#karatachi kagura fanfic
yukisnowywriting · 3 years
I Will Always Be With You, Promise.
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Karatachi Kagura x y/n
genre : angst, hurt/comfort, fluff.
warning : suicidal, depression, all that dark stuff
a/n : ayeeeee im back ayeee (no one probably cares but ayeeeee). this is quite OOC cuz my mans got no enough screentime and I just made this to comfort myself with some imaginations so yeah... Enjoy! (i swear theres so little fanfic of kaguraxreader)
I dont know kaguras age so lets just imagine hes 15 (ah... young love)
(btw u could change the chara u imagine if u dont like him or dont know kagura)
Being a rare child thats more smarter and talented than other people in kirigakure was a very great thing, the adults respect you, the mizukage knows of your well being, and its easier to win some quiz or test while ending up number one. A dream like life, atleast for everyone else. For y/n, the expectation of being number one burdens you too much. Especially for you who was still turning into a teenager.
The burden was too much until when you end up number one again, you stopped feeling happy nor proud. Y/n only wanted to spend atleast her teen years with friends your age and having fun.
ah right... you dont have friends your age (typical y/n, sad that im really like this). You only managed to talk to Kagura, well hes only 2 years older... eventhough you feel like hes avoiding you, maybe he hates you too.
guess you have nobody
Kagura POV
..."why is she so cute" (simp-)
Getting to introduce myself and to talk with y/n was the best mistake Ive made. Sad that we dont spend time that much. My heart races too much whenever I talk to her, this is bad for my health.
The way she smiles, walks, runs, everything she does makes my heart flutter...
we've know each other for two years, but it feels like theres a barrier between us that she made, always one step closer and two steps back.
i look at her from afar every time i get a chance to, i feel like im obsessed, but just seeing her blink makes me fall in love all over again.
i feel like at this point i know almost all her cute habits, what is she probably doing at the second, and many more. I wonder if I should... get closer to her.
maybe starting next week. i dont have any schedule next week anyways, and neither y/n
end of pov
one week later
You were just at your normal spot, a high cliff near the ocean, kirigakure sure has a very great view eventhough being called mist village. But today, life was more tougher on the little details than usual with you, and now when you see the ocean, you think 'how peaceful it is, even thy waves move with big heavy strokes, yet always reflected beautiful and peaceful.' and to get to the point, it felt so peaceful, that you felt like.... being in it will have you in peace.
You take on step to the edge, and another, and more follows as your eyes began to be lost of the people youve cared for.
you may have a little crush on that cute yet powerful blonde, and actually tried to convince yourself that the two of you were similar, you came to conclusion that the two of you are not to be compared. Kagura is way better than you, the gods picked him to support. He is just the same as you, a powerful individual, but not like you, he develops himself fastly, even when no one in the village turn to eye him as a person and not of the forth mizukage bloodline, he still grew into a powerful person to protect. How you envy his mind. How you hated that he could do what you cant. How you hated that you hate him so much but each time he sees you he gives you a smile and a compliment that youve always wanted. How he says "your a very exceptional person, not like what they say, your not just a genius, your also a very lovely person". You hate that everything he does makes you want to breathe another day just to see his smile. You hate that the fact that you will break into tears right now and stop the thing your going to right now if he comes up to you.
Just like right now...
As he took every confidence to stand beside you, he walks to your usual spot with the intention of getting more close to you by striking up a conversation and inviting you to spend the day with him.
But the moment he was there, he panicked as he sees you stepping towards the edge abnormally, it looks clear that you were trying to jump, but the waves today were too much for you to go swimming so he knows that whatever you were gonna do, it wasnt gonna be good. He wants to stop you but once he looks at you eyes from afar, he could sense all of your negativity and a little light that whispers your hope of wanting to dissappear from this world. As he stops and stands a few meters behind you, he ask "are you okay?". he seemingly did not catch your attention but know by how you fasten your steps little by little that you were still willing to jump.
He grabs your hand and spins you around, he bends his body a little to meet your eyes with one arm engulfing you in his embrace. "you had a bad day didnt you? do you want to share it with me?" he pulls away giving little space between you and him, as he gives you a warm gentle smile. you just looked down as tears start to escape your eyes, and little sobs break. he once again embraces you and gently tucks your head in his chest. After a few moments, you start to ramble on about what your feeling;
why does it have to be me? why do people carry me oh so high but when i fail, they turn their backs. they appreciate me when Im all correct but even 0.1 mistake can take effect... i dont like this... im still 13, in the last mission, people my age were running around, laughng with their friends. why cant i do that? i dont wanna keep being lcked up in a room reading books, i want to play too! i dont wanna do paperwork everyday! i want to go out relax with friends.... but all im expected to do is- is- learn- win number one- ranked number one- complete missions- and not fail... i dont like this... its to heavy... the pressure is suffocating me... i-i-
I dont wanna die...
she says to the person that embraces her lovingly for the first time. her last sentence was heard to be aa quiver as she continues her quite cries which were never heard before.
Kagura always knew her as a quite yet cheerful person. she brings a big positive energy to thee who is beside her. The moment she introduced herself to him for the first time, her voice was like light that could reassure people of their path and that everythings going to be okay. But he didnt knew that the one in need of the light is the light itself.
He strokes her hair gently as If she was made of glass. And silently snuggles closer to her smaller figure... Then he lets out a soft whisper
"you've went through so much until now. I can't comfort you nor can I help, but for now the only thing i can do is be by your side. We don't talk too much and we don't interact the most, so i think this is too early, but I love you. You did a great job, you've handled so much until this second, you've carried so much until now, even if people are dissatisfied of you, just remember, i will always be proud of you, i will always support you, and i love you"
"you could rest yourself now, even just for a second. Just rest and forget all of the pressure as if it doesn't exist." He continues
"i don't want anyone to hate me- i don't want to disappoint anyone" you wanted to continue but then he says
"even if the world is against you, i will always be by your side. Promise"
Everyone has their own bad side, and everyone makes mistakes, this was just a fanfic to comfort myself and also just me ranting. So this whole fanfic is probably to ooc, if u didn't like it, it's okay, if u like it then I'm glad. I don't see much Kaguraxreader fanfics, and i really need some whether in Wattpad or Tumblr or any other apps,
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kairi-chan · 6 years
Coffee and Flowers (Ninbucks AU) - BoruSara
Genre: Angst, Romance
Rating: T
Warning: Angst. Unrequited feels.
