#karma league fan art
notoriouslydevious · 2 years
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Karma by 奶茶
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chim-chim1310 · 1 year
If there's one thing that consoles me in the middle of all this is that anyone can pay their way to the top all they want, but no one can buy respect. Jimin has gained and is still earning the respect of true fans and the gp who gets to know him and his art. He's a league away. His achievements are his and his alone, no one can genuinely steal them. He (and the hyung line) doesn't have to prove that he's organic because people know he is. He's already proved that he can succeed on his own without inflated numbers, radio push, and all the media play. I'll take jimin's genuine and profound music anytime over industry plants and recycled music. Plus don't forget, karma exists. Nothing lasts forever and the truth will always prevail.
Exactly!! All of this!!
I'm actually really glad that jimin isn't in grasp of scooter. I really hope that in future too scooter stays the f*ck away from jimin.
I'll gladly listen to jimin's real music, and see his real artistry than mediocre, recycled music. Even if it doesn't do good on the charts at least we'll get jimin's real music and jimin will be able to express himself properly without being a puppet to industry's big guys.
We stan jimin because he's a sweet and kind person and an amazing, talented artist. People who dropped him because of him not topping certain charts or being lower than anyone were never his real fans. We're here to listen jimin's music and fight against the unfairness towards jimin that's going on right now.
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doctorstrangereview · 1 month
Strange Tales #115
Cover Date: December 1963 On-Sale Date: September 10, 1963
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At this point, there are no more interruptions. Doc's stories are published up to the point Strange Tales ends by splitting into to books. This is a very special story. It tells us how Doctor Strange got the way he is, why his relationship with fellow student Mordo is so troublesome, and, most importantly, why he seems to have a short fuse from time to time. Also, from this point on, Doc's adventures will consume a growing page count of the magazine. In this case he eats three pages from the Human Torch story as his adventures grow from five to eight pages.
The splash page (not just a panel this time) shows us a slight change to his design. Docs face is a bit smoother and more handsome than his first three stories, but still has the Mr. Spock eyebrows. Was the makeup artist on Star Trek a Doctor Strange fan?
As Doctor Strange is already an established presence in prior issues, this whole story is a flashback. We begin with a haggard figure entering a mysterious chamber in INDIA! (The Ancient One's retreat was in Tibet in the previous two issues. Does it move around like John Constantine's House of Mystery in the Justice League Dark animated movie or The Beast's fortress in the movie Krull?)
When Ditko draws backgrounds in this story they are absolutely gorgeous, despite the limitations of the small size and printing techniques used at the time. He takes a shortcut here and there with blank backgrounds, but it all works well.
Our haggard figure, the pre-Master of the Mystic Arts Doctor Strange, stumbles into The Ancient One's chamber. (Yup, no security. The place is huge and practically deserted. Not even some mystical alarms in case a psychotic murderer wanders in.) He immediately demands The Ancient One bless him with his healing power.
The Ancient One, wearing an absolutely lovely purple gown with cool pointed shoulders and an even more fetching crown than the previous issue, says "Hey, wait a minute! You gotta be worthy to be healed by me!" And then proceeds to probe his mind without any consent. The first thing we learn is his first name: Stephen.
What does The Ancient One see? The good doctor was an incredible brilliant, successful, arrogant and selfish neurosurgeon. He was a real asshole with no interest in helping his fellow humans unless they could pay his tab. This is really the coldest he's been portrayed in any version of his origin. Even the MCU Doctor Strange has some sense of responsibility to those who need his skills. Karma was a real bitch to the good doctor. He gets into a severe car accident that, of course, damages the nerves in his hands so he's unable to hold a scalpel steady enough to operate, effectively ending his career. He is also too arrogant to use his skills in other areas or consult for other doctors. He feels this is beneath him. Instead, he spends his entire fortune on attempts to cure his condition which all fail. Depressed and despondent he becomes a drifter and overhears a couple of sailors talking about a mysterious man named The Ancient One who could cure anything. Doc spends the last of his money to travel to, well, wherever The Ancient One's home is and ask/demand a cure.
The old man isn't impressed. "You too selfish, dude! No way I'm wasting my power on you! This is why you're gonna be a dick to a cab driver in London in a few years! But, maybe there's a bit of you that ain't an asshole. If we can work on that maybe you can find your cure. Study my feet. Whoops! I mean study at my feet! It's another old mystic guru that has a foot fetish."
Doc is all WTF? "You old fraud! Wait, when did this snow get here? Did you do that? No, wait, you're a fraud. You couldn't have." The Ancient One replies: "Naturally, man of the wester world, you must not allow yourself to believe in magic! It would be... unseemly!" This is the closest we ever get to The Ancient One cracking a joke.
Doc realizes he's stuck there until the snow melts and The Ancient One introduces him to his student, Mordo. Perhaps titles of nobility are verboten in the yet-to-be-named Kamar Taj. Doc wonders around the giant, weird palace mainly being bored and laughing at Mordo as he studies.
