anyara · 3 months
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Hojō hizo una reverencia, antes de dar la vuelta y volver al interior de la residencia. Kagome lo siguió con la mirada un poco más de lo necesario.
—Él es un amigo de la infancia —Kagome pareció querer aclarar. InuYasha no fue capaz de mostrar una expresión, todo lo que sentía era una furia oscura que amenazaba con hundir sus garras en aquel hombre.
—Por la forma en que se dirige a usted parece que la considera de su propiedad —InuYasha no se molestó en esconder ese pensamiento.
Kagome lo observó por un instante que a él le pareció largo e intenso. Los tonos de sus mejillas se encendieron un poco más de lo que él le había visto hasta ahora y eso lo sorprendió. Había fuerza en su mirada, a pesar del arrebol que invitaba a pensar en la timidez.
—Usted y yo sólo nos hemos visto dos veces y no me parece propio comentar estos asuntos —ella habló con decisión e InuYasha percibió el modo en que la emoción de sus palabras y su voz lo llevaron a desear ver doblegado su espíritu, cedido, completamente entregado a él.
Había fuego en esta mujer, un fuego oculto que quizás ni ella misma sabía que existía bajo las capas de su cordialidad. InuYasha se sintió más motivado que al inicio de todo esto.
Capítulo 08
Ilust: LEN (fb)
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vilejpg · 6 months
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SO. I joined a new RP group, and so far these are the two characters I've thrown in it! Moonstalk (previously Moonmaul in another server) and Batkit (previously Batshade in another server, got a redesign for the new vibe >:3) I've only been in it for a little bit, but it seems like it's gonna be great! The lore is interesting, the vibes are immaculate, and I know most of the people on the server already, so I know they're all awesome people to talk to! That being said... if maybe YOU'RE interested in joining the group, feel free to give it a lil looksie! A lil peek, even! Check it out >:3 Will leave the link and some Lore under Read More!
ThunderClan... RiverClan... WindClan... ShadowClan... The four clans lived together in peace and harmony. Then, everything changed when Thorn attacked! ...Or something like that, anyways. In this group, RiverClan and WindClan have been recently demolished; what once was their territory being taken up by the other two remaining clans. ShadowClan is kind, while ThunderClan is extremely strict regarding the code; these are the core traits of both clans thus far! Due to the many, MANY deaths of these two clans' past leaders within the most recent moons, new leaders are chosen for each clan; a fresh slate, a new start, and all made in the hope that what happened in the past will never happen again. Honeystar of ThunderClan; leader by choice, but not because of any ambition. Honeystar is primarily a glutton, with the whole reason he became leader being that 1. No one else wanted to, and 2. As leader, he'd gain access to all kinds of treats, foods, and affections that were unreachable before! But while he may not have any ambitions of his own, that doesn't mean no one in the clan does... a cat whispers in his ear, and he listens. Roachstar of ShadowClan; unlike many others who hesitated, she had no fear of the target on her back nor the deaths which may come her way for the mere fact that she wished to lead the clan she loved the way they deserved. Beneath a goofy mask lie clever eyes and a cunning mind; she will rule her clan, twice as loyal as the cats before her, but nowhere near as forgiving. Right now in RP- 1/09/2024- there's an even going on, where cats may have the chance to get a fortune from StarClan themselves! There's so much more to explore in this group, and I am excited at the opportunity to be involved in whatever stories are cooked up. >:3
Kawaakari / River At Dusk RP Group
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almas-en-penalty · 1 year
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Today's update: Shimizu Kairi's room! 🐚
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🌻: oh, this has been a journey to create. I'm not a builder in Sims 4 (and I actually usually hate build mode with a passion), but this little project actually brought me so much joy. You can definitely see a lot of rough spots and dubious creative decisions, but I'm still quite happy with how it's turned out! And most importantly, I think it tells a good story about Kairi's lifestyle and personality, so overall I'm very satisfied.
Some notes to self:
Total build time: 5 hours
New things I've learnt: cluttering!
What to consider next time: maybe do more diverse color palette
[ cc used:
Sonata Sheet music by Soloriya
Sonata Metronome by Soloriya
Kid's Industry Trophy by BuffSumm
Low Table Set by Illogical Sims]
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shiraishi--kanade · 2 months
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Hope you don't mind if I slip this in...
(for those that are new to Kwko: Reishi and Suzuka are the tallest and shortest members of the unit respectively)
Hoc this is hysterical thank you
(I love how we talk about KWKO like they're an actual unit people can be new to I love that)
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shinobinvku · 2 years
Starter for @bladedhunter
𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐔𝐏 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐀𝐒 𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐔𝐍𝐄, the blossoms and greenery Konohagakure is known for come full-pride beneath a strong, brilliant sun. Midsummer was finally in full swing, and it appeared to be that time again where the village is in preparation for Tanabata Matsuri. Every July, the Hidden Leaf throws a grand festival in the evening on the seventh day to celebrate the old legend of the two star-crossed lovers separated by the Milky Way River in the sky, only fated to meet upon this night. Tanabata is an evening full of joy, fun festivities and for making wishes come true. 
