#kazuki takahashi interview
rainstormcolors · 19 days
Sometimes I think about how YGO wishes to say winning and losing don't matter and yet its world very much says it does. And I don't personally mind this myself, because it feels weirdly real to me I suppose. (Admittedly I'm also just very bonded with this story in general.) Like we have these hopes for the world and ourselves and other people, but reality doesn't always match them. And in particular, it's intriguing to me in this case because there's this sense of resenting the need to win in YGO that comes across to me, and I feel like the contradiction is part of that, however intentional or subconscious it was. This isn't to say it's beyond criticism, and I think it's fair to discuss the gaps in the story's ideas, but I feel like I see it as a conversation rather than a moral.
Kazuki Takahashi had said in one interview that he thought the world was too caught up in winning and that people shouldn't be weighed down by it but also said losing can teach people to win, which is already a contradiction (specifically KT said he wishes people didn't fear losing); then in another interview he also said that the stockholders/backers of Kaiba Corp pressed a need for Seto Kaiba to win his games and even in this way Seto was boxed-in (you can see this in canon when the Big 5 approach Pegasus as well).
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gildinbainas · 4 months
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Light can be found even in the DARKEST of times, if only one remembers TO TURN ON THE LIGHT !!
Independent  MUMU  blog  featuring  the  Kazekage GAARA of  Kishimoto's  Naruto / Naruto Shippuden franchise, & PHARAOH  ATEM  of  Kazuki  Takahashi’s  Yu-Gi-Oh series,  and  a  slew  of  other  characters  from  Interview  with  the  Vampire,  Game  of  Thrones,  The  Vampire  Chronicles,  Witcher,  Spartacus,  Castlevania,  and  Naruto  Shippuden.  Both  featured  characters  are  of  MIXED  CANONS,  with  some  show  /  manga  canons,  movie  influence  &  my  own  canons.  
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lovekisara · 10 months
Would you say that Mizushipping is canon?
I would say Mizushipping is canon.
Here's a quote from the wiki page: "Kazuki Takahashi has stated that he originally planned for the story to have further explored the relationship between Seto and Kisara (including a subplot where Seto rebels against the pharaoh to avenge Kisara's death), but in order to meet a deadline these details had to be cut.
According to Takahashi, Seto's feelings for Kisara are the basis of Kaiba's modern-day obsession with the "Blue-Eyes White Dragon."
I wish I knew the source of this interview, but I believe it to be true. Takahashi has stated that he was sick and rushed when creating the Egyptian arc.
I'm also a fan of Puzzleshipping & Puppyshipping, so ship what you want even if it's not canon. I liked Mizushipping because I loved Kisara's design and that she was badass being the BEWD.
Also, since Takahashi left Kisara's story unfinished fans have a lot to work from. (I am a simp for incomplete/side-characters arcs in media lol) I really enjoy that every fan seems to have their own version of Kisara.
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princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
The Ask Won't let me post links
Honestly, I could try and give a description, but I won’t do it justice, so - https://ww7.manganelo.tv/chapter/manga-kh987864/chapter-1  OR https://mangareader.cc/chapter/yu-gi-oh-chapter-1- that’s chapter 1 of the YuGiOh manga. It’s not that long if you want to give it a read, but it’s not for everyone, so I get it if you don’t want to. It also has a few jokes that are very 1990s Japanese, if you know what I mean.
I prefer the OG manga to the other series (though 5ds has a special place in my heart) but I know some people who are used to the show find the manga “too dark”. Or they get confused by the lack of card games in the early stuff - Kazuki Takahashi (May he rest in peace) was a big game guy, so a lot of the early story featured loads of diverse games. He gave an interview once about shonen type manga at the time, and how while a lot of the themes were good, every single one seemed to be about guys beating each other up to solve their problems. He wanted a similar story where the characters used more brains and strategy that didn’t always involve kicking the crap out of each other.
I personally think you’d find it really interesting, but I also get it if it isn’t for you! Just … if you do read it, once you get to the, uh, main game, of the chapter, remember, this is what I first thought of when someone explained Miraculous Ladybug to me. This is what I thought Tikki or Plagg would have been.
Inch resting.
