#savior monroe
thelurchinghound · 10 months
ftm reader getting fucked by two monsters shoving their knots deep in his little cunt whiile hes tied up and just takes it
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Gender: FTM reader
Kinks/Warnings: Non-con/Dub-con(?), knotting, DP (double penetration), Dacryphilia, Teratophilia, Words like cunt, pussy, clit, etc used for reader. Hinted at werewolf monsters but I left it vague.
A/n: BRUH, I love this request, again I left the monsters up to the reader but I was thinking of my werewolf pack ocs. It took a little longer than I thought it would but it's fine. Kinda rushed at the end!
| OC(s) used: Monroe & Quinn | Words: 453 | Proofread by @bunnyscone | NSFW |
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"There you go, baby boy."
Monroe forced his cock farther into your pussy, stretching it out even more. A groan slipped from his maw, his tongue darting out to lick at your perky nipples. A small cry leaving your lips from the intrusion in your pussy.
"Can you hurry it up?" Quinn growled out, his claws digging into your plush thigh skin. Small red lines form in the trail of them. His cock throbs with need against your thigh, a knot at the base of his cock already swelling up, and he hasn't even started fucking you yet.
"No, I'll take however long I want to savior our little guest here." Monroe quips back, glowering down at Quinn. The two beasts start bickering back and forth, all while you are unhurriedly thrust into by Monroe. They sounded like two brothers arguing over a toy. Quinn was lying under you, your back to his chest, Monroe above you, tugging at one of Quinn's pointy ears.
Each thrust was slow and gentle, a surprise for how big and burly the monster was. Monroe's giant clawed hands hold onto the ropes that had you tied up, unable to move. You could do nothing against Monroe's ministrations or when Quinn slid his hand down to your pussy. His thumb started to rub your sensitive bud while the bigger man still thrust into you. Quinn's other hand holds open your trembling thighs from his place under you, chuckling slightly when your back arches off him.
"You said that last time with the last human!" 
That exclamation only got an eye-roll from Monroe, his sharp claws drilling further into the plush skin of your thighs. An annoyed grunt coming from on top of you. "God, you are insufferable. Like a yapping chihuahua that won't shut up." 
After a few minutes of the two going back and forth arguing about fucking you, Monroe ultimately relents. "Fine, fine! Whatever!" He says in a rolling growl, moving to spread open your thighs for Quinn. The smaller beast positioned his cock right at your stretched entrance, though, unlike Monroe, he doesn't push in slowly. Like an excited pup, he thrusts himself in. You were already stretched from Monroe's cock, but now with both cocks inside your dripping cunt it felt like you could've been split open. Their knots pressed together as they started to thrust. At first, it was graceless, but gradually, they got a rhythm down. 
Their thrust started getting harder, knots slipping in with every push in and out. The cave around them filled with grunts and moans of pleasure as the two beasts ravaged your tight cunt. Until they finally spilled inside you, their fat knots locking their cum inside.
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diescm · 6 months
[Tw. Cult activity, abuse, drugs, mild gore, death]
But happy ending :]
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So obviously Dorian's history with quadrants has been messy as hell to be polite about it. He's never really had quite the handle on any kind of relationship At All. I mean he's abandoned as a grub by his parents in Tyranius, he gets adopted by Estele and of course she loves him like he's her flesh and blood but the only counter to her overwhelming love is Monroes overwhelming hate for having to share her mother's already shared attention.
He's been taken care of by this fushia woman, Estele, but Monroe never let's him get comfortable enough to consider himself family and Sienna doesn't do much to help because Monroe is doing the same to him and he's ACTUALLY blood related. So it's a "I would help but I don't want things to get even worse" situation. So it's a constant back and forth of "I am being provided for and I'm being taken care of and I don't lack any material things or necessities" while also "I am not wanted in this home regardless but it's not what my clown friend is going through so I should stay put"
So when he gets told if he joins The Vipers, he'll have a place where he actually Belongs and he Is Wanted- of COURSE he's going to leave. Of COURSE he is. He wants nothing more than to belong somewhere and to be protected and wanted and liked.
Obviously The Vipers will never really provide that for him, but he's already left, he can't go crawling back to the Depoti's and face Monroe. So in his desperation to have a family he's telling himself these people are just different and he's having a hard time adjusting from having all his needs met all the time to only having them met when Itward remembers to do that.
So now in the absence of security of his needs and familiarity, of COURSE he's going to latch onto Corpse once he also runs away and joins the Vipers for the Same Reasons. Of COURSE Corpse is going to let him. They're the only things that the other has that feels safe. They know each other, they KNOW they won't treat each other how others treat them, and they know that they're always going to stick together.
Before they started cycling through quadrants though Dorian already had a bad relationship with Itward- Itward saw him as an investment and expansion for The Vipers. If he gets Dorian loyal to him and he ends up being a Rainbowdrinker, he'd be one step closer to being untouchable. So Dorian, in lack of any family, in lack of being wanted, in lack of being loved, when Itward shows favor to him over other Vipers, now he's being Wanted, he's being Loved. Itward becomes an almost fully fledged father figure to him. And Itward knows this, he plays into it- but as little as he can. He does Not care for Dorian and he's waiting for him to Die so he can play savior and have him do bis bidding ad a rainbowdrinker.
By now Dorian and Corpse, two 16 year olds in a gang full of dysfunctional adults, now recognize their attachment to each other. They Need each other to survive The Vipers. But everybody around them is either in a quadrant, fucking, or fighting each other for being in a precious quadrant.
So now they become Red, cause neither of them can recognize that what they're feeling is familial love, the want and need to protect each other because they're all the other has. All they know is that they love each other more than Moirails are supposed to. But they were uncomfortable doing anything major as matesprits, so they broke up but they didn't hate each other, so they become moirails.
And it flips back and forth like that while they're simultaneously now being introduced to drugs and violence. Dorian is eager to please Itward while Corpse gets addicted to cocaine, alcohol and sopor, Dorian gets hooked on the same but he doesn't get it as often because Itward doesn't let The Vipers sell to him since he's his prized lamb. Dorian is in a loop of binging and withdrawl monthly, his relationship with Corpse is deteriorating while he buys more and more into Viper propaganda.
This is when Carlah joins. Who is ALSO looking for a place where she can belong and EXIST without being constantly reminded that her caste will get her killed. She had that kind of sanctuary with Dallas, but he never would have let her join The Blades and he was just Gone for a year already.