Chitose was looking forward to recuperating after completing yet another mission and for the first time in ages, was given the night off of the festival. She strolls through the busy streets, observing vendors setting up their stands for the festival. Colorful paper lanterns are streamed across the buildings and everywhere are advertisements featuring the star-crossed lovers. It would appear there will be a grand performance in the heart of the village tonight.
Dressed in civilian clothes, she searches for a tea shop on this block, but it doesn’t look like it’s here any longer. So much has changed while she was away. Instead, they stop in front of a large window display of kimono and yukata, contemplating, until she sees a familiar person in the display’s reflection. Her amber gaze stares back at Hatake Kakashi through the reflection of the glass, a faint smile widening across her lips. 
Ever since they reconnected during that one mission to Amegakure, it seems that they’ve been running into one another a lot lately. 
❝ This is the third time we’ve bumped into each other like this. I’m beginning to think you’re following me, Taichou, ❞ Chitose muses wryly, finally turning around to face him directly. 
❝ You’re looking well. Are you out here shopping for the festival? I was just looking for my favorite tea house, but it’s no longer here on this block. Did it move or shut down? ❞
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aki-chan2014 · 6 months
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So I was just scrolling through on Twitter and saw this ring in my feed and my two thoughts were "it's pretty" and "ooooh that would make a great wedding ring set for the Kawaakari universe".
And now the more I think about it I am mildly obsessed with the idea of these being Kawaakari-universe wedding rings and I like these more for that reason than for their general prettiness. Ooops.
Anyway this is the post that I screenshotted the pictures from: https://twitter.com/momentsofence/status/1735737724076716115
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pikahlua · 18 days
I don't know if this question is welcome here but what are your favorite bkdk fics? I figured you'd maybe know of some hidden gems
I know it's only been 5,000 years since you sent this ask, anon, but the only reason I haven't answered it is because...I haven't been reading all that much new fic lately haha oops. But I can give you a few underappreciated gems.
Kawaakari by mylifeisitalic
Oathkeeper by stardust_rust
Fire and Sunlight (18+ explicit) by Mysecretfanmoments
And while I'll never get sick of reccing @siflshonen's I Want What I Don't Deserve, let's change it up a bit and throw in the heartfelt twoshot feels of Deus Ex Machina by Sifl.
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almaadst · 9 months
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Commission for @chabanamochi ≧ω≦ You have no idea how much I love Bleach OCs! The Bleach universe is so big that you can create many different and interesting characters! Here you can see two Shinigami women (left) Narumi and Sayaka (right)! They seem like two opposites but it made drawing them more fun! Also, I made closeups of their zanpakutou - Kawaakari (left) and Himawari (right)! If you want me to bring your Bleach OC to life check the commission info below!
Other: Commission info Shinji and Rebecca MHA OC: Sora
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inukag-on-ao3 · 2 months
by Anyara
Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M
Fandoms: InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale
Relationships: Higurashi Kagome/InuYasha, Higurashi Kagome & InuYasha
Characters: InuYasha, Kagome
Additional Tags: Mystery, Suspense, Love, Spiritual, Romance
Summary: Prelude.KAWAAKARI“The river that glows amidst the darkness.”.A dark story that, in the middle of a time of social change explores the shadows of a society and the souls of those inhabiting it."... AND THE WORLD FORGOT ABOUT ALL THE CREATURES THAT GAVE IT FORM."Over 18Cover: Len Barboza (authorized)
Words: 38,921 | Chapters: 15/50 | Language: English | Private: No
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anyara · 3 months
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“Kagome abrió el shōji con suavidad, y mantuvo la mirada baja en todo momento, necesitaba cierta protección ante la fuerza de su intuición. Dio un paso hacia el interior, cerrando la puerta con parsimonia tras de sí. Quería tardar todo lo posible el tener que enfrentar a las personas que se encontraban en la estancia…“
Free content for free members.
Contenido libre para miembros gratuitos.
Ilust: @lenbarboza
Trad: @DezartVn
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kotarchipelago · 3 months
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Hello! My name is Dakota.
I’m 19y/o. Please use they/them or any gender neutral pronouns.
Been on the internet for ages but am relatively new to posting.
Unsure about labels, but these seem good right now :)
Psychology major with further lifelong interests in art, writing, gaming, and tarot, with newer (1-3yr) interests including music production, crochet, and bass/electric guitar.
