#kaycee and sean
lover-praxis · 1 year
thinking about tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow and creative relationships and also sean lew and kaycee rice and my brain just won’t shut up
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bandsanitizer · 1 year
probably one of my favorite choreographies theyve done together???
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corneliaavenue · 2 years
"Don't ship real people" okay then Sean needs to stop writing novel letters to Kaycee every birthday
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deemmzee · 1 year
Love this❤️
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beomqutie · 2 years
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sharlmbracta · 1 year
Kanye West - Selah (Mario animation)
- Original from Choreography by Talia Favia ft Kaycee Rice
2nd animation that I've fully created from start to finish!
(youtube link for high quality video)
I wanted to challenge myself by attempting to animate a complex dance choreography with his peculiar body proportions, and I really learned a lot about movement and especially about weight shifting while doing so!
Him performing this choreography can be interpreted to about his fight with/for the powers that were given to him, the previous powers of his own, and his power of will. Perhaps it would make him release, with the conflict between his self as a person, and his self as an icon, representative, machine. The end can be interpreted as having a strong grip on himself again, reclaiming himself... but whatever.
Hopefully he can deliver some sort of sentimental impact to some extent despite the peculiarity of the content itself 🤣✨️
Progress and sources below the cut
23.02.19. ~ 23.02.21. - fixed downloaded mesh errors, body rigging done. 23.02.21. ~ 23.03.03. - all dance movements (rigid, superficial, no depth) done. high resolution test render 1. (back to college starting from 23.03.02. less time spent on animation.) 23.03.03. ~ 23.03.13. - stylizing and smoothing animation 80% done. face rigging done. facial animation done. 23.03.19. ~ 23.03.22. - created and adjusted stage and stage lighting. 23.03.26. - added squash and stretch. low resolution test render 2. separated view layers and data passes for compositing. 23.03.27. ~ 23.03.29. - compositing done. low resolution test render 3 for checking post-production lighting issues. 23.03.31. - adjusted shaders and post-production lighting. 23.04.01. - full resolution final render start. 23.04.10. ~ 23.04.11. - render finished (3926 frames). final color adjustments to outputted video. added intro description and watermark. uploaded video.
Music used: Kanye West - Selah
Original choreography video: Kanye West - Selah - Choreography by Talia Favia ft Sean Lew, Kaycee Rice, Courtney Schwartz filmed by Tim Milgram
Model used (no rig, only the mesh and materials): "Mario from Super Mario Odyssey" uploaded by Elite 3D
Texture used: Wooden floor texture
Everything else is created by myself, with blender.
The eyelashes and the top hair sprout is made by me, as they weren't in the model.
Rigging and animating done with blender 2.81
Shading, compositing, post-processing and rendering done with blender 3.41
he is so cute
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beardedjoel · 1 year
Omg omg i read "do you have an appointment" during my vacation, and I was just like thinking what's their backstory??? Like how did they dive into this dynamic??? And BOOM today, outta nowhere, your last post on the snippet! Woahhhh I feel like a main character hahahaha
Also you mentioned noah kahan in one of the asks, and idk if you're into dance and choreography, but Sean and Kaycee (two very talented dancers and amazing human beings) did a dance to False Confidence, and... ya... I just wanted to share. I love both of them so muchhh
Anyway, love your writing, have a great day / night ahead yay! Can't wait for the flashback chapter!
hiii! first of all thank you! and oooh my gosh thats awesome! i've always wanted to write an origin chapter for them and it felt like the right time after showing them in all kinds of situations so far! it should be out pretty soon too :)
also that sounds super cool!!! i love that song so much and i'll have to look into that dance <33
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When I first got Ashlee, I never thought her story would be so focused on finding family and what that meant for her. Of course she always was a found family type of girl with the Ashleys, but to move on and find out that it wasn't healthy and make those steps to find the family that was meant for her is an aspect I'll always be so proud of for Ashlee. So this page is all about the family she had made, the way Simba smiles at her, the way Berlioz does. The fact their home is filled with such love that this page just radiates happiness. The pups and Juni because they are equally family and honestly who even knew Ashlee would get a pet if it wasn't for living with all the dogs in the Simber house. And of course smack dab in the middle, a picture that Ashlee would be so embarrassed by, but I like to think Simba took it and while she will pretend to be embarrassed, she remembers the love and it creates such a special moment for her that it ended up in a scrapbook.
