter tip, Kyo is something to witness. But if you've followed his work at all, you've probably heard this on display on his previous work, "The Imposter's Muse". His poet's soul is on display here in track three, a somber, romantic ballad produced by the smooth/savage master himself, Medical Ninjutsu aka Medical Nindo. Some of y'all might know him as Diggz Da Prophecy. Kyo accompanies our resident "Hood Nerd Sage" on the guitar, providing weepy, melancholy-yet nostalgic licks that carry the heady tone of his musings. A song from the perspective of a tragic lover of a former star of the stage and screen, a person with whom our hero was enraptured, with whom he was close, a flame that perhaps burned too bright and sputtered into dying embers. "I wonder..." The words pass his lips several times over, each time a different thread carried on their doleful, mournful wind. Quotable: I'm not giving you one. Listen to the song.
[Track 4our] - Summer '09 (prod. by River Sanzu):  So, ironically, Summer '09 is a time of major importance to me because it was a time when I was ambivalent towards life. I was holding down a job I truly loved, but not seeing much of the money I was getting paid due to familial obligations, I was dating one of my current best friends, a relationship I look back on fondly even now. But it seemed like everything in the world conspired to keep us apart and as such I felt like I was failing her. I was writing some of the best bars of my life, but I had no way to record and couldn't afford to hit anyone's studio. I was dependent on music to keep me going and every month I had an issue with my mp3 player. I was finally seeing some measure of freedom, but at the same time I was constantly being appraised by family members as an adult acting like a child. As if they alone held the yardstick by which adulthood is measured and everyone's lived experiences were supposed to be uniform with the same milestones at the same times as if life worked that way. And to top it off, my father's genes were kicking in and I started to lose hair, just when I was getting ready to pimp my afro to the max! (RIP afro dreams). I just felt like I was languishing in some sort of middleground hell where everything was awesome but terrible at the same time. I constantly questioned whether I even wanted to be alive. Looking back, I always tell myself it wasn't that bad. It was just growing pains and every adult has them. But you couldn't tell me shit in the moment. I'd've said "Life is iffy af for me right now." On another side of the country, here is Kyo, driving drunk on his way to kick it with his friends. The same ambilavence towards the idea of continuing life present in his thoughts and actions. Instead leaving it to the "Most High" to determine his fate, he arrives unscathed at the function, has a rowdy old time with his buddies, the sort of things youths get into when together. "Freestyling and clowning", card games, even more drinking, some squabbles-nothing that really matters between friends however, and just being in the moment, then Kyo drives (possibly even more drunk) back home. Again he tosses the dice and leaves it up to higher powers to determine if he will make it home. And there you have it, a square out of the quilted tapestry that is Kyo's life. River Sanzu aka Lit Yagami AKA Ish1da creates a city pop-infused backdrop that perfectly encompasses the nostalgic feel of Kyo's ride through memory lane. One of my favorite songs on the album honestly. Also I'm really mad I didn't produce this because it's amazing. Not quite as mad as Ethos made me that one time but I may still turn into a dog for 3 seconds... GRRRRRRR (DAWG MODE) Quotable: "They say seeing is believing, these demons I'm seeing in my rearview mirror keep chasing, I stay weaving through lanes and I'm.... still thuggin' it, drunk in public and unequpped to handle the mental stresses I struggle with but it's just... One mo' night in Summer '09!"
[Track 5ive] - You Go To My Head (prod. by RealVenom):  Kyo’s strongest quality as an artist is his ability to depict the various aspects of his point of view without sacrificing impact. In “You Go To My Head”, he croons, raps and waxes poetic to the subject of his affection. It’s tender, but in a truly relatable fashion. I consider myself strongly in the romantic camp, so endeavors like these speak to me. I blame my soft heart. The warm lofi provided by RealVenom just makes you feel like you’re by a warm fireplace, keeping warm inside from the harsh winter. A glass of wine, a bag of marshmallows for roasting and some good-looking company and you’ve got a night. Kudos to both Kyo and Venom for making such a dope jam. Quotable: “And if you got me seein’ double... That’s twice as many chances to say I love you...”
[Track 6ix] - Moving To Detroit (prod. by Camp Phire Connection, guitars by Kyo): Here is a fully acoustic affair. Just Kyo, his trusty guitar, and us, the listener. In “Moving To Detroit”, he intimates the lonely predicament of a single man deciding to move to what is considered the saddest city in the country according to a study. He mulls over dating the local women hoping for a shot at love, relates his hopes that any local toughs don’t harass or assault him, and mentions his prior OWI (An incident he explained in detail to me in a conversation we had.) and the consequences thereof. “Moving to Detroit” is a somber, reflective look at both himself and his environment, and rather than feeling like a fly on the wall, we are put right there in the passenger seat as he takes us along for this ride. It’s an eye-opener, for sure. Quotable: “It’s not as bad as everyone says in the city, but every time I head home I feel such relief when I hit the freeway. If I move down there and my friends come visit me, they’ll also get to know how good that feels. I guess you’re welcome...” [Track 7even] - Vignettes feat. Savior Monroe (prod. by Camp Phire Connection): The only vocal guest feature on this album comes from fellow Camp Phire Connection artist and founder Savior Monroe. “Vignettes” is gorgeously produced, a shoegaze-y blues waltz number by Kyo and Savior. Both artists give amazingly heartfelt accounts of grace. of friendship and of humanity. The feeling is just abstract enough, just specific enough. Truly these are just vignettes. But that’s all we needed. Quotable: “But for now I can still paint you with an impressionist’s view. I might not remember the facts, but I still remember the truth.” [Track 8ight] - French Lessons (prod. by Camp Phire Connection, guitars by Kyo): Kyo’s trusty guitar returns once more, fair accompaniment for a sultry number about SEX. Yep. Sex. Who among us doesn’t simply long for the next chance to be intimate with a special someone. There’s something magical about when two souls connect, REALLY CONNECT, for those precious moments. Even sometimes when it’s empty, it’s still grand. Here, Kyo says it all. Quotable: “Sex is empty, sex is death, so baby please kill me then hold me in your arms until I resurrect. Sex is endless, sex is French, le petit mort, the little death, and rebirth and first breath and back again.” Track 9ine] - Snow (prod. by Lé Real): Snow, to put it plain an simply, is hard. Hard as pavement. Once more, we’re right there in the room with Kyo as he relates some tales from his life. I don’t even wanna talk too much about this one. It’s something that just needs to be heard. It’s too real for me to adequately put into words.  Quotable: None, just peep the song. [Track 10en] - Philip Seymour Hoffman (prod. by Kisai The Spooniest Bard): Iono who the hell this Kisai The Spooniest bard dude thinks he is, but we gonna fight because this beat is fire. He could have at least let me rap on this. Not that I’m salty because Kyo did his thing. But seriously this is a great closer. Something about that japanese jazz sample makes such a great backdrop for Kyo to compare himself to Vincent Van Gogh and Philip Seymour Hoffman (RIP to two of the greats). As artists our art is what we use to combat the negative feelings that dwell in our mortal minds. Not everyone can win this fight, but Kyo is dead set on winning. If I hadn’t heard this song before judging, I’d have told you that the beat used doesn’t fit the theme of the album, but I’d have been wrong. Kyo made it work like only he could and the result is a track that both producer and artist could be proud of. Quotable: “In a world of visigoths and vandals I’m Vincent Van Gogh, battle depression with insufficient ammo.” [Afterword]: Impressionist Vignettes is a ride, friends. Tonally, It starts low and ends high, moodwise it’s as human as we are. And from an artistic standpoint, it’s probably Kyo’s strongest work to date. I recommend you give it a spin. I learned something and so might you. One final note. Big ups to Savior Monroe on the engineering end. This album sounds great beginning to end. Kisai out. Ja ne~ Peep Impressionist Vignettes here!: https://campphireconnection.bandcamp.com/album/impressionist-vignettes
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fancoloredglasses · 4 years
The many shows of Sid & Marty Krofft (part 2 of 3: Krofft Supershow)
While I’ve covered the standalone Krofft kids’ shows (except one), in the late 70s Sid & Marty decided to produce a 90-minute showcase of some of the shows they wanted to produce that networks didn’t want any part of...
(Thanks to Tommy Retro’s Blast From The Past)
The Krofft Supershow ran for 2 seasons and featured three half-hour (well, 20 minute, since ads cut into the run time) shows that were connected by a Glam Rock “musical” “comedy” group knows as Kaptain Kool and the Kongs. The band members were (and I’m using their stage names here) Kaptain Kool, Turkey, Superchick, Nashville, and Flatbush (who was not in season 2). Of the 5, only Kaptain Kool (played by Michael Lembeck) had any sort of success following the show, primarily as a director (which includes The Santa Clause 2 and 3 and The Tooth Fairy)
The songs were pure cheese and the jokes were lame even by kids standards.
In season 1, we had the following...
(Thanks to Kevin Crosby)
Dr. Shrinker is yet another Gilligan’s Island style show in which 3 teens crash their Cessna (and no one has searched for the plane’s transponder in all this time? And for that matter, who gives a pilot’s license to a teenager?) on a remote island owned by the mad scientist named Dr. Shrinker (appropriately named, as he developed a shrinking ray) who, along with his minion Hugo (played by legendary dwarf actor Billy Barty, who also played Sigmund and one of Pufnstuf’s bumbling cops....Basically, Barty was the 70s version of Warwick Davis; if you needed a dwarf character he would be the first you would call). Shrinker lures the teens into his lab and shrinks them to about six inches tall. They somehow escape before they could be caged as display pieces to show prospective buyers the ray works (why not hire someone to do a live demo? With the millions you’d make selling the device you could likely afford it!)
The plots usually revolve around Shrinker trying to capture the “shrinkees” (as he calls them) or the “shrinkees” trying to return to normal size and escape. Neither is very successful.
Next up, we have the first of two “super hero” shows in the season...
(Thanks to stevenblackheart)
So we have three broke teens hoping to find a working car in a junkyard (because none of them look like they know what end of the car the gas is supposed to go in, let alone being able to restore a junker) and find a jalopy (named Schlep Car) that not only works, but is sentient. On top of that, they find a magic horn that plays the CHARGE! music and does a SHAZAM! on Schlep Car, making him the flying dune buggy known as Wonderbug. I personally don’t understand why Schlep Car would ever change back.