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 2 years
Both Lucas Broussard and Andreas Nordeback have said Shoma is their favorite skater (Andreas said Shoma is his favorite Japanese skater), and both paid attention to their presentation and are really promising performers, I'm proud that Shoma have top juniors looking up to him. Haein Lee is also a Shoma fangirl, and the influence is felt in how she always fought to perform 100% until the end of her program regardless of the falls. There's a young Japanese skater named Sena Takahashi who was a great novice performer at the NHK Trophy and Japan Nationals gala... and he's also a Shoma fan. In general skaters who I notice are great performers or skate beyond their years tend to look up to or love Shoma, I remember even Alena Kostornaia before she started winning JGPF said her favorite skaters are Shoma and Javier.
I think aside from the performing style, Shoma influenced other Japanese skaters in terms of work ethic. Masakazu Kagiyama (Yuma's father) has mentioned in an interview before Beijing that he was impressed vy Shoma not being shy to show his falls and failures in front of Yuma when they trained together, because in his experience senior skaters tend to "only show the good sides" in front of their juniors. Shoma also gave a lot of competitive advice to Kazuki, and Kazuki is also now using the same skating blades as Shoma. He tends to be really observant of his fellow skaters and is ready to give them advice whenever necessary imo, I remember him commenting on Sota's jumps a couple of times this season.
Thank you for your input! 😊
There are definetly a couple of skaters who named Shoma as their favorite skater.
I also remember an interview with Kaori from late 2017 where she said she was looking up to Shoma. (let me search in my archive and I reference it when I find it😅)
I just dunno if it really translates into their skating or attitude in that sense you can say "see that's because of Shoma" but they definitely all saw something worth admiring and taking to heart.
I can wholeheartedly agree about work ethics in that sense in how you approach stuff and how hard you work to achieve a goal. That's why I always get so mad when haters say "Shoma is lazy" like have you ever listened to other skaters who trained with Shoma (who were not Eteri students)?
I think Shoma showed that you can be real friends with your direct competition. He trained with his friends and lend all of them a helping hand in terms of advice for their mentality or approach to competition, technical advice on jumps or being an emotional support like Koshiro just said at 4CC that he performs better with his friends around. Sota, Kazuki, Yuma, Koshiro and more can all call Shoma a friend and rely on him. It's not a common thing in sports to help your rivals even if you are friendly with each other. I just remember an interview with a Russian skater who said: "There are no real friends among competitors in the same discipline" but I think Shoma is the example to show you that it doesn't need to be true.
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monstersummongenre · 2 years
What Came First: The Pokémon or the Digi-Egg?
As a kid who grew up loving Pokémon, I often collided with the likes of Digimon and Yu-Gi-Oh. And in those collisions was often met with questions of which was better and what was copying what. Now as an adult doing a genre study, I was required to do a dive into the history of the genre and found that despite Pokémon being the first to arrive, Digimon and Yu-Gi-Oh were not far behind and had completely different origins from it and each other. So where did these series come from?
Inspired by his love of collecting bugs as a child, the increased urbanization of Japan leading to many kids not taking up the hobby, and many of the other interests, Satoshi Taijiri, first pitched the idea of Pokémon to Nintendo in 1990. Because the project was new and ambitious, it took six years to make. It officially released February 1996. And with it a pillar of the Monster Summon Genre was placed.
To explore the origins of Digimon, let's first explore the origin of Tamagotchi. In June 1995, inspired by a commercial he’d seen of a young boy trying to take his pet turtle on a trip, Akihiro Yokoi pitched the virtual pet Tamagotchi to Bandai. Tamagotchi debuted November 1996 (the same year as Pokémon, but a few months later). A year later, Digimon was launched as a virtually pet aimed at boys. And thus another pillar of this genre was established.
As for Yu-Gi-Oh, it had a unique path all its own, but a path still connected to games. When Kazuki Takahashi set out to make Yu-Gi-Oh, he first set out to make a horror manga. Then he set out to make a fight series, but wanted an original idea. Eventually, he came up with a concept of games as the battles. When Yu-Gi-Oh launched in September 1996, the card game wasn’t actually supposed to be a huge part of it, but the audience responded to it well, so Takahashi ran with it. And thus our final pillar is placed.
So these three properties that have no doubt inspired several entries into the genre all came into creation separately of each other and debuted quite close together. And in an interesting case of development, each of the properties is still around today. That means that we not only get to peek into the origins of the genre, but also how it has evolved overtime within itself. This ought to be a fun little adventure.
