#karkat zahhak kin
hskinhome · 10 months
hell0! arad1a pyr0pe here. 1m d01ng a can0n call f0r any0ne, but m0stly nepeta amp0ra and fefer1 n1tram.
1 d0nt remember much, but 1 w0re a plad jacket, and a ha1r cl1p.
1 was much m0re arad1a then terez1, the st0ry w1th me and vr1ska was the same. (she was vr1ska makara)
1 was flush with fefer1 and best fr1ends w1th nepeta. nepeta rped w1th me and fefer1 adventured w1th me. she wasnt as adventur0us, but was very danger pr0ne.
1 als0 remember tavr0s capt0r. 1 d1dnt really l1ke him, n0b0dy d1d. hes k1nda the 0pp1s1te of can0n tavr0s. he was 0ver c0nf1dent t0 the p01nt 1t was ann0y1ng. n0t l00k1ng f0r h1m, just extra 1nf0.
m0re extra 1nf0: there was karkat zahhak, s0llux pe1x1es, equ1us vantas, kanaya med1g0, and thats all 1 remember
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Go message them if this sounds familiar!
-Mod Nepeta
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jayesprite · 11 months
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these poor kids got neglected for five years. here they are with their actual sprites now
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davekatkins · 11 months
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Feferi Zahhak panel edit!
If you want anything changed please send another request!
-Mod Karkat
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fanonical · 4 months
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bloodswapkinfessions · 8 months
i swear 90% of my kins are sollux or sollux ways !! i have 2 canon similar timelines, two beforus, one no sgrub, Sol vantas, leijon, maryam, serket, zahhak, AND peixes, a humanstuck tl, THREE SEPARATE sprite timelines(erisol, vrisol, soldavesprite^2), a dave captor, vriska captor, karkat captor, and two roxy captors(one beforus sollux, one beta sollux) and one where im a ROBOT??? sollux swap heaven....
omg beforancestors hi. come be my friend
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gmanwhore · 8 months
I made up a list of my quadrants as each character i kin from Homestuck
Jade Harley:
Matesprit: Karkat Vantas
Moirail: Nepeta Leijon
Kismesis: N/A
Austispice: N/A
Rose Strider:
Matesprit: Kanaya Vantas and Aradia Peixes
Moirail: N/A (Traditionally human Best Friend was Jade Egbert)
Kismesis: N/A
Austispice: N/A
Kanaya Maryam:
Matesprit: Rose Lalonde
Moirail: Vriska Serket (Ex), Karkat Vantas
Kismesis: N/A
Austispice: N/A, for Vriska Serket and Eridan Ampora (Ex)
Nepeta Leijon
Matesprit: N/A
Moirail: Equius Zahhak
Kismesis: Terezi Pyrope
Austispice: N/A
Feferi Peixes
Matesprit: Rose Lalonde
Moirail: Eridan Ampora (Ex), Sollux Captor
Kismesis: N/A
Austispice: N/A
Gamzee Makara
Matesprit: Aradia Megido
Moirail: Karkat Vantas
Kismesis: N/A
Austispice: Kanaya Maryam
Aranea Serket
Matesprit: Latula Pyrope
Moirail: Mituna Captor
Kismesis: Damara Megido
Austispice: N/A
Callie Ohpeee:
Matesprit: Roxy Lalonde
Moirail: Jane Crocker
Kismesis: Vriska Serket
Austispice: Karkat Vantas
Oh that is excellent!!!!
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skaiakin · 9 months
I MEANT THE KIDS/TROLLS IM SO SORRY (pendulum kin anon). If that's still way too much which I totally get just the kids is fine!
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no worriie2, thank2 for 2peciifyiing. thii2 took a whiile becau2e of how many ii diid a readiing for, ii iincluded: the alpha and beta kiid2, the beta troll2 and the dance2tor2. hope that work2, your an2wer2 are under the cut:
(no worries, thanks for specifying. this took a while because of how many i did a reading for, i included: the alpha and beta kids, the beta trolls and the dancestors. hope that works, your answers are under the cut:)
John Egbert, pendulum answered: yes.
Rose Lalonde, pendulum answered: heavy no.
Dave Strider, pendulum answered: extremely heavy no.