The plots involve some boneheaded criminals running afoul of the teens, who try to deal with them without involving Wonderbug (much like the Planeteers try to stop the eco-terrorists without involving Captain Planet...only much less effectively) Usually this involves some harebrained plan that involves elaborate disguises (I thought they were broke? How the hell can they afford costumes on a weekly basis?!) Inevitably Wonderbug gets involved and saves the day.
Finally, we have the strongest entry in the lineup (so naturally this didn’t make the cut in the second season...)
(Thanks to The House of Dracula - Monster Model Museum)
...probably due to the fact that it pretty much ripped off Batman. Between the secret lair, all of their gadgets having “Electra” in front of them (even their transformation was called the Electra-Change) and Dyna Girl punctuating everything with “Electra-whatever!” (as opposed to Robin’s “Holy whatever!”) The villains were just as over-the-top (including a glam rocker who could hypnotize people with his guitar)
Unlike Batman, there were no cliffhangers. Everything was resolved in a single episode, and there were no recurring villains (which was a shame, as some of them were pretty interesting)
I’m guessing the reason this got the axe was because the boys complained about “cooties” on their TV. As I said, of the three this was the strongest entry. The pair got new life as an online series. I have not yet seen it, but now that I know it exists I certainly will.
With the second season, the glam image is gone (in favor of something more like Sha Na Na), as are Dr. Shrinker and Electra Woman and Dyna Girl. They are replaced by...
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(Thanks to 70s Live Action Vid Kid)
Once again, we have three teens: Donald (a guy who looks like he falls over any time anyone in the room whispers “stiff breeze”) and his two friends Lorraine and Kristy (whom I’m sure only hang out with him out of pity) Donald finds a genie’s lamp washed up on a beach, but instead of Barbara Eden we get Mongo, a genie who obviously magicked himself a few too many all-you-can-eat buffets (as a side note, the actor who played Mongo was also the voice of Hunk in the English dub of the original Voltron, so he had that going for him) Mongo summons a clever disguise as Donald’s uncle, a typical beach bum (which would be totally believable if he didn’t have to hold his ears and wiggle his tongue to use his abilities...and constantly call Donald “Master”)
The plots revolve around Donald being fed up with his lot in life, but rather than attempt to better himself he calls on Mongo to magic an improvement, which usually backfires comically (did I mention Mongo isn’t a very good genie?) until the group manages to get Mongo to change everything back to the status quo. Yeah, this is what they cancelled Electra Woman and Dyna-Girl for...
And last, but certainly not first, we have...
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(Thanks to EpisoDate)
It turns out Bigfoot is real and always wanted to be a father, so when he finds a human orphan in the wild (at least I hope he was an orphan when Bigfoot found him. Otherwise this series just got a whole lot darker...) he raises the boy as his own. For whatever reason, the boy is now known as Wildboy instead of whatever name he had when Bigfoot found him (he has to be around 16, and according to the intro he was around 8 when found. Therefore, you’d assume the kid had a different name) Now they run around the wilderness of the Pacific Northwest fighting evil with the help of their friend Cindy, an archaeology student.
The plots are rather absurd, though I’m sure the kids may not have realized it at the time. But once again, this is what Electra Woman was cancelled in favor of.
There is one more show that the Kroffts are known for, and I’m sure everyone has at least heard of it (thanks to Will Farrell), but here’s a hint...
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(Thanks to Villains Wiki)
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nefarious-imagines · 6 years
Dating headcanon (Kapt's part)
Snarky to be completely honest! Random kisses are definitely a thing in this arrangement with the witch woman! Cuddling is sort of rare, but when it happens she is the big spoon on most occasions! Loves to embarrass you.
She probably got with you as a business arrangement for her own personal gain, but slowly fell for you. Surprisingly easy to fluster! Of course she doesn't make it obvious and just scolds you. Cuddling is, like Malice, very rare! As in, when the planets are perfectly aligned. She always makes it low key though, like putting her leg on yours or just scooting up next to you until your arms touch.
Kaptain Man:
A sweetheart oh my god. Definitely buys you "no occasion" flowers with poetic notes attached to them. This guy's got a way with words not gonna lie! DEFINITELY sings to you sometimes and flies you (with your permission) around sukochi, holding you tightly in his arms! Cuddling is quite common but that doesn't make it any less meaningful! He doesn't care if he's the big spoon or little spoon, just as long as he's with you!
Another sweetie! She always gives you a "goodbye honey, I'm going to work" kiss in the morning! She might be busy most of the time but that won't stop her from being lovey dovey with you! She also LOVES hearing about your day and listening to you ramble at dinner. Cuddles are a must, and she's the little spoon mostly!
I hope you like monster hunting! Because that's the thing she loves to do with you! That was probably y'all's first date too! She may be short but she'll climb you like a tree just to give you a kiss! Cuddles happen every other day and they usually start from roughhousing! She's the big spoon, she refuses to be anything other.
Hoo you're in for a ride! He's a very spicy and passionate lover! Loves giving you gifts and spoiling you with affection and kisses, so basically a sugar daddy but more meaningful! Loves singing you to sleep, his voice is strangely hypnotic! Cuddles are either really snuggly or really spicy. He's the big spoon, mostly because of his height.
You're also in for a ride here! All aboard the "big meaty claws" train! She is very unaffectionate in public, mostly because she has a reputation to uphold, but when y'all are alone? There's a slight shift! Short kisses, and brief embraces. Very embarrassed when you tell her you love her. Basically a big strong tsundere! Cuddles are very rare too. Sometimes she grabs you and hugs you like a teddy bear in her sleep (*squeaky toy noise*), so she's the big spoon!
Very shy! He's the worry wart in the relationship, always asking if you're ok if you look upset. He absolutely loves affection, he's just too embarrassed to show you affection most of the time. So you kinda have to initiate cuddle time, speaking of which. He's the little spoon.
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Enough. 23 years in enough. I'm tired of avoiding it. We could always use the thrones, the space, and he's dead. It is beoynd time to clean out my Uncle's alcoves in the vault. Aside from looking in them a few times, I'd never dared to even catalog the stuff. For all I knew there could be a deed to an entire planet in there.
Cornelius never questioned because he'd never been in here. The only way in to the secret vault is through a concealed door in my quarters.
The door slides open, I brought a cart. It was time to move on.
"A mono-sword who's hilt is the femur of St. Ishmael the Truthful." Sell.
"A family portrait from 3 years before my birth." Stay.
"A gilded skeleton wrapped in purity seals, potentially the bones of an unknown martyr." Sell?
"A pillow stuffed with Kroot shaper pinions" Fumigate and sell.
"A collection of pre imperial coins from Zayth" Sell
"The bosspole of Kaptain Gitstompa" - There's no market for this so it can be displayed in the Hall of Glory
"Kaptain Gitstompa's Git Stompin' Powa Shoez" - What.
"Wraithbone Statuette of Isha, bent over mourning" - SELL
"Gold plated powerfist encrusted in emeralds" - Keep for now
"6 bottles of Golden Tokay dated 35 years past" - MINE
"Gold and ruby prayer beads of St. Beverly" - Potential bribe
"Drinking cup made from the gilded skull of a Vapourin Priest-King" - Potentially useful should I ever go to Vapouris
"Wax cylinder recording of the oratory of Cardinal Stephen the Orator" - Sell
"Box of 8 Egarian Geode Grenades" - move to armory
I moved on to an actual display cabinet.
Slowly the cart began to fill up, and already I was making plans to move certain objects from the less secure location of my desk, armored trunk, and bureau to the vault I'd refused to recognize as my own for so long. 
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leroygramz · 3 years
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buymartian · 4 years
Checkout @kaptain.76 • • 📸: @lmshoots . . #persephone #persephonecosplay #queenpersephone • • #CosplayCurves • • 📬💌 DM me to get featured on here as well as @NERDGIRLMAX + @BuyMartian (yes I will cross-promote you on 3 IG sites to get your cosplay out to the masses). • • 👉🏽 You can also tag me ( @CosplayCurves ) in your posts and we will feature you 😉 • • 🎧 💿🎶🎹🎵 Song Info : #PlanetaryPleasure ™ Planet Verde Episode 05  by Buy Martian Merch ™ ( available for purchase @BuyMartian or www.BuyMartian.com  just #ClickLinkInMyBio ) • • Follow the Buy Martian Merch ™ Brands : @nerdgirlmax  @buymartian  @cosplaycurves @thesaucymartian  (👈🏽 this page is 21+ only) • • BUY  POST  WIN ! • • © comp735 ™ LLC. All Rights Reserved. Shareable On Social Media. Unauthorized use not permitted. • • #nerdstatus #cosplayprogress  #nerdshirt #nerdsofinstagram #femalecosplayersofinstagram #cosplayersofig #cosplaycommunity #nerdsquad #instanerds #nerdsdoitbetter #nerdstuff #nerdstagram #nerdsrule #cosplaylove #wearenerds #nerdsunite #curvywomendoitbetter #curvywomenrock #femalecosplayers  #curvywomenarethebest #nerdsforlife #cosplaygirlsofinstagram #nerdstyle  (at Planet Mars) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFTBQ5PD5we/?igshid=rnbqbttz0hc6
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✂ - How would you kill me? - asktheordosmalleus
For the most part, Magsnaga liked the Ordo Malleus.  They did not waste his time with failed assassination attempts like the Ordo Xenos.  One would think that an entire organization devoted to killing anything that wasn’t human would be good at their job. One would be mistaken.  Magsnaga had a chest full of rosarius’s and templar accouterments to prove it. 
Regardless of how much he liked an organization there were still protocols to be maintained.  Poaching in Kaln Empire controlled space was punishable by death.   The Oberon Class Battleship Light’s Wrath did not have permission to enter the controlled region.  Kaptain Magsnaga could forgive that.  It was an ever increasing border as surrounding planets were brought into compliance with true ork inspired culture.
