#karigane sakujiro
82mitsu · 4 months
{18Trip} <PROLOGUE SIDE-A: Still blank> 000-A08 The biggest bet of one’s life
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A translation of 18TRIP's PROLOGUE SIDE-A by 82mitsu. ENG proofreading by sasaranurude. Note: this is the final chapter of the prologue.
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Kafka: ……
Kaede: Kafka? Hey, what’s wro—-
(Loud popping noise)
Kaeda: Uwawgh!?
Kafka: Congrats Kaede-chan!
Kaede: Huh, what…!?
Kafka: My company has decided to hire you~!
Kaede: Hweh, eh?
Sakujiro: Congratulations. I believe this has taken you around 5 hours. As expected from Kaede-san.
Kaede: Sakujiro-san!? Eh, where did you… why…?
Kaede: Also, you said “my company”... as in Kafka’s company?
Kafka: Fufufu… Surprised, aren’t you. Here, look at this.
Kaede: What…? Documents?
Kafka: Yeah. Registration documents for the company I created.
Kaede: Registration… I can’t keep up with what’s happening, but… did you really—a company…?
Kaede: What’s this mission statement thingie right here?
Kafka: Management philosophy, or maybe… the guidelines for what ideas you want to realize, perhaps I should say.
Kaede: In other words, what you want to achieve by making the company?
Kafka: Exactly that!
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Kafka: Do you remember the first time you went on a trip? What you were wishing for, with who, and where you went? 
Kafka: A heart-pounding experience, a chance encounter… There might've been some unforeseen trouble, too.
Kafka: However, none of these things can be experienced unless you take that first step forward to embark on a trip.
Kafka: Where should you go? What should you do? What should you take with you? Together with who—? 
Kafka: All the people that yearn to see the world, and those who haven’t had a taste of traveling yet, HAMA receives with open arms.
Kafka: Hoping one day your heart will grow warm when memories resurface, as if it’s reaching out to give you courage.
Kafka: A trip to the HAMA that’s kept close, and loved. To take your hand and lead you there—
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Kafka: That is…
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Kaede & Kafka: Hama Tours
Kaede: Kafka, this is…
Kafka: Say, Kaede-chan.
Kafka: Today, you felt it when going around HAMA, didn’t you? In the past, how it differs from the first trip that you gifted me… That the HAMA we know now—it's in a tough spot.
Kafka: I’m no longer that ill person waiting for Kaede-chan’s tales of traveling.
Kafka: I’ll wager all that’s left of my life, and bring HAMA back on its feet. And in order to achieve that, I need you. That’s why…
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Kafka: So, Kaede-chan, bet your whole life on me too.
Kaede: Kafka…
Kaede: (The whole time, no matter where I was, I could always feel a tiny bit of regret. Wondering if this is really the kind of job I wanted to do. Even though travel work is what I yearned for, these feelings that I had—)
Kaede: (Were ones of wanting to make someone smile, from a trip to HAMA. That’s what was left of them. —A trip like the one I gave to Kafka that day.)
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Kaede: –I’ll place a bet. 
Kaede: On Kafka, on the work to bring HAMA back, I’ll bet my whole life!
Kafka: …Really? You mean it?
Kaede: Without a doubt.
Kafka: And it… isn’t it because you pity me? Wanting to “help” someone as miserable as me…That’s not how you feel, right?”
Kaede: No! Not a chance I’d ever think that.
Kaede: I, honestly, have been frustrated the entire time. Seeing HAMA drained of color compared to how it was… How it’s helpless, lifeless. 
Kaede: But all I could do was absentmindedly stare. That’s why… you’re truly amazing.
Kaede: Thanks to you, I’ll be able to do something for the sake of HAMA, too. I’ve never been this happy before. 
Kafka: Right… yeah. Right!
Kafka: Seems like I won after going all out, one way or another. 
Kaede: Hm? What are you talking about?
Kafka: Nothing at all.
Sakujiro: ……
Kaede: Um, so then… what now? Actually, what should I do first?
Kafka: Oh? You’re sure fired up~ Kaede-chan. How admirable!
Kaede: Obviously I am! Because…
Kaede: (I feel like I finally found the kind of job I wanted to do. And, most importantly, it’s the same one as Kafka’s.)
Kaede: (Reading HAMA Tours’ mission statement makes it all clear. How it's the same as me… How the trip we took together that day made Kafka who he is today!)
Kaede: Either way! I’ll do anything! And when do we start… Ah, that’s right. I’ll work myself to the bone if it’s from next week on.
Kaede: That unemployment really came at the right time…
Kafka: Yeah, I knew.
Kaede: Eh…  Did I… talk about how the company went out of business?
Kafka: Fufu, makes you wonder. The planets really aligned for this one, didn’t they.
Sakujiro: Young Master, it’s getting time…
Sakujiro: Your body will get cold.
Kafka: …
Kafka: I love the rain. No matter who it is, the raindrops will fall the same onto everyone. Besides—
Kafka: The coldness that has never stopped raining onto me will, at last, clear up tomorrow.
Kaede: Tomorrow? Is there something tomorrow?
Kafka: Yeah. My surgery.
Kaede: Wha….? Surgery… Surgery!? But Kafka, on PeChat, you said it was over…
Kafka: That was a lie.
Kafka: YOU LIED!? But, Sakujiro-san was also…
Sakujiro: My deepest condolences. This very Sakujiro’s 879th special skill is Co-Conspirator in No Time.
Kaede: Unbelievable….
Kaede: Wait, not that part!
Kaede: Even though your surgery is tomorrow, you went out, and now you're sitting in the pouring rain like this…! 
Kaede: Put on this jacket! And then a towel, towel… Ah, I have a handkerchief. Here use this to dry yourself off immediately—
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Kafka: Ahaha! You’re panicking all over the place, Kaede-chan.
Kaede: Of course I’m panicking! This is no laughing matter, you know!?
Kafka: It is something to laugh about, c’mon.
Kafka: I won a bet I placed with my whole life, so I’m invincible now. No matter what the success rate for my surgery is, there’s no way I’d lose…
Kafka: I absolutely won’t die.
Kaede: I do believe that but… Kafka, why are you that confident about it?
Kafka: Because of the courage you gave to me.
Kaede: I did…?
Kafka: I’m done with just gazing through the window at the world you live in.
Kafka: I won’t let you leave me behind anymore, and I won’t wait for you either.
Kafka: From now on we’ll be equals, standing side-by-side, walking forward while being on the same page.
Kafka: It’s likely that… not everything will be alright. Just like that one trip we took back then, we can end up getting lost, not be able to make it to the observation deck because we didn’t have the money, things like these might happen, too.
Kaede: Yeah, you’re right. But…
Kaede: When that happens, we’ll look for somewhere else.
Kaede: Even if we didn’t get to the observation deck that day, the view of the evening colors from this building was breathtakingly out of this world, wasn’t it?
Kafka: Yeah… it’s exactly as you say.
Kafka: That’s why, Kaede-chan—
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Kafka: Let’s go on a trip, together!
<<previous chapter / next chapter>>
prologue directory: A01 / A02 / A03 / A04 / A05 / A06 / A07 / A08 (x)
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vampuppyy · 2 months
There. 18trip characters as bottles falling down the stairs. Inspired by the umineko one
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shunin-gumis · 1 month
Designs of Happiness - Track A09
L4mps Main Story Translation
Title: HAMA Tours Party
Characters: Nagi, Yodaka, Kafka, Renga, Liguang
Summary: A toast is raised for finding tourism ward mayors for all 18 wards of HAMA. Nagi is nowhere to be found as the leaders gather… 
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Thank you aca @463ce6 and jes @arcanecrayonn for proofing! And thank you Sou @/716chr for helping me with Chihiro's dialogues!
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Location: HAMA House - Living room
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Kafka: Now, I’d like to start this party off with a toast. I am Kafka Oguro, president and CEO of HAMA Tours.
Kafka: For the sake of reviving HAMA as a designated tourism ward, we have been searching far and wide the past few months for personnel who share that same dream…
Kafka: Finally, we’ve accomplished one of our goals: To instate mayors for all 18 wards of HAMA.
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Kafka: I would first like to thank all the fellow staff who took a bet on me– Thank you, truly. We’ve gone through a lot to get here.
Momiji: …..
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Yachiyo: *ugly sobbing* We really went through a lot! I think I’m gonna cry…!
Kafka: Morning, noon and evening— It was never straightforward for us. The only reason we got through it all is because each and every one of you tapped into the potential you hold, as fellow human beings.
Kafka: —The Night Team has only just been formed, but thanks to the Chief and Daniel-san, I believe we’ve gathered the best possible additions to accomplish our dream.
Kafka: Toi of “Fortune-Teller’s Parlor: Angel Eye,” Yodaka of “Ten Nights of Dreams BAR,” Netaro of “Cafe369,” and finally… Nagi of “Flower Laundry.” I’d like to formally welcome all of you once again.
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Nagi: …..
Yodaka: Glad to be here.
Toi: *sigh* …Will I truly be able to find Ani-sama…?
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Kiroku: …!
Kiroku: (Huh, it’s Toi-kun… But where’s Ryui-kun then…?)
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Chihiro: My-oh-my~? Ain’t that the same cutie who came to Chii’s last meet-and-greet~?
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Raito: ….. 
Chihiro: Hm? Raitin, what’s wrong?
Raito: No, it’s nothing… 
Kafka: After the Night Team holds their First Tour, I’m sure we’ll be able to overcome the hurdle of getting 20 million tourists to visit HAMA.
Kafka: …I give my heartfelt welcome to all 18 ward mayors gathered here. With that said… 
Kafka: To a bright future for HAMA and all its wards… Cheers!
Momiji: Cheers!
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Sakujiro: Excellent work, Chief.
Daniel: Yo! How’s it going~?
Momiji: Everyone… Cheers to all our hard work up till now!
Yachiyo: Cheers~! Wow, I feel like one of those rich people you see in American dramas!
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Nayuki: Oh? Chief, you’re only having juice?
Daniel: What’s up with that? It’s not like you don’t drink, why not get sloshed like the rest of us?
Momiji: That’s true, but I have some work I need to do later.
Yachiyo: Eek! I’m in the same boat, how could I drink away like I don’t have a care in the world…!
Momiji: You should be okay because you can hold your liquor well, Yachiyo-kun. 
Yachiyo: Yep! I’ll do my best even if I’m drunk as a skunk!
Nayuki: He’s a pain in the neck when he gets drunk, so I suggest you work in your room later, Chief.
Sakujiro: I am pleased to see the two of you so enthusiastic about your work. At long last, we have finally managed to reach the starting line.
Yachiyo: Too bad that the Night Team only has four members instead of the usual five…
Momiji: It couldn’t be helped. There’s only wards from 0 to 18 afterall… 
Daniel: Well, the hard part’s only just comin’. Don’t let yer guard down Chief~
Momiji: Yes! I will try even harder to put my best foot forward for the company and HAMA—
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Daniel: Ugh! Gimme a break, yer gonna get me sober again with all that work talk.
Momiji: Aw, but… 
Sakujiro: Indeed. Not even the God of Travel would find fault with you for taking a respite tonight. 
Daniel: That drink over there is callin’ my name so… See ya later.
Yachiyo: Oh, I think I’ll get seconds on that delicious and expensive-looking roast beef… 
Nayuki: Fuefuki-san, let me get it for you. I’m worried you’ll end up diving headfirst into the chocolate fondue if I leave you to your own devices… 
Momiji: Ahaha…
Sakujiro: Then, I shall return to making the rounds and greeting everyone. I hope you enjoy your time tonight.
Momiji: Yes, see you!
Momiji: …..
Momiji: (We’ve finally gathered all 18 ward mayors… I still feel like I’m dreaming…)
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Kafka: Having fun, [Name]-chan?
Momiji: Hey, Kafka. That was a great speech you gave earlier. It reminded me of that promise we made on the roof… I couldn’t help but feel emotional.
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Kafka: Is that so? Hearing that from you is what makes me the happiest, thank you.
Kafka: By the way, have you seen Nagi? I wanted to ask him if he was feeling comfortable at HAMA House… 
Kafka: I assumed that he’d be with you.
Momiji: Right… I was thinking of sticking with him too, since he’s probably not used to this kind of atmosphere… But I haven’t seen him around at all. I wonder if he’s resting somewhere… 
Nagi: ….. 
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Nagi: (I’ve actually been standing cater-cornered behind them this whole time but… Neither of them have noticed me yet.)
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Sonia: Um, Nagi-shan is right here—
Nagi: Shh, it’s ok.
Sonia: But… 
Nagi: If you tell them now, they'll keep thinking about it and feeling bad every time they see me, even two months from now, and I don't want that. Besides—
Nagi: If they talk to me, they might somehow end up crushed beneath one of the catering tables for all we know… 
Sonia: I doubt shumthing like that would happen… The tables are practically nailed to the floor.