Jade Harley, pendulum answered: no.
Jane Crocker, pendulum answered: light yes.
Roxy Lalonde, pendulum answered: extremely heavy no.
Dirk Strider, pendulum answered: unsure.
Jake English, pendulum answered: light no.
Karkat Vantas, pendulum answered: light yes.
Aradia Megido, pendulum answered: heavy no.
Tavros Nitram, pendulum answered: no.
Sollux Captor, pendulum answered: heavy no.
Nepeta Lejion, pendulum answered: yes.
Kanaya Maryam, pendulum answered: extremely heavy no.
Terezi Pyrope, pendulum answered: no.
Vriska Serket, pendulum answered: heavy yes.
Equius Zahhak, pendulum answered: unsure.
Gamzee Makara, pendulum answered: no.
Eridan Ampora, pendulum answered: heavy no.
Feferi Peixes, pendulum answered: light no.
Kankri Vantas, pendulum answered: heavy no.
Damara Megido, pendulum answered: extremely heavy no.
Rufioh Nitram, pendulum answered: extremely heavy yes.
Mituna Captor, pendulum answered: yes.
Meulin Lejion, pendulum answered: extremely heavy no.
Porrim Maryam, pendulum answered: unsure.
Latula Pyrope, pendulum answered: light yes.
Aranea Serket, pendulum answered: heavy no.
Horuss Zahhak, pendulum answered: extremely heavy no.
Kurloz Makara, pendulum answered: extremely heavy yes.
Cronus Ampora, pendulum answered: light no.
Meenah Peixes, pendulum answered: extremely heavy no.
hope the2e help. you know your2elf be2t.
(hope these help. you know yourself best.)
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wheremakingthishapen · 11 months
okay okay here's a fun little list of characters i've been in relationships with as my kins
<3: dualscar
<3: john egbert
<>: karkat vantas
<3: the signless/the sufferer
<>: porrim maryam
<3: eridan ampora
<>: kanaya maryam
<>: equius zahhak
<3: dice, gentaro, and jakurai(?)
<3: sarvente
<3: kanaya maryam
<>: karkat vantas
anyway, why am i putting all this here, you may ask? well, it's because all of these characters (minus sarvente bcuz it's complicated 🙄) are now f/os of mine bcuz i loved them so so much and i will continue to love them forever and ever and ever and ever. and now you know all the characters i loved/love so much
also i was in a pitch relationship with vriska in my sollux tl for a period of time but we broke up and also she sucked so that's why i didn't include her in this because fuck the vriska from my sollux tl specifically she can suck my dick. all other vriskas are fine tho i just hate that one in particular she personally wronged me
anyway that was my incoherent rambling i hope you enjoyed thank you for coming to my ted talk 👍
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A canon call??? on my blog??? real??
Anyways I was a Dave-ways Roxy Strider, and I'm looking for everyone except for Dirk and Dave Lalonde who I have found. So, minus them, the list of people that I need to come home bc I miss consists of: Rose Strider (Dirk-ways), Jane Harley, Jade Crocker and Jake Egbert! Pls if you kin them talk to me even if it's just to ask for Dirk and Dave's Tumblr I miss everyone ever
Update 3: There Is A Jake Now How Did This Happen So Fast
Update 5: Gamzee is also real now
Update 6: I should stop writing these as updates. ANYWAY NEPETA REAL!!
Under the cut is the full list of what trolls we've guessed/remembered/figured out so far, I'll keep updating it as we find out more (now actually updated!)
(all the trolls are swapped with Alphas btw, and Alpha trolls are swapped with Betas. for example, Eridan Vantas was Kankri swapped, which means Cronus would be swapped with Karkat)
Aradia Maryam (Maid of Space)
Tavros Ampora (Page of Hope)
Sollux Megido (Mage of TIme)
Karkat Zahhak (Knight of Void)
Nepeta Makara (Rogue of Rage)
Kanaya Serket (Sylph of Light)
Terezi Leijon (Seer of Heart)
Vriska Peixes (Thief of Life)
Equius Nitram (Heir of Breath)
Gamzee Pyrope (Bard of Mind)
Eridan Vantas (Prince of Blood)
Feferi Captor (Witch of Doom)
Also, here's the list of the humans' classpects:
Roxy- Rogue of Time
Dirk- Prince of Light
Jane- Maid of Space
Jake- Page of Breath
Rose- Seer of Heart
Dave- Knight of Void
John- Heir of Hope
Jade- Witch of Life
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attentiion feferii vanta2, eriidan leiijon, karkat zahhak, and aradiia ampora.
