galaxyeyedphoton · 5 months
Reblog this (if you’d like), and in the tags badly explain a real fact within your Zexal OC's lore ✨
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galaxyeyedphoton · 1 year
Depression cured
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galaxyeyedphoton · 1 year
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have been deeply invested in my human/modern AU Aporia and the Three Emperors where they’re all just one positively disastrous dysfunctional family since like September and, well! I will not be stopped!!
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galaxyeyedphoton · 2 years
I have an etsy now for Epoxy Resin creations! My shop front ain’t fancy, but that will be fixed in time. Pendants, bookmarks, and charms can be found!
11 notes · View notes
galaxyeyedphoton · 2 years
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4K notes · View notes
galaxyeyedphoton · 2 years
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With the unfortunate news of Takahashi’s passing today, I thought I would dig up my old draft of an interview from 2016 that I didn’t get around to posting before (although it’s probably already been posted elsewhere since then of course)
Since the images are a little blurry/hard to read with the bright colors, I added a transcript below. I apologize though, I don’t know how to properly add/write alt texts, maybe this is alright enough? But if anyone wishes to add an alt text/image ID feel free to use a copy of this !
Interview transcript:
“Weekly Shonen Jump Interview!
Jump Festa 2016 Interviews: Kazuki Takahashi 
Here’s the latest in our series of Jump Festa 2016 interviews, in which we asked a bunch of manga artists the same set of eight questions. This week, we present Kazuki Takahashi, the creator of Yu-Gi-Oh!
Shonen Jump: In a word of two, what does Shonen Jump mean to you?
Takahashi Sensei: The female readership has increased a lot lately, but at its heart it’s shonen manga. Though I’m not sure what’s going on lately with the Jump staples of “friendship, hard work, victory” because I haven’t been keeping up with recent series, but to me Shonen Jump is all about providing children with dreams.
SJ: What about manga?
Takahashi Sensei: Well, as seen with Yu-Gi-Oh!, it can become the foundation for so many different media. It’s entertainment - it’s about having people read your story. It’s also the simplest form of entertainment. It’s cheap - all you need is a pen and paper and anybody can create a story. That’s what makes it amazing. Even a single person can create an entire new world.
SJ: Is there something that you are really into or excited about recently?
Takahashi Sensei: I want to get into Monster Hunter. I’m doing a collaboration with that popular video game series so I’m trying to get into it. But I’m not there yet. I’m still getting used to the controls. I’m looking forward to getting addicted.
SJ: Is there something you are excited about for 2016?
Takahashi Sensei: It’s gotta be the new movie. A theatrical Yu-Gi-Oh! movie will be released in 2016. It’s the twentieth anniversary since the series began, so I created a story for the move that continues the original manga. I’m really looking forward to that and I hope the fans are as well.
SJ: Which of your characters would you want to hang out with at a New Year’s party?
Takahashi Sensei: Jonouchi would probably be the life of the party and make things fun. I don’t think Kaiba would even show up for a New Year’s party. I really don’t think I’d want him there either. [laughs]
SJ: Have you ever had dreams about your manga characters?
Takahashi Sensei: Dreams about my manga characters...? Hmm... Have I ever had one? I don’t think I have. I’m not sure, but I don’t really dream about my art. So if my characters appeared as real people, I might not know who’s supposed to be who.
SJ: How does it feel when you come to events like Jump Festa and see so many fans?
Takahashi Sensei: I’m just incredibly happy that so many people have come here today. I just had the stage show, and seeing that many fans out there was great. I don’t have that many chances to interact with Yu-Gi-Oh! fans, so it’s a great honor when I do.
SJ: There are a lot of fans out there who read your manga in English. Do you have a message for them?
Takahashi Sensei: I know there are a lot of fans overseas, and I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart. And if they get the chance to see the new movie, I’d be really happy. It continues the story from where the original manga left off, so it should be very exciting.”
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galaxyeyedphoton · 2 years
Interview transcript:
“Weekly Shonen Jump Interview!
Kazuki Takahashi Interview!
We had a chance to interview one of Weekly Shonen Jump’s legends - Kazuki Takahashi, the creator of the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga. He answered our questions as well as a few from the SJ Twitter feed!