Carlah fills the void that Dorian is leaving in Corpse, they get along great, and they seek comfort in each other the more that they get dragged along and abused by Itward. Carlah is turned into a savage dog who's only purpose is to kill, Corpse is losing the only two people he's ever felt loved by. Corpse and Dorian break up, Corpse suggests a moirailligence with Carlah. She refuses because she "isn't going to be another dorian" to him. She recognizes that she's being used by Itward, she will not let herself be used by someone else she's supposed to trust, but they're still each other's safe space and their relationship actually becomes even stronger without the label of a quadrant.
Corpse and Dorian cycle though red, pale, pitch, every month or two from then on until Dorian is killed by Itward. It's MONTHS. Of Corpse being alone and surviving while Dorian is healing and resurrecting after Itward quite literally guts him like a fish and leaves him to his own devices. Carlah is getting worse by the week with Itward getting her dependent on cocaine and putting her through withdrawals so she'll be even more dependent on HIM in return.
Now suddenly Dorian is back and he's Itwards little lap dog. Hes so different. He does anything Itward tells him, he abandons Corpse frequently for Itward. He's always sick but never addresses it, his drug use is the worst it's ever been.
When Carlah leaves Corpse is empty, he goes back to Dorian for comfort but he's met with Dorian being upset he abandoned him for Carlah. Corpse resents him for abandoning him for Itward and fooling around with other guys. Which Dorian was doing so he could feel wanted again in Corpse's absence.
They become pitchmates in their mutual desperation to have a relationship again but having no idea how to make that happen.
Shortly after Carlah leaves, Itward dissapears and leaves The Vipers on Dorians shoulders, he has no fucking idea what he's doing. Every passing night his and Corpse's relationship is strained more and more, and theve settled on pitchmates for a while. When they stop in Authorius,
Oh, when they stop in Authorius.
Dorian meets Ray. And it is fucking over for Corpse. Dorian is always going to his shop to talk to him, he's getting Ray gifts, he's flirting with him, he's inviting him to stay at his hotel room- and as he's doing all of that Corpse is, once again, left to run the Vipers entirely on his own.
He could not resent Dorian more. For everything he's done in the past years, for everything he didn't do, he can't stand him but he would never forgive himself if something happened to him while he was messing with Ray so he sticks around.
By now, they've met with Carlah again, and she's working for Johlan Devira. Carlah and Corpse reconnect, she wants less than nothing to do with Dorian. Carlah, offers a moirailligence to Corpse now that she's in a better spot, and this time Corpse doesn't take it, but he thinks about it.
Soon though Corpse meets Kia. Now it's all fucking over for Dorian. It takes a few months, since they keeping coming in and out of town, but once Corpse and Kia become mates Corpse drops the Vipers and Dorian ENTIRELY.
So now Dorian is learning to actually run the Vipers alone without any support.
In that arc, he and Ray become mates, but the relationship is still strained since he's in and out of town so much. It's only when Ray gets frustrated with him that he realizes, now that he's more mature and in a much better position than before, he has to actually figure out how quadrants Really work.
And Ray means the entire world to him. He's the first Good mate he's had he's the first Good Quadrant he's had. He would kill for Ray, he would do absolutely anything for him.
Even dissolve the Vipers.
So now, Dorian and Ray are living together. But Kia and Ray are friends, so he still hears about Corpse, but he never sees him. Corpse doesn't talk about Dorian, he never talks To him, he never sees him, he never asks about him.
They have been through so much they've been through EVERYTHING together and Corpse is acting like he doesn't even EXIST. And this goes on FOR. YEARS. From Corpse AND Carlah. They both resent Dorian for what he represents, what he became, what he idolized and what he followed but he's CHANGED and they refuse to acknowledge it. He didn't go through as much as they did sure but he DIED. ITWARD KILLED HIM AND THEN LITERALLY LEFT HIM FOR DEAD IN A WAREHOUSE AND HE HAD TO STUMBLE HIS WAY BACK TO THE VIPERS IN A STARVED FRENZY. ITWARD ALSO HURT HIM.
He didn't take his horns, he didn't threaten to send him back to the church he came from, he didn't threaten to report him for mutant culling but Dorian was left just as damaged as Corpse and Carlah. It's so frustrating to see probably the ONLY people in the WORLD that can understand what you went through turn their backs on you like YOU were the one at fault.
But, of course, everything heals with time.
When they're ready, when they're ALL ready, they start over. They've all changed significantly, and it's time they've given themselves second chances.
Dorian and Corpse are close again, they still care deeply for each other, they ways have, but they've sworn off any Quadrants, Carlah and Corpse are thriving moirails. Dorian has reconnected with Estele and Sienna, and Monroe is doing all she can to make up for how she was when she was younger.
So, when Dorian joins the Blades.
God. When he joins The Blades.
It's everything that he was promised from The Vipers and MORE. It's an actual family, people do care for each other and look out for one another, Dallas does actually care about Dorian as a Blade and as a SON. Dorian finally feels like he BELONGS somewhere, like he's NEEDED but more importantly he's WANTED. People worry about him, they think he's fun to be around- he doesn't have to constantly cater to all of them so he doesn't get reprimanded or punished, he's loved and accepted as he is, and Dallas would never fucking kill him.
He has Everything he's ever wanted. He has a support system, he has friends, he has a mate that loves him, he has a SON. He has a DAD. HE HAS A GRANDAD THAT LOVES HIM TOO.
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zenythycal · 6 months
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Monroe “Roe” Crestfield
Investigative reporter/Vast Avatar
Basically my Magnus Archives oc! Some info about them below!
Monroe had had a few run ins with fears prior to the oil rig incident. However none made quiet the impact.
Monroe had been investigating a shady oil rig company as there had been rumors of unfair work conditions and unlawful behavior. Monroe was there under the guise of making a PR piece to de sway the critics but was actually there to write a hit piece. They were discovered and set out on a raft to die, alone. While close to death a ship cloaked in fog picked them up and next thing Monroe knew they were dropped off at the hospital and the only name they were given was Lukas. After publishing their findings and winning a court case Monroe used all their funds to hunt down their savior. This ultimately had them run into Mike Crew and the rest was history.
