#kawashima urara
polar-stars · 11 months
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Anyone remembers one of my truly RAREST rarepairs? …Well…this poster was too good of an opportunity to draw them again 😭
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universestreasures · 5 days
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So, because I love fleshing out NPCS, I decided to pick out FCS based off what I imagine Isono's wife and daughter look like in my head! So, here they are with a bit of extra lore!
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Haruka (Isono's wife)'s FC is Akiko Miura, featuring brown hair, brown eyes, and glasses. She is very much a no-nonsense & outspoken kind of person and won't take any kind of BS, but she is very caring and protective of her family. She is half Japenese and half German (which is why Isono learned German to begin with, did it to impress her and communicate with the in-laws), but she has lived in Japan for most of her life. Being with her prepared Isono for dealing with Seto since they are similar in many ways, that's for sure. She works as a college advisor for Domino University, specifically in the School of Business.
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Riko (Isono's daughter) FCs are Anko Kitashirakawa (Young) & Urara Kawashima (Teen/Young Adult), and has her father's black hair and her mother's brown eyes. She is two years younger than Mokuba (so 9 at the start of the story), and is very much a Papa's girl. She is very energetic, kind, and cheerful, but at the same time very protective of her friends and has a temper akin to that of her mother's if pushed enough. She also has a deep love for gaming, especially any type of RPG or strategy game. She attends Aibo Academy, just like Mokuba's friends and Mokuba & Akatsuki later do, and hopes one day to go into game development, specifically regarding anything testing or debugging games for Kaiba Corp.
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alexyskyy · 5 years
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Toga cosplay - @alexy_sky_
This time I brought Toga without the mask showing my face (piscicopath)? hahahahaha
I really wish I could use the pointed canines, but they don't fit my orthodontic braces. I promise to do this full cosplay one day❤
Lenses @anibiustore (use code "alexysky" for 10% off!!) .
Wig from @pastellovesstore
My discount code is "alexy"
Pastelloves specializes in Kawaii clothing and wigs, it has its own factory and unique design, if you like it, you can use my discount code to buy and save your money
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pmeraki · 4 years
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Kawashima Urara icons p2
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kurayamineko · 5 years
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can you pls write on how you imagine the other first-year students to be like in the fantasy au? like ikumi, hayama, polar star, etc
Thanks for the ask! Some the 92nd generation is mentioned in the original AU post, but the rest of them are here. 
Ikumi is the daughter of a noble family in Totsuki Kingdom and her father serves on King Senzaemon’s war council. From a young age, Ikumi was carefully schooled in the arts of swordplay and battle tactics, and she is counted among best fighters in the kingdom. Growing up, she was one of the Princess Erina’s close companions, and her favorite sparing partner (because Hisako was always too afraid of hurting her). When Erina ascends the throne, Ikumi will become her most trusted general. 
Yuki’s parents are tenants on the Isshiki family’s estate, but she works in the royal city as a huntress and procurer of magical goods. She is known as one of the best archers in the land, and once bested the Princess Alice — who is broadly considered the best marksman in Totsuki — in a contest. She is an amazing animal tracker, and has amassed considerable wealth through her ability to harvest pixie pollen and phoenix ashes. Her broad knowledge of the woods becomes incredibly important when the kingdom is planning its battles against Azami’s forces. 
Zenji is a scholar who lives and works within the royal university. His areas of study include history, cartography, and defensive magic (though he himself is not a mage). It was his research that made King Senzamon aware of the talisman that could disrupt Azami’s curse, and his maps that guided Souma and his companion to its probable location. In the years to come, some will say that it is him, along with Yuki, who truly turned the war in Totsuki’s favor. 
Shun is the son of the best blacksmith in the royal city and has willingly learned his father’s trade. His specialty is the crafting of weapons, and he has made the swords and axes of all of Totsuki Kingdom’s most famous warriors. It is a little known fact that he is a talented swordsman himself and could have easily become a knight if he’d been willing to abandon his family business. However, when he is called to war along with the other fighting men, his prowess in battle becomes public knowledge. 
Ryoko’s family owns a very popular tavern in the royal city, and the beer and ale served in her place are famous throughout the kingdom. She appears to be an average woman, steadfastly awaiting her marriage to the blacksmith’s son, but in truth, she also works as a spy for the royal family. Men often become loose lipped when they’re deep in their cups, and she has stopped more than one plot against the crown by keeping an ear to the ground. 
