#katsumi orochi x you
mothwingwritings · 1 year
Why The Baki Men Love You, Feat. Baki, Katsumi, Hanayama, Biscuit, Yujiro, Jack, Doppo, Retsu, And Musashi <3
Here’s just a silly little thing I wrote in between working on bigger stuff. I was feeling sappy and wanted to write something with a bit of a lovey-dovey flair. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ The Baki men love you for loads of reasons, but I wanted to pin point some of their more personalized reasons for loving you. (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚ I hope you enjoy!
(Also I have so many responses and questions that I need to answer, I apologize that it takes me 5-7 business days or longer to reply to basically anything. (´∀`;) Thank you all for being kind and lovely and patient and talking to me, I will be getting to those soon! (シ_ _)シ)
WARNINGS: None really, it’s all pretty fluffy. The editing is probs ass though because I did sorta whip through this, so there is that. (ノωヽ)
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゚。 Baki-Love
That’s all he’s truly looking for in a partner, really. Someone who unequivocally loves him without him having to prove himself in some way was the dream, and through you he was able to achieve that dream. Back when you first met you had welcomed him into your life so readily, arms open and heart bared- there were no caveats or stipulations to your love. His upbringing lacked tenderness, a sense of family something that was sorely missing from his life as a small child. He yearned for the feeling of a warm home, a caring family, and he has found that in you. For this he treasures you, and loves you more than he could ever say. He’s completely devoted to you, his love and adorable boundless, and he plans on spending the rest of his life reciprocating the affection you have so selflessly provided him.  <3
゚。 Katsumi-Support
It hasn’t been an easy road for the inheritor of the Orochi legacy. His young life has been full of as many defeats as it has victories, possibly even more so. He’s no strange to intense moments of frustration, so overpowering he loses control of himself. But when he hears your voice cheering him on, or when he I sat his limit and feels your steady hand on his back, he’s filled with such confidence he feels like he could take on the whole damn world and win. Simply seeing your face in the crowd, eyes bright and smile full of hope, fills him with a sense of certitude that he can’t achieve anywhere else. You are his lucky charm, his courage, his entire heart. He could spend his whole life thanking you and telling him how much you mean to him and still not be able to convey how much he adores you. <3
゚。 Hanayama-Understanding
Kaoru is a busy man with a lot of responsibilities. It’s hard for him to find time for a relationship, let alone find someone who is willing to put up with all the red tape that comes with being his lover. But to you, it was never a huge issue. You had the patience of a saint, never once pouting or putting up a fuss when he couldn’t end up keeping promises to you. He knew it upset you, knew that you often felt lonely when he had to leave you behind. But you always smiled so brightly the next time you saw him, never cursing him or giving him the cold shoulder, just thrilled that he returned safely to your side. Any grievances you may have felt were completely overcome by your happiness to see him again, and witnessing that joy light up your face never failed to warm his heart. Many people respected him, pledging their lives to him, awarding him their earnest devotion. But your love was different, much sweeter and tinged with a kindness he had never previously experienced. His love for you was boundless, and even with all your empathy, he would make any negligence up to you tenfold the moment he returns-always. <3
゚。 Biscuit-Affection  
Biscuit’s romantic obsession began when he got to know you, but truly blossomed once you began to reciprocate his feelings. He remembers very vividly the moment you became officially his-holding you in his arms as he sang your praises, practically begging you to become his partner, he expected you to be overwhelmed, maybe even somewhat annoyed. But when he nervously peeked over at you and saw that you were looking up at him with those big, love-struck, doe eyes, his heart nearly exploded. He lives for your praise, yearns for your touch, melts in your presence, and when he sees his presence has a similar effect on you it makes his heart beat so rapidly it may just rip out of his chest. To love someone so incredible, and be loved back in turn, is all he has ever dreamed of.  This man is absolutely head over heels for you, and his affections will only grow the longer you remain his. <3
゚。 Yujiro-Entertainment
Maybe it’s not the standard definition of love, but there is definitely something about you that caught the ogre’s eye and kept him intrigued. The way you move, talk, think, act- all of it is so interesting to him. Your reactions and thought processes so far removed from how he would respond to a situation that he can’t help but be intrigued. What would you say if he told you this? How would you respond if this occurred? Silly thoughts like this plague his mind, eating away at him so much he’s halfway tempted to hunt you down so he can answer his own questions and move on. But even if he finds his infatuation asinine, his focus always seems to be drawn back to you. It’s ridiculous, and he can’t quite sort out why he cares so much, but your magnetic charm definitely has an effect on him. It pisses him off and amuses him in equal measure. Where you fit in his life is an enigma, but it’s one he’s happy to grapple with. The paradox of your company has held his interest much longer than he ever imagined it would, and he intends to ride that out as long as he’s able.  That certain je ne sais quo you have about you is what keeps him coming back for more. <3
゚。 Jack-Strength
Not necessarily physical strength (though he loves that too), but what really got him was your emotional fortitude. He’s seen you get through situations that would make lesser people roll over and quit, watched you handle problems that would make even the toughest of people second guess themselves and break down. But you always pull through, no matter what situation you are faced with. You may cry, you may scream, you may kick and thrash and question the trial you are going through… But you always make it through and come out the victor. He draws strength from you, admiring you greatly for all you have struggled to achieve. You are an inspiration to him, and he loves you more than he thought he could ever possibly love another. He just wants you to know you never have to struggle alone again, your burdens are his, and he’s happy to shoulder them with you. <3
゚。 Doppo-Morals
It’s not that you were squeaky clean (and he wouldn’t necessarily want you that way, either), but there is a conviction about you that he can’t help but be attracted to. You stand up for what you believe in and don’t mince your words. Even if you are facing your opposition with a shaky voice, tears in your eyes, legs wobbling so bad you can barely stand… You still make you stand. It’s inspiring to him, and has made him so fond of you that he has vowed to never leave you fighting on your own. Maybe you don’t see yourself as particularly brave or outstanding, but Doppo begs to differ. You are an incredibly strong willed person who will put up a fight for their beliefs, and you have his full love and support each step of the way. <3
゚。 Retsu-Sincerity
Retsu himself is a very earnest person, and like attracts like. From the moment he met you, he was taken with how authentic you were. You didn’t have a disingenuous bone in your body, responding to people and situations in such a heartfelt and unfeigned way he couldn’t help but fall hard and fast. Everything you did was so profound. Your actions, words, and emotions, were all so beautiful to him. You spilled your heart to the world, never fearing any backlash or mockery. He deeply admires how you wear your heart on your sleeve, facing the challenges of each day with a clear head and a caring heart. He knew you could hold your own, but he always wants to be near you so that he may protect and support you through anything life may throw your way. Your natural candor never ceases to stir him, motivating and influencing to be a better man. <3
゚。 Musashi-Respect
When Musashi was revived, he was born into a whole new world. It was unrecognizable, foreign and distant, and he often felt as if he were just a phantom passing through. Just as in his previous life, people are star struck when they see him, vying to meet and speak with him, eager to challenge him. But it’s all a farce, a mockery of the past when warriors presented themselves to him for an honest battle, not some spectacle born out of misunderstanding and underestimation of him. It made him sick, to see how soft and ignorant mankind had become in the hundreds of years since his passing. He felt damn near ready to give up on this new humanity entirely, the notion that he may find someone he desired long term companionship in this new age laughable. That is, until he met you. From your initial meeting onward, you held him in a high regard, genuine in your esteem and admiration of him. He was quite struck by you too, as you were always polite and courteous, always indescribably beautiful. You carried yourself with a quiet dignity, having a distinct personality he found quite endearing. He was quickly ensnared by you, a warmth permeating him at finding a kindred spirit whom he felt safe sharing his heart with. The world is only destined to keep changing, but his love for you will remain everlasting. <3
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yandere-writer-momo · 4 months
Yandere Baki Head Canons:
All Yours
Yandere Katsumi Orochi x Fem Reader
Alternate Reality AU
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When (your name) had wished for Katsumi to return her feelings, she hadn’t meant to this extent. The man never left her alone for more than an hour. Her phone constantly rang with calls or messages when the Karateka would get a smidge of free time.
How was she to know that woman was genuinely a witch? A witch who transferred her to an alternate reality where Katsumi adored her? One where he was obsessed?
It was her fault for seeking that woman out for a charm to make her crush like her, but she didn’t think she’d be transported to another world when she rescued Katsumi from the flaming dojo all those months ago… did she die in her old world? Was this some kind of screwed up Isekai misadventure? The thought alone made her head hurt… just like this current call with the Katsumi of this reality.
“(Your name)? How about I bring you some takeout once I’m done with my class? I miss your face!” Katsumi rambled on the other end of the phone as you gave a stiff smile. You were head over heels at first about the attention you received from him, but it became old quickly. Even though this man was Katsumi, he wasn’t the Katsumi you adored. Nope! This version of him was like a ripoff version of him in a bad fan fiction.
“That’d be lovely. Thank you, Katsumi.” (Your name) knew he probably clicked his heels together on the other end of the phone when she said that. The man was so eager to please…
“Okay! I’ll get your favorite then, darling!” Katsumi continued to chatter. “I’m so happy you finally accepted my affection… I’ve been after you for years.”
Yes… in this reality, it was Katsumi who pursued rather than her. Was this how the Katsumi felt in her world when she’d show him affection? Overwhelmed and exhausted? God she felt like an even worse person…
“I appreciate you, Katsumi.” (Your name) replied in a soft voice. “Be safe today.”
“I will! I can’t wait to see you.” (Your name) closed her eyes and hung up. The young woman placed her face in her hands and softly cried.
This was her reality now and she needed to accept it. She needed to accept that she’d never go back to her old world and she’d never be able to apologize to the Katsumi there.
“I’m sorry, Katsumi… I’m so sorry.” (Your name) cried softly into her hands.
A few hours later and Katsumi was on her doorstep with a bag of takeout. A huge smile on his face when she opened the door. “(Your name)! I bought the goods, hopefully this will cheer you up. I noticed you’ve been a bit down lately…”
(Your name) gave Katsumi a soft smile to try to reassure him. “You’re always so thoughtful.” Why couldn’t her old Katsumi be a bit like him?
Katsumi’s face flushed as he bashfully kicked his feet from side to side. “Well, I try to have your best interests in mind. I just want you to be happy.”
And that’s when (your name) broke down in tears, the Karateka quickly pulled her into his arms. “Hey, I didn’t mean to upset you-“
(Your name) leaned forward and pressed her lips against his in a gentle kiss. A kiss that made her whole body shake while desperation consumed her. She felt like such an awful person for the way she exploited this man, but he always said the right words… he was everything she ever wanted. Was it wrong to indulge him?
Katsumi’s eyes blew wide open for a second before he jumped right into the kiss. His hands grabbed at whatever flesh he could reach as he maneuvered the two of them into her apartment. His foot shut the door behind him.
“Your lips are so soft and you smell heavenly.” Katsumi whispered against her lips, his forehead now pressed against hers. “Can we… can we continue in your room?”