Shonen Jump: How did you become a manga artist?
Takahashi Sensei: I loved drawing when I was a kid, so I always thought about making a career out of it when I grew up. But becoming a manga artist is really tough. I did a lot of freelance work and kept changing my style until I settled on my current style.
SJ: Both your manga and your art style are very unique - were any artists an influence on you?
Takahashi Sensei: I’ve been inspired by Hirohiko Araki of JoJo and many other creators. To me, Adam Hughes, Drew Struzan, and Mike Mignola are gods of comic art whom I could never hope to reach.
SJ: Egypt is a major theme in the manga. Have you always had an interest in Egypt? And what kind of research did you do for the manga?
Takahashi Sensei: When I came up with the idea for Yu-Gi-Oh!, I needed to do research on the history of games. I learned that games existed during the time of ancient Egypt, and this really helped me develop the story. I actually visited Egypt before the original manga started and after it ended. It was a wonderful and mystical experience.
SJ: From the author notes in the manga, it’s clear you are an avid gamer. What were some of the games you played that you really enjoyed? And what are some now?
Takahashi Sensei: I used to get together with friends and play tabletop role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons. Console games weren’t as advanced back then. The foreign action games I’ve seen lately are so high quality that they always surprise me.
SJ: If you had to tag team duel with anyone in Yu-Gi-Oh!, besides Yugi, who would you pick and why?
Takahashi Sensei: Hmm... I definitely wouldn’t pick Kaiba! He’s too selfish! (laughs) It would probably depend on who the opponent was, but I think it would be fun and thrilling to be dueling with Jonouchi [Joey Wheeler in the anime].
Twitter Questions
Marissa Cain @Cheetastorm: What was your inspiration for Dark Magician Girl?
Takahashi Sensei: Many of the characters in Yu-Gi-Oh! are male. I designed Dark Magician Girl because I figured it’d be good if there was a cute female character who could appear whenever Yugi dueled. The Dark Magician having a female disciple is kind of unexpected, so I really liked the idea.
Misa Beyer @Amaethia: What part or scene from the manga did you enjoy drawing the most?
Takahashi Sensei: In order to tell the story, you sometimes need to divide the pages into many small panels. That’s why it’s so much fun to do two-page spreads where you have the space to draw a flashy scene. Like where the monsters are fighting each other!
Ciara Doyle @PlaidCladGamer: Do you have any tips for aspiring artists?
Takahashi Sensei: I think an artist needs to pursue a theme that means something to them. That may result in their creation only appealing to them, but that is not necessarily a mistake. As long as there is talent and power in the work, it has a chance to strike a chord with other people. However, if the goal is to make a career out of your work, it’s important to develop something that appeals to not just yourself. I think an artist really needs to understand his or her own talents.
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Weekly Shonen Jump’s interview with Kazuki Takahashi
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galaxyeyedphoton · 5 years
hey in australia, QLD and NSW are suffering lost homes, fauna and flora and people because of intense raging bushfires, with NSW in a state of emergency. 45 fires in QLD, 60 in NSW.
there’s so much intense haze where i am right now but while I believe to be safe, many of my family members and a few of my friends are near/in the catastrophic warning areas and im just….really worried.
this is the first time Sydney has ever been given a catastrophic warning, thats saying a lot. its not even our summer yet, so its highly likely to grow worse as spring ends this month.
i just want this to be known outside of aus because people are suffering, losing homes and people have died and well, i just hope others are praying for things to be alright. again, im safe, but please have our residents and citizens at risk in your thoughts.
271 notes · View notes
galaxyeyedphoton · 5 years
[ cw for talking about the implications of incest of the last arc v manga chapter, and also a cw for talking about the possible pedophilia in the last chapter too]
Hey, so, I’m not really one to go out and talk about these sort of things openly on the internet. But I’ve always had my stance on them that I have no intention of changing. And when it comes to where it’s at now, and how unfortunately the content of the arc v manga has ended in a very poor and disgusting way that should not have been. And how I’ve been the main poster of this content. I feel it really needs to be said and addressed
Basically, if you don’t know, at the end of chapter 45 it was heavily implied that Yuzu is going to be the future parent of all the yuuboys.. and do to how yoshida handled her “relationship” with yuya and the other yuuboys, and how they interacted, that would turn how they interacted, into incest. Which in any situation, is wrong, and disgusting, and has no reason to be in a manga directed at teens and young adults. Especially when the writers write it in a way that gives the message that they don’t have a problem with it. I could go on about how horrible of a choice this was for them to make, and all the other problems with the treatment of certain characters, and how it all could have been written so much better. But I mostly just want to get to the main points right now.