A/N: Post Valentine’s Day fic. <3 If you really like someone, I implore you to confess. You got nothing to lose.
This was it. Today was the day. She gripped her tumbler in her hands as she walked along the street. There weren’t many people left as the rush hour had passed. As she approached the coffee shop’s door, she felt her hands shake. Sarada wanted nothing more than to just run away.
The festive feeling from Valentine’s Day had subsided. There were no more flower vendors and heart-shaped banners. No more businessmen carrying bouquets and messengers hauling absurdly huge teddy bears to the lucky recipient.
Valentine’s Day was over. And although Sarada had enjoyed staying with her best friend and watching movies, she also got an earful that her night could have been different if she had just asked him out already.
“You two have been eyeing each other for as long as you’ve been working there, Sarada!” Chocho nearly spilled the popcorn out of the bowl in her hands. The poor girl was shaking with righteous fury. “Just ask him out already!”
“I don’t even know if he’s single!” She bit back.
“Then ask!” Chocho was not having any of this shit any longer. Sarada had kept that tissue with a note from Boruto, as well as that little post-it that said, “get well soon, Sarada!” When She was feeling under the weather. It was too much. Sarada had it bad for Boruto but she was too afraid to say anything. “If things get weird then stop going to that branch and start buying your coffee at the Ninbucks across the street instead.”
Sarada hid her face behind a throw pillow, wanting so bad to scream. It wasn’t like her to be like this. But he was different. He made her feel things she never thought she would feel again. Not after...
Recalling all of that, she felt her knees go weak. She wanted to run. And for a moment, she almost did. She stopped right outside the door and would have bolted if it wasn’t for Konohamaru, opening the door for her and greeting her with a wide smile.
“Good morning, Sarada!”
She laughed nervously and entered the coffee shop, gripping her tumbler to her chest. Konohamaru looked oblivious to her discomfort. “Inojin will take your order, Sarada.”
For now, she could breathe. She was too relieved to see Inojin waving at her that she didn’t notice another blonde barista was behind the counter, talking to a customer while preparing their coffee.
“Good morning, Sarada!”
“H-heya,” Sarada placed her tumbler on the counter and swallowed hard. “My usual, please.”
Inojin raised his brow but took her cup and stuck a post-it on it. “You feeling alright? Have you had breakfast yet? Maybe you should grab a sandwich to-go?”
Knowing that he had sensed her nervousness, she took a deep breath and calmed herself. “I’m fine. Just… a little anxious. Big presentation and all,” she lied.
“Ah.” Inojin finished writing on the cup and placed it behind him. “Good luck with that!” He continued to punch in her order.
If he’s not here, then I won’t need to ask. She thought. But fate had other plans.
A voice coming from the claiming counter cut through the silence of the coffee shop.
“Tell me, Boruto!” The lady laughed with her companion. “How was your Valentine? Hot date?”
She froze. He was here, after all. She looked over to the end of the counter and spotted him. He was red, and he refused to look at his customer in the eye. “M-me? Yeah. I had a date.”
Sarada’s stomach fell.
“Oh my god, you did!” The lady laughed, and she judged the man she was with. “See, I told you this rascal was out to get the ladies.” He laughed with her, and the lady continued to pry.
Boruto laughed nervously and wouldn’t meet her eye. He placed the lid on two cups and brought it up to the counter. “Here you go, Tsunade, Jiraiya. Have a great day!”
“Thank you, Boruto.” Jiraiya gave him a wink. Tsunade thanked him as well and exited the coffee shop, still talking loudly amongst themselves.
How could she ask him now? He was seeing someone. How could she be so stupid to think that he wasn’t? Someone has handsome and radiated like the sun was bound to be seeing someone. A hot wave ran through her body and her eyes pricked. This was stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
Boruto saw her cup and his smile fell. “H-hey, Sarada. Good morning!”
“Morning,” She replied curtly.
He looked like she had struck him and she immediately regretted it. She never retaliated to people in the service industry, even if she was already annoyed. And this was Boruto. But the mixed up feelings of anger and frustration easily turned sour and transformed into someone even uglier—jealousy.
A feeling she wasn’t so well acquainted with, a feeling that she had been taught to never entertain. And yet, it was there. And she hated it. She no longer wanted to be here. She just wanted to get her coffee and leave.
Despite his voice breaking, he tried to make conversation. “How was your Valentine’s day?”
Oh my fuck. Was he going to rub this in?
Now it was her turn to looked pained. She bit her lower lip and willed herself to calm down. Sarada Uchiha will not cry in Ninbucks. She will not.
It was taking Boruto longer than usual to make her coffee. He kept spilling the milk over the sides of the cup and he could barely place the lid on her cup right.
Another customer was making his way to the claiming counter when Boruto placed her drink on the counter. “Here you go, Sarada!” His hands were shaking so bad that he knocked her tumbler over, spilling the coffee over the edge of the counter. Sarada gasped in shock and stepped away in time, but the man standing there had his white long-sleeve shirt stained.
“I’m so sorry!” Boruto apologized.
Sarada covered her mouth in shock. Not because of the spilled coffee, but because of who she was now looking at.
The boy who made her feel how it was to be in love…
“Kagura?” Sarada whispered.
There he stood, white crisp shirt stained with coffee, one hand holding a small bouquet of her favorite flowers. He smiled and then held up the bouquet of flowers as he laughed nervously. “Hey, Sarada. This wasn’t exactly what I had in mind when I came here to see you but… can we talk?”
A/N: Hnnngg. It feels so good to be able to write and finish it. Hell, it feels good to just write and not hate it. I’ve been stuck for such a long time and I’m so glad I was able to pull through. It’s rough, unedited, and written all on my phone. But it’s finished, and I don’t hate it--I like it. No one can make me feel otherwise. 