(Your name) thought for a minute before she gave him a teary eyes smile. “Yes… I’d like that.”
And as their clothes were discarded with each step they took towards her room, she couldn’t help but smile.
If this was her fate, she’d embrace it. All she had ever wanted was to be loved, even if it was by this obsessive man. This obsessive man with the face of her first love.
“I don’t have protection… is that okay?” Katsumi asked with a blush, the man’s eyes anxiously scanned over your bare form.
“That’s okay.” You held your arms out for him. “I’m yours, Katsumi.”
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kisaamisa · 7 months
synopsis ; self explanatory..you find someone other than the baki boys attractive 😍 (this one may be ooc!!)
ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ ; baki, jack, katsumi, sukune, retsu, hanayama
a/n ; does ANYONE know how to write/know kiyosumi katous personality because i wanna write for him but i cannot even understand his personality (i already read the manga, im a bit slow gimme some time!)😔
another a/n ; also don't ask me about this text convo (s), i can't give you an answer. enjoy! 😜
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ANOTHER a/n ; y'all im slacking with the nepenthe writings but I promise ill get one out, take this as my apology 😞 don't ask me about the hanayama text, i can't help you.
all right reserved © please do not copy any of my works!
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ladythot · 1 year
Do YOU have any pussy drunk katsumi thirst.....he's so underrated
Nothing beats my love for pussy drunk bf kwatshumi owochi. But just an alternative thought; I know I said I never read the manga but there are moments of peeking in and peeking outta the community where I came in heels with the spoilers. Of course I didn't miss out one arm katsumi. Now, just imagine him painstakingly trying hard to prod you with one hand—he's forced to place you in a cramped position all for the likes of your womb to be pounded with his viscid cum using one hand clutched at your waist as he grits his teeth, hopelessly grasping at the saddened fact this certain position would've had bred your flesh better if he had another arm to hold you in place properly without you worrying about bouncing back down on his cock.
His own belief of pleasing you without it being half-hearted or ill paced, would remain solid despite the loss of one arm. He wants to make you believe that one arm can do so much as the other being not needed to simply please you—he's so hooked at proffering you the best of intimacy and experience, he never plans on letting his one arm discourage you during hot creamy seggs as he finds himself pounding you more often all because of the far prediction of you having less hope for a better pleasure from him is merely. killing him
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duhstbunny · 10 months
Katsumi the type of guy to kiss your forehead and get you a blanket when you fall asleep on the couch
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poopyballz28 · 1 year
Bleeding colors
an awfully short doysumi fanfiction
It's a bit unacceptable the lack of character x character content in this fandom, so I decided to write and post this little self-indulgent doysumi fic, written about Hectors perspective on Katsumi. Like and subscribe, as always.
In the beginning of the two’s relationship, Hector was initially a little distant with Katsumi, not wanting to get attached to him so easily. But he knew that something was, strangely, drawing him towards him. His blazing demeanor, his radiant smile, maybe? As much as he tried to ignore all of the feelings he didn't understand, he failed to erase him from his mind. There was something so pure and captivating about him and he just couldn’t seem to grasp the meaning of it.
His whole life, spent surviving within the frigid darkness, a mysterious warm light abruptly illuminates brightly in front of him. And that same soft light is reaching out his hand just to save him. But does he really need “saving”? It’s a thought that he dwelled on for a while. Was he truly unhappy about his life? His dismal way of living? The dried blood stained on his hands? Even that was something he never really bothered to think about. Things were just the way they were. There was no changing them. No matter how much of a cruel way of living it was to others.
But that light.
That satisfying tightness in his chest that arises when he’s near it.
Emotions he never thought he’d feel. Feelings he never thought he’d understand.
The bleak world he once lived in that was so void of color was suddenly filled with all sorts of vibrant tones that seemed incomprehensible to him mere months ago. For once, that common sickening hue of red wasn't the only color that his life circled around. It was blue, green, yellow, violet, and other beautiful shades that he didn't want to disappear. It was all so bright. Maybe even difficult to enjoy at first. But the source of all of this change was so enthralling. A change of reality all caused by one person. And that person's side, he never wants to leave.
Maybe letting some of those vivid colors bleed onto him isn’t such a bad idea after all.
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ozzgin · 1 year
Hi, first i wanted to thank you for doing my first request, it's amazing 😍. Since you did it so fast i wanted to ask for something else.
Could you do something with a Prehistoric reader. She's from the Jurassic like Pickle, she was frozen and brought back to life like him. However she's less agressive and a bit smarter than him. I kinda saw her like a big ( dangerous ) mama Bear, who likes those tiny humans.
I trust you for the rest, you can choose if you want to write about first meeting with fighters (which i find funny in the anime by the way ), how she was during Pickle's fight or what's her interactions with the fighters ...
Thank you for reading this , bye.
I’m so glad you enjoyed it! The speed may vary depending on how easily I can visualize the prompt, since I need a solid movie in my head before putting it into words. Not very efficient but so far it’s been working haha. :’)
Baki Characters x Prehistoric! Fem Reader
Featuring Pickle’s challengers: Kaiou Retsu, Katsumi Orochi, Jack Hanma and Baki Hanma.
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A million thoughts raced the scientists’ minds upon discovering not just one, but two subjects perfectly maintained within the saline block. Were you partners? Would it be possible or expected that you continue your ancient lineage? While the idea was incredibly tempting from a researcher’s perspective, it was equally dangerous. They considered separating the two of you in order to avoid the risk, but they soon discovered that your help was needed to protect everyone else from the enraged prehistoric man.
The female specimen seemed to have a much more docile and cooperative temperament, with strong maternal instincts. Could it be that she viewed the much smaller modern humans as children? (Y/N) wasn’t that dumb. She could very well tell that these new forms of her own image are matured, but she could also easily asses how fragile they are based on their extreme fear and helplessness against Pickle. They haven’t showed any intent to attack her or Pickle, so she had no reason to be hostile. Pickle was rather frustrated by her frequent scolding, but his expressions seemed to indicate that (Y/N) always had a kind heart towards weaker creatures and it wasn’t his first time having to satisfy her pity. He begrudgingly accepted it.
The Meeting
Truth be told, most of the men had gathered in order to measure up Pickle’s strength. And he was eager to prove it after his quick encounter with Yuujirou’s mysterious techniques. It was only when you stood up and let out a warning growl that they realized the faint beads of sweat forming on their foreheads. Pickle had immediately cleared the way and even the Ogre himself grounded his stance, ready for anything. What a majestic creature, they all thought. Feminine beauty carefully chiseled into a powerful physique, adorned with muscles that would put any bodybuilder today to shame. The same arms that lovingly cradle infants with motherly devotion could easily crush bones and twist frail bodies.
The smell of fear lingered for aggravatingly long moments. You gently placed your large hand on Yuujirou’s shoulder and used the other one to point behind him. Only then did they notice the bright helicopter lights and pleading voices asking them to evacuate. You were looking out for them.
Kaiou Retsu
He’d love to challenge you. Truly. But not only are you a woman, you’ve also never shown Pickle’s excitement for battle. He respects your decision and would never impose his wishes on you.
After his fight with Pickle, he wakes up intact and notices you standing over his wounded body. A miserable smile spreads over his face as the realization hits him: you just don’t want to harm them. That’s why you never fight.
He’s not sure what hurts most. The damage Pickle has done, or his ego after realizing that all you have for them is pity. He’s going to need to find other ways to impress you.
Retsu later catches you trying to reproduce some of his moves and wonders if he’d be allowed to teach you martial arts. Or would that make you too dangerous?
Katsumi Orochi
Unlike Retsu, the damage he’s done to his arm couldn’t be prevented. You allow Pickle to remove the limb given the extensive injury.
Like a father that just played too hard with his children, Pickle follows you around apologetically, as if explaining he had no fault in this.
Katsumi is a little shocked to find you in his hospital room. Embarrassed to be seen in such a vulnerable state by someone like you, he waves his arm frantically and rattles the sheets, mumbling explanations and reassurances. You just stare in confusion. He forgot you can’t understand language.
You wonder if he can survive with one missing limb, as back in your day this handicap could’ve proven fatal in the long run. Should you provide the food for him? The hospital staff entrusts you to deliver Katsumi his meals after they noticed you hunting in the guest garden.
You insist on helping with grooming duties like hair brushing, though Katsumi had to thoroughly gesticulate he’s not as open to being naked in front of you. Please don’t assist him when he’s changing his clothes. Let him have the last remaining bit of manliness.
Jack Hanma
How stubborn! Jack is the first one to feel your mama bear anger. After the fight with Pickle he kept coming back for more, despite being barely conscious. Pickle was becoming increasingly afraid of upsetting you and would throw you worried looks, unsure how to proceed. Eventually you put Jack in a headlock and dragged him back to the hospital yourself.
The next time Jack wakes up, he notices you standing in the door frame, arms folded and flexed in a threatening manner. He can’t help but chuckle at the view. To think that a woman would have such an iron grip on him. Well, you’re no ordinary woman.
As before, you’re unsure of his recovering abilities. You attempt to feed him yourself several times and Jack has to politely suggest that he’s not as frail as you might think. Though somewhere deep down he might secretly enjoy being spoiled like this. He’d never, ever admit it.
Baki Hanma
Baki took you through a rollercoaster of emotions; from being worried that such a tiny, young boy insists on challenging the prehistoric man to squealing in shock at his unexpected strength. You couldn’t help but wonder if you’d be able to defeat him if you were standing there instead of Pickle.
Unlike the others, Baki has no issue relying on you. In fact, he’s almost shameless about it. Absolutely he is too injured to walk! You can go ahead and carry him. He’ll quickly wrap his arms around your neck and cling to you, grinning.
I think he’d really love the idea that someone as strong as you is also kind and likable. He doesn’t have to worry about proving himself or that you’d look down on him. He’s really craving this newly fond protectiveness of a mother.
He likes teasing Pickle by holding onto you whenever he sees you. The Jurassic man has been on the edge ever since you’ve started becoming attached to these tiny humans. He almost can’t get a moment alone with you. Which makes him extra irritable. You sigh at the two menaces that find new ways to mess with you.
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kengan-daddies · 21 days
Hey!!! I have a request for some of the Baki men. But first i would like to so that I personally LOVE your Baki x Motherly reader series! Now on to my request: How would the Baki men react if reader was part time fighter and part time Burlesque dancer? And if your asking what a Burlesque dancer is, basically people who put on very suggestive dances and performances.
For the characters can you please do, Baki, Hanayma, Retsu and Katsumi? Feel free to skip any characters or add!
First Baki ask, LETS GOO!!
Most of there's POV's are relatively the same, aside from their thoughts, Baki's is probably the most different, and with the most 'plot' coming in from the views of a young high schooler.
(S/N) = Stage Name
The boys aren't aware of your second occupation, you're a great warrior and an even greater friend, but to know that you had such a secret life was far beyond them.
