#kara smut
natalievoncatte · 18 days
Kara had a guilty pleasure, one she didn’t share with anyone. It would have been awkward, and besides, everyone- friends, family, Lena; they all would have mocked her, relentlessly. It was the first of September and Kara was bracing herself for six months of the most exquisite torture.
She wasn’t expecting it on Lena’s desk.
When she walked into the office, the scent hit her. It tickled something in her brain and set her nerves alight, cascading shivers of excitement running down her limbs.
Kryptonians, you see, are not human. They are aliens, and react to things, to stimuli, in ways humans do not. The most obvious implication of this is Kryptonite, or rather the Kryptonite radiation it emits, which is unique to Kara’s lost homeworld and is deadly poisonous to her while being essentially harmless to humans without both significant and prolonged exposure.
There were, however, other things that Kara responded to differently. Certain flavors were too intense; some things her peers found pleasant were overwhelming or inexplicably bitter or otherwise unpalatable. Her enhanced hearing, even without her powers active, made her sensitive to noises that a human wouldn’t even notice. The list went on and on.
One thing in particular, though, was especially… stimulating to her. It got her motor going, as it were. Not like that, of course. Ironically it had the same effect on her that caffeine had on humans, even in small quantities.
There was something in pumpkin spice that excited Kara. Just not like that.
Okay, maybe a little like that. Even the scent of it made her feel things, and there was a steaming hot cup of it on Lena Luthor’s desk.
Kara had been summoned over some editorial matter of little consequence, probably an excuse to chat. When she stepped into her office, Kara stopped dead because Lena reached across her desk and picked up that cup and Kara was already having trouble.
Lena was… Lena. She was dressed in thigh high boots and black jeans and a tight, low cut green sweater that revealed a generous swell of cleavage that immediately drew Kara’s brazen eye. She caught herself looking and quickly put a stop to it, but Lena was looking right at her, smoldering green eyes peering at her over the rim of that damned coffee cup.
Great Rao, Lena was beautiful. Her hair was swept over one shoulder, baring the elegant column of her neck and her sharp jawline. Her visible ear carried multiple piercings dripping with diamonds and there was a faint pink tinge to her pale cheek. The red of her lipstick was almost violent and she positively smoldered. One might have thought she was dolled up for a photo shoot.
Kara was staring at those lips as she took a sip of coffee, leaving a faint white stain on the white cup.
Such a visual feast with the mere scent of the spices in her coffee was enough to weaken Kara’s knees and make her secretly fidget her toes inside her shoes. It was only a quick chat, a five minute conversation, but it was excruciating trying to get through it like this.
“Earth to Kara,” Lena sighed.
Kara blinked. “Okay.”
“Okay, you’ll go?”
“Where am I going?”
Lena rolled her eyes.
“Okay, Kara, you’re benched.”
“Wait, what?”
Lena huffed. “Look, it’s noble, going days without sleep while you live your double life, and we did agree that Supergirl duties will take precedence over your work here… but I can see you’re exhausted. I can’t order you to stop rescuing cats from trees and helping old ladies with their taxes, but I can order you to take the rest of the week off from working here. Which you are. Starting now.”
Actually, Lena probably could order her to stop doing things. Lena could probably order to do anything with the spicy tang in her nostrils and the quivering weakness in her limbs as heat gathered low in her belly. Kara was glad that she had just been ordered out.
“Oh,” Lena said, “and stop at Noonan’s on your way out. I hear the pumpkin spice lattes are your favorite and well,” she gave her cup a little shake.
Kara decided she would not stop at Noonan’s.
She stopped at Noonan’s. She got a PSL and a pumpkin spice bear claw and a dozen pumpkin spice donuts and consumed them all in the span of five minutes once she set foot inside her loft, after which she spent the next thirty in the shower thinking about Lena’s pillowy red lips and how kissable they were and her pale skin and how badly she wanted to mark it as hers and she sort of spent an hour in a pumpkin spice fueled fugue, and then passed out on her bed buck-ass naked.
Which was where she still was when the knock came at the door.
Her head shot up from the bed and she realized that it was movie night and she was hosting. She had no movies picked out, no snacks, and no clothes.
What she did have was super-speed, and this had a spread of frozen snacks ready to go in the oven, and a stack of blu-rays to be voted on, and pants. She needed pants and probably a bra and definitely a shirt. Humans were weird about their torsos. Fortunately Kryptonians were, too. Kara was rather lucky that she hadn’t landed on a planet that considered shirts obscene.
There were at least two like that, which isn’t a lot, but it was more than you’d think.
Kara opened the door and greeted Alex and Kelly, ushering them in. Brainy and Nia were next.
Lena showed up last, dressed in one of her peculiar movie night fits- a stylish leather jacket over honest to god fluffy pajamas, like a fashion plate going to a slumber party. Her hair was down and wavy and she looked soft and inviting and Kara wanted to snuggle her relentlessly and was very glad that the pumpkin spice was largely out of her system.
Lena lifted the two six packs she was carrying, giving Kara a suggestive arch of her eyebrow. Lena liked to bring gifts when Kara hosted, usually wine. Tonight she had twelve chilled bottles of… pumpkin spice beer.
Kara wanted to scream. Or possibly moan. Or possibly make Lena moan and maybe spank her a little.
“Hi-hi,” said Kara.
“Hi yourself,” said Lena. “Mind if I come in, or do you want to drink these right here?”
“C-come in,” said Kara.
“Eyyyyyy,” said Alex, as she saw the six packs. “The spice must flow!”
“The spice must flow,” Kelly repeated.
“Chai Hulud,” Nia said, in a faux-deep voice.
“I believe it is “Shai Hulud,” said Brainy.
“Sure, honey,” said Nia, patting his knee.
“You gonna hand those out?” said Alex.
“These are for our host,” said Lena. “Kara has plenty of spirits in her fridge.”
Alex busted out laughing, confusing the others.
Kara remained stone-faced.
Movie night then went on as normal. Everyone took seats, the first movie was voted on, snacks were enjoyed and beers were had. The pumpkin bottles sat in their cardboard holders in the fridge, untouched.
Until they got into the second movie, and Lena sauntered over from the kitchen carrying two bottles, and thrust one into Kara’s hands as she wedged herself in between Kara and Nia, casually tossing her legs over Kara’s lap.
Kara steadfastly did not look. She would not look. She would not look. Surely Lena was just making herself comfortable and private hadn’t noticed that the top couple of buttons on her pajama top had popped themselves and she was showing quite a generous amount of…
Kara looked away sharply. She had looked.
“Do the thing, darling,” said Lena.
“Do the thing! Do the thing! Do they thing!” Nia began to chant.
Sighing, Kara took her bottle and Lena’s, and popped the caps loose with a flock of her thumbs. Lena squealed in delight and Kara realized that actually drinking this concoction was an amazingly terrible idea.
Especially since Lena was basically in her lap now.
Kara tried not to drink, but the hint of that spicy scent from the beer was enough to make every nerve ending tingle and start a fire in her belly. She took a long pull on it and quickly realized she’d drained the bottle in one go.
Lena, grinning, stood up. Kara watched every sway of her hips as she marched to the kitchen, bent to grab another bottle from the bottom shelf of the fridge, and sashayed back to shamelessly plop right in Kara’s lap and offer her the new bottle.
The little display has gotten at least Alex’s attention, and she looked somehow at once horrified and amused and whispered to Kelly, who snorted.
Nia picked up on it next, after Kara had downed her fourth one of the cured pumpkin brews and her brain was sloshing around in sweet cinnamony goodness.
She was running into a considerable problem. Lena was curled up in her lap, draped across her in fact, a soft weight that was driving her absolute insane even as the scent of Lena’s… of Lena mingled with the spices singing in her veins. She forgot the movie. She forgot the existence of everything but Lena, and barely noticed when Alex announced,
“Guys, it’s late. I think we better head out so that Kara and Lena can clean up.”
“Perhaps we should help,” Brainy suggested.
“Nah, let’s go,” said Nia, who then muttered, “seriously Querl we need to go.”
Kara blinked and watched them all pile out, Alex shooting Lena a knowing look before rolling her eyes and closing the door.
Two seconds after the door closed, Lena twisted languidly in Kara’s lap, and was now no longer sitting in her lap but straddling her.
Kryptonians, you see, are not human. They are aliens, and react to things, to stimuli, in ways humans do not. They also have anatomical structures that humans do not, something that was was currently causing Kara to blush furiously, because Lena was well… sitting on it.
“I can explain,” Kara squeaked.
The look Lena gave her would have been devastating, pumpkin spice or no pumpkin spice. Lena’s face filled her vision as Lena placed her hands on Kara’s sides and rolled her hips, dragging a groan out of her.
“Is that explanation going to include a hands on demonstration?” said Lena. “I may need a few rounds before I fully understand.”
Kara swallowed hard. “You mean… you w-want to…”
“Kara,” Lena sighed. “How is someone who’s been flirting with me for five years so bad at flirting?”
Kara stared at her.
“Just, um, to clarify, you’re flirting with me, right?”
“I’m sitting in your lap unbuttoning my top, darling. I believe that qualifies.”
“You’re what?”
Lena grinned and swept her fingers down her chest, popping the rest of the buttons in sequence. The pajama top suddenly hung lose, baring the lush inner curves of her breasts while obscuring the rest of her in an agonizing promise.
Kara, finally, after years of this, took the hint and had Lena relieved of her fuzzy pajamas by the time they hit the bed.
The next morning, or rather next afternoon when Lena woke up, Kara looked over at her. Her eyes had just opened and she was grinning ear to ear.
“Lena?” said Kara.
“Yes? Before we go again I’m going to need a protein shake and some supplements.”
Kara felt her ears burning as her cheeks heated.
“Did you know about the pumpkin spice thing?”
“Pumpkin spice thing?” said Lena.
“Alex told you, right?”
Lena pursed her lips.
“Cat Grant?”
“No, although I did ask her and she said you, and I quote, ‘creamed your khakis’ in front of her one time.”
“Then who?”
Lena grinned.
“I went to Clark to ask him the right way to go about seeking your attentions. Lois overheard and pulled me aside. Apparently you two share the same weaknesses.”
“My only weakness is you, baby.”
“Oh, it’s baby now, is it?”
“Yup,” said Kara.
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dckweed · 6 months
BABYGIRL, jake "hangman" seresin
summary: in which hangman and his babygirl go on a wild ride with an unplanned pregnancy and finally admitting their feelings for each other and figuring out life in general as new parents
warnings: pregnancy, morning sickness, smut, like alot of smut in this one, christmas themed even though it's march!, ex boyfriend meets new boyfriend and it's not pretty. rooster becomes a cowboy.
hi my loves :) been a minute for this one huh? anyway, please remember that this series is open for requests!
series masterlist here, series playlist here.
thank @mamachasesmayhem for making our new header, shes the bestest !!
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PART FOUR - the parents. 
If you thought Jake was bad before the incident at the bar, he was even worse now. He hovered, and he followed, and when he wasn’t available to hover and follow, he enlisted his friends to do it for him and send quarterly reports back to him. You found it endearing at first, but as Thanksgiving came and went you were thoroughly annoyed and at wits end. It was one time, and you were doing so much better since your small stint in the labor and delivery ward of the hospital (that Jake declared you would not be giving birth in because he didn’t like the way the nurses talked to you sometimes), you had regular check ins with your doctor, and were taking medications and drinking as much liquid IV as you could to keep hydrated during spouts of being too nauseated to eat. You continuously told Jake that he didn’t need to have his friends watching over you on their days off, but he continuously did not listen to you (the Seresin Selective Hearing coming in full stride), so you were continuously apologizing to whichever poor squadron member was spread out on your couch or lingering in your kitchen when you would venture out of your bed in the morning. Your favorite days were Bob and Natasha days, Bob was always so sweet and gentle and calm. Though he still followed you with his eyes whenever you left his general area, you didn’t mind because never asked what you were doing or told you to take it easy. Even though you weren’t always hungry, you had taken to baking him something sweet the night before his days to be with you as a thank you. 
Natasha was just straight up fun. “Fuck Jake.” She had said, and tossed you a pair of comfortable shorts and a shirt and had taken you on a walk down the beach on her first visit with you, and when you had checked her phone later when Jake texted her, you had found the string of lies she had been feeding him all day and laughed about it with her until he got home from work. “How was knitting, babygirl?” He had asked, setting his bag down with a kiss on your head. You grinned and locked eyes with Nat, telling him how calm and quiet it had been. She sent you a wink over his shoulder on her way out the door, and from then on out, she was officially your best girl friend. 
You didn’t mind your days with Rooster either, but he was definitely a little more on edge, probably because he still had a rocky relationship with Jake and didn’t want to do anything to fuck it up, you couldn’t say you blamed him. Javy, on the other hand, was a carbon copy of Jake and the amount of times you had to remember to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth as you tried not to beat him with a sock full of bars of soap was astonishing. 
And if you thought Jake was bad during November, December was entirely worse the closer you got to christmas. If anything, he was stressing you out more than being sick was but you didn’t have the heart to tell him because he was obviously enjoying being able to take care of you, and who were you to say that he couldn’t? Your nerves and frustration became steadily worse as it got towards that time of the month, you ran around you and Jake’s apartment packing up both of your suitcases because knowing him he’d forget to pack his britches if you didn’t remind him to do it (he had in fact forgotten to pack his britches once on a vacation that both of your families had taken as teens). You also fretted and stewed about what you guys were going to tell your parents. Your small baby bump was no longer small and was kind of just..there. It would be noticed as soon as someone hugged you, and knowing Jake’s mama, she was going to hug you. 
“Stop your worrying, babygirl..” He sighed from your left, his right hand coming to rest on your knee. You guys were crossing into Arizona, one more state left to go before you hit texas, and you were starting to get antsy. He had one hand on the steering wheel, slouched back in his seat as if his truck wasn’t outrageously big and hard to handle. “They’re gonna be okay..” 
You bring your attention to his face, about to speak when you’re cut off by a loud snore in the back seat. You crinkle your nose in slight disgust, peaking behind you. Rooster was as manspread as the backseat of a GMC allowed him to be, his long legs spread wide and his even longer torso leaned against the door and seat as his head rolled against the window. He had had no other plans for the holiday, and you could see the loneliness in his eyes when he said it and gosh darn it you just couldn’t say no to those big sad eyes, so you invited him on the trip home. You thought your dad would love him, and so would Jake’s brothers. “He seems to have made himself comfortable.” You chuckle, turning back around to face the front. Jake only hums in response, his hand going up to rub your belly gently before he takes it away to place it back on the steering wheel. 
Not too much longer after that you noticed a tall McDonalds sign a little ways off the freeway and your stomach grumbled loudly, and your mouth watered as you thought about how good a chicken sandwich and fries sounded. “Jake, baby, get off the freeway up ahead!” You say, whacking his bicep a few times in excitement as you bounce in your seat a little bit. “Pull into the McDonalds!” 
Jake hums in slight disgust but does as you say, who was he to decline you of food when you were hardly ever hungry? He only hoped that you wouldn’t throw it up all over his freshly cleaned interior. 
Two chicken sandwiches and french fries later, you were back on the road, dancing in your seat happily to whatever was streaming through the radio as you munched on french fries and an M&M McFlurry. 
Jake was insistent on making the long drive to the Seresin Ranch in one go, he hated stopping, so what part of the drive wasn’t spent with you and Rooster goofing off with each other, playing weird car games and trying to rope Jake into them, was spent with you sleeping, which is what you were doing when Jake slowed his truck down to turn left onto a long dirt road, the metal archway just above the electric fence that slid open spelled out his family’s name in big bold lettering. 
It hadn’t snowed just yet in this part of Texas but it was definitely cold enough to have frozen some of the water puddles that littered the well worn dirt drive so he drove carefully, both hands on the wheel just as you started to stir in your seat, your head having bounced off the window as he hit a particularly big pothole. You groaned, rubbing your eyes and your belly. It wasn’t going to be a secret too much longer, you realized as your bleary eyes focused on the lights of the ranch house just up ahead. 
“Sorry Babygirl, I was trying to be gentle..” He murmurs, looking over at you with a slight pout tugging at the corners of his lips. You hum in response, stretching in your seat. You could make out your Daddy’s John Deere Gator the closer you got, and you started to get more nervous and excited all at the same time. You had told all of your family that two of you were together, you weren’t really sure how else you were supposed to explain your prolonged trip to California where you essentially moved in with him, but you both had been hesitant to tell them about the baby, knowing that questions were going to be asked, and that his Mama was going to want to fly out the moment you told her, and you just weren’t ready for that. You weren’t really ready for this either, but you knew you didn’t have a choice. 
“S’okay,” You yawned, checking in the backseat. Rooster had started dozing off again too so you shook his knee, his eyes flew open instantly and he sat up at attention. “We’re home..” You say. The Seresin’s home was just as much yours as your own home was, and the same went for Jake with your house. The two of you were always at one or the other, practically living at each others houses in the summers, this was and always had been home, and if you wanted to be really sentimental and make yourself cry, Jake had always been your home too. 
Rooster moves his head so it’s poking out between the two of you, over the center console of the truck. “Damn, Jake..” He breathes, taking in what bit of the ranch he could see in the dark of the night, the big texan sky giving little illumination tonight. You knew that his words would really be emphasized in the morning when he saw it in all of it’s glory. The Seresin Ranch was a working ranch, full of cattle and acres of land, whereas yours was only a personal ranch, your father living off of the land and making enough money here and there off of cattle sales. It was more than enough to raise you and support your mama, it had been a happy life, but life at the Seresin’s was just different. 
“You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, Bradshaw.” Jake drawls, pulling his truck into the drive, right behind his mama’s much smaller SUV. The dome lights pop on overhead as he opens his door before pulling the keys out of the ignition, not bothering to honk the horn to alert them of your guys’ presence. He was more worried about getting you out of the car and into bed. It was damn near midnight by now, and you had only been dozing for less than an hour. He knew you and the baby needed sleep. 
He comes around the front of the truck and opens your door in the time it takes for you to unbuckle and stretch in your seat, Bradley having gotten out as soon as Jake did. “Come on mama, lets get you inside..” When he wasn’t calling you Babygirl, he had taken to calling you mama and it did something else entirely to your already hormonally raging body and when it rolled off of his tongue in his own mama’s driveway, you just knew you were in for the longest christmas of your life because there was no way in hell you were getting down and dirty in Mama Seresin’s house. You take his outstretched hand and swing your feet out of the truck, landing on the running boards in the dark. “Easy, it’s a little wet.”  
“Thank you, baby..” You say, reaching up on your tiptoes to plant a kiss on his scruffy cheek. He hums, a hand going to the small of your back to pull you flush against his body, or as flush as you can be with a round belly. “You ready?” You ask quietly, listening to Bradley unload the luggage from the bed of the truck. 
Jake sighs, rubbing the small of your back. “Not really,” He says, pulling back to look down at you with a little grin on his lips. “But it will be better the faster we get in there and get the shock and surprise done and over with.” You nod in response and he simply kisses your forehead, going to help Bradley with the bags. 
The boys are the first ones into the house, you follow them almost sheepishly, heat blooming across your face when you realize that this is it. Your daddy is in the midst of hugging Jake, giving him a “Good to have you home, son”, and shaking Bradley’s hand, an impressed look across his typically hardened features when he realizes how strong his grip is. “You can tell how good a man is by how strong he grips your hand.” He always says, and Bradley must be a damn good man because your daddy shakes his hand out when they pull away. 
His eyes lock on you standing in the open door of the Seresin house, a home that was just as much a second house to you as it was to your daddy, and a grin spreads across his face. “Com’ere, honey!”He practically shouts, pulling you into him by the arms. Your belly presses against his as his arms go around you, and just as he’s rubbing your back he seems to notice it, hands gripping you by the shoulder he pushes you away for a moment, looking down. “...honey?” 
Jake is by your side almost immediately, ready to step in if needed. “Sir, Mama, Daddy..” He says, addressing his whole family. His brothers are behind his mom, and they’re all looking on with interest. “We have an announcement..” 
You keep your eyes on your dad, watching his face as you speak. “You’re gonna be a Papa, daddy..” You say quietly, wanting him to hear the news first. At first, there’s nothing, no sign of any kind of emotion on his face, eyebrows furrowed, until a grin breaks across his lips. 
“You hear that?!” He shouts, raising your arm up in the air as if he had just won the super bowl. “I’m gonna be a fuggin, Papa!” A chorus of celebration is shouted throughout the entrance of the house, and one by one you hug your way through the family, finally coming to a rest by Bradley about half an hour later, your eyes drooping and shoulders sagging. 
“Alright guys,” Jake says, looking up from his conversation with his mama to see you using Bradshaw as a support pillar. “It’s time to get her to bed, been a long day and a rough few months for her with the pregnancy sickness and all that..” 
The next morning fares slightly less busy for you, though the whole family seems to be home and all eyes are on you when you venture out of Jake’s old bedroom at around eight thirty in the morning, way later than normally allowed on the ranch. You can’t help the blush that creeps up your face as you head through the large living room toward the kitchen. “Well good mornin’ Babygirl,” Jake’s brother, Nash, drawls at you, lifting his coffee mug to his lips with a wink as he passes you in the kitchen doorway. His boots were covered in dirt and it was clear that he and his brother had all been out working already. “Sleep good?”
“Yeah, actually.” You say, smile on your face as you walk into the kitchen, opening the fridge. “Morning, Mama..” You smile, looking over your shoulder at Jake’s mom. “You send Bradley out to work with the boys?”
She was handling a slab of some kind of meat, putting it in a marinade, probably for dinner tonight you realize. “He’s running cattle with Jake and Brian, doin’ a damn fine job of it too from what Nash just told me.” She says, turning to the sink to wash her hands before turning back to you just as you’re pouring yourself a glass of orange juice. “Can I see the belly?” 
You laugh, but oblige, not even stopping to think about how you look much farther along than the amount of time that you’ve been with Jake as you lift your shirt, and walk around the kitchen island. Her hands go to her face and she grins happily before reaching out to touch your belly, warm hands gently caressing the skin. “It’s Dalton’s, isn’t it?” She asks, suddenly, looking up at you and you choke on the juice you were sipping on, stepping back away from her hands. “Oh relax honey, I’m not upset, honest..but do you think I was born yesterday? I’ve had five babies, i’m not stupid.” 
“I, um..” You stammer, not sure what to say. You and Jake hadn’t prepared for this at all. You climb up onto a stool that sat at the Island, your head spinning. “Ma’am, I can explain..”
She waves her hand in the air, looking at you with noting but love as she smiles. “Babygirl,” It really was your God given name when it came to this family, you realize. “We all knew you were gonna end up together at some point in time, and if this is what brought you together then so be it, I could care less..my son isn’t stupid, I know he know’s that baby isn’t his and I’m just glad that it kicked you both in your asses finally…” 
You spend the morning talking with her, helping her prepare the foods for dinner. You were honestly relieved that she knew the truth, and even more relieved that she wasn’t upset at all. You knew Jake would be happy too, he hated keeping secrets (especially from his mama). 
Once you were finished in the kitchen, you made your way over to your family’s property, climbing over the fence like you used to when you were kids. It was chilly out, you wore one of Jake’s hoodies and a pair of sweatpants as you made your way to the burial site for your mama, spending a little while there before making your way to the house. Your daddy was gone, off in town somewhere so you meandered around on your own, finding yourself in your old bedroom, staring happily at the photos of you and Jake throughout the years that you had stuck to various surfaces. 
He found you there an hour later, going through old things in your dresser drawer. “You look so damn good in my clothes, babygirl..” He says, pressing his lips in a chaste kiss just below your ear. You hadn’t heard him come in and he scared the bejeezus out of you, which makes him grin as he looks at you in the mirror, his hands going under the hem of his maroon aggies hoodie and straight to your stomach. “Been looking for you all day babygirl..”
