d-fauntleroy-duck · 7 years
Hey there, I've been trying to find a solid answer to these questions with no luck: Was Donald canonically raised by Grandma Duck? And, if so has anyone ever clarified what happened to Hortense and Quackmore? Also I know there are a few comics out there talking about Donald's childhood and I was wondering if you could recommend a few.
The problem with ‘canon’ can usually be summarized with the saying, “too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the broth”. You’ve got your Don Rosa, Carl Barks, Elisa Penna, Vic Lockman, Marco Rota and many, many others, all of whom have had a chance to write Duck family comics and input their own take on canon. Was Donald canonically raised by Grandma Duck? Yes, in a few cases we can trace back to instances that show little baby Donald Duck with Grandma Duck. This Is Your Life, Donald Duck, a book from 1960, shows Grandma Duck raising him.
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I believe we also get from this book the reasoning behind why Donald wears a sailor hat; apparently he bonks his head on the ground like that because he hates the silly bonnet Grandma put on him. She takes him to see a naval ship one day, he keeps bonking his head on the deck but in doing so he alerts the sailors that the bulkhead is full of water through the unusual sound his head was making against the deck. As thanks, one sailor gives Donald his cap and poor Donald never has to wear that silly bonnet again. 
Now both This Is Your Life, Donald Duck and another comic called Happy Birthday, Donald or From Egg to Duck were both written by Marco Rota, who was stuck on the concept of Donald being ‘found’ by Grandma Duck and raised from an egg. Rota didn’t care for the concept of Della and never acknowledged her existence so to him Donald doesn’t have a twin sister. Of course that also means he didn’t believe there was a Hortense or Quackmore to conceive baby Donald. 
Unfortunately at this point in time there aren’t any comics that go into any sort of explanation behind the current location or circumstance Hortense and Quackmore are in. From The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck we know they were a real couple and they’re the parents of Donald and Della Duck but no one’s given us anything to go on where they are now or what happened to them.
Right now the Netherlands is releasing one page comics going over a lot of baby Donald’s first experiences (Donald’s Eerste ...), a lot of which include little Della, Gladstone and Fethry. They’re cute, so far there’s been one on finding his first Easter Egg, his first dance lesson, competing with Della is prominent in a few of them. Those are definitely worth finding if you can, though you might need to have them translated from their original Dutch. yourstrulychitchat here on tumblr has a few uploaded. 
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theherocomplex · 8 years
Replies! <3
I’m home, and installed in bed for the rest of today, and I owe many, many of you thanks. 
latterligturtles replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
All of the hugs and love in the WORLD �������� Love ya Bee ��
hotmilkytea replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
you are great and i love you and i am sending you hugs
feedthedamnfish replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
All the best wishes, good vibes and hugs (if wanted) for you!
spinninglenny replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
Have all of the hugs, Bee! I'll be thinking of you and sending positive energy in your direction <3
snuffes replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
ALL MY HUGS ARE GOING TO YOU. you are great and you will be okay! i'll be home all weekend and i am always up for talking if you need it<3<3<#
coppermarigolds replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
All of the hugs and prayers for you. <3 I hope the surgery goes as smoothly as possible and you have a recovery that's quick and easy and full of kitty snuggles.
cesarin replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
As someone who survive 9 surgeries...Lots of Luck
faejilly replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
probablylostrightnow replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
*HUGS* Will send warm thoughts your way all through the process. <3
servantofclio replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
you have all my love, and the cats send cuddles.
silksieve replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
<3! Hope you have a swift and easy recovery. Will be thinking of you!
prideling replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
Oh Bee... I know the feeling of wanting to be in control all the time. Maybe it doesn't feel like it right now so let me remind you: YOU ARE VERY BRAVE. This is some scary shit, but you're strong and awesome and are going to get through it just fine. There's gonna be a bunch of people sending you their love and best wishes, me included, and when it's over you get to cuddle with your kitty sleep all you want. You got this, Bee!
kleptotello replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
I'll be thinking of you Miss Bee <3 Everything is going to be wonderful and you're going to feel so much better when it's all over. *POSITIVE VIBES GALORE*
thievinghippo replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
ALL OF THE HUGS!!! All of them! <3 <3 <3
ladyeglantine replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
Sending all the hugs and good vibes for tomorrow and hoping for a smooth recovery <3
wakeupshep replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
Hugs and good vibes!! I hope it's over quickly and you can get back to good stuff.
painterofhorizons replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
All the good vibes your way, lovely strong Bee! <3
theladyw replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
katielynn526 replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
You'll definitely be in my prayers tonight. May the surgeons' hands be steady, may the procedure go smoothly with no complications and may the recovery be swift and painless! Remember, bravery is being strong in the face of fear. You've got this girl *hugs* <3
syzara replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
*hugs and all the good wishes* <3 'bravery is being scared and doing it anyway'
rock-paperback-scissors replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
*sends all the hugs and well wishes*
fantasiawandering replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
All of the hugs and virtual hand-holding and internet chicken soup. <3
ferociousqueak replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
*all the hugs* Sending so many good vibes your way!