Burlesque dancer? - Retsu, Katsumi, Hanayama, and Baki
Anime : Baki: Son of Oger
Characters : Retsu Kaioh, Katsumi Orochi, Hanayama Karou, Baki Hanma
Warnings : Mention of drugs, alcohol, misuse of drugs
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When he went into the club, he wasn't there for anything promiscuous, he was here for business, a meeting with Hanayama, Katsumi, and Baki. It wasn't an ideal place, but it was the most discreet place. The dancers on stage were ignored by him as he kept his eyes on the people around him, taking in his surroundings. It was an atmosphere that he wasn't used to but not unfamiliar with.
He pushed through the sweaty bodies that smelled of alcohol and musk, it wasn't a present smell, but he smelt worst. The sight of people slumped against the walls caught his attention, people slipping pills and others grinding and kissing. It was disgusting but it was also very human. Every sin that you could think of, was in this place.
He didn't hate it, but he didn't agree with it. The lights suddenly dimmed, catching his attention, but he didn't give it much thought. 'Must be the climax of the party.' He thought as he continued on his way. "AND NOW, FOR THE PERFORMANCE YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!! SHE'S LOVELY, SHE'S AMBITIOUS, AND SHE'S EVER SO SENUAL!! GET READY TO MAKE IT RAIN, FOR (S/N)!!!"
The sound of men cheering excitedly caught his attention, and he looked around, hearing the excited cheers. "This '(S/N)' must be very talented." He spoke aloud as he looked at the stage. Multiple spotlights came on, lighting up the catwalk, he watched as a young woman walked down the catwalk, her legs like a cat, her hips swaying like a seductress. His lights lit up in recognition when he saw her face. "(Y/N)!?" He called out in shock as he watched her approach the crowd of men.
'To think, that this was a means of living for her. She's a warrior, surely she could've made more money by fighting. Hell, she could even ask me for a few dimes, I'm more than willing to give.' He thought his eyes lingered on her for a moment longer before stalking off through the crowd, making his way, admittedly, much smoother through the now still crowd. He could see an opening and he made a beeline for it, unashamed that he might have to stand on a table just to see where his comrades were, but he was most pleased when he saw them.
Baki was the first to notice him. He watched as Baki's eyes widened and a small smile graced his face. His arm suddenly shot out, his finger pointing. "Hey look, Retsu's here." He said, a small smile on his face. Retsu could be seen pulling his leg out before he walked over towards them. "Well, now that all of us are here, let the meeting commence." Hanayama said. Retsu nodded.
Walking through the crowd of drunken people was like a maze for him, it wasn't too difficult but it wasn't pleasant either. However, he kept calm as he walked through, making his way to the meeting area. He gave a relieved smile when he saw Baki and Hanayama sitting at the rounded booth, half a bottle of champagne sat in front of Hanayama, along with a champagne glass that he was drinking from. "Hey boys, long time no see." he casually greeted as he walked within hearing distance. Baki and Hanayama both greeted him. Hanayama with a curt nod and Baki with a small smile.
"Katsumi, how ya been, man?" Baki asked as he watched Katsumi sit on the booth and he scooted his way in. "I've been well, training has been very promising, my students are improving every day. What of you two?" He asked as he got comfortable. Hanayama shrugged. "I've been well, but not much has happened in my life, it's been the usual but also rather calm... Which is troublesome." He said. Katsumi gave him a small smile of pity. "Yeah, I know what you mean, quiet days are welcomed, but they never promise any good." He agreed. Hanayama nodded before he looked over at Baki.
"What about you, Baki?" He asked. Baki snapped from his thoughts as he looked up from the table and up towards Hanayama, a wide but sheepish smile on his face. "Hmm?... Oh um, yeah... I've been pretty good too, same ol' same ol', going to school, kicking ass." He said. Katsumi chuckled. "How's school been, Baki?" He asked. Baki looked over at him. "Oh you know, boring as ever." He said with a wave of his hand. Katsumi chuckled. "Oh yeah, I remember those days." He said as he sat back in the booth, a nostalgic smile on his face. Hanayama nodded. They were quiet after that, lost in their own thoughts.
the lights suddenly dimmed, catching all of their attention. "AND NOW, FOR THE PERFORMANCE YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!! SHE'S LOVELY, SHE'S AMBITIOUS, AND SHE'S EVER SO SENUAL!! GET READY TO MAKE IT RAIN, FOR (S/N)!!!" Came the announcer's voice, they all looked over towards the stage, watching as the lights slowly lit up the catwalk. "An entrance like this for a single woman? She must be something special." He said aloud. Hanayama nodded. "Yes, she must be for such high praise, and the silence of these men, she must be a fan favorite." He added.
A shadowy figure came forth, stepping into the light. Katsumi's eyes widen. "(Y/N)!?" He practically shouted in shock as he stared on. 'But... why?... Unless this is just some sort of side gig she just happens to enjoy.' He thought as he watched. Her legs were like a cat, her hips swaying like a seductress, he was nearly hypnotized. You're an attractive woman and an amazing fighter, it's just easy for him to forget that you were a woman. It was always a secondary thought in his mind when it came to you, you were like one of the boys honestly.
He was pulled from his thoughts when Baki's arm suddenly shot out, his finger pointing. "Hey look, Retsu's here." He said, a small smile on his face. He looked over at Baki before he looked over, from the crowd, Retsu could be seen pulling his leg out before he walked over towards them. "Well, now that all of us are here, let the meeting commence. " Hanayama said.
He was the first of the boys to arrive at the club, the first thing he did was flag down a waitress and order himself a bottle of champagne. His fist cup in, and Baki was the first to arrive. A soft pat on his shoulder made him turn around in question, seeing a smiling Baki standing there as he waved at him. "Sup Hanayama." He happily greeted as he walked around. Hanayama nodded in return. "Baki, I'm surprised to see you here so early." He said as he watched Baki get comfortable in the booth.
Baki chuckled in amusement as he looked around the club, honestly so am I." He said. Hanayama looked away from him as he took a sip from his glass. "So, what's this meeting gonna be about?" Baki asked. Hanayama looked over at him as he placed his cup back down. "Honestly, it's just a way for us to get together, along with the topic of Pickle." He said. Baki cocked a brow at him. "That's it? A simple get-together?" He asked in disbelief. Hanayama stared at him for a moment before he looked off from him.
Baki stared at Hanayama for a while longer before he looked off and over towards the stage, seeing the women dance, a relaxed smile on his face. "Well, a simple get-together isn't so bad." He said aloud, Hanayama nodded as he took another sip from his drink. "Hey boys, long time no see." Came a familiar voice, both Baki and Hanayama looked up in curiosity before a familiar gleam shined in their eyes. Hanayama gave him a curt nod and Baki gave him a small smile.
"Katsumi, how ya been, man?" Baki asked as he watched Katsumi sit on the booth and he scooted his way in. "I've been well, training has been very promising, my students are improving every day. What of you two?" He asked as he got comfortable. Hanayama shrugged. "I've been well, but not much has happened in my life, it's been the usual but also rather calm... Which is troublesome." He said. Katsumi gave him a small smile of pity. "Yeah, I know what you mean, quiet days are welcomed, but they never promise any good." He agreed. Hanayama nodded before he looked over at Baki.
"What about you, Baki?" He asked. Baki snapped from his thoughts as he looked up from the table and up towards Hanayama, a wide but sheepish smile on his face. "Hmm?... Oh um, yeah... I've been pretty good too, same ol' same ol', going to school, kicking ass." He said. Katsumi chuckled. "How's school been, Baki?" He asked. Baki looked over at him. "Oh you know, boring as ever." He said with a wave of his hand. Katsumi chuckled. "Oh yeah, I remember those days." He said as he sat back in the booth, a nostalgic smile on his face. Hanayama nodded. They were quiet after that, lost in their own thoughts.
the lights suddenly dimmed, catching all of their attention. "AND NOW, FOR THE PERFORMANCE YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!! SHE'S LOVELY, SHE'S AMBITIOUS, AND SHE'S EVER SO SENUAL!! GET READY TO MAKE IT RAIN, FOR (S/N)!!!" Came the announcer's voice, they all looked over towards the stage, watching as the lights slowly lit up the catwalk. "An entrance like this for a single woman? She must be something special." He said aloud. Hanayama nodded. "Yes, she must be for such high praise, and the silence of these men, she must be a fan favorite." He added.
A shadowy figure came forth, stepping into the light. Katsumi's eyes widen. "(Y/N)!?" He practically shouted in shock as he stared on. Hanayama's eyes widened when he saw that it was you, his mind raced with questions. 'Why?... She's a proud warrior, so why?... Is she struggling to make ends meet?... She could've just asked me and I would've helped her, no payment needed in return.' He thought as he observed her. Her legs were like a cat, her hips swaying like a seductress, he was nearly hypnotized. You're an attractive woman and an amazing fighter, to see you in such a position, made Hanayama slightly sad.
He was pulled from his thoughts when Baki's arm suddenly shot out, his finger pointing. "Hey look, Retsu's here." He said, a small smile on his face. He looked over at Baki before he looked over, from the crowd, Retsu could be seen pulling his leg out before he walked over towards them. "Well, now that all of us are here, let the meeting commence." Hanayama said. He'll probably find a way to pull you to the side and get some answers out of you.
The music was blaring and it was nearly deafening, Baki wasn't used to coming to these places, hell, most high schoolers weren't... But Baki wasn't a normal high school boy, so this was just a part of the package deal at this point. "Guess being the Oger's son... has its perks." He said aloud to himself as he remembered the bouncer immediately allowing him access once he heard him say his name was "Baki."
He eased his way through the crowd, taking mental notes of every little detail, his young mind acting like a sponge. He couldn't help but notice every little thing, his eyes gleaming in innocent curiosity when he would see the strangest things, from people slumped against the walls to others pouring liquor and slipping pills. It was grotesque and yet he couldn't look away from it all. He looked forward and he sighed with relief when he seen that there was a gap in an opening from between the bodies.
He pushed his way through taking a much-needed breath of slightly fresher air once he was able to pull from the crowd, he looked back at the people with a sheepish grin. "Yeesh... I wonder how they're able to breathe in there... The air is so dense." He said aloud before he looked forward and his eyes gleamed in familiarity and relief when he saw Hanayama sitting at the table, a freshly opened bottle of champagne on the table. He shoved his hands into his pockets and walked over to him, coming up from behind him he placed his hand softly and invitingly down on his shoulder, making Hanayama turn around in curiosity.
"Sup Hanayama." He happily greeted him as he walked around. Hanayama nodded in return. "Baki, I'm surprised to see you here so early." Baki gave a quiet sigh as he walked around the booth, sliding in his eyes and taking in the contents of the table before he looked up at Hanayama with a small smile on his face before he chuckled in amusement as he looked around the club, honestly so am I."