Monroe would probably be one of the more antagonistic allies of The Archivist. Really only helping him to make it easier to use him down the line or if it somehow will benefit them. They weren’t always so selfish but it changed after the incident. They also are able to read people like books and would rather not get their hands dirty. They rarely actually fight and use others instead. They have a good or neutral opinion of most fears except The Eye and The Corruption. They find The Eye annoying (and just dislike Elias/Jonah) and The Corruption gross. They have a good relationship with Lukas and regularly have tea with him! They also have a partner!
If this isn’t canon accurate shhh I’m not done with the series yet
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drewtanakagf · 2 months
so curious about 2 + 3 from your WIP game post 👀
SEX SYMBOL: follow up on teen pics, but with drew and Rachel as adults and them navigating their careers, but still keeping the idea of the object and voyeur that is a the root of feminist film theory. but hopefully also incorporating other parts of fem film theory too
When she was younger, more naive, poolside at a resort while her father was taking a work call or some else, she sipped on her lemonade imagining it was a martini, like she always saw on TV. Sugar-crusted glass and a wedge of lime. Red lips leaving behind smudged glass after a slow, sinful sip. Sunglasses, cat eyed, lowered just enough for a sultry gaze to pierce the man of the hour. He'd gulp and avert his eyes and she would feel powerful. 
Rachel, who was there, a sopping wet girl with hair in wet strings on her face and a wetsuit of all things, tells her that she was a real-life Marylin Monroe. Drew preened. 
Until[ there was the man of the hour]. He wasn't young or too handsome, having a belly telling of his age and vices, sun-deepened wrinkles and salt and pepper hair with a barely kept beard. He stared and stared at Drew and gathered the courage to talk to her. 
“You want to be a model when you grow up?” 
Drew smiled, smug. He gets it. 
“Yes, sir” She said because men, especially of that age range love 
“You've certainly got the legs for it,” His smile is like the sun and Drew feels her face warm, but keeps a cool composure, like the Sun-Tanned-Bikini-Clad woman. 
She opens her mouth to accept the compliment when Wetsuit Girl jumps into the pool, a cannonball Splash! that wets Man of the Hour and Drew. 
Man of the Hour sputters and stands up to curse at her. Wetsuit Girl swims merrily, and shoots Drew a look, as if she were her savior. 
Drew rolls her eyes, makes note to trip Wetsuit Girl if she sees her at the breakfast bar the next day.
rose-colored girl: part three of well-loved humans and focuses on Piper, her idea of romance, and her anxieties about her relationship with Shel
Shel is a beautiful creature amidst the desolation of the desert. 
Today, her scarf is tied into a headband, twin strands ruffling in the wind behind her as she drives her uncle’s truck with the windows down, a single hand on the wheel resting with the confidence of a career trucker. 
Piper curls up on the passenger seat, knees up to her chest with a magazine propped up against her legs. If she wanted to see Shel’s face she'd have to crane her neck upwards, able to see the beauty mark on the underside of her jaw. 
Shel is a staunch defender of Americana music, guitar and soulful notes wafting through the air loud enough for the two girls to hear but be lost in the wind whipping past them. Shel is also a staunch believer in speed; the speedometer rests at an easy 75 miles per hour despite the sign reading 65  in bold black a mile back. 
Piper will give it to her. The highway is empty, the only audience the stretch of desert on either side of the road.
She reaches over to adjust the AC direction, magazine falling off her lap onto the floor. Shel’s concentration doesn’t break. 
Piper slumps back into the seat with a sigh. She runs a hand through her hair, shaking it at the root to accentuate the volume. Her fingers catch on a braid, bringing a small smile to her face. Shel insisted on braiding a piece of yarn in her hair before they left. It was electric pink and stuck out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of her outfit; a tan graphic tank top tucked into denim shorts. Her feet slide in and out of her sandals. Pink shouldn’t belong but Shel thought it should, do it did. 
Piper loves her for it. 
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crackinglamb · 5 months
OC Name Meanings
Tagged by @pikapeppa, thank you! 🥰
Tagging @ir0n-angel, @lilbittymonster, @bogunicorn and @espressocomfort. No pressure!
Rules: Search and post the meaning of your OC's name (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! bonus if you can find something for their last name too.
Right, so...I have a lot of OC's. Holy crap, did this get long. I'll go by fandom to keep them organized, and listed here are just the main player types, not background characters. And if you want to know more about any of them, they can all be found here.
Fallout 4
Nora Howard (Junkyard 'Verse series): My first SoSu. Nora is the default name and I struggled for a long time to come up with a last name for her. At the time, I thought it would be funny for her to share a name with Todd Howard, and then it stuck.
Valara Thorsgaard (Set to Repeat, Subject to Change): Lamb the Younger gave me the first name and I liked it. Val, for short. The Scandinavian last name was just...I dunno, it felt right?
Honoria Wilcox (No One Knows): 'Honoria' is a version of Nora. Her maiden name was Beaufort, because it was slightly pretentious and so was Honoria's mother. Wilcox was her late husband's name and she was glad to take it.
Eleanor (Nights series): Another Nora variant, no last name.
Joan Whitfield (The Bargain): I wanted something different for this OC since she ends up with Kellogg. (All my Nora variants end up with Hancock.) The first name comes from my extended family, and the last name sounds lawyerish. 😆
Tien Xu (Unexpected): Ahh, the SoSu from my first real AU. She's a Chinese prisoner of war who ended up in the Vault. No real reason for her given name, but 'Tien' was my favorite chemistry professor's last name back when I was in college.
Alice Monroe (Amends to the Dead): My most recent SoSu. From the get go I wanted her to be a badass, because let's face it, you get pretty OP'd with some of those skills in-game. 'Alice' is a nod to Resident Evil. 'Monroe' is just because it sounded good.
Mass Effect Trilogy
Jayne Shepard (Soldier, Spectre, Savior series): It's the default FemShep name, but I changed the spelling. That's really it.
Jehanne Shepard (Some Kind of Resolution): Henna, for short. Jehanne is a phonetic variant of Jane.
The Wayhaven Chronicles
Aya Batra (Little Things): Batra is one of the surnames you can choose when making your Detective, but Aya was my own invention. It's a variation of an old D&D character (Aeo, who in turn is a variation on Io). Someday I want to write more for her.