You sigh happily as his lips find their way down your neck, his cowboy hat lifting off of his head as he goes. “You found me..” You breathe, watching him in the mirror. Your hormones were horrible lately, and you were always ready to go for him and it seemed like he could sense it on you, almost like a dog. You loved it.
“Uh-huh, all alone too..” One of his hands moves from your belly to your tit, his whole hand cupping it with a firm squeeze that has you leaning your head back against him, already putty in his hands. “Y’know..I always wanted to fuck you in here babygirl..” Your thighs clench at his words, his voice and musky smell from working outdoors all day flooding your senses. 
“..please..” You whimper, pressing your ass back against his denim clad half hard cock, turning your head to capture his lips though he doesn’t let you. He catches your jaw in his hand, cocking an eyebrow at you. 
“What was that, babygirl?” He asks softly, his other hand dropping from your tit to pull your hips back against him even more, rubbing himself against you. “You askin’ me to fuck you?” The hand that was still on your belly moves down lower, slipping with ease into the waistband of your sweatpants, or rather, his sweatpants, and into your panties, cupping your already disgustingly wet mound. “Yeah..you were askin’ me to fuck you.” He practically growls, voice a deep rumble in his chest. 
You’re not entirely sure how it happens, but somehow you’re bent over your dresser, arms bracing yourself upright as Jake slams into you from behind, your head thrown back against his chest as his thick cock hits that spot that has you seeing nothing but white spots and saying only his name. One of your legs is cocked up on the top of the dresser, the position giving him better access to your pussy from behind, his hands gripping your hips with what you’re sure is a bruising strength but you couldn’t possibly care less because god, Jacob Seresin was fucking you in your teenaged bedroom and it was all you could fucking think about. 
“Jake, jake, jake, oh-, my..ohhhhh” You sputtered out, your pussy clenching down on him so hard that he thought it was going to bruise. 
“Yeah, I know babygirl, I know..” He grunts in your ear, lips marking up any inch of visible skin he possibly could. He felt fucking feral in that moment, but goddamn it was the best feeling. “That’s my fuckin’ girl..takin’ my cock so fuckin’ good f’me babygirl..so fuckin’ good..” There’s not even words leaving your mouth anymore, just filthy, lewd sounds as he continues to fuck you into oblivion, your legs going weak as a third orgasm hits you like a wall of bricks, your arms going weak to the point that you start to collapse. 
“Aht-aht, I gotcha,” He’s chasing his own orgasm as wraps his arm around you, a hand at the base of your throat to force you to look into the mirror. “Look at you babygirl, look at how fucking sexy you look like this, huh?” You could swear there were tears coming out of your eyes, but you wanted to look but you couldn’t tear your gaze away from his eyes in the mirror, looking into the beautiful expanse of green as he fucked into you with wreckless abandon. 
“I love you, i love, i love you..” You mewl, back arching as the overstimulation of your three orgasms starts to rockett though your body, you keep chanting it, not able to stop the flow of words even as you feel hot ropes of his cum paint your insides, even when he finally stops fucking into you and finally just holds you to him, cock still stuffed into your overflowing pussy. 
“Holy fuckin’ shit baby..” He breathes, head dropping to your shoulder as you both catch your breath. You can’t help but let out a chuckle. “Look at you makin’ all my teenage dreams come true, huh?” 
“Just like that song, right baby?” You say meekly, your body completely exhausted now that he had worn you out. He smiles against your skin, placing a loving kiss as he starts to finally pull out of you, his cock going flaccid. “M’sleepy..” You say, a yawn over taking you as you stretch, Jake having wandered off out of your room. 
“Should probably take a nap, huh?” He says, a damp rag hanging from his hands as he bends down to help clean you up. You jump at the sensation, your pussy still sensitive. He places a kiss at your pelvic bone, looking up at you almost apologetically as you run a hand softly through his mussed hair. “Mama is making some kind of roast for supper, be ready in a few hours i think..” And then you remember your conversation from earlier. “What’s wrong with your face?” 
“Jake, baby..” He stands up after helping you back into your sweatpants, ever the fucking gentleman he is. “Your Mama knows..” 
“What do you mean?” He asks, wrapping his arms around your waist after placing his stetson back on his head. His eyebrows are furrowed, and as you look down at your belly and look back up at him he suddenly realizes. “How?!” 
“She asked to see my belly this morning,” You say, resting your chin on his chest as you look up at him, arms wrapping around him. “She’s not stupid, baby..she’s only had a million of you boys, she knows how far along i should look if we were basing the baby off of how long we’ve been together..”
Jake hums, kissing your forehead. “Was she mad?” You shake your head, small smile on your lips. “Good, because I don’t like fighting with my Mama, but I would have if she was mad at you, at us..” You squeeze him then, realizing once more that this man truly does love you. “Let’s get back, yeah? I think your daddy is coming over too..”
Christmas with Jake’s family is amazing, you had spent weeks finding and wrapping gifts for each of his brothers, and even his Mama too. His daddy on the other hand, you just gave a smile and a kiss on the cheek as you slipped him a new canister of chewing tobacco, to which he grumbles a thank you and pats your belly. Your own daddy is almost brought to tears as you hand him his present, a gift wrapped scrap book (something your mama had been very into doing), some the pages full of your pregnancy journey so far. 
“Honey, this is the best gift..” He says, eyes watery as he pulls you in for a big hug, planting a wet kiss to the top of your head. 
From everyone in the family, you and Jake received alot of baby gifts, clothes and rattles and what nots..and from your daddy, a yellow quilted blanket, just the right size for a little baby or toddler with your mama’s first and middle initials stitched into one of the corners. You lifted it to your nose and inhaled, it smelled of her perfume. 
“Daddy..” You voice quivers just as much as your lips, your eyes welling with tears. “This is perfect..” You say, showing it to Jake. “It was mama’s baby blanket, she always said that she was saving it for me if I ever had one of my own..” You wipe your eyes with a tissue that Jake hands you. “She must have been working on it before she passed, it smells like her..” You couldn’t even describe how much you missed your mom, how you wished you were going through this time of your life with her by your side, and even though she wasn’t here physically any more, this gift from your Daddy just made it feel as though she was. 
The rest of the day is a blur, the family happily bantering as they all sit down for supper. Bradley had even been welcomed with open arms into the Seresin family, having been ladled with gifts of his own even though he was a last minute addition to the family. You had honestly never been happier, had never felt more at home and at peace than you had in that day. And unfortunately, it all came crashing down the next day. 
You, Jake and Bradley had all decided to save the last day of your trip to pack up your old apartment. There wasn’t much that you actually wanted to take with, most of it just clothes and keep sakes, but it was enough to fill up a small uhaul trailer. You had already listed a bunch of your furniture on sale on FB Marketplace, and were meeting the buyers as Jake carried things down to the trailer. 
About halfway through the day, when you’re freezing and tired and ready to take a nap, the devil shows up at the doorstep. “So, I see you’re back in town.” 
You turn from where you had been packing a bunch of your books into a box, heart racing. Jake had gone down the road to the mexican restaurant to pick up lunch for you guys, you had had the sudden craving and who was he to deny it when you spent most of the pregnancy not eating? Bradley was downstairs, he had helped a nice lady carry your couch down and put it into the back of her pick up and hadn’t come back up yet. 
“What do you want?” You ask, a hand going almost protectively to your belly. It was shown off well today, you had opted for workout leggings and a lululemon zip up jacket with a tanktop underneath. Your belly looked quite prominent and it seemed to be the only think his eyes were drawn to. “You shouldn’t be here, Dalton.” 
He sniffs, dark eyes looking up at you. “I see you kept the bastard.” He takes a step into the apartment and you back up, nervous. “Where’s your precious Jakey?” He asks, looking around the corner and down into the hallway. “Word around town is that the two of you are dating now..”
“We are.” You say, swallowing thickly. “We came home for christmas and so I could pack up all of the stuff I want with me in california.” You think you hear footsteps coming down the hallway outside the door and you can only hope that its Jake or Bradley. “What do you want?”
“I want a word with the son of a bitch you cheated on me with.”
“I never-”
“I don’t think thats gonna happen, pal.” Bradley came around the corner into the doorway, leaning against it. He looks at you and you relax only slightly, his black Stetson pulled low over his brow. “I think you need to leave, the lady looks uncomfortable with you being here.” 
“Oh yeah?” Dalton asks, turning to glare at him. “Is she fucking you too?” 
“Dalton!” You half yell, catching his attention as Bradley stands up straight. “I never cheated on you, and I’m not fucking anyone besides Jake, not that it’s any of your business.” 
The man scoffs. “Yeah right, you’re a fuckin’ whore..how else would you be pregnant.”
“Okay, it’s time for you to leave.” Bradley says, stepping into the room. His neck is red and you can tell that he’s angry. 
“Oh, and you’re gonna make me?” He looks back at you, pointing to Bradley. “Who the fuck is this guy, huh?” 
“He’s gonna be the least of your worries if you don’t get the fuck out of here.” Jake stands in the doorway and you immediately run to him, clutching his arm tightly. The situation was clearly growing tense and was starting scare you for real. 
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primeofprimes115 · 2 months
A Cold "Treat" - Supergirl x Male Reader
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Note: Smut 💕
Art by Krysdecker
For the last three months of Y/N's life, everything has been life changing for him in a lot of ways he couldn't describe at all, to say that he was the luckiest boy on Earth, was a true statement in many the many eyes of males his age to say at least.
All his life had been ups and downs, mostly downs but he always seemed to power through them, even the most overwhelming moments in his life, despite feeling rather vague about his life, all he wanted was an escape from the misery that was his day-to-day life, just something that could uplift him in the dark.
His mother was one of those people, especially after his dad mysteriously passed away, she raised him all on her own, working off on the money she had from a dodgy family, though some of the family were genuinely nice people deep down, the other half were something else entirely.
School was rough, through middle to high school, he had the normal-ish, school experience, just with the added down-sides to it, dealing with the wrong people mostly, he had friends, not much, but he definitely had friends.
College was like a breath of fresh air, it was like he could finally breath once again, no more having to deal with shitty people, no more having to deal with teachers who were mostly plain disrespectful or unfun, who would berate you for being two-minutes late or under the ten-minute mark. No more having to deal with wannabe cool people who think they're the toughest in the world.
College was something... New, despite the costs of having to go there in Metropolis, he was more than happy to have been to somewhere fresh and new, than having to deal with low-life people who thought everything mattered to them.
His life began to take a turmoil at this point, with some ups and downs along the way, his life got interesting but not as interesting as a year later in College.
One day, he was just walking down the street, not wanting to live in a Dorm like any other student would, but he was on his way to College when all of a sudden? He walked into a scene of danger, the city threatened by a super-villain, identity confirmed it to be Metallo, an infamous villain that belonged in Superman's rogue gallery, this was Metropolis after all.
And who was at the scene also? Superman's cousin, Supergirl, renowned for her strong will and outgoing personality and friendly nature, unless you piss her off, was fighting Metallo at the scene in Superman's absence. She was seen protecting citizens from a rampaging Metallo who wanted nothing more than revenge on Superman, vowing to kill Supergirl to spite the Man of Steel.
Supergirl was resilient in her efforts to stop the rampaging Metallo, but thanks to Kryptonite? The Girl of Steel would soon fall under the overwhelming effects, making her nauseous and weak, giving Metallo and edge to the fight.
"I'll give Superman your regards on my behalf" Metallo said to spite her, she tried fighting back a little longer but soon fell to her knees with the Kryptonite in his chest fully exposed to her as a beam shot out, hitting her across the road and into a civilian's parked car.
He remembered hiding, hiding and watching how the fight was going down, seeing Supergirl being knocked down like that was heart-wrenching to watch, after all the good she's done for Earth, despite what many people say about her to downvote her, he wasn't one of those people... He once praised Supergirl for her efforts, after all... She saved him a few times before which was over a year ago just before his day into College, and even before that.
"I-I won't...!" the girl struggled to keep her words up, the Kryptonite weakening her further as Metallo walked closer, the light in his chest growing greener, charging up.
"Time to die, girly!" John Corben sneered before he felt a rock bounce off of his head, making him grunt in annoyance.
"Leave her alone!" turning around, he heard the voice of a boy that threw a rock at him, noticing him standing across the street with a brave attitude.
"Big mistake, kid" Metallo groaned, before his attention fell to the boy instead.
"Oh shit" Y/N cursed out before Metallo went straight after him instead.
This was enough of a distraction for Supergirl to recover from being weakened by the Kryptonite, while Y/N was facing a near-death experience at this point in time, with Metallo out to kill a nineteen-year-old boy, just because he saved Supergirl last minute by attacking him.
The Girl of Steel pulled a plan out of her cousin's book and ripped a manhole out from the ground nearby and proceeded to track down Metallo chasing the kid, she thought how stupid it was of the boy to put himself in danger, let alone...
He sounded familiar to her, as if she had seen him before once or twice, she hadn't struck conversation with him before, but all she knew him as was this "handsome boy".
Soon, she found Metallo cornering the boy in a lone alleyway, soon flying on down to get his attention.
"Hey! Leave the charming guy alone!!" she shouted out at him, gaining his attention before the Girl of Steel melted the manhole cover onto Metallo's chest, just like her cousin once did a few years back.
All she had to do now was fly him up into space, hopefully to knock him out due to a lack of oxygen up out of orbit, now that the Kryptonite was contained, with Metallo cursing out the girl's efforts, trying to fight back, Supergirl was persistent and blasted off into the air, leaving Y/N alone in the alleyway, having to get over the fact that she just called him 'charming' right in front of him.
Soon enough... The boy was just making his way over back to College after having his life ended by a supervillain, but he was stopped by Supergirl calling him out and landing a few feet in front of him, after handing Metallo over to Stryker's Island, to be imprisoned once more.
"Hi" she shyly waved at him with her arms within her gold/yellow outlined red cape, with a cute little smile on her face after greeting the boy.
"Oh? H-Hi there" Y/N waved back at her, feeling rather tensed but surprised to see Supergirl standing in front of him, albeit her floating off the ground a little just to look taller. Her being 5'5 and he, 5'10. "Look, if this is about me putting my life in danger to save you, you... Don't need to say it, it was kinda dumb for me to do-".
"Who said you were dumb to do so?" she asked him softly, making him reconsider what he was saying as she landed on the ground softly, with dust scattering away from her red boots, approaching him. "You did what you thought was right, you're not in trouble or anything" she giggled softly... Oh that giggle, it would send a boy to the stars hearing that.
"Oh? W-Well... Haha" he tittered. "I-I uh... Well... *clears throat* You don't need to thank me, I was just... Y'know?" he shrugged, looking away from Supergirl's eyes for a moment to recollect his thoughts... He would surely not want to get lost in such gorgeous eyes like hers.
She was a superhero, he didn't deserve to get attention like this from one superhero, yeah she saved him a few times before, but that was different. They had no interaction before, which only made him more awkward.
However, Supergirl smiled brightly, letting out a small, soft giggle. "Well... I'm thanking you anyway~♥" she said before doing the unthinkable, floating off the ground and kissing his left cheek, making his face go redder by the second as he blushed hard. It was nothing more than a small and simple kiss.
It was soft and gentle, just like her more friendly nature, ticklish like her golden locks.
"You mind if I fly you to College?" she asked, despite him being lost in what had just happened.
"What?? How did you-?" he stopped himself, still blushing red across the cheeks as he laughed nervously. "Of course you probably know that" he chuckled to himself, keeping his eyes off of her to regather himself.
"Is that a yes?" she asked softly and genuinely. Y/N built his courage to look at her again and saw a gentle look in her face, a caring look in her eyes, a sweet sense of interest in her smile.
From that point on? He began to smile...
Three months... Three whole months had been the most interesting point in his life since then...
Another surprise had awaited him that following week of speaking to Supergirl for the first time face to face, he remembered it clearly... She went ahead to pick him up and fly him back home to his own living space and soon after, she asked him out on a date, 'something casual' she put it, but Y/N knew from that point on...
They were meant to be... He didn't know why, but the genuine look in her face, making sure he was alright every day, checking up on him when she could, she was caring, sweet and kind, completely different from what the internet points her out as. She was this willing to ask him out on a date and like any normal person? He accepted.
It was still all crazy to him... He was dating... No, now he was the boyfriend of Supergirl, or he'd soon learn to know her by another name or two.
Kara Zor-El, who is just Supergirl.
And Linda Lang... No wonder she looked familiar! She was the cute girl in College! No wonder why he caught her staring at him a few times. Who would've thought Linda Lang was Supergirl in disguise? Just to keep a close eye on him during College, blending in with the students.
Since dating Supergirl, or Linda for that matter, he's gotten to meet new people, heroes in other words who both appreciated and were kind enough to allow Y/N to hang out with them with or without their costumes, capes and so what, most notably a few Teen Titans that Kara got along with very well.
Those last three months were held special and dear to him, Supergirl most notably changed his life and perspective on life for that matter alone, she showed him a lot more than he could fathom to realize, the responsibility.
Despite his ups and downs during College and all his sleepless nights... Kara would support him regardless, help him feel more relaxed and happier. He was head over heels for Kara at this point, like she was with him. Around this time, Kara happily moved into Y/N's apartment, bringing more than just her, she brought her cat, Streaky into his life, who warmed up to him in no time.
Currently however, the two were holding hands, walking down the busy streets of Metropolis, Y/N having his Summer break for College for the next twelve-to-fourteen weeks, Kara was more than happy to have him be on break for that amount of time.
Kara was in her disguise as Linda Lang, wearing her glasses after she had flown him through the city for a little bit as Supergirl.
Usually every morning, Kara would be the first to wake, seeing her boyfriend cutely snoring away before she begins to get ready for the day ahead, every morning, she puts on her midriff suit and sets out to patrol as Supergirl. Going to every corner of America to scope out any danger and put an end to it.
It had been like that for her for a while now but she couldn't be more happier anyway, since Superman was mostly absent from Metropolis nowadays, she offered to take over by keeping Metropolis safe, while Superman was needed elsewhere from time to time, he reluctantly agreed and it had been like that for the past few months.
Once her patrols were finished? She'd return home, always in time to see her boyfriend waking up either by Streaky or by her own action of climbing on him, while she still wore her suit. It was sure a sight to see Supergirl straddle him which ended up in him kissing her every time, which was exactly what happened this morning.
She also decided to get him breakfast from the local bakery, his favorite bakery in that regard.
Y/N soon took notice of the street they were walking in on, the same street he once saved Kara within from Metallo three months back, soon chuckling at remembering that day.
Linda notably took notice of his little chuckle, pulling a look of interest into why he chuckled.
"What's got you chuckling??" she asked softly, Y/N looked at her and smiled.
"Oh well, just thought back to the day I saved you from Metallo, this was the same street you fought him in" Y/N pointed out his reason, surprising his girlfriend after she notices.
"Oh yeah, it is" she giggled soon after. "Not far ahead, I thanked you and kissed you on your cheek" she then reminded him before kissing him on the same cheek, pushing up her round, Harry Potter looking glasses after the gentle kiss.
"That was surely a moment that's still in the back of my mind" he smiled more at her, holding Linda's hand tighter, through the crowded street ahead. He used to always have anxiety walking through a street like this alone, social anxiety.
But Supergirl, Kara, Linda had brought down that level of social anxiety since they began dating, before being committed into a relationship.
"Who would've thought that we'd tie the knot not long after?" Linda said with a teasing smirk, noting out their first time doing it in bed last month, following them announcing their relationship to their friends, and to Y/N's mother, who supported him.
His mother doesn't know that his girlfriend is Supergirl yet, but he was going to tell her when the time is right, his mother was already worried enough as she already was three months ago after having a near-death experience from Metallo.
"Our first time having sex? Yeah... That's a night I'm always going to remember" he purred to her, making Linda bite her lip just thinking back on it.
She remembered screaming out his name in pure satisfaction, the feeling of being able to feel so good, of having her walls being broken down by just a mere human. The hickeys, the kissing, the note of consent on one another of taking each other's clothes off.
More notably, she was in her costume for their first time, and she ended up being naked not long after before she felt him inside her, she found it extremely hot hearing him ask to take off her skirt and shorts, along with her boots and crop top with the cape still attached to it. 
It turned her on just thinking more about it. "I'm always going to remember that night~♥" she smirked, staring right at him as he looked at her with a smirk on his face.
"Y'know, if you wanna go at it again, all you have to do is ask" he softly cooed at her before softly laughing.
"Oh, I'm planning to" she winked, as the two continued walking down the busy street on their day out, without any crime for Supergirl to stop currently.
Not far ahead, Linda overheard something with her super hearing, some people ordering ice-cream just not far from where they were.
It was a pretty hot sunny day today, Y/N was only dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, wearing nothing but his sneakers with ankle socks, Linda on the other hand, had her hair tied back with a hair-bobble, while she wore her traditional zipped up hoodie and ripped jeans, hiding her superhero attire underneath as she wore her red boots, the gold-V-shaped part being covered by her jeans.
"Ohhh! There's a guy selling some ice-cream! We should get some" Linda said with a craving for a vanilla ice-cream. C'mon!" she began to drag him toward the ice-cream stand, smiling away.
Y/N began to chuckle at Linda's cuteness, being dragged along towards the ice-cream stand up-ahead of them. "Couldn't wait for my answer, could you?" he asked.
"I already knew what your answer was gonna be, hun" she winked back at him. "Besides, your body could use a cooldown, can't exactly use my... Y'know?" she done a imitation of her freeze breath power with her lips, knowing she couldn't do it within the public while in disguise.
"God, I love it when you read me like a book, it's so hot" he purred and smiled with a small tint of pink appearing across his cheeks, while Linda kept her smile at him, dragging him by the hand gently.
It weren't long until Linda had brought her boyfriend over to the ice-cream stand, waiting their turn to order, Y/N couldn't help but imagine Kara in her superhero attire, the midriff that showed her abs, her petite belly that showed her abs. Oh how it turned him on just thinking about it - with her hair billowing behind her just like her cape, as she'd lick her ice-cream, it was just a thought but it turned him on just thinking about it.
"Hun?" Linda's voice brought Y/N out of his little daydream.
"Uh... Yes?".
"What flavor do you want? I'm going vanilla, plain too" she asked, informing him on what she's picking also.
"I'll go for what you're having" he smiled, as their turn was next.
"Hi there!" Linda greeted the man within the ice-cream stand with a small wave, while holding her boyfriend's hand. "Two plain vanilla ice-creams please" Linda reached within her wallet and pulled out ten-dollars each. "Keep the change too, it'll be fine" she insisted the man who went to work.
Linda took notice on the way Y/N was now looking at her, she couldn't help but look into his eyes, madly in love with him while he was staring her down with some slow blinks, both smiling at each other.
She then softly giggled before leaning toward him. "I've got you covered" she whispered to him with a teasing wink.
Y/N wondered what she meant by that, little beknown to him... Linda knew what he was thinking, she could imagine him fantasizing her in costume, licking her ice-cream cone away, she really could read him like a book, she didn't possess mind-reading powers, even if she did? She wouldn't need them to know what he was thinking.
Soon, their ice-cream was being served to them, Linda thanked the man after politely taking it from him, she handed her boyfriend his ice-cream cone and the two walked off, with the girl holding him by the hand again as she was taking him somewhere where they couldn't be seen.
Y/N would soon find himself being flown up into the sky, with Kara holding her arm around his waist, she soared through the air, until she brought him to a rooftop with an amazing view. He felt his feet touch the ground soon after, recognizing they were on-top of a building where Kara usually stashed her Linda Lang disguise, safely out of reach and hidden from sight from anyone but her... And her boyfriend in other words.
"Here, hold this for a sec" she handed him her own ice-cream cone, as she began to take off her disguise, pulling off the hair-bobble that she tied her hair back with before removing her glasses.
Y/N could only stare at her as she began to take off her hoodie, revealing the S on her crop-top before her cape was freed behind her, picked up by the soft winds just like her golden hair.