He said aloud as he thought over the fact that it was a miracle he even found where Hanayama was sitting. He's never been to a club before so this was all so new to him. Hanayama looked away from him as he took a sip from his glass. Baki looked back at Hanayama, taking in his relaxed poster, his eyes dull with slight boredom. 'Man, I bet he's real familiar with this type of atmosphere... This must be a common site for him.' He thought as he observed Hanayama.
He sat up straight in his seat as he leaned onto the table in front of him. "So, what's this meeting gonna be about?" Baki asked. Hanayama looked over at him as he placed his cup back down. "Honestly, it's just a way for us to get together, along with the topic of Pickle." He said. Baki cocked a brow at him. "That's it? A simple get-together?" He asked in disbelief. Hanayama stared at him for a moment before he looked off from him. Baki stared at Hanayama with a perplexed gaze before he relaxed back in his seat.
'Just a simple get-together?... I mean... I guess there's nothing wrong with that... But in a place like this?... Why not the park or something?...' He thought in confusion as he observed Hanayama in confusion. He'd never be able to understand the man before him, but he will admit, that Hanayama always moved with purpose. Baki stared at Hanayama for a while longer before he looked off and over towards the stage, seeing the women dance, a relaxed smile on his face. "Well, a simple get-together isn't so bad." He said aloud.
"Hey boys, long time no see." Came a familiar voice, both Baki and Hanayama looked up in curiosity before a familiar gleam shined in their eyes. Hanayama gave him a curt nod and Baki gave him a small smile. "Katsumi, how ya been, man?" Baki asked as he watched Katsumi sit on the booth and he scooted his way in. "I've been well, training has been very promising, my students are improving every day. What of you two?"
He asked as he got comfortable. Hanayama shrugged. "I've been well, but not much has happened in my life, it's been the usual but also rather calm... Which is troublesome." He said. Katsumi gave him a small smile of pity. "Yeah, I know what you mean, quiet days are welcomed, but they never promise any good." He agreed. Hanayama nodded before he looked over at Baki. Baki looked between the two, taking in their conversation, he honestly didn't know what the hell they were both talking about.
Small talks were never his strong suit. "What about you, Baki?" Came Hanayama's voice. Baki snapped from his thoughts as he looked up from the table and up towards Hanayama, a wide but sheepish smile on his face. "Hmm?... Oh um, yeah... I've been pretty good too, same ol' same ol', going to school, kicking ass." He said. Katsumi chuckled. "How's school been, Baki?" He asked. Baki looked over at him. "Oh you know, boring as ever." He said with a wave of his hand. Katsumi chuckled. "Oh yeah, I remember those days." He said as he sat back in the booth, a nostalgic smile on his face. Hanayama nodded. They were quiet after that, lost in their own thoughts.
Baki felt a bit out of place, first, he was in a place he wasn't very familiar with... Actually, scratch that, this was like a different world entirely. second, he was talking about his life like it was sooo normal, because yeah... His life is totally normal... and he totally knows how to have a normal conversation about his very normal life... Yeah, know?... Like normal people do.
the lights suddenly dimmed, catching all of their attention. "AND NOW, FOR THE PERFORMANCE YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!! SHE'S LOVELY, SHE'S AMBITIOUS, AND SHE'S EVER SO SENUAL!! GET READY TO MAKE IT RAIN, FOR (S/N)!!!" Came the announcer's voice, they all looked over towards the stage, watching as the lights slowly lit up the catwalk. "An entrance like this for a single woman? She must be something special." He said aloud. Hanayama nodded. "Yes, she must be for such high praise, and the silence of these men, she must be a fan favorite." He added.
Baki stared in his confusion, wondering what all the hype was. 'She's just another woman... What's so grand about her? Is she like rich? Super attractive?... Tall?' He wondered as he looked around at all the people who've all gone quiet.
A shadowy figure came forth, stepping into the light. Katsumi's eyes widen. "(Y/N)!?" He practically shouted in shock as he stared on. Baki's eyes widen as well when he sees you. 'HUH!?' He thought in surprise. First, this weird ass place, second the very normal small talk, and now this!! What's next, clouds are going to start falling from the sky now??
He watched as you walked down the catwalk, your legs were like a cat, hips swaying like a seductress, he was nearly hypnotized. You're an attractive woman and an amazing fighter, to see you in such a position, was confusing for Baki but at the same time he could understand that bills have to be paid, food needs to be bought, or maybe it was just something you simply enjoyed... Either way, it wasn't really any of his business, you were an adult, and you knew what you were doing.
He looked away from the stage for a moment, letting his eyes trail along the crowd when his eyes widened and a small smile graced his face. His arm suddenly shot out, his finger pointing. "Hey look, Retsu's here." He said, a small smile on his face. Retsu could be seen pulling his leg out before he walked over towards them. "Well, now that all of us are here, let the meeting commence." Hanayama said.
'Thank god... because I don't think I can be here for another second.' Baki thought.
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constellarian · 1 year
Katsumi Orochi x gn reader
"Even though I never told you, I wish you knew..."
for 15 years katsumi has loved you, you made him smile, you made him weak in the knees. You made him feel...love, you never fail to cheer him up when hes in a bad mood, you never fail to be present whenever he needed you, but most of all you never failed to be a good friend. But katsumi saw you as more than a friend, he wanted to hold you, kiss you, do more intimate things with you, but he wondered if you felt the same way as he does. That's why Katsumi never had the confidence to confess to you, because he didn't want to ruin what you both had, for the past 15 years of your friendship, his love for you had blossomed even more. Until the day you announced that you were engaged. Katsumi never thought that you would take your relationship that serious, he had known about your relationship and thought maybe they were just another person to break your heart just like all the others, but your relationship was more than that, your fiancé was great , a very wise person who cherished you and was so patient with you, no wonder why your relationship lasted long, katsumi wonders what does that person have that he doesn't as he looks at the shiny engagement ring on his beloved bestfriend's finger, 'no. This has to be some sort of dream right?' He thought, he looked at his bestfriend as they talk about how much they love their now fiancé. Katsumi knew he could never be that person, oh but how he wished that how it should have been him making you smile like that, making you blush, making you whirl around in happiness as you look at the ring he puts on your finger. But alas, the only thing he could do is smile, and accept the fact that his bestfriend was happy and was finally with the love of their life. But deep down he knows he's heartbroken, he thinks that what if he had acted faster? Could he have been the one making you happy?, could he have been the one to love and cherish you? Could he have been the one to wait on the altar as you walk down the aisle a while smiling at him?, could he have been the one for you?....
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ballistashoot · 2 years
-Princess (Katsumi Orochi x fem!Reader)
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So, I know this might be really bad, but please take into consideration that this is my first time writing something that's not a headcanon. (ft. Grammarly, bc writing is not that easy)
That was one of those nights where the Tokugawa mansion was full of people celebrating the inauguration of the new tournament... and something else. Hundreds of people were wearing fancy clothes and eating exotic foods, the house was carefully decorated, with creamy-toned curtains and golden balloons. Everyone was having a great time. Except for a certain young lady upstairs...
-Miss... I know how nervous you are, but you know how excited your grandfather is...- Said one of the maids.- I promise you’ll be all right, and oh dear you look beautiful.
-Thanks Hina, I know it can’t be that bad, but having the spotlight on me all night... It’s terrifying.
A sudden knock interrupted the conversation. 
-Y/N, darling, it’s about time.- Mitsunari Tokuwaga’s voice was heard across the door.
Shyly, the young lady opened the door to see her grandfather standing with a proud smile.
-You are gorgeous as always, I’m so happy you finally agreed to join the family tradition.- Small tears almost started falling from the old man’s eyes as the started walking.
Eventually, they stood by the giant stairs, and Mr Tokugawa drew the crowd’s attention to them with a loud clap.
-Dear guest, we’re all reunited here to celebrate the opening of what will be the biggest marcial arts tournament, the Maximun Tournament! And mosts importantly, my granddaugther’s joining to the family tradition! As you all know, my dear Y/N will anounce the encounters from now on. All said, please wellcome, Y/N Tokugawa!
The man’s words were followed by applauses as the girl went down the stairs. Minutes later, the party continued, and only one thing changed, everyone’s eyes were on Y/N. The girl was quickly cornered by people asking her questions and congratulating her, after half an hour, the crown finally calmed down and left her alone.
She looked around the room looking for a certain someone. She recognized some faces, the Shinogi brothers, Mr.Shibukawa, Mr.Igari, Mr. and Mrs. Orochi, and a few other figthers, but she couldn’t find him anywhere.
-Hey Y/N, what’s up?- The girl turned around to see a certain brown-haired boy.
-Baki! You’re also here! Do you know...
-He’s outside.- She was cut off by the teasing voice of the teenager. He knew her well, she was like a big sister to him, he knew all her secrets, and he also knew who she was searching for.
-Thanks Baki, you really are the best.- She responded hugging him tigthly before sneaking to the garden.
And there he was, black hair, confident posture and a charming smile on his face, god was he handsome. The one and only Katsumi Orochi, her best friend and the boy he has loved all her life. 
She still remembers when they first met.
At that time, both of them were 5. Her grandfather took her to the Orochi's house, apparently there was a new member of the family. They arrived to see Mr. Orochi standing by the door, Doppo greeted them with a smile and invited them in. She was about to say hi to Natsue when suddenly, a black haired boy appeared behind her. He was pretty tall and already had some muscles, he wasn't a normal 5 years old boy.
-Y/N, Mitsunari, I'd like to introduce you to Katsumi, our recently adopted son.- Said Doppo.
Since that day, they became inseparable.
-HELLO! EARTH CALLING Y/N!- Katsumi's voice brought her out of her thoughts. She hadn't noticed how she had been staring at him the whole time.
-I knew you would eventually get overwhelmed and come here.- Sighted the young man.- You look... really nice.
The girl felt flattered yet a little disappointed, deep in her heart she wanted him to tell her she looked beautiful, not just "nice".
-You know, I really appreciate the fact that you're here, I was starting to feel even more anxious with all those people looking at me.
Suddenly, their conversation was interrupted by Tokugawa's voice being heard from inside.
-Now please pay attention to my dear Y/N, who has prepared a speech to inaugurate the new tournament!
Yes, she had completely forgotten about it, great way of making the first impression to hundreds of people Y/N.
-Katsumi.- She said looking at the young man beside her.- Take me out of here.
-You don't need to say it twice.- He responded before picking her up in bridal style and jumping through the fence, running away from the party.
Soon, the Katsumi stopped running and left Y/N on the ground, then they began walking calmly through the streets. Of course, people stared at them, I mean, who wouldn't stare if they saw a man in a Tuxedo accompanying a woman with a ball gown. They didn't mind people staring, until...
-Look, mommy! A princess!- Screamed a little girl to her mother.- Hey miss princess! Where is your crown?
Y/N was about to tell the truth but the illusion on the girl's face prevented it.
-Oh! My crown! You're right! I must have forgotten it at the castle!-She said before looking at the girl's mother with an accomplice smile.
-I see...- Said the little one.- Hey, is that your prince?