Nagi: No, we can never be too sure. Besides, I’ve never been to a party for as long as I can remember, so I don’t even know what to expect at one of these anyways. What “pattern” should I prepare myself for in this situation…?
Nagi: Being able to attend a party feels like I won the lottery*, so I have no idea what might happen after this. I wouldn’t be surprised if some aliens decided to crash the party to restore the balance. This is no good, I feel too anxious… 
Nagi: Yeah, okay. I should just leave.
Sonia: Eh!?
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Renga: Here you are, Nagi!
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Nagi: …Ah, Renga. And, um, Raito-san.
Raito: Hey there. Haven’t seen you since our last leader meeting, right? I wanted to welcome you again to HAMA House— And you too, Sonia.
Sonia: Thank you very mush for the invite.
Renga: I-I’m glad a great guy like you is on board with us! It’s very, uh, heartening–
Nagi: Meanwhile I don’t think my heart can take any more of this. 
Renga: Huh?
Nagi: Oh, just saying that I’m sorry for intruding, yep.
Raito: Haha, now why would you say that? This is your home too, now.
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Nagi: Oh you’re right. Just a force of habit. I can’t help but panic, being in such an unfamiliar situation. 
Renga: I figured as much… You seem like the type who wouldn’t be used to any of this… Um, you doing okay…?
Raito: That’s very kind of you, Renga. It shows good leadership to look after the newcomers. 
Renga: I-I’m not really doing this out of… Ah, the toilet’s over there, by the way.
Nagi: Oh, um, yeah, I know.
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Sonia: Nagi-shan holed himself up in the bathroom five times already because he was too nervous…
Nagi: Shhh….
Raito: Renga, it's a bit impolite to mention that when everyone’s in the middle of eating.
Renga: T-That’s not what I meant…! It’s just that, he looks so gloomy when we’re all celebrating here… I thought his stomach might be hurting or something… 
Nagi: It’s okay, my face has always looked like this. More importantly, how are your roses? Are they doing well? 
Renga: Oh yeah, the roses! Thanks to all your advice, my grandmother’s roses are all blooming beautifully! 
Renga: The topiary on which you taught me how to prune looks nice and healthy still.
Nagi: I’m sure the plants adore you, Renga. You’re quick on the uptake too, you must be some sort of gardening genius. 
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Renga: Eh, you think so!? A gardening genius… Um, on second thought, maybe that doesn’t sound right… 
Raito: Renga, didn’t you have something you wanted to ask Nagi?
Renga: O-Oh, that’s right. How’ve you been all this time? You doing good?
Nagi: I’d say so. I delivered the flowers to your house recently too.
Renga: Right, right. We picked out an arrangement for the lobby, and it turned out to be a big hit with the clients… 
Nagi: You knew exactly what you wanted, so I was able to make the arrangement thanks to that. So really, it was all you and your great taste.
Renga: No, um… It’s not like I have great taste… Then again, I did my best to think about what would suit the image of the Nishizono family…. But wait, then that’s not really my taste is it… 
Raito: Haha, let’s just say you both did a good job and leave it at that.
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Yodaka: The famous “Wild Seven - Executive Omega,” to think I would get to meet you here… 
Yodaka: ….. 
Yodaka: (What a crisp flavor… after which a fruity afternote hits the tongue. Ah… I think it’d taste even better if I rim the glass with salt…)
Yodaka: (I think there should be some over at the catering corner—)
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Liguang: ….. 
Yodaka: Oh dear. Pardon me, I wasn’t paying attention. 
Yodaka: I hope I didn’t make you spill your drink?
Liguang: …It’s fine.
Yodaka: That’s a relief. I’m Yodaka Natsume, soon to be 17th ward mayor. It’s nice to meet you.
Liguang: (A handshake, huh…)
Liguang: Lu Liguang, 4th ward mayor.
*a flash*
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Yodaka: …..
Liguang: —Oh?
Yodaka: (A part of the skin on his ring finger is hardened… That means—)
Liguang: (—He’s a mahjong player too.)
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Yodaka: …..
Liguang: …..
Yodaka: How long have you been playing?
Liguang: Let’s just say I was born with a tile in my hand.
Yodaka: Oh my… I would certainly love to see your skills in action.
Yodaka: How about playing a round sometime?
Liguang: Not a bad idea… But we’ll need at least one more player.
Liguang: Oi.
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Kinari: ?
Liguang: Do you know how to play mahjong?
Kinari: I have not played it before. However, it is possible for me to download and install the rules of the game within one minute, if required. 
Yodaka: Well, aren’t you quick? We could have our game sooner than I thought… How about tonight? We could go ahead and play with just the three of us, but maybe we should search for one more player in the meantime.
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Liguang: As you wish. But keep in mind, you’re not getting any points from me.
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Yodaka: Fufu, you’re the type of man to steal away and hide the woman you want, hm? It’s fine, the point sticks will decide who they want to go with… and it will be me. 
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Kinari: …..
When I translated Nagi saying "-feels like I won the lottery," the original line has him say 役満空間 (yakuman kuukan) which is one of his strange analogies where he means that he feels like he's in a super rare and happy situation akin to getting a 'yakuman', which is a is a special winning condition in mahjong which is very difficult to obtain. So I decided to use "winning the lottery" to mean something similar and easier to understand.
Point sticks or 点棒 (tenbou) are used to keep track of scores in mahjong.
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kfkr1ze · 3 months
[002-A13] The Story I Sing to You
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Summary — ✈︎ Kaede finds Nanaki, who ended up getting separated from the rest on Angel Road. Nanaki shares a couple of things with him that he has been keeping a secret.
Characters— ✈︎ Sakujiro, Akuta, Kiroku, Nanaki, Ushio
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Location: Angel Road in Shodoshima
Kaede: Haa, haah…! Thank goodness…
Nanaki: ーーChief, you’re always chasing someone around huh.
Kaede: Ahaha, well, it’s because you’re all a bunch of cute, free-spirited troublemakers!
Now then, we have to hurry up and get home but… The path connecting the islands ended up disappearing into the sea again. Let’s wait for one of the arranged ferries to come by.
Nanaki: … Mhm.
Kaede: ……
Nanaki: ……
Kaede: (I wonder if it’d be okay for me to ask what’s been bothering him today. 
I don’t want to be insensitive, so I’m a little worried about what to do.)
Nanaki: …… For some reason.
Kaede: Yeah?
Nanaki: For some reasonーー Everything is just becoming troublesome.
Kaede: Mm… Like what?
Nanaki: … Like having to hide various things, and stuff.
Kaede: Having to hide things?
Nanaki: Like that night. How I, one of the “problem children”ーー
How I ended up in the old building that night, for example. Having to hide things like that.
Kaede: ……
Nanaki: You haven’t heard a single thing about that night Chief. 
Don’t you want to know?
Kaede: Even though I want to know what happened, I don’t want to force any of you to tell me if you don’t want to. 
It’s the same now. I’ll listen to anything that Nanaki-kun wants to tell me.
Nanaki: … I see. Thenーー
The story that’s troubling me the most. 
I want to tell you, so I will.
I’m the epitome of “the person I fall in love with is my type.”
On top of that, I have a hard time controlling my emotions, and I fall in love really easily. I end up falling in love with people who never reciprocate my feelings.
Basically, I’m just a hopeless romantic who always ends up falling for someone.
Kaede: I see…
Nanaki: I know that I’ll never be able to find someone who likes me back, so I don’t want to fall in love with anyone, but no matter what happens, my feelings end up growingーー
I know my feelings will never get reciprocated, but my mind gets stupid.
I thought that, maybe this time… maybe this time it’d work out in the end.
Kaede: ……
Nanaki: To have to sit on that feeling of hope was really hard for me. 
So on that day ーー
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Nanaki: Hey, tonightーー
Could you come to the rooftop in the old building?
I have something I wanna tell you…
???: …… I’ll think about it.
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Nanaki: Just to clarify, it wasn’t Akuta or any of the others. We just happened to meet each other in the end. 
Kaede: So, on the night of the explosion, you all weren’t planning on gathering togetherーー
Nanaki: It was just a coincidence.
Everyone has their own reasons for going to the building that night.
It’s not my place to talk about anyone else’s reasons though. 
Kaede: (So that’s how it is…)
So the person you had feelings for…
Nanaki: They didn’t come.
They probably ended up figuring it out. Maybe because of my vibe?
On PeChat, they texted things like “I can’t make it tonight” and “I’m planning on seeing that movie with someone else” … Right after the time we promised to meet.
Kaede: ……
Nanaki: I ended up getting cut off completely over text, so I couldn’t even express my feelings to them.
Kaede: That’s so…
Nanaki: Don’t make that kind of expression.
I’m just… Well, I’m content with this type of ending.
I know that feelings like love can be a dangerous weapon, so I’m not holding any grudges against them. 
It’s justーー That bitter, painful feeling is still here.
It takes a lot to get over something like that.
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Nanaki: That’s why, I don’t want to fall for someone again. 
I don’t want to get close to anyone. 
My “love” is bound to end up messing things up again, and it’ll just end up destroying me. 
Kaede: (I’m starting to understand why Nanaki-kun has been keeping his distance and acting indifferent now.)
(He’s purposely trying not to get too close to someone. He doesn’t want to get hurt again…)
Nanaki: But, I’m sure that I’ll end up falling in love with someone again. That’s just the way I was born. 
And every time that happens, I’ll end up getting heart broken again. I’ll end up feeling this pain again. 
Kaede: ……
Nanaki: Even though I managed to get this far without thinking about it, the movie we promised to see together got brought up. It got harder to bear.
That’s why it’d be better if I could just forget it all. 
… It’s why I’m trying so hard to forget about it.
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Kaede: I don’t think you should.
Nanaki: Eh?
Kaede: I think that you don’t have to try so hard to forget about it. I’m sure it’s painful, but it’s the type of pain that you should keep with you. 
Those feelings were your genuine feelings, so that pain is something that will stick with you. Because “Nanaki-kun's feelings” are important and precious. 
Soーー I think that even painful feelings are something you should value. 
Nanaki: ……
Kaede: I’m sure that you’re a very loving person, Nanaki-kun.
Nanaki: … I don't know about that.
But, I can't reach an understanding with the other person about those feelings, then what’s the point?
I know that in the future, I’ll have to endure another cursed love like this again, butーー
Being able to have that type of connection with someone… If I’m being honest, I can’t imagine loving someone and having that love be returned back to me.  
Kaede: I get it. I also can’t imagine myself in that type of situation at all.
Nanaki: ……
Kaede: There’s no one out there who knows what will happen in the future. 
But, because you don’t know what will happen in the future, you need to love yourself before you love anyone else first. So, when that important person appears in your life someday, you’ll be able to love them with your entire heart.
Nanaki: …… You……
Kaede: Yeah?
Nanaki: …… Nah, nevermind. Thank you for listening to me.
Kaede: (Ah, he was able to laugh a little… I’m glad.)
… Oh yeah.
Nanaki-kun, you said that you liked music right?
Nanaki: Eh? … Well.
It’s less that I like it and more… I make it.
Kaede: Ehh, you can make music!? That’s amazing!
Nanaki: … Do you want to hear it?
Kaede: Can I?
Nanaki: I can allow it this time.
Kaede: Thank you!
Nanaki: Okay. Sorry about the low-quality earbuds though.
Kaede: …………
Nanaki: What do you think?
Kaede: T-This is amazing…! It’s such a good composition…
It’s like you’re a pro…!
Nanaki: Yeah.
……Specifically, unlove.
Kaede: Eh?
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Nanaki: That’s my second secret.
I’m… unlove.
Kaede: Ehhhhhh!? That underground artist that made the music for the hospitality live!?
Nanaki: That’s right.
Kaede: Waiー, holdー, hold on a second, I’m super shocked right now…!
Nanaki: So you really didn’t know huh. Well, I thought that was the case.
Kaede: (But I didn’t see anything like that in the documents…! Kafka must’ve done something…!)
The Morning Squad’s song was really… really amazing! There were a lot of guests who fell in love with Nanaki-kun’s music!
Nanaki: … Do you also like my music, Chief?
Kaede: I love it!!
Nanaki: ……!
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Nanaki: ( …He’s gripping… my hand…)
Kaede: Even though they don’t know the real you, I’m sure there are a lot of people out there who deeply, deeply love “Nanaki-kun’s talent”!
That’s why you should cherish and love yourself even more, Nanaki-kun! Okay?
Nanaki: …… Hand.
Kaede: Ah, I’m sorry, I just unconsciously grabbed it.
Nanaki: … It’s fine, you don’t have to apologize.
I have a low body temperature, so it’s okay if you keep holding it.
Kaede: Eh?
Nanaki: Chief’s hands are so warm. 
It’s fine if we can stay like this, for just a little longerーー
Ushio: Wow… We came to tell you that the ferry came to pick us up, but… Just what were you doing?
Should we just go home?