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a-40k-dad · 7 years
Excerpt from the hell post because who wants to see that long-ass thread again? @tha-kaptain @administratumadept
@imperialfistsspacemarine said :
I never said anything about that i said this game is pretty damn diverse cause it is. If you knew anything about the lore tgrn you would know why i used the sisters of battle, the slamanders, the imperial guard, the tau, and the eldar as examples. This tells me one of two things: 1. You didn’t read my post fully and 2 you haven’t forgotten the lore, you don’t know it. Cause if you did you would know why i put these as examples. I will now explain to you as to why i used tge examples.
We are talking about the actual minis, the toys. You come up with what the lore tells us, get out of the game universe to discuss the tangible elements of the game (in this case, the models) as adults, please.
The imperial guard they don’t give a shit what is between your legs, what gender you identify as or what you want to fall in love with.
So, may we talk about hoping that GW makes some female bits without hurting your fragile little feelings? Another question : may I head-canon that some of MY MINIS might be LGBTQIA+ or do I need you to sign some papers that you aren’t butthurt by my head-canon (or anyone else’s)?
The Tau are the same as the guard with the exaption that there are more species diversity
Hello, the only Tau I’ve ever seen on a battle field is the firecaste. Tau has what? One female head per sprue and one character? (I don’t have @administratumadept‘s dedication for crunching numbers). Also If you count Aliens as minority representation, you’re a sick man.
The sisters of battle this should be a given as to why but I’ll explain it anyway. They are an all female standing army for the church. In fact during the age of aposticy they where better fighters than even my boys the imperial fists and there leader was given tge privilege to meet the god emperor himself.
Again, in-lore argumentation is for kids on the playground. Where are the plastic, normal-priced minis? WHERE?!
The salamanders are a founding chapter of the adeptas astartes that due to there gene seed and of there home planet there skin has become darker. Yes a whole chapter of space marines of people of color.
Where is the African heads sprue to convert them and not make them look like the old movie-representation of black people (white dudes with black make up)? Wheeeeere?!
The Eldar this including the dark Eldar have male and female fighters and any gender can do anything in there society.
Yes Eldar are okay. We are in agreement. (let’s not bring up boobplates and SM fetishes this time).
Now my last thing is this i know yoi didn’t read my piece or any of @40kwarlord pieces is cause me and him both said we didn’t give a shit, we want more art and even female space marines, why? Cause its cool that’s why.
If you want the same thing as us, why all the bitching and moaning?
In conclusion stop misrepresenting people cause they have different veiws i mean seriously not only does that kind of screeching about non issues damages reputations it ultimatly damages the cause your fighting for.
I think you are mistaken about who’s doing the whinging.
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climatemayors · 7 years
305 US Climate Mayors commit to adopt, honor and uphold Paris Climate Agreement goals
The President’s denial of global warming is getting a cold reception from America’s cities.
As 305 US Mayors representing 61 million Americans, we will adopt, honor, and uphold the commitments to the goals enshrined in the Paris Agreement. We will intensify efforts to meet each of our cities’ current climate goals, push for new action to meet the 1.5 degrees Celsius target, and work together to create a 21st century clean energy economy.
We will continue to lead. We are increasing investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency. We will buy and create more demand for electric cars and trucks. We will increase our efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions, create a clean energy economy, and stand for environmental justice. And if the President wants to break the promises made to our allies enshrined in the historic Paris Agreement, we’ll build and strengthen relationships around the world to protect the planet from devastating climate risks.
The world cannot wait — and neither will we.
Mayor Eric Garcetti City of Los Angeles, CA
Mayor Martin J Walsh City of Boston, MA
Mayor Bill de Blasio New York City, NY
Mayor Sylvester Turner City of Houston, TX
Mayor Madeline Rogero City of Knoxville, TN
Mayor Rahm Emanuel City of Chicago, IL
Mayor Ed Murray City of Seattle, WA
Mayor Jim Kenney City of Philadelphia, PA
Mayor Kasim Reed City of Atlanta, GA
Mayor Lioneld Jordan City of Fayetteville, AR
Mayor Trish Herrera Spencer City of Alameda, CA
Mayor Kathy Sheehan City of Albany, NY
Mayor Sharon Konopa City of Albany , OR
Mayor Allison Silberberg City of Alexandria, VA
Mayor Ed Pawlowski City of Allentown, PA
Mayor Jeanne Sorg City of Ambler, PA
Mayor Ethan Berkowitz City of Anchorage, AK
Mayor Terence Roberts City of Anderson, SC
Mayor Christopher Taylor City of Ann Arbor, MI
Mayor Van W Johnson City of Apalachicola, FL
Mayor Susan Ornelas City of Arcata, CA
Mayor Peter R Porcino City of Ardsley, NY
Mayor Esther Manheimer City of Asheville, NC
Mayor Steve Skadron City of Aspen, CO
Mayor Steve Patterson City of Athens, OH
Mayor Steve Adler City of Austin, TX
Mayor Catherine E Pugh City of Baltimore , MD
Mayor Gordon T Ringberg City of Bayfield, WI
Mayor Denny Dole City of Beaverton, OR
Mayor Kelli Linville City of Bellingham, WA
Mayor Jesse Arreguin City of Berkeley, CA
Mayor Robert Donchez City of Bethlehem, PA
Mayor Michael P Cahill City of Beverly, MA
Mayor Ben Kessler City of Bexley, OH
Mayor Richard C David City of Binghamton, NY
Mayor William Bell City of Birmingham, AL
Mayor Ron Rordam City of Blacksburg, VA
Mayor John Hamilton City of Bloomington, IN
Mayor Dave Bieter City of Boise, ID
Mayor Suzanne Jones City of Boulder, CO
Mayor Carson Taylor City of Bozeman, MT
Mayor Eric Mamula City of Breckenridge, CO
Mayor Joseph P Ganim City of Bridgeport, CT
Mayor William W Moehle City of Brighton, NY
Mayor Lori S Liu City of Brisbane, CA
Mayor Brenda Hess City of Buchanan, MI
Mayor Byron W Brown City of Buffalo, NY
Mayor Miro Weinberger City of Burlington, VT
Mayor Elizabeth B Kautz City of Burnsville, MN
Mayor E Denise Simmons City of Cambridge, MA
Mayor Edwin Garcia City of Camuy, PR
Mayor Jim Brainard City of Carmel, IN
Mayor Lydia E Lavelle City of Carrboro, NC
Mayor Mike Webb City of Carver, MN
Mayor Deborah Frank Feinen City of Champaign, IL
Mayor Pam Hemminger City of Chapel Hill, NC
Mayor John J Tecklenburg City of Charleston, SC
Mayor Jennifer Roberts City of Charlotte, NC
Mayor Mike Signer City of Charlottesville, VA
Mayor Andy Berke City of Chattanooga, TN
Mayor Chuck Cahn City of Cherry Hill, NJ
Mayor Mary Casillas Salas City of Chula Vista, CA
Mayor Ted Terry City of Clarkston, GA
Mayor Frank G Jackson City of Cleveland, OH
Mayor Brian Treece City of Columbia, MO
Mayor Stephen K Benjamin City of Columbia, SC
Mayor Andrew Ginther City of Columbus, OH
Mayor Rebecca Tooley City of Coconut Creek, FL
Mayor Jeff Katz City of Cooperstown, NY
Mayor Brian Tobin City of Cortland, NY
Mayor Biff Traber City of Corvallis, OR
Mayor Jeffrey Cooper Culver City, CA
Mayor Savita Vaidhyanathan City of Cupertino, CA
Mayor Michael S Rawlings City of Dallas, TX
Mayor Robb Davis City of Davis, CA
Mayor Cary Glickstein City of Delray Beach, FL
Mayor Michael Hancock City of Denver, CO
Mayor T M Franklin Cownie City of Des Moines, IA
Mayor Mike Duggan City of Detroit, MI
Mayor Josh Maxwell City of Downingtown, PA
Mayor Roy D Buol City of Dubuque, IA
Mayor Emily Larson City of Duluth, MN
Mayor William V Bell City of Durham, NC
Mayor Mark Meadows City of East Lansing, MI
Mayor Nancy Tyra-Lukens City of Eden Prairie, MN
Mayor Kris Teegardin City of Edgewater, CO
Mayor Dave Earling City of Edmonds, WA
Mayor Janet Abelson City of El Cerrito, CA
Mayor David Kaptain City of Elgin, IL
Mayor Catherine Blakespear City of Encinitas, CA
Mayor Lucy Vinis City of Eugene, OR
Mayor Stephen H Hagerty City of Evanston, IL
Mayor Ray Stephanson City of Everett, WA
Mayor Edward Malloy City of Fairfield, IA
Mayor Peter Lindstrom City of Falcon Heights, MN
Mayor David Tarter City of Falls Church, VA
Mayor Colleen Mahr City of Fanwood, NJ
Mayor David Coulter City of Ferndale, MI
Mayor Coral J Evans City of Flagstaff, AZ
Mayor Karen Weaver City of Flint, MI
Mayor Wade Troxell City of Fort Collins, CO
Mayor Jack Seiler City of Fort Lauderdale, FL
Mayor Tom Henry City of Fort Wayne, IN
Mayor Bob Scott City of Franklin, NC
Mayor Lily Mei City of Fremont, CA