Dragon Age
(oh boy, here we go)
Da'Fen Carlisle Mayers Lavellan (Until It Squeaks series): Carly, to her friends. My first MGIT. When I created her I wanted her to be a 'just some person' kind of character, so she needed a name that didn't stand out much. Tbh, I don't even like it. I think I was halfway through writing Twist when I decided it was short for Carlisle, which eased my meh a little. Then as time went on in the story, she earned the rest. Abelas was the first to call her 'Da'Fen' because she was the Consort of Fen'Harel, and she was formally adopted into Clan Lavellan after the events of the main game.
Imogen McLean (Wicked Things series): My ex wouldn't let me name Lamb the Younger Imogen when she was born, so I decided I would save it for a character someday. And so I did. 'McLean' because she's of Irish descent, and I knew a girl by that family name when I was a kid.
Eliana Hawke (Wicked Things series): I tend to give my F!Hawkes unique names, I guess. But this one was for the purpose of Imogen getting to call her Elly and Elly getting to call her Genny. It was a deliberate 'the names you use denote intimacy level' kind of thing.
Terisin Mahariel (Wicked Things series): It means 'Flint-like'. I wanted something hefty for the HoF, something that would give the impression of gravity and determination. And then everyone in the fic shortens it to 'Ter'. 🤣
Mira Foret (Driftwood series): This is actually a nickname, her full name is Almira. Her family name on Earth was 'Wood', and upon being transported to Thedas, she changed it to 'Foret', which is the Orlesian version of the word. There is actually a reason she has these names in particular, but that gets into level 40 IRL stuff, so I shan't say.
Carmilla Hawke (Maker Damned Fools): Cara, for short, and only if you have her permission. Back when I first wrote MDF, I had a notion that Leandra wanted to give all her children names beginning with the same letter. "How'd Bethany happen?" Varric asked. Because they didn't know they were having twins and had to come up with a name on the fly and Malcolm had a twisted sense of humor. It makes more sense in the fic. Anyway, she hates the name, and thus goes mostly by Hawke.
Hera Trevelyan (No More My Heart Beats Without You): I just liked it. Didn't even know it was the default name of F!Adaar. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ellisora Lavellan (Flowers For Fen'Harel series): Everyone uses Ellana. It's the default. I don't like defaults (usually) and will twist them around any which way until I find something I do like.
Sa'vir Lavellan (No Strings): It means 'the First Path' or, more precisely for her character, 'the Only Way'. It was both to give some backstory to her and was a nod to her being inspired by The Unending Wake's Vir.
Lahalaan Lavellan (My Blood On Your Hands, Your Teeth In My Skin): Ahh, my poor Laani. She kicked around as an OC for a long time before I finally was able to write something for her. She was always meant to have a longfic, but it never happened. It means 'Like the Foxes', and it suits her as a redhead and a rogue class.
La'Vise Lavellan (Just Like Fire): The title of the fic is the definition of the name. She is my one canon story. I am utterly unsurprised at myself for not finishing it.
Lark Cadash (All the Earth and Air series): Again, default is bleh. Malika > Lika > Lark. Then I leaned into the bird symbolism.
Shae Cadash (Destiny Is Just In the Timing): This is apparently a popular name for a Cadash, lol. In order to set her apart (both in fandom and in my head), it's actually a nickname. Her full name is Shaelgat, meaning 'Unto Shale', and it has Lore(tm). A daughter of every generation is named this, and will be until they find the golem they're named after.
Banal'ras Nydha, the Twice-Born (Hope Is a Fragile Thing): She's actually a MGIT, who was given the name 'the Shadow of Night' by Solas in the Fade before she became corporeal in Thedas. She has a shtick that goes with it, the ability to use Fade cloak even though she isn't a mage otherwise. Ya know, like Cole. Her story and name are part and parcel with each other and mostly because I wanted to make an OC who was Deeply Mysterious(tm) without ever explaining it. The legend-mark comes from the Avvar, among whom she lives at the start of her fic.
(we're almost done)
Virlas Lavellan (I'll tell you my sins (and you can sharpen your knife)): Default, bleh. Symbolically fitting name, yay. It means 'the Way That is Given' or something like that. This was a giftfic turned treat for the Solavellan Hell Exchange, and I didn't think too hard about the name other than something that would fit for a post-canon Lavellan.
Rinna Cadash (What Lies Beneath): Another giftfic OC. Dwarven names tend towards being short and this one just felt right.
Eshali'nan Lavellan (A Wolf Named Vengeance): This fic is a modern AU collab with my beloved Angel, and someday we'll finish it, lol. Esha, for short, was another OC that kicked around for a long time like Laani. She has quite a backstory that will likely never get told because frankly, I'm tired of writing DA retellings. Originally she was a Sentinel in Arlathan, who spent most of the intervening years in uthenera like Solas, but woke a generation ago. She lived with the Lavellan clan and was chosen to go to the Conclave. The name means 'Daughter of Vengeance' and was chosen for her at her elevation to Sentinel status.
Great googly moogly, I have too many OC's...
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creative-soul-22 · 1 year
Welcome to Storybrook, Malvina Monroe!
Disenchanted x OUAT-oneshot
@monrolasia and I were texting on thursday night and we had a nice conversation. We came up with the idea of Malvina being in Storybrook and so I wrote this oneshot. Hope you like it!
Regina Mills, the Mayor of Storybrooke, calmly sat in her office going through some papers. This was so boring. She had NOT enacted a curse sacrificing her father's life by squashing his heart to do THIS. Why was a land without magic so horrible? Paperwork? Really? Was that worth killing her father for? Regina moaned. But then the already half-burned painting of a bird that Snow White had put there when she was the mayor for a brief time caught her eye. Luckily, it wasn't a land without magic anymore. With a diabolical smile on her face, Regina formed a fireball in her hands and threw it onto the painting. It imediately caught fire and light the room up. The fire reflected in the mayors eyes as her diabolical smile widened and grew into a wicked laugh. Regina liked the painting much more when it was on fire. It was way more interesting and much more fun this way.
Regina could have watched the painting burn for the rest of the day but suddenly her phone rang. "Yes?", she answered the phone. "Regina? It's me, Emma. You've got to come to the city limits. There's something going on here", Emma's clearly worried voice could be heard trough the phone. Regina was alarmed. It never meant good news when Emma said this. So she asked: "Emma? What's going on?" "I can't tell you on phone. Just come here as quickly as possible", Emma explained with her voice lowered before she hung up the phone. "Emma? Emma!" Regina exhaled before she teleported herself to the city limits.
