#karone power rangers
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tampire · 9 months
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An Evil Game / A Date With Danger
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skyland2703 · 3 months
Ecliptor didn't deserve to die
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sbd-laytall · 2 months
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regaliasonata · 4 months
Andros, the Prince of Darkness😈🤴🏻😈
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Finally drew him after leaving that sketch of Dark Spector Andros alone for a whole year…enjoy
@augment-techs @skyland2703 @ninjastormz
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ranger-ribbons · 7 months
An idea: Power Ranger brainwashing recovery support group. From Tommy Oliver to Ollie Akana, there are a lot of people in this show who need it.
Tommy Oliver: Mighty Morphin Green, Mighty Morphin White, Dino Thunder Black
Karone: Lost Galaxy Pink
Merrick Baliton: Lunar Wolf
Ryan Mitchell: Lightspeed Titanium
Shane Clarke: Ninja Storm Red
Tori Hanson: Ninja Storm Blue
Dustin Brooks: Ninja Storm Yellow
Hunter Bradley: Thunder Storm Red/Crimson
Trent Fernandez Mercer: Dino Thunder White
Vida Rocca: Mystic Force Pink
Korrag: The Wolf Warrior
Kevin Yamamoto: Samurai Blue
Ollie Akana: Dino Fury Blue, Cosmic Fury Blue
They trickle in one by one.
The brainwashed, those under spells, the ones who were raised bad, lied to, cast aside. The ones who lost their memories or were fallen in battle and risen as evil. The ones who were tricked.
Tommy, as always, leads these meetings. He's there before any of them. Karone slips in after him, sitting prim and proper in her seat as she texts her magni, "treasure," literally translated. Merrick follows her, sitting cross-legged on the couch and fiddling with the collar of the silver jacket he wears. Then comes Ryan Mitchell, his ring flashing in the meager light and eyes angry, looking around pissed off as if asking for a fight. Tommy makes sure to pay close attention to the demon-raised man.
Following Ryan, the Ninja Storm Rangers - Red, Blue, and Yellow. The pair bring with them an electric feeling, like a storm was on the rise, just waiting to happen. Next comes Trent, breathing deeply to calm himself down, the White kisses his girlfriend goodbye at the door and sends her off, looking like he'd rather go with her. Tommy keeps a special eye on him as well.
After Trent, Vida Rocca charges in. She wears a new pink choker, her only allowance to her color, the rest of her outfit is varying shades of black, white, and grey. On Vida's heels comes Leanbow, the Wolf Warrior, among the oldest of the Power Rangers. Right at the start time, Kevin Yamamoto comes in, calm and poised as any samurai Tommy has ever met. And five minutes later, in trails their newest member, Ollie Akana.
"Are we missing anyone?" Tommy asks after another five minutes.
Karone shakes her head. As Tommy’s assistant in Jason and Billy's absence, it's her job to keep track of the topics and make sure everyone who wants to speak gets a chance.
Tommy nods. "Alright," he says. "Let this session start, then. Where did we stop last time?"
Karone checks her notes. "Hunter Bradley was talking about his time on the island trying to kill his brother."
Tommy glances at the Ninja Rangers. Shakes shakes his head. "Hunter and Blake went to visit their grandmother. She got really sick."
"Well, alright. Before we get into it, let's welcome our newest member, Ollie Akana."
Ollie looks up, startled. When all eyes turn to him, he waves awkwardly. Ollie is intelligent, like Billy and Justin, so Tommy’s not shocked to see his less than stellar social skills. "Hi," Ollie says, faux casual.
"Introduce yourself?" Tommy offers.
Ollie swallows before nodding. "I'm Ollie," he says unnecessarily. "I'm Dino Fury and Cosmic Fury Blue. I guess I'm here for support? I don't really know."
Tommy nods. "It's okay, man, we've all been there. If you want to talk about it today, we'll listen."
Ollie thinks about it for a second, but ultimately shakes his head. "Not today," he says. His voice is devastated. Tommy knows how he feels.
"Alright," Tommy replies. He moves on, so the spotlight is off Ollie. "Ryan, you wanna kick us off?"
Ryan looks up, eyes like molton steel, and nodded. "Yeah," he replies. "We found a straggler a few days ago. I knew this one personally. He tried to beg for mercy, talking about all the 'great times' we'd had together." Ryan scoffs, one arm around his waist. "I don't think he understood just how much those great times actually hurt. Sucks."
Tommy nods. "I understand," he replies. "It's rough meeting the people we once considered friends before."