Mayor Kachen Kimmell City of Gambier, OH
Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson City of Gary, IN
Mayor Tammy Stempel City of Gladstone, OR
Mayor Bruce J Packer City of Glen Rock, NJ
Mayor Bryan Kennedy City of Glendale, WI
Mayor Sefatia Romeo Theken City of Gloucester, MA
Mayor Rosalynn Bliss City of Grand Rapids, MI
Mayor Nancy Vaughan City of Greensboro, NC
Mayor Knox H White City of Greenville, SC
Mayor Samuel Henderson City of Gulfport, FL
Mayor Joy Cooper City of Hallandale Beach, FL
Mayor Karen Majewski City of Hamtramck, MI
Mayor Luke Bronin City of Hartford, CT
Mayor Peter Swiderski City of Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
Mayor Harry Kim City of Hawai’i , HI
Mayor Barbara Halliday City of Hayward, CA
Mayor Shaun McCaffery City of Healdsburg, CA
Mayor Gayle Brill Mittler City of Highland Park, NJ
Mayor Nancy R Rotering City of Highland Park, IL
Mayor Patrick Taylor City of Highlands, NC
Mayor Tom Stevens City of Hillsborough, NC
Mayor Dawn Zimmer City of Hoboken, NJ
Mayor Josh Levy City of Hollywood, FL
Mayor Alex B Morse City of Holyoke, MA
Mayor Paul Blackburn City of Hood River, OR
Mayor Candace B Hollingsworth City of Hyattsville, MD
Mayor Jim Throgmorton Iowa City , IA
Mayor Svante Myrick City of Ithaca, NY
Mayor Pete Muldoon City of Jackson , WY
Mayor Steven M Fulop Jersey City, NJ
Mayor Bobby J Hopewell City of Kalamazoo, MI
Mayor Sly James Kansas City, MO
Mayor Nina Jonas City of Ketchum, ID
Mayor Steven T Noble City of Kingston, NY
Mayor Jose Alvarez City of Kissimmee, FL
Mayor Tim Kabat City of La Crosse, WI
Mayor Christine Berg City of Lafayette, CO
Mayor Michael Summers City of Lakewood, OH
Mayor Adam Paul City of Lakewood, CO
Mayor J Richard Gray City of Lancaster, PA
Mayor Virg Bernero City of Lansing, MI
Mayor William Sprague City of Lapeer, MI
Mayor Richard J Kaplan City of Lauderhill, FL
Mayor Leslie Soden City of Lawrence, KS
Mayor Theodore W Becker City of Lewes, DE
Mayor Mark Stodola City of Little Rock, AR
Mayor Robert Garcia City of Long Beach, CA
Mayor Adam Schneider City of Long Branch, NJ
Mayor Dennis Coombs City of Longmont, CO
Mayor Mary Prochnow City of Los Altos, CA
Mayor Gary Waldeck City of Los Altos Hills, CA
Mayor Marico Sayoc City of Los Gatos, CA
Mayor Greg Fischer City of Louisville, KY
Mayor Robert Reichert City of Macon-Bibb County, GA
Mayor Paul R Soglin City of Madison, WI
Mayor Gary Christenson City of Malden, MA
Mayor Skylar Peak City of Malibu, CA
Mayor Barry Greenberg City of Maplewood , MO
Mayor Stephanie M Burke City of Medford, MA
Mayor Kirsten Keith City of Menlo Park, CA
Mayor Tomas Regalado City of Miami, FL
Mayor Philip Levine City of Miami Beach, FL
Mayor Gurdip Brar City of Middleton, WI
Mayor Daniel Drew City of Middletown, CT
Mayor Sean Strub City of Milford, PA
Mayor Benjamin G Blake City of Milford , CT
Mayor Reuben D Holober City of Millbrae, CA
Mayor Jeff Silvestrini City of Millcreek, UT
Mayor Tom Barrett City of Milwaukee, WI
Mayor Mark Gamba City of Milwaukie, OR
Mayor Betsy Hodges City of Minneapolis, MN
Mayor Wayne Messam City of Miramar, FL
Mayor John Engen City of Missoula, MT
Mayor Mary O’Connor City of Monona, WI
Mayor John Hollar City of Montpelier, VT
Mayor Timothy Dougherty City of Morristown, NJ
Mayor Jamie Irons City of Morro Bay , CA
Mayor Arlene Burns City of Mosier, OR
Mayor Fred Courtright City of Mount Pocono, PA
Mayor Ken Rosenberg City of Mountain View, CA
Mayor Jill Techel City of Napa, CA
Mayor Jim Donchess City of Nashua, NH
Mayor Megan Barry City of Nashville, TN
Mayor Jon Mitchell City of New Bedford, MA
Mayor Toni N Harp City of New Haven, CT
Mayor Mitch Landrieu City of New Orleans, LA
Mayor Tim Rogers City of New Paltz, NY
Mayor Ras J Baraka City of Newark, NJ
Mayor Donna D Holaday City of Newburyport, MA
Mayor Setti Warren City of Newton, MA
Mayor Paul Dyster City of Niagara Falls, NY
Mayor Chris Koos City of Normal, IL
Mayor Connie Leon-Kreps City of North Bay Village, FL
Mayor Francis M Womack City of North Brunswick, NJ
Mayor Smith Joseph City of North Miami, FL
Mayor David J Narkewicz City of Northampton, MA
Mayor Jennifer White City of Nyack, NY
Mayor Libby Schaaf City of Oakland, CA
Mayor Cheryl Selby City of Olympia, WA
Mayor Buddy Dyer City of Orlando, FL
Mayor Victoria Gearity City of Ossining, NY
Mayor Greg Scharff City of Palo Alto, CA
Mayor Jack Thomas Park City, UT
Mayor Donald Grebien City of Pawtucket, RI
Mayor David Glass City of Petaluma, CA
Mayor Greg Stanton City of Phoenix, AZ
Mayor Cindy S Perry City of Pittsboro, NC
Mayor William Peduto City of Pittsburgh, PA
Mayor Kurt R Metzger City of Pleasant Ridge, MI
Mayor Lamar Fisher City of Pompano Beach, FL
Mayor Ethan Strimling City of Portland, ME
Mayor Ted Wheeler City of Portland, OR
Mayor Jack Blalock City of Portsmouth, NH
Mayor Liz Lempert City of Princeton, NJ
Mayor Jorge O Elorza City of Providence, RI
Mayor Nancy McFarlane City of Raleigh, NC
Mayor Donald Terry City of Rancho Cordova, CA
Mayor John Marchione City of Redmond, WA
Mayor John Seybert Redwood City, CA
Mayor Hillary Schieve City of Reno, NV
Mayor Tom Butt City of Richmond, CA
Mayor Levar Stoney City of Richmond, VA
Mayor Lovely Warren City of Rochester, NY
Mayor Daniel Guzzi City of Rockwood, MI
Mayor Mike Fournier City of Royal Oak, MI
Mayor Darrell Steinberg City of Sacramento, CA
Mayor Alan Galbraith City of Saint Helena, CA
Mayor Christopher Coleman City of Saint Paul, MN
Mayor Kim Driscoll City of Salem, MA
Mayor Chuck Bennett City of Salem, OR
Mayor Jacob Day City of Salisbury, MD
Mayor Jackie Biskupski Salt Lake City, UT
Mayor Bob Grassilli City of San Carlos, CA
Mayor Kevin Faulconer City of San Diego, CA
Mayor Ed Lee City of San Francisco, CA
Mayor Sam Liccardo City of San Jose, CA
Mayor Pauline Russo Cutter City of San Leandro, CA
Mayor Heidi Harmon City of San Luis Obispo, CA
Mayor John Thomaides City of San Marcos, TX
Mayor Miguel Pulido City of Santa Ana, CA
Mayor Helene Schneider City of Santa Barbara, CA
Mayor Lisa M Gillmor City of Santa Clara, CA
Mayor Javier M Gonzales City of Santa Fe, NM
Mayor Ted Winterer City of Santa Monica, CA
Mayor Chris Coursey City of Santa Rosa, CA
Mayor Joanne D Yepsen City of Saratoga Springs, NY
Mayor Chris Lain City of Savanna, IL
Mayor Michael J Gonnelli City of Secaucus, NJ
Mayor George Van Dusen City of Skokie, IL
Mayor Scott A Saunders City of Smithville, TX
Mayor Matt Larson City of Snoqualmie, WA
Mayor Joe Curtatone City of Somerville, MA
Mayor Pete Buttigieg City of South Bend, IN
Mayor Philip K Stoddard City of South Miami, FL
Mayor Domenic J Sarno City of Springfield, MA
Mayor Lyda Krewson City of St Louis, MO
Mayor Len Pagano City of St Peters, MO
Mayor Rick Kriseman City of St Petersburg, FL
Mayor David Martin City of Stamford, CT
Mayor Elizabeth Goreham City of State College, PA
Mayor Michael Tubbs City of Stockton, CA
Mayor Glenn Hendricks City of Sunnyvale, CA
Mayor Michael J Ryan City of Sunrise, FL
Mayor Daniel E Dietch City of Surfside, FL
Mayor Timothy P Kearney City of Swarthmore, PA
Mayor Stephanie A Miner City of Syracuse, NY
Mayor Marilyn Strickland City of Tacoma, WA
Mayor Kate Stewart City of Takoma Park, MD
Mayor Andrew Gillum City of Tallahassee, FL
Mayor Bob Buckhorn City of Tampa, FL
Mayor Drew Fixell City of Tarrytown, NY
Mayor Sean Murphy City of Telluride, CO
Mayor Mark Mitchell City of Tempe, AZ
Mayor Paula Hicks-Hudson City of Toledo, OH
Mayor Patrick J. Furey City of Torrance, CA
Mayor Jim Carruthers Traverse City, MI
Mayor Eric E Jackson City of Trenton, NJ
Mayor Jonathan Rothschild City of Tucson, AZ
Mayor Brian Stack Union City, NJ
Mayor Shelley Welsch University City, MO
Mayor Diane W Marlin City of Urbana, IL
Mayor Dave Chapin City of Vail, CO
Mayor Muriel Bowser City of Washington, D.C.
Mayor Oscar Rios City of Watsonville, CA
Mayor Shari G Cantor City of West Hartford, CT
Mayor Edward O’Brien City of West Haven, CT
Mayor John Heilman City of West Hollywood, CA
Mayor John Dennis City of West Lafayette, IN
Mayor Jeri Muoio City of West Palm Beach, FL
Mayor Christopher Cabaldon City of West Sacramento, CA
Mayor Daniel Corona City of West Wendover, NV
Mayor Daniel J Stermer City of Weston, FL
Mayor Thomas M Roach City of White Plains, NY
Mayor Ryan Reynolds City of Whitney Point, NY
Mayor Debora Fudge City of Windsor, CA
Mayor Allen Joines City of Winston Salem, NC
Mayor Angel Barajas City of Woodland, CA
Mayor Joseph M Petty City of Worcester, MA
Mayor Mike Spano City of Yonkers, NY
Mayor Amanda Maria Edmonds City of Ypsilanti, MI
Updated signatories as of 10:30am PT on June 15, 2017
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shihtzuman · 7 years
187 #ClimateMayors adopt, honor and uphold #ParisAgreement goals
Badman Nishioka/3rd report /1st 62 Mayors, 2nd 88 Mayors, 3rd: The 187 US Mayor's commit to adopt, and uphold Paris Agreement!