I may write a continuation soon if my mojo stays a little longer. 👀
Thank you so much to @trolldockan and @spacerune for helping me with the idea and always being so supportive. 😭 and thank you to @momoiina and @elosnotebook for always assuring and validating me. I love you girls. 💖 
And of course, special thanks to @theizzypeasy I’m not copying you. Angst is just also fun to write, okay? hahahaha. Love you. 
Thank you for reading! If you like what I write, please visit my blog and check out my #fanfiction tag. I also have links to my master post, ffnet, Ao3, twitter, and Ko-Fi there. :) 
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yukisnowywriting · 2 years
Cant Help Falling In Love With You
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Kagura x y/n
genre : fluff, just very romantic heart warming fluff
warning : some curse words, and me simping for Kagura
a/n : well if you youve looked at my fanarts in ig (@michelle.pc.yk) you prob know how much of a simp i am for Kagura, and its been a few... years since i started liking Kagura (and fuck hes still standing number one), and i see that theres not much kagura x y/n fanfics out there so i thought why not make some. And i feel like i should just make some so i hope this adds more content to those who loves Kagura too, enjoy, And im the one who drew the fanart, please dont reupload it without permission!
summary : theres always two people in love, but theres something more of the love these two hold for each other. Despite their own insecurities, they cant help falling in love with each other.
"Kagura... sorry, i mustve troubled you a lot... You know what? its okay! leave the boxes to me! it was my duty at first anyways, you should go now"
"huh... its okay, I could help you, and i dont have anything to do anyways, i only need to drop by the Mizuage office for a few minutes, and then im completely free."
"...then im wasting your free time... sorry"
"definitely not, spending time with you in my free time is more than enough for me." Kagura smiles softly at the person right beside him trying to calm them down from their anxiety of wasting his time. 'How can such a perfect person be so insecure about themself' he thought to himself
"okay ill stop here, thank you for heping me! please ask me anything u want, i will try to give it to you cuz youve been helping me too much! anything!" y/n says with a hint of anxiety on their face
"dont think of it too much, like I said, Im free after this, and if you are free to, how about a walk downtown? theres some new shops we could check out, maybe find something interesting there" He says as he sees her face light up with excitement 'so cute...'
"i-if its okay with you then okay! ill meet you at ******! thank you hehe~" y/n says smiling yet so beautifully
"okay, ill be there in a while"
they part ways, each awaiting the simple moments they get to spend together with the other.
As the two of you stroll around downtown, the two of you never thought that something just as being beside someone could be this happy for them
but the more you walk to one shop to another, the more people began whispering
"i cant believe they kept the descendant of a murderer alive""how is he still laughing eventhough he knows how the fourth mizukage was..." "that person beside them... such poor soul, was it force?"
y/n was getting quite disturbed of this, the fact that many people judge another without knowing them first makes her feel sick and scared.
"Hey... if you feel uncomfortable walking with me, you could just leave, its okay." Kagura says normally yet there was a hint of sadness in his face.
y/n refuse his suggestion, "I like spending time with you, and what do i have to fear when the person i know is not like what they say. People will know you better when time comes so im okay, but if it bothers you, then I will do my best to suppport you. Im not as storng nor am I smart like you, but ill be a great friend! ...atleast if thats okay with you?" y/n says with a happy voice
Kagura giggles at your statement and his heart felt so warm "okay then. Theres a new bakery there, my treat, shall we go now?" he says with his charming smile.
"thank you!" you take his hand and walk to that store 'hes so perfect...'
as the sun sets, the sky turning to a beautiful orange color, and the sea reflecting its beauty, two people sits on a platform, enjoying the moments before night falls.
"Something I like from Kirigakure is how beautiful the sunset is! How the sea reflects the sunset is just perfect, dont you think so Kagura?" y/n says, eyes fixed on the beauty.
"Yes , it is indeed beautiful. A very great view" But, his actions are againts his words. He has his eyes fixed on y/n, a gentle orange light reflecting on their hair, their eyes reflecting the beautiful mix of colors from the sunset.
He bring his hand up beside y/n's ear, putting strands of y/n hair behind their ear, he gently smile as y/n turns their head to him and then they see a very gentle warm smile on Kagura's face.
"I love you, y/n"
even with each other knowing the problematic situation each other are in, one being imprissoned by his bloodline and one insecure of their own being, they just cant help but fall in love with each other.
my requests are open for any ideas (except nsfw)!
im so fckin in love with Kagura dammit.
I cant help falling in love with him eventhough knowing he doesnt have that much content-
Kagura simps let us be friends!
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kairi-chan · 6 years
I Got You (XXVII) - BoruSara
Title: Lights On
Rating: T+ for implied smut 
Genre: Romance / Fluff
Sound Track: Lights On by Shawn Mendes
Thank you so much @spacerune for beta-reading for me! <3
A/N: You can want her body and still be a gentleman… if you’re Shawn Mendes, that is. Or Kagura.
This was initially supposed to be a one-shot, but I thought it fit the main storyline better. ^^
Note: links to the earlier chapters are in my Master Post.
He held on to her hands, and slowly lead her into the bright room. The open window let the salty breeze in, making the white, light curtains sway and dance. The dark wood creaked under their weight as they walked towards the middle of the room. He squeezed her hand, barely containing his grin.
“You’re smiling like an idiot right now, aren’t you?” she asked. Her tone was meant to sound annoyed, yet the smile on her face betrayed her.
His laughter filled the air, mingled with the sound of the chimes in the far corner of the terrace that overlooked the ocean. The waves crashed gently, in perfect sync with the wind.
He did not respond, in turn, she pouted.
“Kagura-kuuun,” Sarada whined. “You’re teasing me!”
Kagura laughed a little louder and pulled her closer to him. Before he could envelop her in a hug, he stopped and removed the blindfold from her eyes. She blinked a few times and rubbed her eyes. The smile never left his lips, he pulled out her eyeglasses and put them on her face.
He waited for her eyes to adjust and watched her as she took in her surroundings. “It’s beautiful.” She breathed.
Kagura smiled. “Not as beautiful as you, Sarada-chan.”
She returned his smile and wrapped her arms around his middle. Kagura encircled her in a warm hug and rested his cheek on the top of her head. He breathed in her scent and sighed. He was glad to be with her again. It had been far too long.