Which are:
if I had known that this was how the manga was going to turn out, I would not have started posting it. I do not condone incest nor do I want to be associated with it. And if the Vrains manga (if it becomes a thing), has anything to do with yoshida, I will not be posting it. (Because he is the main writer of the arc v manga and stuff like this has been a trend with him(there are many examples), which I can only assume to get worse in the Vrains manga if he writes it, possibly as bad or worse than how the arc v manga got to in the end)
That being said, you may have noticed that I did add to these posts with how you can support the manga / Shonen Jump who translate it, if you wanted to.  Which at the time seemed like a fair thing to do as I was paying for the manga and then posting it for everyone for free.  But now with the flat out confirmation of these incestuous implications, I feel disgusted by SJ for allowing it to be published like this. Even if they didn’t have any say on how the manga played out. I still think it should be their job to take this down off their website, or at the very least warn people. Now, I don’t know how much money would have actually gone the manga creators if you did support it through SJ.(might have gone more towards the english publishers) But ultimately it’s yoshida’s fault for writing it this way, but I also see Konami, V-Jump, and Shonen Jump at fault for allowing it to be published under them, so that’s why I no longer want to promote the arc v manga on the SJ website. I’m not sure as to what the best ways to tell them about these concerns are. But SJ does have a twitter, so you could try contacting them that way if you wish too. Or if sales of this manga (in any language really) suddenly go down because of the last chapter, that would show the publishers that people are not willing to buy it as much as they were.
Anyway, after this I’m going to edit all of the chapter posts and take out any links to shonen jump, and I will be writing a full warning about the incest at the beginning of each chapter for future readers who don’t know. (while linking to this post as well) And with keeping these chapters up but adding to them a clear warning, that would prevent people from having to buy the manga in order to read it, also it would be giving them a proper warning so they’re aware of what’s in it before they decide to read or buy it. Which I think is the best thing to do with the chapters as of now.
I have nothing against shipping Yuya and Yuzu in the anime or shipping her with the other yuuboys in the anime in a healthy way.(those ships in the anime have nothing to do with incest) But for these ships in the manga, whether you know yet or not, all the “ship-y” content for them that happens in this manga is now confirmed to be incest, because Yuzu is heavily implied to be the yuuboys mother in the future, so if you wish to ship these characters, please keep it to anime-only. And be very aware of the context of how this is implied in the manga before engaging with these manga ships and defiantly before reading it too if that’s something you’d want to do. (but if you do read it, I seriously hope it’s not because of these gross reasons.. I wouldn’t want you on my page if it was for that) It’s also worth saying that at the end of chapter 45, when they showed a younger Yusho meeting Yuzu, while he does look younger, Yusho doesn’t really look to be as young as Yuzu, or very close to her age. That part is not really a for sure thing like the last issue.(we don’t know his age) But going with how yoshida has already written a confirmed pairing like this before in the Zexal anime( Akari Tsukumo and Charlie McCoy, Akari being a minor while McCoy was an adult friend of her dad’s), it could be easily taken as pedophilia when you’re aware of that. And to make things worse, Yuzu does call Yusho her uncle in the anime, which by it’s self in the anime isn’t bad, but knowing yoshida wrote for the Zexal anime and manga, along with the Arc v manga, it doesn’t really sit well with me. So yeah, that should also be warned about. I also ask you to take the possibility of that into consideration, and think it over, before you decide engage with that pairing. This may not even need to be stated at this point but, I do not condone pedophilia nor do I want to be associated with it.