Kaede: Akuta-kun and Ushio-kun!
Akuta: That’s so unfair! I wanna hold Sensei and Nanaki’s hand too! 
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Akuta: Squeeze squeeze! Squeeze Squeeze〜!
Nanaki: What’s up with this? Have you become a youkai who holds hands with people?
Kaede: Owowow…! Akuta-kun, don’t press the pressure points by our eyes while we’re confused! 
Ushio: Sigh… Whatever, let’s just hurry up and go.
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Location: Beach in Shodoshima
Kaede: Wow… A view like this is truly wonderful at night.
Akuta: Ah, y’know, it looks like a scene from this movie…
Ushio: Ah yeah, that famous one. 
Kaede: I saw that one too! Now that you mention it, the last scene did have a view that looked like this one huh. When the heroine jumped off the shipーー
Nanaki: Actually, I haven’t seen that movie…
Now the promise I made got broken.
Kaede: Eh… I’m sorry! Did I spoil it!?
Akuta: The movie’s ending got spoiled〜!
Ushio: Guilty.
Kaede: I-I’m sorry… really…
Nanaki: Hahaha…!
It’s okay. I’m the type of person who can enjoy a movie even if I get spoiled.
… But next time, can you watch it with me?
Kaede: (Nanaki-kun has a refreshed expression. Even if it was just a little, I’m glad I could help out…)
Of course!
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Location: Otomari Chuuzaemon Inn in Shodoshima
Kaede: (Whew… The water was nice and warm. Before I go to sleep, I think I’ll record another cassette tape for Kafka.)
Travel Diary. It was a sunny day today too.
We had a training session in the morning today. The coordinator, Gannosuke-sanーー
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Akuta: Snore snore… I can’t eat… anymoreee…
Nanaki: Light snoring…
Kiroku: …………
Sakujiro: Oh? You’re still up?
Kaede: Yes, thank you.
… There’s a lot of trash and candy wrappers around huh. Everyone had a great time. 
Sakujiro: They seem to have tired themselves out after playing around. 
I will take them up to their rooms when I am finished cleaning up.
Kaede: I’ll help you!
Sakujiro: Thank you very much. …Oh? This is…
Kaede: (T-That's…! That drawstring bag that probably has something shady in it!)
T-That’s um… If I’m remembering correctly, it’s someone’s personal stuff! Tomorrow, I’ll return it to the owner soーー
Sakujiro: Is that so? Then, if you’ll please.
Kaede: Yes!
(Uu… What is this? It’s… heavier than I thought it’d be…! It’s slipping from my handsーー Ah!)
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Kaede: What is this… An egg…?
Akuta: Ngghh…  What is it~? … I heard some kinda loudーー
Kaede: An egg…
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patibato · 3 months
[Bitter Sweet Sixteen] 002-A13 - Singing a Story to You
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Momiji: Haa, haa…! Thank goodness…
Nanaki: -Chief is always running after someone, huh.
Momiji: Ahaha, because I'm surrounded by uncontrollable, adorable problem children.
Now then, we have to get back quick, but… the road is submerged in the sea, so let's wait for a ferry to come and find us.
Nanaki: …Yeah.
Momiji: …
Nanaki: …
Momiji: (I wonder if it would be okay to ask why he's been off today. I don't want to be insensitive, so I'm a little worried…)
Nanaki: … It's just.
Momiji: Yeah?
Nanaki: Everything's just- become such a pain.
Momiji: Hm… like what?
Nanaki: …Like, having lots of secrets.
Momiji: Secrets?
Nanaki: For example, why I - one of those "problem children" -
Was at the old school building that night, and stuff.
Momiji: …
Nanaki: You haven't asked about that at all, have you, Chief? Don't you want to know?
Momiji: I do, but I've got no intention of forcing it out of you. So even now, I'll listen only to what you want to tell me.
Nanaki: …Right. So-
It's the most annoying story ever. I want to tell it, so I will.
I'm basically the ultimate "whoever I like is my type" guy.
On top of that, I fall in love easily and I'm bad at controlling my emotions, so I'm always and only falling for people who'll never like me back.
Essentially, I'm predisposed to impossible love.
Momiji: Hm…
Nanaki: Even though I know reciprocation is hopeless, and don't want to like anyone, my feelings alone expand-
And even though I should understand that I won't be rewarded, my head gets all stupid.
So I found myself thinking… maybe this time, it'll work out.
Momiji: …
Nanaki: Controlling that feeling of anticipation is really difficult, you know. So that day-
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Nanaki: Hey, so tonight-
Could you come to the rooftop of the old school building for me? I've… got something I want to talk about.
??: …I'll think about it.
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Nanaki: I'll say this upfront just to be clear, but it wasn't Akuta or any of the others. They all just happened to be there with me.
Momiji: So then, you had no reason to all be together on the day of the explosion-
Nanaki: Nope, we ran into each other by pure chance. Everyone had their own reasons.
You won't be hearing about their circumstances from my mouth.
Momiji: (So that means…)
The object of your unrequited affection…
Nanaki: Didn't come. Probably made a few guesses based on how I was acting?
I got messages saying "I won't meet up with you", "You should watch the movie with someone else" …Right at the time we promised to meet.
Momiji: …
Nanaki: They cut ties indirectly, without letting me express my feelings.
Momiji: That's so…
Nanaki: Don't make that face now. I- well, I understand.
I know that feelings of love can become a deadly weapon. There's no resentment at all.
Just- the heartbreak alone remains, no matter what. It takes a lot of power to overcome.
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Nanaki: That's why I don't want to fall for anyone. Don't want to get too close to anyone.
My "love" will surely mess with and break me.
Momiji: (I somehow feel like I can see the reason Nanaki-kun tends to keep people at a distance.)
(He was purposefully trying not to get deeply involved. Because he doesn't want to be hurt…)
Nanaki: But eventually, I'll probably end up falling for someone again. That's just how I was born.
And when my heart is broken like this once more, I'll probably feel this pain again too.
Momiji: …
Nanaki: We've gone so far away, yet just talking about a movie we were going to see was enough to make me frazzled.
Even though it'd be best to forget quickly. …Even though I've tried my hardest to forget.
Momiji: That's not it.
Nanaki: Huh?
Momiji: I think it's fine if you don't try so hard to forget. Even if it's heartbreaking, I'm sure it's a pain you want to keep.
You can't forget, because that's just how serious you were. They're your own precious, treasured feelings.
That's why - I want you to treasure that pain.
Nanaki: …
Momiji: You're surely a deeply loving person, Nanaki-kun.
Nanaki: …I wonder. Not that it matters without a partner to understand.
I know that in this life, I'll continue to suffer from this curse-like love. But-
Connecting with someone from the heart, loving and being loved… I honestly can't imagine it.
Momiji: I get that. I can't imagine it myself.
Nanaki: …
Momiji: Nobody knows what'll happen in the future.
But that's precisely why. You have to love yourself the most first, so that when your special someone appears one day, you can love them at full power again.
Nanaki: … You…
Momiji: Yeah?
Nanaki: …Mmm, it's nothing. Thanks for listening.
Momiji: (Ah, he smiled a bit… thank goodness.)
…I know. You like music, right, Nanaki-kun?
Nanaki: Huh? …Well. I do… or rather, I make it.
Momiji: Huh, you can make it!? That's amazing!
Nanaki: … Do you want to listen?
Momiji: Can I?
Nanaki: As a special privilege.
Momiji: Thanks!
Nanaki: Alright. Excuse me for only using one earphone, though.
Momiji: … …
Nanaki: How is it?
Momiji: A-amazing…! What a wonderful song… It sounds so professional…!
Nanaki: Yeah. …Like unlove, right?
Momiji: Huh?
Nanaki: That's my second secret. That I'm unlove.
Momiji: HUUUUUUH!? You mean the anonymous artist who made the song for our hospitality live!?
Nanaki: That's right.
Momiji: Wait, no, wait, that's way too shocking to learn…!
Nanaki: So you didn't know. I figured as much.
Momiji: (That wasn't recorded anywhere in the documents…! This must be Kafka's doing…!)
The Morning Team's song was really, truly beautiful! Loads of customers fell in love with your music!
Nanaki: …Do you also like my songs, Chief?
Momiji: I love them!!
Nanaki: …!
(…My hand, they're…)
Momiji: I'm sure even people who don't know your true identity deeply love your talent!
And that's all the more reason for you to treasure and love yourself more, Nanaki-kun! Right!?
Nanaki: … …Your hand.
Momiji: Ah, sorry. Wasn't thinking.
Nanaki: …It's fine, no need to apologise. I have a low body temperature, so we can keep holding hands.
Momiji: Huh?
Nanaki: Your hands are warm, Chief. We can stay like this just a bit longer-
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Ushio: Uwaah… We came to get you with the ferry, but really, what are you doing? Are you going back like that?
Momiji: Akuta-kun and Ushio-kun!
Akuta: No fair! I wanna hold hands with Sensei and Nanaki too!
Squeeze squeeze! Squeeze squee~ze!
Nanaki: What's up. Did you turn into some hand-holding yokai?
Momiji: Owowowow…! Akuta-kun, don't push on the eye pressure points in the confusion…!
Ushio: Sigh… it doesn't matter, so let's head back already.
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Momiji: Wow… the night makes the scenery look so magical.
Akuta: Ah, this scene kinda reminds me of that movie…
Ushio: Yeah, that famous one.
Momiji: I've seen it too! Now that you mention it, this kind of scenery was in the last scene. The heroine leaps from the boat-
Nanaki: I've not seen that one yet, but… the promise is null and void.
Momiji: Ah… sorry! Did I spoil it!?
Akuta: You spoiled the very end~!
Ushio: Guilty.
Momiji: I-I'm sorry… really…
Nanaki: Hahaha…!
I'm the type who can enjoy something even with spoilers, so it's fine.
…But this time, could we watch it together?
Momiji: (Nanaki-kun's face is bright. If I helped him out a bit, I'm glad…)
Of course!
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Momiji: (Phew… that was a nice hot bath. I should probably record a cassette tape for Kafka before going to bed.)
Travel Diary. The sky was blue today too. From the morning, we received training from our coordinator, Gannosuke-san-
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Akuta: Snork, zzz… can't eat… any more…
Nanaki: Zzzzzz…
Kiroku: … …
Sakujiro: Oh my, are you done?
Momiji: Yeah, thank you. …There's a lot of snack wrappers, huh. Everyone's fast asleep.
Sakujiro: They appear worn out from playing. Once I've cleaned, I shall have to take them to their rooms.
Momiji: I'll help!
Sakujiro: I appreciate it. …Oh my, what's this now.
Momiji: (Ah, that's…! The pouch with the very possibly indecent thing in it!)
Th-that must be, someone's, private belongings! I'll return it tomorrow, so-
Sakujiro: Is that so? I'll leave it in your care, then.
Momiji: Got it!
(Uu… what? It's heavier than I thought…! I'm gonna drop- ah!)
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Momiji: What's this… an egg…?
Akuta: M~m… what~… heard a loud sound-
Momiji: An egg…
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chikagestits · 12 days
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I trip until I 18 or something or other
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hiinosakusaku · 4 months
SSR "Amanojaku, the Prison Guard of Hell" Ushio Kurama Card Story: The Student Staying Up Late and The Teacher Working At Night (Part 1)
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Ushio: 7 seconds left until midnight... 6...
Here you go... the latest news from Midnight Radio "WEB DIVE"...
..., ....
A... PatiBato collaboration cafeeee!?!?
(yikes, I ended up yelling, hopefully Mu-chan won'tー)
Muneuji: zzz...zzz...
Ushio: (ーoh, I didn't wake him. Thank god he's a deep sleeper...)
*sighー... so? When is it? Where is it being held? Is there any new merch? Why is that information always kept a secret for later? Actually, won't these small bursts of information be better for my heart...?
.... well, time to let it all out on my private account.
(Though, I wonder if any of my otaku buds would want to talk about it together...)
(Wait, but there's probably no one as excited for it as I am. They might misinterpret and things would just end up awkward)
Heh... got so riled up my throat ended up dry. Might as well go down for a drink.
Ushio: (...? The lights are still on. Is there someone there?)
Sakujiro: This goes here and that goes there and down here, hehehee...
Ushio: (Ka-Karigane-san....? He looks like he's making clothes again but his hands their leaving afterimages so fast he look like an Asura... That's terrifying, let me just slip away...)
Sakujiro: Hm... seems using this material would leave some skin exposed when being worn
Kurama-kun, what do you think?
Ushio: Wh-wha!? You found me out so fa-...., how you could notice I was there even without looking at me is gross...
Sakujiro: There may be no test tomorrow, but staying up all night when you don't need it is poison for your body.
Ushio: ...there was just something I need to do. Not like midnight counts as late nights anyways.
Sakujiro: Then it was my mistake. Forgive me for being a nuisance
Ushio: Well, there's no harm in knowing, I was just stopping by the kitchen before going back to my room.