A cloud of purple smoke appeared at the city limits, and when it was gone, it revealed the mayor of Storybrooke. "Emma! What's...", Regina asked, only to be immediately shushed out by the blonde woman. Emma carefully pointed to the city's red marked border. "Shh. Or you'll miss this", she whispered. Regina followed the savior's finger with her eye and then she saw it. Three people where standing infront of the city limits. Two women and one man. One of the women had strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes, the other one had black hair. Regina couldn't see her face because she had her back turned on her. "You are a disgrace for Monrolasia, Malvina Monroe", spat the blonde woman out. The man next to her grinned visciously. The black haired woman which had been adressed as Malvina Monroe responded in sadness: "I am disgrace to Monrolasia?! You are the ones who are kicking me out." "You deserve it", the other woman continously bullied her, "you tried to kill me! You poised an apple!" She than took an red apple out of her bag and threw it to the woman who Regina assumed went by the name Malvina. Malvina caught it. "Giselle, let me explain...", she started but quickly got snapped by the woman that she called Giselle. "No. You see this, Malvina?" The woman being called Giselle held a little glass with a purple liquid in it. "It belongs to us now", she stated. "No! Giselle, this isn't like you anymore. You were always so kindhearted and gave everyone a chance. Even me", the woman with the black hair and black dress explained. Regina felt like her heart broke. Malvina reminded her of her own. She was homeless, perspectiveless. Hopeless. "We've got to help her", the mayor of Storybrook decided. Giselle laughed. "Those days are over now." And then all of a sudden, she threw the purple liquid in Regina's and Emma's direction! It crossed the red line and hit the ground. Malvina turned around and looked for the liquid, but couldn't see it. Giselle and the man next to her also looked surprised but then smiled visciously, turned around and left Malvina alone. After watching them leave, she took the apple in her hands and threw it as far as she could. And then she saw it. "Oh no. She saw it. She knows it", Regina immeadiately recognized. "There is something beyond here", Malvina stated. She reached her hand out behind the invisible curtain that was in front of her and screamed when she felt a grab on her hand that pulled her on the other side. She Suddenly she saw two women standing in front of her. "Hi. I'm Emma Swan", a blond haired-woman with a leather jacket and jeans greeted her with a smile. "I'm Malvina Monroe. Queen of Monrolasia. Or at least I used to be", Malvina said with a sad voice. Then she saw her liquid. The glass was shattered and the liquid covered the ground. "My poison", Malvina sadly noticed. "I'm Regina Mills. Welcome to Storybrooke, Malvina Monroe", she was greeted by a black-haired woman. "Storybrooke?" Malvina looked around. All she saw was a road and woods on both sides. "Yes, Storybrook", Regina replied with a smile. "It's a quiet yet lovely little town." Emma got into her car followed by Regina Mills who encouraged the former Queen of Monrolasia to do so, too.
Former Queen of Monrolasia, Malvina Monroe thought while driving to Storybrooke. I really am the former Queen. All she could think was that she once had her little town, too. It had been lovely, pieceful and quiet. Until Giselle had showed up and had ruined everything with her stupid wish. Now Malvina's beloved Monroeville was Monrolasia and Giselle and Robert were likely to rule as King and Queen since they had kicked Malvina out. Storybrooke seemed nice and so Malvina decided to stay for recover. But Storybrooke seemed so lovely, it reminded her of Monroeville and she couldn't help but feeling heartbroken. A tear streamed down her cheek. Then Emma Swan stopped the car. "We're there", she stated. The three women got off the car. "Granny's Diner?", Malvina asked in surprise. "Who's Granny is it and why does she have a diner?" Regina laughed. "It's Red's Granny and she runs a diner, well because we need a diner here in Storybrooke." The mayor couldn't help but getting nervous. Everything was new to Malvina and she had just lost her home so Regina did not want to overwhelm her by telling her about the curse. She would have plenty of time to tell her about it. But for now she just wanted to offer the lady a place where she could rest her head. "Emma what are we doing here? We should take Malvina to Granny's Bed and Breakfast where she can have a room", Regina asked. Emma replied: "Yes, we will take her there. But Granny highly likely is in the diner now and I think Cruella De Vil is probably drinking one Gin after another. Maybe she wants some company." Malvina stood in front of the diner, looking around. "Okay, let's introduce you to Granny", the mayor of Storybrooke decided, quickly grabbed the hand of the newest citizen and took her inside the diner. Emma Swan remained outside. "Regina!", she shouted and followed them inside.
Inside the diner it was awfully loud and the lights where painfully bright. After spending time in silence and darkness, Malvina wasn't used to such a crowded room. Regina led her to the bar, where Cruella De Vil sat with a glass of Gin in front of her. After introducing her to Malvina Monroe, the mayor left them alone to talk to Granny about a room for Malvina.
"Hi, Cruella. I'm Malvina. Malvina Monroe", the Monrolasian greeted her. "Hi Malvina, Darling. Nice to meet ya", Cruella greeted back. She already seemed drunk. As she sat there, alone, with a drink, nobody to talk with, Malvina couldn't help but to feel even sadder. This could have been her sitting there. Although Cruella smiled, Malvina could see the loneliness and sadness in her eyes. "Do you always drink on your own?", she asked a little nervously. "Yes. I mean, you don't need somebody else for drinking. See? I can perfectly put the glass to my mouth without help", the fur-obsessed answered and demonstrated it. Then she giggled. Malvina chuckled along but noticed that internally, Cruella cried. "Mind if I sit here with you?", the Queen asked, "I could use a drink, too." Cruella's face darkened as she seem to take a closer look on Malvina Monroe. "You, too?", she asked in surprise. Malvina just nodded as a response and sat next to Cruella De Vil. Granny appeared to ask her new customer's wish. "A glass of Gin, please", Malvina ordered toneless. Granny looked at her in worry. Hopefully the newest citizen did not plan to get drunk on her very first night in Storybrooke. "Of course", she said, "and since it's your first time at Granny's and in Storybrooke, the first drink is free." "Thank you", Malvina replied. She did not try to hide her sadness. She couldn't hide it anymore. How could she sink so low to end up here, getting drunk with someone who's equally lonely because she had nothing better to do? For God's sake, she was the Queen of Monrolasia! But those days were over now. Forever. And as she drank her third Gin she started sobbing. She then sobbed it all out on Cruella's shoulder, telling her all about it. How Giselle first turned Monroeville into Monrolasia only to kick her out then and to rule it herself. How she hated it that her son Tyson was dating Giselle's stepdaughter Morgan. How much she loved and missed him. How much she missed her husband, who was trapped inside a mirror and probably now under Giselle's control. She could picture Giselle already sitting in her throne, wearing her clothes, living in her castle. She had taken Malvina's life without killing her. Cruella then also could not hold back her tears anymore and started crying. She told Malvina how much she'd love to have a friend but nobody liked her so she was always on her own. Which caused her to get drunk to forget about her loneliness and to not feel the pain and the sadness that came with it. She wished to feel numb only to be reliefed from it so she drank bottles of Gin until she felt numb. The two woman drank and sobbed until they were knocked out and fell asleep with their heads lying at the bar table.