Katsumi's face went red for an instant, but he decided to play along.
-Of course! I saved her from a 100 men army!- He said while placing a confident hand on her waist.
-Excuse me, can my daughter take a photo with you two?- Said the mother.
-Of course!- Y/N responded before her "prince" could say anything
Katsumi held the little girl in his arms, and after taking the photo, the kid and her mother continued with their walk.
-You know my grandfather is going to be super angry at us, right? Will you be as brave as you now when you have to take responsibility?
-To have you as my princess? I will be the bravest.
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mothwingwritings · 5 months
What Picture Of You The Baki Men Choose As Their Phone Background, Pt. 1 <3
Reader X Baki, Retsu, and Katsumi
I saw this prompt for some other fandoms and thought it was absolutely adorable, so here are some silly little sweet headcanons for your reading pleasure!
Thank you and I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Mostly fluff, some mentions of suggestive themes and spicy texts, but other than that it’s rather mild. Also, it’s pretty lightly edited. No gendered words, but leans towards a female reader.
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/)/) /)/) ( . .) (⸝⸝ᵕ ᵕ) ~ ♪ (ა📱ა૮( )ა
Baki Hanma 📱
Lock Screen- A cute picture of the two of you from one of your first official dates. It was at an amusement park and some of the park employees were greeting oncoming guests dressed up as mascots, milling around the front of the park posing with and taking pictures with the newcomers. At the time you were rather embarrassed, the characters mostly flocked to the children that were entering the park, but since there were no children in your party they all buzzed around you instead. The huge, florescent pink cat-suited individual that danced around you commented on what a lovely couple you were, urging you and Baki to form a heart with your hands as they posed energetically behind you, their cohort (an equally bright blue dog) snapping a quick picture of the three of you with Baki’s phone. Though the photo was rushed and a little blurry, you are all smiles in the shot, both yourself and Baki looking both bashful and genuinely happy. The love radiating through that image alone warms his heart each time he glances at it, and it warmed yours in turn to know he cherished the memory as much as you did, going so far as to set it as his lock screen so that he could be reminded of it each time he checked his phone.
Home Screen- A candid picture of yourself on another one of your dates, taken quite some time after the amusement park picture was taken. The newbie awkwardness in your relationship had greatly diminished at this point, a peaceful sort of comfort and familiarity now reigning supreme in your romance. Years of being with another person does that to you, your new-relationship jitters subsiding as you get to know all about your partner, their best and worst sides. With time all their obnoxious or gross habits have long since been laid bare, but you are still somehow simultaneously finding new things about them that make you love them even more. Your love changes with time, morphing from something fresh and new to something much deeper, more concrete, more real. The picture he displayed on his homes screen was taken on a random day at a random time when nothing in particular was going on. You were simply walking in front of him and stopped for a brief moment to look at something across the way. He wasn’t even sure what it was that caught your attention, didn’t even really care, he was just fully fixated on you and how breathtakingly gorgeous you looked in that average, everyday moment. Before he even realized he was doing it he snapped a pic, and he was very grateful that he did. Each time he stares at his screen his heart races, beating so rapidly it’s as if he was back in the puppy-love stage of the relationship, and he falls for you all over again.
/)/) /)/) ( . .) (⸝⸝ᵕ ᵕ) ~ ♪ (ა📱ა૮( )ა
Retsu Kaioh 📱
Lock Screen- Like Baki, Retsu is rather fond of candid pictures. Something about capturing you spur of the moment in your day to day life really appeals to him, his heart fluttering when he catches glimpses of reminders that you have become a part of his daily routine. He gets to witness you in all states of being, and knowing you are comfortable enough around him to be your most natural, unguarded self, warms his heart like nothing else. You yourself didn’t find anything super special about the picture he took of you at the home and garden store. If anything you felt the image of yourself holding a succulent in a death grip, eying it a little too intensely as you debated whether you wanted to purchase it or not, was embarrassing. Retsu begs to differ, and each time you gripe about it he goes on a mini spiel, explaining to you in a little too much detail just how endearing he finds your ‘suffering an internal crisis as you try to find the perfect plant for the kitchen windowsill’ expression. This never ceases to instantly make your cheeks blush bright red at the impassioned nature of his tone. Still, the fact that he can find such ardent moments of love in the mundane is one of the reasons why you fell for him to begin with. You hope to share many more little adventures with him that yield even more random pictures you can look back on and smile, whether you personally find them flattering or not. As long as they bring Retsu joy, you will find joy in them as well.
Home Screen- If the picture of you at the store made you a little self-conscious, then his home screen was enough to make you want to bury your face and cry. At some point he had snapped an image of you asleep on the couch. This wasn’t some cutesy ‘I just fell asleep and look like a peaceful little angel’ snooze either- you were DEEP in the troughs of a nap, completely dead to the world. Mouth wide open with a rivulet of drool seeping out the side, old shirt rumpled up with your hand rested on your exposed belly, hair an absolute rats nest as it messily framed your head, it was the kind of picture that could easily be used as blackmail. Yet Retsu cherished it, beaming down at it like a parent looking at their child’s straight A report card. While you cringed each time you peered at his phone screen, questioning why in the world he would pick such an unflattering picture of you to stare at each day, it crossed your mind that maybe he set it as a joke, or to poke fun at you. That thought was quickly laid to rest however, as the sheer look of pure love that reflected in his eyes each time he stared at it made you keenly aware that his choice of setting it as his wallpaper was no prank. Somehow he found true beauty in that gross picture of you, and that in and of itself melted your heart a little bit. So it didn’t really matter how much you loathed the picture, after seeing Retsu’s puppy dog eyes as he stared at your passed out visage you decided it was fine to let him keep it as his background in lieu of something a little more complementary (as long as no one else was allowed to use his phone and potentially see it, that is).
/)/) /)/) ( . .) (⸝⸝ᵕ ᵕ) ~ ♪ (ა📱ა૮( )ა
Katsumi Orochi 📱
Lock Screen- He is definitely the type of dude to have some kind of dweeby, professionally done picture of the two of you as his lock screen. You remember thinking he was kidding when he asked you if you were interested in booking a couples photo session, but when you noted the serious look in his eye as he pressed the issue, you knew the offer wasn’t a joke. Though hesitant, you found yourself unable to turn him down, and a few days later you found yourself in a photo studio posing awkwardly while a photographer happily snapped away, complimenting what a cute couple you were as he directed you to pose this way or that. Despite the previous uncertainty and slightly uncomfortable atmosphere, quite a few gems were born from the shoot, and you ended up being very happy to have some beautifully charming shots to look back on. A certain picture stood out from the rest, one grabbed just as some silly, random comment from Katsumi made you both burst into a fit of laughter. With his arms wrapped around you from behind and huge genuine smiles engulfing both your faces, you leaned into one other, reliant on each other’s support lest you collapse to the ground into a pile of giggles. It was such a fun, happy capture that it very easily became your all-time favorite picture of the two of you.  So you couldn’t help but smile when you happened to spy his lock screen, finding it ironic that he chose your favorite picture to grace his background, especially when your own lock screen displayed the exact same pic. <3
Home Screen- A spicier selfie you sent him in the past. While there is no nudity in the shot itself, you can pinpoint the precise moment you took the shot, remembering it as one that definitely led to some much more revealing pictures (with provocative text to match). You also remembered being quite proud of the selfie- the seductive smolder in your eye, the way your shirt had slunk down your shoulder, the coy little smile on your face as you bit into your bottom lip, all of it came together for a truly sexy presentation. You weren’t one to often brag about your looks, but that day you worked hard to look hot and it had certainly paid off.  That day had also blessed you with good lighting and one of the best hair/makeup days of your life, so to see the image grace his phone screen made butterflies burst in your stomach, a feeling of elation washing over you with the realization that the effort you put in was not in vain. Though it made you blush a little to see that he had made one of the private pictures you sent him his phone background, there was no denying that it pleased you greatly. He was the type of man that earnestly believed that you were the most gorgeous thing on the planet no matter how much or little you were dolled up, but realizing that he took extra notice of when you put in effort to look your best for him, liking it to the point of making it a picture he could stare at all day (while all manner of fantasies were surely buzzing through his brain)…. Well, it certainly set your heart a flutter, for more reason than one.
/)/) /)/) ( . .) (⸝⸝ᵕ ᵕ) ~ ♪ (ა📱ა૮( )ა
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yandere-writer-momo · 5 months
Yandere Baki Series:
Daylight Dancer
Yandere Katsumi Orochi x Fem Reader
TW: yandere behavior
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Slam! A fist roughly collided with a sandbag once… twice… thrice. Yet it didn’t feel like enough… it never felt like enough. Katsumi didn’t feel like enough.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re trying to kill the thing.” Katsumi turned his head to see his adopted father, Doppo, stand in the doorway. “Something on your mind?”
Katsumi sighed before he gave his dad a slight smile. “You got me… it’s about (your name).”
Doppo clicked his tongue. His son has been enamored with that woman since childhood and he still hasn’t confessed… it was kind of depressing.
“What is it this time?” Katsumi sighed at his dad’s question before he tried to give a reading smile.
“Her and I have known each other for so long… I’ve like- no. I can see a future with her. Marriage and kids, the whole nine yards!” Katsumi shook his head and sighed. “I’ve loved her for years and yet… I don’t feel like I’m enough-“
“Katsumi. You’re running the Shinshinkai dojo at your age and you’re quite successful. You’re not bad on the eyes either.” Doppo chuckled. “So why don’t you feel like enough?”
Katsumi nervously shifted his gaze to the dojo’s floor. He couldn’t believe he was about to admit this… “I have a bit of competition-“
“Then grow a pair and confess.” Doppo crossed his arms over one another. The older man cocked his head to the side. “You’re making it more difficult than it has to be.”
“It’s Jack Hanma and Hanayama Kaoru… I’m not as big as they are-“
Doppo loudly laughed at his son’s plight. He was worried over height? Goodness, this was so cute, it was pathetic. “Katsumi, you will live your entire life regretting not telling her you love her.”
Katsumi froze when Doppo put his hand on his son’s shoulder. “And I don’t want you to be unhappy.”
Katsumi gave his dad a slight smile. “Thanks, dad. I’ll confess.”
Katsumi beamed when (your name) arrived to the cafe he invited her to. The Karateka quickly shot up from his chair and embraced her in a hug, his muscular form easily picked her up to swing her legs back and forth. His heart fluttered at (your name)’s joyful giggles.
“You act as if we haven’t seen each other in months when it’s only been a week!” (Your name) gave Katsumi a bright smile, the same smile that always made his knees weak. Katsumi burned her sunny image into his memory.
(Your name) felt a blush crawl on her cheeks from how intense Katsumi’s gaze was. “D-do I have something on my face? You know you can tell me those sorts of things…”
Katsumi chuckled but gave her his signature smirk. “No, you’re just beautiful.”
Katsumi felt his chest swell with pride when her face turned into a shade of cherry red. How cute!
