herciederckie-blog · 7 years
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Im ass
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herciederckie-blog · 7 years
Ensemble: Alexander Hamilton had a torrid affair and he wrote it down right there:
Jefferson: duMBASS
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herciederckie-blog · 7 years
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Some good ol' KingBury
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herciederckie-blog · 7 years
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herciederckie-blog · 7 years
To any suicidal followers I may have: This is a sign to not kill yourself. You are loved and the world is special because you are in it. Keep holding on.
Reblog this when it’s on your dash. You will save someone’s life.
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herciederckie-blog · 7 years
It is now- Burrens (part 1?)
John- where are you?? Alex- staying at Herc 'n' Madison's place. Thought I told you? John- no you didn't and you know I worry Alex you've been staying at other peoples place and not telling me and I'm worried what's going on?.. John waited for Alex to text back knowing he his Boyfriend Alex saw his message seeing it said read. Alex hasn't been talking to him about anything and has been shifty about his phone and Leaving in the day. It worried John and he hated it he wanted Alex to stop and act normal and love him more. John- Fine be that fucking way guess I'll sleep alone asshole. With sending that John chunked his Phone and Laid down on the bed by now being use to sleeping alone. John didn't regret sending that text and knowing Alex was gonna complain about it when he got back he gritted his teeth knowing Alex had no rights. Honestly he loved Alex but hated him too sometimes he was confused. He sighed and went to pick his phone, seeing Alex text him back made him nervous. Alex-look not now I'll text you later, just calm the fuck down? John rolled his eyes and about punched his phone until he saw Aaron Text him. Aaron- Your probably asleep but hey. John smiled and texted back right away. John- nah I'm not asleep Alex is being a dick. Aaron- not there again? His smile faded away seeing Aaron mention Alex's name. John has always felt guilty, he loved Aaron but he also loved Alex and if he told Aaron how he felt he would either get rejected or Aaron would feel the same and end up feel like shit knowing he can't make either happy since both hate each other with all their might. John- no...I'm worried about him.. Aaron- Hey if you need my door is always open to you okay? Alex is a asshole. John- yeah I agree he is. I sometimes wanna kiss him but other times I wanna punch him. Aaron- lol John- I better get to bed alright? Good night Aaron! Aaron- sleep well John. John smiled and turned his phone off and put it aside and Cuddled His turtle Pillow thinking it was Aaron, ignoring the fact it was wrong to think it was somebody else that wasn't his annoying ass boyfriend. ---------------------------------------- Sun was creeping threw the curtains and Drool covering Johns Turtle pillow. John was enjoying a lovely dream until he was woken up with a shake on his shoulder. "I'm home, sorry for last night." Alex whispered to him. John would be happy but he was still pissed. John sat up and moved hair out of his face. "Yeah yeah "sorry" okay." John wasn't happy and did not hide it. "Can you just calm down okay?" "Excuse me?!" John raised his voice and Rushed out of bed only being in his boxers. "Clam down?! Alex you've been away from me every night and half the day what's going on??" John hated this and just wanted his loving boyfriend back. Alex sighed and pulled his slightly taller boyfriend in his arms and rubbed his back. "John..I'm really sorry...just things are going on.." Alex said with a hushed whisper. "Alex you can tell me..." John had tears pricked in the corners of his eyes but suddenly had Alex's thumb wipe them away. "Just..be patient with me please?..I promise this will all blow over soon" "you sure you can keep that Promise?.." John was worried. "Yes." With that Alex yawned and sat in the bed "I didn't sleep well last night~ I was worried about you." John guessing by how the texts went he was more angry with him then worried but he accepted it and grabbed his Phone and looked at Aaron sent 3 new messages and smiled. "Whatcha lookn' at?" John wanted to stay honest. "Aaron texted me." Alex laughed "Aaron to text someone first is rare!" John wasn't surprised. Aaron always texted John. At this point people to react surprised when Aaron texted them he always thought dramatic. "Yeah." He faked laugh but at this point made it seem real. Aaron- good morning. Aaron- is Alex there yet? Aaron- is everything okay?? All John could think was "it is now.."
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herciederckie-blog · 7 years
Calming weather-Burrens-
It was raining hard outside and John wasn’t enjoying it. Unlike everyone who finds it calming John is terrified, he always has been. He never found the roars of thunder and the strikes of lightning and strong winds blowing a flood worth of water drops relaxing and never has. He still freaks out and hides under the covers like a child.
He was currently cowering under his table wrapped in his blanket that comforted him the most during these times, he always felt warmer and relaxed in them and he never knew why.
The thunder and lightning stopped and he went to go check the window to see if outside weather has calmed down, and to his surprise he sees Aaron Burr sitting at the flooring between their doors and a well way from the rails and steps down.
Aaron and John have lived across from each other in the apartments for a few years maybe two or three now. He lost count. Aaron has always been Johns friend even if it took awhile to call them friends. John had more feelings than friends but never had the guts to tell Aaron himself from many fears…rejection, the fear it wouldn’t last long, cheating. The last one came from his past Relationship, who was Alexander Hamilton. They are friends now but when John dumped him for that horrid reason he broke down. But Aaron gladly helped him and that’s when he realized he loved Aaron also and it’s been killing him ever since.