Y/N was licking his ice-cream during this time and chuckled as soon as he saw the crop-top being freed. "Y'know? The ripped jeans with the midriff works really well" he brought to her attention.
"You think so?" she asked as she took them off next, freeing her blue skirt which billowed and showed her red shorts underneath the skirt.
"Yeah... It sure does" he nodded, licking his ice-cream more before handing Supergirl's cone back to her.
"Hmm, I'll consider it an idea" she smirked, before beginning to lick her ice-cream next. Looking at her boyfriend passionately as she did so, beginning to levitate also off the rooftop.
The next few minutes, with Kara licking her ice-cream cone while levitating, Y/N soon found himself staring right at his superhero girlfriend, getting lost in the moment of watching her lick her cone.
Her tongue twirled around the cold treat, licking it profusely, even turning the cone around to get the vanilla taste all around her tongue, before using the tip of her tongue to get a long lick.
He began to realize what Kara had said earlier while down on the ground, that she had him 'covered'? Was this what she meant?
Levitating up in the air, licking away at her ice-cream as she stared down at her ever-loving boyfriend, her cape and hair being picked up by the wind as she only looked down at him, licking at her ice-cream cone with a suggestive look.
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Just to turn him on by making obvious moves with just her ice-cream, teasing him with her tongue over a frozen beverage? He was already getting turned on by it alone, even by her muscles alone which she demonstrated 
Supergirl then bit her lip while taking a look at Y/N, licking her lips after getting some of the ice-cream on the top of her lips, before she noticed the boy's ice-cream was beginning to melt after he had done nothing but stare at her while she was eating her ice-cream in a suggestive manner to tease him.
Y/N imagined having his manhood sucked by her the way she was licking her ice-cream, her tongue twirling around the top, using her mouth to nibble the cold treat before she licked her lips. Imagining she'd do down to town on his shaft made him feel hot and horny.
"Oh, Y/N. Your ice-cream is melting" she brought to his attention while giggling away.
Y/N looked at his ice-cream and right away began licking it, laughing softly while doing so. "Sorry, you uh... Well, caught me off guard with... Well..." he couldn't even finish his sentence without blushing hard.
Kara gave him a teasing smirk and soft laugh, floating on down toward him to plant a kiss on his cheek, her lips were cold from the ice-cream itself, which seemed to cool him down a little bit more.
"There'll be more after this~♥" she whispered into his ear, continuing to eat her ice-cream as she made it noted that she knew what he was thinking, she didn't need him to tell her what he wanted, she could see it in his heart and eyes alone.
She continued to lick her ice-cream and Y/N did too, proceeding to turn him on and tease him much more with her ice-cream and tongue, she even went far as to give him a wink and bedroom eyes.
'God, she's turning me on even more' he could say to himself. He didn't think this is how his day would go, though lately he had been a little stressed out, there were many things that were his escape from reality, but Kara was one person that kept him stable, she was his main pillar in life since she made herself known into his life. 'So fucking hot' he thought to himself while staring at the Girl of Steel licking her cone.
It was all he could think of within the next minutes, eating their ice-cream away with each other before finishing.
Once Y/N had finished and so did Kara, she proceeded to fly him all the way back to their living space, with only one thought in mind...
Giving him a cold "treat" to remember, to give him a good time after teasing him for the last twenty-minutes. To think he was turned on? She was also turned on just thinking about sucking his cock and then riding it until he and her finish together, with their juices flowing with one another, just like last time.
Y/N was a little hot, it was a little hotter than it was yesterday, but he wasn't sure if it was because he was turned on or if it was just because of the weather.
(Smut begins)
"I know you've been thinking about it" Supergirl spoke in a lustrous tone, placing her boyfriend back onto his feet after flying on through the window of their shared home.
"About what?" he pretended to not know what she was talking about, making an obvious smirk that he knew exactly what she was on about.
"With a smirk like that? You can't play dumb" she teased, pulling him by the collar of his T-shirt. "Otherwise, I'd say your heartbeat says your lying" she lustfully giggled, pulling him into her lips, passionately kissing him next, their lips beginning to smack off each other slowly.
"Mmm" Y/N moaned into the Maiden of Might's lips in unison, her hands were on his chest as his hand sneakily groped her breasts just over her House of El glyph on her crop-top, making her let out a little cute noise.
"If you want to play that game?" Kara mumbled into his lips as one hand began to slip into his shorts and boxers, getting a gentle grip onto his shaved manhood as it increased in size upon her touch. "Be careful what you wish for~♥" she made a notable remark with a suggestive tone into his ear.
"I know what I'm wishing for~♥" he purred to her, feeling Kara's hand poke and and explore his cock within his boxers, biting his lip at her hand examining his length as his bump increased.
Supergirl let out a giggle through his lips as their kiss continued, before turning into a little make-out session for just a few more minutes, until Kara had enough and immediately dropped down to her knees, looking straight up at Y/N while biting her lip.
She then began to untie his shoes, so he could kick them off, untying one at a time carefully so she didn't accidentally ripped the shoelaces with her bare strength, his shoes were pretty a lot of money after all.
One by one, she untied the knots, letting him take off his shoes before looking straight up at him while biting her lip suggestively, giggling away as her hands drove up to his shorts.
"I turned you on a lot earlier, didn't I?" she cooed.
Y/N nodded in complete silence, in awe at the sight of Supergirl on both her knees, slowly taking off his shorts before they were dropped at the end of his feet, for him to kick away as she moved to his boxers next.
A very noticeable bump was seen, earlier she used X-ray vision to get a good look at it while they were having their ice-cream, she couldn't stop thinking about it since then.
A suggestive smile sprang across the girl's face as she was slowly pulling down his boxers, his shaft now exposed to Kara Zor-El who smirked at the treat ahead of her as she licked her lips.
She smiled right up at him before taking a lick up the shaft, making Y/N shimmer and squirm a little, with her tongue still cold from the ice-cream they had earlier.
"Ohmygod" he said in a fast manner as Supergirl took his cock into her mouth. "Your tongue is cold, holy shit that's so good" he breathed out as Kara giggled while beginning to suck him.
She bobbed her head forward slowly, twirling her tongue around his shaft while she bobbed forward and backwards.
Her eyes stared right up at him, seeing a look of satisfaction spread across his face as her cold tongue twirled and danced around his shaft, before a pop sound came from her mouth, taking his cock out of her mouth.
She began to give him a little hand-job, using a little bit of her super-speed to satisfy him a little more, which seemed to be doing more than satisfy him, it made him moan her name.
Kara had once used super-speed before during their first time, notably using her super-speed as a vibration to stimulate his cock which worked as a hand-job in a way and she used it a few times to even satisfy herself by playing with her pussy.
"Ohhhh Kara!" he moaned her name again, rocking his head back while Kara pleasured him with a smirk across her face.
"You gonna cum?" she asked him.
"If you c-c-continue u-using your... SSSSSuper ssspeed, then yyyeah" he stammered, giving Kara the pleasure to stop and take his cock back into her mouth, using her tongue on the tip of his cock, twirling and dancing around it.
Her tongue still cold, from an icy treat, she continued to satisfy him more with a tongue still frosty as the arctic in the North-Pole.
Y/N proceeded to take off his T-shirt, getting a little sweaty by the minute as Kara continued going to town on his cock, looking straight up at him with a smile that could brighten the heavens.
"You taste so good" she whirled and purred toward him, wanting to satisfy her boyfriend more by complimenting how good his cock tasted, it sounded nasty but he didn't let it bother him, she looked and seemed satisfied though.
His eyes then rocked back as Kara took it deep into her mouth next, gagging a little on his cock hitting the back of her throat, her saliva coating his cock all around as she took it deeper again. A giggle escaped her throat as she smiled brightly right up at him.
She once again took a long lick up his shaft, coated by her saliva and the coldness of her tongue, she continued to lick the top of his shaft, just like she did with her ice-cream cone earlier, giving him a satisfying feeling and view as she slowly drove one hand into her skirt and shorts and began to play with her pussy, inserting two fingers in her which she moaned a little in pleasure.
And she was doing this while still in costume, which only made it more better that Supergirl was sucking him off.
"Ohhhhh KaRRRRaaaa, fuck meeeee" Y/N moaned in ecstasy, being pleasured by his superhero girlfriend since it had been a month from their first time having sex. He wondered how Kara knew what she was doing.
If he had asked, she'd probably say that she was Supergirl, of course she knew what she was doing.
A little soft giggle escaped Kara's throat as she continued licking the tip of his juicy cock, some pre-cum now leaking as she took notice of it, wanting to not put it to waste, she licked up the pre-cum that was leaking.
She thought it wouldn't be as satisfying to even lick it up but it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be, before she made a pop noise again with his cock escaping her mouth, twitching a little as a little more pre-cum leaked out.
"You want me to fuck you?" she brought to his attention, she was already planning to fuck him regardless, but she took what he said earlier to heart.
"Y-Yeah, I was hoping you'd say that" Y/N purred, giving Kara bedroom eyes before she stood up and kissed him on the lips, starting a make-out session as she levitated off the ground a little.
Her tongue danced with his next, with him beginning to fight for tongue dominance, still tasting the vanilla ice-cream they both had earlier.
Supergirl moaned into Y/N's lips as she began to fly him over to their bedroom as Kara thought about keeping her costume on this time, she once overheard him fantasizing over her keeping her suit and cape on while they were going at it in bed, it turned her on thinking about it around that time, and now this was a perfect opportunity.
Once Supergirl reached the bedroom, she put Y/N down onto his feet, the only part that wasn't complete naked and pushed him gently onto the bed while she giggled and he chuckled.
"I know you've been fantasizing about me keeping this on while we fuck" she brought up to his attention, making him blush while he smirked.
"Because I just love staring at your abs, babe" he made it known to her. "And you're also so fucking hot when you wear that~♥" he eyed her up and down as Kara could only smile in satisfaction, it was all she wanted to hear him say.
His cock twitched for her to sit on it, him making it twitch himself as she licked her lips just already thinking of fucking him senseless, of her being fucked senseless for that matter by riding him for a change.
"I want to fucking ride you, you dirty boy~♡♡" she said with a lustful tone, making a suggestable remark much to his surprise by what she called him.
"Ohhhh, I love it when you talk dirty to me~♥" he purred as he sat up toward her, his hands driving up to her skirt and shorts, where his hand felt her red and gold outlined shorts. "May I?" he asked to remove them.
Kara gasped in surprise and smiled at him, nodding for him to go on ahead and remove her shorts.
With the green light given, he began to slowly take off Kara's red and gold shorts, while looking back at her a few times and giving her a suggestive smile. Kara bit her lip as she felt her shorts reaching down her legs.
Before long, her short shorts soon went down to her boots, giving her the opportunity to take them off before she could begin to fuck her boyfriend.
She took her boots off before lifting her feet over the shorts that were dropped down from her skirt by Y/N who watched her in ecstasy, Kara proceeding to show her boyfriend the shorts before throwing them to the side with her giggling softly.
Once again, she pushed him gently back down onto their bed, climbing on top of him next as she then hovered her pussy over his cock after getting a good grip on it.
Supergirl looked at Y/N for approval to have her guide his cock into her pussy, he gave the nod and instantly, a shade of pink spreaded across Kara's face.
"{Oh fuck!}" she said with pleasure in her native language, Kryptonese. "Oh! Ah! Yeah!" she moaned out loud, beginning to bounce on his cock up and down gently.
The afternoon sun shined on through the curtains, illuminating off of Kara's suit and perfect petite body.
"Ohhhh Karrra" Y/N groaned her name, feeling her walls clench around his cock as she bounced up and down, up and down, and wouldn't stop doing so.
Her bounces were slow and gentle, she was trying to be careful of her own strength on the other hand, not wanting to break her boyfriend in half since she was a full-blood Kryptonian, it was said she was stronger than Superman.
Faster? It's been proven before.
But stronger is still something she and her cousin still contemplate to this day, she can do anything her cousin can, but her willpower is pure and intent, she once used a Green Lantern ring as proof which requires a ton of Willpower.
"Mmmmm" Kara rocked her head back slightly, moaning in pleasure, it definitely felt much more better than it did the first time, the feeling of his cock inside of her walls, penetrating her as she continued to rode him like riding a bull.
She grinded and bounced more forcibly, her flesh smacking and making contact with his with an audible smack as the two moaned in unison.
Y/N opened his eyes to look into Kara's as she looked back down at him, her cheeks blushing pink with pleasure as her mouth was wide open, her moaning intensifying as the two began to laugh softly at one another.
"Ohhh fuck me, Supergirl~♡!" Y/N said with a dirty attitude, staring straight into Kara's eyes as she smiled, drunk on his cock before the two began to make out with her leaning down on him.
She bounced her ass up and down, up and down, grinding on his manhood and wasn't stopping anytime soon with his hands on her ass, groping her perfect ass cheeks, small audible claps happening as the two continued making out.
"Mmmm, yeah!" Kara moaned into Y/N's lips, the two fighting for tongue dominance soon after again as Y/N began to steady himself and began bouncing his waist up into her as her ass clapped down on him. "Ahh!" she moaned out, surprised by the effort from her boyfriend.
Supergirl pulled her lips away from him so her boyfriend could breathe, and so she could look at him in the eyes, a ecstatic smile creeping up her face while her mouth hanged open. "Hahaha" she laughed softly with her ass cheeks slapping off his thighs softly and gently.
Y/N bit his lip while he looked at Kara in the eyes, she looked so gorgeous and he couldn't stop staring into her baby blues, her cape and skirt bounced around as she continued bouncing and their flesh slapping off each other with the boy giving some effort to thrust up in her in unison of her bouncing.
"Jesus, Kara... You. Are. So... B-Beautiful" he said in between thrusts up into Kara's pussy, with Kara giggling in pleasure after his words left his mouth, her hands explored his chest and soon she used his chest to support herself.
This gave him the opportunity to once again, grope Kara's breasts, his eyes soon tracing out the S on her crop-top, meanwhile, Kara grabbed one end of her red and gold outlined cape and then the other end before wrapping it around her and onto Y/N's chest, lifting it up a little to wrap herself a little too as she smiled down at him.
It was then Y/N lifted Kara's crop top up a little, witnessing her perfect tits jiggle up and down along with her bouncing as he went to grope them, to satisfy her further with him massaging her breasts.
"I. Love you. So much" Kara blurted out, drunk on his cock still as she continued bouncing with a rough intent now, knowing he can take it just like last time.
"I love... You too. My sweetheart" Y/N managed to say out to her, feeling a rising tension in his cock with it twitching more inside of her with every bounce she did on it, her walls began to get even tighter as well... Which meant one thing.
She was coming close to finishing and so was he, but not yet...
Her moans soon turned softer each passing bounce she done, their flesh bouncing off each other more violently as her tongue hanged out of her mouth with her eyes rolling back for a minute, some saliva dripped down from her tongue and onto Y/N's chest as he stared at her passionately.
He never thought this would be his life going forward, being the boyfriend of Supergirl and getting to fuck her when the opportunity would come by, now being his second time having sex with her, and it seemed to be better than last time.
Being rode upon by the Girl of Steel was hot in his eyes, just watching her bounce on him while her hair, cape and skirt bounced and billowed with her as a pink blush sprung violently across her cheeks just set it up perfectly, to think this was what he once fantasized since the first time, he felt more than happy right now.
He felt free...
"{Oh fuck me, I'm all yours!} she said in her native language once again, he didn't know what she meant but it sounded good and pleasuring, let alone, it sounded hot to him.
"It's so fucking hot when you speak in Kryptonese" he knew it was her native language, he wasn't an expert at it but Kara promised to teach him one day.
"Remind me to teach you some after this!" she managed to say before letting out a big moan of pleasure. "Ohhhhh fuuuuck!!" her tongue once again hanged out her mouth with her eyes rolling back.
Y/N on the other hand rocked his head back in complete pleasure, his face clenching with satisfactory enjoyment with Kara's walls beginning to tense up even more than before, wrapping around his cock like a big bear hug but with a pleasuring feeling.
From once he thought Kara could break him in half? She was surprisingly good at controlling her strength during this, she always feared about having sex with a normal human could come with repercussions, but she was proven wrong with her first time with Y/N, though she still had to keep her strength in check, just in case. 
"Oh-Oh fuck!" Kara dug her nails into the fabric of her red and gold outlined cape. "Y/N, I-I" she moaned and stammered as her juices began to squirt out after ten-more-minutes of non-stop bouncing and grinding on her boyfriend's manhood. "I'm cuuuummming!!!" she cried out loud, tears brimming near her eyes as her blush deepened, her toes clenching as she let her juices flow and spread like a water-fountain, some of her juices bursting out of her pussy while she kept bouncing up and down on his cock, and onto his pelvis.
"Oh, fuck I'm gonna cum too!" Y/N felt the pressure rising in his manhood, twitching inside her, she could even feel it in her twitching.
After a few more bounces and thrusts, he let his juices fly inside of her next, Kara gasped in shock as Y/N moaned out in little notions before a big groan escaped him, signaling that he finished in her.
His eyes opened soon after finishing, staring right up at his beautiful girlfriend before Kara leaned down on him and kissed him straight onto the lips once more, he breathed a little heavy but Kara didn't seem to be breathing heavily, Kryptonian Physiology and all her powers said it all.
She found it cute to hear him out of breath after just bouncing on his cock for the last twenty-to-twenty-five minutes. It was a cute sight to behold too with him out of breath from it all after thrusting up in her too.
Their make out session continued for another two-minutes before Supergirl pulled back for Y/N to breath again with his eyes opening slowly along with hers.
She looked so elegant, so perfect, yet she chose him... She chose him to fall in love with, he wasn't perfect, but Kara wasn't perfect also, she's said it herself before.
He was lucky... It was all he could say.
"How was that for a cold treat huh?" she called back and joked before giggling away, Y/N softly laughed at her as they stared into each other's eyes.
"I'm all yours, Supergirl... I'm all yours" he said to her with a sweet tone of sense, making her smile as she plopped down next to him, with his and her juices escaping her entrance. Her long cape spreaded out over the bed and underneath her, some of the fabric landing on Y/N's torso 
"And I'm all yours too, don't ever forget that, hun~♡" she smiled, placing a hand on his cheek as she sat up a little, continuing to make out with him for the next few moments they spent together...
Word Count: 7366
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thereyoflights · 30 days
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i may or may not be cooking up some s5 post-betrayal supercorp smut… 👀
131 notes · View notes
salem-witch-slut · 2 months
My Kryptonite
Kara Danvers x Masc! FemReader
SYNOPSIS: Kara wants to take things to the next level with you, but she is terrified to hurt you. Not to mention, you keep getting shot at!
WARNINGS: Canon typical violence, stitches, blood/gunshot wounds, Kara being horny for you, fingering, eating pussy, misuse of superpowers, reader is described as muscular with lots of tattoos
Author's Note: A continuation for "This Is What I Know of Life". I have several in the works for this, I love these little fics (little my ass, each one is over 7K)
Dividers made by @cafekitsune
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It had been three months since you met Kara in the bar where you used to work. Three months since you started dating Kara(Supergirl) and quit your job to join the DEO. In the club, you could only protect people inside of the area. But in here? You had more power than you ever thought possible.
You got to carry a gun at all times, and there was a gym at the agency where you got to work out to your heart’s content. Whenever Kara didn’t know where you were, she usually found you there doing whatever it was you decided to do that day. Sometimes you were practicing your hits, and other times it was just simple weightlifting.
It’s how Kara found you today. Normally you wear some loose t-shirt and sweatpants to work out at the DEO in your free time, but not today. There was a small problem with the air conditioning and the temperature was stuck at about 78 degrees Fahrenheit. And that meant you were in the least amount of clothing possible while still being considered modest.
“Hey, Alex was looking for…” Kara’s black heels paused on the steeled floors of the gym where she saw you hanging from a bar attached to a 360 machine. Her heart stopped… or did it speed up? Whatever it did, it made her face turn red!
Kara knew you were strong; you were ex-military for Rao’s sake, and she had seen you in your bra and boxers that one time when you first asked her to be your girlfriend. But there was something… something almost surreal about seeing you wearing a Nike sports bra of all things, and compression shorts that clung to you in an almost sinful way. Your skin was glistening in the lights overhead, and your dog tags hung loosely around your chest as you dropped to the floor and turned yourself around to face her. It took a lot of Kara’s willpower to not reach out and trace that V line in your abdomen that vanished under the waistband of your shorts.
“Hey,” You said, out of breath as you reached for the towel on the bench. Kara tried not to stare as she admired the way your muscles bulged when you lifted the towel up and wiped the back of your neck near your hairline. “Kara?”
“Huh?” The Kryptonian looked up from where she was staring at your defined abs and felt her entire face turn red with embarrassment. “Sorry, uh… yeah, Alex is looking for you and… I mean— obviously I said you would be here, but she still insisted that I come to tell you and I just—”
“Babe,” You stepped forward and pressed a hand against her shoulder. You felt so… so warm right now that Kara tried to not lean into your hand with all of her might, but you made it impossible. Very quickly, you bent down and captured her lips in a kiss that lasted for a few brief seconds, making Kara hungry for more. “Let me go get cleaned up and I’ll go find Alex, okay?”
“Y-Yeah,” Kara stuttered, her thoughts traveling to very… not okay places. You were about to go shower. What did you look like under the spray of the water overhead? With soap sticking to your skin and rolling across every single soft curve and sharp edge of your body? Did you tilt your head back and lean into the water or did you simply stand right under the showerhead and let gravity do its job? And the more inappropriate questions that Kara would never ask.
Kara watched you go, hand closed around your duffel bag as you headed for the bathrooms, and she immediately began walking away. Her heart was racing, and she felt like one wrong step and she could fly away in an instant.
Of course, there was only one thing on your mind. If you had asked Kara to join you… would she have said yes?
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The mission that you had been sent on was more eventful than you expected. You had been in an undercover situation as you tried to look not suspicious and walk around the crowded area, looking for the threat that the DEO was mentioning all afternoon. The only problem? Kara was too busy looking at your ass instead of focusing on the task at hand.
Kara had gotten so distracted with you, and how you looked with the rain coming down from the dimly lit sky that the sound of a gunshot brought her out of her senses. It wasn’t until she saw you on the ground that she finally sprang into action and attacked the perpetrator a lot harder than she had to. It was just a human, and his arm was now broken because of how hard she had hit him… but then she saw you laying on the ground with a hand on your side and she wished that she had hit him harder.
She brought you back to the DEO in her arms and you were laughing the whole way as she kept telling you to keep your hand on your side and apply the pressure.
“Babe, it just grazed me,” You rolled your eyes as she continued to carry your body towards the medbay. “I can walk there, you know—”
“Absolutely not,” Kara snapped, nearly lasering the panel on the door to get it open. Alex was the first one to help you down onto the table and she slowly began opening up your shirt. “Is she okay?”
“She’s gonna be fine, Kara,” Alex reassured her, looking at your wound and gently touching the bruising flesh around the bullet wound. It was just a graze, and you would need stitches, but it was an easy fix and you wouldn’t even need blood this time! “How’s this feel? Does it hurt?”
You laughed at feeling Alex’s fingers against your skin and looked up at her with amused eyes. “I got shot, Danvers… yeah, it hurts.”
The two of you laughed as Alex went to put a pair of gloves on and properly clean your wound. And for a moment, you saw Kara and how she was looking at you. Your eyes fell for a second and you attempted to reach out for her hand. “Baby, I’m sorry if I wasn’t being as serious as you wanted me to—”
“It’s fine,” Kara said coldly. She backed her hand away from your touch and you frowned. She’s never refused physical contact from you like that… What was wrong? Did you do something wrong, well other than getting shot? She seemed more upset than you wanted her to be over this. “Just be careful next time.”