Ughhhh, I did not expect this one to hurt as much as it did. Michael was the perfect relationship for her. Someone so gentle and so kind. Someone with such big ambitions like herself and gosh darn it, she really did deserve this happiness before she left and that makes me so happy. Even if the ending was sad she would do it all over again because the heartbreak was worth it.
I like to think this summer they used their time wisely even before everything started to fall apart. They made moments happen although fleeting and took a number of pictures Ashlee could post on her Instagram and a lot of pictures Ashlee could just keep to herself. I love to think there's a note written from Michael that she has taped in there as well, Plus dried flowers that he had given her. This page might bring her a little heartbreak but she would have wanted to give him the proper space he deserved.
I originally put him with the friends but honestly, Tiny Dancers has been the biggest relationship Ashlee's had while in the group. From her first day (minus a week?) to her last, Nemo has been such a good influence in her life and it was probably one of, if not my favourite friendship to date. They went through so much and yet never for a second did I doubt they would come out of it stronger. There has always been something about Ashlee and Nemo where they were so intertwined I couldn't imagine the story I would have told without him right there.
The pictures I used were of course some of Kaycee and Sean but it's also about being passionate and just plain goofy. Nemo is one of her safe places and he's definitely seen so many embarrassing and silly moments of hers, the same way she has seen him be silly and loved it about him.
A couple of these are just just pictures of Ashlee's fc with her friends, but it felt important to me to show just how far she had come, from becoming friends with Ian, despite their past, or finally willing to be vulnerable with Eilonwy and to trust her, the relationships Ashlee has created in the past couple years have such a special part of my heart. Because of her past so many people had to trust her and Ashlee had to return that feeling despite how vulnerable that made her. I'm just so glad she was able to create those moments and connections
I like to think EIlonwy celebrated both Ashlee's wins of a new job and her wins of the showcase and one of these could be it. Or maybe its after the showcase and Ashlee has gotten Eilonwy flowers. Ian's is all about animals and maybe just making time for each other in anyway including stopping at his work and being introduced to the animals that are there. She definitely would have taken a pic in the moment and when he wasn't paying attention. I also include Jenny in a way to show her growth because Jenny should have caused her anxiety, Ashlee should have disliked her as a girl coming into her space that would take Simba and Berlioz's love, instead Ashlee liked her, they hung out and well that was a huge step for her.
Summer Showcase:
The Showcase is the one I had to end on, I've done endings for characters before but there's something about this showcase, leading up to it, getting it ready from just an idea that makes it so special. Including all the people that volunteered for it. While it hasn't happened in canon and I could wait to post this one but I can't hold onto this task that long and so this is me predicting the moments in it. You have Ashlee and Nemo with mics because they are leading the event and presenting people. You have the art auction and the flowers Ashlee is giving everyone. You have a moment on stage that someone snapped and Ashlee needed a picture of it.
Over all this task is about Ashlee making her last summer be the best one it can be before she leaves and taking the most pictures because she wants to remember everything.
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havetoomanyfandoms · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
hope you're fine and healthy and happy<3
Ooh okay let's see... here's some I've been listening to recently, in no particular order:
She Doesn't Sleep by Anthony Amorim - I like the vibes and rhythm of this one! Also its fun to listen to while walking
Graveyard by Halsey - I was obsessed with this a few years back and came across it again, so bonus points for nostalgia?
Welly Boots by The Amazing Devil - I've been on a The Amazing Devil kick lately- I'd say this is my favorite even though I can't listen to it too often, but I love most of their stuff
False Confidence by Noah Kahan - I first heard this in a Sean Lew and Kaycee Rice dance practice video and its been a comfort song ever since
Boş Yapma by Zeynep Bastık - I wanted to end on a fun note! Also this song reminds me of a friend and that's probably why I like it so much
Well, this is an interesting list fjskf thank you!! A lot has been going on over here but I'm fine, not in the affected area. I hope you're doing well too <3
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hwajin · 1 year
there's smth about me having been obsessed with sean lew and bailey sok and kaycee rice as a kid and them now dancing and choreographing for kpop which i'm NOW obsessed with like damn
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bandsanitizer · 2 years
sean lew is in fact brilliant and sean & kaycee as a dance duo are just top notch
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yorithesims · 2 years
Blake McGrath - Let You Love Me - ft Sean Lew & Kaycee Rice
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demaju · 1 year
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oii mana, como você está? espero que você esteja bem e muito feliz! ✨ ❤
sei que são praticamente nulas as chances de você voltar para cá, mas se exististir qualquer possibilidade de ler o que eu tenho para te falar e quem sabe até de me dar uma resposta, eu não vou deixar de tentar.
