#katerina smirnova
jpriest85-blog · 11 months
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After reading the @vendetta-if Halloween special featuring young MC, Ash, and Rin. I was inspired to doodle a little comic of my MC, Katerina Smirnova aka Kitty early play dates with Rin and Ash.
Kitty, squeezing Rin's cheeks: You cute little thing!
Rin, annoyed pushes Kitty away: I am not cute. I am a grown up man.
Ash: You're only five. Why are you acting like an old man?
I imagine Katerina was always a very affectionate child, which can be cute when she's cuddling with her family and friends. Although since she was so young then she didn't learn yet how some people aren't as comfortable with physical affection, like Rin being annoyed by Kitty squeezing his face and calling him cute. It's a bit ironic because Kitty being so tactile and affectionate is part of the reason Takashi was so determined to have Kitty become his future daughter in law.
He was already invested in getting closer to Viktor, the fact that little Katerina was so willing to welcome Takashi after learning that he was her dad's childhood friend by addressing him like a family member already and even initiating a hug. Takashi was instantly charmed. How could he resist such an adorable and sweet little girl? Although Viktor was a bit annoyed that Takashi kept fussing about how he wanted to bring Katerina home with him to become Rin's bride, he practically demanded Takashi release his daughter.
Although Katerina being so physically affectionate also changes her dynamics with Ash and Rin when both get older. Sure Ash is used to Kitty being so casual with touch, but it does make things awkward when they get older, and Ash starts developing feelings towards Katerina. Heck, I imagine part of the reason nothing more happened between them despite living together for two years is both Ash and Kitty, assuming their casual moments of intimacy are just typical "Gal pal" stuff and feeling self conscious about wondering if the other person wanted something more than just friendship.
Rin, on the other hand, develops a different attitude about Katerina being so physically affectionate as he gets older. Sure, he's still not a big fan of PDA, and Kitty is more respectful of Rin's boundaries, although he doesn't mind her being cuddly with him when it's just the two of them (and other forms of physical affection when they're alone together 😘). Although it's interesting to imagine Rin's dynamic with Kitty changing over the years, from being annoyed by his dad's persistent match making attempts as a child. Sure, he likes spending time with Kitty she's fun and just a genuinely kind person, which does make Rin worry about her despite the fact she's older than him. Then cue puberty and hormones, and Rin starts wanting Katerina to see him as a man instead of just a cute little kid she used to play with. That and Rin seems to be the type of person who'd enjoy seeing Kitty get flustered when he flirts with her, although I imagine it was a surprise for Katerina the first time it happened. Sure, as a teenager, Kitty has had her share of boys hit on her, and she knew Rin always acted so mature for his age. Still, she was very caught off guard the first time Rin made a very suave and flirtatious gesture towards her.
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dors-ee · 2 years
Valentine's day (a wee bit late)
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I imagine they were terrible gossips together, at parties or elsewhere, when they just got together head to head or side to side mumbling and watching others, gossiping.
Her dress is inspired by the dress of Lou de Laâge as Kitty (princess Katerina Shtcherbatsky) in the miniserie of Anna Karenina from 2013 (with Vittoria Pucini), the one at the party at the beginning, so 1870s ish period, going on 1880s. The whole concept, facial expression, the fan, is coming from a picture of Olga Smirnova and Jacopo Tissi in the ballet Orlando, by Christian Spuck, photo by Natalia Voronova (Talia ballet on instagram). Levi's clothes are a mix of comte Saint Germain, in Outlander, season 2, and Jamie's boots in season 3.
In addition to that, talking about being late I have some Lunar New Year, Imbolc (pagan holiday, 1st of february) arts and a lantern festival OS to publish. I've been pushing it off for a few days now... but I really want to at least put the Lantern festival art and OS out.
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balletomaneblog · 2 years
Hi there! Considering all the theaters/dancers you follow, what debuts do you wish to see?