John decided to sit outside with Aaron. Even though it took a little time to decide in his head. But with that he Opened the door and rushed into a chair next to him.
“Oh- Hell there John. Come out to enjoy the weather?” Aaron was wide eyed from how fast John came out and just planted himself next to Burr on the Bench they share but he smiled anyway.
“H-heh y-yeah! Rain ‘n’ shit is cool-” Of corse he was lying and hated the weather and just needed Aaron to comfort him.
“I thought I was the only one who enjoyed the relaxing sound of rain..” Aaron inhaled and exhaled and took a sip of his coffee, He truly loved rain.
John noticed Aaron was shaking a bit and took his blanket off himself and wrapped it around Aaron.
“How long have you been out here?..” Johns faced flushed a bit when he noticed Aaron cuddle a little into the warm blanket with tinted cheeks.
“About a hour or so? I find it relaxing and Theo is coming here sometime today.” Aaron smiled at the thought of his little girl coming to visit. John smiled at the thought of Theo. he has met her many times and played with her with John visits Aaron’s Apartment.
“I know I probably shouldn’t be asking….but where is Theo’s mother?…” John never asked before and Aaron never talks about it. All John knows is Theo visits someone and then Aaron.
It took Aaron awhile but he shifted in his seat. “Well..Theo’s mother died a few years ago from..well a sickness” Aaron breathed and cleared his throat “and..her mothers Parents wanted to see Theo still but they live so far away and Theo stays with them then me..” Aaron wasn’t effected by His Wife anymore he understands what happened and accepts it but still surprises him often.
John froze he didn’t know what happened “I’m sorry…” John felt like he messed up.
“Oh don’t be Sorry John!” Aaron swiftly tucked John under his arm and Wrapped him and himself in the blanket. “I understand she isn’t here and im happy, it’s what she would have wanted after all.”
John was about to respond until Thunder and lightning filled the sky and John yelped and Cuddled into Aaron for protection shaking.
John felt a hand on his Back and knew Aaron was comforting him. “John.” He didn’t wanna respond. “John you didn’t have to lie about liking the rain y'know” he heard Aaron chuckle “come on you big baby lets go inside.”
John looked at him “I’m not a baby!” Aaron sat up and Gave John his blanket back and took Johns hand “sure.” He says with a smirk and pulls John up.
“Is it okay if I stay with you for awhile??” John felt flushed and Aaron Moved some of his curls out of his face.
“Sure you freckled baby”
“I’m not a baby Aaron!!!”
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herciederckie-blog · 7 years
@jemmy-mads0902 gave me this idea!! I’m really glad and you should check out their Blog!!
Damn it. Aaron loved his Job. He loved walking in on early morning and Walking threw the doors and Having a fresh smell of Fresh blooming lovely flowers. The wonderful smell of soil and dirt reminds him of a relaxing day outside early with a sunrise glowing and peaking over a meadow of flowers and just walking in the flower shop doors To see a few Rays of sun light shine threw and be some of the only light there brighting up the place and he just loved to watch light bounce off the lovely pedals of the flowers covering the shop.
Of corse he would be enjoying this morning if it wasn’t spring and his allergies begin to act up and not only did this start acting up he ended up getting a stomach virus to top it all off.
“Good morning Aaron!” Eliza Chirped While holding a big pot of new sunflowers, But honestly Aaron expected to be the only One there like every morning.
“El-” he pauses to have a small cough fit and pops a couch drop. “Eliza what are you doing here this early?” Eliza took awhile to understand What Aaron’s Raspy morning/sick voice was saying but after what seemed a minute she Had this bright and full of sunshine smile.
“Oh! I should have texted you but I got a call this morning from the delivery men about the new Sunflowers and Daffodils! And they were gonna come here early then you normally get here so I didn’t wanna make them wait or just drop them where ever!” She laughed and It brightened Aaron’s day Alittle.
“Oh I’m sorry Aaron! Are you okay you seem sick? Are you alright dear?” She frowned her eyebrows and Aaron hurried and blew his noise and had a deep raspy laugh. “Allergies and stomach virus” Once Aaron focussed he saw her shock Expression and slightly regretted what he said.
“Aaron! I can understand allergies but stomach virus!! No no!! You have to rest dearie!!” Aaron swore she put the pot of Flowers down as fast as she could and started to get her phone out. “Woah? Calm down Lizza it’s just a-” Aaron sneezed three times and blew his nose again and cleared his throat “-it’s- it’s just a stomach bug I’ll be fine..I’ll wear a mask so no one gets sick.” He struggled to say. Aaron’s Throat hurtled more then anything, it felt like hell was having a war in his throat and he hated it.
“No! You need rest and I know you won’t get it at home!! I’m calling John to take care of you!” Aaron became eye wide as she started to wait for John to pick up. “Wait wait! John is busy with Collage and I’m fine!!” Suddenly Eliza smiled and started talking to John on the other side of the phone.