“I missed you,” she mumbled.
“I missed you, too,” he responded. “Not a moment went by that I didn’t think of you.”
Sarada snickered but tightened her hold around his waist. “You sound so cheesy.”
Kagura chuckled and poked her side playfully. “It’s only cheesy if it’s not true.”
She giggled and snuggled closer to his chest. It melted Kagura’s heart, making him hold her as close as possible. The past few weeks without her were rough. He missed her so much and overcompensated with texting, calling and sending her gifts. When he received a call that she was coming to visit -- it was so sudden, and short notice -- but that didn’t stop him from planning the perfect weekend for them.
This was Sarada’s first trip to Waves Island. Kagura didn’t want to screw it up. There were so many things he wanted to show her, so many things he wanted her to experience with him. But the way she sounded when she gave him a call made him rethink showing her around the city. Instead, he booked the best suite in the best resort, just for her.
She sounded so distressed when he received her call. He wanted to ask her so many questions, what was causing her stress? Why the sudden decision to fly? Not that he was going to complain about the latter, but it did worry him. Sarada never did anything too rash unless her emotions were running high. Whatever it was, he was going to do his best to make sure she would better after this weekend.
“It feels good to be with you again,” she mumbled.
Her words warmed his heart. She may have never told him, ‘I love you’ but she always expressed it in her own little ways. Perhaps she could show him in other ways she loved him, too.
Kagura pulled away to look at her face. She looked up at him, and slowly, got on her tiptoes to bring her face closer to his. Kagura cupped her face and their lips met.
Softly. Gently.
Their lips caressed each other, after a while, their tongues came into play and Sarada moaned, igniting a fire in Kagura’s belly. He pulled her closer to deepen the kiss, and her hands stroked his chest. She gave him a slight push, bringing him to sit on the bed.
Kagura’s eyes clouded over and leaned back on his arms to support his weight. His eyes widened, and his lips parted when Sarada straddled his lap and cupped his face in her hands. She gave him a passionate kiss on his lips before she moved to kiss his ear. Heat filled his body as she licked and nibbled his earlobe, all the way down to his neck.
Sarada ground her hips against him and Kagura groaned. Kami. Only she could have this effect on him. His fingers inched to the hem of her shirt, and he looked at her face, asking for permission. She smirked and guided his hands to remove her shirt and she tossed it to the side. The way she looked at him with smoldering eyes made him want to ravish her already.
“I want you,” she breathed. “I want to do it.”
He heard the words, but he couldn’t believe she actually said it. He blinked at her for a moment, but she didn’t hesitate. Sarada pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor before grinding on him again. This time, she closed her eyes and moaned. “Please.”
Oh god.
Kagura’s excitement tripled. She had been putting it off for such a long time, and now here she was, begging for it. He swallowed and spoke slowly. “Are you sure?”
She nodded and pushed him down on the bed. Her voice never wavered. “Yes.”
He took in a shaky breath before switching their positions. Kagura hovered over her and searched her face again for any trace of doubt—any lack of conviction. Her dark eyes hooded over, lips slightly parted. Her dark hair was a mess, but she looked perfect. Carefully, he pushed the stray locks away from her face and whispered, “tell me when you want me to stop…”
Sarada stroked his face. “I don’t want you to.”
After recovering from her high and feeling remarkably well spent, Sarada shifted and turned to face Kagura. His eyes were closed, but she knew he was awake. Gently, she caressed the side of his face and then traced the scar under his eye with her index finger. Kagura inhaled deeply and then smiled.
His hand came up to hold hers and he kissed her knuckles. “How was it?”
She returned his smile, a light blush coming up to her cheeks. “Indescribable.”
Kagura chuckled and pulled her close to him. “Want to do it again?”
“We should turn the lights off first,” she giggled.
“No, I like the lights on.” He kissed her forehead. “I want to see you.”
She blushed an even deeper color of red and hid her face on his neck, making him laugh. Sarada felt so embarrassed, but she also felt some guilt.
Half of the reason why she wanted the lights off was because when they were making love, it wasn’t his face she wanted to see, but someone else’s.
A/N: It’s been a long time. How have you been, darling? How’s the new year treating you so far? I have a lot of things planned this year, one of them is finishing this story. Updates might not as come as quick as they used to, though. Thank you for patiently waiting. <3
If you like what I write, and want to read more, please do check out my #fanfiction tag. I also have links to my Master Post, ff.net, Ao3, Twitter, and Ko-Fi.
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kairi-chan · 6 years
“Do you know what this shirt is made of? Boyfriend material.”  “You’re ridiculous.”
Title: Boyfriend Material 
Genre: Humor / Fluff
Rating: T
Boruto stood a few feet away from Sarada, arms tightly crossed over his chest, foot tapping, and a dark cloud of gloom hung over his head. He was practically shooting lightning bolts at the boy with sandy colored hair, and pink eyes. 
“Just look at him, Mitsuki,” Boruto grumbled. “He thinks he’s so cool and smooth, just because he’s the Mizukage.” 
Mitsuki looked up from his book and blinked. “Boruto, are you jealous?” 
“Heh! Why would I be?”
His friend smiled. “Because he’s been hitting on Sarada for the last ten minutes, and she seems to be enjoying it.” 
Boruto choked. He was not going to let Kagura have his way. Boruto and Sarada have been together for nearly a year now, and everyone knew that. Despite that, it didn’t stop people from hitting on her. Kagura was no exception. Even if Boruto knew his friend was doing it just to irk him, it still pissed him off. The blond marched over and approached the pair. 
“Don’t you just love my new jacket, Sarada?” He beamed.
Sarada tore her eyes away from the Mizukage and raised her brow at her boyfriend. Kagura did the same. 
“Touch it. It’s made of only the finest boyfriend material!” Boruto declared theatrically. 
Sarada rolled her eyes. “You’re ridiculous.” 
Kagura smirked. “Sarada-chan, I’m sure you’ll like my jacket better.” 
She looked at him and gave him a puzzled expression. 
“It’s made of quality husband material,” Kagura quipped. 
Sarada snickered. “That’s a good one.” 