Sakujiro: Is that so? Then I presume you were taking a nightly walk for a fresh change of pace? I was also about take some time for myself as well
Ushio: Huh...
(I can't see past him so I shouldn't bother... but, the outfit he's making now...)
Um, is the outfit you're making of.. that popular TCG character? From "Malice of the Guardians"... if I wasn't mistaken.
Sakujiro: Oh, are you aware of it?
Ushio: Rare and popular cards fetch quite a high price, collectors also have the card locked up...., ....so I haven't even seen it on spine.
Sakujiro: Indeed. The "Crying Red Demon" came from "MotG"... this is a cosplay outfit for that blood red demon.
Ushio: Huh... being able to know things I don't even know of it is something.
Sakujiro: Thank you very much. It's just that thin fabric is quite worrying to me.
I also need a way to cut down the budget needed for the weapon, thought I haven't found a way how.
Ushio: Eh... You're not only making the outfit but the weapon too? It's a metal bat so it should be metal... right...?
Sakujiro: Oh! So you understand? The feel of the material is its most important point this time. A cosplay without any sort of familiarity are but clothes that don't catch eyesー
Ushio: Not really.. I was just interested is all...
(Yikes, ended up talking too much about otaku stuff...! Gotta change the subject somehow..)
Why do you need to make this kind of outfit anyways? Will HAMA TOURS be needing something like this or...?
Sakujiro: Au contraire, this here outfit is solely a personal project of mine.
Ushio: !
(A cosplay of a TCG character, for a personal project...? No way...)
Uh... Karigane-sanー
Sakujiro: Speaking.
Ushio: Are you, by any chance... an otaku...?
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ao3feed-18trip · 3 months
by mardeliousity (placidoe)
“Young Master…” Sakujiro’s tone of voice was low and grave—Kafka didn’t even need to look at him to know that his caretaker was against the choice he was about to make. Still, like always, he wouldn’t budge no matter how many times anyone attempted to talk him out of it. He had already decided. “Kaede…will be very sad to find out that you didn’t pull through with your surgery. At this rate, you will…” “I know, Sakujiro,” he replied calmly, amber eyes looking outside the hospital window he’d gotten used to peering out from. “I will die because of this.” “And yet, you still believe it is worth it?” “…Always.”
When it came to Kaede, Kafka would rather perish than never love him at all.
Words: 1805, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 18TRIP | エイトリ (Video Game)  
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Oguro Kafka, Hamasaki Kaede, Karigane Sakujiro
Relationships: Oguro Kafka/Hamasaki Kaede
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst, Unrequited Love, Hanahaki Disease, Vomiting, Not Beta Read
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82mitsu · 4 months
{18Trip} <CHAPTER 001 SIDE-A: Sun will R1ze!> 001-A04 Dependable(?) founding employees
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A translation of 18TRIP's CHAPTER 001 SIDE-A by 82mitsu. ENG proofreading by sasaranurude.
TL Note:
As mentioned in Kafka’s interview: The dog is named Shumai which is Siu Mai, a chinese dumpling. 
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Kaede: (The first day of work is finally here! The other new employees will be here too, right… I’m nervous.)
Kaede: (That reminds me… I ran into Renga-kun here last week—I wonder if he turned out to be okay. He wasn’t looking too good there.)
Kaede: (Not that I can do much just sitting around and worrying! Alright, time for work!)
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Daniel: Nah, what’cha making all these faces for. Someone’s a busy fella as always.
Kaede: !? Eh, Da-Daniel-san!? What are you doing here!?
Daniel: Ah? ‘Cuz this is my workplace, duh.
Daniel: Lemme take it from the top again, I’m director of HAMA Tours, Iwabuchi Daniel Hiroshi. Nice to meet’cha~
Kaede: …! …! …!
Kaede: (Y-you have got to be kidding me… Does that mean he’s my boss again…!? This guy who doesn’t lift a finger…!? Kafka, why did you hire him of all people…)
Daniel: While it’s our new workplace, you better be working till ya drop~ Chief-san♪ ‘Kay, I’mma head off first.
Kaede: D-Daniel-san, you are one of the founding employees, remember!? So please actually put effort into working this time around, okay!?
Daniel: Wahaha, I’unno ‘bout that.
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Sakujiro: A good morning to you two, Chief, Director.
Sakujiro: Chief, we received the flowers you ordered. Thank you kindly for your consideration.
Kaede: Sakujiro-san, good morning to you too! So the flowers arrived safely then.
Sakujiro: Indeed. Young Master… Pardon, the President is most delighted with these.
Kaede: (...Oh, I see now. Sakujiro-san’s also one of the founding employees. Working together with someone who has been looking out for me since I was a kid—it does feel a little bit strange…)
Sakujiro: I am no more than a mere newbie of an ordinary employee, so please do give me orders regarding anything, even miscellaneous affairs at work.
Kaede: Eh… that’s really a bit too…
Daniel: Gotcha, Sakujiro. I’ll let ya take charge of all the annoying things.  
Kaede: Daniel-san… Don’t you have any common sense…!?
Daniel: Gotta use whatever’s at your disposal~
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Kafka: Good morning. Everyone’s in high spirits already. Chief-chan, thanks for the flowers ♪ Could it be that you got these arranged in my image?
Kaede: Ah, Kafka, goo-
Daniel: Top of the mornin’ to ya, Bossman. 'Nother day of you looking all spiffy there.
Kaede: (Daniel-san, your tune sure changes with Kafka…) 
Kafka: Good morning. The other two who will also be founding employees are already here. Allow me to introduce them.
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???: Good morning, Chief-san and Director-san if I’m right. 
Kaede: (Wah… A calm, proper looking fine young man!)
Kafka: He’s Kitakata Nayuki. He’s an old friend I connected with back in the investor community. This time I brought him on board as the manager for accounting.
Nayuki: If there are any problems related to accounting, please don’t hesitate to ask me about anything. I will properly follow through with you.
Kaede: (Woah, a genuine guy who has it all together…! Thank god…)
Kaede: (Hm? I kinda… feel like I’ve seen him before… Where was it again, like a magazine interview or something…)
Kafka: By the way, Nayuki also has experience establishing JPN’s biggest metaverse service mahorova under the role of COO under his belt. He’s your go-to guy to rely on. 
Kaede: Ah…! You’re the boy genius who created mahorova at the tender age of 12…!?
Nayuki: That is something from 11 years ago. Currently I’m a mere section manager for accounting so please treat me as such without reservation.
Kaede: (Such an amazing track record, yet so friendly and humble… Kafka, you actually hired a respectable guy…!)
Kaede: (...Honestly, why come to our company with a background like that? is what I’m thinking, but… maybe it’s because he’s friends with Kafka?)
Kaede: (...That also reminds me, something’s telling me I heard “Kitakata” somewhere else… What was it again?)
Kafka: Well, Nayuki will be taking on another job besides accounting sometime soon. Leaving that aside for now…
Kafka: There’s one more person, a guy that I employed as an intern but…
(Sounds of glass breaking and rattling)
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???: Wah, uwaaaaah, I fell over and the flower vase is………..Guh! Hweeehsorrysorrysorrysorrysorry—--!!!
Sakujiro: Oh good heavens. The flowers we received from Chief are a mess.
???: P-picking them right now!!! Ouch!!! There’s blood from touching the vase shards… bloooooood~!!  
Kafka: Sigh… Sakujiro, lend him a hand, and put the flowers back together.
Sakujiro: I shall wrap this up within three seconds. 
Kaede: (T-they’re the perfect picture of a clumsy boy and overpowered butler…!?)
???: Ah, awawawah, I blinked and there’s band-aids… G-God, was that you~!?
Kafka: Yachiyo. Come here. Those flowers are VERY! important to me so you better not be coming near them ever any time soon, okay?
Yachiyo: S-s-sorry… I won’t ever be in the same room as them ever again… 
Sakujiro: Fuefuki-kun, if I may. Once you open the door first look to your right, and then to your left. Then proceed to keep a one meter distance from anything that seems breakable on impact. 
Yachiyo: Ye-yeshhhh!!! I’ll write it down!! I’ll make a memo of exactly every single spoken word!!!
Daniel: Oooh, whatta hard worker, takin’ proper notes and all. Intern-kun fella.
Kaede: (It’s kind of like… another unique person joined the bunch…)
Kafka: This is Fuefuki Yachiyo. The details of his application form were unusual and funny so I hired him ♪ Do get along with him.
Kaede: (Hired because it was funny… Kafka, your bad habits are coming out again!)
Kafka: And~ last~ but~ not least~ Ta-daaah, our poster dog Shumai.
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Shumai: Borf!
Kaede: Eh, where did Shumai pop up from!? Wait, why did you bring him here!?
Nayuki: What a cute little doggy. Are you acquainted with him, Chief?
Kaede: Uuh, more than knowing him, we found him injured in the courtyard of the hospital Kafka was staying at back in the day…
Kafka: Chief-chan and I rescued him and looked after him at the hospital. I took him in my care when I got discharged from the hospital. Since he came running after me, and all.
Kaede: Really? It’s been so long, I’m glad to see you again, Shumai.
Shumai: Pant pant, boworf!
Kafka: Ah~ so unfair. Only wrapping your arms around Shumai. You should embrace me like you used to in the past, Chief-chan.
Kaede: W-what are you saying, geez…
Nayuki: Fufu, the president and Chief sure are good friends.
Kaede: Eh, no no it’s because we’re childhood friends…! Sorry for messing around at work…!
Kafka: It's not like we're messing around for the hell of it, this is how good friends act ♪ Manager Nayuki, don't go making eyes at Chief-chan, okay.
Kaede: (No, but seriously, what are you going on about, Kafka…)
Yachiyo: Do not make eyes at Chief… I-I jotted that down!!
Kaede: Yachiyo-kun, you don’t gotta take notes of that!
Kafka: Now then, given how all founding members have come together… Suppose it’s time to hold our first strategy meeting.
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chapter 001 side A directory: TBA upon completion
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82mitsu · 4 months
{18Trip} <CHAPTER 001 SIDE-A: Sun will R1ze!> 001-A05 First Strategy Meeting
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A translation of 18TRIP's CHAPTER 001 SIDE-A by 82mitsu. ENG proofreading by sasaranurude.
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Kafka: Mhm, all the founding employees being assembled really makes you feel like the reality of it all has kicked in.
Kafka: However, what we’re doing here isn’t some get together for friends. Bringing proper results is our goal. For the time being I want to explain the restoration plan I came up with though, is that okay?
Yachiyo: …Um, uhm…
Yachiyo: That special tourism ward thingie mentioned in the documents… What uh, is …it?
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Kafka: ………
Sakujiro: I cannot believe we have to start from there.
Yachiyo: Sosososososorry!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kaede: (Living in JPN in this day and age, and not knowing about special tourism wards… Maybe Yachiyo-kun is some sheltered boy?)
Kafka: Sakujiro, you know what to do.
Sakujiro: Of course, President. Fuefuki-kun, please look this way. It’s an educational video aimed at children titled “Tourism For Beginners”. 
Kaede: (That video…! It’s the one I saw while I was in preschool…!)
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Mister Rabbit: “Hello all good boys and girls! Today Mister Rabbit and-”
Little Miss Lion: “Little Miss Lion~!”
Mister Rabbit & Little Miss Lion: “-Will be learning all about the tourism industry~!”
Little Miss Lion: “Hey hey Mister, why do people call JPN the nashion of toorism?”
Mister Rabbit: “Good question, Little Lion! You see, JPN isn’t the only “nation of tourism” out there, since many countries all over the world are the same as JPN!”
Mister Rabbit: “People from the past worked very hard and made many machines. Thanks to the power of science, everyone’s got lots and lots of free time! Which is why traveling became a very popular way of playing!”
Little Miss Lion: “People from all over the woreld are trafeling!?”
Mister Rabbit: “Yes they are! A lot of effort was put into creating a “Ministry of Tourism” so everyone can have lots of fun, even in JPN!
Mister Rabbit: “In particular, the places where lots of tourists go to play are called “special tourism wards”, and support is provided in all sorts of ways throughout the whole country so everyone can have fun!”
Little Miss Lion: “Waaah~! Does that mean taxes becoming cheaper too~!?”
Mister Rabbit: “Yes, you bet! Among other things, in a “special tourism ward”, there’s the official position of “0th Ward Mayor”, someone with a loooot of powerful authority!
Little Miss Lion: Little Lion love love loves authoreety~! What can I do if I become the 0th Ward Mayor? Can I destroy the entire neighborhood~?”
Mister Rabbit: “Ahaha! Little Miss Lion makes some funny jokes! But, maybe you can? wink”
Mister Rabbit: “The 0th Ward Mayor can advertise tourism, choose who gets to be a Ward Mayor and decide on what the local tourism should be about!”
Mister Rabbit: “Whether it's killing or reviving the neighborhood, that all depends on the 0th Ward Mayor and the other mayors!”