“You’re stupid…” Katsumi and (your name) moved to the table as they went over their menu together. They were childhood friends so there was no awkwardness, only playful banter. The kind that sailed more smoothly than any ship. The two of them were perfect together… and Katsumi just needed her to see that.
Katsumi sucked in a deep breath before he placed his menu down. “You’re probably wondering why I invited you here so suddenly…”
(Your name) perked up and gave Katsumi a smile. “I just figured you missed me. You’ve always been like this.”
Katsumi felt himself fill with hope. Yes… he’s always loved her. Being by her side was second nature to him, Katsumi needed her as much as he needed to breathe. His life would be meaningless without her or karate. She was his other half…
“This is hard for me to say…” Katsumi sucked in a breath. “I love you.”
(Your name) froze when Katsumi confessed, her heart hammered in her chest at his flushed expression. A few of his black hairs now disheveled as he shyly scratched the back of his head.
Katsumi’s pupils were dilated and his breathing was irregular, he was telling the truth… how could she not see it before?
“I have loved you for so many years and I was so scared to lose you. I was afraid…” Katsumi held his hands together. “I promised myself I’d confess if I won my fight with Pickle… but I lost. So I kept putting it off, I was hopeful to show my strength to you. That I was capable of protecting you from everything evil in this world… that I could provide you with whatever you need. It’s why I worked so hard to make the dojo better.”
(Your name) sat there as Katsumi continued to ramble, his face became redder by the minute. “I tried to forget it, but I couldn’t. There’s others that love you too, and I told myself that I’d be happy if you were… but that’s a lie.” Katsumi glanced up at (your name) who remained as still as water. “I would only ever be if you were with me. I don’t want to share you with any other man. I’d go mad if you had a child with another man or called him your husband… so I’m here today to tell you how I feel. I had to tell you or else I would regret it.”
Katsumi reached forward and held her hand. “So what do you say? Is this all one sided-“
Katsumi was surprised when (your name) leaned across the table and pressed a kiss to his hooked nose.
“Katsumi, I like you too.” (Your name) smiled at him. “Why do you think I was rejecting so many guys over the years?”
Katsumi froze before a dreamy smile crawled on his lips. The young man quickly went around the table to pull her into a hug.
The two laughed while Katsumi swung her around. He was so happy… he was so happy (your name) chose him.
There was no telling what extremes he was willing to go for her to say yes… her acceptance just made the entire situation that much easier! He swore he’d make her happy…
If only the two turned to glance out the cafe’s window to see a brooding Jack Hanma out there. And he was not happy.
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kisaamisa · 7 months
synopsis; you definitely said something the baki boys didn't like so why not give their reactions on a sliver platter?
ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ ; baki (obvi), jack, restu, katsumi, sukune, and hanayama
a/n ; im taking requests so please request for anything in my inbox thx 🙏
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all right reserved © please do not copy any of my works!
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I know there’s still a lot of shit happening, and I’m aware that we need to remember the protests  haven't stopped, but today was an especially good serotonin day, so I finally pushed myself to finish this three month-old thing, and now I’m posting bc i have no impulse control.
”There’s the signal.”
”Yeah.”  Fuck that.
Oh sure it’s a life changing opportunity, a new hope, a second chance, but for some reason Doyle would rather stay here.
Next to him Katsumi turns and pats him on the shoulder, a small half-smile shinning on his face. Ah. That might be a reason.
“Katsumi-” He starts, cutting himself off. It’s not possible. They’ve known each other for less than a week. He’s still a fugitive, he has no contacts, no money, no place to stay, and Unchained is still very much after him. But he wants to stay. He wants to leave the job behind, he wants a new home, he wants- he wants to be around people he can get to know beyond the usual discreet suitcase or credit card, beyond being on one or the other side of a gun.
He can’t though. It’s not something assassins can have.
He forces his voice to stay even. “Nothing, just -” I think I like you after just a week, I can't ever repay you for this, you’re pretty cute under this light, I don’t want to leave, “thank you. For everything, I mean. The food, the medicine, and the trip. I owe you.” Forever, his mind adds silently.
Katsumi’s smile fades into a concerned frown, and he brushes Doyle’s shoulder with his own - fuck that’s the first time in years anyone’s touched him without violence being involved - as he speaks. “You don’t owe me anything, Doyle,” his hand is swinging closer and closer to his, “I organized this of my own free will, because I wanted to. You deserve a-” why is his voice hitching like he’s about to say something else before he changed his mind - “You deserve a second chance, just like anyone else would. You’re not as bad as you think, an-and it’d be easier for you to start a new life somewhere they can’t find you.” I should leave, Doyle thinks to himself, it’s the nicest thing anyone’s said to me, and it’s the world’s biggest favor, and , and-
He doesn’t want to leave. Doyle may not know every aspect of the local culture, but he speaks the language, gets the economy, and with a skillset like his, he could easily get a job in any field. It’d be a new life, a real change, a- A fugitive on the run with no official documents, no actual job prospects, and a death penalty waiting. Not an option.
Katsumi’s sharp turn to face the ship take him out of the train of thought and he watches as the captain suddenly starts flicking the lights of the cabin on and off. Doyle doesn’t know what that means, (or why the idiot doesn’t just use morse code or better yet, simply come out and shout down), but Katsumi’s face hardens.
“There’s a threat on board,” he’s backing away and pulling Doyle with him as he speaks. “It’s Yanagi! Look!” Doyle can now see the shape Katsumi was pointing at, the short and distinct silhouette clearly visible with the lights on. The deadly aura, and the stench of fresh blood mixed with old metal confirm it.
He’s not sure why they’re running away instead of taking Yanagi on together, but Katsumi practically throws Doyle into the drivers seat and chucks the keys at him before flipping over the car and into the shotgun. Instincts kick in. Years of training and being in intense situations have his reflexes following through without question, and Doyle only realizes that he’s done anything when he makes a sharp turn left away from the pier and the tires screech against the pavement. Katsumi’s looking trough the rearview mirror, but slumps in relief. No visible pursuer then.
“Merde, lousy figlio di puttana, dickhead, shove it up his own-” Doyle keeps the rest of the curses in his head, muttering what he can’t through gritted teeth. Right when he was about to finally leave that freak has to show up and ruin it. The hell was his deal anyways? Doyle did some research after he’d found the other four, and this guy seemed to be revenge motivated and not associated with the Shinshinkai. Katsumi probably hadn’t fought him, and the odds of a death row convict deciding to just hijack a boat for no foreseeable reason were laughable. So Yanagi was most likely after either him or Katsumi.
Like he’d read Doyle’s mind, Katusmi speaks. “Was that guy after you? Did you do something to him to get him pissed at you?”
“Nah.” It comes out sharp. Doyle wants another smoke. No smoking while you’re driving, his mind plays back the drilled-in lesson again, the car will reek, the light will be visible, and you either deal with the smoke clogging up your vision and breathing or open the car and beg to be shot. Later. “Best guess? He thinks I broke some weird ‘honorable rule’,” he makes the quotes with his right hand before returning it to the steering wheel, “because I decided to change and accept that you defeated me. Old people get like that about honor sometimes.” He knows it the wrong thing to say, but it’s true. It’s why he went to Japan in the first place, plenty of badasses with a code of honor and a too-large ego. Piss off the right guy, have him kill you. If he fails, kill him, find new guy, rinse and repeat. If they don’t kill you for reasons that aren't weakness, taunt them until they snap.
Thankfully Katsumi is a better person than him and mutters a “Makes sense,” at him instead of starting up an argument. He drives in pointless dodges and turns and alleyways for a while until he’s sure it’s safe, and then Katsumi gives him directions back to his apartment.
They get there. He gets out and, on some old and long-buried instinct, moves to open the door for Katsumi before the karateka gets out on his own.
“I texted dad while you were driving, and he said he was grabbing Shibukawa and going there as soon as he could. The police report was playing on the tv screens a street back or so, and they showed a picture of Yanagi  with a broken neck and missing his right arm, still on the boat.” Katsumi walks up the stairs as he talks and Doyle follows, unsure of what else to do. “So I’m guessing either they got there on time, or someone beat them to it. Either way, Yanagi’s not a threat anymore.” They’ve reached the landing, and Katsumi holds his hand out, presumably to get the key ring back from Doyle. He hands it over and chokes out the goodbye.
“Well, see ya around, I guess.” He’s trying very hard to not pretend that he isn’t just the slightest bit crushed about not being able to stay when something grabs his wrist.
“Wait, Doyle! You still don’t have a-” whatever he wants to say, Doyle doesn't wanna hear it. He turns away and keeps trying to walk down the stairs.
“I’ll find something or someone to get me out of Japan. Probably be gone by morning.” He tries to shake the hand off. It doesn’t budge. Stupid guys who have stupid grip strength and their stupidly effective and nice muscles.
“Just hang on, you idiot!” Suddenly Katusmi pulls him back hard enough that Doyle either risks dislocating his shoulder or stumbling back, so he chooses the latter. “We don’t know where Sikorsky is yet, and for all we know he’s after you too. Look,” his voice finally lowers to a reasonable volume that won’t wake the entire neighborhood, “just come in for half a minute, okay? I just gotta make a phone call to check that it’s safe, and then you can leave on your own if you want to, or stay here until we can reschedule stuff and get you on a boat to the Middle East again. It’s won’t take longer than a minute, Doyle. Please?” How the fuck does he do puppy dog eyes like that? Better question, how does Doyle feel himself falling to the them?
“One minute,” he says as calmly as he can when all he wants to do is either leave or stay forever. “One minute, and then I’m gone.” Katusmi nods, unlocks the door, and walks in. Doyle follows, and despite everything they just said about the one minute thing, copies Katusmi’s actions of taking off his shoes. A drink is thrown at his face and Doyle is shocked enough by the fact that this is happening to just open the drink and start sipping instead of realizing it’s intentions.
Katsumi is speaking to what sounds like first one, then two, then five people  as he paces, (and the static from the phone when he’s not the one yelling suggests at least one person is speaking to the other people over their own phone), his speech getting faster and faster until Doyle has a hard time distinguishing most of it. He catches bits and pieces of what sounds like legal jargon though, like they’re negotiating a deal. Something involving jail, prisoner, transportation, papers, parole, psychiatry visits, Hector  - Hold the fuck up.
Jail. Prisoner. Parole. Hector. Those are not words that should be involved in a conversation asking where Sikorsky is. Scratch that, there should not be this long of a conversation, or with this many people, for asking where Sikorsky is. Or all of the other legal crap in there. What is Katsumi doing?
Finally, an eternity of thirteen minutes and sixteen-and-a-half seconds later, Katsumi speaks at a normal volume, bids a formal goodbye over the phone (probably didn't even realize he was bowing as he did so), and then he’s turning to Doyle with a weirdly happy expression on his face.
“What’s Sikorsky’s status?” he asks.