I understand if you still enjoyed the manga or still like some parts of it (I like parts of it too), and it’s not your fault for shipping something that you had no idea of how it really was (yoshida’s fault there). I’m not going after anyone for that. But when it comes to a serious issues like incest or pedophilia, those parts should not be taken lightly or just brushed aside, it can be very triggering for people (which is why there should have been a warning when this manga started, or yah know, they could have just not put it in there in to begin with), and I know it might be hard to know what to think of the manga as a whole after this, but please if you’re uninformed of all the terrible things that incest and pedophilia create, please look it over in a safe manner and think about it all seriously before you go to defend these types of ships or this type of content (if you’re already aware and don’t have a problem with it, then well, I ask you to not interact with me, as I and I’m sure a majority would not want any form of acceptance to the incest and pedophilia, anywhere near them)
Thank you for reading
TL;DR : The ending to the Arc v manga has heavily implied that Yuzu is the yuuboys future mother which would make the interactions of previous chapters between them to be incestuous, there could also be possible pedophilia with Yuzu and the younger Yusho she meets at the end.(no confirmed age for him, but he looks to be a lot older then her). I’m basically just wanting to warn everyone about these things to anyone who wants to or has engaged with the manga before. It’s ok to have liked the manga for the good parts of it, and it’s not your fault if you liked a ship before you knew of this. Just be cautious and careful going forward. Think seriously about these issues before you defend it. And if you’re not very informed on those matters, do so in a safe way. I do not condone any of this incest nor pedophilia content, and I wouldn’t have started posting the manga if i knew it would end up this way. (also if you are well informed and dont mind this content, I don’t want you to interact with me) If yoshida has anything to do with the vrains manga I will not be posting it. I will also be reformatting how I have posted the chapters, including all the proper warnings and taking out any promoting to SJ as they’re partly to blame for allowing it to be published.
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also, Fuck Yoshida.
117 notes · View notes
galaxyeyedphoton · 5 years
[ cw for talking about the implications of incest of the last arc v manga chapter, and also a cw for talking about the possible pedophilia in the last chapter too]
Hey, so, I’m not really one to go out and talk about these sort of things openly on the internet. But I’ve always had my stance on them that I have no intention of changing. And when it comes to where it’s at now, and how unfortunately the content of the arc v manga has ended in a very poor and disgusting way that should not have been. And how I’ve been the main poster of this content. I feel it really needs to be said and addressed
Basically, if you don’t know, at the end of chapter 45 it was heavily implied that Yuzu is going to be the future parent of all the yuuboys.. and do to how yoshida handled her “relationship” with yuya and the other yuuboys, and how they interacted, that would turn how they interacted, into incest. Which in any situation, is wrong, and disgusting, and has no reason to be in a manga directed at teens and young adults. Especially when the writers write it in a way that gives the message that they don’t have a problem with it. I could go on about how horrible of a choice this was for them to make, and all the other problems with the treatment of certain characters, and how it all could have been written so much better. But I mostly just want to get to the main points right now.
Which are:
if I had known that this was how the manga was going to turn out, I would not have started posting it. I do not condone incest nor do I want to be associated with it. And if the Vrains manga (if it becomes a thing), has anything to do with yoshida, I will not be posting it. (Because he is the main writer of the arc v manga and stuff like this has been a trend with him(there are many examples), which I can only assume to get worse in the Vrains manga if he writes it, possibly as bad or worse than how the arc v manga got to in the end)
That being said, you may have noticed that I did add to these posts with how you can support the manga / Shonen Jump who translate it, if you wanted to.  Which at the time seemed like a fair thing to do as I was paying for the manga and then posting it for everyone for free.  But now with the flat out confirmation of these incestuous implications, I feel disgusted by SJ for allowing it to be published like this. Even if they didn’t have any say on how the manga played out. I still think it should be their job to take this down off their website, or at the very least warn people. Now, I don’t know how much money would have actually gone the manga creators if you did support it through SJ.(might have gone more towards the english publishers) But ultimately it’s yoshida’s fault for writing it this way, but I also see Konami, V-Jump, and Shonen Jump at fault for allowing it to be published under them, so that’s why I no longer want to promote the arc v manga on the SJ website. I’m not sure as to what the best ways to tell them about these concerns are. But SJ does have a twitter, so you could try contacting them that way if you wish too. Or if sales of this manga (in any language really) suddenly go down because of the last chapter, that would show the publishers that people are not willing to buy it as much as they were.