Vida raises a hand. "Some of the Briarwood folk still look at me like I'm gonna sprout fangs and eat them. Others wish I'd go back," she explains. Turning to Ryan, she adds, "It's never easy, is it?"
Ryan shakes his head. "Sometime, when they aren't paying attention, the Lightspeed Rangers will flinch like they expect me to hit them," he replies. "Hurts being only seen as the guy who got raised by demons."
Karone hums sympathetically. "Or the daughter of evil," she adds in.
"Your Red is you brother, right?" Ryan asks. "He the only one that doesn't look at you like you're gonna snap at any second?"
Karone nods, shifting closer. Tommy allows the group to keep talking, only speaking up when the conversation allows. This is what this group is for: to allow the various brainwashed Rangers to commiserate and share their pain. Tommy turns his attention to the newest Blue. He walks over and sits next to the twenty year old, the youngest of his team. "Hey," he says.
Ollie startles again, looking up. "Hi, Doctor Oliver," he replies.
Tommy smiles. "Just Tommy," he asks. "Only my students call me doctor."
Ollie nods in acceptance.
Tommy sobers and continues, "I know you're not ready to talk about it, but one day, it's gonna hit you hard that you almost killed the people you love. It's gonna hit fast and it's gonna hit soon." He reaches into his pocket and produces his business card. "When it happens," he says, "call me. I'll be there as soon as I can."
Ollie takes the care hesitantly with shaking hands. He looks up at Tommy with wide eyes, then nods. "Thanks," he replies.
Tommy smile again. "'S what I'm here for."
@softlytowardthesun Thank you!
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If at first you don't succeed, remove all evidence that you tried.
Karone, Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
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buster-loves-pr · 3 months
do you think Karone often thinks about Ecliptor and is conflicted on how to feel about him.
Like, he was evil and wanted to do bad things to innocent prople
he raises her. He was kind to her and never really did anything harmful to her.
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thena0315 · 3 months
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the-mad-closet · 3 months
Do you feel like doing more Karone stuff for a prompt? I like her being Lesbian but honestly...anyone you pair her with is fun, your writing is awesome. :D
Oooh, love that! Okay, lemme grab Kendrix! And thank you, I'm flattered! ~ Kendrix whines softly, dipping her chin to make the hand in her hair tug a little harder. "Please," she gasps.
Karone laughs softly. "I've never wanted to fuck you more than I do right now," she says. "Unfortunately, you have a meeting in ten minutes."
"No," Kendrix pleads. "Please, more."
Karone laughs again, smoothing a hand down the front of Kendrix's unbuttoned uniform and dipping inside, then fingering the elastic on the beautiful pink lace panties Kendrix had pulled on this morning. Karone inches her fingers further under the waistband, past the soft hair, and further down.
Kendrix moans as the tips of Karone's fingers hit her clit. "Please," she begs. "Oh, please."
Karone grins wolfishly. "Better make this quick then," she decides.
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ninjastormz · 3 months
Challenge: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite.
Tagging: @regaliasonata @quantum-pronouns @pinkrangerv & anyone else who wants too
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pinkrangerv · 1 year
So I was rewatching Power Rangers in Space for like the fiftieth time because I was diagnosed on Fark.com with 'weapons-grade autism' and I am very proud of this (also, I need to make a hat).
And I noticed something.
During Karone's arc, when she discovers who she is, we aren't supposed to be cheering for TJ and the Space Rangers.
At the point she goes onto the Megaship, it is very clearly established that she is 1) brainwashed 2) constantly being threatened with death and 3) being abused by Dark Spectre. We know this. Andros knows this. And Andros has told the others, repeatedly.
This is the point where the Power Rangers are supposed to save her from Dark Spectre. We've seen this in other cases of Rangers getting turned--usually Tommy, but Kat also got saved, because that's what Power Rangers are supposed to do.
Instead Karone thinks she needs to bargain her way to safety with Zordon's location, and she's right. Andros tries to stand up for her, but TJ and the others override him almost instantly.
We aren't supposed to agree with that. That's why TJ apologizes later. That's why the Rangers get so close to dying when they ignore Karone's plan and don't ask her for help.
So let's just take a minute to remember: A kid's show in 1998 expected people to use critical thinking, even about superheroes.
Because holy shit, I love this show so much now.
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skyland2703 · 3 months
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sbd-laytall · 2 months
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regaliasonata · 4 months
Karone finding out Zhane was seeing Andros behind her back through the astral plane
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@ninjastormz @lordkingsmith
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