And just like that, Kara was leaving the medbay, her red cape swishing as she walked away. An even deeper frown textured your face as Alex returned with a suture kit and began to get to work on your stitches. You flinched a little every time she made a new stitch, but you were sitting still for the most part.
“Alex,” You asked, looking up to try and meet your superior’s gaze. “Is Kara okay?”
“Why do you ask?” Alex finished up your stitches and placed a patch over your side to keep the wound clean.
You slowly sat up, stripping off the remains of your bloodstained shirt and pulling on a gray t-shirt. How do you phrase to your girlfriend’s sister that you were worried about how she was acting? She’s been funny all day since she found you in the gym this morning.
“She’s been a little off today,” You rub the back of your neck, already looking forward to heading home so you could finally lay down. “I don’t know, I figured if anybody would know, it’d be you, right?”
Alex removes the gloves stained in your blood and tosses them in the sanitary bin, aggressively washing her hands before she looked over her shoulder at you. “Why didn’t you wear the Kevlar?”
“Uh,” You thought it was obvious. “A bulletproof vest isn’t super under cover, you know—”
“Kara’s worried about you,” Alex states, running a damp hand through her dark auburn hair to move it out of her face and she approaches your bedside. You frown as the agent sits next to you and carefully grabs your hand in hers. “I’m worried about you. I get that you’re ready to prove yourself to J’onn, but you have to remember that you’re not an alien, and you’re not bulletproof.”
“I’m not trying to—” But then it hit you… Wasn’t that exactly what you were doing? Signing up for missions left and right, going out at every possible chance to show the DEO that you aren’t just some stray off the street and you belong here with everybody else? Fighting side by side with a literal alien that actually is bulletproof?
It was making more sense now; you actually were trying too hard. And in doing so, you were going to get yourself killed somehow, and Kara would be… who knows how the Kryptonian would act if you died on the job somehow.
“Okay, maybe you’re right,” You stood up from the bed, letting out a sigh and rubbing up and down the back of your neck, almost like you were trying to soothe your headache away somehow. “I’ll try to calm down… Maybe I’ll do some in-house stuff instead of jumping at the field work?”
“I think Kara would really appreciate that,” Alex smiled as you headed out of the medbay to go get your stuff from your locker. You ejected the magazine from your pistol and checked that everything was okay before putting the safety on and tucking it into the holster that you strapped to your side.
As you were pulling on your coat jacket and you headed for the exit, you caught a glimpse of a red cape near the analyst lab and decided that talking with your girlfriend was way more important than heading home and wasting your night away.
Your boots hit the ground hard as you turned a corner, just trying to catch up to Kara who moved at inhuman speed (pun intended). “Hey Kara! Babe, wait up!”
The blonde stopped in her tracks, whipping around at high speed and you immediately stumbled on your feet to try and not fall into her. And yet, gravity had other options. Your left toes smacked against the back of your right heel, and you stumbled forward, hands slamming against the lab door as Kara stumbled backward and into the glass pane, taken by surprise at your movements.
You huffed, cheeks turning a soft pink as you looked down at Kara and watched her face tint a soft red just like yours. Her chest was rising and falling hard, almost painfully quick as you could feel the heat of her body through her supersuit. That cute red and blue outfit you loved so much with the House of El crest on her chest, the short skirt and the sheer black tights to somewhat cover up her pale legs.
Oh, why was she so beautiful? Her eyes were so blue, and you adored that strawberry flavored pink lip-gloss she wore all of the time that you loved to lick off of her lips whenever you got the chance… She’s so gorgeous and so perfect and—You were just staring at her! Oh, maybe she was uncomfortable now!
“Shit, sorry,” You stepped back, only to feel her hands had curled into the sides of your jacket and you stumbled forward, arm going over her head to stop yourself from hitting her body. Kara was quiet, and the only sound she was making was the sound of her breathing. “Kara...?”
You wish you knew what was going on in her head. What was she thinking? What was happening behind her eyes that you couldn’t seem to comprehend?
It wasn’t until you heard the sound of someone clearing their throat did you finally take a step away from her, face turning even redder than before as a lab analyst stepped around the two of you and into the room.
“I should probably head home,” Kara cleared her throat, chewing on her bottom lip with a nervous smile on her face. “I’ll uh… see you tomorrow?”
Before you could even kiss her goodbye, she was gone out of your sight. A frown was on your face instantly at the loss of contact and the miniscule words exchanged with her. Why was she pulling away like this? Have you done something wrong? Well, you did get shot but was that why she was being so cold with you?
So many questions raced around in your mind as you packed up your stuff and headed home for the night.
You could hear your cat meowing like crazy before you even opened the door. As soon as it was open, the orange tabby jumped onto the table near the entrance and started pawing at your arm, making you smile as you put your stuff down and lifted him up into your arms. “There’s my baby, did you break anything today?”
Tigger pawed at your face and began wiggling in your arms, a signal that he did not want to be held right now. You complied and put him down on the floor before heading to the kitchen to prepare his food for the night. You were basically moving on auto pilot as you mixed up the wet food with the dry, put it on the floor by his food area, and headed to the bathroom to get ready to relax for the rest of the night.
Wash face, comb hair, change clothes, put on slides, it was all so mundane and routine for you. Even grabbing the glass out of the cabinet and grabbing the bottle of alcohol in the liquor cabinet. You poured a heavy glass of whiskey, lifting the glass up and looking down at the dark amber liquid. You needed this, badly.
“Kara, why can’t I figure you out?” You muttered, seconds away from lifting the glass to your lips when it completely shattered in your hands. A look of complete shock went across your face as you looked down, the liquid coating your countertop and the glass in pieces all over the marble surface.
Tigger hissed and looked over at the window that was now fractured with a bullet hole straight through the glass. Almost immediately, your heart rate sky-rocketed as you dropped down and hid behind the couch, mere seconds before your entire apartment was riddled with gunfire.
Unfortunately, you were more focused on not getting shot and saw your cat tearing off towards your bedroom to avoid the bullet storm coming in the direction of your apartment. What the hell was happening?! Why were you being shot at?!
The momentary reprieve of fear was beginning to vanish and now you were just pissed off as your hands slid under the countertop underneath you and you grabbed the mounted pistol on the bottom of the surface, pressing your back against the couch and waiting for a second. They were using AR-15s and you waited until they were reloading to fire back. You had about 2 seconds before they reloaded the guns, and you counted in your head before you jumped up and began firing back at the assailants on the other roof of the building across from you.
So busy with taking out your attackers with assault rifles… you had forgotten about the sniper that had initially shot through the window. In seconds you were going from pissed off, to full on pain as the sniper fired a round and hit you directly in your left bicep, knocking you against the counter and back onto the ground.
Well, you were pinned down with no safe way out now… what the fuck can you do?
“Goddammit!” You had to get out of your apartment, but how? How would you get out without getting taken out by the sniper? And the couch will only hold up for so long before it begins to break, and the bullets actually start hitting you. And you had to get your fucking cat before he was shot to death too! Poor Tigger, he must be terrified…
You thought of easy exits, but none of them would be applicable without running to the bedroom first and finding your cat. And you weren’t just gonna leave him here to be riddled with gunfire… So busy thinking of a way out that you almost didn’t notice the gunfire had stopped… Completely stopped.
Your heart was racing as you looked over the side of the couch for a second, and you caught a glimpse of a red cape. No fucking way… Of course, of course she came to save your sorry ass! Kara was a wonder and you owed your fucking life to her, so many times over.
Very slowly, you dropped down to the floor and pressed your hand into your bleeding arm, the red quickly oozing from the bullet wound as you huffed and steadied your breathing. This was one of the worst nights ever…
The sound of heels hitting the hardwood floor on the other side of the couch made you relax as Kara jumped over the remains of your sofa and got down on her knees in front of you.
You smiled weakly. “Hey, Supergirl…”
“Your arm—” Kara immediately began fussing, grabbing at your shoulder and looking down at the wound and feeling her blood boil with rage. The one time she isn’t around, and you almost get killed! Why did danger always find you when she wasn’t looking? Why were you always getting hurt? Why couldn’t she fucking protect you!?
“Baby, I’m okay,” You reassured her, resisting the urge to touch her and smear blood on her super suit. Kara shook her head and before you could react, she was picking you up and lifting you back into her arms like she had done earlier that night. “Wait, wait, Tigger’s in my bedroom! He’s scared and—”
“I’ll come back for him, we need to get you somewhere safe now,” Kara reassured you as she took you through the shattered window and off into the sky. You kept constant pressure on the bullet wound, closing your eyes and trying not to look down. You’ve never been too good with flying, especially when not in an actual plane…
You knew Kara wouldn’t drop you or anything, but it was still terrifying. But before you knew it, Kara was setting you down on the ground inside of an apartment before she kissed your cheek and bolted back off into the sky, most likely to retrieve your pet.
It didn’t take a scientist to realize that this was Kara’s apartment. It was very aesthetically pleasing, and everything had a designated place to be in. Not to mention the framed photos of her and Alex on the coffee table.
In almost a blink of an eye, Kara was coming back with the orange tabby in her arms. She carefully put the cat on her floor and Tigger immediately began freaking out and tried to crawl under her couch. When he saw that he was too fat for it, he ran to her bedroom and hid under her bed.
“How did you know I was in trouble?” You questioned, pulling off your sleep shirt and grimacing at the bullet hole in your arm. Kara frowned before she grabbed the extensive first aid kit under her kitchen cabinet… why she had it, you’ll never know. Kara doesn’t get hurt.
Kara pulled out a pair of long tweezers and put her hand against your shoulder as she looked extremely hard at your arm. She was using her x-ray vision to see the bullet lodged inside your arm… Considering it was the only thing that was lead in your body, it wasn’t hard to see.
“I could hear your heartbeat,” She said softly, looking up at you as you grabbed the tourniquet from the kit and wrapped it around your arm. You pulled it tight, holding it with a steady hand as Kara reached in with the tweezers and used her expert alien precision to extract the bullet from your muscle and drop the lead onto the table. You felt tears track your face as she immediately began to apply pressure to your wound, and you let out a heartbreaking cry of pain.
“I’m sorry,” She said softly, looking up at your eyes and seeing your other hand shaking as you held the tourniquet strap. Your blood stained her hands and her super suit as she kept pressure on the wound, still whispering apologies. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…”
“S’okay baby,” You reassured her, smiling weakly as tears covered your face. When the blood finally stopped, Kara quickly wrapped up your arm and pressed the gentlest kiss against the white bandages, looking up at you and watching as you released the tourniquet and almost fainted as the pain began to overtake you. “Fuck… Christ, I got blood all over your apartment, I’m sorry—”
“No, no, don’t apologize please,” Kara begged, grabbing your face with both hands and smearing the warm red blood on your skin. “You’re safe. You’re here, and you're alive and that’s all that matters… I’m just sorry I didn’t get to you sooner.”
“You have done nothing but save my ass since we met,” You chuckled, leaning down and pressing the softest kiss against her lips. Kara let out a whimper before she wrapped her arms around your neck and basked in the sweetness of your kiss. You muttered against her lips. “My guardian angel…”
Kara was always looking for new ways to display her strength as she lifted you up off the table and carried you in the direction of her bathroom. Very gently, she set you down on the side of the tub before she was running a wash rag under warm water.
“So, uh… who were those guys that shot up my place?” You tried to show that you were unbothered by what happened, but it was clear that Kara was focused on what happened. Her hands were seconds away from ripping up the towel as she got down in front of you on her knees and began wiping the blood off your arm. You tried not to flinch as she cleaned off your skin, but she noticed it. Her eyes fell and she began to move slower and gentler, her fingers twitching and her hand shaking as she did so.
“You uhm… You remember that guy I went on a date with when we first met?” Kara bit her lip, avoiding your gaze. Almost like she was ashamed of the answer. “Turns out he’s running this… anti-alien gang in the underground. He’s targeting alien sympathizers.”
You chuckled. “Something tells me that this one was personal.”
“Yeah,” Was all Kara said in response as she finished cleaning off the blood from your large muscular arm, quickly cleaning your face and tossing the rag in the sink, then looking down at the patch on your side. You frowned at her dismissive attitude, reaching down and gently taking her chin between your fingertips.
“Kara,” You breathed softly. The Kryptonian shivered, never getting used to how softly you said her name. “Something is bothering you.”
“It’s nothing,” Kara stood up from the floor and washed her hands under the faucet. It was clear she was in her head about something and the way she was shrugging it off was not sitting well with you. Kara left the bathroom and you followed behind her, carefully stripping off your sleep pants that had blood splatters all over them. You folded them up and placed them on the bathroom floor as you raced after her.
“No, it’s not nothing,” You stated, nearly slipping in the hall as Kara pressed her hands on her hips and began walking around in that signature superhero pose that she always did. Only this time, she looked more distraught than regal. Her cape swung behind her all pretty like and the way her hair went down in golden waves never failed to make your heart race. “Baby, you have to talk to me, please.”
“No, I don’t,” Kara said defensively. She began to pull off her super suit, removing her cape and laying it down on her bed before she unzipped the back. You tried to focus, but watching her literally strip in front of you was doing things to you… “It’s not important. Don’t worry about it.”
“How can you say something that’s bothering you isn’t important?” You frowned, stepping closer to her and wrapping your arms around your bare abdomen as Kara pushed the suit down her body. You inhaled, trying your best not to look at the way her tights looked against her rear and how you could see the clear outline of her panties through the sheer material.
Kara stayed silent as she pushed the tights down her legs, now standing in her bra and underwear as she sat down on the bed and began unzipping her boots. Your entire face was a deep red as you tried to calm your beating heart but knew there wasn’t really a point. She could hear your fucking heartbeat. Instead, you chose to look away.
“I’m not going to be upset if you…” You rubbed your nose, looking at the wall. “If you tell me the truth on how you’re feeling, Kara. I just want you to know that you can be honest with me… I care about how you’re feeling—”
You couldn’t even blink before Kara was jumping off the bed and wrapping her arms around your neck, slamming her lips against yours and curling her hand into the front of your sports bra. Your entire body went stiff as you were taken aback by her response but quickly melted into her like she was everything you needed to stay alive.
It didn’t take more than a few seconds before Kara fell backwards on the bed on top of her cape, pulling you down on top of her and making sure the kiss wasn’t broken for even a second. You reached up and slid a hand into her long, beautiful blonde hair and felt your heart going absolutely insane inside of your chest.
But you needed answers. You broke the kiss and huffed, brows pulling down in confusion as Kara gave you a look of disdain and reached for your face, her fingertips brushing softly against your cheeks and pressing kisses all over your neck and shoulders. She was trying to distract you.
“Baby, baby, stop for a second—” You gently slid your hand from her waist to her wrist and pulled her right hand away from your face. She looked upset. “I need you… to be honest with me. Right now.”
A moment passed between you two where Kara looked away from your face and frowned, a single tear leaving her eyes as she avoided your gaze. You frowned and brushed her blonde hair away from her face. “I’m scared, okay?”
“Scared of what?”
Kara pressed her lips together and she laughed like it was the most ridiculous thing ever. “I’m an alien… I can stop cars with my bare hands, I can break bones without even trying… I hurt people; I’m dangerous! I’m scared of hurting you…”
You pressed the softest kiss to her face and tried to stifle her sobs that she couldn’t hold in anymore. You kissed all over her face, trying to calm her down. “No, Kara… baby, please just listen to me… I’m not fragile; I was in the army! Yes, I keep getting shot at, but that’s different… You would never hurt me—”
“How do you know?” Kara demanded, trying to rationalize her thought process.
You let out a soft breath and pressed a kiss against her face, and then slowly trailed your lips down her neck. She was still so warm against your cool skin, and it always made her shiver when you grabbed at her body. You could get lost in her warmth if she allowed you to.
“Because I know you, sweetheart…” You started gently, almost like the wrong word would scare her away forever and you’d never see her again. Your hands shook with slight anxiety as you pressed your palms into her sides, pulling her as close as possible and feeling her hot skin against your own. “And I know you wouldn’t hurt me. But if you’re really scared… let me take the lead with this.”
“Wh-What do you mean?” Kara stuttered at feeling your teeth gently graze her neck and you all but purred in response to her soft little whimper.
“Here, let me show you,” You gripped her waist and lifted her off the bed, making her gasp as you readjusted the way she was laying. Very carefully, you moved her cape down onto the side table and rested her head on the pillows, looking down and almost drooling over her.
Your hesitation made the super feel insecure. Kara bit down on her lip and her instincts screamed to cover herself, her heart pounding as she brought both arms over her chest and avoided your eyes. Almost immediately, you grabbed at her arms and tried to coax her into moving them away.
“I need you to relax, sweetheart,” You cooed sweetly, trying to calm Kara down to the best of your abilities. Your arm was screaming, begging for you to relieve some of the pressure so you didn’t reopen the wound, but you were determined. Not the first time you’ve been shot so you can handle it, better than anyone else could. “I’m gonna take care of you… Just breathe, yeah?”
The blonde nodded and let out a breath. Her superpowers began to shine through and you saw the ice crystals dance in the air and you smiled, leaning back down and reaching her lips for a gentle kiss. Every new one felt better than the last and Kara simply lost herself in what she knew was your sweet, and gentle presence. Never a day to go by where she didn’t welcome the place you took in her heart. 
Your heart raced as Kara reached for the hooks on her bra. You carefully slid both hands from her sides up along her bare skin, pushing them under her and finding what she was reaching for. Almost like you were born to do it, your fingers unhooked the metal clasps flawlessly and you pushed the straps of the fabric down her arms and then removed it all together. 
This was the first time you were really seeing Kara, without any clothes whatsoever. She could no doubt hear your heartbeat get faster and faster, and your body heat was rising with every passing second. You ignored the throbbing in your shoulder and the ache in your sides, focusing all your attention on the flawless Kryptonian in front of you.
“Oh my God, Kara,” You whispered like you were out of breath, eyes darting all over her pristine skin. Your fingers twitched, and you bit down on your lip so hard that you almost ended up drawing blood. Very slowly, your hands slid across her waist, sending shivers across her nerves and making the blonde whimper underneath you. “Can I touch you?”
“Y-You have been touching me,” Kara breathed, her voice shaky with a laugh that seemed almost forced. You gave her a look, one that she was very familiar with when she was joking and you were not having it. Of course, it was in a playful manner because this wasn’t something that should be super serious. “Please… please touch me.”
You reacted to her like she was a spell and you were being drawn in. Your body fell down and you pressed kisses across the blonde’s sternum, making Kara inhale sharply and arch her back off the mattress. Instead of touching with your hands, your tongue trailed across her hot skin and you pressed soft kisses and licks to the underside of her breasts, taking your time and basking in every single sweet sound she made.
It wasn’t until you felt her hands in your hair that you began to dive deeper, one hand squeezing at the soft mound of flesh on the left, while the right was drenched in kisses. You made eye contact, gazing into those beautiful blue irises before latching your lips onto her right nipple, your teeth slightly grazing her flesh and making her gasp. 
“Ahh,” Kara released a breathy moan that made your toes curl with delight. You wanted more of those sounds. Your lips moved a bit harder and you pinched her left bud with your fingertips, pulling lightly and looking up to see her eyes fluttering as they rolled back in her head. 
The superhero whimpered out your name. It was soft, gentle, but screamed inside your brain and it just spurred you on in your hunger for her. Your lips continued to venture down, licking a stripe between her ribs and across her abdomen before you curled your fingers into the fabric of her panties and looked up. “May I?”
Kara laughed again, in that breathless way that made you dizzy. “Unbelievable… you have me in my bed, almost naked, and you are still asking for permission?” Her laughter rang throughout the apartment and you kissed over her belly, resting your chin on the soft skin and rubbing your thumbs under the elastic of her underwear.
“What can I say? Manners to a fault, darling,” You cooed sweetly and Kara could only stare in pure wonder as you grabbed at the fabric of her panties with your teeth and, without using your hands, pulled them down her legs and tossed them over your shoulder. 
The Kryptonian kept her legs together, shaking like a leaf in the fall wind as you slid your hands across her inner thighs and kissing at her bare knees. “Don’t be shy, Supergirl…” The blonde slowly opened her legs. “That’s it, good… Just like that…”
Kara reacted out of instinct and covered her face with both hands, hiding the only way she felt she could. You were staring her down, almost breathless as you stroked your hands across her inner thighs and seeing her legs tremble. It was one of the most vulnerable states you have ever seen her in. “Oh, Kara… You are so beautiful…”
“W-Why do you sound s-surprised?” Kara stuttered, removing her hands from her face and leaning up on her elbows to look down at you. A chuckle left your throat as you slowly crawled up the length of the bed and reached behind her head. 
Kara watched as you carefully pulled her forward and stacked two more of the pillows on her bed behind her to keep the blonde sitting upright. “Well, you are an alien, babe… I mean, shit, I half-expected tentacles–”
“Are you kidding me?” Kara started laughing, her breath tickling your face as she felt her face go pink under your gaze. You laughed with her, pushing her blonde bangs away from her blue eyes and loving every passing second with her. “I can assure you, I do not have tentacles.”
“Oh, I know now… You have something I’m pretty familiar with,” You cooed sweetly, leaning down a little more and pressing a kiss to Kara’s neck as your right palm caressed her taut abdomen and between her legs. “And something I will enjoy… devouring to my deepest desires.”
“Ahhh, Rao yes…” Kara cursed, her fingers curling into the pillows as her eyes rolled back in her head. You watched with pure fascination and love at her beautiful reactions, seeing her chest rise and fall with each deep breath as your fingers gently stroked between her slick, beautiful folds. 
She was so warm, so soft, and so… so everything you were addicted to. You were gentle, and you didn’t pay too much attention to a particular area on her cunt, exploring what she liked and what made her tremble and turn to putty in your hands. You pushed her legs apart a little more and looked down, watching how her body reacted. 
“Wow,” You smirked. “Someone’s excited, huh?”
“Y-You’re mean,” Kara whined, hips jerking upward whenever your fingertips brushed over her clit, begging for you to touch right there. “T-T-Teasing me like th-this…”
“Oh,” Your other hand reached for her chin, slowly turning her head so she could look directly in your eyes. You bit your lip and watched her eyes dilate before focusing your fingertips against that bundle of nerves that felt so human against your hands. “This what you want?” 
For the smallest second, you saw her eyes glow with heat vision before she blinked it away, forcing herself to calm down and relax. If she wasn’t careful, she would shoot lasers right through the ceiling. 
“Yes! Yes, yes, Rao yes,” You loved it when she used her God’s name in vain. It proved she wasn’t as pure and innocent as people made her out to be. You rubbed at her in tight circles, watching her muscles tighten and her back arch off the mattress underneath her. “Feels so good!” 
You were basking in her sweet words, enjoying the way Kara said your name, and followed it up with a soft curse word that swiftly rolled off her tongue. You were focused, watching and enjoying her wiggling on her bed before your fingers left her clit and began to dive down deeper. Kara felt your pause and looked up at you, eyes wide and toes curling against the covers around her feet. “Wh-Why did you–”
A soft grin spread on your face and before Kara could question you further, you slipped two fingers past her warm walls and inside of her tightness. The Kryptonian let out an embarrassingly loud cry of surprise melted with pleasure and her right hand went from under the pillows where she was containing her strength, to grab at your wrist and squeeze. 
You instinctively flinched and stilled your movements. “Too much? Could just say so…” 
“W-wait, wait,” Kara panted, her inner muscles contracting around your fingers and making you shiver at just how strong every single inch of her was. “B-Before you… keep going, we need a… a, uhm… uhh–”
“A safe word, baby?” You said, leaning down and kissing at her cheek, nuzzling against her skin and admiring how you managed to make her shiver every time. “I have something you will be able to remember… If I go too far, I want you to say ‘Kryptonite’. Think you can remember that, baby?” 
Your fingers gently pressed against all her inside walls and Kara yelped, releasing your wrist and grabbing at the sheets under her body. “Y-Yes! Yes, I can remember th-that. Now pleaaaase keep going, please?” 
