crowtrobotx · 9 months
I know everyone is tired of me bitching about this but why did they give Karl so many animal motifs. He’s a horse. A caterpillar. A moth. A stingray. A wolf. The fourth and most dangerous lord: Fursonas Georg.
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This day in history
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On THURSDAY (June 20) I'm live onstage in LOS ANGELES for a recording of the GO FACT YOURSELF podcast. On FRIDAY (June 21) I'm doing an ONLINE READING for the LOCUS AWARDS at 16hPT. On SATURDAY (June 22) I'll be in OAKLAND, CA for a panel and a keynote at the LOCUS AWARDS.
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#20yrsago Everything we know about traffic-calming is wrong https://www.salon.com/2004/05/20/traffic_design/
#15yrsago Truth about myths about myths about file sharing in Canada https://excesscopyright.blogspot.com/2009/06/more-myths-about-myths-about-file.html
#15yrsago Everyone wants to be a copyright gatekeeper, and gatekeepers are bad for copyright https://web.archive.org/web/20090619001439/http://www.internetevolution.com/document.asp?doc_id=178058&
#10yrsago After federal document-snatch, ACLU case over Florida cops’ phone surveillance collapses https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/06/judge-allows-us-marshals-seizure-of-stingray-records-dimisses-lawsuit/
#10yrsago Women in Video Games: women as background decoration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZPSrwedvsg
#10yrsago Top US patent judge resigns after ethics breach https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/06/top-us-patent-judge-resigns-following-ethical-breach/
#10yrsago John Oliver to FCC Chairman: prove you aren’t a dingo! https://www.techdirt.com/2014/06/16/tom-wheeler-im-not-dingo-john-oliver-prove-it/
#10yrsago Econobollocks: three ways that economic figures are misused in politics https://timharford.com/2014/06/theres-more-to-life-than-money/
#5yrsago Vancouver school-board adds gender-neutral pronoun https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/vancouver-school-boards-genderless-pronouns-not-likely-to-stick-if-history-is-any-indication
#5yrsago Berlin Senate approves five-year, citywide rent freeze https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-48677393
#5yrsago Karl Schroeder’s “Stealing Worlds”: visionary science fiction of a way through the climate and inequality crises https://memex.craphound.com/2019/06/18/karl-schroeders-stealing-worlds-visionary-science-fiction-of-a-way-through-the-climate-and-inequality-crises/
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scp372 · 4 months
karl heisenberg is so sexy actually. frankenstein’s army tetsuo man with stingray magneto superpowers final form modeled after royal moth caterpillar they could never ever make me hate you
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blueiscoool · 2 years
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What's Hidden Inside the Ancient Maya Pyramids?
What did the ancient Maya place inside these monumental structures?
The ancient Maya constructed hundreds of pyramids throughout Mesoamerica, from about 1000 B.C. to A.D. 1500, placing a wide variety of artifacts inside of them.
But what exactly did they put inside of them?
It turns out that, like the pyramids of ancient Egypt, those built by the Maya contained rich treasures and burials. But they also often contained something weirder — smaller pyramids inside the larger ones, experts said.
For example, the pyramid of "El Castillo," at the site of Chichén Itzá in the Yucatán Peninsula, contains a pyramid within a pyramid within a pyramid, like a Russian nesting doll.  
"The ancient inhabitants of the Yucatán Peninsula, when they arrived at a previously inhabited and abandoned site, did not destroy the old structures," Andrés Tejero-Andrade, a professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) who has studied and written about El Castillo, said in an email. "Rather a new one was built on top of those already present, and so on," he said, noting that this is why El Castillo has this nesting doll structure.
This practice was not unique to El Castillo; other Maya and non-Maya pyramids have this arrangement, Denisse Lorenia Argote Espino, a researcher at Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), said in an email.
Espino noted that building a pyramid on top of another pyramid "was a common practice in pre-Hispanic [before the Spanish arrived] times" and that "the main structures in long settlements [sites that were inhabited for a long time] usually have several constructive phases."
Still, such pyramid stacks aren't the most common things archaeologists find in Maya pyramids. While some Maya temples were used for rituals, others served as tombs for rulers or other elite individuals.
These burials contained artifacts such as jade masks (for the deceased), jade beads, obsidian blades and stingray spines, which were a symbol of self-sacrifice for the ancient Maya, according to Michael Coe's book "The Maya (opens in new tab)" (Thames & Hudson, 2011).
Stingray spines were associated with self-sacrifice because sometimes they were placed "through ears, cheeks, lips, tongue, and the penis, the blood being spattered on paper used to [anoint] idols," Coe wrote in his book.
The ancient Maya prized objects made of jade. One of the most famous examples is a jaguar throne found in the El Castillo pyramid.
"The Classic Maya esteemed jadeite not only for its preciousness and beauty but also as stone of great symbolic import," wrote Karl Taube, an anthropology professor at the University of California, Riverside, in a 2005 article published in the journal Ancient Mesoamerica (opens in new tab). For example, the Maya associated jade with maize, rulership and the wind itself, Taube wrote. "Jade was an important component of funerary rites and the ritual conjuring of gods and ancestors," he added.