Read more about Taijiri and Pokémon in this interview
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magpiejay1234 · 3 months
So, let's do the Dark Signers.
The most notable thing is main writer of Season 1, Atsuhiro Tomioka has gone back to Pokémon. So, Shin Yoshida formally steps in.
Another notable thing is this Season's length, it is 38 episodes, making this is the second longest half-length Season of any Yu-Gi-Oh! series, and explains why ARC-V, and VRAINS will return to standard long season with half season length production cycle writing structure. Longest is of course WRGP proper, which is Season 4 (Episodes 93-134, 42 episodes).
This is rather inane coming from ZEXAL to 5D's, where there were 6 Seasons, and two sub-series, and ARC-V, which had 6 production cycles with OP/ED.
In a later YGO show, or even back in GX, the Dark Signers would have been over by Episode 52 at most.
Given Katsumi Ono's situation as the "director-in-name-only" for later seasons, this makes one wonder what sort of executive meddling was going behind the scenes (almost certainly predominantly from Konami, with TVTokyo being the lesser evil), since it is pretty clear Yoshida wasn't in the actual driver's seat.
It is kind of hard to gauge what specific problem was the primary one, since 5D's era was when YGO's stakeholders, Shonen Jump, TVTokyo, Konami, and yes, Kazuki Takahashi went crazy with card game specific merchandising. 5D's had many video game tie-ins like GX, you had the Duel Terminals being the first time Synchros were showcased, etc. This is not comparable to odd merchandising from DM, and GX era (DM era had school items for Doma arc for example like Pokémon usually did), but since this time merchandising was more focused on the cards, the profits went directly to stakeholders, and not third parties.
For some reason, some of the merch probably didn't meet expectations, which is part of why the different direction for the series was made.
The other reason, as we discussed before, was the lack of vision. Tomioka didn't leave a guideline of what to do next, as Director Ono was still involved. Yoshida didn't really need a plan for Dark Signers, since most of the plot was planned out by Takahashi, and other minor directors. This would of course doom the latter half of 5D's, as writers scrambled first for new ideas, and then new writers.
Of course, Takahashi himself won't be involved for the latter half, since he will be involved in BBT instead, and Yoshida will immediately jump ship to ZEXAL.
It is kind of amazing in retrospect how the most well praised YGO show was considered an unwanted bastard child by the people who were involved. Explains the insanity of 5D's era main sets.
Now for the writers:
**Shin Yoshida is formally the main writer, but has only written 10 of the episodes. Most of the episodes he written involve Crow, as Yoshida dislikes writing female characters (he admitted this himself in the ZEXAL manga interviews), and prefers male-only trios (see Doma arc, good chunk of GX, ZEXAL, ARC-V manga, VRAINS especially S3). Thankfully Crow will get other writers after this, which suggests Yoshida's early infatuation with Crow was to use him as a wedge against the female characters he was forced to write.
**Yasuyuki Suzuki is unofficially the main writer, as he wrote the largest bulk of the episodes (13 of them), and the final Duel.
**Koji Ueda, technically present in S1 as the lyric writer of ED1, but not as an actual episode writter, has also done 10 episodes. Most notably, he done Jack vs. Carly, and will later do the Jack episodes in S3 (Kaz, Fake Jack etc.)
Given the Fake Jack episodes, I don't think he was particularly fond of Tomioka, but more importantly, he is not the reason why Jack-Carly got reset, because he wrote the relationship himself (under Takahashi's, and Ono's guidance of course). It is Shin Yoshida, and presumably the executives, particularly the Konami folk.
(Though as we discussed before, Yoshida also reset Asuka's relationship with Manjoume, and Rei-Martin stuff that was developing in GX S3 when he took over as the main writer in GX S4, so, this is not new. Though many 5D's fans never watched any previous YGO, especially in their Japanese versions, so sure. It might be new to you personally.)
Ueda will leave the franchise overall after Episode 109, the end of the Placido Duel, which I presume due to creative differences (though there could be other reasons like health).
**Masahiro Hikokubo, the Duel Constructor of all the series (ie. the guy who writes the Duels), and major writer in GX S3's Supreme King mini-arc, and writer of 5D's manga, is the writer of Episode 32. This is the only episode of 5D's animé he will write, ever.