HP: Climate Mayors
U.S. #Climate Mayors working together to advance local climate action, national emission reduction policies, & the Paris Climate Agreement www.climate-mayors.org. Jun 2
187 US Climate Mayors commit to adopt, honor and uphold Paris Climate Agreement goals
The President’s denial of global warming is getting a cold reception from America’s cities.
As 187 US Mayors representing 52 million Americans, we will adopt, honor, and uphold the commitments to the goals enshrined in the Paris Agreement. We will intensify efforts to meet each of our cities’ current climate goals, push for new action to meet the 1.5 degrees Celsius target, and work together to create a 21st century clean energy economy.
We will continue to lead. We are increasing investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency. We will buy and create more demand for electric cars and trucks. We will increase our efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions, create a clean energy economy, and stand for environmental justice. And if the President wants to break the promises made to our allies enshrined in the historic Paris Agreement, we’ll build and strengthen relationships around the world to protect the planet from devastating climate risks.
The world cannot wait — and neither will we.
*Mayor Eric Garcetti, City of Los Angeles, CA/
*Mayor Martin J Walsh, City of Boston, MA/
*Mayor Bill de Blasio, New York City, NY/
*Mayor Sylvester Turne, City of Houston, TX/
*Mayor Madeline Rogero, City of Knoxville, TN/
*Mayor Rahm Emanuel, City of Chicago, IL/
*Mayor Ed Murray, City of Seattle, WA/
*Mayor Jim Kenney, City of Philadelphia, PA/
*Mayor Kasim Reed, City of Atlanta, GA/
*Mayor Lioneld Jordan, City of Fayetteville, AR/
*Mayor Trish Herrera Spencer, City of Alameda, CA/
*Mayor Kathy Sheehan, City of Albany, NY/
*Mayor Allison Silberberg, City of Alexandria, VA/
*Mayor Jeanne Sorg, City of Ambler, PA/
*Mayor Ethan Berkowitz, City of Anchorage, AK/
*Mayor Terence Roberts, City of Anderson, SC/
*Mayor Christopher Taylor, City of Ann Arbor, MI/
*Mayor Van W Johnson, City of Apalachicola, FL/
*Mayor Susan Ornelas, City of Arcata, CA/
*Mayor Esther Manheimer, City of Asheville, NC/
*Mayor Steve Skadron, City of Aspen, CO/
*Mayor Steve Adler, City of Austin, TX/
*Mayor Gordon Ringberg, City of Bayfield, WI/
*Mayor Jesse Arreguin, City of Berkeley, CA/
*Mayor William Bell, City of Birmingham, AL/
*Mayor Ron Rordam, City of Blacksburg, VA/
*Mayor John Hamilton, City of Bloomington, IN/
*Mayor Dave Bieter, City of Boise, ID/
*Mayor Suzanne Jones, City of Boulder, CO/
*Mayor Carson Taylor, City of Bozeman, MT/
*Mayor Eric Mamula, Town of Breckenridge, CO/
*Mayor Lori S. Liu, City of Brisbane, CA/
*Mayor Brenda Hess, City of Buchanan, MI/
*Mayor Byron W Brown, City of Buffalo, NY/
*Mayor Miro Weinberger, City of Burlington, VT/
*Mayor E Denise Simmons, City of Cambridge, MA/
*Mayor Lydia Lavelle, City of Carrboro, NC/
*Mayor Pam Hemminger, City of Chapel Hill, NC/
*Mayor John J Tecklenburg, City of Charleston, SC/
*Mayor Jennifer Roberts, City of Charlotte, NC/
*Mayor Andy Berke, City of Chattanooga, TN/
*Mayor Mary Casillas Salas, City of Chula Vista, CA/
*Mayor Brian Treece, City of Columbia, MO/
*Mayor Stephen K Benjamin, City of Columbia, SC/
*Mayor Brian Tobin, City of Cortland, NY/
*Mayor Biff Traber, City of Corvallis, OR/
*Mayor Jeffrey Cooper, Culver City, CA/
*Mayor Mike Rawlings, City of Dallas, TX/
*Mayor Robb Davis, City of Davis, CA/
*Mayor Cary Glickstein, City of Delray Beach, FL/
*Mayor Michael Hancock, City of Denver, CO/
*Mayor Frank Cownie, City of Des Moines, IA/
*Mayor Josh Maxwell, City of Downingtown, PA/
*Mayor Roy D Buol, City of Dubuque, IA/
*Mayor William V Bell, City of Durham, NC/
*Mayor Kris Teegardin, City of Edgewater, CO/
*Mayor David Kaptain, City of Elgin, IL/
*Mayor Lucy Vinis, City of Eugene, OR/
*Mayor Stephen H Hagerty, City of Evanston, IL/
*Mayor Coral J Evans, City of Flagstaff, AZ/
*Mayor Jack Seiler, City of Fort Lauderdale, FL/
*Mayor Tom Henry, City of Fort Wayne, IN/
*Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson, City of Gary, IN/
*Mayor Rosalyn Bliss, City of Grand Rapids, MI/
*Mayor Nancy Vaughan, City of Greensboro, NC/
*Mayor Joy Cooper, City of Hallandale Beach, FL/
*Mayor Luke Bronin, City of Hartford, /
*Mayor Peter Swiderski, City of Hastings-on-Hudson, NY/
*Mayor Nancy R. Rotering, City of Highland Park, IL/
*Mayor Gayle Brill Mittler, City of Highland Park, NJ/
*Mayor Tom Stevens, Town of Hillsborough, NC/
*Mayor Dawn Zimmer, City of Hoboken, NJ/
*Mayor Josh Levy, City of Hollywood, FL/
*Mayor Alex B Morse, City of Holyoke, MA/
*Mayor Paul Blackburn, City of Hood River, OR/
*Mayor Josh Levy, City of Hollywood, FL/
*Mayor Candace B Hollingsworth, City of Hyattsville, MD/
*Mayor Svante Myrick, City of Ithaca, NY/
*Mayor Steven M Fulop, Jersey City, NJ/
*Mayor Sly James, Kansas City, MO/
*Mayor Nina Jonas, City of Ketchum, ID/
*Mayor Steve Noble, City of Kingston, NY/
*Mayor Adam Paul, City of Lakewood, CO/
*Mayor Michael Summers, City of Lakewood, OH/
*Mayor Christine Berg, City of Lafayette, CO/
*Mayor Richard J Kaplan, City of Lauderhill, FL/
*Mayor Mark Stodola, City of Little Rock, AR/
*Mayor Robert Garcia, City of Long Beach, CA/
*Mayor Dennis Coombs, City of Longmont, CO/
*Mayor Marico Sayoc, City of Los Gatos, CA/
*Mayor Paul R Soglin, City of Madison, WI/
*Mayor Kirsten Keith, City of Menlo Park, CA/
*Mayor Tomas Regalado, City of Miami, FL/
*Mayor Philip Levine, City of Miami Beach, FL/
*Mayor Gurdip Brar, City of Middleton, WI/
*Mayor Daniel Drew, City of Middletown, CT/
*Mayor Reuben D. Holober, City of Millbrae, CA/
*Mayor Jeff Silvestrini, City of Millcreek, UT/
*Mayor Tom Barrett, City of Milwaukee, WI/
*Mayor Mark Gamba, City of Milwaukie, OR/
*Mayor Betsy Hodges, City of Minneapolis, MN/
*Mayor Mary O’Connor, City of Monona, WI/
*Mayor John Hollar, City of Montpelier, VT/
*Mayor Timothy Dougherty, City of Morristown, NJ/
*Mayor Fred Courtright,City of Mount Pocono, PA/
*Mayor Ken Rosenberg, City of Mountain View, CA/
*Mayor Megan Barry, City of Nashville, TN/
*Mayor Ras Baraka, City of Newark, NJ/
*Mayor Jon Mitchell, City of New Bedford, MA/
*Mayor Toni N Harp, City of New Haven, CT/
*Mayor Mitch Landrieu, City of New Orleans, LA/
*Mayor Francis M. Womack, North Brunswick Township, NJ/
*Mayor Donna D Holaday, City of Newburyport, MA/
*Mayor Setti Warren, City of Newton, MA/
*Mayor David J. Narkewicz, City of Northampton, MA/
*Mayor Jennifer White, City of Nyack, NY/
*Mayor Libby Schaaf, City of Oakland, CA/
*Mayor Cheryl Selby, City of Olympia, WA/
*Mayor Buddy Dyer, City of Orlando, FL/
*Mayor Greg Scharff, City of Palo Alto, CA/
*Mayor Jack Thomas, Park City, UT/
*Mayor Greg Stanton, City of Phoenix, AZ/
*Mayor William Peduto, City of Pittsburgh, PA/
*Mayor Ted Wheeler, City of Portland, OR/
*Mayor Liz Lempert, City of Princeton, NJ/
*Mayor Jorge O Elorza, City of Providence, RI/
*Mayor Nancy McFarlane, City of Raleigh, NC/
*Mayor John Marchione, City of Redmond, WA/
*Mayor John Seybert, Redwood City, CA/
*Mayor Hillary Schieve, City of Reno, NV/
*Mayor Tom Butt, City of Richmond, CA/
*Mayor Levar Stoney, City of Richmond, VA/
*Mayor Daniel Guzzi, City of Rockwood, MI/
*Mayor Mike Fournier, City of Royal Oak, MI/
*Mayor Darrell Steinberg, City of Sacramento, CA/
*Mayor Christopher Coleman, City of Saint Paul, MN/
*Mayor Kim Driscoll, City of Salem, MA/
*Mayor Jackie Biskupski, Salt Lake City, UT/
*Mayor Kevin Faulconer, City of San Diego, CA/
*Mayor Ed Lee, City of San Francisco, CA/
*Mayor Sam Liccardo, City of San Jose, CA/
*Mayor Pauline Russo Cutter, City of San Leandro, CA/
*Mayor Heidi Harmon, City of San Luis Obispo, CA/
*Mayor Miguel Pulido, City of Santa Ana, CA/
*Mayor Helene Schneider, City of Santa Barbara, CA/
*Mayor Lisa M. Gillmor, City of Santa Clara, CA/
*Mayor Javier M Gonzales, City of Santa Fe, NM/
*Mayor Ted Winterer, City of Santa Monica, CA/
*Mayor Chris Lain, City of Savanna, IL/
*Mayor Scott A Saunders, City of Smithville, TX/
*Mayor Joe Curtatone, City of Somerville, MA/
*Mayor Pete Buttigieg, City of South Bend, IN/
*Mayor Philip K Stoddard,City of South Miami, FL/
*Mayor Domenic J Sarno, City of Springfield, MA/
*Mayor Lyda Krewson, City of St Louis, MO/
*Mayor Len Pagano, City of St Peters, MO/
*Mayor Rick Kriseman, City of St Petersburg, FL/
*Mayor Michael Tubbs, City of Stockton, CA/
*Mayor Glenn Hendricks, City of Sunnyvale, CA/
*Mayor Michael J Ryan, City of Sunrise, FL/
*Mayor Daniel E Dietch, City of Surfside, FL/
*Mayor Stephanie A Miner, City of Syracuse, NY/
*Mayor Marilyn Strickland, City of Tacoma, WA/
*Mayor Kate Stewart, City of Takoma Park, MD/
*Mayor Andrew Gillum, City of Tallahassee, FL/
*Mayor Bob Buckhorn, City of Tampa, FL/
*Mayor Jim Carruthers, Traverse City, MI/
*Mayor Eric E Jackson, City of Trenton, NJ/
*Mayor Jonathan Rothschild, City of Tucson, AZ/