Little Miss Lion: “Waaauw, when I grow up Little Miss Lion will definitely become the 0th ward mayor and obtain all the authoreety in the world~!”
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Kaede: (... Did this video always have such a dark twist to it…?)
Yachiyo: Tremble tremble tremble… The 0th Ward Mayor is an authoritarian figure……………!
Daniel: Hweh~ I see now, uh-huh~ That’s what special tourism wards and 0th Ward Mayors were all about, huh.
Kaede: (Hold on, what do you mean Daniel-san didn’t know about this!? The previous company he worked at WAS a travel agency…!)
Kafka: So, the mentioned 0th Ward Mayor is what I am, basically…
Yachiyo: Hieh, you’re gonna destroy the neighborhood…!?
Kafka: Well, whether the ward sinks or swims all depends on the Ward Mayor themself. In fact, my own father is the one who almost killed HAMA, so…
Kaede: (Kafka, your smile is creepy…)
Kafka: It wasn’t mentioned in the video, but special tourism wards also have their disadvantages.
Kafka: Instead of receiving support from the country, they’re put under surveillance by the 23 wards of Tokyo connected to the government. Our own supervisory authority is in the hands of Tokyo’s 8th Ward Mayor.
Kaede: Shigematsu Hakkei-san who was at the inauguration… right?
Kafka: Yes. Ward Mayors like him frequently come sightseeing without prior notice. So if the hospitality level is low, a negative review will be drafted up immediately—think of them like some kind of menace of a sister-in-law. 
Nayuki: However, you cut all financial support from the capital, right? Then in that case, the 8th Ward of Tokyo must not have the right to interfere with tourism policies anymore. 
Kafka: Exactly that♪ I’ll be taking bold, drastic measures with our tourism policies this year.
Kafka: If we don’t reach the quota of required tourists in a year, HAMA will lose its status as a special tourism ward and my role will disappear too. 
Kaede: We just gotta get over that hurdle of drawing in tourists, right…
Kafka: So that’s all to say, in order to revive HAMA I put a plan together under the name of “NEO18Wards”.
Nayuki: According to the documents… the benchmark is the 9 wards of KOBE? 
Yachiyo: Marking benches?
Sakujiro: A blueprint, an example, the goal we’re aiming for. That’s the meaning of it, Fuefuki-kun.
Yachiyo: Muh! Memo, memo…!
Kaede: Why KOBE-9 though, if you don’t mind telling us?
Kafka: The reason is simple. KOBE and HAMA are both port cities, making them rivals that've been getting compared for as long as they've existed. Though, KOBE is crushing the competition at the moment.
Nayuki: If I remember correctly, KOBE did a large-scale reformation on their approach to tourism a few years back, and established a plan for the Ward Mayors to be directly involved with hospitality.
Kafka: Exactly. To begin with, what people are trying to find by traveling is a fresh, personal human connection that they cannot experience on a daily basis due to the mechanization and automation of the modern age. 
Kafka: Such an element cannot be easily replicated by technology.
Kaede: (That’s true…)
Kafka: HAMA’s failure is attributed to the surplus of tourism policies attracting way too many tourists for its own good, and in turn this lowered the quality of hospitality to each individual as a whole.
Kafka: To get us out of this situation, it’s necessary to give tourists the experience of courteous hospitality just like in KOBE. 
Nayuki: A simple but a very reliable method, if I had to say. Nonetheless, what do we do about the policies to increase tourism?
Kafka: That’s the Nayuki I know, always quick on the uptake♪
Kafka: First, we’ll narrow it down to domestic affairs… When thinking about the population of JPN, there are only so many people that travel on a regular basis, after all.
Kafka: It’s a situation where every city wants a piece of the pie. Keeping that in mind, the only way to increase tourism is by increasing the amount of repeat tourists. 
Kafka: Not just touring all the famous spots as people have been until now, but transforming all of HAMA into a tourist attraction and establishing a fanbase is what’s essential here. Which is why… I intend to increase the number of Ward Mayors for exactly this reason. 
Kaede: More Ward Mayors…?
Kafka: Currently, there are three Ward Mayors left in HAMA. The plan is to appoint a Ward Mayor to all 18 wards in due time.
Nayuki: It’s the 0th Ward Mayor’s job to lead the other mayors, right. Wouldn’t management be a heavy burden with such a large number of people?
Kafka: It’s me, remember? Think I can’t pull it off?
Nayuki: … You have a point.
Kafka: Though, first we start bolstering what we have with the current Ward Mayors. Sakujiro, you know what to do.
Sakujiro: Yes, President. Click click, as you asked.
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Kaede: …Splitting up the 18 wards into four areas? By morning, noon, evening and night…?
Kafka: That’s right. By the way, the intention behind the name is along the lines of “Enjoy your trip to HAMA from morning till night”♪
Kafka: Which leads us to the following. Yachiyo, Sakujiro, Nayuki and Daniel. All of you will be providing full-time support to each squad respectively. As for the role itself—I’ll simply call you “conductors”.
Yachiyo: Eh, eeeh…!? Such, such an important task, me!?
Kaede: (For Yachiyo-kun this is definitely too much… W-wonder if this is okay.)
Kafka: No worries. Yachiyo is in charge of Morning Squad, which includes me. Chief-chan, you’ll be keeping an eye on all squads, okay?
Kaede: G-got it.
Kaede: (I feel the pressure, but… I said I’ll face anything that comes at me. Gonna give it my all…!)
Nayuki: Dividing into groups and establishing squads, I can understand. However, what is the meaning behind going through the trouble of dividing?
Kafka: The fact that we’ll get the Ward Mayors of each squad to coordinate and create a superior touring plan. There's a limit on how much our tourism resources can be fortified when our time is restricted to one year. 
Kaede: (That’s true… Right now we’re unable to sit down and create new facilities, and increasing what sights to see isn’t an easy task.) 
Kafka: But, we do have something we can use immediately. What do you think that is?
Yachiyo: Eh……, eh………
Kaede: Can use immediately…?
Daniel: Our amazing Bossman’s money? Gahah, just joshing!
Nayuki: …I see, that’s what it is.
Kafka: It’s none other than human resources. 
Kaede: (Ah…!)
Kafka: I’ve said it before, right? What people look for on travels is something that cannot be replicated by technology. 
Kafka: Extremely hard to quantify that the numbers may as well be random. An existence whose pattern is indecipherable to the whole word. That’s what “humans” are.
Kafka: I’m wagering on the “human” potential of Ward Mayors. A meeting between people—there’s no personal experience more intense than that. 
Nayuki: If this is the President’s plan of action, I will provide my support.
Nayuki: Though, will the current Ward Mayors give their endorsements? All wards had been operating independently up until now. 
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Kafka: I’m the 0th Ward Mayor, remember?
Kafka: Just sit back and watch how I’ll make them say yes.
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chapter 001 side A directory: TBA upon completion
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82mitsu · 4 months
{18Trip} <PROLOGUE SIDE-A: Still blank> 000-A04 First Trip
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A translation of 18TRIP's PROLOGUE SIDE-A by 82mitsu. ENG proofreading by sasaranurude.
TL note:
I believe the little jingle Sakujiro does is a reference to Doraemon, when he pulls out a gadget out of his pocket to help out Nobita-kun.
Kaede: You’ll catch a cold if you stay here.
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Boy in hospital gown: ……
Kaede: Say, Kafka… how about we go back inside?
Kafka: …No.
Kaede: But… it won’t be good if you get sick!
Kafka: …Only this far. I… can only… go to the rooftop or courtyard of the hospital here.
Kafka: This is as far as I can get from my room… To me, it’s a trip I have to put all my energy into.
Kaede: Kafka…
Kaede: But, but! Once you get that amazing surgery, you’ll be able to go wherever, right!? 
Kaede: You’ll get better, and can go anywhere… We'll be able to make fun trips and play lots together, right?
Kafka: The success of my surgery isn’t 100%.
Kaede: Does that mean it might end up failing?
Kafka: …Whatever it is, it’s still a long way off until the surgery.
Kaede: Kafka—
Kafka: You know, I’m jealous of you, Kaede-chan. Because you can go anywhere, as far as your feet can get you—
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Kaede: …Then, Kafka. Once the rain stops, let’s go on a trip. Both of us.
Kafka: Kaede-chan… and me?
Kaede: Yes. Together.
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Kafka: …Kaede-chan.
Kaede: Hm?
Kafka: My hand. Don’t let go of it. Keep holding onto it tightly, forever…
Kaede: Yes. I won’t let go.
Kafka: Forever, okay? Even… even when that surgery will happen one day…?
Kaede: I won’t let go. Ever.
Kafka: Promise?
Kaede: Yes, I promise!
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Kaede: —-I did make that kind of promise, didn’t I.
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Text message from Kafka 
<[Surgery’s over.]
Text message from Kaede
[Surgery!? Over!? What do you mean!?]>
Text message from Kafka 
<[Sorry. The decision came out of nowhere so I couldn’t let you know.]
Text message from Kaede
[How was it?]>
[Did something happen?]>
Kaede: –And no reply…
Kaede: But if Kafka himself texted me about it being done, then the surgery must’ve been a success, right.
Kaede: (I said that, but I can’t calm down until I see his face, after all!)
Kaede: Kaf—-
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Slender glasses man: DON’T MOOOVEEEEEE!! Please stop where you stand!!
Kaede: Uwoh!?
Slender glasses man: You may not set one foot in this room! There are many such times where unsolved cases have instances of things left unnoticed during the initial investigation. Or not.
Kaede: (Huh, getting a good look at him, it’s Kafka’s butler—)
Kaede: Sakujiro-san? Not letting me in means… this has to be Kafka’s room, right?
Kaede: Did something happen to Kafka….!?
Sakujiro: That—that is what I am investigating at the moment. It’s with utmost regret that I say this, however, but I kindly request for Kaede-san to wait right over there for the moment.
Kaede: Uh… sure?
(Sound of something being unzipped can be heard)
Sakujiro: I am left with no other choice. Fly too close to the sun and your wings will burn, sacrifice your autonomy to artificial intelligence and humanity shall fall…. If possible I wouldn’t have chosen to go this far, but alas… 
Sakujiro: Tututurun!♪
Kaede: Is this another installment of Sakujiro-san’s mystery gadgets?
Sakujiro: Exactamundo, these are the seven hundred seventy seven tools for butlers inherited from generation to generation within the Oguro Family.
Sakujiro: …I believe this one is suitable for our current predicament. A scent detector for the Young Master, the sniffer-licker-woofer!
Sakujiro: This dog-like robot that records Young Master’s scent every single day has the capability to detect what Young Master is doing, what he’s eating, what he’s hiding, and what mutations are happening within the Young Master’s veins.
Kaede: Can it… lick you, too?
Sakujiro: It cannot deliver any licks. Sakujiro will fill in the blanks within his mind palace.
Sakujiro: Now search, it shall. Click click.
Sakujiro: Muh, a response! 36 minutes and 31 seconds ago the Young Master got up from his bed slowly and changed out of his pajamas.
Kaede: He must have— there’s pajamas thrown off to the side here!
Sakujiro: Then he turned around in this spot, and put one single piece of dental gum in his mouth. I can say for certain that the bottle feels one gum lighter than when I checked it earlier this morning.
Kaede: To notice a decrease in weight like that, I’m speechless…! 
Kaede: (Sakujiro-san, as always, has full knowledge of just about everything when it comes to Kafka…)
Sakujiro: Followed by Young Master putting his hand on the door, peering into the hallway, left, right, left and confirming the coast was clear.
Sakujiro: Good heavens, he performed a proper safety check exactly as I, Sakujiro, had taught the Young Master during his boyhood. 
Kaede: In other words, Kafka was being cautious to not be seen when he lefthis room…?
Sakujiro: According to the sniffer-licker-woofer, during that time Young Masters' emotions were excitement and nervousness divided perfectly half and half!
Sakujiro: Thus, at last, starting with his right foot he departed from this room…!
Kaede: …(Gulp)...
Sakujiro: …..
Kaede: So then, where did he….?
Sakujiro: I do not know. Unfortunately, the sniffer-licker-woofer isn’t equipped with functions that are able to deduct that far.
Kaede: You’re kidding me…! Even though it has way too many crazy features!
Sakujiro: Nevertheless, there is one thing I can confirm, which is that we must go search and bring him back posthaste.  
Kaede: Kafka, where did you go… All of this—and right when your surgery was just finished, too…
Sakujiro: .Hm?
Kaede: I heard from him that his surgery was over.
Sakujiro: …I see. 
Sakujiro: Kaede-san, may I request your cooperation? For some reason…
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Sakujiro: This is a letter addressed to you... Or rather, something akin to a tape would be more befitting.
Kaede: A cassette tape? And it’s Kafka’s?
Sakujiro: It was lying on the floor under the bed. 