theonemouse-canada replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
At least its non-invasive. These are the easiest to go in, get fixed, and then leave. Wished my surgeries had been the same so I feel for you, my child. Just take deep breaths and repeat the old mantra: This too shall pass.
poetique823 replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
Sending all the hugs, love, good vibes, and prayers your way my dear. All will be well.
ponacopuck replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
All the hugs and well wishes *extra hug*
paxveraque replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
Oh goodness. Please take all of the internet hugs and good wishes for a smooth surgery and a speedy recovery. I hope you manage to find a way to distract yourself. Maybe some writing and some tea? Or, well, imaginary tea, if you have to limit your fluids.
al-spudnik replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
Sending every hug I've got. You have every right to be scared - it's a scary thing! Recognize the fear comes from a healthy place and it's okay to be scared for a bit. Sometimes that helps me deal with fear - kinda putting it in its proper place. In the meanwhile, surround yourself with good warm distractions, and we'll all be here for you when you get back! ((HUGS))
cantfakethecake replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
Sending all my good thoughts your way, and hoping for the world's speediest recovery! <3
dawntreaderflynne replied to your post “[[MOR] Everything’s in order for tomorrow – laundry done, apartment...”
Sending hugs and good thoughts and prayers to you, Bee! <33
Thank you all for the good thoughts, and kind wishes, and sweet words! Things are going well so far -- I am sleepy and sore, but I am home with my cat and with enough soup to float a small armada, and I am sending you all so many hugs. 
You are all wonderful and I am so grateful to know you. <3<3
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kleptotello · 8 years
katielynn526 replied to your post:                            
                   I know this is a TMNT blog… but I’m making a...                
   Congrats! Hey if it works please feel free to send me the recipe. Panera’s Broccoli Cheddar soup is the best! X3    
It was actually very good! It’s a bit of work and makes about 3 full bowls. I admit, I haven’t measured anything while cooking in a long time, so I didn’t follow this exactly, but it tasted like Panera to us!
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Dude your name's Katie too?! That's awesome! *high five*
*high five!* Haha yeah! Small world, right?! I may be just a little bit biased, but I think it’s the best name to have. ;)
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alixero · 6 years
10 shows 10 gifs
Tagged by the lovely and talented @soleminisanction aka @adelinecappuccino aka Lady Leminia "Lemmy" Solé
post 10 gifs from shows without putting in the title then tag 10 people.
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And anyone else as I honestly don't socialize with all that many people here and Lemmy already tagged me
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saiyanqueenreads · 6 years
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Oh. My. God!  This playlist on @8tracks: Cheap Cigars, Brass Knuckles, and Broken Dreams by Katielynn526.
Don’t mind me.  I’ll just be over here crying....
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chromarrays · 7 years
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This is Sea Sediment Jasper, the fusion of @katielynn526‘s Emerald and Pyro. She originally debuted on 31st March, 2016 (a year and 6 days), but I’m a so-big piece of trash that I just forgot and had no time. Please enjoy and forgive me. 
The post before this one is the reblog of her version. Please follow her.
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dennecat · 8 years
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lokilaufeyson2122a · 7 years
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theherocomplex · 8 years
Replies <3
Everything is going to be okay <3 Because you deserve for everything to be okay. You are adored and, as always, you're never really alone xo
spinninglenny replied to your post “[[MOR] Dear Brain:  I would really, really appreciate it if you...”
Have all of the hugs, and please let me know when it's time to send healing thoughts in your direction...
katielynn526 replied to your post “[[MOR] Dear Brain:  I would really, really appreciate it if you...”
Anxiety sucks and I'm so sorry you're going through this. As someone who's had a lot of surgeries in her life (about 12), I can tell you honestly that waiting for the procedure to happen is the worst part. Post-op sucks, but there's always that feeling of relief when it's over and all you have to do is recover. I know that's not much of a comfort, especially when your brain feels like it's on overload, but I hope it helps a little bit. *hugs* <3
probablylostrightnow replied to your post “[[MOR] Dear Brain:  I would really, really appreciate it if you...”
*all the hugs* It will be all right.
cantfakethecake replied to your post “[[MOR] Dear Brain:  I would really, really appreciate it if you...”
Sending huge hugs your way. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you next weekend. In the meanwhile, take care of yourself best as you can. And if there's anything anyone can do to help take your mind off it for a while, say the word. (I don't think anyone's ever objected to a request to "flood my submission box with cute animals," and I doubt they'd start now.) <3
bigassmagnet replied to your post “[[MOR] Dear Brain:  I would really, really appreciate it if you...”
hugs upon hugs. love you. you'll be alright and everyone is here for you
ultramidge replied to your post “[[MOR] Dear Brain:  I would really, really appreciate it if you...”
I'm so sorry, Bee. *Hugs*
ladyeglantine replied to your post “[[MOR] Dear Brain:  I would really, really appreciate it if you...”
*hugs* <3 <3 <3
painterofhorizons replied to your post “[[MOR] Dear Brain:  I would really, really appreciate it if you...”