*Mayor Shelley Welsch, University City, MO/
*Mayor Diane Marlin, City of Urbana, IL/
*Mayor Dave Chapin, City of Vail, CO/
*Mayor Muriel Bowser, City of Washington, D.C./
*Mayor Oscar Rios, City of Watsonville, CA/
*Mayor Edward O’Brien, City of West Haven, CT/
*Mayor John Heilman, City of West Hollywood, CA/
*Mayor Jeri Muoio, City of West Palm Beach, FL/
*Mayor Christopher Cabaldon, City of West Sacramento, CA/
*Mayor Daniel Corona,City of West Wendover, NV/
*Mayor Thomas M Roach, City of White Plains, NY/
*Mayor Debora Fudge, City of Windsor, CA/
*Mayor Allen Joines, City of Winston Salem, NC/
*Mayor Angel Barajas, City of Woodland, CA/
*Mayor Joseph M Petty, City of Worcester, MA/
*Mayor Mike Spano, City of Yonkers, NY/
*Mayor Amanda Maria Edmonds, City of Ypsilanti, MI
Updated signatories as of 8 AM PT on June 3, 2017
Climate Mayors (aka, Mayors National Climate Action Agenda, or MNCAA) is a network of 200 U.S. mayors — representing over 54 million Americans in red states and blue states — working together to strengthen local efforts for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and supporting efforts for binding federal and global-level policy making. Climate Mayors recently released an open letter to President Trump to oppose his actions thus far against action.
If you would like to sign this statement, or require further information about the Climate Mayors (MNCAA) and its activities please email [email protected] or visit our websitehttp://www.climate-mayors.org.
NOTE 2pm, 6/2: Please note that we are receiving a significant amount of interest from US cities in joining Climate Mayors and we may be delayed in responding to you. Climate ChangeTrumpParis AgreementCitiesGlobal Warming
Climate Mayors U.S. #ClimateMayors working together to advance local climate action, national emission reduction policies, & the Paris Climate Agreement
1 note · View note
speedygal · 7 years
Do you want to see what my five times fic deleted scenes are? well you are going to see it right now
Before McCoy knew it, Spock and Jim had weasled him into their union. He should have taken the hint years ago when Spock had dropped the 'starting a family' nonsense. He should have known. The stardate was 2293. He should have known the pain and the misery that would come from it. Watching Jim fall apart from Spock's sacrifice. A shell of a man he once knew. It hurt McCoy too, living with  Spock's katra in his head for  hours. The space whales, genesis, David's death, Saavik's betrayal against Star Fleet to thwart the Khitomer treaty, and watching his two best friends be in disarray.
"I need a break," McCoy said, leaning against the wall.  He was in his white regulation sirt.
"Break?" Jim suddenly came out of thin air with a much more than amused expression on his face. Admiral Kirk, he was known then. His brown hair was slowly turning gray and the curls were more evident. He looked up toward the younger man. "Saavik was . . ." The admiral was unable to finish it. "I. . it is hard to get over that."
"She was like Spock's daughter in every way," McCoy said. "what if we had adopted her?"
"You would not be able to handle it, Bones," Jim said.
McCoy sat down into the chair.
"You are right," McCoy said. "did we make the right choice?" he looked up toward the man.
"We had to get out of the penal colony," Jim said.
". . . And how about the time you had sex with another version of yourself?" McCoy asked.
"Bones," Jim said. "I did not have sex with myself. We talked."
"That is what Nixon said!" McCoy said.
"Nixon never did that," Jim said.
"I have made my point," McCoy said. Jim laughed, taking the jacket off tossing it to the nearby chair.
"Really, Len?" Jim asked, coming over to the doctor.
"Really," McCoy said, as Jim lifted the man up to his feet. His hands wrapped around the doctor's thigh.
0000000 "I need a goddamn retirement," McCoy said, when a pair of Romulans cornered him and Pavel on a trip to Vulcan to visit a ailing Amanda. 000
"I need a damn retirement without being abducted," McCoy grumbled,  his arms folded in the brig alongside Pavel. 0000
"I need a retirement without gettin' hurt and bein' abducted," McCoy complained to himself, tending to Pavel who had a shoulder injury.
They had discovered several new planets.
A couple worm holes.
The home planet of some new species that had reached warp capabilities.
"Pavel, Spock," McCoy said. "I can't seem to find Jim."
"We did not just the kaptain two hours into a away mission," Pavel said. They were underwater in swimming gear complete with helmets and a suit that outlined their figures and were comfortable to be in. McCoy could feel Spock's concern for the captain. Jim's curiosity had gotten to the better of him and now he was terrified.  All eyes went on Spock then into the direction they had came.
"We must go find him," Spock said.
"Lets not split up," McCoy said.
"Sounds like a good idea," Pavel said. "six eyes are better than two."
Spock held his two fingers out and the doctor completed it feeling a shiver of arousal coursing through his body. An image of Spock pinning him against the rock sunk into the man's body. He could feel the Vulcan's need to mate with him through the  bond---McCoy froze in horror. They had to find Jim right now. Their Vulcan was about ready to go into Pon Farr. McCoy returned a smile sending a image back of the Vulcan inside a cave being given a proper McCoy suck. Spock's last had an addition to it: Kirk. McCoy had refused to add his last name to Spock. It had been seven years since their first five year mission. It was mind boggling to think of it that way.  Spock's face turned a shade of dark green.
"Yes," McCoy said. "Six eyes are better than two."
"Indeed," Spock agreed.
"Let's go," Pavel said.
The search for Jim Kirk went on longer then it actually should. McCoy called out for Jim
"Jim!" McCoy called. "James Tiberius Kirk, get your bubble ass out!"
McCoy had his hands on the side of his waist.
T'nash-veh ashalik, Spock called through the bond, where are you?
McCoy turned around.
"Shhhhit," McCoy said. He tapped on the side of the helmet. "McCoy to Chekov!"
"Hey Pasha--"
::Ve been looking all over for you. Where did you sneak to?::
McCoy looked around curious.
"Not sure," McCoy said.
second storyarch that never was
Until his happiness ended. "Ow," Pavel winced. "Do not move yourself, Pasha," McCoy said. "Doctor," Pavel looked over to see the doctor had been growing a stubble.  "how lon'. . ." "A day, probably," McCoy said. "the shuttle craft crash landed against a small little mountain that did a lotta damage," the doctor had a long pause. "I could not find the other security officers," Pavel lowered his head. "It's like the sharks smelled their blood and feasted on them. We were in the front so the sharks could not get to us." Pavel noticed that around his right black pant leg was a blue sleeve that was tied and knotted. He could see that it was stained. "Have you tried makin' contact with the Enterprise?" Pavel said. McCoy took out his broken communicator. "Uh, the commander?" Pavel asked. "Apparently, I am Psi-Null," McCoy said. "I used to be psi-positive until that awful mind probe on Galax Twelve," he shook his head. "whatever she did to my mind it was pretty irreversible and extensive." "Doctor. . ." Pavel said. "you could have told us that." "Pavel, no one can help me with that," McCoy said. "What about the Vulcan healers?" Pavel asked. "Spock gave it a go," McCoy said. "there is nothin' that can be fixed." "I am so sorry," Pavel said. "When I first woke up. . .  I was terrified," McCoy admitted.  Now Pavel understood why the doctor had returned to drinking lately at the bars. He used to be so blissful and happy despite his complaining demeanor.  "I saw them. I didn't feel them. I could not feel the bond. It was as though it was never there." "It makes you worry more about them than yourself," Pavel said. "Back where I started," McCoy said. The doctor sighed. "No," Pavel said. "you are not where you started." McCoy cocked a brow back. "What makes you think that?" "They love you," Pavel said. "that should count. And they don't care about a bond." "I wish that were true," McCoy said. "ya see. . . Spock's clock is up this year.  It was goin' to be our first . . ." McCoy felt himself become emotional. He stopped himself, recomposing himself, his hands clasped together. He felt fury, anger, and sadness, all at the same time. "now off about me." he looked off toward the  Russian. "I heard that you, Ben, and Hikaru are considerin' again making a child." "We are considerin' it," Pavel said. "Ben is willing to forego his career to become a full time father." "That is good," McCoy said. "But Hikaru is more concerned about Ben than about the child," Pavel said. "is he goin' to be happy bein' home and not doin' what he loves the most?" Pavel sighed. "The last time I talked to Ben, he vas determined on resolving  Hikaru's concerns."