More Maya artifacts
Maya pyramids contained many other remarkable artifacts. For instance, a pyramid at the site of San Bartolo, in northern Guatemala, contains a fragment of what may be the earliest Maya calendar ever found, dating back more than 2,200 years.
A pyramid at Copan, in Honduras, has a massive inscription containing more than 2,000 Maya glyphs inscribed on its staircase. The inscription tells the history of Copan's rulers, according to a 2006 Getty Conservation Institute report (opens in new tab). The Maya used a writing system that is sometimes called "Mayan hieroglyphic." This writing system has glyphs that represent sounds which form words that scholars can read and translate.
By Owen Jarus.
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madwizardsimulator · 1 year
Hi guys it's 2023 and I still fucking love the sims 3
I guess this post is about me or smth idk
Hi I'm Karl I'm a 20 year old compsi major and I fucking love The Sims 3. I play on Linux exclusively so I'll at some point probably also post tutorials on how to use various Sims programs and stuff on Linux.
My favourite activity in The Sims 3 is probably building, but I've really taken a liking to just live gameplay lately too. Honestly until recently The Sims 3 was just House Building Simulator tm to me because the game was so unbearably laggy on my old ass PC, but then I upgraded and it became playable outside build/buy mode.
This blog will be legacy logs, pics of stuff I've built, CC finds and maybe one day mods(I want to try building my own mods for TS3 at some point but right now I just don't have the time or energy).
But yeah that's about it feel free to ask or message or smth if you want to say something.
This is a sideblog, I follow and like from @karl-the-stingray
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unofficial-estonia · 3 years
ao3-s ei ole kättemaksukontori fandom kategooriat kas te suudate ette kujutada minu pettumust
aga see eest on seal olemas eestikeelsed BTSi ja Videviku fanfictionid :D 
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secretshinigami · 3 years
Clockwork and god
Author: @karl-the-stingray For: @transbb Pairings/Characters: Mikami Teru, mentions of Yagami Light Rating/Warnings: Suicidal thoughts Prompt: Mikami reflects on his regrets while in prison Author’s notes: Writing this fanfiction was… an experience. It was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be, however it was also way more interesting to write than most things since it’s kind of different from what I have been writing for the last couple of years! It’s a little bit shorter than I hoped, but I hope you’ll like it anyways!
His cell was plain and small.
It was solitary confinement. Teru did not mind that; he was taken outside for what he assumed was around an hour every day, given food thrice per day and he could ask the guard for various items to be given to him the next day.
He did not request anything.
The first day he woke up, he kept his eyes closed for a while, wondering why this place felt very much unlike his home. Then he remembered, and wished he had died in his sleep.
He rose, stretched, and ate the meal already waiting for him in front of the heavy metal floor. Then he laid down, and thought.
As a child he had never been religious; but he had wished he could have been. The world, and lives on it, were supposed to be beautiful, peaceful. People were supposed to work together for a better society, for humankind, not destroy and trample down others for the sake of their own selfish desires. Was there truly nobody besides himself who understood, nobody who cared? The accident had been just that, an accident. The price of his mother for four evildoers had been painful at first, but in the end it had been worth it.
If there is nobody to target those who have done evil, I must do it.
Had he not been right?
Of course he had been.
Teru did not regret being a prosecutor.
On the second day he woke up covered in sweat; he couldn’t remember what he had dreamed of, but judging from his pounding heart it must have been a nightmare.
He let his mind wander while he ate, and found himself recalling the warehouse. A single stray from a god’s path had caused him to end up here, had caused the god-
God? What god was there anymore, now that Light Yagami was dead?
He replayed various scenarios in his head over and over again; no matter how he looked at it, the failure was his. How could he have let the forged note fall into his hands, replace the real one?
Teru had been the fall of the order.
However, he was not angry at himself. What he felt could also not quite be called “sadness,” no, it was the knowledge of his failure causing him physical pain, making him wish he could have sacrificed himself to let the new order last and flourish.
Teru regretted not being good enough.
On the night before the third day, he could hardly sleep; Light Yagami kept appearing in his dreams, screaming.
Teru considered himself a rational person, someone who would not be shaken by irrational emotions and the world around him. He had had organized his entire life, made himself work like a precise clock, oiling all the gears in his everyday life with care.
Why did nobody wear wind-up pocketwatches anymore?
Why were they left behind to become rust and scrap metal?
Tradition cannot persist when the world wants to move on; it must adapt, slowly and smoothly. Change the gears one by one, change the casing, and while the clock is still a clock it has now become suitable for the new world, perhaps even assisted in building it. Teru, too, had at times changed small details, slowly adapted; even when he had to replace a gear his task stayed the same, much like regardless of its components a clock still must show time.
The sudden deaths had been the first gear to be replaced in his clockwork of a life. He had not been alone anymore, he had found someone else who had the same task as him; but unlike him, Kira did it quickly and cleanly, without having to go through lengthy battles to prove the deserved fate of a criminal.