**Tadashi Hayakawa from DM's Seasons 2-3 will also write Episodes 60-61, the final Misty Duel. He is just an in-between writer for 5D's, who will be involved in 5 episodes in total, with the last being Episode 85. His only other episodes will be the Tetsuzo (dub name Bashford) episode, and Aki's D-Wheel episode.
Writing wise, this arc will be a roughly even split between Suzuki, Ueda, and Yoshida, as such Yoshida's influence, while very present, will be diffused, and no writer will really dominate.
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seekerbr · 9 months
The Early Works of Kazuki Takahashi
So, here we go…
Recently i started trying to research about Kazuki Takahashi’s work from before he created Yu-Gi-Oh, since i find it pretty interesting to see how manga author’s art styles change over time and what elements reappear often in their works, but i soon learned that it is kinda hard to research about his works: not only have most of them never been released again anywhere after they were first published, but there is also not a lot of informations and pictures of them online.
That being said, I did find a lot of things during my research, including a lot of stuff I don't think has even been translated from japanese, so I'm putting them here for more people to see!
BIG WARNING THOUGH: I do not speak japanese, and most of this information was found translating with Google Translator and DeepL, with me joining them up and fixing some grammatical errors, but there might be some big translation mistakes that i didn’t catch, so if you know japanese and sees that something is wrong please inform me in on reblogs; i will put all my sources here to make it easier too.
- The Hajime Miyabi days
In his earlier works, Kazuki Takahashi submitted his stories by the pen name Hajime Miyabi, so this section is named after this first name.
His first published work was a one-shot for the Shogakukan's Weekly Shōnen Sunday magazine in 1981, and was named Ing! Love Ball; it was made for Shogakukan Newcomer Comic Awards and won first prize! The only picture of it I could find was the cover right here:
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I also found this site called Kazuki's Elements and Words, which ended up being essential to this research since it has interviews, synopsis and little descriptions of all of his works! So thanks to it, we get some information about it: There are synopsis to all works on the front page of the site, and here’s the one for this manga: Three guys who love cute girls target a heroine who has a boy crush on her. Knowing her pure heart, they decide to support her, but the story goes that students from another school who target her break in and wreak havoc.
There’s also some Story Previews for this one, that say: A trio of unattractive/unpopular high school students cause havoc at their school! Three guys are always getting dumped. This time, they make a fierce attack on the female manager of the soccer club. However, the girl has a secret crush on the captain of the soccer team. And since there is another rival besides the three of them, they are in big trouble. 
Since this won first place, there are reviews of it by a bunch of famous manga authors, like Leiji Matsumoto and Fujiko Fujio: many of them complimented the love story, but the art was criticized for being hard to follow and messy, and the characters were considered shallow.
His second work was Ano Ko ni Scramble (Scramble for that girl), a one-shot from June, 1982. I could not find a picture for this one, so here’s a synopsis: Dan fell in love with Rio at first sight. The story is about a heroine who doesn't really want to be an idol, and who puts her body on the line to rescue Rio. Seems to be a romance drama.
According to the site, the main guy's name is Gojo Dan (he is described as being “hard-edged”) and the main girl is called Kisaragi Rio; there’s also a dog named Koro. The owner of the site complimented this one for being very sentimental, and also commented: There were many scenes that come to mind for Yu-Gi-Oh! fans, such as the handkerchief with tear marks on it and the episode where the dog bites the buttocks… I’m not sure what he means by that to be honest.
His next work was Kyogaku Sensen SOS!! (Co-educational front SOS!), another one-shot from 1982. Found a cover here:
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Synopsis is: A boys' school and a girls' school decide to merge, and the hero and heroine team up to prevent it! In the end, the hero and heroine are unable to prevent the merger, but love buds between the two.
The site says that it is a romantic comedy,that the main dude's name is Yuya Hitoyoshi and the lady is Chiharu Kazama. This Yuya is described as having selfish and passionate beliefs. Also found this blog from a Yu-Gi-Oh fan that read both this manga and the next, having this to say about this one: A love story. The content is so hot that even I blush when I read it.The heroine is cute!
(BTW I tried researching a bit, and I'm unsure if the “hot content” part is saying that the story is sexy, or if it is sentimental… who knows, maybe it’s both)
Next we have Yu Yua Yu, a one-shot from the end of 1982. This one I could only find a picture on this video by youtube channel Yaku Mitsuru's Secret Treasure House, so sorry by the stuff over the picture:
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Synopsis is: Isamu lives with his mother and sister. The mother is a detective who loves motorcycles and Magnum. This is a heartwarming story in which the affection between parent and child deepens through the case.