AND THE CAT ONE. That inspired these two to tackle on a cat!McCoy story. I showed it to them. @frostedej @theconsultingconstableinabluebox
Climbing a mountain was one thing. Running through a mountain area was another story. In all regards, no one really anticipated the surrounding climate to be rocky and made of mountains that ranged in height making to the clouds with few flat planes coated in grass, trees, and a small pond. The nearby area where a federation colony had just been established was several kilometers away along a man made path. Climbing to get a dream accomplished was a easier story then going down said mountain area. Humans were determined on chopping down a entire mountain. In the past, it took years and years of work that very people took the challenge. A challenge that usually lasted a lifetime by focusing their work day in and day out on chopping it away. Large rocks laid in the way could always lead someone to fall down onto the ground and get some cuts on their hands and knees. Such as, say, part of a away team running from threats. Namely Scotty and McCoy. It was 2272, and nothing was different about exploring space. Not at all. Scotty and McCoy were fleeing from a attack party. Scotty came to a stop seeing the mouth of a cave then bolted in. McCoy came to a abrupt stop looking in both directions. Scotty came speeding out then took McCoy by the arm leading him in. The two were in the darkness of the cave watching the werewolf like natives run past the cave. It almost looked like they were bouncing against the surface of the ground compared to how people usually walked. "Question," Scotty said. "is it me or does the captain dramatically skip when he runs?" "Not you," McCoy said. Scotty looked over to see the natives were gone. "I think we can get our communicators back," Scotty said. "Nah uh," McCoy said. "you saw what they did to Robert." "Poor lad," Scotty said. "They killed him when he came back to rescue us," McCoy said. "I am sorry but I am not ready to die," McCoy looked at the exit. It was a stupid idea to establish a federation colony here without fully looking around to find the  Calhouns. "Jim and Spock better not have not gotten themselves killed rescuing the colonists." "In all respect, you would kill them if they did somethin' stupid," Scotty said. "Uh huh," McCoy said. "Somethin' feels off about this cave." "How off?" Scotty asked. "Like a bear is hibernatin' here," McCoy said. "or a dragon restin'. We should find a better cave." "What if that cave has a dragon?" Scotty asked. "It won't, Scotty,"  McCoy said. The two poked their heads out of the rounded rocky mouth opening looking onwards to see that there were a series of other caves from across where heavy rounded boulders lay blocking view of what lay behind it. Scotty had learned to trust the doctors gut as it has spared their lives too many times to count. Scotty had been on many away missions with the younger man. Sometimes the young had better gut feelings than him. Scotty had none what so ever, but, they did only kick in when it came to mechanical related scenarios. Scotty and McCoy were drinking buddies, shared the same bathroom-turned-liquor-cabinet and took turns sharing the bath tub. Sometimes, you got to trust your doctor. There was a deep, threatening growl from behind the two men. The ground trembled beneath their feet. The pair ran into the next cave. The Calhoun natives heard the ground crack beneath their feet as a ten feet tall dark dragon with thick wings and a muscular build came out appearing to be pissed. The dragon roared knocking down a large boulder shattering it to pieces. It released gravel from the ground firing it at the Calhouns. The Calhoun's fled screaming running away from the dragon. The dragon snorted then went back into the cave. Scotty and McCoy panted once reaching the deep inside of the second cave. McCoy relaxed, looking around to find cave paintings dotting the walls. There were tools that once had been long ago laying about the rocky scenery. There were small cubbies covered in cobwebs, a several small stools, and the scenery was highlighted by the glow in the dark. "Did we nae just leave their base?" Scotty asked. "We did," McCoy said. "probably thousands of years old," he gestured toward one of the paintings. "look at the pointy ears and the terrible bowl cut representation," Scotty squinted his eyes. "and the long robes,"  Scotty rubbed the back of his neck almost gasping when he finally saw what the doctor was seeing. "Vulcans came here because someone started warp drive, but then the natives destroyed it, and sent them runnin' showing their lack of interest of being warp capable and workin' with those different from them." "Ah, but look at the attire," Scotty said. "that looks like Romulan." "Romuans change their outfit designs more frequently than Vulcans," McCoy said. "they have terrible sense of fashion." "True," Scotty said. "And look," McCoy said. "they have a lump behind the head." "A hood," Scotty said. "Vulcans are mysterious, calm, and 'no emotions bein's," McCoy said. "Romulans are neither of the three," he pointed to another picture. "and look at that terrible hood. It makes them look like monks." Scotty laughed. "It does," Scotty agreed. "what if Vulcans inspired the dressware for Monks on Earth?" McCoy paused, considering it rubbing his chin. "I would not put it past them," McCoy said. "Ye know Vulcans are the most stubborn species," Scotty said. "a ignorant race would nae deter them from becomin' allies and helpin' them in what little way they could tae allow them develop at their own pace." "Just like they did for us," McCoy said. "probably was somethin' big." "Don't say anythin' appallin'," Scotty said. "Spock would find this fascinating," McCoy said. "and so many historians," he lifted his medical tricorder up and turned the settings for the camera mode up then held it out in the direction of the paintings. "like, this could be somethin' that the Vulcans refused to give us a heads up." "Or they forgot about the planet," Scotty said. "Ah no way," McCoy said. "they are a stickler for rules." "They lost information," Scotty said. "remember in the history lessons that they lost Surak's original teachin's." "They have made great advancements to what they are as of this century," McCoy said. "For the best," Scotty said. "I heard they were ignorant." "I can't believe I am sayin' this," McCoy said. "but  I am overjoyed that Spock has a open mind." Scotty nodded. "What do you think of the new Vulcan lieutenant?"Scotty asked. "Xon," McCoy said. "nice kid." "Kid?" Scotty asked. "he is a genius." "Confused and tryin' to feel his way around about blendin' in a human work environment," McCoy said. "not a a genius as Spock praises him to be." "He is just a newbie to servin' on a starship like the Enterprise," Scotty said. "Personally?" McCoy said. "he would make  a great addition under the command of the next captain." "Aye," Scotty said. "he has a bright future. . . if he gets the right advice." "Ya kiddin' me?" McCoy said. "are ya implyin' that he won't get it?" "He ended up insulting a crewmen and gettin' suspended," Scotty saaid. "I wasn't there," McCoy said. "I was busy with an issue that Pavel was experiencin'. I only got to talk with Xon regardin' thermal mechanics of a dryin' machine  bein' backward engineered into a medical device that deals with dry skin specifically and smaller than the one in the market." Scotty laughed. "Poor, poor, poor Xon," Scotty said. "So I had to politely ask him to buzz off by gettin' him to another crewmen because he wouldn't stop talkin' about it," McCoy said. "He does small talk terrible," Scotty said. "That was small talk?" McCoy said.  "That was more of an essay!" He grunted. "I tried changin' the subject numerous times but that only made the topic go into different directions. Now, I didn't know until now that they have too many star beasts reboots but that was completely unnecessary." "I am torn about what to feel regardin' you attractin' science officers," Scotty said. "Everyone I have befriended, other than the command team, are science officers," McCoy said. "I wonder why it is that way." "Are ye kidding me?" Scotty asked. McCoy looked over toward Scotty raising an eyebrow. "Nevermind, Len," Scotty said, patting on the man's shoulder. McCoy eyed at the drawings on the wall when he heard the thud of the body alongside him. He looked over to see Scotty on the ground, unconscious. "Scotty!" McCoy came to the man's side then checked for a pulse. Scotty was still alive, thank god. Scotty groaned. The doctor breathed a sigh of relief. "Hello, healer." McCoy looked up feeling his skin run cold to see the familiar figure belonging to a Calhoun member. His gray eyes staring through McCoy's soul. The hair on the back of his neck rose up. McCoy felt like he was a cat that had been caught in the middle of trying to catch fish with its pats. His stomach twisted inside as he experienced a strange feeling that he wouldn't walk away the same from this encounter. Others came out of the darkness surrounding them. He recognized Charless. McCoy knew what the man wanted. Charless was in a dark cat suit that fit his skin and body type, it seemed comfortable a bit like spandex. "Charless," McCoy said. "You are at a disadvantage," Charless said. "it looks like the deputy took your 'ray gun'." "Phaser," McCoy corrected. "Same thing," Charless twirled his finger. "You won't hurt him, right?" McCoy asked. "You read my mind," Charless said. "not even going to argue?" McCoy glared back at the man. McCoy stared back with a defeaning serious expression on his face not speaking a world. "so that is how you are going to handle this." McCoy took off his jacket. He  placed his medical knap sack alongside the scotsman then left the man's head up and tucked his folded jacket under the man's head. He got up and then we can hear the sound of footsteps walking away. Honestly, it was the second painful thing McCoy had done in his life. He didn't want to do it. But if he wanted to leave his friend alive rather than dead:  sometimes  tough things have to be done. Jim was going to lead a rescue team to bring him back. Jim was the kind of captain who went back for his men. Now, honest to god, McCoy hadn't expected that Jim came back with Spock and Pavel and lieutenant Jacklyn Jefferson. Pavel was leaned against the wall humming to himself a tune. The song could not be pinpointed as it didn't repeat a melody. It was like a song that never ended.  Jim was pacing back and forth in his own cell. Spock was in the other cell. Jacklyn had died on the field protecting the Russian. Charless came in  with his colleagues holding a small box in his arms. His colleagues were Bar'ess, Lew'iss, and Tur'iss ranging in ethnicity. The calhouns had different nationalities just like humans but they were not noticable at first except for the color of the face in terms of shade.  Jim's hair was slowly turning brown.  "Captain Kirk," Charless said. Jim stood up, abruptly, appearing to be alarmed. "Did you find him?" Jim asked. Charless shook his head. "We only found. . . what they did to him," Charless said. "tattered uniform." Spock  raised an eyebrow. "almost destroyed but you should see it for yourself," In reality, McCoy was a gray and white cat sitting in Spock's lap being stroked by the man. The box was handed to Jim through the bars. He opened the side ways box. "you should plan a escape before they plan your execution for coming back." "We didn't know," Jim said, as he sat down onto a bench. "we didn't know." "Thank you, Mr Charless," Pavel said, as Spock had stopped stroking McCoy. Spock wanted to reach out and comfort the captain. The bars were stronger than the Vulcan's strength. Jim rubbed his forehead, upset. Instead, Spock opted to send through their bond a wave of comfort and sympathy. "I am not gone," McCoy wanted to say. "but you should be!" Didn't it not click to Spock? Or to Jim of all people? Had they not been noticing the man's interest in him? Why, they were in another world, technically, not in the room. He wanted to tell Jim, "I am not dead. Stop actin' like I died." All McCoy had been thinking about was being petted and how soothing it was. He hadn't thought of Spock by rank or by his name directly. He was careful with his thoughts being touched by the Vulcan. He was touch telepathic after all. Spock had once voiced to McCoy years earlier about, "If you are dreaming of tea, why not get it? It's highly illogical to bait yourself with beverages. Teasing, at most." McCoy hadn't laughed like that in years. Spock had tilted his head, baffled, on the doctors reactions. He would miss that. Winning a majority of their arguments and baffling him. "Goodbye, Captain Kirk," Charless said, then turned away heading back in the direction of the door. "I am deeply sorry for your loss," Bar'ss said, apologetically. Ashaya, Spock said through their bond, the doctor would want one to you to make a mistake that you will regret. Jim saw the tattered remains of McCoy's white shirt in the medium sized box. But what about the colonists? Jim asked. The colonists have no stake in the loss of the doctor, Spock replied. "Keptain?" Pavel asked.  We have to do something, Jim replied. Jim closed the box as McCoy leaped off the Vulcan's lap. Perhaps, Spock replied, in honor of the doctor's memory we leave and do not interfere. I am sorry, Mr Spock, Jim replied, . . . I never faced death until now. We have broken the prime directive with this rescue mission that has failed, Spock continued, Mr Scott is currently blaming himself for getting knocked out. He shouldn't do that, Jim replied. But he is, Spock said. Jim briefly closed his eyes then reopened them to see the cat on his lap. "Meow," McCoy mewed. Jim stroked the side of McCoy's ear and rubbed along it. "We are going to get out of here," Jim said. "and we are going to make sure that Charless pays for disobeying the rules of his own kind." "What rules?" Pavel asked. "Murdering an outsider," Jim said. "we are outsiders. And eyewitnesses." He rubbed the doctor's forehead.  "We have circumstantial evidence." "That makes sense," Pavel said. "Why murder a doctor?" Spock asked. "That is illogical." "No one knows why people cill," Pavel said, with a shrug. "He was acting . . . odd. . . around him." "Tortured to death . . ." Jim muttered. McCoy loudly howled, feeling pain coming from his head. It was a chip in his head. Charless had voiced his interests in having a cat like McCoy to his collection of cats. He had too many cats. McCoy suspected they were all aliens from different planets as some of them had unusual features like ridges on the forehead of some cats.  They could not speak to him. No one understood each other. And some did not have fur but they had an unusual tint to them. He leaped up to the window that had bars. He turned in the direction of Jim, meowing back, flickering his tail. He looked over toward Spock feeling a strong tug in his brain. He stared back at the Vulcan. "You better take care of him," McCoy thought to himself, then off he went after Charless.   Spock and Jim came out of the court room surrounded by media coverage. It had been a tough week trying the case. The first day had to be redone because half of the jury were stained by bias about outsiders. The second day was Spock explaining to the court room regarding McCoy's character and heavy dislike of people hitting on him in a very unsettling manner and god if he hadn't been a cat he would have been red to the face. The third day, Spock, acting as the prosecutor, argued against Charless's defense lawyer about the evidence of his gift. Charless was a morguetician.  The fourth, Scotty testified avout Charless's pals. Spock nearly broke down on the stand. McCoy wasn't alone on the attendance of the trial, he was surrounded by other cats who were victims, but they always had to go home and be cared for by Bar'Less.  And the other friends of the man. Sure McCoy had free will. He just couldnt't  work himself up to reveal himself. It was like any time he was clearly going to work on his typing skills, all that came out was gibberish. How does a cat attempt a way to reveal? Reaching Spock proved to be difficult. Spock was too focused on the trial to listen. And on Jim, mainly. McCoy was getting more cat like day by day. Slowly losing his notable huma half.  His thoughts were changing from coherent to things about 'LETS CATCH THAT RAT' and 'CATCH THAT LASER'. Charless had told him that there wouldn't be any other way to turn him back. He gave him an example. The other cats retained their characteristics while McCoy was not. Perhaps it was because they did not have the chip in their brain. Charless had also admitted he would remove the chip once the rescue team had left. And he was losing hope that he would come back. He wouldn't come back whole. McCoy rested on a rail, purring, to himself.  Pavel came over to the row of cats. "Hello, cittens," Pavel said. McCoy's feline baby blue eyes looked over in the direction of Pavel. "Meow," McCoy mewed. "Aww," Pavel said. "you are so cute," He butt his head against the man's head as he felt the klingon like cat climb over him onto the russian's arm then onto his shoulder. Then the other cats climbed onto the russian to his shoulders and head. "I wish I kan take you back to the ship . . .  but," Pavel slowly took the cats off his shoulders. McCoy rested on the rail glaring grumply at the crowd. "Star Fleet has rules about cats." "Meow," the cats mewed. Pavel rubbed on McCoy's forehead. "Wish I could take you," Pavel said, sadly. He took his hand off the cats forehead then made his way down the stairs. THE ONE THAT WAS HEADING DOWN THE MCCOY TURNS INTO A MEDIUM ROAD RIGHT AT THE BEGINNING AND I WAS ABE TO SPOT IT BECAUSE OF THE PREMISE! The stardate was 2293. The crew went their seperate ways except for Jim, Spock, and McCoy. The Enterprise A had finally been decomissioned. Scotty had accepted admiralcy after their last away mission that involved saving a entire planet from being eaten by a gigantic planet eater. No more running for their lives. No more running from danger. No more splitting up. No more away missions. Though McCoy suspected that with Jim around, that couldn't be helped. It had been a long time since they sat down and enjoyed the silence. McCoy was peacefully resting in the back seat while Jim drove the hover craft.  McCoy could feel emotions that were not his own running through the dream. "T'hy'la," Spock said. "you are going the wrong way." "I did?" "Mr Worf insisted the right way was a turn to the left from the carnivores plant with leaves around the heigh of a child," Spock said. "and I am still unable to find the sound reasoning in visiting him." "Because we can," Jim said. tldr: Leonard McCoy worries too damn much and gives worst case scenarios. I have another one, from the five times fic, that is being turned into a one chaptered story and will be posted onto ao3 because the idea god damn it seemed interesting and  McCoy is demanding I FINISH IT OUT AND POST IT.
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youtubegottalent · 6 years
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jainamsingh · 7 years
Hi louis
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weerd1 · 7 years
Star Trek TOS Rewatch Log, Stardate 1711.26: Missions reviewed, "The Squire of Gothos," "Arena," and "Tomorrow is Yesterday."
"Squire" is an episode of which I have never been a big fan, but it worked better for me in this particular rewatch.  The Enterprise becomes the playthings of a being wielding god-like power, but with an obsession with Earth's Napoleonic age. Turns out that though he is an advanced being, he is also a child, and his parents come along to make him stop torturing his "pets."  It's a very Serling-like reveal, and does work as an allegory for the cruelty of someone who has the intellect of a child having great power at his fingertips.  Notably, Trelaine is played by William Campbell who will later play Klingon Kaptain Koloth in "The Trouble with Tribbles."  Also, this is the last time we hear "Space Command" as the Enterprise's organization.  Also, they remark that planet Gothos is 900 light years from Earth, and hence Trelaine's observations have him seeing Earth in the early 1800s (he even mentions the duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton).  This would mean Star Trek takes place sometime in the 2700s, which of course will be proven false later.
In "Arena" we get a truly great episode, and the criminally underused Gorn.  (The Gorn do appear again in TAS and ENT, and DSC currently has a Gorn skeleton in Lorca's laboratory.  They are also mentioned on DS9 and in "Star Trek Into Darkness.")  The Gorn have wiped out a human colony, and while the Enterprise pursues, both are captured by the far superior Metrons who take Kirk and the Gorn captain and force them to fight to the death.  Kirk builds a bazooka (suck it Mythbusters, he can TOO do that!) but shows mercy by not killing the wounded reptile. This impresses the Metrons who send both on their way.  Something I really love about this episode is we find out the Gorn attacked the human colony because it had been settled in their space and they saw the humans as invaders.  It would have been easy to make the monstrous Gorn simple villains, but that reveal really elevates the story, and makes me really want to know what happens between the Federation and the Gorn next.  Naturally, we have not yet heard "Federation" mentioned, but for the first time here "Starfleet Command" is mentioned, and that will pretty well be the standard for the Enterprise's higher headquarters from here on out.
In "Tomorrow is Yesterday" a lot of big Trek concepts pop up.  The slingshot effect is created which will allow the Enterprise to return to the late 1960s in "Assignment: Earth" and of course Kirk and the gang will use the technique to save the whales in "The Voyage Home."  We see them messing around in Earth's past, which will become a staple of Trek.  And we get the first idea that a non-interference directive might apply to time travel.  We are still getting "UESPA" here rather than "Federation" and Kirk explains it means "United Earth Space Probe Agency."  Oddly, Kirk introduces Spock as a "Lieutenant Commander" even though Spock has been wearing full Commander stripes since he first put on the blue shirt (in "Where No Man Has Gone Before, the first pilot, he's in yellow).  In a well done detail however, when Air Force Captain Christopher is given a Starfleet uniform to wear he has a Lieutenant stripe, or O3, which is the correct equivalent to an Air Force Captain. Kirk mentions that waiting 200 years would be "about right" in the ever shifting TOS timeframe.   Oh, and SpUhura shippers take note that when the Enterprise crew is waking up from the accident that sends them to the past in the first place, Spock goes to Uhura to see if she is all right and help her to her chair. Also, please note that the Enterprise is in atmosphere and is not struggling because of the air, but rather because of the condition of the engines, meaning she would be perfectly capable of handling atmospheric entry if at full power.
NEXT VOYAGE: The past comes calling for James Kirk as he ends up in a "Court Martial"!
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