Kaede: Ah, the date on this…
Kaede: (It’s 10 years ago, but it has to be…)
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Kaede: Once the rain stops, let’s go on a trip. Both of us.
Kafka: Kaede-chan, and me?
Kaede: Yes. Together.
Kaede: It’s from back then—
Kaede: It’s from back then—
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prologue directory: A01 / A02 / A03 / A04 (x) / A05 / A06 / A07 / A08
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patibato · 2 months
[Bitter Sweet Sixteen] 002-A28 - Stand by "ME"
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Momiji: Huh…?
Nanaki: …Failed?
Ushio: …
Muneuji: …
Kiroku: …Wh …
Akuta: —Huh, I failed?
Even though everyone else passed, it's just me?
Muneuji: Sensei, I do not agree with that grading.
Akuta: …Muneujii…
Muneuji: I tried applying Isotake's actions to the criteria you set out, and in my opinion, there are a few discrepancies.
Sakujiro: Oh? A grade from a student's point of view? That's rather brazen, but interesting. Do enlighten me on what is wrong, and how.
Muneuji: With both being selected as candidates, and going on the tour, I didn't have any heartfelt expectations, and yet—
Carried along on Isotake's energy, I wound up participating. There are some parts I regret about it.
But I completed all the work left in my hands. I accomplished all that and more.
I fulfilled my duties and became passionate. It had been a while since I enjoyed myself so much.
The funny faces he showed me on sleepless nights were very amusing.
Nanaki: Sakuchan-sensei, can I say something too?
…I started getting annoyed with people a few days in. I felt like I didn't care what happened anymore.
But… Akuta. When looking at what a dumb, reckless idiot he is—
I feel like the things I worry about are stupid. I felt like I was an idiot for trying to look cool.
It's fine to be more unpresentable. It's fine to not give up on connecting with people-
It's fine to eat the omelette rice he got from the convenience store by putting natto on it…!
Akuta: Natto omelettes are good…
Nanaki: That's how he made me think. It… might be different to Sakuchan-sensei's opinion.
Kiroku: I-
…Isotake… accepted… my strange art, and sensibilities… without… denying… me…
And… compared to me, who didn't finish the lantern… …Isotake… is different—
……He didn't… give in…!
The success, of the festival… was definitely because… he kept on… going… and opened a path… with his own power…
And he… wore the same t-shirt… for three days… straight…
Akuta: Guess I didn't get changed much…
Kiroku: …I wouldn't, be able… to do that… it's incredible…
Sakujiro: …I see, so you all have your own thoughts on this. I understand.
Kurama-kun, do you have anything to add?
Ushio: …
Akuta: …
Ushio: I wonder. To be frank, nothing much comes to mind—
Akuta: Doh!
Ushio: He's blatantly egotistic, blatantly stupid, and a full-fledged loser.
He's a dumbass, I never understand what he's saying. The way he acts is nonsensical—
But, I think it's fine for a kid to put his all into being one.
Akuta: …Hey, are you complimenting me?
Ushio: With my whole body and soul.
Sakujiro: —Is that all?
Ushio: …
Sakujiro: Does anyone else have more to say?
Muneuji: I do. …I'm just, in the middle of calculating what.
Nanaki: Umm… there's that. …You know, that.
Kiroku: … …
Ushio: Yeah, we've got nothing.
We can't think of anything. Let's give up.
Akuta: -…Aaah… got it…
Well, c'est la vie. What can't be done can't be done.
Thanks for searching so much for me, guys! I love you. …You too, Sensei.
—Well, I'll be off.
Momiji: W-wait! Akuta-kun-
Sakujiro: …Mwaha…
Momiji: Sakujiro-san?
Sakujiro: Mwahaha… hahaha…
Kafka: …
Akuta: Huh… no, what…? D-did I not time my exit right…?
Muneuji: Have you gone mad, Karigane-sensei?
Momiji: (His true nature's coming out… Even though he said earlier that he acts relatively normal at school.)
Sakujiro: That's RIGHT! Leaving now is MUCH too soon, Akuta-kun! Sit down! I'll aim this chalk right for your brow!
Akuta: Awawawawah, g-g-g-got it!
Sakujiro: Please listen closely, everyone.
Though I have a purpose in life, I do not possess a dream.
I've none of the glittering, shining hopes, dreams, or passion that you youngsters emit.
Not even when I was your age. Not before, nor ever since.
When I heard Akuta-kun's speech at the festival venue, with his ego on full display, giving his straightforward and honest thoughts…
I felt as if something was suddenly circulating through my body.
I learned through firsthand experience that someone's passion could be transmitted into me, in which nothing had ever naturally occurred.
To put it simply, it "touched my heart"… that's what I would call that phenomenon.
For Tourism Ward Mayors, spreading "affinity" to those with no relation to the area is your duty, your work.
Imparting new passion to travellers will change it from a stranger's area into their own—giving meaning to the moment they experience that is our ambition.
And so, I have established a new grading criteria just now.
"Passion Evangelist"—
Isotake Akuta-kun. I offer you ten thousand points for that talent of yours, and along with that, I endorse you as the leader of the Day Team.
What do you think, Young Master.
Kafka: …
Akuta: …
Kafka: I approve.
Momiji: …!
Akuta: … For real?
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Akuta: Well, my place is this way, so…
Muneuji: Right.
Akuta: …
Ushio: …Aren't you going to go?
Akuta: No, I'm just reluctant? It's a weird feeling!
Kiroku: ……That's… rare…
Muneuji: …
Nanaki: With all of us passing like this… I can't help but feel like we did something bad to the egg.
Kiroku: -…
Akuta: Cheer up! Don't you suppose it's enjoying itself at a beautiful lady's house or something!?
Nanaki: Y-yeah, yeah! I mean, its shell is sturdy! I'm sure it's fine. Yeah.
Kiroku: …Mhm…
Ushio: …Anyway, me and Muuchan live this way, so. See ya.
Muneuji: Hold on.
Ushio: Hm?
Muneuji: …I have something I wish to discuss with you all.
Akuta: Huh, what what? You sound serious, what's up?
Muneuji: I recalled this during Oguro-san's explanation earlier. That day, at the old school building—
I saw the Principal.
Ushio: Huh?
Nanaki: Really? Why would he be there?
Muneuji: I don't know myself. At first, I assumed he was simply on night patrol.
However, the reports said there were no injured parties. And then, too, I assumed he managed to escape one way or another like we did.
After all, at the online closing ceremony held afterwards, the Principal gave a speech as usual. However, try to recall.
That day, the speech was given through voice alone, with his camera off.
Kiroku: …Now that, you mention it…
Nanaki: So to summarise, you think that has something to do with the egg?
Muneuji: Correct. …There's also the matter of that mysterious slimy substance, and Ohno's disappearance.
Nanaki: …Right. Ohno-kun… They still haven't found him, have they.
Akuta: Yeah~ if I'd gotten a proper shot at that time, it could've been used as evidence…
Kiroku: …M… maybe you… didn't see… right.
Ushio: Muuchan's got good eyesight, even in the dark. And he absolutely doesn't lie.
Nanaki: But of all people, the Principal would have no reason to go out of his way to bring that extraterrestrial egg and sticky stuff to the old school building.
Muneuji: …
You… may be right. Perhaps I'm being too suspicious.
However, I felt it best to tell you all about it. …Please keep it in mind.
Nanaki: Got it. Thanks for letting us know.
Kiroku: …ank, yo…
Akuta: —Alright! With that said and done!
No point staying here forever. I'm starving, so let's head on home!
Nanaki: Yep. See you tomorrow.
Kiroku: … Bye… bye.
Muneuji: Let's continue getting on tomorrow.
Ushio: Let's go, Muuchan.
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*tapping and bubbling*
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kfkr1ze · 3 months
[002-A05] Healthy Party
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Summary — ✈︎ Kaede prepares a plan to get his revenge on the students, but it turns out that the school is closed for summer vacation. However, he heard that there’s a party going on that the students might go to…
Characters— ✈︎ Sakujiro, Kafka, Yukikaze, Renga, Liguang, Ten
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Location: HAMA Tours Office Floor
Kaede: ……
Yukikaze: …… Kaede……
Kaede: ……
Yukikaze: He seemed to be focusing really hard, so I decided to watch without saying anything butーー I can’t watch anymore.
Please tell me what happened.
Just what kind of job do you have that is so difficult that you have to make such a demon-like expression…?
Kafka: Sigh… It’s nothing strange enough for you to worry about. He’s fine.
He came in saying that he’ll hurry up and “make a proposal that’s so thorough, easy to understand, and has nothing in it that could be criticized” so that he can go back to the school and get revenge on those cute kids.
Yukikaze: … I see. So that’s what this was about.
Kafka: Chief-chan is great right now, isn’t he? Whenever he gets like this, it’s like he has a lot of motivation and this awesome air around him. I like that about him♪
Yukikaze: Ah, true. 
When Chief gets like this, he’s like mapo tofu with pepper. [1]
Kafka: I don’t think I’ll ever get used to those stupid analogies. Can’t you use something else?
Kaede: ……
Yukikaze: ……
Kafka: ……
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Ten: Wah〜 … They’re smiling so fondly right now.
It kinda feels like when parents are watching their child play with blocks, doesn’t it?
Renga: Yo… Ah, T-Ten.
So you came to the office!
Ten: Oh, it’s Renga-san, yo.
Renga: Um, if you have time today, how do you feel about going to the Izakaya with me again on the way home today…? You’ve taken care of me at your sushi bar before, so…
Ten: Oh. Are you gonna treat me to some drinks, Renga-san? Yay~
Liguang: … I could hear the sounds of something being hit all the way from outside the door. I guess that was Kaede hitting the keyboard?
Kaede: ……
Liguang: … Good grief. He didn’t hear me at all.
Kaede: President.
What are the criteria for evaluating candidates for the Ward Mayors?
Kafka: Leave it to me.
Kaede: Got it.
Renga: So, just what on earth is the Chief doing?
Kafka: It seems like Chief-chan was wrung out by the students as Asu High. Now he’s working on a proposal in demon mode. 
Renga: Asu High? … I see, how nostalgic.
Liguang: Is this about the Ward Mayors?
Hm, dealing with kids can be rough.
Kaede: I did it…!
Okay, I’ll dash quickly back to the schoolーー
Sakujiro: The school’s gates are already closed.
Kaede: Eh…
Sakujiro: Since it is the day before summer vacation, the gates might have closed earlier than they usually do.
Kaede: N-No way…
But I was so ready to get my revenge…!
Sakujiro: No.
I believe it far too early to reach conclusions just yet.
Today, there is going to be a party to celebrate the start of summer vacationーー
The party is hosted by the student council president, Yumenosuke Koraku. 
The entire school is invited to a home party that can host 10,000 people.
Kaede: Eh!
Sakujiro: Since there is a chance the students in question may also be attending the party, I thought it might be worth a visit.
Kaede: That’s true! Let’s go!
Sakujiro: Then, please hurry and take these.
Kaede: What are these clothes? 
Sakujiro: I heard there is a dress code for attending this party. 
This time, the dress code is juvenile-like clothes that you see in moviesーー
For this day, I poured my heart and soul into each and every stitch.
Ten: Eh, these are handmade? Cool.
Kaede: Thank you very much, Sakujiro-san!
Kafka: You have 3 minutes to hurry and get dressed. I’m calling the car right now.
… Be careful and have a good trip.
Yukikaze: If you go, you won’t have any regrets.
I’ll be waiting here for you with your favorite meal for dinner.
Renga: I don’t really get what’s going on but… Don’t push yourself too hard!
Kaede: Thank you, everyone! I’ll be going now!
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Location: Outdoor Party Venue
Kaede: Wow… For a student, this home party is on a whole different level…
There’s a night pool, a DJ booth, and even a counter bar.
Of course, there’s no actual alcohol being served, but…
Look! There’s so many people wearing black all over the place. The security is perfect.
Sakujiro: The Koraku family is among the top in the political world.
The huge garden parties often held here are very well known throughout the entire country.
Kaede: I see. I understand now.
Those 5 would definitely be at a place like this.
ーー Okay, first, I’m gonna start asking around.
Sakujiro: Understood. Then, I will see you later.
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Student A: Eh… Isotake?
He’s that dangerous guy who’s rumored to be involved in murders, isn’t he?
Student B: There’s no way they would be invited here.
I mean, who knows what would’ve happened if they did show up?
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Student C: Kurama?
He has this bad vibe to him. No one would go near that guy.
Student D: When you say Kaguya, do you mean the vice president of the student council guy who’s always wearing a helmet?
Apparently, he’s super pretty and he even has a fanclub, but personally? I always thought he was a dangerous guy.
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Student E: I don’t know who that Kinugawa guy is.
But Nanamegi’s famous for being handsome, so I’ve heard of him.
Student F: Nanaki’s become pretty unapproachable after that happened huh.
It’s a shame since he’s so popular.
He should really stop hanging out with the rest of that group of 5.