Main character seems to be a guy named Isamu Uesugi, the mother is called Yu Uesugi and the sister is named Yua Uesugi, and she’s apparently older than him. Apparently a point of conflict in the story is the mother being very busy with work and the son wanting to spend time and get pampered by her. Both the owner of the site and that blog post praised this one for its sentimental moments, and the parent-child dynamic.
This one was his last work to be published in Weekly Shonen Sunday; from 1983, it’s a one-shot called Hajimemashite Ran Desu!! (Nice to meet you, I'm Ran!). I found a cover here:
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Synopsis is: When a mysterious teacher wearing a gakuran arrives at a new school, he falls in love at first sight with a beautiful teacher. Her rival is the gym teacher, Mr. Tsukinowa. This is a story of a heated love battle between teachers.
Some story elements from the site: the main guy is called Rindo Ran, and was created to be an ideal teacher, being really nice and cool; his love interest is named Mii Aima, and is a music teacher, and she has a younger brother named Hayal Aima, who is also very cool apparently. The owner of the site mentions that the story being focused on teachers was pretty rare and refreshing, but the main character acts pretty childish. 
- The Kazuo Takahashi days
Now we move to the next era of Takahashi’s work, where he started to use his real name in his manga, Kazuo Takahashi (yeah, Kazuki is not his real name!). His first work under this name was also his first serialized work: Go-Q-Choji Ikkiman, released on Kodansha's Weekly Shōnen Magazine in 1986; that being said, it was not an original creation of his, but an adaptation of an anime of the same name. This one actually has a lot of pictures online, starting with some cover pictures:
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Synopsis is: A story about Ikki Sawamura, a.k.a. Ikki Man, who saves the earth from extinction by playing "Battle Ball," a sport similar to baseball. Myanimelist above also mentions that there are aliens on this, and that Ikki himself is an alien… so this is pretty different from his previous down-to-earth romance stuff. 
The site has two pages about it, and says that having the anime and manga being made at the same time made this a “tightrope walking project”, but they still enjoyed the manga on it’s own right, especially because of the development of the characters, like the main character Ikki and his rival Samson, who they find one of Takahashi’s best characters (maybe because of his appearance being attractive?? the translator is kinda weird on this part). 
Here’s some pictures of the interior (i believe Samson is the buff guy in that second picture). (sources 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
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His next work was the first of his manga to be released in 1990 on Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump, where all of his future manga would be published; it was called Tokio no Taka (Eagle of the King of the Flame? this title is complicated to translate). Cover from this Twitter post:
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Synopsis is: A story about cool people fighting for justice and leaving for the wilderness in the end… Which is kinda vague, and there’s not a lot of information on the site besides some comments that it is more serious than his previous and later works, how it was clearly inspired by Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and that it’s page count was impressive. We do have an interior picture, and one photo that shows a little interview that Takahashi did, with a cute doodle of himself. (Sources 1 is that twitter post, 2 is here). This is also the only one-shot to be re-released after its first publishing, on an issue of his next serialized work.
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His next work was a one-shot called Battle Mind, from 1991; we have only a cover for this one, but I find it very interesting, since the design of the lady is very similar to Tea/Anzu, especially that hairstyle, and her clothes kinda look like what she wore in Death T!
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Synopsis is: A story about a boy whose homeland is invaded by a dictator, who awakens with supernatural powers, fights alongside resisters, and drives out the invader. According to the site, the hero's name is Kurenai Shinku and the lady who looks like Tea is "Lime". Also, the page mentions that Takahashi talks a lot about a guy named Antonio Inoki on this, a wrestler that notably inspired that face that Joey makes a lot in the anime. At first I thought he might have helped in some way in this, but reading better I now believe it was just Takahashi fanboying because he met him before finishing the manuscript for this.