> Main Blog — @kotanemone
> PJSK OC Blog — @yozora-x-jelly
(while youre here, also please check out @kawaakari-orchestra and @lost-wishing-official !! theyre lovely pjsk oc blogs run by some equally lovely people)
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Basic DNI criteria (zionist, homo-/transphobic, racist, etc)
Do not dm/inbox/ask to mutual if you post NSFW content relating to any PJSK characters
You may interact if you post any other NSFW / suggestive content. While I might mutual (albeit it’s unlikely) I will never rb posts from blogs of this kind.
Right now I am hyperfixated on PJSK!
I have horrific memory and do not keep contact with almost anyone as much as I should and will likely be inactive for some periods of time.
I am also very bad at communicating my thoughts so feel free to tell me if I repeat myself or if anything I say comes across the wrong way.
If art, writing, or other original creative works are ever posted, criticism is not welcome unless stated otherwise. It probably seems overly sensitive of me but I likely already know what is wrong or off in my works, I just don’t have the technical ability to fix it quite yet.
Please send me asks!! I love interacting.
I use the Goth/Rave color palette on iPad and Dark Mode on iPhone, so my blog will by default be formatted to be seen best in those modes.
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gintokisimp · 2 years
beating only brings black eyes
(Late upload) Something short for the last day of the Nightlife GinTsu event and Gintoki's birthday!
Genre: Attempt at humor, unresolved tension  Rating: M Word Count: 1311
Gintoki’s birthday didn’t end well.
She’s way too drunk, she got kicked out and now she’s alone.
Again, they had wrecked a bar together.
Did the party end already?
She doesn’t know.
All she knows is that she needs to find her way home now and maybe make up her mistake to the others tomorrow.
She can’t see very well. It’s dark, this area of the town is not well lit and her field of vision is already limited by the alcohol. The pathway under her feet and the bottle in her hand are her only lifelines to reach out to, and she swears she recognizes that rock she just stumbled over and it would lead her right home.
After a few minutes, the ground changes into wooden planks and she knows she has reached one of the flat bridges of Edo.
Which one? She doesn’t know, sooner or later she’ll find her way home. The wind picks up around her and she shivers. She tightens her haori around her body and stops for a moment to look up at the river beneath the bridge.
The moon breaks through the cloud and reflects off of the fast flowing water. Stunned, she stares at it for a while before her slow brain remembers the word for it: kawaakari
It’s beautiful.
“Lookin’ at the moon miss?” a low voice echoes over to her.
That is not so beautiful. She isn’t in the mood to get harassed.
Tsukuyo grabs the bottle in her hand tighter when she looks over in the voice’s direction and sees silver hair stand out from the dark outlines of the buildings and her mood worsens despite her heartbeat going up and through the roof.
Gintoki stops dead in his tracks and coughs when he recognizes her and she can see he’s carrying a bottle of sake as well. Somehow she feels the need to hide hers, he might try to steal it, she thinks.
“Where u goin’, that’s the wrong direction,” Gintoki throws angrily at her head and she glares at him – or at least she tries, because he laughs and that’s never a good sign.
“No y’re goin’ in tha wrong direction,” she slurs back at him which makes him laugh even louder.
Gintoki points at her. “Nah, I’m goin’ right, u just stupid you dumb bitschh!”
“What did’ya call me,” Tsukuyo feels her blood boiling and that’s not a good thing, not like that.
“Bitch!” he screams and Gintoki throws his bottle in her direction. He misses by a mile and it shatters behind her. Her eyebrow twitches at Gintoki’s manic laughter.
Tsukuyo wants to jump him – with a kunai, and a second later she does.
Suddenly Gintoki lies beneath her and he has the sharp blade at his throat, and the bottom of the bottle pressed to his wrist. He still laughs, but now a little scared. “Ah honey, if you want to ride me you should do that naked or at least without panties,” he snorts and Tsukuyo presses the blade into his skin until it actually draws a little blood. He’s not putting up a fight and the suspicion that he enjoys this creeps under her skin.
Tsukuyo hiccups. “Ya a perverted bastard, no one wants t’ fuck you,” she mutters and Gintoki’s eyes suddenly focus on her.
“You want!” he screams, fully convinced of his words.  
“You wish!” Tsukuyo shoots back and he laughs again, but frees one of his hands to grab her wrist with the kunai.
“No I don’t, reaaaally don’t,” he giggles and she’s getting angrier by the minute.
“I saw how ya’ peeked at me, ya don’t have to deny it!” she yells. “But that ain’t gonna happen, not even on your birthday!”
“I ain’t fuckin’ peekin’ at a violent woman like you!” Gintoki screams and she hisses. Tsukuyo tries to get her wrist out of his hands but he holds it firmly.
He screams, she screams.