The next morning Malvina Monroe and Cruella De Vil woke up in a room in Granny's Bed and Breakfast and felt like they had been run over by a truck. When they found themselves lying in the same bed they were shocked first and feared something had happened that shouldn't have happened. But they sighed in relief when they found that they were fully clothed. "Do you remember what happened last night or how we got up here?", Malvina asked. "No", Cruella replied, still tired. "Me neither", stated Malvina. But then a thought crossed her foggy brain. "Maybe Emma or Regina brought us up here?" "Maybe", Cruella agreed. "So... who's Tyson?", the black-white-haired woman asked. Malvina Monroe gave her a shocked look. "How do you know him?" Cruella shrugged her shoulders. "I don't remember. Maybe you talked about him? It's just that his name was running through my mind since I woke up." Malvina looked sadly at Cruella. "He's my son", she answered. And all of a sudden, a wave of memories crashed Malvina's brain that still felt foggy from all the alcohol. Tyson. The sad look on his face when he watched his mother leaving. Giselle kicking her out of Monrolasia. Regina and Emma welcoming her to Storybrook. Meeting Cruella at Granny's. A tear ran down her cheek. She turned away from Cruella, unable to meet her eyes. "Please don't ask. I don't want to talk about him", she said with her voice breaking. Cruella carefully put her hand on Malvina's shoulder, who turned around and met her eyes. Cruella could see all the pain in her eyes. A damage. Just like David and James. But even worse. "Hey, Malvina. I'm here for you. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. But if you like, we can be friends." And for the first time, Malvina smiled. "That sounds great. Thank you, Cruella." She put her hand on Cruella's, which was still resting on Malvina's shoulder. Then she closed her eyes and layed her cheek on her's and Cruella's hand which made Cruella grow closer and lay her cheek on Malvina's head. They enjoyed the moment and the way it felt. And in this moment, they both were happy.
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harvey-guillen · 10 months
a lot of the stuff around ts right now is putting a bad taste in my mouth but i think it comes down to this:
we as a society seem to have decided that people who make music have to be not just be artists but also impeccable marketing strategists and businesspeople, moral arbiters, allies and activists, the voice of the people, political grassroots organizers, etc. and i think tay does want to meet other people's expectations but this is an unwinnable ask. because one person is not all things to all people, and while there is an intersection of art and culture and history inherently, our connected world through press and digital communications has kind of distilled all of these roles into one job title: global superstar-cum-savior. and that's both unfair to put on someone and also a fatal error for her to try to meet the demands of these roles. idk. does that make sense? i'm annoyed by people who overinflate the purity of her capitalism as a feminist outcome rather than what it is, pink capitalism. i've been steadily disappointed by her choices to work with abusers, contribute to a climate crisis already at a breaking point, affiliation with the intellectual property of racists, merchandising that I find to be WHOLLY excessive and sometimes embarrassingly pointless, sending C&D to independent artists on Etsy who make tributes to her work [technically she totally has a right to protect it, but these are usually people working out of a home studio, if that] and the matt healy thing - there just wasn't a way to undo that for me. but is it really on me for expecting her to meet MY standards for ethical conduct? yeah, it is.
we all know too much about each other now. we have become narcissistic enough to need to see an idealized version of ourselves in our idols. taylor is a bit different because she has basic control over her image but think of the studio system in the 20s - we were never buying Norma Jeane Mortenson or Archie Leach - we bought Marilyn Monroe and Cary Grant. We bought Rock Hudson as the straight hunk of the age, we bought Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly as "pure" and unattainable ingenues when both had passionate affairs just like their male contemporaries [stating this without judgment as I love the work of both actresses and Audrey's personal work for UNICEF]. Entertainment is image and image is entertainment. So buying into Taylor's activism when it was never the point of her image or career, but something she briefly tried on for her brand, is just a confluence of all of these factors and expectations, I think. And these observations are confirmed, I think, by the fact that there is tension over why Taylor is POTY instead of Palestinian freedom activists - because we insist that ONE person fit all roles - cultural influencer AND wartime hero. No one will be both. Maybe the only fair way to handle that is do POTY issues in different categories, IDK.
So while I'm increasingly annoyed with the forced bifurcation of pro- and anti- ts stuff I need to step back and realize that the whole thing is a mess from every angle and it's been and probably will continue to be harmful to her in the future, as well. A lot of actors do their work and in private have their charity focuses like animal rights, refugee aid, etc. Everything with tay is SO heightened and overexposed and public and that burden and privilege has become a monster I don't think even she has control of at this point. and all of this is hilariously contrasted with how personal and private her lyrics often feel, like things you would tell a close confidante.