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Kaede: (Those kids really don’t have a good reputation huh…)
(I guess that incident is still floating around in the back of people’s minds. I should’ve researched what happened more properly…)
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???: Excuse me! You over there!
Kaede: Y-Yes!
???: Are you the one asking around about those 5 deadly sinners?
Kaede: Deadly sinners…?
Yumenosuke: It’s nice to meet you.
I am the student council president of Hama Asunaro High School, Yumenosuke Koraku.
Welcome, and thank you for coming today.
Kaede: Ah, yes… Sorry to bother.
Yumenosuke: Our school has 10,000 students, so I believe fostering close relationships between students is essential―
Today’s party serves as a great opportunity to develop this, but at the same time! It functions as a place to develop healthy minds amongst students. Also! 
To ensure that parents and guardians can feel at ease, each area is equipped with strong people who have protected and nurtured the Koraku family as far back as the time of our great-grandfather.
We would be extremely grateful if you, who is looking for the 5 deadly sinners, could peacefully watch over the growth of our youth as well!
Kaede: (He explained a lot of things even though I didn’t ask…)
(Well, now that I think about it, those people in black that Yumenosuke said were very strong have been staring at me for a while now… I guess I look like a suspicious person.)
Sorry for introducing myself so late.
I’ll give you my name as well.
Yumenosuke: Oh, a business card! I thank you kindly.
Hm hm… The Community Revitalization Department…
I see now! You are an instructor!
People in black: Excuse us for being rude!
Kaede: No, I get where you were coming from, so…
Yumenosuke: Thank you for your generosity.
But… Before you return to searching for those people, may I have your attention for a few more minutes?
Kaede: Ah, yes…
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Yumenosuke: I had a vice president who I had the utmost faith in.
No matter what life had in store for me, my trust in him was unshakeable. Or so I thoughtーー
However, he managed to betray my expectations! One night, a month ago!
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Yumenosuke: The old school building… A building of cultural heritage which was symbolic of the new era… The school where my father, who is now the cabinet minister, studied… They blew it up!
And his corrupt soul did this alongside those four other outcasts who are on the same level as he is!
Kaede: (T-They blew it up…!?
I see… that’s what “that incident” is…)
Yumenosuke: Some of those people were actually the object of admiration for some of the other studentsーー
But now, they’re all Class 1.
Student A: I mean, I’m not sure if I’d even call it a Class at this point. Instead, it should be something like "the worst Class."
Kaede: (They’re talking about “Classes” again…)
Yumenosuke: You there, cease that at once. 
Discrimination between Classes could lead to criticism of the entire school’s educational system.
… No. This is the result of his own negligence. 
Giving into that feeling of betrayal is unavoidable as well.
Kaede: Um, excuse me.
What do you mean by “Classes”?
Oh? Perhaps you did not know about this?
Kaede: Sorry for not being more informed…
Yumenosuke: No matter. I shall give you a brief explanation.
The Class system is a traditional system in our school.
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Yumenosuke: Firstly, Classes are divided into 5 different levels.
Those who have been putting extra effort into their studies and club activities are put into Class 5.
On the opposite end, those who slack off are put into Class 1 and are urged to “put in more effort”.
The ones who put in extra effort… Those who are Class 5 tend to be favored more and given special treatment.
Extra items on the cafeteria menu, privileges in club activities, given more options to speak their minds, and above all, they are the objects of envy for the other students. Like I am.
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Yumenosuke: For the Class 1 students, it is basically the exact opposite…
I think you can understand what that means without me getting into the details.
Kaede: (So they’re basically shunned… I see.)
Yumenosuke: Everyone! Once again, let’s say our cheers to another successful semester! With champagne-like soda!
Kaede: (If I knew they were in the Class 1 and they were shunned like thatーー
I probably wouldn’t have come here at all… It’s so awkward.)
(Maybe we should leave and try something else…)
Student G: Ah! Damn, I spilled my champagne-like soda! Does anyone have a tissue?
Student H: If you need pocket tissues, we have a lot over here.
Student G: I don’t want to use those though… They feel like they’d give me bad luck.
Kaede: (What kind of tissue makes you feel like you’d have bad luck…?)
Advertisement: “The Genius Galactic Film Director ISOTAKE now presents… an unprecedented Ultra New Movie Screening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Kaede: (“ISOTAKE” is… Akuta-kun!? The premiere is…)
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This is what mapo tofu is !
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kfkr1ze · 3 months
[002-A02] Welcome to the Mammoth School
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Summary — ✈︎ Kaede enters Hama Asunaro High School. When entering the school, he stumbles upon students arguing with a rough atmosphere around them. Then, he sees a familiar face…
Characters— ✈︎ Sakujiro
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Location: Hama Asunaro High School
Kaede: This is Hama Asunaro High School huh…
As you would expect from a mammoth school[1]… It’s big.
Umm, Kafka’s message saidーー
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Kaede: He still has me left on delivered…
He’s probably purposefully ignoring the messages.
(The school’s already been informed I’m coming… right?
First, let me find a security guard or a receptionist robot. )
Student A: You guys should get lost already!
Kaede: (Hm…?)
Student A: We of “The Weavers of Light and Shadow using Ptolemaic Theory[2] Club” already reserved the time slot for this spot!
Student B: Hah? I haven’t heard anything about that though.
ーーWell, it’s not like whatever you’re saying matters in this situation. You know what this is, don’t you?
Student A: That’s…!
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Student B: Yuuup~. That’s a Class 3 badge~.
Everyone on the soccer team here is a Class 3 or higher. Aren’t you guys Class 2 or lower? You sure are acting all high and mighty.
Why don’t you and your lower Class club go play around in the Old Building?
…Ah wait, that just exploded the other day though.
Student A: Guh…!
Kaede: (The atmosphere’s kinda rough over there…
That conversation had a bunch of dangerous words like Classes[3] and explosions too…)
(I’ll just stop eavesdropping and leaveーー)
Student B: Uwah…!? What’s that, all of a sudden!?
Kaede: (A volleyball got spiked from above…)
Student B: Hey, watch it, Volleyball Club!
You have some nerve underestimating people from Class 3… Come out already!
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???: It is not just the “Volleyball Club”.
It is “The Liberated Volleyball Club with Liberated Bodies”.
Kaede: Sa-Sakujiro-san!? Wow, that was a sharp spike considering how close to the edge of the roof you areーー Wait no, what are you doing here!?
Student B: Karigane-sensei…!
Kaede: Huh? S-Sensei…?
Sakujiro: Hup!
Kaede: Wow, what a beautiful jump and landing… I mean! Why is he being called Sensei…?
Sakujiro: I could hear your conversation all the way from the roof.
That Class badge, did you obtain it for the sole purpose of belittling the people around you?
Student B: Uu…!
Sakujiro: You did not, correct? Thenーー
Both of you, please put your hands together and make up with a handshake.
Student B: M… My bad.
Student A: Nah, I was going a bit too far.
Kaede: (Seems the issue got settled… somehow. But, calling him Senseiーー)
Sakujiro: Yesterday’s enemy is today’s friend. I hope you’re able to get along well with each other.
Now! Members of the The Liberated Volleyball Club with Liberated Bodies, I shall return back to the rooftop, so please wait for me!
Kaede: (As expected of Sakujiro-san. Dashing right back to the sceneーー)
No, hold on a second. Sakujiro-san, don’t leave!
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Kaede: So in other words, you’ve been working as a part-time undercover teacher for the past 3 months?
And Kafka didn’t order you to, you chose to on your own?
Sakujiro: Correct. I’ve been preparing for a situation such as this to occur.
After knowing the Young Master for so long, I’ve developed something of a sixth sense for these types of situations.
Kaede: Amazing… Even though they’re happening separately from each other, everything ends up connecting back to Kafka.
Sakujiro: Much obliged. 
ーーWell then, this way if you please. Let us make haste to the principal’s office.
While en route, I shall tell you more about this school.
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Sakujiro: Hama Asunaro High Schoolーー Currently, there are 10,000 students currently enrolled.
It is a very big mammoth high school, with around 83 classes per grade level.
As society develops at a high paced rate in technology, the school prides itself in believing that human value is found in “spontaneous individuality”. Therefore, in the early stages, it focused on developing this through professional education in club activities.
Kaede: “Spontaneous individuality”...
Sakujiro: It is the individuality one gets from honing themselves while receiving guidance from their teacher.
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Sakujiro: In Asu High, there is a system in place where that motivation is channeled into club activities and thus evaluated.
Various results were received, and thus a variety of different students with a range of personalities gathered all over the country to attend here.
The enrollment rate is said to be 80:1 compared to other schools.
Kaede: It’s a pretty difficult high school huh…
(Now that I think about it, didn’t Yuki-nii and the others graduate from Asu High? As I thought, they’re amazing…)
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Sakujiro: After graduation, you can pursue many different careers. Such as politics, baseball, academics, and a variety of others.
It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that earning a degree at this school is synonymous to a better life.
And the person who’s at the foundation of the school of such a unique system isーー
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Sakujiro: Please excuse me.
The man who runs such a school has worked in HRD[4] jobs at widely renowned IT companies across the globe. He has been described as a coaching god and a prophet in human resources.
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Sakujiro: He has a background that can only be described as one of the best in human research development. That is our principalーー Principal Naoe.
Principal Naoe: … Please excuse me, due to various circumstances, we will only be able to talk via audio. Thank you for meeting with me. I’m sorry for making you come all the way over here.
Kaede: Please don’t worry about it. …Nice to meet you, my name is Kaede Hamasaki.
(His icon in the call says “love”...)
Principal Naoe: Hahaha… There’s no need to be so worried. Let’s talk casually as people who share the same ideas.
Kaede: Ah, yes…
Principal Naoe: I received a call from the president at the place you workーー Kafka-kun. It seems he wants to select the next ward mayors for HAMA tourism from the younger generation.
That is a brilliant idea. I strongly agree with that decision.
After all, I believe the future lies with the younger generation.
Young people should want to shape the world that they live in. It falls on us as adults to lend them the support to do so.
Wouldn’t you agree?
Kaede: Yes, I believe that’s true.
Principal Naoe: Haha, that’s good. As long as you share the same feelings, it’s more than enough. I have high hopes when it comes to what you can do.
Then, as for students who may be candidates for ward mayors, we established a club called the Community Revitalization Club and have gathered potential students already.
As for you, you will be enrolled as the club’s outside club instructor.
Kaede: In-Instructor!? That’s a big role…
Principal Naoe: What of it? You have Karigane-sensei to lend you a hand as well, so there shouldn’t be any issues.
I’ve already told you, haven't I?  As long as you share the same feelings, it’s more than enough.
Kaede: …
Sakujiro: Principal, if I may?
Principal Naoe: Go ahead, Karigane-sensei.
Sakujiro: If I’m not mistaken, the students who are enrolled in the Community Revitalization Club were Class 1 students, were they not?
Kaede: (Class 1 students? Oh right, the kids outside were also saying something about Classes…)
Sakujiro: Although Kaede-san is someone with strong ambitions, and I hope I am not being frank when I say this, he is still an amateur at teaching.
I fear that if he were to be put in charge of Class 1 students, he would become overwhelmed.
Principal Naoe: Ah, now that you mention it, you’re right. Butーー
Here’s what I think. The Class 1 students are diamonds in the rough.
Kaede: …
Principal Naoe: From here, they could become gemstones which shine a variety of different colors. To put it in another way, there are endless possibilities with them.
When you see the possibilities they hold, the lovelier they are. I’m sure that Kaede-san will come to realize this. 
Kaede: Yes…
Principal Naoe: By the way, Karigane-sensei.
What do you say? Will you finally accept my offer of the position to be a full time teacher?
Sakujiro: I thank you for the opportunity, but I’m afraid I will have to refuse that offer yet again.
Principal Naoe: Hahaha! You’re as cold as ever aren’t you?
Well then, as I recover from the heartbreak of getting rejected for the 67th time, feel free to show him around.
Please excuse me.
Kaede: Yes! Um… Thank you very much!
Principal Naoe: Good luck, young man.
Kaede: (He left… He was a little strange…)
Sakujiro: Let’s hurry to the club room, shall we?
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Notes — ✈︎
A mammoth school is a huge school that has an enormous amount of students and classrooms. Sakujiro explains the size of Asu High, but “mammoth school” isn’t the most common phrase ever so I thought I should explain
Ptolemaic theory is the theory that Earth is at the center of the universe while everything else revolves around it. “The Weavers of Light and Shadow using Ptolemaic Theory” is a fancy way of saying they’re just using the shadows and sunlight to test this theory.
Sure you’re aware by now but just in case you're not! Classes in this case are basically referring to social classes. In Asu High, there are Classes 1-5, 5 being the highest of the Classes. I’ll always capitalize Classes when I’m talking about the hierarchical system as opposed to the regular school classes.