Miyoko is a member of Totsuki Kingdom’s minor nobility and a young officer in King Senzaemon’s navy. She has tried for many years to recruit Megumi into the navy, given her skills as sailor and swordswoman, to no avail. 
Subaru is part of Azami’s faction. He works as a minor military officer and an enforcer (read as extortionist) to the heir of the Eizan Bank. He is the first person in Azami’s faction to cross blades with Souma and assess him as a threat.
Daigo and Shoji are guards at the royal palace, charged with protecting the king and his family from harm. Shoji has a younger sister who would have died from a fever in childhood if the Lady Arato had not healed her. After this event, Shoji swore to protect Hisako always and viewed his oath to her as even more sacred than his vow to protect Totsuki’s royals.  
Urara is a spy for Azami’s camp, sent into Totsuki to collect intel on the orders of Kinokuni Nene. She quickly seeks employment at the palace as a lady’s maid and wins the heart of a member of the royal guard, Daigo. She is very skilled in her duties. However, her life in Totsuki is comfortable, and she sometimes considers defecting from Azami’s faction. 
Nao, conversely, is a mage who collects intel for King Senzaemon in Azami’s camp. She is competent at her work, but worries that Nene or Subaru will soon discover her true identity and have her killed.
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anipandagirl · 5 years
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Girl you tried it. I swear the only reason Shokugeki exists is to expose people with food... as if it actually happen
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stalkerkyoko · 3 years
Later my dudes   bruh taco bell ad
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it’s gura chan lol
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and steven blum
got sidtracked
MHA: My bad not filler expect for the middle part
dr.stone s2 end
yashamime - yo that was one the main baddies taken out in 1 ep
food wars
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Uraura has gone bad
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black clover bruh you killed his commrades Yuno is POISSED Naruto shippuden
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“that upsurping didn’t like I thought I tell you 
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sansan9 · 5 years
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polar-stars · 1 year
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Mother/son-duet for Urara & Hideyoshi 💜
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shokugekinospice · 5 years
May I ask for a few dating headcanons on ShoRara and DaiYua, because Rarepair Stanning Heck yeah!
RARE PAIR STANNING HELL YEAH! Sorry this took a long ass time but I suck at time management
♥ Shoji gets VIP seats in ALL of Urara’s shows. HE IS A PROUD BOYFRIEND. HE IS A PROUD MAN. HE IS A PROUD—
♥ Urara gets a shit ton of things from Shoji because he wants to make an attempt to be as great as her… but what he doesn’t know is she already thinks he is worth it.
♥ They’re fashionable icons, fuck yeah! Urara has the confidence to show how amazing she looks, Shoji has the guts to believe everything works for him.
♥ Everyone fucking knows they’re dating
♥ 20th Century Aesthetic going on with thIS ADORABLE COUPLE? ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY! 
♥ You know how the first ship has like girl dedicating songs to boy… NOW I GIVE YOU, A COUPLE SINGING SOME OF THOSE GOOD OLD SONGS TO ONE ANOTHER
♥ Daigo makes SURE she knows she is better than what she is and it is PROVED with every gesture
♥ They have double dates
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alexyskyy · 5 years
Toga cosplay - @alexy_sky_
My God! I'm terrible at making videos hahahahaha .
Lenses @anibiustore (use code "alexysky" for 10% off!!) .
Wig from @pastellovesstore
My discount code is "alexy"
Pastelloves specializes in Kawaii clothing and wigs, it has its own factory and unique design, if you like it, you can use my discount code to buy and save your money
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pmeraki · 4 years
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Kawashima Urara icons p1
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kurayamineko · 5 years
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vistargalaxies · 6 years
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A Bad Guide to Food Wars
this only focuses on the 92nd generation of Totsuki because I and my friend made this and had too much fun and we might make it for some other generations! this isn’t meant to be offensive or anything and this is completely for fun pls don’t take this seriously [also we might have forgotten students and we’re sorry for that too kgdfbg]
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Some of my many Polar Star Dormitory Ships!! [I’m a multishipper so kjbdfjgk]!!
Also a lowkey sneak peak of what I’ve been doing the whole day jgbfdg
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