“Well,” Katsumi sheepishly looks away for a second, “it’s complicated. See, first i called dad and he said he didn’t know and he asked Shibukawa, and he also didn’t know, but then Tokugawa was in the same hallway or something and heard them and started talking, and he was saying some stuff that he had planned for Sikorsky so apparently he’s out there somewhere, but Jack and Gaia are gonna pay him a visit soon so that’s all good.”
“Great, bye.” Doyle stands up and moves to get his shoes back on, but Katusmi has other plans because he grabs Doyle’s arm and keeps talking.
“Thing is, it turns out that Unchained was stopping by that hospital because he wanted to talk to Kureha about something, I think they were at the hospital cause that’s where Kureha usually is, anyways, and they talked about how he was gonna pick up Sikorsky and then you, and then dad and Tokugawa started talking, and somehow between everything the four of them phoned the director of that prison you broke out of and long story short, they pulled some strings and you’re not on death row anymore. So you don’t need to leave!” Doyle blinks.
What. the. fuck?
His first words to this are the more eloquent, “Not on death row?”
 Katsumi takes this as a cue to keep talking.
“Yeah, well there’s conditions and that sort of stuff. You have to stay with one of the approved people from Unchained’s list, to make sure you don’t go all assassin-y on innocent people, you gotta visit a special psychiatrist-slash-therapist once a week to help you settle in, and any new crimes will get you thrown into jail no matter what they are, but yeah. Other than that, it’s just some paperwork and stuff.”
“Just to double check, I,” Doyle motions at himself, “can stay here,” waving a hand vaguely to encompass all of Japan, “because your,” poking a finger at Katsumi’s chest, “dad is friends with Unchained and they “pulled some strings”?” he makes the air quote around the last part as obvious as he can because no. This can’t be real. That’s not how things work. Apparently, no one informed Katusmi of this.
“Yep!” he almost chirps the affirmation out as Doyle’s already confused  and fragile worldview crumbles in it’s entirety. His entire record, gone as long as he kept obeying the law. A new life. No more death sentence. No more prison.
Deep breath in, he coaches himself through the internal crisis, deep breath out. Right. Okay. He can work with this.
“So,” Katsumi immediately looks back at him, nodding to show he’s paying attention, “Who’s on the list of people I can stay with, and how many of them are already warned?” It’s close to two am, but he can pick the locks, and all he needs is a name to find their address. Katsumi starts talking, listing the names off on his fingers as he speaks.
“Well there’s dad, but he’s still paranoid after what happened to mom, so that’s out. Jack would be okay but we’re not sure if he even has a home, and nobody called him yet. Shibukawa knows but this isn’t the best way for you to meet him, Baki got ruled off the list because he’s too young, Yujiro’s too crazy and would kill you, Unchained vehemently refused to even consider hosting you temporarily after you broke into the station, and Tokugawa claims you ‘concern him’, so that just leaves Strydum, and me. So either you can stay here or-” he trails off. Doyle almost snorts inwardly because Yeah, like that’s a hard choice.
“If you’re okay with it, could I stay here?” Katsumi’s face lights up the same way it did back at the docks, and Doyle feels his heart skipping a very small beat.
“Of course! Grab something form the fridge, I’ll get a spare futon for you in a sec, and sure. We’re gonna have to think about the rest of the stuff in the morning though, but I know a guy for the psychiatry thing, dad was visiting him in the hospital in the first place, and then there’s paperwork, and Im balls at that kinda stuff, and-” Katsumi’s words blur as he keeps moving and talking, but Doyle nods along, a small smile finding its way onto his face. He’ll get through this. He’s got nobody chasing him, a future therapist to talk to, and Katsumi to help him if anything goes wrong.
This, Doyle thinks as Katsumi moves on to talking about how Doyle will love his friends, might just work out.
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yandere-writer-momo · 8 months
Texts from your Baki Boyfriend
Baki cast x afab reader (based off this tweet)
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Kiyosumi Katou:
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Katsumi Orochi:
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Kaioh Retsu:
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Baki Hanma:
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Jack Hanma:
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Hanayama Kaoru:
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mothwingwritings · 8 months
I kind of would like to see a yandere Katsumi with a breeding kink. I’m usually the one to write him with one, but I’d like to see the way one of my favorite writers would write him ❤️
Anything for you, my darling! ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ I missed writing for our dear boy. <3 Also, you know his ass would be *so* sly about it. This man isn’t gonna stop until your body is a veritable child making factory, irrevocably binding you to him whether you want to be or not. :)
WARNINGS:  Breeding kink, lots of mentions of babies (making/rearing) and pregnancy, dubcon, Katsumi blatantly lying to you and manipulating you to get what he wants for ‘your own good’ (of course :D).
NSFW so 18+ only please and thank you!!!
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It had been several days since you saw Katsumi, a weekend trip to see your family taking you away from him for the past three nights. Judging by his reaction when you walked through the door however, you would have thought months or possibly years had gone by since you last embraced, as he was on you before you even had the chance to give him a proper greeting.
“Missed you so much baby,” he murmured in between heated kisses, his hungry mouth moving from your lips to trail sloppy kisses across your cheek and down your neck, “I’m so glad you’re home.”
You giggled at his enthusiasm, pushing on him a little in an attempt to get him to ease up. “I missed you too Katsu, but can I at least make it two steps inside before I am assaulted with affection, please?”
“Impossible.” He responded simply, hoisting you up from the floor.  After he had successfully scooped you into his arms, he gave a small twirl, causing you to laugh harder. He made an exaggerated hustle to the living room, hauling you in tow. Gently he plopped you down on the plush sofa, making sure you were comfortable before positioning himself above you.
“There, happy?” he smiled, giving you a small kiss on the nose, “Now that you are safely and securely inside, do I have permission to continue?”
You sighed dramatically, giving a playful roll of your eyes. “Geez, you sure are needy today! But I suppose I can oblige your request just this once. Besides…” Your hand traveled up to cup his cheek, your thumb gently stroking his smooth skin as he leaned into you, savoring your touch. “It may have only been a few days, but you weren’t the only one feeling lonely.”
He took your words as an invitation to draw nearer, his warm smile radiating down on you as he pressed his lips to yours once more. Sweet, delicate kisses were quick to grow deeper, the intensity steadily increasing as you both sought to lose yourselves in each other.
…And you figured that would be the end of it. A hot and heavy make out session to welcome you back followed by cuddles, questions about the trip, updates on what happened while you were gone, and then maybe a very well deserved nap.
But Katsumi kept going, his hand slowly creeping under your shirt and across your stomach, stopping to paw at your chest. You gasped slightly at the sensation, causing him to release a pleased hum.
“Sensitive today, are we?” He teased you, his groping growing more feverish as he fed off your reaction. You whined as he pushed your shirt up past your chest, your bra following directly after, giving him free access to your bare chest. A chuckle rumbled from within him as his fingers pressed into your supple skin, your body twitching as his palms ghosted your nipples, thoroughly enjoying watching the reactions his subtle toying yielded. “You say I’m the needy one, but look how you are pressing against me, seeking me out. Even if you didn’t use your words to tell me how much you missed me, your body would have given you away.”
“Katsu” you hissed, squirming under each stroke of his hand, “please, can’t we at least wait till after I’ve settled in some?”
“This is settling you in,” he smiled, working until the top half of your clothing had been completely discarded on the floor. “How much more settled can you be than here in my arms, nestled up against me while we enjoy each other’s company?” He stopped for a second, briefly mulling over his words before adding “Well, I guess you’d be the most settled with me buried deep inside of you, but I’m working on that.”
Your face flushed at his brazen words, bunched fists pushing up against his chest in a small act of resistance. It wasn’t that you weren’t interested-your previous admission of loneliness wasn’t a lie. Your trip had only been a few days, but Katsumi had been busy for several nights preceding that, leaving you feeling deeply unfulfilled for well over a week. Toys and your own hands could only take you so far.
You could feel your resolve waning with each passing moment. Every kiss of his lips, every caress of his hand, every coaxing word spoken by his husky voice, was like torture to your love deprived body. In the midst of it all he shed his own shirt, making you damn near lose your mind with desire. What right did he have to look so good, like he was some kind of Adonis pulled from the pages of a romance novel? You shuddered as his eyes roamed the curves of your compromised form, shining with eagerness to drown you in pleasure.
He dipped his head back down to your chest, his gaze turning mischievous as his eyes bore into yours. His tongue lightly laved over your soft skin and you clenched your jaw to stifle a whimper, desperately attempting to calm yourself down. But despite your best efforts one slipped out when he gently bit down, his tongue swirling your nipple friskily. His free hand sought out your other breast, massaging it gingerly as he lapped and sucked to his heart’s content.
Losing yourself in his ministrations, it wasn’t until he began to tug at your pants that you started to come to, your haze of lust dissipating the further down your legs the clothing traveled. Once past the knees, your hands shot to his shoulders, garnering his attention.
“Katsumi, stop,” you tried to speak firmly, even though your voice still warbled with desire, “I’m not ready for this right now.”
“Shhh,” he whispered, planting a kiss on your stomach, continuing to undress you, “let me make you feel good, baby. You are worn out from the trip, right? I’m just trying to help you unwind~”
You gripped his shoulders tighter, “Katsu, please, I- I just think we should wait…” your voice trailed off, a red hue spreading across your cheeks as you spoke your next words, “Right now is… it’s kind of bad timing, you know? We’re in a bit of a danger zone if we do anything rash.”
You finished the sentence with a nervous laugh, hopeful that he would pick up on your true discomfort and drop the subject entirely. Unfortunately, your words didn’t seem to affect him in the slightest as he finished discarding your pants, now focusing on the panties that were destined to join them.
“You’re on the pill, right? It shouldn’t be a problem…” He shimmied himself down your exposed body, trailing kisses as he went, “besides, you don’t seem to be putting up much of a fight to stop me right now, so you can’t be that against what I’m doing to you.”
You looked down at him, pouting in reaction to his cheeky smile. “I shouldn’t have to fight you. You should just respect your beloved girlfriend’s wishes and stop on your own.”
Katsumi laughed, “You may have a point, but when you dangle a bone before a starving dog, he’s gonna make a move,” he gave you another once over, the heat of his stare causing your heart rate to quicken. “Looking the way that you do, you can hardly blame me.”
A jolt coursed through your body as you felt Katsumi’s fingers lightly graze your folds, a bright blush illuminating your cheeks as Katsumi gave another throaty chuckle. He planted a lingering kiss on your leg, “So fucking cute,” he spoke against your skin, his demeanor morphing from mischievous to downright lustful, “I know you want this too. I’ll use protection, OK?”
Before you had the opportunity to respond his fingers were pressing more firmly against you, teasing your entrance. A wave of heat rushed through your body, your hips bucking up involuntarily to receive more of his touch. Driven by your body’s reaction, Katsumi repositioned himself between your legs, quickly shedding his pants in the process.