Great question! First and foremost, I'd love to see Eleanora Sevenard as Odette/Odile with the Bolshoi. I saw a couple of clips of her performing Odette with another company on Telegram and I absolutely loved it. She'd also be a really interesting Juliet. Elizaveta Kokoreva as Aurora would be so so excited to watch and if the Bolshoi starts performing Le Corsaire again, Kokoreva would be a really energetic and lovely Gulnare. Finally, I'd like to see Shrainer as Giselle and/or Shirin.
Now, for the Mariinsky. Batoeva needs to do Nikiya, I'd love to see Khiteyeva as Aurora, and Iliushkina would be a beautiful Giselle. As for Khoreva, I'd like her to debut some of the smaller name ballets, like Parasha in the Bronze Horseman or Katerina in the Stone Flower. I think she'd also be lovely as Maria in the Fountain of Bakhchisarai. And finally, I have such a soft spot for Ionova, even though she's not had a lot of traction lately. I just think she'd be a lovely Sylph.
Outside of the Mariinsky and Bolshoi, it would be interesting to see Anastasia Smirnova perform Odette eventually, now that she's debuted Odile. I'm not totally sure she's ready but I think she'd have a really unique take on it.
Finally, it feels kinda pointless to comment on debuts for the RB seeing as dancers debut roles so so slowly there. All the younger dancers I'm following are going to have to wait quite a while for principal roles. I will say, I'd love to see Maeda or M. Sasaki as Princess Florine in the upcoming Sleeping Beauty, though I don't anticipate this happening for Maeda as she's still a First Artist.
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pennydreadfulrpg · 5 years
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Respira hondo, sabiendo que estaba a punto de decir algo de lo que quizás se arrepintiera, pero como mujer grande que era, no iba a detenerse ante nada para tener aquello que quería. —Así que se acabó. No voy a jugar a ese juego contigo. Nunca más. Si quieres desperdiciar tu vida con alguien que no te merece y que ni siquiera está a la altura… es tu problema— a fin de cuentas, ¿de verdad iba a ser suficiente para él? Una pequeña rata asustada que ni siquiera era capaz de darle la cara. Lo dudaba, pero era algo que él mismo tenía que valorar —.Lo que opine ese alguien más, es mi problema. Después del beso, tú seguirás tu camino y yo el mío. Y sí, estaba deseando que la besara, pero también se hubiera sentido decepcionada de haberlo conseguido a la primera. Así que simplemente se mantiene tranquila, en apariencia, dejando que él revoloteara a su alrededor. Su expresión seguía siendo ligeramente de disgusto. Con él. Con ella. Con esa maldita obsesión que lo mantenía lejos de sus manos.
Katerina Smirnova & Andrew Stanton-Phillips
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saevascaeva · 5 years
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Se tomó la libertad de quitarle ese sombrero, con un cuidado exquisito, a pesar de ver esa mirada transparente con un gesto de sorpresa, incomprensión y... ¿animosidad? Andrew chasqueó la lengua en su paladar, sin dejar de mirarla. De no haber visto cierto miedo en aquellos ojos transparentes, no se habría sentido tan empoderado—. Vas a aceptarme, Kate.—murmuró por un momento en el que desvió sus azules de ella, para ver dónde tirar el sombrero de la fémina—. Vas a dejar de creerte todo lo que te ha dicho Elise, sobre mí.—volvió a ella, acortando un poco más la distancia—. Te ha metido pura patraña en la cabeza.—enarcó ambas cejas, hablando despacio y hasta con un toque comprensivo. No iba a aprovecharse mucho más de lo que ya lo estaba haciendo—. Porque sabes que es lo que quieres hacer.—emitió una pequeña sonrisa que rozó la sinceridad—. ¿Verdad?—alzó su mano, para apartar ese velo que la escondía de él. De todos, en realidad. Por decir ser fiel a un vampiro y luego verse a solas con otro—. Porque no te cabe en la cabeza que tu mejor contrincante a las cartas sea lo que tu amiga te ha dicho.—una excusa estúpida como otra cualquiera. Ese pequeño vicio que ambos compartían podía ser lo único, además de Elise, que les uniera. De una forma retorcida, en realidad.