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BFCD Werewolf Characters Masterlist
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Werewolf Characters
Caroline Newcliffe The Beast Must Die
Gretel Monroe, Maia Roberts Shadowhunters | 
Maria Trick ‘R Treat | Mariana The Howling 2: Your Sister is a Werewolf
My Nonbinary OC: Free No Saviors in the Wild
Family Friendly Werewolf Characters:
Clawdeen, Clawdia, Howleen Wolf Monster High | Willa Lykensen Disney’s Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 
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ngnwnchstr-arch · 1 year
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notable  the  walking  dead  deaths  that  have  remained  supernatural  canon;      simon.    got  his  windpipe  crushed  by  negan’s  bare  hands  in  the  very  same  monster  ring  he  tried  to  throw  negan’s  boy  in  after  some  serious  betrayal  moves.      /      dr.  emmett  carson.    dwight      (    the  one  savior  who’s  betrayal  i  completely  support  actually!    that’s  his  right!    )      set  him  up  to  cover  up  his  own  shady  shit  and  bro  got  tossed  head  first  into  their  demon  -  killing  furnace.      /      spencer  monroe.    he  did  have  guts!    negan  has  never  been  so  wrong  in  his  whole  life!    for  the  same  reasons  actually.    negan  did  not  appreciate  spencer  trying  to  fuck  over  the  same  person  he’s  trying  to  fuck  over,    because  y’know,    principles.    disloyalty  isn’t  something  he  vibes  with    &    negan  won’t  tolerate  it,    even  when  you’re  being  disloyal  to  his  enemy.    this  is  still  linked  to  rick  grimes.    everyone  should  know  negan  is  still  sulking  rick  didn’t  thank  him.      /      abraham  ford    &    one  other  friend  of  rick’s.    sorry,  folks.    rick  attacked  his  people  at  the  outpost  and  someone  had  to  take  a  blow  in  retaliation,    thus  starting  a  hunter  vs.  hunter  war  that  i’m  sure  the  demons  thoroughly  enjoyed  watching.    he  also  stole  daryl      (    or  a  daryl  -  esque  type  character    )    &    put  him  in  the  monster  ring  for  a  while  before  he  escaped.      /      brandon.    the  punk  who  killed  a  mother    &    child  thinking  it  would  impress  negan      (    clearly  he  did  not  do  his  research    )        but  instead  it  just  got  his  head  bashed  in  with  a  rock.      /      alpha.    the  whisperers  supernatural  -  based  arc  incoming  soon.      /      the  oceanside  slaughter.    this  was  not  under  negan’s  instruction    &    he  was  completely  unaware,    but  simon  was  intentionally  selling  the  souls  of  women    &    children  the  saviors  had  saved  to  demons  in  an  attempt  to  gain  more  power  to  take  over.    this  also  played  a  role  in  why  he  got  got.      /      lucille.    obviously.
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the-ship-maker-2 · 8 months
Hello there! You've been visited by the random question fairy! ~ ☆
What was the most meaningful relationship (platonic or romantic) your character has had with another person? Why was it so meaningful? Ultimately, what happens to this relationship?
Michael: her step-dad. The man who raised her when no one else would. Her first real friend and the only one she came to respect on her own without being forced too. Set up her core foundation of who she was today and raised to become what she is now. The main source of her trauma. Very estranged now.
Adam: Her baby brother her pride and joy. She was forced to raise him at 9 since he was born. He is her living proof that she is not a monster and a bad person contrary to her step dad's belief. For how can someone so bad raise someone so good? Eventually they come back into each other's lives.
Horatio: The first person she ever met at Rosewood. became rivals and became each others equals. Also a main source of trauma and the bane of her existence. Taught her heart break and betrayal and that there is more than meets the eye. How to humanize people. That you can't save everyone if they don't want to be saved. They become sworn enemies again.
Autumn: Her best friend. Her second in command. her big sister. her human diary. Her other half. Pick one and go with it. The person who taught her what love, home, understanding and acceptance was. She balanced out Tabby's darker tendencies from her step dad. Would become the basis for what moral compass she has. Unfortunately death has kept them apart.
Toby: The boy who unknowingly saved her in more ways than one.Her savior and they one she grew to fall l in love with. Taught her that a second chance comes with everything, There is more to life than being a proxy and that you have relatively good people around you if you look hard enough. I can't give spoilers for ERHIT but it's becoming something worth while.
Connor: the boy who was by his side since day 1 in the orphanage. His best friend and soul mate. He showed him that he wasn't a monster and not to fear him. He never had that before in his life. For once he had something to fight for. Unfortunately due to trauma and tragic events they're both dead and become very estranged.
Sister Mary-Angela: the nun that took care of him and Connor. The seemingly only good one in that place. She gave them a mother figure that they both could trust and rely on. Unfortunately she dies for them and they both mourn her greatly.
Chase: his first real friend at the orphanage and his first real love. He never strayed too far from his side and fought for him. They're unfortunately very estranged now.
Sister Mary-Angela: same as chase up above
Louisa Monroe: her mother and one of the few family members she was close to. Definitely a mommy's girl. Gave her the doll that looks just like her and the only thing that she has left of her mom. One day she walked out on them and never came back. Needless to say I think they would be very estranged.
Evan Monroe: her older brother by 4 years. The second one she was closest to after their mother left. Only for a bit of course. Until their step mother came into the picture and began to turn on her. Needless to say they hate each other.
Fallax: a friend. A demon who haunts the abandoned carnival grounds that Evan forces juliet to explore every night. Her first true friend and savior from her broken home. They're relationship is very good very much a guardian/mentor/apprentice type of relationship.
Tbh I haven't done enough development for her to answer that question.
The college gangTM (Smiley, EJ, and Locklear): her friend group all throughout college and med school. EJ was the baby of the group. Locklear was an honorary member, and Smiley was her first love, although they were never officially together. They helped each other grow and develop. Until the death of EJ and then the group became distant and disolved. They were very estranged for a while after getting the group together in nearly 20+ years, but they're currently working on mending their relationship with each other. It's not perfect buy its a work in progress.
Anna: her lifeboat and savior after the group. Was there when she lost her medical license and got her in the medical cult to get it back. She turned out to be a back stabbing bitch so amelia killed her.
The cult: her one hope to getting her medical license back. She never truly belonged there but it was all she got left. Eventually she got out by killing all of them.
I hope you like these and feel free to ask again!
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wutbju · 9 months
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Charles Evans Hartman, Jr. October 27, 1943 - February 17, 2023 We are sad to announce the passing of Charles "Chick" Evans Hartman, Jr., 79, of Greenville, South Carolina. Chick was surrounded by his immediate family when he passed away on February 17, 2023, from complications after heart surgery.