Anyway, after this I’m going to edit all of the chapter posts and take out any links to shonen jump, and I will be writing a full warning about the incest at the beginning of each chapter for future readers who don’t know. (while linking to this post as well) And with keeping these chapters up but adding to them a clear warning, that would prevent people from having to buy the manga in order to read it, also it would be giving them a proper warning so they’re aware of what’s in it before they decide to read or buy it. Which I think is the best thing to do with the chapters as of now.
I have nothing against shipping Yuya and Yuzu in the anime or shipping her with the other yuuboys in the anime in a healthy way.(those ships in the anime have nothing to do with incest) But for these ships in the manga, whether you know yet or not, all the “ship-y” content for them that happens in this manga is now confirmed to be incest, because Yuzu is heavily implied to be the yuuboys mother in the future, so if you wish to ship these characters, please keep it to anime-only. And be very aware of the context of how this is implied in the manga before engaging with these manga ships and defiantly before reading it too if that’s something you’d want to do. (but if you do read it, I seriously hope it’s not because of these gross reasons.. I wouldn’t want you on my page if it was for that) It’s also worth saying that at the end of chapter 45, when they showed a younger Yusho meeting Yuzu, while he does look younger, Yusho doesn’t really look to be as young as Yuzu, or very close to her age. That part is not really a for sure thing like the last issue.(we don’t know his age) But going with how yoshida has already written a confirmed pairing like this before in the Zexal anime( Akari Tsukumo and Charlie McCoy, Akari being a minor while McCoy was an adult friend of her dad’s), it could be easily taken as pedophilia when you’re aware of that. And to make things worse, Yuzu does call Yusho her uncle in the anime, which by it’s self in the anime isn’t bad, but knowing yoshida wrote for the Zexal anime and manga, along with the Arc v manga, it doesn’t really sit well with me. So yeah, that should also be warned about. I also ask you to take the possibility of that into consideration, and think it over, before you decide engage with that pairing. This may not even need to be stated at this point but, I do not condone pedophilia nor do I want to be associated with it.
I understand if you still enjoyed the manga or still like some parts of it (I like parts of it too), and it’s not your fault for shipping something that you had no idea of how it really was (yoshida’s fault there). I’m not going after anyone for that. But when it comes to a serious issues like incest or pedophilia, those parts should not be taken lightly or just brushed aside, it can be very triggering for people (which is why there should have been a warning when this manga started, or yah know, they could have just not put it in there in to begin with), and I know it might be hard to know what to think of the manga as a whole after this, but please if you’re uninformed of all the terrible things that incest and pedophilia create, please look it over in a safe manner and think about it all seriously before you go to defend these types of ships or this type of content (if you’re already aware and don’t have a problem with it, then well, I ask you to not interact with me, as I and I’m sure a majority would not want any form of acceptance to the incest and pedophilia, anywhere near them)
Thank you for reading
TL;DR : The ending to the Arc v manga has heavily implied that Yuzu is the yuuboys future mother which would make the interactions of previous chapters between them to be incestuous, there could also be possible pedophilia with Yuzu and the younger Yusho she meets at the end.(no confirmed age for him, but he looks to be a lot older then her). I’m basically just wanting to warn everyone about these things to anyone who wants to or has engaged with the manga before. It’s ok to have liked the manga for the good parts of it, and it’s not your fault if you liked a ship before you knew of this. Just be cautious and careful going forward. Think seriously about these issues before you defend it. And if you’re not very informed on those matters, do so in a safe way. I do not condone any of this incest nor pedophilia content, and I wouldn’t have started posting the manga if i knew it would end up this way. (also if you are well informed and dont mind this content, I don’t want you to interact with me) If yoshida has anything to do with the vrains manga I will not be posting it. I will also be reformatting how I have posted the chapters, including all the proper warnings and taking out any promoting to SJ as they’re partly to blame for allowing it to be published.
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also, Fuck Yoshida.