The poor blonde looked close to tears and you decided she had enough torture. Very carefully, you set a soft and gentle pace, observing Supergirl like she was a test subject in a lab. Your eyes trailed across her facial features, how the crease in her brows would crinkle slightly, how her nostrils flared and the way her chest moved with each harsh breath in her lungs. 
You had never seen Kara get winded before, never seen her truly tired. But in this moment, you could see sweat forming on her brow and dripping down her face. Kara was using so much of her strength to hold back… It was beautiful, but you couldn't help the guilt you felt. 
But it didn't look like Kara had that thought process. The superhero was willingly submitting to you, which is something she's never done with anybody. Even with the miniscule information you learned about her past partner, she never seemed like the girl to submit like this… To willingly offer up control to you felt like the most intimate offering she could ever give you.
You were drawn into her like she was a livewire and you couldn’t let go. Your fingers stretched her out, relaxing her muscles from the inside and leaning down to wrap your lips back around her nipple and licking at her sensitive flesh. 
Kara snapped again, her hands releasing the sheets from her grasp and curling her fingers in your hair as she voiced her pleasure out loud. You didn’t flinch this time, so entranced with her sounds and the way she showed her desperation for more. Your tongue trailed over her hot skin, and down across her sternum, going lower and lower until you were laying down between her legs, watching up close and almost drooling at the sight.
“Hear that, baby?” You pressed your hand against her lower belly and without warning, sped up your finger motions and listened to the squelching sounds her pussy made against your fingers. Kara cried out, her spine arching and her inner walls clenching down. “Such a messy girl, aren’t you? God, so sexy…”
Kara was drinking your praise up like it was water. It felt like she was feeding on you as she writhed and squirmed on the bedsheets, looking down and watching your eyes glimmer with something that she could only define as mischief. 
Before she could ask what you were thinking… The Kryptonian let out a loud shout of pleasure and her entire body jolted towards your awaiting mouth. Kara swore she saw stars behind her eyes as your tongue met her clit and you gave it a soft, experimental lick while curling your fingers upward and pressing them against what you knew was a sweet spot. 
“Fuuuuuck,” You stared in wonder as your tongue began working faster, drooling on her pussy and fucking down into her as deep as her muscles would allow. You had never heard Kara swear like that before, and now that you had? You wanted more. It was like you were deriving pleasure from this too, just like she was. “Fuck, fuck, shit, th-that feels so fucking good!”
In your pussy-drunk state, you had this sinking suspicion that Kara Danvers has never been eaten out before. How dare someone strip this woman bare, spread her beautiful legs, and not wish to feast upon her like she isn’t the most delectable thing in the entire galaxy?! 
Your efforts doubled, wrapping your lips around her clit and experimentally sucking on the bud. Kara cried out, sitting up a little further and looking down to gaze into your eyes. Her own were glowing, and for a minute, you thought of stopping but decided against it. 
Is that what Kara did when she was about to cum? Did her super powers start to act up? Her fingers dug into the bedsheets and you heard an audible tearing sound. Her breath came out cold, panting like a dog in the sun as she rolled her hips against your skilled mouth. She was practically fucking herself down on your fingers and you carefully slipped in another one, making her shamelessly call out your name. 
“D-Don’t stop,” Kara begged, her teeth clenching as she lifted her hips upward and began grinding on your tongue. You persisted, your mouth keeping pace and moving your fingers faster as your other hand gripped her hip and held her as still as her super strength would allow. You twisted your tongue at just the right angle, and your fingers hit the right spot inside of her, and Kara was screaming. “Don’t stop! Oh Rao, right there! Please, please don’t st–” 
Her voice cut off with a deep cry of euphoria as she fell backward on her mattress and you could feel her inner walls contracting around your fingers. The glow in her eyes got brighter and before you could realize what was happening, her heat vision activated and did exactly what you thought she would do, which was burn a hole through her ceiling. 
You didn’t care. You kept fucking her through her orgasm, drooling on her cunt and hissing at her left hand going to your back and digging her nails into your flesh. She made cuts, but you endured, loving how she marked you in her own special way.
Kara’s cries of bliss faded to soft whimpers as you slowed your movements, lifting up off the bed and grinning. Her face went pink at the wetness dripping from your chin and all you did was lick your lips and wipe your mouth against your uninjured bicep. 
The blonde whined as you removed your fingers from inside of her and sobbed at seeing you bring them up and lick them clean. “Fuck, you taste like cosmic bliss, babygirl.” 
You didn’t get to flatter her anymore before Kara was yanking you down and pressing kisses all over your face and on your lips. She didn’t seem to mind the taste of herself as she pulled back to breathe and wiped at your nose with her hand. “Are you okay?” 
You laughed, tossing your head back for a second. “Kara, baby, I’m fine… Your roof isn't though.” 
Both of you looked up and saw the smoking hole in the ceiling, her face turning red and her heart beating fast enough that you could feel it if you concentrated. You chuckled, leaning down and kissing her once again before you laid on her chest. You knew she could handle your weight, and you didn’t mind basking in her warmth as you nuzzled against her bare chest and enjoyed hearing her heart. 
But the second was short lived as Kara gasped and shot up straight. “Oh no, no, no,” Kara muttered, her eyes widening as she looked down and ran her fingers across your back where the blood was ever so slightly beading at the surface where her nails cut in. “I hurt you… I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to–”
“Kara, hey, hey it's okay…” You cooed softly, reaching for her face and gently rubbing your thumbs across her cheekbones. Kara couldn’t keep the tears at bay as she held you by the wrists. “It’s okay… I liked it.”
“Y-You liked that I hurt you?” She frowned.
You simply smiled and kissed her forehead. “I did. You didn’t know this about me, but I’m a bit of a masochist… A little pain during sex? I like it a lot.” 
“Oh,” Kara blinked a little before she smirked and leaned back in, kissing at your neck. “Then I think I will have some fun with you too…”
“Just remember our safe word, babe,” You mumbled, practically melting in her hands as Kara started to remove your sports bra with nothing but her bare strength, tearing it at the seams and shredding the fabric to pieces. 
Kara gently bit down on your neck and you gasped, bucking against her. “Kryptonite…”
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Alex hadn’t bothered knocking on Kara’s door for a long time now. It used to be her apartment, and it wasn’t like Kara had super hearing to sense whenever Alex was in the hallway… oh wait, yes she did.
“Kara!” Alex shouted out from the front door as she closed it behind her, a box of breakfast pastries sitting in her right arm. “I have a present!”
Alex was so busy setting the box down on the counter and opening it up that when she heard someone stumble out of the bedroom, she did a whole double take at seeing you in one of Kara’s massive shirts that she would sleep in. Of course, it wasn’t that big on you due to your muscular build. 
“Uh… Hey Alex,” You anxiously rubbed at your neck and Alex was practically gaping at the sight of you. Just from here, Alex could count at least seven hickies on your neck. You had a fresh set of bandages on your arm, which was shocking to see because Alex doesn’t remember you getting shot in the arm, just the side. 
Your hair was a total mess, and Alex saw even more bite marks on your thighs. What in the actual hell did Kara do to you? She never saw Kara make those kinds of marks on any of her partners before. The blonde was deeply terrified of hurting others,so for her to bruise you and so openly? It was so bizarre!
Kara called out your name from around the corner and you looked just in time to hold out your arms. The super stumbled for a second. “What? What is it?” 
You bit your lip and looked at Alex before seeing Kara use her x-ray vision to see who was on the other side of the wall. Almost instantly, she started shouting at her. “Alex! Why didn’t you knock?!” 
“How did you not hear me?!” Alex chirped back, biting into a muffin on the counter and sighing. “Not so super right now, huh?”
“Honey, you should uhm…” You looked at the blonde and how she was completely bare in the hallway, much to your enjoyment. You didn’t want to tell her, but it was needed. “Put something on?” 
The Kryptonian felt like dying in that moment, running back towards the bathroom and slamming the door shut harder than intended. You flinched and looked at Alex, nervously shuffling over to the kitchen island and rubbing your hands down over your face. 
“Whatever you are about to say,” Alex started, making you look up. “Keep it to your damn self.”
“Wasn’t gonna say anything Agent Danvers,” You teased. “But I will tell you that my apartment was shot up last night…”
“Wh-What, why didn’t–” Alex sputtered, pushing the muffin away on the countertop and reaching for the bandages on your bicep. You simply allowed her to do whatever she liked, knowing damn well that she would pull the superior card like she loves to do whenever you get injured. Very carefully, Alex began to snip away at the bandages with her personal trauma shears that she kept on her person at all times, exposing the bullet hole in your arm. “Why do you keep getting shot at?”
“Woman, I am a lead magnet,” You said, flinching a little at the cold air touching the exposed, puckered and bruised flesh with the gaping wound on full display. Alex rewrapped your arm with the bandages sitting in the open medkit that Kara left out the night before and let out a deep, uncomfortable sigh. You frowned. “It wasn’t my fault this time.” 
“Don’t bullshit me, Agent,” Alex snapped, making you blush with embarrassment. “Who was it?”
“Remember when me and Kara met? And I beat that guy up in the bar? Well, he’s targeting alien sympathizers, but I think he just had it out for me as some form of payback for getting him arrested again.” 
Alex made a face of disapproval and immediately pushed the box of pastries in your direction. You immediately reached in, taking a chocolate croissant from the pile and smiling with gratitude. “If you had the night I think you had, you definitely need sugar.” 
“I thought we weren’t gonna talk about it.”
“We’re not talking about it, I’m just stating something rhetorical.” 
“Alex,” Kara demands her sister’s attention, wearing a tank top and sleep shorts, much to your disappointment now. “Stop embarrassing my girlfriend, please?” 
You immediately felt your face turn a deep pink and pretended to be very interested in the croissant in your hands, biting into the pastry and shifting your weight back and forth between your feet and refusing to look up at either of the Danvers sisters. 
“Is this my life from now on?” You muttered.
Kara snorted, picking up her own muffin and rubbing her fingers across your upper thigh making you shiver. “I didn’t hear you complaining last night, or this morning–”
Alex gagged. “Kara, gross! Stop!” 
Well, if this is my life… You thought with a smile. I could definitely get used to it. 
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marinawolf · 1 year
(drum roll, please) I officially present, the widely requested and smutty as hell, bottom Lena fic. (there's some fluff too)
You’re All Mine Now, Miss Luthor (Supercorp)
by marinawolf
NSFW. 18+
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Lena stood at the center of the grand ballroom, her hands gently clasping a crystal flute of champagne. Her eyes surveyed the room, taking in the sight of the attendees mingling and engaging in conversation. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation and excitement, as guests eagerly awaited Lena's announcement of L Corp's newest ventures and its charitable initiatives.
Lena felt a surge of pride welling within her. The turnout was impressive, the results of her efforts in reshaping the public perception of her family name. She had worked tirelessly to demonstrate that she was not defined by the sins of her lineage, and now, surrounded by trusting faces, she reveled in the knowledge that she had earned their respect through her own merits. She had meticulously worked to craft a legacy distinct from her family's dark history, to show her dedication and commitment to bettering the world through her company's ventures. The turnout at the event served as validation, affirming that people recognised her integrity.
Her fingertips traced the slender stem of the champagne flute absentmindedly as her gaze swept across the crowd, searching for one person in particular. The only person that truly mattered to Lena.
And then, her heart skipped a beat as she saw Kara Danvers entering the room. In that singular moment, the world around Lena seemed to fade into the background, leaving only Kara in her field of vision.
Kara's entrance was nothing short of breathtaking. A lacy blue dress clung to her every curve, accentuating her figure in a way that left Lena spellbound. Every movement Kara made seemed to unfold in slow motion. Her hair tumbled over her shoulders in perfect curls, framing her face like a halo.
Lena longed to go to Kara, to press her lips against Kara's. But the reality of their secret relationship held her back, reminding her of the delicate balance they had to maintain. So she stood there, a silent observer, captivated by Kara's mesmerizing presence.
The way Kara's lips moved, forming words that Lena couldn't hear as she greeted people, sent shivers down her spine.
Then, as if sensing Lena's gaze on her, Kara's eyes flicked to Lena and Lena's breath caught in her throat. Kara's startling blue eyes held a depth that threatened to consume Lena whole, and Lena felt like she could spend her life staring into them, willing to drown in those oceans. Noticing Lena, a stunning smile spread across Kara's face, causing Lena's heart to almost stop. For that fleeting instant, Lena allowed herself to bask in the radiance of Kara's smile. Lena remained rooted in place, her eyes locked with Kara's, savoring the electricity that pulsed between them.
Lena's heart fluttered as she watched Kara draw nearer, every fiber of her being yearning for their bodies to be close, for their hands to lace together. But fate seemed determined to keep them apart as the master of ceremonies' tap on his champagne glass shattered the moment. He called Lena to the podium amidst a around of applause. It was time for her to speak.
Reluctantly tearing her gaze away from Kara, Lena turned her attention to the podium, assuming her CEO persona. She had a responsibility to fulfill, a duty to address the attendees and present her company's vision.
As she approached the podium, the gazes of hundreds of attendees fixated upon her. The weight of their expectations settled upon her shoulders, reminding her of the importance of this moment. Lena took a deep breath, and stepped onto the podium.
"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests," Lena began, projecting an unmistakable tone of authority in her voice that she had perfected over time. "Tonight, I stand before you to share some exciting developments from L Corp, ones that will revolutionize the world as we know it."
A hush fell over the room as Lena described the cutting-edge medical technology that L Corp was spearheading, advancements that promised to revolutionize cancer detection. She painted a vivid picture of a future where early diagnosis and precise treatments would become accessible to all, which would save countless lives.
"But it doesn't stop there," Lena continued. "At L Corp, we are not content with resting on our laurels. We are proud to unveil our latest innovation, a prototype power supply that has the potential to transform communities. With just a single pod, we can power an entire neighborhood for an entire year, providing sustainable and clean energy solutions."
Gasps of awe and wonder echoed through the room as Lena described the immense possibilities of this breakthrough, proving L Corp's commitment to environmental stewardship.
"And as we reach for the stars, quite literally, L Corp is invested in making space travel more accessible," Lena announced. She was extremely excited about this venture. "We are actively working towards developing interplanetary trade routes, opening up new avenues for resource exploration and fostering cooperation between worlds."
The crowd murmured with excitement, captivated by the vision Lena painted of humanity's future among the stars.
"In addition to our groundbreaking advancements, L Corp is dedicated to making a difference in our communities. Tonight, I am proud to announce our partnerships with three extraordinary charities. We stand with Cancer Research, investing in life-saving breakthroughs. We strive to uplift our communities through comprehensive development programs, empowering individuals and fostering growth. And we pledge our commitment to inspiring young minds by supporting Girls in STEM, nurturing the next generation of innovators and visionaries."
A round of applause and appreciation erupted throughout the room, the collective acknowledgment of L Corp's unwavering dedication to the betterment of society.
Before she ended her speech, Lena's gaze shifted to the side, locking with Kara's. The pride in Kara's eyes made Lena choke up slightly. Kara had stood by her throughout her efforts, motivating her. Whenever Lena felt the weight of the world suffocating her, Kara was there, to lift up that weight with her strength. When Lena struggled with the effects of her family's legacy, doubting herself and her own intentions, Kara was the one to tell her that she was more than that dark legacy, that she was Lena Luthor- a good and kind person. Kara was the force that fueled her drive to push boundaries and redefine what was possible. Her Supergirl was her strength and motivation through it all.
"To everyone who believed in me," Lena's voice quivered slightly, her gaze locked with Kara's, this a message for Kara alone. "You have made this possible. Thank you."
Kara smiled softly, her gaze softening. Lena lifted her glass up, her eyes still on Kara's. "Let us not stop reaching for greater heights at L Corp."
As the crowd's cheers reverberated, Lena's intense focus on Kara dissolved, her smile widening in response. The recognition and support from those around her reminded her of the impact she was making, the strides forward she was leading. In that moment, Lena embraced the applause, knowing that her vision for L Corp was not only being realized but celebrated.
James appeared at Lena's side, offering a hand as he helped her off the podium.
"Congratulations, Lena," James said, "You were incredible up there."
Lena managed a distracted thank you, her eyes scanning the room in search of Kara's familiar presence. However, James seemed determined not to let her slip away so easily. He extended his hand.
"Dance with me, please?"
Caught off guard by James' unexpected proposition, Lena hesitated for a moment. She knew that James wanted something more with her, and she didn't want to encourage him. Before she could respond, the photographer overheard their conversation, sensing an opportunity to capture a captivating moment for the newspapers.
"Brilliant, Miss Luthor" the photographer interjected eagerly. "It'll look great in the photo spread for the paper!"
Reluctantly, Lena acquiesced, agreeing to dance with James for the sake of the photograph.
As they moved to the music, Lena's couldn't help but look over James' shoulder, desperately seeking a glimpse of Kara in the crowd. But try as she might, Lena couldn't spot her. All she wanted was to spend this moment with Kara, with the person who matter to her the most. But the crowd swelled around her, joining the dance. Amidst the swaying bodies and enchanting melodies, Lena's thoughts remained fixated on Kara. She yearned for their secret smiles, stolen glances, and the warmth of Kara's body against hers. The dance with James felt hollow, a mere facade. She wondered what it would feel like to be in Kara's arms instead, swaying to the music.
Feeling overwhelmed by the constant flurry of activity and the need for a moment of respite, Lena sought solace in the privacy of a secluded room at the back of the venue. The air was heavy with stillness, illuminated only by the flickering glow of candlelight. Velvet curtains, tied back with silken ropes, framed the window, casting soft shadows across the room. She sat on the chaise lounge in front of the window as she pulled her phone out to call Kara.
As she was about to press call, the door creaked open, revealing the very person she had been yearning for. Lena stood up.
"I was looking for you everywhere," Lena breathed.
But instead of words, Kara's response was swift and intense. In an instant, Kara crashed her lips against Lena's a desperate, hungry kiss. Lena's senses ignited, the world around them fading into insignificance as she felt herself melt into Kara's touch. Kara kicked the door closed behind her, and there was an unmistakable shift in Kara's kisses, an intensity that spoke of possessiveness and desire.
Lena surrendered willingly, her own desire echoing Kara's as their bodies pressed together. Fire coursed through her veins. Kara's hands, firm and possessive, found their way to Lena's chin, tilting her head to the side, exposing the vulnerable curve of her neck. Soft gasps escaped Lena's lips as Kara's mouth trailed a path of heated kisses along her sensitive skin.
With each press of lips and the sensation of Kara's teeth grazing her flesh, Lena's body arched instinctively, a mix of pleasure and surrender surging within her.
"You look ravishing tonight, Miss Luthor," Kara whispered against Lena's skin, her words laden with longing and possessiveness. "And it's driving me crazy to not be able to touch you." The words, charged with raw emotion, further stoked the arousal Lena felt. The wetness between her legs was already a sign of her desperation, her longing.
Kara bit down softly on Lena's neck and Lena could only gasp in response, her body beholden to Kara's command. In this private haven, the outside world faded into insignificance and they existed solely for each other.
Kara's kisses grew more urgent, intensifying with each moment. Lena's heart raced as Kara's hands trailed down her body, igniting her skin with a fiery touch, as she guided Lena towards the back of the room. She felt Kara's fingers deftly unzip her dress and unclasp her bra, allowing the garments to gracefully fall to the floor, revealing Lena in nothing but her heels and underwear. A surge of anticipation coursed through Lena's body as Kara's hands guided her towards the plush chaise lounge near the window. Their bodies pressed together, igniting a palpable chemistry that sent shivers down Lena's spine as Kara gently lowered Lena onto the chaise. She felt the cool satin of the couch beneath her bare skin and shivered in anticipation, ready to be claimed by Kara.
In a moment of exquisite dominance, Kara's hand gently closed around Lena's wrists, raising them above her head. Lena's heart raced as Kara skillfully used a tie from the curtains to secure her wrists to the chaise lounge. The subtle restriction only heightened Lena's anticipation, and she felt something tighten within her.
Admiring her handiwork, Kara smirked and Lena saw the glint in her eyes. "You're all mine now, Miss Luthor," she declared, her voice barely above a whisper.
Her words sent a shiver down Lena's spine. She loved Kara like this, dominant and commanding, taking control of Lena's willing body. Their lips met once more as the world outside the window ceased to exist.
Lena felt Kara's hands pull her down, so that the ropes around her wrist held taught. She was completely at Kara's mercy, ready to submit herself to Kara, in every way possible.
She moaned as Kara's lips left her own, and trailed kisses down her neck and chest.
Closing her eyes, Lena surrendered to the moment, letting herself be consumed by the electric touch of Kara's lips on her skin. The world around her faded away, and the only thing she could hear was the soft sound of their breaths mingling in the air and her own desperate whimpers. Her body responded to Kara's every touch, her pulse quickening and her senses heightening.
Reaching Lena's breasts, Kara's lips captured a rosy bud between them, drawing it into her mouth. Lena's breath caught, and a moan escaped her lips. The pleasure surged through her, intensifying with each gentle suck and flick of Kara's tongue. She surrendered to the delicious sensation as Kara switched to her other breast, her body arching and her fingers instinctively seeking purchase, grasping the ropes that bound her wrists.
Lena's breath hitched as Kara's teeth grazed her sensitive flesh, sending a jolt of pleasure mixed with a hint of pain through her body as her back arched instinctively, a low moan escaped her parted lips. Every subtle movement, every gentle nip, sent shivers of ecstasy racing along her nerve endings, causing her to squirm beneath Kara's touch, craving more.
She felt Kara's hands explore her body, her nails delicately scraping against her skin, causing a surge of heightened sensation to course through her.
All too soon, Kara's mouth left her chest, trailing searing kisses down Lena's body. As Kara's lips descended further, Lena's breath caught in her throat. The soft brush of kisses against her stomach sent a thrill of anticipation rippling through her. She felt the heat pooling between her thighs, aching for Kara's touch, and she yearned to be consumed. Finally, Kara's fingers found the waistband of Lena's panties and she slowly pulled them down, Lena lifting her hips slightly to let her. Then, she felt Kara’s purposely icy breath on her heated core and couldn't stop the soft, desperate whimpers that came out of her mouth.
Lena looked down, her eyes finding Kara's, taking in the sight of her beautiful girlfriend kneeling between her thighs. She squirmed, arching her body towards Kara, but the pull of the ropes restrained her and Kara placed her hands on Lena's thighs, effectively pinning her down. The soft glow of the candlelight danced across Kara's features, accentuating her mesmerizing blue eyes, as Lena looked into them desperately.
Finally, Lena felt Kara's mouth press against her, her tongue teasing Lena's folds. Lena's body trembled with each deliberate stroke of Kara's tongue. She felt Kara tease her entrance before capturing her clit between her lips, causing Lena to gasp loudly. Lena's fingers curled around the rope that bound her as Kara's skilled tongue found its mark, and she dug her nails into her palms in a desperate attempt to ground herself as the waves of pleasure coursed through her. When she felt Kara's teeth graze against her, coaxing her pleasure to greater heights, she cried out at the delicious pain. The intensity built with every stroke of Kara's tongue, and as soon as Lena was about to reach her peak, Kara stopped, pulling away. Lena whimpered desperately as Kara moved her body up, against Lena's, before pressing a desperate kiss against Lena's lips once more. Lena could taste her own desire on Kara's lips, and she groaned into the kiss.
Lena's senses were ablaze with desire as she felt Kara's fingers press against her opening, softly teasing her. The mere contact sent shockwaves of pleasure radiating through her, igniting a frenzy of need.
"Look at how ready you are for me," she whispered against Lena's lips, and Lena felt her body respond more intensely to Kara's words.
Kara broke the kiss, leaving Lena gasping for air as she looked down into Lena's eyes, her blue eyes dark with desire.