Boruto froze, lifted Sarada off her feet and threw her over his shoulder. “STAY AWAY FROM MY GIRLFRIEND, KAGURA!” He pointed an accusing finger at the Mizukage. 
“Boruto!” Sarada exclaimed. “If you don’t put me down, you’re going to be my ex-boyfriend!” 
“NEVER!” Boruto tightened his grip and ran away, leaving Kagura standing there, dazed and confused. 
Mitsuki approached Kagura and bowed. “Please excuse Boruto. He gets like this when he’s jealous.” 
“Oh, I know.” Kagura grinned. “It’s just too much fun to tease him.” 
Mitsuki smiled so wide his eyes closed. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to make sure Sarada doesn’t kill Boruto.”
A/N: I love this pickup line and I use it all the time. Yes, I say I’m made of “boyfriend material.” Sue me. Lol.
You can read more of my stories in my master post, or visit my FFnet.
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kairi-chan · 6 years
I Got You (XVIII) - BoruSara
Title: Heart to Heart 
Genre: Romance/Humor/Angst
Rating: T
Chapter 1: Childhood Friends, Chapter 2: The Dinner, Chapter 3: Disconnect, Chapter 4: Spill It, Chapter 5: Nighttime and Bottles of Beer, Chapter 6: Sunsets and Ninbucks Frappes , Chapter 7: Past and Present Dates , Chapter 8: Contemplation, Chapter 9: Awkward AF, Chapter 10: Punch Some Sense Into You, Chapter 11: Anything For You, Chapter 12: Reason For Jealousy, Chapter 13: Permission, Chapter 14: He’s Perfect, Chapter 15: Dreaming of You, Chapter 16: The New Girl in Town Chapter 17: One Down
Beta read by: @anastasiapancake
After dinner, Mitsuki followed Sakura into her study to discuss his schedule. There were more and more cases that Sakura was allowing him to be involved in, even if he didn’t get to visit the hospital to take a look. He appreciated that there were photos, and very detailed reports from her interns and staff. Mitsuki clutched the folder to his chest as he walked down the halls, determined to go back to his room to go through the files one last time before giving his own input to Sakura in the morning. Perhaps he can wake up a little earlier and join her for Yoga before discussing the case over breakfast.
However, before he could get to his room, he noticed the door leading to the den was ajar, and a light glow coming from it. Curiously, he walked over and took a peak. He found Sarada curled up at the corner of the sofa and texting furiously, a deep frown marring her features. He walked inside, and stopped a few steps away from her. “Who are you talking to?”
Sarada lifted her head, but the frown was still set on her lips. She huffed and showed him the screen, “Kagura-kun.”
Mitsuki blinked a few times, and sat next to her on the sofa. He took the phone from her fingers and started scrolling. He read with a slight smile on his face, the conversation wasn’t that bad, it was basically Kagura asking what she was doing, and sulking that he wasn’t invited to their dinner, asking why was Mitsuki at the Mansion with her, and why would he be staying the weekend. Just the usual boyfriend questions. 
“He’s being jealous again,” Sarada sighed. “It’s starting to get annoying.”
He tipped his head to the side and handed back the phone. “Isn’t that normal?”
She shrugged and muttered, “I’ve known you and Boruto my entire life. There’s no need for that. I just hate having to explain myself all the time, you know? It’s like… It’s like he doesn’t trust me.”
“Does he have a reason to feel that way?”
Sarada scoffed. “Of course not.”
“Maybe Kagura-san feels that you don’t love him.”
It seems like he hit a nerve, as she glared at him. “What are you even suggesting? Of course I do.”
Mitsuki smiled. “Have you told him you loved him?” The way her posture went rigid and she stayed silent, made him smile until his eyes closed. Mitsuki didn’t even need to hear it out loud. “There’s your answer.”
“That’s not the kind of thing you say so freely.”
“But you would tell me and Boruto you love us, right?”
Sarada laughed. “Don’t be so full of yourself. You should stop hanging out with Boruto!” After a few moments of silence, she pulled her legs on the couch and rested her chin on her knees. “Do you really think that will do the trick?”
He shrugged. “I wouldn't know. I never dated anyone.”
A sly grin spread on Sarada’s face. “Speaking of dating, I heard you like someone.”
His golden eyes widened, and a light pink dusted his pale cheeks. There was no use in lying to her, anyway. “I think I do. She’s cute.”
Sarada hummed and continued to tease him. “Who is it?”
Unlike Boruto and Sarada, Mitsuki was not swimming neck deep in denial. “Sumire.”
She blinked a few times and opened her mouth before closing it again. Mitsuki sensed her discomfort and smiled. “You’re the first one I told, it’s also the first time I’ve said this out loud. It seems… weird now that I’ve heard myself say it.”
Sarada chuckled and relaxed, a somber expression on her face. “Yeah, but she likes Boruto.”
“I figured.”
“Do you think he likes her, too?” Her voice was so small and quiet that he barely heard it. It was rare for Sarada to allow herself to be so vulnerable, even in front of him.
Mitsuki thought about it for a while. Knowing Boruto, he was probably just dating her as a scapegoat for his true feelings. Boruto likes Sarada, and nothing was going to change that. “No, I don’t think he does. He’s just using her to hide his real feelings.” Mitsuki bit his tongue. He tasted venom in his mouth. He had never hated or felt any sort of anger towards Boruto, but something inside him was bubbling. Just the thought that Boruto would drag an innocent girl into this mess made him want to punch the blond. “He likes someone else.”
“Oh? Who?”
Mitsuki smirked. “You know who, Sarada.”
She rolled her eyes. “If you say it’s me, I’m going to punch you.”
“Then I won’t say. You already know it.” He grinned.
The way she pursed her lips and looked away to hide her blushing cheeks convinced Mitsuki that she didn’t believe all of it, but she had believed some of it. And that was enough for now. He made a mental note to pry Boruto off of Sumire and shove him back towards Sarada--even if it’s the last thing he does.
A/N: What was that saying again... bringing people up, only to slam them down for maximum damage? Yeah, sounds about right. LOL. Sorry if it was a bit boring, but I needed to lay some stuff out first before our BoruSara hearts die. 