And now, his last work before Yu-Gi-Oh was serialized from 1991 until 1992, this time a completely original work of his: Tennenshoku Danji Buray (Man of Natural Color BURAY? Another one with a weird name to translate…) This one also has a ton of images, beginning with all the covers, with this main character that looks a lot like Mako Tsunami/Ryota Kajiki in some pictures:
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Synopsis: Buray uses his strong body to make money as a "hit man". His reason for making dangerous money is to support the orphanage where he grew up. However, the main reason is to attract the attention of Ms. Ruriko, who runs the orphanage.... This moving film follows Burai, who thinks only of himself, as he grows into a full-fledged man through the lives of the people he encounters through professional wrestling. Yeah, Takahashi loved wrestling, if this and the previous entry didn't tell you.
The site has three different pages for the Buray manga, and the second one is the most interesting for me: it shows that during the manga’s run, they released a survey asking the readers some questions about the manga, like what they thought about the art, the main character, the plot, and most interesting of all, what they wished to happen next (though according to the site’s owner, all options eventually happened in the story). Here are the options given:
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And now we have the images from the interior of the manga, and they are fascinating for me for how different they are from the YGO artstyle, yet you still can find some familiar things; these older men from pictures 4 and 5 and some of the more expressive faces are very YGO, for example! (sources 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
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- Kazuki Takahashi era, AKA Our Conclusion 
A few years after Buray, in September of 1996, Kazuo would take the pen name Kazuki Takahashi and create Yu-Gi-Oh for Weekly Shonen Jump, which is where this research ends. His work from after YGO is a lot easier to find online, so I will not talk about it in here, but i think that seeing how much his artstyle changed over time:
Looking after pictures of those first one-shots, I saw that a lot of the covers for Weekly Shōnen Sunday from around that time had something related to Urusei Yatsura on it, and i’m guessing his manga were trying to go for that niche, with very a very rounded artstyle and romance and comedy as a big element. After he did Go-Q-Choji Ikkiman, which probably had to follow the look that the anime already had, he seemed to try a more Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure/Fist of the North Star with Tokio no Taka and Buray for some extent, while Battle Mind seems to have a more traditional 80s manga style, but in all of these you can see some elements that will be seen again in Yu-Gi-Oh beginning to appear (like those buff men from Ikkiman, Tokio no Taka and BURAY kinda reminding me of Ushiou and Goro Inogashira).
And then when you get to YGO, his style begins with traces of those previous works, but develops to become a lot more unique, a way more stylized look full of pointy chins and big hair; it was honestly super cool to see how much it changed from that beginning with his weird one-shot that somehow won a first prize in a Newcomers competition.
I’m not very good at finishing essays to be honest, so i’ll end this by putting a last picture in here: one of his way later works from 2020, coming from this account that used to translate his instagram posts: 
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Thanks for reading it!
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galaxyeyedphoton · 2 years
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With the unfortunate news of Takahashi’s passing today, I thought I would dig up my old draft of an interview from 2016 that I didn’t get around to posting before (although it’s probably already been posted elsewhere since then of course)
Since the images are a little blurry/hard to read with the bright colors, I added a transcript below. I apologize though, I don’t know how to properly add/write alt texts, maybe this is alright enough? But if anyone wishes to add an alt text/image ID feel free to use a copy of this !
Interview transcript:
“Weekly Shonen Jump Interview!
Jump Festa 2016 Interviews: Kazuki Takahashi 
Here’s the latest in our series of Jump Festa 2016 interviews, in which we asked a bunch of manga artists the same set of eight questions. This week, we present Kazuki Takahashi, the creator of Yu-Gi-Oh!
Shonen Jump: In a word of two, what does Shonen Jump mean to you?
Takahashi Sensei: The female readership has increased a lot lately, but at its heart it’s shonen manga. Though I’m not sure what’s going on lately with the Jump staples of “friendship, hard work, victory” because I haven’t been keeping up with recent series, but to me Shonen Jump is all about providing children with dreams.
SJ: What about manga?
Takahashi Sensei: Well, as seen with Yu-Gi-Oh!, it can become the foundation for so many different media. It’s entertainment - it’s about having people read your story. It’s also the simplest form of entertainment. It’s cheap - all you need is a pen and paper and anybody can create a story. That’s what makes it amazing. Even a single person can create an entire new world.
SJ: Is there something that you are really into or excited about recently?
Takahashi Sensei: I want to get into Monster Hunter. I’m doing a collaboration with that popular video game series so I’m trying to get into it. But I’m not there yet. I’m still getting used to the controls. I’m looking forward to getting addicted.
SJ: Is there something you are excited about for 2016?