"Watching you dance with James, seeing his hands on you, drove me crazy." Kara whispered, her fingers still teasing Lena, softly dipping in and out of her folds, teasing her clit, causing Lena to lose any sense of coherence.
"You're mine, Lena." Kara growled, before finally plunging two fingers into Lena, claiming Lena in every sense of the word. The sudden intrusion elicited a guttural cry from deep within Lena's throat, her walls clenching around the invading digits. Lena's hips immediately took up the rhythm set by Kara, trying to keep up with the unforgiving pace. Kara's movements were fast and hard, pushing Lena further into the depths of her pleasure. Lena moaned and whimpered, unable to stop herself, as Kara's fingers took her to her peak, each thrust deliciously stroking that sweet spot deep within her. She wanted to tell Kara that yes, she was hers, only hers, because Lena had always been hers- she could never belong to anyone else, but the pleasure took away her ability to form coherent sentences.
Lena gasped as she felt Kara add a third finger, the delicious stretch causing her to cry out, loudly. Kara's lips crash against her own again, muffling her screams of pleasure. The ropes bit into her wrists painfully as she pulled at them, unable to keep her body from arching towards Kara. She felt her pleasure peaking, reaching the edge, and desperately moved her hips against Kara's hands, pressing against her harder.
Kara, probably sensing Lena's desperation, curled her fingers, causing Lena to cry out again, the sound muffled by Kara's lips.
"Cum for me." Kara whispered against Lena's lips, and Lena's body immediately responded to the command. Lena came undone, waves of pleasure washing over her, building and building until they crested in an explosive climax. She clenched tightly around Kara's fingers, the intensity of her release consuming her as she surrendered to Kara's control and her own pleasure, gasping and moaning. Finally, Kara's fingers slowed down, bringing Lena down from her orgasm. Lena, breathless and wholly consumed by the pleasure, fell back into the couch, her body finally sated.
Kara slowly undid the ties around Lena's wrists, her touch now gentle and tender, and placed a soft kiss to each of Lena's wrists. When Lena's hands were freed, she looked up at Kara, smiling softly. Kara's gaze was on Lena's neck, and Lena saw her lips curl into a self satisfied smirk. "I might have been a bit too eager," Kara said, a playful tone lacing her words, as her fingertips caressed Lena's neck, where Lena knew that Kara had left marks. "Looks like I've left a mark. Sorry."
Lena laughed softly, because she knew that Kara was definitely not sorry. Those were marks of Kara's possessiveness. Lena reached up to Kara's hand on her neck, and laced her fingers with Kara's before leaning in, capturing Kara's lips in a tender kiss.
She broke the kiss and pressed their foreheads together, their breaths mingling in the space between them,
"You know you never have to worry, darling" Lena reassured Kara, "The only person I want to be dancing with is you. I love you."
She saw Kara'a soft lips curl into a sweet smile at her words, and Lena's heart fluttered.
"Good. I love you too," Kara whispered, "Now, let's get out of here. There are people here to see you, Miss Luthor."
Lena groaned, and slumped against the couch. "No. Let's stay here. This is perfect. And we’re not done yet,” Lena said, her eyes scanning Kara’s exquisite body.
Kara stood up, and reached down to pull a reluctant Lena up as well, laughing.
"Don't worry, I have much more in store for you later tonight, my love. But only if you behave," Kara teased, and the Lena's desires immediately reignited.
"And what if I don't behave?" Lena asked, turning to look at Kara, a hint of challenge in her voice.
A wicked glint flashed in Kara's eyes before she leaned in, her warm breath tickling Lena's ear. "Then, Miss Luthor, I might have to find creative ways to discipline you," she whispered, and her words sent shivers down Lena's spine. As Kara made to exit the room, she paused and turned around, her eyes soft, "I'm so proud of you, you know that, right?", she whispered.
"Thank you," she whispered, and she hoped that Kara knew that it wasn't just for this- it was for everything.
After Kara left Lena alone to get dressed, Lena exited the room and caught a glimpse of herself in a mirror just outside the entrance to the bustling ballroom. A gasp escaped her lips as she beheld her reflection. There, on her neck, was a very visible mark left behind by Kara, vivid against her pale skin.
With a soft laugh, she swiftly undid the clips that held her hair in an elegant chignon. The dark tresses cascaded down, strategically covering the evidence of their intimate rendezvous. She entered the ballroom, already waiting for the end of the event as Kara's promises for later echoed in her mind.
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obliviouskara · 2 months
tho the most common hc of supercorp is the mighty top™ kara danvers aka supergirl and the queen of all bottoms lena luthor (which okay listen my lena luthor is a to—) we love that for them! its great! 10/10 but there's just something about picturing supergirl the girl of steel alien kyrptonian indestructible superhero at the mercy of lena luthor a mere human which granted she's not just a human, she's a multi million dollar tech CEO philanthropist genuis lena luthor she also happens to be human and to have a superhero begging for her, to have the woman that have bullets bouncing off of her shaking for her touch— whimpering desperate for lena's touch, writhing panting and gasping for air and watching her lose control all because of lena. for kara, who has never been accustomed to pain (at least not on earth with sunlight and all) want to feel pain, the pain that comes from pleasure by lena luthor and no one else. for her to crave lena luthor like she's the sun. if that's not the sexiest thing you can think of then i don't know what else is.
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natalievoncatte · 7 months
The first time Kara Danvers touched Lena Luthor was seared on her memory. Lena had offered her hand in the usual way and Kara took it, but it was no ordinary handshake. Her grip was firm, but not controlling, and her flesh was warm, almost feverish. The handshake was like Kara herself- bold and brash at first, then softening, letting Lena take the lead almost with a sense of relief.
(Later, in a darkened room with an empty whisky bottle by her head and a broken picture frame clutched to her chest, Lena would realize that had *not* been the first time that Kara had touched her; the first time was to save her, rescue her, protect her, to bend steel one moment and reassure a terrified woman the next, and that first touch had set a tone for the others, a surpassing tenderness she didn’t deserve)
The next touch she remembered was Kara gently tapping her shoulder on a restaurant terrace. Lena had tensed at the brush of fingers on her shoulder, looking up sharply with a stabbing fear in her gut- it was the first time she’d dined out casually and publicly since her brother committed a literal crime against humanity. She wouldn’t dare do something so ordinary in Metropolis; she’d be lucky if there were only protesters with signs as she was leaving. Only when she arrived in National City did she let her guard down, both literally and figuratively. Kara’s impossibly soft fingers on her bare shoulder jolted her from her reading and she felt that spike of terror for just a moment before she met a pretty smile and those lovely, strangely haunted blue eyes greeting her.
Lena had built walls of steel and stone and pain and the woman who came from the sky took them apart touch by touch, not with fists but with back-pats and handshakes and hugs until there was nothing left but a bare soul, exposed and raw like a frayed nerve, with only Kara to protect it.
The next time it happened was at a gala. It wasn’t an important one and Kara was frankly bullshitting Lena by asking her to tag along to “report” on the goings-on. Lena knew it would be painfully boring for Kara because it was painfully boring for her.
That was what she thought, anyway, until Kara, bold sweet Kara, rested a guiding hand on the small of Lena’s back and lit up every nerve in ending in her body like a Christmas tree, as she defensively stood proud next to Lena, towering over her and the randy city councilman both. She wouldn’t know until later, much later, why Kara had seemed so much more herself, more true, in that moment.
After that was one of the most painful nights in her life. Lena had always known she was trash, that she was nothing but one of Lionel Luthor’s by-blows; sometimes she could hear Lilian at the funeral, snarling at her that she only existed because her father was a second too late to waste her on her mother’s thigh where she belonged. The world didn’t care about her hospital or her charity work or the effort she’d put into making her company a positive force in the world. Someone told them she poisoned the children and the goodwill was gone in a puff of smoke like the thin, gossamer thing it had been. Once a Luthor, always a Luthor.
Then Kara was there, a living, loving fortress of bone and muscle and love, wrapping Lena so tightly in a shield of pure compassion that she could have survived anything, that even as the tears fell she knew that she could live in a world that hated her so long as this one person could would love her so much. Kara carried her through that storm and more besides.
That was also the night that Lena began using her own touch as a substitute, a pale imitation of the one she wanted from Kara but knew she would never have.
But they did not always touch.
Later, after more hugs and more lingering hands and shared dances, they would sit next to each other for nights of games or movies, and their friends would begin to make innuendos and begin to stare and Lena let herself pretend that the touches were more than they were.
In the darkest hours of the night Lena would lie in an empty bed and pray for touches.
Then the worst thing happened, and she denied the touch. Kara reached out, meaning to console, to comfort, to protect, to make it all better with her maddening power, but there was no fixing it. In the frozen tomb that was Kara’s arctic fortress, Lena buried Kara alive in a green hell and wished never to be touched again.
But her anger did not last forever. It never does. They fought, they argued, Kara ruined her plans, called her a villain, resisted her at every turn… but never touched her. Those soft hands were never laid upon her in anger and there were times when Lena almost wanted it, just to feel them again.
Then one day Lena saw too much and learned too much and the enormity of what she had done came down upon her, rushing in on her all at once, and she was as raw and naked and pained as she had been that night long ago when she first realized what Kara’s touches meant.
When she rushed back to the rent controlled side of town, going on foot for fear her brother would learn of her destination if she took the car, she only had wanted to set things right. She knew she didn’t deserve what she’d already been given and would ask no more.
Kara was waiting for her. When she opened the door she stood tall, jaw set, hair down over a pastel cardigan. The effect of Supergirl’s stern, righteous conviction garbed in the soft, inviting form of Kara made her heart do a flip, almost made her run, but she held her ground, feeling like a child begging forgiveness from a hurricane.
Lena stood before the open door, trembling and shaking, tears cutting red lines down her cheeks as she explained herself.
She didn’t expect Kara to touch her, so when it happened she flinched, almost yelped. When those powerful arms wrapped around her, it was as if nothing had changed, but everything had changed, because for the first time, Lena touched her back.
Lena touched her back without fear or reservation. She touched her back without the nervousness that came with hugging her Straight Best Friend. She hugged her back without deceit. She hugged her back with absolute conviction, saying with her arms and hands what her ever broken heart could never speak in words.
Kara’s touch answered her. She cupped Lena’s chin with a softness, a gentle control that no human could ever have, even as she closed the apartment door with such intensity that it left a hand print in the metal. The touches changed; they were no longer announcements but conversations, exchanges, dances and music at the same time. The world became a blur, a dreamscape of hands lifting her from the floor and relieving her of her coat and laying her on a bed, each caress a declaration that Lena answered with her own.
When their lips met, Lena poured into them every thought, every desire, every pain, every longing. She would have swallowed Kara if she could, climbed inside her, and Kara’s hands and lips begged and adored and instructed and finally, after, in morning sunlight, Lena buried her face in a sleeping Kara’s shoulder and wept her joy and freedom, because at last she was home.
When Alex came and Kara told her that Lena would help them safe the world, they were holding hands.
They would be holding hands again much later, after much love and loss and hope and joy, when Kara closed a delicate bracelet around Lena’s wrist.
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dckweed · 9 months
summary: In which bob floyd gets himself into a bit of a pickle and calls on his hot, recently single neighbor to help him out, the situation is mutually beneficial..in more ways than one.
warnings: fake dating, violence, domestic violence mentioned, nicknames, slowburn, eventual smut.
this is an x reader fic where reader is referred to as sunshine or sunny as a nickname, also i know the moodboard is a lil wonky no one say anything im gonna fix it! i made it on my phone half asleep lmao.
part one: here
After the whole fiasco of snorting water out of your nose and scaring the poor man half to death, Bob insists on taking you to the quaint coffee shop on the corner of the street you guys lived on, just a few steps away from the front doors of the apartment building. Reluctantly, you agree, curious to know more about the predicament your neighbor had gotten himself into. He lets you have a few minutes to throw a cropped zip up hoodie over yourself, and a baseball cap to help shade the still slightly visible bruise on your face before you meet him in the hallway. He had clipped Cosie to her leash and the excited little furball was yipping excitedly when you stepped out of your home, closing the door behind you. 
“Hi Cosie baby!” You say excitedly, your voice sweeter than honey as you crouched down to her level to excitedly scratch her behind the ears like she loved. “You being a good girl for your dad?” You ask teasingly, you knew she could never be bad, and Bob practically treated her like a princess anyway. 
“Always is..” Bob says, his accent drawling out a few of the syllables in a way that you just loved to hear. God, you thought to yourself, this man could record an audio book and have everyone swooning.  “You ready?” 
You smile, straightening up. “Yeah, lets go..” 
He was truly a gentleman you noted, he held the door to the apartment building, and the coffee shop for you as if it was second nature, only humming in response to your simple thank you, and when he pulled the chair out for you at the small table on their outdoor patio, you hoped that he didn’t notice the blush on your neck and face. Were you really so used to guys that were such brutes that you got flustered by basic acts of kindness? He hadn’t argued with you too much on paying for your own drink, letting you do it after a small squabble..or maybe you really didn’t give him a choice..you had already payed with your phone while you were arguing before he had even gotten his wallet out of his back pocket. 
“So,” You say as he sits across from you, looping Cosie’s leash to the more shaded side of the table. “Can you elaborate on the whole girlfriend thing for me?” Now it was him who was turning red. 
He fidgets awkwardly with his hot, black coffee for a moment, those eyebrows knit tightly together again. He clears his throat before he speaks. “I kind of..already told all of my friends that we’re dating.” He says, you lean back in the chair, your head tilted slightly towards the sun as you listen to him. You enjoyed the warmth on your face.“I..i don’t know what came over me..we were all drinking, and they said something about dating it somehow turned to me..and i just..i’m so tired of Hangman and his fucking manwhore whorier than thou attitude and always teasing me for not going on dates all  the time..” 
“So you told them you were dating someone?” You ask, seeing where the story was going. You could tell that the story alone was irritating him by the was his hand clenched around his coffee cup and the tightness around his mouth, the tick in his jaw. You wondered how long he had been putting up with this ‘Hangman’ guy. 
Bob nods. “And then they asked her name, and at the time the only thing i could come up with quickly enough to not seem suspicious was Sunny..so..” You laugh a little bit, this man was adorable, and obviously gentle even though he was clearly upset by what he was talking about. You liked that about him, you decided. 
How could you not help him? And really, what could it hurt? “How long would you need me to be your girlfriend for?” You ask, bringing the straw of your iced latte to your lips, moaning softly as the heavy caramel flavor hit your tongue. You could drink it forever. You see his body sag a little at your words, a little more relaxed. 
“Just long enough to make it believable.” He states, eyeing you from across the table. Cosie’s cold nose pokes your leg and you happily reach down and scratch her head, giving the little baby all the attention she wanted. “A couple of nights out with my friends, obviously, and im sure Nat will want to hang out with you one on one..” He says, actually thinking of the scenarios that would most likely take place. “A couple of official work events, probably, I would say, a few months..” 
You turn your attention back to him, lips pursed. A few months? That would land you around the beginning of the year..through Christmas..you had agreed to go home for the holiday’s this year. You arched a brow as you thought. It would look good if you brought a man home to your family, especially a man like Bob, they would swoon all over him..you wouldn’t have to spend the whole week hearing your grandmother tell you that you should be married already, or have a family like your brother and sister.. “Okay, i’ll help you out, but only if the fake boyfriend thing can be used in my favor too..” You say. He nods immediately. “So..rules?” 
The two of you talk for a couple of hours at the coffee shop, the little table filled with the occasional laughter as you talked about rules of the arrangement, and what would need to be done. Later on you found yourself on one side of your couch, Bob on the other as the two of you tried to work out a schedule. 
“Can you meet with me and the crew at our usual bar tomorrow night?” He asks, looking up from his phone at you. Natasha and Jake were blowing up the group chat about meeting you and it was slowly driving him insane. He had about forty text messages from this morning until right that moment. 
You shake your head. :”I have work tomorrow night, but i’m off Monday.” You say, looking up from your own phone. You had been texting your sister about your plans for the Holidays. “My sister wants to know where you’re from, and what you do and i dont think she’ll take ‘navy dude’ as an answer” Bob looks at you, slightly offended. 
“Navy dude?” He asks, setting his phone down for just a moment. “Sunny, i’m not just a ‘navy dude’, i’m a weapons system officer. I control the weapons and radar in multi million dollar government aircraft.” He looked completely offended by your terminology and you struggled to hold in a giggle at the way he was explaining his official job title to you. “..and I’m from Montana.” 
“That explains the accent.” You say, texting your sister back.
Bob scoffs. “Accent?” He’d never been told he had an accent before. “Where are you from? This is basic stuff we should probably know about each other if we want people to believe this, you know?” You hummed in response, he was definitely right. “Also, Phoenix wants to know what your instagram is..” 
“Well, that depends on how much you want your friends to know about me.” You say, setting your phone down to look at him. He looks up at you, eyebrows furrowed again. You have the sudden urge to reach across the damn couch and smooth the area with your thumb, but you resist. “Don’t look at me like that, you know what i mean. Are they the judgemental type?” He opens his mouth, as if to protest and say no, but then closes it and gives a slight nod. “Okay, so fake insta it is.” 
It was a good thing you already had a fake instagram account for your grandmother and other family members because it made it a hell of alot easier for you. “A fake instagram? Won’t they think something is weird if it doesn’t have any pictures of us together on it?” He asks, not fully sure of your plan. You roll your eyes and maneuver yourself so you’re laying in Bob’s lap, looking directly up at him. 
His entire body goes stiff and you can’t tell if its from surprise or from being uncomfortable with your proximity, but you don’t move and after a few moments his thigh muscles untense. He smells good, you realize as you breathe in slightly. “My fake account isn’t exactly fake, okay?” You say, opening the instagram app on your phone and switching it to your second profile. “It’s just not the one I use mainly that i post on for my friends or well, if you were actually my boyfriend, you, to see..” 
“Then what is the point of it?” He asks looking down at you, his accent flowing smoothly through you. His voice was a little quieter now that you were so close to him, and in all honesty you didn’t mind it one bit. 
You chuckle, giving him your phone so he can scroll through it. “I normally use it for my grandma and other family members, so they won’t have a damn heart attack..they already don’t like my line of work, there’s no need to go killing them with some pictures.” Bob hums in response, scrolling through a few of the posts. “It’s the extremely tame version of my main account.”
His phone pings again and he grunts, rolling his eyes. Before he can even try to hand you your own back, you grab his off the arm of the couch above you and thank god that it was already unlocked. You gasp at the text. “Hangman wants proof that im a real girl and not just a figment of your imagination.” You say, an idea coming to mind. You roll off of his lap and quickly stand, pulling him by the forearm to his feet as he makes a disgruntled noise. 
You lead him down the small hallway, past your bedroom and into your bathroom (which was thankfully not its usual disastrous mess of makeup and lingerie scattered everywhere). “Okay, stand there..” You grab him by the biceps, shocked at how solid they are because he honestly didn’t seem to be overly buff to you, and position him exactly where you want him. 
“Sunny, what’re we doin’?” He sighs, letting you move him around every which way. He had to admit, he liked the way you grabbed his arms, the way you squeezed at his biceps. He tried not to let his mind linger too much on it though, tried not to notice the way that your fingertips left a trail of goosebumps in their wake every time they lingered anywhere on his bare skin. 
“Taking pictures, duh.” You say as if it should have been obvious. You turn around, satisfied with his position, and face the mirror yourself, positioning his arm around your shoulders and over your chest as you press back against his surprisingly solid body. You weren’t exactly a short person by any means, but there was definitely a noticeable height difference between you and him. Your head just barely cleared his shoulders, his chin able to rest perfectly onto of your head. It made for a cute photo, you thought and you pretended not to notice the goofy smirk on his face as you captured the photo as stealthily as you could, leaning back into his chest as his chin rested on top of your head, his arm over your chest and your hand wrapped around his forearm as you took the picture, acutely aware of his hand just over the waistband of your lululemon pants. 
You hum, thinking about what other positions would be cute enough to send to his friends and post to your fake insta account, you wanted to hard launch him to your family too if you were hard launching to his friends. You turn the camera of his phone front facing, and set it up to take rapid photos on a timer before you abruptly turn around and jump up, locking your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. 
“Smile at me.” You say, as your hand snakes up into his hair. You didn’t really have to though because he was already smiling at you in surprise as you leaned your forehead against his. “I didn’t think you’d be able to hold me.” You giggle suddenly, and the sound makes his smile grow wider as he adjusts his hands so they’re fulling on your ass, supporting you as he drops his head to your shoulder. 
The whole ordeal of the photo session takes about fifteen minutes or so, and when you’re finished you lead him back out into the living room. “Sorry to jump on you like that, but i had to catch you off guard, i wanted it to look believable.” You say, sitting back down on the couch. He only hums in response, taking a spot next to you as he watches you pick through your favorite photos in his camera roll to text to yourself. 
“You’re awfully good at that,” He ques, watching you edit some of the photos you had sent to your own phone, before you compose an instagram post of the best ones. “I always just take them and post them, i never thought that filters really mattered..” 
You chuckle at the man, shaking your head. “What’s your instagram, bobby?” You ask, using your nickname for him as you type out a caption for the post. 
“Oh, uh,” a slight blush heats up his neck and face and he clears his throat before responding. “It’s @thewizzo ..natasha actually came up with the handle.” You type it into your caption, eyebrows furrowed. You’re about to ask him what the hell a wizzo is when he answers it for you. “It’s uh, well, sometimes its a nickname, or another acronym for WSO..” 
“Oh, snazzy..” You say showing him the post. It was a series of four photos and a small, but cute caption.
“Is it Bobby approved?” You ask. He gives you an affirmative nod and you hit the post button, knowing it would only be a matter of minutes before your sister and brother blow up your phone. “Okay, well, here’s to our fake relationship!” You say, attaching the photo of Bob holding you with his hands on your ass to a text with your instagram handle and sending it to his friends group chat. 
The phone pings before you’ve even handed it back to him. 
Hangman: holy fuck she’s real.  Phee: shut up you moron, im following her rn!!  Rooster: …wait i thought i was imagining this conversation last night Payback: oh, shit..way to go Bob!!
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@mamachasesmayhem @hangmandruigandmav @shotgunhallelujah @shiara04 @3tabbiesandalab @tgmreader @flrboyd @goosterroose @mrspedropascal5683 @sugajar
@dory-98 @justherebecausesafarisucks
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selfcestmovies · 4 months
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This poster is a little bit more on-the-nose.
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primeofprimes115 · 4 months
The Girl with the Glasses + Secret
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Notes before entering: Smut involved
You've always wanted to figure out who the good-looking girl with the glasses was. 
Every time you were at the Dive Bar, she and her friends would show up. 
You were pretty shy to approach her since you had butterflies in your stomach every time she showed up, you just wanted to ask her out, but you kept pushing yourself away because you thought you would screw up and scare her away. 
You kept your distance and had an eye on her, little did you know she would look at you when you weren't looking. 
It was awkward when she caught you looking at her, you would quickly look away and blush hard, her friends even noticed you looking at her and waved at you in which you waved back shyly. 
You didn't know how to talk to girls (you liked) properly, you've never had good luck with them. 
"I see you looking at her again Y/N" the bartender rested her elbow on the table after passing your drink. 
"What? No no, I wasn't looking at her... I was... Looking at the thing behind her" you blushed trying to play it off. 
"mhmm, don't lie, you're definitely giving her heart eyes when she ain't looking, I've caught you staring at her a lot within the past few weeks" she teased. 
"I just *sigh* I want to know her; do you know her name?" 
"Yes, I do, it's Kara Danvers, she comes here often with her friends and sister, judging from the fact you been looking at her, you're obviously interested in her" she continued. 
"y-yes, fine I admit it... She just looks... Beautiful and I'm just too shy to even go up to her and talk normally, I don't feel confident" you watch as she laughs with her group of friends and sister, her smile is what made your heart ache, it made butterflies in your stomach just by looking at her, blushing as you thought about it. 