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bridgetolostcity · 5 years
El matrimonio había procreado dos hijas, Isabel que poseía una finura de espíritu y una dulzura de carácter heredado de su madre, todo lo contrario, a Ana; que era tan vanidosa como su padre. Y era la menor de los Wenworth que procuraba ser más avivada, no perdía la oportunidad de abordar al vampiro con sus acostumbrados interrogatorios e imprudencia mientras que Isabel procuraba mantener una estampa digna de admirar en una joven de su edad. Desde que había conocido a Ralph le había tomado una gran estima y un caluroso afecto, llegando a crear cierta incertidumbre a Cordelia y al capitán. Lucern era un hombre de atractiva apariencia y su buena estampa más su linaje eran poderosos argumentos para atraer el amor de Isabel. No obstante, Isabel era la más querida y la más preciada de las criaturas para Ralph. No había ningún interés de su parte en cortejar a la hermosa joven.
Lucern  @pennydreadfulrpg​
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brodkapatrycja97 · 2 years
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Griga Irina 그리가 이리나 Smirnova Lina 스미르노바 리나 La Risa 라 리사 Arteya Dee 아르테야 디 Olga Barz 올가 바즈 Malia Anni 말리아 아니 Gerda May 제르다 메이 Kate Basic 케이트 베이직 Masha More 마샤 모어 Makarova Katerina 마카로바 카테리나 Zaitseva Diana 제이츠바 디아나 Volkova Regina 볼코바 레기나 Semyonova Tanya 시묘노바 타냐 Trubnikova Alena 트러브니코바 알레나 Golubeva Anastasia 골루베바 아나스타시아 Petrova Juicy 페트로바 쥬시 Vasilyeva Daniella 바실리예바 다니엘라 Sergeeva Anastasia 서르지바 아나스타시아 Zaytseva Natasha 제이츠바 나타샤 Popova Vika 파포바 비카 Solovieva Natasha 솔로비바 나타샤
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melmothblog · 4 years
World Ballet Day broadcast
I’ve received some questions about WBD. Thank you to everyone who’s sent messages in!
What were your thoughts about the WBD broadcast? Personally, I wished the rehearsal vids and interviews were a tad longer
Hi Melmoth - On World Ballet Day I want to give you a big thanks for your wonderful blog! It has brought me closer to ballet these past several years. On another note - It is great to see Ana Turazashvili hosting the Bolshoi World Ballet Day - SUCH and improvement over past years.
Why do you dislike Novikova? Is it because she's just kinda annoying and prattles on when translating things or is there something more?
What’s so horrible about Katerina Novikova 😂😂😂
First off, on the matter of Novikova: it all boils down to the fact that her English isn’t good enough for a world broadcast of this magnitude. Her personality and presentation skills aren’t great (on camera) either. Ana, on the other hand, speaks English much better and is bubbly and engaging – exactly what you’d want from a host. It’s also really cool to see actual dancers hosting the broadcast. 
I will never understand why they do the interview live in the first place. That’s the one segment they can absolutely record and release with subtitles. I would prefer to see live rehearsals.
I get why the Bolshoi pre-records their rehearsals – they can add subtitles and generally show a lot more footage than they would’ve been able to with a live broadcast – but I’d like to see some more live stuff. Not just the class (which was also pre-recorded this year), but rehearsals. Or, perhaps, the rehearsal footage can be longer. And, of course, I want to see more focus on the stars: Zakharova, Smirnova, Rodkin, etc.
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guardianasdelrpg · 4 years
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The road so far -  Marcus Callahan búsca algunos lobos
Galilaeus primary school  -  Nikolai Nevski busca personal y benefactores para el orfanato.
Eve's society - Katerina Smirnova busca mujeres que quieran luchar por la igualdad de la mujer
Conexiones por el mundo -  Aeryn Kersaint busca tramas de su pasado.
Pon un banquero en tu vida - Dave C. MacKenzie busca amigos y personas con las que hacer negocios.
There is a wolf inside (tramas)  - Prudence A. Blackburn busca lobos y personajes relacionados con el mundo sobrenatural.