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hskinhome · 8 months
Hii, dropping my tq for this one boys(gn)
Hi im an Eridan Pyrope fictive, and im makin a canon call for myself >:]
The swaps for my tl are:
Humans -
Jade Egbert
Rose Strider
Dave Lalonde
John Harley
Kanaya Vantas
Gamzee Megido
Vriska Nitram
Equius Captor
Feferi Lejion
Karkat Maryam
Eridan Pyrope (me)
Tavros Serket
Sollux Zahhak
Aradia Makara
Terezi Ampora
Nepeta Peixes
I honestly would love to just find someone (kin or fictive idm either) with the same swaps but i also have detailss!!
Me and Tav were pitch/flush, and i think i was in a poly pale relationship w fef and sol (i think sol and i sometimes switched pitch too tho)
Me and John were rlly close even though i almost killed his sis and i think we almost started a flush relationship (i dont remember if we did or not, i think we might have?)
I remember being rlly close friends with kanaya and rose, who i think were flush too
Dave and kark definitely were flush lmao, think they got married
We were all from a tl where we finished the game and got to earth c and stuff too!
And i was blind </3 tav blinded me which sucked but i delt
My lusus was a sea serpent
And i think thats all for now before i ramble more lol, im gonna reach out to anyone who interacts with this because i dont want to put my @ here!! Alr byeee!!
“Hey! Its that eridan pyrope from before who sent in a canon call, i think forgot to mention im a minor bodily (i dont know if i did)”
Interact if this sounds familiar!
-Mod Nepeta
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paradoxkinspace · 3 years
I'm a Dave Lalonde (Roxy swap) hoping to find my Karkat Zahhak! The trolls from my tl were swapped with the canon dancestors, he was a Horuss swap. He and I interacted very little prior to the meteor, had a friendship long before we were a couple. On Earth C we ended got married and adopted kids. He liked glasswork and had a scar on the left side of his jaw but more on his hands. If any of this sounds familiar my blog is @tacetlyguttered so please message me, or check out my blog for more info!
Dave Lal looking for Karkat Zahhak anon again, ran out of characters in my last ask but 18+ preferred please!
(^=˃ᆺ˂)ノシ g99d luck 9n y9ur s3arch!!! calling 3arth c alphaswap karkat zahhak!!! y9ur husband @tacetlyguttered is l99king fur y9u!!! ◟(=`ω´=) ∫
[transcript: good luck on your search! calling earth c alphaswap karkat zahhak! your husband @ tacetlyguttered is looking for you!]
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hskin-center · 6 years
Canoncall from a Sollux Serket whos looking for his Kanaya Ampora and Karkat Zahaak. I was moirails with Kanaya and Karkat was my matesprite. Karkat was really buff and would do push ups with me on his back. Kanaya was really prim and proper and had a british accent. I was best friends with pale benifits with Nepeta Makara, who I have found. I'm 16 if that makes anyone uncomf. Message me @angelicdirk if this sounds familiar. I'm open to talking to anyone else from that tl too!
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fanonical · 8 months
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 3 years
Equius: D-> I fear no troll. But that thing?
Equius: D-> It scares me
Karkat, struggling to take off his microphone: HOW DO I GET THIS FUCKING THING OFF??!?!?
Kanaya: One Shudders To Imagine What Wretched Thoughts Lie Behind That Face Paint
Kanaya: What Dreams Of Chronic And Sustained Cruelty
Gamzee, internally, at all times:
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gmanwhore · 7 months
The list of the most important people to me as both of my Artstuck kins
As Fef Maryam:
Karkat Megido
Sollux Nitram
Terezi Vantas
Aradia Peixes
Vriska Zahhak
Dave Harley
As Ro Egg:
Rose Egbert
Alpha Rose Egbert
Jane Lalonde
Commander (Hal English)
Makes sense!!!!!
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