Takahashi Sensei: It’s gotta be the new movie. A theatrical Yu-Gi-Oh! movie will be released in 2016. It’s the twentieth anniversary since the series began, so I created a story for the move that continues the original manga. I’m really looking forward to that and I hope the fans are as well.
SJ: Which of your characters would you want to hang out with at a New Year’s party?
Takahashi Sensei: Jonouchi would probably be the life of the party and make things fun. I don’t think Kaiba would even show up for a New Year’s party. I really don’t think I’d want him there either. [laughs]
SJ: Have you ever had dreams about your manga characters?
Takahashi Sensei: Dreams about my manga characters...? Hmm... Have I ever had one? I don’t think I have. I’m not sure, but I don’t really dream about my art. So if my characters appeared as real people, I might not know who’s supposed to be who.
SJ: How does it feel when you come to events like Jump Festa and see so many fans?
Takahashi Sensei: I’m just incredibly happy that so many people have come here today. I just had the stage show, and seeing that many fans out there was great. I don’t have that many chances to interact with Yu-Gi-Oh! fans, so it’s a great honor when I do.
SJ: There are a lot of fans out there who read your manga in English. Do you have a message for them?
Takahashi Sensei: I know there are a lot of fans overseas, and I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart. And if they get the chance to see the new movie, I’d be really happy. It continues the story from where the original manga left off, so it should be very exciting.”
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scumsucking · 3 years
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rainstormcolors · 1 year
For the meme:
YGO + 2, 12, 15
Tristan + 8, 9, 10
Hello! Thank you for the ask!
2) …my three favorite characters and why I love them so much.
Seto Kaiba has been my favorite from the start. All the versions of him have their value and I enjoy them all, but my personal favorite version of the batch is the manga’s version of the character. The loneliness, his internal struggle that seems viscerally painful, the maladaptive behaviors and the search for understanding, and how it’s apparent he does want to connect with other people but he can’t understand this about himself or accept it. He’s so layered and yet the ambiguity is also relatable --- the way emotions cloud and blur, how we don’t have the words for things. And he’s fascinating and morally grey and allows an outlet for the heightened emotions we sometimes need to see, to connect with to understand this feeling is shared, even as he seems achingly alone, even as he achingly reaches out to others. The theme of grief is also very intense within this character while having a kind of subtly, the way these emotions fold into and hide in other emotions.
Mokuba Kaiba is next. Again I enjoy all the versions of this character but the manga’s version is my personal favorite. I feel he’s a very complex character in the manga’s canon with layers of emotion and a history which he carries and it’s only overshadowed due to him not being a duelist character. He’s so headstrong and loyal and he harbors anger, resentment, loneliness, love and devotion, and he’s incredibly proactive. Something that feels a little overlooked about him in canon is that Mokuba *also* explodes at Seto at Death-T, which is not to remotely excuse what happens later on at all, but rather it shows how the strain of everything had worn both of them down and left neither of them able to handle this.
Noa Kaiba is my third favorite character. A dark isolated attention-seeking and self-destructive doomed character who doesn’t really know what love is and is shocked to discover his capacity to love, that he can love and does love. There’s a certain desperation within Noa’s initial plan, abruptly kidnapping everyone with this hopeless idea that maybe he can just walk back into life as the Kaiba heir when that was never going to be possible, and really he just needed needed needed to interact with people from the outside even as all this hatred burned inside him.
12) …what attracted me into checking it out.
I’ve been a fan for a long time, since the show first aired Duelist Kingdom in the United States, although I can’t recall what exact episode I started with but I know it wasn’t the very start. I also read the manga as it was translated and published by VIZ.
15) …which character I would choose for the chopping block if I knew the writers wanted to kill someone.
If I’m entirely honest, even if there are issues in the writing, I kind of get the impression death was an important theme to Kazuki Takahashi, something he wanted to explore in some form, and he quite literally said this in an interview as well. Which is to say that despite the problems, I feel Yugi saying farewell to Atem as Atem left the world was something meaningful to KT in some form even if I feel I shouldn’t make guesses beyond that. I do think it’s very fair to dislike this ending or to discuss and point out the issues, but previous discussions could also be guilty of neglecting the personal angle this storybeat may have carried and how people do indeed have to say goodbye sometimes or watch someone they love die. Which is to say, I don’t want to change what may have been meaningful.