You can read more of my stories in my masterpost, or visit my FFnet!
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kairi-chan · 6 years
I Got You (XIII) - BoruSara
Title: Permission
Genre: Romance/Humor/Angst
Rating: T
Chapter 1: Childhood Friends, Chapter 2: The Dinner, Chapter 3: Disconnect, Chapter 4: Spill It, Chapter 5: Nighttime and Bottles of Beer, Chapter 6: Sunsets and Ninbucks Frappes , Chapter 7: Past and Present Dates , Chapter 8: Contemplation, Chapter 9: Awkward AF, Chapter 10: Punch Some Sense Into You, Chapter 11: Anything For You, Chapter 12: Reason For Jealousy
Beta read by: @anastasiapancake​
“Don’t you think they’re going too fast?” Chocho asked as she munched on a bag of potato chips. “They’ve only been together for four months and Sarada already met his parents last weekend.” She, Inojin, Mitsuki, and Boruto were sitting at one of the tables by the Law building. She kept her eyes glued to the other side of the field where her best friend was currently holding hands with her boyfriend. Inojin shrugged and leaned on his palm with his cheek. “Some people have sex on the third date. I don’t think this is too much.”
She snapped her head back and made a face. “You know what I mean. Sarada isn’t the type!”
The blond sighed. “Maybe Kagura’s got a big dick and gives her good orgasms.”
Chocho felt the heat rush to her face. “They haven’t done that yet!”
“How would you know?”
“She would have told me, duh!”
“Maybe she’s just shy and doesn’t want to tell you because you’ll tell everyone.”
“I’m not you, Inojin.”
The two kept chatting and arguing on about the stages of dating and at which time frame was it acceptable to start all sorts of… dating activities. “I can accept hand holding and hugging on the first month,” Chocho said in between munches. He shrugged. “Depends how much I like her. If she wants to make out on the first date, I’m down for that.” Mitsuki looked over to Boruto, who hadn’t said a word, but he noticed that the blond was watching Sarada across the field, too.
Boruto noticed how her dark eyes sparkled, and how wide her smile was. Her aura was different, too. It seemed so much lighter. Boruto never knew she could possibly be even more beautiful. “I have never seen her this happy,” he muttered, thinking that no one would hear him.
Boruto was sitting by himself at Ninbucks, trying to figure out how to solve the math equation when he was interrupted. “Hi Boruto. Mind if I sit here?” The blond looked up and smiled. “Hey, Kagura. Yeah, sure. What’s up?” “I wanted to ask you something.” He smiled in return as he took a seat.   Boruto’s brows furrowed together and replied warily, “what about?” The senior bristled and shifted in his seat. He tried to grin, but it came out looking like a grimace. “What are Sarada’s parents like?” Boruto’s brows shot up. He was expecting to get a question about Shinobi Bout, or maybe when his next free day was to hang out, but asking about uncle Sasuke and aunt Sakura? What was this all about? “Sarada’s parents? What? Why?” “I’m meeting them this weekend,” he grinned. “I heard they’re pretty scary. You know her father has a bit of a… reputation.” He laughed nervously, and scratched the back of his neck. “I was wondering if you could give me some tips how to make them... like me?” For a moment, Boruto couldn’t do anything but stare. Maybe Chocho was right, things were moving too fast. He never thought Sarada would be the type, either. Or perhaps, he just didn’t know her that well anymore—if he ever really did know her in the first place. He shook the thought out of his head. What was he saying? Of course he knew Sarada. He knew her like the back of his hand. “I realize this is awkward for me to ask,” Kagura looked him straight in the eye, “but I hope you approve of me dating her, too.” Now this snapped him out of his stupor. “What? Dude!” Boruto threw his hands up in the air, and gave him an exasperated look. “There’s no need to ask for that, and there is no reason for you to do that too, ya know?” Is this guy serious? Asking for permission from him? What was he? Her father? Kagura laughed. “I know that, but I want to know if you’re okay with this. It’s selfish of me, but I would sleep better at night knowing you approve of us.” They stared at each other for a while and Boruto wore a confused look on his face. Was this seriously happening? If he ever did approve of him, maybe Boruto didn’t now. He never knew Kagura was such a weirdo.   “She talks about you a lot. What you say and think about things is really important to her.” Boruto found it funny that he would say that. Didn’t he just fight with Sarada a few months ago, at this very same Ninbucks branch, because Boruto thought that Sarada didn’t care about his opinion? The blond chewed on his lower lip for a while and recalled that experience. It was starting to weigh heavy on his heart. He should have never let his jealousy get the better of him. “Boruto, are you alright?” “Ah, sorry, spacing out. Exams and all, ya know?” He laughed. “What was it you wanted to know again?” “How Sarada’s parents are and if you approve of us dating.” The blond pondered on this question for a while, deciding that it would be better if he chose his words well. He didn’t want to scare Kagura, but he didn’t want him to be unprepared, too. “Well, Uncle Sasuke doesn’t say much but he can kill you with a glare. He likes to be intimidating, but he’s actually really nice.” He smirked. “He loves Sarada so much,” he added softly. Kagura smiled. “I can imagine.” “Aunty Sakura on the other hand,” Boruto stopped and grinned. “She’s really nice. Although she unleashes hell when she’s angry. I’m not sure if Sarada’s told you, but she’s definitely the scarier parent, and one to look out for.” In all honesty, Boruto had never seen his uncle give in with one look, but Sakura always managed to do. His father often joked that Sasuke was “well trained” but Boruto knew it was really his father who was. Naruto would often cower whenever Sakura was angry.   Kagura laughed nervously and scratched the back of his neck. “I’ll try to remember that... any tips how to make them like me?” Boruto mulled the question over for a bit before he finally said, “You’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it too much.” And he meant this. He knew Kagura would be fine, and impress the two cause Kagura was pretty much perfect boyfriend material. Hell, he was the kind of guy even Old Man Fugaku would approve of. Kagura smiled sincerely and then asked, “What about my second question?” He froze for a bit and grimaced. This was something he didn’t want to talk about -- especially with Kagura. Boruto would have told him to leave Sarada alone, and to tell him that he wasn’t the one for her. But when he opened his mouth, the truth came spilling out. “I have never seen her as happy as she is now. If she’s like that because of you, then please continue doing so.” 
