adrianregele · 6 years
What ringtone my muse has set for yours:
“Short Skirt Long Jacket” by Cake. Her text tone is a snippet of the song’s bass line.
What contact photo my muse has set for yours:
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He literally said “Hey Kitty Kaz!” and snapped a quick photo of her when she looked up, thoroughly unimpressed with his new nickname for her. He knows she probably would not have posed for a picture for him otherwise.
What my muse thinks of the way yours texts:
Adrian doesn’t really mind how Kaz texts. He understands abbreviations just fine, so her more casual way of texting is perfectly understandable to him. He thinks it’s funny how she’s able to convey her annoyance with him through texts. In fact, Kaz likely has stronger opinions on the way Adrian texts. ( Like his use of :) and :( and how he adds more )) or (( when she complains; or how he sends multiple texts at once instead of condensing, or sends her a wall-of-text when she complains.)
How quickly my muse responds to your texts:
Adrian is easily bored by things like staff meetings and reviewing policies, so he’s on his phone a lot to take the edge off how tiresome he finds it. If she texts him, there’s a good chance he’s already looking at his phone, and he’ll respond within a minute. The only time he makes her wait longer is if he’s asleep or if someone on his staff hid his phone so that he would focus for a while.
How often our muses text:
Adrian texts Kaz a lot. Not overwhelmingly, of course—she has a job, and technically he has one, too. But he definitely texts her at least daily, if for no other reason than to say hi and remind her of his presence for shits and giggles. Kaz does not text back nearly as often, and almost never texts first. He finds this hysterical.
How often our muses call:
Once in a blue moon. Adrian doesn’t take Kaz for the phone call type and so doesn’t usually go that route. He only calls her when he has a “legit” question and she won’t answer his texts. This always ends with her sighing heavily, him laughing, and her hanging up on him.
Does my muse purposefully miss calls from yours:
Never, mostly because they don’t call each other. Kaz has absolutely missed calls from him on purpose, though.
Last text sent from my muse to yours:
@ Kitty Kazia: morning ;)
@ Kitty Kazia: you left before i made pancakes :(
@ Kitty Kazia: and you promised to teach me mario kart :((
@ Kitty Kazia: you broke my heart :(((
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alphonsenw-blog · 6 years
“%” for a CURIOUS text.
Alphonse (sent at 6:07 p.m.): So if you work for the hotel, you can spend an unspecified amount of time in any one of the rooms if your services are requested, right?
Alphonse (sent at 6:08 p.m.): And follow up to that, you do that while in uniform?
Alphonse (sent at 6:08 p.m.): Asking for a friend.
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hshqgossip · 6 years
Immensely interested in the weird impendig love pentagon between Tatiana, Alphonse, Astrid, Kazia, and Ronan. Wtf is happening there???
the better question is: where does it BEGIN and END ?? nothing can come between TATYA and AL... except for a pair of siblings with beautiful dark hair. RONAN sure has more than a few reasons to despise the young lad. IF i were al, i’d think long and hard before deciding what i’d do with a certain MISS LUDOLF. i’m not entirely where to place ASTRID in this equation ?? but i’m sure her heart will be found in the same dumpster with al’s other victims’.
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highsocietyhq · 6 years
&&. announcing his majesty, ( ikaia "kai" raymond raharuhi ), the (36) year old ( king ) of ( new zealand ). he is often confused with ( jason momoa ). some say that he is ( sarcastic & aggressive ), but he is actually ( charismatic & cunning ). ( OOC: ACE/ 20 / EST/ SHE/HER )
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ronanvludolf · 6 years
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
1:53 A.M. kaz didd
1:54 A.M. did you
1:54 A.M. lmfaooooo hangg on
1:55 A.M. oh my god do u have pineapple in ur room????