Alies and enemies always come for good - Riona N. Mac Cionanoith busca tanto aliados como amigos
Deudas pendientes  -  Nikolai Nevski busca brujos a los que reclamarle pactos de sus antepasados.
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lcndofdreamsss · 5 years
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ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ            ───  you torture saints with a single glance ───
☆ Joffrey Aleksander Iscariotes Lonhföff-Nikolaevna  ── THE DARK PRINCE ☆ Polly Katerina Smirnova-Nikolaevna  ──  THE SHADOW QUEEN ☆ Arseni Konstantin Smirnova-Nikolaevna  ──  THE NEW AGE ARTIST  ☆ Anastasia Johanna Smirnova-Nikolaevna ── THE HEIRESS ☆ Pyotr Sergei Smirnova-Nikolaevna  ──  THE STAR CROSSED ☆ Zorya Freyja Smirnova-Nikolaevna ── THE MUSE ☆ Aleksey Hagar Smirnova-Nikolaevna  ── THE HAPPY CHILD ☆ Josef Haymitch Smirnova-Nikolaevna ── THE SWEET BABY
❛ a little bit of sugar                                    but lots of P o I s O n too.
                           and in the darkness our souls show us the way.                            dark and violent.                            bloody and homicidal.
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jpriest85-blog · 1 year
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Some more Halloween art for @vendetta-if . This time depicting Viktor with my MC, Katerina, as a little girl wearing a sparkly snow princess costume.
It's bitter sweet to think about them and the sort of activites and traditions they used to do.Viktor taking Kitty and Ash trick or treating. Little fashion shoots of the kids in their costume, and staying up late with the kids for scary movie marathons with Luka. Viktor and Luka discover glitter from Katerina's costume on everything for weeks after Halloween is over.
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danzadance · 4 years
The Prodigy from 99.media on Vimeo.
What does it take to become a prima ballerina? In this intimate film by director Michael Sugrue, we follow Olga Smirnova, a rising star at the prestigious Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. It’s a story about perseverance. The gruelling dedication and sacrifices a young ballerina makes to see her dreams come to fruition.
Capturing the St. Petersburg native over two days, you’re inside Smirnova’s world, consumed with rehearsals and little time to breathe. Running on all cylinders, you witness her unwavering work ethic - dancing from dusk until dawn - and the lonely existence she leads, as a result. But she doesn’t seem to mind. She’s living her dream.
Camera and edit: Michael Sugrue Producer: Fyodor Mozgoyov / The Key Productions Score: Patricio José Sanchez, Steve Nossiter Sound recordist: Philipp Starenko Sound design: Michael Sugrue, Philipp Starenko Assistant camera: Dima Solovyov B camera operator: Ivan Markarov Gaffer: Ilya Maximov Special thanks: Olga Smirnova, Marina Kondratieva, Katerina Novikova, Michail Yarush and the entire staff of the Bolshoi Theatre.
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pennydreadfulrpg · 5 years
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Gruñó por lo bajo, pero se detuvo tal y como le había ordenado. No le hacía ninguna gracia el poder que él tenía sobre ella, pero no tenía forma de deshacerse de eso. —Porque no te gusta lo fácil. Si todo fuera fácil conmigo, te habrías aburrido al minuto uno de conocerme— ojo, que no lo estaba haciendo para conseguir enredarlo, simplemente ella era así —. No, Andrew. Tu castigo es haberme perdido por irte detrás de alguien que no merece la pena.
Katerina Smirnova & Andrew Stanton-Phillips
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saevascaeva · 5 years
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'Light is easy to love. Show me your darkness.'
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melmothblog · 6 years
Ask Responses: Vaganova
Do you know what happened to Svetlana Savilieva? Per her instagram photos it looks like she had surgery of some sort (on her knee?).
She had extra bones (Os Trigonum) removed from her ankle. Apparently, it’s a pretty common problem with dancers. Although, she did mention that the condition hadn’t actually been confirmed. So it looks like the operation may have been a bit of a gamble... Sveta seems in good spirits though, and has documented the whole thing in insta stories. I hope she makes a quick recovery, but I don’t think we’ll see her in “Nutcracker” this year. Which is disappointing.