Tristan Taylor / Hiroto Honda
8) …a headcanon I have about this character.
I think he was kind of the family baby while his sister had “eldest daughter syndrome” in some form. I think he helped keep Jonouchi stable before the beginning of canon.
9) …which of their relationships I would have cultivated more if it were up to me (both romantic and platonic).
Honda’s kind of left in the background of the story but he’s also a constant presence through the story. He’s given personal relationships with Jonouchi and Otogi. I very much like the quiet loyalty he felt towards Mokuba. I wouldn’t mind more Honda and Mokuba content in that way, the way people can come to care about each other quietly. Also – Blankey! Imagine more Blankey scenes!
10) …if I liked them immediately or if took a while before I warmed up to their character. Alternatively, if I disliked them immediately or if they lost my trust as their story progressed.
I was neutral towards him for quite a while. I could appreciate him as a loyal friend but it wasn’t as if I personally gravitated towards trying to understand him particularly. I think fandom discussions have been very good for me engaging more with the text, the characters inside the text, what they mean, and how we relate to them, how other real people relate to them, and in turn I’ve been able to understand others as well.
Thank you again for the ask, and I wish you a nice day.
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anzu-kaiba · 4 years
Cite your sources!
I got a long PM from someone on FFnet explaining how much they like Anzu, and how they can see the chemistry between her and Seto Kaiba in Yu-Gi-Oh! Obviously I’m a fan, so I can appreciate the message, even if it was a bit out of the blue.
But part of the message indicated a supposed “interview” Kazuki Takhashi gave where he said “maybe” Anzu and Yuugi would get married after Anzu came back from America. It’s listed on TV Tropes as a “Shrug of God” trope, indicating he didn’t really think about it all that much, because Yu-Gi-Oh! simply isn’t a story that focuses on ‘shipping at all.
But neither the user who PM’d me nor the TV Tropes page have any sources cited ANYWHERE. I assume it’s something he said at the 2015 San Diego Comic-Con Yu-Gi-Oh! panel where Dark Side of Dimensions was previewed, but I can’t find ANY transcripts or videos of the panel at all. Does anyone know where this “interview” is from?
The only other “interviews” I have are from the Gospel of Truth character guide or the revamped Millennium Book, and I don’t think it’s from either of those places. HELP!
Oh, and as an aside, I do not care if this interview really happened and he really said this. Let it give light and hope to the Peachshippers out there; I used to be one. Doesn’t matter to me one lick. I’m a firm believer in Death of the Author and all that. I’m an Azureshipper ‘til death (and beyond), so... yeah.
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gildinbainas · 1 year
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                                                                   The  fortunes  of  the  world  will                                                                       RISE  &  FALL,  but  here  in  this                                                                           KINGDOM,  we  will  ENDURE!!
Independent  MUMU  blog  featuring  the  Elvenking THRANDUIL  OROPHER of  Tolkien’s  LOTR  /  The  Hobbit franchise, PHARAOH  ATEM  of  Kazuki  Takahashi’s  Yu-Gi-Oh series,  and  a  slew  of  other  characters  from  Interview  with  the  Vampire,  Game  of  Thrones,  The  Vampire  Chronicles,  Witcher,  Spartacus,  Castlevania, Good Omens, OFMD  and  Naruto  Shippuden.  Both  featured  characters  are  of  MIXED  CANONS,  with  some  show  /  manga  canons,  movie  influence  &  my  own  canons.
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magicaleggplant · 7 years
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Previews from Quadruple 2018 magazine
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ricofurlow · 2 years
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I'm uploading this because Kazuki Takahashi's Yu-Gi-Oh was a huge part of my childhood, got me some of my long time friends, and even got me into Manga in general. I decided to do this with Haxorus because it was noted in an interview that Haxorus was directly influenced by Yu-Gi-Oh's monster design.
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agirlinsearchof · 3 years
Anne reminds me of a character from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Rei Saotome. Both were minor characters younger than the main cast, disguised themselves as boys for a while before being revealed to be girls, disappeared from the plot for a while, before coming back undisguised and with an unrequited crush on the main character.
That reminds me, in an interview Kazuki Takahashi revealed that JJBA was an inspiration for YGO. I’m not sure if he was involved in the making of the GX anime, but if so, I wonder if Rei was inspired by Anne.
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