HRD - Human Resource Development, IT - Information Technologies
The chat image has a description in case you can't read it! I'm not sure how that looks like on tumblr so I hope you're able to access it! If needed, I can add the transcript here as well.
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kfkr1ze · 3 months
[002-A03] Devil Failures
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Summary — ✈︎ Kaede, after becoming an outside club instructor, finally meets the members of the Community Revitalization Club. But apparently, they’re infamously bad students who need observation after being suspended.
Characters— ✈︎ Sakujiro, Kiroku, Muneuji, Nanaki, Ushio
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Location: Hama Asunaro High School Hallway
Sakujiro: What is the matter? You seem to be a bit restless.
Kaede: Ah, no, there’s just a lot going on. Everyone seems really lively.
Summer vacation starts tomorrow, doesn’t it?
Sakujiro: Correct. Are you feeling envious?
Kaede: Hahaha! Just a bit.
But, there’s no time for me to rest right now.
Sakujiro: Oh?
Kaede: To think a day would come where I’m considered an outside club instructor… I can’t even imagine it butーー
I need to become a teacher that’s admired by kids like Sakujiro-san is!
Sakujiro: Yes. If it is you, I trust that you will be fine.
Kaede: Thank you!
Speaking of being an instructor liked by kids, what kind of students are in the Community Revitalization Club?
Sakujiro: There are 5 kids needing observation after being suspended.
Kaede: Eh… being suspended!?
Sakujiro: Yes. I believe it was a month ago. There was an incident at this school’s old building.
They were suspected of being involved in that incident, and thus were placed under observation.
After that, in order to avoid being expelled, I believe they were placed in the Community Revitalization Club.
Kaede: Incident? Involved?
D-Don’t tell me they’re infamously bad kids…!?
Sakujiro: That’s one way to put it.
ーー Then, this way is the Community Revitalization Club's club room.
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???: ………
Kaede: (Ah, there’s someone in front of the club room…)
???: ……It’s not…… anyone’s fault…… so……
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Kaede: ( … He’s talking to finger puppets?)
???: ……, …I don’t… want to…… talk about… it anymore……
Sakujiro: Kinugawa-kun.
Kinugawa-kun?: Uh……! …………
Kaede: Ah, um, I’m sorry if we surprised you…!
Good morning. My name isーー
Kaede Hamasaki…
Kinugawa-kun?: ……………
Kaede: Ah, he left.
Sakujiro: It was a natural result.
Kaede: That kid just now, he's one of the mayor candidates right?
Sakujiro: Yes. That was Kiroku Kinugawa-kun.
Kaede: (I see… He doesn’t seem like the type of person to be an infamously bad kid, but I get this feeling that things won’t be easy.)
Sakujiro: It’s time to show off your skills as both an outside club instructor and as the Chief.
Kaede: Yes!
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Location: Hama Asunaro High School Community Revitalization Club Room
Kaede: Good morning, it’s nice to meet you!
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???: ……
Kiroku: …………
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???: ……
???: …… (Humming “Brand New Dawn”)
Kaede: (There’s 4 people here… I feel like we’re missing someone, but aside from that, these members…)
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???: I do not know who you are, but good morning.
Kaede: (There’s a kid who’s still wearing an astronaut helmet for some reason, and…)
Kiroku: …………
Kaede: (Over there, Kiroku Kinugawa-kun still has his back turned to us, and…)
???: …… (Humming “Brand New Dawn”)
Kaede: (Over there is a kid who’s still wearing his headphones and doesn’t even seem to notice we came in, and…)
???: …Who’re you? I don’t recognize your face from the teachers who go here. You’re not a trespasser are you?
Kaede: (And lastly, there’s a kid who’s been glaring with distrust in his eyes ever since we came in.)
(Of course Kafka would choose this group. They all look pretty difficult to deal with… No, I can’t falter here!)
Kaede: My name is Kaede Hamasaki!
I’m here as the outside club instructor for the Community Revitalization Club!
???, ???, and Kiroku: ………
???: Nice to meet you.
Kaede: Nice to meet you! Could I ask for your name?
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???: It’s Muneuji Kaguya.
Kaede: Muneuji-kun then. I look forward to working with you!
Kaede: And, we met a bit earlier outside of the club room. Good morning!
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Kiroku: ………
Kaede: I-I look forward… To working with you…!
Kiroku: ………
Kaede: (No good… He’s looking away and refusing to acknowledge me. Maybe he’s an extremely shy kid.)
(Well, it would be bad to push him too far right now and I feel a bit bad, so I’ll greet the next kid for now.)
Kaede: Um…
???: ……
Muneuji: Nanamegi. Hey, Nanamegi.
Nanamegi?: Eh? Sorry, I was just listening to music. What is it?
Muneuji: This person wants to properly greet you.
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Nanamegi?: Ah, yeah, I’m in your care…
Kaede: (He put his headphones on again… N-Next kid is…)
Kaede: Um, I’mーー
???: Kaede Hamasaki.
You don’t have to say it over and over again, we get it. 
Kaede: Uu…
???: So, do you have your personal ID, all your relevant documents, and a permit to visit the school? I’ll properly introduce myself if you show me those.
‘Cause I mean, having someone’s name is a valuable piece of information. Even if you say you’re an “outside club instructor,” you’re still an outsider.
I would be in trouble if you were to misuse it or anything. Once you present the documents, I look forward to working with you~ [1]
Kaede: (I-I didn’t bring any of it with me…)
Sakujiro: Please do not make such a desperate face. First of all, I applaud your efforts. That was a very cheerful, pleasant, and overall wonderful introduction.
Kaede: (You say that, but I think you’re the only one who thinks so, Sakujiro-san…)
Sakujiro: Then, could I get you to remove your headphones please, Nanamegi-kunーー
Muneuji: I’m on it. … Nanamegi.
Nanaki: Eh? What? Is it time already?
Sakujiro: Yes, it is time to start.
First of all, I will verify now that this person is not suspicious. 
The documents you asked for are currently being prepared, so we will save that for the next time we meet, Ushio Kurama-kun.
He works for a well respected company. You can use myself as proof of his identity.
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Ushio: … ‘Kay.
Sakujiro: By the way, it seems that Isotake-kun is not with us right now. 
Nanamegi-kun, do you know the reason for this?
Nanaki: Who knows? He’s probably just late or forgot about it.
Sakujiro: Is that so? Then, Kinugawa-kun, please search for him.
Kiroku: ……… W…Why……?
Sakujiro: That would be because you are closest to the next class.
Ushio: Sensei. I have a little suggestion.
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Notes — ✈︎
If you can’t tell, Ushio is speaking formally, but is also saying it pretty sarcastically. It’s kinda hard to translate. It sounds better when you hear how he voices his lines.
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kfkr1ze · 2 months
[002-A21] Carpe Diem
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Summary — ✈︎ Kaede feels frustrated about the fact that he couldn’t be a good teacher to the rest of the students. However, after being encouraged by Sakujiro, he decides try to do what he can. 
Characters— ✈︎ Akuta, Muneuji, Nanaki, Ushio, Sakujiro
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(Egg tapping)
Muneuji: ……take. Isotake.
Akuta: ……Hn?
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Location: Otomari Chuuzaemon Inn in Shodoshima
Muneuji: If you fall asleep standing up here, you’ll catch a cold.
Akuta: I wasn’t sleeping. The egg is making a sound, so I’m just trying to focus on hearing it. Also, you’re way too late on coming back y’know.
Muneuji: My apologies. I made you worry.
Akuta: What were you doing up til now?
Muneuji: I went on the 88 Temple Pilgrimage[1].
Akuta: Oh… You just effortlessly challenged the 145 km long and grueling pilgrimage… You must have an unlimited supply of physical strength & a spirit made of steel huh〜
Muneuji: Not quite. I had to stop abruptly since the sun was already setting. I wanted to see everything, butーー
I couldn’t find anything that could help. … I’m sorry.
Akuta: ………
Y’know, we don’t need to ask the Gods to give us anything. ‘Cuz we already have been given something. I’ll leave it at that for now.
Muneuji: ?
Akuta: Just have some faith. There’ll be a plot twist in our story.
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Kaede: Aah… I can’t take this anymore…!
Just what the hell are the students thinking!? Don’t you think this kind of treatment is way too cruel!?
Sakujiro: For the sake of clarification, that can that you are drinking out of is beer that does not contain any alcohol, correct Chief?
Kaede: That’s right, what of it!?
Sakujiro: Nothing, I had no particular intentions with that question.
Andーー As for the weather tomorrow, there is nothing that could be done about it.
When researching the place to hold this study tour, we heard that this area receives little rain. It was truly an unfortunate turn of events that it will rain on the day of the event.
Kaede: … I know that. But.
(In the end, none of the students showed up for dinner tonight.)
(We could check where they are by GPS, so I’m not particularly worried butーー)
(Everything just fell apart right before the actual event… In the end, this is all my fault.)
(I get that, but… What else could I have possibly done?)
(I couldn’t even encourage Akuta-kun properly. Maybe I’m just not fit to be in charge of other people.)
(If I think like thatーー)
If I think like that, I’ll never be a good teacher…!
Sakujiro: Please calm yourself. You are not a teacher, but a tour conductor.
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Sakujiro: What a poor thing. It seems as if your mind is becoming muddled. 
Kaede: Y-Yeah, you’re right… Sorry.
Sakujiro: Now, please take this. Please drink some water and gather yourself a bit.
Kaede: Thank you…
Sakujiro: ………
Kaede: You’re right about the fact that I’m a tour conductor, not a teacher. But, to those 5, I’m more older and mature than themーー
So… I was planning on teaching them a lot of different things. But in the end, I ended up learning a lot from them instead.
I didn’t do a good job in this role at all… I’m really ashamed. 
Sakujiro: ………
To live a life without failure… Would be a truly boring life.
Kaede: Eh?
Sakujiro: In a life where you have never stumbled, and without any ups and downs… That is a life without many big emotional attachments. 
In order to truly feel proud and cathartic about an accomplishment, you must first feel that feeling of “failure”ーー
That is a talent in itself, I believe.
Kaede: ………
(He’s wearing such a kind expression… I think he’s trying to encourage me.)
(That’s right… If things don’t turn out the way you want, it’s okay.)
(It’s okay if everything isn’t absolutely perfect…)
You’re right… Whatever the outcome ends up being, I’ll have to accept it.
I’ll be able to accept it after I try absolutely everything I can possibly do…!
Sakujiro: Where are you heading, at this time?
Kaede: I’m going to KOBE for a bit!
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I’m gonna go and see if I can borrow the weather controlling device from the special tourist district!
Sakujiro: At this moment? But, as of right now, there are not any ways to get off the islandーー
Kaede: I’ll figure something out!
This is a preparation period so that we can feel cathartic one day… Hearing you say that really lifted a weight off my shoulders. Thank you.
Looking more into the future instead of focusing on the present made me feel a little better. Butーー
I think that’s something we can say just because we’re older. 
When you’re a kid, summers like this pass by before you know itーー This is something they can only experience once.
As the outside club instructor, and as the Tourism Chief of HAMA Tours, it’s my job to make sure to provide the best frame for these 16 year olds’ summer memories!
Sakujiro: ーーChief…
Kaede: Please don’t try to stop me!
Sakujiro: No, I have no intention on attempting to stop you.
Kaede: Eh?
Sakujiro: ーー The last ferry.
My serious driving skills will be able to get you there with no qualms.
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Ushio: Ah.
Nanaki: …… Ah.
Ushio: ………
Nanaki: (Ugh, we bumped into each other with awful timing… This is so awkward. I should’ve waited longer before coming out.)
(Actually, why am I the one worrying about this? … This is such a pain in the ass.)
(Just as I thought, it’s so much easier being by myself…)
Sakujiro: Everyone, good morning.
Nanaki: Morning…
Ushio: … Do you know where Muneuji went?
Sakujiro: He already left earlier. Together with Isotake-kun.
Ushio: … Ah, I see.
It’s real impressive that they have so much energy. Considering it’s all gonna go to shit in the end anyways.
Nanaki: Saku-chan-sensei, what about Kinugawa-kun?
When I woke up this morning, he was already gone.
Sakujiro: He had already made his way to the Atelier early this morning.
I believe that Gannosuke-san is assisting him in decorating the rest of the lanterns. 
Which leaves you both.
Nanamegi-kun’s job today is to set up the sound equipment, and Kurama-kun’s job is to help set up the food stallsーー
Today is the day of the festival. It will be a very busy day, so hurry along and get ready.
Ushio: Ahh, yeah yeah.
Sakujiro: One “yes” is sufficient. 
Ushio: Yes sir…
Nanaki: ………
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Nanaki: …… It’s really nice out today.
Today, seriously…
Are you really planning on making it rain today…? …God…
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Notes — ✈︎
Shodoshima has an 88 Temple Pilgrimage! If I just made Muneuji say “I visited the 88 temples” I felt it wouldn’t be that clear what he was doing LMFAO
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