While aimlessly wondering around while bored, Doc wanders by The Ancient One's formal throne room. (It'll be about a decade before we see the casual one again.) Out of nowhere, smoke appears and attacks the old man. This is an important moment. "The Vapors of Valtorr!! I am being attacked by an unseen enemy!!" Why is this important? This is the first mention of one of the many cleverly and oddly named patron entities in the series! Stan was writing all the dialogue at this point so these names are most likely his creation.
The Ancient One calls on more entities: the powers of the Vishanti, the Dread Dormammu and the all-seeing Agamotto. The smelly vapors vanish in a flash of light. Unfortunately, The Ancient One loses his crown. I hope it wasn't damaged when it fell off his head. (This also happened in the first Mordo story when he gets poisoned by his servant. It may explain the multitude of headgear.) The Ancient One is worse for the wear after the brief but fierce battle and Doc shows a bit of humanity by being concerned for the old man's health. He tells Doc that he can't rest until he finds a successor.
The snows have nearly melted and Doc is getting ready to leave. He walks past Baron Mordo doing something evil over a little statue of The Ancient One. He's also calling on Dormammu. This reveals a conflict with the previous story where Doctor Strange he suspected Mordo was evil. Here we see he knew it definitively from the start.
Mordo can't risk getting caught so he casts a spell on the doctor so he's unable to talk about the situation. Even thinking about Mordo causes an electric shock like an shock collar. Walking around some more, he sees Mordo being obsequious to The Ancient One, and in another display of not being a total dick tries to figure out a way to warn the old man. He realizes that Mordo can't completely silence him as that would be suspicious. He can talk of other things. "Righteous old dude! I changed my mind. I want to study your feet. Whoops! At your feet!"
"At last I've reached the real Dr. Strange! Let me relieve you of what's left of Mordo's nasty spell." "You knew?" "Of course!" The Ancient One then goes on to explain his godfather like wisdom of keeping his friends close and his enemies even closer. Doc then spends years studying with the old man (and Mordo) bringing us back to the present day.
There's a lot to unpack here. This is probably one of the more original origin stories. Up to this point most of the Marvel heroes have gotten their powers by accident. The Fantastic Four, Spider-Man and the Hulk were exposed to radiation. Thor stumbled across the disguised Mjolnir in a cave while on vacation. The X-Men were born with their powers. Iron Man is the closest analog of seeking out the power voluntarily. In Tony Stark's case it was to save his life after being wounded. In Doc's case it was to save his career, a somewhat more selfish motive. Iron Man's mission developed as time passed while Doc was aware of the burden of his responsibility from the get go. We get a lot in this story: Character development and growth for Strange, the introduction of magical entities, more visually spectacular magic, no ghostly fisticuffs.
We also get this. The almost final version of The Symbol of the Vishanti which will adorn many things in the series for decades to come, including Doc's mansion which hasn't been seen from the outside yet.
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leagueoflegendsna · 3 years
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Tranquility Dragon Karma Cosplay Art Commission by 迷路_Rzpeng Cosplayer 嚎哭深渊王者枫 *Cosplayer commissioned fanart of her Tranquility Dragon Karma cosplay. Leaving this here for all the, “WHY IS KARMA WHITEWASHED?” bc it’s not Karma, it’s of a Cosplayer.
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shamelessinnerbeast · 2 years
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Noxus vs Ionia - Two worlds collide...
Inspired by a comedy sketch.
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soramiruko · 4 years
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Ruined Karma
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littnerria · 5 years
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I tried play a Twitch with my friend as a support
This is how it ended... he carried our asses with Karma... well at least I had over 260 cs....
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rururunachan · 5 years
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sketches with your favorite girls look good.
I love to draw quickly, though not always have time.
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zzzkeo · 6 years
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This is my first year on attempting the challenge! following the official prompt list  + with a league of legends theme. linked here: INSTAGRAM
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notoriouslydevious · 1 year
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Dawnbringer Karma by 书源_Martin
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cryptoina · 3 years
Ruined Karma from League of Legends
Artist: CryptoIna
#LOL #League_of_Legends #LeagueOfLegendsArt #Karma #Ruined https://t.co/jWsvTg25JS
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yorlon1 · 4 years
Supptober day 7- Karma
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I don't really like her ult lol
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leagueoflegendsna · 3 years
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Sentinel Karma by 大 黑柱 (this artist usually draws karma with lighter skin, guess it’s a reference to her lighter complexion when she was pre-rework?) 
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(Reference: Old Sakura Karma & Sun Goddess Karma Chinese Splashes) 
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janyhero · 7 years
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WIP commission for Iris Nox
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richardautum · 7 years
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This started out as a Karma skin concept, Casual Karma, casual as in wearing casual clothing. I really like the champion but trying to draw faces that look in anyway similar to the characters is challenging, especially faces! I'm going to try and polish this concept art and maybe someday, I can draw an even better one. We'll see... Let me know what you think. :)
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saucygorgon-blog · 7 years
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Here’s the finished Conq Karma for my friend, ended up painting it!
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