*covers you in hugs gently*
syzara replied to your post “[[MOR] Dear Brain:  I would really, really appreciate it if you...”
I'm sorry you have a jerkish brain. wishing you the best for the whole week (and recovery time) <3
jessaknits replied to your post “[[MOR] Dear Brain:  I would really, really appreciate it if you...”
*gentle hugs*
mynameiscloud replied to your post “[[MOR] Dear Brain:  I would really, really appreciate it if you...”
hotmilkytea replied to your post “[[MOR] Dear Brain:  I would really, really appreciate it if you...”
//snugs very tightly. you are loved. you are loved so much.
servantofclio replied to your post “[[MOR] Dear Brain:  I would really, really appreciate it if you...”
*hugs* I love you, you're going to get through this.
pearwaldorf replied to your post “[[MOR] Dear Brain:  I would really, really appreciate it if you...”
I'm sorry your brain's being a jerk. I love you.
theonemouse-canada replied to your post “[[MOR] Dear Brain:  I would really, really appreciate it if you...”
All love to you, Bee. Just remember, these surgeons do this every day. You're in good hands and you have all the positive thoughts and energies of your hundreds of followers flowing to you, doubly so on Thursday. You'll be outta there before you know it and then all you have to do is heal. Deep breaths, little girl, you WILL be fine ^_^
al-spudnik replied to your post “[[MOR] Dear Brain:  I would really, really appreciate it if you...”
I'm SO sorry, I wish I could do something to distract you! Looks like you have some good outs (games, reading, kitty) I've had several friends undergo major surgeries recently - it SUCKS and you have every right to feel nervous and upset. Don't feel bad about feeling bad (cuz that can make you feel WORSE) but remember to love yourself extra gentle, and take time whenever you need it. Do lots of stuff just for YOU this week. I'll be thinking of you. (lots of hugs)
rock-paperback-scissors replied to your post “[[MOR] Dear Brain:  I would really, really appreciate it if you...”
*sends hugs*
kindervenom replied to your post “[[MOR] Dear Brain:  I would really, really appreciate it if you...”
*adds extra hugs and glares at anxiety* let me know if there's anything I can help with, Bee, seriously. I can't be there physically, but I can text/email/whatever if you need a distraction <3
I could just kiss all of you (and hug you, and probably cry on you because you’re all so wonderful). Thank you so much for putting up with all of my weird brain posts, and my whining, and for having patience while I try to work through all my weird life-tangles right now. 
Luckily this procedure won’t be too invasive, and fingers crossed it will cut down on my chronic pain -- but good lord I am not looking forward to it. 
Thank you all, for being so lovely, and kind, and patient, and giving. Come over and I’ll bake us pound cake when I get up and walking again. <3<3<3
(Or if you’re ever in MA, let me know and I’ll bake for you then.)
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kleptotello · 8 years
Get to Know Me Meme
Tagged by @katielynn526 :D
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
Relationship Status: Muuurried.
Pets: Two mixed breed hounds, Mango and Gizmo, as well as Pip, an orange tabby with a bad cattitude.
Last Song I Listened to: "Hands Clap” by Fitz and the Tantrums, I think. Top 5 countdown on the local radio station.
Favorite TV Show(s): TMNT 2012, Futurama, Law & Order: SVU, Star Trek: TNG, Jessica Jones, Stranger Things
Hobbies: Reading, writing, starting craft projects that I rarely find the time to finish, acting, general geekery
I’m always too embarrassed to tag anyone. But if you see this and want to do it, tag me so I can see your answers!
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alixero · 8 years
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My memory isn't the best but @cartoonheroinenamednikki you're a Pinnochio fan right? Or maybe that was @katielynn526 Sorry if I'm wrong T~T
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themouseketeer · 8 years
Hi there! I just wanted to ask real quick, do you happen to have a cast heart photo from the Plaza Ice Cream and Bake shops? I know we took one. If not it's cool. ^^
I don’t!!  I never came across one.  I’m still looking for a couple more photos to flesh out my next post so if anyone has any, feel free to submit!!
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daylighteclipsed · 9 years
Oh gosh! I've been reading all your ideas for that Inverse Falls AU and I absolutely adore it! Plus your grasp on the Pines Twins and their amazing relationship is so on-point! I really REALLY hope you do end up writing something on this au because I would love to post it on my Gravity-Falls-Public-Library blog, an archive dedicated to platonic GF fanfics. Of course if you don't that's cool too. I just wanted to pop in and say how much I love your idea.^^' Ok Im rambling now so bye!
Hi! Ahh I’m really glad you’re so into it!! That archive sounds amazing; it’s so hard to find good platonic fanfic!
I’m planning to write some stuff once finals are over next week…right now i’m pretty swamped…
you’re totally welcome to contribute any ideas you have if you want! i’m kinda making most of this au up as i go man aha
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cosmostellar · 9 years
What makes you say there will be three "everything changes" episodes on Gravity Falls? I'm not doubting you or anything I'm just curious as to your source. ^^
Oh no problem!
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themightyrancho · 9 years
katielynn526 replied to your post “okay test time wish me luck”
Good Luck! X3
thank u dearie!!! I felt it in me bones!!
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