And they roll over the bridge like a pair of hormones-loaded teenagers beating each other up, both of them forcefully trying to get the upper hand again.
At some point, she gets a knee between his legs and notices something.. stiff.  She sucks her breath when he moans.
“Ya sicko! Ya gettin’ sum kind of kick out of this!” her hands wrap around his throat and Gintoki chokes.
“‘m not,” he coughs and his face turns red. “Just happens.”
Somewhere around them a door opens and someone screams into the cold night.  
“Take your perverted sexroleplay inside and stop screaming!!” the door slams shut again and they blink at each other. Tsukuyo’s grip loosens around his throat and he massages it.
“Strong grip,” he mumbles but grins. Tsukuyo gets mad again, but before she can strangle him again, she was suddenly standing and Gintoki stands in front of her, close to her – a little too close.
“Not strong enough.”
The wind picks up around them and dry leaves swirl around his head and his hair with them, shining silver in the moonlight. His eyes beam at her, glistening red and Tsukuyo swallows.
His stupid grin still stays which destroys the image for her.
Or doesn’t.
Suddenly, Gintoki’s hands clamp around the railing and his body pushes her back against the hard wood of the bridge and Tsukuyo holds her breath.
“Say that again,” he whispers and renders Tsukuyo speechless. The image in front of her looks like a dream, maybe it is all a dream and she had just passed out somewhere.
“What?” she whispers in awe. Gintoki stares back at her, almost as if he’s distracted and didn’t hear her question. Then, his eyes fall down to her lips.
“Bet u won’t dare to kiss me?” he mumbles and grins. Tsukuyo pants.
“I - I won’t?”
“Do ya even dare?!”
And then he leans forwards and she feels something warm on her lips and understands he’s kissing her.
Actually kissing her.
She panics.
Enough, she thinks before she grabs his collar and throws him over the railing, panting, her face hot and her lips wet.
Gintoki screams. and tries to reach out to her, but she doesnt turn around and only crosses her arms in front of her chest, trying to calm down. She hears his body hitting the water – and then helpless yelling and splashing.
“Help! Help me!” Gintoki cries and Tsukuyo laughs. “I can’t swim!”
“Just use yer legs idiot!”
Gintoki’s head disappears between the ripples and Tsukuyo frowns. Maybe he really can’t.., his head appears again and he looks scared.
“Can’t,” water splashes against his face and drowns out his words. “..swim.”
He’s not joking , Tsukuyo thinks and in the fraction of a second she jumps after him into the cold water. The freezing temperature takes away her breath for a moment and breaking through the surface she needs a moment to orient herself and Gintoki.
She sees his hands sticking out of the waves and dives after him.
Just in time, before he sinks to the bottom, she grabs his hand and pulls him to the surface.
Gintoki coughs and Tsukuyo can’t keep herself from laughing.
“Ya can’t swim big boy?!” her laugh reverberates through the valley of buildings and Gintoki sulks.
“Shut up,” he mumbles and half heartedly climbs on her back. She swims them both to the riverbanks and they crawl out of the freezing water.
Tsukuyo lays on her back and Gintoki crawls over to her, shuffling his body next to her. Tsukuyo eyes him suspiciously but she guesses he’s just cold.
She’s also freezing.
For a few minutes they just stay like that and Tsukuyo asks herself if he passed out, but then he raises his voice.
“Ok..so.. wanna sleep with me? For my birthday?” he whispers and Tsukuyo feels a smile forming on her face.
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KWKO message memes, part 2 (feat. Maki being dyslexic)
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Got any mixed events ideas? Or any hc of your ocs interacting with the other characters?
Many! However, all of "canon" mixed events will happen between my other fan units as well as KWKO (there are 4 total!). I have this one that is probably the most thought-out so far, so you guys can have a sneak peak into the synopsis.
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Aside from this, I do have a couple hcs:
- Karin probably met Ena by accident and got to know Airi through Ena. They've mostly bonded over fashion and make up, so their "friendship" is very superficial, but it's still there!
- Kairi, Akari and Karin met Touya and Tsukasa before at music competitions both took part in. Every single one of them have very complicated feelings about the Tenmas, but neither brother actually remembers them.
- Except for Karin, as Touya frequents the book shop she works at and it takes Karin all effort in the world to behave normally around him.
- Reishi is vaguely aware or N25 activity, but doesn't follow them too closely. At the same time, he is familiar with Mizuki by meeting them in a shipping mall by chance. Both were left with positive impressions of each other, thought Reishi still isn't sure what to make of it.
- Maki has seen An performing on the street before. She thinks An is super cool, but it didn't cross her mind to approach her.
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lovelylexis · 3 months
the gleam of last light on a river's surface at dusk; the glow of a river in the darkness
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