"I'll tell you one thing, Kara has looked at you when you weren't looking, she knows you stare at her when she isn't looking, I understand that you're not good at talking to girls you like, my fiancé was like that when we first met" she said letting you know it's a good thing to be shy. 
"If you want, I can get her to come over here and talk with you if that sounds better?" she asked. 
"y-y-yeah... That sounds a bit better for me actually" you blushed lightly. 
The bartender exits the counter and walks towards where Kara was with her friends and sister while you looked on and had thoughts running in your mind. 
"What do I say? What do I say?" you thought to yourself "what do I ask her? How do I ask her?". 
You stopped thinking as soon as you saw Kara behind the bartender approach you. 
"hi" Kara greeted you while you looked at her shyly. 
"h-hi" you chucked nervously, waving awkwardly at her. 
"Y/N here wanted to know about you, he's bad at talking to girls he likes and didn't feel confident to approach you" the bartender said to Kara. 
"Oh really?" she asked softly, raising her glasses back up to her eyes. 
"y-yes, I didn't want to scare you away" you felt very embarrassed to admit it, you tuck her hands behind your back and looked down to the floor. 
"Aww its ok, you don't need to feel embarrassed about it, Y/N, but I've never seen a boy be this shy before, and it's ok... I think it's cute" Kara comforts you and smiles, you blush and smile weakly, looking up at her to see her smile, butterflies were in your stomach still. 
"I'll tell you what, how about you come to meet the rest my friends and sister? You'll feel a bit better after and honestly, I would like to know you more since your pretty adorable" she giggled softly and kept her cute smile on her face. 
"I would... Like that" your smile grew brighter, you walked off with Kara and looked back at the bartender who give you a wink and thumbs up in which you smiled back. 
"Kara's back, and oh? She's brought the boy with her" the red-haired female spoke out. 
"Everyone, this is Y/N, as you know him as the shy boy who's been looking at me" Kara blushes a little thinking about it. 
"hi" you waved, and half smiled. 
"Hey Y/N, I'm Kara's sister, Alex" the red-haired female rose from her seat and offered you a handshake. 
"Y/N this Is James, Winn, Maggie and J'onn" Kara introduced you to the others. 
"J'onn?" you asked, looking at the man Kara pointed to. 
"J'onn is a Martian and the director of the DEO, and I work at the DEO, so does Winn" Alex answered you. 
"it's good to meet you Y/N" J'onn said with a smile on his face. 
"Your sister is a DEO Agent? I wasn't expecting to hear that" you were shocked to hear what you just heard a few seconds ago. 
"Kara was surprised when she found out I worked for the DEO, you're not the only one". 
"Yep, I was as shocked as you are" Kara half smiles towards you. 
"Which raises the question, where do you work Y/N?" James asked you. 
"Well actually, I'm still looking for work, I just moved here 3 weeks ago, first friend I made here was the bartender" you told everyone. 
"Ever thought of working at Cat-Co?" Kara asked. 
"Cat-Co Worldwide Media? The uh... Reporter, news place like The Daily Planet in Metropolis?" 
"Kara works at Cat-Co, she's a writer and reporter, it's her job" Winn mentions. 
"Oh, that sounds interesting" you thought out loud. 
"I used to work at The Daily Planet before moving here to work at Cat-Co, I'm actually the boss for now" James reveals. 
"Yep, you're the boss alright" Kara chuckles. 
"Well, technically I have written stories before, ever heard of Heroes of Olympus?" you spoke out. 
"Yes, that story is popular around the world, wait... You helped write it with Rick Jordan?" Winn asked leaning in due to excitement. 
"Yep, I helped Rick Jordan write out the stories, dating back to 2014 till now (2016) oh I almost forgot, my last name is L/N, if y'all are wondering" you chuckled, starting to get comfortable with the group as Kara smiled at you. 
"No wonder your name sounded familiar, I'm such a huge fan of the books" Winn shakes your hand, honoured to recognise who you actually were. 
"It would be nice to have someone like you at Cat-Co, just be aware that Snapper will be on your case sometimes" Kara didn't sound happy when mentioning Snapper. 
"Guessing he's a grumpy too shoes?" you asked. 
"Quite literally, yes". 
(a few days later) 
"Hey Y/N, welcome to your first day at Cat-Co" you walked into your new job and was greeted by James. 
"Thanks James, I'm a bit nervous but I'll be fine" you said with a half-smile "where's Kara?" 
The elevator dings and out comes Kara with written work and all kinds of stuff she takes with her. 
"Oh hi!" she put down her belongings and swung her arms around the back of your neck, giving you a hug. 
"Hey Kara" you wrap your arms around her, smiling brightly. 
"I'm so glad you're here!" she was very excited. 
James smiled as you and Kara pulled back, smiling into each other's eyes. 
"Kara, you don't mind showing Y/N where he'll be working, I've gotta speak with Cat today about the business" James politely asked Kara. 
"Yeah! I would love to!" she smiled and looked at you "c'mon, let's show you where you're working" she grabs her belongings and drags you with her, chuckling at how cute and happy Kara is right now... Until... 
"Ponytail, you're late again". 
"Oh, hello Snapper, what is it?" Kara's mood changed. 
"Have you finished the report you were tasked to do? Because it's been 2 weeks!" he didn't sound happy at all, just grumpy. 
"Who the hell is this?" he then asked, pointing rudely at you. 
"That's Y/N L/N, he's the new one, and he's done writing before if you haven't just realised, he helped Rick Jordon write a Heroes of Olympus book back in 2014 to this year (2016)". 
"Is that so? Well, I'll tell you something Y/N, we don't write fantasies and fiction here, so I hope you get that in your mind" he spat out. 
"Have the report by my desk soon Danvers" he walked off, you looked back at him with a pissed off look. 
"What an asshole, why does he work here just to harass people?" you asked with a facial expression of 'I really hate this guy'. 
"Probably wakes up on the wrong side of the bed all the time, don't worry, I won't let him harass you like that" Kara replied "let's move on to the exciting part" her smile came back. 
You walked past a few employees who were very kind to say hi or hello to you, you waved back at them and smiled. 
Kara then turned round and smiled. 
"We're here, you'll be working beside my office, James scheduled it to be your office beside mine so we're not apart from each other". 
"Wow, that's nice of him, I'm guessing he knows you and I uh... Had our first date 2 days ago? Is that why my office is beside yours?" 
"Maybe" Kara blushed bright red, hiding the fact she suggested the idea of having your office beside hers. 
You continued on like she wasn't blushing, Kara showed you around the office, helping you set up what you needed, in return, you helped her with the stuff she was carrying. 
"I'm just gonna pop Into Snapper's office and give him the report, wish me luck" Kara wasn't too pleased having to go and see him, she left your office and entered hers to grab the report she worked on. 
You settled into your office, sighing happily... 
* *
For the past 3-4 weeks, you've been working at Cat-Co alongside your new girlfriend Kara Danvers and since then, your life has started to change. 
When planning dates, Kara had to cancel them one minute before you two would go on the date, mostly the dates were changed to be at her apartment instead, you understood she was busy at times. 
It didn't bother you at all, what wasn't clear was her excuses, it seemed odd to you that Kara would act strangely at times, she would often leave Cat-Co and then come back either minutes or hours later. 
It mostly happens when danger is reported on the TV or if she needs to excuse herself, she mostly took the door leading outside when leaving which was very strange, apparently no one seemed to notice or care. 
She took an elevator once when excusing herself, you did hear her phone ring, "it must've been something important" you thought to yourself at the time. 
At the moment, Kara was working in her office, and you decided to pop in to speak with her about her odd disappearances. 
"Hey Y/N/N" she sounded happy you popped in and rose from her seat to kiss you on the cheek. 
"Hey Kara, I wanted to ask you something?" you said to her, getting straight to the point. 
"Yeah? Go ahead" she sat back down on her seat and spun her seat round to look at you. 
"I um... Wanted to know why you've been disappearing lately?" you asked. 
"Who me? Phfft, I haven't been disappearing, what are you on about?" she asked with a frown on her face. 
"No I mean like, why you've been excusing yourself or, why you always come back hours later, it mostly happens when danger is reported on the TV's in the building and when you've answered your phone to Alex or someone else?" you were growing very concerned about the situation, you wanted to know why your girlfriend has been acting odd. 
"Oh" her smile faded to a puzzled look on her face, she looked down to the floor for a few seconds before speaking "Y/N, I uh... Um... Can I tell you tonight at mine? I don't wanna say it here right now" she looked a bit weary. 
"Um, y-yeah, sure I'll wait till tonight, I'm just gonna go back in my office to finish off writing a report. Love you" you kiss her on the cheek making her smile. 
"Love you too" she says back before you left smiling. 
Cut to tonight, Kara mostly left her apartment door unlocked since she knew you would be coming. 
She was pacing in the room, thinking of ways to tell you her hidden secret, her cardigan was unbuttoned revealing the all too familiar S glyph Superman and Supergirl proudly wear on their suits except Kara's was genuine, she is Supergirl. 
The door opens, she buttons up her cardigan and spins round to face you carrying a pizza box, good thing her glasses were on otherwise, you would've dropped the pizza box due to shock. 
"Hey Kara, sorry I'm late, I went ahead and bought pizza at that Joe's Italian Shop, figured we'd have a surprise date" 
Kara smiles "you're too generous" she giggles. 
You walk over to Kara and place down the pizza box on the living room table and open it, revealing her favourite toppings on pizza. 
"My favourite toppings as well?" she asked with a smile appearing on her face. 
"yeah" you say looking at Kara lovingly "let's watch some TV" 
You both dug in and sat on the couch with the blanket over the both of you, Kara had the last slice of pizza since you were too kind to let her have it, but what crossed your mind next was the question that needed an answer, her odd behaviour and disappearances. 
"Hey uh, remember what I said in your office?" you looked to her with a questionable frown. 
"Oh... Yeah, I almost forgot about that" she moves the blanket off her and stands up. 
"What are you doing?" you asked confused. 
"Listen Y/N, there's a secret no one else knows except my friends and sister" 
"James, Winn, J'onn, Alex and Lena?" 
"Lena? No, but the rest? Yes, I had a talk with Alex about telling you about my secret, it's something very, very important you must know about dating me, I've been keeping you safe this whole time" she said looking at you with a nervous look on her face. 
"What do you mean by... 'keeping you safe?' Kara if that's the secret then, I'll be surprised you're also a DEO Agent" you crossed your arms with a half smirk. 
"No, no, I'm not a DEO Agent... I work with the DEO to defend National City" she said proudly, making you confused even more. 
"What are you on about? Kara, I need..." 
She opens her cardigan, revealing the House of El glyph underneath and removes her glasses, turning into Supergirl. 
Your eyes deceived you; Kara just revealed her big secret, she is Supergirl. 
"Are you... Kidding me?" you looked at her in disbelief. 
"no... I'm not kidding, this is real" she removes the layer of clothing on her body to reveal the entire suit underneath, she spins round as her cape and skirt spin with her along with her hair, smiling brightly. 
"Wow... You're Supergirl... It all makes sense" you smiled looking her up and down. 
"I guess you now know the answer to why I've been disappearing, on why I had to cancel those dates which I'm very sorry about still, I didn't think I would find someone I deeply care about, who is you" she looked at you with heart eyes. 
You smiled as she climbed on top of you to give you a kiss which turned into a full on make our session, fighting for tongue dominance, rubbing each other softly. 
It was then she went to kiss your neck, pecking it gently. 
It was starting to make you feel aroused, she gave it a few more kisses before meeting your eyes. 
"you've been a naughty boy Y/N" she started to sound suggestive, she went on her knees and then rips your jeans open with inhuman strength you've never seen before from Supergirl. 
"Geez Kara, you really are turning me on by doing that" you smirked as the bump in your boxers grew bigger, making her smirk at it. 
"let's see what's under here" she pulls down your boxers and out comes your manhood. 
She licks her lips and takes a long lick up the shaft of your cock, making you rock your head back in pleasure. 
She starts to give you a hand job for at least 10 seconds before taking it to the mouth, starting a blow job session. 
She was slow with her bobbing, her hand reached down underneath her skirt as she started to pull down her pantyhose and pleasure herself. 
"You taste good Y/N" she teased before going right back to sucking your cock. 
You rocked your head back in pleasure, your breathing got heavier until you started groaning in pleasure as she started to speed up with her bobbing, eventually gagging in pleasure as the tip of your cock hit the back of her throat, covering your manhood with her saliva. 
"Kara" you breathed out her name in pleasure. 
You felt yourself ready to release but she stopped and grabbed your testicles gently. 
"nuh uh, not yet" she smirked, Kara takes you by the hand and brings you to the bedroom. 
She shoves you on the bed gently and climbs on the bed after removing her pantyhose, skirt and boots, proceeding to kiss you passionately while stroking your cock slowly. 
Her super strength was dampening, allowing her to properly have sex without the worry of breaking you in half. 
You two fought for tongue dominance as you moaned softly in between kisses due to her stroking your cock. 
You two stop to breathe for a moment. 
"Y/N, I think I'm ready" she breathed out softly. 
"You sure? I haven't got a..." 
"Shh shh" Kara placed her index finger on your lips to stop you from talking "don't worry, it'll be fine" she smirks. 
Kara proceeds to climb on top of you, her cape rests on your legs as she gets into cowgirl position, guiding your cock into her erect pussy. 
Her folds wrap around your tip and Kara slams down gently just in case if her super strength isn't dampened, she moans softly feeling your cock enter her pussy fully. 
"Oh, Rao you're so hard in me Y/N, ah yes!" Kara moaned out; her breathing started to get heavier. 
In between her slow bounces, you thrust lightly into her, hitting her g-spot softly which made her moan lightly each time. 
You groan in pleasure the more her pussy gets tighter. 
"Oh, fuck me Kara, you are fucking tight!" you groan out, feeling nothing but pleasure. 
Kara's soft moans combined with your low groans was now echoing in the room and by chance the neighbour next door on the left could hear it but thankfully no one was in at the time. 
"Go faster Kara" you breathe out. 
"You sure?" she was concerned about it. 
"Yes, if you break me in *groan* half, it's my fault". 
Kara acknowledged you and proceeded to bounce up and down faster as you did the same, the slapping sounds got louder as the moans and groans did. 
"OH, RAO YES!!" Kara yelped, moaning loudly as she felt your cock hit her g-spot more and more often. 
You rock your head back once again, feeling waves of pleasure in your nerves. 
The climax was arriving, you had to warn Kara before it would happen. 
"Oh fuck! Kara, I'm gonna bust!" you groaned loudly. 
"I'm gonna cum too!!!" she shouted out in pleasure before the magic happened, you burst inside her earning a happy yelp from Kara as she orgasms after you. 
A plump sound is heard, Kara gets off of you and lies down beside you, looking up at the ceiling as cum flows out of her. 
"Wow... That-that was fun" you whispered. 
"Yeah, I agree, for our first time? I enjoyed it" she smiles at the thought "I'm just surprised I didn't break you in half accidentally" she wondered how it worked, she did feel a bit weaker when she got more and more horny. 
"let's clean up and cuddle in bed, don't mind if I sleep with you?" you asked. 
"Took the words out of my mouth" Kara smirks...
* * *
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thereyoflights · 4 months
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Her Silver Tongue, a Supercorp fic
Rated E, 6.3k words, 1/1 complete
Before she can react, Kara feels it. Something spherically curved and hard moves between the plane of her tongue and the roof of her mouth. The solid, round indiscernible object slips over the edge of Kara’s lips as Lena retracts the wet muscle of her tongue to move in for another kiss.
“Oh,” Kara says suddenly, pulling away to brush her fingertips over her lips. Realization dawns on her thickly. “You have a tongue piercing.”
Kara makes a discovery about her new girlfriend, Lena.
Read it on AO3 here.
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marinawolf · 8 months
Always You (Supercorp)- Chapter 4
by marinawolf
Lena tries to bring Kara back but gives in to Kara's advances. (warning: redk!kara smut. 18+)
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Lena Luthor sat nervously in her office, her heart pounding in her chest. She glanced at the clock on her desk, waiting for the moment that could either save or destroy everything she held dear. The plan she had devised with Alex was risky, but it was their only hope of bringing Kara back from the darkness that had consumed her.
The last time Lena had seen Kara, she had been under the influence of Red Kryptonite, her once bright and compassionate nature replaced by cold calculation and selfishness. Lena couldn't forget the fiery encounter they had shared, the moment when Kara's lips had met hers, filling her with a passion she had never known before. But Lena had stopped it, refusing to let their connection be tainted by the effects of the Red Kryptonite. She had rejected Kara, and had hurt her in the process. And only when she lost Kara had Lena realised that she was desperately and hopelessly in love with her best friend.
Now, as Lena awaited Kara's arrival, she couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and trepidation. The familiar gust swept through the office as Kara landed on her balcony, making Lena's heart leap. Kara was early. Too early.
Lena had been prepared for the worst, but nothing could have prepared her for the sight that greeted her when Kara stepped into her office.
The redness in Kara's eyes and veins was unmistakable. Lena's heart sank, knowing that she was facing a version of Kara who was lost to the darkness. But she knew that she had to stay strong, keep her focus on the plan. She couldn't let herself be swayed by the seductive allure that radiated from the woman before her.
"Hello, Lena," Kara smiled, her voice dripping with a calculated charm that sent shivers down Lena's spine. "You called?"
Lena clenched her fists, trying to push down the surge of desire that threatened to consume her. She knew it wasn't the real Kara standing in front of her, but the memories of their shared passion still lingered, haunting her every thought. She had to resist.
"Kara, you came," Lena managed to say, her voice quivering slightly. "I hate how things ended the last time. I wanted to talk."
Kara raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. "Oh, I think I can think of something much more interesting to do than talking, Lena."
Lena's heart raced as Red Kryptonite-affected Kara closed the door behind her, her eyes gleaming with a mix of mischief and desire. The air in Lena's office seemed to grow thick with anticipation, and Lena couldn't tear her gaze away from Kara's alluring form.
Kara leaned against the edge of Lena's desk, her body language oozing confidence and power. Lena swallowed hard, her voice barely a whisper, "Kara, please... You have to fight this. You have to come back."
Kara took a step closer, her gaze piercing through Lena's defenses. She reached out and traced a finger along Lena's jawline, sending shivers down her spine.
"I'm right here, Lena. But why would I want to fight this? Don't you feel it too? This pull between us? I couldn't bring myself to act on it before."
Lena's eyes fluttered closed for a moment, fighting against the desires that threatened to consume her. Kara placed her hands on Lena's neck, tracing her pulse point with the tips of her fingers.
"This isn't who we are, Kara." she choked out, "We can't let the Red Kryptonite dictate our actions, our feelings. This isn't you."
"Maybe it's not about the Red Kryptonite, Lena." Kara whispered, her lips painfully close to Lena's. "Maybe it's about being able to surrender to this. To us."
Lena's resistance wavered, the pull of her own desires growing stronger with every passing second, her heart conflicting with her mind. She knew she had to keep Kara distracted until the DEO arrived, but the temptation was too great. She met Kara's gaze, her voice a mixture of longing and hesitation and silently prayed that Alex would arrive in time. Before she couldn't stop herself anymore. Before she let her desires consume her.
Kara leaned in, her breath ghosting over Lena's lips, sending a surge of electricity through Lena's body.
"Tell me, Lena..." Kara whispered, her lips softly ghosting over Lena's. "Can you honestly say you don't want this?"
Lena's resolve crumbled, the weight of her desire too heavy to bear. She closed the remaining distance between them, her lips meeting Kara's in a fiery, desperate kiss. The world around them faded away as they surrendered to the tumultuous wave of passion that had been building for far too long.
As their kiss deepened, Lena felt Kara's strong arms wrap around her, pulling her closer, their bodies pressing against each other. The warmth and softness of Kara's curves against her own sent shockwaves of pleasure through Lena, causing her to gasp into the kiss.
Their hands moved with a desperate hunger, seeking the heat and connection that only they could provide for one another. Lena's fingers tangled in Kara's hair, pulling her closer as they sought to merge their bodies and souls together. When she saw Kara's eyes flash red, she closed her own eyes, ignoring the reason behind this passion. All she wanted was Kara and she couldn't bring herself to deny it anymore.
Lost in the heat of the moment, they stumbled backward, finding support against the wall. The coolness of the surface against Lena's back was a stark contrast to the blazing desire coursing through her veins.
Kara reached behind Lena and unzipped her dress, letting it fall to the floor. Lena's breath hitched as she felt Kara's searing fingers on her back once more, unhooking her bra and throwing it across the room. Kara's hands began to explore Lena's body, tracing the curves of her back, leaving trails of fire in their wake. Lena moaned softly, the sound lost in the passionate exchange of breaths and the intoxicating taste of Kara's lips.
Kara's lips left a trail of heat down Lena's neck and every coherent thought in Lena's mind was decimated as Kara lowered her head, capturing a pink bud between her lips, flicking her tongue over it. Lena let out moan and Kara switched to the other breast, softly licking and biting, causing fireworks to erupt behind Lena's eyelids. When she stopped after a few minutes, Lena almost whimpered, but was appeased when Kara brought her lips to her body once again. Kara kissed below Lena's breast, down her stomach and on the insides of her thighs, getting on her knees before Lena. Despite everything, Lena found some satisfaction in that- who knew that this was how one could bring the girl of steel to her knees? Kara's deft hands found Lena's underwear and slowly pulled them down her legs.
She felt Kara's breath on her most intimate parts and held her own breath, her pulse quickening. She let out a gasp the second Kara's mouth, hot and wet, pressed into her and moaned as Kara's tongue slid along the length of her centre. Her hands tangled in Kara's hair and although she tried to stop herself, Kara's name tumbled out of her mouth in desperate, breathless whispers. Her tongue teased Lena's entrance. She swept her tongue upwards, across the bundle of nerves and Lena moaned, loudly.
Kara closed her lips around the bundle and mercilessly licked it, turning Lena into an incoherent mess. She couldn't focus on anything- not the plan, not even the fact that the DEO could barge in at any moment. Kara brought a finger to Lena's entrance and paused, looking up at her, her eyes tinged with red, hiding the beautiful blue that Lena was so infatuated with. Tears fell from Lena's eyes, tears of pain and desire.
Lena wanted to beg Kara to continue but didn't need to. Kara registered her desperation and smiled, immediately plunging a finger into Lena. She began to pump hard and fast. Lena was once again lost all thought and the only discernible word she uttered was Kara's name, which fell from her lips like a prayer.
Kara stood up and added another finger, increasing her efforts and Lena's hips bucked.
"Let go for me." She whispered, before crashing her mouth against Lena's, continuing her ministrations. Lena could taste herself on Kara's lips.
Almost as if asceding to Kara's demands, Lena reached her highest point with a gasp. Her back arched and she clenched around Kara's fingers, coming undone in a way she never felt before. Pleasure caused her body to shake and her mind to rid itself of everything except one word. Kara. Kara. Kara. Over and over again until she slowly came back.
Lena slumped against Kara, unable to stand up on her own. Her mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions as she stood there, in Kara's arms after their intense encounter. The weight of guilt settled heavily upon her heart, and regret clawed at her from within.
As the initial rush of passion subsided, Lena's clarity returned, and she became acutely aware of the consequences of their impulsive actions. She gently extricated herself from Kara's embrace, her heart aching with a mix of longing and remorse.
Silent tears welled up in Lena's eyes as she surveyed the disheveled state of her office, a poignant reflection of the chaos that had unfolded between them.
Just then, Kara's eyes widened, anger flaring in them as she heard something that Lena couldn't.
"Who is that? Coming up? Is it the DEO?"
Lena scrambled for her dress, quickly slipping it on as tears fell from her eyes.
"Kara- I need you back. I'm trying to help you!"
