frozenpeazz 2 years
Oh Daniel..
Pairing- Daniel Larusso x f! reader
Warning 鈿狅笍- angst?, Fluff, blood, injury, swearing, Daniel Larusso and his dashing looks 馃槱馃槱
Daniel gets beat up by Johnny (again), and you patch him up <3
Y/n/n - Your nick-name
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Its was around 8pm, you were sat on your bed reading a book when you heard a knock on your window. You panicked as you whipped your head round to stare at the glass, only to make out the shadow of your boyfriend. Daniel Larusso. Your sweet boy who you loved with your whole heart. You still felt the adrenaline from the scare he gave you as you got up and made your way to the window, sliding it open.
"Jeez Danny, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" You say helping him inside but the slight annoyance at his sudden arrival quickly wore off after seeing his crumpled frame and his body covered in dirt and blood. "Daniel! Oh my god what happened?!" You exclaimed as you draped his arm around your shoulder and wrapped your arm around his waist for support.
"Just Johnny kickin' my ass again. The usual." He chuckled slightly then wincing from the pain in his ribcage.
"Oh danny.. If those stupid boys dont leave it I'll beat the shit outa' them myself! And i mean it!" You say in anger as you gently sit him on your bed.
"Now wait here. I'll be back in a second okay?" You kissed his head lightly as he nods.
You return after a couple minutes with a first aid kit and a wet cloth. You stand in-between Daniels legs as you tilt his chin up to look at you.
"My lord, what did they do to you?!" You say as you gently scrub at the dirt on his cheeks causing him to smile, that same smile that made you fall in love with him.
"I was ridin' home on my bike and well, lets say they pushed me off..down the hill." he cringes to himself as the memory of the event that happened just 20 minutes prior flood back into his mind. You tense slightly.
"Aw my poor baby boy.. just wait until i get my hands on those pricks and i promise you they wont pester you again!" You say as you fix his chocolate brown hair. Daniel smiles to himself at the thought of you attempting to beat up Johnny Lawrence, the toughest guy at school.
After getting all the dirt off you begin to open the first aid kit gett out some medical ointment.
"Your going to need to take your top off so i can treat your wounds." You turn to look at the boy and you notice a thin blush painted his cheeks.
"Uh- o-only if your comfortable with it!" The brunette boy chuckles slightly as he slowly removes the shirt he's wearing to reveal his bare tanned chest. You cant help but stare, at least for a second. You feel your cheeks heat up as you begin to wet a new cloth with the medical ointment.
"This is going to sting Danny." You warn as you begin rubbing the cloth over the wounds covering his body. He hisses in pain as he grabs onto your free hand and begins to squeeze it.
"I know Danny, im sorry."
"D-dont be sorry. 'm fine Y/n/n." He assures you as you continue treating his cuts. After cleaning and applying bandages to Daniels body you finally put away the first aid kit.
"Honestly. Those jerks just dont know when to stop do they." You say with anger laced into your voice. Daniel laughs.
"Yeah well, 'least i got my own personal doctor to heal me afterwards. Thank you by the way, for helping me." After putting away the kit you make your way over to your boyfriend laying on the bed next to him beckoning him to lay in your lap.
"Anything for my pretty boy." You say causing Daniel to smile as he blushes slightly laying his head on your chest on top of you.
"Those jerks better be ready to hear from me." You whisper, playing with Daniels hair.
"They wont be expecting it thats for sure." Daniel jokes as he relaxes into your touch.
"I love you Y/n/n."
"I love you to Danny. Even when your all beat up."
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zappedbyzabka 2 years
I can't 馃拃
Probably deleted dialogue tbh
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hiddenfilmgem 4 years
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The real Karate Kid, 1984
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frozenpeazz 2 years
Pairing- Daniel Larusso x f!reader
Warning- angst? Not sure, crying, panic attack, fluff, mentions of bullying and injuries
Y/n was staying over at her boyfriend Daniels tonight, and its a good thing she was or who else would've been there to calm him from his nightmare about Johnny Lawrence and his gang.
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It was about 2am, you and Daniel were sound asleep in his bed somehow facing away from eachother despite falling asleep in each others arms. You were peacefully dreaming about whatever you want. However, Daniel on the other hand. He was not peacefully dreaming the poor boy. He was having a nightmare about getting beat up by Johnny and his gang again except 10x worse and he had to watch them beat you up to. His body began to sweat as he tries to wake up. Suddenly Danny wakes up and bolts to sit up right. Body shaking, muscles tense and his breathe quickening to the point where he is getting little to no oxygen into his lungs. He tries to call your name but he cant. He's to weak. Tears begin to prick his eyes as he musters the strength to push you hoping you wake up.
You grumble. "Mm.. Danny go back to bed.." you tried closing your half awake eyes but they instantly open back up at the sound of your boyfriends sob. You sit up and whip round to face Daniel.
"Danny!" You panic as you stare at your boyfriend crying, shaking and barely breathing he cant even make eye contact with you. Your on the spot and you try to think of something to calm him down. When suddenly it hits you.
"Daniel.. Daniel look at me." His eyes flicker up to meet yours. You reach out and gently take his hand.
"Danny. I want you to breathe with me ok? Just copy my breathing. In.... And out." You repeat this process whilst drawing shapes in his hand softly with your fingers. As he begins to slowly regain his breathe, its not quite normal yet but getting closer you ask him a question.
"Danny, can i hug you?" You didn't want to launch yourself onto him and startle him. He nods slightly still not able to fully speak. You climb into his lap and wrap your arms around his neck your hand making its way to his hair as you begin to play with it. "Its okay Danny.. im here. I'm never going to leave. Okay? I love you so much Danny, you know that hm?"
"I-i love you t-to.." he whispers out as his arms wrap around your stomach hugging you tightly. You feel his breathe return to normal and his tears soak through your top. You use your nails to draw shapes on his back as his body begins to relax.
"You want to talk about it?" You ask gently separating you two slightly and tilting his chin up to look at you.
"I-its dum'.." he looks embarrassed as he averts his gaze from your captivating eyes.
"Oh Danny.. its not dumb. Not if your this worried by it. You dont got to tell me but just know, im all ears. I'll never judge you my pretty boy." You wipe the tears off his cheeks as you kiss his head gently.
"i had a-a nightmare. About.." he stops.
"Take you time Danny." You didn't want him to feel like he was obliged to tell you if he didn't want to.
"J-johnny an' the boys. They was beating me up, but it hurt more than usual.. a-an' they made me watch you g-get beat.. i felt so useless. I couldn't p-protect you.."
"Oh baby boy.. your not useless. Your the most kind, loving, thoughtful and good looking guy in the whole~ universe. That stupid prick Johnny is just jealous of you. Your looks, your personality you in general. And dont you worry your pretty little head about protecting me, i got myself covered." You kiss away the tears from his cheeks and he smiles at you.
"Why'd you pick me over Johnny anyway?.."
"Simple, your kind, you think before you act, your not stuck up, your not obsessed with your ex, you don't hurt people for fun and! You just look wayyy hotter!" You giggle slightly as his cheeks light up at your compliments. "You calmed down now pretty boy?" You tease. He nods, his cheeks getting brighter at the nickname.
"Thanks for helping me pretty girl."
"Anything for you." You smile as you lay with your boyfriend on top of you as your eyelids begin to get heavy again. ".. love you Danny."
"I love you to Y/n, my gorgeous girl." You smile before falling asleep.
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