Kagura’s eyes widened in surprise. Perhaps that wasn’t the kind of answer he was expecting, too. It seemed like both of them were equally shocked. “Sarada’s important to me. Her happiness matters to me. If you can give her that, then I have nothing to complain about.” Boruto’s heart twisted and his throat closed up. What was he saying? He was already watching her slip away right through his fingers, and now he was allowing Kagura to take her even further away. He did his best to stop his face from showing how much his heart was breaking. He swallowed the lump that formed in his throat, and he proceeded to gathering his belongings. He needed to get away from here, he just couldn’t take this anymore.
The smell of coffee, solving math problems, and sitting in Ninbucks reminded him all too much of her. And now, he was sitting across the guy who would whisk her away from him. Boruto stood up and gathered all of his strength to grin. “Good luck, dude. You’re lucky to have her, so don’t waste your chance.”
The way his pink eyes softened, and the small smile he offered made Boruto’s heart twist. Perhaps Kagura was sharper than he gave him credit for.
“I know. I promise I’ll do whatever it takes to make her happy.”
Boruto laughed, trying to lighten the mood. “Geez, you sound like you’re going to marry her already.”
“Well, you never know.”
A/N: I know, I know. Believe me, this is a BoruSara story. I just like hurting them sometimes for the heck of it, ya know? lol. 
You can read more of my stories in my masterpost, or visit my FFnet! 
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kairi-chan · 6 years
I Got You (XI) - BoruSara
Title: Anything For You 
Genre: Romance/Humor
Rating: T
Chapter 1: Childhood Friends, Chapter 2: The Dinner, Chapter 3: Disconnect, Chapter 4: Spill It, Chapter 5: Nighttime and Bottles of Beer, Chapter 6: Sunsets and Ninbucks Frappes , Chapter 7: Past and Present Dates , Chapter 8: Contemplation, Chapter 9: Awkward AF, Chapter 10: Punch Some Sense Into You 
A/N: Gosh, I missed writing these two together. Brace yourselves, Fam. 
Beta read by the wonderful @anastasiapancake Thank you so much! ❤️
“Where is Sarada?” Chocho held on to Boruto’s jacket and shook him. “I can’t find her anywhere.”
“The hell would I know?” The blond grimaced and pried his friend off of him. “Maybe she’s with Kagura or something.”
“She isn’t! And she isn’t replying to my calls!” Chocho puffed her cheeks. “He was the first person I checked with.”
Boruto rolled his eyes. “Then why would you look for her from me? If Kagura doesn’t know, then why should I?”
She looked at him as if he was the dumbest person in the world. “If Kagura and I don’t, you’re the only person bound to know where she is.”
He scowled and ran through all the possible locations Sarada could be at with Chocho. The girl replied that she had already checked those places. After a while, Kagura joined him and Chocho, only to confirm that she wasn’t at their usual spots.
Boruto scowled. “Do I really have to do everything here?” He stuffed his hands in his pockets and turned his back to the two and started walking away.
“Where are you going?” Chocho asked, annoyed. “We still haven’t found her yet!”
The blond smirked and looked back. “Stop worrying. I’ll find her.” There was only one place left where they didn’t check. And that place was a secret location for the two of them.
He weaved his way through the deepest part of the university’s main library. Unbeknownst to most, there are small pockets of tables and study areas in the history section. The History majors were usually the ones who hung out there, but since the course was so small, there were barely any people in the area at any time.
Boruto smirked when he found her. “I knew it,” he muttered to himself.
Sarada’s arms were folded on the table, and her head rested on them. She was asleep. Her notebooks and books were scattered around the table, and her glasses were resting next to her pencil case. Her phone must have been inside her bag, on the floor. Boruto quietly took a seat next to her and watched her for a while.
“She hasn’t changed one bit,” he thought. Sarada would usually disappear from time to time and make Chocho panic. Boruto knew she hadn’t told her about this spot in the library. He shrugged off his jacket and placed it on her shoulders. He then proceeded to fixing up her belongings so they could leave the moment she woke up.
His hand hovered over her planner for a second before he slowly picked it up and flipped open to a random page. He then got a pen from her pencil case and started to write away. It always irritated Sarada whenever she would catch him writing in her planner, and those reactions were what made Boruto’s day.
Me without you is like a nerd without braces, you without glasses, asentencewithoutspaces.
He smirked and felt proud of himself for altering that pickup line by the tiniest bit. He knew Sarada loved a good pickup line, even if she would never admit it. Boruto flipped to another page and wrote down another.
You wanna know what’s beautiful? Read the first word again.
Boruto snickered and flipped the page again, he lifted his hand to write another but stopped himself when he saw something written in Sarada’s handwriting: dinner with Kagura-kun at 6pm.
The bright smile faded from his lips.
“What am I doing?” he thought. “Sarada has a boyfriend now.”
As much as he hated to admit it, things weren’t the same. Although, he liked to delude himself that they were. Since they patched things up last week, they had been hanging out again with each other and their other friends. They would study together, sit together in class, partner up or always be in the same group for class assignments. It felt like things were finally falling back into place.
He looked at the words etched on the paper again and Boruto realized he had only been fooling himself. Things weren’t the same, and they will only continue to change. He can’t do a lot of the things he used to with Sarada, and he had to establish boundaries with her — out of respect for Kagura. He gritted his teeth and gripped the pen a little harder than necessary. He thought about all of the things he couldn’t do with her anymore. No more Study Wednesdates. No more randomly coming to her balcony at night. No more hugging and other kinds of shows of physical affection. Fuck it. Basically just everything he liked doing with her. Boruto ground his teeth together before he tossed the pen back into Sarada’s pencil case. A little more pressure and he would have snapped it in half.
Slowly, he looked over to her sleeping form and frowned. He closed her planner and stacked it on top of her other books.
He took a deep breath, leaned back on the chair, and sighed it all out through his mouth. He threw his head back and looked at the ceiling, as he tried to collect his thoughts.