117 notes · View notes
galaxyeyedphoton · 5 years
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V Scale 45: Arc of Destiny!!  [ final chapter ]
[ 35 pages ] 
Content Warning: Do to how this manga ended, all the interactions that happened in this manga that are flirtatious and fanservicey between Yuzu, Yuya, Yugo, Yuri, and Yuto, are incestuous. There is also possible pedophilia implications at the end. I’ll be coming back and adding specific warnings for when interactions like these happen in each chapter once I add this warning on every chapter. You can see more about this here.
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[ no copyright intended, I do not own Yu-gi-oh! Arc-V. But please do not repost my screenshots unless you are translating them. (this especially goes for manga websites) If you do translate them please add the proper warnings for this manga too. Thank you
you can also read this chapter here too: https://photos.app.goo.gl/CssGLSnVh8aWjA2j6 (full sized and stuff;  just open it in a new tab, or if you’re on mobile it may open google photos for you)
link for all chapters on google photos: https://goo.gl/photos/vVok13shvbWLXpAq6  
chapter select (probably won’t open on the tumblr app): http://galaxyeyedphoton.tumblr.com/Arc-V-manga-chapters  ]
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137 notes · View notes
galaxyeyedphoton · 5 years
Manga Arc v 45?
working on the post now ! owo)/  if you dont wanna wait for that you could see it here on google photos now though ^^ 
18 notes · View notes
galaxyeyedphoton · 5 years
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This was going around Twitter. Looks like the mangas ending
211 notes · View notes
galaxyeyedphoton · 5 years
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V Scale 44: Action Battle!!
[ 31 pages ]
Content Warning: Do to how this manga ended, all the interactions that happened in this manga that are flirtatious and fanservicey between Yuzu, Yuya, Yugo, Yuri, and Yuto, are incestuous. There is also possible pedophilia implications at the end. I’ll be coming back and adding specific warnings for when interactions like these happen in each chapter once I add this warning on every chapter. You can see more about this here.
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 [ no copyright intended, I do not own Yu-gi-oh! Arc-V. But please do not repost my screenshots unless you are translating them. (this especially goes for manga websites) If you do translate them please add the proper warnings for this manga too. Thank you
you can also read this chapter here too:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/AyWRnw78CytPWc6E8   (full sized and stuff;  just open it in a new tab, or if you’re on mobile it may open google photos for you)
link for all chapters on google photos: https://goo.gl/photos/vVok13shvbWLXpAq6  
chapter select (probably won’t open on the tumblr app): http://galaxyeyedphoton.tumblr.com/Arc-V-manga-chapters  ]
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83 notes · View notes
galaxyeyedphoton · 5 years
The new Arc-V Manga chapter actually is out now! They dropped it a day early!! Just wanted to give a heads up in case you were not aware!
Oh wow! that’s cool that they did that, and yeah I didn’t know it was out! Thank you so much!!
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8 notes · View notes
galaxyeyedphoton · 5 years
hi ! just a heads up that on wednesday (the 20th) i’ll be p busy so i’ll likely be posting the new arc v scale sometime past 9:30pm est on that day, sorry oxo! ! ( for some countries you can still read the new scale when it comes out on the SJ website tho !)
9 notes · View notes
galaxyeyedphoton · 5 years
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V Scale 43: Head-to-Head Cards!!
[ 31 pages ]
Content Warning: Do to how this manga ended, all the interactions that happened in this manga that are flirtatious and fanservicey between Yuzu, Yuya, Yugo, Yuri, and Yuto, are incestuous. There is also possible pedophilia implications at the end. I’ll be coming back and adding specific warnings for when interactions like these happen in each chapter once I add this warning on every chapter. You can see more about this here.
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[ no copyright intended, I do not own Yu-gi-oh! Arc-V. But please do not repost my screenshots unless you are translating them. (this especially goes for manga websites) If you do translate them please add the proper warnings for this manga too. Thank you
you can also read this chapter here too:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/k8xgYTWQYqyJ73gr7   (full sized and stuff;  just open it in a new tab, or if you’re on mobile it may open google photos for you)
link for all chapters on google photos: https://goo.gl/photos/vVok13shvbWLXpAq6  
chapter select (probably won’t open on the tumblr app): http://galaxyeyedphoton.tumblr.com/Arc-V-manga-chapters  ]
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94 notes · View notes