You said in a recent post that only 5-10% of students who start in grade 1 complete their studies and that Katerina Kuzmicheva was especially impressive as she has. Is that different than any other student (Say, one of the girls showcased in the Little Swans documentary or Khoreva or Ionova) finishing their schooling or am I missing something and Kuzmicheva is extra special?
Sorry, I should have worded it better / clearer. What I was trying to say is that any student who makes it through all eight years at Vaganova deserves respect and admiration, because it is an incredibly hard training program to survive.  
1st of all, thank you for the Vishneva interview translation! 2nd, regarding your comment about Katya Kuzmicheva, I find it interesting that, along w/ her, actually most of her class has made it from first to grad year: Sevenard, Bogdashkina, Uzanskaya, Frolova (who never left VBA), K. Spiridonova, Y. Spiridonova, Ustyuzhanina, Legacheva... this MUST be more than in previous years, no? Really of those graduating, only Khiteeva, Savelieva & foreign students joined after 1st yr. Seems remarkable!
You’re very welcome! Yes, you’re right, there are quite a few girls in Kuzmicheva’s year who made it through the entire Vaganova training program. I’m not sure how it compares to the class of 2018 though. The number varies from year to year, but it is generally pretty small. 
Re the new paid option for students starting in 1st grade, it was anounced that selected candidates who passed the first and second part of the audition but not the third, would be eligible to pay. So I envisioned a class of paid students. But it appears that only a couple of first year students were accepted as paid students, and they are integrated into regular classes. Do you know if this is correct? Will there be a switch if these students perform better than the others in the annual exam?
As I am not affiliated with Vaganova Academy, I can’t give you the exact information about the paid program. If I had to venture an educated guess, I would say that the number of paid places would be strictly limited, meaning that there wouldn’t be enough paid students to make up an entire class. Also, it wouldn’t make sense to train the paying students separately or otherwise treat them differently. Logically, there should be a relatively small number of paying students who are integrated into the rest of the cohort. 
What did Svetlana S said about her weight in her insta?
She detailed her experience of achieving rapid and extreme weight loss, what triggered it, how she did it, what effect it had on her body, and how she recovered. I have read similar accounts by Vaganova students and grads before, and they’re not pretty. I briefly considered translating some of them, as they highlight the dangers such choices pose, but then I realised that I will potentially be giving some vulnerable people step-by-step instructions on how to starve themselves. Tumblrs is already filled with pro-ana crap and I don’t want to contribute to it.
This summer I discovered that YouTube was a hot bed for ballet videos and thanks to the RT documentaries there I found myself watching many Vaganova graduation performances. Questions: Do graduates like Khoreva, etc—dancers with great primal potential—happen every year? And how many have corporate sponsors? Khoreva has Bloch & Nike—even young Olya Morgulets is a Merlet ambassador!
No, students of Khoreva’s potential are pretty rare. Obviously, Vaganova generally produces graduates of a very high caliber, but I’d say that ones like Masha come along once or twice in a generation. And that’s if we’re lucky. 
None of the students have corporate sponsors, but some do develop working relationships with major brands (that’s a bit different from having a sponsor). 
I had also been wondering about Alena Lebedeva. She still has the Instagram account alionas_kate but it isn’t clear if she is still a Vaganova student.
It looks like she may now be a student of the Rudolph Nureyev Ballet Academy in Ufa.
In the past ten years, who do you think the top 5 VBA grads have been?
Olga Smirnova (2011)
Renata Shakirova (2015)
Anastasia Lukina (2015)
Alena Kovaleva / Maria Ilyushkina (I couldn’t decide between them) (2016)
Maria Khoreva (2018)
That’s just my personal view.
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jpriest85-blog · 1 year
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Some @vendetta-if fan art for Pride month. Featuring my MC Katerina "Kitty" Smirnova taking a selfie with her two sweethearts in her poly relationship, Ash and Rin.
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