1:55 A.M. don’t ask why not important
1:57 A.M. siri where can i finde pineapple at 2 in mornig???????/
1:58 A.M. siri what the fuck
1:59 A.M. siri u thic bitch answer me
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tanechkas · 6 years
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♡ ; new years eve!!
tatiana is still brand new not just to oslo, but to the sort of life that comes with being the ukrainian president’s second-born daughter as well. the spotlight that had suddenly cast itself upon her immediately after the death of her mother is as unwelcome as it is distressing to the young heiress, and the only reason she had even been able to muster the courage to attend the new year’s eve party at the thief had been due to the fact that she wouldn’t be alone; @ronanvludolf is accompanying her tonight, and with him she feels as brave as can be - maybe she’ll even run into @alphonsenw at some point, too. 
the thought of a stylist who picks out her clothes and decides how she’s going to wear her hair and do her makeup is one that, quite frankly, alarms tatiana more than just a little bit, and so it was after an afternoon spent shopping with @kazialudolf that she was finally able to settle on a dress. pale gold in color, and spun from the softest satin she’s ever felt, it’s a fluttery little gown that ends around her mid-thighs and leaves the rest of her long ivory legs on full display. the sweetheart neckline opens up her decollete, and the only jewelry she wears is the russian diamond necklace given to her by a dear friend not that long ago. 
her hair is as unruly as ever, all long crimson curls that seem to have a mind of their own, but it’s been braided half up and half down, leaving her small, heart-shaped face framed sweetly by a few errant waves. she’s wearing red lipstick for the first time ever, and she thinks that she quite likes not just the way that it looks but the way that it feels as well, boosting whatever tiny amount of self-confidence she’s managed to find buried somewhere deep inside of her. 
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isvbclv · 6 years
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“ YOU, ” isabela said and snapped her fingers at the girl. “ you’re new. i’ve never ever seen your silly face. “ she tilted her head and gave the girl an assessing look. “ what’s your name ? ” [ &&. @kazialudolf​ ]
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alphonsenw-blog · 6 years
fmk astrid tatiana and kazia
“I’d fuck Kazia again in a heartbeat. Hands down. I’d marry Tatia and kiss Astrid, who I’m technically marrying, so that would mean two wives. Wait, these are kind of overlapping... Might be better just to go with ‘Yes to all three’.“
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@vstridb​ @tanechkas​ @kazialudolf​
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hshqgossip · 6 years
opinions on evan, adelina, and kazia?
EVAN is the definition for attachment issues. girl NEEDS to find a life purpose that’s not rowen. ADELINA on the other hand is SO delicate that i’m sincerely worried someone might accidentally touch her and  b r e a k  her. KAZIA is the exact opposite though: she has enough snark to get herself fired ! i’d be worried if i were her !
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alphonsenw-blog · 6 years
Who would you choose between Astrid, Tatiana, and Kazia?
“Depends on what I’m choosing them for. Hand-to-hand combat? A quick trip to the grocery store? My lifeline for Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?“
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adrianregele · 6 years
“✆” for a MORNING text.
@ Kitty Kazia: morning ;)
@ Kitty Kazia: you left before i made pancakes :(
@ Kitty Kazia: and you promised to teach me mario kart :((
@ Kitty Kazia: you broke my heart :(((
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highsocietyhq · 6 years
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highsocietyhq · 6 years
kai is over at ikaiaraharuh ! blog under construction :-)
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adrianregele · 6 years
Prettiest people you've ever met?
“Ah, now ‘pretty’ is different from ‘hot’. So I shall include my little micuță  @kazialudolf​. She cleans up very nicely when she wants to. I’ll also include @rhiannonofwales and a favorite ex-fiancée of mine @valofrussia. Some of the loveliest faces I’ve ever had the good fortune of laying eyes on.”
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ronanvludolf · 6 years
3 people and 3 things to take to a desert island?
“Alright. People. Tatiana because I kind of have to watch her all the time and I’m sure a desert island would be no different. (Also alright, okay, I can admit it: she would be great company). Kazia because the thought of leaving her behind again is...not great. I couldn’t do that to her. Therefore, she’ll have to suffer being homeless in tropical hell with me. Third, we’ll take Alphonse because I’ll need motivation to keep in shape, and chasing that fickle fuckboy around the island will keep my skills honed and sharpened.
“Three things? Condoms, obviously. Not for my sister, don’t even go there, but you never know. Maybe with Tatiana. Maybe with a random girl who also gets stranded on the island at the same time. This is starting to sound strangely like a porn. Second: a helicopter filled with a full tank that I can use to leave whenever I’ve decided I’m tired of being homeless on the beach. And for the third--my favorite knife. Useful tool. Also: great for target practice aimed at Alphonse’s head.”
( @tanechkas @kazialudolf @alphonsenw )
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alphonsenw-blog · 6 years
who here would you like to get to know?
“I’d like to know more about the people marrying my siblings for starters, along with Astrid. Oh, and whoever stole my wallet.“ 
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