"You planned this, didn't you?" Kara whispered, her voice raw with betrayal. "I thought you wanted me."
Lena's heart clenched as she saw the hurt in Kara's eyes. She wanted to beg for her forgiveness right then and there, but she couldn't. Instead, Lena quickly grabbed the back up antidote vial from her desk and held it out to Kara.
"I do want you, Kara but I didn't want it to be like this. I want you but not this version of you," she choked out, feeling as if her heart had been wrenched out of her chest.
"Kara, please, if you're going to leave, just take the vial." She pleaded, her voice laced with desperation. "It's our only chance to bring you back."
She saw Kara's rage burned brighter than ever. She pushed Lena against the wall, trapping her and glaring at her.
"You think you can bring me back now? I'm done, Lena. You've lost me."
“Kara, please” Lena begged, “I’m sorry. I love you. Please.” 
Lena hadn’t planned on telling Kara. Not like this. But she saw something soften in Kara’s eyes. Just for a split second, before the red took over again.
Kara pushed off from the wall, releasing Lena. 
Lena watched in despair as Kara stormed out of her office, anger radiating from every fiber of her being, once again taking a piece of Lena's heart with her.
Waves of guilt crashed against the shores of Lena's conscience, leaving her stranded in a sea of regret. The weight of her actions bore down on her, gnawing at her soul with unforgiving persistence. 
The plan she had devised with the DEO had seemed necessary at the time, a means to expose Kara to the cure for red Kryptonite and save her from the destructive path she had embarked upon. But now, as tears welled up in Lena's eyes, regret washed over her like a tidal wave. She had let her desires cloud her judgment, allowing herself to be swept away in a moment of weakness. For so long, Lena had strived to uphold her principles, to be a beacon of righteousness in a world tainted by darkness. Yet, in a moment of weakness, she had faltered, betraying her own values. The fact that it happened with Kara, the person she cherished most, twisted the knife of remorse deeper into her heart. 
The tears she tried to hold back fell down Lena's cheeks, each droplet a testament to the visceral pain consuming her. It was not just the guilt that haunted her, but also the knowledge that she had hurt Kara and may have lost her forever. The ache within her was more profound than any physical hurt, a raw wound that bled remorse and longing.
The weight of her betrayal hung heavily upon her, a burden that threatened to consume her entirely. Lena despised herself for being complicit in the plan to trap Kara, using her vulnerabilities against her, even though she knew that it was the only way to help Kara. She understood the magnitude of her actions and the irreparable damage that she had caused to their relationship.
Self loathing consumed Lena and she grappled with the guilt of giving in to Kara's advances, to allowing their relationship be tainted by the red kryptonite. Crying softly, Lena found solace in her tears, a release for the anguish that consumed her. She despised the person she had become. The desire for redemption burned within her. She needed Kara back, but how could she face her after what she had done? After what she had let happen? There was no way for Lena to come back from this- to find any redemption. Maybe being a Luthor wasn't just a name- maybe she was tainted by the darkness too. How else could she explain her actions? She had caused this. It was her fault that Kara entered that pod, it was her fault that Kara felt betrayed. If she hadn't stopped talking to Kara, if she had only listened and forgiven Kara for keeping the secret from her, Lex would not have been able to manipulate the situation. They would have been together. They would have stopped him before he could successfully execute his plan. But Lena had let Kara go out of anger. It was all her fault. Luthors carried a darkness, and she had let her darkness taint the pureness of Kara Danvers. How pathetic was she to believe that she could ever be a good person?
Despite the guilt and anguish, Lena couldn't let go of a glimmer of hope. Hope because when Lena looked at her hand, the vial wasn't there. Kara had taken the vial, and now it was up to her to make the choice. To come back to herself. To Lena. 
Lena was snapped back to reality by the sound of heavy footsteps outside her office door. She hurriedly gathered her underwear from the floor and shoved it into her desk drawer.
Moments later, Alex burst into the room, a small device in her hands that would expose Kara to the antidote. She looked at Lena, her eyes filled with determination.
"Where is she?" Alex demanded, her voice urgent.
Lena's gaze fell to the empty doorway. "She's gone. But she took the vial, Alex. Let's hope she finds her way back."
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sugarsnappeases · 6 months
microfic - bartylily!! | 2k words | infidelity (sorry james!) and sexual content!! (smuttiest thing i’ve ever written lmao) also barty is a dressmaker and lily is coming for a fitting (wink wink)
“You know, Lady Potter, the more I see you, the more convinced I am that your husband just doesn’t know how to treat a lady right”
Lily rolled her eyes as she walked further into the room, looking at Barty out of the corner of her eye as the door fell shut behind her, “He knows how to pay for all these dresses”
Barty chuckled, stepping up behind her and wrapping his arms around her shoulders, draping himself over her like he wanted her to wear him instead of a dress, leaning in so his lips were pressed against her ear, “Because that’s the only thing you come here for”
“Of course,” said Lily, smoothing down the front of the dress she was wearing and studiously ignoring the heat she could feel rising in his cheeks as Barty bit at her earlobe, trailing his lips down her neck, nipping at her skin. “I’m here for a dress fitting, nothing more, the Mckinnons are having a soirée and I need new measurements done”
“Riiight,” Barty dragged out the word, pulling back, running his hands along her shoulders and down her arms, “Well, I suppose you had better take your dress off then, we want to make these measurements as… close as possible”
Lily laughed, turning to swat at Barty’s arm, catching him watching her, something between awe and pride in his eyes, the same way he’d looked at her the first time he’d made her laugh - the first time he’d made her cum.
“I’m afraid you’ll have to help me with the buttons,” she smiled, playing coy, turning back around again. She could feel the heat of his body as he stepped closer to her again, his breath on the back of her neck, standing far too close to be professional, his hands working their way down her back, undoing the line of pearl buttons.
With the last one, he slid his hand under the fabric of the dress, cold on the skin of her lower back, her waist, squeezing at her hip, and she gasped.
“There,” he said, sliding his other hand up her shoulder and helping her to slip the sleeves off, the top of the dress falling to gather at her waist, exposing her chest to the cool air of the fitting room. Lily leaned back into him slightly as he ran his hand up her stomach to cup one of her breasts.
She wasn’t quite sure how it had started, this thing between them, this routine - Lily would go to get fitted for a dress and Barty would get her off - but there was something addictive about the way he touched her, the attention, the adoration, the worship in his fingers, in his words. He made her feel alive, he made her ache, just a few touches and she could already feel that she was wet, anticipation bubbling under her skin wherever his hands went.
“Now,” Barty said, speaking into her neck, lips pressed against her skin, two fingers circling lightly around her nipple, the other hand moving downwards towards where her dress was bunched up at her waist, “Can you do the rest yourself or do you need my help?”
Lily lay her head back to rest on his shoulder, feeling herself blush as he licked at her neck, breathing, “My husband has paid for your finest attentions”
Barty bit into her neck then, pinching at her nipple at the same time, making Lily gasp again.
“So he has,” Barty agreed, face moving away slightly, both hands moving down to sit just above her dress, fingers brushing over the skin just underneath the fabric, “And, although I’m sure you’re used to disappointment where Lord Potter is concerned, I always make sure my customers are satisfied”
With that he gathered her dress in his hands and pulled it down over her hips, her arse, her thighs, letting it fall to the floor as his hands roamed back up her body, squeezing at her thighs, her arse, her hips.
“My my, Lady Potter,” he murmured, pulling her backwards, closer to him, her bare skin pressing against his clothes, his fingers pressing into her skin, “No undergarments? How scandalous”
Lily huffed, bringing a hand up to thread through his hair, tugging lightly in a way that made his hands squeeze tighter at her body, “Do you satisfy all of your customers in the same way?”
Barty lowered his face to her neck again, mouth just above her pulse point, like he was trying to speak directly into her bloodstream, “Why? Would you be jealous if I said yes?”
One of his hands moved down over her hip bone, brushing through curls and circling her clit, the other moved upwards, cupping her breast again, squeezing her nipple. Lily tightened her grip on his hair, trying to sound unaffected, trying not to moan, as she said, “No”
Barty laughed, hands unrelenting, everywhere, making her squirm against him, heat not just in her cheeks now, “I’m the most popular dressmaker in the city, you know. You’re one of six different fittings just today. Would you be jealous if all of those people got the same treatment as you? My finest attentions?”
Lily shook her head, sure she wouldn’t be able to contain a moan if she attempted to speak this time, his hands were unyielding, inexorable, pressing, squeezing, his breath hot on her neck.
“You’ll have to use your words, princess,” Barty said, pulling her body backwards even closer into his, like he was trying to push himself into her bones, merge them into one, become a part of her, “Tell me. Would you be jealous if I told you that you’re not the only one?”
He moved a finger through her wetness as he spoke, rubbing at her clit again before sliding it into her warm heat, his other hand still playing with her nipple, “If I told you that my shop is popular because of more than just the clothes?”
Lily gasped, hand lifting to join the other clenched tight in Barty’s hair, as his finger slid in and out of her, as he kept speaking, mouth still pressed to her pulse point, “That everyone you see wearing my clothes - all your acquaintances, your friends, your husband - gets all the same benefits that you do?”
She moaned as he added a second finger, as his other hand pinched hard at her nipple, as he bit and licked at her neck, merciless, relentless, everywhere at once in a way that made her feel like she was stood in the middle of a bright, hot bonfire, burning at the stake.
“Tell me, princess,” Barty continued, inexorable, “Would you be jealous?”
His thumb moved to circle her clit as his fingers pressed in and out of her, and Lily moaned again, panting, trying to focus enough to speak, mind consumed by the fire, by the pleasure, by his fingers, his worship of her.
“No,” she eventually managed to breathe out, a word that turned into a moan halfway through as Barty sucked hard at her pulse point, still pressing impossibly closer to her, never close enough.
He licked at the spot he’d sucked, tongue hot and wet, then moved his head away from her neck slightly, the hand on her breast moving up over her collarbone to rest around her throat instead, applying a little pressure, making Lily squirm again, the heat in her burning ever higher, rising to a roaring inferno, closer and closer to the peak of its height.
“What was that, princess?” he said, trailing kisses over her shoulder now, his own breathing heavy as she moaned again, his erection pressing against the curve of her arse where their bodies were tight against each other, closer than close, merging into one.
“I didn’t quite catch it,” he continued, biting at her shoulder, one hand flexing around her neck, the other still working inside her, three fingers now, lighting her up from the inside out, relentless.
Lily pulled at his hair, hard enough to hurt, fingers in a white-knuckled grip, hands sweaty, her turn to make him moan, low and almost desperate into the skin of her shoulder, a curl of satisfaction only adding to the crescendo of heat inside her.
“I said-” she panted, biting at her lip to stop another moan of her own as Barty’s thumb dug into the space between her jaw bone and her skull, as his other thumb rubbed unrelenting circles onto her clit.
“I said no,” she managed, pressing herself back even closer into Barty’s body, close enough that the shape of his shirt buttons, his belt buckle, would probably be indented into the skin of her back, leaving a mark like the hickeys she was sure were bruising her neck, becoming a part of her, fusion.
Barty laughed, hot breath on Lily’s skin, tightening his grip around her throat, fingers sliding in and out of her faster, harder, moving to press his lips against her ear, “I don’t think I believe you”
Lily was hurtling rapidly towards an explosion, toes curling, a flame travelling along a trail of gunpowder, approaching the powder keg, set to blow up, shatter, erupt. She couldn’t stop the noises coming out of her mouth now, needy and greedy and obscene, almost as obscene as the sound of Barty’s fingers moving in her, pushing her closer and closer to the edge, to the burning inferno.
“I think you like the idea of being special too much, princess,” Barty maintained the pressure around her throat, on her clit, relentless, inexorable, merciless, moving to bite at her collarbone, like he was trying to sink his teeth into the bone itself and suck out the marrow, and Lily’s eyes rolled back as something exploded inside of her, the fire reaching the powder keg, falling headfirst into a roaring inferno, fireworks erupting behind her eyelids, collapsing entirely against Barty.
He moaned against her skin again, entirely desperate-sounding now, animalistic, raw, as she spasmed against him, around his fingers still inside her. He moved the hand that had been around her throat to wrap around her waist instead, holding her up as she shattered into pieces in his hands, licking at the layer of sweat on the skin of her neck, tongue hot and wet, groaning like he was tasting ambrosia, something holy despite the way she was burning up in hell’s inferno.
Lily panted, coming down from her high, Barty helping her through it, his erection still pressing up against her arse, his belt buckle, his shirt buttons, still pressing into her skin, the two of them merging into one.
“And you are special,” Barty went on, pulling his fingers out of her, lifting them to his lips, licking them clean and moaning again, the gods’ nectar, divinity, sublimity. With his fingers clean, he gripped Lily’s chin gently and tilted her face towards his, awe, pride, devotion, worship in his eyes as he looked at her blissed-out face.
He kissed her, slow and reverent, and she could taste herself on his lips, his tongue, hot and wet, murmuring against her lips, “So, so special for me, princess”
Lily nearly collapsed back against him again, entirely weak in his arms, still breathing heavily, against his lips, anticipation building again, addicted to his touch, his adoration, the way he held her like he wanted to melt into her, like he wanted them to fuse into one, inseparable.
She turned in his arms, facing him now, wrapping her arms around his neck, one hand sliding into his hair to deepen their kiss, Barty’s hands moving to rest on her hips, pulling back slightly, something a little mocking in his eyes, to say “You know, I bet these little meetings are the only time you ever cum”
Lily scoffed, pulling back further, moving her hands to rest on his chest, pulling her hips back from where they had been grinding against Barty’s, against the wet patch in the place his trousers were straining, “You know, I came here for a dress fitting, nothing more, and you haven’t even gotten your tape measure out yet”
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innamorament0 · 1 year
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Once again, I am reposting my dirt. Part 1 of my smut 1 shot inspired by this gif and this picture =3
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It's rated E, so be careful!
“You lied to me! All these years! All this time!” - she sneered at Supergirl, her green eyes lit with poorly concealed hatred. - “I trusted you, I lo… You were my best friend! I thought we had something special, that you weren’t like all those people who betrayed me, but it seems like I made a mistake. You are just like any other asshole who violated my trust!”
“Lena, please, I…” - Kara took a step forward. Tears stung her eyes when she watched Lena jumping back, flashing an angry, teary gaze at her. 
“I trusted you,  Kara  !” - she emphasised her real name, throwing it at Supergirl like an insult. Lena fell silent and seemed unsure for a moment, but then her face hardened, and she looked at the Kryptonian with newly lit hatred. - “You broke my heart. And I want you to feel the same pain you inflicted on me.”
She lifted her arm and folded her fingers in a complex gesture, icy arcane energy forming on her fingertips. Kara dashed to her just a moment after she opened her mouth to speak out incantation. The Kryptonian knew that magic was one of the rare things that could hurt her. As much as she was willing to let Lena do anything that would come into her head, the instinct of self-preservation worked faster and, frankly, against her own will.
Without much thought, she pushed Lena to the wall and put two fingers into her mouth. It startled them both, especially Lena, who looked at Kara with big, green eyes, lost on what to do next. 
“Don’t do it, Lena, please.” - Kara whispered, feeling Lena’s wet tongue running between her fingers. The whisper came out raspier than she anticipated, but she felt Lena’s breath hitch into her throat despite the scandalous position she was in.
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natalievoncatte · 11 months
Kara’s heart was racing as she stepped out of the elevator. She *knew* something was wrong when Lena sent her a single, clipped text message:
Come now. Need to talk.
The elevator opened directly into Lena’s penthouse, into her elegant, minimalist foyer. The room was dark, as was the rest of the penthouse, except for the light of a single candle. Lena sat on the expansive sofa in her living room, a box resting on her lap. Kara didn’t need to use her x-ray vision to know that it was lined with lead. Her heart sank.
“Come in,” said Lena.
Kara walked inside, waiting at a respectful distance. Lena was beautiful in candlelight, her hair so dark it dark it could drink midnight under the table, eyes sparing like chips of emerald and sapphire, chipped with gold. The light caressed her sharp jawline and made her expression severe and smoldering at the same time.
Kara had fantasies like this. Most of them involved more candlelight and more pale skin.
“I know what you are,” said Lena.
Kara’s heart skipped. She fumbled with her hands.
“You can drop the aw shucks, I’m a farm girl from Vaguely Canada routine, Supergirl.”
Kara’s heart dropped through her stomach.
“I can explain,” she began. “If you give me a chance. Lena, please, I’m your best friend.”
Lena’s eyes hardened. Very softly she said, “am I?”
“How did you find out?”
Lena reached over to her side table, swirled a glass of wine, and took a sip.
“Lex told me. After I killed him. For you.”
Kara swallowed, and took a step forward. “Oh my God. Lena, what happened? What did he do?”
“Stop,” said Lena. “No closer.”
Kara stopped, her chest tightening, tears starting to well in her eyes.
Lena looked down, then up.
“He was going to kill you, and I couldn’t let that happen, because I thought I was in love with you. Before I knew what you are.”
The words hit Kara harder than anything she’d felt before, punching through her heart like the Kryptonite stake that was probably resting in that box. No, it wasn’t possible. She’s been so careful, Kal has been so careful.
“Lex had proof, but I didn’t trust it. I had to find corroboration. That’s why I talked you into taking me to the Fortress, so I could download the records I needed and examine them.”
Kara swallowed. “I would have given you what you wanted if you’d asked.”
“No, you wouldn’t, because you cover your tracks. You tell everyone that your powers come from the sun, but you’re lying.”
Kara wrung her hands, looking out at the moon. It hung full, heavy and huge in the National City sky.
“Not exactly. We have our powers here because Sol affects us differently. It doesn’t…”
“It doesn’t destroy Kryptonian vampires like you and your cousin,” Lena finished. “It doesn’t weaken your powers in sunlight or burn your skin, so you have nothing to fear here but Kryptonite.”
Kara licked her lips, feeling her fangs aching in her gums as they often did when Lena Luthor was in the room.
“Have you ever fed on me? I know about the other powers, Kara. The ones you and your cousin haven’t told everyone one about. Like modifying memories.”
Kara started. “What? No. I don’t feed directly on humans. When I was younger, my human family took turns giving me a unit of whole blood a month. That’s all I need. We don’t need as much on Earth. I’ve never bitten anyone on Earth. Kal-El trained me not to when I arrived here. Lena, I promise, I’m not some kind of predator.”
Kara edged closer, and Lena put her hand on the box. Kara froze.
“Lena, please.”
“Your cousin has been feeding on Lois Lane for years. Lex had proof. Very thorough proof. He’s not as slick as he thinks, your Clark.”
Kara looked down.
“It was her choice. It’s tradition for my people. When one of us falls in love, we…”
“What, start seeing your ‘lover’ as a glorified bag of cheeze-its?”
Kara shifted on her feet. “No, we turn them. Clark is going to turn her after they marry. She’ll be like us.”
Lena’s gaze bored into her.
“I had to know, and now I do.”
“Lena, I would never hurt you, or feed on you against your will. I never feed on anyone against their will.”
“You’re lying.”
“Lex had proof of that, too,” said Lena. “You do feed. On criminals, on people you think won’t be missed, and on James.”
“James was willing,” said Kara. “The others… it hurts, Lena. Clark’s path is hard. Too hard. I’m not perfect. You can’t imagine what the thirst is like. It’s like a hot railroad spike in my gut. I need it.”
“I thought about this for a long time,” said Lena. “I had to look you in the eye and hear it from you. I didn’t know what to do. You feed on people’s blood, but the city… the world needs Supergirl. So what do I do?”
“You don’t have to do anything,” said Kara. “I can just go, or… I don’t want to go, Lena. I know you’re upset, I know you’re mad, but you asked me here for a reason. I know you want to give me a chance. What we have, our friendship, it’s bigger than this. It can survive this. I want it to.”
Lena sighed. “Kara, I killed my brother for you, in cold blood.”
Kara swallowed. “I know. I know you loved him. I’m so sorry. I wish I could have helped you somehow. Maybe if I’d told you my identity earlier, we could have saved him.”
Lena opened the box.
Kara jolted back, expecting sickly pustulant light to sear the flesh from her bones, but there was no Kryptonite in the box.
Instead there was a pair of silvery bracelets, resting on black velvet.
“I had to make sure you couldn’t see inside,” said Lena. “No peeking.”
Kara swallowed, hard. “Those are binding bracelets. Do you know what those are for?”
Lena nodded slowly.
“You can come closer now. Sit.”
Kara stepped around the coffee table and sat primly near Lena, at a respectful distance, hands folded in her lap.
Lena leaned back against the arm rest and pulled her inky black hair back from her neck, tilting her chin back. Offering.
Kara could smell her, the scent exploding in her nostrils. She could feel Lena’s pulse and her own began to throb in time with it, the aching in her gums exceeded by the pleasant ache between her legs.
“What are you doing?” Kara murmured.
Lena reached out and caressed her bare foot along Kara’s calf. Kara couldn’t help it. Her fangs popped out against her will for the first time in ages.
“Does it feel good for Lois? When he feeds on her?”
“So I’m told. Our fangs secret a mild neurotoxin that has some pleasant effects.”
“How long have you been thinking about tasting me?”
Kara shuddered. “It’s not like that. You’re my best friend.”
Lena rolled her eyes. “You know, I used to think you were just oblivious, or very, very closeted. Now I get it.”
“Lena,” Kara said, more urgently.
Lena’s foot slid higher up Kara’s leg. “It must be hard holding back all that hunger. Surrounded by food you can never taste. Is that why you’re always stuffing yourself with potstickers? You’d rather be eating me?”
Kara swallowed, hard.
“Maybe. Yes.”
“I’m right here.”
“I won’t. Not unless you say it, Lena. Not unless you offer it. Explicitly.”
“Kara, do it. Take me.”
Kara lunged across the sofa, pulling Lena to her so she lay flat on the cushions, and drove her fangs into Lena’s throat as she ground her thigh between Lena’s legs. She knew what Lena planned and she didn’t care.
Lena yelped in pain from the puncture wounds, but her cry quickly melted into a pleasurable moan as she writhed beneath Kara, driving her nails into Kara’s back.
Kara drank slowly, gently, taking only a trickle and feeling Lena’s pulse in her throat. She’d wanted this for so long, she started to weep from the sheer release of it, tears streaming down her cheeks. Lena’s blood sang with magic, the taste of her more intense than the most exotic spices, more flavorful than the sweetest wine. It was better than sex, although now that she had Lena’s blood on her tongue, she was hoping that was on the menu, too.
She heard the click and felt the cold metal close around her wrist and sighed.
“So that’s your solution,” Kara whispered.
“Lex couldn’t make it work,” said Lena. “I always loved how much it pissed him off that his bastard sister has magic and he doesn’t.”
Lena closed the other bonding bracelet around her own wrist, and Kara instantly felt the weight of the connection, the power in it, and knew she was helpless. She didn’t care.
“Kneel,” said Lena.
Kara slid off of Lena and onto her knees, head bowed.
“There,” said Lena. “Now I know. I know the world gets to keep Supergirl and I know you’re not a threat.”
“I knew what you were going to do,” said Kara. “I let you. If this is what you need to trust me, I’m okay with it.”
Lena took Kara’s chin in her fingers and tilted her head up, leaning forward to meet her gaze.
“I could do whatever I want with you now. With a Kryptonian vampire under my control, I could rule the world.”
“You could,” Kara whispered. “You can make me do it whatever you please. You never needed magic for that. I would do it willingly.”
“I know,” said Lena, “but this is going to be a lot of fun.”
“I was a little worried you’d tell me never to see you again,” said Kara. “Or you’d demand I turn you.”
Lena laughed. “Darling, do you have any idea how much power I’d have to give up to become a vampire?”
Lena ran a hand down Kara’s arm, squeezing her bicep.
“Now, carry me to the bedroom and let’s see what you can do.”
Kara didn’t need to be ordered to do that.
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