What a god-like power, to punish without having to conform that twisted, sick society upheld by twisted, sick people.
Thinking back he was not quite sure which played a bigger part in his admiration; joy over the fact that he was not alone in seeking justice, or finding that what was happening in the world was objectively good.
Teru did not quite know if he regretted letting Kira change his life.
On the fourth day he thought over everything, again and again.
He had known from childhood that god was not real, and if he was, he was not kind.
The opposite, rather; at best god was indifferent, at worst god was just as sick as his creation.
Then why, Teru wondered, had he let Kira shake this firm belief? Why had he worshipped him as a god, as an infallible deity of justice?
There was no concrete, rational answer; Teru had to accept that he had perceived himself wrong. After all, there was only one explanation:
Teru had let his emotions disrupt the clockwork.
On the eighth day, Teru wondered if he might die soon; a part of him hoped for it, honestly. To be freed from this cell, for as of now he was not benefitting the society.
Teru regretted many things; his rules were not one of them.
But he did regret ever falling for an illusion of a God.
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Today’s Terrible OCiel Name Suggestion is...
“I don't know if anything similar has been suggested yet but...
Hi my name is”
Blue Dark'ness Dëmøñ Asthma Raven Phantomhive
“and I have short blue hair (that's how I got my name) and dark blue eyes like sapphire gems and a lot of people tell me I look like Ciel Phantomhive (AN: if u dont know who he is get da hell out of here!).”
Cursed by @karl-the-stingray
(Mod UT: I’ve had a few similar suggestions, but not quite this one. Congrats 🎉 on cursed status.)
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mikami · 4 years
I hope you are aware that there is an entirety of German Death Note podcast? Audio play? Idk I can't speak German there were gunshots available on Spotify. Makes me really wish I had chosen to learn German in the middle school.
I summarized and partially translated the whole thing, actually!
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Capcom is full of cowards they should've make Karl a fuckign stingray
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Randomly struck by the realization that, despite sharing several organs with them, Karl probably doesn’t know what a stingray actually looks like.
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crowtrobotx · 1 year
So Karl has the whole reference to being like an electric ray in Miranda’s notes right? My local zoo has an excellent stingray petting area (I know these aren’t the exact same creatures) and I just. Every time I go now, I imagine all the rays being weirdly drawn to him and Lottie just :D and getting to pet all of them because Papa is BFFs with the danger pancakes.
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Hey everyone I'm moving blogs my new blog is @karl-the-stingray
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thiswindyplace · 5 years
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"And I in it: light bundle, thoughtless, unforgettable, like a stingray to which lone stars shine their light. "
- Karl Krolow
photo @weheartit
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everricvlvm · 5 years
woo I’m gonna put all these 3.5 mates into one post so I hope that’s alright!!
STARRYBANKS APPLICATION FOR @starrybankgv  [ @nebyuula ​ ]
muse name: Esmeralda O’Brien
age: In her fifties
occupation: foster parent
zodiac sign: Gemini
favorite color: Deep, moss green
favorite fruit: Apples
what they do in town: She’s just living her life, raising Frederick and Jonathan most of the time, but she’ll also gladly look after anyone’s children if asked.
what are they KNOWN for in town: Babysitting whenever needed, and knitting scarves, hats, etc for others. 
places people can usually find them in town: In her house/garden, or in the park! She also visits the market every other morning unless the children are ill. 
dreams: seeing her children grow up healthy and happy
muse names: Frederick and Jonathan
age: 6 years old
occupation: they’re baby
zodiac sign: Gemini
favorite color: Light blue and green
favorite fruit: Oranges!!!
what they do in town: They mostly play around in Esmeralda’s house, but when given the chance, also run around in the park.
what are they KNOWN for in town: Being two hyperactive children who run around constantly.
places people can usually find them in town: Anywhere Esmeralda is.
dreams: They want to go to school one day!
muse name: Nicolas Robert Carreau
age: In his late fifties
occupation: A catholic priest
zodiac sign: Taurus
favorite color: Dark, ruby red
favorite fruit: Cherries
what they do in town: He’s a priest in the small catholic church.
what are they KNOWN for in town: Though the church is catholic in name, it’s open to people of all faiths; he’ll hear out anyone’s confessions and worries, and offer advice, solace and help to anyone who comes. 
places people can usually find them in town: Either the church or the small cottage next to it where he lives. 
dreams: Finding comfort for his own suffering, and being loved.
name: Karl
age: 17
preferred pronouns: He/him
favorite color: Blue!!! Especially sapphire blue
are you a dog or cat person: Is stingrays and fish an option? If not, cat
one fun event you’d like to see happen in starrybank (optional): Uhhhh,,,,, some kind of spring/Easter festival? People get together and children look for eggs in the park??
one thing you’re looking forward to in this gv (optional): Friends and having a good time(chorus: having a good time)
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unofficial-estonia · 4 years
Redel ega Suured Tüdrukud ei saanud eurovisioonile, mu päev on rikutud
lmao this is it ma magama <3
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