Chick was born to Charles and Harriet Hartman on October 27, 1943, in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Following graduation from Bob Jones Academy, he attended Bob Jones University, graduating with a degree in Business Administration. His career began at Bendix Corporation and then Burroughs Corporation in New Jersey. He went on to start and manage several investment banking companies in oil and gas, coal and real estate in New Jersey, Texas, New Mexico, West Virginia, Florida and South Carolina. Through the years, he experienced financial successes and losses but always brought an abundance of energy and business acumen to each venture and deeply appreciated the professional friendships forged through these endeavors. One of his favorite sayings was, "Tough times don't last, tough people do." Along the way, he taught at Clearwater Christian College and also helped establish their school of business. He was a proud Mason, member of the Monroe Lodge #244/Truth Lodge in Monroe, NC and later a member of Taylors Lodge No. 345, in Taylors, South Carolina.
Chick is survived by his former wife and best friend, Amanda "Betty" Hartman, and their three children, Vanessa Kormylo and her husband Matt, Heather Hartman and Eric Hartman. He also leaves behind his grandchildren Kathryn, Knox, Matthew and Andrew whom he loved dearly. Chick's sister, Mary McPheters, her husband Ralph, their three sons Mickey, Royce and Rex, and their families also survive him.
As a Presbyterian, Chick held a strong faith and belief in his Savior. He was known for his generous and optimistic spirit. He had a quick wit and great sense of humor, not usually known for holding back. Chick was an avid reader, enjoying a good spy novel in addition to a passion for history.
His heart was always in West Virginia where he spent many summers as a child with his beloved grandmother, Mary Blaney, on their family farm.
If you were to ask Chick what he was most proud of, he would without a doubt say his family. In times of bounty and times of hardship, he always made sure their needs were met. He enjoyed playing golf at Sawgrass during his time working in Florida, cooking and family meals together and the very special and always memorable family ski trips out west.
We are forever grateful for his love and care for us. He will be greatly missed.
Honoring Chick's wishes, his family will celebrate his life privately, with no public ceremony or service.
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aicsuliamasaiamit · 10 months
day 178-179 of letting @taylorswift know i have the same name as her cat until she notices
happy late birthday to my literal savior @taylorswift
i became a swiftie when i first heard teardrops on my guitar almost a decade ago. that was the very first song i listened to. i was so grateful to get it as my surprise song for nashville n1, full circle moment!
btw, here’s a pic of me with marilyn monroe in the bathroom of some restaurant in bardstown, ky.
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thatone-churro · 1 year
Favorite song ever?
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but in all seriousness. i know i’m always going on about Crawlers with MONROE this, and Messiah that.
but honestly, i’ve always had such a strong fixation for medusa’s music. something about the oddness & the sounds & just all of it always tickled my brain right. and yeah, Thae might have started my obsession, and Stheno on Mdma might be an amazing vibe-based jam, but my all-time favorite (of both their discography and all-time) is undoubtedly Boy of the Yearniverse.
i’ll keep the lore-dumping to a minimum, but that’s the title track to what they like to call their “coming out album.” obviously, this song definitely encapsulates that vibe as the title track. i guess the vibe itself hops around a bit, but that general “embracing your [gender] identity” bit is definitely still in there.
funky sounds and vibes aside, i think that’s probably why i got so attached to the song subconsciously. i remember listening to it for the first time, little 15-year-old me (who only just partially got her sexuality figured out), having a certified “wow, i sure hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me” moment. i think i subconsciously knew back then that i’d probably be some sort of nonbinary eventually (hence why i’m not surprised about the crisis i’m currently having lmao), and i’ve always joked with myself saying ���if i ever end up being nonbinary, i’m blaming medusa.” i’ve always adored this song and the confidence (?) it gave me, even if i didn’t quite understand it back then. it’s definitely always been an emotional attachment rather than a logical/explainable attachment, but that’s pretty much the point of music, isn’t it?
so TL,DR: my all-time favorite song is Boy of the Yearniverse by Medusa, mostly because of my own relationship with my gender and how it makes me feel confident in it and so on.
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tyang-xo · 1 year
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Below the cut you will find in depth descriptions about the VILLAINESS OCs and their real life OCs!
Eleanor Greene played by Maggie Hart played by Kristen Stewart
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Onscreen Eleanor (Ellie) Greene is the youngest of the Greene family. She has yet to be hardened by the world and it’s surroundings. Her family has a tendency of keeping secrets from her and she finds them out in the brutal ways of life. This includes not knowing about walkers in her family barn, a life changing secret about her birth, and more. On her journey, she becomes less filtered, tougher, and explores her interests she wasn’t able to before.
Offscreen Maggie Hart is a up and coming songwriter. She wrote songs for a variety of artists before being recruited to perform the soundtrack for The Walking Dead season 1. When the Greene family is casted, Maggie is cast as Ellie Greene whilst still performing the soundtrack for the television show in season 2.
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Anna Kang played by Gayoung Choi played by Lee Hojung
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Onscreen Anna is a citizen of Alexandria. She and her brother were found by Aaron and Eric and brought in. She is well put together and calculated on the decisions she makes. While she keeps a fair distance between herself and others, she lets her walls down when she meets Ellie Greene. She puts her upmost faith and trust in Maggie Rhee as her leader.
Offscreen Gayoung was a last minute addition to the cast. She went through multiple chemistry reads and training sessions to land the role of Anna Kang in The Walking Dead season 5. Since then, she has become a model and frequently works in the Korean film industry. She was taken under Angela Kang’s wing and is undergoing a degree in college to become a writer and producer.
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Josh Kang played by David Kim played by Jeong Yunho
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Onscreen Josh is the older brother of Anna Kang and member of Alexandria. He underwent training by Glenn Rhee and Aiden Monroe to become a runner. He is the muscle and backbone of his group when the fight with Negan and the Saviors begin.
Offscreen David is the son of Daniel Dae Kim and rising star. He grew up on the set of ‘LOST’ and wanted to do something like his father when growing up. David was recruited by Steven Yeun’s doing for season 5 of The Walking Dead. 
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murfreesboronews · 2 years
Jack W. Wood Obituary
Jack W. Wood, age 79 of LaVergne, TN, went to meet his Lord and Savior Sunday, January 15, 2023. A native of Monroe County, KY, he was the son of the late Roy Lee and Ethel Mae Pedigo Wood. Mr. Wood was also preceded in death by his wife of 58 years Carol York Wood, brothers, Paul and Kenneth Wood and sisters, Laverne Cain and Estelle Veach. Mr. Wood is survived by his sons, Jeffrey Wood and his…
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