Your whole body ached with desire as you watched him move above you, staring at you with longing eyes. You had witnessed him like this countless times before, but each time it happened you couldn’t help but gawk at him. Katsumi was flawless, strong, and handsome beyond compare. Sometimes you couldn’t help but wonder how someone like him even ended up as yours to begin with (though he always hated that insecurity of yours, stating if anyone were to feel that way in this relationship, it should be him).
Katsu was your biggest fan, the apple of your eye, the love of your life. You were both just as crazy about each other now as you were when you first met so long ago, wrapped up in some kind of never-ending whirl-wind romance you thought only existed in movies or fairy tales. You loved him so goddamn much, every moment with him was a moment to be treasured.
So when he lowered his mouth to your entrance, dragging his tongue languidly against your bare cunt, your body was quick to give in. You shuddered as his tongue worked its way inside of you, warm and inviting as it tenderly explored you. Your breathing grew erratic as his thumb moved to massage your clit, his hand and mouth working in synchrony to lead you to euphoria.
You knew where this was all headed, and even with Katsumi’s previous assurances you still felt unsure. You had been experiencing abnormal hormonal fluctuations, often times having a full on period when you knew the medicine you were on was supposed to be staunching it. You had been meaning to go to the doctor to get it addressed but something always seemed to be popping up, barring you from finding out the root cause of the issue.
You had tried to stress your concerns to Katsumi multiple times, but he always brushed them off by saying that you were both being safe and nothing would happen. You wanted to believe him, truly you did, but you knew how weak your resolve was in moments like this and his was even worse. How could either of you say you were doing all you could to prevent bringing another life into this world, a life neither of you was ready to raise or care for?
But even with all your misgivings, how could you ever tell him no? How could you ever not give in to your overwhelming need for him? The longer he touched you the more you felt as if you were losing yourself, ensnared by the bliss he was supplying you. You whined as his hand gripped your leg tighter, pulling you closer to him. You assisted by latching your hands to his hair, grinding yourself against his face as you chased your pleasure. He moaned against you in response, causing you to shiver.
In your haze of lust, you glanced down at him, watching as his feverish mouth worked its magic. Your blush deepened when his focus shifted back your way, his lidded eyes staring up at you had a bestial look to them as he fixated on you, thoroughly engrossed in eating you out. He was fueled by each twitch of your face, the furrowing of your brow, the look of growing ecstasy in your eyes, and you found his palpable desire just as exciting.
All of your tells were driving him to the point of insanity as he lapped at you, the bulge in his boxers growing painful as it strained against the pre-cum soaked fabric, desperate to be inside of you. “I need you now,” his voice was deep as he detached himself from you, wiping your slick from his chin with the back of his hand, “I can’t wait any longer.”
“Katsu,” your voice was strained, missing his contact as soon as it was gone, “Katsu, I-“
“It’s OK baby,” Katsumi purred, cutting you off, “I told you I’ll take care of you, and I’m a man of my word.”
His baritone voice caused an eruption of butterflies in your stomach, your entire body aching for him as he shed what remained of his clothing. He spat on his hand, giving himself a few cursory pumps before he slotted himself against you, dragging his hard cock tauntingly across your opening.
“Are you ready for me?”
Though your mind was muddled with desire, the fact that Katsumi was not sticking to his promise had not escaped your notice. A pang of fear spiked in your heart as you felt him start to enter you, the repercussions of this liaison sending anxiety coursing through your veins.
“W-wait, you said-“
Katsumi pressed his lips to yours, making you instantly swallow your protest. He pushed his way inside, causing you to whine against his kiss. He parted from you slightly, his breathing unsteady as he enjoyed the feeling of you enveloping him.
“I’m sorry baby, couldn’t wait,” he panted, moving his hips until he was completely sheathed inside of you, “you feel so fucking good.”
“Katsu,” you whispered, overwhelmed by the stretch of him inside of you, “please, I-“
Another kiss, “It’ll be OK, trust me.”
His voice was hurried, his words a means to pacify. They did little to assuage your concerns, but as you felt the slow drag of his length against your walls, your ability to dispute him was stolen from you. His thumb pressed against your clit, massaging the tender bud, coaxing your body back into a sense of mounting ecstasy that effectively killed any lingering protests.
You gasped as he thrust into you again, more forcefully than his initial entrance. He continued just as roughly, each deliberate stroke hitting you so deeply it made your head spin. Delicate whimpers turned into wanton moans as he pushed on, quickening his pace to an almost brutal degree. He leaned down, pressing his body against yours as he covered your neck with hot, open mouth kisses. His hands gripped the back of your legs, pressing them back so that he had access to plunge even deeper.
“So fucking perfect,” he panted into your neck, voice wavering with desire, “everything about you is perfect (name). I love you so fucking much.”
A particularly harsh push of his hips made you scream, a growl of pleasure rumbling from Katsumi’s throat. “And you’re all mine. I’m the only one that gets to see you like this, the only one who can make you feel this good.  And you’re the one who completes me, the only person that drives me to the point of insanity with how much I love you.”
At some point tears began to fall down your cheeks, the intensity of his love overpowering you as he imprinted himself into your very core. His affection was as intoxicating as it was formidable, and you found yourself being able to do little more than cling to him, crying over the potent mix of pleasure and pain he continuously hammered into you.
His hands snaked up your arms, entwining his fingers with yours in a vice like grip. Sweat coated his brow as his eyes caught yours in a heady stare. You could tell his release was imminent, the ability to speak chased away by his growing passion, a string of unintelligible praises and moans tumbling from his lips as his hips smacked lewdly against you.
A final wave of pleasure crashed upon you, taking you in its brilliance. Crying out in bliss, you tightened around him as you came, your entire body vibrating in complete satisfaction at Katsumi’s efforts. The reaction caused his hips to stutter, his voice roaring your name as he came, spilling himself deep inside of you.
For a moment you were lost in your buzz. Breathing heavily in his arms, a thin layer of sweat coated your battered body as you slowly regained your bearings. Katsumi stayed where he was, plugging you up as he planted lingering kisses along your face and collarbone, his praise never ceasing as he held you close.
“K-Katsumi,” your voice was weak as you came down off your high, a nagging feeling of disquiet once more taking root in your brain. You squirmed in his hold, trying to detach yourself from him and the softening cock he kept stuffed inside of you. “Katsumi, get off of me…”
“Hey now, if you keep moving around like that you’re gonna get me excited again,” he chuckled, your body jolting when he gave your breast a playful nip, “You already ready for round two? Naughty girl~”
“S-stop,” you pouted, upset that he was trying to joke around when you were in a clear state of distress, “What the hell even was that? I told you now wasn’t good timing…”
He laughed again, “As I said, you didn’t seem to really be complaining.”
You smacked him lightly on the shoulder, brows furrowing. “I’m not joking around Katsumi! It felt nice, but what happens if…” Your voice trailed off. Despite all you had just done, you couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed as you confronted what could be a very real repercussion of your actions. “What if we get pregnant?”
“…Would it really be so bad?”
Your eyes shot back to him, taken aback by the nonchalance in his words. There was a serene smile on his face as he spoke them, as if bringing a child into your life was no big deal at all.
“We’re gonna have them someday anyway, aren’t we?” He continued to smile at you, nudging his nose against yours affectionately, “Does it really matter if we have them now or later? Another member of the Orochi family wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.” He planted a small kiss on your lips, looking down at you with a sparkle in his eye. “Besides, you’d look absolutely gorgeous full of my children, don’t you think? Can’t say I’m not looking forward to you wobbling around all plump and pretty, there will just be that much more of you to love on.”
A deep red blossomed across your face, trailing down your chest. “Y-you know I’m not ready for all that Katsu, I wouldn’t know the first thing to do with a kid right now.” You shook your head, giving him an earnest look, “We can’t do this, at least not yet. I, we are not ready for a commitment that big. We agreed on this already, right?”
He hummed thoughtfully as he took you in, an indiscernible look reflected in his eyes as they bore into yours. For a brief moment you felt uncomfortable with his demeanor, his silence making you feel almost as if something you said had bothered him and now he was upset with you. But just as you were about to confront him on it, his smile returned. In a swift movement he pulled out of you, pivoting his body around until he had scooped you up in his arms.
Pressed firmly against his chest, he planted a kiss on the crown of your head. “I’m sorry (Name), you’re right. I just can’t help but get carried away when I’m with you. I’ll try better to restrain myself in the future.”
You sighed, snuggling into his chest as you tried to dispel the feelings of concern that still wracked your mind. “It’s OK,” you spoke softly, the evidence of his transgression leaking uncomfortably from between your legs. “We’ll just have to be extra careful in the future, alright?”
As you rested against him, Katsumi was happy you couldn’t see the guilt that briefly permeated his features. He had total faith in his plan, knew that ultimately it was the right thing to do for not just him, but yourself as well. Yet still, hearing your blatant concern as you snuggled against him, held close by the man you trusted the most while you remained none the wiser to his plan… He couldn’t help but feel like the bad guy.
He grimaced as he tightened his hold on you, frustrated that you were making this so hard for him. You belonged with him. No one could make you happier than he could, no one could protect you or provide for you better than he could. Really, all of the fears you conjured pertaining to your inevitable future with him were your own fault, self-inflicted punishment you suffered for being so stubborn.
Every ideal and goal that you were so keen on pursuing were ultimately pointless in the grand scheme of things-Silly little distractions that you for some reason deemed as more important than creating a family with him. He tried not to let it gnaw away at him, but sometimes it was too hard to ignore.
The thought that you could just slip away someday, leaving him behind as you gave your love and your future to someone else, haunted him. He knew you loved him, it was undeniable. He was sure a break-up was the furthest thing from your mind, the loyalty you felt for him as unwavering as his was for you. And yet worries still plagued him. You were his happiness, his love, his light. Everything he did, he did for you. If one day your love for him dimmed, where would that leave him? What would be the purpose of life if you weren’t there by his side, experiencing it with him as you grew old together?
He couldn’t accept that, he wouldn’t. You were his, always and forever. But he needed an assurance that you would stay by his side for keeps, something bigger than spoken promises and more concrete than a ring on your finger. He needed something to bind you to him irrevocably, a sign of your lifelong love that was truly permanent.
And what was a better culmination of devotion and attachment than a baby? He always wanted to be a father, and from the moment he met you, he wanted to make you the mother of his children. It only made sense that one day, hopefully very soon, that goal would be realized.
In his home, fat with his babies, basking in his touch and his ceaseless love, THAT was the life you deserved and the only thing you should be focused on. If you weren’t going to recognize it on your own, of course he had no choice but to begin taking drastic measures. Swapping out your pills, sabotaging your doctor’s appointments, lying to you… he wasn’t proud of himself for having to do it, but his hands were tied. Any struggling or feelings of discontentment were ultimately entirely your own fault.
“…Katsumi? Did you hear me?”
“Oh, sorry baby,” he startled at the acknowledgment, dragged back to earth by your questioning voice. “But I hear you loud and clear. I meant it when I said you have nothing to worry about. I’ll always keep your best interests at heart, I promise.”
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