“Seems like you’re thinking pretty hard over there,” Sarada’s sleepy voice cut through his thoughts. “That’s quite rare for you.” She smiled a bit and stretched out her arms in front of her like a cat, releasing a soft, purr like moan from her throat.
Boruto gulped and looked away. “Yeah, well, people have been looking for you and I was thinking of a way how to get a tracker on you, ya know?”
“Really?” She shrugged Boruto’s jacket on and folded her arms back on the table and laid down. “And you’re the only one who knows I’m here?”
Boruto blushed. She was wearing his jacket. “Yeah, that’s something we can’t do anymore, either,” he thought. “Kami, she looks so cute without her glasses on, too.”
The blond looked at her and forced a smiled. “Yeah,” he replied quietly before he broke into a wide, more genuine grin. “I promised to keep this place a secret, right?”
Sarada closed her eyes as she smiled at him in thanks. She took her glasses and placed them on before sitting up and stretching again. “That was a good nap,” she muttered to herself.
Boruto smirked. “Seems like it. You’re in such a good mood that you’re actually being nice to me.”
Now it was her turn to smirk. “Don’t get used to it.”
They stayed in comfortable silence for a few minutes as Sarada fixed her books into her bag. “Hey Boruto,” she started.
“Thank you.”
He knew what she was thanking him for, and it hurt his heart to make him think she needed to thank him.
“No need. There’s nothing to thank me for,” he responded.
Sarada shook her head and looked at him. “You’re right. But I want to.” She placed a hand on his arm and smiled. “I’m happy we’re friends again.”
Boruto held on to her hand and faced her, his blue eyes were filled with resolve. “We’ll always be friends, Sarada.”
As much as it hurt him to think that that was all they were to her, it hurt him more to imagine that that was all they could ever be. The way she looked and grinned at him unraveled his entire being. He knew that no matter how hard it would hurt, he would never keep himself away from her. Even if he had to watch her love someone else up close.
He stood up and stretched to hide his inner turmoil. “We should go, ya know? Chocho and Kagura are worried sick.”
“Kagura-kun?” she asked. Her dark eyes were wide and questioning. She then fished her phone out of her bag and sighed when she saw all the missed calls and texts. She smirked. “They’re worse than Mama.”
“Yeah, well,” Boruto pouted, “tell them not to bother me next time when they can’t find you.”
She looked at him and asked, “They asked you to look for me?”
He snapped his gaze towards her, “More like they demanded I pull you out of my back pocket.”
She broke out in a fit of giggles, which sent his heart fluttering and face turning red.
“Pull me out of your back pocket?” she repeated, in between giggles. “That sounds comfy.”
The blond scowled and snatched her bag away, effectively carrying it for her. “Yeah, whatever. Can we go now? I actually have a test to study for tomorrow.”
Sarada calmed down and walked beside him. “And you’re studying now?”
He stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Yeah, I used to not study to spite you, ya know?” Although his voice dripped with sarcasm, he knew deep down one reason he didn’t like to study on his own was because it was so much better studying with Sarada.
She lifted a dark brow and smiled slyly, “Oh, did you?”
He winked at her and laughed, she joined in, too. Once they both stopped, the walked through campus together in comfortable silence. They had no real destination to go to.
Her voice was a little hesitant. “Boruto.”
“Could you…” her voice wavered, and so she bit her lower lip. “Do you think you and Kagura-kun could be friends?”
The blond stopped walking. “Why would you ask me that?”
Sarada had stopped walking too, but refused to meet his gaze. “You two just have so much in common. I think you two will be really good friends.” She looked at him and smiled until her eyes closed.
Boruto swallowed and felt her words stab his heart with a knife and twist it to the side. She was evil. Why would she say something like that? How could she say something like that and expect it not to hurt?
“I…” he started. The blond opened and closed his mouth a few times before he finally formed a coherent sentence. “I don’t even know the guy.”
Sarada scoffed. “I know that.” She looked away again. “But would you give being friends with him a try?” She looked over her shoulder and gave him a warm and sincere smile.
‘No.’ Was what he wanted to say. But how could he say that when she was asking so sincerely. “Of course I would.”
‘Anything for you,’ was what Boruto really wanted to say.
A/N: I don’t know why I do this to myself, too. It hurts, fam. It h u r t s 
You can read more of my stories in my masterpost, or visit my FFnet!
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yukisnowywriting · 3 years
Requests are very welcomed
There are no specific rules for requesting, i just don't write NSFW.
Little chats are also welcomed if someone needs a friend
Please do say something or tag me if u found a karatachi kagura x reader fanfic (๑´•.̫ • `๑)
Genshin Impact
Kazuha "I'm sorry" angst
Xiao "A Place To Hide From Monsters" Hurt/comfort
Gorou "Jealousy"  fluff
Albedo "S-stop! I-im taken"  fluff
Kaeya "Joke"  fluff
Kazuha "Sakura Mochi? No, It's Strawberry"  fluff
Xiao "Will You Wait And Come Find Me Again? " angst
Kamisato Ayato "Before I Continue Lying To Myself again" angst +  Hurt/comfort
Arataki Itto "Head Over Heels"  fluff
Diluc "Alone Again" angst
Gorou "Clean Up Kiss" fluff
Albedo "Dinners ready" "part 2" angst
Diluc (modernAU) "Punishment To The Loved" "part 2" angst
Venti "Dandelions" comfort
Kozume Kenma "Just A Dream" angst
Akaashi Keiji "You look perfect tonight"  fluff
Jujutsu Kaisen
Inumaki Toge "Mystery Word"  fluff
coming soon
Tears Of Themis
Vyn Richter "tired"  Hurt/comfort
Vyn Richter "Dancing Souls" angst
Artem Wing "Turtleneck" fluff
Luke Pearce "Prank Of Trust" fluff crack a little angst
Bungou Stray Dogs
Coming soon
Ensemble stars
Nazuna "not your brother"  fluff
Blue Period
Hashida Haruka x fem!reader “The Weird Duo” fluff
Monoma "Conditions" fluff
Karatachi Kagura x reader "I Will Always Be With You, Promise" angst comfort
Karatachi Kagura "Can't Help Falling In Love With You"
Waiting for a character to be suggested
Coming soon
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