não lembro exatamente a data em que "saí" do amino, porém me lembro que no final de 2020 meu armazenamento do google fotos tinha chegado ao limite. e foi assim que eu achei muitos (e quando eu digo muitos eram muitos MESMO) prints da época em que eu praticamente morava nessa rede social.
essas memórias me deixaram bem triste. percebi que nunca irei encontar pessoas assim no meu dia a dia. sentia muita falta do pessoal, e principalmente sua, mana. mas eu precisava seguir em frente e viver minha vida real. então deletei TUDO que me fazia recordar a esse período.
em seguida veio a pandemia e o que o tédio me fez fazer? pois é kkkk, voltei para o amino com esperança de reencontrar você e o pessoal, ou pelo menos ter algum sinal de vocês.
infelizmente nada disso aconteceu, todos pareciam ter saído de vez. até que não sei como, consegui encontrar uma pequena comunidade onde eu uma vez fui ativa e tinha feito uma amiga. obviamente ela já não estava mais por lá, mas havia deixado varias mensagens, e em uma em especifico ela deixou para mim o user do twitter para gente manter contato, caso eu quisesse. eu quis. mandei mensagem na dm dela e conversamos até hoje em dia.
isso já faz um tempinho e logo que entrei em contato com ela ja desistalei o amino de novo. nessas ultimas semanas ela me chamou para voltar para cá, só para dar uma zoadinha na comunidade cristã e depois ir embora sabe? (lembra que a gente costumava fazer isso? 😭 como eu me divertia com você e o stiles, nós três eramos terríveis!!) o que deu muito errado. parece que todas as comunidades sao privadas agora, isso cortou todo nosso barato.
graças a manu (minha amiga de outra comunidade que me fez voltar para essa merda) eu vi suas mensagens! se ela tivesse me chamado para vir para cá a exatamente três meses atrás a gente teria se encontrado. agora sei que para você voltar, vai demorar muito tempo, isso SE você voltar...
em todos esses anos eu achava que você era a pessoa menos provável de voltar, sei que passamos bons momentos mas também sei que muita coisa ruim aconteceu. estavamos todos viciados. nós afastamos de amizades da vida real, deixamos de estudar e muitas outras coisas... tudo isso só para dar atenção a uma tela. falo por experiência propria esse aplicativo acabou comigo. lembro que sua mãe não gostava muito do fato de você ter amigos virtuais. por esse motivo, pensei que você nunca voltaria.
mas você voltou. voltou e ainda deixou uma mensagem no nosso grupo, agradecendo pelos bons momentos e desejando o nosso bem. como é que eu não pensei em fazer isso antes? eu sou uma sonsa mesmo! se eu tivesse deixado uma mensagem de saudade e meu user do twitter talvez ja teriamos nos encontrado. mas como eu disse, não tinha esperanças de que você fosse voltar e meu pessimismo me impediu até mesmo de tentar.
enfim, obrigada por ter deixado essa mensagem, mana. eu sinto muitooo a sua falta e espero que você estaja bem onde quer que você esteja e quem quer que você tenha se tornado hoje. ❤
- maju
OBS: caso queira saber como estou: @lewnrice é meu twitter, costumava ser uma conta de fã para a kaycee rice e o sean lew, não sei se você ja ouviu falar deles. hoje em dia uso só para reclamar da vida e manter contato com alguns amigos, não sei se futuramente ainda estarei usando essa conta mas prometo não mudar de user até que você me encontre.
atualização: twitter caiu, estarei deixando meu insta: @imbauken
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mabooosblog · 2 years
Assista a "Låpsley - Station - Sean Lew | Kaycee Rice | Tessandra Chavez | Tim Milgram - #TMillyTV #Dance" no YouTube
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daily-dyllan · 2 years
did u have any fav hip hop dancers or choreographers?
as far as the LA scene goes, for a bit there i was v much on the sean and kaycee train w everybody else when WOD came out, but i would say kyle hanagami has been my fav choreographer on that scene for a while. jojo gomez and tricia miranda are favs too. julian deguzman used to be a kid back when i was watching, but tbh he’s really grown into a very strong choreographer these days and that’s really nice to see
imo fikshun wins most entertaining hip hop dancer of all time
konkrete’s wii dance will forever be my fav routine tho, both just bc it’s good and i have some good memories w some friends over that routine
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newsjamz · 2 years
Sean & Kaycee - World of Dance Compilation
Sean & Kaycee – World of Dance Compilation
I did this compilation a while ago and decided not to post it, but considering the official videos were taken down and I randomly … source
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