“John come get your Boyfriend! He arrived at work with allergies and a stomach bug!” And Aaron sighed hearing John yell across the Phone knowing John will make a big deal over Aaron.
Aaron sat in front of a trash can (thrown up about 2 times now) waiting For John to come over and Walk him to his dorm. Once John Got there he slammed the door open. Well he made sure he didn’t break anything
“Aaron Burr!! How dare you be sick and not stay at home and rest!” Aaron would normally be aggravated if it was Hamilton or Thomas. But this is John. Aaron’s Freckled curly hair puppy dog. And he could not ever be mad at John….well he could but he wouldn’t be for long.
Aaron sighed and smiled “hello Baby…” He had a weak, tired, smile. And suddenly felt Johns hands on his, trying to help him up.
“Okay Aaron….lets go so you can finally rest..” Johns soft smile was the best thing Aaron could see this morning and he already felt better.
—-awhile later——
Aaron might have been walking with John to the dorm but he swears he is sleeping with his head on Johns Shoulder.
He wakes up when John taps him and when he opens his eyes he zones out counting every damn freckle he has. Sometimes Aaron wonders how many and is sometimes actually angry he has so many.
But of corse he is interrupted by the opening door and John waking away from him.
“You should lay down babe.” John mentions while Dragging a trash an with a new trash bag put in it near his bed for Aaron in case he vomits.
Aaron sighs and smiles “John if I throw up I’m throwing up on Hamilton’s bed.” He is pleased with the laugh he gets out of John But isn’t happy with the now coughing fit he has.
John Leads him to the bed and Aaron lays down.
Aaron relaxes in the bed until John decides to Jump onto Aaron with all his fucking body weight. Causing Aaron to Cause a yelp and a very raspy hell of pain.
“J-John what the hell?!” John smiled and Sat on Aaron’s Laps and ran his Hands under Aaron’s Shirt hoping to help his stomach.
“I’m gonna stay here with you till I have to go~” John smiled softly and Aaron cocked an eyebrow.
“That’s awhile.” “I know! Isn’t it great?!” John Started Covering Aaron’s Skin In lovely kisses and Aaron roared with raspy laughter.
“J-John!!” Aaron managed to peep out.
“I love you Aaron~..”
“You say that till I throw up on you”
“I’ll just throw back up onto you.”
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herciederckie-blog · 7 years
Wrong blog-
Modern AU setting
-John is still in collage (college??) when Aaron and him start dating
-Aaron and John have Tuesday as date day and never change plans
-Aaron and John argue about what place is better too have the date
-John always wins
-John sleeps with a Toy bear he named Burr and cuddles it when Aaron isn’t there
-Alex doesn’t understand why John loves Aaron but is accepting
-John is in arts and Whenever he paints Aaron keeps them around his apartment and brags about them when people come over
-Aaron works at a flower shop and often surprises John with his favorite Flowers (sun flowers)
-John visits Aaron at work sometimes
-John is jealous of Burrs Ex Theo cause at the start of their friendship he never stopped talking about her
-Aaron is dyslexic and John helps him.
-“No we can’t afford that- put it back-”
-“we can’t afford anything wtf”
-John makes the stupidest nick names for Aaron.
-Aaron pretends to hate the nicknames but he actually loves them and gets flustered over “Burr Bear”
-When John dies From Murder Aaron shuts down and keeps everyone away from him
-Aaron cuddled The Bear John had and never slept without it
-Aaron could never look at a sunflower the same
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herciederckie-blog · 7 years
Do you have any brotps? Like ppl you ship as friends?
yeah peggy and ham!! not romantic i just love seeing them interact in art? i find it sweet!!
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herciederckie-blog · 7 years
Just some sassy Thomas Headcanons tbh
-Thomas wears Eyeshadow and eyeliner and goes to bed in it and wakes up covered in makeup -He does Three snaps after roasting you -him and Laf have the same foot size and tend to share boots and heals -Thomas has a sibling like bond over Laf (unless it's Laferson) -During meetings he has the habit of tapping his heals on the ground and tapping his nails and it pisses Alex off -Thomas watches chickflic movies when he gets home and cries and James is stoned face threw it all (Jeffmads) -when he gets stressed he takes off his makeup and fancy clothing and Lays with James on the bed for awhile while James whispers cute things to him (also Jeffmads) -he nicknames Everyone -he named Alex Asshole gremlin Man -and James JellyJams -and Laf Socks, for a story Laf never lets Thomas tell
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herciederckie-blog · 7 years
I make a good role for
Everyone in Hamilton
don’t you hate it when it’s 3 in the morning and everyone’s asleep and you just… get a sudden urge to perform a whole musical by yourself
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herciederckie-blog · 7 years
This is what a God looks like
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This is an Oak appreciation post. Please appreciate him.
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herciederckie-blog · 7 years
Je s us
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oh wow I can draw more than Tjeffs and Laf
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herciederckie-blog · 7 years
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herciederckie-blog · 7 years
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I love them all 
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herciederckie-blog · 7 years
Lafayette: You know what they say: you might be straight, but so is spaghetti until things get steamy.
Hercules: I have never heard anyone say that ever in my life.
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